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Towards an Open-Source Hardware Agnostic Framework for Robotic End-Effectors Control


Abstract and Figures

Nowadays a wide range of industrial grippers are available on the market and usually their integration to robotics automation systems relies on dedicated software modules and interfaces specific for each gripper. During the past two decades, more sophisticated end-effector modules that target to provide additional functionality including dexterous manipulation skills as well as sensing capabilities have been developed. The integration of these new devices is usually not trivial, requiring the development of brand new, tailor-made software modules and interfaces, which is a time consuming and certainly not efficient activity. To address the above issue and facilitate the quick integration and validation of the new end-effectors, we developed the ROS End-Effector open-source framework, which provides a software infrastructure capable to accommodate a range of robotic end-effectors of different hardware characteristics (number of fingers, actuators, sensing modules and communication protocols) and capabilities (with different manipulation skills, such as grasping, pinching, or independent finger dexterity) effectively facilitating their integration through the development of hardware agnostic software modules, simulation tools and application programming interfaces (APIs). A key feature of the ROS End-Effector framework is that rather than controlling each end-effector in a different and customized way, following specific protocols and instructions data fields, it masks the physical hardware differences and limitations (e.g., kinematics and dynamic model, actuator, sensor, update frequency, etc.) and permits to command the end-effector using a set of high level grasping primitives. The framework capabilities and flexibility in supporting different robotics end-effectors are demonstrated both in a kinematic/dynamic simulation and in real hardware experiments.
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Towards an Open-Source Hardware Agnostic Framework for
Robotic End-Effectors Control
Davide Torielli, Liana Bertoni, Nikos Tsagarakisand Luca Muratore
Humanoids and Human Centered Mechatronics (HHCM), Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy
Department of Informatics, Bioengineering, Robotics, and Systems Engineering (DIBRIS),
University of Genova, Genova, Italy
{davide.torielli, liana.bertoni, nikos.tsagarakis, luca.muratore}
Abstract Nowadays a wide range of industrial grippers are
available on the market and usually their integration to robotics
automation systems relies on dedicated software modules and
interfaces specific for each gripper. During the past two decades,
more sophisticated end-effector modules that target to provide
additional functionality including dexterous manipulation skills
as well as sensing capabilities have been developed. The inte-
gration of these new devices is usually not trivial, requiring
the development of brand new, tailor-made software modules
and interfaces, which is a time consuming and certainly not
efficient activity. To address the above issue and facilitate
the quick integration and validation of the new end-effectors,
we developed the ROS End-Effector open-source framework,
which provides a software infrastructure capable to accom-
modate a range of robotic end-effectors of different hardware
characteristics (number of fingers, actuators, sensing modules
and communication protocols) and capabilities (with different
manipulation skills, such as grasping, pinching, or independent
finger dexterity) effectively facilitating their integration through
the development of hardware agnostic software modules, simu-
lation tools and application programming interfaces (APIs). A
key feature of the ROS End-Effector framework is that rather
than controlling each end-effector in a different and customized
way, following specific protocols and instructions data fields, it
masks the physical hardware differences and limitations (e.g.,
kinematics and dynamic model, actuator, sensor, update fre-
quency, etc.) and permits to command the end-effector using a
set of high level grasping primitives. The framework capabilities
and flexibility in supporting different robotics end-effectors are
demonstrated both in a kinematic/dynamic simulation and in
real hardware experiments.
The realization of robotic end-effectors that can mirror the
performance of the human hands in terms of manipulation
dexterity and grasping strength, has been one of the major
challenges of the robotics research in the past few years.
As a result, diverse robotic end-effector principles have been
realized exploring different kinematics and actuation arrange-
ments, attempting to trade off the end-effector implementa-
tion complexity with its manipulation dexterity and grasping
strength capabilities. In particular, a wide range of industrial
grippers offering grasping functionality are available in the
market and usually their integration to robotics automa-
tion systems relies on customized software modules and
interfaces. In addition, some works on more sophisticated
end-effector modules, which target to provide dexterous
manipulation as well as sensing capabilities, have resulted to
a number of novel and more complex end-effectors, which
provide a broader set of manipulation skills [1].
The control of these more dextrous robotic hands has
been an attractive field for the robotics research community.
