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Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
What is the Gaming Lifestyle?
An exploratory investigation
Matheus José Machado Dutra
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
Independent Researcher
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Abstract— In marketing and the sociology of the digital
world, a central research issue is how lifestyles are affected by
virtual experiences. This research explores the topic of lifestyle -
a collective phenomenon that treats consumption patterns as
forms of group expression - in the ambit of gaming. A total of 711
valid respondents from 67 countries took part in a questionnaire
designed to gather information about the Gaming Lifestyle
(GLS). The objective was to identify what game-related practices,
habits, attitudes, and beliefs characterized this way of living. The
exploratory factor analysis was employed to uncover underlying
factors that could answer this question. Results pointed that Six
Factors influence the GLS: competition, media,
microtransactions, marketing and communication, socialization,
and enjoyment. This paper contributes to the field of game
studies by deepening our understanding of how gamers are
impacted by in-game and out-game daily experiences.
Keywords—lifestyle; gamer; consumption; identity;
The gaming lifestyle is not an obscure way of living
anymore. It has become an accepted manner of conducting life
for a specific group of individuals with its own set of
characteristics and behavioral patterns. The gamer
distinguishes from others by living in the frontiers of virtuality
and reality as his activities, interests, opinions, and attitudes
are affected by his experience in both realms [25], [58]. What
defines a gamer is the sum of his interactions with his
surroundings as he is susceptible to both the influence of his
in-game presence and his out-game typical routine.
With the increasing number of active players, virtual
worlds' populations count with many types of participants
with different profiles, preferences, and goals [4], [20], [44].
Thus it is expected that with the inclusion of a myriad of new
players, styles, and technology, the nature of factors that affect
the gaming lifestyle also have changed over the years [4],
[29], [34], [53]. Some of these lifestyle components the
literature has already scrutinized, nonetheless with the ever-
changing virtual environment, it is only natural to assume that
novel influences may affect the new batch of gamers.
For this article, the objective is to organize a concept
of Gaming Lifestyle (GLS) based on online gaming behavior
and out-game factors of influence such as streaming, social
media activity, and marketing initiatives [39], [47], [58], [59].
The idea of the GLS is to portray the universe of practices that
constitute the life of a gamer. However, as an exploratory
research, this study can be appraised as an initial effort to map
and comprehend gaming lifestyle factors. Furthermore, this
paper presents six factors associated with in-game and out-
game player behavior that will aid in the development of
better notions about this way of living. Therefore, this paper
answers the following question:
• What gaming related practices and attitudes
characterize the gaming lifestyle?
Since many of the constituents of the gaming lifestyle are
still indefinite or vague, a scale was developed, and 711
respondents from 67 countries participated in an online global
survey. The goal of the questionnaire was to assess the
participants' perception of lifestyle topics associated with
gaming. As for the statistical analysis, the employment of the
exploratory factor analysis was to uncover a set of underlying
factors and appoint latent constructs.
A. The Gaming Lifestyle
The concept of lifestyle can be described as a group
phenomenon in which groups of individuals consistently share
a set of beliefs, display specific behaviors, and express
themselves similarly to other members of the party [34]. The
lifestyle is a multicultural media-influenced way of living
based on characteristical consuming habits manifested in
different social scenarios [3], [14]. Those peculiarities, in
effect, distinguish gamers from other groups and concurrently
define them as a body. Moreover, it creates behavioral
patterns for individuals to follow and fit in.
In order to understand the reality of modern gamers, in this
paper, the gaming lifestyle is examined as an alternative way
to look at the behavior of players, considering them a hybrid
consumer category, which exists in both the offline and online
arenas, and which has peculiar social idiosyncrasies that
differentiate them from other digital subcultures [10], [20],
[26]. This study encourages people to take a look at how the
gaming lifestyle induces consumption and how consumption
defines this way of life [3], [34].
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
The term lifestyle suggests that repeated and related
attitudes, behaviors, interactions, and cognitive patterns
between members of a social group exist and are perceivable.
In marketing, this understanding is fixed and can be observed,
mainly from the perspective of consumption, whether it is
economic, social, cultural, symbolic, or through media, and it
is the main structure for producing a technical set that can
explain and can predict how a subject spends their money,
time and differentiates themselves from others [3], [34].
Gamers have emblematic characteristics when analyzed from
the consumption standpoint [6], [8], [9], [12, [13], [16], [54].
For this reason, there are specific criteria to their social
stratification and consequent market segmentation, which
means that it is necessary to look for other parameters to
conduct a proper analysis of their lifestyle [20], [29], [34],
It is valuable to debate that the notion of lifestyle,
including in the ambit of gaming, can be contemplated from a
broad spectrum of views. From the personalities/values
approach, one would assume that the gaming lifestyle
conceptualizes around the virtual and tangible social
patterning of consumption, once consumption represents a
manifestation of shared behavioral and attitudinal models.
