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This article reviews the activity of the immunomodulatory plants of sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) which is used as an alternative therapy in improving the body's immune system. Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) is an Indonesian plant that is widely studied today, especially the immunomodulatory activity it has. Immunomodulatory activity of the sambiloto is due to the active compound content of deoxyandrographolide, andrographolide, 14-deoxy-11, neoandrographolide, 12-didehydroandrographolide, homoandrographolide, diterpenoid and flavonoid contained in sambiloto. As an immunomodulator, sambiloto can be used as immunostimulatory agent that boost the immune response when the immunity is reduced, and can also be an immunosuppressor i.e., lowering immune response when the immune system increases beyond normal body conditions. In addition, as an immunomodulator, sambiloto is able to normalize the body condition despite the presence of infection.

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... COVID-19 adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh turunan coronavirus baru, 'CO' diambil dari corona, 'VI' virus, dan 'D' disease (penyakit). Sebelumnya, penyakit ini disebut '2019 novel coronavirus' atau '2019-nCoV.' Virus COVID-19 adalah virus baru yang terkait dengan keluarga virus yang sama dengan Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) dan beberapa jenis virus flu biasa (WHO, 2020) [1]. ...
... Apalagi anak-anak mereka yang memiliki hubungan darah, oleh karena itu, kami melakukan pengabdian masyarakat untuk melakukan "sosialisasi perawatan pasien COVID 19 di Rumah". [1]. ...
COVID 19 saat ini telah menjadi pandemi dan menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia khususnya di Indonesia. Jumlah kasus positif COVID 19 di Indonesia merupakan yang tertinggi di wilayah Asia. Selama beberapa bulan ke depan bangsa Indonesia akan menghadapi masalah besar disebabkan COVID 19, apabila tidak ditangani dengan tepat. Pasien dengan COVID 19 tidak hanya di rawat di rumah sakit saja, karena pasien dengan gejala ringan atau tanpa gejala atau pada pasien yang sudah berkurang gejalanya maka akan dianjurkan untuk isolasi mandiri di rumah. Oleh karena itu keluarga berperan penting dalam perawatan pasien COVID 19, agar tidak menambah parah dan tidak menularkan ke anggota keluarga lain. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi pada ibu-ibu majelis taklim Masjid Ar Ridho terkait perawatan pasien COVID 19 di rumah. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan melalui ceramah dan memberikan leaflet berisi materi penyuluhan di Majelis Taklim Masjid Ar Ridho Jalan Abdul Hakim Gg Masjid Ar Ridho, Tanjung Sari, Medan Selayang, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, 20132. Sasaran pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah ibu-ibu majelis taklim Masjid Ar Ridho.
... In Indonesia, one of the popular medicinal plants is sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees.) [5], which has the potential to be developed into alternative therapies in increasing the body's immune system. The active compounds contained in Sambiloto act as immunomodulators, including deoxyandrographolide, andrographolide, neoandrographolide, homoandrographolide, diterpenoids, flavonoids [6], β-sitosterol, stigmasterol [7], and polyphenols [8]. Sambiloto leaves potentially as an immunomodulator, immunostimulator, and immunosuppressor agents [6]. ...
... The active compounds contained in Sambiloto act as immunomodulators, including deoxyandrographolide, andrographolide, neoandrographolide, homoandrographolide, diterpenoids, flavonoids [6], β-sitosterol, stigmasterol [7], and polyphenols [8]. Sambiloto leaves potentially as an immunomodulator, immunostimulator, and immunosuppressor agents [6]. ...
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AIM: The purpose of this study was to develop a tea formula of sambiloto leaves, analyzed the chemical properties (polyphenols, tannins, water, extracts in water, total ash, water soluble ash, water-insoluble ash, insoluble acid ash, and water-soluble ash alkalinity) as well as the antioxidant capacity of the formula. METHODS: This research was divided into two stages. The first stage was the formulation of sambiloto leaves tea and the second stage was the analysis of chemical properties (levels of polyphenols, tannins, water, extracts water, total ash, water soluble ash, water-insoluble ash, insoluble acid ash, and water soluble ash alkalinity) and antioxidant capacity analysis. The analysis was carried out on all of the sambiloto leaves tea formulas to determine the effect of the formulations on chemical properties and antioxidant capacity. This study used Microsoft Excel 2013 in data processing management. RESULTS: The highest extract water was at F4, and the lowest was at F1. Based on the analysis, the formula of sambiloto leaves tea was in the range of 1.026–1.734%. Of all the formulas that have been prepared, sambiloto leaves tea formula F1 was obtained the best chemical and antioxidant properties among all formulas, which were composed of 100% sambiloto leaves, 5% honey, and 45% dates. CONCLUSION: Sambiloto leaves have good antioxidant activity and can be used as a drink in the form of an infusion, such as tea. The result of brewing the sambiloto tea formula has faded green color. The polyphenol content of the sambiloto leaves tea formula still did not meet the Indonesia National Standard (≥5.2%), was 1.5–3.1%.
