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Foehrder et al
Advantages of 360° Virtual Forest
Tours to Supplement Academic
Forestry Education
GI_Forum 2021, Issue 2
Page: 34 - 44
Full Paper
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DOI: 10.1553/giscience2021_02_s34
Torben Foehrder, Jan-Peter Mund and Peter Spathelf
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany
360° virtual forest tours (VFTs), created by state-of-the-art virtual reality technology,
contribute to the progression of academic e-learning and forest management. The article
proposes a conceptual framework for 360° VFT production and use to supplement field
courses. Reflective insights into the authors’ own learning process in the production of 360°
VFTs, and a consideration of the general challenges of the medium are also presented. To
conclude, the article summarizes the advantages of 360° VFTs for forestry education in an
academic context.
virtual forest tours, forestry education, virtual reality, e-learning
1 Introduction
Excursions, field exercises and real-world laboratories are core elements of practice-oriented
university didactics in education for sustainable development (ESD). The context-sensitive
learning objectives of ESD cover knowledge transfer and cognitive experience, especially in
the areas of nature conservation, ecology and forestry. Immersive and interactive learning is a
modern didactic method in which 3D animation technology can be used to immerse learners
in virtual realities (VR) and enable them to interact with so-called digital twins. This method is
already widely used in technical sciences. It has been proven to promote learning efficiency by
allowing learners to revisit the VR experience multiple times, in combination with more
traditional forms of learning – or to use Pantelidis’s terminology, through the combination of
symbolic and experiential information (Pantelidis, 2009). The technological advancements in
augmented, mixed and virtual reality (AR/MR/VR) applications support learning in cases of
the physical or ethical inaccessibility of the object of study. Interactive 3D ‘immersive learning
spaces’ bridge barriers of space and time, and enable focusing via AR/MR/VR on parameters
or ratios in ecosystems that are invisible or not immediately comparable (e.g. size of tree stems
compared to crown height; or crown size in relation to leaf cover, which can only be
determined in different seasons). In the light of ongoing developments by the GIS Laboratory
of the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde, this article describes the creation
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of a practical 360° virtual forest tour (360° VFT), which can be used as a tool for teaching and
project coordination in forestry education. With suitable AR solutions already available (Mund
& Müller, 2019), the development of VR teaching methods is the next logical step. The scope
of the article includes the practical integration of the technology for individuals and institutions
interested in the possibilities that 360° VFTs have to offer. An analysis of the didactical
methods and advantages of the medium is not part of this article, as this would considerably
extend the cover of the research. For an examination of immersive VR technology and learning
theories for implementation in higher education contexts, see e.g. Radianti et al. (2020).
360° VFTs have become popular in environmental education as a way of informing people
about how forestry benefits humans and wildlife (Kershaw, 2020). Transferring the didactic
tool into an academic context serves as a supplement for field trips and partially solves
limitations on financial and logistical resources (Reque Kilchenmann, García Ochoa, &
Spathelf, 2017). To identify the contributions of 360° VFTs to higher education in forestry,
the authors examined their personal experiences of 360° VFT production and the technical
long-term implementation of the tours. A basic framework for the creation and comparison
of 360° VFTs is presented, and the advantages of the medium are critically assessed in relation
to the efforts required for successfully producing VFTs.
2 Materials and methods
Investigation into 360° VFTs as a possible tool for academic research and teaching was carried
out using a basic technical setup. The equipment consisted of various digital single-lens reflex
(DSLR) cameras, positioned in a panoramic head (Manfrotto, Cassola, Italy), mounted on a
standard tripod in the field, and operated manually. Execution was constantly refined to
evaluate the quickest and most reliable routine for photographing spots of interest for later
digitalization. The image data acquired were then processed in PTGui (a software package that
is currently available) and Panotour Pro (which is no longer released). This allowed the two-
dimensional pictures to be re-arranged in a virtual simulation of the precise locations
Using PTGui, the photographs taken in the field were merged to create a spherical simulation
of the site (see Figure 1). The software includes an additional masking tool tool for favouring
or excluding areas in individual source images, as is found in most types of image-editing
software. Basic functions such as the manual adjustment of anchor points shared by images
and their placement within the virtual sphere, as well as simple graphic-adjustment tools, are
also part of PTGui. The files produced allow a 360° experience of the virtual replica of a real-
world location. To connect these files to an interactive tour, implement additional digital
content, and generate a publishable HTML file, the Panotour Pro software by Kolor (Figure
2) proved sufficient, but distribution of the product was suspended and technical support
discontinued during the period when this study was being carried out.
Foehrder et al
Figure 1: Transformation and distortion of single photographs taken by DSLR cameras in the creation of
a spherical virtual replica using PTGui. From top left to bottom right: generation of photographic source
files; merged images in spherical simulation; mosaic display of source files; distortion of source files within
the panorama
The combined efforts of several projects allowed the production of various 360° VFTs for the
purposes of academic knowledge transfer and project transparency. In this way, methods of
large-scale forestry management could be visualized and compared. The aspects looked at
included areas for practical fieldwork in forestry (marteloscopes), international ecosystem
comparison, reforestation areas, and areas of storm damage and their structural development
over time. Various ways of making the tours available for user interaction were compared and
tested for accessibility, ease of application and sustainable data management.
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Figure 2: Implementation of the previously generated panoramic image into a virtual tour, including
interactive and connective elements, using Panotour Pro. From top left to bottom right: panoramic
image generated; implementation of spatial references and information; combining scenes into a tour;
final tour as viewed in a web browser.
2.1 Subsequent reflexion
Based on their experiences in the projects undertaken, the authors refined the conceptual
framework for the content-related production of a 360° VFT. After understanding the
technological conditions needed to produce photographic material which meets the
requirements for digital progression, the authors next examined the viewer’s experience of the
tour. For academic e-learning concepts in relation to forestry, tours that are publicly available
were compared to the project results in order to extract preferred features. Additionally, a
review of scientific and popular literature connected to forest-related VR research was carried
out with a view to identifying possible implementations of 360° VFTs and their academic
3 360° VFT production
The production of a 360° VFT requires the same conceptual framework as that found in most
projects focusing on public interaction and media presentation. Informational content,
contextual storyboard, publishing environment and technological capacities are defining
factors for the composition of the tour. The extent of the information and additional data to
include can then be determined. Interested parties may consider outsourcing the creation of a
360° VFT as a way of reducing time, effort and costs while still achieving satisfactory results;
indeed, there are more and more professional service providers creating virtual tours. The
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most prominent companies in this domain are Google Tour Creator, RICOH360 and 3DVista.
To create or modify a 360° VFT, using a third party or in-house resources, a sound
understanding of the basic procedures may shorten the development process and aid in the
design of a working concept.
For the creation of a 360° VFT, interested parties first need to generate suitable visual content
for the spherical replication – i.e. panoramic photographic images. This is followed by the
implementation of additional information, choosing a didactic connection between scenes, and
embedding the tour in its publishing environment. The continuous development of equipment
and software makes the technical procedures in 360° VFT production increasingly easy, but
creative decisions for the integration of content require a further skill set in addition to subject-
knowledge of forestry. Depending on the target group and the purpose of a 360° VFT, creators
may consider deepening their understanding of digital and visual media, immersive didactics
and interdisciplinary knowledge transfer.
3.1 Preparatory framework
Most important during the outlining phase of a 360° VFT is determining how much time will
have to be invested for individual stages of the project. Furthermore, it must be kept in mind
that acquiring appropriate image data requires favourable weather conditions. To avoid
accumulating unnecessary data, the number and location of scenes to be shot should be
established before starting the fieldwork. The choice of equipment and software (see Section
3.2) determines how the tour will be published and what modifications will be possible, and
should therefore be addressed as early as possible.
3.2 Technical requirements
Integrated functions for the generation of panoramic image files can be found in conventional
hand-held photographic devices (mobile phones, compact cameras, or point-and-shoot
devices like GoPro models). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are the most convenient way
to inspect hard-to-reach locations while assuring exact geographical references. Higher-priced
models commonly include settings for panorama shots (Muliawan, 2017). For high-resolution
image data and the option to adjust settings according to the circumstances in the field,
manually operated DSLR cameras are sufficient. However, full-panoramic (360°) footage can
only be produced by specific state-of-the-art cameras. These are not currently available
commercially as integrated components of UAVs (Feist, 2020).
Digital processing of the photographs to create spherical virtual environments requires less
computing capacity than, for example, editing movie clips, but extracting clipped scenes from
high-resolution image data is still very time-consuming. To guarantee fluid progress on the
technical work involved and editing procedures, devices rely mainly on graphic components,
such as high GPU capacities, and adequate virtual working storage. The accumulation of data
can cause files for a single VFT to quickly exceed 10GB. Adequate hard-drive space therefore
needs to be ensured.
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3.3 Project stages of VFT production
These basic guidelines offer the essential procedures for producing a 360° VFT. The concept
can be applied to any location and desired subject.
Draft of the project’s scope
A preliminary definition of the 360° VFT subject is reached by consolidating the knowledge
that is to be transferred and identifying the geographical references to be included. Also during
the planning phase, the means of transport to the locations for photographic fieldwork, the
creative partners in the project and their intentions for specific content, and the choice of
equipment and publication platform need to be decided. The conceptual framework
determining how many scenes to create and their sequence also need to be decided in relation
to the target viewers of the 360° VFT.
Fieldwork and post-processing
A basic understanding of photography is necessary to achieve suitable photographic image
data at the geographic location of interest. Differing weather and light conditions require
constant adaptation for optimal source material. The effort invested may vary widely based on
the equipment used and the desired level of detail.
The individual photographic image files are merged into a single larger image file, which can
be displayed using specific software as a virtual 360° spatial experience of the scene. Given
appropriate source material and software, creating a spherical combination of the individual
files requires minimal manual graphical corrections or selection/omission of individual source
files in the mosaic display (Figure 1).
Tour creation and publication
Subsequently, the individual scenes are connected to form a virtual tour. If augmented by
geographical references, the sequence of the individual scenes can deliver an understanding of
the environmental conditions at the geolocation, at a specific point in time (Figure 2). Metadata
or the appropriate EXIF files should therefore always be accessible for auxiliary information
– but via icons or other interactive functions, so as not to obstruct the viewer’s undisturbed
field of vision. Trade-offs between fostering the benefits of an intuitive understanding of the
virtual replicated environment, ease of access to supplementary technological components,
and software limitations are to be expected during this phase.
When a 360° VFT is created for public access, online lessons or as a stand-alone production,
webhosting, remote access or a server structure is necessary to deliver the tour to interested
viewers. Hosting services like WordPress or Wix have published technical expansions to
integrate virtual 360° content. Software that can produce virtual tours generates usable data
formats (HTML5 or JavaScript are common) and may include complementary software to
present the created tour via an Intranet or a local host. If technical training and resources are
available, the tours may also be made available through in-house webhosting.
Foehrder et al
4 Utilization of 360° VFT
Especially in the context of a worldwide pandemic, the advantages of remote-access study
courses and virtual excursions have become ever more apparent. A virtual replication of real-
world forest stands allows for repeatable experience in a specific area of interest, independently
of the current weather conditions, season of the year or transport. The exchange of (detailed,
computerized) academic knowledge in connection to forestry (e.g. types of vegetation and
structural composition, growth over time, or effects of natural disasters) can be fostered by
the opportunities offered by 360° VFT, and vice versa.
One example of 360° VFTs being used to supplement or complement traditional courses of
study, classroom teaching methods and fieldwork are the teaching units designed by the
Institute for Sustainable Forest Management Research, University of Valladolid, Spain (Figure
3), which are based on interactive online walks through real forest stands (Instituto
Universitario de Investigación Gestión Forestal Sostensible (iuFOR), 2018). Documentation
of experiments, of extraordinary events such wildfires or storms, of harvesting, planting or
fencing allows for immediate visual comparison of plant growth, for example, and offers a
holistic perspective on the ecosystem (Figure 4). The European-Vietnamese Higher Education
Network for Sustainable Forest- and Bio-Economy, another instance of a 360° VFT used in
education, aims to examine issues in a multidisciplinary fashion and to compare different forest
ecosystems on a global scale.
Figure 3: Screen shot of 360° VFT to supplement academic field courses
(Instituto Universitario de Investigación Gestión Forestal Sostensible (iuFOR), 2018)
Foehrder et al
Figure 4: Sample images showing different site conditions after storm damage (Mund, Beiler, & Manh,
BioEcoN, 2019)
The development of a virtual teaching environment for owners of small-scale forests to ensure
adaptation of their stands to future conditions caused by climate change is the subject of a
recent project by the Department of Information Management and Information Systems at
the University of Osnabrück (Thomas, 2021). This example of the use of 360° VFTs in higher
education is aimed at young forest owners who have little forest management experience, for
the identification of tree species, assessment of forest stands, identification of habitats, timber
harvesting, and rejuvenation.
