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Analysis of Longitudinal Force of Beam and Rail of Continuously Welded Rails (CWR) on Railway Bridge


Abstract and Figures

To study the longitudinal force of CWR on viaduct, a track-bridge-pier finite element model is established. Taking a multi-span simply supported beam with a maximum span of 32.7m of an elevated CWR as an example, the additional expansion and contraction forces, displacement between rail and beam and the force of pier are calculated, and whether the rail stress meets the requirements when setting constant resistance fasteners is checked. The results show that: (1) For the left and right lines, the maximum additional expansion forces of single strand rail are both 211.13kN, and the maximum relative displacements between beam and rail are both 6.572mm. (2) The maximum value of the additional expansion and contraction forces and the relative displacement between beam and rail of the same line occur at the same position. The left line is at ZFZ29 pier and the right line is at ZFS31 pier. (3) The maximum force of pier in this section is 500.80kN, and the pier numbers are ZFZ27 and ZFS29. (4) The rail stress is less than the allowable stress of 352MPa, and the rail strength meets the requirements.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Analysis of Longitudinal Force of Beam and Rail of Continuously Welded
Rails (CWR) on Railway Bridge
To cite this article: Zhiping Zeng et al 2022 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2148 012065
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ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
Analysis of Longitudinal Force of Beam and Rail of
Continuously Welded Rails (CWR) on Railway Bridge
Zhiping Zeng1, 2, Ji Hu1, Qiang Zeng 1, Zhibin Huang1, 3*,Huatuo Yin4 and Hui
1 School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075,
2 MOE Key Laboratory of Engineering Structure of Heavy Haul Railway, Central
South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China
3 Southeast Coastal Railway (Fujian) Co., Ltd, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350001, China
4 Guangzhou Metro Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou, Guangdong
510010, China
Abstract. To study the longitudinal force of CWR on viaduct, a track-bridge-pier finite
element model is established. Taking a multi-span simply supported beam with a maximum
span of 32.7m of an elevated CWR as an example, the additional expansion and contraction
forces, displacement between rail and beam and the force of pier are calculated, and whether
the rail stress meets the requirements when setting constant resistance fasteners is checked. The
results show that: (1) For the left and right lines, the maximum additional expansion forces of
single strand rail are both 211.13kN, and the maximum relative displacements between beam
and rail are both 6.572mm. (2) The maximum value of the additional expansion and
contraction forces and the relative displacement between beam and rail of the same line occur
at the same position. The left line is at ZFZ29 pier and the right line is at ZFS31 pier. (3) The
maximum force of pier in this section is 500.80kN, and the pier numbers are ZFZ27 and
ZFS29. (4) The rail stress is less than the allowable stress of 352MPa, and the rail strength
meets the requirements.
1. Introduction
Under the influence of train load, temperature change and other factors, the rail and beam will have
longitudinal interaction, produce relative displacement and additional internal force [1-3].
The researches on Continuously Welded Rails (CWR) on bridge mainly study the longitudinal
interaction mechanism between track and bridge and the structural design of track and bridge to ensure
that the track and bridge structure meet the requirements of strength and stability under temperature
and train load [4-5].
In this paper, taking the CWR on a viaduct as an example, the spatial structure model is established
by using the finite element software ANSYS [6-8], and the longitudinal mechanical properties are
calculated and analyzed, which could provide a reference basis for the design of laying CWR on the
ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
2. Track-Bridge-Pier Finite Element Calculation Model
2.1. Model Assumptions and Treatment
The finite element model of beam-rail interaction under temperature change is established. There is no
regulator in the design scheme, and the longitudinal force of CWR is calculated according to the
concrete simply supported beam. In order to eliminate the influence of boundary conditions, 180 m
subgrade sections are set at both ends. The rail and bridge are simulated by beam element respectively,
the vertical characteristic of the fastener is simulated by linear spring element, and the longitudinal
characteristic of the fastener is simulated by nonlinear spring. The spring action direction is to prevent
the displacement of rail relative to sleeper.
2.2. Model Parameters
2.2.1. Bridge Parameters. The finite element model of track-bridge structure is established based on
ANSYS. The ballastless track structure is adopted. The bridge is a simply supported beam bridge, and
the bearings are arranged in the form of ‘fixed-movable', the basic parameters of the bridge are shown
in table 1.
Table 1. Bridge parameters.
Pier number
Left line
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Right line
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
Fixed- Movable
2.2.2. Track Structure Parameters
(1) Standard 60kg/m rail is adopted, and the elastic modulus of rail is 2.06×105Mpa, the cross-
sectional area of a single rail is 77.45cm2; The linear expansion coefficient is taken as 1.18×10-5/℃.
(2) SFC type constant resistance fastener is adopted, the fastener spacing is 0.6m, the longitudinal
resistance of fastener is taken as 9kN for each group, and the slip value is 2mm.
(3) The elastic modulus of concrete bridge is 35.5GPa, and the linear expansion coefficient of
concrete beam is 1×10-5 /℃ calculation.
ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
(4)According to Code for Design of Railway Continuous Welded Rail (TB 10015-2012) [9], the
maximum rail temperature in this area is 61.7 and the minimum rail temperature is - 1.7 ℃. The
daily temperature difference of concrete beam is calculated as 30 ℃, the locking rail temperature is
selected as 30 ± 5 ℃, and the maximum temperature change range is 36.7 ℃.
2.2.3. Model Establishment. The overall beam and rail interaction models are shown in figure 2.
(a) Left line ZFZ9~ZFZ14
(b) Left lineZFZ27~ZFZ29
(c) Right lineZFS9~ZFS14
(d) Right lineZFS29~ZFS31
Figure 2. Finite element model of expansion force and temperature force of beam rail interaction.
3. Calculation and Analysis
3.1. Calculation of Additional Expansion and Contraction Force of Rail, Relative Displacement
Between Beam and Rail And The Force of Pier
When the concrete bridge temperature rises 30 ℃, the additional expansion and contraction forces of
the rails and relative displacements between the beam and rail are shown in figure 3 to 10. The force
of each pier is shown in table 2.
0 100 200 300 400 500
Displacement (mm)
Rail coordinate (m)
Figure 3. Additional expansion and
contraction force of left rail (ZFZ9~ZFZ14).
Figure 4. Relative displacement of left track
between the beam and rail (ZFZ9~ZFZ14).
ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
0 100 200 300 400
Force (kN)
Rail coordinate (m)
0 100 200 300 400
Displacement (mm)
Rail coordinate (m)
Figure 5. Additional expansion and
contraction force of left rail (ZFZ27~ZFZ29).
Figure 6. Relative displacement of left track
between the beam and rail (ZFZ9~ZFZ14).
0100 200 300 400 500
Force (kN)
Rail coordinate (m)
0 100 200 300 400 500
Displacement (mm)
Rail coordinate (m)
Figure 7. Additional expansion and
contraction force of left rail (ZFS9~ZFS14).
Figure 8. Relative displacement of left track
between the beam and rail (ZFS9~ZFS14).
0 100 200 300 400
Force (kN)
Rail coordinate (m)
0 100 200 300 400
Displacement (mm)
Rail coordinate (m)
Figure 9. Additional expansion and
contraction force of left rail (ZFS29~ZFS31).
Figure 10. Relative displacement of left track
between the beam and rail (ZFS29~ZFS31).
According to figure 2 to 9, for the left line, the maximum additional expansion force on the single
strand rail is 211.13kN, which occurs at the pier numbered ZFZ29; The maximum relative
displacement between beam and rail also occurs at this position, which is 6.572mm. For the right line,
the maximum additional expansion force on the single strand rail is 211.13kN, which occurs at the pier
ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
numbered ZFS31; The maximum relative displacement between beam and rail also occurs at this
position, which is 6.572mm. Therefore, for the left and right lines, the values of the maximum
additional expansion force of single strand rail and the values of the maximum relative displacement
between beam and rail are the same. The maximum value of the additional expansion and contraction
forces and the relative displacement between beam and rail for each line occur at the same position.
As is shown in table 2, the maximum force of pier in the section is 500.80kN, and the pier numbers
are ZFZ27 and ZFS29.
Table 2. Longitudinal force of pier (kN / rail).
Pier number
Pier number
Therefore, in the design, construction and maintenance of CWR on the bridge, more attention
should be paid to the bridge-track structure at these piers, ZFZ29, ZFS31, ZFZ27 and ZFS29.
3.2. Checking and Calculation of Rail Strength
Each rail shall have sufficient strength to ensure that it will not fail under the joint action of dynamic
bending stress, temperature stress, expansion additional stress, train starting / braking stress and other
additional stresses. At this time, the sum of various stresses borne by the rail shall not exceed the
specified allowable value [], and the calculation formula is shown in formula (1):
dtzf [] (1)
d  Maximum dynamic bending tensile stress of rail (MPa);
t  Temperature stress (MPa);
f  Maximum additional stress on rail (MPa);
z  Traction (braking) stress on rail (MPa);
[]  the allowable stress of rail (MPa), according to Code for Design of Railway Continuous
Welded Rail (TB 10015-2012) [9]. The yield strength of U71Mn rail is 457MPa, and the safety factor
K=1.3, so []=352MPa.
