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Categories, Quantum Computing, and Swarm Robotics: A Case Study

  • CNR; Università Ca' Foscari Venezia; University of Potsdam

Abstract and Figures

The swarms of robots are examples of artificial collective intelligence, with simple individual autonomous behavior and emerging swarm effect to accomplish even complex tasks. Modeling approaches for robotic swarm development is one of the main challenges in this field of research. Here, we present a robot-instantiated theoretical framework and a quantitative worked-out example. Aiming to build up a general model, we first sketch a diagrammatic classification of swarms relating ideal swarms to existing implementations, inspired by category theory. Then, we propose a matrix representation to relate local and global behaviors in a swarm, with diagonal sub-matrices describing individual features and off-diagonal sub-matrices as pairwise interaction terms. Thus, we attempt to shape the structure of such an interaction term, using language and tools of quantum computing for a quantitative simulation of a toy model. We choose quantum computing because of its computational efficiency. This case study can shed light on potentialities of quantum computing in the realm of swarm robotics, leaving room for progressive enrichment and refinement.
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Citation: Mannone, M.; Valeria S.;
Antonio, C. Categories, Quantum
Computing, and Swarm Robotics:
A Case Study. Mathematics 2022,10,
Academic Editor: Daniel-Ioan Curiac
Received: 10 December 2021
Accepted: 24 January 2022
Published: 25 January 2022
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Categories, Quantum Computing, and Swarm Robotics:
A Case Study
Maria Mannone 1,2,3,* , Valeria Seidita 1and Antonio Chella 1,4
1Department of Engineering, University of Palermo, 90128 Palermo, Italy; (V.S.); (A.C.)
2Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Palermo, 90123 Palermo, Italy
European Centre for Living Technology (ECLT), Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Informatica e Statistica
(DAIS), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 30172 Venice, Italy
4ICAR-CNR National Research Council, 90146 Palermo, Italy
*Correspondence: or
The swarms of robots are examples of artificial collective intelligence, with simple individ-
ual autonomous behavior and emerging swarm effect to accomplish even complex tasks. Modeling
approaches for robotic swarm development is one of the main challenges in this field of research.
Here, we present a robot-instantiated theoretical framework and a quantitative worked-out example.
Aiming to build up a general model, we first sketch a diagrammatic classification of swarms relating
ideal swarms to existing implementations, inspired by category theory. Then, we propose a matrix
representation to relate local and global behaviors in a swarm, with diagonal sub-matrices describing
individual features and off-diagonal sub-matrices as pairwise interaction terms. Thus, we attempt to
shape the structure of such an interaction term, using language and tools of quantum computing for a
quantitative simulation of a toy model. We choose quantum computing because of its computational
efficiency. This case study can shed light on potentialities of quantum computing in the realm of
swarm robotics, leaving room for progressive enrichment and refinement.
Keywords: swarm robotics; quantum computing; 4-qubit system; matrix representation; colimit
1. Introduction
Acrobatics evolution of flocks of birds in our skies and colorful movements of schools
of fish in our oceans inspire poets and artists, as well as computer scientists and engineers.
Complex behaviors exhibited by swarms of animals [
], in fact, often inspire the develop-
ment of swarms of robots, passing through toy models which are progressively enriched
and refined [3].
In a swarm of robots [
], every single robot is performing simple tasks and showing
a simple behavior, but the interaction and information exchange amongst robots allows
the accomplishment of more complex tasks, impossible to be achieved by a single unit.
Typically, the collaboration in a swarm is decentralized: there is no such a thing as a “robot
leader;” instead, every single robot is acting autonomously, reacting to the information
received by its neighbors, and transmitting information about its own activity. Swarms
of robots show the emergence of global behavior and a form of collective intelligence—a
classic example is given by ants’ behavior. Thus, we can talk of swarm intelligence [
]. Exam-
ples of swarm intelligence are stochastic diffusion search [
], ant colony optimization [
and artificial swarm intelligence [9].
A swarm is an example of a complex system, which can be instantiated as a robot
swarm. Applications of swarm robotics include field tasks, underwater tasks, and air tasks.
Terrestrial, underwater, and flying autonomous simple vehicles have thus to be developed
and made communicating between them. There are also miniature robots going inside the
human body for healthcare purposes [10].
Mathematics 2022,10, 372.
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 2 of 11
From an engineering point of view, the connection between local behavior (single or
subgroups of robots in a swarm) and the global behavior of a swarm is not trivial. Some
existing research exploits particle analogies from physics, with a microscopic behavior
described by Langevin equation, and a macroscopic behavior formalized through the
Fokker–Planck Equation [
]. A great inspiration source for mathematical modeling is also
given by quantum mechanics and related quantum computing.
Recently, the widespread interest in quantum computing [
], motivated by its com-
putational power [
] and formal elegance is influencing several fields of research, e.g.,
quantum computing has recently been applied to machine learning for artificial intelli-
gence [
]. In a recent study [
], fuzzy logic is applied to a swarm of robots. Quantum
logic can be considered as a particular case of fuzzy logic [15].
Some first applications of quantum computing to swarm robotics exploit evolutionary
methods inspired by particle modeling dynamics and involving Monte-Carlo simula-
tions [16], and the strong hypothesis of entanglement between swarm robots [17].
Quantum applications to robots are a flourishing research field. With the exceptions
of some pioneering works, quantum applications to swarm robotics appear instead as a
largely unexplored domain. Another gap is the lack of simple connections of robotics,
and in particular of swarm robotics, with quantum computing at and fundamental level.
