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Sprouts are considered as wonder food and contain antioxidants, vitamins, sulphoraphane, isothiocyanates, enzymes and glucosinolates that are proved to be effective in the prevention of cancer, or in the therapy against cancer. Because of the nutritional and health benefits of sprouts have become better known, bakers, chefs, athletes, food manufacturers and others are all looking at different ways to incorporate sprouts into popular foods. During germination the original composition of the seeds essentially changed. The aim of this review is to summarize the chemical composition and potential health benefit of sprout grain in human nutrition. The quantity of the protein fractions changes, the proportion of the nitrogen containing fractions shifts towards the smaller protein fractions, free amino acids and oligopeptides. In addition, the quantity of the amino acids composition changed; some of them increase, others decrease or do not alter during germination, and non-protein amino acids also are produced. Moreover, sprouts are outstanding sources of protein, vitamins and minerals and they contain such in the respect of health-maintaining important nutrients like glucosinolates, phenolic and selenium-containing components in the Brassica plants or isonflavons in the soya bean. Evidence from human studies that enzyme systems in our cells required for detoxification of cancer-causing substances can be activated by compounds made from glucosinolates found in brussel sprouts. In consequence of these changes, the quantity of the anti-nutritive materials decreases and the utilization of the macro and micro elements are increased owing to germination. Thus, the ratio of the saturated fatty acids increases compared to unsaturated fatty acids, and the ratio within the unsaturated fatty acids shifts to the essential linoleic acid.
Melaku Tafese Awulachew. A Review to Nutritional and Health Aspect of Sprouted Food. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 2021;10(7):564-568.
International Journal of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics (IJFS)
ISSN 2326-3350
*Corresponding Author:
Melaku Tafese Awulachew,
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, EIAR, P.O.Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Tel: 0924621018
Received: October 12, 2021
Accepted: December 27, 2021
Published: January 03, 2022
Citation: Melaku Tafese Awulachew. A Review to Nutritional and Health Aspect of Sprouted Food. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 2021;10(7):564-568.
Copyright: Melaku Tafese Awulachew©2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
A Review to Nutritional and Health Aspect of Sprouted Food
Review Article
Melaku Tafese Awulachew*
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, EIAR, P.O.Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Sprouts are forming from seeds during sprouting. The most
Common food sprouts include:Pulses, Cereals, Oilseeds, Bras-
sica (cabbage family, Umbelliferous vegetables (parsley family),
and Allium (onions). All viable seeds can be sprouted, but some
sprouts should not be eaten raw. The sprouts are outstanding
sources of protein, vitamins and minerals and they contain such
in the respect of health-maintaining important nutrients like glu-
cosinolates, phenolic and selenium-containing components in the
Brassica plants or isonflavons in the soyabean. As the sprouts are
consumed at the beginning of the growing phase, their nutrient
concentration remains very high. In the sprouts besides the nu-
trients phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino
acids are of the most importance as these are the most useful in
the respect of the human health [1-3]. Sprouted legumes are a
time-honored way to avail plenty of essential nutrients like total
proteins, bio-available vitamins particularly C and B, minerals es-
pecially calcium and phytonutrients, which are protective and dis-
ease preventing molecules They contain several antioxidants such
as vitamin C and E, phenolic compounds and reduced glutathione
which are considered to be natural antioxidants, representing an
important group of bioactive compounds. Dietary antioxidants
may play an important role in protecting the cell against damage
caused by free radicals. Consumption of food containing antioxi-
Sprouts are considered as wonder food and contain antioxidants, vitamins, sulphoraphane, isothiocyanates, enzymes andglu-
cosinolatesthat are proved to be effective in the prevention of cancer, or in the therapy against cancer. Because of the nutri-
tional and health benets of sprouts have become better known, bakers, chefs, athletes, food manufacturers and others are all
looking at different ways to incorporate sprouts into popular foods. During germination the original composition of the seeds
essentially changed. The aim of this review is to summarize the chemical composition and potential health benet of sprout
grain in human nutrition.The quantity of the protein fractions changes, the proportion of the nitrogen containing fractions
shifts towards the smaller protein fractions, free amino acids and oligopeptides. In addition, the quantity of the amino acids
composition changed; some of them increase, others decrease or do not alter during germination, and non-protein amino
acids also are produced. Moreover, sprouts are outstanding sources of protein, vitamins and minerals and they contain such
in the respect of health-maintaining important nutrients like glucosinolates, phenolic and selenium-containing components in
the Brassica plants or isonflavons in the soya bean. Evidence from human studies that enzyme systems in our cells required for
detoxication of cancer-causing substances can be activated by compounds made from glucosinolates found in brussel sprouts.
In consequence of these changes, the quantity of the anti-nutritive materials decreases and the utilization of the macro and mi-
cro elements are increased owing to germination. Thus, the ratio of the saturated fatty acids increases compared to unsaturated
fatty acids, and the ratio within the unsaturated fatty acids shifts to the essential linoleic acid.
Keywords: Composition; Effect; Nutritional Value; Sprouts.
List of Abbreviations: Ascorbate peroxidase; APX, Guaiacol peroxidase; POX, Cow pea sprouts and catalase; CAT, Super-
oxide dismutase; SOD, Tricarboxylic acid; TCA, Levo-dihydroxyphenylalanine; L-DOPA, Protein hydrolysates; FPH, Lacto-
ferrin; LF, Oregano extract; OE, Oral hypoglycemic drugs; OHG, Gallic acid equivalent; GAE, Selenomethyl-selenocystein;
SeMSC, butylated hydroxyanisole; BHA.
