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Leveraging Human Computation for Quality Assurance in Open Source Communities


Abstract and Figures

Software developed under the open source development model (OSSD) has risen to significant importance over the recent decades. With more and more critical components being developed under the OSSD, the need for extensive quality assurance (QA) increases. This thesis investigates any potential for conducting formalized user testing through inexperienced volunteer community members under the OSSD. A human computation platform to aggregate such test results was designed and named open crowdsourced user-testing suite (OPEN-CUTS). A usability study of a prototype of OPEN-CUTS confirms the viability of this approach and points to potential future research questions.
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LMU Munich
Institute of Informatics
Teaching and Research Unit Programming and Modelling Languages
Bachelor Thesis
Leveraging Human Computation for
Quality Assurance in Open Source
J. Sprinz
Principal Advisor Prof. Dr. François Bry
Date of submission 29.01.2022
© 2022 J. Sprinz. This is an open-access thesis under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license
”We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by
each other’s happiness - not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise
one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and
can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the
Greed has poisoned men’s souls. Has barricaded the world with hate. Has goose-stepped
us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in.
Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical.
Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than
machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness.
Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these
inventions cries out for the goodness in men - cries out for universal brotherhood - for
the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world -
millions of despairing men, women, and little children - victims of a system that makes
men torture and imprison innocent people.
To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but
the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The
hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will
return to the people.
- Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator (1940)
© 1940 Roy Export S.A.S. All rights reserved.
First, I want to express my gratitude to the fantastic people at the Teaching and
Research Unit Programming and Modelling Languages at LMU Munich. Thank you to
Prof. Dr. François Bry for giving me the opportunity to work at the department and for
your support in nalizing this thesis. I want to extend special gratitude towards Dres.
Sebastian Mader and Niels Heller, who mentored me in the early stages of this project
and provided valuable hints that both motivated and challenged me.
Thank you for everyone’s enthusiastic participation in the user study - it was ab-
solutely marvelous! My biggest thanks to the Ubuntu Community for allowing me to
be a part of countless exceptional projects over the years. These past years of working
on Ubuntu Touch has been the most rewarding experience of my life. Time and time
again, it is simply wonderful to see a community driven by the desire to make a positive
dierence and accomplish greatness.
Finally, I want to thank my amazing partner for their emotional support while com-
pleting this thesis. You mean the world to me!
Converging Interest Disclosure
In accordance with my ethical obligation as a researcher, I am reporting that I am an
active member of the Board of Directors of the UBports Foundation, a non-prot entity
that has inspired and could benet from the work reported in this thesis.
Software, die unter dem quelloenen Entwicklungsmodell (Open Source Development
Model, OSSD) entwickelt wird, hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten massiv an Bedeutung
gewonnen. Immer mehr kritische Komponenten werden im Rahmen des OSSD entwick-
elt und der Bedarf für tiefgehende Qualitätssicherung (Quality Assurance, QA) steigt.
Diese Arbeit untersucht, ob das OSSD Potenzial für formalisierte Nutzertests durch
unerfahrene freiwillige Community-Mitglieder bietet. Eine Human Computation Plat-
tform zur Sammlung solcher Testergebnisse wurde entworfen und trägt den Namen open
crowdsourced user-testing suite (OPEN-CUTS). Eine mit einem Prototyp von OPEN-
CUTS durchgeführte Benutzbarkeitsstudie bestätigt diesen Ansatz und zeigt mögliche
zukünftige Forschungsfragen auf.
Software developed under the open source development model (OSSD) has risen to
signicant importance over the recent decades. With more and more critical compo-
nents being developed under the OSSD, the need for extensive quality assurance (QA)
increases. This thesis investigates any potential for conducting formalized user testing
through inexperienced volunteer community members under the OSSD. A human compu-
tation platform to aggregate such test results was designed and named open crowdsourced
user-testing suite (OPEN-CUTS). A usability study of a prototype of OPEN-CUTS con-
rms the viability of this approach and points to potential future research questions.
1 Introduction 11
1.1 Objective ................................... 11
1.2 Contribution ................................. 11
1.3 Overview ................................... 12
2 Related Work 13
2.1 Human Computation, Crowdsourcing, Gamication, Games with a Purpose 13
2.2 Quality Assurance in Software Engineering, Software Testing . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Open Source Software Development Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.4 Quality Assurance under the Open Source Software Development Model 16
3 Background 19
3.1 Motivation: Ubuntu Touch and the UBports Foundation . . . . . . . . . 19
3.1.1 Community Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.1.2 UseCases............................... 21
3.1.3 Discussion............................... 22
3.2 Similarprojects................................ 23
3.2.1 KiwiTCMS.............................. 23
3.2.2 SystemTestPortal.......................... 23
3.2.3 Discussion............................... 24
3.3 Blueprint ................................... 25
3.3.1 Terminology and Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.3.2 FeatureOverview........................... 25
3.3.3 UserInterface............................. 26
4 Implementation 33
4.1 Database ................................... 33
4.2 APIserver................................... 34
4.2.1 CRUDE GraphQL API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.2.2 GraphQL Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.2.3 Dataretrieval............................. 36
4.2.4 Security ................................ 37
4.2.5 Build discovery and retention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.6 OPEN-CUTS Combination Filtering Language (OCFL) . . . . . 38
4.2.7 Utilitylibraries ............................ 40
4.3 WebUI .................................... 40
4.4 Administration ................................ 41
5 Evaluation 43
5.1 Methodology ................................. 43
5.2 Trial...................................... 44
5.2.1 Environment ............................. 44
5.2.2 Sampledata.............................. 44
5.2.3 Tasks ................................. 45
5.2.4 Questionnaire............................. 45
5.2.5 Criteria of Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.1 Task Completion Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.2 Questionnaire Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.3.3 Think-Aloud Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.3.4 Discussion............................... 50
6 Conclusion and Outlook 53
6.1 Contribution ................................. 53
6.2 FutureWork ................................. 53
6.3 Conclusion................................... 54
7 Appendix 55
7.1 DatabaseSchema............................... 55
7.1.1 User.................................. 55
7.1.2 System ................................ 55
7.1.3 Build ................................. 56
7.1.4 Test .................................. 56
7.1.5 Run .................................. 56
7.2 Future Development Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.2.1 Gamication, Games with a Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
7.2.2 Automated Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
7.2.3 Improved Combination Logic and Property-rst Reporting . . . . 57
7.2.4 Integration into CI/CD Pipelines and Bug Trackers . . . . . . . . 58
7.2.5 Interdependent Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.2.6 Improved Moderation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.2.7 Version-controlled Conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
7.2.8 Modularize internal Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.3 RawData ................................... 59
7.3.1 Task Completion Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.3.2 Questionnaire Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
7.4 Think-Aloud Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
7.4.1 General ................................ 60
7.4.2 Reporting............................... 60
7.4.3 Moderation .............................. 60
7.4.4 OCFL................................. 61
7.4.5 BuildDiscovery............................ 61
7.4.6 Bugs.................................. 61
Bibliography 63
List of Figures
2.1 The onion model. Graphic based on [13, p. 59]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2 Quality Assurance activities under the Open Source Software Development
model. Graphic based on [15, p. 4]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1 Ubuntu Touch on dierent screen sizes. Graphic (c) 2015 Canonical Ltd. 20
3.2 Excerpt of the Ubuntu Touch smoke testing spreadsheet. . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Screenshot of the UBports Installer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.4 A test plan in Kiwi TCMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.5 Running a test in System Test Portal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.6 The header navigation for an unauthenticated user. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.7 The OPEN-CUTS landing page for a logged-in administrator. . . . . . . 27
3.8 System selection in the reporting view. 8192 is currently selected, so it is
highlightedinblue............................... 28
3.9 Build selection in the reporting view. Notice the dierent status indicator
bars below every test. Builds 0.6 and 0.7 require the users’ attention and
are highlighted with a drop shadow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.10 Test selection in the reporting view. Tests can be ltered by functionality
group. The tests “New Game” and “Score” require the users’ attention
and are highlighted with a drop shadow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.11 The submission form in the reporting view. The report can be submitted
after entering the required metadata. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.12 The system view for the UBports Installer seen by an administrator. A
regular user can only see the button to create a new run, not the admin-
istrationbuttons................................ 29
3.13 The tensor is sliced along a single test and property combination and visu-
alized across three releases. When running a source package on Windows,
the test was failing (red) in version 0.4.16-beta and passing (green) in the
subsequent versions. Ergo the defect was successfully xed. . . . . . . . . 30
3.14 The build view for version 0.4.17-beta of the UBports Installer. The test
“Install a Device” is failing (red) when running as a snap package on Linux
and passing (green) for all other valid property combinations. The combi-
nations list allows localizing this defect at a glance. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.15 The run view for an individual test run on 8192. The tester added a
comment describing their experience and included a logle. . . . . . . . . 32
4.1 Communication structure between dierent clients, the API, and the
database. ................................... 33
4.2 N-to-1 relationships allow representing the data as a connected data graph. 35
4.3 The GraphQL resolver chain for the example query given in section 4.2.1. 36
4.4 A conrmation e-mail sent by OPEN-CUTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.5 The housekeeping pipeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.6 The OCFL modal in the web UI displaying a parsing error in red text.
Only valid expressions can be saved, so the OK button is disabled while
theerrorpersists................................ 39
4.7 Microservices running as docker containers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.1 Time it took participants to complete each task. See section 5.2.3 for
original task descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2 Questionnaire results. See section 5.2.4 for original statement descriptions. 48
Chapter 1
Software developed within the open source development model has risen to signicant
importance. WordPress, Blender, and Linux are only a few examples of free and open
source software projects that have revolutionized the software market over recent decades.
Besides being distributed free of charge and their source code being publicly available,
what sets open source software apart are the volunteer communities that support or
even drive their development process. This property creates particular challenges and
opportunities related to software quality assurance, which will be explored in this thesis.
