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Social Network-Proximity Association: Preliminary Evaluation of Giraffe Sociality in a Zoo-Housed Group


Abstract and Figures

Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) are found in zoos all over the world. In recent years, numerous researchers have documented complex sociality in these mammals. They highlighted that giraffes have non-random preferences in their choices of social partners, which can depend on various factors such as age, sex, and kinship. One of the still little-known aspects is how the social structure of giraffes is formed in captivity. Moreover, the scientific literature about some aspects of the social structure of giraffes in captivity (i.e., proximity or affiliative interactions) is scarce. Our hypothesis was that there would be an association between the social network, based on affiliative reciprocal interactions, and physical proximity within a group of six giraffes (5 females and 1 male) living in a zoo. To test this hypothesis, in addition to the ethological observations, we also used a Geographical Information System (GIS) to study the position of the individuals within the daytime installation. Most of the giraffes had a high number of mutual dyadic interactions, which is connected to high group cohesion. Also, each individual actively selected social partners and formed non-random social bonds. Nevertheless, our hypothesis that there would be a social network-physical proximity association, was confirmed for one dyad and partially confirmed for the other two. The results of this study can be useful to increase the knowledge of giraffe sociality and to develop GIS as a new application in zoo studies.
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ABC 2022, 9(1):80-88
Animal Behavior and Cognition DOI:
©Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Social Network-Proximity Association: Preliminary
Evaluation of Giraffe Sociality in a Zoo-Housed Group
Chiara Grasso1, Giorgia Poso2, and Christian Lenzi1,*
1Associazione ETICOSCIENZA, Turin, Italy
2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Teramo, Italy
*Corresponding author (Email:
Citation – Grasso, C., Poso, G., & Lenzi, C. (2022). Social network-proximity association: Preliminary evaluation of
giraffe sociality in a zoo-housed group. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 9(1), 80-88.
Abstract Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) are found in zoos all over the world. In recent years, numerous
researchers have documented complex sociality in these mammals. They highlighted that giraffes have non-random
preferences in their choices of social partners, which can depend on various factors such as age, sex, and kinship. One
of the still little-known aspects is how the social structure of giraffes is formed in captivity. Moreover, the scientific
literature about some aspects of the social structure of giraffes in captivity (i.e., proximity or affiliative interactions)
is scarce. Our hypothesis was that there would be an association between the social network, based on affiliative
reciprocal interactions, and physical proximity within a group of six giraffes (5 females and 1 male) living in a zoo.
To test this hypothesis, in addition to the ethological observations, we also used a Geographical Information System
(GIS) to study the position of the individuals within the daytime installation. Most of the giraffes had a high number
of mutual dyadic interactions, which is connected to high group cohesion. Also, each individual actively selected
social partners and formed non-random social bonds. Nevertheless, our hypothesis that there would be a social
network–physical proximity association, was confirmed for one dyad and partially confirmed for the other two. The
results of this study can be useful to increase the knowledge of giraffe sociality and to develop GIS as a new application
in zoo studies.
Keywords – Affiliative, Giraffe, GIS, Proximity, Sociality
Giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) are found in zoos all over the world and many studies have
analyzed their social behavior in captivity (e.g., Guarino et al., 2002). These mammals have a fission-fusion
social structure characterized by the union and division of its component units. Furthermore, their social
hierarchy is closely linked to the sex and age of individuals, with males and old females as leaders of the
group (Bashaw et al., 2007; Horovà et al., 2015).
Giraffes establish long-lasting social bonds based on many factors, such as kinship and sex (Perry,
2011; Skinner & Mitchell, 2011). Moreover, as documented both in the wild and in captivity, giraffes have
a non-random social preference for conspecifics (Bashaw et al., 2007; Lewton & Rose, 2019; Malyjurkova
et al., 2014).
A relevant aspect of relationship is proximity. A study conducted in the wild by VanderWaal et al.
(2014) showed that each individual's space use was related to the social interactions they established. In
captivity, physical distance between individuals and their affiliative behaviors are not randomly distributed
(Bashaw et al., 2007; Garry, 2012; Perry, 2011).
