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An Explained Typology of Natural Disasters in the State of Uttarakhand, India: Preparedness and Response Mechanism



There is a need for coordinated and integrated disaster preparedness and response mechanism in the Uttarakhand State, across various institutions and human habitations as additionally along with the transient measurement in that previous occasions and future dangers should be examined corresponding to each other and its relationship for a viable system for disaster risk reduction. Moving above and beyond, endeavor ought to be made to unite as incorporated worldwide risk reduction framework, which analyses regional susceptibilities of people and the region. This proposed inquiry concentrates on means to investigate the relationship between disaster preparedness and response and a considerable and bankable recovery from the disaster, which will endure through and continue to go long. Using a grouping of abstract and quantitative outline system assessment, and exploratory research techniques, this investigation paper separated the evidence of disaster response close by the readiness and alleviation methodologies, and their assurance for significant and sensible recovery from the disaster impact and influence. The closeness of more essential disaster the board practice and better, faster recovery from the calamity was found to be intelligent and real ponders. The paper found that the higher the size of disaster encroachment, the more essential the counter-vote-based energy for a veritable and epic recovery from a disaster in the State. The examination obviously reacts to the quest with respect to the sociological way to deal with and handle natural disasters.
There is a need for coordinated and integrated disaster preparedness and response mechanism in the Uttarakhand
State, across various institutions and human habitations as additionally along with the transient measurement in
that previous occasions and future dangers should be examined corresponding to each other and its relationship
for a viable system for disaster risk reduction. Moving above and beyond, endeavor ought to be made to unite as
incorporated worldwide risk reduction framework, which analyses regional susceptibilities of people and the region. This
proposed inquiry concentrates on means to investigate the relationship between disaster preparedness and response
and a considerable and bankable recovery from the disaster, which will endure through and continue to go long.
Using a grouping of abstract and quantitative outline system assessment, and exploratory research techniques, this
investigation paper separated the evidence of disaster response close by the readiness and alleviation methodologies,
and their assurance for significant and sensible recovery from the disaster impact and influence. The closeness of
more essential disaster the board practice and better, faster recovery from the calamity was found to be intelligent and
real ponders. The paper found that the higher the size of disaster encroachment, the more essential the countervote
based energy for a veritable and epic recovery from a disaster in the State. The examination obviously reacts to the
quest with respect to the sociological way to deal with and handle natural disasters.
Environment Pollution and
Climate Change
An Explained Typology of Natural Disasters in the State of Uttarakhand,
India: Preparedness and Response Mechanism
Dr. Surender Kumar* and Dr. Jayahari Srivastava
Department Of Sociology & Social Work, HNBGU, A Central University, Uttarakhand, India
Keywords: Preparedness; disaster response; risk reduction;
Exploratory; Sociological; Hazard
The perception of disaster has progressed from a totally techno-
driven perspective to a sociological and natural and ecological
perspective to unraveling the wonders identified with calamities.
Through a huge part of the twentieth century, the speculation and
practice of calamity the board had been overpowered by the coherent
perspective, whereby, disasters were thought about basically as a
topographical, geological, or a climactic issue, the responses for which
lay in designing and the regulatory and administrative sciences. Over
the latest twenty years, there has been a paradigmatic change in the
cognizance of disasters in that the human factor, which had been
ignored in the past procedure, is as of now in the middle, it is currently
human-engaged and focused. The undertaking along these lines is
to ask into sociological cycles and potential outcomes that choose or
undermine a neighborhood, adjusting cutoff, and respond to disasters.
Appreciation of disasters as of not long ago had been limited to typical
risks. Eventually, the term disaster is a more thorough thought, in
that it fuses man-made and mechanical dangers, as also mental abuse,
which has added one more estimation to its arrangement.
There are two important perceptions on disasters. According to
one school of thought, disasters are natural, vengeful acts of nature:
an opportunity for man to atone for his sons, wherein death and
destruction are inevitable. As per the other perspective, disasters
are man-made. An event whether a product of natural phenomena
or human activities turns out to be a catastrophic disaster if the
community or society fails to adequately cope up with it. By systemic
understanding, hazard simply acts as a ‘catalyst’ in that it brings forth
underlying tensions that are always present as potential pressure [1].
From the ecological perspective, “disasters are totalizing events
in which all dimensions of a social structural formation, involving
organized human action in the environmental context in which it takes
place are studied. The ecological concept of disaster as a total event
involving interaction between environment and nature follows the
social perspective on disaster by which hazards are understood to arise
when there is lack of mutual relation between the environment and
man” [2]. As a society interacts with the environment, with its values
and perceptions and engages in a series of processes over which it has
incomplete control and knowledge, for example, development and
planning processes, production and distribution of goods, over long
periods of time, underlying hazards turn to disasters [3].
Theoretical Understanding of Relevant Concepts
For the sake of conceptual clarity, it is desirable to clear the
semantic confusion between three interrelated terms, viz. hazard, risk,
and vulnerability, which are used often in disaster literature. Such an
exercise is necessary for a view of the fact that a major part of disaster
management theory and practice involves scientific precepts and
analyses, which requires precision in the terminology used. Project
planners are required to present an inventory of risks from specific
hazards, risks, and vulnerability factors that require exactitude in
definitions. Hence, the hazard is defined as a potential or a latent/
dormant cause, which is activated when the right configuration of
factors; natural or manmade or both, present themselves. For example,
a chemical plant in a populated area is a potential threat to life and
property within defined vicinity; hence a hazard. Disaster is the actual
occurrence of the apprehended catastrophe. Hence, disaster is “any
*Corresponding author: Dr. Surender Kumar, Department Of Sociology & Social
Work HNBGU, A Central University, Uttarakhand, India, Tel: + 91 7668701171
Received October 07, 2021; Accepted November 01, 2021; Published November
08, 2021
Citation: Kumar S, Srivastava J (2021) An Explained Typology of Natural Disasters
in the State of Uttarakhand, India: Preparedness and Response Mechanism.