Software quality assurance, meaning ensuring a software product’s tness for use, plays
a signicant role in modern software development practices. This thesis investigates
whether the presence of volunteers in the development process creates a potential for
crowdsourced user testing. A software solution is proposed to facilitate formalized user
testing in open source communities through crowdsourcing and human computation. The
requirements for such a solution are drawn from examining the needs of an exemplary
open source community. Finally, a prototype for this software solution is implemented
and evaluated through a usability study.
1.1 Objective
This project aims to identify and address challenges open source communities face
when doing quality assurance. The goal is to develop a prototype of a human computation
platform that facilitates the quality assurance process by having inexperienced community
members generate formalized user testing data. The software should give users concise
instructions for conducting tests and recording their results in an easy-to-use interface.
Test results from all testers should then be aggregated and presented to the developers
in a meaningful way. If this prototype’s evaluation shows evidence for its usefulness,
it should be possible to compile a list of future development goals and prepare for a
long-term study.
1.2 Contribution
A human computation platform for the previously described purpose has been de-
signed and implemented. An early software prototype was evaluated in a usability study,
which yielded promising results and generated valuable insights into potential future de-
velopment goals. The software has been named OPEN-CUTS, the open crowdsourced
user testing suite. To enable its continued development, OPEN-CUTS has been made
available to the public as an open source project:
1.3 Overview
Chapter 2 outlines the theoretical principles that this thesis builds on and provides an
overview of the literature. Next, chapter 3 provides background information on the work
done in this thesis. The UBports Community is introduced as a reference community
with dierent use cases for formalized user testing. Two existing software solutions are
analyzed to illustrate the need for a new solution. Building on this, a blueprint for a
software solution is outlined. Chapter 4 discusses the implementation of this blueprint
with particular attention to technical details. The resulting prototype is evaluated in
chapter 5. A usability study with members of the UBports Community is designed,
conducted, and analyzed. The thesis is concluded in chapter 6, which summarizes the
ndings and outlines future work.
Chapter 2
Related Work
This chapter outlines the theoretical principles that this thesis builds on, establishes
denitions of essential terms, and provides an overview of the literature.
2.1 Human Computation, Crowdsourcing, Gamica-
tion, Games with a Purpose
Information technology strives to enable full automation of “any operations which
could be done by a human” [1, p. 437]. The exponential increase in processing power1
combined with constant advances in traditional algorithms and new technologies such as
machine learning2have made this goal seem more and more attainable. However, many
tasks that are trivial to a human are still impossible to automate for machine execution.
The practice of outsourcing such computation steps from a machine to a human agent is
called human computation (HC) [4], [5].
A related concept is crowdsourcing (CS), meaning the involvement of many people
in achieving a common goal. The internet has enabled a new collaboration culture that
allows large-scale independent parallel work by removing physical barriers and drasti-
cally reducing coordination overhead [6, p. 89]. Well-known examples of successful CS
platforms include collaborative projects like Wikipedia3, but the term also applies to
platforms that facilitate HC through a large group of human agents. Platforms that
combine HC and CS typically automate coordination by continuously assigning agents
small tasks. One such platform is Mozilla Common Voice4, which aims to create a corpus
of transcribed speech in the public domain. “To achieve scale and sustainability, the
Common Voice project employs crowdsourcing for both data collection and data valida-
tion. [7, p. 1]. Amazon’s Mechanical Turk5(MTurk) is an example of a commercial
CS platform that allows “[posting] tasks to workers to perform in return for monetary
payment” [4, p. 46].
1An eect known as moore’s law [2].
2Machine learning refers to programs that improve automatically through training, for example, by
identifying statistical correlations in large sets of data [3].
3A public-domain encyclopedia that can be edited by everyone, see
Human agents need some kind of incentive to participate in HC or CS software. Be-
sides motivational factors such as providing monetary compensation (MTurk) or oering
the experience of contributing to a good cause (Wikipedia, Mozilla Common Voice),
users can be motivated by making the contribution process more fun and engaging using
game-like mechanisms. Mozilla Common Voice, for example, allows participants to dene
weekly activity goals. Users are then motivated to achieve these goals in various parts of
the software. This practice is known as gamication [8].
So-called games with a purpose (GWAP) further extend gamication to the point
where the agents do not even need to be aware that their actions contribute to HC
because the data is a mere by-product of the game [4, p. 63]. The concept was pioneered
by von Ahn and Dabbish to create a game to label images on the web [9]. A well-known
example of a GWAP is ReCaptcha, a mechanism to introduce additional complexity to
forms on the world wide web to prevent automated access [4, p. 48]. The software forces
website visitors to complete a simple task such as transcribing a scanned word to train
optical character recognition software [4, p. 49]. HC also includes some data-mining
techniques, such as the practice of assessing the relevance of web search results based on
user actions [10, p. 86], [5, p. 8].
2.2 Quality Assurance in Software Engineering, Soft-
ware Testing
Quality Assurance (QA) in software engineering covers all activities throughout the
development process that ensure a software product’s “tness for use” [11, p. 7]. Besides
design-related and organizational activities, testing plays a signicant role in the QA
process. Tests can be classied based on their observed level of detail [11, p. 257]:
Unit testing focuses on the functionality of atomic software components, such as
a single function call. Dummy procedures (a practice called mocking or stubbing)
replace all external functionality to ensure that the test result only reects the unit
under test.
Integration testing examines integrated modules of the software to ensure interop-
erability. Multiple levels of integration can be iterated by gradually including more
System testing observes the complete software product.
Tests can be automatically executed by a computer (automated testing) or run manu-
ally by a human agent (user testing). The latter is typically only used for system testing
since these tests are often dicult to automate and relatively easy to perform by hu-
mans. Since every tester will approach the system with their individual perspective, user
testing might also result in constructive feedback beyond the test’s original scope - an
unattainable benet for automated testing. User testing is called formalized user testing
if it follows a plan consisting of specic instructions or smoke testing if the tests cover all
system functionality.
2.3 Open Source Software Development Model
Open source software (OSS) refers to “a software product with the source code made
public so that anyone can read, analyze, and change or improve the code” [12, p. 459].
OSS is typically developed in online volunteer communities. The sustainability of these
communities is vital for the software product’s success. Aberdour’s Onion Model (see
Figure 2.1) depicts the structure commonly seen in sustainable OSS communities: The
community consists of “a small number of core developers and increasing numbers of
contributing developers, bug reporters, and users. ‘Onion’ refers to the successive lay-
ers of member types” [13, p. 59]. Community members may choose to increase their
involvement on their own terms, thus progressing towards the core.
Figure 2.1: The onion model. Graphic based on [13, p. 59].
The open source software development model (OSSD) has the distinct property of
publicly available source code. Raymond observes that more people repeatedly looking
at the source code and reviewing its changes results in higher quality code [14]. Addition-
ally, a volunteer-based team motivated by dierent factors can multitask more eciently,
e.g., by independently working on dierent issues important to dierent parts of the com-
munity and designing, developing, testing, and debugging the software in parallel, thus
enabling rapid progression in small increments.
2.4 Quality Assurance under the Open Source Soft-
ware Development Model
OSS communities nd themselves in the fortunate situation of having a large number
of volunteers at their disposal who are willing to “take ownership of system testing and
bug reporting. […] The sheer size of the bug-reporting group will ensure that more people
test the system (on more platforms) than any commercial organization could hope to
achieve” [13, p. 60].
Wahyudin et al. have developed a framework to classify QA activities under the OSSD,
depicted in Figure 2.2. Three groups of activities are distinguished [15]:
IDefect detection
1. A defect is identied and discussed on a community-support platform such as a
chatroom, forum, or mailing list. Defect detection can occur unplanned during
everyday use or planned in the context of user testing.
2. If the defect does not generate sucient interest in the community, it might just be
ignored (a). Otherwise, it may be or reported to the bug tracker by another more
experienced user (b), or directly by the user who rst identied the defect (c).
II Defect verication
3. Defect collection: Further analysis of the defect to verify its existence in a particular
software release. More information about the defect is collected, and it may be
categorized regarding severity and aected software features.
4. Defect xing: An interested developer will take necessary steps for mitigation and
possibly communicate a short-term plan with the community.
III Solution verication
5. Code self-review: The developer veries their proposed change locally.
6. Peer-review: Other members of the community review the proposed change. Con-
tributing developers will try to understand the proposed change’s technical details,
and bug reporters will test the software to ensure that the defect has been resolved
and no new defects have been introduced.
Automated testing is not represented in this framework. Since the original publishing
of this framework in 2007, the availability of automated testing tools has increased. Today,
automated testing often plays a signicant role in solution verication [16, p. 1].
Figure 2.2: Quality Assurance activities under the Open Source Software Development
model. Graphic based on [15, p. 4].
Chapter 3
As established in the previous chapter, QA within the OSSD comes with a unique set
of challenges and opportunities not seen within the closed source development model. Vol-
unteer developers usually prefer to work on “exciting” new features or xing long-standing
bugs that aect themselves, rather than “boring” tasks like writing and maintaining au-
tomated tests. Consequently, the burden of automated testing is shifted towards the core
team, taking away their attention from other responsibilities. User testing can remedy
this because it provides a meaningful task for community members who do not have
the necessary skills to contribute in other areas. Since there is no suitable free tool to
manage system tests, however, “test runs are [often] managed using text processors or
spreadsheets” [16, p. 1]. This practice signicantly reduces the data’s usefulness, as its
analysis may require manual steps.
This chapter introduces the UBports Community as a reference OSS community.
Three exemplary UBports software projects are described to illustrate the need for QA
and establish use cases. Next, two existing user testing software solutions are explored
regarding their tness for these use cases. Building on this, a blueprint for a new software
solution is outlined. In the following, this software will be referred to as OPEN-CUTS,
the open crowdsourced user-testing suite.
