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The present study aims to analyze the intensity of daily extreme rainfall and trends for precipitation in Castro, Curitiba and Paranaguá stations, located in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Historical series of rainfall registered by the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology were used considering the period from 1976 to 2015. The Mann-Kendall and Pettitt statistical tests were applied to identify trends and ruptures in historical rainfall series. Other indicators of trends in rainfall and temperature were calculated using the RClimDex software, developed by the Cana-dian Meteorological System. The classification of cumulative daily rainfall in 24 h with the application of the quantile technique was defined as a standard for percentiles. The months of January, February and December presented greater occurrence frequency of rainfall equal to or greater than 95% and 99% of the quantiles for all locations. The comparative analysis showed that Paranaguá station has the largest accumulated values of rainfall in 24 h during the rainiest months, between September and April, while Castro and Curitiba stations recorded the highest daily totals between May and August. Increasing daily precipitation totals were identified in all quantile's classes with statistical significance only in Curitiba and Paranaguá station, which is attributed to greater urban densities and its direct impacts over daily rainfall totals. Significant trends for increased rainfall were observed, especially in Curitiba, a condition that is associated with the expressive and also significant increase in climate indicators of air temperature.

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... The city of Paranaguá differs from the other two municipalities for its location in the Coastal Plains region of the state. The average distance between the Atlantic Ocean and Curitiba in a straight line is approximately 75 km, while Castro is 170 km from the coast of Paraná [36]. ...
... Both cities present the same average annual temperature of 16.8 °C. According to [41], the Köppen climate classification scheme of these cities is type "Cfb" with mild subtropical humidity [35,36]. On the other hand, [33] described that Paranaguá city is characterized by an average annual rainfall and temperature of 2130.1 mm and 21.3 °C, respectively, and the Köppen climate classification scheme is type "Cfa", being hot, humid subtropical [31]. ...
... According to the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology [40], Castro and Curitiba present an average annual rainfall of 1469.9 mm and 1507.4 mm, respectively. Both cities present the same average annual temperature of 16.8 • C. According to [41], the Köppen climate classification scheme of these cities is type "Cfb" with mild subtropical humidity [35,36]. On the other hand, [33] described that Paranaguá city is characterized by an average annual rainfall and temperature of 2130.1 mm and 21.3 • C, respectively, and the Köppen climate classification scheme is type "Cfa", being hot, humid subtropical [31]. ...
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The wind is one of the most important and studied variables globally, essential to several sectors, for example, energy. Therefore, this study assesses the wind regime and analysis trends in three locations within the Paraná state, Brazil. The historical series were recorded between 1976 and 2010 at conventional meteorological stations belonging to the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology. WRPLOT version 8.0.0 software was used for elaborating wind roses and histograms in the annual and seasonal scales. Detection of trends and temporal rupture points was performed using different statistical methods (Run, Mann-Kendall, Pettitt and Shapiro-Wilk tests) for all meteorological stations. All statistical tests were conducted using the R software version 3.3.2. On a seasonal scale, summer and spring present the highest wind speeds in the Curitiba and Paranaguá stations due to meteorological systems on different scales, such as the South Atlantic subtropical anticyclone and frontal systems. The Mann-Kendall test revealed that Castro presented statistical significance in reducing wind speed, with a decrease of 0.23 m/s per decade for the annual scale and 0.23 m/s per decade during the autumn season. These ruptures indicated a decrease in wind speed in Curitiba and Paranaguá for the spring season. The Pettitt test revealed a break point detection in the data series in Curitiba station, likely due to urban expansion that started in the 1980s, reducing wind speed, especially in winter and spring. These trends and ruptures revealed a significant reduction in wind speed, possibly due to the interaction between natural climate changes and the increase in surface roughness resulting from land use and urbanization changes.
... Da mesma forma, que o conhecimento detalhado das características e dinâmicas pluviais da área em estudo é essencial para o planejamento e gerenciamento de diversos segmentos da sociedade civil. Para tanto, torna-se necessária à aplicação de técnicas e procedimentos metodológicos robustos para identificação com acurácia de padrões espaciais e temporais da precipitação pluvial, dentre as quais se destacam a técnica de análise de agrupamento (AA) para a identificação das características espaciais da pluviosidade e a utilização do teste de Mann-Kendall (MK), que é utilizado para avaliar tendência da precipitação pluvial (LI et al., 2018;TERASSI et al., 2022), e dos indicadores climáticos extremos oriundos do Serviço Meteorológico Canadense (ZHANG; YANG, 2004) para averiguar eventuais tendências de mudanças das características do regime pluvial da BHAJ. ...
... Diversas pesquisas têm se valido da aplicação do teste MK para averiguar modificações em séries históricas de precipitação pluvial, dentre as quais se destacam os estudos de Pinheiro et al. (2013) e Nascimento Júnior et al. (2020 para a região Sul e o estado do Paraná, nesta ordem. Ressaltase que, dentre as técnicas avaliadas neste manuscrito, os indicadores climáticos extremos desenvolvidos pelo Serviço Meteorológico Canadense (ZHANG; YANG, 2004) tem sido amplamente utilizado em pesquisas em diferentes regiões do território brasileiro (LUIZ-SILVA et al., 2015;ZANDONADI et al., 2016;TERASSI et al., 2022). ...
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Climate studies in watersheds are very important for the water resources planning and management because they indicate climate extremes potentialities and risks. This paper aimed to identify homogeneous rainfall sectors associated with the evaluation of possible changes trends in rainfall series in the Alto Jacuí Watershed (AJW), Rio Grande do Sul State. Were used annual, monthly, and seasonal data from 27 rainfall with a historical series equivalent to 31 years, between the period from 1980 to 2010. The two main methodologies applied in this research corresponded to Cluster Analysis and the Mann-Kendall (MK) test to identify the spatial-temporal rainfall variability. The cluster analysis dendrogram was generated by the Statistica 7.0 software and the MK test and the climate extreme indicators of precipitation were obtained using the R software. Was verified that the orography conditions the rainfall spatial distribution in the AJW. Was identified the most significant trends were identified for the decrease in rainfall during autumn and winter and for the central-southern region of the study area.These results are important to AJW because they can warn to future water scarcity problems for study area.
... O uso de índices climáticos extremos de precipitação ajuda a avaliar a magnitude e frequência de eventos extremos, permitindo a compreensão das mudanças climáticas passadas e futuras no clima de uma região (Donat et al., 2013). Em razão disso, esses índices têm sido amplamente empregados em estudos hidrológicos em escala global, sendo explorados por diversos pesquisadores, como Terassi et al. (2022), Assis et al. (2021) e Siqueira et al. (2024). ...
... We used a completely quantile approach to create the pollen calendar and define the necessary thresholds to classify the pollen risk levels. Quantile analysis has been successfully implemented to categorise the risk level in epidemiological, aerobiological and environmental risk studies (Cariñanos et al., 2022;De Bodas Terassi et al., 2022;Wei et al., 2019). However, due to the changing aerobiological patterns observed in cities, an exhaustive discussion is required to establish the optimal periodicity to update all this information. ...
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Rhinoconjunctivitis and allergic asthma are among the most frequent diseases in the world, and pollen is their main cause. The incidence of respiratory allergic diseases is expected to grow in the coming years as a consequence of ambient pollution, changes in land use and land cover in cities, and climate change. In this context of global change, the environmental information provided by monitoring and warning networks must be as updated as possible in order to be useful to the end users in the cities. The Madrid Autonomous Region (central Spain) has suffered a noticeable change in its land-use configuration in recent decades and a significant upward temperature trend throughout the entire area. We found that the aerobiological stations in the Madrid Region Palynological Network, covering the most populated cities of this region in central Spain, registered a marked shift towards a greater airborne pollen load of the most abundant tree pollen taxa (Cupressaceae, Platanus and Quercus, but also Pinaceae, Olea and others). These temporal changes are very evident in the pollen calendar for two periods, 1994–2004 (past) and 2012–2022 (present), pointing to changes in the phenology and intensity of the airborne pollen dynamic in cities in the Madrid Region. Based on these findings, we present a technical proposal to the Madrid Region Palynological Network to generate pollen calendars for each city using the reference period of the last ten years, and to update this information every three years. Finally, we propose the latest pollen calendar for all the aerobiological stations in the Madrid Region Palynological Network for the last ten years (2013–2022), which is considered the reference aerobiological information at present for one of the most populated metropolitan areas in Europe.
... October was the only month in which the trend showed an increase in rainfall in ID1 (1.42 mm), ID2 (1.25 mm), ID4 (1.42 mm), and ID6 (1.59 mm) (Figure 7), with significance above 90% (Tables S5 and S6-Supplementary Material II). The trend towards an increase in annual rainfall was found for Curitiba and Paranaguá (Paraná) [93] and in other surveys for this sector of the Brazilian territory [91,[94][95][96] and the state of São Paulo [89]. ...
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The objective of this research is to select the best orbital sensor for rainfall estimates (monthly and annual scales) and to analyze the frequency and magnitude of extreme rainfall events and their trends and disruptions based on the use of satellite rainfall product data for the Cananeia-Iguape Coastal System (CICS). Data from four satellite rainfall products were used to identify the correspondence with seven points on the surface of the study area. Statistical metrics were used to identify the best satellite rainfall product. After identifying the sensor with the best performance in estimating orbital precipitation, extreme events were identified by the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) on a one-month (SPI-1), three-month (SPI-3), and twelve-month (SPI-12) scale. Trend and rupture detection in the time series were performed using different statistical techniques (Mann-Kendall, Pettitt, Standard Normal Homogeneity Test, or Buishand test). Among the satellite rainfall products, CHIRPS had the best measurements for the analyzed points on the surface. The year 1983 was characterized as very rainy, also marked by the occurrence of El Niño, and was marked by the rupture of the rains at all points (IDs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) analyzed in the month of June. The decrease in monthly rainfall was more significant in the months of February (at points IDs 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7) and April (IDs 1, 3, 5, and 7). Decreased rainfall may cause CICS mangrove shrinkage. These results showed the importance of studying rainfall in an area with mangroves in order to understand the dynamics of vegetation in the face of climate change.