Conversely, from the object signification perspective, objects
(virtual or tangible possessions) are perceived as receptacles to
which different groups of people attribute meaning. Through
this viewpoint, individuals believe that the objects they
consume are embedded with transcendental significance [8].
Both approaches work as forms of collective expression
through consumption. In this sense, lifestyles surge from
relational differences between consumption patterns existing
within symbolic boundaries. Lifestyles serve as a basis for
affiliating with specific categories of individuals and,
likewise, as a means for differentiating oneself from others,
consolidating social positions [34]. Thereby, in light of the
lifestyle theory, it is possible to distinguish gamers from other
categories of consumers, and at the same time, group players
with similar consumption standards.
This section presents what statistical procedures were
employed to assess the sample’s perception about gaming-
related activities that characterize their lifestyle [5].
Considering this study investigates a phenomenon with
multiple variables, the employment of the Exploratory Factor
Analysis aimed to reduce the number of elements analyzed
[40]. The Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was applied to
determine the degree of reliability and validity of the
questionnaire [2]. The Kayser-Meyer-Olkim method and
Bartlett's sphericity test intended to confirm whether the
Exploratory Factor Analysis was an adequate test [40]. The
total variance indicated the proportion to which each factor
explains the event [2]. Lastly, the factor loadings were a
measure that ratifies the degree of importance of each
construct to each factor associated [5].
A. Sample and Data Collection
1.208 people answered the survey from 67 countries. 711
of which were validated as they met the stated requirements.
The selection criteria included taking an active part in games
and online gaming communities, as well as having made
microtransactions or micropayments for games of any kind
over a period of no less than 12 months. Those who did not
apply to were discarded.
Data was collected from the Reddit platform through
public posts. More specifically, from subforums aimed at
online games of different genres, provided that they were
competitive, multiplayer, and sold skins. Every post presented
an introductory note written exclusively for each sub-forum so
players could relate to the research topic and feel more
Participation was voluntary, and the questionnaire was
active for two weeks, from May 1st of 2019 until the 15th of
the same month. It was a global survey, and 44.62% of the
sample were American players, 8.03% British, 5.96%
German, 4.80% Canadian, and 4.55% Brazilian. Those were
the top five countries with the most significant share in the
sample. Among the participants, 84% identified themselves as
male, 14.21% female, and 3.09% as others.
With regard to age, the highest concentrations were in the
age groups 18 to 23 years (38.26%) and 24 to 29 years
(29.68%), which, when added up, corresponded to 67.94% of
the entire sample. Concerning the education level, most
respondents were in or had completed higher education -
56.54% of the sample group. After this, came those who had
recently finished high school and were not enrolled in higher
education courses (15.75%).
As for the sample playing habits, the following tables
(Tables I to IV) summarizes a set of data that includes
preferred days of the week to play, gaming session duration,
and perceived level of engagement. This way, it is possible to
portray a more matching characterization of the gamers.
It is possible to perceive an even result when it comes to
preferred days of the week to play. The largest percentage of
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
the sample opted to play on the weekends - 16.39% on
Sundays, followed by 15.7% on Saturdays and 15.5% on
Fridays. Since there was not too much of a difference in the
results, it is possible to infer that the sample was very
committed to gaming practices and is capable of maintaining a
fair frequency throughout the week. For some, gaming must
be a well-established habit.
Less than one hour
One to two hours
Three to four hours
Five to six hours
More than seven hours
Regarding playing time per session, 40.2% of the
participants claimed to play from three to four hours each
session, 33.3% from one to two hours, and 15.1% from five to
six hours. It is safe to assume that for these respondents,
gaming is an engaging and immersive activity worth spending
a few hours each time they play.
With friends or Teammates
51.07% of the sample opts for playing solo against 48.93%
who prefer playing with teammates or friends.
Hardcore Gamer
Avid Gamer
Casual Gamer
Sporadic Gamer
When asked what kind of gamers the participants
perceived themselves to be, 22.78% believed being hardcore
gamers, 58.09% avid gamers, 17.16% casual gamers, and
1.97% sporadic gamers. Those numbers suggest the degree of
perceived commitment and dedication to gaming practices of
the participants. This commitment typically translates into
gaming habits such as viewing live streams, eSports, active or
passive participation in gaming communities, sharing game-
related content in social media, time invested into playing
sessions, and improving game-related skills. The following
sequence of tables (Tables V to VII) displays some
consumption characteristics of the participants.
When asked if they ever bought virtual assets with real
currency, 79.25% of the sample confirmed making
microtransactions, against 20.75% who did not invest real
currency in in-game purchases.
Don’t spend money
1 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 or more
Curiously enough, 32.9% of the respondents claimed not
spending monthly on microtransactions which possibly means
that they make in-game purchases irregularly or sporadically.
