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The Effect of Employee Performance on Consumer Satisfaction at Setia Hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya


Abstract and Figures

Employee performance basically has a big influence on the company's contribution in terms of the quality of service provided to consumers. Employee performance is one of the main assets that must be owned by the company, especially the hotel business where the aim is to measure customer satisfaction. Quality performance will create comfort and satisfaction for consumers. But the fact is that often the problem in the field is the opposite. This study aims to analyze the influence of employee performance on customer satisfaction at Hotel Setia Puruk Cahu Murung Raya. The type and research approach used is quantitative research, with data collection techniques through: Observation, Interview, and Questionnaire/Questionnaire. Data analysis techniques: Simple Linear Regression Test, Hypothesis Test (t test) and Determination Test (R Square test). From the results of the analysis that the researchers did, it can be concluded that the variable "Employee Performance (Y) has a positive influence on the variable "Consumer Satisfaction" (X) where in a simple linear regression test it is found that every additional unit of Employee Performance Variable will increase satisfaction. Consumers are 0.441 or 44.1%, and the t test shows that the influence of employee performance on customer satisfaction at Hotel Setia Puruk Cahu Murung Raya is very significant where the significant value is 0.001 which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, then the influence of employee performance is also classified as high on consumer satisfaction, which is equal to 0.614 or 61.4%.
Content may be subject to copyright.
International Journal of Social Science and Business
Volume 5, Number 3, 2021, pp. 399-409
P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409
Open Access:
*Corresponding author.
The Effect of Employee Performance on Consumer Satisfaction
at Setia Hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya
Rinto Alexandro1*, Tonich Uda2, Fendy Hariatama H.3, Uci Lestari4
1,2,3,4 Prodi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Employee performance basically has a big influence on the company's
contribution in terms of the quality of service provided to consumers.
Employee performance is one of the main assets that must be owned by the
company, especially the hotel business where the aim is to measure customer
satisfaction. Quality performance will create comfort and satisfaction for
consumers. But the fact is that often the problem in the field is the opposite.
This study aims to analyze the influence of employee performance on customer
satisfaction at Hotel Setia Puruk Cahu Murung Raya. The type and research
approach used is quantitative research, with data collection techniques
through: Observation, Interview, and Questionnaire/Questionnaire. Data
analysis techniques: Simple Linear Regression Test, Hypothesis Test (t test)
and Determination Test (R Square test). From the results of the analysis that
the researchers did, it can be concluded that the variable "Employee
Performance (Y) has a positive influence on the variable "Consumer
Satisfaction" (X) where in a simple linear regression test it is found that every
additional unit of Employee Performance Variable will increase satisfaction.
Consumers are 0.441 or 44.1%, and the t test shows that the influence of
employee performance on customer satisfaction at Hotel Setia Puruk Cahu
Murung Raya is very significant where the significant value is 0.001 which
means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, then the influence of employee
performance is also classified as high on consumer satisfaction, which is equal
to 0.614 or 61.4%.
The hotel business is very promising, this encourages many entrepreneurs to open a hotel service
business. The hotel business which is engaged in lodging accommodation has been growing and there are
more and more hotel buildings in every city, both in big cities and in small cities (Pramono, 2016; Zhao &
Zhou, 2020). For a long time, the hotel business is considered a profitable business and is always developing.
However, to maximize comfort both for the company in terms of pursuing profits and for consumers to get
satisfaction from the services provided by employees, so researchers feel this research needs to be done. In
addition, previous research has also shown good results to be used as a reference for entrepreneurs to
develop and advance their business by paying attention to the performance of their employees to provide
satisfaction to consumers (Hadiwijaya, 2018; Insyroh et al., 2018). The results show that the communication
and service quality variables have a positive and significant influence on the performance of the
Bhayangkara Palembang Nurse Hospital. The communication variable has a more dominant influence on
the performance of the Bhayangkara Palembang Nurse Hospital in the comparison of service quality
variables. Furthermore, service quality, product and price have a positive and significant effect on customer
satisfaction (Insyroh et al., 2018; Petricia & Syahputra, 2015). Every company in running a business
certainly cannot be separated from efforts to achieve the planned goals (Virgiawansyah et al., 2016;
Wardhana et al., 2017). The success or failure of a company in achieving these goals is influenced by the
ability of management to see current and future opportunities and opportunities.
Performance is a term derived from the word job performance or actual performance, namely
(work achievement or actual achievement achieved by someone), employee performance is the result of
work (output) both quality and quantity achieved by an employee per unit of time (Kusuma & Ardana, 2014;
Mangkunegara, 2015). Performance is basically what employees do or don't do that affects the company's
contribution, including the quality services provided. Job improvement strategy is a company's way to
Article history:
Received July 20, 2021
Revised July 23, 2021
Accepted August 11, 2021
Available online August 25, 2021
Employee Performance,
Become a Consumer,
This is an open access article under the
CC BY-SA license.
Copyright © 2021 by Author. Published by
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 400
IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409
improve employee performance in order to achieve company goals (Pramulaso, 2020; Widodo, 2014). In
order for the work improvement strategy to be successful, the company needs to know the performance
targets. Performance targets that are set are specific individuals, in all areas of projects, processes, routine
activities will be the responsibility of employees (Mangkunegara, 2015). If performance goals are grown
from within the employee will form a self-strength and if the work environment situation also promotes it,
it will be easier to achieve the desired performance. Improving company performance can be achieved
through increasing human resources owned by hotel managers (Rahayu & Saryanti, 2014). Human
resources are needed by companies because they are one of the important assets that help companies to
achieve goals, human resource management essentially plays a role in recruiting, screening, training,
rewarding and evaluating. In addition, HR management as a strategy in implementing management
functions, namely planning, organizing, leading and controlling in every activity of the organization (Joo &
Lee, 2017; Masri & Jaaron, 2017). Human resources in question are hotel human resources, namely a person
or group of people who are involved in the operational activities of a hotel who play a role in the effort to
produce and create products / services to meet the needs of hotel customers.
Hotel developments also occurred in the Murung Raya Puruk Cahu district, new hotels sprung up
in Puruk Cahu and compete with each other to offer various facilities, quality, services and other advantages
to provide added value to the services they offer. Hotel Setia is one of the hotels in Puruk Cahu Murung Raya,
which provides a wide range of facilities, quality and services. Because this hotel business is a business that
not only sells products but also sells services, apart from paying attention to product quality, they also pay
attention to the performance of their employees, especially in serving hotel consumers. One of the ways this
hotel is to create customer satisfaction is by implementing 6 components of employee performance
assessment, consisting of work quality, quantity of work, punctuality, effectiveness, independence, and
work commitment. The purpose of the first employee performance appraisal, namely the quality of work,
is to review the quality of each employee in carrying out their duties which include suitability, neatness and
completeness. The suitability in question is that employees must adhere to the work plan set by the hotel
with predetermined goals or objectives, while neatness is the accuracy of employees both in serving every
complaint and consumer request as well as in doing other work such as cleaning rooms, providing breakfast,
as well as in welcoming consumers, and furthermore neatness where employees are required to always pay
attention to appearance with the aim that consumers do not feel uncomfortable and disturbed by the
appearance of employees.
The purpose of the second assessment, which is the quantity of work, is that employees are
required to provide the same service to all consumers without discriminating, because if consumers are
treated equally then no consumer will feel disadvantaged and this can also provide satisfaction for
consumers. Next is punctuality, where employees are required to be disciplined, the meaning of the word
discipline here is that employees must arrive at the hotel before working hours start, employees must
always maintain the cleanliness of the hotel room so that if there are consumers who want to stay, they
don't have to wait long, because this can reduce The mood and sense of customer satisfaction with the
service at the hotel, the punctuality of employees in providing breakfast for consumers and the
responsiveness of employees in serving any complaints and consumer requests are also important.
Effectiveness means that employees must work optimally in responding to every complaint and consumer
request, and they must also try their best to serve consumers to avoid fatal mistakes that might damage the
mood of consumers, because consumers will tend to be dissatisfied with the employee's performance and
ultimately can reduce their interest to stay at the hotel again. Independence means that employees are
required to be independent in doing their respective jobs, because it can cause work delays if an employee
is too dependent on his colleagues which may eventually make consumers have to wait a long time, this can
also affect customer satisfaction. Work commitment means that employees must be able to work in
accordance with the work commitments they agreed with the hotel, and employees are also required to
carry out their responsibilities, especially in serving consumers.
The design of this research begins with a quantitative problem and limits the problems in the
problem formulation. The formulation of the problem is stated in the question sentence, then the researcher
uses the theory to answer it. Rresearch design has to be specific, clear and detailed, determined steadily
from the start, as a guide step by step (Sugiyono, 2014). The research design links the variables X and Y
variables. This study consists of two variables, namely the independent variable (X) namely employee
performance and the variable (Y) namely customer satisfaction. This research was conducted at the Setia
Puruk Hotel Cahu Murung Raya, the population in this study were all consumers who stayed at the Setia
Puruk Hotel Cahu Murung Raya in June 2019 to be exact, totaling 430 consumers. The sample in this study
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 401
Rinto Alexandro1, Tonich Uda2, Fendy Hariatama H.3, Uci Lestari4 / The Effect of Employee Performance on Consumer
Satisfaction at Setia Hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya
was the consumers who stayed at the loyal Puruk Cahu Murung Raya hotel in June 2019 as many as 43
people, namely 10% of the 430 consumers. Setia Hotel is one of so many hotels in Puruk Cahu City, Murung
Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Located at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 211 Puruk Cahu which
was established on 7 March 2010 by Mr. H. Barlin. This hotel is in a strategic location in Puruk Cahu City
and this hotel is very attentive to the convenience of its consumers. The hotel manager wishes every guest
who stays at this hotel to feel safe and comfortable, so that guests will have more confidence to always
choose this hotel.
Initially, Setia Hotel only had a capacity of 25 rooms, now this hotel has grown and increased its
capacity to 31 rooms. There are two choices of rooms, king type with single bed and twin type with twin
beds. Each room is furnished with modern minimalist interiors and exteriors as well as other supporting
facilities to increase the comfort of visitors to stay at Hotel Setia. Some rooms are also renovated to be more
spacious with a capacity of between 2 to 3 people. This hotel is now no longer just a place to stay but also
offers a meeting place and even recreation. Now Setia Hotel has 12 employees which shown in Table 1.
Table 1. List of Setia Hotel Employees
Cleaning Service
This hotel will also provide a 10% discount for a minimum order of 10 rooms of all types, in
addition, a 10% discount is also provided for each guest who stays for at least 5 consecutive days. This
strategy is one of the hotel's marketing policies to retain its customers to face increasingly fierce
Validity Test Results
Instrument The results of the distribution of the Pre-test Questionnaire were tested for validity and
reliability. The validity test in this study uses the SPSS 16 program with the Pearson correlation method,
which is to test the validity of each indicator item in the form of a statement. In general, validity is said to
be the strength of conclusions, inferences, or propositions that are close to the truth of the results of
research that is tired of being done. A scale is declared valid if the emerging scale is used to measure what
should be measured and the resulting inference is close to the standard.
Table 2. Research Instrument Validity Analysis
No Item
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 402
IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409
The results of the validity test in Table 2 state that all indicators in the pretest, statements on the
employee performance variable and also on the consumer satisfaction variable are valid. Invalid items do
not correlate with other statements, so they can be omitted or corrected. Therefore, as many as 15
statements that can be used in research because all of them are declared valid.
Instrument Reliability Test Results
The reliability test in this study was carried out using the SPSS 16 program with Cronbach's alpha
reliability method. This method is used to determine whether the instrument is reliable or not, using a
certain limit of 0.05. Reliability less than 0.05 is not good, while 0.06 is acceptable and above 0.07 is good
(Sekaran, 2003). The reliable construct will then be used as a construct in the actual research. The
calculation of this reliability test is carried out after conducting a validity test and reducing invalid
indicators. The results of the reliability test can be seen in Table 3. The table shows that each variable has
a high reliability value, which is greater than 0.05. Thus, the two variables can be used in research.
Table 3. Research Variable Reliability
Cronbach’s Alpha
Employee performance
Consumer Satisfaction
Employee Performance Variables
Employee performance variables are measured in 6 dimensions, namely work quantity, work
quality, timeliness, effectiveness, independence, and work commitment. Table 4 shows the respondents'
answers are described by means of a frequency distribution table for each indicator.
Table 4. Respondents Answer on Employee Performance Variables
Percentage (%)
Work Quantity
Setia Hotel employees
are able to maintain
hotel cleanliness and
tidiness daily
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Work Quality
Setia Hotel Employees
always respond well to
every consumer
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S) a
Strongly Agree (SS)
Work Quality
Setia Hotel Employees
never make mistakes
when serving
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Setia Hotel Employees
are always on time in
serving breakfast every
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Setia Hotel employees
are always on time in
cleaning rooms
according to schedule
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Disagree (SS)
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 403
Rinto Alexandro1, Tonich Uda2, Fendy Hariatama H.3, Uci Lestari4 / The Effect of Employee Performance on Consumer
Satisfaction at Setia Hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya
Percentage (%)
Setia Hotel Employees
provide services that
meet consumer
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Setia Hotel Employees
are able to complete
their own
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Setia Hotel Employees
have provided services
as promised
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Table 4 indicates that: First, the majority of respondents agree that Setia Hotel employees are able
to maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the hotel every day, so that it can create a sense of comfort for
consumers as well as create a sense of satisfaction for hotel consumers. Respondents who answered
strongly agree are respondents who are very confident in the quality of employee performance at Setia
Hotel because these consumers have seen from the cleanliness and tidiness of the hotel, they are always
maintained every day, and employees also always maintain the cleanliness of the hotel. Second, the majority
of respondents agree that employees always handle every consumer complaint properly, this can also
create a sense of satisfaction because consumers feel safe and comfortable with hotel services. And for
consumers who answered strongly agree, it means that consumers are very confident in the performance
of employees and consumers feel that hotel employees are very good at handling each of their complaints.
Third, the majority of respondents agree that the service at Setia Hotel is good and satisfying or in
accordance with consumer expectations. Respondents who choose strongly agree were respondents who
strongly believed in the quality of service provided at Setia Hotel, and respondents who chose Uncertain
were consumers who were still unsure whether Setia Hotel's services were in line with what they expected
or not. Fourth, the majority of respondents agree that hotel employees are always on time in serving
breakfast every morning for hotel consumers, for respondents who answer strongly agree are respondents
who are very confident in the quality of service of Setia Hotel employees because consumers feel that
employees are on time in providing breakfast, And for consumers who answered Uncertain, these
consumers have not been able to provide a definite assessment of employee performance, especially the
discipline of hotel employees.
Fifth, the majority of respondents agree that hotel employees are always punctual in cleaning hotel
rooms according to the hotel schedule, and for consumers who answered Uncertain, they have not been
able to assess or give a definite assessment of the discipline performance or timeliness of employees in
cleaning rooms at the hotel. Sixth, the majority of respondents agree that Setia Hotel employees provide
services in accordance with consumer expectations so that they are satisfied with the services provided by
hotel employees, for respondents who answered strongly agree were respondents who strongly believed
in the quality of employee performance in serving hotel customers because they are satisfied if the service
is as expected, and for consumers who answer uncertain, they have not been able to provide an assessment
of the suitability of the existing service with their expectations.
Seventh, the majority of respondents agree that hotel consumers believe that Setia Hotel employees
are not dependent on others because hotel employees are able to do their respective duties well, and for
consumers who choose uncertain, these consumers have not been able to rate or provide an assessment of
whether or not there is an additional charge at the hotel. Eighth, the majority of respondents agree that
Setia Hotel employees have provided services in accordance with what was promised by the hotel, for
respondents who answered strongly agree were respondents who strongly believed in the quality of
employee performance in serving consumers because they felt satisfied if the existing services were in
accordance with with those promised by the hotel, and for consumers who choose uncertain, they have not
been able to provide an assessment of the suitability of the existing services with those promised by the
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 404
IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409
Consumer Satisfaction Variable
Consumer Satisfaction variable is measured in 5 dimensions, namely, Quality of Service, Emotional,
Price, and Cost. Table 5 shows the respondents' answers are described by means of a frequency distribution
table for each indicator.
Table 5. Respondents Answer on Consumer Satisfaction Variables
Percentage (%)
Product Quality
The products and
services provided by
Setia Hotel are in
accordance with what
consumers expect
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Product Quality
The facilities at the
Setia Hotel have
provided a sense of
security and comfort
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Service Quality
Service at Setia Hotel is
Very Satisfactory
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
The Products and
Services Provided At
Setia Hotel are Very
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Agree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
The Rates Offered Are
Relatively Affordable
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
The price offered is in
accordance with the
quality of the product
or service provided
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Tidak Setuju (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
There are no additional
costs other than the
products or services
Strongly Disagree (STS)
Disagree (TS)
Uncertain (R)
Agree (S)
Strongly Agree (SS)
Table 5 shows that: First, the majority of respondents agree that the products and services
provided by the hotel are in accordance with what is expected by consumers, so they can feel satisfied
because it is in accordance with their expectations, respondents who answered strongly agree were
respondents who were very confident and satisfied with the quality of the products and services they
receive. The respondents who chose to be in doubt are those who have not been able to provide an
assessment of the quality of the products or services provided by the hotel, for consumers who choose the
answer to disagree means that the consumer is not satisfied and does not find a match between expectations
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 405
Rinto Alexandro1, Tonich Uda2, Fendy Hariatama H.3, Uci Lestari4 / The Effect of Employee Performance on Consumer
Satisfaction at Setia Hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya
and reality, and consumers Those who choose strongly disagree are those who feel that the products and
services at the hotel are not in line with what consumers expect.
Second, the majority of respondents agree that the facilities provided at the Setia Hotel have
provided a sense of security and comfort for consumers, and consumers who answered strongly agree mean
that consumers are very confident in the safety and comfort of the Setia Hotel. Respondents who answered
Uncertain were consumers who still could not give a definite assessment of the sense of security and
comfort provided by the hotel. Third, the majority of respondents strongly Agree, strongly believe in the
quality of service that is Setia Hotel, for respondents who agree that the service at the hotel is loyal and can
be satisfactory or in accordance with consumer expectations and respondents who answered Uncertain are
consumers who still haven't found conformity between expectations and reality or the services at the hotel
are not in accordance with what consumers expect.
Fourth, the majority of respondents agree that the products and services provided at Setia Hotel
are appropriate and can create a sense of satisfaction or satisfaction for consumers. Respondents who
answered strongly agree were respondents who strongly believed in the quality of products and services at
the hotel and also felt that the existing products and services were very satisfying for consumers. And for
consumers who answered in doubt, these consumers have not been able to assess or provide an assessment
of the products or services they receive from the Setia Hotel, even some who respond strongly disagree and
also disagree. Fifth, the majority of respondents agree that the price offered is relatively cheap according to
the consumer's wallet, there are even some who respond strongly agree and for consumers who answer in
doubt also make up the majority of respondents, these consumers have not been able to assess or provide
an assessment of the tariffs offered by the hotel.
Sixth, the majority of respondents chose Uncertain which indicates that these consumers have not
been able to provide an assessment of the suitability of the prices offered with the products or services they
receive from Setia Hotel. Respondents who answered strongly agree were respondents who strongly
believed in the quality of existing products and services that were in accordance with the price offered and
for consumers who answered agreed that the price offered was in accordance with the quality obtained,
both the products and services provided were in accordance with the offered price. Seventh, the majority
of respondents agree that the hotel does not charge additional fees or it can be said that the hotel does not
provide facilities or products that make consumers pay additional fees, and for consumers who answer
uncertain, they have not been able to provide an assessment of whether or not there are additional fees. In
addition, there are some consumers who disagree and some even strongly disagree, but consumers who
strongly agree are more than those who disagree.
Simple Linear Regression Test Results
Table 6. Results of Coefficients Regression Analysis
Std. Error
1 (Constant)
Employee Performance
Based on Table 6, it can be understood that: Constant a = 3.936 and coefficient b = 0.441 so that the
simple regression equation becomes Y = 3.936 + 0.441 constant a of 3.936 indicates that if employee
performance is zero (X = 0), then the customer satisfaction score of 3,936 units. The regression coefficient
for X is 3.936 which states that each addition of one unit of X variable will increase customer satisfaction by
0.441 or by 44.1%, the coefficient is positive, meaning that there is a positive influence between employee
performance on customer satisfaction.
Hypothesis Test Results
Hypothesis testing (t test) in Table 6, the t count on employee performance is 4,328 at degrees of
freedom (df) = N-2 = 43-2 = 41, then the t table is determined to be 1.217. So it can be concluded that t count
> t table (4,328 > 1,217). From the results of the t test, the significant value is less than 0.05 (0.001 t table,
then Ho is declared rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the independent variable has a significant
influence on the dependent variable, on the contrary if t count < t table then Ho is declared accepted and Ha
is rejected, meaning that the independent variable does not have a significant effect on the dependent
variable. Hypothesis testing (t test) is generally used to test the significance of a variable, the following will
explain the partial performance variable testing: employee performance variables which include 6
performance appraisal indicators according to Robbins (2006:260) include work quality, work quantity,
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 406
IJSSB. P-ISSN: 2614-6533 E-ISSN: 2549-6409
timeliness , the effectiveness of independence, and work commitment where the results of the t-test indicate
that the t-count value of the employee's performance is 4.328 and the t-table value is determined at 1.217.
It can be concluded that t count > t table (4,328 > 1.217). From the results of the t test, the significant value
is less than 0.05 (0.001) which means that there is a significant effect of employee performance variables
which include 6 performance appraisal indicators according to Robbins (2006:260) which include work
quality, work quantity, timeliness, effectiveness independence, and work commitment with customer
Determination Test Results (R square)
The coefficient of determination (R square) aims to determine how much influence the
independent variable of employee performance has on the dependent variable of consumer satisfaction.
Based on the data analysis, it is known that the R square value is 0.614 (61,4%). This shows that by using
the regression model, the independent variable, namely employee performance, has an effect on the
dependent variable of consumer satisfaction by 61‟4%. According to Dominikus Dolet Unaradjan 2005: 202,
To provide an interpretation of the coefficient of determination (R²) which are found to be large or small
and are consulted with the table of interpretation of the r values. From the results of data analysis, it can be
stated that this proves the effect of employee performance on customer satisfaction of 0.614 or 61.4% and
the value of the influence is high or in accordance with the coefficient interval above, if the coefficient
interval value is 0.60-0.799 then categorized into strong category. So the influence of employee
performance on consumer satisfaction of 0.614 or 61.4% is classified as strong, while the remaining 38.6%
is explained by other unknown factors or variables and not included in this regression analysis.
In general, the results of this study are very satisfactory, the results of the analysis show that the
performance of Setia Hotel employees is very good. This can be shown from the performance variable which
has a positive influence on increasing consumer satisfaction which is classified as high. The results showed
that employee performance variables with 6 performance appraisal indicators which include work quality,
work quantity, timeliness, independence effectiveness, and work commitment have a positive influence in
increasing customer satisfaction by 0.441 or 44, 1% (Sachro & Pudjiastuti, 2013). This proves that the
quality of work from employee performance shown by providing good service to each customer can
increase customer satisfaction. The quantity of work shown by providing comfort and a sense of security to
every consumer can also increase customer satisfaction, the timeliness of employee performance as shown
by providing services and responding to consumer complaints quickly or on time can also increase
customer satisfaction, the effectiveness of employee performance as shown by provide maximum service
and try to minimize the possibility of fatal errors, independence from employee performance is shown to
provide good service in accordance with their work functions, work commitment from employee
performance shown by being responsible for customer satisfaction.
The results of this study have similarities with the results of previous relevant studies where in
general the good performance given by each employee in providing services to consumers ultimately gives
satisfaction to consumers and the company benefits from this. From research explains that the performance
dimension greatly influences consumer satisfaction (Loekito et al., 2017). This is what certainly becomes
material for entrepreneurs to evaluate the performance and services provided to consumers in order to
achieve company goals. Employee performance has an indirect effect on consumer satisfaction (Maliki,
2015). Furthermore, employee performance in providing services is the key to success in being able to
satisfy consumers because through company employees they can interact with customers (Nursiti, 2019).
The results of previous research conclude that all hypotheses are accepted, service quality and employee
performance partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction
variables (Dintyani et al., 2017). Employee performance has a positive and significant influence on
consumer satisfaction (Desfandriyani, 2018). The customer is a person's feeling when what is obtained
(service) is in accordance with what is expected (Sulistyowati & Sinaga, 2018). The results of this research
are that simultaneously and partially service quality and employee performance have a significant influence
on community satisfaction (Pramulaso, 2020). Collectively the same Service Performance and Customer
Satisfaction have a significant effect on the Loyalty of Depositors of Bank Mandiri Samarinda Branch
(Wardhana et al., 2017). From the results of the another previous study, it shows that partially and
simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (Alfi & Nur, 2017). The results
obtained in this study are that e-service quality has a positive and significant effect on e-satisfaction on the
Tokopedia site (Anita, 2018).
That is the result of research conducted by various researchers that the author uses as a reference,
which basically gives the same results that will have a good influence on consumer or community
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 5, No. 3, 2021, pp. 399-409 407
Rinto Alexandro1, Tonich Uda2, Fendy Hariatama H.3, Uci Lestari4 / The Effect of Employee Performance on Consumer
Satisfaction at Setia Hotel, Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya
satisfaction. And there are still several other studies conducted by researchers with the same results. Such
as Product Quality and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction (Inka et al., 2014). The Impact of Service
Quality on Customer Satisfaction (Valdo & Silvya, 2014). Service Quality Towards Sharia Pawnshop
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et al., 2016). Work Environment and Work Discipline and Work Motivation on Employee Performance
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Employee Performance has a positive influence on the variable Consumer Satisfactionwhere in the
Linear Regression test Simple, it can be seen that each additional unit of Employee Performance Variable
will increase Consumer Satisfaction by 0.441 or 44.1%, and from the t test it also indicates that the effect of
Employee Performance on Customer Satisfaction at Hotel Setia Puruk Cahu Murung Raya is very significant
where the significance value is 0.001 which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, then the influence of
employee performance is also high on consumer satisfaction, which is 0.614 or 61.4%. With this research,
which gives the result that employee performance is very influential on consumer satisfaction, managers
and related business owners can pay more attention to this. So that some suggestions will be put forward
by researchers for the progress of the company in carrying out its business routines. After processing,
analyzing, and interpreting the collected data, the authors would like to propose some suggestions for Setia
Hotel Puruk Cahu to improve service quality in order to create a higher level of customer satisfaction, such
as: Setia Hotel Puruk Cahu Murung Raya needs to conduct regular and continuous surveys to find out the
level of satisfaction of the consumers who stay there and to know more about the wishes of the consumers
so that the addition of those wishes can quickly be anticipated by the hotel and will make fulfilling customer
needs easier and more satisfying which in the end maintain consumer loyalty. The hotel can also conduct a
survey on the quality of services available at hotels and especially hotels in the Puruk Cahu area as well as
hotels outside the Puruk Cahu area that are considered good, and can apply it at Setia Hotel to improve the
service quality of Setia Hotel. The Setia Hotel Puruk Cahu is also advised to provide souvenirs or gifts for
loyal customers who stay there, at least those who have stayed more than 2 consecutive days.
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... A significant positive correlation between employee competencies and organizational performance, leading to increased productivity and customer satisfaction [26]. Also, employee performance directly influences the quality of services delivered to customers [27]. ...