Environ Pollut Climate Change. 5: 242.
Copyright: © 2021 Kumar S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
Research Article Open Access
ISSN: 257 3-458X
occurrence, that causes damage, ecological disruption, loss of human
life, deterioration of health and health services, on a scale sufficient
to warrant an extraordinary response from outside the affected
community or area.” World Health Organization (WHO)
A hazard technically is not a disaster unless the ‘trigger’ (natural or
man-made) sets it off. The trigger could possibly be the weak legislation
that failed to regulate the functioning of the facility, as was the case
in the Bhopal gas tragedy. Hence a “disaster should be defined on the
basis of its human consequences, not on the phenomenon (hazard) that
caused it. That precisely brings out the difference between disasters and
hazards. Earthquakes, floods, and cyclones are ‘natural hazards’ which
cause large-scale loss of life and property (disaster) when the trigger
mechanism (natural or man-made) is activated. Till then, they are
simply events in nature. A hazard may or may not lead to an event, or
the event in itself may or may not cause damage. Such probabilities are
determined by the vulnerability of ‘elements’ at risk.
Vulnerability is the extent to which an ‘element’ (animate/
inanimate) is harmed in the event of a disaster; in other words, is
susceptible to a given hazard. ‘Elements’ are identified as life and
property likely to suffer damage in the event of a disaster. Observation
and perception of risk involve ascertaining, specifically, such ‘elements’
at risk. Identification of risk involves inquiring into the specific natural,
technological or chemical, etc., processes that create the vulnerability
of the elements identified for risk analysis”. Vulnerability can be
natural or man-made. It can be physical, owing to factors such as weak
buildings, habitation in hazard-prone areas; or socio-economic, arising
due to poverty or marginalization of the weaker sections of society who
lack the wherewithal of defending themselves in the event of a disaster.
The aforesaid concepts are discussed below in detail (Figure 1).
Hazards and Disasters: A Differentiation
The International Secretariat for Disaster Reduction (ISDR)
defines a hazard as “a potentially damaging physical event,
phenomenon or human activity that may cause then loss of life
or injury, property damage, social and economic disruption or
environmental degradation.” Hazards could be, natural (geological,
hydro-meteorological, and biological) or induced by human processes
(environmental degradation and technological hazards). Hazards can be
single, sequential, or combined in their origin and effects. Accordingly,
Hazard analysis entails the identification, study, and monitoring of a
hazard to determine its potential, origin, and characteristics. A fine
line separates environmental hazards and environmental resources, as
between water out of control (flood hazard) and water under control
(reservoir resources). The atmosphere is considered ‘benign’ when it
produces holiday sunshine but ‘hostile’ when it produces damaging
It is seen that from one side of the planet to the other, there is an
extension in the occasion and antagonistic impact of disasters, typical
similarly as man-made. Notwithstanding enhancements in science and
advancement, there is a sharp climb in calamities and disasters. In 2002,
it has been surveyed that most fatalities happened in light of floods and
seismic tremors over the world. Uttarakhand has encountered countless
occasional and glimmer floods, including quakes that have shaken and
shocked the area in every possible measurement. Uttarakhand is prone
to natural hazards mainly caused by water, (floods, flash floods, heavy
precipitation, avalanches, landslides, droughts, hail, lightning), as
well as cold waves and earthquakes. The recent calamity due to heavy
downpours and subsequent devastating floods in various rivers on 16-
17 June 2013 led to heavy losses of life and property. Unprecedented
floods and landslides have rendered many locations along the
riverbanks vulnerable to losses. Besides affecting the life of the people
adversely, such calamities also disrupt habitations around the rivers
that contribute significantly towards total national agricultural and
industrial product value (Figure 2).
The Himalayan district is profoundly defenseless against disastrous
earthquakes and has been crushed by four Great Earthquakes
(Magnitude 48 on Richter Scale); 1897 Shillong, 1905 Kangara, 1934
BiharNepal, and 1950 Assam quakes separated from Kumaun and
Garhwal quakes of 1720 and 1803 individually. Districts between break
zones of these quakes address seismic holes that have gathered expected
slips for producing future Great Earthquakes. However shaken as of
late by 1991 Uttarkashi, 1999 Chamoli seismic tremors the province
Figure 1: Earthquake Hazard Zonation: Source: USDMA.
Page 3 of 9
of Uttarakhand in India falls in seismic hole of 1934 and 1905 great
quakes and is distinguished as an expected site for a future calamitous
tremor and earthquakes. Since the time adjustment of the southwest
rainstorm owed generally to the upliftment of Himalaya, the district has
been encountering weighty precipitation, for the most part, confined to
storm period, blustery season over the Indian subcontinent. Restricted
and unusually substantial precipitation (downpour) which is normal
in the district regularly brings about trash streams, avalanches, and
glimmer floods. Aside from 1894 and 1970 Uttarakhand has been
crushed by floods in 2010, 2012, and 2013.
The human deaths in the frequency of 2013 outperformed 4000 and
crushed Mandakini and Alaknanda valleys other than Kali, Goriganga,
Pinder, Bhagirathi, and Saryu valleys. Because of upgraded pore water
pressure and decreased frictional powers avalanches are normal during
the rainstorm periods and the combined cost of these far outperforms
that of different perils and disasters. It is assessed that each square
kilometer in the Himalayas has, at any rate, two avalanche scars. In
the year 1998, the state saw major avalanches in Madhyamaheshwar
and Kali valleys in which human loss of life was more than 350. Most
agricultural lands in the region are rain-fed and therefore failure,
weakening, or delay of the southwest monsoon or winter rains results
in crop failure or depleted productivity. In recent times the state has
faced severe drought conditions in 2006, 2008, and 2009.