A closely-related research [
], in fact, focuses on a single agent rather than on a swarm
of robots.
The use of quantum computing is inspired by core ideas and discoveries in basic
quantum mechanics, with energy quantization, state superposition, destructive measure-
ment. Physics Nobel prize Richard Feynman had already hypothesized that the application
of quantum principles to computer science could have enabled the construction of more
powerful computers [
]. In quantum computing, the information units 0, 1 are identified
with the ground and excited states of a (hydrogen) atom, respectively. Quantum computing
makes use of reversible logic gates, in analogy with invertible quantum operators. The use
of quantum computing is mainly motivated by computational increased efficiency. This is a
flourishing research area, and thus, a connection with quantum computing can strengthen
other fields of research.
In our contribution, we aim to create a general theoretical approach for interacting
multi-entities with an emerging swarm behavior. As an instance of complex models with
swarm behavior, we focus on robots, defining interaction terms as submatrices of the
swarm matrix. As an example of an interaction term, we create a toy model with two
robots, modeling robots’ behavior through a quantum circuit.
In fact, in this article we aim to address the issue of the connection between macro- and
micro-behaviors in a swarm of robots, crucial for swarm modeling, by using nested matrices
and the basics of quantum computing. While we choose to focus on robots, our method-
ology is meant to be more general: in fact, we model relationships between information
exchange and behavior of interacting simple entities, showing an emergent behavior.
First, we discuss a framework to describe the progressive “embodiment” of the swarm
idea, from an ideal swarm to a particular system.
Second, we propose a swarm description in terms of nested matrices describing single
robots’ behaviors and their interaction. In fact, we can translate the swarm condition
into a matrix structure. While in [
] there is a matrix where all elements (robots) are
entangled, here we relax this hypothesis, and we include terms describing autonomous
behavior of robots, distinguishing them from the off-diagonal terms for robots’ interactions.
A swarm can be described by a block matrix, where the sub-matrices along the main
diagonal describe the behavior of isolated robots, and the other sub-matrices indicate the
interactions between them.
Third, we work out a simple example with two robots, formalized through four
quantum qubits (where the qubit is the quantum information unit), discussing the ob-
tained results.
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 3 of 11
The experiments with the quantum circuit (corresponding to the truth table of Table 1)
are set up by typing the provided code (Section 2) on IBM Quantum Composer and running
it through a simulator (e.g., QASM simulator) or an IBM-owned quantum computer (e.g.,
the computer in Bogotà), to which the circuit has been remotely sent. We initialize input
qubits through suitable quantum gates (Hadamard, Not, and Ry in our study). Each
experiment consists of 1024 shots of the code. The population for each output state is
indicated in Table 2.
The article is organized as follows. In Section 1.1, we summarize the key concepts
of swarm robotics. In Section 2, we provide details on the mathematical formalization
of the core idea, introducing the 4-qubit case study. In Section 3, we present our results.
In Section 4, we summarize our study and envisage possible research developments.
1.1. Swarms of Robots
Swarm robotics is an application of swarm intelligence [
] to robotics. The core
idea of this discipline is the reference to social insects behavior. In fact, robots in a swarm
are meant to autonomously coordinate to achieve complex goals. Organisms in a natural
swarm use simple rules to govern their behavior. Every single organism in a swarm can
perform a few simple actions. Communication and interaction with other organisms in the
swarm enable the achievement of complex goals, e.g., heavy prey transporting, foraging,
or massive and complex structures building. An intuitive definition of swarm robotics is
the following: swarm robotics is the study of how a large number of relatively simple physically
embodied agents can be designed such that a desired collective behavior emerges from the local
interactions among agents and between the agents and the environment [20].
A swarm of robots is constituted by a set of interacting robots, individually performing
a simple job, and collectively achieving a complex task [
]. A complex task is achieved
through task partitioning. Swarms of robots show self-organizational properties. The swarm
behavior is considered as an emerging property. A swarm of robots is characterized by
redundancy (the lack of a unity connection does not affect the whole behavior), flexibility
(no specialization is required), and scalability (the control algorithms do not depend upon
the size of the swarm). In swarm robotics, we can distinguish between a micro level and
amacro level. The micro-level concerns the local behavior, describing single unities and
pairwise interactions. The macro-level concerns global behavior, that is, the behavior of the
whole swarm [3].
1.2. Ideal Swarms
In Section 2, we introduce the concept of an ideal swarm of robots. The ideal swarm is
ontologically different from any feasible swarm: it is an abstraction. It can be visualized as
a swarm of robots that:
Can work in whatever scenario (e.g., on the ground, underwater, on-air);
Can adapt to any possible adverse condition (during a storm, after an earthquake,
a tsunami, an avalanche);
Is able to communicate in any imaginable way (though laser, infrared light, visible
light, radar, sonar);
Is ready for whichever task (e.g., search and rescue, object retrieval, stacking together
to perform a more complex task).
It is impossible to envisage such a swarm or conceive any similar implementation.
In a nutshell, swarm conditions are relationships between individual behaviors of
single robots and the overall actions of the swarm. Complex swarm behavior is supposed to
emerge from simple individual actions and, as in our model, simple pairwise interactions.
Differences in modeling between swimming [
], flying [
], and walking swarms [
intuitively reside on locomotion features and target scenarios to which robots should
be adapted.