44.2% spend from one to ten USD monthly, 12% from 11 to
20 USD, 4.6% from 21 to 30 USD, 1.6 % from 31 to 40 USD,
18% from 41 to 50 USD and a slight rise to 3% for 51 or more
Weapons or guns
New scenarios or levels
New chapters
New gaming modes
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
Regarding the acquisition of new virtual goods, players
displayed varied tastes. Yet, 42.3% of the participants
answered that they prefer buying skins, 18.1% stated that they
would pick new characters, 12.8% favor the purchase of new
scenarios or levels, while 7.5 % prefer buying new scenarios,
and 6.5% would opt for other not listed virtual products.
B. Materials
The questionnaire was designed to collect information
about factors related to the gaming lifestyle, the sample's
perception about specific topics, and evaluate their attitudes.
The questions were created using the Likert Scale. It was a
scale composed of a set of items, and each item represented an
idea related to gaming, consumption, and routine [60]. The
subjects were asked to express their degree of agreement or
disagreement from a range of seven points.
Only closed questions were used so that the statistical
method could be applied directly. The questionnaire was
considered reasonable and easy to complete - a total of 69
questions, eight of which were about habits, three about
demography, and one about what type of gamer the
respondents considered themselves to be. The questionnaire
was initially created in North American English and later
translated into Brazilian Portuguese and Spanish.
The survey questions were grouped by theme. Each theme
represented a construct that, according to literature, affects
lifestyle, in-game behavior, and the players’ purchase
intention. There were six different topics: in-game
performance and competition, enjoyment, socialization and
interaction, marketing and communication, streaming and
media, and microtransactions [9], [12], [13], [37], [54]. Each
question assembled aimed to answer, in its scope, how
involved with the gaming lifestyle the players were - with
emphasis on consumption.
C. Design
To unravel latent variables associated with the gaming
lifestyle, the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) is a
multivariate statistical method capable of distinguishing and
identifying the theoretical fundaments and hypothetical
constructs that may explain the order and structure of the
assessed variables [40]. Briefly, the EFA searches for
variables that strongly correlate with each other in a group but
correlate poorly with external variables. These sequences and
groups of intercorrelations respond for factors [2].
However, to employ the EFA, effectively there are some
guidelines that one should mind. For instance, all variables
must be measured in an interval level or ratio scale; [40]
suggests 10 to 15 subjects per variable to better reproduce
population values, and variables should be reasonably
intercorrelated. Naturally, there are more guidelines that one
should attain. Nonetheless, since this is an exploratory
investigation, other statistical procedures were employed to
ensure the validity, reliability, and suitability of the EFA
method to the sample [60].
The first one is the Cronbach’s Alpha measures the
internal consistency of a scale and expresses between 0 and 1
the degree of internal consistency. The internal consistency
indicates to what extent the items in a test measure the concept
or construct they intend [60]. The second is the Kaiser-Meyer-
Olkin (KMO) which was used to determine the
appropriateness of the data for the factor analysis [40]. The
KMO evaluates the variance proportion amongst all the
variables tested [5]. The closer the result is to 1 better [2].
Values below 0.5 are unacceptable [2].
The Bartlett’s test of sphericity measures how strong is the
correlation between variables. A significant result of less than
0.05 indicates that the statistics are acceptable for further
analysis [40]. As for the factor extraction method of the EFA,
the choice was the principal components analysis (PCA). A
factor extraction is a dimensionality reduction technique
commonly used to turn large data sets into small clusters of
variables while still capturing the most relevant aspects of the
topic in question [45].
The main concern revolving around the EFA and the PCA
is that the EFA aims to uncover latent or unobserved
constructs, while the PCA is dedicated to mathematically
extracting a small but representative amount of data from
larger clusters of information [45]. It is worth mentioning that
the EFA seeks to comprehend the interconnection among
variables and not merely derive fewer variables.
The EFA is altogether a baseline tool in the development
of hypothetical constructs and validation of behavioral
theories and psychological measurement instruments. It
reveals inconspicuous commonly shared characteristics of
people manifested through interpretative scores and translated
into empirical phenomena. The benefit of the literature review
is to support theoretical claims and connect obtained results
with verified concepts from other authors [45].
Coming next, the results of the Exploratory Factor
Analysis, as well as descriptions of each factor and the factor
loadings of each construct that makes up each factor.
A. The Six Factors
The six influencing factors represent constructs of interest,
and each expresses different in-game or out-of-game behavior
of players. The assumption is that these six dimensions can
predict, with a sufficient degree of accuracy, how engaged
with the gaming lifestyle the player perceives himself to be
and how each of the six components affect his personal world.
These factors derive from the constructs evaluated in the
questionnaire. They were selected based on the statistical
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
application of the Reliability test designed to verify the
stability of the outcome, their internal reliability, and to check
the constructs measured using the scale [60]. The considered
ideal range for alpha values is between 0.7 and 0.9 [2].