In neuroscience, several works [2], [3], have shown that,
in order to grasp an object, humans control their hands in
a configuration subspace that is considerably smaller than
the space generated by the amount of human hand degrees
of freedom (DoF). From these observations the concept of
synergies, which can be seen as the common patterns of
actuation of the human hand, has been introduced. Following
this idea, many studies in robotic grasping have focused on
exploiting the synergies for controlling robotic end-effectors.
Thanks to the dimensionality reduction of the controlling
space, the grasp planning is more efficient and more adapt-
able to various kinds of end-effectors [4]. In general, the
adoption of synergies in robotics sets the basis for the
development of frameworks to map human hand synergies
into robotics end-effectors ones, despite the possible different
kinematics. This mapping has been explored at different
levels, such as joint space [5] and Cartesian space [6]. For a
more comprehensive overview of the synergy-based works,
the reader can refer to [7].
At the same time, grasping and manipulation primitives
have been a fundamental basis for different studies. They
are usually identified as atomic elements that can 1) be used
to compose more complex actions and 2) be employed by
high-level grasping and manipulation interfaces to hide low-
level hardware details. The pioneered work by [8] classifies a
Manipulation Task Primitive by the relative motion between
two (rigid) parts. The goal of this work was to build a library
of robot capabilities in the manipulation domain, providing
a higher level of abstraction for more complex manipulation
tasks. In [9], the Manipulation Primitives are identified as
the high-level interfaces, which choose the control signals
for their sensor-based hybrid switched-system controller. In
[10], an abstract layer of Control Primitives is built as a
vocabulary, which can be coordinated using state machines
to describe complex actions.
For what concerns relevant software for end-effector mo-
tion analysis, planning and control, several tools have been
developed in the past years. GraspIt! [11] permits to plan
grasps of a variety of objects with different hands. It includes
grasp analysis routines and control algorithms to compute
the joint forces necessary to follow the trajectory generated.
Syngrasp [12] is a MATLAB toolbox which features several
functions to investigate the grasp properties including the 1)
controllable forces and object displacement, 2) manipulabil-
ity analysis, and 3) grasp stiffness and quality measures. The
above-mentioned software tools focus on the analysis and the
synthesis of grasps, but they do not target to actually abstract
the end-effector hardware. Therefore, while the development
of the above methodologies and tools have facilitated the
control of more complex and dexterous end-effectors, a
barrier that still prevents their integration is present, and a
wider use of these end-effectors is impeded by the lack of
effective software/control components and interfaces that can
permit to abstract the end-effector hardware, enabling the
efficient and transparent integration of these end-effectors in
industrial robotics and automation lines.
This work is inspired by the above observations and
proposes the ROS End-Effector software framework, which
leverages on the concept of primitive grasping actions, that
are automatically extracted from the end-effector hardware
and configuration models. These primitives are used to
synthesize grasping and manipulation actions, effectively
enabling to control the end-effector in a subspace of reduced
dimensionality by commanding a combination of the avail-
able grasping primitives instead of each individual joint, thus
hiding the hardware details of the end-effector in use. This
concept is detailed in Section III.
The main contribution of the proposed framework is there-
fore that it effectively facilitates the integration of different
end-effectors by leveraging on a number of novel hardware
agnostic software modules that provide end-effector abstrac-
tion to the higher control layers of a robotic system through
the following unique features:
Automatic extraction of end-effector motions given the
kinematic model and configuration of the end-effector,
Automatic synthesis of primitive grasping actions given
the available end-effector motions and its hardware
configuration, e.g., the number and location of the
fingers and their possible interactions and motions com-
Simulation tools and high-level APIs for the end-
effector module based on the synthesized available
grasping actions.
The framework functionalities in abstracting and con-
trolling different robotics end-effectors are demonstrated in
simulation experiments using a number of different end-
effectors including the SCHUNK SVH [13] (kinematic-
only visualization), Robotiq 2F-1401, Robotiq 3F2and the
qb SoftHand3. Validations with real hardware have been
successfully conducted on the HERI II hand [14] demonstrat-
ing the capabilities of the ROS End-Effector framework to
3-finger- adaptive-robot- gripper
2f85-140- adaptive-robot- gripper
qb-softhand- research/
Fig. 1. Scheme of the ROS End-Effector Framework. At the top, the
Find Actions node in the offline phase generates the Grasping Actions
from the end-effector URDF and SRDF files. In the online phase, the
generated Grasping Actions are parsed by the Universal ROS End-Effector
node, which will communicate with the end-effector in use through the
End-Effector Interface and the specific Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)
implemented for the end-effector in use. The Dummy hand block represents
any simulated hand in RViZ and/or Gazebo (the SCHUNK SVH hand is
shown as an example).
