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Consumer preference for fish safety inspection in Bangladesh


Abstract and Figures

Consumers are entitled to eat safe food, so authorities should ensure that this right is preserved by enacting regulations and ensuring compliance through enforcement activities. Safety inspection is key to the enforcement system. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of consumer responses to a regulatory scheme for safe seafood. The regulations consist of national and local authority enforcement and subsequent follow up activities to ensure that all wild and farmed fish in all product formats are safe. We collected primary data from two major cities in Bangladesh, Dhaka and Chittagong. The data were analysed using conditional and generic multinomial logit models to identify different utility ratios. We find that consumers expect safety control information at a low mental cost or effort. They value fish safety inspection highly in their affective reaction, whereas this value is lacking in their cognitive response. The individual parameter estimates show that consumers' preferences for both wild and farmed fish are significantly positive. They are most likely to reject frozen fish and be willing to pay less for it. Wild-caught fish creates utility for consumers without any food safety inspection, but this is not the case for farmed, frozen fish. The lack of authorised food safety inspection significantly decreases utility, suggesting a positive market potential, particularly for farmed fish with local authority safety certification.
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Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
Available online 13 January 2022
0044-8486/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
Consumer preference for sh safety inspection in Bangladesh
Mohammed Ziaul Hoque
, Øystein Myrland
School of Business and Economics (HHT), UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
Department of Finance, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
JEL classication:
Food safety
Willingness to pay
Consumer perception
Fisheries and aquaculture
Emerging economy
Consumers are entitled to eat safe food, so authorities should ensure that this right is preserved by enacting
regulations and ensuring compliance through enforcement activities. Safety inspection is key to the enforcement
system. Therefore, this paper presents an analysis of consumer responses to a regulatory scheme for safe seafood.
The regulations consist of national and local authority enforcement and subsequent follow up activities to ensure
that all wild and farmed sh in all product formats are safe. We collected primary data from two major cities in
Bangladesh, Dhaka and Chittagong. The data were analysed using conditional and generic multinomial logit
models to identify different utility ratios. We nd that consumers expect safety control information at a low
mental cost or effort. They value sh safety inspection highly in their affective reaction, whereas this value is
lacking in their cognitive response. The individual parameter estimates show that consumerspreferences for
both wild and farmed sh are signicantly positive. They are most likely to reject frozen sh and be willing to
pay less for it. Wild-caught sh creates utility for consumers without any food safety inspection, but this is not the
case for farmed, frozen sh. The lack of authorised food safety inspection signicantly decreases utility, sug-
gesting a positive market potential, particularly for farmed sh with local authority safety certication.
1. Introduction
The rapid growth of agro-farming has led to many unjust works
requiring signicant natural resources, including energy and water. In
this context of unsustainable growth, food security is a critical concern
for sustainable food consumption (Hoque and Alam, 2018; Roy et al.,
2019). The challenge of food security is to guarantee that people have
access to the food they require, free from chemical, physical and bio-
logical contaminants (Hanning et al., 2012). Without food safety, we
cannot have food security (King et al., 2017), and food safety thus needs
to be addressed and improved without delay (Lucia et al., 2013). Food
security can be ensured by tightening trading hygiene requirements
(FAO, 2018) or imposing additional charges and safety requirements on
imports (Ababouch, 2006). This might increase food or business costs
(Akinbode et al., 2012), some of which will be transferred to consumers
in the form of higher prices. Consequently, there is an urgent need to
assess consumerswillingness to pay (WTP) to control food safety
(Akinbode et al., 2012).
Consumers are concerned about the safety of their food intake.
Following various food-safety scandals (Trienekens and Zuurbier,
2008), customers perceptions of safety can also impact a countrys
image (Madichie and Yamoah, 2006). Consumers in developed countries
are aware of food safety and risk issues. In many developing countries,
food safety remains the responsibility of consumers (Tjaart and van
Veen, 2005). One of the signicant challenges for developing countries
is stricter food safety requirements (Henson et al., 2000). For many of
these countries, food price, taste, and buying convenience seem to play a
more signicant role than food safety issues (FAO, 2015). Although
developing countries have neglected food safety and the development of
food safety systems (Grace, 2015), consumers in these markets are likely
to become increasingly aware of such issues as incomes continue to grow
and if urbanisation continues at the current rate (Ortega and Tschirley,
2017). Seafood from sheries and aquaculture is crucial for ensuring
future food safety and security for households in emerging economies;
seafood is an essential source of proteins, vitamins, and micronutrients
for many families (Garcia and Rosenberg, 2010).
There has been a steady growth in the production, consumption, and
export of farmed sh, in developing countries, particularly in Asia
(Claret et al., 2014), and more specically in China and India, and
emerging markets such as Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Bangladesh
(Dey, 2000). This growth has mostly been driven by rising incomes and
urbanisation in South Asian countries such as Bangladesh (FAO, 2018).
* Corresponding author at: Room 01.307 at School of Business and Economics (HHT), UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
E-mail addresses: (M.Z. Hoque), (Ø. Myrland).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
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Received 16 July 2021; Received in revised form 1 January 2022; Accepted 8 January 2022
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
Bangladesh has become the fourth largest sh producing economy
globally (FAO, 2016; OECD, 2020) and is ranked third in aquatic
biodiversity (Shamsuzzaman et al., 2017). It has an extensive coast, with
a rich delta feeding massive capture and culture sheries. From 2005 to
2016, the countrys per capita sh consumption increased by 49%,
reaching 22.85 kg in 2016 (HIES, 2016), higher than the average global
consumption of 20.5 kg per capita (FAO, 2020). Regrettably, these high
sh production and consumption levels are not accompanied by food
safety schemes or rigorous hygiene inspections (Rahman et al., 2012).
People classify foods to construct order in a complex food environ-
ment and use these classications to make everyday food choices (Furst
et al., 2000). Since 93% of Bangladeshi households buy and consume
sh frequently (Hoque, 2020), classifying sh into wild, inland farmed,
and coastal farmed is likely crucial to consumerssh choice. However,
Bangladeshs highly fragmented sh supply chain comprises thousands
of small farmers and many traders, intermediaries, and retailers, most of
whom operate with little or no supervision. Together this poses a sig-
nicant challenge to implementing food safety regulations. As a result,
many sh safety problems may be found at the farm, preserving and
storage level. Many farmers have practised traditional sh farming using
toxic pesticides (Rahman et al., 2012).
Furthermore, producers and sh vendors unethically use formalde-
hyde to preserve the sh and seafood from microbial spoilage, as hap-
pens in various wet markets (Rahman et al., 2012). When food is not
safe, human development may not occur; therefore, the agenda of
emerging economies concerning peoplesaccess to safe and sufcient
food all year round is essential for sustainable development (UN, 2015).
Therefore, sh food safety inspections as part of food control are critical
to ensure overall food safety and security in emerging markets such as
Bangladesh (FAO, 2004).
In an attempt to guarantee food safety, up until 2013, the Bangla-
deshi food authority had enacted 15 different types of rules and regu-
lations in the form of a penal code, ordinance, and acts (Ali, 2013).
However, these rules and regulations are not effective in dealing with
food safety problems (Islam and Hoque, 2013). To overcome such
problems, the Bangladeshi government has recently adopted the USAID-
funded Global Food Security Strategy (GFSS) plan to feed the future
involved in food safety and security. In addition, the Management of
Aquatic Ecosystems through Community Husbandry (MACH
) pro-
gramme was initiated to achieve safe and sustainable local sheries
management. Government authorities have also enacted mobile courts
to frequently intervene to implement the food safety scheme (Hoque,
2020). Although the Bangladeshi government has been attempting to
reform laws, establish effective monitoring systems, and strengthen food
safety regulations, the primary weak links in the implementation remain
(Chowdhury, 2011; Ali, 2013). Therefore, the rapid growth of Bangla-
deshs sheries and aquaculture has occurred with less recognition or
global acceptance (Hoque, 2020). An effective national food control
system is required to protect domestic consumerssafety (FAO and
WHO, 2003), and almost all food safety initiatives, government or pri-
vate, should be nationally centralised. However, these national/central
authorities could be delegated to the local level (Reilly et al., 2009), as
local authorities are more suitable for food control and can identify the
areas of highest risk for consumers and make effective use of resources
(Mari et al., 2013; FSA, 2019). Although publicised as a strict approach
to remedying food safety concerns, it is unclear whether these latest
efforts and sh safety inspections by national and local governments will
make sh food safer and improve the countrys image.
Consumer demand for food safety is likely to be an essential driver of
public policies and industry-led efforts to reduce information asymmetry
related to food attributes and improved food safety (Ragasa et al., 2019).
Although food safety is receiving increased attention from economists,
researchers and policymakers, the literature on the demand for food
safety inspections in food control in developing countries is scarce (Birol
et al., 2009; Ortega and Tschirley, 2017). Little attention is focused on
issues affecting sh quality and the inspection systems of shery product
exports or on consumersconcerns over food safety inspections and their
preferences for authority over food control and sh products in
Bangladesh. Furthermore, sh consumption behaviour in Bangladesh
has not been assessed rigorously (Chowdhury, 2019). Since little is
known about this eld, its various issues and the clear knowledge gap
motivated us to conduct this study. The studys main objective is to
support efforts to attain a potential market for sheries and aquaculture
products and formulate an effective policy for food control by predicting
consumer preferences and making useful estimates of demand for whole
Therefore, the targeted respondents in this study are households in
the two major cities of Dhaka and Chittagong, employing a between-
subject design. Respondents were interviewed in an experimental pro-
cedure; specically, we used a choice experiment approach to collect the
data and examine preference heterogeneity using descriptive analysis, a
conditional logit, and a generic multinomial logit (MNL) model. The
study will help predict the heterogeneity in overall sh preferences and
in organising a rational market structure in emerging markets that could
help identify potential policy implications for sheries and aquaculture
management and provide insights for further research. The study will
assist policymakers in drafting and implementing more effective food
safety regulations, restoring consumer condence and re-establishing
Bangladesh as a leading exporter of food-safe sh products worldwide.
