
Pedagogical Dissonance and Teacher Education Encyclopedia of Teacher Education

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Theories on dissonance have existed for decades, and various types of dissonance exist. Although pedagogical dissonance is a term less recognized than cognitive dissonance or cultural dissonance, it is one that is increasingly important within the discipline of education. Pedagogical dissonance often results from both cognitive and cultural dissonance. Both students and educators are subject to pedagogical dissonance under certain conditions. Pedagogical dissonance occurs when educational praxis results in a disconnect between one’s stated beliefs and practices and the reality in which one exists. Pedagogical dissonance is often observed when individuals experience unfamiliar cultural settings. If American educators want to realize the philosophy of educational giants such as John Dewey, there must be an effort to respect cultural differences while implementing best pedagogical practices. Those efforts should result in diminished dissonance through the social interaction aspects of teaching and learning.

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... To align with this perspective, educators are encouraged to design activities that deliberately challenge student beliefs. Such instructional strategies should aim to identify student beliefs and assess the accommodation or rejection of new information within these beliefs (Bradbury, 2022;Treacy & Leavy, 2023). ...
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This article is grounded in the perspective that pre-service teachers' pedagogical beliefs significantly impact their future classroom practice. It is argued that pre-service teachers have already formed a set of pedagogical beliefs by the time they enrol in teacher education programs. These beliefs are reported to be incongruent with the goals these programs strive to achieve. There is evidence that these pre-existing pedagogical beliefs often remain intact throughout the programs, and in some cases, are even reinforced by them. This is mainly because little effort is made by teacher educators to address or change these beliefs. Studies that investigated teacher change have also explored pedagogical beliefs, as changes in beliefs are a determining factor for changes in practice. The article proposes both general and specific measures that could be undertaken by teacher educators in the design of intervention strategies and programs aimed at changing the pedagogical conceptions and beliefs that pre-service teachers hold. Additionally, the article also addresses the origins and characteristics of these beliefs and their influence on classroom practice and teaching effectiveness.
Conference Paper
Statistics education is a fast evolving discipline, and major advances have been made over the past two decades regarding reform of the introductory statistics course. There is now growing consensus that the introductory statistics course should seek to develop statistical literacy. The objective of this pilot study was to explore and describe self-reports of course learning outcomes and assessment strategies, as well as the extent to which instructors of introductory statistics at the college level emphasize statistical literacy. The results revealed that for a considerable proportion of instructors, what they think they are teaching is at variance with what and how they teach. If this gap is not addressed, it will quite likely result in students not being adequately prepared in statistical literacy, as well as misrepresentation of the type and quality of instruction. This gap or conflict between what instructors think they do and what they actually do, can be viewed as pedagogical dissonance, which can be attributed to a multiplicity of factors, addressed herein.
The author of the best-selling book The Dreamkeepers shows how teachers can succeed in diverse classrooms. Educating teachers to work well in multicultural classrooms has become an all-important educational priority in today's schools. In Crossing Over to Canaan, Gloria Ladson-Billings details the real-life stories of eight novice teachers participating in an innovative teacher education program called Teach for Diversity. She details their struggles and triumphs as they confront challenges in the classroom and respond with innovative strategies that turn cultural strengths into academic assets. Through their experiences, Ladson-Billings illustrates how good teachers can meet the challenges of teaching students from highly diverse backgrounds--and find a way to "cross over to Canaan." She offers a model of teaching that focuses on academic achievement, cultural competence, and socio-political consciousness. Drawing from her own experiences as a young African-American teacher working in Philadelphia, she successfully weaves together narrative, observation, and scholarship to create an inspirational and practical book that will help teachers everywhere as they work to transcend labels and categories to support excellence among all students.
In 1957, Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance burst on the scene and revitalized social psychology with its deft blend of cognition and motivation. For the next two decades, the theory inspired an extraordinary amount of exciting research leading to a burgeoning of knowledge about human social behavior. The theory has been referred to as "the most important single development in social psychology to date" (Jones, 1976, p. x). But, by the mid-1970s the allure of the theory began to wane as interest in the entire topic of motivation faded and the journals were all but overwhelmed by the incredible popularity of purely cognitive approaches to social psychology. Recently, social psychologists seem to have rediscovered motivation and several mini- theories have emerged blending cognition with motivation-in much the same way that Festinger did some 35 years ago. This article traces the history of these developments and attempts a synthesis of some of the newer theories with the dissonance research of the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Variability in the teaching of statistical literature: A case of pedagogical dissonance? Paper presented at the IASE 2015 Satellite Conference
  • R A Hassad