... Chuvas orográficas intensas ocorrem em diversas partes do planeta Terra, como, por exemplo, na América do Norte, sobre as Montanhas Rochosas (KINGSMILL et al., 2006;SMITH et al., 2011); na América do Sul, sobre a Cordilheira dos Andes (SCHILDGEN et al., 2022;ROSALES et al., 2022); na Europa, sobre os Alpes (FURCOLO et al., 2016;FORMETTA et al., 2022;ABBATE et al., 2022); na Ásia, sobre a Cordilheira do Himalaia (TAHIR et al., 2015;MISHRA et al., 2022;REGMI;BOOKHAGEN, 2022); nos Alpes localizados ao sul da Nova Zelândia (PURDY; AUSTIN, 2003;UMMENHOFER;ENGLAND, 2007;CALOIERO, 2014) e nas cadeias montanhosas da África (RAGHAVENDRA et al., 2022;NAKULOPA et al., 2022). YNOUE, 2016;FORGIARINI et al., 2013;TERASSI et al., 2022;NASCIMENTO et al., 2021), Sudeste (PELLEGATTI;GALVANI, 2010;CÂNDIDO;NUNES, 2008;TAVARES et al., 1985;TAVARES;FERREIRA, 2020;PEREIRA et al., 2022;SANTOS et al., 2020SANTOS et al., e 2021 e Nordeste (UVO; BERNDTSSON, 1996;LYRA et al., 2014) do território brasileiro. ...
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A topoclimatologia é uma área de estudo que busca entender como as características topográficas de uma determinada região podem afetar o clima local. Por essa razão, muitas pesquisas científicas buscam compreender como a morfologia do relevo influencia a temperatura, a circulação dos ventos e a precipitação em uma determinada área. Este artigo tem como objetivo levantar o progresso da pesquisa sobre chuva orográfica no mundo e no Brasil. Os principais métodos de pesquisa para este estudo incluem análise bibliométrica consultando os termos "orographic" e "complex terrain" encontrados em trabalhos sobre essa temática para filtrar e obter um maior alcance no levantamento bibliográfico abrangendo o desempenho das publicações, características dos periódicos relacionados, países, instituições e autores. Os resultados mostraram que a palavra "orographic" é mais usada pela comunidade científica do que a palavra "complex terrain" nos estudos sobre chuva orográfica no mundo e no Brasil. Os países com maior quantidade de trabalhos na temática são os EUA e a China. No Brasil, a quantidade de trabalhos encontrados sobre esse tema pelo uso das palavras-chaves é pequena. A Universidade de São Paulo e o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais são as intuições brasileiras que contém o maior número de trabalhos encontrados na plataforma da Scopus. Entende-se que a presente pesquisa tem o potencial de fornecer informações valiosas para a comunidade científica brasileira envolvida nesse campo, estimulando parcerias acadêmicas para a geração de novos estudos e direcionando pesquisas futuras no país, que ainda apresenta uma produção limitada nessa temática.
... In the UIW, the average annual precipitation varies between 1460 and 1580 mm (Terassi and Galvani 2017), characterized by the homogeneity of monthly mean values. Regarding the thermal regime, the lowest monthly means in the study area are observed for the UIW, with means close to 14 °C in June and July and lower than 22°C in January and February (Terassi et al. 2022). According to the Köppen (1948) climate classification, this basin presents the predominance of the characteristics of type "Cfb" (subtropical mild wet without a dry season) (Álvares et al. 2013;Dubreuil et al. 2017). ...
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This research aims to evaluate the impact and repercussions of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) on the spatiotemporal variability of precipitation in the Upper Iguaçu (UIW), Upper Ribeira (URW), and Coastal (CW) watersheds, located in the eastern region of the state of Paraná and the southern region of Brazil. Methodological procedures used in this research include clustering analysis (K-means) to obtain homogeneous pluviometric groups in each watershed and a vector autoregressive model (VAR) to analyze the correlation between pluviometric anomalies and maritime indicators such as the El Niño-Southern oscillation (ENSO) indicators Southern oscillation index (SOI) and Oceanic Niño index (ONI), the Pacific Decadal oscillation (PDO), and the Tropical Atlantic meridional gradient (TAMG), using data provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The spatial analysis revealed a rainfall structure of higher yearly amounts in the coastal watershed and leeward of the Serra do Mar, while an expressive sector of the Ribeira watershed presents a significant reduction of the yearly rainfall amounts compared to the sea coast. The VAR model has shown that the ONI climate indicator had the greatest significance and spatial breadth in determining the rainfall anomalies in the study area. Six out of the fifteen homogeneous groups identified in this study have rainfall anomalies related to one of the three maritime indicators (SOI, PDO, or ONI) with a predominance of a lag of 2 to 3 months. Graphical abstract
... Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years to examine the rainfall pattern over urban areas around the world (Singh et al., 2020;Huang et al., 2022;de BodasTerassi et al., 2022). The outcomes of these studies show that both the pattern and intensity of rainfall are significantly altered in the process of urbanization (Han et al., 2014;Chang et al., 2021). ...
Climatic conditions are significantly changing in the urban areas in the age of climate change. However, due the dynamic nature of urban areas and uneven distribution of meteorological stations, it is difficult to study rainfall pattern in the urban areas. Hence, in this study, trend and pattern of rainfall have been examined of Mumbai city using rainfall regionalization approach. For this, K-means and fuzzy C-means (FCM) clustering approaches have been used to examine the pattern of rainfall. The innovative trend analysis (ITA) and five tests of Mann-Kendall (MK) family have been utilized for anaylzing the rainfall trend. Result shows that both K-means and FCM techniques have identified two homogeneous rainfall regions in Mumbai exhibiting two distinctive rainfall patterns. The ITA curve shows that in the lower cluster, the data points are below 1:1 (45 o) line, but in high and moderate cluster, they are above the line. This shows that there is a positive trend in the rainfall, but it is not monotonic. Further, the MK tests utilized in this study also shows positive trend in the rainfall in Mumbai. The result of this study may help in management of water resource and in urban flood mitigation in Mumbai city.
... Other aspects such as the consequences of a reduction in flooding in the context of the new urban concept of a 'sponge city' proposed by Chinese researchers in early 2000 (Cheng et al., 2022); flash floods based on the example their devastating effect on 'Fifth District' (Egypt) (Wahba et al., 2022); the frequency of floods and evaluation of the urban drainage system of Gurugram City (India) using the concept of sustainable drainage systems (Guptha et al., 2022), or the safety of vehicles exposed to urban flooding (Gou et al., 2022) were also examined. The risk of urban floods is linked with the intensity of rainfall in cities which was examined inter alia by De Bodas Terassi et al. (2022) and Huang et al. (2022). On the other hand, Cheng et al. (2022) examined and identified the changes in rainfall generated by urbanization on the basis of the Beijing metropolitan area. ...
The article is available for free till August 28, 2022 here:! Taking into account the literature at the intersection of climate change studies and urban studies, the authors examine and compare rainwater management policies in selected Polish cities. There is a special emphasis on urban resilience in order to define their role in ensuring safe living conditions for their residents, including processes of adapting to climate change. The aim is to show how rainwater in a city can be perceived as an opportunity and not only a problem or a challenge. The main research questions are: What measures do Polish cities undertake to build resilience in the context of water management policies? What kinds of documents at the local level are relevant to such measures? Are the provisions contained in these documents implemented or do they remain only a dead letter? The answers require the examination of various documents including climate change adaptation plans and development strategies adopted by Polish cities in this regard.
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Trends and breaks in historical series of extreme daily rainfall in watershed in the eastern region of Paraná State Tendencias y discontinuidades en series históricas de lluvias diarias extremas en cuencas del leste del estado de Paraná Resumo: No atual contexto da crise climática, diversas pesquisas apontam para o aumento da frequência e magnitude dos eventos extremos, que no contexto brasileiro, assumem maior proeminência aqueles de natureza pluviométrica. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou identificar a ocorrência de tendências e descontinuidades das chuvas fortes, intensas e máximas diárias anuais em
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For water resources engineering and management, understand the extreme rainfall events it’s essential. Using rainfall frequency analysis, one can fit many Probability Density Functions (PDFs) to the rainfall series and identify the best fit through the goodness-of-fit tests, allowing the estimate of Annual Maximum Daily Rainfall (AMDR) quantiles for different Return Periods (RP). Recommendations regarding the best PDFs for this have been made for some countries, however, in the opposite direction, Brazil has no guidelines or recommendations such as the above mentioned, and Gumbel distribution still is the most used PDF for modeling AMDR, frequently without testing others. That said, we focus in modeling thousands of AMDR series in Brazil, evaluating ten PDF candidates to find the best fit and defining the most indicated to describe AMDR in the country. The methodology consisted of: acquisition, structuration and screening process by temporal and statistical criteria; fit of the 2-, 3- and multiparameter PDFs to the AMDR series based on the L-moments method; quantile estimation; and PDFs performance assessment by Filliben test and the relative absolute error. From the almost 4 thousand AMDR series investigated, we concluded that: Gumbel and Exponential provided the poorest performance (32.1–60.2% of non-satisfactory fits); multiparametric PDFs (Wakeby and Kappa) are the most indicated for modeling AMDR in Brazil; Gumbel had the highest error values for quantile estimate, especially for high RP; novelties and advances on probabilistic modeling of AMDR in Brazil were provided, helping decision makers with accurate and essential technical information for many purposes.