Grasso et al. 81
There are multiple tools that allow us to investigate social proximity. Geographical Information
System (GIS) seems to be very useful both in the wild and in captive environments (Guarino et al., 2002
Swetnam & Reyers, 2011). This tool has been used to study various aspects of giraffe behavior in the wild
(Brand, 2007; Nogueira, 2015), but there is no record of its use in captive groups.
The aim of this research is to study the relation between group social networks and physical
proximity, using GIS methodology, in a zoo-housed group of giraffes.
Study Site and Subjects
Six giraffes were observed from March to May 2017 at Bioparc Valencia, Spain: 5 females and 1
male (Table 1). The giraffes were in a daytime installation with an available area of about 900 m² (Figure
1). The study period had been preceded by ad libitum sessions (Altmann, 1974). During the observations,
Zora (I3, one of the females) was 14-months pregnant and the male Julius (I1) was neutered.
Figure 1
Daylight Giraffe Enclosure
Note. The study area is highlighted with a red line.
Table 1
General Information Related to the Observed Animals
birth date
birth date
birth date
Grasso et al. 82
The giraffes shared the zoo exhibit with: 10 Thomson’s gazelles (Eudorcas thomsonii), 10
impalas (Aepyceros melampus), 4 blesboks (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi), 3 waterbucks (Kobus
ellipsiprymnus), 2 jabiru storks (Jabiru mycteria), 20 white Australian ibis (Threskiornis molucca), and
other waterfowl (Anseriformes).
Affiliative Behaviors and GIS Proximity Analysis
Data were collected by a single observer, equipped with 8 x 21 126 mm/1000 m binoculars. Before
the observation period, the observer followed a one-month training period using video records and live
sessions. The selected observation location (zoo cafeteria) was about 3 m away from the enclosure.
Behavioral observations were conducted using both focal and instantaneous scan samplings (Altmann,
1974), performed simultaneously from 10:00 to 19:00 h for three months. All subjects were the target of
ethological records for equal amounts of time. We avoided observing during feeding times when all giraffes
might be in close proximity for non-social reasons. The zookeepers distributed the food in different areas
of the exhibit, without a standardized protocol. It was therefore not possible to establish observations during
feeding behavior, although previous studies (in captivity, Bashaw et al., 2007, and in the wild, Prehn et al.,
2019) showed important implications for the social structure of the group.
Each focal observation lasted 10 min (with a 20 min break from each other), with 18 sessions per
day, resulting in a total of 1171 focal samplings. For the aims of this study, we selected three affiliative
behaviors (Table 2). The social interactions within the group were studied through the analysis of dyads.
These dyads can display unidirectional (i.e., only one of the two individuals is the actor and the other is the
receiver) or bidirectional (i.e., two individuals participate as actors and recipients) interactions. If two-way
affiliative interactions are made at the same frequency, they were considered as reciprocated.
Data were analyzed using matrices, derived from the behavior frequency for each individual, that
were processed by the software Socprog 2.4. We selected this software because it is designed to provide
flexible analyses of social structure using data on interactions of identified individuals (Whitehead, 2009).
A weighted adjacency matrix was built by bidirectional interactions.
We built a weighted and directed network sociogram (Makagon et al., 2012, Rose & Croft, 2015),
analyzing the social network of the giraffe group. Each node corresponds to an individual and interaction
strengths (‘high,’ ‘medium’ and ‘low’) are represented by the thickness of the edge. Direction of the
interactions is mapped on using arrows, which point away from the actor and toward the receiver. Relations
strengths were analyzed by out-degrees and in-degrees. The interaction rate was calculated directly by the
software, highlighting the differences in the levels of association between individuals.