The checking calculation of rail strength is shown in table 3.
Table 3. Statistics of rail stress (MPa).
bending stress
expansion stress
braking stress
ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
It can be seen from the table that the sum of tensile stress and compressive stress borne by the rail
is 250.07MPa and 284.71MPa, both less than the allowable stress 352MPa, and the rail strength meets
the requirements.
4. Conclusion
Taking the CWR on the multi-span simply supported beam bridge as an example, the following
conclusions can be drawn after analyzing the longitudinal mechanical properties of the beam-rail
interaction model:
(1) For the left line, the maximum additional expansion force on the single strand rail is 211.13kN,
which occurs at the pier numbered ZFZ29; The maximum relative displacement between beam and
rail also occurs at this position, which is 6.572mm. For the right line, the maximum additional
expansion force on the single strand rail is 211.13kN, which occurs at the pier numbered ZFS31; The
maximum relative displacement between beam and rail also occurs at this position, which is 6.572mm.
(2) For the left and right lines, the values of the maximum additional expansion force of single
strand rail and the values of the maximum relative displacement between beam and rail are the same.
(3) The maximum value of the additional expansion and contraction forces and the relative
displacement between beam and rail for each line occur at the same position, and both are located at
the pier.
(4) The maximum stress of pier in the section is 500.80kN, and the pier numbers are ZFZ27 and
(5) The total tensile stress borne by the rail is 250.07MPa, and the total compressive stress borne by
the rail is 284.71MPa, both less than the allowable stress 352MPa, so the rail strength meets the
The work described here has been supported by the Project of Science and Technology Research and
Development Plan of China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd (Grant 202007). To smoothly
complete this paper, I would like to sincerely thank my teacher for his guidance, my senior fellow
disciples for answering some questions and solving some doubts for me, and my friends for their help
and encouragement when I felt depressed. I really feel very lucky to meet them on my growth path!
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ICPEM 2021
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2148 (2022) 012065
IOP Publishing
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(in Chinese)
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Geometric nonlinearity (GN) and initial internal forces (IIFs) are the basic characteristics of cable-stayed bridges, but now there is no effective method for analyzing the effect of them on bridge-track interaction of continuous welded rail (CWR) on cable-stayed bridge. A method for reconstructing the displacement-force curve of ballast longitudinal resistance was put forward according to the deformation of cable-stayed bridges under the completed bridge state. A feasibility study on the method was conducted via two aspects of the force and deformation of CWR on a 5 × 40 m single-line simple-supported beam bridge with initial deformation. With the multi-element modeling method and the updated Lagrangian formulation method, a rail-beam-cable-tower 3D calculation model considering the GN and IIFs of cable-stayed bridge was established. Taking a (140 + 462 + 1092 + 462 + 140 m) twin-tower cable-stayed bridge as an example, the impacts of GN and IIFs on bridge-track interaction were comparatively analyzed. The results show that the method put forward to reconstruct ballast longitudinal resistance can prevent the impact of initial deformation of bridge and makes it possible to consider the effect of IIFs of cable-stayed bridge on bridge-track interaction. The GN and IIFs play important roles in the calculation of rail longitudinal force due to vertical bending of bridge deck under train load and the variance of cable force due to negative temperature changes in bridge decks and rails with rail breaking, and the two factors can reduce rail longitudinal force and variance of cable force by 11.8% and 14.6%, respectively. The cable-stayed bridge can be simplified as a continuous beam bridge with different constraints at different locations, when rail longitudinal force due to positive temperature changes in bridge deck and train braking is calculated.
Conference Paper
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The objective of the paper is to review railroad live loads in the United States. Railroad bridges are privately owned and the design codes are specified by American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA). Over the years, there has been a considerable growth of railroad loads and, therefore, many older bridges were designed for live load that is much lower than what is required in the current design code. The paper provides the historical development of the design railroad loads, load combinations, dynamic load and fatigue load. The knowledge of loading spectra to which railway bridges are currently being subjected, rather than the design load, is essential to perform a proper evaluation of an existing structure. Estimation of stress cycles requires a statistical load model. Therefore, the design load is presented along with the actual railroad loads based on the measurements using wayside load detectors. The statistical parameters of railcar weights, truck and axle loads include the mean and standard deviation or coefficient of variation. In addition to static loading, load spectra are considered for dynamic loads and fatigue.
Additional axial stresses in the rail are developed due to the influence of the track-bridge interaction (TBI) when the CWR (Continuous Welded Rail) track is used in the railway bridge. This is the main reason of the length limitation of railway bridge and an increase in the construction cost. Also, the track-bridge interaction analysis should be performed in order to examine the influence of track-bridge interaction. Several standards specifies analysis methods and limit values for TBI to guarantee the safety design of railway track. However, the interaction effects are not fully understood yet due to the uncertainty of ballasted track. Thus, the interaction effects should be investigated and verified based on the field test results. In this paper, the measurement and analysis method for the track-bridge interaction was proposed. For this, the measurement system was developed considering the parameters causing the track-bridge interaction, and the track-bridge interaction response caused by temperature change was measured and analyzed. From the results, the track-bridge interaction phenomenon can be fully analyzed and quantified through the measurement system presented in this study. In addition, finite element analysis was conducted and the results were compared with the measured track-bridge interaction response.
As a new type of ballastless track, longitudinal continuous slab track (CST) has been widely used in China. It can partly isolate the interaction between the ballastless track and the bridge and thus the rail expansion device would be unnecessary. Compared with the traditional track, CST is composed of multi layers of continuous structures and various connecting components. In order to investigate the performance of CST on a long-span bridge, the spatial finite element model considering each layer of the CST structure, connecting components, bridge, and subgrade is established and verified according to the theory of beam-rail interaction. The nonlinear resistance of materials between multilayer track structures is measured by experiments, while the temperature gradients of the bridge and CST are based on the long-term measured data. This study compares the force distribution rules of ballasted track and CST as respectively applied to a long span bridge. The effects of different damage conditions on CST structures are also discussed. The results show that the additional rail stress is small and the CST structure has a high safety factor under the measured temperature load. The rail expansion device can be cancelled when CST is adopted on the long span bridge. Beam end rotation caused by temperature gradient and vertical load will have a significant effect on the rail stress of CST. The additional flexure stress should be considered with the additional expansion stress simultaneously when the rail stress of CST requires to be checked. Both the maximum sliding friction coefficient of sliding layer and cracking condition of concrete plate should be considered to decide the arrangement of connecting components and the ultimate expansion span of the bridge when adopting CST.
This paper describes a study on the behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jacketed square concrete columns subjected to eccentric loading. The effect of strain gradient on the behavior of concrete columns confined by the FRP jacket was investigated through experimental and numerical analysis methods. Nine (108 x 108 x 305 mm) square concrete column stubs with zero, one, and two plies of unidirectional carbon FRP fabric were tested under axial compressive loading. In addition to the FRP jacket thickness, the effects of various eccentricities were examined. The nonlinear finite-element analysis results were compared and validated against the experimental test results. The results show that the FRP jacket can greatly enhance the strength and ductility of concrete columns under eccentric loading and that the strain gradient reduces the retrofit efficiency of the FRP jacket for concrete columns. Therefore, a smaller enhancement factor should be used in designing FRP-jacketed columns under eccentric loading. Furthermore, the nonlinear finite-element models established in this study can be used as templates for future research work on FRP-confined concrete columns.
Research about mechanical characteristics of position restriction structure on beam end of CRTSI slab ballastless track on long-span bridge[C]
  • Wei
Research about mechanical characteristics of position restriction structure on beam end of CRTSI slab ballastless track on long-span bridge
  • F Wei
  • L Gao
  • L Zhao
Wei F, Gao L, Zhao L, et al. 2014 Research about mechanical characteristics of position restriction structure on beam end of CRTSI slab ballastless track on long-span bridge[C] ICRE, Beijing 191-200.
Quantification of Ballasted Track-bridge Interaction Behavior Due to the Temperature Variation through Field Measurements
  • Y Bae
  • M Hamad
Bae Y, Hamad M. 2019 Quantification of Ballasted Track-bridge Interaction Behavior Due to the Temperature Variation through Field Measurements [J] NDT and E International 103 (12) 84-97.
A Finite Element Model of Vehicle-Cable Stayed Bridge Interaction Considering Braking and Acceleration
  • N Xuan
Xuan N. 2014 A Finite Element Model of Vehicle-Cable Stayed Bridge Interaction Considering Braking and Acceleration: The 2014 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research, Busan Korea[C].