seamlessly abstract and control end-effectors of very diverse
physical hardware and configurations in terms of automatic
generation and usage of the grasping primitives.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section II briefly introduces the ROS End-Effector frame-
work. Section III describes the methodology for the extrac-
tion of grasping actions and primitive motions. Section IV
discusses the grasping action command, while Section V
presents the hardware abstraction layer (HAL). Finally,
Section VI presents validation studies of the proposed frame-
work and Section VII draws the conclusions and future work
The ROS End-Effector’s framework is composed by two
main components:
An offline component, where the end-effector capa-
bilities are automatically extracted, under the form of
primitive grasping actions.
An online component, where the end-effector can ex-
ecute tasks by receiving grasping actions commands,
abstracting the low level hardware details.
An overview of the framework is depicted in Fig. 1 while
the details of the above two components are discussed in the
next sections.
Fig. 2. Primitive grasping actions extracted for SCHUNK SVH. From left
to right, in the first row: Trig (index), TipFlex (middle), FingFlex (index),
and PinchTight (thumb and middle). In the second row: PinchLoose (index
and little), MultiPinchTight 3 (thumb, index and ring), SingleJointMulti-
pleTips 3 (which uses the finger spread joint joint to move the index,ring,
and little fingers), and another SingleJointMultipleTips 3 (which uses the
thumb opposition joint to move the thumb,ring, and little fingers).
Aprimitive grasping action is a collection of fingers
movements, which are specific for each end-effector and
permit to perform the grasping of an object.
The information contained in a primitive grasping action
essentially is:
The grasping action name.
The main end-effector’s elements involved in the grasp-
ing action, e.g., a trig performed with the index finger.
The position set-points of the actuators, which describe
the particular end-effector’s pose associated with the
grasping action.
Furthermore, when commanding a primitive grasping ac-
tion, a certain 0% 100% scaling value can be set to scale
the position set-points of the actuators and perform a partial
closure of the fingers.
A. Automatic Extraction of the Primitive Grasping Actions
Aprimitive grasping action is an atomic motion of the
end-effector’s elements, that can not be decomposed into
simpler actions.
As anticipated before, the offline component of the ROS
End-Effector explores the robot model to automatically ex-
tract the primitives grasping actions. The framework aims
to be flexible when a new end-effector must be controlled,
so it requires only two configuration files representing the
robot: the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) and the
Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF), both commonly
used in ROS. The former is the standard format to describe
the robot model in ROS; the latter adds some information
that is not included in the URDF format, like defining the
fingers as kinematic chains composed by links and joints,
and selecting the non-actuated joints as passive.
We divide the primitive grasping actions into three main
categories. The trig-type primitives (which include Trig,
TipFlex, and FingFlex) are dedicated to move a single
finger or a phalanx toward the palm. The pinch-type prim-
itives (which include PinchTight,PinchLoose, and Multi-
PinchTight N) are suitable for precise grasps. With them,
the fingertips move towards each other to pick narrow or
little objects. The last category include the SingleJointMulti-
pleTips N primitive, where a single actuator moves N(2)
ATrig primitive grasping action performed with a finger
is possible if there is at least one actuator dedicated to move
only that finger, closing the whole finger toward the palm. If
a single finger is moved by more than one actuator, the end-
effector has additional motion capabilities that we embed in
the FingFlex and TipFlex primitives. Each one takes only an
actuator of the finger, the former selects the first actuator met
in the finger kinematic chain (from the palm to the fingertip),
the latter the last one. When operated, these actuators usually
flex the entire finger and the last phalange, respectively. We
extract these trigs primitives because they are useful for
synthesizing the composed grasping actions, as it is explained
in Section III-B.
For the pinch-type primitives, a collision checking is
performed, thanks to the MoveIt collision checker, which is
based on Flexible Collision Library (FCL) [15]. A PinchTight
with two fingers is possible in an end-effector, if two finger-
tips can move toward each other until they get in contact,
permitting to pinch very small objects. If some fingertips
pairs can move toward each other but without colliding at
the end (e.g., because some structural hand constraints stop
them before), we embed this characteristic in a PinchLoose,
instead of a PinchTight. The reason is that this kind of move-
ment can still be useful to pinch and grasp objects of bigger
size. We also consider the MultiplePinchTight N primitive
grasping action, which is a PinchTight but performed with
N > 2fingertips. It is important to notice that a pinch-
type primitive grasping action can not be decomposed into
Trigs, because it is not always true that two or more separate
Trigs can establish contacts between fingertips or make them
to move towards each other. When commanding the pinch-
type primitives, the 0% 100% scaling value can be set
accordingly to the dimension of the object to be pinched.