At the end of the observation period, we obtained a total of 307 scan samplings (20 min interval
between each scan). The position of each giraffe was drawn on a paper map (scale of 1:1000), indicated
with dots and the identification number. Because we wanted to study the physical proximity, we used two
neck-lengths apart as reference method (Bashaw et al., 2007). In particular, we drew a line as a junction
between the points identifying the location. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, we used three
categories: conjunction line and a half vertical bar (short distance), whole line with no bars in the middle
(medium distance), and no line of conjunction (long distance). Moreover, the position and the behavior of
each individual were georeferenced along with general and ethological information (e.g., observed animal’s
ID, time, date and behavior). To digitize the positions from the paper map, we used a digitizing tablet in a
GIS environment (QGIS v. 3.4). Then, we applied a Kruskal-Wallis test by ranks followed by a post-hoc
pairwise Mann Whitney test to compare median daily distances between pairs of individuals over the entire
observation period.
Grasso et al. 83
Table 2
Behavioral and Social Proximity Categories Used in the Study
A tactile encounter by a giraffe’s nose or muzzle to another giraffe’s nose or any
other part of the body (anogenital area excluded)
One giraffe grooms, licks, or bites another giraffe
One giraffe rubs its head or neck against another giraffe’s body, sometimes leading
to an entwining of the necks
Social proximity
The observed individuals were close to each other, at such a distance that they could
have been touched only by lengthening the neck (x 2 m)
The animals were at a hypothetical distance of two bodies (2 < x 5 m)
The individuals were at a distance of more than two bodies (x > 5 m)
Note. The ethological definitions have been adapted from Bashaw et al. (2007), Seeber et al. (2012), and Ziarnowski & Fenrich
The network of affiliative interactions between dyads is shown in Figure 2. We found a double directionality
of actions in which all subjects have both input and output arrows. Within the sociogram based on affiliative
behavior, we found some differences for the interaction rate (high = 52.00, medium = 26.05, and low =
Figure 2
Sociogram Based on Affiliative Interactions
Note. Built using net draw. Wider arrows mean high frequency of affiliative behaviors, medium arrows mean medium frequency
of affiliative behaviors and thin arrows means low frequency of affiliative behaviors.
Grasso et al. 84
Most of the giraffes had a high number of mutual dyadic interactions. The group had a social profile
with typical traits of giraffe social behavior, such as female cohesion and more solitary behavior of the
male. The oldest female, Ché (I2), established five-way interactions, with four of them being reciprocated.
Africa (I4) formed four bidirectional dyads; three of them were reciprocated. The frequencies of these three
dyads stand out, since the two established with Ché (I2) and Sahira (I5) were high, and the one established
with Lluna (I6) was medium. Sahira had two-way interactions with the entire group, with almost all dyads
being reciprocated. Lluna and Zora (I3) had only two-way interactions with three group individuals,
although all the dyads were reciprocated. Julius (I1) established bidirectional interactions with all the
females except the youngest, Lluna. Furthermore, three of these dyads were reciprocated (I1-I3, I1-I4, and
Using GIS, we calculated the position of each individual within the enclosure and the inter-
individual physical distance. From georeferenced proximity analysis, the Kruskal-Wallis test showed
statistically significant differences within median distances among individuals (p < 2.2e16, Figure 3).
Generally, for the male, Julius, there were no statistically significant differences within the distances
between him and the other individuals. The median distance of the dyad Ché-Zora (2-3) was the highest,
whereas the distances between Ché-Sahira (2-5) and Ché-Lluna (2-6) were shorter in comparison with the
majority. Overall, the distance of Sahira-Lluna (5-6) was the shortest (Figure 3 and Table 3).
Figure 3
Kruskal-Wallis Test Analysis (p < 2.2e16) of Median Distances Among Individuals (Proximity)
Note. Individuals: I1 (Julius), I2 (Ché), I3 (Zora), I4 (Africa), I5 (Sahira), and I6 (Lluna).
Grasso et al. 85
Table 3
P-Values of the Post-Hoc Pairwise Mann Whitney Test
< .001
< .001
< .001
< .001
< .001
< .001
< .001
Note. Statistically significant numerical values have been highlighted in bold type.
From the comparison of the social network data with the physical proximity results, our hypothesis
was confirmed for the dyads Lluna-Sahira (I5-I6) and partially confirmed for Chè-Sahira (I2-I5) and Chè-
Lluna (I2-I6).