Moreover, western disturbances often induce squall and hail
storms that cause measure loss of horticultural crops. Forest fires
are also frequent in the region and besides causing environmental
degradation these often enhance the pace of other erosional processes.
Most agricultural lands in the region are rain-fed and therefore failure,
weakening, or delay of the southwest monsoon or winter rains results
in crop failure or depleted productivity. In recent times the state has
faced severe drought conditions in 2006, 2008, and 2009. Moreover,
western disturbances often induce squall and hail storms that cause
measure loss of horticultural crops. Forest fires are also frequent in
the region and besides causing environmental degradation these often
enhance the pace of other erosional processes (Figure 3).
Uttarakhand is hence inclined to various normal risks and
individuals living in this territory would have frequently experienced
rage of these. Guaranteeing wellbeing and coherence of the local area
has been the greatest test looked at by people all through furthermore,
all over. Ceaseless and unabated human presence in the locale
notwithstanding the diligent and genuine danger of various perils
proposes that the native individuals of this district, in view of their
gained information, could sufficiently moderate misfortunes from
these risks. A fundamental comprehension of the cycles promoting
these dangers is anyway needed for doing as such. This should anyway
not be possible without distinctly noticing different normal dangers
and testing causes thereof. Comprehension of likely explanations of
these risks would have driven individuals to explore different avenues
regarding different likely impacting boundaries and devise methods of
limiting misfortunes in ensuing occasions. It is just with this perception,
experimentation, and conveying forward of the gained information
that these individuals could effectively comprehend the cycles inciting
these risks and devise methods of guaranteeing security from these.
There exist enough evidence to infer that these people possessed
a superior understanding of the processes underlying the hazards
and devised ways of minimizing losses from these. These are talked
about exhaustively in the areas underneath. Entry of this information
through oral custom alone could anyway not send perceptions made
during perils, for example, tremors that have long repeat stretches.
Proof relating to formal documentation and transmission of
information identified with these dangers stays a significant missing
connection in calamity the executives related comprehension of the
native individuals of this locale and similar warrants committed and
concentrated exploration (Figure 5).
Natural Disasters in the State of Uttarakhand, India: Typology of
natural disasters occurring in the State of Uttarakhand, India.
Earthquake threat in the Himalayas and Uttarakhand
Earthquake danger potential is evaluated to be especially high in
the whole Himalayan landscape and before, the locale has been shocked
by four incredible quakes, aside from the Kumaun Earthquake of 1720
and the Garhwal Earthquake of 1803. The pinnacle ground speed
increase ( PGA ) in the Shillong Earthquake of 1897 is assessed to have
surpassed 1 gr Oldham while around 18,000 people were purportedly
killed in the 1905 Kangara Earthquake (Middlemiss, 1910). The whole
Himalayan territory falls in Zone V and Zone IV of Earthquake Zoning
Map of India (IS 1893 (Part 1), 2002) that isolates the Indian landmass
into four unmistakable danger zones; Zone II to Zone V.
Figure 2: AAL (Financial Losses) for Earthquakes at State and District Levels and Across All Portfolios.
Figure 4: Source: USDMA.
Figure 5: Flood Hazard Zonation Source: USDMA.
Page 4 of 9
Figure 3: AAL (Human Losses) for Earthquakes at State and District Levels and Across All Portfolios Source: DRA, 2019.
Quake force can arrive at VIII on MSK Scale in Zone IV, while in
Page 5 of 9
Zone V it can arrive at IX or significantly more. In the new past (1991
and 1 9 9) the State of Uttarakhand has seen the destruction brought
about by two quakes (Uttarkashi and Chamoli) and being navigated by
major Himalayan structural discontinuities (Himalayan Frontal Fault;
HFF, Main Boundary Thrust; MBT and Main Central Thrust; MCT)
the State is regularly shaken by tremors of lesser greatness. The State of
Uttarakhand has anyway not encountered an incredible tremor (Mw
8.0) for more than the past 200 years and continually amassing strain
hence stays due for discharge in this area. The area is along these lines
displayed as falling in the seismic hole of 1934 and 1905 extraordinary
tremors (Yeats and Thakur, 1998). Since more modest tremors
don't happen adequately as often as possible to oblige the noticed
intermingling of Indian and Eurasian plates, there is a reformist strain
developed in what are perceived as seismic holes Falling in seismic hole
whole State of Uttarakhand is deciphered to have collected likely slip
for creating future extraordinary quakes. Having been recognized as
a likely locale for a future calamitous quake is a reason for worry for
oneself and all, especially those living around here (Figure 6).
The Himalayas alone count for landslides of every fame, name,
and description- big and small, quick and creeping, ancient and new.
The Northeastern region is badly affected by landslide problems of
a bewildering variety. Landslides in the Darjeeling district of West
Bengal as also those in Sikkim, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya, Assam,
Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh pose chronic problems, causing
recurring economic losses worth billions of rupees. A different variety
of landslides, characterized by a lateritic cap, pose a constant threat to
the Western Ghats in the South, along the steep slopes overlooking the
Konkan coast besides Nilgiris, which is highly landslide-prone. Some
spectacular events of tragedies are reported as Varnavat landslide,
Uttarkashi District, Malpha landslide Pithoragarh district, Okhimath
landslide in Chamoli district, UK, and Paglajhora in Darjeeling district
as well as Sikkim, Aizawl sports complex, Mizoram. These are some of
the more recent examples of landslides. The problem, therefore, needs
to be tackled for mitigation and management for which hazard zones
have to be identified and specific slides to be stabilized and managed
in addition to monitoring and early warning systems to be placed at
selected sites (Figure 7).