... However, its use results in many undesirable effects, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory group (microscopic bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, decrease in platelet levels, respiratory depression, and so on), immunostimulants (increased acid levels tendons, urticaria, agranulocytosis, and others), immunosuppressants (toxic to the liver, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and miscellaneous). 5 To achieve the desired impact on disease prevention, the immunomodulating properties of plants are extensively studied. As a result, herbal treatments have been using for millennia due to their security, potency, lack of serious adverse effects, and cultural acceptance. ...
Plants extract as immunomodulatory is substance which can stimulates or suppresses the component of immune system including white blood count and differential leucocytes count. The modulation of immune system by various plants extract has become subject for scientific investigation currently worldwide. Some of these plants have been claimed to increase immune system by increasing the total white blood count and differential leucocytes count are Achyranthes aspera Linn, Cermai Leaves (Phyllanthus acidus (L.)) Skeels, Moringa oleivera and Poguntano herb (Picriafel-terraeLour).. Plants extract were recommended for us as immunomodulatory because there are several botanical products with potential therapeutic applications such as high efficacy, low cost and low toxicity.
... People consider that vitamin C has antioxidant and other beneficial properties such as whitening effect. In addition, vitamin C boosts the body's immune system by speeding up the production of T cells and B cells that play a role in killing bacteria and viruses, also aiding other cell types in the immune system (Alkandahri et al. 2018). Despite the above properties, vitamin C is unstable to light, temperature, and changes in pH (Sheraz et al. 2015). ...
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This paper provides dynamic insight into the aggregation profile of systems containing six different phospholipid species, cholesterol, and vitamin C thru Coarse-Grain Molecular Dynamics (CGMD) simulations. The simulation used 42 systems, and each system was composed of 220 molecules of each phospholipid species, a varied number of cholesterol molecules (0, 11, 22, 33, 66, 88), and 10 vitamin C molecules. The phospholipid species were DLPE, DOPE, DLiPE, DOPS, DLiPS, and DLiPC. We found curved bilayer, toroidal bilayer, concave micelle, disc-like bilayer, planar bilayer, and liposome structures in the systems during the 40 ns simulation. The systems with a ratio cholesterol:phospholipid between 15% and 40% formed liposomes regardless of the phospholipid species. Cholesterol is positioned in the liposome bilayer while vitamin C is encapsulated in the aqueous core of liposomes for all cholesterol compositions. The cholesterol influences the liposome formation of various phospholipid species and the encapsulation of vitamin C in the liposome structure.
... 1 Flavonoid compounds are also known to activate antioxidant enzymes, 24-26 which protect cells from damage caused by lipid peroxide, 27,28 reduces alpha-tocopherol radicals, 29 catalyzes metal chelation and free-electron transfer, 30,31 inhibits oxidases, 32 and immunomodulators. 33 In addition, O. sativa extract was also reported to contain several active compounds including anthocyanins, gamma oryzanol, Vitamin E complex, tocotrienols, and β-sitosterol which can increase the SPF value. [34][35][36][37] The result of an in vitro study showed that a cosmetic formulation containing the anthocyanin (Figure 6) of Purple sweet Potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) TNG73, at a concentration of 0.61 mg/100 g cream absorbs up to 46% of UV radiation exposure. ...
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Background: Recently, emulgel has emerged as a potential hydrophobic drug delivery method. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the phytochemical content of Oryza sativa extract and develop an emulgel formulation using Carbapol 940 as a gelling agent. Materials and Methods: The emulsion was placed in a gel basis after preparation and the formulations were evaluated for their rheology, pH, spreading coefficient, stability, and sun protection factor. Then, phytochemical analysis of O. sativa extract was used to determine the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, polyphenols, quinones, monoterpenoids, and sesquiterpenoids, as well as triterpenoids and steroids. Results: The entire formulations of O. sativa emulgel extract filled the emulgel formulation criteria. Furthermore, O. sativa emulgel protects against UV radiation, as indicated by the SPF value in each formulation, which increases as the dose of O. sativa extract increases. Based on the results, formulations 2 and 3 have an SPF of 5.71±0.063 and 16.07±0.072, respectively. These suggest that they both fill the Indonesian National Standard, which requires a sunscreen preparation with a minimum of four protection. Conclusion: Consequently, O. sativa emulgel extract can serve as a novel sunscreen agent against UV radiation. However, further study is required to ascertain the mechanism of action of the active chemicals found in O. sativa that function as an antioxidant and give protection against UV radiation.
Coleus scutellariodes (L), commonly known as Jawer kotok plant, is a medicinal plant that has many properties, one of which is as an immunodulator and some of its pharmacological activities. The leaves of this plant have various uses in traditional medicine for a number of diseases. Lots of substances contained in this plant such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, alkaloids, steroids. One of the substances contained in jawer kotok leaves has efficacy as an immunodulator, namely flavonoids. Several studies have demonstrated the pharmacological exploration of Coleus scutellariodes (L) as an infectious disease (Tuberculosis), Anti-Inflammatory (vulvovaginal candidiasis), Antipyretic, Antioxidant-Active, Anti-diabetic, Anti-histamine, Anti-anthelmic. In this journal review, a comprehensive study focused on knowledge of plant functions as immunodulators, pharmacological activities and phytochemical studies of the jawer kotok plant Coleus scutellariodes (L).Keywords: Guides, instructions, author’s kit, conference publications.
Nothopanax Scutellarium (Araliaceae family), commonly known as the leaves of the bowl, is a medicinal plant that has many pharmacological properties. The leaves of this plant have various uses in traditional medicine for a number of diseases. There are so many substances contained in this plant such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, phenolics, alkaloids, steroids and so on. Several studies have demonstrated the pharmacological exploration of Nothopanax Scutellarium as a Culex sp mosquito larvicide, diuretic, anti-kidney stone solubility, anti-aging, burn healer, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial which were carried out experimentally both in vivo and in vitro.
Isotoma Longiflora Presi known as kitolod belongs to the Campanulaceae family. This plant is used as traditional medicine, and now continues to be in the process of moving towards conventional herbal medicine. Kitolod plants grow scattered on several islands in Indonesia, especially in the lowlands. This review article discusses the scientific journal of the kitolod plant which focuses on chemical compounds and also their pharmacological activities. All information exposure obtained from scientific literature such as scientific journals, the official website of the Minister of Health, books and also electronic books. Based on the results of a literature survey, Kitolod Plant (Isotoma Longiflora Presi). used in traditional medicine, used as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and is also able to help treat glaucoma and hyperlepidemia. Phytochemical compounds contained in this plant are alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids and steroids. This finding was obtained from both in vivo and in vitro testing and analysis of Isotoma Longiflora Presi.
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The prevalence of infectious diseases in the world, including in Indonesia, has increased significantly. One of the factors of death due to infectious disease is decreasing the human body's immune system. Therefore, studies on immunomodulatory agents need further investigation. Many studies have shown that secondary metabolite compounds contained in plants have immunomodulatory properties. These compounds are flavonoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, phenols, terpenoids, tannins, glycosides, saponins, and sterols. In Indonesia, there are many types of medicinal plants containing secondary metabolite compounds. Besides, Indonesian people usually consume Jamu for immune-boosting. Jamu is made from Indonesian traditional herbal medicine such as ginger, turmeric, galangal, Curcuma, cinnamon, sand ginger, lemongrass, cardamom, tamarind, lime and cloves. The most frequently used Indonesian traditional herbal medicine investigated regarding their constituents and immunomodulatory effect should be explored. Although, more research is needed to prove efficacy and assure safety scientifically. This paper aims to give comprehensive views useful for future development and further improve its utility as immunomodulatory agents.
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Sistemi imunologjik është i përbërë nga dy nënnjësi: sistemi imunologjik i lindur ose jospecifik dhe sistemi imunologjik i fituar ose specifik (figura 1). Sistemi imunologjik i lindur është linja e parë mbrojtëse kundër mikroorganizmave invadues, ndërsa sistemi imunologjik i fituar vepron si linjë e dytë e mbrojtjes dhe po ashtu e fuqizon mbrojtjen gjatë ekspozimit të përsëritur ndaj të njëjtit patogjen. Të dy nënnjësitë e sistemit imunologjik kanë komponentët qelizorë dhe komponentët humoralë me të cilët ato realizojnë funksionin mbrojtës (figura 1). Po ashtu, sistemi imunologjik i lindur ka strukturat anatomike, të cilat funksionojnë si barriera ndaj infeksionit. Edhe pse këto dy njësi të sistemit imunologjik kanë funksione të ndryshme, ekziston bashkëveprim midis këtyre sistemeve ( komponentët e sistemit imunologjik të lindur ndikojnë në sistemin imunologjik të fituar dhe anasjelltas). Edhe pse sistemi imunologjik i lindur dhe sistemi imunologjik i fituar funksionojnë së bashku në mbrojtjen kundër mikrooorganizmave invadues, ata ndryshojnë nga njëri tjetri në disa aspekte. Sistemit imunologjik të fituar i nevojitet një kohë për të reaguar ndaj një organizmi invadues, ndërsa sistemi imunologjik i lindur përfshin mekanizmat mbrojtjës, të cilët, në pjesën më të madhe, janë pjesë përbërëse dhe të gatshme për t'u mobilizuar me rastin e infeksionit. E dyta, sistemi imunologjik i fituar është antigjen-specifik dhe reagon vetëm ndaj organizmave që kanë shkaktuar atë përgjigje. Kurse, sistemi imunologjik i lindur nuk është antigjen-specifik dhe reagon në mënyrë të njëjtë ndaj organizmave të ndryshëm. Në fund, sistemi imunologjik i fituar demonstron memorien imunologjike. Ai "mban mend" kontaktin e mëparshëm me një organizëm invadues dhe reagon më shpejt pas kontaktit të sërishëm me të njëjtin organizëm. Ndërkaq, sistemi imunologjik i lindur nuk demonstron memorie imunologjike.