The structure of the study is as follows. Section 2 contains the
literature review, and we then present the theoretical framework. Sec-
tion 4 details the data collection and methods, and the econometric
model is set out in Section 5. The model data are then discussed, and
subsequently, the research results are addressed, followed by the
concluding remarks and suggestions for further research directions.
2. Literature review
Food safety issues arise from the critical problem of asymmetric in-
formation between consumers and producers concerning product-
specic attributes (Ortega et al., 2011). Such issues can arise from in-
formation asymmetry pertaining to food safety requirements and the
deceptive claims of marketers. For instance, unsubstantiated ‘green
claims cause reputational harm and make consumers suspicious of the
behaviour of suppliers (Peattie, 2001). Moreover, due to the absence of
authoritative attributes, consumers cannot determine a products rele-
vant qualities (e.g. sustainable sh production) even after consuming it;
balanced information is, therefore, essential (Monier-Dilhan and Berg`
This information problem is even more severe in developing and
emerging markets due to their large populations and the lack of reliable
safety information. In developing markets, food safety information is
often neglected (Grace, 2015) but this information is almost entirely
lacking in emerging markets (Carlucci et al., 2015). Negligence and a
lack of food safety information lead to a reduction in consumer trust in
food safety (Lin et al., 2020) and an inaccurate perception or little
awareness of the level of risk. Despite the low awareness of food safety
risks, consumers demand food products of high and consistent quality at
competitive prices (Trienekens and Zuurbier, 2008; Lin et al., 2020). In
response to the proliferation of food values, many public and private
standards on food safety and quality have been developed (Trienekens
and Zuurbier, 2008), with credible third-party certication being an
essential factor in consumers demand for food safety (Birol et al., 2009).
The information gap between market players can be bridged, and the
increased inefciencies that arise from information asymmetry
addressed (Ortega et al., 2011) through quality certication (e.g. safety
In Bengali, sh is called mach. In this case, MACH is an USAID project
aimed at supporting the effective management of oodplain resources (e.g.,
sheries and aquaculture products) to ensure the sustainable supply of food to
the poor of Bangladesh.
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
labelling), the traceability of products origins (Ortega et al., 2011),
consumer access to food product attributes (Danso et al., 2017), and
increased trust in information and its sources (Hoque and Alam, 2018).
Hussain et al. (2017) suggest food safety measures full a useful man-
agement function and minimise the risks created by asymmetric
Currently, the environment is a source of signicant risk associated
with seafood safety. Contamination of seafood can occur before harvest
or at any point from harvest through to nal preparation (Amagliani and
Brandi, 2012). Accordingly, aquatic food security and credibility are
achieved with a sufcient safe, sustainable, shockproof and sound sea-
food supply (Jennings et al., 2016). In response, governmental and
health authorities have become very concerned about the quality and
safety of seafood, increasing regulation, and adopting stringent hygiene
measures to stop contaminants (Vipham et al., 2018). Seafood con-
sumption has become an essential part of a balanced and healthy diet
(Trondsen et al., 2003), as it is signicantly related to public health
(Baki et al., 2018); health benets include lower instances of cardio-
vascular disease (Verbeke and Isabelle, 2005). In addition, sh is an
essential source of quality protein and is cheaper than other animal
protein sources for which there is an efcient market structure.
In sh markets, internal cues, such as the sensory characteristics of
sh, are critical determinants of sh consumption. These cues are also
vital to evaluate the freshness of a sh product (Carlucci et al., 2015).
However, sensory characteristics are product specic, and it is not easy
to establish that these are fundamental for all sh. For this reason,
several studies use attitudes toward sh as a proxy for sensory percep-
tion. This is because an attitude is a psychological tendency to evaluate
objects in degrees of, for example, goodbad or pleasantunpleasant,
and this attitude can thus be positive (liking) or negative (disliking)
(Eagly and Chaiken, 1998). However, consumersattitudes toward sh
products are rapidly changing due to demographic and socioeconomic
changes. Therefore, conjoint analysis is widely used in psychometrics,
economics, and marketing to assess and estimate consumersprefer-
ences and demand for market and seafood products (Anderson and
Soa, 1993; Roheim et al., 2011).
The expansion in the consumption and commercialisation of sh
products have, in recent decades, been accompanied by a growing in-
terest in food safety, nutrition, and waste reduction. Therefore, con-
sumers prefer precise information when purchasing sh, including its
visual elements, origin, price, format, and freshness (Br´
ecard et al.,
2009). Additionally, consumer sh choice is strongly affected by habits
that emerge and are reinforced through experience (Scholderer and
Trondsen, 2008). Consumersperception of sh while purchasing also
depends on the convenience and availability of products. When
preferred sh products are not available, and the possible alternatives
appear to be weak substitutes, consumers decide not to buy anything
(Carlucci et al., 2015). Despite being a poor substitute for wild-caught
sh, aquaculture has gradually grown to meet the excess demand,
meaning that more than 220 species of nsh and shellsh are now
cultured (Naylor et al., 2000).
In addition to improving local food supply, aquaculture can also
improve food security and nutrition through the availability of low-cost
sh and increasing employment opportunities and income (FAO, 2013).
Countries must be accountable for what seafood consumers consume
rather than what they produce to ensure food security and nutritional
quality for a growing world population despite stagnant production in
capture sheries and in light of increasing aquaculture production
(Guillen et al., 2019). The demand for and consumption of cultured sh
depends on not only credible information but food security and safety
systems, and communication of the safety performance requirements of
farms, their sustainability indicators, exports of farmed sh, consumer
knowledge and perceptions of farmed sh, WTP and equitable distri-
bution of sh to the population (Dey, 2000; Trienekens and Zuurbier,
2008; Dey et al., 2011; Johan et al., 2013; Hussain et al., 2017; Hoque
and Alam, 2020; Hoque, 2020).
Although there is extensive literature on consumer behaviour in
developed economies in relation to sheries and aquaculture (Carlucci
et al., 2015) and on food safety systems (Grace, 2015), there is little for
developing and emerging economies. Although the level of sh con-
sumption is low for people in developing economies, they consume a
higher share of sh protein in their diet (FAO, 2018). The domestic sh
farms and sh markets of developing and emerging countries in Asia are
important, with the dominant market being for whole sh traded as
fresh, iced and frozen. However, the inuence of the production method
and price on the consumer perception of such sh has been little studied
in developing countries (Carlucci et al., 2015) and South Asian markets,
including Bangladesh (Alam and Alfnes, 2020; Hoque, 2020). No study
focuses on the impact on consumerssh preferences of food safety in-
spections in sh control. This study attends to these gaps and analyses
the segmentation of the Bangladeshi retail nsh market.
In the local Bangladeshi markets, the price of wild sh is higher than
that of inland-farmed sh, with the price of coastal-farmed sh lower
than that of inland-farmed sh. The literature shows that households
with a high level of income buy more fresh sh than those with lower
levels of income (Nauman et al., 1995). Therefore, it is logical to assume
that high-, medium- and low-income consumers are most likely to buy
wild, inland-farmed, and coastal-farmed sh, respectively. In addition,
in local Bangladeshi markets, consumers with an average level of
knowledge regarding farmed sh are most likely to prefer safe sh; this
farmed sh is lower in quality than the organic version (Hoque et al.,
2021b). Accordingly, it would be reasonable to assume that a consumer
with little knowledge would prefer conventionally farmed sh.
The literature also indicates that low-income consumers are most
likely to choose conventional or unlabelled farmed sh (Hoque, 2020).
Therefore, high, medium, and low-income consumers are likely to prefer
whole sh that has been subject to a national-level food safety inspec-
tion (NFSI), local-level food safety inspection (LFSI), or with no
authorised food safety inspection (NoFSI), respectively. Based on the
similarity to our just-stated hypotheses, we also propose the same
explanation for the association between the rate of sh consumption
(high, medium, or low) and the level of authority of food safety in-
spections (NFSI, LFSI, or NoFSI). Accordingly, the value consumers give
to food safety inspection authorities can be assessed by their frequency
or level of sh consumption.
3. Bangladeshi sh markets and food safety inspections
Consumers in emerging middle-class markets, including Bangladesh,
focus more on food safety (Xu et al., 2012; Sudhir et al., 2015). A series
of globally- and locally-known food safety scandals has increased
awareness of Bangladeshs inefcient food safety measures and inspec-
tion systems. Most foodstuffs in its economy are less safe than in other
places, and this problem persists at every level of the food chain, from
preparation to consumption (Ali, 2013). The food security system re-
mains vulnerable because of the limited coverage of safety schemes,
vulnerability to natural disasters, and uctuation in prices (Roksana and
Alam, 2014). Additionally, impure, rotten and perishable food waste is
turned into toxic foods and stored, sold and served to consumers in an
unhygienic atmosphere (Ali, 2013). The same conditions are true, and to
a greater extent, for aquaculture and sheries products (Rahman et al.,
Fisheries and aquaculture products are key dietary components for
the population (Raknuzzaman et al., 2016) and are ranked third among
Bangladeshs export commodities (IMED (Implementation Monitoring
and Evaluation Division), 2013). In the growth of the sheries and
aquaculture sector in Bangladesh, there has been extensive product
differentiation between wild, inland-, coastal, and marine-farmed sh,
and in some cases, these products have been marketed with rice or
vegetables (FAO, 2016; Hernandez et al., 2018). Globally, 15% of the
total animal protein in peoples diet comes from sh; this gure is 50%
in developing countries and 60% in Bangladesh (Van der Pijl, 2012; DoF,
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
2018). Although sh is an essential source of food and provides nutrition
security and income for many people in Bangladesh (Saiful Islam, 2016),
the safety standards in the sh supply chain are inadequate (Van der Pijl,
2012) and complex due to its many stakeholders. In the extended value
chain, sh is traded in the primary market (involving sh farmers and
local collectors), secondary market (involving wholesalers and local
suppliers) and retail market (involving sellers and ultimate consumers).