Melaku Tafese Awulachew. A Review to Nutritional and Health Aspect of Sprouted Food. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 2021;10(7):564-568.
dants may prevent some diseases and therefore, it is very impor-
tant to determine their antioxidant capacity in order to estimate
their effect on oxidative stress in living beings [5]. Dietary antioxi-
dants protect against reactive oxygen species in the human body
by several mechanisms. Unlike most other vegetables, which start
to lose their vitamin content as soon as they are picked, sprouts,
continue to grow and to form nutrients. During the germination
the amount of the antinutritive materials (trypsin inhibitor, phytic
acid, pentosan, tannin) decreases and after the germination also
compounds with health-maintaining effects and phytochemical
properties (glucosinolates, natural antioxidants) could be detected
that can have a considerable role among others also in the preven-
tion of cancer. Thus, germination can lead to the development
of such functional foods that have a positive effect on the human
organism and that help in maintaining the health [9].
Effect and Composition content of Sprouts
Effect of tannins
It has been reported that the tannin content was reduced signi-
cantly in germinated seeds. In germinated kidney bean, the loss of
total phenol and tannin content can be as high as 96% (Shimelis
E A and Rakshit S K. 2007). They observed a reduction in tannin
content after germination, which was a result of formation of
hydrophobic association of tannins with seed proteins and en-
zymes. In addition, loss of tannins during germination also may
be due to the leaching of tannins, into the water. It could also be
due to washing during germination and binding of polyphenols
with other organic substances such as carbohydrates or proteins.
During the period of soaking prior to germination, the enzyme
polyphenol oxidase may be activated, resulting in degradation and
consequent loss of polyphenols. The decrease might also be due
to breakdown of protein-tannin complexes and release of free
tannins into soaking water during sprouting. Tannins, which are
usually present in the testa layer of seeds, have been recognized
as toxic factors. These are known to inhibit several hydrolytic
enzymes, such as trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylases, cellulases and
β-galactosidase. In addition they bind proteins and form tannin
protein complexes, thus making proteins unavailable. Tannins
have also been found to adversely affect the nutritive value of
black beans by decreasing the digestibility of proteolytic enzymes.
Nutritional sprouts content of the Sulforaphane and isothio-
The bioactive components of the sprouts of the Brassica plants
are the glucosinolates and their products the isothiocyanates as
well as the phenols, vitamins and minerals. To the vegetables of
the Brassica plants consumed by the humans belong the broc-
coli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, chinese cabbage
and radish. The Brassica plants contain carotenoids, vitamin C,
ber, flavonoids and such health-protecting substances as the
glucosinolates [22, 23]. In the broccoli sprouts the most impor-
tant glucosinolate is the glucoraphanine that is hydrolyzed by the
microflora of the intestine into isothiocyanate and sulforaphane.
In the plants the mirosinase enzyme hydrolyzes the glucosinolates
mainly into isothiocyanates. These isothiocyanates have different
biological effects: some of them damage the liver or are goitro-
gen, the others have antibacterial, fungicide and anticancer effect
[24-27]. The non-germinated seeds have the highest glucosinolate
content that decreases in the sprouts. The Brassica sprouts at age
of 3 days contain 10-100 times more glucoraphanine than the
matching ripe plant [8-29] due to which even a small amount of
cabbage sprout reduces the risk of cancer, and is equally effective
like a higher amount of the same plant [30, 31]. Sulforaphane
in different experimental models both in vivo in animals and in
vitro in various cell cultures reduced the dfferent forms of cel-
lular proliferation, maybe by the activation of the enzymes that
detoxicate the compounds causing cancer [32-35]. The broccoli
sprouts and also the plant itself are considered a very good source
of sulforaphane that occurs in the broccoli sprouts in a concen-
tration of above 105 mg/100 g whereas in the broccoli plant in a
concentration of 40-171 mg/100 g in the dry matter [34, 36]. Dif-
ferent researchers studying the benecial effects of the broccoli
sprouts and sulforaphane claim that due to its indirect antioxidant
properties it strengthens the enzymes taking part in the antioxi-
dant defence of the cells and detoxicates the carcinogen ones re-
ducing by this the possibility of development of a cancer in the
body [30, 37, 38]. Clarke et al. examined the anticancer effect of
sulforaphane in case of broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and
cauliflower [39]. It was established that sulforaphane occurs in an
especially high concentration in the broccoli and broccoli sprout
and due to its high isothiocyanate content reduces the risk of
cancer including intestine and prostate cancer.
Nutritional sprouts content of glucosinolate
The two kinds of methionine glucosinolate have an extra sul-
fur atom in a different oxidation state in the side chain. These
are forming a redox system (glucoraphenine, glucoraphasatine),
which differs from the glucoerucinglucoraphanine system in one
double bond only. There is a difference in the radical-capturing
capacity of the two systems [32, 33]. Lepidiumsativum sprouts
grown in light contain during the rst week of the germination
high concentration of benzylglucosinolate, and only in traces
2-phenethyl glucosinolate which nding involves a further veg-
etable with its bioactive compounds into the circle of vegetables
with health-maintaining effect [40, 41]. White mustard is com-
monly consumed fresh worldwide due to its special spicy taste.
