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A Triple Bottom-line Typology of Technical Debt: Supporting Decision- Making in Cross-Functional Teams


Abstract and Figures

Technical Debt (TD) is a widely discussed metaphor in IT practice focused on increased short-term benefit in exchange for long-term ‘debt’. While it is primarily individuals or groups inside IT departments who make the decisions to take on TD, we find that the effects of TD stretch across the entire organisation. Decisions to take on TD should therefore concern a wider group. However, business leaders have traditionally lacked awareness of the effects of what they perceive to be ‘technology decisions’. To facilitate TD as group- based decision-making, we review existing literature to develop a typology of the wider impacts of TD. The goal is to help technologists, non-technologists, and academics have a broader and shared understanding of TD and to facilitate more participatory and transparent technology-related decision making. We extend the typology to include a wider ‘outside in’ perspective and conclude by suggesting areas for further research.
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A Triple Bottom-line Typology of Technical Debt: Supporting Decision-
Making in Cross-Functional Teams
Mark Greville
University College Cork
Paidi O’Raghallaigh
University College Cork
Stephen McCarthy
University College Cork
Technical Debt (TD) is a widely discussed metaphor
in IT practice focused on increased short-term benefit
in exchange for long-term ‘debt’. While it is primarily
individuals or groups inside IT departments who make
the decisions to take on TD, we find that the effects of
TD stretch across the entire organisation. Decisions
to take on TD should therefore concern a wider group.
However, business leaders have traditionally lacked
awareness of the effects of what they perceive to be
technology decisions’. To facilitate TD as group-
based decision-making, we review existing literature
to develop a typology of the wider impacts of TD. The
goal is to help technologists, non-technologists, and
academics have a broader and shared understanding
of TD and to facilitate more participatory and
transparent technology-related decision making. We
extend the typology to include a wider ‘outside in’
perspective and conclude by suggesting areas for
further research.
1. Introduction
Organisations increasingly depend on technology
as an enabler of heightened business performance.
When used appropriately, technology has a multiplier
effect in supporting greater operational efficiencies,
customer intimacy, and superior offerings. However,
compromises are sometimes made in the rollout of
technology delivery programs. Technical debt (TD) is
a metaphor used to describe compromises made in
technology delivery decisions, involving the exchange
of short-term benefit for longer term ‘debt to be
repaid later. Ward Cunningham coined the metaphor
in 1992 as follows: Shipping first time code is like
going into debt. A little debt speeds development so
long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite” [1].
TD reflects the cost of additional future rework caused
by delivering a limited solution now rather than a more
complete solution that would take more time and
TD can be perceived as debt ‘borrowed’ by
technology staff on behalf of their organisations. It is
presented in the literature as emanating from decisions
made by technologists where: (i) decisions are made
in isolation from the rest of the company [2], [3]; (ii)
the impact of decisions may be invisible to those
outside IT [4]; (iii) the impacts can cause constrained
options for future growth through increased costs [2],
[5][7], operational risk [8], staff issues [9], [2], [10],
[7] and ethical challenges [11], [12]; and (iv) in
extreme cases, the impacts can be a threat to the very
existence of a company [8], [13].
The aim of this paper is to challenge this narrow
perception of TD, explore a broader definition of TD,
and examine its impacts across the organisation and
beyond. Our aim is to support cross-functional teams
in making more participatory and transparent
technology-related decisions. Through an extensive
thematic literature review and a review of technology-
related decisions reported in the media, we create a
typology of impacts of TD on organisations. Later, we
extend the metaphor of TD and the typology by
considering the concept of the ‘triple bottom line’
developed by Elkington [14], [15] that examines
broader people, planet, and profit concerns. The
final typology combines both inside-out and outside-
in perspectives across eight categories: Financial,
Customer, Growth, Strategic, Internal Process,
Economic, Social, and Environmental. We present the
typology as a tool for technologists, non-technologists,
and academics to expose a broader view of the ‘debt’
in play when technology-related decisions are being
made. It gives those inside and outside the IT
department a model and shared language to understand
TD and it allows them to get involved in a joint
decision-making process. The typology also offers
academics a framework for identifying potential areas
for future research.
We structure the rest of the paper as follows. We
present the background to the topic (Section 2) and an
overview of the methodology used in this study
(Section 3). Following this, we synthesize the key
elements of the typology (Section 4) by including
examples of TD derived from academic papers and
media reports. Next is a discussion and extension of
Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | 2022
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the typology (Section 5). We finish with the
implications and opportunities for further research in
academia and practice (Section 6).
2. Background
The concept of debt has existed for at least 5,000
years[16]. Debt is defined as a borrower’s obligation
to the lender from whom he has received funds [17].
Once managed correctly, debt can be a valuable tool
for companies, allowing them to leverage funds
beyond those generated by their revenues [18].
Technical Debt (TD) is a very recent concept. Ward
Cunningham originally coined the term in 1992 [1].