The SingleJointMultipleTips N primitive has been intro-
duced to include movements that do not fit in the above
primitive grasping actions. For example, it is suitable to
consider the characteristic of some heavily under-actuated
end-effectors (like the qb SoftHand) to close all the fingers
together with a single actuator.
The Table I summarizes the features of each primitive
grasping action considered in this work, while in Fig. 2
some of them are performed by SCHUNK SVH in a RViZ
kinematic simulation.
B. Custom Grasping Actions
After the primitive grasping actions are extracted, the
fundamental motions of the end-effector can be performed
and simple objects can be grasped. The primitives grasping
actions may be not enough though alone and more complex
TABLE I Table which recaps the characteristics of the primitive grasping actions.
Name Main Element(s) Involved Description Constraints
Trig A finger Move all finger’s actuators toward
their bounds
At least one actuator dedicated only
to the finger
TipFlex A finger Move the last actuator of the finger
toward its bound
At least two actuators dedicated
only to the finger
FingFlex A finger Move the first actuator of the finger
toward its bound
At least two actuators dedicated
only to the finger
PinchTight Two fingers Collision between two fingertips
PinchLoose Two fingers Movement of two fingertips towards each other but without collision
MultiPinchTight N N(3) fingers Collision between three or more fingertips
SingleJointMultipleTips N An actuator Move an actuator (that influences
N(2) fingertips) toward its bound
The actuator must influence the
position of N(2) fingertips
finger’s movements may be necessary. Hence, we introduced
the possibility of defining three kinds of custom grasping
actions: composed,user-defined and timed.
Composed grasping actions are defined as the composi-
tion of other grasping actions, hence the resultant actuators
set-points will be the composition of all the selected inner
grasping actions. For example, we can combine more primi-
tives from the trig category to bend only particular fingers or
phalanges to adapt optimally to the object to grasp, as done
in the last image of Fig. 4 and in the second image of Fig. 5.
User-defined grasping actions are instead created from
scratch, hence not built starting from other grasping actions.
Timed grasping actions are a collection of grasping actions
executed in sequence. They can be exploited to reach a pre-
grasping pose before actually grasp the object (as in Fig. 4),
or to execute a sequence of sub-tasks (like grasping and
triggering an electric drill, as shown in Fig. 5).
The ROS End-Effector framework provides C++ API
methods and ROS services to define the custom grasping
The grasping actions introduced in Section III, can be
selected and combined during the execution of a task. ROS
End-Effector is in charge to forward the request to the end-
effector as actuator set-point positions. During the initial-
ization, the framework parses the model and all the avail-
able grasping actions (primitive, composed, user-defined, or
timed) for the end-effector in use. From this point on, the
grasping action commands can be sent to the end-effector.
A grasping action command is composed essentially by
two fields: the name of the action and the 0% 100%
scaling value, to perform partial movements of the fingers.
To command a primitive grasping action (even if this is
part of a composed or timed grasping action), an additional
information is necessary. This is the key to recognize which
particular primitive is requested among the ones with the
same name. For the Trig we must specify the finger’s name;
for the pinch-type primitives the names of the fingers that
moves toward each other; for the singleJointMultipleTips N
the name of the actuator which moves the Nfingers.
A grasping action command must be sent as a message
through ROS actions, which are named communication chan-
nels over which nodes exchange commands and feedback
about action completion.
The communication with the real and simulated robotic
end-effectors is performed by the ROS End-Effector Hard-
ware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
This layer permits to hide the low level details of the end-
effector, like specific hardware components, protocols, and
data fields. This generalizes the way the references are sent
to the robotic end-effector and makes it simple and safe to
send a command despite all the possible different hardware
ROS End-Effector sends the actuator references to the
HAL component, and not to the end-effector directly. It is
the HAL, implemented specifically for the end-effector in
use that is responsible for the low level details, like how
to communicate with the motors. Given a new end-effector,
a new HAL must be implemented deriving the ROS End-
Effector C++ abstract class EEHal. This additional work is
kept as simple and fast as possible for the user. The user has
only to define the communication with the robot-side, while
the communication toward the ROS End-Effector main node
is already implemented in the EEHal class. In practice, only
two methods are necessary, a sense() to receive end-effector’s
data, and a move() to send actuator commands to the robotic
We have implemented a DummyHAL suitable to exploit
our framework to communicate with any simulated robotic
end-effectors in Gazebo, the de facto ROS simulator.