In the wild, giraffe populations have dramatically declined in abundance by almost 40% over the
last 30 years, and the geographic ranges of the species have been significantly reduced or altered (O’Connor
et al., 2019). The challenge now is to implement monitoring and surveillance of giraffes as a conservation
priority (Deacon & Tutchings, 2019). One of the key points concerning the understanding of this species -
and indirectly its preservation - is the social structure. As has been documented in previous studies, both in
captivity and in the wild, this species exhibits complex inter-individual relations.
In agreement with other studies (Bashaw et al., 2007; Lewton & Rose, 2019; Malyjurkova et al.,
2014), our group of giraffes had non-random bonding preferences. As previously documented, factors such
as age and parentage can influence the social structure of giraffes (Bercovitch & Berry, 2013). Generally,
we found high patterns of social affiliation within female dyads. All females had a high number of mutual
dyadic interactions and, except Zora (I3, whose pregnancy likely affected her social interactions), showed
reciprocated dyads with high or medium frequencies. These findings are consistent with those previously
documented in wild herds (Bercovitch & Berry, 2013; Carter et al., 2013; Shorrocks & Croft, 2009) and in
captivity (Lewton & Rose, 2019).
Julius, the male (I1), appeared more solitary compared to the female individuals. Our results could
be partially explained by the fact that male giraffes typically spend more time alone compared to the females
(Bercovitch & Berry, 2010; VanderWaal et al., 2014). Even if our male had more solitary behavior
compared to the females, his mere presence could have modulated the social network within the group
(Tarou et al., 2000).
Grasso et al. 86
From the GIS analysis, it can be noted that Sahira and Lluna (I5-I6) tended to be closer to each
other, and this relationship was confirmed by the analysis with Socprog. In addition, Ché-Lluna and Ché-
Sahira (dyads I2-I6 and I2-I5) had high scores for physical proximity, though the ethological observations
showed that the dyads were of low (I2-I6) and medium (I2-I5) frequencies.
Based on the results, it was assumed that only the youngest individuals (i.e., Lluna and Sahira, I6
and I5) had a close association between the affiliative behaviors and physical proximity. According to our
observations, Zora’s pregnancy (I3) during the study could have affected the relationship with her
daughters, Lluna and Sahira (I6 and I5). The pregnant female may spend less time around her daughters
than she normally would (Bercovitch & Berry, 2013). Maybe for this reason, the two youngest had formed
stable pairs with the elderly Ché (I2), as confirmed by affiliative-behavior observations and by GIS spatial
One of the potential limitations of our study is the fact that the group consisted of only six
individuals, with a single male. However, it must be said that the social structure of this species is very
dynamic (Bercovitch & Berry, 2013). Thus, our group, with several social bonds based on kinship, can
represent a good example for studying inter-individual relations.
An element that might affect how the social network structure was captured is the absence of
observations during the feeding phase (due to a lack of standardization in the food distribution). This is a
factor to consider, as previous studies (Bashaw et al., 2007, Prehn et al., 2019) documented non-random
co-feeding social interactions.
Our results can be useful to better understand the social structure of giraffes, for all the various
subspecies. Another interesting aspect regarding the application of our findings concerns the difference
between groups in captivity and in the wild. Although in a zoo exhibit they cannot select the members
within the social group, the study of giraffes in captivity can provide useful information for understanding
their typical social structure (Bashaw et al., 2007).
According to our experience, GIS is a useful tool for studying social relations in zoos. The
innovative application of GIS allowed us to investigate some aspects that were not possible to study only
by ethological observations, e.g., social proximity. This method can be a valid tool for combining spatial
information with ethological information. Our research, like others previously, showed how GIS can be
effectively applied even in a limited space such as a zoo enclosure (Swetnam & Reyers, 2011). In these
kinds of studies, different issues should be considered, such as hand-mapping individuals and categorizing
the distances, which potentially introduce opportunities for bias. In our research, we tried to minimize these
influences. For example, the observer used various reference points present within the enclosure (such as
trees, stones or streams) to precisely identify the spatial position of individuals. Furthermore, before the
study, some test observations were carried out comparing the positions collected by the observer with the
photographs taken above the exhibit. It would be interesting for other researchers to use and implement this
methodology in the study of different aspects of giraffe sociality in captivity (for instance in combination
with heat maps of ZooMonitor, Wark et al., 2019).