His company was designing a software product for the
finance industry. Because the technical complexities
were beyond the understanding of his non-technical
manager, Cunningham used the metaphor of debt to
explore trade-offs in delivering the software. Each
time they learned something new about the business
problem, they could update the software to reflect their
new understanding. However, if the updates failed to
keep up with the changes in understanding, this caused
a misalignment, which resulted in a ‘debt’ that would
need to be paid back in some form in the future. TD if
managed well, can be beneficial when ‘leveraged’ to
increase productivity in the short term, and may be
useful in growing a business or creating new
opportunities [2].
While its original focus was on object-oriented
software development, its use has grown to encompass
many other areas such as IT infrastructure [2], testing
[3], documentation [4], architecture [5], [6], build
process [2] and systems integration [7]. Studies have
been made across varying types of environments and
use cases: Technology start-ups [8]; Open-source
systems [9], [10]; Digital platforms [11]; Machine
learning [12] [13]; Automated production systems
[14]; Telecoms [7]; Social Networks; and Fortune 500
companies [5]. More recently, Rolland et al. widened
the scope of TD and introduced the term Digital Debt
which they defined as the buildup of technical and
informational obligations that affect a platform
maintenance and evolvability as part of a user
s digital infrastructure [19].
Tom al. [2], Li et al. [10] and Alves et al. [20]
outline directions for future research based on
comprehensive reviews of the literature on TD. Tom
et al. call out the need to qualify associations of
different types of TD to different impacts, and to
establish metrics to quantify those impacts. Li et al.
suggest the need to look at TD beyond debt generated
by software code and to review aspects of TD not
currently measured by existing tools to find gaps and
directions for future research. Finally, Alves et al.
suggest further research into TD identification and
Prior research has stressed the importance of cross-
functional integration between IT and business groups
in decision-making processes [21]. However, there is
also a recognition of the inherent difficulties faced by
cross-functional teams. Functions require
specialization in performing their own tasks
successfully but can have different perspectives on
work and the organization [22], [23]. Differences in
local understandings, expertise, and experience create
inconsistent viewpoints. Neither technologists nor
business leaders have a complete perspective of the
organisational context [23]. Managers seeking to
understand the impact of technical debt therefore face
the challenge of integrating the perspectives of diverse
functions during decision-making.
3. Methodology
We performed a two-phase thematic literature
search, first we searched Scopus, and then AIS to
return additional IS conference papers. We applied the
following inclusion and exclusion criteria - papers
should be: (a) from computer science or information
systems domains; (b) exclude non-peer reviewed
papers (e.g. blogs, trade papers, grey literature); (c)
ignore duplicate papers; (d) ignore papers not written
in the English language. The authors read the abstract,
introduction, and conclusion of each paper to ensure
that TD was a primary focus of the paper. We excluded
any paper not meeting this criterion. The resulting set
of papers was then reviewed in detail by the authors.
A list of papers reviewed is available at .
Noted biologist Crowson [24] suggests that
"classifying things is perhaps the most fundamental
and characteristic activity of the human mind, and
underlies all forms of science". Traditionally,
typologies have been viewed as classifications rather
than theories. However, Doty & Glick [25] argue that
such a conclusion, while unsurprising, would be
incorrect. This is because of the wide scale
misunderstanding of what typologies are and how they
should be built. They assert that typology building is a
unique form of theory building and typologies are
complex theories that can be subjected to rigorous
empirical testing”. Drawing on this literature review,
we developed a typology of the types and impacts of
technical debt by adopting the typology-building
framework advocated by O’Raghallaigh et al. [26]
see Figure 1.
Page 646
Figure 1: Steps for creating ‘good’ typologies
In the next section, we present the typology that
resulted from following these steps.
4. Development of a Typology of
Technical Debt
4.1 Purpose of the Typology
The technical debt metaphor first introduced by
Ward Cunningham in 1992 quickly spread as a
concept in technology practice [1]. His original
quotation was as follows Shipping first time code is
like going into debt. A little debt speeds development
so long as it is paid back promptly with a rewrite... The
danger occurs when the debt is not repaid. Every
minute spent on not-quite-right code counts as interest
on that debt. Entire engineering organizations can be
brought to a stand-still under the debt load of an
unconsolidated implementation, object-oriented or
otherwise. [1]. Many papers quote this either partially
or in full e.g. [2], [27][33]. They imply TD is a
conscious choice to implement a shortcut knowingly,
such as delivering incomplete code that is not optimal.
They look at the impacts of these coding choices
internal to the IT department. Some papers (e.g. [7],
[29], [34][36]) extend the original metaphor to
include aspects beyond code. For example, McConnell
continues to focus on the internal impacts of TD but
broadens it to include a design or construction
approach that’s expedient in the short term, but that
creates a technical context in which the same work will
cost more to do later than it would cost to do now
Though many studies adopt either Cunningham’s
or McConnell’s definitions, there is some
disagreement on which decisions give rise to TD. Li et
al. details some of this disagreement on how broad or
narrow the scope of TD should be and whether: (i) TD
refers to code only, or to the broader project lifecycle;
(ii) whether deferred functionality is considered TD or
not; (iii) whether defects are TD; and (iv) whether
trivial code issues are in scope.