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 4 of 11
2. Theoretical Framework and Methods
In this article, swarm conditions become conditions on matrices. Let us consider an
ideal swarm (Section 1.2); we can call it
. It can be obtained as an idealization from a
general yet feasible swarm structure; let us call it
. Such a general swarm can be specialized
into main typologies of swarms, such as swimming swarms,flying swarms, and walking swarms.
Each one of these three classes can be distinguished into more and more specific swarms,
toward existing swarms, made of simple and cheap robots, which communicate between
them and collaborate to perform tasks.
S(ideal swarm)
S(general swarm)
Sf lyin g Sswimmi ng
Moving downward in the diagram of Equation
we get a progressive embodiment
of the general idea, toward specific realizations of swarms of robots. Vice versa, the upward
paths leads to a progressive abstraction. This diagram can be compared with the species
classification in biology, which has been formalized through the concept of colimit in Cate-
gory Theory [
]. In [
], emergence of species similarities are shown through convergence
of arrows. Here, emergence of similarities in swarm behaviors can also be thought of as
arrows convergence. In fact, diagram
is shaped as a colimit construction. We can have
emergent behavior similarities while comparing swarms between them, but also regarding
the very definition of a swarm itself: the swarm behavior is more than the sum of single
robots’ movements.
In diagram
, horizontal comparisons are comparisons across swarms with the
same degree of abstraction. The comparison between two swarms
belonging to
the category flying swarms is performed through suitable morphisms
The comparison between characteristics of the category of flying robots,
Sf lyi ng
, with the
characteristics of the category of swimming robots,
, is represented by the arrow
lfs:Sf lyi ng Sswimmin g
. Letter
between specific swarms of a category flying and
swarms of a category swimming indicates a functor (a generalization of functions, mapping
points of a category into points another category, and morphisms of a category into mor-
phisms of another category). While it is not indicated here for reasons of graphical clarity,
Falso maps hf
B,C, and hf
Given an ideal swarm
, here treated as a categorical colimit, there must be some
characteristics to be taken into account to create a general yet feasible swarm
. This is
the meaning of the dotted arrow. According to the definition of a colimit in Category
Theory, there is a unique morphism
! : S S
such that
, where
is the label of
a swarm category and
indicates the composition; e.g.,
. Specific swarms can
be related to the abstract swarms through arrow compositions; e.g.,
A→ S
Each swarm in diagram
can in principle be described by a matrix. In the case of
existing physical swarms (
. . .
), all elements of matrices can be computed. Let us
now focus on a generic swarm constituted by
robots. The block matrix describing it is
sketched in Equation
, where the sub-matrices along the principal diagonal describe
the behavior of each single robot
. . . Rn
, and the other sub-matrices are the pairwise
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 5 of 11
interaction terms. If these interaction terms are null matrices, there are no swarm effects.
Thus, off-diagonal matrices can remind us of the coherences in quantum mechanics, i.e., the
off-diagonal terms representing entanglement.
R1R1R2. . . R1Rn1R1Rn
R2R1R2. . . R2Rn1R2Rn
Rn1R1Rn1R2. . . Rn1Rn1
RnR1RnR2. . . RnRn1Rn
If there are only n=2 robots, the matrix is simplified as shown in Equation (3):
The matrix S2is a block matrix which can be obtained as in Equation (4):
S2=1 0
0 0R1+0 1
0 0(R1R2) + 0 0
1 0(R2R1) + 0 0
0 1R2, (4)
is the Kronecker product (tensor product) between matrices. The matrices
describe the behavior of the two isolated robots. The interaction terms
are not equal, because they depend on:
Signals transmitted from R1to R2and reactions of R2(term R1R2),
Signals transmitted from R2to R1and reactions of R1(term R2R1), respectively.
How are the interaction terms built? For
, we may consider the signal robot 1
is transmitting to robot 2, and the reaction of the last one. A possible communication is
“where I am, where I go.” However, even in a toy model for a swarm it is important to define
a task. A task could be, for example, the achievement of a goal, as a target to reach, or as a
reward to obtain. (In fact, target search is a classic task for a swarm of robots [
]). Thus,
in our simple description the signal from a robot provides information on its position as a
portion of a linear space and its target achievement—and thus, the content of the message
would be “where I am, what I found.” Hereinafter, to take into account an inner uncertainty
related to the decision-making autonomy of robots, we formulate a probabilistic approach
based on quantum state superposition. Thus, the possible communication scheme from
to R2could be a matrix as:
place down reward no
place up reward yes,
where each entry is the probability amplitude to have that signal. To enrich this idea, we
can add the reaction by R2:
(R1R2)(t) =
R1place down(t0)R1reward no (t0)
R1place up (t0)R1reward yes (t0)
R2place down (t1)
R2place up (t1)
, (5)
where, to a signal from
at time
, corresponds a position displacement by
at time
The empty entries correspond to the reward from
, that will be made known by the robot
only at
. The term
will thus have the same structure. To date, we did not choose a
specific framework, because we are interested in creating a general approach, which can be
instantiated with simple, interacting robots. In the proposed toy model, we assume to have
two simple robots moving back and forth along a line.
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 6 of 11
Let us now work out a quantitative example. To this aim, we can treat the behavior of
each robot as a 2-qubit quantum state, where, for the sake of simplicity, each qubit indi-
cates the superposition of possible states of one-dimensional position (up
down =0
and of “rewards” as a reached target (yes
1, no
0). In total, we have a system with
four qubits, that we used for a simulation with IBM simulators and real quantum com-
puters. ( accessed on 10 December 2021).