3.1 Motivation: Ubuntu Touch and the UBports
The Ubuntu1operating system developed by Canonical Ltd. is one of the most popular
Linux distributions2for servers and personal computers. A version for phones and tablets,
later named Ubuntu Touch, has been in development since 2013 [17, p. 205]. Being “a
phone operating system [that is] running the same core software as Ubuntu on the desktop”
[17, p. 206], “Ubuntu Touch oers a totally extraordinary approach to deal with utilizing
our mobile phones or tablets” [18, p. 578]. The user interface can adapt to dierent
screen sizes and transforms into a desktop PC when connected to an external display, as
seen in Figure 3.1.
2Linux is a free- and open source Unix-like operating system kernel, see Operating
systems that use the Linux Kernel are typically referred to as Linux distributions.
Figure 3.1: Ubuntu Touch on dierent screen sizes. Graphic (c) 2015 Canonical Ltd.
Ubuntu Touch achieved critical acclaim early on, with CNET declaring it “the most
exciting thing at Mobile World Congress [a major technology trade show]” [19] in 2013,
but failed to capture a signicant market share to become a commercial success. De-
velopment leadership of the operating system was consequently transferred to the hands
of the volunteer-led UBports Community in 2017 to allow Canonical Ltd. to focus on
expanding its cloud-services and IoT departments [18, p. 579], [20], [21]. The community
has been able to secure donations and established a non-prot foundation under German
civil law [22] to provide long-term sustainable funding for the continued development of
the operating system. A small core team to manage the community and handle essen-
tial development tasks is employed by the foundation [23]. However, as common with
OSSD projects, a considerable part of the work continues to be done by unpaid volunteers
from the community [23], [24]. As of January 2022, Ubuntu Touch runs on 78 dierent
phones and tablets3. External hardware vendors provide commercial support for three of
these devices, with the rest being maintained by volunteer contributors to the Halium4
hardware enablement stack [24].
3.1.1 Community Structure
The structure of the UBports Community resembles the OSSD onion model discussed
in section 2.3. However, due to the large number of dierent software projects associ-
ated with the Ubuntu Touch operating system5, partially intersecting sub-communities
5As of January 2022, the UBports GitHub organization lists 484 repositories, see
emerge. Each subcommunity constitutes its own “onion within the onion” and maintains
its distinct governance structure while contributing to the broader community’s goal.
3.1.2 Use Cases
This subsection discusses three example systems that illustrate the need for QA in
the UBports Community. Ubuntu Touch
Ubuntu Touch uses image-based upgrades with three regular channels: DEVEL for
daily builds, RC (short for “release candidate”) for weekly builds, and STABLE for major
versions [25]. Community members install these updates on their devices and report any
issues they encounter in the public bug tracker [26]. A smoke testing plan for formalized
user-testing of all operating system features (see Figure 3.2) that is “usually run on all
devices before a new release to make sure no new issues were introduced” [26] exists.
However, the growing number of supported devices creates a prohibitively expensive
management overhead.
Figure 3.2: Excerpt of the Ubuntu Touch smoke testing spreadsheet. UBports Installer
The UBports Installer6is a graphical installation tool for Ubuntu Touch and other
mobile operating systems. While being reasonably small in terms of lines of code, testing
the UBports Installer proves very challenging. The primary complexity stems from the
installer’s ability to run on the three dierent operating systems, Linux, macOS, and
Windows, and each operating system can run dierent packaged versions of the installer.
Additional complexity is added by accounting for the installable devices, as installation
procedures vary signicantly from one device to another. With a growing number of
devices and operating systems supported by the installer, tracking all edge cases manually
before every release can become very time-consuming.
Figure 3.3: Screenshot of the UBports Installer. 8192
81927is a small native puzzle game for Ubuntu Touch that can be downloaded and
installed from the OpenStore8. It serves as an example of a small software project without
specic requirements.
3.1.3 Discussion
The diversity of the community structure seen within the UBports Foundation makes
it a promising candidate for an archetypical OSS community. The three example use cases
were selected to represent the full range of the software complexity spectrum. Ubuntu
Touch itself, being a vast and complicated system with countless features to test, poses
a particular challenge for formalized user testing due to its large amount of test cases.
The UBports Installer, while only requiring a single test case, comes with a wide array
of edge cases that need to be covered. Testing solutions also have to account for simple
projects like 8192 to avoid overcomplicating such systems. As such, a solution tailored
to the UBports Foundation’s needs should also t most other OSSD projects.
8The primary distribution channel for third-party applications designed for Ubuntu Touch, see https:
3.2 Similar projects
3.2.1 Kiwi TCMS
Kiwi TCMS9aims to provide a fully edged test-case management system that in-
terfaces with bug trackers and external systems. The software is written in Python
and provides a web interface and dierent APIs. A plugin system allows the creation
of automated tests in various environments. Even though the project has been around
since 2009, it has seen steady development and improvements. Kiwi TCMS does not
provide combination logic, but the properties of a tested system can be recorded. Its
user interface is tailored for professional users and requires some technical knowledge and
familiarization. Figure 3.4 shows a screenshot of the user interface.
Figure 3.4: A test plan in Kiwi TCMS.
3.2.2 System Test Portal
System Test Portal10 is a user-testing platform intended to be accessible for inex-
perienced users. The software is written in the Go programming language to make it
lightweight to run. It allows organizing tests in test plans and has moderation features
that allow users to comment on test runs to discuss the results. The main goal of the soft-
ware is not to facilitate user testing as part of the day-to-day development process, but
rather to provide a platform for end-users “to nd out which features of a product were
tested in which environment” [16, p. 1] to allow them to assess a software product, e.g.,
before purchasing supported hardware. The project was initially developed by students
and faculty members of the University of Stuttgart in 2017. Unfortunately, as of January
2022, the repositories have not been updated in more than three years. System Test
Portal does not provide combination logic. Instead, a list of “variants” can be statically
dened. Figure 3.5 shows a screenshot of the user interface.
Figure 3.5: Running a test in System Test Portal.
3.2.3 Discussion
Even though both discussed projects have ostensible merits, they do not quite seem to
t the requirement set. While Kiwi TCMS is incredibly powerful, its professional interface
is too overloaded to attract inexperienced community members. System Test Portal has
an advantage here, but its contribution process is also cumbersome, as it is not intended
for daily use. Neither solution is suitable for “drive-by” contributions. Additionally, both
projects lack the combination ltering capabilities to represent the complex edge cases
seen with the UBports Installer (see section
3.3 Blueprint
OPEN-CUTS is an open crowdsourced user-testing suite. It provides a human com-
putation platform to facilitate formalized user testing for software developed under the
3.3.1 Terminology and Structure
A piece of software tested with OPEN-CUTS is called a system. Releases or versions
of the software are called builds. Every system denes tests and properties. A user-
generated report of a test is called a run.
3.3.2 Feature Overview
An instance of OPEN-CUTS can track multiple systems. Volunteer community mem-
bers can follow detailed instructions to run tests on dierent builds of these systems and
record their results with the suite. Aggregated test results are automatically analyzed to
provide meaningful results to contributing developers. OPEN-CUTS can integrate with
continuous-integration and -delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to promote suciently tested
builds automatically. Systems can be congured to automatically fetch new builds from
external distribution channels to reduce administration overhead.
Systems can account for complexity by dening properties that testers need to specify
when reporting their results. Valid property combinations can be specied using a simple
yet powerful rst-order logic language. The possible edge cases can be represented as
a tensor consisting of all valid property combinations. Defect collection is aided by
highlighting tensor slices of failing combination ranges. The tensor can be compared
across subsequent releases to identify regressions.
Gamication features make the testing engaging. A karma system incentivizes recur-
ring high-quality contributions and punishes vandalism. This system also allows users
to unlock additional permissions on their own, thus minimizing the need for external
moderator intervention by creating a self-sustaining meritocracy.
OPEN-CUTS exposes a public API11 for all functionality. An optional default web
interface that relies on this API is available, but implementing third-party clients would
be feasible.
The API also allows for sourcing real-world testing data directly from systems in ev-
eryday operations. For example, the UBports Installer could prompt the user for consent
to submit feedback at the push of a button. All required data (host operating system,
package type, build number, logle) can then be automatically read and submitted to
the API by the software without requiring any additional user action. This approach
will be primarily interesting for activities that users typically only perform once in a
while. For example, while prompting feedback after using the installer is not a signicant
disturbance, users would not want to be interrupted multiple times a day from everyday
11Application Programming Interface
3.3.3 User Interface
The primary objective of OPEN-CUTS’ user interface design is to make reporting
approachable for inexperienced users without oversimplifying the result presentation. The
following sections describe the primary “views” in the user interface and their purpose.
Every view includes the same header and footer with essential navigation elements
and links. The header will show navigation elements to create a new account or log in
for a new user, as depicted in Figure 3.6. Logged-in users will see an option to manage
their accounts instead, as depicted at the top of Figure 3.7. Administration UI elements,
such as buttons to create, update or delete systems, tests, and builds, are only visible to
users with the required permissions. Hovering over UI elements with the cursor reveals
tooltips with usage information.
Figure 3.6: The header navigation for an unauthenticated user. Dashboard
The dashboard is the main entry point and serves as the application’s landing page,
as depicted in Figure 3.7. The most prominent UI elements on the landing page are the
OPEN-CUTS logo and a big blue button inviting the user to run tests in the center of the
screen. Clicking either opens the reporting view described in section The landing
page also provides an overview of the systems available for testing and the registered
users. Reporting View
The reporting view provides a user-friendly interface for quickly reporting test runs.
When starting from scratch, the user will rst select a system and a build to test (Figures
3.8 and 3.9). If the system uses channels, the builds are grouped by channel. The view
highlights those builds that have not yet reached sucient test coverage and have not yet
been tested by the logged-in user. As soon as a build is selected, the user can select a
similarly highlighted test (Figure 3.10).
The user is then presented with detailed test instructions and an interface to report
the test run metadata. The metadata consists of
the system properties (such as the Ubuntu Touch device or the environment and
package of the installer they are using),
an optional comment, where the user can describe any observations they have made,
any logles or debugging output generated by the system during test execution,
and the result of the run.