Consequently, only six of the scaled elements proved to be
compatible. Table VIII introduces the six factors.
Cronbach’s Alpha
Challenger Factor
Media Factor
Transactional Factor
Marketing Communication Factor
Social Factor
Enjoyment Factor
Each of these factors is supported by specific literature.
Reference [50] and [54] identified perceived enjoyment,
character competency, goal orientation, social influence, and
real currency availability as relevant motivations for purchases
in virtual worlds. Reference [12] believe that enjoyment,
character competency, visual authority, and monetary values
can appropriately explain the perceived value of in-game
items, thus influencing purchase behavior. In the same line of
thought, [30] presented social interaction, competition, and
economic rationale as relevant purchase motives.
On the other hand, [13] noticed that in-game purchases
could be facilitated if adopting other transactional methods.
To fill this gap, the Transactional Factor examines the players’
opinions regarding alternative payment options. Reference
[13] also indicate a faint connection between brand presence
and the player base. Therefore, the Marketing Communication
Factor investigates if gamers are receptive to this type of
commercial stimulus. Lastly, [37] and [57] suggests that game
streaming viewing have an impact on in-game enjoyment,
social interaction, and serves as a mean of information. The
Media Factor is to clarify whether streaming media spectating
does influence the gaming lifestyle and in-game behavior [38].
After confirming which factors seemed in compliance with
the research scope, it was imperative to determine if the factor
analysis was assuredly a tool that could satisfy the research
goals. [45] recommends employing the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
(KMO) sample adequacy measure and Bartlett's sphericity test
to verify the appropriateness of the EFA. Tables IX and X
shows the KMO and Bartlett's sphericity test results.
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure
0. 863
The KMO adequacy index of the sample was 0.863, which
is considered an optimal variable according to [5].
Bartlett’s sphericity Test
Approx. Chi-square.
Bartlett's sphericity test values indicate a level of
significance (p <0.05) which means that the matrix should be
factored in order to reject the null hypothesis that the data
matrix is similar to its identity matrix [2].
To obtain factorial components at the required level, it was
essential to calculate the total variance between the variables.
According to [5, pp. 212] the variance explained defines the
“part of the common variance that a factor, or a combination
of factors, can extract out of a given data set”. When using the
principal component method, the average variance explained
is 66.325%, a result that, as reported by [40], indicates a good
level of variance. However, significant eigenvalues were only
concentrated in the initial variables. Therefore, Table XI
depicts the total variance of the first six items that define the
six factors listed, adding up to 44.924% of the total variance.
Naturally, this process was intended to discard data with only
a minimal loss of information.
Initial Eigenvalues
Challenger Factor
Media Factor
Transactional Factor
Marketing Communication Factor
Social Factor
Enjoyment Factor
The fourth step for the selection of factors was the
Principal Component Analysis, a vector orthogonalization
technique. The idea is to convert a group of supposedly
correlated variables into a set of linearly uncorrelated variable
values [45]. In short, the principal component analysis broke
down the original data into a set of linear data, while the
varimax orthogonal rotation attributed values to the rotated
matrix and identified the eigenvalues associated with each
factor [45]. Only variables with factorial values equal to or
greater than 0.50 were used from the rotated matrix. The
following describes each factor and how they influence the
gaming lifestyle.
B. Challenger Factor
The Challenger Factor addresses the concept of
competition in its various forms. The ideas of advantage,
rivalry, victory, success, and performance are a few of the
primary elements that each player identifies with and a
lifestyle focused on overcoming challenges. From a certain
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
point of view, all gamers are competitive, to a greater or lesser
extent or under specific circumstances [6], [11], [62].
Factor Loading
I am a competitive player
Competing is a priority to me
Competing makes me a better player
I want to be one of the best players in the game that
I play
I think it is good to have a competitive spirit in
Winning is important to me
Success and accomplishments in gaming are
important to me
High performance in gaming makes me happy
I would rather have fun playing than winning
The principal expression of competition in online
competitive games is the PVP (Player versus Player)
interaction. It is characterized by direct conflict or violent
combat between characters or avatars controlled by players
[30], [62]. This competitive system creates a dual environment
where exist winners and losers, successes and failures,
competence and incompetence. The outcome of the matches
will determine the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction,
enjoyment and anguish, and pride and shame [50]. The type of
player who is impacted by this factor is the one who is looking
to experience those human feelings and exhibit the desire to
prove oneself to others - that makes competitive games
attractive to the public.
It is worth remembering that such competition is social. It
can exist between teams or individuals. As a result, the
Challenger Factor also encourages socialization, cooperation,
and consumption [29], [12], [50], [62]. This sort of
consumption is motivated by the desire for recognition,
demonstration of power, or to gain a competitive advantage
over other players. Those who are influenced by this factor
tend to consume content that helps to improve their in-game
performance [38]. Therefore, some of the most sought-after
lifestyle topics are replays of matches from the best players,
live championships, tutorials, and in-depth analysis of game
dynamics [6], [37].
