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An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok

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Abstract and Figures

TikTok currently is the fastest growing social media platform with over 1 billion active monthly users of which the majority is from generation Z. Arguably, its most important success driver is its recommendation system. Despite the importance of TikTok's algorithm to the platform's success and content distribution, little work has been done on the empirical analysis of the algorithm. Our work lays the foundation to fill this research gap. Using a sock-puppet audit methodology with a custom algorithm developed by us, we tested and analysed the effect of the language and location used to access TikTok, follow- and like-feature, as well as how the recommended content changes as a user watches certain posts longer than others. We provide evidence that all the tested factors influence the content recommended to TikTok users. Further, we identified that the follow-feature has the strongest influence, followed by the like-feature and video view rate. We also discuss the implications of our findings in the context of the formation of filter bubbles on TikTok and the proliferation of problematic content.
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An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok
Maximilian Boeker
University of Zurich
Technical University of Munich
Aleksandra Urman
University of Zurich
TikTok currently is the fastest growing social media platform with
over 1 billion active monthly users of which the majority is from
generation Z. Arguably, its most important success driver is its
recommendation system. Despite the importance of TikTok’s algo-
rithm to the platform’s success and content distribution, little work
has been done on the empirical analysis of the algorithm. Our work
lays the foundation to ll this research gap. Using a sock-puppet
audit methodology with a custom algorithm developed by us, we
tested and analysed the eect of the language and location used to
access TikTok, follow- and like-feature, as well as how the recom-
mended content changes as a user watches certain posts longer than
others. We provide evidence that all the tested factors inuence
the content recommended to TikTok users. Further, we identied
that the follow-feature has the strongest inuence, followed by the
like-feature and video view rate. We also discuss the implications
of our ndings in the context of the formation of lter bubbles on
TikTok and the proliferation of problematic content.
Information systems Personalization
Collaborative l-
tering;World Wide Web.
TikTok, algorithm audit, recommender systems, personalization,
social media
In September 2016, ByteDance, a Chinese IT company, has launched
a short video-sharing platform Douyin. While Douyin is only avail-
able in Mainland China, a similar application, called TikTok, was
rolled out by ByteDance a year later in other countries [
]. TikTok
users can upload short videos with a variety of settings and lters,
search for videos based on hashtags, content or featured background
sounds, or explore the videos on their "For You" page - a feed of
videos recommended to users based on their activity. As of Septem-
ber 2021 TikTok welcomed 1 billion active users every month and
was the most downloaded application of 2020 [
] with
more than 1 billion video views recorded daily in the same year
]. On average, people use TikTok’s mobile application for 52
minutes and open it from 38 to 55 times a day [
]. TikTok thus
has by now become a major competitor for other social media and
video platforms such as Instagram and YouTube, prompting them
to attempt emulating TikTok’s success by implementing similar
features (e.g., Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts - short videos
with recommender system-based distribution).
TikTok is dierent from other major social media platforms such
as Facebook or Instagram in one key aspect: its content distribution
approach is purely algorithmic-driven, unlike other social media
platforms where relationships between users play an important
role in content distribution [
]. Tiktok’s success is largely
attributed to its recommendation algorithm behind the selection
of videos on the "For You" page [
]. The proliferation of folk
theories about the innerworkings of TikTok’s algorithm among its
], and the appearance of several media articles and blog
posts attempting to describe how the algorithm works (e.g., [
highlight public attention to TikTok’s recommendation system (RS).
In part, this is driven by the curiosity of users and the public and
by the willingness of content creators to gure out how to achieve
popularity on TikTok. Beyond that, interest in TikTok’s algorithm
is warranted by societal concerns such as the formation of lter
bubbles and facilitation of addiction to the platform, especially
among younger people as the majority of TikTok’s users is between
10 and 29 years old [10, 26].
Despite TikTok’s rapid growth in popularity and, consequently,
its potentially high impact in political, social and cultural realms,
both in part facilitated by its RS, the exact innerworkings of Tik-
Tok’s RS remain a "black box" [
]. Several studies have high-
lighted the importance of examining this algorithm [
] through
algorithm auditing - the investigation of functionality and impact
of an algorithm [
]. While some research contributes to this goal
] and there are several media articles discussing the al-
gorithm [
], many gaps remain. This is especially the case
with user-centric examination of TikTok’s RS - i.e., the examination
of how user actions aect recommendations of the algorithm. The
only analysis going in this direction has been published by the
Wall Street Journal [
], and despite yielding interesting results it
was limited in scope and not strictly scientic. We aim to address
the existing research gap with a user-centric audit of TikTok’s
We make two main contributions. First, we develop and describe
a methodology for conducting user-centric algorithm auditing of
TikTok’s RS. Second, we examine the way in which dierent user
actions inuence TikTok’s recommendations within users’ "For
You" feeds, and discuss the implications of our ndings. Of course,
there is a great variety of dierent user actions and characteristics
that can inuence the highly complex RS. In our analysis we focus
on a number of those we see as most explicit: user location; user
language settings; liking actions; following actions; video watching
actions. Our analysis is thus not exhaustive and is rather a rst
step towards examining TikTok’s RS. Additionally, the platform
periodically introduces changes to the algorithm, thus any ndings
we have may be only accurate for a small time window. However,
arXiv:2201.12271v1 [cs.HC] 28 Jan 2022
Boeker & Urman
our methodology can be applied at dierent periods in time to
trace the changes in the RS, and is applicable for the examination
of platforms with features similar to TikTok’s "For You" feed (e.g.,
YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels).
2.1 Auditing Recommendation Systems
Due to the widespread application of recommendation algorithms,
RS can have a serious impact on how humans receive information
and ultimately perceive the world [
]. At the same time, "even
those who train these systems cannot oer detailed or complete
explanations about them or the neural networks they utilized"
]. We therefore need scientic audits that shed light into the
functionality of RS [
]. As highlighted in a recent systematic
literature review of algorithm audits [
], such studies can uncover
problematic behaviors of RS and personalization algorithms such as
the perpetuation of various biases [
], construction of lter bubbles
], personalization and randomization eects that can lead to
users’ unequal access to critical information [
], and price
steering[19] 1.
There are dierent methodological approaches to algorithm au-
diting. According to [
], these are: (1) code audits, (2) noninvasive
user audits, (3) scraping audits, (4) sock-puppet audits, and (5) col-
laborative audits. Our study falls into the fourth category as we
mimic user behaviour via programmatic means, thus conducting
what Sandvig et al. [
] refer to as a "classic" audit and following in
the footsteps of other studies that examined how user characteris-
tics and actions aect information distribution on online platforms
2.2 TikTok-focused research
So far research on TikTok has been conducted along two main
lines: with the focus on TikTok users and their behavior, and with
the focus on TikTok as a platform, including some analysis of its
algorithm. The research that falls into the rst category has, for
example, examined the relationships between grandchildren and
grandparents on TikTok in relation to COVID-19 [
], analyzed
political communication on TikTok [
] and the ways news
organizations adapt their narratives to TikTok format [
]. In the
context of our study, however, the work that focuses on TikTok as
a platform with an emphasis on its RS is more relevant.