In the retail market, sh are traded in both open or wet markets and
hyper- or supermarkets. Due to the products importance, in terms of
market volume, and its signicant role in the socioeconomic condition
of millions of people in Bangladesh, authorities need to pay proper
attention to the retail sector to ensure the quality and safety of the sh
and sh-products produced and marketed (Paul et al., 2018; Dey and
Surathkal, 2020). The Bangladeshi Fish Inspection and Quality Control
wing of the sheries department have been working since 1997 to sus-
tain a sh-product safety system.
Numerous measures might be required to control food adulteration
and ensure the marketing system is effective and strategic. The
Bangladesh Food Safety Network is a privately formed network of or-
ganisations that implements several educative programmes and
communication campaigns for food safety advocacy and awareness; the
network aims to increase public consciousness of food safety and foster a
safe food movement. Recently, the Bangladesh Safe Food Authority
began collecting domestic market data regarding food adulteration to
manage the food safety programme effectively. To minimise the risks of
the existing system of food safety control, the Bangladeshi government
has set food standards and risk assessment procedures in consultation
with the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
Following this process, twenty food analysis laboratories formed the
National Food Safety Laboratory Network to improve the testing of food
samples. An Information, Education and Communications action plan
has also been adopted to enhance the food hygiene and safety awareness
of households, schoolchildren, food vendors, and advocacy groups.
Furthermore, a Food Safety Unit has been formed to develop effective
policies and to institutionalise and ensure the good governance of the
existing food safety control system. Finally, a pathogen-specic sur-
veillance system tracks food-borne illnesses following the food safety
guidelines introduced for the farmed nsh supply chain.
Bangladesh has perhaps the highest number of food safety laws,
regulations and initiatives in the world to regulate the safe delivery to
consumers of food, including sh and sh products. These diverse reg-
ulations and inspections show multi-sectoral responsibility for food
control (FAO, 2004), which entirely excludes the HACCP and Codex
standards (Banglapedia, 2015). Increasing safety standards formulation
capacity based on risk will contribute to the institutionalisation and
good governance of food control systems and food safety practices in
value chains. Increasing these standards will also change household
attitudes, resulting in demand in Bangladesh for safe sh (FAO, 2017).
However, the existing control frameworks suffer from abysmal imple-
mentation (Chowdhury, 2011), stemming from regulatory failures, a
lack of information to consumers (Ali, 2013), and a lack of consumer
verication. Therefore, this study explores how consumers value food
safety and what their preferences are for sh safety inspections to help
design an effective food regulation policy.
4. Data collection and measures
One of the most common carp species, Rui (Labeo rohita), is a widely
produced, popular and extensively consumed sh in Bangladesh. It is
both wild-caught and farm-raised, produced in both inland freshwater
and brackish water, and contributes to around half of total sh con-
sumption (Khan et al., 2020). Since our main interest is to investigate
how seafood safety inspection as part of sh control affects consumers
choices and their WTP, we focus on Rui to isolate the effect of a specic
consumer choice. We use an experimental research design to collect
data, with direct interviews with randomly selected households. The
data were collected in Dhaka and Chittagong (see Fig. 1), which are
chosen because their per capita sh consumption is higher than that of
other cities in the country (Needham and Funge-Smith, 2014).
Furthermore, as the capital city, Dhaka makes a signicant contribution
to the countrys economy and is characterised as the ‘Business Hub of
Bangladesh,and the commercial and port city of Chittagong makes a
crucial contribution to foreign trade. Furthermore, people living in these
cities are relatively wealthy compared to those in the rest of the country.
These cities are thus suitable for our attempt to explore the growing
consciousness of food safety control in emerging markets (HIES, 2016).
To construct a representative sample, we employ stratied cluster
sampling processes. The eldwork in the two study areas was under-
taken from 12 January to 27 March 2019. Before the nal version of the
survey was completed, we conducted a pre-test survey of 42 subjects
from Dhaka and 36 from Chittagong to conrm that they understood the
questions and that there were no semantic or measurement problems.
We found no signicant obstacles, and the same settings were employed
for the nal version.
The primary respondents are household members older than 21 in
charge of what other household members eat; these householders are
more likely to be responsible for sh buying than others in the family.
The purpose of the research was specied in a motivational letter to the
participants, who were interviewed in the local language, Bengali, and
answered a set of questions and responded to the survey. On average,
each interview took 20 min. Before beginning the survey, the surveys
contents were reviewed and approved by the Ethical Review Board,
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
The rst section of the questionnaire (see Appendix A) centred on
sh choice based on sh attributes focused on sh safety control. Six sets
of choices were presented in a table, and the respondents were requested
to choose one from each (see Fig. 2). In each set, three sh options with
four attributes were presented to assess consumerschoices. Further-
more, we included an additional ‘opt-outchoice in each selection to
allow for none of the other choices being found suitable. The choices in
the experimental design were affected by the sh production method
(wild, inland farmed, coastal farmed); the product form (fresh, frozen,
iced); type of food safety inspection (national authority, local authority,
no authorised safety inspection); and price per kg of the Rui (BDT 360,
Black shading indicates the study area
Bay of Bengal
Fig. 1. The study area.
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
BDT 280, BDT 200) (see Table 1). A focus group discussion was arranged
to ensure the estimated values were logical and relevant to the local
economy to accurately estimate the sh attributes and alternatives.
Based on time and budget constraints, 450 households were targeted as
respondents. Of these, we omit 28 as they provided partial or incomplete
information. Therefore, a total of 422 households are included in the
between-subject design. The sampling distribution is as follows: Dhaka
south (N =113); Dhaka north (N =100); Chittagong south (N =103);
and Chittagong north (N =106). Ultimately, we obtain a data set of n =
422 ×6 ×4 =10,128 observations.
With four factors and three levels, a total of 3
(81) hypothetical
products can be created by connecting the attributes listed above. For
useful analysis, the study employs an orthogonal fractional factorial
design. The computer program SPSS (Version 26) provides the minimum
number of six choice sets, with 18 product proles. Following Balcombe
et al. (2010), the participants were instructed to think about the choice
scenarios as if they were real. We used a text script in the questionnaire
to provide relevant information on sh attributes during the choice
experiment to reduce the bias that could result from a hypothetical
experiment (Murphy et al., 2005).
When buying sh, the attributes perceived by consumers affect their
preferences. When they value a product and judge the quality of its at-
tributes accurately, they will buy it (Caswell, 1998). Accordingly, how
consumers perceive sh attributes is assessed with a simple attitude
ranking survey, in which their valuing of sh attributes are assessed on a
seven-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly
agree), thus revealing their perceptions of what the attributes meaning.
Scores of four or ve are treated as a neutral perceived value, scores of
three or below are considered a negative perceived value and scores of
six or above represent a positive perceived value (Hoque, 2020). How-
ever, in the Likert-type statements, the respondents could rate all the
attributes as equally important (Phillips et al., 2002). Therefore, to gain
in-depth insights, their evaluations of sh attributes are assessed in an
attitude ranking survey (see Appendix A).
Hence, consumers ranked the sh attributes according to their
perceived role in their sh choice from 1 (most important) to 4 (least
important). Preference ranking can also effectively elicit consumer
valuation based on conjoint analysis (Millar and Millar, 1996; Phillips
et al., 2002). However, attitude and preference ranking involve different
theoretical frameworks and methods. Therefore, we then also compare
the outcomes of the two approaches to determine the relative impor-
tance of each sh attribute ranking. The relative importance of attri-
butes is measured by the ratio of the range of utility (e.g., Rank 1)
change for different attribute levels to the sum of such elds for all sh
5. Econometric model
In economics and marketing, conjoint analysis is widely used to
assess and estimate consumerspreferences and demand for market
goods (Anderson and Soa, 1993). In this study, we consider consumers
perceived value of food safety inspection and sh attributes, together
with their sh-shopping experiences in a conjoint experiment. Gener-
ally, an individual chooses an alternative (the most preferred item) to
maximise their utility, and other options are not chosen, indicating their
mutual exclusiveness (Train, 2009a, 2009b). When respondent n ob-
serves choice set k with j alternatives, then the utility of alternative j for
respondent n can be dened as:
Unkj =x
nkj (1)
where β represents a vector of the importance of the attributes (x) for
consumers in assessing their utility. The error term
captures the
inuence on the respondents utility of unobserved factors. Respondents
had four choices: Option A, Option B, Option C, and Option D (do not
buy either). Thus, a conditional logit model is used to estimate the
preference (Hensher et al., 2005; Roheim et al., 2012) where the prob-
ability of respondent n choosing product j of choice set k can be written
Pnkj =eβjxj+γnjxjzn
In the economics literature, it is common to use the discrete choice
model to choose between several alternative products (Train, 2009a,
2009b). This mathematical function predicts an individuals choice
based on relative attractiveness or utility (Mehndiratta, 1997). This
model provides an analytical advantage; the logit model is often used for
Imagine you are in the market and would like to buy 1 kg of the Rui you usually buy. Do you choose
Option A, Option B, Option C or Option D?
Election number- # Option A Option B Option C Option D
Production method Wild Coastal farmed Wild
None of these
Product form Frozen Iced Iced
Food safety control No authorised
safety inspection
National-level food
safety inspection
Local-level food
safety inspection
Price/kg BDT 200 BDT 360 BDT 280
I would choose:
Fig. 2. Example of a choice set.
Table 1
Fish attributes and levels for the choice experiments.
Fish attribute Description Levels/Alternatives
The sh come from seas, rivers,
and other natural bodies of
water. Alternatively, they can be
raised in inland ponds or other
freshwater bodies, in coastal
areas in brackish water, or in the
sea in saline water.
Wild-caught, inland-farmed,
Product form The nature of the product
purchased by consumers.