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No atual contexto da crise climática, diversas pesquisas apontam para o aumento da frequência e magnitude dos eventos extremos que no contexto brasileiro ênfase é dada aos pluviométricos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa objetivou identificar a ocorrência de tendências e descontinuidades das chuvas máximas diárias anuais em bacias hidrográficas do leste do estado do Paraná. Para tanto, utilizaram-se os dados diários de precipitação fornecidos pelas principais instituições de monitoramento meteorológico e pluviométrico na região em estudo. Os dados compreendem o período entre 1976 e 2015 e uma média inferior a 5% de falhas de registros. Para a avaliação das tendências e descontinuidades foram aplicados os testes Mann-Kendall e Pettitt, nesta ordem, com um nível de 90 a 99,9% de significância estatística. Identificou-se o aumento dos totais diários em sete postos pluviométricos na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeira e em quatro postos pluviométricos da bacia hidrográfica (BH) do Alto Iguaçu. Contudo, a maior elevação foi verificada em Antonina, na ordem 10,6 mm/década, no setor central da BH Litorânea. Em suma, as principais descontinuidades nas séries temporais se deram entre os anos de 1988 e 1999, concordantes com os resultados anteriores em pesquisas para esta região do território brasileiro e, sobretudo, em um período em que houve o aumento da urbanização e dos impactos decorrentes da fase mais quente da Oscilação Decadal do Pacífico (ODP). Palavras-chave: eventos extremos; teste Mann-Kendall; teste Pettitt; chuvas intensas; Climatologia estatística. ABSTRACT In the current context of the climate crisis, several studies point to an increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme events, with emphasis given to rainfall in the Brazilian context. Thus, this study aimed to identify trends and breaks in annual maximum daily rainfall in hydrographic basins in the eastern state of Paraná. Daily precipitation data provided by the main meteorological and raingauge monitoring institutions in the study region were used, covering the period from 1976 to 2015, with an average of less than 5% missing records. The Mann-Kendall and Pettitt tests were applied to evaluate trends and breaks, respectively, with a 90 to 99.9% level of statistical significance. An increase in daily rainfall totals was identified in seven raingauge stations in the Ribeira basin and four in the Alto Iguaçu basin. However, the highest increase was observed in Antonina, with a rate of 10.6 mm/decade, in the central sector of the Coastal Basin. In summary, the main breaks in the time series occurred between 1988 and 1999, in agreement with previous research results in this region of Brazil, especially during a period of increased urbanization and impacts related to the warmest phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).
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Increased temperature rates have the potential to change the rainfall regime in a given region, as well as to intensify its extreme events, which may lead to significant and negative socioeconomic and environmental impacts on urban populations. However, knowledge about the extent of changes in rainfall rates in Rio de Janeiro City (RJC) remains incipient; thus, it is necessary applying indices climate change to help better understanding this phenomenon. The aim of the current study is to investigate changes in rainfall distribution and increase in the number of extreme rainfall events in RJC. Daily rainfall data deriving from fifteen weather stations distributed in RJC were analyzed in the RclimDex software and Mann–Kendall test. The analysis has shown increased rainfall rates from the beginning of the series to approximately the first ten years of study. Total rainfall rate has decreased after this period. Rainfall intensity in almost all seasons has decreased after 2005; this outcome has indicated reduced annual rainfall rate and number of wet days. However, there was prevalence of positive trends in daily rainfall rates (Rx1day) and in total rainfall of five consecutive days (Rx5day). The increased number of extreme rainfall events in RJC can cause sudden inundations, floods, runoffs and river overflows with potential to cause landslides and human death due to irregular occupation of hills and slopes.
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Satellite precipitation estimates are used as an alternative or as a supplement to the records of the in situ stations. Although some satellite precipitation products have reasonably consistent time series, they are often limited to specific geographic areas. The main objective of this study was to evaluate CHIRPS version 2, MSWEP version 2, and PERSIANN-CDR, compared to gridBR, as daily mean and extreme inputs represented on a monthly scale and their respective seasonal trends of rainfall in the Mearim River Drainage Basin (MDB), Maranhão state, Brazil. Estimates of errors were calculated (relative error, pbias; root mean square error, RMSE, and Willmott concordance index, d), and the chances of precipitation were estimated by remote sensing (RES). In addition, trends in precipitation were estimated by the two-sample Mann-Kendall test. Given the overall performance, the best products for estimating monthly mean daily rainfall in the MDB are CHIRPS and PERSIANN-CDR, especially for rainy months (December to May). For daily extremes on the monthly scale, the best RES is PERSIANN-CDR. There is no general agreement between gridBR and RES methods for the trend signal, even a nonsignificant one, much less a significant one. The use of MSWEP for the MDB region is discouraged by this study because it overestimates monthly averages and extremes. Finally, studies of this kind in drainage basins are essential to improve the information generated for managing territories and developing regionalized climate and hydrological models.
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In January 2020, an extreme precipitation event occurred over southeast Brazil, with the epicentre in Minas Gerais state. Although extreme rainfall frequently occurs in this region during the wet season, this event led to the death of 56 people, drove thousands of residents into homelessness, and incurred millions of Brazilian Reais (BRL) in financial loss through the cascading effects of flooding and landslides. The main question that arises is: To what extent can we blame climate change? With this question in mind, our aim was to assess the socioeconomic impacts of this event and whether and how much of it can be attributed to human‐induced climate change. Our findings suggest that human‐induced climate change made this event >70% more likely to occur. We estimate that >90,000 people became temporarily homeless, and at least BRL 1.3 billion (USD 240 million) was lost in public and private sectors, of which 41% can be attributed to human‐induced climate change. This assessment brings new insights about the necessity and urgency of taking action on climate change, because it is already effectively impacting our society in the southeast Brazil region. Despite its dreadful impacts on society, an event with this magnitude was assessed to be quite common (return period of ∼4 years). This calls for immediate improvements on strategic planning focused on mitigation and adaptation. Public management and policies must evolve from the disaster response modus operandi in order to prevent future disasters.
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We analyse seasonal and annual trends of extreme indices of air temperature and precipitation over Brazil during the period 1961–2018. The main goal is to investigate whether the climate is changing and if so, to explore if there is any marked seasonality in such changes. The daily observed datasets of maximum and minimum temperatures, and precipitation, are provided by the Brazilian National Institute of Meteorology and National Water Agency. We use the Sen Curvature and Mann‐Kendall statistical tests to compute the magnitudes and to evaluate the statistical significance of climate extremes trends, respectively. The results show that the warm extremes frequency of occurrence is increasing significantly while the opposite occurs for cold extremes, which reveals a very consistent and widespread warming over Brazil. The highest increases in warm extremes occur during austral spring and summer while for the cold extremes the greatest decreases are observed during austral winter. Unlike temperature, precipitation extremes show heterogeneous signals for most of the country. In Northeast Brazil, there are changes towards a drier climate, especially in summer and autumn. In the Southern region, the climate is becoming wetter, with a reduction in consecutive dry days, especially in spring. For the other regions, there is no strong clear change sign, but both positive and negative precipitation extreme trends, without statistical significance (mostly in Southeast Region).
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River basins are important territorial units for geographical analysis, and are crucial for environmental planning, especially in metropolitan settings. The aim of this article was to evaluate rainfall trends and variability in the Guapimirim-Macacu basin, located in an urban development area in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region. Annual, monthly and daily records were collected from twenty rain gauge stations, for the period of 1967 to 2015. Analyses conducted using the RClimDex software revealed an increase in rainfall volume and number of wet days. The remaining indicators and patterns observed across stations also suggested that changes in precipitation trends occurred mostly on the day scale, and were likely attributable to global climate change. After controlling for seasonality and normalizing the series, a linear tendency between the mean monthly precipitation in the Guapimirim-Macau basin and sea surface temperature (SST), obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, revealed that rainfall in the region is strongly correlated with Pacific and Atlantic SST, revealing the importance of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone for rainfall variability in the area of study, especially in summer. These data are important for development planning and the management of water resources and supply in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region.
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Global warming due to anthropogenic factors can be amplified or dampened by natural climate oscillations, especially those involving sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the North Atlantic which vary on a multidecadal scale (Atlantic multidecadal variability, AMV). Because the instrumental record of AMV is short, long-term behavior of AMV is unknown, but climatic teleconnections to regions beyond the North Atlantic offer the prospect of reconstructing AMV from high-resolution records elsewhere. Annually resolved titanium from an annually laminated sedimentary record from Ellesmere Island, Canada, shows that the record is strongly influenced by AMV via atmospheric circulation anomalies. Significant correlations between this High-Arctic proxy and other highly resolved Atlantic SST proxies demonstrate that it shares the multidecadal variability seen in the Atlantic. Our record provides a reconstruction of AMV for the past ∼3 millennia at an unprecedented time resolution, indicating North Atlantic SSTs were coldest from ∼1400–1800 CE, while current SSTs are the warmest in the past ∼2,900 y.
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An important and under-quantified facet of the risks associated with human-induced climate change emerges through extreme weather. In this paper, we present an initial attempt to quantify recent costs related to extreme weather due to human interference in the climate system, focusing on economic costs arising from droughts and floods in New Zealand during the decade 2007–2017. We calculate these using previously collected information about the damages and losses associated with past floods and droughts, and estimates of the “fraction of attributable risk” that characterizes each event. The estimates we obtain are not comprehensive, and almost certainly represent an underestimate of the full economic costs of climate change, notably chronic costs associated with long-term trends. However, the paper shows the potential for developing a new stream of information that is relevant to a range of stakeholders and research communities, especially those with an interest in the aggregation of the costs of climate change or the identification of specific costs associated with potential liability.