One study has examined TikTok users’ assumptions about the
recommendation algorithm [
] and found "that it is quite common
for TikTok users to evaluate app activity in order to estimate the
behavior of the algorithm" as well as that content creators attribute
the popularity (or lack of it) of their videos to TikTok’s RS, and
not to the video content. This study identied three main user as-
sumptions about what inuences the recommendation algorithm
of TikTok on the content supply side: video engagement, posting
time, and adding and piling up hashtags [
] and then, through
an empirical analysis, conrmed that video engagement and post-
ing time lead to a higher chance of the algorithm recommending
a video. A few studies also described certain technical aspects of
TikTok’s algorithm. For instance, it has been outlined that once a
1For a detailed literature review of algorithm audits see [7].
new video is uploaded to TikTok, the system assigns descriptive
tags to it based on computer vision analyses, mentioned hashtags,
the post description, sound and embedded texts [
]. After-
wards, RS maps the tags to the user groups that match these tags,
so that the recommendation algorithm can evaluate the next video
to recommend from a reduced pool of videos [
]. Similarly, Zhao
] concluded that ByteDance systematically categorizes a large
number of content to better t the user interests. Together with this
method, ByteDance utilizes user’s interest, identity, and behavior
characteristics to describe a user and assign categories, creators,
and specic labels to them [
]. Further, Zhao states that TikTok
solves the matching problem of an RS in two steps. Namely, through
recommendation recalling which retrieves a candidate list of items
that meet user preferences and recommendation ranking which
ranks the candidate list based on user preferences, item character-
istics, and context [
]. Similar to Catherine Wang’s theory about
the TikTok recommendation algorithm [
], Zhao hypothesizes
that TikTok uses the method of partitioned data buckets to launch
new content [
]. In order to properly distribute a video, TikTok as-
signs newly uploaded videos to a small relatively responsive group
of users (small bucket). Once the video received reasonable feed-
back measured by likes, views, shares, and comments surpassing
a certain threshold it will be distributed to next level bucket with
dierent users (medium bucket). This process will be repeated until
a video no longer passes the threshold or lands in the "master"
bucket to be distributed to the entire TikTok user community [
In contrast to the studies above that focus on the technical as-
pects of TikTok’s RS innerworkings or on the possible factors that
can increase the likelihood that a video will be recommended to a
large pool of users, we examine the way users’
actions and charac-
teristics aect the distribution of content on their "For You" feeds.
Hence our analysis is centered on the content demand side rather
than supply side. While the latter has been examined by the studies
mentioned above, the demand side has so far been a subject of only
few journalistic [27] but not scientic investigations.
We examine a variety of user actions and characteristics that
may inuence the recommendation algorithm, as noted in the Intro-
duction. Based on the background information provided by TikTok
itself regarding its RS [
] as well as on personalization-related
research in general (e.g., [
]), we outline several hypotheses
regarding the inuence of surveyed personalization factors (user
language, locations, liking action, following action, video view rate)
on the users’ feeds. These can be summarized as follows:
If one user in a pair of identical users interacts with its "For
You" feed in a certain way while its twin user only scrolls
through its feed, the feeds of both users will diverge.
Such divergence of the two users’ feeds will increase over-
Certain personalization factors have a greater impact on the
recommendation system of TikTok than others.
As a user interacts with specic posts in a certain way (e.g.,
likes them or watches them longer), that user will be served
more posts that are similar to the ones it interacted with.
As one of the two users interacts with its feed in a certain
way, the engagement rate of the posts recommended to that
2By users here and below we mean TikTok content consumers, not content creators.
An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok
user will decrease, i.e. the number of views, likes, shares,
comments of recommended posts will become smaller as the
user will be served more "niche" content tailored to the user’s
inferred interests rather than generally popular content.
Language and Location specic: Depending on the location
and language a user uses to access TikTok, the user will be
served dierent content.
In this section we outline the general setup of the sock-puppet
auditing experiments we conducted to assess the inuence of dif-
ferent personalization factors on TikTok that was applicable to all
experimental setups, regardless of the specic factors analyzed. Dis-
tinct factor-specic characteristics of the experimental setups are
mentioned in the next section separately for each personalization
factor-related experimental group. Same applies to the description
of the analytical strategy.
3.1 Data Collection
In order to empirically test the inuence of dierent factors on
the recommendation algorithm of TikTok, we needed to create
a fully controlled environment so we can isolate all the external
personalization factors except the one we are testing in any given
experimental setup [
]. Virtual agent-based auditing (or "sock-
puppet" auditing [
]) is an appropriate methodology for creating
such an environment while mimicking realistic user behaviour to
assess the eects of dierent personalization factors [
]. Thus,
we created a custom web-based bot (virtual agent with scripted
actions) that is able to log in to TikTok, scroll through the posts of
its "For You" feed and interact with them, e.g. like a post. Similar
to Hussein and Juneja [
], our program ran the ChromeDriver
in incognito mode to establish a clean environment by removing
any noise resulting from tracked cookies or browsing history that
may originate from the machine on which the bot program was
executed. The source code can be accessed on GitHub 3.
The scripted actions of the bot were executed as follows: rst
the program initialized a Selenium Chrome Driver session
browser language set to English per default (depending on the test
scenario, we adjusted the language; see details in Table 1), navigated
to the TikTok website (, logged in as a
specic user (login verication step was completed manually; we
describe how user accounts were created below), and handled a set
of banners to assure an error-free interaction with the user’s "For
You" feed; then it scrolled through a pre-specied number of posts
and executed actions such as following or liking (as scripted for a
specic experiment and "run" (execution round) of the program);
while scrolling through the "For You" feed, the bot retrieved the
posts’ metadata from the website’s source code and extracted more
data from the request responses. In the testing rounds ahead of the
deployment of the bots we established that every time TikTok’s
website was accessed it automatically preloaded about 30 posts
to be displayed on the "For You" feed. Hereafter we refer to such
groups of 30 posts as batches. As soon as the pre-specied number
In order to obscure the automated interaction of our bot program we followed the
suggestions of Louis Klimek’s article [29].
of batches
was scrolled through, the bot paused the last video
and terminated the ChromeDriver session once all requested data
was temporally stored to avoid unintentional interaction with the
TikTok’s feed. Afterwards all the data was stored in a PostgreSQL
database hosted on Heroku. During our experiment we operated
ve local machines, four ran Windows 10 Pro and one macOS; as
two users that were compared with each other (see below) always
ran from the same local machine, the between-machine dierences
had no potential eect on our results. All machines were connected
to the remote database.