Another HAL is included to communicate with the real
HERI II hand, which uses the EtherCAT4protocol. For this
specific HAL, we have exploited XBot2 software middle-
ware, the successor of the XBot framework [16].
Fig. 3. All the tested end-effectors (in simulation and/or with real hardware)
from left to right: SCHUNK SVH, HERI II, qb SoftHand, Robotiq 3F,
Robotiq 2F-140.
The framework flexibility and adaptability to different end-
effectors, from simple grippers to complex human-like hands
(Fig. 3), are validated both in simulation and on real end-
effectors as reported in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
The SCHUNK SVH is a complex humanoid hand with
9 actuators and 20 DoF. The large number of possible
fingers movements in this hand permitted us to validate
the automatic extraction of primitive grasping actions. Some
resulting hand’s poses are shown in Fig. 2. Furthermore,
other tests with more complex grasping actions (i.e., com-
posed and timed grasping actions) have been conducted.
We have created a particular timed grasping action called
“timed wide grasp”, with the goal of enveloping a disk.
Due to the particularity of this object’s shape and to the
SCHUNK SVH kinematics, the fingers must be set in a
particular “pre-grasping” pose, before closing the fingers
around the disk. So, we can not perform a unique action
but we need to execute the action sequentially. The first one,
“Fing Spread”, spreads the index, the middle and the little
fingers. The second one, “Opposition”, moves the thumb
and the right part of the hand (which is attached to the
ring and the little fingers) towards each other. These are
two SingleJointMultipleTips 3 primitives: each one has one
dedicated actuator linked to three fingers. The last inner
action, “TipFlexes”, is a composed grasping action. For the
particular object’s geometry, we want the thumb to close (i.e.,
performing a Trig), and the fingertips of index and middle
fingers to flex a bit (i.e., performing two TipFlex). Therefore
we have composed these three primitives to create this last
inner action. The execution of this timed grasping action is
visible in Fig. 4.
Simpler end-effectors, like Robotiq 2F-140, Robotiq 3F,
and qb SoftHand have been tested, too. The first robot is
a 2-pad gripper with a single actuator to close the pads.
The second has three fingers and two actuated movements: a
spreading of the two adjacent fingers and a grasping which
closes all the fingers. The third has an humanoid hand shape
but with a single actuator that powers all five fingers. As for
the SCHUNK SVH, primitive grasping actions have been
extracted, custom grasping actions defined, and all of them
tested. This time the dynamic simulation (done with Gazebo)
was available.
Experiments with real hardware have been conducted with
the HERI II hand, configured with three fingers and a thumb
opposed to them. Each finger is moved by a dedicated
actuator, through a cable-driven tendon linked to all its
phalanges. As shown in the sequences of Fig. 5, we have
created a timed grasping action, “drill” to grasp and to trig
the switch of an electric drill. We have defined it inserting
three inner grasping actions. The first closes two long fingers
and the thumb, to grasp the drill’s handle but maintaining
the trigger button free. The second performs a Trig with the
remaining long finger to push the trigger, activating the drill’s
rotation. The last is the same Trig as before but with an
intensity value of zero: this causes the finger to come back
to its natural position, releasing the trigger button.
In all the above described experiments, the ROS End-
Effector framework was able to automatically extract the
primitive grasping actions for the end-effector in use (either
very complex or a simple gripper) and allowed the user to
successfully define custom grasping actions based on the
primitives ones, simply using the high-level API provided
by the framework. Both the simulation (either only kinematic
with RViZ or also dynamic with Gazebo) and real hardware
cases were validated and the user was able to command the
different end-effectors in a fully agnostic fashion with respect
to the hardware in use: in fact, the requested grasping tasks
were carried out just commanding a set of grasping actions
without specifying any motor position or current reference
for the motors of the end-effector. This proves the portability
and the ease of integration and usage on new robotic end-
effectors of the proposed framework: the grasping tasks
executed during the validation of the ROS End-Effector were
successful and permitted to obtain a stable grasp for different
kinds of objects, using different kinds of end-effectors.
This work presented ROS End-Effector, an open-source
software framework which permits to control robotic end-
effectors in an agnostic fashion by means of grasping actions,
effectively abstracting the low level hardware details of the
robotic hand in use.
The software integration of a new end-effector can be
facilitated by an offline automatic component which extracts
the primitive grasping actions from the end-effector config-
uration files. Thanks to these primitives, it is possible to
control the end-effector immediately both in simulation or in
the real hardware. Moreover, for complex end-effector and
objects, additional custom grasping actions can be defined:
composed grasping actions can be easily defined summing
the primitives extracted and other previously defined ac-
tions; user-defined grasping actions, can be constructed from
scratch. Moreover, thanks to the so-called timed grasping
actions, an ordered sequence of grasping actions can be
executed with a certain timing between each other.
Once a grasping action is defined, it can be sent to the
ROS End-Effector framework, which will “translate” it to
low level commands for the robotic hand in use, by means
of the hardware abstraction layer.
The hardware abstraction layer interface is provided to
help the user to integrate a new end-effector into the ROS
End-Effector framework, keeping its effort at minimum.
Fig. 4. A timed grasping action, “timed wide grasp” executed by SCHUNK SVH. The executions of its inner grasping actions (“FingerSpread”,
“Opposition”, and “TipFlexes”) are enlightened with the blue loading bars. The numbers above the blue loading bar indicate the seconds to wait before
and after an inner grasping action.
Fig. 5. A timed grasping action, “drill” executed by HERI II.
In any case, the framework is ready to be used with
any simulated robotic end-effector thanks to the available
The framework flexibility and adaptability have been
tested in simulation with various robotic hands, from com-
plex humanoid hands (SCHUNK SVH, kinematic only vi-
sualization), to simpler grippers (Robotiq 2F-140, Robotiq
3F, qb SoftHand). Tests with real hardware have been
conducted with HERI II. The C++ code of ROS End-Effector
is available open-source at
ADVRHumanoids/ROSEndEffector with the Apache-
2.0 License. In a parallel work [17] we have developed
methods for the so-called grasp synthesis. Given an object
and an end-effector, the task is to find how to grasp it
and to integrate this into the ROS End-Effector framework.
This will permit to define automatically the suitable set of
grasping actions which will consider both the object shape
and the end-effector used to grasp the object.
This work was supported by the European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme [grant numbers
732287 (ROS-Industrial) and 101016007 (CONCERT)] and
the Italian Fondo per la Crescita Sostenibile - Sportello “Fab-
brica intelligente”, PON I&C 2014 - 2020, project number
F/190042/01-03/X44 RELAX. The authors want to thank
Diego Vedelago and Stefano Carrozzo for the support with
the experiments on the HERI II hand and Arturo Laurenzi
for the guidance and the support in the implementation of
the software architecture.
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... This manuscript is an enhanced version of our previous work [8]. In particular, we have expanded the methods sections (Sections 4, 5 and 6), providing more details on the framework. ...
... The first two loading bars are not fully completed (to 100%) because of small final errors in the actuator positions respect to the references hand: first the drill is grasped with the "GRASP3f" action, then the drill is switched on and off with the "TrigOn" and "TrigOff" grasping actions. Please note that this experiment is part of our previous paper [8]. ...
... We have presented ROS End-Effector, an open-source software framework which facilitates the integration of robotic end-effectors, abstracting the low-level hardware details. This manuscript extends the preliminary presentation of the framework of [8]. ...
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In recent years, several robotic end-effectors have been developed and made available in the market. Nevertheless, their adoption in industrial context is still limited due to a burdensome integration, which strongly relies on customized software modules specific for each end-effector. Indeed, to enable the functionalities of these end-effectors, dedicated interfaces must be developed to consider the different end-effector characteristics, like finger kinematics, actuation systems, and communication protocols. To face the challenges described above, we present ROS End-Effector, an open-source framework capable of accommodating a wide range of robotic end-effectors of different grasping capabilities (grasping, pinching, or independent finger dexterity) and hardware characteristics. The ROS End-Effector framework, rather than controlling each end-effector in a different and customized way, allows to mask the physical hardware differences and permits to control the end-effector using a set of high-level grasping primitives automatically extracted. By leveraging on hardware agnostic software modules including hardware abstraction layer (HAL), application programming interfaces (APIs), simulation tools and graphical user interfaces (GUIs), ROS End-Effector effectively facilitates the integration of diverse end-effector devices. The proposed framework capabilities in supporting different robotics end-effectors are demonstrated in both simulated and real hardware experiments using a variety of end-effectors with diverse characteristics, ranging from under-actuated grippers to anthropomorphic robotic hands. Finally, from the user perspective, the manuscript provides a set of examples about the use of the framework showing its flexibility in integrating a new end-effector module.