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The identification of the spatial and temporal variability of meteorological variables, as well as of climate extreme events, such as the duration of dry spells, duration of warm spells and rainfall intensity, is crucial for agrometeorological studies, since they can negatively impact yields through the exposure of the crop to critical conditions. Thus, this study analyzed trends in 23 rainfall and temperature climate extreme indices in the MATOPIBA region, currently a strategic area for investments in soybean cultivation, playing a major role in ensuring global food security. Daily time series of rainfall and temperature (maximum and minimum) data in the 1980–2013 period were used, arranged in a 0.25° × 0.25° grid, covering 963 points over the studied region. The data set was submitted to cluster analysis, the Mann–Kendall non-parametric test and extremes indices and their trends were estimated through the RClimdex software. Trends in rainfall rates and in mean, maximum and minimum temperatures were evaluated for each cluster and shifts from the climatological patterns of these variables were detected. Only some of the rainfall climate extreme indices presented significant increase and/or decrease in the CI and CII subregions. On the other hand, there was a significant increase in almost all temperature climate extreme indices in all clusters. The persistency of these trends may lead to impacts on soybean cultivation in the MATOPIBA region, and therefore these results are crucial for the elaboration of strategies for agricultural planning.
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In order to detect areas and periods of rainfall reduction and increase in Paraná State, south of Brazil, the objective of this manuscript is to analyze, spatially and temporally, rainfall trends from 1976 to 2011. Monthly data were collected on accumulated rainfall (mm) from 63 pluviometric stations distributed throughout the study area. The data were grouped into quarterly (autumn, winter, spring, and summer), seasonal (dry and rainy season), and annual values. All values were evaluated for homogeneity and trends using the Mann-Whitney-Pettitt, Mann-Kendall, and linear regression tests. The results indicate a rainfall transition detected in the period 1991 to 1999, with a maximum change point in 1993. The trends indicate an average increase of 4.03 mm in the rainy season, mainly in the sectors that are predominately subtropical and coastal climates. These results corroborate in a better explanation rainfall patterns and variability in the tropical regions and the Southern Hemisphere, and imply a moderate process of rainfall tropicalization in the subtropical climate of Paraná State.
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This study aims to investigate the precipitation trends in Keszthely (Western Hungary, Central Europe) through an examination of historical climate data covering the past almost one and a half centuries. Pettitt’s test for homogeneity was employed to detect change points in the time series of monthly, seasonal and annual precipitation records. Change points and monotonic trends were analysed separately in annual, seasonal and monthly time series of precipitation. While no break points could be detected in the annual precipitation series, a significant decreasing trend of 0.2–0.7 mm/year was highlighted statistically using the autocorrelated Mann-Kendall trend test. Significant change points were found in those time series in which significant tendencies had been detected in previous studies. These points fell in spring and winter for the seasonal series, and October for the monthly series. The question therefore arises of whether these trends are the result of a shift in the mean. The downward and upward shift in the mean in the case of spring and winter seasonal amounts, respectively, leads to a suspicion that changes in precipitation are also in progress in these seasons. The study concludes that homogeneity tests are of great importance in such analyses, because they may help to avoid false trend detections.
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The main objective of this study was to investigate the trends on average and extreme events in time series of daily precipitation from 1980 to 2010 in the Paraná River basin, Brazil. The nonparametric Mann–Kendall test was applied to detect monotonic trend in the precipitation series. The occurrence of extreme values was analysed based on three generalized extreme values (GEV) models: Model 1 (stationary), Model 2 (non‐stationary for location parameter), and Model 3 (non‐stationary for location and scale parameters). The GEV parameters were estimated by the Generalized Maximum Likelihood method (GMLE) and for the non‐stationary models, the parameters were estimated as linear functions of time. To choose the most suitable model, the maximum likelihood ratio test (D) was used. From the results observed at the monthly scale, it was possible to infer that the months with the highest probability of an extreme weather event occurrence are February (climates Aw and Cfa), July (Cfa and Cfb), and October (Aw, Cfa, and Cfb). Approximately 90% of the 1,112 stations presented no trend regarding the GEV parameters. The non‐stationarity showed by other stations (Models 2 and 3) might be associated with several factors, such as the alteration of land use due to the north expansion of the agricultural border of the Paraná River basin.
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A região da Serra do Mar de Santa Catarina está localizada na porção nordeste do Estado, que além da cadeia de montanhas, comporta áreas de planalto e planície. Esta configuração topográfica induz diferenças relevantes no clima regional. Os maiores índices pluviométricos do Estado ocorrem nesta porção do território, e esta é a variável meteorológica mais estudada para a região. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma análise climatológica da região da Serra do Mar de Santa Catarina, a partir de diferentes variáveis meteorológicas e fontes, a fim de melhor entender o contexto climático regional. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados climáticos da reanálise do NCEP/NCAR v.2, CHIRPS, Atlas Pluviométrico do Brasil, Atlas Climatológico do Estado de Santa Catarina, estações meteorológicas de superfície, dentre outras fontes. As variáveis meteorológicas analisadas foram: pluviometria, temperatura, umidade, pressão atmosférica, ventos, insolação e evaporação. Aplicaram-se aos dados as técnicas de correlação linear, regressão linear, o teste de Mann-Kendall, além de estatísticas descritivas. A climatologia das diferentes fontes foi comparada entre si, com o intuito de verificar a qualidade das mesmas para representar o clima regional. Dentre os resultados obteve-se que os dados do CHIRPS representaram bem a distribuição pluviométrica na região; os dados do NCEP/NCAR são bons para representar o clima em maiores escalas, mas para a escala regional apresentam resultados grosseiros. Quanto à tendência dos dados, dentre as 14 estações analisadas, três apresentaram tendências positivas para a precipitação. O maior problema para a caracterização da área é a falta de estações localizadas na serra.
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This study focuses on investigating possible changes in hydrometeorological behavior on important Brazilian river basins for power generation purposes. Thereby, this research analyzes the historical averages and observed trends regarding rainfall and streamflow and their impact on the hydrological regime. Ten river basins were selected for the assessment of alterations in the precipitation and streamflow series throughout descriptive measures and statistical significance tests (Mann-Kendall and Sen’s slope). These data are available over different time spans, but most of the records include information from 1961 to 2006. As long as these river basins are subjected to different climate types, their corresponding rainfall and streamflow patterns vary accordingly the basin location in the country, in addition to the season. Most of the country has a predominantly tropical climate, with a wet period concentrated between October and March and a dry period between April and September. Some exceptions are the Northeastern region, where the climate is semi-arid, besides the Southern region, where there is abundant precipitation throughout the year. According to the obtained results, it could be noted that the streamflow response to precipitation is faster in the smaller river basins, what can be due especially to the water travel time. It was found that Belo Monte basin, in Northern Brazil, presents a statistically significant reduction in the annual rainfall. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the annual streamflow was also identified in Xingó and Sobradinho basins, in the Northeastern region. In contrast, Itaipu basin, located in Southern Brazil, showed increasing statistically significant trends in annual rainfall and streamflow during the second half of the twentieth century. Relevant decreasing trends were also identified in the minimum streamflows of the Brazilian Northern and Northeastern basins and increasing ones in the maximum streamflows in the Southern region basins. The results obtained in this work will support the assessment of the impact of rainfall and streamflow future scenarios in regulating capacity of the hydroelectric power plant reservoirs.
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Extreme precipitation events, which have intensified with global warming over the past several decades, will become more intense in the future according to model projections. Although many studies have been performed, the occurrence patterns for extreme precipitation events in past and future periods in China remain unresolved. Additionally, few studies have explained how extreme precipitation events developed over the past 58 years and how they will evolve in the next 90 years as global warming becomes much more serious. In this paper, we evaluated the spatiotemporal characteristics of extreme precipitation events using indices for the frequency, quantity, intensity, and proportion of extreme precipitation, which were proposed by the World Meteorological Organization. We simultaneously analyzed the spatiotemporal characteristics of extreme precipitation in China from 2011 to 2100 using data obtained from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. Despite the fixed threshold, 95th percentile precipitation values were also used as the extreme precipitation threshold to reduce the influence of various rainfall events caused by different geographic locations; then, eight extreme precipitation indices (EPIs) were calculated to evaluate extreme precipitation in China. We found that the spatial characteristics of the eight EPIs exhibited downward trends from south to north. In the periods 1960–2017 and 2011–2100, trends in the EPIs were positive, but there were differences between different regions. In the past 58 years, the extreme precipitation increased in the northwest, southeast, and the Tibet Plateau of China, while decreased in northern China. Almost all the trends of EPIs are positive in the next two periods (2011–2055 and 2056–2100) except for some EPIs, such as intensity of extreme precipitation, which decrease in southeastern China in the second period (2056–2100). This study suggests that the frequency of extreme precipitation events in China will progressively increase, which implies that a substantial burden will be placed on social economies and terrestrial ecological processes.
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Nos trópicos úmidos, a pluviosidade é o principal deflagrador de desastres, repercutindo em perdas econômicas, de infraestrutura e de vidas humanas. Face a isso, para o presente artigo, mapeou-se a suscetibilidade do território de Duque de Caxias ao impacto das chuvas. A metodologia baseou-se no cálculo de um indicador quantitativo referente a fatores de predisposição a desastres, agregando também fatores antrópicos. Dessa metodologia surge o índice de suscetibilidade a chuva do sistema territorial (ISST), que permitiu: (i) hierarquizar esse território de acordo com o grau de suscetibilidade ao impacto das chuvas e (ii) demonstrar a incoerência do macrozoneamento urbano. Observou-se que mais de 40% do território de Duque de Caxias apresenta um grau de suscetibilidade forte ou muito forte a chuva e que o Plano Diretor orienta a ocupação desses espaços, refletindo-se na exposição e vulnerabilidade da população local.
