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Destination Image of DMO and UGC on Instagram: A Machine-Learning Approach



Social media plays a key role in shaping the image of a destination. Although recent research has investigated factors influencing online users’ perception towards destination image, limited studies encompass and compare social media content shared by tourists and destination management organisations (DMOs) at the same time. This paper aims to determine whether the projected image of DMOs corresponds with the destination image perceived by tourists. By taking the Austrian Alpine resort Saalbach-Hinterglemm as a case, a netnographic approach was applied to analyse the visual and textual posts of DMO and user-generated content (UGC) on Instagram using machine learning. The findings reveal themes that are not covered in the posts published by marketers but do appear in UGC. This study adds to the existing literature by providing a deeper insight into destination image formation and uses a qualitative approach to assess destination brand image. It further highlights practical implications for the industry regarding DMOs’ social media marketing strategy.
... In short, and despite the importance of congruence in destination communication (Egger et al., 2022), ERTCP and ARPTCP apply different communication strategies to engage with their respective audiences. Despite operating in the same region, their levels of engagement and follower counts are disproportionate to their target markets. ...
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Instagram has become one of the principal social media platforms with substantial influence in contemporary society. This study sheds light on the divergent approaches adopted by two DMOs tasked with promoting the central region of Portugal. This approach encompasses several facets, including the types of images shared, the frequency of publication, and the implementation of hashtags. All the images shared by the two accounts in 2022 were systematically collected and subjected to exhaustive analysis based on predetermined parameters. The research revealed different strategies for using Instagram, despite both DMOs promoting the same territory. While the ERTCP account, @centro_de_portugal, focuses mainly on the Nature & Landscape and Place categories, the ARPTCP account, @centerofportugal, emphasises Humanised Spaces and Architecture categories. The frequency of publication and the use of hashtags also varied, with the ERTCP account posting more frequently and using a wider range of hashtags. In terms of engagement metrics, the @centro_de_portugal maintains its prominent position. However, the pattern of follower interaction over the course of the year was similar for both accounts, with the first and last four months witnessing higher engagement. An analysis of the frequency of posts per day of the week also revealed different patterns.
... 4. Considerazioni conclusive. -Con l'avvento dei social media, la promozione di una destinazione nonché la relativa costituzione dell'identità del luogo in termini di brand diventano il risultato di un processo di condivisione tra gli stakeholders che passa dalla co-creazione/accettazione degli stessi turisti (Huertas et al., 2021): gli "ingredienti principali" sono l'User-Generated Content (UGC) e la web reputation, sui quali sono attualmente impegnate le potenzialità dell'intelligenza artificiale per l'analisi della Destination Image (Egger et al., 2022). Se i social media svolgono un ruolo chiave nel plasmare l'immagine di una destinazione, quest'ultima è dunque sempre più costituita dai prodotti mediatici consumati online, con particolare forza attribuita alle rappresentazioni visive per la loro immediatezza comunicativa (Xiao et al., 2020): in particolare, è stato dimostrato come l'utilizzo degli hashtag nella logica relazionale del tipo regione-nazione sia in grado di aumentare il numero di like, influendo positivamente sulle piccole destinazioni (Bellio e Checchinato, 2022). ...
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La riserva naturale orientata Laguna di Capo Peloro (Messina) insiste in un’area fortemente antropizzata, rispondendo a un notevole valore turistico e ricreativo. Tale realtà, quindi, assolve un duplice compito: da una parte, come da definizione tutela la peculiarità del paesaggio, dall’altra contribuisce a creare una narrazione del capoluogo di Messina, altrimenti svuotato di contenuti rispetto ad altre realtà siciliane. Alla luce di tale rilevanza e del potenziale coinvolgimento nelle opere infrastrutturali del “Ponte sullo Stretto”, il presente contributo mira a colmare una certa lacunosità degli studi geografici recenti sull’area e intende fare emergere criticamente opportunità e criticità insite nella gestione e nella valorizzazione della città.
... The data collection process was based on the data mining tool PhantomBuster, which imitates human navigation on social media to respect anonymity and the general terms of service [23]. The travel influencer profiles were identified using the influencer marketing platform StarNgage and PhantomBuster. ...