These vegetables contain several health-protecting compounds
such as carotenoids, vitamin C, bres, flavonoids and glucosi-
nolates [32, 42]. In the white mustard seeds and in the lyophilized
sprout among the glucosinolates the glucoerucin is the main com-
ponent. In contrast to other glucosinolates such as glucorapha-
nine, glucoerucin has both direct and indirect antioxidant effect
due to which consumption of the white mustard and its sprouts is
very useful for the human health [32, 33]. Interesting members of
the glucosinolate-containing Brassica family are the wild mustard
and Turkish mustard, both of them are rich in such bioactive phy-
tochemicals as phenols, flavonoids and vitamin C, each of them
are present in the seed, the root and in the three, ve and seven
days old sprouts [42]. Methanolic extract of the radish sprout has
a very high antioxidative activity owing to the different sinapic
acid esters and flavonoids with very high radical-capturing capac-
ity as the basis of their biological activity. Clarication of the ap-
plicability, transport and metabolism of these glucosinolates is
the precondition of the understanding of the mechanism of the
protective effect on the human organism [25]. If mirosinase of
vegetable origin is present in the diet, the glucosinolates hydrolyze
in the intestine. If the mirosinase is inactivated by heat prior to
the consumption, the ionic feature of the glucosinolates prevents
them from entering the intestine where they are metabolized by
Melaku Tafese Awulachew. A Review to Nutritional and Health Aspect of Sprouted Food. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 2021;10(7):564-568.
bacterial enzymes [25].
Flavonoid content of the nutritional sprouts
The different conditions of the seed sprouting have effect on
the flavonol content. The highest miricetin, merin, quercetin and
camphorol content in the radish and lucerne sprouts was meas-
ured when the sprouting was done in dark at 20C. Neither an in-
crease of the germination temperature up to 30C nor a decrease
of that down to 10C affected the effciency of the flavonol syn-
thesis. Similarly, neither a UV nor an IR radiation for between 20
min 24 hours increased signicantly the flavonol content of the
sprouts compared to the seed. The economical importance of the
family of the leguminous plant is obvious as many plants of this
family are used as food and feeding stuff. Very precious vegeta-
bles both in the animal and human nutrition are the broad bean,
mungobean, pea, chick pea, lupine and the lentil sprouts. Soybean
is one of the most important food seed in the Asian countries,
benecial effect of foodstuffs made of it is known. It was also
reported that the phenolic components in the sprouts vary ac-
cording to the growing conditions, and it was also established that
the light can stimulate the production of the phytochemicals in-
cluding the higher isoflavon content in the soya sprouts. Sprouted
buckwheat for a period of 1-10 days in a glass house under low
light conditions and determined the chlorogen acid and flavonoid
content including the C-glucoside flavons (orientin, isoorientin,
vitexin, isovitexin) as well as rutin and quercetin. Rutin content of
one meal portion (on average 20-30 mg/g) was 30 times higher
than in the root and pericarp. On the basis of their investigations
they recommend the consumption of the buckwheat sprouts dur-
ing the everyday meals.
Nutritional sprouts content of Phytic acid and phytase
Seeds and four-day-old sprouts of four Brassica varieties (little
radish, radish, white mustard and rape) were established to con-
tain inositol hexaphosphate that is called phytic acid or phytate
in the salt form. This component proved to be biologically ac-
tive and potentially useful in the respect of health as it reduced
the blood sugar level, the amount of cholesterol and triglycerols,
reduced the risk of cancer development and heart diseases [44].
These contain high amount of tiamin, riboflavin, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn,
Fe and Zn as well as dietary bres,that makes possible the devel-
opment of a new potential foodstuff. Sung et al. examined the
effect of the germination temperature at 10, 20 and 25◦C, in a
6–10-day interval for barley seeds on the phytase enzyme produc-
tion[56]. The growing rate and protein production of the barley
plants increased with increasing temperature. Using SDS PAGE
(sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) it was
established that during the germination period the proteins trans-
formed, some of them disappeared, some of them appeared on
the electrophoretogram. At the beginning of the germination the
phytase activity was practically null, and showed a signicant in-
crease during the sprouting. In the rst couple of days it increased
to the eightfold value then reduced. The utilizable phosphate con-
tent in connection with the activity of the phytase enzyme in-
creased rapidly at the beginning of the sprouting. The protein and
phytase production reached their maximum in two days.
Nutritional sprouts content of Carbohydrate
Nodaa et al. examined the physical and chemical properties of
the partially degraded starch of wheat sprout. γ-Amylase present
in the sprout degrades partially the starch therefore the examina-
tions targeted determination of physical and chemical properties
of the starch degraded this way. By determining the swelling abil-
ity and viscosity it was found that they considerably decreased,
at the same time the digestibility of starch increased due to the
glucoamylase activity, which was due to the extremely late harvest.
There are also such varieties that are not especially sensitive to the
sprouting and that did not show any change even when harvested
very late. In case of certain wheat varieties the extremely late har-
vest did not cause any signicant change in the amylase content,
in the average particle size, in the behaviour against heat and the
lenght of the amylopectin chains. However, using electron micro-
scope it was established that the late harvest can result in small
sized and porous starch particles.