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RESUMO Nas últimas décadas, pesquisadores científicos e acadêmicos em todo o mundo têm se preocupado com a avaliação das tendências dos climas regional e global. A avaliação das alterações no clima é uma ferramenta para o planejamento da sociedade, pois permite considerar as possíveis consequências do aumento das temperaturas do ar e de mudanças no regime de precipitação que foram observadas ao redor do mundo. Sob a hipótese da presença de alterações climáticas no Brasil, o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar a existência de tendências climáticas em 243 séries anuais de temperaturas máxima, mínima e média do ar (T-Máx., T-Mín. e T-Méd.) e precipitação pluviométrica (Prec.) em cidades do Brasil. Foram empregados os testes estatísticos de Mann-Kendall (M-K.) e Pettitt (Pett.) para avaliação de tendências significativas. Para a visualização espacial das tendências observadas, foram elaborados mapas. Os resultados estatísticos mostram que, de todas as cidades estudadas, foram observadas tendências positivas na T-máx. em 35% das séries, negativas em 1% e ausência de tendência em 64%. Para a T-Mín., foram observadas tendências positivas em 30% dos casos, negativas em 8% e ausência de tendência em 63%. Na T-Méd., tendência positiva foi detectada em 35% das cidades analisadas, negativa em 3% e ausência de tendência em 62%. Por fim, na Prec., tendência positiva em 6% dos casos, negativa em 4% e ausência de tendência em 91%. As tendências observadas no presente estudo estão possivelmente relacionadas às atividades antrópicas em cada localidade, como o expansionismo urbano, o desenvolvimento industrial e o adensamento populacional.
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This article aims to characterize the temporal and interannual variability of rainfall in the State of Rio de Janeiro (ERJ) between 1979 and 2009. For this, rainfall data of 99 conventional and automatic rainfall meteorological stations distributed in the regions were used. Data faults were filled with data from product 3B43 of the TRMM satellite and climatological normal values provided by INMET. The state average annual rainfall for the period was 1544 mm. Baixadas Litorâneas (2144 mm), Costa Verde (1912 mm), Médio Paraíba (1602 mm), Metropolitana (1571mm) and Serrana (1547mm) recorded a higher average than the state average for the period, while regions Centro Sul (1307 mm), Noroeste (1235 mm) and Norte (1033 mm) were below average. All regions registered less rainy months in June, July and August. The months with the highest rainfall totals were recorded between November and March, depending on the region. The great influence of the terrain (altitude) in the rainfall regime throughout the ERJ was characterized, mainly in ridges such as Serra dos Órgãos and Serra da Mantiqueira. The stations located on the slope facing the Atlantic Ocean (windward) recorded the highest annual averages of rainfall in the state, while less rugged terrain regions (Norte and Noroeste), or slopes facing mainland (leeward) of the main orographic barriers, recorded annual average rainfall with values lower than the state average.
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This study aimed to evaluate drought variability based on Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in localities in northern region of Parana State and its relationship with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Rainfall of five meteorological stations 40 years time series, obtained from Agronomic Institute of Paraná, National Institute of Meteorology and Paraná Meteorological System. It was noted that El Niño and La Niña events influenced annual rainfall variability, however, showed less significant associations with dry extremes of SPI index. ith significant reduction of rainfall totals, June to August period registered highest frequency of SPI categories moderately dry (18.3%), very dry (13.0%) and extremely dry (7.0%). The highest monthly drought frequencies were intensified, moderate, very and extremely dry, recorded at Apucarana station (83 events), followed by Maringá and Paranavaí stations (68 events), and Bela Vista do Paraíso (63 events) and Londrina (66 events), with lowest occurrences of drought events. Although, literature consulted indicates association between increase or reduction of rainfall totals during El Niño and La Niña events occurrence, Kendall, Spearman and Pearson correlations, and statistical parameters used indicated predominantly low correlations between results obtained from SPI - 1 month and ENSO in all regions studied.
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While satellite data provides a strong robust signature of urban feedback on extreme precipitation; urbanization signal is often not so prominent with station level data. To investigate this, we select the case study of Mumbai, India and perform a high resolution (1 km) numerical study with Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for eight extreme rainfall days during 2014-2015. The WRF model is coupled with two different urban schemes, the Single Layer Urban Canopy Model (WRF-SUCM), Multi-Layer Urban Canopy Model (WRF-MUCM). The differences between the WRF-MUCM and WRF-SUCM indicate the importance of the structure and characteristics of urban canopy on modifications in precipitation. The WRF-MUCM simulations resemble the observed distributed rainfall. WRF-MUCM also produces intensified rainfall as compared to the WRF-SUCM and WRF-NoUCM (without UCM). The intensification in rainfall is however prominent at few pockets of urban regions, that is seen in increased spatial variability. We find that the correlation of precipitation across stations within the city falls below statistical significance at a distance greater than 10 km. Urban signature on extreme precipitation will be reflected on station rainfall only when the stations are located inside the urban pockets having intensified precipitation, which needs to be considered in future analysis.
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This study evaluates the occurrence of trends in time series of precipitation in the highlands region of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. Daily precipitation data of three weather stations at Lages, São Joaquim and Campos Novos were used to evaluate rainfall trends. The trends were analyzed through the Seasonal Mann Kendall test, to include occurrence of maximum annual 1-day precipitation (RX1), maximum annual consecutive 2-day precipitation (RX2) and maximum annual consecutive 3-day precipitation (RX3) and evaluation of Rainfall Anomaly Index (RAI). Trends were identified in two of three weather stations investigated. Positive precipitation trends were found in the spring and winter for Lages, and in the spring and summer for São Joaquim. Also, there is a trend of increase in the RX1, RX2 and RX3 frequencies and an increase in positive anomalies in the last decade for these stations. There are no statistically significant trends in the precipitation of Campos Novos, which may be associated with the short series of available data for the analysis. The occurrence of El Niño phenomenon with moderate to strong intensity was usually associated with the occurrence of positive precipitation anomalies and the La Niña phenomenon was related to the occurrence of negative anomalies. However, the influence of La Niña in the periods of negative anomaly has been reduced since the beginning of the 21st century.
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Homogeneous time series of meteorological variables are necessary for hydrologic and climate studies. Dependability of historical precipitation data is subjected to keen evaluation prior to every study in water resources, hydrology, and climate change fields. This study aims to characterize the homogeneity of long-term Turkish precipitation data in order to ensure that they can be reliably used. The homogeneity of monthly precipitation data set was tested using the standard normal homogeneity test, Buishand test, Von Neumann ratio test, and Pettitt test at the 5% significance level across Turkey. Our precipitation records including the most updated observations, extracted from 160 meteorological stations, for the periods 1974–2014 were analyzed by all the four homogeneity tests. According to the results of all tests, five out of 160 stations have an inhomogeneity. With regard to our strict confirmation rule, 44 out of 160 stations are said to be inhomogeneous since they failed from at least one of the four tests. The breaks captured by the Buishand and Pettitt tests usually tend to appear in the middle of the precipitation series, whereas the ability of standard normal homogeneity test is in favor of identifying inhomogeneities mostly at the beginning or at the end of the records. Our results showed that 42 out of 44 inhomogeneous stations passed all the four tests after applying a correction procedure based on the double mass curve analysis. Available metadata was used to interpret the detected inhomogeneity. (
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Dados de precipitação diária foram usados para determinar e classificar limiares da precipitação pluviométrica, assim como avaliar os impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais decorrentes dos desastres associados às chuvas na cidade do Recife-PE. Com base na técnica dos quantis, a precipitação diária (P, em mm) foi dividida nas seguintes classes: Dia Seco (DS): P < 2,2; Chuva muito fraca (Cmf): 2,2 ≤ P < 4,2; Chuva fraca (Cf): 4,2 ≤ P < 8,4; Chuva Moderada (CM): 8,4 ≤ P < 18,6; Chuva Forte (CF): 18,6 ≤ P < 55,3; Chuva Muito Forte (CMF): P ≥ 55,3. Os resultados evidenciaram que quando há registros de precipitação dentro das classes de Chuva Muito Forte e Forte, sempre há escorregamentos e muitos pontos de alagamentos. As chuvas de intensidade Moderada também podem desencadear escorregamentos, principalmente pontos de alagamentos. Não houve ocorrência de danos associados à Chuva fraca, porém, quando há registros de precipitação em dias consecutivos anteriores a um evento de Chuva fraca, com acumulado superior a 30 mm, podem ocorrer escorregamentos. Dias consecutivos com chuvas anteriores a um evento de Chuva Muito Forte, Forte e Moderada contribuem ainda mais para a ocorrência de desastres. Apesar dos eventos extremos de chuvas intensas serem observados principalmente entre os meses de março e julho, tais eventos podem ocorrer nas demais épocas do ano. Verificou-se que é frequente a ocorrência de escorregamentos e alagamentos decorrentes das chuvas, associada à falta de infraestrutura, aliado principalmente às condições sociais e econômicas da população.
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ANALYSIS OF SPATIOTEMPORAL TRENDS OF ANNUAL PRECIPITATION FOR PARANÁ STATE - BRAZIL This paper summarizes the analysis of the results of applying the geostatistical modeling of annual rainfall data, derived from the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR), the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) and National Water Agency (ANA), aiming to identify the spatiotemporal trends of rainfall in the state of Paraná by tests of linear correlation and Mann-Kendall. Spatiotemporal trends were calculated in terms of pixels of the maps with a spatial resolution of one kilometer. The most significant trends in the state are those indicating increased annual precipitation. The reducing trends in annual precipitation cover a larger area of the state, but the rates have no strong significance. The mesoregions showed increasing trends in tests of linear correlation and Mann-Kendall: Metropolitan region (specifically Curitiba and the northern coast of Paraná), Central South, West (Catanduvas), Central West (Altamira do Paraná), North Central and North. Annual rainfall tends to decrease in East-Central, North Central (Maringa and California), Northwest, Southeast and the west end of West mesoregion.
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This article proposes to use the Köppen classification to define « Annual Climate Types » (ACT) for a set of 208 stations, representative of the climatic diversity of Brazil. The average monthly temperature and precipitation data for the period 1961-2015 allow to established the frequency of ACTs for each station. The statistical and cartographic treatment of this information makes it possible to define the limits of the climates of Brazil: here we apply the concepts of « strong nuclei », defined as the regions where the ACT are systematically or mostly the same, and « transition areas », i.e. regions where there is a great diversity of ACT. This approach allows us to propose a detailed study of the transitions between the tropical climates types (mainly Aw, Am and Af) and those of the south, subtropical and temperate (Cwa and Cfa in particular) and discuss these climatic limits.