Non-random bonding was found in giraffes. A high number of mutual dyadic interactions were
found, though not all were confirmed by GIS proximity analysis. However, our study showed that the group
had typical features of giraffe social behavior such as female group cohesion and more male solitary
behavior. An innovative aspect concerns the use of GIS. From our research, we documented how this
methodology is a valuable tool with many applications that can be generalized to use with other zoo-housed
Conflict of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Grasso et al. 87
We are very grateful to Federico Guillén-Salazar, Ester Orient Pérez, Mauro Fabrizio, Ludovico Frate, and
Rossana Astolfi for their contributions, Ann Casper for the revision, and the Bioparc staff for the support.
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... Our conclusions are, however, admittedly inferential rather than experimental. While these inferences would be unlikely to cause controversy in birds or mammals (and proximity among individuals is frequently used to infer social behaviours in those groups; Febrer et al., 2006;Grasso et al., 2022;Hacker et al., 2015;Whitehead & Dufault, 1999), reptile sociality remains a more contentious topic (reviewed in Doody et al., 2021). Therefore, below, we briefly outline and discuss possible objections, criticisms and alternative interpretations. ...
This study investigated sand tiger shark (STS; Carcharias taurus ) spatial use and exclusion in public aquarium enclosures using a novel protocol for three‐dimensional mapping. Fifty‐one STS were observed in 14 enclosures, and swimming pattern, depth, and location were recorded in ZooMonitor. Data were converted into quantitative, three‐dimensional representations using ArcGIS® Pro v. 2.9. All observed STS except one swam in circular patterns, and 80% ( n = 41) showed a directional swimming bias. Most STS (80%; n = 41) predominantly utilized the top two‐thirds of the enclosures, though 83% ( n = 34) of those had swimming obstructions in the bottom of the enclosure. Avoidance of obstructed areas, sections <7 m wide, as well as behavioral spatial separation, resulted in utilization of between 27% and 66% of available enclosure space. STS underutilized corners, pinch‐points, and obstructed areas requiring abrupt directional changes and instead exhibited continual, unimpeded swimming patterns. In addition, this study found no relationship between directional swimming bias or use of smaller enclosure volumes and spinal deformity, a health issue affecting 26% of STS 10 years ago but now with an incidence of 6%. Using novel protocols for three‐dimensional mapping and volume estimation, this study demonstrated that enclosures facilitating unimpeded, continuous swimming are most usable for STS and provides important information that will be useful for future enclosure design.
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Giraffe populations have declined in abundance by almost 40% over the last three decades, and the geographic ranges of the species (previously believed to be one, now defined as four species) have been significantly reduced or altered. With substantial changes in land uses, loss of habitat, declining abundance, translocations, and data gaps, the existing geographic range maps for giraffe need to be updated. We performed a review of existing giraffe range data, including aerial and ground observations of giraffe, existing geographic range maps, and available literature. The information we collected was discussed with and validated by subject‐matter experts. Our updates may serve to correct inaccuracies or omissions in the baseline map, or may reflect actual changes in the distribution of giraffe. Relative to the 2016 International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List Assessment range map, the updated geographic range maps show a 5.6% decline in the range area of all giraffe taxa combined. The ranges of Giraffa camelopardalis (northern giraffe) and Giraffa tippelskirchi (Masai giraffe) decreased in area by 37% (122432 km ² ) and 4.7% (20816 km ² ) respectively, whereas 14% (41696 km ² ) of the range of Giraffa reticulata (reticulated giraffe) had not been included in the original geographic range map and has now been added. The range of Giraffa giraffa (southern giraffe) showed little overall change; it increased by 0.1% (419 km ² ). Ranges were larger than previously reported in six of the 21 range countries (Botswana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe), had declined in seven (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Malawi, Niger, Uganda, and Zambia) and remained unchanged in seven (Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, eS watini, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, and South Africa). In Kenya, the ranges of both Giraffa tippelskirchi and Giraffa camelopardalis decreased, but the range of Giraffa reticulata was larger than previously believed. Our updated range maps increase existing knowledge, and are important for conservation planning for giraffe. However, since rapid infrastructure development throughout much of Africa is a driver of giraffe population declines, there is an urgent need for a continent‐wide, consistent and systematic giraffe survey to produce more accurate range maps, in order to inform conservation and policy planning.