For each run of the bot, we scripted a set of specications which
dened the characteristics of each run, e.g. web-browser language,
test user, number of batches to scroll through etc. According to Yi,
Raghavan, and Leggetter [
], web services can identify a user’s
location through their IP address. We therefore have assigned a
dedicated proxy with a specic IP address to every test user due
to three reasons: (1) every test shall be performed at a certain
location, (2) to obscure the automated interaction, and (3) to link a
specic IP address to a specic test user. We utilized proxies from
and acquired phone numbers from Twilio
to setup
user accounts. We utilized user phone numbers instead of email-
addresses as those would require a completion step on the mobile
application. Similarly to [
], every test user was manually
created using its dedicated proxy and incognito mode to reduce
the inuence of any external factors. Every machine executed one
program run at a time which consisted of two bot programs being
executed in parallel.
As noted in the Introduction, we aimed to establish the inuence
of several user actions and characteristics on TikTok’s RS and thus
the personalization on the platform’s "For You" feed. We focus
on the inuence of the most explicit actions and characteristics
(tested factors): following a content creator, liking a post, watching
a post longer, and the language and location settings. To assess their
inuence on TikTok’s RS, we conducted several experiments using
the bot program as outlined above. We describe the experiments
related to each of the tested factors below.
3.2 Experiment Overview
We created one experimental group with dierent experimental
scenarios for every tested factor. For every scenario we have per-
formed about 20 dierent runs which mainly consisted of two users
(bots) executing scripted actions on one local machine in parallel.
One of the two was the active and the other the control user. The
active user performed a certain action, e.g. liking a post, while the
control user only scrolled through the same number of batches as
its twin user, looking at each post the same amount of seconds. We
thus followed an approach similar to Hannak et al. [
] and Feuz,
Fuller, and Stalder [
] by creating a second (control) user, that is
identical to the active user except one specic characteristic/action
- one of the tested personalization factors, - in order to measure the
dierence of the users’ feeds by comparing the meta-data of the
posts that both saw. If the posts on the feeds vary and do so more
than we would expect due to inherent random noise (see [
]), the
53 by default for all experiments, though for some 5 batches were collected, as noted
below and in Table 1.
Boeker & Urman
dierence can be attributed to the personalization of the recommen-
dation algorithm of TikTok triggered by the tested factor. Every test
scenario was executed twice a day, although the execution order
varied, until all 20 test runs were completed.
3.3 Data Analysis
In order to analyse the results of our experiment we used four
dierent analysis approaches.
First, we analyzed the dierence between the feeds of two users
by utilizing the Jaccard Index to measure the overlaps between
posts, hashtags, content creators, and sounds between that each
of the users encountered on their feed. Similar to previous work
on measuring personalization online [
], this approach allows
us to identify to which degree the user feeds dier with respect
to dierent metrics and attribute their variation to the inuential
factor being tested. Additionally, we compute the change trend in
the discrepancies by tting the obtained data to a linear polynomial
Second, we analyze the number of likes, views, comments, and
shares of a post. As noted by [
], one can evaluate a post’s popular-
ity on TikTok based on these metrics. We therefore examine these
attributes to evaluate the popularity of individual TikTok posts rec-
ommended to the bot users, and also trace how average popularity
of posts recommended to a user changes overtime (i.e., we expect
that with time due to personalization the posts recommended to
a user should become more tailored to their interests thus more
"niche" and less popular on the platform as a whole).
Third, TikTok itself [
] as well as [
] mention the impor-
tance of hashtags to the platform implying that content classica-
tion and distribution is heavily based on hashtags. We analyzed the
reappearance hashtags as well as sounds and content creators on a
given user’s "For You" feed overtime to investigate whether TikTok
picked up that user’s interests as proxied by these post properties.
Additionally, we cleaned the data before the analysis by removing
overly common hashtags, e.g. "#fyp" (shortcut of the "For You" page)
as those mentioned too frequently would obscure the real similarity
- or absence of it - between dierent posts.
Fourth, we analyzed the similarity of two posts by analyzing the
semantics of those posts’ hashtags using a Skip-Gram model [35].
3.4 Ethical considerations
TikTok’s Terms of Service (ToS) explicitly prohibit content scraping
for commercial purposes [
]. As our audit is done for academic pur-
poses only, without any commercial applications, we do not violate
TikTok’s ToS. Our bots have interacted with the platform as well as
with the content creators (e.g., by liking/following them). However,
as we used only few agents, we did not cause any disruption to
the service and had only marginal, non-intrusive and completely
harmless interactions with the content creators. Our research quali-
ed as exempt from the ethical review of the University of Zurich’s
OEC Human Subjects Committee according to the ocial checklist.
All experiments were conducted between late June 2021 and mid-
August 2021. In total, there were 39 successfully completed
imental scenarios during which we collected the data on 30’436
dierent posts, 34’905 distinct hashtags, 21’278 dierent content
creators, and 20’302 distinct sounds. In the sections to come we
elaborate on the most signicant ndings for brevity reasons. We
list all relevant details including the ID of each experimental sce-
nario and corresponding bot users IDs in Supplementary Material
in Table 1.
4.1 Controlling Against Noise
As introduced in section 2.1, when auditing algorithms one needs
to identify potential sources of noise to assure any dierences
observed between users in experimental scenarios are due to per-
sonalization, and not inherent "noise" or randomization. In this
section, we elaborate on the potential sources of noise and how we
addressed them.
Accessing TikTok from dierent locations may result in dierent
content being recommended. We control for this personalization by
assigning dedicated IP addresses located within the same country
and obtained from the same proxy provider for every pair of test
users. As the device settings can be another inuence to TikTok’s
RS, every machine uses the same ChromeDriver version and a proxy
dedicated to a specic user to access TikTok.