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The main issue is the absence of a comprehensive KPI system to effectively measure the performance of digital products. Currently, the company PT XYZ unit tracks only two KPIs, such as revenue and total sales. This narrow focus overlooks aspects of achieving business success such as ensuring business fulfillment, business assurance, and employee competence in a growth and agile focus environment. As a result, performance targets are not fully met, and customer satisfaction declines in meeting service level agreements and service level guarantees. This research aims to fill these gaps by designing a performance measurement system using a Balanced Scorecard, and AHP is used for weighing the level of importance. Based on the research, the measurement system was developed, consisting of 7 Strategic Factors (SF), 9 Strategic Objectives (SO), and 12 KPI that are assessed on a quarterly basis. AHP analysis assigns the highest weight to financial perspective (56.60%), SF “market expansion and product innovation” (56.60%), SO “increase the revenue” (29.88%), and KPI “net profit margin growth” (26.72%). Once implemented, this system will standardize digital product performance measurement, aligning with company goals to drive revenue growth and operational efficiency. Keywords: BSC, AHP, KPI, Performance Measurement, and Digital Product
... A sample item includes as "I focus on the bank's marketing communications". Employee performance was measured by adopting six items from the study of Alexandro et al. (2021). A sample item includes as "Employee provide services to that our expectations". ...
This study aims to examine the relationships between customer relationships management (CRM) dimensions, key workers performance (FEP) and customer loyalty (CL). Moreover, the mediating role of FEP on link between CRM dimensions and CL was also tested. Survey data was collected from 329 customers residing in western zone of Uttar Pradesh, India and data was analyzed using PLS algorithm along with bootstrapping method. CRM dimensions (CK, CO, CA and CE) significantly affect FEP. Additionally, FEP has a significant effect of CL. Moreover, FEP has a mediation role on link between CRM dimensions and CL. The contribution of this study is justified by the originality of the concept analyzed and the lack of any previous work dealing the interaction of CRM dimensions with FEP and mediating role of FEP in relationship between CRM dimensions and CL in Banking sector.
... Bello & Bello (2022) menyatakan bahwa hotel sebagai sebuah organisasi dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan kebahagiaan karyawan untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Kinerja yang berkualitas akan menciptakan kenyamanan dan kepuasan bagi konsumen (Alexandro et al., 2021). Hal ini sejalan dengan hasil yang ditunjukkan bahwa layanan yang ramah dan personalised service yang diberikan oleh karyawan merupakan kekuatan utama dari pihak hotel yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. ...
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The increases of tourist visits in Bali can influence the development of the hotel industry. The significant increase in the number of tourists has caused demand for accommodation services, especially hotels, which has an impact on increasing hotel competition. This research aims to identify and design a business strategy at hotel XYZ through several stages such as IFAS (Internal Factors Analysis Summary) and EFAS (External Factors Analysis Summary) analysis. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection methods through interviews. Based on the EFAS and IFAS values, the company is in quadrant V with a hold and maintain business strategy. The results of this research provide strategies that can be implemented by XYZ Hotel, namely market penetration strategies and product development strategies.
... There are four indicators to measure performance (Alexandro, 2021), which include the following: ...
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Orientation: Many employees find it difficult to balance their role in family and work. For the organisation to be successful in achieving its goals, management must be fully aware of the employee’s needs as well as responsibilities towards the employee’s family.Research purpose: This study aimed to analyse the effect of work–family conflict on work–life balance, the effect of work–family conflict on performance, the effect of work–life balance on performance and the effect of work–family conflict on employee performance through work–life balance as the intervening variable.Research approach/design and method: The population of this study comprised all taxation civil services in The Solo Region totaling 694 participants. A sample of 254 people. The primary data was obtained through questionnaires distributed to respondents. This research employed the partial least square analysis method.Main findings: Work–family conflict had a negative and significant effect on work–life balance and performance. Work–life balance had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Work–family conflict showed a negative and significant effect on employee performance through work–life balance.Practical/managerial implications: In an effort to minimise the possibility of work–family conflict, employees should remain knowledgeable in balancing the fulfilment of role demands in work and life domains. The organisation is expected to create a comfortable and supportive work atmosphere in order to avoid employee role conflicts efficiently.Contribution/value-add: This study provides a new contribution to proving the theory of the relationship between work–family conflict, work–life balance and individual performance.
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This research aims to determine the influence of motivation and job training on employee performance at HR Bali Hotel. This research was conducted using proportional area random sampling, randomly selected based on the population of employees in each sub-population. Therefore, the sample to be used in this study consists of 100 individuals from HR Bali Hotel. The analysis techniques used include validity testing, reliability esting, classical assumption testing, simple linear regression analysis, the coefficient of determination test, and the t-test. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis with the help of the Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS). The research design employed is a quantitative design with a survey approach. The population used in this study involves all employees working at HR Bali Hotel, totaling 313 individuals. The sample used in this study is employees working at HR Bali Hotel, totaling 100 individuals. The sampling technique used is proportional random sampling using the Slovin formula. The results of the study show that motivation and job training, both partially and simultaneously, have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at HR Bali Hotel.