Nutritional sprouts content of Antioxidant, polyphenol and
vitamin C
Giberenic acid and indole-3-acetic acid have positive effect on the
biosynthesis of vitamin C therefore during the sprouting of soy-
bean the vitamin C content of the sprouts increases. The effect
of a weak lighting on the ascorbic acid content and the growth of
the soybean sprouts was also examined during which the lighting
of 12 hours of ultraviolet and 12 hours of red light enhanced the
phytochemical quality of the soybean sprouts. In the course of
two, three, four, ve, six and nine days of sprouting the nutritional
value of the lupine sprouts increased signicantly owing to the in-
crease of the vitamin C and polyphenol content, at the same time
the amount of such antinutritive materials as the trypsin inhibitor
and phytic acid decreased. The antioxidant capacity in the ger-
minated seeds increased by around 58–67%. The high-pressure
treatment modied somewhat the vitamin C content and also
the antioxidant capacity and beyond a pressure of 500 MPa the
decrease was signicant. Although the treatment of the sprouts
at high pressure resulted in a high (15–17 mg/100 g) vitamin C
content and also the antioxidant capacity was by around 26–59%
higher than for the non-sprouted horse-bean, the high-pressure
treatment had only a slight effect on the quality of the freshly
consumed sprouts.
Potential to Health Values of Sprouts
Anti-cancer effect of the sprouts
The potential protective effect of the consumable sprouts and
their active components against cancer was studied in several in
vivo and in vitro model experiments. The results show a positive
correlation between the prevention from cancer of several organs
and the consumption of the vegetable or its active components.
Consumption of Brassica plants especially broccoli is inversely
proportional to the development of breast cancer in case of pre-
menopausal women, whereas in case of postmenopausal wom-
en only a very little effect or no effect at all was observed, and
even the type of the glutathione-S-transferase did not influence
the course of the disease. These results emphasize the role of
the Brassicae in the decrease of the risk of the premenopausal
breast cancer (Ambrosone et al., 2004). Some health-protecting
phytochemicals can be found in the sprout in a much higher con-
centration than in the developed plant (Fern´andezOrozco et al.,
2006). These have signicant antigenotoxic effect against dam-
Melaku Tafese Awulachew. A Review to Nutritional and Health Aspect of Sprouted Food. Int J Food Sci Nutr Diet. 2021;10(7):564-568.
age to DNA induced by H2O2 as in those people who consumed
for 14 days 113 g of cabbage and leguminous sprouts compared
to the control diet the risk of cancer reduced. The application
of foodstuffs containing bioactive components can lead to the
improvement of the food technologies and to healthy nutrition.
Detoxication action
The detox support provided by brussel sprouts is both compli-
cated and extensive. First, there is evidence from human studies
that enzyme systems in our cells required for detoxication of
cancer-causing substances can be activated by compounds made
from glucosinolates found in brussel sprouts. Brussel sprouts are
an outstanding source of glucosinolates. Studies show that glu-
cosinolates found in brussel sprouts are the detox-activating sub-
stances (Rungapamestry V et al. 2007).
Action against bladder cancer
Isothiocyanates are a well-known class of cancer chemopreven-
tive agents, and broccoli sprouts are a rich source of several iso-
thiocyanates. Munday R reported that dietary administration to
rats of a freeze-dried aqueous extract of broccoli sprouts signi-
cantly and dose-dependently inhibited bladder cancer develop-
ment induced by N-butyl-N-(4hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine. The
incidence, multiplicity, size, and progression of bladder cancer
were all inhibited by the extract, while the extract itself caused no
histological changes in the bladder. Moreover, inhibition of blad-
der carcinogenesis by the extract was associated with signicant
induction of glutathione S-transferase and NAD (P) H: quinone
oxidoreductase in the bladder (Munday R et al. 2008).
Blood sugar regulator
Glycine max seeds when soaked and germinated become highly
effective blood sugar regulators. This was observed in 35 volun-
teer patients with type-II diabetes. All patients except one were
taking oral hypoglycemic drugs (OHG) to control their elevated
blood sugar level before they started taking soaked and germi-
nated soya bean seeds as a medicine to control their blood sugar.
These patients stopped taking OHG during the period of investi-
gation and took only soaked and germinated soya bean seeds as a
medicine to control their high blood sugar level. It was observed
that soaked and germinated soya bean seeds are more effective
than the OHG (Pathak M. 2005).
Parkinson’s disease
Fava bean sprouts are a rich source of levo-dihydroxyphenyla-
lanine (L-DOPA) the precursor of dopamine and is used in the
treatment of parkinson’s disease. Its phytopharmaceutical value
was improved by priming the seeds with natural elicitors like sh
protein hydrolysates (FPH), lactoferrin (LF) and oregano extract
(OE). The elicitors in general stimulated the phenylpropanoid
pathway through the pentose phosphate and shikimate pathway
and enhanced the production of phenolics (Randhir R and Shetty
K. 2003).
Sprouts are forming from seeds during sprouting and are con-
sidered as wonder foods. The sprouts are outstanding sources
of protein, vitamins and minerals and they contain such in the
respect of health-maintaining important nutrients like glucosi-
nolates, phenolic and selenium-containing components in the
Brassica plants or isonflavons in the soya bean. As the sprouts are
consumed at the beginning of the growing phase, their nutrient
concentration remains very high. Compared to the seeds it was
established that the sprout due to its transformed protein content
which is of higher biological value, the higher polyunsaturated
fatty acid content, higher vitamin content and the better utiliza-
tion of the minerals has a higher nutritional value. During the
germination the polysaccharides degrade into oligo- and mono-
saccharaides, the fats into free fatty acids, whereas the proteins
into oligopeptides and free amino acids, which processes support
the biochemical mechanisms in our organism. During the germi-
nation the amount of the antinutritive materials (trypsin inhibitor,
phytic acid, pentosan, tannin) decreases and after the germination
also compounds with health-maintaining effects and phytochemi-
cal properties (glucosinolates, natural antioxidants) could be de-
tected that can have a considerable role among others also in the
prevention of cancer. Thus, germination can lead to the develop-
ment of such functional foods that have a positive effect on the
human organism and that help in maintaining the health.