... In [4], the ROS End-Effector software framework is presented: it introduces the concept of primitive grasping actions needed to abstract the hardware and the kinematics of different end-effectors and allowing the user to manually command a grasp pose. Herein, to turn it into a fully automatic control system, we propose a new generic grasp planner able to compute grasp poses for different robotics end-effectors leveraged on the concept of primitive grasping actions. ...
... Based on the specific end-effector embodiment, a set of available primitives can be extracted [4]. Hereafter, primitives will replace primitive grasping actions mentioned in the previous sections. ...
Conference Paper
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— In the past few years, several robotic end-effectors based on diverse kinematics and actuation principles have been developed to provide grasping and manipulation functionalities. To ease the control and application of these wide-ranging end-effectors, the development of effective reusable tools that can facilitate the end-effector motion planning and control is necessary. In this work, we introduce a generic grasp planner that leverages on the concept of the primitive grasping actions. Given the specific characteristics of an end-effector, including its kinematic and actuation arrangements, a number of primitive grasping actions are extracted and employed by the proposed grasp planner to autonomously plan and synthesize more complex grasping behaviours. The grasp planner is validated through experimental trials involving the HERI II robotic hand, a four-fingers tendon-driven under-actuated hand. The results of these experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method to generate appropriate planning actions enabling to grasp objects of different shapes.
Conference Paper
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— In the past few years, several robotic end-effectors based on diverse kinematics and actuation principles have been developed to provide grasping and manipulation functionalities. To ease the control and application of these wide-ranging end-effectors, the development of effective reusable tools that can facilitate the end-effector motion planning and control is necessary. In this work, we introduce a generic grasp planner that leverages on the concept of the primitive grasping actions. Given the specific characteristics of an end-effector, including its kinematic and actuation arrangements, a number of primitive grasping actions are extracted and employed by the proposed grasp planner to autonomously plan and synthesize more complex grasping behaviours. The grasp planner is validated through experimental trials involving the HERI II robotic hand, a four-fingers tendon-driven under-actuated hand. The results of these experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method to generate appropriate planning actions enabling to grasp objects of different shapes.
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This paper introduces the design of a novel under-actuated hand with highly integrated modular finger units, which can be easily reconfigured in terms of finger arrangement and number to account for the manipulation needs of different applications. Each finger module is powered by a single actuator through an under-actuated transmission and equipped with a sensory system for delicate and precise grasping, which includes absolute position measurements, contact pressure sensing at finger phalanxes and motor current readings. Finally, intrinsic elasticity integrated in the transmission system make the hand robust and adaptive to impacts when interacting with the objects and environment. This highly integrated hand (HERI II) was developed for the Centauro Robot to enable robust and resilient manipulation. A set of experiments demonstrating the hand's grasping performance were carried out and fully verified the design effectiveness of the proposed hand.
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In order to perform useful tasks, a service robot needs to manipulate objects in its environment. In this paper, we propose a method for experimental evaluation of the suitability of a robotic hand for grasping tasks in service robotics. The method is applied to the Schunk 5-Finger Gripping Hand, which is a mechatronic gripper designed for service robots. During evaluation, it is shown, that it is able to grasp various common household objects and execute the grasps from the well known Cutkosky grasp taxonomy [1]. The result is, that it is a suitable hand for service robot tasks.