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This study examines the cognitive image of Austria as a travel destination through Instagram content posted by travel influencers. The study also investigates how the account type, influencer type, and posting frequency affect user engagement. Machine learning techniques and statistical analysis are used to analyze the data. The study found that influencers contribute to Austria's destination image mainly through content about the Alps, Vienna, and cycling. The study provides insights into successful destination promotion on Instagram through influencer marketing. Micro-influencers who post regularly with relevant content are ideal for DMOs. Meso-influencers and verified accounts receive more likes for less popular themes, while micro-influencers are sufficient for more popular themes. It is also disadvantageous for meso-influencers to be perceived as commercial accounts and not to post as often as emerging influencers.
... The proposed approach, in contrast to the methodology suggested by Egger et al. (2022), employs the scene description strategy. While the Google Vision API proves potent, it merely lists what it perceives in the image (a tree, the beach, a bird, etc.). ...
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In the tourism industry, the implementation of effective strategies to promote destinations is considered of utmost importance. Taking advantage of social media, Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) have embraced these platforms as direct channels of communication with potential visitors. However, it remains unclear to what extent these efforts work to effectively construct the desired image and influence visitors’ behavior. In order to explore this phenomenon, this study proposes a comparison of destination images within Instagram, used by both DMOs and visitors (user generated content). Thus, a deep-learning method is presented to automatically compute differences between destination images. Four destinations were selected from Mexico (two urban destinations and two beach destinations). The findings suggest that the images of urban destinations share more significant similarities, particularly in dimensions related to culture, tourist infrastructure, and natural resources when compared to beach destinations. Conversely, the images of beach destinations tend to converge on dimensions such as sun and sand, gastronomy, and entertainment, while differing in aspects related to tourist infrastructure and eco-tourism offerings. It is worth noting that these results underscore the importance of tailoring marketing strategies to the unique characteristics of each destination, taking into account the divergences and similarities in the perceptions of potential visitors.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to propose a methodology to empirically investigate the longitudinal development of social media content concerning buildings characterized by iconic architecture and second, to report on the application of this methodology. Design/methodology/approach We collected and analyzed empirical data of social media content shared via Instagram between 2011 and 2019 on 16 buildings that can be considered iconic architecture projects. Using an automated pipeline, we collected and processed 264,000 posts and 140,000 images from Instagram for the selected case studies. By studying the posting activity of Instagram users through time series analysis and conducting content analysis of the social media posts by means of both image classification and topic modeling, we report on the development of users’ capturing and reception of the selected case studies on Instagram over time. Findings First, we identify two distinct time patterns of social media content: instantly popular buildings whose popularity fades over time and buildings that gradually gain popularity over time. Second, we distinguish differences in the content of social media posts: some buildings are primarily covered for their architectural features and others for their cultural function and facilities. Originality/value Using empirical investigation of Instagram data on iconic architectural projects, we have identified a correlation: buildings primarily posted for their architecture are generally also the ones to gain instant online popularity that subsequently faded over time. In contrast, buildings primarily posted for their function and facilities slowly gained popularity on the social media platform over time.
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Associate editor: Bing Pan Color plays a critical role in recognizing tourist experiences and influencing their emotions. By classifying tourism photos on Instagram using machine learning, this study uncovers the relationship between color and user engagement based on pictures with different features. The findings show that the presence of the color blue in photos featuring natural scenery, high-end gastronomy, and sacral architectures contributes to user engagement. A red/orange color scheme enhances pictures regarding local delicacies and ambience, while the coexistence of violet and warm colors is crucial for photographs featuring cityscapes and interior design. By taking a broader lens from aesthetic philosophy and narrowing down to color psychology, this study offers guidelines for marketers to promote tourism activities through the application of color.
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Symbols are powerful in branding and marketing to represent tourist attractions. By bridging semiotics, marketing , and data science in the tourism context, this study uncovers the destination image based on Instagram photographs. This study constructed a novel methodological framework by evaluating different machine learning models to group textual information based on pictorial content. The results highlighted specific destination image clusters such as the wilderness and spirituality of alpine experiences. This information facilitates mar-keters' understanding of tourists' preferences and movement. It also discloses blind spots that are less promoted by the marketers.
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Instagram has been an emerging platform for tourists to share their experiences and connect with other users in the multiphasic travel stages. Despite the huge number of photographs shared on Instagram on a daily basis, it remains ambiguous regarding the underlying motives of tourists’ posting behaviour. Thus, this study aims to conceptualise a framework based on the internal and external triggers of sharing travel photographs through a mix methods design involving diary studies and questionnaires. By conducting a path analysis, this study presents and validates a theoretical model including various motivational factors; namely enjoyment, self-esteem, recognition, interests, social norms, goals, social ties, social status and prestige, self-efficiency, outcome expectations and memorabilia. Meanwhile, this research clusters young techsavvy tourists into four distinct segments based on their behaviour of using Instagram while traveling. By bridging motivational theories, social psychology, and social media in the context of tourism, this research extends literature related to user-generated content and Instagram. Practically, this research allows marketers to optimise the effectiveness of marketing strategies based on the characteristics of tourists and their behaviour on social media platforms.
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Color psychology plays important roles in product packaging, the retail environment, and online marketing. This study analyzed current practices related to color composition in tourism-related photographs on Instagram. Data mining and pictorial content analysis were adopted to investigate how lightness, chroma, and hue may influence Instagram posts' popularity. Generally, individuals appeared more likely to respond to brighter and more saturated destination pictures. Orange, yellow, blue, and violet contributed significantly to post popularity based on different photographic typologies. Overall, color is a complex construct that functions within diverse dimensions and can enrich tourists' destination-related perceptions. Based on brand post popularity and color theories, the study findings provide valuable implications for effective and efficient destination promotion via Instagram. Relevant limitations and future directions are also discussed.
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The purpose of this research is to explore the role of online photography in creating experience value in nature-based tourism, and what types of experience value are conveyed through photography-based user-generated content. The paper draws from existing literature in defining tourism experience value as a subjective, inter-subjective and inter-contextual construct, performed by situated valuation practices. Consequently, the paper presents interpretive and participatory netnography as an effective method to investigate experience value, and identifies online photography on Instagram as both a valuing practice and a valuing place. Results show the capability of online photography-based UGC to create multidimensional values from strategic combinations of textual and visual content. Simultaneously, new dimensions of experience value are introduced, which exist beyond single tourism experiential encounters, but critically contribute to an iterative experience valuation. Finally, Instagram posts introduce valuation timelines that can elude linear models of pre/in-situ/post-experience valuation, and assume subjective and fluid connotations.
This second volume examines detailed methodological examples of visual concepts and their use and value in advancing knowledge and understanding of tourism beyond business and economics. The 17 chapters that make up this book can be divided into four separate but interconnected methodological categories: semiotics/symbolism; visual sociology/photo-elicitation; image analysis for destinations and marketing; and visual ethnography.
In the paper, we deal with the problem of unsupervised text document clustering for the Polish language. Our goal is to compare the modern approaches based on language modeling (doc2vec and BERT) with the classical ones, i.e., TF-IDF and wordnet-based. The experiments are conducted on three datasets containing qualification descriptions. The experiments’ results showed that wordnet-based similarity measures could compete and even outperform modern embedding-based approaches.
Even though concepts such as brand experience and online brand credibility are critical in destination marketing strategies, there have been no previous studies that have analyzed their relationships and influence on tourists' behavioral intentions. This paper develops a multimethod approach using a projective technique, an online experiment, and a multigroup analysis with five official destination platforms (the website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube). The results confirm positive direct and indirect relationships among online destination brand experience (BE), perceived online destination brand credibility (PODBC), and users' behavioral intentions toward the destination (intentions to visit/recommend). The multigroup analysis that was conducted revealed that users who had not visited the destination shaped their behavioral intentions by assigning a greater importance to the online destination BE than did those who had physically visited the destination. Conversely, users who had visited the destination showed a higher intensity in the path between PODBC and behavioral intentions.
The consolidation of Web 2.0 has modified the way people communicate and interact with tourists. User-generated social media communication continues to increase: to the detriment of traditional media channels, where the message is controlled by destination marketing organizations. Moreover, uncontrolled user-generated communication is increasingly considered more reliable than traditional, controlled communication. All this has considerably modified tourist perceptions regarding destination image and brand equity. From a business perspective, a line of thought addressing the study of these interrelationships has emerged in the literature, going so far as to consider their impact on brand engagement. Despite the current prevalence and relevance of social media communication as a loyalty-building factor in a context as competitive as the tourism sector, relatively little literature has addressed it in emerging tourist destination scenarios. Hence, the present paper presents an analysis of how – and to what extent – social media communication, both controlled and uncontrolled by the destination organization, has an impact on destination brand equity and destination brand engagement. More specifically, this study applies it to an emerging economy scenario: Metropolitan Lima, Peru. The implications of our research, presented at the end of the paper, are of interest – both as a contribution to the literature and from the perspective of tourist destination management – and can serve to aid the economic and social development of emerging economies.