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... [13,14] The sprouts are rich sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals, and they contain much in respect of healthmaintaining important nutrients like glucosinolates, phenolic, and selenium-containing components. [15,16] As the sprouts are consumed at the beginning of the growing phase, their nutrient concentration remains very high. In the sprouts, besides the nutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids are the most important chemical components and can be utilized in human healthcare needs. ...
... In the sprouts, besides the nutrients, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids are the most important chemical components and can be utilized in human healthcare needs. [16,17] Quantitative analysis that includes the estimation of one or more components does not provide a complete picture of the plant's chemical makeup. [18] Moreover, the biological effects of medicinal plants are the result of the synergistic effect of multiple constituents; thus, it seems necessary to develop a complete chemical profile for which chemical fingerprinting has proven to be a powerful technique and to reflect the chemical diversity in plants. ...
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BACKGROUND Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br. (Poaceae), popularly known as Bajra , is a well-known and most widely grown millet in India. It is an important cereal loaded with many nutrients. Moreover, it possesses many biological activities on account of the presence variety of chemical components. In addition to the seeds, many reports are available on the biological activity of sprouted seeds. OBJECTIVE In the present study, the authors aimed to develop a pharmacognostic and chemical comparison between normal seeds, overnight-soaked seeds, and sprouted seeds to see changes in botanical diagnostic characteristics and chemical constituents, also in antioxidant potential during the growth of seeds. MATERIALS AND METHODS The seeds were procured from the local market of Kolkata. Sophisticated analytical techniques viz. microscopy, fingerprint by high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC), and antioxidant potential by DPPH [2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl] assay were utilized in the present study. RESULTS The whole study indicates the increased accumulation of chemical components during the growth of seed and higher antioxidant potential in sprouted seeds. CONCLUSION The technical data obtained from this study indicate that sprouts accumulate more bioactive components with high antioxidant values as compared to seeds and soaked seeds.
... It improves the synthesis of both primary and secondary metabolites, enzyme activity, polyamines, chlorophyll synthesis, and overall nitrogen assimilation [30]. Because of these aspects, sprouts have better, more consistent growth, nutritional value, and health benefits [31]. The process of transforming consumed N into forms that can be used begins when NR reduces nitrate to nitrite. ...
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Sprouts are well known for having a remarkable nutritional profile. Enhancing plant chemical composition and quality of sprouts is essential since these metabolites offer numerous health advantages. To this end, this study aimed to investigate the effects of priming with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the growth and nitrogen (N) metabolism of four horticultural plants, namely, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Linium grandiflorum, Lepidium sativum, and Anethum gravelones. The properties of our synthesized MWCNTs included three characteristic peaks 3434, 1539, and 1068 cm⁻¹ attributable to the stretching vibration of O–H, bending vibration, and C − O, respectively. MWCNT priming increased the sprouting process by inducing biomass and protein accumulation. MWCNT priming improved N metabolism, including amino acid and polyamine metabolism. At the amino acid level, there was an increase in amino acid levels (e.g., glycine, lysine, asparagine, and glutamic acid) as well as their metabolic enzyme activities, including glutamine synthetase (GS), threonine synthetase (TS), and glutamate synthetase (GOGAT). Increased polyamine levels like spermine, putrescine, and spermidine were also associated with boosting their related biosynthetic enzyme activities, i.e., arginine decarboxylase (ADC), ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), spermidine synthase, and spermine synthase (SpmS). This improvement of nitrogen metabolic pathways highlights the potential of MWCNT to boost the chemical composition of horticultural plants.
... It is proposed to use sprouted wheat as a vegetable raw material for the production of a dietary supplement based on tallow. The use of sprouted wheat, as noted in many studies, has shown its high practical significance due to the content of a high proportion of biologically active substances and vitamins in such wheat (Awulachew, 2022). Sprouted wheat is a natural supplement with a balanced composition that ensures maximum absorption of the product. ...
Klice i mikrozelenje su namirnice visoke nutritivne gustoće koje posljednjih godina postaju sve popularnije, i u prehrambenoj industriji i u ugostiteljstvu. Karakterizira ih praktičan i brz uzgoj, održivost proizvodnje, visoka nutritivna vrijednost i mogućnost raznovrsne primjene. Klice predstavljaju najraniju fazu rasta biljaka, razvijaju se brzo i postaju jestive unutar nekoliko dana. Izrazito su bogate hranjivim tvarima, uključujući vitamine, minerale i antioksidanse, te često se koriste kao dodatak salatama, sendvičima ili drugim jelima. Njihov nježan i hrskav okus je blag i ugodan. S druge strane, mikrozelenje su biljke u fazi rasta između klica i potpuno razvijenih biljaka, što obično traje od nekoliko dana do nekoliko tjedana, ovisno o vrsti. Mikrozelenje također predstavljaju visoko nutritivnu namirnicu, ali imaju intenzivniji okus od klica te dolaze u atraktivnim bojama. Često se koriste kao ukras ili dodatak različitim jelima. Osim što se mogu uzgajati kod kuće ili u malim prostorima, zahtijevaju minimalne resurse i brigu, te predstavljaju ekološki prihvatljiv način uzgoja bilja. Budući da su često hranjivije od neproklijalog sjemena i zrelih biljaka, te donose svježinu i raznolikost prehrani, postale su omiljeni dodatak jelima širom svijeta.