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SynGrasp is a MATLAB toolbox for grasp analysis of fully or underactuated robotic hands with compliance. Compliance can be modeled at contact points, in the joints or in the actuation system including transmission. It is possible to use a Graphical User Interface or directly assemble and modify the available functions to exploit all the toolbox features. Grasps can be described either using the provided grasp planner or directly defining contact points on the hand with the respective contact normal directions. Several analysis functions have been developed to investigate the main grasp properties: control-lable forces and object displacement, manipulability analysis, grasp stiffness and grasp quality measures. Functions for the graphical representation of the hand, the object and the main analysis results are provided. The toolbox is freely available at
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We present a new collision and proximity library that integrates several techniques for fast and accurate collision checking and proximity computation. Our library is based on hierarchical representations and designed to perform multiple proximity queries on different model representations. The set of queries includes discrete collision detection, continuous collision detection, separation distance computation and penetration depth estimation. The input models may correspond to triangulated rigid or deformable models and articulated models. Moreover, FCL can perform probabilistic collision checking between noisy point clouds that are captured using cameras or LIDAR sensors. The main benefit of FCL lies in the fact that it provides a unified interface that can be used by various applications. Furthermore, its flexible architecture makes it easier to implement new algorithms within this framework. The runtime performance of the library is comparable to state of the art collision and proximity algorithms. We demonstrate its performance on synthetic datasets as well as motion planning and grasping computations performed using a two-armed mobile manipulation robot.
Conference Paper
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We present a new collision and proximity library that integrates several techniques for fast and accurate collision checking and proximity computation. Our library is based on hierarchical representations and designed to perform multiple proximity queries on different model representations. The set of queries includes discrete collision detection, continuous collision detection, separation distance computation and penetration depth estimation. The input models may correspond to triangulated rigid or deformable models and articulated models. Moreover, FCL can perform probabilistic collision checking between noisy point clouds that are captured using cameras or LIDAR sensors. The main benefit of FCL lies in the fact that it provides a unified interface that can be used by various applications. Furthermore, its flexible architecture makes it easier to implement new algorithms within this framework. The runtime performance of the library is comparable to state of the art collision and proximity algorithms. We demonstrate its performance on synthetic datasets as well as motion planning and grasping computations performed using a two-armed mobile manipulation robot.
The widespread use of robotics in new application domains beyond industrial workplace settings necessitates systems that demonstrate functionalities far exceeding those of classical industrial robotic machines. These emerging applications involve complex tasks that vary and that must be carried out within a partially unknown environment, requiring autonomy and adaptability that further increase the intricacy of the system software architecture. Meeting the demands and consequent complexity of robotic systems and their control necessitates software infrastructures that can be quickly and seamlessly adapted to these requirements, while providing transparent and standardized interfaces to robotics developers and users.
This article reports on the state of the art of artificial hands, discussing some of the field's most important trends and suggesting directions for future research. We review and group the most important application domains of robotic hands, extracting the set of requirements that ultimately led to the use of simplified actuation schemes and soft materials and structures—two themes that clearly emerge from our examination of developments over the past century. We provide a comprehensive analysis of novel technologies for the design of joints, transmissions, and actuators that enabled these trends. We conclude by discussing some important new perspectives generated by simpler and softer hands and their interaction with other aspects of hand design and robotics in general.
The term ‘synergy’ – from the Greek synergia – means ‘working together’. The concept of multiple elements working together towards a common goal has been extensively used in neuroscience to develop theoretical frameworks, experimental approaches, and analytical techniques to understand neural control of movement, and for applications for neuro-rehabilitation. In the past decade, roboticists have successfully applied the framework of synergies to create novel design and control concepts for artificial hands, i.e., robotic hands and prostheses. At the same time, robotic research on the sensorimotor integration underlying the control and sensing of artificial hands has inspired new research approaches in neuroscience, and has provided useful instruments for novel experiments.
Sensor-based reactive and hybrid approaches have proven a promising line of study to address imperfect knowledge in grasping and manipulation. However the reactive approaches are usually tightly coupled to a particular embodiment making transfer of knowledge difficult.This paper proposes a paradigm for modeling and execution of reactive manipulation actions, which makes knowledge transfer to different embodiments possible while retaining the reactive capabilities of the embodiments. The proposed approach extends the idea of control primitives coordinated by a state machine by introducing an embodiment independent layer of abstraction. Abstract manipulation primitives constitute a vocabulary of atomic, embodiment independent actions, which can be coordinated using state machines to describe complex actions. To obtain embodiment specific models, the abstract state machines are automatically translated to embodiment specific models, such that full capabilities of each platform can be utilized.The strength of the manipulation primitives paradigm is demonstrated by developing a set of corresponding embodiment specific primitives for object transport, including a complex reactive grasping primitive. The robustness of the approach is experimentally studied in emptying of a box filled with several unknown objects. The embodiment independence is studied by performing a manipulation task on two different platforms using the same abstract description.