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Vol. 5 | Issue 2 | December 2021
Nepalese Journal of Zoology 5(2):86–89 86
ISSN: 2705-4403 (Print) & 2705-4411 (Online)
Short Communication
First observational record of Siberian weasel Mustela sibirica
Pallas, 1773 in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, Nepal
Hari Basnet*1 | Deepa Lama2 | Manju Shree Thakur2 | Prakriti Rajbhandari2 | Rejina
Bista2 | Rona Vaidya2 | Prakash Chandra Aryal2
1Nepalese Ornithological Union, Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal
2GoldenGate International College, Wisdom Tower, Kathmandu, Nepal
* Correspondence:
Siberian weasel Mustela sibirica Pallas, 1773 is one of the least known small carnivores
in Nepal. Only a few authenticated localities of Siberian weasel are known to exist in
Nepal. In March 2021, a week-long field trip to the Dhorpatan Valley documented the
first confirmed record of Siberian weasel in Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve in Western
Keywords: Dhorpatan Valley, Mustelidae, Mammals, Opportunistic record,
1 | Introduction
Siberian weasel
Mustela sibirica
Pallas, 1773 is one of
the six weasel species
(Mountain weasel M.
altaica, stoat M.
erminea, yellow-
bellied weasel M.
kathiah, stripe-backed weasel M. strigidorsa, and
steppe polecat M. eversmanii) that are reported to
occur in Nepal (Jnawali et al. 2011; Chetri et al.
2014). However, occurrence of striped-backed
weasel is not confirmed in Nepal (Abramov et al.
2008; Thapa 2014) whereas, stoat has been
excluded from the Nepal’s list (Mitchell 1975;
Thapa 2014; Reid 2016). Siberian weasel is listed as
Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species (Abramov et al. 2016). Jnawali et al. (2011)
categorized the species as Least Concern in Nepal
based on its wide distribution having a large
population and lack of any identified major
threats. Siberian weasel inhabits a wide range of
habitats, including dense forests, primary and
secondary deciduous, coniferous and mixed
forests, rhododendron forests, river valleys, and
human settlements (Jnawali et al. 2011; Menon
2014). The main diet comprises of small mammals
such as voles, squirrels, mice, and pikas, as well as
amphibians, fish, and carrion (Abramov et al.
2016). It is reported to occur across Nepal with
specific records from Annapurna Conservation
Area (ACA), Shey Phoksundo National Park, Rara
National Park, Sagarmatha National Park (Jnawali
et al. 2011), Makalu Barun National Park (Jnawali
et al. 2011; Ghimirey et al. 2014), Manaslu CA
(Katuwal et al. 2013), Apinampa Conservation
Area (Yadav et al. 2018). Outside the protected
areas, the species has been reported from Humla
and Mugu districts (Ghimirey et al. 2014; Yadav et
al. 2018). However, to date, there has been no
sighting and photographic record of this species in
Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve (DHR) prior to the
Suggested citation: Basnet, H.,
Lama, D., Thakur, M. S.,
Rajbhandari, P., Vaidya, R. and
Aryal, P. C. 2021. First observational
record of Siberian weasel Mustela
sibirica Pallas, 1773 in Dhorpatan
Hunting Reserve, Nepal. Nepalese
Journal of Zoology 5(2):86–89.
Article History:
Received: 20 September 2021
Revised: 22 November 2021
Accepted: 09 December 2021
Publisher’s note: The editorial
board and the publisher of the
NJZ remain neutral to the
opinions expressed and are not
responsible for the accuracy of the
results and maps presented by the
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors
Licensee: Central Department of
Zoology, Tribhuvan University,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Zoology 5(2) Basnet et al.
present records. Thus, this note reports the first
sighting of the Siberian weasel from Dhorpatan
Valley within the DHR.
2 | Materials and methods
2.1 | Study area
This study was conducted in the Dhorpatan valley,
which is located in south-east corner of DHR. DHR
is known for its regulated trophy hunting of the
blue sheep Pseudois nayaur and Himalayan tahr
Hemitragus jemlahicus. The major occupations of
the locals of Dhorpatan Valley are potato
cultivation and livestock rearing. The human
population of the Dhorpatan Valley has expanded
since the valley's roadways were connected. This
draws a significant number of visitors who spend
a few days traveling around the valley, affecting
Dhorpatan Valley's biodiversity.
2.2 | Field survey
The field survey was conducted in the last week of
March to access the bird diversity in the Dhorpatan
Valley. Three habitat types were chosen in which
Figure 1. Siberian weasel distribution in Nepal. Red star represents the location of the species observation in the
Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve.
