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The Effect of Packaging Design on Impulsive Buying Behavior (Case Study on Mentos Products)



This study aims to determine the influence of packaging design on implusive buying behavior. This research uses the quantitative approach to explain the connection between two variables, with aims to know: 1) The effect of packaging design on implusive buying behavior. 2) How much the packaging design affect on implusive buying behavior. This research examines the effect of Mentos products at Indomaret Jalan Antara. The data was collected through questionnaires filled out by implusive buyers of Mentos candy. A total of 100 respondents are examined using non-probability sampling. The data analysis used simple regression analysis and hypothesis testing using t test. The result of research showed that: 1) The packaging design has positive significant affect on implusive buying behavior. 2) Packaging design has impluisive buying behavior about 12,5%. Based on the results of research that has been done, reseracher suggest the packaging design is an important thing on marketing aspect.
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Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis 1 (2021) 5-7
Seri Manajemen Investasi dan Kewirausahaan
The Effect of Packaging Design on Impulsive Buying
Behavior (Case Study on Mentos Products)
Kurnia Sari 1,*, Adrian Irnanda Pratama2
1,2 Administrasi Bisnis Internasional, Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia, 28711.
1. Introduction
Today's business world faces strong competition, with a large selection of products offered to
consumers. The competition eventually encouraged the company to conduct a product differentiation in
the market. According to Nainggolan competitive advantage is a position that must be achieved in the
competition strictly business actors. Providing quality products, services quality, product variations that
spoil the choice customer, product availability and price advantage circumstances that make the company
superior to competitors in competing (Nainggolan, 2018). One of the effective ways to encourage
competitive advantage is to consider the packaging design of the product. Product packaging design
becomes one of the most easy identity identifiers remembered by customers. According to Klimchuck &
Krasovec, Packaging design is the connection of form, structure, materials, color, imagery, typography,
and regulatory information with ancillary design elements to make a product suitable for marketing. Its
primary objective is to create a vehicle that serves to contain, protect, transport, dispense, store, identify,
and distinguish a product in the marketplace. Ultimately, the goal of a packaging design is to meet
marketing objectives by distinctively communicating a consumer product’s personality or function and
generating a sale (Marianne & Sandra, 2013).
Packaging has long been recognized as the silent salesperson and has been the focus of much recent
regulation. For the most part, however, this regulation ignores the nonverbal package label components.
The verbal elements of a package are accurate reflections of the product’s characteristics. Package,
graphics, however, can be used to strengthen or weaken the marketer’s explicit verbal claims or to
generate inferences that could conflict with the verbal information (Imiru, 2017).
Packaging indirectly encourages implusive buying behavior for consumers. Piron defined impulse
buying as “a purchase that is un-planned, the result of an exposure to a stimulus, and decided on the
spot”, such behavior often resulted from specific stimulus during the shopping process. One of the triggers
of impulsive buying behavior is marketing and product characteristics that can be done through advertising
and are highly sugetisbel. Emotionally interested consumers (especially for product involvement) no longer
care to involve rationality in the purchasing decision-making process. Impulsive purchasing occurs due to
a strong emotional impulse where the affective state goes directly to the buying behavior, without having to
form a trust and think hard to buy an object (Zheng, et al, 2013)
According to Klimchuk & Krasovec, marketers must be creative in creating packaging design, because
attractive and unique packaging design can trigger an implusive buying behavior (Aditya, 2017).
Consumers who do impluse buying do not think about buying a particular product or brand. They
immediately make a purchase out of an interest in a particular brand or product. Consumers tend to buy
spontaneously, reflexively, suddenly, and automatically.
Received: 28 April 2021
Accepted: 16 May 2021
Published: 30 June 2021
Open Access
This study aims to determine the influence of packaging design on implusive buying
behavior. This research uses the quantitative approach to explain the connection
between two variables, with aims to know: 1) The effect of packaging design on
implusive buying behavior. 2) How much the packaging design affect on implusive
buying behavior. This research examines the effect of Mentos products at
Indomaret Jalan Antara. The data was collected through questionnaires filled out by
implusive buyers of Mentos candy. A total of 100 respondents are examined using
non-probability sampling. The data analysis used simple regression analysis and
hypothesis testing using t test. The result of research showed that: 1) The
packaging design has positive significant affect on implusive buying behavior. 2)
Packaging design has impluisive buying behavior about 12,5%. Based on the
results of research that has been done, reseracher suggest the packaging design is
an important thing on marketing aspect.
Keywords: Packaging design, Implusive Buying Behavior
Kurnia Sari, Adrian Irnanda Pratama Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis 1 (2021) 1-3
Seri Manajemen Investasi dan Kewirausahaan
Packaging Design and Impulsive buying now is the focus of marketing that impacts on increasing
product sales for the company. The Company considers that customers can easily purchase goods based
on a visual interest in a product. The company's success in influencing consumers in purchasing decisions
can foster consumer confidence and profit for the company.
2. Research Method
This reserach is a quantitavive study. In this research the quantitative data that author used are
questionnaire data based on respondent’s feedbacks. For this research the questionnaire was distributed
by social media for Indomaret’s consumers at Jalan Antara, Bengkalis,. The population of this study is all
consumers of Mentos products who shop in Indomaret Jalan Antara Bengkalis. A total of 100 respondents
are examined using non-probability sampling. In this research the data analysis method are using
descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, linear
regression analysis. This study used a likert scale as a measurement scale.
3. Result and Discussion
Mentos are a brand of packaged scotch mints sold in stores. Mentos is an exceptionally fresh chewy
mint that comes in a great variety of exciting mint and fruit flavours. Mint candy is used a mint the leaves of
a mint plant used fresh or candied. In 1992 van melle office and factory in indonesia, and this in for the first
time. In 2002 its an announcement of perfetti van melle merger in our country, Indonesia.
Figure 1 Mentos Logos
Mentos is the most mint candy in Indonesia, every minimarket or shopping places sells this product. In
Indonesia Mentos candy being the top brand, it can being the top brand, it can showed in this Table 1:
Table.1 Top Brands Mint Candy
Kiss Mint
Other Brand
Data Source:
Mentos is an exceptionally fresh chewy mint that comes in a great variety of exciting mint and fruit
flavours. Its unique round shape combines taste, freshness and functionality. This research do the T- test
to find out partially how much influence the significance of the independent variable on the dependent
Table.2 Result of T-test
Source: Data Processed of SPSS 22, 2020
By looking the Table 2, it can explain about hypothesis analysis. The table shows that t has value
about 3,745 and sig value about 0,000. The result for this test packaging design gives significant value to
implusive buying behavior. This research also do the simple regression analysis, the main point in simple
linear regression analysis is the simple linear regression equation. Meanwhile, the equation of the results
of a simple re-gression analysis can be seen in Table 2 as follows:
Y= 1,493 + 0,225X
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Implusive_Buying
Kurnia Sari, Adrian Irnanda Pratama Inovbiz: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis 1 (2021) 1-3
Seri Manajemen Investasi dan Kewirausahaan
From the simple linear regression equation on Table 3, the following decisions can be interpreted and
taken, a constant of 1,493 states that if the packaging design has a value of 0 (zero), then the implusive
buying stands at 1,493. The design packaging (X) regression coefficient of 0,225. Means it can be
concluded that the variable packaging design affects the implusive buying.
After do simple linear regression analysis, this research do the coefficient of determination test (R2).
This test is used to measure how far the model's ability to explain the variation of independent variables to
the dependent variable or to determine the percentage of influence exerted simultaneously. In this study
the coefficient of determination test (R2) uses the R-Squared value which can be seen on Table 3 as
Table 3. Result of Determination Coefficient Test
Source: Data Processed of SPSS 22, 2020
In Table 3 shows the output of the correlation the value of R-square is 0,125 that means the
independent variable in the model can predict 12,5% of the variance in dependent variable or the variation
of the independent variable used in the research model is able to explain 12,5% of the dependent variable
that is implusive buying while the remaining 87,5% is influenced or explained by other variables outside
the model this research.
4. Conclusion
Based on the analysis of results and discussion, some of the conclusions that can be conveyed are as
1. The packaging design of each product attracts consumers and persuades them to buy products. In
this research packaging design has a positive and significant relationship on implusive buying
2. The influence between packaging design on implusive buying behavior had a value about 12,5%
The first impression of the packaging design, brand name, color and typography and information
product will improve purchasing decisions even if consumers do not have plans to buy it.
Adithya, F. (2017). Pengaruh Desain Kemasan (Packaging) Dan Harga Produk Sebagai Stimulus
Impulsive Buying. Jurnal STIE SEMARANG, 9(2).
Imiru, G. A. (2017). The Effect of Packaging Attributes on Consumer Buying Decision Behavior in Major
Commercial Cities in Ethiopia. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 9(6).
Marianne, R & Sandra, A. K. (2013). Packaging Design Successful Product Branding From Concept to
Shelf, Jakarta: Erlangga.
Nainggolan, A. (2018). Competitive Advantage dan Upaya Meningkatkan Laba Perusahaan. Jurnal
Manajemen, 4(1).