Figure 3.7: The OPEN-CUTS landing page for a logged-in administrator.
Figure 3.8: System selection in the reporting view. 8192 is currently selected, so it is
highlighted in blue.
Figure 3.9: Build selection in the reporting view. Notice the dierent status indicator
bars below every test. Builds 0.6 and 0.7 require the users’ attention and are highlighted
with a drop shadow.
Figure 3.10: Test selection in the reporting view. Tests can be ltered by functionality
group. The tests “New Game” and “Score” require the users’ attention and are highlighted
with a drop shadow.
Figure 3.11: The submission form in the reporting view. The report can be submitted
after entering the required metadata.
Figure 3.12: The system view for the UBports Installer seen by an administrator. A
regular user can only see the button to create a new run, not the administration buttons.
29 System View
The system view (Figure 3.12) is easily accessible by selecting a system in the dash-
board. It presents an overview of all system metadata and displays advanced controls for
logged-in administrators. Sortable tables list tests and builds associated with this system.
Views of the tests, builds, and runs associated with this system use the same righthand
sidebar to provide a consistent experience and easy access to essential information. Build View
The build view (Figure 3.14) contains the most relevant information for developers,
as it presents the aggregated test results. Navigation elements above the title provide
quick access to the previous and subsequent build on the same channel and the system
overview page. The title also contains a quick summary of the test results. In the
depicted case, STILL_FAILING indicates that an issue that caused a previous build to
fail is still present in this build. Below the metadata, a chart shows the overall build
status of the previous and subsequent build on the same channel. The view also lists
tests and property combinations and displays their status. Clicking one of the entries
allows deeper introspection and provides access to detailed tensor slices, as seen in Figure
3.13. Individual runs reported for this build are accessible from the bottom of the page.
Figure 3.13: The tensor is sliced along a single test and property combination and visu-
alized across three releases. When running a source package on Windows, the test was
failing (red) in version 0.4.16-beta and passing (green) in the subsequent versions. Ergo
the defect was successfully xed.
Figure 3.14: The build view for version 0.4.17-beta of the UBports Installer. The test
“Install a Device” is failing (red) when running as a snap package on Linux and passing
(green) for all other valid property combinations. The combinations list allows localizing
this defect at a glance.
31 Run View
The run view (Figure 3.15) allows a more in-depth inspection of individual test runs.
The view displays any logles and comments specied by the reporting user and metadata
associated with the run. Navigation elements to return to the corresponding system, test,
or build. Only moderators can see logle contents from other users for security reasons.
Figure 3.15: The run view for an individual test run on 8192. The tester added a comment
describing their experience and included a logle.
Chapter 4
This chapter discusses technical implementation details of a prototype of OPEN-
CUTS based on the blueprint outlined in section 3.3. Particular attention is paid to
explaining the choice of third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools to meet the specied
OPEN-CUTS breaks down into three components: A client (the web interface being
the default client), an API server, and a database. The web interface relies on this
API exclusively and does not require direct database access. Figure 4.1 illustrates this
communication structure.
Figure 4.1: Communication structure between dierent clients, the API, and the
4.1 Database
OPEN-CUTS uses a MongoDB1database, as it is more ecient for data aggregation
and associative data analysis than MySQL and other relational database implementations
[27]. MongoDB can store rich JSON2data, which makes it highly exible and very useful
for the type of data OPEN-CUTS needs to store and analyze. An individual database
1An open source document-model database, see
2JavaScript Object Notation, “a text syntax that facilitates structured data interchange between all
programming languages” [28, p. 5]
entry is called a document; documents of the same type are organized in collections. Every
document is automatically assigned a unique identier (_id).
The database schema breaks down into ve collections representing the structure
outlined in section 3.3.1:
users: A user of OPEN-CUTS. The schema stores the user’s personal information,
login credentials, and moderation data.
systems: A system is a piece of software or distribution of multiple functionally
related pieces of software for testing with OPEN-CUTS.
builds: Builds represent versions or releases of a system.
tests: Tests contain instructions for users to validate a system’s feature.
runs: Runs contain test results reported by users.
See appendix 7.1 for the full commented database schema.
4.2 API server
The API server is written in JavaScript for the NodeJS3runtime. This chapter
provides an overview of the design choices made and third-party technologies used.
The code is published under
4.2.1 CRUDE GraphQL API
Thanks to MongoDB’s powerful aggregation functionality, the database schema de-
scribed in appendix 7.1 can eciently be represented as a connected data graph, as
depicted in Figure 4.2. This graph can be augmented with additional computed prop-
erties and traversed starting from dierent nodes. Graph representation has enormous
potential for data processing and presentation, but designing an ecient REST API4
for it can be challenging. This is because REST’s capabilities of describing what data is
required exactly are limited. Consequently, either the client will frequently have to make
multiple requests to the API to resolve references, or the API will deliver data not needed
by the client. This type of over- and under-fetching can cause time lag and network strain
[31, p. 2228].
To avoid these problems, the OPEN-CUTS API uses GraphQL, “a query language
designed to build client applications by providing an intuitive and exible syntax […] for
describing their data requirements and interactions” [32]. Instead of oering multiple
endpoints that each return a xed data structure, every request species its data require-
ments. GraphQL APIs typically only have a single HTTP endpoint that provides access
to the entire graph. An API schema documents the structure of the available data. The
following is an example query to fetch information about a single build in the data graph
depicted in Figure 4.2. The returned information will include both data that can be read
directly from that build’s database entry, as well as data from connected nodes:
3JavaScript is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web browsers. Nowa-
days, it is also widely used in servers via the NodeJS runtime, see JavaScript
is specied and standardized as ECMAScript. The code for the OPEN-CUTS API server follows the
ECMAScript 2019 standard [29] and is compatible with NodeJS version 14 or higher.
4Representation State Transfer. A popular standard for APIs on the internet [30, p. 62].
Figure 4.2: N-to-1 relationships allow representing the data as a connected data graph.
query {
system {name description }
runs {
user {name email }
The response will be a JSON object with a structure resembling the original query.
See section 4.2.3 for information on how this query will be resolved. While a static data
structure like this could still be depicted in a REST API, adding or removing elds would
always require changes to the API server’s code. GraphQL lifts that limitation; In theory,
the entire graph could be traversed from any node using a single request. The API schema
provides operations to create, read, update, delete, and explore data, thus implementing
the CRUDE paradigm.
4.2.2 GraphQL Implementation
In addition to the ocial graphql5package, OPEN-CUTS uses a set of GraphQL li-
braries from the apollo-server-express6package to manage the API and integrate with
the express7server framework. The @graphql-tools/merge8library is used to allow mod-
ularizing GraphQL schema denitions.
4.2.3 Data retrieval
Unlike REST-APIs, where data retrieval is usually hardcoded, GraphQL needs to
resolve dierent data structures dynamically. To achieve that, GraphQL uses so-called
resolver functions to resolve nested queries recursively. First, the root resolver is called,
which is typically a database operation, a call to a microservice, or an external API. The
data returned by the root resolver is matched against the elds requested in the query to
omit unneeded data. The server then recursively calls eld resolvers for every requested
eld to generate nested data. Before returning the data, it is matched against the API
schema’s data types to prevent unexpected results. [31, p. 2226f], [32]
Figure 4.3 visualizes how the server might resolve the example query given in section
4.2.1. The server begins by resolving the root query, which hits the build database with
_id: 42. The subelds are then recursively queried by calling their resolvers in parallel.
Resolver functions may also modify the data depending on the context; in this case, to
prevent leaking email addresses to other users.
Figure 4.3: The GraphQL resolver chain for the example query given in section 4.2.1.
The above example demonstrates one issue GraphQL data resolvers need to account
for: If one user reported multiple runs for the same build, the recursive resolver tree
might hit the database multiple times to fetch the same user’s information, which creates
unnecessary strain. OPEN-CUTS prevents this by batching database requests sent in
brief succession in the global scope and deduplicating and caching9database requests
in the scope of a single query resolution. This was achieved by using the mongoose10
MongoDB client behind a custom resolver system based on the apollo-datasource11 and
9Caching is the practice of storing results of expensive operations so that future requests can be served
directly from a store called cache. It is especially useful for small and unchanging data identiable with
a unique key, such as MongoDB’s db.<collection>.findById() operation. Deduplication prevents
duplicate requests with the same key, even if the older request is still pending. Both requests will nally
be resolved simultaneously with the same data from a single operation. This practice is also known as
memoization [33].
dataloader12 libraries.
4.2.4 Security
API queries can be authenticated and personalized by specifying a user’s API token
in the authorization HTTP header. If a valid token is specied, the server adds the
corresponding user’s database entry to the query’s context, an object which is valid
throughout query resolution. Figure 4.3 shows how the context object may be used to
mask sensitive information such as other users’ email addresses.
Since testers may report runs without logging in, OPEN-CUTS needs to lter out
spam and other malicious content. The library bayes-classier13 implements a probabilis-
tic classier called the Naive Bayes Classier [34, p. 210]. Every time a moderator ags
a run as spam, the classier learns. The classier analyzes every new run and might hold
suspicious entries for moderation.
The nodemailer14 library is used to force users to conrm their email address after
registration and allow password resets.
Figure 4.4: A conrmation e-mail sent by OPEN-CUTS.
The libraries rate-limiter-exible15 and graphql-depth-limit16 protect the server from
being overloaded with many concurrent or expensive requests.
4.2.5 Build discovery and retention
To allow long-term hands-o operation for moderators, OPEN-CUTS needs to discard
old builds with their associated runs and discover new builds automatically. This discov-
ery and retention procedure is realized through a “housekeeping” pipeline, as depicted in
Figure 4.5, which OPEN-CUTS runs once per hour.
Figure 4.5: The housekeeping pipeline.
Based on the use cases described in section 3.1.2, there are three possible sources
for build discovery: Ubuntu Touch uses its system image server, 8192 is published on
the OpenStore, and the UBports Installer uses tagged GitHub releases. These services
provide REST-APIs that OPEN-CUTS can query using the axios17 HTTP request library.