C. Media Factor
The Media Factor is one of the six that explicitly impacts
in-game social behavior and the gaming lifestyle [3], [29],
[34]. It is the main factor responsible for explaining the wide-
ranging effect of the mediatic consumption of gaming-related
products [10], [36]. Among the constructs that characterize
this factor, themes such as the popularization and
dissemination of slang and expressions, identification, group
identity, spectating, and escapism deserve an underline.
Factor Loading
I have fun with gameplay streams
I enjoy watching game streaming
I prefer watching game streaming to other television
I learn from gameplay streams
I like entertaining streamers
I use the same gaming slang and terminology as the
streamers I love
I like to watch the best players streaming
I think the streamer is more important than the
gameplay itself
The media component can be appreciated by a broad range
of angles. With that in mind, the guiding line of thought points
that the mediatic environment exerts great control in public
opinion, global agenda, individual self-perception, and as a
consequence, the lifestyle of groups of individuals [14], [34],
[39]. In the gaming reality, the media has a significant role in
determining what makes a gamer a cyberspace subculture and
not a group of solitary subjects who spend the whole night
until dawn in front of a screen smashing the keyboard [20],
[23], [44].
The development of the gamer identity is greatly supported
by the existence of gregarious gaming communities, which
encourage its populace to cultivate feelings of loyalty and
belonging. More than that, those communities represent a
profuse ambient where individuals can freely express
themselves and find resonance with fresh ideas [19].
In the cyberspace, this kind of association is vital to the
emergence of new promising trends capable of transcending
the virtual space. In truth, the gaming lifestyle could only be
established due to the maturity of its people and the
evolvement of the mediatic setting [19]. The gaming scene,
partially, was only popularized as a product of the
protoindustry of social media entertainment in which any
person may be fit to become its own show presenter and
protagonist [10], [36], [39] [43], [59].
Similar to traditional media models, streamers and social
media performers influence their audience with the cognate
principles of mass communication [43]. Nowadays, these
social media pseudo-celebrities are responsible for what is
called the economy of attention [59]. It is a recent theory of
mass communication that describes the rising importance of
attention capital and how information and entertainment gave
birth to a mental capitalism characterized by the value given
to attention in place of other forms of capital [24].
Streaming channels, when treated as a form of mass
media, can form opinions and create a more pluralistic and
democratic online environment; so that the streamer, due to
their proximity to the community, becomes both a
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
spokesperson and a model to be followed [19], [57]. On the
other hand, the whole relationship as a spectator, albeit as
interactive as current technology has made this experience, is
still a parasocial relationship wherein the viewer is watching a
mediatic persona created especially for an online live
performance [46], [59].
In fact, no stream is successful unless it can create and put
into practice three concepts: identification - the viewer needs
to see a little of themselves in the streamer -, projection - the
viewer yearns to see whom he would like to be or establish an
idealized relationship with the streamer - and presence - the
streamer must be part of the lives of the audience on different
screens or social media. This way, a content creator may
influence gamer groups, their in-game and out-of-game
consumption, create new fashions and develop as part of the
entertainment industry [38], [46], [59].
This subject could be contemplated as a new movement of
global media cultural expansion, colonized by brands and
corporations commanding the attention economy [24], [22],
[48]. This remarkable novelty of modern times is not limited
to the gaming industry. It is a widespread phenomenon across
all sectors that influence consumption patterns and public
opinion [19], [14] [39]. So, many of the distinctive
characteristics of a lifestyle for gamers and consumption
trends are substantially defined by those on top of the social
media network – the ones with more attention income [19],
[24], [34], [43].
Finally, it is possible to compare the public’s expectations
in streams and eSports with the spectacle of gladiators in
Rome, principally because of the vicariousness phenomenon,
in which the viewer believes that the streamer is fighting for
them [31]. Even so, many gamers prefer to watch streams than
D. Transactional Factor
Transactional Factor deals with microtransactions (MTX),
a business model in which players can make purchases
through micropayments, and Real Money Trading (RMT)
which, is defined as the act of using real money when
purchasing virtual goods, for example, skins, characters or in-
game currency. Both are related to one of the main influences
on the purchase decision: the perceived value, [9]. In several
studies, the economic component had a positive effect and a
high impact on the behavior of consumers [3], [4].
Factor Loading
I tend to make in-game purchases with real money
with a degree of regularity
If it was possible I would purchase in-game goods
by deferred payment
I enjoy buying in-game goods
I tend to acquire in-game goods whenever I feel like
If it was possible I would purchase in-game goods in
Microtransactions and RMT became popular revenue
generation strategies for game developers and publishers [35].