In Equation
, we indicate probability amplitudes to obtain a specific measure outcome
as αi,βi,γi,δi,i=1, 2.
R1→ |q0(t)i=α1(t)|0i+β1(t)|1i,|q1(t)i=γ1(t)|0i+δ1(t)|1i
R2→ |q2(t)i=α2(t)|0i+β2(t)|1i,|q3(t)i=γ2(t)|0i+δ2(t)|1i(6)
The matrix of Equation (5) will then be:
(R1R2)(t) =
. (7)
Let us analyze a possible realization of the scheme of communication/reaction building a
reversible logic gate. The logic behind the truth tables in Table 1is the following. At time
, if
is in position up (
1) and it gets the reward (
1), then
reaches it at
independently from its former position. However, if
does not get the reward (
explores the space down (
0). Same reasoning if the starting position is the
inverse. Then, the roles of
are exchanged at
. (Time in quantum gates is
simultaneous, while we know that a robot, received the communication from the other one,
implements the decision to change the position or keep it in the following time instant).
The permutation matrix associated with Table 1is presented in Equation
, with quantum
states ordered as 00, 01, 10,11.
Table 1.
Truth tables (reversible equivalents of XNOR gates), representing the interaction between
robot 1,
: position,
: reward) and robot 2,
: position,
: reward). At the beginning (left
communicates its position (down/up) and reward (no/yes); then it waits, and, according to
its information,
or not (when
becomes equal to
). Then (right table),
we have the symmetric situation, where
communicates position and reward, and
decides to
reach it nor not (if
becomes equal to
). Equation
shows the corresponding
permutation matrix.
Gate t0t1Gate t1t2
input output input output
The matrix in Equation
shows the Toffoli gate, exploited to implement our proposed
gate. The Toffoli gate is a reversible quantum gate, which takes two inputs and gives one
output. It is often indicated as ccx, that is, a not (x) with two conditions. Figure 1shows the
considered quantum circuit.
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 7 of 11
Figure 1.
The considered quantum circuit for
. Chang-
ing the initializations of q0and q1through suitable Rygates, we can span the different cases.
In Section 3, we show our results, obtained through the interface IBM Quantum
Composer ( accessed on 10 December
2021), an open computing environment, with simulators and quantum computers which
can be accessed remotely. Real IBM quantum computers allow up to five qubits.
Because it was not possible to change probabilities directly in Quantum Composer,
we created the Qiskit ( accessed on 10 December 2021) code and then
exported the code lines in QASM, the coding environment required for Quantum Composer.
In this way, each specific probability amplitude was obtained as a special quantum gate
e.g., initial_state = [0.5, 0.5] (that is,
) was written as
. This particular
state can also be obtained with a Hadamard gate acting on
. In the following, we present
our code. The state
is obtained through a Not gate as
, because states in Quantum
Composer are initialized to 0 by default. In the code, if both
position 0 and failure to reach the target, respectively), then
is flipped to
, that is,
goes to position 1. If both
(indicating position 1 and success in reaching
the target, respectively), then
is flipped to
as well. This second effect is obtained by
adding Not gates (x) before qubits
. If
are different between them,
then |q2iremains in the default state |0i.
include ‘‘’’;
qreg q[3];
creg c[1]; //classic qubit for the measure
//states are initialized as 0 by default.
ry(pi/2) q[0]; // to obtain 0.5, 0.5 as amplitudes
//x q[1]; // to obtain input amplitude 0.0, 1.0, that is, eigenstate |1>
ry(1.2309594) q[1]; // for input amplitudes 0.7, 0.3
// 1.9106332 for input amplitudes 0.3, 0.7
barrier q[0], q[1], q[2];
ccx q[0], q[1], q[2];
x q[0];
x q[1];
ccx q[0], q[1],q[2];
x q[0];
x q[1];
barrier q[0], q[1], q[2];
measure q[2] -> c[0];
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 8 of 11
3. Results
The dataset used in the experiment is summarized in Table 2. To replicate the ex-
periment, it is sufficient to create an account on IBM Quantum (
quantum-computing/ accessed on 10 December 2021), open a Quantum Composer new
file, type the given code, and customize the initial states according to the
in Table 1. In IBM Quantum Composer, states are initialized by default as
. To have
it is sufficient to use a NOT gate:
. To have the 1
superposition of 0 and 1,
one can use the Hadamard gate H or the
gate. To obtain the other combinations,
it is necessary to opportunely change the angle of the
gate. Then, one can hit the
“Setup and Run” command, selecting one of the quantum computers available or one of the
simulators, and waiting in a queue for the required time. The obtained values can slightly
fluctuate because of quantum error, and because of the very nature of quantum world:
probabilistic. No other parameters are required in this experiment. We tested the following
combinations of initial states:
In Table 2, we compare the outcomes obtained with IBM simulators and IBM quantum
computers. With the quantum computer, the results are mostly as expected, but the noise is
high; the simulators give a result that perfectly matches theoretical expectations.
A case of particular interest are the eigenstates, to measure the amount of possible
quantum noise, and the case with random position of
with 50% of chances to be
in 0 and to be in 1), and maximal certitude on the reward information (
with 100% of
chances to be in 1 and 0% to be in 0, or vice versa).
Results with real quantum computers can differ according to the chosen machine,
and they present a higher noise. The noise is particularly evident when we tested
as eigenstates. The simulator gave us all the outcomes of
as 0 or as 1, as expected from
Table 1
, while the quantum computer also presented a non-zero population of the unexpected
outcome. Each run of the code gave 1024 shots of measurements. Fluctuations at each run of
the code, not displayed here, are present for both typologies of computing devices.