Every system can specify an array of string arguments used for build discovery (see
appendix 7.1) to provide an agnostic and extendable conguration. The rst element of
the array species the build discovery engine, i.e., systemimage,openstore,github, or
gitlab18. The remaining arguments specify the correct API endpoint. The API response
is processed to return the ve most recent builds per channel and lter out any build
older than a year. If any of those builds do not yet exist in the database, they are created.
4.2.6 OPEN-CUTS Combination Filtering Language (OCFL)
The OPEN-CUTS Combination Filtering Language is a simple logical language to
specify rst-order logic expressions for ltering property combinations. The language
was inspired by MongoDB’s aggregation pipelines [35] and is a subset of JSON. Symbols
include basic boolean algebra operators (NOT, negation, logical not, ¬;AND, conjunction,
logical and, ;OR, disjunction, logical or, ;IMPLIES, implication, ), as well as a
CHECK function to test whether a property variable is in a set. The language is specied
as follows:
exp : <check> |<unaryexp> |<binaryexp> |<chainexp>
check : { CHECK: [<stringterminal>, [<stringterminal>, ...]] }
unaryexp : { <unaryop>: [<exp>] }
unaryop : NOT
binaryexp : { <binaryop>: [<exp>,<exp>] }
binaryop : IMPLIES
chainexp : { <chainop>: [<exp>, ...] }
chainop : AND | OR
Being a subset of JSON, most developers will already be familiar with the syn-
tax and only need to learn the ve operators. Additionally, JSON’s validation
and formatting tools can be used (see Figure 4.6). For example, any valid OCFL
expression can quickly be formatted to a human-readable structure by running
JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(ocflExpression), null, " "); in any JavaScript
environment without requiring any additional libraries.
Any system that species properties can also specify an OCFL expression to lter the
combinations required to cover the system in all its complexity. The OCFL expression is
18GitLab is a free- and open source competitor to GitHub, see It provides an API
almost identical to GitHub, so supporting it as well is relatively straightforward.
Figure 4.6: The OCFL modal in the web UI displaying a parsing error in red text. Only
valid expressions can be saved, so the OK button is disabled while the error persists.
read from the database and compiled into a MongoDB aggregation pipeline expression.
The following example generates all valid property combinations for the use case of the
UBports Installer (see section
{"CHECK":["Package", ["exe"]] },
{"CHECK":["Environment", ["Windows"]] }]},
{"CHECK":["Package", ["dmg"]] },
{"CHECK":["Environment", ["macOS"]] }]},
{"CHECK":["Package", ["snap","AppImage","deb"]]},
{"CHECK":["Environment", ["Linux"]] }]
This means that
the exe package requires a Windows environment,
the dmg package requires a macOS environment, and
the snap,AppImage, and deb packages require a Linux environment.
Other combinations – such as the source package, which can run in every environment
– are not aected.
4.2.7 Utility libraries
Other utility libraries include debug19 for name-spaced logging, dotenv20 for reading
environment variables from .env les, deep-equal21 for deep object comparison, and uuid22
for generating secure tokens.
4.3 Web UI
The client is built using the VueJS23 JavaScript framework with the bootstrap-vue24
CSS library. It is implemented as a single-page application (SPA) with client-side routing
to make page transitions more uent. As such, instead of serving dierent HTML les for
every page, the client consists of “a single HTML shell” [36] that is dynamically updated
on navigation and user interaction. The libraries vuex25 and vue-router26 provide that
GraphQL API is accessed using the apollo-client27 and integrated into the VueJS
components using the libraries vue-apollo28 ,graphql29, and graphql-tag30. Caching and
deduplication is achieved using apollo-cache-inmemory31 ,apollo-link32 and apollo-link-
http33. Rich data presentation using the chart.js34 implementation vue-chartjs35. The
core-js36 polyll allows the client to use modern JavaScript features in older browsers.
The code is published under
4.4 Administration
OPEN-CUTS can be quickly deployed to a production environment by running an
ansible playbook37 . Ansible is a server conguration utility that can read declarative cong
les (“Playbooks”) for idempotent – that is, repeated execution with the same input will
always yield the same result – operations. The playbook connects to an Ubuntu Server
using SSH38 and performs the following steps:
1. The OPEN-CUTS git39 -Repositories are cloned to a directory on the server.
2. An Nginx40 server conguration is prepared for use with the specied domain. A
Letsencrypt TLS certicate41 is obtained.
3. The three components that make up OPEN-CUTS - web server, API server, and
database - are set up as containerized microservices using docker-compose42, result-
ing in a structure as depicted in Figure 4.7. The previously congured Nginx server
serves pre-built and optimized static HTML les for the web client and provides
SSL termination for reverse-proxying API calls to the API server’s container. The
API server and database docker containers are only accessible from the Nginx and
API server’s containers.
4. If necessary, the database is initialized with sample data.
The playbook is published under
38Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol for secure networking that is commonly used for remotely controlling
web servers [37].
39A free and open source distributed version control system widely used for managing source code in
software projects, see
40A free and open source web server, see
41Transport Layer Security (TLS, also often referred to by the name of its predecessor Secure Sockets
Layer, SSL) is a protocol for secure data transmission over the internet [38]. TLS relies on encrypted
certicates issued and cross-signed by certicate authorities. Letsencrypt is a not-for-prot certicate
authority that provides free TLS certicates, see
42Docker is a system for lightweight operating-system-level virtualization “containers” that can be
orchestrated and composed, see
Figure 4.7: Microservices running as docker containers.
Chapter 5
This chapter outlines a method for evaluating the previously developed prototype of
OPEN-CUTS. The goal of the evaluation is to answer three questions through a usability
1. Is there any initial evidence of untapped potential for facilitating QA under the
OSSD by having inexperienced community members contribute formalized user
testing data to a human computation platform?
2. Can OPEN-CUTS be eciently used by the inexperienced members of an open
source community to conduct and report formalized user tests?
3. Is OPEN-CUTS equipped to provide meaningful insights to open source developers
in their daily work?
The study results are presented, analyzed, and interpreted to gain insights into possi-
ble future development goals and prepare for further (long-term) studies.
5.1 Methodology
Several scientic methods to assess the usability of software exist. So-called think-
aloud methods require the subject to recount their experience, either while using the
system (concurrent think-aloud) or while watching a recording of their journey through
the system (retrospective think-aloud). Probing methods require the instructor to ask
the subject targeted questions about their experience. While concurrent think-aloud is
believed to be “the best methodology […] for collecting real-time cognitive data during
usability tests” [39, p. 2], combining it with retrospective probing seems to be “the most
comprehensive and eective way to attain insight into users’ experiences and understand
a system’s usability issues” [39, p. 4].
The retrospective probing section of this study consists of a questionnaire that includes
statements that the subjects are asked to rate on a ve-point Likert scale to measure
attitude by oering “5 categories of response, from (for example) 1 = strongly disagree
to 5 = strongly agree” [40, p. 1217]. The complete questionnaire is provided in section
5.2 Trial
The study’s goal is to assess the usability of OPEN-CUTS version 0.0.11, both for
reporting and analyzing test results. For this, subjects were given a set of tasks. The
rst group (user group) was recruited from ordinary members of the UBports Community.
The ve subjects in this group are active users of Ubuntu Touch who are not involved
in the development of core UBports projects. Subjects from the user group were given
tasks that represent the workow of a volunteer that wants to help test software with
OPEN-CUTS. The second group (developer group) consists of four members of the core
Ubuntu Touch development team. In addition to the tasks given to the user group, the
developer group was presented with tasks that represent a developer’s workow. This
includes triaging test results to locate and identify regressions, moderating test runs, and
conguring systems in OPEN-CUTS.
5.2.1 Environment
The trial was conducted as a video call between the instructor and the subject. In
order to mimic the circumstances of a typical volunteer contributor, the subject was asked
to choose an environment where they can comfortably work without distractions.
The subject is seated at an internet-connected personal computer with the UBports
Installer and a web browser installed. Subject and instructor can talk to each other
and the instructor can see the subject’s screen. The subject also has access to a fully
charged Ubuntu Touch mobile device with the app 8192 installed. All tools installed on
the subject’s computer or mobile device may be used during the trial and the world-wide-
web may be accessed to retrieve any information that might be useful.
Before beginning their tasks, the subject is briefed on the motivation behind OPEN-
CUTS and the concepts described in section 5.1. They are encouraged to speak while
completing their tasks.
5.2.2 Sample data
Each subject is confronted with an identical installation of OPEN-CUTS with the
same data in the database. The database is meant to resemble an OPEN-CUTS cong-
uration as it might be used in the UBports Community. The three systems described in
section 3.1.2 - Ubuntu Touch, UBports Installer, 8192 - are available for testing with their
latest releases fetched from their respective build discovery sources (see section 4.2.5). Ev-
ery system is modeled with the required properties, combination lters, and tests. A set
of runs is already reported to create the environment needed for the tasks described in
section 5.2.3.
A BSON-snapshot2of the database is published under
1Published under and
2Binary JSON is a standard for binary-encoded JSON-like data, see
5.2.3 Tasks
The subjects are given a series of tasks. Think-aloud comments and completion times
are recorded. Both groups must solve tasks 1 through 4, representing challenges users
will typically face when testing software with OPEN-CUTS. They are meant to resemble
the journey of a new unregistered user exploring the system, starting with a simple
anonymous report (task 1) and then going through user registration (task 2). The third
task requires the user to perform a more complex test and provide a logle from their
computer. To complete the fourth task, the user will have to read and interpret the
test coverage results and run multiple small tests. The developer group is given four
additional tasks that cover reading and understanding the accumulated test results (task
5), as well as the OPEN-CUTS moderation (task 6) and administration (tasks 7 and 8)
1. Find a test for Ubuntu Touch, perform the steps on your device, and report the
result to OPEN-CUTS. You do not need to provide a logle.