5 Discussion
Setting up a suitable collection of 360° VFTs for academic e-learning and knowledge transfer
requires a considerable investment of time, suitable equipment, relevant media competence,
photography and programming skills, and secure web hosting. Consequently, virtual tour
production and webhosting are now carried out predominantly by businesses instead of
individual creators. Cancellation of support for the Panotour Pro production software by
developer Kolor was a further complexity encountered during the learning process.
The importance of ethics and moral sensitivity to be integrated into new technologies reached
new levels with the development of VR. Referred to as ‘anticipatory technology ethics’ by
Philip A. E. Brey (Brey, 2012) and ‘responsible research and innovation’ by Hilary Sutcliffe
(Sutcliffe, 2011), the responsibilities and moral obligations of technology designers to the
public may include a wider long-term view, taking into account social involvement,
environmental impacts and other repercussions. Predictions, forecasting impacts, and
evaluating and elaborating on possible consequences need to be integrated into the
development of VR applications to guarantee early identification of issues with openness and
transparency. Additionally, profound acknowledgement of active, real, lived experience needs
to be a fundamental psychological element in VR development for the provision of a ‘positive’
Foehrder et al
experience in a virtual environment, which is supposed to stay as close to reality as possible
(Kenwright, 2019).
5.1 Advantages of 360° VFT in forestry education
The potential of 360° VFTs to offer visual impressions of environmental conditions at a
particular geographical location that can be compared with each other makes this a holistic
and comprehensive medium for understanding the complex interdependencies that exist
within a forest ecosystem. The level of immersion provided by 360° VFTs cannot be
accomplished by traditional textual or photographic learning materials. By connecting
geographical references, extracted in semi-autonomous fashion from existing image metadata,
and photo-optic panoramic portrayals of a location, remote users are able to immerse
themselves in the scene and to experience its content in an interdisciplinary and unbiased way.
Further implemented data, accessed via intuitive and meaningfully (spatially) oriented
links/icons within the scenes, can supplement a tour. In this way, the visual concept of a
360° VFT supports memorizing, understanding, and the creation of links between different
pieces of information (Kouyoumdjian, 2012). VR implementations, due to their intuitive,
digital and transdisciplinary nature, facilitate increased learning engagement, higher accuracy
in planning processes, decreased costs of prototype development, as well as the generation of
new ways of communicating and interacting between collections of data, products, locations
and stakeholders (Marr, 2017).
Regarding forestry education specifically, the digital recreation of real-world forest structures
in a 360° VFT provides an objective picture to unify all available data, combined with analytical
tools to support collaborative decision-making and stakeholder engagement. Cost reduction
and increased productivity are possible by minimizing the reliance on field trips and using
360° VFT for forest management decisions (Roeser, 2020). Current 360° VFT applications
include updating forest asset information, automatization of data integration via remote
sensing, and improvement of forest machinery and management simulators for staff training
(Fabrika, Valent, & Mokroš, 2016). Highly immersive VR simulations are of increasing value
for school purposes due to their independence of time and location. They also provide a risk-
free environment and room for mistake-driven experiences (Pappas, 2017). In the long term,
ambitions are set to create digital replicas of forests, including the modelling of every tree in
terms of its location, height, diameter and species. It will become possible to visit timber
transactions virtually and compare management decisions. The simulation of stand conditions
after the application of different management decisions will be another convenience of
360° VFTs (Hofmann & Jumppanen, 2017).
6 Prospects and developments
Digital replications of real-world forest stands are expected to become further enhanced. They
will provide geospatial references for silvicultural objects improved by the integration of multi-
sensory data, generated by autonomous and manually-operated vehicles in forest operations.
Using photogrammetric or LiDAR technology in 360° VFT could allow the display of point
cloud data in a graphically enhanced way within a tour. Viewers would be able to carry out
Foehrder et al
assessment tasks for which natural human perceptual skills are required, without the
restrictions of a conventional display screen (Chinthammit, 2017). Calculations performed by
integrated functions within the software could reduce manual documentation and automate
basic assessments (Fabrika, Valent, & Mokroš, 2016). It may soon be possible to create
autonomous inventories, as shown by developments discussed in (Mohan, et al., 2017). Given
the increasing accuracy of sensor technologies, inventories will achieve greater levels of
reliability through autonomous, technological means than human observation alone is able to
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