TikTok points out that their "[...] recommendation system works
to intersperse diverse types of content along with those you already
know you love". They specically state that they will "interrupt
repetitive patterns" to address the problem of the lter bubble [
We need to control for this type of noise - the dierence between
two feeds that is triggered by the aforementioned design choices
and inherent randomization and not the tested factor. In order to
account for it and other potential sources of noise in the analysis,
we created 11 experimental control scenarios, where none of the
two users interacts with its feed in any way in order to measure
the "default" levels of two users’ "For You" feed divergence. To
increase the robustness of our observations, we slightly varied
the conditions of the control scenarios: some of our test scenarios
collected ve instead of three batches, or collected data from the
rst few posts of a feed while others did not. Our results reveal
that there is no clear correlation between the level of users’ feed
divergence and collecting and not collecting the rst few posts
or collecting three vs ve batches of posts. Thus, we treat these
dierent settings as equivalent. Nonetheless, when accounting for
noise in the analysis of experimental results for dierent tested
factors (see below), we compared the observations for each tested
factor scenario only with the observations of a control scenario fully
corresponding to it (e.g., in terms of the number of batches of data
collected). Using the data collected from the control scenarios, we
computed a "noise value" (the level of divergence of two users’ feeds
when the users are identical and do not interact with their feeds
in any specic way) for the number of dierent posts, hashtags,
Beyond those 39 there were several runs we excluded from the analysis due to
technical issues-related errors in the execution that could aect the results (e.g., when
a bot got "stuck" on one post "watching" it for a long time which could aect the
behaviour of the RS in undesirable ways). Such failed runs are listed together with
successful runs in the overview Table 1 for reference but their IDs are marked in red.
An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok
content creators, and sounds by averaging over dierences across all
test runs and scenarios. The percentage of dierent posts, content
creators, hashtags, and sounds was 66.17%, 66.05%, 58.62%, and
64.47% for all scenarios collecting ve batches. For scenarios that
collected three batches these percentages corresponded to 69.74%,
68.15%, 59.63%, and 68.05%.
For brevity reasons here we present detailed results from only
one of the 11 control scenarios (scenario ID 7), it however is similar
to other control scenarios. Figure 1 shows strong uctuations of
the dierence between the users’ feeds, the most dominant being
between test runs ID 2302 and 2534. We identied such drops in
all test scenarios and gured that they regularly occur around the
end of a week or weekend. Since TikTok continuously improves
their recommendation algorithm [
], we believe that these drops
must be related to software releases. We therefore accounted for
these (presumed) software updates by averaging the values right
before and after the drops to lift the graph as shown in gure 2. In
gure 7 we observe that there are huge uctuations in the levels of
popularity (as proxied by likes and views) and engagement (proxied
by shares and comments) of posts recommended by the RS. TikTok’s
algorithm seems to prioritize popular posts in the beginning, which
is likely done to provoke a user feedback and thus overcome the
cold-start problem. We averaged over the slopes of the trend lines of
every dierence analysis approach in order to compare the control
and test scenarios. The corresponding values are provided in the
Supplementary Material B. Hypothetically, if a tested factor indeed
inuences the recommendation algorithm, then the resulting feed
should show stronger dierences in its content than the ones of
our control scenarios.
4.2 Language and Location
Setup. In order to show the inuence of a language of the TikTok
website and location from which the user accesses the service we
created four dierent experimental scenarios (see Table 1 for the
specications). For each of those the bot only collected data, no test
user performed any action on its feed. However, bot users in each
pair were either running from dierent locations (manipulated via
proxies) or had dierent language settings (set up via their TikTok
proles). Comparing the number of overlapping posts between user
pairs that belonged to the same scenario we were able to identify
the impact of a language and location. Scenario 12 and 13 contained
two test user pairs each, one accessing TikTok from the US and
the other from Canada, both in English. Unfortunately, however
scenario 13 was excluded due to faulty bot behavior as noted in
Table 1. Scenario 14 again consisted of two user pairs, one located
in the US using English, the other in Germany with language set
to German. For one user of each pair we switched the locations
to Germany and the US back and forth to test if the RS "reacts" to
the changes in the location immediately. In scenario 15 we focused
on the inuence of the language settings only. The experiment
included four test user pairs. All accessed TikTok from the US, but
each pair with one of the four languages: English, German, Spanish,
and French. We decided to execute this experiment in the US as its
population is reasonably large and according to Ryan [
] apart
from English, Spanish, German, French belong to the four major
languages spoken in that country.
Results. The heat maps in Figures 3, 4, and 5 visualize the av-
eraged overlapping posts of each user of each corresponding test
scenario across all test runs. Note that the negative values result
from accounting for the overlapping noise of 35.38%. All three
charts 3, 4, and 5 show that dierent locations have a strong impact
on the posts shown by TikTok. For example, on the heat map in
Fig. 3 both users 97_US_en and 98_US_en have a higher average of
overlapping posts than the users 97_US_en and 99_CA_en. Figure
4 shows the same phenomenon even though the users switch their
location in the meantime. This also implies that language does not
inuence the RS as strong as the location does. The heat map in
Fig. 5 indicates that accessing TikTok using the same language set-
ting does not always result in the highest overlap (e.g. comparing
all users with 109_US_de). We learn that a user accessing TikTok
from the US is likely to see more content in English than any other
language regardless of the language settings, which makes sense as
English is the country’s ocial and most dominant language. This
is the case for all examined languages except French - the feeds
of users with French set as default language are more similar to
each other than to users with other language settings. It seems as if
TikTok interprets French to be more dierent to English, Spanish,
and German than those three languages to each other.
4.3 Like-Feature
Setup. As one of TikTok’s inuential factors, the like-feature could
be interpreted as a proxy to understand user preferences, similar
to a user rating [
]. We created 11 dierent test scenarios
incorporating dierent approaches of selecting the posts to like:
randomly, based on user personas dened by set of hashtags
, and
those that matched specic content creators or sounds. With regards
to the persona-based selection, we followed the approach of [
] to
articially create user interests based on a set of values, in our case
using hashtags as a proxy to determine whether a video matches
these pre-specied interests of a user or not. If at least one hashtag
of the currently displayed post would matched the pre-dened set
of hashtags corresponding to user interests, the user would like
the post. The above referenced Table 1 species which scenario
followed what kind of post-picking-approach.
Results. Overall, our analysis reveals that dierences of feeds for
scenarios that collected only three batches increase stronger than
for the control scenarios. This, however, does not occur for scenarios
that collected ve batches, potentially indicating that the RS adapts
the feed of a user trying to "infer" their interests even in the absence
of any user actions, and this eect gets stronger the longer a user
remains idle. Still, overall across all like scenarios (regardless of how
the liking actions were specied), the users’ feeds diverged stronger
than in the control scenarios (as depicted in Table 2). That being
said, the feeds in the scenarios for which active users were dened
by only very few common hashtags did not diverge very much. We
propose to run additional tests in future work with more specic,
niche hashtags to investigate their feed change. Again we focus
on scenario 21 as an example and omit details of the remaining
For example, the set of hashtags of user 145 of scenario 39 is the following: ["football",
"food", "euro2020", "movie", "foodtiktok", "gaming", "lm", "tiktokfood", "gta5", "gta",
"minecraft", "marvel", "cat", "dog", "pet", "dogsoftiktok", "catsoftiktok", "cute", "puppy",
"dogs", "cats", "animals", "petsoftiktok", "kitten"]. All of these hashtags correspond to
very popular interests, same was true for all persona scenarios.