Fresh, frozen, iced.
Fish safety
A regulatory activity (e.g., safety
inspection) by an authority
(national or local) that provides
consumer protection and ensures
that during production,
handling, storage, processing
and distribution of the sh is
National-level food safety
inspection (NFSI); local-level
food safety inspection (LFSI);
and no authorised food safety
inspection (NoFSI)
Price This is an economic indicator of
the cost of purchase and what
consumers would pay for one kg
of sh. Here it is denoted in the
Bangladeshi currency, globally
coded as BDT (Bangladeshi
BDT 360/kg, BDT 280/kg, BDT
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
modelling the relationship between a categorical outcome and one or
more numerical or categorical predictor variables. As a popular and
widely used logit model, the MNL model generalises the logistic
regression to more than two problems, providing log odds of the nom-
inal outcome as a linear combination of the predictor variables that
estimate a consumers choice based on relative attractiveness or utility
(Mehndiratta, 1997). The MNL model implicitly assumes independence
from irrelevant alternatives (IIA) where violation of the IIA assumption
is not a serious shortcoming (Guadagni and Little, 1983). In this study,
the household choice for whole Rui is modelled using the disaggregate
sh demand approach with a generic MNL model, in which the proba-
bility that respondent n chooses alternative j of choice set k is
Pnkj =
exp x
In addition, if the N respondents evaluate the same set of k choice
sets, the log-likelihood function for the MNL model becomes:
ln(L(β) ) =
ynkjlnPnkj (4)
In Eq. 4, the dummy variable y
equals one when respondent n
prefers alternative j from choice set k, and zero otherwise. Individually
respondentschoices are linked to individual-specic explanatory vari-
ables (Franses and Paap, 2001). These denote the ratio of the probability
of choosing the options and the value of the various sh attributes, such
as wild, inland farmed, fresh, food safety inspected. The responses in
each choice set from four unlabelled options (1 =Option A, 2 =Option
B, 3 =Option C, and 4 =Option D) is truncated into a multivariate
binary choice exposing generic model (Hoque, 2020). For instance, the
six multivariate dummy variables for the six responses were coded as
equal to one if Option A is chosen and zero otherwise. Nonetheless, in
the choice sets, as ‘Option Dis ‘None of theseand that the alternative
specic constant (ASC) is equal to one when ‘Option A, ‘Option B, and
‘Option Cis chosen, and zero if ‘Option D. Based on Eq. (4), the
maximum likelihood estimates
β for the parameter and the vector are
obtained by maximising the log-likelihood function, indicating that the
parameters estimated in the model are useable for the probability of
making a choice. A positive parameter suggests that the explanatory
variable is likely to increase the likelihood of choosing the respective
sh attribute. A negative parameter indicates that the predictor value
tends to curtail the choice probability (Zhang et al., 2010).
Marginal values based on estimated parameters reect the WTP for
product attributes. According to Train (2009a, 2009b), the estimate can
be calculated as the negative ratio of the coefcient of an attribute
variable (β
) to the price coefcient (β
); the formula is as
WTPattribute = − βattribute
ConsumersWTP is accounted for by choice modelling (Model 2),
which is measured hypothetically. Each marginal value represents
consumersWTP for a particular attribute related to the specic sh
types while holding all else constant.
6. Results
The participant demographics and socioeconomic variables are
presented in Table 2. Of the participants, most are male (78%), aged
between 30 and 39 years old (40%), and with more than 12 years of
education (83%). Culturally, men in Bangladesh (almost 80% in this
case) are responsible for purchasing food for their families (Schaetzel
et al., 2014). Most households (70%) have children and between two
and ve family members in total (77%). The mean monthly income of
30% of the respondents is between BDT 30,000 and BDT 50,000 (US$ 1
=BDT 84). Only 6.60% of the respondents are housemakers, while 54%
are employed.
The descriptive statistics also show that 65% of the households eat
sh several times per week, and 25% do so daily. Almost 80% of the
respondents do sh shopping for their families, with 52% buying their
sh from a wet market. The results also reveal that very few respondents
(8%) are registered members of any volunteer environmental organi-
zation or club. Approximately 15% of the total sh purchased were
bought from supermarkets.
This study investigates the effects of product attributes, interactions
between the attributes, and socioeconomic variables on the choice of
whole Rui through two econometric models. As specied in Eqs. (2,3),
Table 2
Descriptive statistics of the demographic and psychographic variables and the
preference patterns for whole rui.
Sample size (households) n =422
Age (%)
20 to 29 10.70
30 to 39 39.80
40 to 49 30.10
50 to 59 13.50
60 to 69 05.70
70 or older 00.20
Gender (%)
Male 78.20
Female 21.80
Education (%)
0 to 5 years 02.80
5 to 12 years 13.50
Over 12 years 83.60
Children (age 116) in the household (%)
Yes 70.40
No 29.60
Number of family members (%)
Fewer than 2 02.10
2 to 5 77.00
Over 5 20.90
Household monthly income in Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) (%)
Under 30,000 17.10
30,000 to 50,000 29.90
50,000 to 70,000 20.90
70,000 to 90,000 14.70
Over 90,000 17.50
Profession (%)
Jobholder 54.00
Businessperson 21.60
Housemaker 06.60
Direct services 16.10
Other 01.60
Overall sh consumption (%)
Once per month 00.50
Once per week 09.70
Several times per week 65.40
Daily 24.60
Do you do sh shopping for your family? (%)
Yes 79.10
No 20.90
Where do you buy the sh? (%)
Wet Market 51.70
Supermarket only 01.70
Both 46.70
Registered member of an environmental club (%)
Yes 8.10
No 91.90
Existence of a high value of food safety inspection among those
respondents who are environmental club members (%)
Yes 67.65
No 32.35
Percentage of sh that consumers buy from supermarkets (mean ±St.
14.92 ±
N =10,128
A monthly income of less than BDT 50,000 is low, 50,000 to 89,000 is medium,
and 90,000 and above is a high level of income. Fish consumption once per week
is low, several times per week is medium, where daily is high.
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
the conditional logit (CL) model and MNL regression are estimated to
measure the impact of the attribute variables on sh choice, with the
results reported in Table 3. Both the CL and MNL analyses rst test the
model t by examining the chi-square of the nal model (see Table 3,
nal row). Eq. (4) illustrates the estimated parameters in the MNL
model; these are the marginal effects of the observed explanatory vari-
ables on the logarithm of the success odds ratio. The odds ratio shows
the exponential outcomes of the corresponding parameters. As the sign
and magnitude of the two modelscoefcients are almost identical, we
consider Model 2 with ASC for ease of analysis. The outcomes demon-
strate that the ASC is insignicantly positive, meaning that, overall,
consumers prefer whole sh. However, the odds of the price are 0.005,
which is signicantly negative, implying that consumerspreferences for
whole sh would be lower at a higher price. (See Table 4.)
The individual parameter estimates show that, in response to the
coastal-farmed version, wild sh are valuable in increasing the utility of
consumers, as evidenced by their willingness to pay a price premium of
BDT 299.20/kg. This nding is in line with Hoque (2020) for Bangladesh
Table 3
Estimated results of the exp. (coef) of product attributes and socioeconomics, and consumerspreferences.
Explanatory variables Choice of whole rui in the
Conditional logit (CL) model Multinomial logit (MNL) model
Model (1) with sh attributes, interactions between
the attributes and socioeconomic variables
Model (2) with sh attributes, interactions between the
attributes and socioeconomic variables
ASC 0.040
8.00 [135.62, 151.62]
Wild 1.395***
348.75 [108.11, 589.38] 1.496*** (0.195) 299.20 [123.32, 475.07]
Inland-farmed 0.732***
183.00 [51.86, 314.13] 0.786*** (0.198) 157.20 [58.22, 256.17]
Fresh 0.237
59.25 [51.66, 170.16] 0.243
48.60 [39.42, 136.62]
Frozen 0.901***
225.25 [368.11, 82.38] 0.943*** (0.226) 188.60 [295.18, 82.01]
NFSI 0.506**
126.5 [10.27, 263.27] 0.259
51.80 [15.67, 119.27]
NoFSI 3.829***
957.25 [1490.53, 423.96] 3.927*** (0.608) 785.40 [1155.53, 415.26]
Price 0.004***
0.005*** (0.001)
Opt-out 2.221***
555.25 [719.81, 390.68] 2.368*** (0.362) 473.60 [571.22, 375.97]
Wild*Fresh 1.254***
313.50 [203.48, 423.51] 1.355*** (0.309) 271.00 [190.02, 351.97]
Wild*Frozen 1.715***
428.75 [229.46, 628.03] 1.818*** (0.296) 363.60 [223.61, 503.58]
Wild*NoFSI 1.205**
301.25 [44.27, 646.77] 1.074*
214.80 [48.48, 478.08]
Inland-farmed*Fresh 0.479**
119.75 [29.62, 269.12] 0.526**
105.20 [13.72, 224.12]
Inland-farmed*Frozen 0.268
67.00 [86.38, 220.38] 0.254
50.80 [71.90, 173.50]
Inland-farmed* NoFSI 0.533
133.25 [207.91, 474.41] 0.504
100.80 [173.75, 375.35]
Wild*High income 0.026
06.50 [71.64, 58.64] 0.020
4.00 [50.41, 42.41]
Inland-farmed*Medium income 0.374**
93.50 [187.30, 00.30] 0.410*** (0.150) 82.00 [151.88, 12.11]
Coastal-farmed*Low income 0.174
43.50 [30.21, 117.21] 0.190
38.00 [15.79, 91.79]
Price*Wet market 0.002***
00.50 [00.90, 00.09] 0.0004* (0.000) 0.08 [0.18, 0.022]
Price*Supermarket 0.003
00.75 [01.74, 00.24] 0.001
0.20 [00.57, 0.170]
NFSI* High income 0.005
01.25 [64.43, 61.93] 0.006
1.20 [46.57, 44.17]
LFSI*Medium income 0.272*
68.00 [13.16, 149.16] 0.285**
57.00 [0.83, 114.83]
NoFSI*Low income 0.482**
120.50 [237.63, 3.36] 0.492*** (0.189) 98.40 [185.78, 11.01]
NFSI* High consumption 0.150
37.50 [160.96, 85.96] 0.125
25.00 [36.76, 86.76]
LFSI*Medium consumption 0.578**
144.50 [00.65, 289.65] 0.326**
65.20 [3.23, 133.63]
NoFSI*Low consumption 0.715
178.75 [435.44, 792.94] 0.665
133.00 [335.50, 601.50]
Number of observations =10,128, Number of groups =422 Pseudo-R
=0.3048, LR Chi
(25) =3038.41, Prob.