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Regular monitoring of the behavior, habitat use, and appearance of animals can provide valuable insight into their welfare. These ongoing data can help identify meaningful trends that can be acted upon to enhance welfare, and potentially reveal individual preferences and patterns that can facilitate care tailored to the individual. To provide a low cost, flexible, user-friendly tool for staff to conduct systematic behavioral monitoring, Lincoln Park Zoo, with development support from Zier Niemann Consulting, created the ZooMonitor app. With ZooMonitor, users can record the behavior and habitat use of animals using standardized animal behavior recording methods as well as log individual characteristics such as body condition or coat/feather quality. These data can be recorded using computers or tablet devices, and data are uploaded to a cloud server where the user can conduct automated reliability tests to check observer consistency and generate built-in reports such as activity budgets and heat maps showing how animals use their available space. To demonstrate the use of ZooMonitor in an ongoing monitoring program, two case studies from Lincoln Park Zoo are presented: 1) promoting increased foraging and broader habitat use of pygmy hippos (Choeropsis liberiensis); and 2) tracking feather condition changes in a flock of domestic chickens (Gallus gallus). These examples highlight the importance of standardized monitoring and use of digital tools like ZooMonitor to enable science-based husbandry practices and promote positive welfare for animals in human care.
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Across Africa the majority of giraffe species and subspecies are in decline, whereas the South African giraffe Giraffa camelopardalis giraffa remains numerous and widespread throughout southern Africa. By 2013 the number of giraffes in South Africa's Kruger National Park had increased by c. 150% compared to 1979 estimates. An even greater increase occurred on many of the estimated 12,000 privately owned game ranches, indicating that private ownership can help to conserve this subspecies. The estimated total population size in South Africa is 21,053–26,919. The challenge now is to implement monitoring and surveillance of G. camelopardalis giraffa as a conservation priority and to introduce sustainable practices among private owners to increase numbers and genetic variation within in-country subspecies.
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Wild giraffes live in extensive groups in the fission fusion system, maintaining long social distances and loose social bonds. Within these groups, resources are widely distributed, agonistic encounters are scarce and the dominance hierarchy was reported in males only, while never deeply analysed. In captivity, the possibility to maintain inter-individual distances is limited and part of the resources is not evenly distributed. Consequently, we suggest that agonistic encounters should be more frequent, leading to the establishment of the dominance hierarchy. Based on the differences in resource-holding potential, we suggested that the rank of an individual would be affected by age and sex. Based on hypotheses of prior ownership, we tested whether rank was positively affected by the time spent in a herd and whether it was stable in adult females, which were present long-term in the same herd. We originally monitored four herds of Rothschild giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildii) in Dvůr Králové zoo (n = 8), Liberec zoo (n = 6), and two herds in Prague zoo: Prague 1 (n = 8) and Prague 2 (n = 9). The Prague 1 and Prague 2 herds were then combined and the resulting fifth herd was observed over three consecutive years (2009, 2010, and 2011) (n = 14, 13, and 14, respectively). We revealed a significantly linear hierarchy in Dvůr Králové, Prague 2 and in the combined herd in Prague. Rank was significantly affected by age in all herds; older individuals dominated the younger ones. In females, rank was positively affected by the time spent in the herd and adult females in Prague maintained their rank during three consecutive years. This study represents the first analysis of the dominance hierarchy in the captive giraffe, and discusses the behavioural flexibility of the social structure in response to monopolisable resources in a captive environment.