Boeker & Urman
Figure 1: Dierence of feeds per test run for test scenario
7 before accounting for drops.
Figure 2: Dierence of feeds per test run for test scenario
7 after accounting for drops.
Figure 3: Results of test scenario 12. Figure 4: Results of test scenario 14. Figure 5: Results of test scenario 15.
scenarios for brevity reasons. The analysis of the feed dierence
and post metrics for scenario 21 reveal that the feeds become more
dierent, show less popular posts in terms of likes and vies, and
thus, imply that more personalized posts are fed to the active users
than its twin control user. Similarly, the hashtag similarity analysis
of scenario 21 reveals that the feed of user 123 becomes similar
faster than that of control user 124. Also, the test scenarios where
active users liked only certain content creators (scenarios 23 &
24) or sounds (25 & 26) showed a higher increase in dierences
compared to the appropriate control scenarios. The analysis of
reappearing content creators or sounds for these scenarios also
show that the content creators or sounds for which a post was liked
reappeared more often than others.
We conclude that liking posts does inuence the recommenda-
tion algorithm of TikTok. However, we gured that an arbitrary
selection of posts to like does not have as strong an eect as persona-
based picking, or based on a specic set of content creators or
4.4 Follow-Feature
Setup. We created six dierent test scenarios to test the follow-
feature. For each one of them one of the user pairs followed only
one random content creator every other test run. Again we had to
exclude the scenario 29 as the bot got stuck.
Results. Our overall dierence analysis as well as the hashtag
similarity analysis let us conclude that following a certain content
creator undoubtedly inuences the recommendation algorithm (de-
tails in Table 3). Figure 6 related to scenario 28 further underpins
this nding by displaying a greater variance of content creators for
the control user 50 than the active user 49. Interestingly, three out
of four content creators most frequently encountered by user 49
are not followed by this user. We suggest this might be due to their
similarity to the creators followed by user 49 coupled by overall
popularity (but not the latter alone as otherwise we would expect
them to pop up in the control user’s feed with similar frequency).
However, our hashtag similarity analysis of scenario 28 shown in
gure 8 again illustrates a strong inuence of the follow-feature
as the posts of the active user’s feed become similar to each other
faster than those in the feed of the control user (21% > 18%).
4.5 Video View Rate
Setup. With YouTube’s design change in its recommendation algo-
rithm that introduced accounting for the percentage a user watched
a video, the overall watch time on the platform started rising by
50% a year for the next three years [
]. Google calls this metric
An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok
Figure 6: Distribution of content creators across all test runs
for scenario 28.
the "video viewership" which measures the percentage that was
watched of a certain video [
]. Given the importance of the fea-
ture on YouTube, we hypothesized it might also be relevant for the
TikTok’s RS system and set out to test this. We adjusted the "video
viewership" metric as describe by Google to our purposes and call
it the video view rate (VVR). We created ten dierent experimental
scenarios to examine the inuence of the VVR on TikTok’s rec-
ommender system. The set of experimental scenarios was equally
split into ve that randomly picked posts and the other ve based
on a user persona. For both groups of test scenarios the share of
video length that the bot users "watched" was varied between 25%
and 400% (400% = watching a video four times), the details for each
scenario are listed in Supplementary Material Table 1.
Results. Our analysis depicted in Table 4 reveals that the feed
dierence of the persona scenarios (those that "selected" videos to
watch longer based on pre-specied sets of hashtags) increases sig-
nicantly stronger than for other VVR scenarios allowing us to con-
clude that the TikTok recommendation algorithm reacts stronger
to the VVR dierences based on specic user proles (the more
niche the better) than on user proles that randomly pick posts.
Our results from the like-feature test scenarios align with these
ndings. Contrary to our assumptions, the feeds of scenario 33
with the active user watching only 25% of certain posts increase
stronger in their dierence than for scenario 35 with the active user
watching 75% (averaged dierence 0.85% > 0.56%). We observe the
same with scenario 38 (active user watching 50%) and 40 (active
user watching 100%). One explanation might be that TikTok RS
"assumes" users decide within the rst 25% (or 50% respectively) of
the video duration whether they like the video or not. The remain-
ing time is thus no longer relevant. Another reason may be that
the feeds of scenario 33 just happened to be slightly more dierent
from the beginning, and therefore, changed faster. Or the feed of
user 77 may be more volatile than of user 81 as user 77 watches
only 25% resulting in TikTok serving many dierent videos. Yet
another explanation may be that watching 75% instead of 25% sends
a stronger negative feedback. Looking at the hashtag semantics of
the feeds for both scenarios reveals that the similarity of the feed
from user 81 (slope: 10.92%) increases a lot faster than for user 77
(slope: 7.79%). Likewise, the hashtag similarity for user 91 (slope:
16.03%) grows quicker than for user 87 (slope: 7.98%). An additional
indicator of personalization within the VVR tests that involve user
personas is the number of posts that were watched longer as well as
the time a bot needed to complete a test run. Our analysis revealed
that user 91 watches increasingly more posts for an extended time
frame with an average duration of 33.73 minutes than user 87 with
an average duration of only 27.78 minutes.
Even though the feed dierence analysis appears to increase
stronger for users who watch less of a post, our ndings allow
us to conclude that not only watching a video longer than others
inuences the recommendations of TikTok’s algorithm, but also
the longer one watches the stronger it inuences the algorithm.
4.6 Concluding Results
In this section we summarize the ndings with respect to the previ-
ously introduced hypotheses. For the majority of all experimental
non-control scenarios, the feeds become more dierent and con-
tinue to do so as the active user continues interacting with its feed
(hypothesis 1 and 2). Furthermore, our data reveals that certain fac-
tors inuence the recommendation algorithm of TikTok stronger
than others. The order of the most inuential factor to the least
among those that were tested is the following: (1) following specic
content creators, (2) watching certain videos for a longer period of
time, and nally (3) liking specic posts. Interestingly, the inuence
of the video view rate is only marginally higher than the one of
the like-feature. The number of performed and fully completed test
scenarios as well as the number of collected batches may be one
of the reasons. Another one may be the approaches to picking a
post to interact with: on the one hand random picking of posts,
which was identied as not a strong inuential factor, and on the
other persona-based picking, where the user were dened by very
common and similar hashtags. The fact that watching a post for a
longer period of time has a greater eect on TikTok’s recommen-
dation algorithm than liking it aligns with TikTok’s blog post [
However, we can not conrm the ndings of the WSJ investigation
] as our data shows that following specic content creators in-
uences the "For You" feed stronger than all the other tested factors.