In 2009 Cunningham reflected on how others were
using the metaphor and explained that TD went further
than code and at its core is about an incomplete
understanding of a system [38]. He explained TD was
sometimes being misused by others to justify
producing code poorly with the intention of doing a
good job later”. He stated that he is not in favour of
writing code poorly, but he is in favour of writing code
to reflect one’s current (but possibly incorrect)
understanding [38]. He stated he had not intended
offering TD as a way of knowingly taking shortcuts.
However, none of the papers reviewed in our study
reflected this clarification. Indeed, it can be argued
that the definition of TD has now moved beyond the
original intentions Cunningham had for it.
Both Cunningham and McConnell assume that TD
is taken on knowingly. But others challenge this
perspective. For example, Fowler introduced the TD
quadrant in 2009, which is widely referenced in the
literature [2], [8], [10], [27], [29][31], [33], [34],
[39]. He introduces two dimensions: reckless/prudent
that looks at the risk appetite of the decision makers,
and deliberate/inadvertent that looks at whether TD is
knowingly taken on.
In Table 1, we build on the seminal and emerging
literature to categorise these different perspectives.
Accumulated TD is made up of intentional and
unintentional debt [40], [10]. We differentiate between
knowingly (intentional) and unknowingly
(unintentional) accumulating TD. Intentional debt is
taken on deliberately to achieve some perceived
benefit. An example might be the release of a product
feature faster than a competitor, but at the cost of
making some expedient (but possibly non-optimal)
technical decisions. These decisions may contribute to
higher future maintenance costs, but this cost may be
bearable once it is kept visible and under control.
Unintentional debt is more destructive because it is
initially incurred without the knowledge of the team,
often because of a lack of experience or lack of
communication. For example, a developer might
choose a low level solution which has a detrimental
impact on the overall system architecture without
realising that the solution will create serious issues for
others [39].
In Table 1, we also differentiate between internal
and external views of TD. In their literature reviews,
Li [10] and Tom [2] look at both internal and external
Page 647
effects of TD. By internal view, we mean one where
the studies concentrate on concerns and effects inside
the IT department, while the external view considers
effects across the wider business.
Table 1: Different categories of TD
Failed ex-ante
recognisation of
impacts from
related decisions
on IT, e.g. Brown
and Ernst.
Failed ex-ante
recognisation of
impacts from
related decisions
beyond IT, e.g.
Tom, Woodard.
Several papers take an internal view and consider
TD which is taken on knowingly. For example, Potdar
et al., Huang et al. and Digkas [3], [41], [42] study TD
which is taken on knowingly by the decision makers
in IT. Potdar et al. analyse four large open source
projects for comments, finding a high positive
correlation between the experience level and the
amount of TD produced. Huang et al. builds on Potdar
et al. and uses machine learning to review comments
in source code to identify TD at a more precise rate
than Potdar et al. Digkas et al. analyses 57 Apache
open-source projects at a code level and look at the rate
of TD remediation to understand the lifecycle of TD.
None of these papers consider the impacts of TD
outside IT.
Sculley et al. also look at TD taken on knowingly
but look at the impacts this can have externally [12],
[13]. They use TD as a lens through which the impacts
of machine learning can be understood. They discuss
an example where a machine learning model could
incorrectly adjust the price of shares on the stock
market because of TD.
Brown et al. and Ernst et al. each look at TD taken
on both knowingly and unknowingly and investigate
from an internal view of the IT department. Brown et
al. [27] offer an invitation to the software engineering
community to research how to best manage TD,
focusing on further research in seven areas, all of
which are primarily code related activities:
refactoring, architectural issues, identifying the
dominant sources, measurement, process issues,
monitoring and non-code artefacts. Ernst builds on this
work using a survey of 1831 software practitioners
Some studies investigate TD taken on both
knowingly and unknowingly and investigate impacts
outside the IT department. Woodard et al. look at the
impact of TD as a limiting factor on Design Capital
and how it can impact advances in a firm's digital
strategy. Tom et al. look at the effects of TD beyond
the technology department, and its impact on morale,
productivity, quality, and risk. There is an actual
monetary cost of TD as quality issues result in
potential loss of sales. There is also a discussion of the
environmental debt, whereby TD can cause
operational and security issues leading to potential
brand damage.
The purpose of the typology presented next in this
paper is to give a shared language for IT staff, business
people, and academics to understand the impacts of
TD across the whole of a business.
4.2 Impacts of TD
In taking our cue from extant literature, the initial
version of the typology examines the impact that TD
has across an entire business. We now discuss the
categories of impact identified in the literature. We are
influenced by the balanced scorecard in our choice of
categories. The balanced scorecard explores the
realisation of current and future value across different
perceptions of performance, namely Financial,
Customer, Internal Process, and Learning and Growth
(Kaplan et al.) [43]. This is achieved through an
evaluation of metrics related to different functions in
an organisation and the working environment more
broadly. While the original balanced scorecard was
intended as a strategic management tool for assessing
the performance of organizations, more recent
research has adapted it to the context of project teams
[44], [45]. We can readily map the internal impacts of
TD identified in the literature to the categories of value
identified by Kaplan et al. We illustrate these types of
internal TD impacts through examples derived either
from the academic literature or from the news media.
4.2.1 Strategic Impacts. TD can be reputational in
nature. For example, TD can have a positive effect
where a firm gets a reputation for putting the customer
needs first. Organisations can choose to take on TD to
meet customer demands more quickly rather than
waiting for the most elegant or robust technology
solution [46]. On the other hand, taking on TD can also
have a very damaging reputational impact. For
instance, redundant code which was no longer needed
had a significant impact on American global financial
services firm Knight Capital [11]. In 2012, Knight
Capital inadvertently caused significant fluctuations in
the prices of 148 companies on the New York Stock
Page 648
Exchange, resulting in a $440 million pre-tax loss
[47]. A piece of its legacy code used for routing equity
trades had been disabled but never physically removed
from the firm’s router. A subsequent rollout of updated
software inadvertently re-enabled the code. This
caused over 4 million orders to be incorrectly sent into
the market to fulfil 212 customer orders. This error
caused enormous issues for the stock markets and
severely damaged the firm's reputation. The firm
struggled to recover and was acquired in late 2012
Some TD can be security related in nature. Taking
on TD to fix security issues rapidly can be a positive
short-term measure. However, if a company does not
actively manage it, un-remediated TD can have a
longer term impact on a firm’s security, causing a
direct impact on the firm’s wellbeing [10]. Security
vulnerabilities can be exposed by the continued use of
technology which has already reached the end of life
[2]. Spanos and Angelis reviewed 45 studies and
showed that for companies affected by an information
security event, over 75% of cases result in a
statistically significant impact on their stock prices
4.2.2 Internal Process Impacts. TD can be
operational in nature. Woodard et al. describe a case
study that shows both the positive and negative impact
that TD can have on operations [8]. The paper
describes a three-way merger of cable TV, residential
broadband, and mobile businesses into a single
company. This company (Infocom) inherited three
separate billing and account management systems
which were costly and inefficient to run. Initially,
taking on TD (in this case from using three separate
systems) allowed the company to manage customer
accounts and billing immediately. Infocom built a
common database schema between the systems, but
this required manual interventions to reconcile errors
between the systems. The extent of these operational
interventions resulted in the firm becoming
overwhelmed, forcing abandonment of the common
database project (and a significant write-off of the
prior investment in it).
TD impacts staff turnover. If a company doesn’t
take on TD, it often indicates a conservative, slow
moving approach. This can result in an environment
lacking dynamism and can cause dissatisfaction
among staff. TD used in the right way can give a short-
term productivity boost to a team, but this comes with
a longer-term cost. As TD accumulates, staff must
contend with diminishing levels of productivity [49].
If it's not managed and continues to grow, staff
become increasingly disillusioned and are more likely
to leave the organisation [2]. For a manager, carrying
TD may be an acceptable risk, but a high level of TD
makes a developers job more difficult [10].
4.2.3 Financial Impacts. Capitalist economies are
based on investing capital with the expectation of a
positive return on the investment. This view has
traditionally led companies to measure themselves by
this yardstick, looking at the return to shareholders in
a public market, or to a return to private investors in a
non-public one. Balance sheet accounting
concentrates on metrics which originate inside a
company, such as cash flows, costs, risks, size of
market, growth rates, availability of resources, and so
on. In any company whose business activities require
the use of technology as part of its operating model,
TD can occur and can have an impact in a variety of
ways on inside metrics, often in ways that are initially
invisible to business stakeholders and investors.
TD impacts the cost of change. This choice is
really a pay now or pay later scenario. TD can be a
positive choice if incurring TD saves significant
upfront investment [8]. However, if TD is incurred, the
interest accruing must be paid. If left untreated, this
interest continues to grow. Nugroho shows that as debt
increases, the cost of maintenance also increases [40].
This means the cost of changes in a system rise as TD
rises [2].
When left unmanaged, TD can cause technical
bankruptcy. The more TD accrues, the closer a system
gets to bankruptcy. Technical bankruptcy is the point
at which all new work on a project ceases and one of
two things happen. Either all new development is
halted while the TD is paid down, or a full rewrite
becomes necessary [2]. Technical bankruptcy can be
positive or negative depending on where in the
lifecycle the system is. If a system is past its expected
end of life, this implies that the company is extracting
unexpected value from the investment, which is a
positive. If a system has not reached its expected end
of life, the requirement to invest in a rebuild adds
financial burden to the organisation. In extreme cases,
TD can cause the cancellation of a program of work.
A notable example is the case of the HP TouchPad
tablet. The product’s core software suffered from
architectural flaws, and this resulted in the tablet's
withdrawal after only seven weeks on the market [8],
resulting in a significant loss of investment and
reputation for HP.
4.2.4 Customer Impacts. Taking on TD has a direct
impact on market opportunity. In a digital world, a
lack of speed can be detrimental to the future of
organisations. Firms delivering digital platforms must
have a technology stack which allows fast delivery in
the early stages of development. Growing the user
Page 649
base quickly is vital. Firms with an early advantage
here are extremely difficult to catch, even if
competitors have better technology. So, firms often
take on TD to gain this ‘first mover’ advantage.
However, firms who have incurred a high level of TD
can be slowed down by it and therefore begin the race
to market at a significant disadvantage [50].
TD can contribute to customer satisfaction [51].
TD can allow companies to release additional features
more rapidly in an agile fashion [31], and to prioritise
customer satisfaction over quality of delivery [30]. But
because TD can indicate a lack of quality, it can also
cause customer dissatisfaction, which can result in
customer turnover and a loss of sales [2]. This can be
seen in the case study of Infocom [8]. After the merger
of the three companies, Infocom found that TD
resulted in an upsurge of customer queries, problems,
and general dissatisfaction.
4.2.5 Growth Impacts. TD impacts a company's
ability to innovate. Firms with a low level of TD can
use their position to create options for innovation.
Rolland et al. discuss this in depth, with new
technologies becoming facilitators of innovation, as
long as TD in the guise of ‘digital debt’ is manageable
[8], [19]. Firms with high TD, those who delay
repayment of the debt inherit a reduced capacity for
innovation. These firms cannot react to the needs of
the market as fast as competitors, or at all in some
cases [12]. In the mobile device arena, both RIM
(makers of the Blackberry device) and Nokia found
themselves unable to react to new entrants, such as
Apple and Google Android, because of architectural
TD [8].
5. Discussion and Expansion of the
As we can see from Section 4, TD has the capacity
to influence the fate of a business, from its impact on
its customers, its operations, its financials, its
employees, and its future success. This impact can be
positive or negative depending on the nature of the TD
and how it is managed.
Many companies have moved from inward-only
metrics of success, such as when using the Balanced
Scorecard, towards a more holistic view, where long-
term environmental and social concerns are now also
incorporated into business planning and corporate
sustainability [52]. This approach is not always as
selfless as it may seem, it may be an attempt by a
business to safeguard future financials. If society
unravels, the economy degrades and customers
become impoverished, it then will become
increasingly difficult to do business.
In 1997, Elkington introduced the concept of a
triple bottom line (TBL) [14]. In looking at
sustainability of businesses, he discussed the need to
ensure that actions taken by companies today should
not limit the range of options open to future
generations. He advocated looking beyond the
traditional model of measuring a company by financial
or ‘inside’ metrics only, and instead looking at a TBL
that adds social and environmental imperatives to
traditional economic ones. The TBL advocates that
companies should commit to focusing as much on
social and environmental concerns as they do on
profits. TBL argues that instead of one bottom line,
there should be three: profit, people, and the planet.
This was further advanced by Dyllick and Muff [15]
who contributed a business sustainability model. This
model suggests that a sustainable company should
move from an inside-out perspective towards an
outside-in perspective - beginning by asking how a
business can solve global challenges, and then
developing strategies and business models to
overcome them.
In 2020 Kaplan and McMillan discussed the
importance of incorporating the triple bottom line of
financial, environmental and societal factors into a
balanced strategic perspective needed to run a
company [53].
When we re-examine the typology derived from
current literature and presented in Section 4, we see a
strong focus on a narrow inside-out perspective.
Further to this, the external impacts of TD identified
in the literature can be mapped to the TBL of profit,
people, and the planet. We therefore advocate an
important extension to the original typology presented
in Section 4 to include an outside in perspective.
The outermost ring in Figure 2 presents an
expansion of the typology of TD based on this outside-
in view of business. This adds environmental,
economic and social measures to the existing middle
ring, which primarily focuses on measures inside a
Page 650
Figure 2: Typology of TD
5.1 Environmental Impact of TD [Planet]
The Environmental Bottom Line pertains to the
environmental sustainability of a company’s practices.
The goal is to minimise any impacts on the
environment, and to benefit the natural order where
possible. A Triple Bottom Line (TBL) perspective
advocates the management of a company’s energy and
raw material consumption in a way that poses minimal
disruption to the ecology of the planet, for example
through reducing waste and disposing of hazardous
materials in a safe and legal manner. Otherwise, the
company might be viewed as complicit in increasing
long term costs which must be re-paid by society.
TD can generate environmental costs through its
energy consumption practices. For instance, Bitcoin
mining has become a technological phenomenon since
2010. Constantindes explains how the design of the
Bitcoin Core allows between 5 and 7 transactions per
second, compared with 25,000 per second for Visa.
This design debt has a serious consequence for the
environment, with one report suggesting that energy
consumption for all households in Iceland was less
than used for bitcoin mining [50].
TD can lead to a high risk of environmental
hazards. IT systems have a part to play in many vital
industries such as water, power generation and
distribution and gas. The existence of TD can increase
the chance of issues arising. In a case study, which
looked at the process automation industry, Sandberg,
Holstrom and Lyytinen showed how the company
accumulated TD in its move to an ‘Industrial IT’
strategic initiative to integrate thousands of IT systems
[54]. These process automation systems run in
dynamic and demanding environments with a risk of
significant environmental hazards”. We have already
witnessed examples of disasters caused by technology
failures, such as the Maroochy Shire Sewage spill
where up to one million gallons of sewage was
released into rivers and coastal waters in Australia
[55], the Stuxnet attacks which destroyed
approximately 20% of Iran’s nuclear reactors [56] or
the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster which
released 779 million litres of crude oil in the Gulf of
Mexico [57].
5.2 Social Impact of TD [People]
The Social Bottom Line pertains to how a company
treats people in its employment, in communities, and
in broader society (particularly if it effects the
company's fortunes). A TBL perspective advocates
that the company sees an interdependence between the
interests of corporate, labour, and other stakeholders.
A company could set goals to avoid exploitation of
vulnerable people (e.g. use of FairTrade, avoiding
child labour, paying a living wage).
TD can raise ethical costs. For example, the use of
feedback loops in systems using Machine Learning
can result in costs. A feedback loop happens when a
model consumes some of its own output as an input.
The most insidious type of feedback loop is known as
the Hidden Feedback Loop [11], [12]. Here loops may
develop between two otherwise disconnected systems.
As one model changes, it influences the output of
another model. There is the hypothetical scenario of
two stock market prediction models, where
improvements/bugs in one influence the buying
behaviour of the other.
With the increasing prevalence of machine
learning models in the real world, we can extend this
TD scenario to ethical concerns in systems. Ntoutsi et
al. discuss the COMPAS system which predicts higher
rates of re-offending for black inmates than the actual
risk (and higher rates than for white inmates). They
also discuss the Google Ads tool, which showed
significantly fewer higher paid job ads to women than
to men. Other issues have been noted in areas such as
credit scoring, automated screening of job applicants
and profiling of civilians by police departments [58].
These biases can potentially undermine the sense of
fairness and justice that is required for society to
Social media is firmly entrenched as part of
modern life. Social media companies are fast moving
with a release quickly mindset which comes hand in
hand with some level of TD. However social media
Page 651
has many issues yet unanswered for its role in society.
There are issues with addiction to the medium itself
[59], the spreading of violent extremism and terrorism
[60], along with the fake news phenomenon which has
caused a hardening of stances politically in the US
since 2016 [61].
5.3 Economic Impact of TD [Profit]
The Economic Bottom Line is a more holistic view
of economic performance. A company’s bottom line
often refers to profit and earnings per share and is
made up of the value of total assets minus total
liabilities. Traditionally, capital in production is made
up of physical capital (machinery, buildings) and
financial capital. In the digital economy, human
capital and intellectual capital must be added. In the
world of sustainability, social and environmental
capital must be added, reflecting the cost/benefit the
organisation has on the overall environment and
society. As companies move to different calculations
of their economic impact, the potential impact of
taking on TD needs to be considered on intellectual
and human capital, as well as social and ecological
6. Conclusion
Overall, the literature presents Technical Debt as a
useful metaphor, defining the gap between the
technical implementation of a system at a point in time
and the ideal implementation based on complete
knowledge. TD is predominantly seen as an issue for
technologists, however our typology shows how TD
has an impact well beyond the confines of the IT
department and indeed beyond the organisation. The
decision to take on TD can have consequences beyond
internal measures (such as profit); it can also impact
people and the planet. Further research into how the
decisions to take on TD are made by individuals and
groups is needed. Research looking at TD through the
lens of an outside-in business perspective is missing
but we suggest that it is required to offer a more
holistic perspective on technology related decision
TD provides the mechanism to assist in exploring
the link between technology-related decisions and the
future wellbeing of organisations. However, this
mechanism remains underdeveloped. This paper finds
that TD is not well understood and on its own does not
contribute to better decisions. More effective use of
TD demands that technologists, non-technologists,
and executives embrace and understand the impact of
technology-related decisions. In this paper we sought
to extend the use of TD to support more collaborative
discussions include both inside-out and outside-in
While taking on financial debt is for the most part
a deliberate action in that one takes it on by choice,
this is not always the case with TD, which is often
inadvertent [27]. In fact, TD is often invisible to
management and executives in a business [34].