This study aimed to elucidate the effects of processing and storage on the nutritional and antioxidant properties of three sweet potato cultivars from Croatia. The sweet potato purees (SPP) were analyzed for proximate composition and properties, antiradical activity (AA), total phenolic content (TPC), starch content, free sugars (FS), β-carotene, total anthocyanins (TA), and color. The highest TPC (2.55 µg GAE/mg) and starch content (596.9 g/kg DW) are in the purple cultivar, while the highest AA (21.76 mol TE/g) and total and reducing sugars (50.7 and 30.9 g/kg, respectively) were in the white cultivar. During processing, the sucrose, glucose, and fructose content decreased, leading to an increase in maltose content. The AA, TPC, and FS were higher in baked and steamed SPP, while the starch, β-carotene, and TA contents were lower. These results suggest that processing can enhance some of the properties (TPC, AA, and reducing sugars) of sweet potatoes making a processed sweet potato a desirable food ingredient with physio-chemical and nutritional attributes that has a future beyond home usage for the production of safe processed functional foods. Storage resulted in a decrease in AA, β-carotene, and TA, while TPC, starch, and soluble solids were stable during 6 months of storage.
Pošip je autohtona sorta vinove loze s otoka Korčule, gdje se i danas najviše uzgaja. U Hrvatskoj je jedna od zastupljenijih bijelih sorti te se koristi za proizvodnju različitih stilova vina. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitih vrsta kvasaca na stvaranje hlapljivih spojeva vina Pošip. Uzorci vina Pošip proizvedeni su sur lie metodom korištenjem dviju vrsta kvasaca: Saccharomyces cerevisiae (uzorak I) i Torulaspora delbrueckii (uzorak II). Hlapljivi spojevi vina izolirani su pomoću mikroekstrakcije vršnih para na krutoj fazi (HS-SPME) te analizirani vezanim sustavom plinska kromatografija-masena spektrometrija (GC-MS). U uzorku I identificirano je 20 spojeva što predstavlja ukupno 96,48 % hlapljivih spojeva, dok je u uzorku II identificirano 19 spojeva što predstavlja ukupno 92,27 % hlapljivih spojeva. Identificirani hlapljivi spojevi svrstani su u sljedeće kemijske skupine: alkoholi, esteri, aldehidi, monoterpeni, norizoprenoidi i spojevi s dušikom. Najzastupljeniji spojevi u oba uzorka vina bili su esteri među kojima najveći udjel pripada etil-oktanoatu i etil-heksanoatu. U uzorku I utvrđen je veći udjel izoamilnog alkohola i izoamil-acetata, dok uzorak II sadrži veći udjel furfurala i norizoprenoida. Rezultati ovog rada pokazuju da primjena vrste kvasca doprinosi različitom sastavu hlapljivih spojeva u vinu, a time i aromi kao važnom segmentu kvalitete vina.
Obogaćeni proizvodi su skupina funkcionalnih prehrambenih proizvoda visoko cijenjenih među potrošačima zbog mogućeg pozitivnog utjecaja na zdravlje. Rosa canina L. raste kao grm na poljima zapadne Azije, Sjeverne Amerike i Europe, a šipak je lažni plod ili pseudokarp vrste Rosa koja pripada obitelji Rosaceae koja dobiva sve više pozornosti zbog svoje visoke nutritivne i ljekovite vrijednosti. Čajno pecivo je popularan i često uživan prehrambeni proizvod te stoga pogodan za obogaćivanje dodavanjem različitih sastojaka. Cilj ovog rada bio je pripremiti uzorke čajnog peciva obogaćenog šipkom ( Rosa canina L.) te utvrditi prihvatljivost uzoraka od strane potrošača. U tu svrhu pripremljena su i ocijenjena četiri uzorka čajnog peciva s različitim udjelom osušenog i pulveriziranog šipka u recepturi proizvoda. Podatci dobiveni senzorskom procjenom obrađeni su i analizirani u programima Microsoft Excel i IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Rezultati su prikazani kao aritmetička sredina ± standardna devijacija. U analizi podataka korištena je jednosmjerna analiza varijance (ANOVA) uz Tukeyjev post-hoc test. Čajno pecivo obogaćeno osušenim i pulveriziranim plodom šipka visoko je ocijenjeno od strane potrošača. Iz dobivenih rezultata senzorskog ocjenjivanja može se zaključiti da je najprihvatljiviji uzorak s udjelom od 15 % osušenog i pulveriziranog šipka u odnosu na ukupne suhe sastojke. Podatci pokazuju da za neka senzorska svojstva postoje statistički značajne razlike između uzoraka, posebice za uzorak s najvećim udjelom osušenog i pulveriziranog šipka.
Sprouts develop from seeds and it involves numerous physiological and biochemical changes during the germination process. The process involves sterilising, soaking, and sprouting, to make sprouts. The sprouting takes place in three phases: Fast imbibition of water, restrained water uptake and strong metabolic reactivation and completion of process of germination. Broccoli is considered as considered as the “Crown Jewel of Nutrition” as it acquires all the main constituents of the nutrition such as minerals, vitamins, fiber and secondary metabolites. It contains the sulphoraphane, glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, flavonoids and phenolic compounds, are the major constituents which reveals the anticarcinogenic properties for all the age groups. In addition, cress sprouts can be eaten as parts of salads, soups, and sandwiches, enhancing the foods with texture, taste, and visual appeal and garden cress sprout flours can be a crucial ingredient in food products that promote people’s health. Sprouts are good to prevent certain disease such as, cancer, diabetes mellitus, anti-inflammatory and to modulate the oxidative stress. The most common agents during sprouting are Yersinia enterocolitica, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli. To prevent all these harmful pathogens, the physical, chemical and biological methods are applied.