Elaborating on hypothesis four (increased within-feed similarity of
content served to an active user) is not as straightforward. Overall,
the follow feature scenarios indicate that the RS of TikTok indeed
serves to the active user more posts of the content creators the user
followed. The same is true for like feature where the user liked posts
of certain content creators and/or with certain sounds. However,
we do not identify a clear pattern for post attributes reappearing
more often than others for the like- and VVR- tests where users
Boeker & Urman
picked posts randomly or based on predened sets of hashtags. The
rst observation may again be due to the arbitrary selection. The
second might be because of the hashtags that dened the personas
are very popular and, thus, appear equally often for the active and
corresponding control user. We plan on addressing this issue in
future work by running tests with personas being dened by more
specic, niche hashtags. However, the similarity analysis of the
feeds reveals that in most cases the posts in the feeds of active
users became similar faster than in the feeds of control users. We
therefore consider hypothesis four to be true as well. Considering
the averaged slopes of the combined post metrics, the feeds of ac-
tive users do not always decrease faster than for the control user.
We therefore reject hypothesis 5. Even though TikTok serves more
personalized content it still recommends posts with very high num-
bers of views, likes, shares, and comments. Section 4.2 revealed that
both language and location eect the TikTok posts recommended
to a user (hypothesis 6).
In the past decade algorithmic personalization has become ubiqui-
tous on social media platforms, heavily aecting the distribution
of information there. The recommendation algorithm behind Tik-
Tok’s "For You" page is arguably one of the major factors behind
the platform’s success [
]. Given the popularity of the platform
], the fact that its largely used by younger users who might
be more vulnerable in the face of problematic content [
], as well
as the central role TikTok’s RS plays in the content distribution, it
is important to assess how user behaviour aects one’s "For You"
page. We took the rst step in this direction. In this section we
outline the implications of our ndings as well as the directions for
future work.
Our analysis revealed that following action has the largest in-
uence on the content served to the users among the examined
factors. This is important since following is a conscious action, as
contrasted for example to mere video viewing which could happen
by accident or be aected by unconscious predispositions. One
can watch something without necessarily liking what they see,
especially in the case of disturbing or problematic content. Hence,
according to our results users have some control over their feed
through explicit actions. At the same time, we nd that video view
rate has a similar level of importance to the RS as liking action.
This can be problematic: while likes can be easily undone and users
unfollowed, one can not "unwatch" a video, thus the inuence of
VVR on the algorithm severely limits the users’ control over their
data and the behaviour of the algorithm. Given the proliferation of
extremist content on the platform and TikTok’s insofar insucient
measures to limit the spread of problematic content [
] as well as
the high degree of randomization in the videos served to a user as
identied by us, one can be potentially driven into lter bubbles
lled with harmful and radicalizing content by simply lingering
over problematic videos for a little bit too long. To alleviate this, we,
similarly to [
], suggest that TikTok should do more to lter
out problematic content. Additionally, the platform could provide
users with more options to control what appears in their feeds. For
example, TikTok could add a list of inferred user interests avail-
able for control and adjustments to the user itself. TikTok already
enables its users to update their video interests via settings, but
only within few supercial categories. We suggest to provide a con-
sistently updated list of inferred user interests using very detailed
content categories based on which the user can always identify
which interests the TikTok RS inferred from their interaction with
the app. The user should also be able to adjust the list. According
to [
] and [
], such an overview would seriously increase the
degree of transparency and, thus, would benet not only the user,
but also TikTok.
The impressive accuracy of TikTok’s recommender system (RS)
mentioned by the literature (e.g. [
]), could be used
to eectively communicate important messages such as those on
COVID-19 countermeasures [
], or place appropriate advertise-
ments. However, such tools can also be easily misused for political
manipulation [
], [
], [
] or distributing hate speech [
]. This
can be exacerbated by the closed-loop relationship between users’
addiction to the platform and algorithmic optimization [
] or lter
bubbles. Our hashtag similarity analysis and the analysis of loca-
tion and language-based dierences imply the existence of such
lter bubbles both at the level of individual interests but also at a
macrolevel related to one’s location. The ndings of WSJ’s inves-
tigation [
] also lend evidence to the formation of lter bubbles
on TikTok. We therefore propose to countermeasure the creation
of lter bubbles not only with recommendation novelty, but also
by providing more serendipitous recommendations as this leads
to higher perceived preference t and enjoyment while serving
the ultimate goal of increasing the diversity of the recommended
content [33].
With this work, we aim to contribute to the increase in transparency
of how the distribution of content on TikTok is inuenced by users’
actions or characteristics by identifying the inuence of certain
factors. We have implemented a sock-puppet auditing technique
to interact with the web-version of TikTok mimicking a human
user, while collecting data of every post that was encountered.
Through this approach we were able to test and analyse the aect
of the language and location used to access TikTok, follow- and like-
feature, as well as how the recommended content changes as a user
watches certain posts longer than others. Our results revealed that
all tested factors have an eect on the way TikTok’s RS recommends
content to its users. We have also shown that the follow-feature
inuences the recommendation algorithm the strongest, followed
by the video view rate and like feature; besides, we found that the
location is a stronger inuential factor than the language that is
used to access TikTok. Of course, this analysis is not exhaustive
and includes only the most explicit factors, while the algorithm
without a doubt can be inuenced by many other aspects such as,
for instance, users’ commenting or sharing actions. Nonetheless,
with this work we hope to lay the foundation for future research on
TikTok’s RS that could examine other factors that can inuence the
algorithm as well as analyze the connection between the RS and
the potential for the formation of lter bubbles and the distribution
of problematic content on the platform in greater detail.
An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok
We thank Prof. Dr. Anikó Hannák for helpful feedback and sug-
gestions on this manuscript. We also thank the Social Computing
Group of the University of Zurich for providing the resources nec-
essary to conduct the study. Further, we are grateful to Jan Scholich
for his advice on the data analysis implementation.
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An Empirical Investigation of Personalization Factors on TikTok
Table 1: Dierent experimental groups and their individual scenarios: controlling against noise, language and location, like
feature, follow feature, video view rate feature. The yellow highlighted users are the active users and red highlighted scenarios
correspond to the failed ones.