In fact, the future of the gaming industry is to provide gaming
as a service and, over time, improve all the monetary models
so that the game design is inherently prepared to turn the
gaming experience into a native revenue stream [61].
While the gaming industry sees this transition as the
future, the gaming community does not fully support it as it
could convert gaming into a fragmented adventure in which
an individual has to buy more and more to progress in the
game and live the entire experience. Other side effects related
to the microtransactions are the pay-to-win controversy and
gambling-associated behavior, which are considered
potentially detrimental to the consumer and the community
Anyhow, the idea behind this factor is to expand the
purchasing processes. Contemporary monetization strategies
have proven popular and spread to many different gaming
genres and platforms. Nonetheless, advancements in payment
technology stimulated the emergence of new types of payment
methods [17].
The addition of alternative payment processes could
potentially affect consumers' buying behavior in in-game
markets [4]. Furthermore, the proposed methods are prevalent
in Brazil and a valid option for other regions as well. They
may stimulate the acquisition of virtual goods by impulse
They are installments payments and deferred payments.
Payment by installments is the same as dividing the total
amount into equal parts and paying them over the course of
months, defined on the invoice date and subject to taxation in
accordance with local legislation, current economic policy, or
financial institution [56]. A deferred term is where the amount
to be paid only begins to be debited from the buyer's account
at a previously agreed future schedule and can be paid in
installments or not [42].
The inclusion of such systems intends to make it easier for
players to acquire desirable goods and improve acceptance or
adoption rates for microtransactions [35]. Many players use
those systems to leverage advantages over their competitors,
unlock customization options for avatars and weapons, obtain
new characters or scenarios, or enjoy expandable new content
[13], [14], [30]. Simplifying the purchasing process and
facilitating access to credit will surely encourage players to
make even more purchases. It is worth remembering that a
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
noticeable characteristic of the contemporary gamer is to make
in-game purchases, especially the most committed ones.
Nowadays, microtransactions play a big part in the player’s
E. Marketing Communication Factor
The Marketing Communication Factor observes the
relationship between gamers and promotional communication
and marketing in the gaming market. Since gaming became a
popular leisure activity for many people, it is only natural to
assume that the manner brands communicate and relate to
customers may have changed, especially in the ever-changing
virtual world [15], [22], [63].
Factor Loading
I prefer gaming advertising to other types of
publicity and marketing promotion
I believe gaming advertising is above average
Gaming advertising always captures my attention
I think gaming advertising campaigns are amusing
I do not think gaming advertising is nocive
[13] Noticed that there was a lack of studies on the
influence of marketing and communication strategies on
purchase intent of virtual goods and lifestyle in the gaming
context. In this sense, some topics may still be hazy. Despite
this, advertising and publicity agencies have identified the
virtual environment of online games as a representation or
simulation of reality and, thus, a potential new media vehicle
for advertising [7], [15], [26]. At this point, video games are
no longer untouched ecosystems, totally focused on leisure.
They become commercial vehicles and communication media
[43], [48].
According to [63], advertising techniques are more
effective in online and offline video games than other media
channels. As a matter of fact, advertising campaigns about
video games and associated brands do not tend to receive
significant rejection as can happen with other products and
services. [32] Believe that consumers appreciate gaming
publicity and are even attracted to them. In cases, players
actively participate and enjoy promotional campaigns.
The brands' advertisement activities surrounded players
and compelled them to what can be called commercial
immersion. This phenomenon resulted in the gamer population
being able to experience brand content on multiple screens
almost all day long, whether they enjoy it or not [7], [39].
Techniques such as brand placement and product placement
are examples of what marketing professionals utilize to
improve brand awareness, brand exposure and to increase
sales of particular products, even in the virtual environment
[10], [49].
For the gaming lifestyle, commercial initiatives weigh
heavy on its development since consumption and lifestyle are
inherently connected [55]. Nevertheless, so games do not turn
themselves into simply publicity vehicles, announcement
companies must adjust their marketing strategies, and
developers should adapt the game design to a model that
inherently promotes immersive, interactive, optional, and non-
obstructive commercial content [10], [22], [32].
Otherwise, marketing initiatives could be perceived as
detrimental to the experience itself. When done consciously,
punctual modifications may turn the in-game advertisement
and brand imagery into healthier affairs, pleasing both the
gamer community and business companies [22], [32].
F. Social Factor
Social constructs are chief predictors of players' choices
and actions. These constructs exist as a result of human
interaction and interpersonal influences [28], [29]. Behavior,
identity, culture, and consumption are some of the topics
associated with Social Factor. Nevertheless, in the gaming
environment, socialization is, in a certain way, anomalous, as
it can only be truly understood when you look at its two sides:
in-game and out-of-game socialization.