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In this review, we discussed different types of sprouts, its antioxidant properties, extraction techniques, functional food application and health benefits. Sprouts are regarded as “functional foods.” It has additional health-regulating or disease prevention qualities in addition to their basic nutritional contents. There are different sources of sprouts including fruits (apricots and almonds), vegetables (broccoli, radish, and others), cereals (buckwheat, soybean, and barley), spices (fenugreek, ginger, turmeric and garlic). It is good way to improve the nutritional value of several foods that are frequently consumed worldwide. Sprouts is utilized in the production of food products. In addition to their nutritional worth, seeds and sprouts have health-promoting properties. Different type of phytochemicals is present in sprouts including a-tocopherol, isothiocyanates, indoles, b-carotene and vitamins. Conventional and Novel methods are used for the extraction of phytochemicals from different sprouts. Novel technologies are gaining more attraction due to its less extraction time and decreased consumption costs. Sprouts have pharmacological properties due to its rich source of bioactive compounds. These are helpful in GIT, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertension, cardio-protective, neuro-protective, and anti-cancer properties.
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In this study, the concentrations of four flavonols (morin, myrycetin, quercetin and kaempferol) were determined in radish and alfalfa sprouts. Sprouts were germinated in total darkness and various temperatures (4°C, 20°C, 30°C) and light conditions (UV, IR) According to germination conditions, different amounts of flavonols in sprouts were observed. Total content of flavonols varies within 55.39-216.20 μg·g−1 and 382.16-721.05 μg·g−1 dry weight for radish and alfalfa sprouts, respectively. A highest concentration of flavonols was determined in sprouts germinated in darkness and 20°C. The results indicated that alfalfa sprouts are a rich source of kaempferol − 580 μg in 1g of lyophilized product.
The study of nutritional supplements has become increasingly important within orthodox establishments throughout the world, and as the market for these products continues to grow, so does the need for comprehensive scientifically sound information about the products, their properties s and potent6ial health effects. Geoffrey P. Webb, in this exciting and most useful new book, not only looks at the accepted uses of dietary supplements, such as the us of fish oils in the prevention of heart disease and arthritis, but also explores the wider picture, identifying common themes and principles or particular categories of supplements. Dietary Supplements and Functional Foods provides an excellent introductory text on this fascinating subject. Written with a strategic overview approach applied to each chapter. Evidence-based assessment of supplements and their contribution to the prevention and treatment of disease. Detailed discussion on individual supplements and functional foods including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and probiotics. An invaluable source of reference for students and professionals in nutrition, dietetics, nutritional therapy, food science and technology and other health profession including nursing, pharmacy and pharmacology. Personnel within food and pharmaceutical companies involved with supplement and functional food development and all libraries in institutions where this subject is studies and taught will find this book an important additional to their shelves.
Benzylglucosinolate degradation products were analysed in extracts of the seedlings of Lepidium sativum (‘curled cress’ and ‘plain cress’). Benzyl thiocyanate was positively identified in extracts of both types of cress, but it could not be detected after the onset of development of the true leaves. The relative percentages of benzylglucosinolate degradation products varied appreciably with age of the seedlings and with the length of time the shredded plant material was allowed to autolyse. Both types of cress behaved similarly on autolysis but differences were observed with seedling age.
The separation and quantification of sulforaphane [1-isothiocyanato-4-(methyl-sulfinyl)-butane] from the florets, stalks and leaves of broccoli is described. The procedure uses solvent extraction, followed by purification of extracts using solid phase extraction (SPE) and reverse phase HPLC analysis. The HPLC method is compared with a spectrophotometric assay. To obtain information about the usefulness of acid hydrolysis of glucosinolates, the florets were left to autolyze at room temperature or were treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid, then analysed. The method proves reliable and reproducible as regards both SPE purification and chromatographic determination. Quantities of sulforaphane were found in the florets, stalks and leaves. The highest content of sulforaphane (110 μgg−1) was found in the leaves.
The contents in selected Cruciferae seeds and ready-to-eat sprouts of thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2) were determined by HPLC methodology. The content of soluble and insoluble fractions of dietary fiber was determined by the enzymatic method. In addition, the calcium, magnesium, zinc, cooper, ferrum and manganese concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry and after that the correlation between some mineral content and the ability of seeds and sprouts phosphate buffered saline extracts to scavenge the superoxide anion radicals in vitro was investigated. The small radish, radish, rapeseeds and white mustard seeds contained vitamin B1 in the range from 0.41 up to 0.70 mg/100 g d.m., however its amount found in the ready-to-eat sprouts were lower by 46, 39, 42 and 47%, respectively. In contrast, the content of vitamin B2 in the ready-to-eat sprouts showed approximately three-fold higher content when compared to its range found in the seeds (0.096 mg/100 g d.m up to 0.138 mg/100 g d.m.). The total dietary fiber content in ready-to-eat sprouts, including the soluble and insoluble forms, was 20% higher when compared to the seeds and the proportion of insoluble to soluble fiber was about two-fold higher in radish sprouts, four-fold higher in rapeseed sprouts, and six and nine-fold higher in small radish and white mustard sprouts, respectively. The sprouts contained higher amounts of Ca, Mg, Cu and Zn approximately by 12, 14, 25 and 45%, respectively, when compared to the seeds. The similar beneficial changes were noted for Cu and Zn. Their amount noted in sprouts was higher by average of 25% for Cu and by 45% for Zn. No changes in Mn and Fe levels were found between seeds and sprouts. One exception was only made to Fe content in the white mustard sprouts in which the Fe amount was lower than that found in the seeds. The SOD-like activities of the seed extracts were positively correlated only with the manganese level (r=0.94), however, this correlation was not found in ready-to-eat sprouts. No other correlations were found between SOD-like activity and microelements contents in the seeds and sprouts.