Test Scenario ID User IDs Test Details
1 72, 73 Control: collecting 5 batches, collecting_data_for_rst_posts = True
2 74, 75 Control: collecting 5 batches
3 93, 94 Control: collecting 5 batches, collecting_data_for_rst_posts = True
4 95, 96 Control: collecting 5 batches
5 125, 126 Control : collecting_data_for_rst_posts = True
6 137, 138 Control
7 139, 140 Control: collecting_data_for_rst_posts = True
8 141, 142 Control
9 143, 144 Control
10 147, 148 Control: reuse_cookies = True
11 149, 150 Control: reuse_cookies = True
12 97, 98, 99, 100 Language = English; Location = United States and Canada
13 101, 102, 105, 106 Language = English; Location = United States and Canada
14 103, 104, 107, 108 Language = English and German; Location = United States and Germany
109, 110, 129, 132, 130,
133, 131, 134
Language = German, English, Spanish, French; Location = United States
16 45 , 46 Randomly liking 6 posts in batch 2, 3, 4, collecting 5 batches
17 59 , 60 Randomly liking 6 posts in batch 2, 3, 4, collecting 5 batches
18 61 , 62 Liking posts based on the user’s persona dened by hashtags, collecting 5 batches
19 63 , 64 Liking posts based on the user’s persona dened by hashtags, collecting 5 batches
20 70 , 71 Liking posts based on the user’s persona dened by hashtags, collecting 5 batches
21 123 , 124 Liking posts based on the user’s persona dened by hashtags
22 159 , 160
Liking posts based on the user’s persona dened by hashtags, reuse_cookies = True
23 113 , 114 Liking posts of specic content creators
24 135 , 136 Liking posts of specic content creators
25 115 , 116 Liking posts with specic sound
26 117 , 118 Liking posts with specic sound
27 47 , 48 Follow a random content creator
28 49 , 50 Follow a random content creator
29 51 , 52 Follow a random content creator
30 53 , 54 Follow a random content creator
31 153 , 154 Follow a random content creator, reuse_cookies = True
32 155 , 156 Follow a random content creator, reuse_cookies = True
33 77 , 78 VVR: watching 10 random posts for 25% of their entire length
34 79 , 80 VVR: watching 10 random posts for 50% of their entire length
35 81 , 82 VVR: watching 10 random posts for 75% of their entire length
36 83 , 84 VVR: watching 10 random posts for 100% of their entire length
37 85 , 86 VVR: watching 10 random posts for 200% of their entire length
38 87 , 88 VVR: watching posts matching user persona for 50% of their entire length
39 145 , 146 VVR: watching posts matching user persona for 75% of their entire length
40 91 , 92 VVR: watching posts matching user persona for 100% of their entire length
41 151 , 152
VVR: watching posts matching user persona for 400% of their entire length,
reusing_cookies = true
42 157 , 158
VVR: watching posts matching user persona for 400% of their entire length,
reusing_cookies = true, time_to_look_at_post_normal = 0.5
Boeker & Urman
Table 2: Overview of average analysis metrics comparing control and like test scenarios.
Avg. Trend Line Slopes Control Scenarios Like Test Scenarios
3 Batches 5 Batches All 3 Batches 5 Batches All
Di. Posts 0.42% 1.01% 0.59% 0.82% 0.88% 0.92%
Di. Hashtags 0.28% 0.98% 0.65% 0.36% 0.77% 0.65%
Di. Content Creator 0.23% 0.8% 0.73% 0.72% 0.73% 0.73%
Di. Sounts 0.4% 0.54% 0.53% 0.78% 0.82% 0.87%
Table 3: Overview of average analysis metrics comparing control and follow test scenarios.
Avg. Trend Line Slopes Control Scenarios Follow Test Scenarios
3 Batches All 3 Batches All
Di. Posts 0.42% 0.59% 2.03% 1.59%
Di. Hashtags 0.28% 0.65% 1.79% 1.46%
Di. Content Creator 0.23% 0.42% 1.73% 1.3%
Di. Sounds 0.4% 0.53% 1.89% 1.53%
Table 4: Overview of average analysis metrics comparing control and VVR test scenarios.
Avg. Trend Line Slopes Control Scenarios VVR Test Scenarios
3 Batches All 3 Batches All Random Persona
Di. Posts 0.42% 0.59% 0.75% 0.98% 0.67% 0.95%
Di. Hashtags 0.28% 0.65% 0.62% 0.82% 0.59% 0.69%
Di. Content Creator 0.23% 0.42% 0.51% 0.63% 0.41% 0.75%
Di. Sounds 0.4% 0.53% 0.64% 0.84% 0.58% 0.81%
Figure 7: Post metrics (Likes-Shares-Comments-Views)
changes for test scenario 7.
Figure 8: Hashtag similarity within feed of each user per
test run for scenario 28.
... Com o passar das décadas, entretanto, esse funcionamento foi expandindo para diferentes espaços, geograficamente irrestritos e que aproxima pessoas cada vez mais a conteúdos do que a outras pessoas. É o caso da lógica do TikTok, que embora tenha dezenas de características sociais, acaba por funcionar como plataforma de streaming, onde os utilizadores recebem conteúdo que não está necessariamente relacionado aos vínculos afetivos e sociais, mas com o tipo de tema de que gostam de consumir (Boeker & Urman, 2022;Lei et al, 2022). ...
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Apps e Jovens Adultos: Contributos para um Mapeamento de Práticas Mediadas explora teorias, práticas, críticas e perspetivas no uso de aplicações móveis por pessoas de 18 a 30 anos. Estruturado em três partes, o livro inicia-se com uma base teórica sobre práticas digitalmente mediadas em jovens adultos/as. O primeiro capítulo critica os média digitais, analisando a natureza simbólica das aplicações móveis. A exploração abrange jogos, dating, saúde e fitness, destacando o compromisso analítico necessário. Os capítulos seguintes abordam género, examinando como jovens adultos/as se envolvem em aplicações de automonitorização e saúde, explorando diferenças de género na adoção tecnológica e questionando construções de género e sexualidade nas práticas de consumo de média. A segunda parte concentra-se em tendências contemporâneas entre jovens adultos globalmente. Trend studies, um campo transdisciplinar, analisa a digitalização da vida quotidiana e plataformas, explorando conceitos como “zeitgeist” para entender ideias dominantes. A última parte realiza uma análise prospetiva do futuro, oferecendo insights sobre cenários futuros relacionados com a evolução do panorama digital. Publicado como parte do projeto MyGender e apoiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, o e-book visa contribuir para o campo, combinando profundidade teórica com insights práticos e análises orientadas para o futuro.
Conference Paper
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Grandparents and grandchildren benefit from a relationship with each other. However, in times of crisis and social distancing it is challenging to maintain this relationship. In this paper, we reflect on TikTok as a data gathering platform that might help designers to capture and ideate on remote communication design across generations. We report on a study that aimed to learn about how grandparents and grandchildren perform their relationship on TikTok in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our work might trigger discussions on the potentials of social media as a place for data gathering, as well as the implications of these insights when designing for and with children, and more particularly intergenerational remote interactions.