) =0.000
=0.2791, LR Chi
(25) =3179.00, Prob. (Chi
) =
Standard errors in parentheses; *** p <0.01, ** p <0.05, and * p <0.1. Parameter estimates from the MNL model; ASC =Alternative Specic Constant; NFSI =
National-level Food Safety Inspection; LFSI =Local-level Food Safety Inspection; NoFSC =No authorised Food Safety Inspection; WTP, standard error (S.E.), and
condence interval (C.I.) estimated with the delta method.
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
and Uchida et al. (2014) for Asia and is consistent with studies in Europe
and the Americas (Holland and Wessells, 1998; ODierno et al., 2006;
Wirth et al., 2007; Davidson et al., 2012; Nguyen et al., 2015; Rickertsen
et al., 2017a, 2017b).
Compared to the coastal-farmed version, inland-farmed sh also
signicantly increase the utility of consumers, who are willing to pay a
price premium. The literature reveals that consumers prefer inland
freshwater to sea sh (Galib, 2011), whereas a more signicant number
of North Carolina consumers prefer saltwater-farmed seafood (Drake
et al., 2006). In Europe, the value consumers place on farmed sh is
positively related to food safety (Claret et al., 2014). Most consumers
perceive no difference between farmed and wild sh, with availability a
salient feature of a preference for the former (Verbeke et al., 2007; Claret
et al., 2014). However, consumersWTP is much higher for wild than
farmed sh (Davidson et al., 2012).
Second, the results reveal that in response to iced sh, the utility of
fresh sh increases for consumers and their marginal WTP is positive.
Consumerspreference for fresh sh is also consistent with previous
studies in both developed and developing economies, such as India
(Debnath et al., 2012), China (Hu et al., 2014), Kenya (Musa et al.,
2012), France (Nguyen et al., 2015), Denmark (Stubbe Solgaard and
Yang, 2011), and Malaysia (Ahmad Hanis et al., 2013). Freshness is also
an essential attribute for Asian consumers in the Northeastern United
States (Thapa et al., 2015). In addition, in comparison to iced sh, frozen
sh decreases the utility of whole rui for consumers, meaning they are
only willing to buy it at a reduced price. This result is consistent with
Davidson et al. (2012).
Third, in response to the food safety inspection of local authorities,
NFSI does not signicantly increase sh utility. Moreover, compared to
local-level inspection, not having an inspection greatly reduces the
utility of sh for consumers. The results also demonstrate that con-
sumersWTP for NoFSI is negative, and more signicantly so than the
WTP of the opt-out group. With either no or inadequate food safety
regulation, consumers are unable to assess sh products (Lawley et al.,
2012). Again, a high price premium was recorded for farmed sh with
Aquaculture Stewardship Council certication (Xuan, 2021). It appears
the application of scientic national-level food safety regulations are
required to meet world-class safety standards (Cato, 1998).
In this study, the effects we consider are those be analysed by
creating interaction terms between product attribute variables (David-
son et al., 2012). Without these interacted terms, the results can be
interpreted as capturing the average perceived value of the product at-
tributes for the sample (Train, 2009a, 2009b). In the interaction anal-
ysis, the interaction of production method and product form could
provide substantial information for consumer food-product utility. For
instance, the wild and fresh attributes together increase consumers
utility, indicating they are complementary. As the attributes increase
utility individually, it is expected that together they will increase con-
sumersutility. Such a nding is relevant to the outcomes of Roheim
et al. (2012).
Furthermore, the wild and frozen attributes are valued individually
and increase or decrease consumersutility, respectively. However, this
attribute information signicantly increases consumersutility when the
attributes wild and frozen are provided together. This indicates they are
complementary and that consumers have a strong preference for wild
sh in the frozen form. Individually, the NoFSI attribute reduces the
utility of sh for consumers. When this and the wildness attribute are
considered together, wild sh signicantly increase consumer utility,
but the inland-farmed version does not. A recent study in France also
shows that consumers perceive wild sh as best for safety and health
(Rickertsen et al., 2017a, 2017b). However, it is only in the fresh form
that the inland-farmed version increases utility; consumers are willing to
pay a price premium of BDT 105.20/kg.
The models interaction effect also shows that high-income con-
sumers are willing to buy wild sh at a low price. The signicant
negative interaction effect between inland-farmed sh and a medium
level of income implies that they are substitutes; the coastal version
increases utility to consumers insignicantly, but they are willing to pay
a price premium of BDT 38.00/kg. Previous studies demonstrate that
both inland- and coastal-farmed sh signicantly benet Bangladeshi
consumers (Hoque et al., 2021b). In addition, the interaction term be-
tween price and the wet market is negatively signicant, meaning that
consumers are willing to buy whole sh in the wet market at a low price.
Presently, compared to wet markets, modern retailers (e.g., supermar-
kets) sell higher quality products at higher prices (Schipmann and Qaim,
The models interaction effect also indicates that a positive and
signicant interaction term between LFSI and a medium level of income
is signicantly positive and complementary. In this complementary ef-
fect, LFSI increases the utility of sh to consumers. Due to the intro-
duction of local GAP standards, minimum food safety and hygiene is
required for the control of the marketplace (Havinga et al., 2015, p.78).
The China Food and Drug Administration has introduced local gover-
nance regulations to develop a legal and regulatory system to address
food safety risks (Jensen and Zhou, 2015, p.181). Similarly, in terms of
sh consumption level, consumers are most likely to prefer LFSI. On the
other hand, sh with NoFSI produces consumer disutility, in which the
effect of NFSI is insignicantly negative.
Although consumers value the production method as the most
important attribute in sh choice (in the attitude rating and ranking),
their perceptions of food safety were heterogeneous. Consumers
weighted safety inspection as second in the rating (see Fig. 3) and third
in the attitude ranking. More mental effort is required to answer ranking
than rating questions (Verint, 2013). This neurocognitive process re-
ects the psychological cost (e.g., mental concern or mental resistance)
of information processing during perception (Logan, 2019). The out-
comes demonstrate that in the attitude ranking, where a high mental
cost (friction or anxiety) is involved in responding, consumers perceive a
lower value for food safety inspection than in the attitude rating. This
indicates that consumers prefer safety information that is legible, clearly
and consistently presented and with a low mental processing cost. Food
safety regulators that develop educational materials should thus include
the required safety information to reduce consumersmental costs, to
obtain strong form efciency in the sheries and aquaculture market.
In comparing two attitude objects, attitude ranking is superior to
attitude rating (Anne-Wil et al., 2009). Attitude rankings represent
Table 4
The relative importance of sh attributes (Numbers in parentheses indicate ranking).
Framework for Operationalisation and Conceptualisation Attribute Total
Price Production
Operationalisation of safety inspection Types of rankings and their characteristics
Relative importance (based on the most important
attribute in sh choice; 1
yes, 0 =otherwise)
Attitude ranking: direct experiences, affective
reactions, consummatory behaviour, intrinsic
Relative importance (based on the predicted
expected utility from sh attributes)
Preference ranking: indirect experiences, cognitive
reactions, instrumental behaviour, cognition and
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
consumers direct experiences of attitude objects that might produce
affective reactions linked to consumer behaviour and directly inuence
their preferences (Millar and Millar, 1996; Phillips et al., 2002). Such
behaviour greatly affects consumersconsideration of product attributes
and their intrinsic enjoyment of the consumption (Millar and Millar,
1996). Consumers value the method of sh production and food safety
inspection as the rst and second most crucial sh-choice attributes (see
Fig. 4, Table 3).
In the preference ranking, consumers perceive sh attributes indi-
rectly by means of predicted objects that produce cognitive reactions
linked to their instrumental behaviour (Millar and Millar, 1996; Phillips
et al., 2002). This behaviour allows consumers to form their attitudes to
sh attributes based on cognition and beliefs rather than affectively
driven actions and intrinsic enjoyment (Millar and Millar, 1996; Hoque
and Hossan, 2020; Hoque et al., 2018). In such instrumental behaviour,
consumers perceive the sh production method to be most important,
with safety inspection as the fourth most important attribute. However,
they perceive sh safety inspection as the second most crucial attribute
in attitude ranking in relation to their consumption behaviour. There-
fore, consumersperception of sh safety inspection related to their
affective reaction for intrinsic enjoyment is higher than their reactions
based on cognition and beliefs. Such a low belief perception of sh safety
inspection indicates that Bangladeshi consumersdo not have a high
level of belief in the existing sh safety control, with affective drivers
greatly inuencing their consumption of sh at a high rate. From the
affective perspective, sh and shery products have a strong association
with national pride, upbringing, and a sense of belonging to the com-
munity (Hoque et al., 2021b), which helps make Bangladesh a sh-
eating nation.
7. Discussion
Bangladesh has a high-level frequency of sh consumption, and
consumerssh choices are heterogeneous. Generally, consumers prefer
wild sh to the farmed version, and they are willing to pay a price
premium for wild sh for its positively valued taste and safety attributes.
Even a lack of authorised safety inspections increases consumersutility
from wild sh, clearly suggesting that they nd wild sh safe; the
existing food safety inspection is not required by consumers. Individu-
ally, the attribute ‘freshincreases consumersutility insignicantly,
while that of attribute ‘frozendecreases utility signicantly. Interest-
ingly, when the attributes of production method and product form are
combined, consumers value wild sh in frozen form more than in fresh
form, indicating their strong preference for wild sh, irrespective of the
product form (fresh or frozen).
Many wild sh are caught at sea, and the process from the point of
catch to the table is relatively long. Therefore, it is not easy to nd wild
sh in fresh form. Such inconvenience in obtaining wild fresh sh leads
consumers who prefer the wild version to mostly depend on the frozen
alternative. In addition, in the urban areas of Bangladesh, sh produced
in inland freshwater is treated as local, indicating a similar attitude to
consumers in European and the Mediterranean (Jaffry et al., 2004;
ecard et al., 2009; Claret et al., 2012; Mauracher et al., 2013), in their
preference for locally farmed sh (e.g., inland freshwater sh) over
coastal- and marine-farmed versions (Hoque et al., 2021a, 2021b).
In addition to the sh production method (wild vs farmed), the sh
form (fresh vs frozen) also plays a vital role in consumerssh choices.
When the attribute ‘freshis considered alone, it increases consumer
utility. However, consumers are less likely to prefer the frozen sh,
indicating they are willing to pay a premium for the fresh sh. Alter-
natively, they are willing to buy the frozen sh product at a lower price.
These ndings imply that whole sh in fresh form will be popular in
local Bangladeshi markets.
Furthermore, a new form of sh or a new measure for frozen sh is
required to increase sh utility to consumers. Despite the market op-
portunities for new sh products, Bangladeshi consumers traditionally
have a xed afnity for consuming the sh available in local markets.
They have already formed the habit of eating sh, with a high level of
affection for sh consumption (Hoque, 2020). As the supply of fresh sh
is limited, to meet the high demand, consumers also prefer alternative
sh forms, such as frozen, iced, and dried.
Bangladeshi consumers are highly experienced in handling and
processing whole sh. There is also a sh-handling service available for
a fee at the point of sale, which motivates people to eat whole sh.
Therefore, consumers have a marked preference for whole inland-
farmed sh in fresh form. In addition, they assume frozen farmed sh
traded in the local markets is below average in terms of taste and safety.
Although consumersWTP for farmed sh in frozen form is positive, the
availability of such sh will not signicantly increase the number of
An effective trading strategy is required for farmed frozen sh, for
example, authorised food safety inspections; these may help to signi-
cantly improve consumers utility from sh. Farmed sh is not consid-
ered suitable in terms of health and safety, but it may be the best option
for environmental sustainability and sh welfare (Rickertsen et al.,
2017a, 2017b). Although farmed sh raises food safety concerns, there
is a tendency to underestimate food safety risks. This factor, a high level
of demand for sh, and a certain afnity for sh consumption (e.g.,
ASC), mean that consumers are willing to pay a premium for inland-
farmed sh.
Surprisingly, consumers WTP for non-inspected inland-farmed sh,
which is the status-quo (BDT 100.80), is higher than for inland-farmed
frozen sh (BDT 50.80). It is notable that consumers in traditional
market outlets perceive a low level of food health risk (Hoque et al.,
2021b). Because there is a limited or absent supply of safety-inspected
sh, even the absence of an authorised food safety inspection may
480 408 576
Product Form Safety
Low Value Neutral High Value
Fig. 3. Percieved value of sh attributes which affect their sh choice.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Production Method Product Form
Safety Inspection Price
Fig. 4. Rank distribution of the four attributes according to the importance in
consumerssh choice.
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
increase consumersutility from sh in the domestic market. Such a
conventional or uninspected sh preference may be one kind of forced
choice. In the absence of the preferred seafood and its unsuitable sub-
stitutes, in developed countries, consumers do not buy any sh product
at all (Carlucci et al., 2015); however, this is not applicable in an
emerging economy such as Bangladesh. Consumershigh level of sh
consumption and established habits may inuence them to prefer whole
nsh, even if no safety inspection has been made. However, due to the
higher levels of income and education now prevailing, Bangladeshi
urban households are becoming gradually more conscious of food safety
and sustainability in their sh choices (Hoque, 2020).
As food security and safety are vital, and sheries and aquaculture
are essential in the food economy, a sh safety system is now central and
provides opportunities for consumers to estimate their demand for sh
that is safety-inspected that which is not. In local Bangladeshi markets,
NFSI increases sh utility to consumers. NoFSI decreases consumer
utility from sh, clearly implying that for consumers wanting safe
farmed sh, the existing or additional food safety inspections are
mandatory. Although food elements should be labelled and the neces-
sary information provided to consumers, this is not the case in local sh
markets, specically in wet markets in Bangladesh (Hoque, 2020).
Therefore, consumersoverall value of sh safety in Bangladeshi local
markets is low, and they are only willing to buy whole rui in the wet
market at a lower price.
Although preferences and perceptions are key elements in the anal-
ysis of market demand, price and income are also important issues. The
parameter estimates show that, based on income, consumers are less
likely to prefer inland-farmed sh, meaning that they are highly price-
sensitive to farmed sh. Therefore, because of the higher price of
inland-farmed sh, consumers choose coastal-farmed sh. Food safety is
a vital information cue when buying sh (Pieniak et al., 2013); however,
consumers are rarely able to nd any safety information when buying
sh in Bangladeshi local markets.
Additionally, to boost the lifespan and appearance of sh, it is
common practice for vendors to spray sh with chemical preservatives,
including formalin (Goon et al., 2014). As a result, consumers are sus-
picious and worried about sh safety, and sh farmers face the challenge
of having to engage in communication campaigns because of the low
consumer loyalty to their products (Gaviglio, 2009). The overall nega-
tive evaluation of the Bangladeshi sheries sector posing a signicant
threat to householdsincome and food security and requires immediate
action by policymakers (Ghose, 2014). The results also show that LFSI
increases sh utility to consumers, and their MWTP is positive. How-
ever, our most interesting nding is that consumers are less likely to
prefer sh with NoFSI, meaning they expect active and reliable safety
inspections. The research shows that in terms of safety and hygiene is-
sues, production methods, and nutrition value (Claret et al., 2016), the
availability of information also inuences consumerssh preferences
(Siret and Issanchou, 2000). Such ndings in the literature conrm that
whole sh with LFSI will be popular in local markets in emerging
economies such as Bangladesh.
Currently, Bangladeshi market food safety issues are causing a severe
crisis of trust, and the existing national-level certication system for
food safety (e.g., BSTI approved) is extremely inefcient (Hoque et al.,
2021b). Even the government has not veried this scheme through
consumers, and many substandard food products have been found
labelled as ‘BSTI approved. Additionally, many counterfeit food prod-
ucts are traded in the local markets cynically labelled with the warning
Beware of fake products(Hoque, 2020). Therefore, to increase con-
sumerstrust level, Bangladeshs food safety regulators should provide
unique inspection resources to supervise the safety of sh and other
seafood sold in ostensibly trustworthy markets and must not permit
exemptions to inspections. In China, despite the inefcient safety cer-
tication system for milk (Zhang et al., 2010), consumers are willing to
pay a premium for safe, traceable sh products over non-traced products
of uncertain safety (Wang et al., 2009).
Another interesting nding is that consumers are not sensitive to
food safety risks relating to sh consumption levels. Even with NoFSI,
they prefer to consume a certain level of sh that is, in fact, higher than
that preferred for sh with an NFSI. Such discrepancies in the percep-
tions of food safety risk may lead to potential market failures, despite the
focus on a health-driven approach to food safety (Johan et al., 2013). On
the one hand, consumers are concerned about food safety, and on the
other, they underestimate the threats of safety risks, revealing a gap
between their expectations and perceptions regarding food safety in-
spection (Lin et al., 2020). Such behaviour shows emotional responses
to, or experiences of, sh consumption. These responses could be turned
into emotional preferences and further the potential of sheries and
aquaculture (Hoque et al., 2021a) and support the cultural connotation
of consumption Fish eater Bangali (Mach-e-bhat-e-Bangali).
People are reluctant to buy the greenest products (Young et al.,
2010), with green consumers giving these low priority. Similarly, the
introduction of LFSI for whole rui offers a policy approach to change
consumer behaviour (Hoque, 2020). In recent years, a combined gov-
ernment and private monitoring mechanism has been introduced to
improve seafood safety and restore consumerstrust in shery products
in Bangladesh (Economic Review, 2018). These are mostly reactive and
based on completed sh product inspections. In addition, these reactive
inspections are ineffective and poorly implemented. As the efforts are
not complete or sufcient to ensure sh safety security in local markets,
a preventive and risk-based inspection focusing on the entire sh chain
should be implemented to better manage sh safety control. Such
risk-based safety inspections could support the authorities in formu-
lating an effective food safety policy with a proper institutional frame-
work for its operationalisation (FAO, 2004) and resources allocated to
the areas with the more signicant safety risks.
8. Conclusion
We assessed consumersperceptions of sh attributes using three
different attitude measurement and scaling techniques: attitude rating,
attitude raking, and preference ranking. The typical value of the sh
attributes assessed across all estimation techniques indicates that the
production method (wild or farmed) greatly inuences people in their
sh choice. A heterogeneous value for sh safety inspection suggests
that consumers expect information regarding food safety control at a
low mental cost. Consumers beliefs regarding sh safety inspections in
safety control are low, whereas the effects of affection on sh choice are
Second, the results indicate that for most consumers, wild sh is still
perceived as having better overall quality than the farmed equivalent.
When consumers nd it difcult to locate fresh wild sh in the
marketplace, and if the price is relatively high, they are more likely to
prefer frozen wild sh. Although wild sh may not involve food safety
inspection, consumers are most likely to buy such sh. Interestingly,
consumers prefer frozen wild sh to fresh wild sh because of its
availability in the local market.
Third, only fresh-farmed sh increases consumer utility. Farmed sh
in frozen form and with no authorised food safety inspection is not
appealing but becomes attractive if there is a local-level food safety
inspection. Alhough consumers have mixed perceptions of sh that has
passed an NFSI, they are willing to pay a premium for sh with a local-
level food safety inspection. This suggests the market potential for
farmed sh if it is certied by the local authority. Interestingly, when no
sh with a food safety certication is available, they are still interested
in conventional or uninspected wild sh.
ConsumersWTP behaviour shows that they are willing to pay less
for inland-farmed sh. Therefore, coastal-farmed sh could offer an
alternative to meet the high demand from urban households. Addi-
tionally, inland fresh-farmed sh with a local municipality inspection
would be an excellent alternative to scarce wild sh. This may support
the claim that safety-inspected farmed sh could become prevalent in
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
Bangladeshi sh markets. More focus should be placed on the relative
importance of consumerspreferences for particular attributes, such as
production methods, product forms, food safety inspection authorities,
and the potential interaction effect among sh attributes. Accordingly,
effective information strategies addressed to the general public should
be developed to support and increase farmed fresh sh and safe sh
consumption. This would reduce the negative impact of traditional sh
preservation practices on selling methods and reduce unsustainable sh
consumption. Such outcomes and policy recommendations would pro-
vide essential information to cities such as Dhaka and Chittagong to
improve Bangladeshi consumersgeneral perceptions of policymakers
and major potential food traders (domestic and foreign).
In this study, we considered two major cities, covering the countrys
southern and central urban households; North Bengal was excluded.
However, we suspect that the results would vary considerably for
diverse geographical locations and cultures. For example, the preference
for wild over farmed sh is likely to be improved in the west and
southern parts, and the wild sheries in the Bay of Bengal expanded.
Therefore, it is not easy to generalise from our results. Another caveat is
that the design of choice experiments varies from study to study,
including concerning the range of prices used to cover the potential
WTP. We employed stratied cluster sampling, which is a systematic
tool, suggesting the results can be used to draw a more robust conclu-
sion. Similar studies could be conducted in future that include food
safety labelling and cover more of Bangladesh; these could potentially
cover major urban areas to account for the signicant differences be-
tween economic conditions in rural and urban households.
The publication charges for this article have been funded by a grant
from the publication fund of UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Informed consent statement
Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the
Data availability statement
The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to inuence
the work reported in this paper.
Appendix A. The questionnaire
Consumer Preference for Fish Safety Inspection in Bangladesh: A Survey Questionnaire-February 2019.
Dear Respondents,
This questionnaire survey is a part of my Doctoral research. This survey is about the choice of sh, and the aim is to measure the effect of food safety
inspection and price on buying decision. Please ll in the rst choice that comes to your mind since this is probably closest to your real purchase
behaviour in markets. There are no risks or benets related to lling in this survey, and all the information you provide remains very condential.
Notice, all data will be used anonymously for academic purpose as suggestions to estimate consumer preferences.
The survey is a direct interview method and mostly self-report choice questions. It will be divided into two parts. First, we will ask you to choose
one type of sh among three alternatives in the six choice sets. In the second phase, we will ask to answer some demographic questions. It will take
around 20 min to ll in this questionnaire.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Best Regards,
Mohammed Ziaul Hoque.
PhD Fellow, School of Business and Economics (HHT).
Faculty of Bioscience, Fisheries and Economics.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
*For any clarication, please, contact Mr. Hoque (+4,747,733,295; +8,801,716,584 124,,
Section 1: Choice Experiment.
You will view details about three types of sh at a time on a choice card.
Examine the design detailssuch as the variety of attributes or pricethat you usually use to make a buying decision.
Indicate which of the three shes you would choose; only one choice is allowed. You can also indicate that you would not choose either sh in that
particular three types.
Please think carefully about each decision as though your choices were real.
Below is an example of a choice scenario:
Imagine you are in the market and will buy Rui sh that you usually buy: There are four choices A, B, C and D. You are asked to choose the one you
would most likely buy. Again, only one option is allowed.
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
Example Option A Option B Option C Option D
Production method Wild Wild Inland Farmed
None of these
Product form Frozen Fesh Frozen
Food safety control National-level food
safety inspection
Local-level food
safety inspection
safety inspection
Price/kg TK 200 TK 280 TK 360
I would choose:
Fig. A1. Example of a choice set.
Please read the relevant text information regarding sh attributes carefully, then begin the survey:
Price: Price of 1 kg of the type of sh you have selected (Bangladeshi Taka)
National-level food safety inspection: A regulatory safety inspection by national authority to provide consumer protection and ensure that shes
during production, handling, storage, processing & distribution are safe. For instance, the regulatory functions of IPH (Institute of Public Health),
Dhaka, and the BSTI (Bangladesh Standard Testing Institutions).
Local-level food safety inspection: A regulatory safety by the local authority to provide consumer protection and ensure that shes during
production, handling, storage, processing & distribution are safe. For instance, the regulatory functions of the executive magistrate and health
ofcer of Dhaka City Corporations and Chittagong City Corporations.
No-authorised safety inspection: There is no authority to provide safety protection to consumers and ensure that shes during production,
handling, storage, processing & distribution are safe.
Now we will begin the survey; please tick () your choice in the following choice sets.
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Production method
Inland Farmed
Coastal farmed
Coastal farmed
None of
Product form
Food safety control
National-level food
safety inspection
Local-level food
safety inspection
No-authorised safety
TK 200
TK 200
TK 200
I would choose:
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Production method
Inland Farmed
Coastal farmed
None of
Product form
Food safety control
National-level food
safety inspection
Local-level food
safety inspection
No-authorised safety
TK 200
TK 200
TK 200
I would choose:
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Production method
None of
Product form
Food safety control
Local-level food
safety inspection
safety inspection
National-level food
safety inspection
TK 200
TK 280
TK 280
I would choose:
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Production method
Coastal farmed
Inland Farmed
None of
Product form
Food safety control
Local-level food
safety inspection
National-level food
safety inspection
No-authorised safety
TK 280
TK 200
TK 280
I would choose:
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Production method
None of
Product form
Food safety control
safety inspection
National-level food
safety inspection
Local-level food
safety inspection
TK 200
TK 360
TK 280
I would choose:
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Production method
Inland Farmed
Inland Farmed
None of
Product form
Food safety control
No authorized
safety inspection
National-level food
safety inspection
Local-level food
safety inspection
TK 360
TK 280
TK 360
I would choose:
Please rate the following statements by giving the tick mark on the best agreeing (one) option only.
Production method (e.g.,
wild or farmed) affects
my choice of fish
Production form (e.g.,
fresh or frozen) affects
my choice of fish
Safety inspection affects
my choice of fish
Price affects my choice
of fish
Section 2: Personal Characteristics.
Finally, please rank the following four attributes according to the importance of your sh choice (1 =most important to 4 =least important).
M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
Aquaculture 551 (2022) 737911
a) Age: 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 years or older
b) Gender: Male Female
c) Income/month (Taka): <30,000 30,000-50,000 50,000-70,000
70,000-90,000 > 90,000
d) Child (age 1-16) in household: Yes No
e) Number of family member: less than 2 2 to 5 more than 5
f) Your education of years: 0 to 5 years 5 to12 years above 12 years
g) Your profession: ______________________
h) Do you do most of the food shopping for your family? Yes No
i) Overall fish consumption: Less-than once/month once/month once/week
Several-times/week Daily
j) I buy fish from: Wet market Supermarket Both
k) In general, what is the percentage of fish that you buy from supermarkets? %
l) Are you a registered member of any environmental organization? Yes No
Finally, please rank the following four attributes according to the importance of your fish
choice (1=most important to 4=least important)
Finally, please rank the following four attributes according to the importance of your sh choice (1 =most important to 4 =least important).
Attribute Production method Product form Safety inspection Price
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M.Z. Hoque and Ø. Myrland
... Studies generally indicate a consumer preference for wild fish over farmed fish in many countries (Arvanitoyannis et al., 2004;Brayden et al., 2018;Can et al., 2015;Cardoso et al., 2013;Claret et al., 2014;Davidson et al., 2012;G€ uney, 2019;Hoerterer et al., 2022;L� opez-Mas et al., 2021;Marinac Pupavac et al., 2022;Osmond et al., 2023;Polymeros et al., 2015;Rahman & Islam, 2020;Roheim et al., 2012;Tomi� c et al., 2017;Uchida et al., 2014). However, there are exceptions, such as varying preferences for shellfish products and seaweed salad, as well as generally positive preferences for both wild and farmed fish (Brayden et al., 2018;Bronnmann & Asche, 2017;Garlock et al., 2020;Hoque & Myrland, 2022). This indicates that consumer preferences between wild and farmed fish are not consistent. ...
... Our findings align with those of numerous other studies regarding consumers' preferences for wild-caught fish over farmed fish (Arvanitoyannis et al., 2004;Cardoso et al., 2013;Davidson et al., 2012;Kaimakoudi, 2024;L� opez-Mas et al., 2021;Marinac Pupavac et al., 2022;Polymeros et al., 2015;Rahman & Islam, 2020;Roheim et al., 2012;Uchida et al., 2014). However, this is not consistent with other studies suggesting strong positive preferences for both wild and farmed fish, especially when the latter is ASC-labeled or has local safety certifications (Bronnmann & Asche, 2017;Garlock et al., 2020;Hoque & Myrland, 2022). These preferences are likely driven by the fact that labeling and certifications enhance consumer confidence in farmed fish. ...
... � Labeling Systems: Implementing comprehensive labeling systems, which include food safety inspections, detailed product information, and adherence to HACCP standards, is essential for building consumer trust. Labels that indicate feed characteristics and geographical origins improve product traceability and verification (Brayden et al., 2018;Hoque & Myrland, 2022). Additionally, the certification of farmed products according to best aquaculture practices further strengthens their credibility (Meng et al., 2023;Roheim et al., 2012). ...