EtOH extract and purified diterpene andrographolides of Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae) induced significant stimulation of antibody and delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) in mice. The plant preparations also stimulated nonspecific immune response of the animals measured in terms of macrophage migration index (MMI) phagocytosis of 14C-leucine labelled Escherichia coli and proliferation of splenic lymphocytes. The stimulation of both antigen specific and nonspecific immune response was, however, of lower order with andrographolide than with the EtOH extract, suggesting thereby that substance(s) other than andrographolide present in the extract may also be contributing towards immunostimulation.
Traditional herbal medicine provides several remedies for strengthening the body's resistance to illness through effects on immune system components. This review article examines 3 popular herbal immune stimulants that are often of interest to cancer patients. Echinacea, a native of North America, is widely used to prevent, or provide early treatment for, colds. Preclinical studies lend biological plausibility to the idea that echinacea works through immune mechanisms. Numerous clinical trials have been carried out on echinacea preparations: it appears that the extracts shorten the duration and severity of colds and other upper respiratory infections (URIs) when given as soon as symptoms become evident. However, trials of long-term use of echinacea as a preventive have not shown positive results. Ginseng has been studied in some depth as an antifatigue agent, but studies of immune mechanisms have not proceeded so far. Preclinical evidence shows some immune-stimulating activity. There have been several clinical trials in a variety of different diseases. Astragalus is the least-studied agent. There are some preclinical trials that show intriguing immune activity. The herbs discussed appear to have satisfactory safety profiles. Cancer patients may wish to use these botanicals to inhibit tumor growth or to boost resistance to infections. However, passive immunotherapy with herbs, with no mechanism to expose tumor antigens, is unlikely to be effective in inhibiting tumor growth. Although the margin of safety for these herbs is large, more research is needed to demonstrate the clear value of using herbs to improve resistance to infections.
Our purpose was to determine whether numbers of CD4(+)CD25(+) T [T regulatory (T(reg))] cells and mRNA expression of functional molecules of T(reg) are related to airway allergy and disease severity in 51 paediatric patients with allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma and 47 healthy controls. Surface markers were evaluated with flow cytometry, and mRNA was determined with real-time polymerase chain reaction. Children with allergic disease had fewer CD4(+)CD25(+) T cells (8 x 49% +/- 2 x 41% versus 9 x 58% +/- 2 x 43%, P<0 x 05) and CD4(+)CD25(hi) T cells (1 x 32% +/- 0 x 68% versus 1 x 70% +/- 0 x 68%, P<0 x 01) than control subjects. Numbers of CD4(+)CD25(+) and CD4(+)CD25(hi) T lymphocytes were higher in children with persistent allergic rhinitis and/or moderate-severe bronchial asthma than in those with respective milder disease. The number of T(reg) cells was correlated positively with total immunoglobulin E level. The mRNA expression of forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) was increased in moderate-severe versus mild asthma (2 x 93 +/- 0 x 38 versus 1 x 60 +/- 0 x 31, P< 0 x 01). Patients with moderate-severe bronchial asthma also had increased mRNA expression of interleukin (IL)-10 compared with patients with mild asthma (15 x 24 +/- 4 x 07 versus 3 x 77 +/- 2 x 18, P<0 x 01). The suppressive function of T(reg) cells from patients with more severe asthma was competent in vitro. On average, decreased numbers of T(reg) cells in children with allergic airway disease might represent a defect of the T(reg) population. With increased expression of FoxP3 and IL-10 in T(reg) from patients with relatively severe allergic disease, adaptive and functional T(reg) might be generated in response to aggravated atopy and disease severity.
Uji Aktifitas Biologis Fraksi Ethanol Daun Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) Terhadap Perubahan Kuantitatif Sel T Regulator Pada Mencit BALB/c (Mus musculus)
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