In recent times extreme rainfall events as cloudbursts are dominant
phenomenon trigger large scale mass movement and flash floods in the
Himalayan region. Cloudburst is a natural and common phenomenon
in the Himalayas, especially in the Garhwal and Kumaon regions of
Uttarakhand. Cloudburst and associated disasters affect thousands
of people every year and cause loss of life, property, livelihood,
infrastructure, and the environment. Almost every year several parts
of Uttarakhand Himalaya experience cloudburst and associated
hazards. Cloudburst during August 1998 at Ukhimath (Rudraprayag)
and Malpa (Pithoragarh), August 2001 at Phata (Rudraprayag),
August 2002 at Burakedar (Tehri), August 2012 in Asi Ganga
(Uttarkashi), September 2012 at Ukhimath (Rudraprayag), and June
2013 at Kedarnath (Rudraprayag) are some of the examples of recent
cloudburst incidences associated with flash floods and landslides in
Uttarakhand Himalaya. The Cloudburst is a natural phenomenon that
generally occurs during the monsoon period over many regions of the
Himalayas (Figure 8).
Generally, cloudburst refers to particularly heavy precipitation in a
short period of time over a limited geographical area. It is often defined
as more than 100 mm/hour rainfall within a limited geographical
area of a few square kilometers. The landforms of the Uttarakhand
Himalaya located above 1200 meter altitude are extremely sensitive
for the cloudburst-induced landslides during monsoon season.
Cloudburst incidences over many areas of the Himalayas often go
unnoticed due to the absence of meteorological observatories. Many
times these come to notice only when these are accompanied by losses
and casualties. In the absence of losses, these can only be identified on
the basis of inundation occurring along streams. Mostly upper reach of
the first order and second order drainages (seasonal streams) have been
observed to be overwhelmed by debris flow during these incidences.
Slope failures and bank erosion are common during this phenomenon
which results in sedimentation and sometimes blocks the river course,
turns them into big lakes, and creates flood conditions.
Considering extreme rainfall events in Uttarakhand Himalaya, it is
suggested that instead of valleys and along the abandoned channels of
drains people should inhabit on the hard rock or firm ground of slopes
for safety reasons. At locations where ground fissures have developed
and subsidence has taken place appropriate measures are required for
Figure 6: AAL (Financial Losses) for Fluvial Floods at State and District Levels and Across All Portfolios Source: DRA, 2019.
Figure 8: Source: DRA, 2019 Disaster Risk Management Cycle.
Page 6 of 9
checking infiltration of rainwater as well as surface water. This should
precede the implementation of permanent treatment measures. People
living around these slopes should remain vigilant, particularly during
the monsoon period and any physical change in the slope should
immediately be brought to the notice of authorities. On the basis
of information collected from the local people, strong wind and
lightning are very common during cloudbursts. Even though locals
consider it to be a cloudburst event it is hard either to accept or
reject their assertion in absence of authentic meteorological data
from the proximity of slope failure incidences. Indiscriminate and
unscientific construction should be banned especially in landslide-
affected areas. Besides this safe disposal of rainwater needs to be
given due importance.
Both surface and subsurface drainage measures should therefore
be planned and executed. For this drain pipes could be provided on
debris slope. The planned drainage network should be stepped and
wide enough to accommodate heavy downpour events. Increasing
anthropogenic activities, venturing in unsafe areas due to limited
land availability and heavy localized precipitation, are continuously
increasing the landslide vulnerability in Didihat town as well as the
hilly terrain of Uttarakhand. In case indiscriminate and unscientific
construction could not be regulated all mitigation and treatment
measures would remain a mere formality and would be of little use.
The bioengineering technology can be successfully implemented by
using specific and local vegetation along with engineering measures
to reduce instability and soil erosion. Although it is difficult to
forecast cloudburst events, the dense network of rain gauges
particularly in the areas identified as being vulnerable to cloudburst
is required for a better understanding of this phenomenon.
Accurate measurement of such events and studies based on different
aspects of geology, geomorphology, and climatology could help in
developing a cloudburst forecasting model. Such studies would at
the same time result in efficient landslide risk mitigation. At the
same time, awareness about the extreme precipitation events and
associated disasters among the dwellers of the area is needed.
Disaster Impact
Figure 7: AAL (Human Losses) for Fluvial Floods at State and District Levels and Across All Portfolios Source: DRA, 2019 Cartes, Nick, 1991.
India is highly vulnerable to floods. Out of the total geographical
area of 329 million hectares (mha), more than 40 mha is flood-prone.
Floods are a recurrent phenomenon, which causes huge loss of lives
and damage to livelihood systems, property, infrastructure, and public
utilities. It is a cause for concern that flood-related damages show an
increasing trend. The average annual flood damage in the last 10 years
period from 1996 to 2005 was Rs. 4745 crore as compared to Rs. 1805
crore, the corresponding average for the previous 53 years. This can be
attributed to many reasons including a steep increase in population,
rapid urbanization growing developmental and economic activities in
flood plains coupled with global warming. On average every year, 75
lakh hectares of land are affected, 1600 lives are lost and the damage
caused to crops, houses, and public utilities is Rs.1805 crores due to
floods. The maximum number of lives (11,316) was lost in the year
The frequency of major floods is more than once in five years.