Egypt has experienced a significant shift in fish production in recent decades, with 79% coming from aquaculture by 2021. However, the impact of this shift on consumer preferences has not been studied, leaving a knowledge gap when developing policies and marketing strategies. This study aimed to identify factors influencing consumer preferences for wildcaught and farmed fish in Egypt and the reasons for these preferences. A survey was conducted among participants (n¼1,100), and data were analyzed using descriptive and binary logistic regression analyses. The findings revealed that Egyptian consumers prefer wild-caught fish, perceiving them to have superior taste, health benefits, and nutritional value compared to farmed fish. These reasons directly influenced consumer preference for wild-caught fish, as evidenced by the statistically significant results. Interestingly, demographic and economic factors, fish consumption frequency, and sources did not significantly impact consumer preferences. Understanding these factors allows for marketing strategies that positively shape consumer behavior and drive demand for farmed fish.
... In addition, the population of the two cities is comparatively affluent when measured against the national average. Thus, these areas are appropriate for the investigation of the increasing awareness of fish safety control in developing economies (Hoque and Myrland 2022). The respondents were motivated with the information about the research's goal at the very beginning of the interviews, who completed the survey questionnaire, answered a series of questions, and had interviews conducted in Bengali, the local language. ...
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The majority of the fish consumed in Bangladesh originates from aquaculture, mostly because of consumer preferences about major and exotic carp. The study, therefore, aims to identify the factors influencing consistent buying decisions of farmed major and exotic carp in Bangladesh. The study used 300 completed samples which have been collected using a structured questionnaire from different local fish markets of two metropolitan cities; Dhaka and Barishal. Using theory of planned behavior model, the study investigates the relationships between various constructs such as trust, consumer attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, intentions to buy, and continuity to buy. Descriptive statistics illuminated that major carp was preferred over exotic one, with a notable predilection for purchasing 1–2 kg of fish per transaction. The results also showed that older, male, and higher-income respondents had a higher propensity to purchase major carp, while younger, less affluent consumers tended to opt for exotic carp. The findings suggest that continuity of buying behavior is significantly influenced by buying intention backed by perceived control, subjective norms and trust. In order to correctly understand consumer behavior and make contributions to the industry, stakeholders participating in the aquaculture supply chain may benefit from taking the study’s findings into consideration.
... Grasping these patterns can provide valuable insights for public health initiatives aimed at promoting healthier dietary choices in the population. Understanding consumer preferences and consumption patterns is vital for enhancing the prawn industry in Bangladesh [22]. By identifying key drivers behind consumer choices, stakeholders can tailor marketing strategies and improve products to better meet consumer demands. ...
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This study assessed consumer preferences and consumption patterns for prawns in Bangladesh, underscoring the economic and nutritional significance of prawns in the local diet. A total of 120 respondents were interviewed following a random sampling technique from four districts. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics alongside mathematical and statistical methods. The findings indicate a strong preference for fresh and large-sized prawns among the consumers. Income level substantially influenced the prawn purchases, with the high-income consumers more likely to buy premium prawn products, while the low-income consumers showed sensitivity to price changes. The primary concerns that significantly influenced the consumers' purchasing decisions were found to be size, freshness, taste, price, market availability, and income. Additionally, the consumers' perceived value and willingness-to-pay for prawns were significantly driven by size, freshness, environmental sustainability, and income levels. Policy recommendations include promoting sustainable prawn farming and improving accessibility for low-income consumers to enhance both nutritional intake and economic resilience. This research offers valuable insights for stakeholders in the prawn industry, facilitating the development of targeted marketing strategies and informed policymaking for sustainable industry growth. Key Contribution: This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the determinants influencing prawn consumption in Bangladesh, highlighting how income and prawn attributes significantly shape consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay. It also offers critical insights for targeted marketing and policymaking to enhance both economic and nutritional outcomes.
... Due to safety issue and health concerns, numerous global surveillance programs have been conducted to evaluate the quality of fishery products and regulate the health of aquatic environments. For instance, the United States of Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) and other research organizations have conducted several management and research programs dedicated to ensuring the safety of various fishery products [8]. The potential bioaccumulation mechanism of heavy metals from fish to humans has resulted in various concerning public health issues [9]. ...
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The presence of heavy metal contaminants in fish and shellfish in aquatic environments poses a risk to human health due to trophic transfer. This study determined the levels of various trace elements (Fe, As, Cr, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Cd) in the muscles, gills, and liver of hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) and prawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii) samples obtained from the Tetulia River, Bangladesh. The results showed that the level of trace elements in different body parts differed significantly (P < 0.05) between species, displayed below recommended threshold levels. The cumulative low to higher hierarchic concentration of the trace elements was as follows: Fe > Zn > Cu > Cr > Ni > Pb > As > Cd. Hilsa had significantly (P < 0.05) higher bioaccumulated trace elements compared to prawn. With the exception of Ni and Cd, the estimated daily intakes (EDI) for both adults and children were below the recommended daily allowance (RDA), which exhibits that other trace elements do not cause harm to human health. Furthermore, the hazard index (HI) and total hazard quotient (THQ) were also found to be within acceptable limits, taking into account the higher vulnerability of children to toxicity compared to adults. Notably, the HI suggested that children were approximately four times more susceptible to both carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects compared to adults. Ultimately, the levels of carcinogenic risk were deemed acceptable, despite the estimated values suggesting susceptibility to adverse effects in both adults and children. This study concluded that fish and shellfish may not pose a health risk to consumers, highlighting the importance of further monitoring of trace elements in the catchment area. Graphical Abstract
... Consumers preferred the cultured fish for consumption due to their freshness and larger size, respectively (Mitra et al., 2021b). Wild fish is preferred in all product formats, whereas farmed fish is only preferred as fresh (Hoque & Myrland, 2022). ...
This article investigates how consumer beliefs affect preferences and willingness to pay for wild-caught fish as well as the differences in market price for wild and farmed fish. A total of 245 Bangladeshi fish consumers were selected using a purposive sampling technique. A logistic regression was the main empirical tool, while the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) method was used to investigate the market price differences for wild and farmed fish. The results indicate that consumers prefer wild fish when the wild fish is antibiotic-free, healthier, reliable, safe, tasty and relatively more expensive and a superior tactile sensation. Consumers are willing to pay more for wild fish when the fish has pleasant flavor, nutrition, taste, and reliability assurance. However, farmed fish is often less expensive than wild fish and has quality challenges related to reliability, taste and flavor.
... In the last five years, the aquaculture sector in certain Asian countries has grown to become a major producer and exporter of white fish and shrimp Saeed et al., 2022). Seafood items are an important part of many developing nations' basic food baskets, and their quality and safety issues are inextricably tied to the concept of food security (Hoque & Myrland, 2022). Fish and seafood products are vital parts of a well-balanced diet and contribute to excellent health (Thorvaldsen et al., 2021). ...
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Consumption of fish that accumulates harmful toxic substances directly causes food-borne diseases in humans. Unhygienic processing conditions during the processing of fish to manufacture different products also increase the chances of contamination. The present study was conducted to compare the quality and safety status of the fish fillets supplied by different brands in the superstores of Faisalabad. Samples of fish fillets of different brands were collected and stored at refrigeration temperature. Proximate analysis (moisture, protein, ash, and fat), heavy metal analysis (cadmium, nickel, lead, arsenic), and microbiological analysis (total plate count and total coliform count) of fish fillets were performed before and after frying. Fish fillets were fried at 180˚C for 10-12 minutes in the cooking oil. Cooking yield, texture analysis, and sensory evaluation of the fish fillets were also performed. The results of the study showed that the Fish Express brand carries a higher amount of moisture percentage (80.1±0.11) in the frozen fish fillets than any other brand. In contrast, the highest protein contents were reported in frozen fish fillet samples of the Menu brand (18.63±0.2). Lead concentration (PPM) showed the highest mean values of 1.01±0.012 in Ocean Fresh in fried fish fillets. The cooking loss showed the highest mean values of 21.6±0.25 in Fish Express. Total plate count (TPC) showed the highest mean value of 2.91±0.21in Fish Express, frozen fish fillets and it decreased in fried samples. Total coliform count (TCC) showed the highest mean values of 3.53±0.036 in Ocean Fresh in fried fish fillets. Texture showed the highest mean values of 7.66±0.55 for Menu. Taste showed the highest mean values of 8.00±0.00 for the Menu brand. Overall acceptability showed the highest mean values of 8.33±0.55 for the Menu brand. One and two-way analysis of variance was applied to the obtained results to compare the quality and safety status of different brands of fish fillets before and after the frying. Fish fillets of the Menu brand were found high in quality and safety compared to all other brands.
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This study aims to assess the market potential for organically farmed shrimp. The rank-ordered logit model was employed to investigate consumer perceptions; the findings reveal that consumers prefer organic shrimp from mariculture, and inland-farmed shrimp to the coastal version. The willingness to pay (WTP) for conventional shrimp amongst consumers with low knowledge is less than that for organic shrimp amongst highly knowledgeable ones. In addition, the lower WTP for organic shrimp compared with safe shrimp amongst those with a medium knowledge level shows that the organically farmed shrimp market is lagging behind due to limited knowledge and confusion.
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Aquaculture products are presently becoming a crucial part of consumers’ diets. However, asymmetric information regarding farmed fish exposes consumers to ambiguity and often makes them confused. Therefore, this study aims to ascertain the levels of ambiguity tolerance (AT) and confusion avoidance (CA) related to farmed fish and to test if consumers’ AT and CA influence their purchase intent (PI) of such fish. The impact of demographics on consumers’ CA and AT is also explored. The data were obtained through a survey conducted on a randomly selected sample of 1053 households who either purchase and have purchased fish. The collected data were analyzed employing explorative factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and a simple regression model. The study demonstrates that AT had a positive and significant impact on the PI of farmed fish, and also reduced CA. However, the current high level of CA does not influence the PI of farmed fish.