Factor Loading
I am interested in socializing with other players
I think establishing meaningful relationships with
other players is a relevant process
I like to chat with other players
The social realm, in the virtual world, can be observed
from different perspectives. The first is about social
interaction and how the players coexist together and in
intimate social groups [27]. The second analyzes language and
communication in virtual environments - slangs, expressions,
and proper terminology [16]. The third is to look at social
perception and how players, avatars, and characters
distinguish themselves and express the gamer’s individuality
[47]. The fourth deals with types of social organization, social
stratification, and how social layers are created [28]. The fifth
one is about the importance of the game design in social
dynamics [30].
Despite everything, the Social Factor is a rather curious
component within the gaming lifestyle concept, much by
virtue of the identification process. As complex as it is, the
identification process can be thought of as the association,
social cognition, and symbolic interaction between social
structures and the individual self [18]. In less complicated
terms, one’s identity is constituted of cultural, political,
economic, social, and individual imprints that lead to
behavioral and attitudinal patterns. The subject is, to a certain
level, responsible for the construction, maintenance, and
adjustment of personal identities.
[8] comprehends that a subject’s cognitive schema and
perception are highly organized and developed by groups and
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
social life. Hence, the capability of one’s identification occurs
due to social interaction. In virtual worlds, it is understood that
this social theory manifests itself, essentially, this way: the
player is introjected with existing values that are disseminated
in-game through interaction with other players and the game
itself [1], [52]. Consequently, players adopt habits, attitudes,
forms of expression, and beliefs shared in virtual
environments. Such players are described to live their gaming
moments so intensively and vividly that they end up bringing
part of their experience to their out-game lives [21], [47].
The proposition of a social theory applied to the gaming
lifestyle stems from the idea that a collective phenomenon,
such as the gamer identity, cannot be accurately explained
from an individual framework alone [8]. The gamer identity
is, at the same time, an internal process in which a player’s
self-identity is influenced by the game life and by the tangible
reality; and a group construction psychologically developed if
a congregation of people unites and relate in terms of shared
beliefs, values, behavioral patterns and consumption habits
[8], [20], [53].
Therefore, for the existence of a gamer identity and a
gaming lifestyle, there, necessarily, should be an organized
amount of individuals with similar self-perceptions and
willingness to assemble [20], [21]. Under this influence, the
player gradually embraces certain behavioral elements to its
cognitive repertoire and starts to showcase what could be
called a gaming persona [1], [8], [18], [52]. The gaming
persona can be considered the embodiment of in-game values
that fosters online and offline identity integration.
Finally, the degree and quality of assimilation of values
and behaviors incorporated from the virtual world experience
are extensively affected by the level of engagement one has
with the virtual and the gaming lifestyle [14], [52].
Commitment determines whether the gaming lifestyle and the
gaming persona are no more than a brief passage in one's life
narrative or a stable fragment of the self and part of the
player's daily life.
G. Enjoyment Factor
The Enjoyment Factor is a very discussed and explored
factor in the gaming literature. Authors such as [50], [51], [64]
describe this feeling as being an intrinsic motivation related to
their perception of pleasure, contentment, fun, and joy. [64]
identified that this factor creates a sense of reward from the
pleasure in undertaking the gaming activity and not because of
any particular objective or expected result.
Factor Loading
Joy is an important feeling when I play games
I try to have fun in each and every gaming session
For me, gaming is a fun hobby
Time flies by when I play games
What the Enjoyment Factor addresses, above all, is the
basic human need to feel pleasure. Electronic games represent
a pleasurable moment, an instant of joy amongst the
challenges and burdens of a player's daily life [33]. More than
that, games are entertaining and a great source of fun.
Enjoyment is a multifarious state that encompasses
physiological, cognitive, emotional, and social elements [64].
Enjoyment in games does not exist by itself. It is the product
of a player’s experience in virtual worlds and is correlated
with the perceived challenge, fluid gameplay, the difference in
skill between players, social interaction, and immersive
narrative [41], [50].
There are many views on the subject of enjoyment.
Nonetheless, a fair share of them seems to relate enjoyment to
the satisfaction of needs and well-being [64]. Individuals
constantly seek positive feelings, and in the gaming context,
those feelings come as a result of the victory, surpassed
challenges and obstacles, grinding, interaction with other
players, team bonding, autonomy, sense of belonging, and
competence [11], [41].
Although the debate around enjoyment is not a novelty,
there are still many uncertainties regarding its definition and
psychological roots. Previous studies about entertainment and
media describe enjoyment as the satisfaction of needs, while
others suggest it is the pursuit of positive feelings [30]. When
it comes to the virtual environment, there is a lack of structural
cohesion and consensus regarding the theme of enjoyment.
Howbeit, it is logical to think that enjoyment is associated
with psychological well-being [64].