It is not possible to carry out a comparison with other methods, because the proposed
methodology is new. To the best of our knowledge, the only case of a close-related research
is the application proposed by Koukam et al. [
], where an IBM Quantum computer has
been used for a reactive agent. In their study, a single robot (and not a swarm) modifies its
behavior according to the external information recovered through suitable sensors.
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 9 of 11
Table 2.
Comparisons of measurement outcomes for 1024 shots of the code. S indicates the simulator;
C stands for a real quantum computer located in Bogotà, Colombia.
|q0i |q1i |q2i(Expected) Counts for 0, 1 Device
|1i |1i1 0; 1024 S
455; 569 C
|1i |0i0 1024; 0 S
527; 497 C
2|1i|1iuncertain 494; 530 S
502; 522 C
2|1i|0iuncertain 527; 497 S
431; 593 C
3|1i0 686; 338 S
531; 493 C
3|1i0 702; 322 S
570; 414 C
3|1i1 315; 709 S
452; 572 C
3|1i1 335; 669 S
376; 648 C
3|1iuncertain 518; 506 S
351; 673 C
3|1iuncertain 508; 516 S
433; 591 C
4. Discussion and Conclusions
In this article, we started from theoretical considerations on swarms of robots, from
ideal, abstract swarms down to typologies of swarms with specific existing realizations.
We proposed a matrix description of a generic swarm, trying to connect the action of each
single robot with the overall behavior. The proposed swarm matrix is a block matrix with
sub-matrices indicating the motion of single robots, and off-diagonal blocks representing
pairwise interaction terms, with signals from the
-th robot and behavioral response for the
-th robot. Aiming to shape an example of these interaction terms, we exploit the basics of
quantum computing to work out a toy model with four qubits, implementing it through
IBM computational resources and analyzing the obtained results.
The presented results provide information regarding output states’ likelihood. This
information is related to the decision-making outcomes in a toy 2-robot swarm. The input
represents incoming information from the first robot, and the output indicates the behav-
ioral response from the second robot. The proposed quantum circuit acts as an overall
gate, corresponding to an interaction term at time
in the proposed matrix representa-
tion. The interaction terms model local behaviors related to global behaviors through the
proposed matrix.
Let us briefly analyze the pros and cons of the proposed strategy. The cons are
mainly related to technological limitations: IBM Quantum computers are freely available
only up to five qubits, while IBM Quantum simulators are available up to 32, 63, 100
and, very recently (after the submission of this article), 5000 qubits. The pros include
computational power of quantum computing, proved for classic problems such as integer
factorization, and generalization power of the proposed theoretical framework. In fact, we
can consider robot interactions as instances of social behaviors, be they of people, animals,
Mathematics 2022,10, 372 10 of 11
or neuronal entities. Thus, the proposed methodology is not limited to robots: it can instead
be applied to interactions amongst multiple entities, constituting complex systems with an
emergent behavior.
Future developments of the proposed research will involve the construction of more
complex models, with a higher number of qubits, describing more degrees of freedom
of robots. From the conceptual level, additional degrees of freedom can help us model
more and more complex group behaviors, also imitating aspects of natural swarm scenar-
ios [
]. Another point to be addressed in future research is map building as an effect of
memory where robots explore their environment looking for the target. Further research
can draw upon existing studies on agent-based decision-making [
], localization and map
building developed for single [
] and multiple robots [
], to build a theoretical unifica-
tion and envisage a quantum perspective on swarms, also exploiting quantum computing
computational resources.
Author Contributions:
Conceptualization, M.M., V.S., and A.C.; methodology, M.M. and V.S.; soft-
ware, M.M.; validation, M.M.; formal analysis, M.M.; investigation, M.M., V.S. and A.C.; resources,
A.C.; data curation, M.M., V.S. and A.C.; writing—original draft preparation, M.M.; writing—review
and editing, M.M., V.S. and A.C.; visualization, M.M.; supervision, V.S. and A.C.; project adminis-
tration, A.C. and V.S.; funding acquisition, A.C. and V.S. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
The research leading to these results takes place within the framework of the project “ARES,
Autonomous Robotics for the Extended Ship,” funded by the Italian Ministry of University and
Research under grant agreement ARS01_00682.
Data Availability Statement:
The data presented in this study are openly available in GitHub: (accessed on 10 December 2021).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... The quantum paradigm is more and more being applied to robotics [5,11,21,44,70], to biology [25,26,59,69], and thus we can think of quantum and biological-inspired developments [97]. The recent field of quantum artificial intelligence [88] also involves the swarms: we mention instances of quantum swarm robotics [43,47,56] and quantum algorithm optimization [3]. Seeing quantum logic as an instance of fuzzy logic [37,67], we can include in our discussion fuzzy robotic swarms [78]. ...
... In [56,58], it has been proposed a matrix representation to relate local with global behavior, focusing in particular on pairwise interaction. For a swarm of robots, we can define a block matrix (eq. ...
... Let us summarize the logic gate as it is proposed in [56] for one-dimensional problem, focusing on a 'search' task. and y as 'up' (1) and 'down' (0). ...