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Dünyada hızla yaşanan değişim ve gelişmeler işletmeler arasında yoğun rekabetin yaşanmasına neden olabilmektedir. Bir işletmenin rekabet avantajı kazanması için en geçerli yol, rakiplerden daha kaliteli ürün veya hizmet üretmektir. Bu durum, ülkelerin kalkınmalarında temel rol oynayan yükseköğretim kurumları ile ilişkilendirdiğimizde belli noktalarda benzerlik göstermektedir. Yükseköğretim kurumları uluslararası alanda rekabet edebilmek için Ar-Ge altyapısının gelişimine önemli derecede katkı sağlayan birimlerin hizmetlerine önem vermeleri gerekmektedir. Bu anlayış doğrultusunda bu çalışma, bir yükseköğretim kurumunda bilimsel araştırma projeleri koordinasyon biriminde çalışan performansının hizmet kalitesi ve memnuniyet üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca hizmet kalitesinin çalışan performansı ile memnuniyet arasında aracı bir etkiye sahip olup olmadığını araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Çalışmada anket yöntemi kullanılmış ve 281 katılımcıdan geri dönüş sağlanmıştır. Verileri analiz etmek için “SPSS 26” ve “AMOS 24” istatistik programlarından yararlanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, çalışan performansı, memnuniyeti zayıf ve istatiksel olarak anlamsız bir şekilde etkilerken, hizmet kalitesini ise güçlü ve istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde etkilemiştir. Hizmet kalitesinin, memnuniyet üzerinde güçlü ve istatistiksel olarak bir etki sağlarken; aynı zamanda çalışan performansı ile memnuniyet arasında aracı bir etkiye sahip olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Bu çalışmada çalışan performansının memnuniyet üzerindeki anlamsız etkisi, yöneticilerin yüksek bir memnuniyet algısı sağlayabilmek için yetkin ve yeterli bir insan kaynağına ihtiyaç duyulduğunu göz ardı etmemeleri gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many sectors around the world, one of which is the air transportation sector. Based on this it becomes very important for airports to quickly adapt to adjust their services according to changing conditions. This study aims to measure and analyze the effect of service quality and service innovation on passenger satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic at Tjilik Riwut Airport, Palangka Raya.This study uses quantitative research methods and to obtain data using questionnaires to respondents. The sample of this study consisted of 170 respondents, namely passengers and the public who had used the services as passengers at Tjilik Riwut Airport, Palangka Raya. The sampling technique in this research is using non-probability sampling through purposive sampling method. Data analysis in this study used the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach.The results showed that (1) the effect of service quality on passenger satisfaction with a value of 0.601 and a P-value of 0.000 was significantly positive. (2) The effect of service quality on service innovation with a value of 0.665 and a P-value of 0.000 is positive and significant. (3) The effect of service innovation on passenger satisfaction with a value of 0.361 and a P-value of 0.000 is positive and significant. (4) The role of service innovation in mediating the effect of service quality on passenger satisfaction with a path coefficient value of 0.240 and a P-value of 0.000 is significantly positive.
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This study aims to analyze the effect of marketing strategy on loyalty through the satisfaction of the tourist area of Tahura Jaru in Gunung Mas Regency. The method used in this study is explanatory research. The sample of this study amounted to 75 people as respondents. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and statistical inferential analysis of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using the Partial least squares approach (SEM-PLS). The results of the study conclude that marketing strategy affects loyalty either directly or through satisfaction. In this relationship satisfaction is a partial mediation (partial mediation). Service quality does not directly affect loyalty, but through satisfaction. In this relationship satisfaction is a full mediation variable (full mediation). Communication has a significant effect on performance either directly or indirectly.
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This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of communication and service quality on the performance of nurses at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang. Sample of research is nurse of Bhayangkara Palembang Hospital counted 110 respondents by using purposive sampling method. The analysis of this research using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), which is operated through Lisrel Program. The results showed that Communication Variables and Service Quality have a positive and significant impact on the Performance of Nurse Hospital Bhayangkara Palembang. Communication Variables more dominant influence on the Performance of Nurse Hospital Bhayangkara Palembang in comparison of service quality variable
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan, produk dan harga secara parsial terhadap kepuasan konsumen Telkomsel Flash di Kabupaten Bondowoso. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh pelanggan Telkomsel Flash di Bondowoso. Teknik penentuan ukuran sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin, dan diperoleh jumlah sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil yang didapat pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan, produk dan harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan Telkomsel Flash di Bondowoso. Hasil analisis koefisien determinasi menunjukan bahwa 71,5% kepuasan pelanggan dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pelayanan, produk dan harga. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 28,5% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain diluar model.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh dimensi-dimensi service quality yang bukti langsung / bukti fisik, kehandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan dan empati terhadap kepuasan konsumen Laboratorium Klinik X. Proses pengumpulan data primer dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survei melalui pendistribusian kuesioner pada 60 konsumen. Metode penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah nonprobability sampling. Dengan menggunakan model persamaan Analisis Regresi Linear Berganda, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dimensi daya tanggap merupakan dimensi service quality yang memiliki pengaruh yang dominan terhadap kepuasan konsumen Laboratorium Klinik X, dibandingkan dimensi bukti fisik, jaminan dan empati. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa dimensi kehandalan,memiliki pengaruh yang negatif pada kepuasan konsumen Laboratorium Klinik X.
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Research aims to know the influence of the Service Performance and Costumer Satisfaction loyality to the obligor Bank Mandiri branch Samarinda as well as to self relianthknowing variable does influential dominant among variable Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction of the Loyalty of the depositor Bank Mandiri branch self contained Samarinda.Sample on the basis Formula Solvin by Umar (2003: 146) obtained 95 or use calculationang depositor Bank Mandiri branch Samarinda.Method of data gathering used directly to the pil is interview involved with the matters discussed and give a list of question to depositor savings Bank Mandiri branch Samarinda.Analyzed data using equipment analysis multiple regression the testing done with t test, and test coefficient of determination to assistance software SPSS.Research Results show that collectively same Service performance and Costumer satisfaction influential Significant agains Loyality depositor Bank Mandiri branch Samarinda.Variable Costumer Satisfaction have influence dominant Loyalty to the obligor Bank Mandiri branch Samarinda. Nugroho ( 2005 : 11 ) declare that to regression compounded better use R Square yes have adjustable or written adjusted R Square method of 0,120 this give a sense 12% of variation variable dependent that is Loyalty of the depositor Bank Mandiri branch Samarinda can descoribed by the independent variable Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction now the rest 88% annotated by factors of variable other unknown and notiucluded in the research.