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Hourly mean concentrations of carbon monoxide trend (CO) in the city of Rio de Janeiro (CRJ) was evaluated based on statistical tests. Air quality stations used were: Central, Copacabana, São Cristóvão and Tijuca from 2010 to 2014. The results of the CO trend based on the Mann-Kendall (MK) test showed an inverse correlation with time, with significant decrease in all seasons. Significant increase trend (Z > 0) and p-value < 0.05 were recorded in Centro and Tijuca in 2010 and 2012 with magnitude between 0.0224 and 0.0067 ppm/year. Insignificant increase occurred only in São Cristóvão (2011) for positive values (Z > 0) and p-value > 0.05. CUSUM test showed that Q magnitude did not exceed the critical value at 1% and 5% probability levels. Cumulative Sum Test (CUSUM) showed homogeneous and significant CO concentrations. Significant abrupt changes occurred in the months of May, June, July, August and September and insignificant in January, February, June, August and November at 1% and 5% probability. CO concentrations occurred in the predominant directions North-Northwest (NNW), South-Southwest (SSW) and South-west (SW). Both sectors are influenced by the main synoptic systems (Frontal System and South Atlantic Subtropical High) that act on CRJ. MK and CUSUM tests proved to be efficient in evaluating trends and abrupt changes in CO concentrations and air quality stations in the CRJ.
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The Rio de Janeiro city and it metropolitan area presents physiographic attributes such as the existence of massifs, lagoons, urban forest, mangroves and Guanabara Bay, which interact with local and mesoscale wind circulation. This paper aims is to evaluate the wind pattern circulation in Guanabara Bay from 2003 to 2013. Were used the data from METAR (Meteorological Aerodrome Report) code of theSurface Meteorological Stations of the Galeão (SBGL) and Santos Dumont (SBGRJ) Airports. In the winds analysis the language processor FORTRAN was created to extract the speed and wind direction of the Airports METAR code and represented in winds rose and histograms by WRPLOT software. The temporal wind series was submitted to the Run test on the annual scale. The Run test showed that both the SBGL and SBRJ stations are free of serial correlation or time persistence, being the exceptions in 2005, 2006 and 2009 years. The wind direction for the annual scale showed that the SBGL Station presents prevailing southeast and east winds, while the SBRJ Station, with greater sea breeze influence due to its greater proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, registrered the dominance of south winds (> 32%). The daily cyclical pattern of wind direction indicated that in the SBRJ Station the influence of the sea breeze is more remarkable in comparision to the SBGL Station.
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O estudo do clima, nas diversas escalas, é fundamental para a compreensão da dinâmica de interação entre fenômenos ambientais e sociais. Nesta perspectiva, o município de Paranaguá carece de estudos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma análise de características climáticas e aplicar a análise rítmica a episódios extremos de precipitação e temperatura, para o município de Paranaguá, PR. Para tanto, efetuou-se uma análise detalhada dos dados históricos da Estação Meteorológica Convencional Paranaguá (83844), os quais foram comparados a outras séries históricas da região. Foram selecionados episódios de precipitação intensa e de temperaturas elevadas, e procedeu-se a análise rítmica para o período, atentando-se a repercussão que os eventos tiveram no município (enchentes, desastres, etc.). Os principais resultados encontrados foram: a precipitação média anual para a estação de Paranaguá é de 2.130,3 mm, o período mais chuvoso é o verão; a temperatura média é de 21,4°C, sendo fevereiro o mês mais quente e julho o mês mais frio; a direção predominante dos ventos é Sul (23,6%). A análise rítmica foi realizada para quatro meses, e no período analisado, os sistemas atmosféricos predominantes na gênese de eventos extremos de precipitação foram as Zonas de Convergência de Umidade (ZCOU) e nos eventos de temperatura elevada foi à massa tropical continental.
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Brazilian metropolises are characterized by a conflictive relationship between social groups and natural dynamics. In rainfall case, these influences take place through different precipitation levels which not necessarily high can trigger disturbances. This article’s main goal is to identify the atmospheric systems that trigger climatic exceptionalities and analyze their different occurrences in urban space. The exceptionalities were defined about two axes: first related to rainfall levels above 20mm in 24h, defined as extreme events. Second events which triggered impacts related to urban space –defined as extreme episodes. Rainfall data from 32 AlertaRio’s rain gauges (1999-2012) were used, organized in 15-minutes data grouped in monthly and annual totals.5 standard years were extracted and its extreme days analyzed. The extreme episodes’ localization was given by neighborhood reported in O Extra. About 65% of the exceptionalities were triggered by Atlantic Polar Front. Considering associated systems or those generated by Atlantic Polar Front, the values can reach 85%. Not every extreme event triggered extreme episodes. The intensity of rainfall was not decisive for the occurrence of repercussions, but rather, the different nature of places.
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The objectives of this study are to use a clustering technique to identify homogeneous rainfall regions in the watersheds of the eastern region of the state of Paraná and to associate the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall with the influences of orography, the ocean and regional atmospheric dynamics. Rainfall data were obtained from 54 pluviometric stations and from eight meteorological stations, which comprise the historical series from 1976 to 2015. A cluster analysis technique was used with the Euclidean distance for measuring proximity and Ward's method for hierarchical grouping. The Litorânea watershed exhibited the highest rainfall totals in the study area, and the annual average was 2551 mm for the homogeneous group with the highest rainfall. The Ribeira river watershed exhibited the lowest total rainfall (1488 mm); therefore, it was considered a rain shadow region with a more tropical climate due to the concentration of rainfall in the period from September to March. The Alto Iguaçu watershed was characterized by the smallest spatiotemporal variation in rainfall due to its flatter relief and the influence of the subtropical climate.
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Este estudo abordou três objetivos: (1) determinar a climatologia de frentes frias (FFs) em 8 cidades ao longo da costa leste da América do Sul no período de 2007 a 2013 com base em análise visual de cartas sinóticas e com um método objetivo usando duas diferentes reanálises; (2) mostrar a necessidade de estudos pontuais para definição de limiares quando do emprego de métodos automáticos para a identificação de FFs e (3) relacionar a ocorrência de FFs com as diferentes fases do Modo Anular Sul (MAS). Os resultados mostraram que o número médio anual de FFs diminui das maiores para as menores latitudes. De acordo com a média sazonal, baseada nas análises das cartas sinóticas, a ocorrência de FFs nas cidades argentinas praticamente não apresenta variabilidade sazonal. Já no Brasil, todas as cidades mostraram maior ocorrência de FFs no inverno e menor no verão. Em geral, as climatologias baseadas no emprego de um método automático dirigido com as reanálises subestimam o número de FFs. A relação da ocorrência de FFs com as fases do MAS mostrou uma preferência pela ocorrência de FFs na fase positiva do MAS na estação de verão e na fase negativa nas estações de inverno e primavera, para quase todas as cidades do estudo. Portanto, estudos como esse são importantes para monitoramento climático e para previsão de tempo.
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Changes in precipitation extremes in the tropical urban context is complex, where the precipitation activities are influenced by the combined effects of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), global warming and local effects. This study presents a comprehensive framework to investigate the variability and trends in precipitation extremes in a tropical urban city-state, Singapore, based on a set of extreme indices recommended by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI). The long-term trends in the precipitation extremes over the period from 1980 until 2013 are examined using an iterative-based Mann–Kendall trend test. Besides, the relative importance of precipitation frequency and intensity in inter-annual variability of wet-day precipitation totals is investigated. Finally, the correlations between precipitation extremes and three potential large-scale and local factors, i.e. ENSO, global mean temperature and local temperature are analysed based on linear regression method. Results reveal that annual wet-day precipitation totals, as well as average wet-day precipitation intensity, have increased significantly, accompanied by a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of precipitation extremes in Singapore. The inter-annual variability of wet-day precipitation totals is mainly dominated by precipitation intensity. Significant correlations are found between precipitation extremes and all the three factors, and the signature of local effects is more evident than global warming. These findings have implications for adaption planning and disaster risk reduction in Singapore in the context of global warming.
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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar, na Região Sul do Brasil, zonas climáticas homogêneas, usando para esse fim a disponibilidade hídrica e contribuir, assim, para estudos de riscos climáticos na agricultura, pecuária e florestas. As regiões foram delimitadas por análise de agrupamento, com variáveis classificatórias definidas pela disponibilidade mensal de água resultante da diferença (P-ETP) entre a pluviosidade (P) e a evapotranspiração potencial (ETP). A análise permitiu o reconhecimento de seis zonas com disponibilidade hídrica homogêneas na Região Sul do Brasil. O Noroeste do Paraná apresenta menor saldo entre precipitação e evapotranspiração no inverno, enquanto a Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul apresenta menor saldo no verão. Nas demais regiões, os saldos têm valores intermediários, havendo regiões com excedente hídrico, entre as quais destaca-se o Litoral e o Sudoeste do Paraná, Oeste de Santa Catarina e Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul.