Floods have also occurred in areas, which were earlier not considered
flood-prone. An effort has been made in these Guidelines to cover the
entire gamut of Flood Management. Eighty percent of the precipitation
takes place in the monsoon months from June to September. The rivers
bring heavy sediment load from catchments. These, coupled with
an inadequate carrying capacity of rivers are responsible for causing
floods, drainage congestion, and erosion of river-banks. Cyclones,
cyclonic circulations, and cloud bursts cause flash floods and lead to
huge losses. It is a fact that some of the rivers causing damage in India
originate in neighboring countries; adding another complex dimension
to the problem. Continuing and large-scale loss of lives and damage to
public and private property due to floods indicate that we are still to
develop an effective response to floods. NDMA's Executive Summary
Guidelines have been prepared to enable the various implementing
and stakeholder agencies to effectively address the critical areas for
minimizing flood damage.
Flash Flood
A flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of
time, Flash floods are usually characterized by raging torrents after
heavy rains that rip through river beds, urban streets, or mountain
canyons sweeping everything before them. They can occur within
minutes or a few hours of excessive rainfall. They can also occur even
if no rain has fallen, for instance after a levee or dam has failed, or after
a sudden release of water by a debris or ice jam. The intensity of the
rainfall, the location and distribution of the rainfall, the land use and
topography, vegetation types and growth/density, soil type, and soil
water content all determine just how quickly the Flash Flooding may
occur, and influence where it may occur. A recent disaster that occurred
in Uttarakhand is a typical example of such flash flood disasters taking
a massive toll on the human life and property in the region.
Page 7 of 9
A glacier burst in Chamoli district caused flash floods killing
several people. On Sunday morning, a glacier burst in Reni village of
Chamoli in Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand caused a flash flood
in the Rishiganga river. The flood is likely to have killed around 100-
150 people. The massive flood in Dhauliganga and Joshimath which
was reported near Reni village, 26 km from Joshimath, destroyed many
houses situated on the river bank [4].
Disaster struck Uttarakhand’s Chamoli district on February 7,
2021, in the form of an avalanche and deluge, after a portion of the
Nanda Devi glacier broke off. The sudden flood in the middle of the
day in the Dhauli Ganga, Rishi Ganga, and Alaknanda rivers all
intricately linked tributaries of the Ganga triggered widespread
panic and large-scale devastation in the high mountain areas. Two
power projects NTPC’s Tapovan-Vishnugad hydel project and the
Rishi Ganga Hydel Project were extensively damaged with scores of
laborers trapped in tunnels as the waters came rushing in. At least 32
people are feared dead, and over 190 missing [5].
Avalanches are common in the Himalayan region with altitudes of
more than 3500 meters and where the slope is generally more than 30
degrees. North-facing slopes are known to have avalanches in winter
whereas south-facing slopes usually get them during springtime. In the
recent past, many incidences of avalanches have been observed in higher
reaches of the state like Gomukh Glacier, Hemkunt Sahib, Ghastoli,
and KalindiBadrinath track. Since its commencement, the territory
of Uttarakhand has been likely to fluctuate also, the serious scope of
regular peril and disaster occasions. While a considerable lot of these
are unaccounted for in the authentic record, (given the recurrence of
persistent, low-power occasions, like minor landslides), a synopsis of
the significant occasions for each disaster type is documented in Table
1 below.
Uttarakhand is defenseless and has been crushed over and over by
various dangers that incorporate earthquake, avalanche, flood, flash
flood, dry spell, and torrential slide. These have incurred a substantial
loss of living souls, framework, property, and different assets. Even
though it is not always possible to prevent the occurrence of natural
hazards, with effort and planning it is possible to reduce their impact.
The State Disaster Management Plan (SDMP) is envisaged to lead the
state towards the goal of being disaster resilient and has been designed
in such a manner that it can be implemented as needed in a flexible
and scalable manner during all the phases of the disaster management
cycle from prevention, mitigation and preparedness through response
to recovery encompassing precepts of build back better. The entire
approach towards management of disasters, which has all along been
relief-based, has been undergoing transformation and morphological
alterations, and it is now giving a broadway open to a developmental
approach to disaster handling and management, which is an existential
reality in the State of Uttarakhand too.
Floods / Flashfloods
Number of
65 from 1803-2013
29 major
events from
28 major events
from 1989 -2013
9 major events
from 2002-2016
11 with
magnitude >
6.0 Richter
>5400 since
More than 6500
from 1989-2013
(~5700[5] only from
June 2013 floods)
Table 1: Sources: [1] Setendra (2003) | [2] NDMA (2009) | [3] SEOC (2011) | [4] UAEP (2016) [5] CBS news.
This involves ensuring readiness on the part of several stakeholders
to predict, and where possible, prevent disasters, reduce their impact
and cope with its consequences. Disaster management is being looked
at in a very comprehensive manner with the prevention, preparedness,
mitigation, and relief built into it to foster sustainable development is
being looked at in a very comprehensive manner with the prevention,
preparedness, mitigation, and relief built into it to foster sustainable
development. Whether disasters are natural or Inhuman-induced,
their impact is felt, many times, for a long time. It is, therefore,
essential that ally support operations be designed and implemented
with a long-term perspective. In the past, we have been at the mercy
of nature and fate, but today, we possess the knowledge, capacity, and
capability to lessen the worst impact of a disaster. In the new culture
of disaster management, prevention, preparedness, and mitigation are
interconnected as one supplements the other.
Disasters, which occur globally with regular periodicity, are either
natural such as floods, droughts, cyclones, and earthquakes, or human-
induced such as conflicts, riots, environmental and industrial accidents.
Irrespective of whether it is an 'act of God' or human-induced,
disasters create mass destruction and impede developmental work. The
approach towards the management of disasters has undergone a radical
change over the last few years. The ways of tackling the occurrence of
disasters, earlier have been reactive in nature. The course of action
basically used to be emergency management and provision of relief
and rehabilitation. Efforts are always directed towards bringing back
the situation to normal. But presently, governments all over the world
are adopting a holistic approach to disaster management.