Therefore, every time they fund a new project or
feature, they may be inadvertently paying interest on
it, with no way of addressing the interest payment as
an overall concern. A primary contribution of this
study is to help make hidden TD more accessible. The
typology presented in Section 5 provides a discursive
framework for practitioners and academics to use as
they collectively grapple with how TD can affect
organisations and beyond. It details the eight
categories of impact TD has on a business, namely
Financial, Customer, Growth, Strategic, Internal
Process, Economic, Social and Environmental.
While this paper is based on an extensive thematic
review of over 100 relevant papers from the Computer
Science and Information Systems domains, there may
be justification for undertaking a more extensive
review of literature, particularly given the paucity of
material in IS. The narrower scope of this paper could
limit the validity of the conclusion. However, at the
same time we believe the typology provides a
foundation for further research. We recommend the
need for more studies looking at TD from a non-
technical perspective, potentially interviewing non-
technology staff across different firms to empirically
document their understanding of the impact of
technology-related decisions on their operations,
tactics and strategies. Research providing case studies
of issues resulting from TD would be an interesting
addition to the existing cannon of literature. We also
suggest the need for scholars to develop a taxonomy
that gives businesses a TD scorecard, which might
allow them to measure their business health against
potential technology-related risks. This could offer a
practical application of our typology for practitioners.
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... There are numerous sources of business pressure on technical teams, ranging from strategy-related, like marketing expansion or handling competitors, to tactical and operational ones, like human-resources processes, e.g., onboarding and performance evaluation, or HR problems like high team turnover. Previous studies already emphasize the necessity of understanding better and handling the business aspects of technical debt [11], [16], [17]. Identifying and classifying the causes and their consequences are necessary to act on them appropriately. ...
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Background Software companies need to manage and refactor Technical Debt issues. Therefore, it is necessary to understand if and when refactoring of Technical Debt should be prioritized with respect to developing features or fixing bugs. Objective The goal of this study is to investigate the existing body of knowledge in software engineering to understand what Technical Debt prioritization approaches have been proposed in research and industry. Method We conducted a Systematic Literature Review of 557 unique papers published until 2020, following a consolidated methodology applied in software engineering. We included 44 primary studies. Results Different approaches have been proposed for Technical Debt prioritization, all having different goals and proposing optimization regarding different criteria. The proposed measures capture only a small part of the plethora of factors used to prioritize Technical Debt qualitatively in practice. We present an impact map of such factors. However, there is a lack of empirical and validated set of tools. Conclusion We observed that Technical Debt prioritization research is preliminary and there is no consensus on what the important factors are and how to measure them. Consequently, we cannot consider current research conclusive. In this paper, we therefore outline different directions for necessary future investigations.
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This paper draws on complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory to explore the transformation of an analog automation product platform as it was infused with extensive and deepening digital capacities over a 40-year period. Our case demonstrates how the deepening digitization of components and functions drives complexity by connecting the platform to multiple social and technical settings and producing new interactions and information exchanges. The increased connectivity and dynamism invited unexpected and significant architectural and organizational shifts that moved the platform toward an ecosystem-centered organizing logic. CAS theory and its notion of constrained generating procedures (CGPs) are used to analyze how new connections and interactions produced a multilevel and nonlinear change in the platform organization. We offer two main contributions. First, we provide a novel empirical analysis of how product platform digitization leads to phase transitions and show the mediating role of three mechanisms in this process treated as CGPs: interaction rules, design control, and stimuli-response variety. Second, we demonstrate the multilevel and recursive nature of digitally driven growth in physical product platforms.
Conference Paper
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Background: The presence of technical debt (TD) brings risks to a software project and makes it difficult to manage. Several TD management strategies have been proposed, but considering actions that could explicitly prevent the insertion of TD in the first place and monitor its effects is not yet a common practice. Thus, while TD management is an important topic, it is also worthwhile to understand the causes that could lead development teams to incur different types of debt as well as the effects of their presence on software projects. Aims: The objective of this work is twofold. First, we investigate the state of practice in the TD area including the status quo, the causes that lead to TD occurrence, and the effects of existing TD. Second, we present the design of InsighTD, a globally distributed family of industrial surveys on causes and effects of TD, and the results of its first execution. Method: We designed the InsighTD in joint collaboration with several TD researchers. It is designed to run as an incremental large scale study based on continuous and independent replications of the questionnaire in different countries. Results: This paper presents the first results of the first execution of the survey. In total, 107 practitioners from the Brazilian software industry answered the questionnaire. Results indicate that there is a broad familiarity with the concept of TD. Deadlines, inappropriate planning, lack of knowledge, and lack of a well-defined process are among the top 10 cited and most likely causes that lead to the occurrence of TD. On the other side, low quality, delivery delay, low maintainability, rework and financial loss are among the top 10 most commonly cited and impactful effects of TD. Conclusion: With InsighTD, we intend to reduce the problem of isolated investigations in TD that are not yet representative and, thus, build a continuous and generalizable empirical basis for understanding practical problems and challenges of TD.