Conference Paper
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The short-form video sharing app TikTok is characterized by content-based interactions that largely depend on individually customized video feeds curated by the app’s recommendation algorithm. Algorithms are generally invisible mechanisms within socio-technical systems that can influence how we perceive online and offline reality, and how we interact with each other. Based on experiences from consuming and creating videos, users develop assumptions about how the TikTok algorithm might work, and about how to trick and please the algorithm to make their videos trend so it pushes them to other users’ ‘for you’ pages. We conducted 28 qualitative interviews with TikTok users and identified three main criteria they assume influence the platform’s algorithm: video engagement, posting time, and adding and piling up hashtags. We then collected 300,617 videos from the TikTok trending section and performed a series of data exploration and analysis to test these user assumption by determining criteria for trending videos. Our data analysis confirms that higher video engagement through comments, likes, and shares leads to a higher chance of the algorithm pushing a video to the trending section. We also find that posting videos at certain times increases the chances of it trending and reaching higher popularity. In contrast, the highly common assumption that using trending hashtags, algorithm related hashtags (e.g. #fyp, #foryou), and piling up trending hashtags would significantly push videos to the trending section was found not applicable. Our results contribute to existing research on user understanding of social media algorithms using TikTok as an example for a short-video app that is explicitly built around algorithmic content recommendation. Our results provide a broader perspective on user beliefs and behavior in the context of socio-technical systems and social media content creation and consumption.
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We examine how six search engines filter and rank information in relation to the queries on the U.S. 2020 presidential primary elections under the default—that is nonpersonalized—conditions. For that, we utilize an algorithmic auditing methodology that uses virtual agents to conduct large-scale analysis of algorithmic information curation in a controlled environment. Specifically, we look at the text search results for “us elections,” “donald trump,” “joe biden,” “bernie sanders” queries on Google, Baidu, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, and Yandex, during the 2020 primaries. Our findings indicate substantial differences in the search results between search engines and multiple discrepancies within the results generated for different agents using the same search engine. It highlights that whether users see certain information is decided by chance due to the inherent randomization of search results. We also find that some search engines prioritize different categories of information sources with respect to specific candidates. These observations demonstrate that algorithmic curation of political information can create information inequalities between the search engine users even under nonpersonalized conditions. Such inequalities are particularly troubling considering that search results are highly trusted by the public and can shift the opinions of undecided voters as demonstrated by previous research.
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Algorithmic timeline curation is now an integral part of Twitter's platform, affecting information exposure for more than 150 million daily active users. Despite its large-scale and high-stakes impact, especially during a public health emergency such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the exact effects of Twitter's curation algorithm generally remain unknown. In this work, we present a sock-puppet audit that aims to characterize the effects of algorithmic curation on source diversity and topic diversity in Twitter timelines. We created eight sock puppet accounts to emulate representative real-world users, selected through a large-scale network analysis. Then, for one month during early 2020, we collected the puppets' timelines twice per day. Broadly, our results show that algorithmic curation increases source diversity in terms of both Twitter accounts and external domains, even though it drastically decreases the number of external links in the timeline. In terms of topic diversity, algorithmic curation had a mixed effect, slightly amplifying a cluster of politically-focused tweets while squelching clusters of tweets focused on COVID-19 fatalities and health information. Finally, we present some evidence that the timeline algorithm may exacerbate partisan differences in exposure to different sources and topics. The paper concludes by discussing broader implications in the context of algorithmic gatekeeping.
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While algorithm audits are growing rapidly in commonality and public importance, relatively little scholarly work has gone toward synthesizing prior work and strategizing future research in the area. This systematic literature review aims to do just that, following PRISMA guidelines in a review of over 500 English articles that yielded 62 algorithm audit studies. The studies are synthesized and organized primarily by behavior (discrimination, distortion, exploitation, and misjudgement), with codes also provided for domain (e.g. search, vision, advertising, etc.), organization (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.), and audit method (e.g. sock puppet, direct scrape, crowdsourcing, etc.). The review shows how previous audit studies have exposed public-facing algorithms exhibiting problematic behavior, such as search algorithms culpable of distortion and advertising algorithms culpable of discrimination. Based on the studies reviewed, it also suggests some behaviors (e.g. discrimination on the basis of intersectional identities), domains (e.g. advertising algorithms), methods (e.g. code auditing), and organizations (e.g. Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn) that call for future audit attention. The paper concludes by offering the common ingredients of successful audits, and discussing algorithm auditing in the context of broader research working toward algorithmic justice.
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The influence of TikTok has reached the news media, which has adapted to the logic of the platform, in a context marked by the incidental consumption of news, virality and the intermediation of technology in access to information. The popularity of this social network invites news outlets to address a young audience on a platform characterized by visual and short content and dynamics defined by algorithmic recommendations, trending hashtags and challenges. Based on an exploratory search of news media and programmes on TikTok from around the world, we selected 234 accounts and conducted a content analysis of the 19 news media and programmes identified with a verified profile and general thematic scope. The results point to a progressive incorporation of the media since 2019, with the purpose of informing, positioning their brand and adapting to the logic of TikTok in a new approach to journalism for younger generations.
Conference Paper
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TikTok is a social network known mostly for the creation and shar-ing of short videos and for its popularity for those under 30 yearsold. Although it has only appeared as Android and iOS apps in 2017, it has gathered a large user base, being one of the most downloaded and used app. In this paper, we study the digital forensic artifacts of TikTok’s app that can be recovered with a post mortem analysis of an Android phone, detailing the databases and XML with data that might be relevant for a digital forensic practitioner. We also providethe module to extract several forensic artifacts of TikTok in a digital forensic analysis of an Android phone. The moduleruns under Autopsy’s Android Analyzer environment. Although TikTok offers a rich set of features, it is very internet-dependent,with a large amount of its inner data kept on the cloud, and thus not easily accessible in a post mortem analysis. Nonetheless, we were able to recover messages exchanged through the app communications channels, the list of TikTok users that have interacted with the TikTok account used at the smartphone, photos linked to the app and in some circumstances, TikTok’s videos watched by the smartphone’s user.
User beliefs about algorithmic systems are constantly co-produced through user interaction and the complex socio-technical systems that generate recommendations. Identifying these beliefs is crucial because they influence how users interact with recommendation algorithms. With no prior work on user beliefs of algorithmic video recommendations, practitioners lack relevant knowledge to improve the user experience of such systems. To address this problem, we conducted semi-structured interviews with middle-aged YouTube video consumers to analyze their user beliefs about the video recommendation system. Our analysis revealed different factors that users believe influence their recommendations. Based on these factors, we identified four groups of user beliefs: Previous Actions, Social Media, Recommender System, and Company Policy. Additionally, we propose a framework to distinguish the four main actors that users believe influence their video recommendations: the current user, other users, the algorithm, and the organization. This framework provides a new lens to explore design suggestions based on the agency of these four actors. It also exposes a novel aspect previously unexplored: the effect of corporate decisions on the interaction with algorithmic recommendations. While we found that users are aware of the existence of the recommendation system on YouTube, we show that their understanding of this system is limited.