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By: Jaya Pramono The high number of tourists visited Bali over last six years affected to environment of hotel. The purpose of this study to identify level of importance of the process environmental management at star rated hotels in Bali, and to compare these process among the fourth and fiveth (high) star rated hotel, with the one, two and three (small) star rated hotel. This research was evaluated the energy, water, wastewater, solid waste, chemical waste, purchasing product for hotel operations, from 126 star hotels and analyzed with descriptive statistics. This research has found that process of environmental management is considered very important to do for star rated hotel in Bali. There are differences of importance level of the environmental management process. For high star rated hotels process of environmental management is very important to managed, while small star rated hotel these process is important.
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Purpose: Employee happiness or well-being is an emerging topic in management as well as in psychology. This study investigated the effects of perceived organizational support (POS) and psychological capital (PsyCap) on happiness in employees’ work (i.e., work engagement), careers (i.e., career satisfaction), and lives (i.e., subjective well-being). Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from 550 employees in a conglomerate in Korea. For statistical analysis, we conducted confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and correlation analysis, and structural equation modelling analyses. Findings: Employees were highly engaged in their work, satisfied with their careers, and felt a greater sense of well-being in their lives when they had higher POS and PsyCap. In this study, PsyCap partially mediated the relationships between POS and the three attitudinal outcomes. With regards to the relationships among the three outcome variables, career satisfaction turned out to fully mediate the relationship between work engagement and subjective well-being. Research limitations: This study focused on knowledge workers in Korean for-profit firms. The participants were mostly male, junior or middle managers. Using a cross-sectional survey method, this empirical study leaves room for speculation about the causality among the variables. As the results of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicate, however, common method variance was found to not be of great concern. Practical implications: The mission of human resources (HR) and organization development (OD) professionals in organizations is to improve individual and organizational performance and to enhance employees’ well-being. HR/OD professionals can enhance employees’ happiness not only in their work and careers but also in their lives by improving POS and developing PsyCap. Originality/value: Based on empirical exploration, this study identified POS and PsyCap as the significant antecedents of typical behavioural outcomes: work engagement, career satisfaction, and subjective well-being. In this empirical study, we found the comprehensive and dynamic relationships of the five emerging POB constructs in a non-Western (Korean) context.
Drawing on the social cognitive theory, this study intends to discuss the concept of socially responsible human resource management (SRHRM) and empirically examine the impact of SRHRM on hospitality employee’s organizational citizenship behavior for the environment (OCBE). By a two-stage survey of 270 responses from one chain hotel group in Shanghai, China, our findings indicated that SRHRM had a positive impact on OCBE; moral reflectiveness fully mediated the relationship between SRHRM and OCBE. Moreover, the effect of SRHRM on moral reflectiveness and the indirect impact of SRHRM on OCBE via moral reflectiveness were stronger with lower rather than higher levels of responsible leadership. These results extend the macro-level factors in influencing hospitality employee’s environmental-behavioral intentions and provide significant insights into why and how SRHRM affects hospitality employee OCBE. Finally, we outline the results, theoretical and empirical significance, and propose future research directions.
This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of service quality consisting of variable reliablility, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible to customer satisfaction PT. Sucofindo Batam simultaneously or partially. Population in this research is consumer of PT. Sucofindo Batam or consumers who have ever used the services of PT. Sucofindo Batam. The number of samples obtained using Slovin calculations A total of 80 respondents using Non Probability Sampling method. The method of analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 20 program. From the results of the study showed that the persial and simultaneous positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction PT. Sucofindo Batam.
Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) refers to using Human Resources Management (HRM) practices to reinforce environmental sustainable practices and increase employee's commitment on the issues of environmental sustainability. It embraces considering concerns and values of Environmental Management (EM) in applying Human Resources (HR) initiatives generating greater efficiencies and better Environmental Performance (EP) necessary for reducing employees' carbon footprints. This paper presents an empirical assessment and measurement of impact of GHRM practices in manufacturing organizations on EP in Palestinian context. The research approach, using both qualitative and quantitative aspects, extracted six main GHRM practices used in manufacturing organizations from literature review and field data through conducting 17 semi-structured interviews with HR managers. The identified practices were green recruitment and selection, green training and development, green performance management and appraisal, green reward and compensation, green employee empowerment and participation, and green management of organizational culture. A survey instrument was then designed based on GHRM practices identified through qualitative methods, and used for data collection from 110 organizations operating in three manufacturing sectors (i.e. food, chemical, and pharmaceutical sectors) that have implemented GHRM practices at varying levels. Using a five-point Likert-type scale, these extracted practices were evaluated to find out GHRM practices with positive impact on EP. The statistical analysis revealed that the overall mean of the implementation of GHRM practices is 2.72 on a scale of 5, which is considered as a moderate level. Furthermore, the analysis confirmed that there is a statistically positive and significant relationship at a significant level (α ≤ 0.05) between the six GHRM practices and EP. A model was also developed by connecting critical practices of GHRM that can be incorporated in workplace for maximized EP. The value of this paper is the identification, prioritization, and validation of GHRM practices, which influence EP in manufacturing organizations. The presented model offers useful insights on how manufacturing organizations should strategically link their HR functions to support their EP necessary for competitive advantage.