Movements of robots in a swarm can be mapped to sounds, highlighting the group behavior through the coordinated and simultaneous variations of musical parameters across time. The vice versa is also possible: sound parameters can be mapped to robotic motion parameters, giving instructions through sound. In this article, we first develop a theoretical framework to relate musical parameters such as pitch, timbre, loudness, and articulation (for each time) with robotic parameters such as position, identity, motor status, and sensor status. We propose a definition of musical spaces as Hilbert spaces, and musical paths between parameters as elements of bigroupoids, generalizing existing conceptions of musical spaces. The use of Hilbert spaces allows us to build up quantum representations of musical states, inheriting quantum computing resources, already used for robotic swarms. We present the theoretical framework and then some case studies as toy examples. In particular, we discuss a 2D video and matrix simulation with two robo-caterpillars; a 2D simulation of 10 robo-ants with Webots; a 3D simulation of three robo-fish in an underwater search&rescue mission.
... The idea of entanglement has been proposed to entirely model a swarm of robots, as a theoretical simplification to group and connect robots' behavior [65], or to enable a different communication strategy between two complex robots [66]. However, the application of the quantum paradigm to swarm autonomous devices is, to the best of our knowledge, still a largely unexplored field [11,67]. ...
... In our former research [11], we presented a category-theoretic framework to connect specific, existing swarms of robots with their typologies, going upward in abstraction toward main classes of swarms (for underwater, flying, walking robots), up to conceptual ''ideal'' swarms. Thus, we can make vertical comparisons, between swarms of different ontology, and horizontal comparisons, between swarms of the same level of reality [11]. ...
... In our former research [11], we presented a category-theoretic framework to connect specific, existing swarms of robots with their typologies, going upward in abstraction toward main classes of swarms (for underwater, flying, walking robots), up to conceptual ''ideal'' swarms. Thus, we can make vertical comparisons, between swarms of different ontology, and horizontal comparisons, between swarms of the same level of reality [11]. A comparison between different swarms becomes in this way a comparison between block matrices. ...
... The Chella et al. showed in several papers explicitly the use of quantum modeling with the swarm robotics [22] [23] [24]. The local interactions of the robots are modeled with a quantum circuit. ...
... In this approach robots' all interactions are entangled, however, each agent has certain autonomy. Started from purely theoretical approach [22] and then tested in the simulations with the search and rescue scenarios [23] [24]the results were promising. In simulations there were used the IBM Quantum Simulator and IBM Quantum Computer to simulate the robots mutual interactions. ...
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The article is part of a course on Quantum Information Technologies QIT conducted at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology. The subject includes a publishing workshop exercised by engineering students. How do ICT engineers see QIT from their point of view? How can they implement quantum technologies in their future work? M.Sc. students usually have strictly declared topics for their master's theses. The implementation of some works is at an advanced stage. The potential areas of application of QIT are defined and narrow if they are to intellectually expand the area of the completed theses. This is the idea of incorporating QIT components or interfaces into classic ICT solutions at the software and hardware level. It is possible to propose a solution in the form of a functional hybrid system. QIT systems should be functionally incorporated into the existing ICT environment, generating measurable added value. Such a task is quite demanding, but practice shows that it interests students. Solutions don't have to be mature or even feasible. They can be dreams of young engineers. The exercise is a publication workshop related to the fast development of QIT. The article is a continuation of publication exercises conducted with previous groups of students participating in QIT lectures.
... Chella et al. [62] explored the application of quantum computing in swarm robotics, utilizing computational resources to enhance robot movement, decision-making, and path planning capabilities. Mannone et al. [63] presented a theoretical framework for modeling robotic swarms, employing a diagrammatic classification and matrix representation to analyze their local and global behavior. In another work, Mannone et al. [64] innovatively applied quantum computing to swarm robotics, utilizing a quantum circuit model for local interactions and demonstrating the emergence of global behaviors through a block matrix-based approach. ...
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Target search using a swarm of robots is a classic research topic that poses challenges, particularly in conducting multi-target searching in unknown environments. Key challenges include high communication cost among robots, unknown positions of obstacles, and the presence of multiple targets. To address these challenges, we propose a novel R obotic F low D irection A lgorithm (RFDA), building upon the modified Flow Direction Algorithm (FDA) to suit the characteristics of the robot’s motion. RFDA efficiently reduces the communication cost and navigates around unknown obstacles. The algorithm also accounts for scenarios involving isolated robots. The pipeline of the proposed RFDA method is outlined as follows: (1). Learning strategy : a neighborhood information based learning strategy is adopted to enhance the FDA’s position update formula. This allows swarm robots to systematically locate the target (the lowest height) in a stepwise manner. (2). Adaptive inertia weighting : An adaptive inertia weighting mechanism is employed to maintain diversity among robots during the search and avoid premature convergence. (3). Sink-filling process : The algorithm simulates the sink-filling process and moving to the aspect slope to escape from local optima. (4). Isolated robot scenario : The case of an isolated robot (a robot without neighbors) is considered. Global optimal information is only required when the robot is isolated or undergoing the sink-filling process, thereby reducing communication costs. We not only demonstrate the probabilistic completeness of RFDA but also validate its effectiveness by comparing it with six other competing algorithms in a simulated environment. Experiments cover various aspects such as target number, population size, and environment size. Our findings indicate that RFDA outperforms other methods in terms of the number of required iterations and the full success rate. The Friedman and Wilcoxon tests further demonstrate the superiority of RFDA.