2. Create an account in OPEN-CUTS and log in.
3. Re-install Ubuntu Touch on your device using the UBports Installer and report the
result in OPEN-CUTS. Provide a logle of your installation.
4. Run all inconclusive tests on the latest release of 8192. You do not need to provide
5. Examine the latest couple builds of the UBports Installer. Can you identify any
regressions? If so, what property combination seems to be causing the problems?
When were the regressions introduced, when were they resolved?
6. Examine the test runs for version 0.7 of 8192. A user seems to have accidentally
submitted an invalid run with misleading comments. Identify and remove that run.
7. Add the Ubuntu Touch OpenMensa app3as a new system. Congure build discov-
ery and at least one test for it.
8. Consider the following scenario: In addition to the Graphical user interface (GUI), a
new optional command-line interface (CLI) that is only available on Linux is added
to the UBports Installer and should be tested using OPEN-CUTS. Add a new
property to record the usage mode and adjust the combination lter to calculate
correct test coverage results.
5.2.4 Questionnaire
After all tasks have been completed, the subject is then confronted with statements
and asked to rate their attitude on a ve-point Likert scale (strongly disagree = 1, disagree
= 2, neutral = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5). Statements 1 through 6 reect on tasks
1 - 4 and are answered by both groups; statements 7 through 11 are only shown to the
developer group. To prevent subjects from answering in a pattern, statements 5, 8, and
10 have been negated.
1. I instantly understood the User Interface (UI).
2. I quickly found the UI elements I was looking for.
3. The software provided helpful hints and explanations when I did not understand
4. I could imagine using the software regularly (i.e., at least once per week) to report
5. The software is not suitable for beginners.
6. This software allows volunteers who do not know how to code to contribute in a
meaningful way.
7. The insights provided by the software could help me in my daily work.
8. The software is oversimplied and cumbersome to use for experienced users.
9. The software can represent the system I develop in all its complexity.
10. I prefer direct user feedback over using formalized user testing.
11. The software makes it easy to identify regressions that only aect edge cases.
5.2.5 Criteria of Success
Every participant should be able to solve the tasks without help from the instructor.
Non-breaking bugs4should be recorded as a think-aloud comment. Breaking bugs are
not expected.
The time it takes to complete each task might be aected by external factors such as
internet speed and other technical issues, so some variance is to be expected. Task three
involves running a more complex test and might take up to fteen minutes depending
on the participant’s internet connection speed. Ten minutes are allotted for task eight
because it involves understanding a scenario and getting acquainted with the OCFL.
Solving the other tasks should require signicantly less time. The developer group should
be able to solve most tasks slightly faster than the user group, as they might be more
familiar with the terminology used.
Low values (disagreement) are desirable for the questionnaire statements 5, 8, and 10;
high values (agreement) for the others.
5.3 Results and Discussion
This section presents the results of the study. It includes the time needed to complete
the various tasks, the results of the questionnaire, as well as think-aloud comments from
the participants.
5.3.1 Task Completion Times
The completion times for every task are presented using box plots in Figure 5.1. Raw
data is available in appendix 7.3.
All participants were able to solve the tasks without help from the instructor. While
the developer group solved all tasks on average a little faster than the user group, the
4A aw in a software program is referred to as a bug. If the user cannot nd a work-around to
accomplish their task another way, it is referred to as a breaking bug.
Figure 5.1: Time it took participants to complete each task. See section 5.2.3 for original
task descriptions.
dierence is never greater than one minute, with task three - using the UBports installer
and providing a logle - showing the most signicant dierence. This task was also the
most time-consuming, with participants taking between 4:38 and 9:00 minutes to solve
it. The second-most time-consuming task, which took participants between 3:02 and
7:12 minutes, was task eight - modifying an OCFL statement. Signicant variance in
duration was also observed in user registration (task two), which took between 0:46 and
4:55 minutes. All other tasks were solved in 4:20 minutes or less.
5.3.2 Questionnaire Results
The questionnaire results for every task are presented using box plots in Figure 5.2.
Raw data is available in appendix 7.3.
Figure 5.2: Questionnaire results. See section 5.2.4 for original statement descriptions.
Participants generally agreed to the rst two statements on the questionnaire, which
address the user-friendliness of the UI. The responses to these statements were slightly
more scattered in the developer group, with one participant expressing a neutral atti-
tude. All participants agreed or strongly agreed that the software provides helpful hints
(statement 3). When asked whether they could imagine using the software regularly to
report tests (statement 4), most participants agreed, with only one member of the de-
veloper group expressing disagreement. Users and developers alike viewed the software
as suitable for beginners (statement 5) and agreed that the software helps in enabling
contributions (statement 6). The developer group generally agreed that the software
could be helpful in their daily work (statement 7) and that the systems they work on can
be represented in all their complexity (statement 9). Most developers viewed the soft-
ware as not oversimplied (statement 8) and stated that it makes identifying regressions
that only aect edge cases easy (statement 11). While some developers preferred direct
user feedback over formalized user testing (statement 10), most did not agree with that
5.3.3 Think-Aloud Comments
The think-aloud method produced several valuable comments. The original comments
are provided verbatim in appendix 7.4.
The comments were mostly positive, with participants commending the intuitive UI
structure and legibility. The wish for an optional dark UI mode and the support for mark-
down5formatting in run comments and test instructions was expressed. One participant
remarked that it is currently impossible to change administrator settings like the number
of required runs per combination from the web interface. While completing task two -
registration - it was lamented that the user needs to copy the conrmation code manu-
ally. Some websites oer a clickable conrmation link, which might save time. Another
participant suggested implementing a single-sign-on service such as Ubuntu SSO6.
A large amount of constructive feedback was given on the reporting workow. A tuto-
rial explaining the core concepts to new users was proposed. It was noted that manually
providing logles is very time-consuming. One participant proposed recording the prop-
erty combination before selecting a build and test to calculate the build coverage for the
selected property combination individually. Similarly, highlighting of the missing prop-
erty combinations was requested. Users expressed discontent that some test instructions
were overspecied and that the reporting workow was not engaging enough. Another
point of criticism was that the reporting view always stores the last selected property
combination. Instead - as the user suggested - the software should store multiple prop-
erty combinations that can be selected quickly. It was also noted that the reporting view
is missing a conrmation button; some users might prefer to select the result rst, then
write a comment and submit the run. One user remarked that the API is sometimes very
slow when loading the reporting view.
The moderation functionality was criticized for being rudimentary, and several addi-
tional features were suggested, such as a moderation queue, comments on runs, and the
option to edit submitted runs. Participants also suggested linking failing tests to exter-
nal issue trackers and implementing logic to prioritize validating failing tests linked to
issues across subsequent builds. The need for additional logic and visualization to make
failing combinations and regressions easier was voiced. Logle handling was lauded for
providing security against leaking sensitive information.
The OCFL was well-received, with one participant calling it “nifty”. Among the minor
additional features requested was the ability to comment OCFL statements, as well as
syntax highlighting and matching brackets visualization in the editor.
The build discovery interface was criticized for providing insucient documentation
and visual cues about potential errors, which left the participants in the dark about
whether they congured their systems correctly. It was suggested to implement a one-
click conguration feature that makes educated guesses on most settings from a link to
one of the build discovery sources to make adding new systems easier. One participant
also suggested allowing individual builds to specify properties and property combinations
that dier from the corresponding system’s properties. The rationale is that Ubuntu
Touch might have dierent devices supported on dierent release channels of the system
image server.
5A simple markup language with a focus on readability, see
No breaking bugs were discovered during the trial. The following non-breaking bugs
were discovered:
Runs with invalid combination options can be submitted, even though they do not
contribute to the coverage.
When using build discovery on the openstore, release dates are incorrect.
• Combination details can not be viewed on systems that only have a single test
5.3.4 Discussion
No breaking bugs were discovered, and all participants were able to solve the tasks
without help from the instructor, which suggests that the software is generally t for
use. The three non-breaking bugs discovered throughout the trial are related to data
handling or UI code and should be easily xed in a subsequent release of OPEN-CUTS.
The tasks were generally solved quickly, with all participants staying well below the time
limits dened for tasks three and eight. As expected, the members of the developer group
were able to solve most tasks slightly faster than their peers from the user group, but the
dierence was never greater than one minute. Thus, the software can be eciently used
by amateurs and professionals alike. This was also reected in the questionnaire answers:
Participants expressed a positive impression of the user-friendliness of the UI (statements
1, 2). A majority of the participants from the developer group stated that the software
is not oversimplied as to be cumbersome to use by experienced users (statement 8), so
the priorities in UI design seem to have resulted in a good equilibrium.
Participants unanimously stated that the software is particularly benecial for en-
abling contributions from users who do not know how to code (statement 6). Interest-
ingly, the user group members were even slightly more likely to state that they would
be willing to use the software regularly for testing (statement 4) and that the software
was suitable for beginners (statement 5). This eect might also partly be because only
the developer group was confronted with the software’s more complex features. However,
the results seem to support the original hypothesis of untapped potential in having in-
experienced members of open source communities contribute to the QA process through
formalized user testing in a human computation setting.
Participants from the developer group generally agreed that the software provides
meaningful insights for their daily work (statement 7) and that it can suciently rep-
resent the complexity of the systems they work on (statement 9). However, a minority
of participants from the developer group expressed a general preference for direct user
feedback over formalized user testing. It is impossible to say whether this is because
those developers have never experienced a practical formalized user testing workow or
because of an actual preference, but it would certainly be possible to keep channels for
direct user feedback open next to a system like OPEN-CUTS, so this should not be an
The think-aloud comments provided helpful feedback to improve the software, which
has been compiled into a list of future development goals for OPEN-CUTS (see appendix
Overall, the trial showed some initial evidence for the untapped potential of facilitating
QA under the OSSD by allowing inexperienced community members to contribute to an
HC platform. The previously implemented prototype of OPEN-CUTS has proven t for
use and was very well received by the user study participants. Inexperienced users can
eciently run formalized user tests and report their results, and developers can draw
useful information from the aggregated data for their daily work. A list of achievable
future development goals has been created based on the insights gained in the user study.
