On a daily basis, a conventional internet user queries different internet services (available on different platforms) to gather information and make decisions. In most cases, knowingly or not, this user consumes data that has been generated by other internet users about his/her topic of interest (e.g. an ideal holiday destination with a family traveling by a van for 10 days). Commercial service providers, such as search engines, travel booking websites, video-on-demand providers, food takeaway mobile apps and the like, have found it useful to rely on the data provided by other users who have commonalities with the querying user. Examples of commonalities are demography, location, interests, internet address, etc. This process has been in practice for more than a decade and helps the service providers to tailor their results based on the collective experience of the contributors. There has been also interest in the different research communities (including GIScience) to analyze and understand the data generated by internet users. The research focus of this thesis is on finding answers for real-world problems in which a user interacts with geographic information. The interactions can be in the form of exploration, querying, zooming and panning, to name but a few. We have aimed our research at investigating the potential of using geographic user-generated content to provide new ways of preparing and visualizing these data. Based on different scenarios that fulfill user needs, we have investigated the potential of finding new visual methods relevant to each scenario. The methods proposed are mainly based on pre-processing and analyzing data that has been offered by data providers (both commercial and non-profit organizations). But in all cases, the contribution of the data was done by ordinary internet users in an active way (compared to passive data collections done by sensors). The main contributions of this thesis are the proposals for new ways of abstracting geographic information based on user-generated content contributions. Addressing different use-case scenarios and based on different input parameters, data granularities and evidently geographic scales, we have provided proposals for contemporary users (with a focus on the users of location-based services, or LBS). The findings are based on different methods such as semantic analysis, density analysis and data enrichment. In the case of realization of the findings of this dissertation, LBS users will benefit from the findings by being able to explore large amounts of geographic information in more abstract and aggregated ways and get their results based on the contributions of other users. The research outcomes can be classified in the intersection between cartography, LBS and GIScience. Based on our first use case we have proposed the inclusion of an extended semantic measure directly in the classic map generalization process. In our second use case we have focused on simplifying geographic data depiction by reducing the amount of information using a density-triggered method. And finally, the third use case was focused on summarizing and visually representing relatively large amounts of information by depicting geographic objects matched to the salient topics emerged from the data.