Рассматривается информационная технология проектирования робастной интеллектуальной системы управления на базе квантового нечеткого вывода. Применение разработанной методологии проектирования основано на квантовой самоорганизации неточных баз знаний нечетких регуляторов и приводит к повышению уровня робастности интеллектуальных систем управления в непредвиденных ситуациях. Проводится сравнение результатов математического моделирования и физического эксперимента на примере автономного робота в виде системы “перевернутый маятник–движущаяся каретка”. Получено экспериментальное подтверждение существования синергетического эффекта формирования робастного самоорганизующегося нечеткого регулятора из конечного числа неробастных нечетких регуляторов в реальном времени. Полученный эффект основан на существовании скрытой квантовой информации, извлекаемой из классических состояний процессов изменения во времени коэффициентов усиления регуляторов. Выведенный закон квантовой информационной термодинамики устанавливает возможность формирования термодинамической силы управления за счет извлеченного количества скрытой квантовой информации и совершения дополнительной полезной работы, гарантирующих достижение цели управления на базе повышения уровня робастности самоорганизующегося квантового регулятора. При этом количество совершенной объектом управления полезной работы (на макроуровне) превышает количество работы, затраченной (на микроуровне) квантовым самоорганизующимся регулятором на извлечение квантовой информации, скрытой в реакциях неточных баз знаний без нарушения второго информационного закона термодинамики открытых квантовых систем с обменом информацией запутанных суперкоррелированных состояний. Приведен конкретный пример автономного робота, демонстрирующий существование синергетического эффекта квантовой самоорганизации неточных баз знаний.
Swarms of robots can be thought of as networks, using the tools from telecommunications and network theory. A recent study designed sets of aquatic swarms of robots to clean the canals of Venice, interacting with computers on gondolas. The interaction between gondolas is one level higher in the hierarchy of communication. In other studies, pairwise communications between the robots in robotic swarms have been modeled via quantum computing. Here, we first apply quantum computing to the telecommunication-based model of an aquatic robotic swarm. Then, we use multilayer networks to model interactions within the overall system. Finally, we apply quantum entanglement to formalize the interaction and synchronization between “heads” of the swarms, that is, between gondolas. Our study can foster new strategies for search-and-rescue robotic-swarm missions, strengthening the connection between different areas of research in physics and engineering.
Achieving genuine (human-level) artificial general intelligence (AGI) is one of the major goals of computer science, engineering, psychology, neuroscience, and mathematics. In this paper, we critically reexamine the relation between natural intelligence and artificial intelligence at a fairly general theoretical level. After identifying four major structural themes in natural intelligence, we move to the issue of AGI implementation through physical computing machines. Motivated by Penrose’s Gödelian argument refuting the thesis of AGI realizability via Turing machines, we formulate several theses on the noncomputable character of AGI systems. In particular, we support the claim that infinitary noncomputability might constitute a viable path toward future AGI implementations, especially if coupled with nonlocality and a nonclassical probabilistic structure such as those in the quantum world. A theoretical mathematical framework for realizing AGI through non-Markovian stochastic dynamic systems is then presented and illustrated by describing multi-agent AGI assemblages comprised of interconnected dynamic agents. We envision that such networked dynamical assemblages might be powered by noncomputable physics or arranged in an infinitary structure.
In this research, we present a categorical framework to connect research on creativity and cognition for humans and robots, in light of the quantum paradigm. These fields and their relationships suggest a wider vision: modeling human creativity/cognition through quantum computing, and creating robots that can help us learn more about the humans themselves. We represent the human–robot comparison through functors (function generalization). Fundamental elements to understand human creativity are motivation and feedback as aesthetic pleasure. Is it possible to model it? Can the quantum paradigm help us in such an endeavor? We envisage the concept of emergence and quantum computing as decisive keys for creativity. Investigation of robotic models, including swarms of robots, might help shed new light on human creative interactions.
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Quantum computing offers a new approach to the problem modeling and solving. This paper deals with the quantum modeling of reactive agents. It also proposes a quantum algorithm to implement the subsumption architecture, widely used by reactive agents, particularly in robotics. This work shows the contribution of the formalism proposed by quantum mechanics to the modeling and the proof of certain properties of the agent behavior. After, the definition of the reactive agent state modeling, the paper suggests a behavior modeling approach based on two steps for subsumption architecture. The first one models the preset behavior that links each action to the perception states. The second one determines, among several actuated actions, the one that the robot must achieve. The subsumption architecture raises the challenge of modeling hierarchical priority of actions. To this end, a multipartite entanglement is used in the second step. More precisely, the paper proposes and generalizes a W-state circuit in order to be used for modeling hierarchical priority actions and controlling the robot accordingly. The result of both steps provides a formal model that links the robot's perception (input) to the actions (output), with respect to the subsumption architecture. The proposed model of agent is simulated using IBM quantum computer. The simulation shows that the model can either be served as a control unit of the robot (CU) to obtain the suitable action or to simulate the robot behavior.
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Swarm robotics deals with the design, construction, and deployment of large groups of robots that coordinate and cooperatively solve a problem or perform a task. It takes inspiration from natural self-organizing systems, such as social insects, fish schools, or bird flocks, characterized by emergent collective behavior based on simple local interaction rules [1] , [2] . Typically, swarm robotics extracts engineering principles from the study of those natural systems in order to provide multirobot systems with comparable abilities. This way, it aims to build systems that are more robust, fault-tolerant, and flexible than single robots and that can better adapt their behavior to changes in the environment.