From another perspective, as a leisure activity, gaming can
be perceived as a tool to help alleviate the stress of life and
provide amusing moments. More than that, it can be a social
activity within the virtual space that aids the players in
cultivating temperament and self-development [50], [64]. In
spite of the debates whether games are healthy practices,
unarguably, it promotes the improvement of cognitive and
non-cognitive skills that can be transported to other situations
in life [25].
There are, indeed, benefits in incorporating gaming into
the daily routine. [64] consider gaming a flourishing practice
on mental health capable of improving emotional, social, and
psychological well-being. It positively influences players’
vitality, resilience, engagement, sense of competence, social
connections, and functioning [33]. Naturally, not all games
can offer this myriad of benefits, and not all types of players
can profit from gaming from a well-being standpoint. Yet, it is
safe to assume that, to all players, gaming practices are
engaging, motivating, and enjoyable activities worthy of time.
Enjoyment is the fundamental principle so, one may add
gaming practices as a part of his life.
Journal of Game, Game Art and Gamification
Vol. 06, No. 02, 2021
Studies about lifestyle in the ambit of gaming are still
limited, considering that specific theory about the subject has
not taken place yet. For this reason, this paper has attempted
to provide empirical support for some gaming-related
characteristics and practices that could characterize the way of
life of online players. Research comprehensively addressing
gaming and lifestyle could not be found. Most of the literature
focused on specific topics and did not associate lifestyle,
consumption, and identity.
A. Theoretical Contributions
The main theoretical contribution was to explore the idea
of a gamer being a hybrid consumer influenced by his life
experiences in-game and out-game. Behavioral patterns and
consumption choices are all impacted, to some extent, by the
trichotomous relationship between the player’s personal
universe, the game environment, and the tangible reality. In an
effort to make such abstraction more intelligible, this paper
utilized the concept of lifestyle as a means to express this
trichotomy in a more discernible fashion
The player’s personal universe, describes the daily
activities a gamer undertakes. The option for gaming as a
leisure activity, the time he spends playing, the days of the
week he chooses to play, with whom the player shares in-
game experiences, how much real currency he invests on
virtual goods. All of those choices communicate to the world
how involved with gaming an individual is. Moreover, habits
represent a potential source of people’s identity. In other
terms, the array of our habits corresponds to fragments of the
totality of our true self.
Analogously, habits are routinely manifestations of one’s
life narrative. This narrative is constantly constructed and
revised throughout our lifetime, and by virtue of personal
perception, important kept habits tell society part of who we
are. It is relevant to underline that some habits, not all, are
prone to designate a particular piece of identity. For instance,
a gamer who prefers to watch streams instead of playing
represents a unique niche of gamers. While he remains a
gamer, this particular option for spectating instead of playing
distinguishes him even among fellow gamers.
Habits, daily choices, beliefs, and attitudes, when
organized, form behavioral patterns objectively connected to
lifestyle. As thought, behavioral patterns are also affected by
the experience in game environments. Narrative, graphics,
aesthetics, characters, conflict, cooperation, challenge,
interaction, and reward; all those features have the potential to
not only make a game more engaging but to impact a player’s
worldview. Just like a book, games have the potential to alter
an individual’s perception and loosen more rigid mental
B. Managerial Implications
Arguably, the most conspicuous managerial implication
would be employing the Six Factors as criteria for customer
segmentation. Each factor is directly connected to specific
consumption practices. Since there is an inventory of
information at disposal for decision-makers, managers can
more accurately judge how they will interact with gamers,
what will be the tone of their communication, how to position
or reposition products, and services, what type of content is
relevant to their audience, which segment of gamers to target
and why gamers choose to adhere to this lifestyle. In brief, this
paper offers insightful commentaries that could be useful
when formulating marketing promotion strategies, and
marketers could profit from products and services within the
GLS concept.
The main limitation of this research is that, although it was
a global survey, there was a preponderance of North American
respondents, which means that the results are limited in how
representative they can be. Likewise, even though 711 valid
returns were received, more responses would have been
On top of that, there are a few recommendations for
further study: (1) applying more sophisticated statistical
techniques, such as modeling structural equations (SEM)
using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). (2) Developing a
more polished GLS scale. (3) Conducting local studies to
compare regional differences. (4) Offer new interpretations to
the existent factors. (5) Investigate novel factors that could
characterize and enrich the GLS concept.
By nature, as an exploratory investigation, this is only a
primary step into developing a more consistent and refined
GLS theory. Nevertheless, this paper suggests that some
lifestyle practices indeed serve a self-expression purpose, and
the Six Factors are squarely related to the player's life reality.
Even though these variables have different psychological
roots, they are somewhat interconnected and adequately
correlate to lifestyle constructs. Whereas subtle, at the
conclusion of this research, it is possible to perceive that the
concept of engagement could be used as an effective way to
measure the relationship that each player has with the various
factors – possibly leading to new relevant findings.
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