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This study expands previous work on climate extremes in Australia by investigating the simulation of a large number of extremes indices in the CMIP5 multi-model dataset and comparing them to multiple observational datasets over a century of observed data using consistent methods. We calculate 24 indices representing extremes of temperature and precipitation from 1911–2010 over Australia and show that there have been significant observed trends in temperature extremes associated with warming while there have been few significant observed trends in precipitation extremes. We compare the observed indices calculated from two mostly independent datasets with 22 CMIP5 models to determine how well global climate models are able to simulate observed climatologies, variability and trends. We find that generally temperature extremes are reasonably well simulated (climatology, variability and trend patterns) although the models tend to overestimate minimum temperature extremes and underestimate maximum temperature extremes. Some models stand out as being outliers and we exclude one model (INMCM4) entirely from the multi-model analysis as it simulates unrealistic minimum temperature extremes over the historical period. There is more spread between models for precipitation than temperature extremes but in most cases the observations sit within the model spread. Exceptions are consecutive wet days (CWD) where nearly all models overestimate the actual number of annual wet days and simple daily intensity (SDII) and one day precipitation maxima (Rx1day) where the models tend to underestimate precipitation intensity. However, some of these differences likely lie in observational uncertainty. Most models including the multi-model mean indicate that precipitation intensity has increased over the last century but the two observational datasets analysed disagree on the sign of change of precipitation intensity, one of them indicating a significant decrease. We use the CMIP5 simulations for two future Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) to project changes in temperature and precipitation extremes across Australia. By the end of the century the number of cold temperature extremes substantially reduces and the number of warm temperature extremes substantially increases; changes scaling relative to the strength of emissions scenario. Changes in temperature extremes are often greatest in the tropics. While the results for precipitation extremes are less marked, simulations for the end of the century compared to present day indicate more periods of dryness while the most intense precipitation extremes increase substantially, with a separation becoming clear between emissions scenarios.
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In order to understand the rising number of flash floods and landslides in the densely populated region of southeastern Brazil, this study analyzes the spatial and temporal changes in precipitation from 1978 to 2014. We focus on the sensitivity of mountainous regions, specifically the Rio de Janeiro (RJMR) and Santa Catarina (SCMR) regions. Daily rainfall observations are aggregated into annual and seasonal indexes, and RClimdex is used to evaluate a suite of precipitation and extreme event indexes. Results show positive annual and seasonal precipitation trends during all seasons except for the winter season in the RJMR. Diverse change points in their time series, spatial differences in the trends at individual stations, and trends associated with elevation suggest that despite the close proximity of these two regions, climate impacts are not uniform across all of southeastern Brazil. The majority of precipitation-related indexes present positive trends, especially in the extreme precipitation indexes (PRCPTOT, RX1day, Rx5day and R30 mm). Statistically significant positive correlations are discovered between landslides/flash floods events and annual maximum 1-day and 5-day consecutive precipitation, and these indexes may be useful indicators of natural hazard events for this region. Link:
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Spatial and temporal patterns of rainfall were identified over the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeast Brazil. The proximity to the coast and the complex topography create great diversity of rainfall over space and time. The dataset consisted of time series (1967–2013) of monthly rainfall over 100 meteorological stations. Clustering analysis made it possible to divide the stations into six groups (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5 and G6) with similar rainfall spatiotemporal patterns. A linear regression model was applied to a time series and a reference. The reference series was calculated from the average rainfall within a group, using nearby stations with higher correlation (Pearson). Based on t-test (p\0.05) all stations had a linear spatiotemporal trend. According to the clustering analysis, the first group (G1) contains stations located over the coastal lowlands and also over the ocean facing area of Serra do Mar (Sea ridge), a 1500 km long mountain range over the coastal Southeastern Brazil. The second group (G2) contains stations over all the state, from Serra da Mantiqueira (Mantiqueira Mountains) and Costa Verde (Green coast), to the south, up to stations in the Northern parts of the state. Group 3 (G3) contains stations in the highlands over the state (Serrana region), while group 4 (G4) has stations over the northern areas and the continent-facing side of Serra do Mar. The last two groups were formed with stations around Paraı´ba River (G5) and the metropolitan area of the city of Rio de Janeiro (G6). The driest months in all regions were June, July and August, while November, December and January were the rainiest months. Sharp transitions occurred when considering monthly accumulated rainfall: from January to February, and from February to March, likely associated with episodes of ‘‘veranicos’’, i.e., periods of 4–15 days of uration with no rainfall.
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo principal avaliar, na relação chuva versus relevo, a ocorrência da chuva orográfica a barlavento da Ilha de São Sebastião (Ilhabela - SP). Ao longo do Ano Hidrológico 2004 - 2005 foram coletados mensalmente dados da chuva da ilha, por meio da instalação de seis pluviômetros experimentais na Estrada de Castelhanos - de orientação O - L, com 22 km de extensão e altitude máxima de 690m, em diferentes altitudes. Os dados receberam análise estatística descritiva e sua síntese conduziu, essencialmente, a três resultados: 1) 60,1% do total de chuva coletado no período precipitou sobre a vertente exposta aos fluxos do setor SE (barlavento) confirmando a importância do relevo na sua distribuição; 2) descrição da sombra da chuva por meio da redução da pluviosidade a sotavento da ilha, onde os valores coletados foram 20% menores que os da vertente oposta, e; 3) identificação da chuva orográfica a 600 m de altitude (P7), onde os valores coletados foram invariavelmente mais elevados que os outros, em torno de 30% superiores, ultrapassando os 4000 mm anuais e acumulando um total mensal de 708,5 mm em março de 2005.
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A relação entre crescimento urbano e o surgimento de ilhas de calor urbanas, ou seja, diferenças climáticas entre a área urbana e as áreas rurais no entorno, é demonstrada por diversos autores e em diferentes regiões climáticas. Em Curitiba, a população saltou de aproximadamente 600.000 habitantes para um milhão e meio em três décadas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é propor uma metodologia de análise da ilha de calor urbana de Curitiba (25º25'40"S, 49º16'23"W, 934m acima do nível do mar). A cidade está localizada em região de clima subtropical de altitude; o monitoramento climático foi conduzido segundo uma série anual, entre dezembro de 2011 e fevereiro de 2013, utilizando um par de estações meteorológicas dentro e fora (perifericamente) da mancha urbana de Curitiba. De modo a minimizar possíveis influências atmosféricas na análise, foi feita a classificação dos dias de medição por classes de estabilidade atmosférica segundo o método de Pasquill-Gifford-Turner (PGT), procedendo-se à análise para dias com maior estabilidade atmosférica. Como complemento à análise, adota-se um modelo de conforto desenvolvido para Curitiba a partir de uma extensa pesquisa de sensação e percepção térmicas em espaços abertos, de modo a verificar o efeito integrado das diversas variáveis climáticas em termos de percentuais de horas em frio, conforto e calor e suas variações dentro e fora da área urbana. Em Curitiba, a ilha de calor urbana pode ser benéfica durante o inverno, porém trazendo consequências em termos de excesso de calor em ambientes internos no verão.
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A new data set of landslides that caused loss of life in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 10-year period from 2004 and 2013 inclusive has been compiled, providing new insight into the impact of landslides in this key part of the world. This data set indicates that in the 10-year period a total of 11 631 people lost their lives across the region in 611 landslides. The geographical distribution of the landslides is highly heterogeneous, with areas of high incidence in parts of the Caribbean (most notably Haiti), Central America, Colombia, and southeast Brazil. There is significant interannual variation in the number of landslides, with the El Niño/La Niña cycle emerging as a key control. Our analysis suggests that on a continental scale the mapped factors that best explain the observed distribution are topography, annual precipitation and population density. On a national basis we have compared the occurrence of fatality-inducing landslide occurrence with the production of locally authored research articles, demonstrating that there is a landslide research deficit in Latin America and the Caribbean. Understanding better the mechanisms, distribution causes and triggers of landslides in Latin America and the Caribbean must be an essential first step towards managing the hazard.
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Climate is the set of average atmospheric conditions that characterizes a region. It directly influences the majority of human activities, especially agriculture. Climate classification systems (CCSs) are important tools in the study of agriculture, enabling knowledge of the climatic characteristics of a region. Thus, we aimed to perform the climatic characterization of the State of Paraná using the methods proposed by Köppen and Geiger (1928), modified by Trewartha (1954) (KT), Thornthwaite (1948) (TH) and Camargo (1991) and modified by Maluf (2000) (CM), using data from the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) model. The results of spatial interpolation (virtual stations) were performed using the Kriging method in spherical shape with one neighbour and resolution of 0.25°. The CCSs displayed the ability to separate the warm and dry from cold and wet regions. The most predominant climates were Cfa (temperate humid with hot summers), C1rA’a’ (sub-humid with little water deficiency, megathermal) and ST-UMi (humid subtropical with dry winter), according to KT, TH and CM, respectively. CM is an intermediate CCS between KT and TH.
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Resumo Os impactos deflagrados pelos fenômenos hidrometeorológicos são responsáveis por milhares de vítimas todos os anos em escala mundial. Também no Brasil, esses eventos são o tipo de desastre natural que mais causam transtornos e perdas. A investigação da distribuição espa-cial e temporal dessas calamidades provê informações para medidas de planejamento com intui-to de prevenir e minimizar essas ocorrências. Neste trabalho foi realizado o levantamento e análise de impactos deflagrados por chuvas em municípios do litoral paulista para o período de 1994 a 2004. Os resultados permitiram observar que embora Santos e Guarujá tenham apresen-tado maior quantidade de ocorrências; o elevado número de vítimas foi registrado em Ubatuba, indicando que embora a vulnerabilidade seja o cerne do impacto, a suscetibilidade determinou a magnitude das pessoas afetadas. Palavras-chave: Impactos. Chuvas intensas. Litoral paulista. Abstract Enviromental and social impacts associated with precipitation in coastal cities of São Paulo State Impacts triggered by hydrometeorological events cause thousands of victims every year around the world. Also in Brazil, these events are the natural disaster what cause a huge number of disorders and loses. Investigation of spatial and temporal distributions of these disasters provide information for planning actions in order to preventing and minimizing this impacts. The present study analyses impacts triggered by heavy rains in cities of costal area of São Paulo for the period 1994 to 2004. The results showed that Santos and Guarujá had most impacts. However, most victims were recorded in the city of Ubatuba showing that, although vulnerability is the core of the impact the susceptibility determined the magnitude of people affected.