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Classical models of aerial swarms often describe global coordinated motion as the combination of local interactions that happen at the individual level. Mathematically, these interactions are represented with potential fields. Despite their explanatory success, these models fail to guarantee rapid and safe collective motion when applied to aerial robotic swarms flying in cluttered environments of the real world, such as forests and urban areas. Moreover, these models necessitate a tight coupling with the deployment scenarios to induce consistent swarm behaviours. Here, we propose a predictive model that incorporates the local principles of potential field models in an objective function and optimizes those principles under the knowledge of the agents’ dynamics and environment. We show that our approach improves the speed, order and safety of the swarm, it is independent of the environment layout and is scalable in the swarm speed and inter-agent distance. Our model is validated with a swarm of five quadrotors that can successfully navigate in a real-world indoor environment populated with obstacles.
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The aim of this article is to offer a concise and unitary vision upon the algebraic connections between classical logic and its generalizations, such as fuzzy logic and quantum logic. The mathematical concept which governs any kind of logic is that of lattice. Therefore, the lattices are the basic tools in this presentation. The Hilbert spaces theory is important in the study of quantum logic and it has also been used in the present paper.
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Target searching is a well-known but difficult problem in many research domains, including computational intelligence, swarm intelligence, and robotics. The main goal is to search for the targets within the specific boundary with the minimum time that is required and the obstacle avoidance that has been equipped in place. Swarm robotics (SR) is an extension of the multi-robot system that particularly discovers a concept of coordination, collaboration, and communication among a large number of robots. Because the robots are collaborating and working together, the task that is given will be completed faster compared to using a single robot. Thus, searching for single or multiple targets with swarm robots is a significant and realistic approach. Robustness, flexibility, and scalability, which are supported by distributed sensing, also make the swarm robots strategy suitable for target searching problems in real-world applications. The purpose of this article is to deliver a systematic literature review of SR strategies that are applied to target search problems, so as to show which are being explored in the fields as well as the performance of current state-of-the-art SR approaches. This review extracts data from four scientific databases and filters with two established high-indexed databases (Scopus and Web of Science). Notably, 25 selected articles fell under two main categories in environment complexity, namely empty space and cluttered. There are four strategies which have been compiled for both empty space and cluttered categories, namely, bio-inspired mechanism, behavior-based mechanism, random strategy mechanism, and hybrid mechanism.
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This article proposes a holistic localisation framework for underwater robotic swarms to dynamically fuse multiple position estimates of an autonomous underwater vehicle while using fuzzy decision support system. A number of underwater localisation methods have been proposed in the literature for wireless sensor networks. The proposed navigation framework harnesses the established localisation methods in order to provide navigation aids in the absence of acoustic exteroceptive sensors navigation aid (i.e., ultra-short base line) and it can be extended to accommodate newly developed localisation methods by expanding the fuzzy rule base. Simplicity, flexibility, and scalability are the main three advantages that are inherent in the proposed localisation framework when compared to other traditional and commonly adopted underwater localisation methods, such as the Extended Kalman Filter. A physics-based simulation platform that considers environment’s hydrodynamics, industrial grade inertial measurement unit, and underwater acoustic communications characteristics is implemented in order to validate the proposed localisation framework on a swarm size of 150 autonomous underwater vehicles. The proposed fuzzy-based localisation algorithm improves the entire swarm mean localisation error and standard deviation by 16.53% and 35.17%, respectively, when compared to the Extended Kalman Filter based localisation with round-robin scheduling.
Forty years ago, Richard Feynman proposed harnessing quantum physics to build a more powerful kind of computer. Realizing Feynman's vision is one of the grand challenges facing 21st century science and technology. In this article, we'll recall Feynman's contribution that launched the quest for a quantum computer, and assess where the field stands 40 years later.
Swarms of ground-based robots are presently limited to relatively simple environments, which we attribute in part to the lack of locomotor capabilities needed to traverse complex terrain. To advance the field of terradynamically capable swarming robotics, inspired by the capabilities of multilegged organisms, we hypothesize that legged robots consisting of reversibly chainable modular units with appropriate passive perturbation management mechanisms can perform diverse tasks in variable terrain without complex control and sensing. Here, we report a reconfigurable swarm of identical low-cost quadruped robots (with directionally flexible legs and tail) that can be linked on demand and autonomously. When tasks become terradynamically challenging for individuals to perform alone, the individuals suffer performance degradation. A systematic study of performance of linked units leads to new discoveries of the emergent obstacle navigation capabilities of multilegged robots. We also demonstrate the swarm capabilities through multirobot object transport. In summary, we argue that improvement capabilities of terrestrial swarms of robots can be achieved via the judicious interaction of relatively simple units.
Many fish species gather by the thousands and swim in harmony with seemingly no effort. Large schools display a range of impressive collective behaviors, from simple shoaling to collective migration and from basic predator evasion to dynamic maneuvers such as bait balls and flash expansion. A wealth of experimental and theoretical work has shown that these complex three-dimensional (3D) behaviors can arise from visual observations of nearby neighbors, without explicit communication. By contrast, most underwater robot collectives rely on centralized, above-water, explicit communication and, as a result, exhibit limited coordination complexity. Here, we demonstrate 3D collective behaviors with a swarm of fish-inspired miniature underwater robots that use only implicit communication mediated through the production and sensing of blue light. We show that complex and dynamic 3D collective behaviors—synchrony, dispersion/aggregation, dynamic circle formation, and search-capture—can be achieved by sensing minimal, noisy impressions of neighbors, without any centralized intervention. Our results provide insights into the power of implicit coordination and are of interest for future underwater robots that display collective capabilities on par with fish schools for applications such as environmental monitoring and search in coral reefs and coastal environments.