Figure 2. A, Siberian weasel coming out of stone crevices; B, Clear black tip, uniform body color, dark chocolate coloration
on the snout are identifiable characteristics of the species (Photo by: Hari Basnet).
Nepalese Journal of Zoology 5(2) Basnet et al.
three transects each of one kilometer length was
overlaid. Aside from bird surveys, opportunistic
encounters with any other species were taken into
account. The field scanning was done with an
Asika 8×42 binoculars and photograph was taken
using Nikon P900 with occurrence data recorded
using Garmin eTrex 10 GPS.
3 | Results
On 29 March 2021 at 09:34 AM, we were counting
birds in the Syalpakhe area (28.5048°E, 83.0383°N,
2,956 m asl), around 2.5 km North-West of the
DHR headquarter in Dhorpatan Valley (Fig. 1). We
were stopped by fast movements of the two
Royle’s pika Ochotona roylei on stone fence at the
edge of farmland. At first glance, we noticed a
weasel entering the stone crevices, causing the
pikas to flee (Fig. 2A). The weasel has uniform light
orange body color with light pale coloration in its
chest, white flecks in the muzzle, dark chocolate
patch from its snout to eyes and clear black tail tip
suggesting the species to be Siberian weasel (Fig.
2B). The morphological characteristics is similar as
described by the Menon (2014). We stood for about
two minutes, and the weasel entered the crevices
four times, chasing the pikas without being
bothered by our presence, although, we were less
than 10 meters away.
The surrounding area was shrubby with thorny
bushes and juniper saplings, a few scattered
houses and farmland surrounded by stone fences
to keep out wild animals, particularly wild boar
Sus scrofa and domestic cattle.
4 | Discussion
Dhorpatan Valley is the main entry point to the
hunting reserve headquarter and the most
accessible area to researchers in DHR. But previous
scientific literature and other study documents
from the reserve have not reported its presence,
implying that current species record is the first one
from the reserve. Furthermore, the species is rare
in the valley, as the authors never saw the species
despite having visited the area each year for
research and a week’s long field trips.
The vegetation in the valley is characterized by
Abies spectabilis, Rhododendron spp., Toona spp.,
Picea spp., Quercus spp., Acer spp. and Cupressus
spp. (Lelliot 1981). Seasonal snowfall occurs
during winter and maximum precipitation occurs
in July and August (Singh et al. 2011; Basnet 2015).
In the valley, dry agriculture practices, widespread
grazing of horses and cattle with seasonal
concentrations during spring and autumn are
prominent features. Valley floor is dominated by
grazing wetland and fringe area has settlements
with agriculture field. The agriculture fields are
protected by raising stone walls to prevent crop
raiding by cattle and wildlife. These stone fences
are beneficial to the pika population. Pikas were
sighted in several location along the trails in the
valley and thus it is likely that few more Siberian
weasels might exist if a species-focused survey is
conducted at an appropriate time.
Only a few authenticated localities of Siberian
weasel are known to exist in Nepal (Ghimirey &
Acharya 2012; Ghimirey et al. 2014), indicating its
rarity. Its conservation status in Nepal has to be re-
evaluated. Furthermore, the species necessitates
more attention, including behavioral and
ecological study. Furthermore, locals have limited
conservation knowledge as they were involved in
hunting and snaring of threatened species like
cheer pheasant (Catreus wallichii) in the valley
(Basnet et al. 2020). As a result, increasing local
conservation knowledge could help to ensure the
survival of this rare species in the valley, which
would then aid in ecologically based rodent
management because the species predates pikas
and other rodents in the valley that raid agriculture
crops like potato and wheat.
5 | Conclusions
Our survey records the first confirmation record of
Siberian Weasel from Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve.
However, a species-specific survey of the Siberian
Weasel would be beneficial in understanding the
species' ecological and behavioural information,
which is scarce in Nepal.
Nepalese Journal of Zoology 5(2) Basnet et al.
We thank Mr. Sanjan Thapa for the species
confirmation. We also thank M.Sc. environmental
science students (Batch: 2075 BS) and GoldenGate
International College, Kathmandu for supporting
the field visit.
Conflicts of interest
Authors declare no conflict of interest.
Authors’ contributions
All the authors collected the data and reviewed the
literature. Basnet, H. and Aryal, P. C. wrote the
manuscript and all the authors provided
suggestions and feedback and gave final approval
for publication.
Hari Basnet:
Deepa Lama:
Manju Shree Thakur:
Prakriti Rajbhandari:
Rejina Bista:
Rona Vaidya:
Prakash C. Aryal:
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