The disaster management activity attempts to integrate several
interrelated components in an orderly and coordinated manner,
this includes activities before or pre-disaster, during and after the
occurrence of a disaster. Hence there is a growing realization universally
to operationalize and formulate appropriate legal and institutional
frameworks to deal with disasters. Disaster management as an activity
involves measures to:
Reduce the risks associated with disasters through timely
measures, short-term and long-term policies;
Provide required assistance to communities during and after
the disasters; and
Ensure rapid, sustained recovery and rehabilitation after the
occurrence of disasters.
Disaster management operation entails certain imperative and key
components as demonstrated in the figure depicted beneath.
Rautela, disaster the board is a multi-departmental affair,
coordination, and solidarity, social fortitude of the order are basic
to the accomplishment of post-catastrophe reaction. Separated from
state organizations, police, and different state government divisions
various different organizations were involved in the consequence of
the catastrophe [6]. These included Army, IAF, NDRF, ITBP, and the
Indian Navy. It is therefore a must after any major disaster to quickly
undertake a needs assessment. The requirements so assessed should
necessarily be widely publicized so that people do not send material
that is not required. At the same time items that are not acceptable to
the people due to religious or cultural reasons should also be publicized.
Particular attention should at the same time be paid towards the safe
disposal of the packing material and other waste.
Kumar, mechanical fortitude, solidarity stand important and
basically has the right to be talked about during any disaster, thus
causing perfect social harmony and solidarity during a disaster, and
resulting in collectivity in the society [7]. Disasters are inevitably
social phenomena. Challenges, crisis, restartup, hectors, learning
and experience out of these heinous disasters, which are collectively
shared and socially responded spell out one verdict to humanity: - “The
show must go on”. Ever since Émile Durkheim’s pioneering work, it is
strongly known that catastrophe and misfortune are socially patterned.
The isolated, weak, minorities and the less wealthy consistently fare
worse in disaster situations. Matthewman 20-1. It is not only a weak
immune system that makes people vulnerable in India, but a weak
race, gender, caste, class, section all enhancing the deeper and greater
possible dimensions to vulnerability.
Rebecca Solnit (2009: 3056) is of the view that we are resilient
and generous, committed to the possibility of doing things differently,
desiring human connection and purpose. In disasters, then, peculiar
social energy emerges. Rendering assistance of all types gives a new
definition to life a reason for being which is being for others. Larry
Brilliant, one of the World Health Organization (WHO) figures central
to the eradication of smallpox, observed that ‘Outbreaks are inevitable.
Pandemics are optional’ (quoted in Matthewman, 2015: 27).
The shift of accentuation from disaster response to chance risk
reduction opened up spaces of exploratory examination and research
on the subject of disaster on the board. Vulnerability examination
looks to seize disasters by guaranteeing convenient readiness and
preparedness with respect to individuals and organizations and
government offices included. Disaster management is an imminent
administrative task for the reduction of disasters through prevention,
preparedness, mitigation, and response. There has been a paradigmatic
shift of emphasis in the last decade from disaster relief and rehabilitation
to prevention and mitigation strategies. Post-occurrence treatment
of disasters has proved an insufficient measure for proper protection
of lives and property. There is also an emphasis on mainstreaming
disaster management in everyday governance by treating it as integral
to policy formation and implementation processes.
The government remains the major player. It is the government
that is called upon to bear the major share of responsibility and
accountability for the protection of life, liberty, and property of its
citizens. It is the government that is looked upon for responsibility
and accountability in almost every regard, more so, in emergencies.
It is imperative to take formal and non-formal measures to equip the
community to identify the potential threats in order to cope with the
intensity of future disasters [8-10].
Strategies to reduce climate-related risks are also institutionally
dispersed. There is a need for an integrating framework for studying
hazards and vulnerabilities for concerted action to combat the threat.
There is a need for integrated disaster risk management across
institutions as also along the temporal dimension in that past events
and future threats need to be studied in relation to one another and
correlation drawn for an effective strategy for disaster risk reduction
[11-15]. Moving a step further, an attempt should be made to bring
together an integrated international risk reduction framework, which
analyses regional susceptibilities of peoples and regions. Disaster is a
passage, entrance between a hurt and annihilated world and a world
stacked up with trust and desire to cause coincidental undertakings
for development. Disasters have long-standing impacts. This has
significant implications for planning in that providing for short-
term relief alone would not be sufficient [16-18]. Hence planning and
resource allocation for disaster management have to proceed from
‘contingency’ to ‘preparedness’ to long-term‘ risk reduction,’ based
on scientific and social risk and vulnerability analysis, depending on
the availability of resources; in other words, affordability on the part of
governments [19-23].
All in all, it is genuine that the advancement and practice of sound
disaster management mechanisms the board apparatuses are not
simple, straightforward, or easily implementable; it is one that has
disturbed the best masterminds and experts on the planet for quite a
while, especially when a disaster event strikes a human society. This
paper has argued that methodological and scientific intervention in
disaster response and preparedness, has proved the best strategies
across the globe to control and mollify natural disasters, as countries
that have focused on these areas have been more successful in beating
the disasters down and they have also been found the most successful
in combating various natural disaster along with many man-made
disasters. It, therefore, concludes that while a combination of disaster
preparedness and disaster response may not be the absolute way to
protect human societies from various disasters always, they are the
most effective when used together with all other possible strategies in a
unified method to mollify the ill effects of the disaster. A mix of disaster
preparedness and disaster response mechanism services could surely
give the right setting to this. The everyday reports of various oppressive
disaster devastations across the globe can be an impetus for change.
Here we end this journey, now it is all over to you.