Zheng, X, et al. (2019). Understanding Impulse Buying In Mobile Commerce: An Investigation Into Hedonic
And Utilitarian Browsing. International Journal of Information Management, 48, 151160.
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Packaging_Design
... Menurut Kotler dalam (Kusumasari, 2017), desain merupakan suatu identitas istimewa yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi dan penampilan produk dari segi kebutuhan konsumen. Visual dari desain kemasan menjadi daya tarik dalam pengambilan keputusan konsumen di tingkat ritel (Deloitte, 2015), seperti pembelian impulsif (Sari & Pratama, 2021). Perusahaan juga menggunakan desain sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan (Rand dalam Fitriana dkk, 2014). ...
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Dalam mendukung desa wisata, homestay dan makanan khas menjadi daya tarik pengunjung. Tujuan studi ekonomi yaitu mendorong warga mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. Partisipasi warga merupakan prioritas utama dalam kegiatan tim pengabdian masyarakat. Tujuan pengabdian yaitu supaya pendapatan dari warga desa wisata Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil, Jawa Timur mengalami peningkatan. Metode yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan partisipatif. Hasil dari pengabdian yaitu mengadakan pendampingan kepada warga tentang penataan rumah menjadi homestay, melaksanakan perbaikan dan kelengkapan homestay, untuk daya tarik wisatawan supaya berkunjung. Warga desa wisata Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil, Jawa Timur memerlukan studi ilmu ekonomi tentang homestay dan keripik talas untuk perkembangan bisnis. Selain itu, warga diberikan pendampingan dalam mengemas keripik talas dan membuat kuliner yang dipasarkan secara online, adanya antusias dan dukungan warga untuk program homestay dan keripik talas.
... Menurut Kotler dalam (Kusumasari, 2017), desain merupakan suatu identitas istimewa yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi dan penampilan produk dari segi kebutuhan konsumen. Visual dari desain kemasan menjadi daya tarik dalam pengambilan keputusan konsumen di tingkat ritel (Deloitte, 2015), seperti pembelian impulsif (Sari & Pratama, 2021). Perusahaan juga menggunakan desain sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan (Rand dalam Fitriana dkk, 2014). ...
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Basically, raising catfish is relatively easy compared to keeping other animals because of its resistance in quite extreme environments and in many media such as patent ponds, tarpaulin ponds, buckets, and so on. With this convenience, catfish farming can be used by the community for food security and to improve the economy by selling the cultivated products that have been innovated into products. Product innovation can increase the economic value of selling catfish as raw material. In increasing the selling price of catfish, product innovations were made from catfish to shredded catfish. Shredded is processed animal meat as a side dish and has a relatively long shelf life of up to 6 months. Catfish that are grown in greenhouses are not only sold directly to the community but are processed first to maximize profits and the selling price of catfish. Keywords : catfish, product innovation, shredded catfish
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Due to increasing self-service and changing consumers’ lifestyle, the interest in package as a tool of sales promotion and stimulator of impulsive buying behavior is growing increasingly. The objective of this survey was to examine the effect of packaging attributes on consumer buying decision behavior. A total of 384 questionnaires were distributed to standard supermarkets in Addis Ababa and other major cities in Ethiopia. Only 369 questionnaires were returned at the end of the data collection process, which gave the response rate of 96 per cent. However, during the data cleaning only 362 were usable and used for the subsequent statistical analysis. Data collected were analyzed using correlation and regression. Innovation has the strongest effect on cereal food purchase decision (0.392) followed by printed information (0.193), background image (0.168) and font size (0.168). However, there were no significant relationships between packaging color (-0.054) and packaging materials (0.016) in the purchase decision of the cereal packaged food. Ethiopian consumers do not give weight to packaging color and the quality of the packaging material. The findings of this survey will be used to make recommendations to marketers to enhance their level of insight about consumers buying decisions. However, there were no significant relationships between packaging color and packaging materials in the purchase decision of the cereal packaged food.
Pengaruh Desain Kemasan (Packaging) Dan Harga Produk Sebagai Stimulus Impulsive Buying
  • F Adithya
Adithya, F. (2017). Pengaruh Desain Kemasan (Packaging) Dan Harga Produk Sebagai Stimulus Impulsive Buying. Jurnal STIE SEMARANG, 9(2).
Competitive Advantage dan Upaya Meningkatkan Laba Perusahaan
  • A Nainggolan
Nainggolan, A. (2018). Competitive Advantage dan Upaya Meningkatkan Laba Perusahaan. Jurnal Manajemen, 4(1).