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Information about the rainfall erosive potential are necessary for the prevention and control of soil degradation as well as the planning and development of watersheds in tropical regions. This study aimed to characterize the rainfall and quantify the rainfall erosive power in Paraná slope of the Itararé watershed, given the importance for proper management and application of predictive practices soil losses. Were obtained rainfall data of thirteen rain gauge stations and the weather station Joaquim Távora, which belongs to the Agronomic Institute of Paraná, for the historical data serie to 1976-2012. The rainfall erosivity index was calculated using an equation of the type a + bx, which a and b = linear and angular coefficients, x = p2/P (p - average monthly rainfall in mm; P - average annual rainfall in millimeters). The results indicated that the summer and spring are characterized by having the greatest susceptibility to rainfall erosivity due to a concentration of 70.8% of the annual values. Were obtained four homogeneous as the rainfall erosive potential, proving the relationship between orography and regional atmospheric dynamic.
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A concentração de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) na atmosfera tem aumentado acentuadamente desde a revolução industrial, o que levou a intensificação do efeito estufa e consequentemente vem causando o aquecimento global. A análise espacial de tendências permite observar as mudanças no comportamento e determinar em quais regiões uma determinada variável vem sofrendo mudanças ao longo do tempo. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar as tendências temporais da precipitação e da temperatura média no Brasil, utilizando o método Contextual Mann-Kendall (CMK), utilizando dados espacialmente distribuídos elaborados pelo Climatic Research Unit (CRU), entre os anos 1961 e 2011. A umidade relativa e a evapotranspiração foram analisadas no intuito de auxiliar na interpretação dos resultados da precipitação e temperatura. Os resultados mostraram tendências não significativas em mais de 70% do território brasileiro em todos os meses na precipitação, porém a temperatura média apresentou tendência positiva significativa em grande parte do Brasil ao longo de todo ano. Em geral, a evapotranspiração apresentou um comportamento diretamente proporcional à temperatura, enquanto que a umidade relativa apresentou comportamento inversamente proporcional. A continuidade dessas tendências poderá resultar em impactos na agricultura e no ciclo hidrológico, e consequentemente para a fauna e flora e para a população.
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The ENSO phenomenon is one of the key factors that influence the interannual variability of precipitation over Southern South America. The aim of this study is to identify the regional response of precipitation to El Niño/La Niña events, with emphasis in drought conditions. The standardized precipitation index (SPI) was used to characterize precipitation variabilities through the 1961–2008 period for time scales of 3 (SPI3) and 12 (SPI12) months. A regionalization based on rotated principal component analysis allowed to identify seven coherent regions for each of the time scales considered. In order to identify the regional influence of El Niño and La Niña events on the SPI time series, we calculated the mean SPI values for the El Niño and La Niña years and assessed its significance through bootstrap analysis. We found coherent and significant SPI responses to ENSO phases in most of the seven regions considered, mainly for the SPI12 time series. The precipitation response to La Niña events is characterized with regional deficits, identified with negative values of the SPI during the end of La Niña year and the year after. During El Niño events the precipitation response is reversed and more intense/consistent than in the case of La Niña events. This signal has some regional differences regarding its magnitude and timing, and the quantification of these features, together with the assessment of the SST composites during drought conditions provided critical baseline information for the agricultural and water resources sectors.
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Agriculture (the agricultural exports flagship from southern Brazil) is highly dependent on temporal rainfall distribution. However, the technology used in the field has been altering this relationship. Such technology, in addition to minimizing the effects of climate variability, has increased the annual soybean yield observed in the trend analysis, which was positive in 17 of the municipalities studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the rainfall variability and soybean production in one of the areas of greatest soybean production in southern Brazil by applying the quartile, percentile, Pettitt (homogeneity - break results) and Mann-Kendall (trend) tests. The results indicate a significant relationship between annual rainfall variability (1999-2000; 2009-2010) and soybean yield (kg/ha), particularly during the growing season of 2009-2010 when the yield variation between municipalities was low. It was concluded that the statistically significant correlations indicate that the soy dependence ranges from 22% to 50% in certain municipalities.
Rainfall is a complex meteorological phenomenon with high spatio-temporal variability. These variations in hydrologic time series can be better analyzed using homogeneity and trend tests. In this paper, three homogeneity tests were applied to the annual rainfall series of 1980-2013 from 30 raingauge stations over the study area. The rainfall stations with homogeneous time series were subjected to cluster analysis (Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering technique) and thereafter traditional trend tests (Mann-Kendall test and Spearman Rank-order Correlation test) and one emerging trend test (called ‘Innovative Trend test’) were applied to individual clusters. Based on the homogeneity test results, 27 rainfall stations with homogeneous time series were classified under six clusters. The results of the trend analysis revealed that a distinct pattern of increasing (decreasing) rainfall trend exists in the northern (southern) part of the study area. Although the traditional tests detected insignificant trends, the Innovative Trend (IT) test indicated the trends to be significant in all the clusters. However, the magnitude of trends detected by the traditional trend tests and non-traditional trend tests is similar for all the clusters. It is concluded that the emerging IT test is highly sensitive to the changes in the rainfall time series. The findings of this study suggest that the orography, population density, industrialization and agricultural intensity lead to a precipitation gradient in the study area.
Article Short-duration (1–3 h) rainfall extremes can cause serious damage to societies through rapidly developing (flash) flooding and are determined by complex, multifaceted processes that are altering as Earth’s climate warms. In this Review, we examine evidence from observational, theoretical and modelling studies for the intensification of these rainfall extremes, the drivers and the impact on flash flooding. Both short-duration and long-duration (>1 day) rainfall extremes are intensifying with warming at a rate consistent with the increase in atmospheric moisture (~7% K⁻¹), while in some regions, increases in short-duration extreme rainfall intensities are stronger than expected from moisture increases alone. These stronger local increases are related to feedbacks in convective clouds, but their exact role is uncertain because of the very small scales involved. Future extreme rainfall intensification is also modulated by changes to temperature stratification and large-scale atmospheric circulation. The latter remains a major source of uncertainty. Intensification of short-duration extremes has likely increased the incidence of flash flooding at local scales, and this can further compound with an increase in storm spatial footprint to considerably increase total event rainfall. These findings call for urgent climate change adaptation measures to manage increasing flood risks.
Entendendo as características ambientais enquanto condicionantes ou limitantes à proliferação de determinadas patologias, esta pesquisa de Iniciação Científica, inserida dentro do projeto “Clima urbano e dengue nas cidades brasileiras”, pretendeu analisar a dinâmica da dengue em relação ao campo térmico de Curitiba, partindo da identificação de condicionantes propícias para o aparecimento de focos do vetor. Com a utilização de dados da temperatura do solo obtidas através do sensor MODIS, foi possível a identificação de ilhas de calor, passíveis de intensificação em alguns cenários de mudança do clima em escala global e local. A espacialização dessas condições permitiu analisar quais áreas da cidade apresentaram temperaturas mais elevadas, evidenciando gradientes de temperatura de até 8º C no perímetro urbano da cidade. Verificou-se em determinadas zonas, a presença de condicionantes ambientais e sociais propicias ao aparecimento de focos de Aedes Aegypti, o que ressalta a importância de ações de enfrentamento nas mesmas.
The relationship between rainfall characteristics and urbanization over the Eastern US was examined by analyzing four datasets: daily rainfall in 4,593 surface stations over the last 50 years (1958-2008), a high resolution gridded rainfall product, reanalysis wind data, and a proxy for urban land-use: gridded human population data. Results indicate that summer monthly rainfall amounts show an increasing trend in urbanized regions. The frequency of heavy rainfall events has a potential positive bias toward urbanized regions. Most notably, consistent with case studies for individual cities, the climatology of rainfall amounts downwind of urban-rural boundaries shows a significant increasing trend. Analysis of heavy (90th percentile) and extreme (99.5th percentile) rainfall events indicated decreasing trends of heavy rainfall events and a possible increasing trend for extreme rainfall event frequency over urban areas. Results indicate that the urbanization impact was more pronounced in the Northeast and the Midwestern US with an increase in rainfall amounts. In contrast, the southeastern US showed a slight decrease in rainfall amounts and heavy rainfall event frequencies. Results suggest that the urbanization signature is becoming detectable in rainfall climatology as an anthropogenic influence affecting regional precipitation; however, extracting this signature is not straightforward and requires eliminating other dynamical confounding feedbacks.
Based on the daily rainfall data since 1889 in Curitiba, one of the largest cities in southern Brazil, a trend towards increased precipitation and more intense rainfall can be seen. The annual and seasonal volume of rainfall has increased, amounts greater than 10, 20 and 40 mm being observed more often, but with a reduction in the number of rainy days and the number of days with rainfall below 10 mm. Seasonal 95th percentile series have increased in summer, fall and winter. In addition, several indices of climate extremes presented significant increasing trends: monthly maximum 1-day precipitation, annual total precipitation greater than 95th and 99th percentiles, number of consecutive dry days and the daily intensity index. Generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution function parameters also indicated higher occurrence of extremes detected by the increase in both the scale parameter σ and the location parameter μ in summer, fall and winter. The return time for severe rainfall declined in the second half of the period compared to the first, indicating more frequent occurrence of future extreme events. The main climate indices affecting the 95th percentile series were sea surface temperature (SST), South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) and Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) during spring, and Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO), Large-Scale Index for South America Monsoon (LISAM) and SOI during the summer, which explained variability of the extremes at around 20 and 13%, respectively in each season. Regarding the variability of summer, fall and spring total rainfall, they presented values around 20% for the explained variance due to climate indices. Other factors should be investigated to explain the variability such as urbanization, air pollution and local circulations. Dominant oscillation periods in the time series constructed with one monthly extreme appeared at 3 to 8-year (inter-annual) cycles, with 12 years (decadal) and around 30–64 years on the inter-decadal scale. These oscillations have resonance with SOI, SACZ and Southern Annular Mode (SAM) indices (high frequencies), and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and AMO (low frequency).