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2. Oliver SA, Hoffman S (1984) The Angry Earth, Rouletdge, New York. The
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Preface The 2022 8th International Conference on Advances in Environment Research (ICAER 2022) was held successfully during April 22–24, 2022. The conference fosters communication among researchers and practitioners working in various scientific areas with a common interest in improving advances in environmental research. Many researchers, engineers, academicians, and industry professionals worldwide presented their research results and development activities. This conference was initially to be hosted offline in Singapore. However, due to the spread of COVID-19, the complexities of the pandemic among the many countries involved, and the strict entry-exit management of the local government, the conference committee decided to hold ICAER 2022 as a virtual conference. In the context of the normalization of the epidemic, ICAER 2022 online mode can effectively guarantee safety, arouse the enthusiasm of participants, and increase attendance due to the restrictions of the pandemic. The ICAER 2022 proceedings are a collection of outstanding submissions from universities, research institutes, and industries. The papers were peer-reviewed by conference committee members and international reviewers. The manuscripts selected depended on their quality and their relevancy to the conference. This volume intends to present advances in environmental research and related areas, such as environmental science and technology, environmental dynamics, global environmental change and ecosystems, soil decontamination, environmental sustainability, health and the environment, and environmental dynamics. We express our deepest gratitude to all authors for their effort in preparing papers. We thank the organizing committee, reviewers, speakers, chairpersons, and sponsors for their valuable advice in the organization and helpful peer review of the papers. Georgetown, SC, USA James T. Anderson
Land degradation adversely affects socio-economic status and ecosystem services. Land sharing, land separation, and land conservation are part of environmental conservation and are gaining momentum to serve the needs of humans and climate regulation. Simultaneous environmental changes challenge biodiversity persistence and human well-being. Ecosystem degradation resulted in numerous social and environmental issues, such as extreme weather events, reduced production of forestry and agricultural-based livelihoods, and endangered biodiversity. This study aims to determine the spatial extent of agroforestry ecosystem degradation for two time periods, 2013 and 2021, in five districts of Uttarakhand, India, the parameters that led to the changes, and the importance of each of the parameters. By considering the heterogeneous nature of agroforestry degradation, identifying relevant parameters and spectral indices for classifications is a critical process in agroforestry ecosystem degradation analysis. Remotely sensed satellite images are used to evaluate the degradation and preparation of spectral indices. Understanding the changes and the underlying parameters help to deploy corrective measures to prevent further degradation and restore the ecosystem to provide functional outputs.KeywordsGISRemote sensingSpectral indices
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The shielding and advancement of human rights, and dreaming for a sustainable social and economic recuperation from the pandemic-19, are entwined and interconnected; functional chance of human rights and reasonable recuperation can't be compared. Shielding human existence in the pandemic can just occur by legitimate ventilation of human rights and subsidized health coverage system. Well-being points will surely advance human rights in the pandemic. This proposed study aims to explore the association between human rights and a substantial and bankable recuperation from the pandemic, which will persevere through and keep going long. Utilizing an assortment of subjective and quantitative overview strategy examination, and documentary research methodology, this exploration paper broke down the proof of human rights alongside the health care rights, and their certainty for a substantial and reasonable recuperation from the pandemic-19, from 2019-2021. The closeness of more noteworthy human rights practice and better, quicker recuperation from the pandemic-19 was discovered to be logical and genuine wonders. The paper tracked down that the higher the size of human rights infringement, the more noteworthy the counter-vote-based vibe for a genuine and epic recuperation from the pandemic-19; and various sorts of basic liberties infringement that has happened during the pandemic. The investigation unquestionably responds to the inquiry in regards to the relationship of defended and supported basic human rights and quicker and epic recuperation from the pandemic-19. Further examinations are needed to set up a logical connection between supported sustained human rights and supported recuperation and foster precaution measures.
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During uncertainty and an unpredictable situation like Covid-19 the intensity and degree of solidarity in society are essential and fundamentally important to hold its human dimension intact and collective. The proposed article views that social solidarity particularly 'mechanical solidarity' put forward by Emile Durkheim holds relevance even in today's modern society during the pandemic among newly "incarnated social facts" and adopted behaviors. Social distancing, physical distancing, community containment, isolation, and individualism are the notions that have been dominating the scene during the pandemic, but social solidarity is still manifesting as an existential possibility among the members of the society inviting and permitting only physical and social-'distancing' not 'social difference'. Priority of the social over the individual has been critically analyzed in the proposed article as social distancing and suspension of various human activities during the pandemic bear witness of it. Solidarity is the cementing force that binds individuals and keeps them intact in this highly cluttered upheaval. Collectivity propels social solidarity and in order to mollify, nullify, and water down the effect and effect of Covid pandemic, the societies have to remain intact and uniformed. Though Durkheim was strongly hypothetical on the natural replacement of "mechanical solidarity" by "organic solidarity" down the road, as societies mature into modern morphological alteration possibilities, they would rather adapt and adopt organic solidarity which shall be a typical morphological feature of modern society. The proposed article holds the view that mechanical solidarity strongly exists even during the Covid disaster and has played a crucial role in uniting and concretizing people in the societies to battle against the pandemic. Global untouchability has made its way successfully into human society. Keep a distance, don't touch him, don't touch her, having come in contact with others wash your hands and your body, wear a mask on your face; look, we all have become profane, a culture of untouchability resumes back, the pandemic has made all of us untouchables and point to be noted here, this time it is worldwide. The first case of Covid-19 was reported in India on 30 th January. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic and a Public Health Emergency (WHO, 2020). India started its battle against Covid-19 in a grand and historical way applying 'Historical Movement Based Approach' (HMBA), further elucidating on this unique approach-here in India culture is different, and people have different temperaments, internalizing capacities and possibilities. A method or strategy which works in a developed country may not help here in India, for example, as in many developed countries if social and collectives' changes have to be caused into effect, then instructions can be placed on notice boards by the authorities and people would just simply read and follow them and that is it. But Indian context is diametrically opposites and varies. In India if a social and collective change is to be called upon then, it has to be made, converted, and translated into a movement, 'got to make a movement out of it'. India entered the lockdown in the last week of March 2020 with a call for a day of people's curfew and people were requested by the Indian government to come out on their balconies, and ring bells, and bang their pots and pans. The air reverberated with the melody of sound on Sunday evening as people across the country rang bells, blew conches, and clapped to express appreciation for medical and other staff who are on the frontline battle against the coronavirus. (The Economic Times, 2020) However, there were pot banging marches, community dances, and processions too. How could ringing bells, banging pots and pans, and simply coming out on balconies, clapping hands have helped India to prepare and launch itself fight against the nasty Covid-19? This unique approach was soon subject to public fun and collective mockery around the world by many intellectuals and people who claim to have high brains, it just defeated logic for many across the globe the way India behaved when it formally pitched itself against the heinous pandemic. Having learned the fact that entire India was either on their balconies or at their doorsteps, ringing bells, pans, pots-the people of India turned collective, manifested collective solidarity and consciousness, and were unified and well-coordinated against the battle with Covid-19 pandemics. Janata curfew: people across the nation clap, ring bells, blew the conch shells, and beat metal plates in solidarity with the health workers on the frontline fighting the novel coronavirus, (The Times of India, 2020) A resonance of "We, The People of India" from the very Preamble of India was experienced across the nation. It practically defeats all human logic to mobilize such a huge number of people on a single day, at a specific given time, for a common unified purpose, but it worked well and happened, the entire nation become unified, collective, and coordinated. Why?-because India made a movement out of it in order to indulge the entire nation into this battle, India launched itself against the pandemic as a nation and fought as a nation. Who did not come together? Seemed everyone did. Women, men, third genders, poor, rich, middle class, sick, every religion, every caste, tribe, black, fair, village, city, hills, and plains of India become one spirit and soul, very possible section of Indian society participated in this collective call against the pandemic.
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Sociologists of disasters and those agencies dedicated to disaster risk reduction and emergency relieftend to fix disasters, to confine them in time and space. This article argues for the necessity of a mobilities turn within mainstream disaster studies, demonstrating what the new mobilities paradigm (NMP) can contribute to disaster scholarship. Disasters should be seen as mobile agents with spatially and temporally dispersed effects. They are mobile because people, nonhuman life-forms, information, and commodities move. The ecosystems and earth systems that sustain us are also always in flux. Instead of focusing on isolated disaster cases, this article calls for a "big picture" ecological sensibility that recognizes the complexity and interconnectivity of our world, and addresses the new forms of mobility, temporality, spatiality, and potency inherent to today's disasters. This task is urgent: while previous eras may have announced the apocalypse, ours may well be the last one to do so.
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Early arrival of monsoon, its collision with westerlies, ensuing abnormally high precipitation, resultant fast melting of fresh snow accompanied by breach of a glacial lake, Chorabari Tal; stage was thus set for a major hydro-meteorological disaster in Uttarakhand in June 2013. With no specific warning a disaster of this magnitude was not anticipated and everyone was taken by surprise. The incidence coincided with the peak of the tourist season when pilgrims, tourists and others from across the country and abroad had gathered in the disaster-affected region in large numbers. The incidence thus resulted in a major tragedy of recent times in which human death toll surpassed 4000. The disaster was a major setback for the economy of the state to which tourism and pilgrimage contribute a major chunk. Burden on public exchequer was further exacerbated by tax waiver and assistance provided to disaster-affected population even on losses that are not generally covered by State Disaster Response Fund. Important lessons were however learnt in managing this disaster and these would go a long way in strengthening the disaster management system not only in Uttarakhand but also elsewhere.
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Disasters are part of the modern condition, a source of physical anxiety and existential angst, and they are increasing in frequency, cost and severity. Drawing on both disaster research and social theory, this book offers a critical examination of their causes, consequences and future avoidance.
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Indepth study of traditional resource management practices of the indigenous people of Uttarakhand Himalaya reveals their appreciably advanced understanding of the causes of various hazards. Through their continued keen observation, experimentation, innovation and recordkeeping these people devised techniques of maximizing resource availability while minimizing the wrath of the hazards. For ensuring universal compliance of the rules so laid down these people relied on social sanctions and religio -magical practices interwoven around little tradition of the people. With weakening social solidarity in the recent times these practices are fast loosing ground and if adequate steps are not taken for documention this rich knowledge of generations could well be lost forever. These practices are highly relevent even today and hold the key to minimizing losses due to natural hazards in a cost effective and sustainable manner and are therefore required to be studied, documented and dovetailed with modern science and technology.
Discusses adaptation, hazards, and the value of the Marxist approach: nature is not separate from society. Illustrates these ideas with a case study of drought in northern Nigeria where the society is no longer able to respond by adaptation. Colonization has increased the hazard of an unchanged natural environment. Also town dwellers can continue to eat while rural people starve.-K.Clayton
The Angry Earth, Rouletdge, New York. The Division of Labour in society (introduction by lewis Coser
  • S A Oliver
  • S Hoffman
Oliver SA, Hoffman S (1984) The Angry Earth, Rouletdge, New York. The Division of Labour in society (introduction by lewis Coser,translated by W.D. Halls), Houndmills: Macmillan.
Peru's Five Hundred Year Earthquake: Vulnerability in Historical Context, The Angry Earth
  • O A Smith
Smith OA (1999) Peru's Five Hundred Year Earthquake: Vulnerability in Historical Context, The Angry Earth, Rouletdge, New York.