A future long-term study in a real-world open source community could be conducted to
examine the benets of using OPEN-CUTS. Particular attention should be paid to how
this approach performs compared to standard QA practices.
Chapter 6
Conclusion and Outlook
This nal chapter summarizes the contribution of this paper, outlines plans for future
work, and concludes with a summary.
6.1 Contribution
This project set out to identify and address challenges faced by open source communi-
ties when doing quality assurance. A review of existing literature on QA under the OSSD
has been conducted. The hypothesis has been posed that there might be signicant po-
tential for formalized user testing under the OSSD if volunteer community members had
access to a human computation platform to aggregate their results. The introduction of
example use cases for QA in the UBports Community illustrated this hypothesis. This
illustration provided grounds for evaluating two existing software solutions to tap into
this potential.
Based on these insights, the blueprint for a new software solution - OPEN-CUTS,
the open crowdsourced user-testing suite - has been created. The software facilitates
QA in open source communities by having inexperienced community members generate
formalized user testing data.
An early prototype of OPEN-CUTS has been implemented and evaluated in a usability
study. This study’s results support the hypothesis that using HC to facilitate QA under
the OSSD may be benecial. The implemented prototype seems to be equipped to tap
into this potential. A list of future development goals for OPEN-CUTS has been compiled
from user feedback and is provided in appendix 7.2.
6.2 Future Work
In the future, a eld study could be conducted to investigate the impact of using
OPEN-CUTS in an open source community compared to previously used QA practices.
Additionally, a long-term study that examines the adoption of OPEN-CUTS as the pri-
mary QA mechanism in a reasonably sized open source community could provide further
insights into the following questions:
What is the technical background of the users using OPEN-CUTS to run tests?
Have they contributed before?
How does the introduction of OPEN-CUTS impact overall contribution behavior?
In particular, are other low-skilled areas of contribution (e.g., translations, market-
ing, user discussion, bug tracker activity) aected?
What is the contributor retention rate? I.e., how many contributors stay on as
active testers, how many merely occasionally contribute test results, how many
lose interest?
Is the introduction of OPEN-CUTS considered helpful by a) the core development
team, b) the contributing developers, and c) the bug reporters?
6.3 Conclusion
The need for formalized user-testing and the potential for crowdsourcing in open
source communities has been established. A software platform to facilitate this has been
designed, and a prototype has been successfully implemented. Fitness-for-use has been
demonstrated through a rudimentary usability study. Future research and development
will be published on
Chapter 7
7.1 Database Schema
7.1.1 User
name: String: the chosen public username
email: String: the email address used to register
passwordHash: String: a salted hash of the user’s password
confirm: String: contains the conrmation code if the user has not yet conrmed
their email address
token: String: the API token used for authenticating requests
groups: [String]: used for permission management
7.1.2 System
name: String: name of the system
description: String: a brief description
image: String: url1of a preview image
properties: Array used to account for dierent circumstances when testing, eg
devices of Ubuntu Touch or packages and host operating systems for the UBports
name: String: name of the property
description: String: a brief description of the property
link: String: an optional documentation link explaining the property
values: String: possible values of the property that can be specied by the
logLink: String: an optional documentation link explaining how to obtain logs
for this system
combinationFilter: String: an OCFL statement that can be used to lter com-
binations of the property values, see section 4.2.6
buildDiscovery: [String]: a list of arguments used to retrieve builds from dif-
ferent sources
1Uniform Resource Locator, an address on the internet
7.1.3 Build
tag: String: unique build tag or release name
date: Date: release date, used for sorting and discarding of old builds
system: ObjectId: reference to the corresponding system
channel: String: builds can be organized in channels, see section
7.1.4 Test
name: String: name of the test
description: String: brief description
steps: String: detailed step-by-step instructions for testers
weight: String: the importance of the test
system: ObjectId: reference to the corresponding system
7.1.5 Run
date: Date: time and date when the test was run
comment: String: comment left by the user
result: String: PASS if the test was successful, WONKY if it was partially
successful, FAIL if it failed
spam: Boolean: true if the run is spam and should not be considered and published,
false otherwise
flagged: Boolean: true if the run was agged as spam by the system and is
pending moderation, false otherwise
logs: Array: logs are text les that errors and debugging information are written
to automatically during runtime
name: String: lename
content: String: logle
combination: Array: combination of system properties
variable: String: property name
value: String: property value
test: ObjectId: reference to the corresponding test
build: ObjectId: reference to the corresponding build
user: ObjectId: reference to the user that reported the run, if it was not reported
7.2 Future Development Goals
7.2.1 Gamication, Games with a Purpose
The current prototype of OPEN-CUTS does not make use of gamication, even
though it might have considerable potential for keeping users engaged in the reporting
process. Simple game elements, such as achievements, leaderboards, and daily streaks,
could be easily realized in OPEN-CUTS. A karma system has not yet been implemented,
as such a feature requires careful planning and evaluation to prevent users from exploiting
the system and gaining permissions too quickly.
Depending on the systems tested, there might also be a potential to create external
testing applications that employ game elements. For example, to test the gyroscope in an
Ubuntu Touch device, a game could be devised that uses the gyroscope as a control mech-
anism. The game can then report the result using an API call, which could automatically
attach the relevant logles.
7.2.2 Automated Reporting
There is also a potential source for real-world testing data from asking users to submit
feedback while using the software. For example, the UBports Installer could prompt the
user for consent to submit the test run at the click of a button. All the data required
(host operating system, package type, build number, logle) can then be automatically
read and submitted to the API by the Installer without requiring any additional user
action2. This approach will be primarily interesting for such activities that occur rarely
and are only performed once a while by every user. For example, while being prompted
for feedback after using the Installer is a negligible disturbance, a user would not want
to be interrupted multiple times a day during routine activities.
Similarly, OPEN-CUTS could accept generic crash reports that are not associated
with a specic test for any system. Existing automation tools like Apport3could be
adapted to make this possible. Crash runs could be automatically analyzed for similarities
and incorporated into the result presentation.
7.2.3 Improved Combination Logic and Property-rst Report-
The combination logic can be augmented to improve the representation of complex
systems. For instance, it should be possible for a build to dene properties divergent
from the system properties. An example of this is the Ubuntu Touch system image
server, which species every build’s supported devices. The build discovery mechanism
could detect those properties where they are required.
Similarly, it might be useful to permit tests to specify OCFL statements to control
to what combinations they apply. For example, a device without a micro-SD card slot
does not need tests for this functionality. The reporting view would then have to record
the properties before selecting a test. Currently, a user selects a system, build, and test
rst, and then selects the properties as part of the run. To better highlight missing tests
and calculate more precise coverage results, it would make sense to move the property
selection before the build selection. It would then be useful to allow users to specify a list
of property combinations they might regularly use to accommodate the accompanying
increased importance of combination selection.
The combination logic could also serve to better highlight which tests failed when and
for what combination. OPEN-CUTS could produce a list of minimal combinations that
failed or succeeded and display more useful information to make identifying regressions
in edge cases easier.
2A proof-of-concept implementation is available here:
7.2.4 Integration into CI/CD Pipelines and Bug Trackers
Thanks to the OPEN-CUTS API, it is already possible to integrate OPEN-CUTS test
results into parts of the CI/CD pipeline by having the CI system query whether a build
has reached coverage and passed. For example, the Ubuntu Touch release routine could
query the latest devel build’s test results before promoting a new release candidate. A
list of OCFL expressions could specify the exact prerequisites for build promotion.
It is also worth thinking about tracking automated test results in OPEN-CUTS, thus
acting as a test case management system. OPEN-CUTS could trigger external automated
testing software to run tests and incorporate the results into the presentation.
OPEN-CUTS could also integrate with prevalent issue tracking systems, such as
GitHub, GitLab, Launchpad, Bugzilla, and Jira. Failing tests could be linked to bug
reports so that OPEN-CUTS can prioritize validating failing tests linked to issues across
subsequent builds and update those issues if necessary.
7.2.5 Interdependent Tests
When writing detailed tests for a system, there will be cases where it will be useful
to allow one test to depend on another. For example, if an Ubuntu Touch device does
not boot, the other tests are rendered moot. OPEN-CUTS should be able to respond to
such situations adequately. This feature requires meticulous planning to prevent circular
dependencies that might result in unexpected behavior.
7.2.6 Improved Moderation
The moderation workow implemented in the prototype of OPEN-CUTS is very rudi-
mentary. A range of useful governance features would be relatively easy to implement,
such as a moderation queue and the ability to leave discussion comments on runs. Such
comments could also allow users to be tagged and notied via email. With a notication
system in place, it might also be possible to allow moderators to request a test run of a
specic property combination on a specic build of a system to speed up the generation
of useful results.
7.2.7 Version-controlled Conguration
While the web interface makes it easy for admins to modify each system’s congu-
rations, there is no peer-review mechanism, editing history, or commenting. To address
this, OPEN-CUTS could read system congurations directly from Git repositories4. Sys-
tems to be tested with OPEN-CUTS could include a le written in a data serialization
language such as YAML5or JSON into their version control repository. This le is then
modied through the standard contribution workow, which provides a peer-review pro-
cess and a commented edit history and allows contributing developers to propose changes
4This technique is used by some modern continuous integration systems. One example of this in prac-
tice is the Jenkins continuous integration system, which can be congured by including a conguration
le called Jenkinsfile in the repository’s root directory:
(rather than just authorized admins). OPEN-CUTS could poll this conguration le as
part of the housekeeping pipeline to detect any changes.
7.2.8 Modularize internal Libraries
Some of the internal libraries used could be exported to standalone npm packages. One
example of this is the mongoose-data-source library (see section 4.2.3), which provides
functionality that could be useful to a range of other NodeJS-based software projects
using Mongoose with a GraphQL API. The OCFL functionality (see section 4.2.6) could
also be modularized to allow using the same code in the web interface and the API server.