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Social Network Analysis (SNA) enables the fine scale of animal sociality and population structure to be quantified. SNA is widely applied to questions relating to behavioural ecology but has seen little use in the application to zoo animal management, despite its clear potential. Investment in social bonds between individuals positively affects health status, welfare state, long-term fitness and lifetime reproductive output. Such positive affective states can be maintained consistently within captive situations if more information is known about the social preferences of the individuals that are kept. Disruption to social bonds may lead to impoverished welfare and stress to individuals which have seen their social support compromised. The patterning of social relationships between individuals also influences how space is utilised and how animals interact with resources provided for them. With more detailed knowledge of the social structure of a group or population, social groupings (for example, for captive breeding) can be specifically designed to minimise social stress. Likewise, enhancing the chances of successful reproduction can be achieved if we understand the role that each individual within a network plays and how these roles may impact on the behaviour of others. This paper discusses key aspects of SNA applicable to zoo-based researchers wishing to investigate the social lives of zoo animals. We present a review of how SNA can be used to assess social behaviour and highlight directions for future research. Our aim is to stimulate new research to ultimately improve our understanding of reproductive success, decision-making, group leadership, animal health and enclosure use. We conclude that what can be learned about the dynamics of social zoo-housed species using SNA can directly impact on husbandry decisions and help underpin excellent standards of animal welfare.
Animal social networks have been studied intensively in the last decade, but there are relatively few studies of their temporal stability and variation, including the influence of season. We quantified the social network structure across time of a population of wild giraffe, Giraffa camelopardalis, in South Africa. Our aim was to investigate differences between dry and wet seasons and stability across years of giraffe social structure. We found temporal stability in terms of association patterns across years, including between seasons, for the population as a whole and for each sex separately. A comparison of the mean social connectedness of individuals between the wet and dry seasons revealed significant differences, with individuals having more social ties and being stronger socially connected in the wet season. Further analyses revealed that this result stemmed from differences in female–female and intersexual associations, whereas there was no evidence for social connectedness among males being affected by season. In summary, while the extent of social connectedness differed between seasons, the overall social connection pattern of the population was stable over time. This study underlines the importance of long-term surveys of wild animals and their social networks and demonstrates that animals can adapt their social behaviour to ecological changes while simultaneously maintaining a stable social structure.
Social network analysis (SNA) is useful for evaluating management zoo regimes to ensure that any fitness benefits of sociality are preserved in captive-housed groups. This paper explores the association patterns of 13 giraffes housed at Longleat Safari Park, UK. Wild giraffes exhibit a fission–fusion social system with preferential bonding. As zoo-housed giraffes are common, they are excellent study subjects for using SNA to investigate key aspects of sociality within a managed social environment. Social bonds were assessed over different seasons and data from two study periods (2011 and 2015) were analyzed to see consistency of “social type” (i.e., more social or more solitary). Associations showed the occurrence of consistent preferential bonds between named individuals but time of year influenced the patterns of social bonds. Female-female bonds and female-offspring bonds appeared to be strongest. For animals present in 2011 and 2015, differences in time spent socializing between years were apparent. Results suggest that giraffes may be flexible in their choice of social partner and zoo-managed herds should include a range of individuals from which each animal can choose a preferred associate.
Wild giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) herds have been described as random associations of individuals, but recent research has suggested that giraffe do form social bonds and have a complex social structure. The aims of this investigation were to determine whether a group of three captive giraffe associated randomly or patterned their behaviour and proximity in a way that suggests social relationships. Also to analyse how the giraffe use their enclosure in order for the zoo to develop the enrichment program to encourage the giraffe to use the enclosure more equally. Index of association and maintenance of proximity were used to analyse the social interactions. SPI and Chi Squared (goodness of fit) tests were used to determine the enclosure usage. Mother-son pairs and pairs with large age differences between members interacted and associated most often. Areas of the enclosure such as the inside, concrete area, and sand area were used more than expected; on the other hand areas such as grass areas were used less than expected; this is because these areas contain no resources. The social structure of this captive group is influenced by social relationships between individuals, especially mother and son. It is suggested that the social behaviour between wild individuals should be examined more closely in order to improve the welfare of giraffes in captivity.