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Context: Contemporary software development is typically conducted in dynamic, resource-scarce environments that are prone to the accumulation of technical debt. While this general phenomenon is acknowledged, what remains unknown is how technical debt specifically manifests in and affects software processes, and how the software development techniques employed accommodate or mitigate the presence of this debt. Objectives: We sought to draw on practitioner insights and experiences in order to classify the effects of agile method use on technical debt management, given the popularity and perceived success of agile methods. We explore the breadth of practitioners’ knowledge about technical debt; how technical debt is manifested across the software process; and the perceived effects of common agile software development practices and processes on technical debt. In doing so, we address a research gap in technical debt knowledge and provide novel and actionable managerial recommendations. Method: We designed, tested and executed a multi-national survey questionnaire to address our objectives, receiving 184 responses from practitioners in Brazil, Finland, and New Zealand. Results: Our findings indicate that: 1) Practitioners are aware of technical debt, although, there was under utilization of the concept, 2) Technical debt commonly resides in legacy systems, however, concrete instances of technical debt are hard to conceptualize which makes it problematic to manage, 3) Queried agile practices and processes help to reduce technical debt; in particular, techniques that verify and maintain the structure and clarity of implemented artifacts (e.g., Coding standards and Refactoring) positively affect technical debt management. Conclusions: The fact that technical debt instances tend to have characteristics in common means that a systematic approach to its management is feasible. However, notwithstanding the positive effects of some agile practices on technical debt management, competing stakeholders’ interests remain a concern.
Finding facts about fake news There was a proliferation of fake news during the 2016 election cycle. Grinberg et al. analyzed Twitter data by matching Twitter accounts to specific voters to determine who was exposed to fake news, who spread fake news, and how fake news interacted with factual news (see the Perspective by Ruths). Fake news accounted for nearly 6% of all news consumption, but it was heavily concentrated—only 1% of users were exposed to 80% of fake news, and 0.1% of users were responsible for sharing 80% of fake news. Interestingly, fake news was most concentrated among conservative voters. Science , this issue p. 374 ; see also p. 348
Conference Paper
We use Grounded Theory to study the evolution of requirements practices of 16 software startups as they grow and introduce new products and services. These startups operate in a dynamic environment, with significant time and market pressure, and rarely have time for systematic requirements analysis. Our theory describes the evolution of practice along six dimensions that emerged as relevant to their requirements activities: requirements artefacts, knowledge management, requirements-related roles, planning, technical debt and product quality. Beyond the relationships among the dimensions, our theory also explains the turning points that drove the evolution along these dimensions. These changes are reactive, rather than planned, suggesting an overall pragmatic lightness, i.e., flexibility, in the startups' evolution towards engineering practices for requirements. Our theory organises knowledge about evolving requirements practice in maturing startups, and provides practical insights for startups' assessing their own evolution as they face challenges to their growth. Our research also suggests that a startup's evolution along the six dimensions is not fundamental to its success, but has significant effects on their product, their employees and the company.
As organizations increasingly use digital platforms to facilitate innovation, researchers are seeking to understand how platforms shape business practices. Although extant literature offers important insights into platform management from a platformowner perspective, we know little about how organizations manage industry platforms provided by external parties to generate opportunities and overcome challenges in relation to their infrastructure and work processes. As part of larger ecosystems, these digital platforms offer organizations bundles of digital options that they can selectively invest in over time. At the same time, organizations' previous investments in digital infrastructure and work processes produce a legacy of digital debt that conditions how they manage their digital platforms over time. Against this backdrop, we investigate how digital options and digital debt were implicated in a large Scandinavian media organization's management of a news production platform over nearly 17 years. Drawing on extant literature and the findings from this case, we theorize the progression of and interactions between digital options and digital debt during an organization's digital platform management in relation to its infrastructure and work processes. The theory reveals the complex choices that organizations face in such efforts: While they may have to resolve digital debt to make a platform's digital options actionable, hesitancy to plant digital debt may equally well prevent them from realizing otherwise attractive digital options. Similarly, while identified digital options may offer organizations new opportunities to resolve digital debt, eagerness to realize digital options may just as easily lead to unwise planting of digital debt.
Conference Paper
During software evolution technical debt (TD) follows a constant ebb and flow, being incurred and paid back, sometimes in the same day and sometimes ten years later. There have been several studies in the literature investigating how technical debt in source code accumulates during time and the consequences of this accumulation for software maintenance. However, to the best of our knowledge there are no large scale studies that focus on the types of issues that are fixed and the amount of TD that is paid back during software evolution. In this paper we present the results of a case study, in which we analyzed the evolution of fifty-seven Java open-source software projects by the Apache Software Foundation at the temporal granularity level of weekly snapshots. In particular, we focus on the amount of technical debt that is paid back and the types of issues that are fixed. The findings reveal that a small subset of all issue types is responsible for the largest percentage of TD repayment and thus, targeting particular violations the development team can achieve higher benefits.