7.3 Raw Data
7.3.1 Task Completion Times
id group task 1 task 2 task 3 task 4 task 5 task 6 task 7 task 8
1 “usr” 1:50 1:16 6:35 1:09
2 “usr” 1:48 1:39 7:20 1:40
3 “usr” 3:01 3:40 8:20 2:05
4 “usr” 3:30 4:55 9:00 2:40
5 “usr” 2:48 1:38 6:45 2:23
6 “dev” 1:20 0:46 6:05 0:39 1:43 0:51 2:27 3:02
7 “dev” 2:40 1:49 7:20 0:55 2:05 1:42 3:33 6:15
8 “dev” 3:35 4:20 8:23 2:30 2:00 2:59 4:20 7:12
9 “dev” 2:28 2:43 4:38 1:40 0:49 2:33 4:15 5:28
mean “usr” 2:35 2:37 7:36 1:59
mean “dev” 2:30 2:24 6:36 1:26 1:39 2:01 3:38 5:29
7.3.2 Questionnaire Answers
id group s 1 s 2 s 3 s 4 s 5 s 6 s 7 s 8 s 9 s 10 s 11
1 “usr” 5 5 5 5 2 5
2 “usr” 4 5 5 4 1 5
3 “usr” 4 4 5 3 1 4
4 “usr” 5 5 5 5 2 5
5 “usr” 4 5 5 5 1 5
6 “dev” 5 4 5 3 1 5 5 2 4 1 4
7 “dev” 3 3 4 2 3 5 3 4 5 2 3
8 “dev” 5 4 5 5 2 5 4 1 4 4 2
9 “dev” 4 5 5 4 1 5 5 2 3 1 4
mean “usr” 4.4 4.8 5 4.4 1.4 4.8
mean “dev” 4.25 4 4.75 3.5 1.75 5 4.25 2.25 4 2 3.25
7.4 Think-Aloud Comments
7.4.1 General
The text is nice and big, which makes it easy to read.
Is there a dark mode for the UI?
It’d be good to be able to change some administrator settings. Like the number of
required runs, for example.
Markdown or some other formatting would be cool. Like in the run comments, test
instructions and so on.
Maybe the registration email could just have a conrmation link?
Kinda annoying that i have to put email here, why no Ubuntu SSO [Single-Sign-On
(SSO) services facilitate login and user registration using third-party authentication
7.4.2 Reporting
Understanding the test results takes a second when you’re rst doing it, but after
that it’s much easier. Maybe there could be a tutorial popup?
Looking for logles takes a lot of time.
I feel like some tests are a little too specic. You have to read a lot of text for these
tiny tasks.
This might be something someone would use from time to time for short sessions,
but for longer use it’s… It’s kind of boring? It’s just not engaging enough.
The test coverage would be more helpful if it were calculated based on the selected
property combination. Maybe the properties should be selected before the build and
test? Or there should be some easier way to see which combinations are missing.
It’d be good to have a conrmation button for the test results. I just clicked the
PASS button, but I still wanted to edit my comment.
If someone has a set of combinations they want to test regularly, it’d be cool to be
able to select them with one click. Right now it only saves the last one, which is
already helpful, but you’ll still have to look sometimes.
It’s cool that you quickly run another test on the same build, you can get into a
nice rhythm like that. It could be a little more uent, but it’s a good start!
Sometimes the loading circle takes a couple seconds, that’s annoying.
7.4.3 Moderation
I feel like the moderation stu could be expanded a little, maybe this is just because
this is only a prototype, but there could be more here in general.
Ah, that’s nice, so my logs aren’t completely public. So I don’t have to worry about
leaking sensitive info as much.
Linking to GitHub or GitLab issues would be nice. Look at Ubuntu Touch with it’s
devel builds. It often happens when a new issue is introduced, that it stays open
for at least a couple days, so the software could have a tester check if the issue is
still there and then after the rst result just assume that nothing has changed.
Why can’t you click on the combinations? [A bug was discovered here that combi-
nation details do not open if there is only one test, such as the UBports Installer
in the samle data.]
Maybe the software could depict it [regressions in combination axes] a little better,
highlight the failing combinations, and so on.
Maybe it could also be an option to allow editing the runs later?
If there’s a lot of runs, identifying invalid or conicting results might take a lot of
time. Maybe there should be a view where you can see more of the runs and triage
them in batches. Like, you don’t know if a run is invalid without seeing other runs
for the same combination.
I’d like to be able to comment here, instead of just deleting it.
7.4.4 OCFL
The combination ltering language is nifty!
I guess you’ll only have to touch this once in most cases, right? Maybe there should
be an option to comment it? Complex statements might be more maintainable
that way… Like, the installer statement after the assignment, that’s already pretty
complex if you have to look at it without any prior knowledge.
I like that you can format it [the OCFL code], but syntax highlighting and auto-
complete is missing.
Matching-Bracket-Highlighting would be poggers [sic!].
7.4.5 Build Discovery
• One-click congurations would be amazing, like importing apps from the build
discovery sources directly.
Editing the build discovery should immediately fetch the new builds, so I can start
testing right away.
There should be some feedback about errors [when specifying build discovery set-
tings]. How do I know if I have any typos?
The variations should also come from build discovery. Like in Ubuntu Touch, you
can have dierent devices on dierent channels.
I’d prefer some more documentation or a better description here [in the build dis-
covery settings]. I had to cheat o of 8192 to nd out what to put as an option.
7.4.6 Bugs
The release dates for the openstore are incorrect.
This is weird, I can specify property combinations here that are invalid. It doesn’t
seem to count it to the coverage, but the report is still accepted.
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Full-text available
Installing alternative mobile operating systems on third-party hardware is often too difficult for inexperienced users. This paper outlines a brief idea how the UBports Installer could be adapted to solve this problem for all mobile operating systems in a collaborative manner. Published in The Journal of Brief Ideas.
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A deep dive into the past, present, and future of Ubuntu Touch: Ubuntu Touch is the mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system. The project was started by Canonical in 2015 and saw great interest in the community from the beginning. In 2017, as part of Canonical's corporate restructuring, ownership of the operating system was transferred to the UBports Community, a volunteer-led group of developers who had previously worked on bringing Ubuntu Touch to third-party Android devices.
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A closer look at what the UBports Community has been up to in the first year as the maintainer of the Ubuntu Touch operating system.
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Shitstorms, Hate Speech oder virale Videos, die zum Klicken, Liken, Teilen bewegen: Die vernetzte Gesellschaft ist von Affekten getrieben und bringt selbst ganz neue Affekte hervor. Die Beiträge des Bandes nehmen die medientechnologischen Entwicklungen unserer Zeit in den Blick und untersuchen sie aus der Perspektive einer kritischen Affekt- und Sozialphilosophie. Sie zeigen: Soziale Medien und digitale Plattformen sind nicht nur Räume des Austauschs, sie erschaffen Affektökonomien - und darin liegt auch ihre Macht. Indem sie neue Formen des sozialen Umgangs stiften und bestimmen, wie wir kommunizieren, verschieben sie auch die politische Topographie. Mit einem Beitrag von Antonio Negri.
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Today, artificial intelligence (AI), especially machine learning, is structurally dependent on human participation. Technologies such as deep learning (DL) leverage networked media infrastructures and human-machine interaction designs to harness users to provide training and verification data. The emergence of DL is therefore based on a fundamental socio-technological transformation of the relationship between humans and machines. Rather than simulating human intelligence, DL-based AIs capture human cognitive abilities, so they are hybrid human-machine apparatuses. From a perspective of media philosophy and social-theoretical critique, I differentiate five types of “media technologies of capture” in AI apparatuses and analyze them as forms of power relations between humans and machines. Finally, I argue that the current hype about AI implies a relational and distributed understanding of (human/artificial) intelligence, which I categorize under the term “cybernetic AI.” This form of AI manifests in socio-technological apparatuses that involve new modes of subjectivation, social control, and digital labor.
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The theoretical and practical aspects of the fundamental, ultimate, physical limits to scaling, or Moore-s law, is presented.
Conference Paper
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Open source software (OSS) is a software product with the source code made public so that anyone can read, analyze, and change or improve the code. The use of this software is under a license, like Apache, GNU, MIT, Mozilla Public, and Eclipse Public License. Open source software development (OSSD) provides high quality assurance through user testing and peer reviews. The quality of these products depends on the size of the product community. This paper discusses the stakeholders of the OSS community, the quality assurance frameworks and models proposed in some studies, some statistics about OSS, the problems that affect the quality of OSSD, and the advantages and disadvantages of OSS compared to closed source software. This allows us to understand how we can achieve and improve the quality assurance and quality control of OSSD.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS was released in April 2014 and was a milestone for the Ubuntu community. It came in the middle of dedicated work for extending Ubuntu to phones and tablets. Since then, Ubuntu has continued to innovate and evolve on the path toward Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The first retail phones were based on Ubuntu 14.10 and then Ubuntu 15.04, and the infrastructure created for the phones has also laid the way for Snappy Ubuntu Core, which is a small, reliable platform that can be built upon, in power, the Internet of Things—small network devices such as network routers, home automation systems, Internet appliances and more—while still allowing the base system to receive security updates independently of the features that are built on top. Soon this technology will be used to power Ubuntu phones and tablets, and eventually even Ubuntu desktops for end users who will benefit from more reliable updates and fresher desktop software on each Ubuntu release.
Conference Paper
In this paper we will try to present a comparative study of non-relational databases and relational databases. We mainly focus our presentation on one implementation of the NoSQL database technology, namely MongoDB, and make a comparison with another implementation of relational databases, namely MySQL, and thus justifying why MongoDB is more efficient than MySQL. We will also present the advantages of using a non-relational database compared to a relational database, integrated in a forum in the field of personal and professional development. The NoSQL database used to develop the forum is MongoDB, and was chosen from a variety of non-relational databases, thanks to some aspects that we will highlight in this article. The database integration in the framework will also be presented.