Partially digested starch from grain heavily damaged by sprout-induced a-amylase was obtained by significantly delaying the harvest date using three wheat cultivars, Harunoakebono (HA), Haruyutaka (HY), and Hokushin (HS). In this investigation, the damaged starch was tested for physicochemical properties. The swelling power and peak viscosity determined by using a Rapid Visco-Analyzer decreased, and the digestibility of raw starch by glucoamylase increased as a result of an extremely late harvest except for HA, a sprouting-tolerant cultivar, in which visible sprouting was not seen even in the case of an extremely late harvest. However, an extremely late harvest did not significantly affect the amylose content, mean granule size, thermal properties determined by differential scanning calorimetry, and distributions of amylopectin chain length in HS and HY. Furthermore, observations by scanning electron microscopy indicated that HS and HY at an extremely late harvest contained a small amount of porous starch granules.
The activity of a methanol extract of radish sprouts for the induction of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) NAD(P)H/quinone reductase (QR), which plays critical roles in protection against chemical carcinogens and other toxic xenobiotics, was examined in murine Hepa1c1c7 cells. The methanol extract induced QR activity in a dose-dependent manner in the concentration range of 0.2 to 1.6 mg/mL with a maximum of a 3.5-fold increase in induction. The induction of QR by the extract was regulated at the transcriptional level. Using a Western blotting analysis and Ah-receptor-defective mutant of Hepa1c1c7 cells (BPrc1 cells), the extracts at a concentration of 0.8 mg/mL or lower was found to be a monofunctional inducer and caused no elevation in cytochrome P-450 level that may activate carcinogens. The dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) fraction of the extract showed the highest induction potency while the other fractions were less potent. These results indicate that radish sprouts can be regarded as a safe and promising new dietary source for decreasing the risk of developing cancer.
Leafy salad species are increasingly consumed in the human diet and there is increased concern about the levels of microbial organisms in these raw foods, and especially bacteria such as Salmonella that cause food poisoning. Various chemical sanitizers therefore are used to control microorganisms and fungi, but there is very little information on the effects of these chemicals on food composition. Wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia L. DC) leaves were washed using tap water, chlorine (100 mg L−1), ozonated water (10 mg L−1), lactic acid (Purac® 20 mL L−1), acidified sodium chlorite (Sanova® 250 mg L−1) and peroxyacetic acid (Tsunami® 300 mg L−1). The effects of sanitizers on the contents of Vitamin C, polyphenols and glucosinolates of rocket leaves were studied under air and low O2 (1–3 kPa) + high CO2 (11–13 kPa) for 15 days at 4 °C. All the sanitizers effectively reduced microbial growth on the day of processing, but only Purac, Tsunami and Sanova inhibited the microbial growth throughout the shelf life. The visual quality was acceptable for all treatments in air while it was poor under low O2 + high CO2. In addition, Purac was particularly detrimental for sensory quality. Both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b contents were reduced throughout storage but were independent of washing treatments and storage conditions. The content of vitamin C was maintained for up to 8 days of storage under air and low O2 + high CO2, but Purac washes markedly reduced the vitamin C content. A clear decrease in ascorbic acid followed by an increase in dehydroascorbic acid was observed when samples were stored under low O2 + high CO2. The content of flavonoids was not affected by the washing solutions on the processing day and remained almost constant throughout the storage in air. However, marked reductions were observed when samples were stored under low O2 + high CO2. The glucosinolates were the most affected constituents of rocket leaves as the content was reduced from 4 to 33% when samples were stored in air while the decrease was between 60 and 100% in low O2 + high CO2. These data revealed that Sanova and Tsunami could be alternative sanitizers to chlorine for rocket leaf washes due to good retention of sensory quality with no detrimental reduction of the antioxidant constituents.
The effects of light illumination on the ascorbic acid content and growth of soybean sprouts were investigated. Among the six light qualities studied, ultraviolet light had the highest promoting effect on the ascorbic acid content in soybean sprouts, increasing it by 77.0% compared with the darkness control, while red light had the highest promoting effect on the growth of soybean sprouts, increasing the total fresh weight by 16.6% compared with the darkness control. Experiments with different durations of ultraviolet and red light illumination in a day showed that 12 h ultraviolet (500 Lx) and 12 h red (1000 Lx) light diurnal cycles had the highest promoting effects on both the ascorbic acid level and fresh weight of soybean sprouts, increasing the ascorbic acid content and total fresh weight by 78.7 and 17.4% respectively compared with the darkness control. The results indicated that germination of soybeans under 12 h ultraviolet and 12 h red light diurnal cycles was an effective process for increasing the yield and enhancing the nutritional quality of soybean sprouts. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry