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Artificial Intelligence and Stochastic Process-Based Analysis of Human Psychiatric Disorders


Abstract and Figures

Abstract This paper contains an analysis and comparison of different classifiers on different datasets of Psychiatric Disorders- Personality Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatric disorders are also referred to as mental disorders, abnormalities of the mind that result in persistent behavior which can seriously cause day to day function and life. Stochastic in AI refers to if there is any uncertainty or randomness involved in results and are used during optimization; Using this process also helps to provide precise results. The study of stochastic process in AI uses mathematical knowledge and techniques from probability, set theory, calculus, linear algebra and mathematical analysis like Fourier analysis, real analysis, and functional analysis. this technique is used to construct neural network for making artificial intelligent mode for processing and minimizing human effort. This paper contains classifiers like SVM, MLP, LR, KNN, DT, and RF. Several types of attributes are used and have been trained by Weka tool, MATLAB, and Python. The results show that the SVM classifier showed the best performance for all the attributes and disorders researched in this paper.
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Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Yashvi Bhavsar1, Khyati Mistry1, Nishchay Parikh1, Himani Shah1, Adarsh Saraswat1, Helia Givian2, Mojataba Barzegar3,4,5, Maryam Hosseini6, Khojaste
Rahimi Jaberi6, Archana Magare1, Mohammad Javad Gholamzadeh7, Hadi Aligholi6, Ali-Mohammad Kamali6, Prasun Chakrabarti8, Mohammad Nami5,6,9*
1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Institute of Technology & Management Universe, Dhanora Tank Road, Near Jarod, Vadodara - 391510,
Gujarat, India
2. Preclinical Core Facility, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3. Intelligent quantitative biomedical imaging (iqbmi), Tehran, 1955748171, Iran
4. School of Medical Physics and Medical Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, 14399-55991, Iran
5. Society for Brain Mapping and erapeutics (SBMT), Brain Mapping Foundation (BMF), Middle East Brain + Initiative, Los Angeles, CA 90272, CA, USA
6. Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technologies, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, 71348-14336, Iran
7. Students' Research Committee, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
8. Provost, Techno India JNR, Institute of Technology, Udaipur 313003, Rajasthan, India
9. Neuroscience Center, Instituto de Investigaciones Cientícas y Servicios de Alta Tecnología (INDICASAT AIP), City of Knowledge, Panama City, Republic of
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Bhavsar Y, Mistry K, Parikh N, Shah H, Saraswat A, Givian H, Barzegar M, Hosseini M, Rahimi Jaberi K, Magare A,
Gholamzadeh MJ, Aligholi H, Kamali AM, Chakrabarti P, Nami M. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human
psychiatric disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53.
is paper contains an analysis and comparison of dierent classiers on dierent datasets
of Psychiatric Disorders- Personality Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia
and Alzheimer's disease. Psychiatric disorders are also referred to as mental disorders,
abnormalities of the mind that result in persistent behavior which can seriously cause day
to day function and life. Stochastic in AI refers to if there is any uncertainty or randomness
involved in results and are used during optimization; Using this process also helps to
provide precise results. e study of stochastic process in AI uses mathematical knowledge
and techniques from probability, set theory, calculus, linear algebra and mathematical
analysis like Fourier analysis, real analysis, and functional analysis. this technique is used
to construct neural network for making articial intelligent mode for processing and
minimizing human eort. is paper contains classiers like SVM, MLP, LR, KNN, DT,
and RF. Several types of attributes are used and have been trained by Weka tool, MATLAB,
and Python. e results show that the SVM classier showed the best performance for all
the attributes and disorders researched in this paper.
Alzheimer’s disease, Anxiety,
Articial Intelligence,
Depression, DT, KNN,
Logistic Regression, MLP,
Personality Disorder, RF,
Schizophrenia, SVM
Article info:
Received: 17 October 2021
Accepted: 06 December 2021
* Corresponding Author:
Mohammad Nami, MD, PhD.
Address: Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Medical Sciences and Technologies, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Tel: +987132305488
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Research Paper: Articial intelligence and stochastic process-
based analysis of human psychiatric disorders
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
1. Background
Psychiatric Disorder is a mental illness that
disturbs one’s thinking, moods, and behaviors. Its
consequence is an increase in risk of disability, pain,
death, or loss of freedom. Recently, the implementation
areas of Articial Intelligence (AI) are growing. AI
and computer simulation play a vital role in domain
research such as statistics, forecasting, discovery,
and more. With this technology, a solution to various
problems can be found accordingly. Moreover, the
stochastic process is when the initial state is known;
however, the next state is unpredictable. Also, it has
randomness, and the patterns need to be recognized.
In this paper, diverse psychiatric disorders’ datasets
are analyzed for their ecacy in predicting psychiatric
disorders. Furthermore, the Weka tool, MATLAB,
and Python are used to perform the analyses. The
selection of which classiers to use was based on
the research done in the literature survey. Depression
is a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest.
A personality disorder is a mental disorder in which
one has a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking,
functioning, and behaving. Anxiety disorder is
excessive fear or stress. Schizophrenia is a serious
mental illness that causes irrational thoughts,
abnormal actions, delusion and wandering, such as
hearing loss.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and
degenerative brain disorder that results in nerve cell
death, tissue loss, and memory loss in the brain. The
global rate of AD is gradually increasing, and early
diagnosis of AD is essential for the patient’s care to
control and prevent the progression of the disease for
future treatments.
2. Literature Survey
Table 1 summarizes methodology and ndings of
studies regarding psychiatric disorders.
3. Method
Classication is a technique to identify the classes
of given data points. To classify the data, we use
classiers. Classiers take some data as input
(training data), using which they train the model
and nd out how the data are related according to
a class. Five disorders (Depression, Personality
Disorder, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s
Disease) are explained in this paper. One dataset for
each disorder is taken for training and analysis. We
focused on features from every dataset and classiers
were applied on each of the attributes. Analysis of
each dataset by selecting the most important attribute
out of many and analyzing them with classiers, is
the main process of our dataset analysis. Based
on research we have listed, classiers who have
achieved highest accuracy in psychiatric disorders,
on reference to this, Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Logistic Regression, Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP),
Decision Tree (DT), k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and
Random Forest (RF), are chosen as shown in Figure 1.
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
A Support Vector Machine is a machine learning
algorithm used mainly for classication. SVM works
both for regression and classication, but nowadays
it is mostly used for classication due to its precise
classifying ability. In this, the data is divided into
n-dimensional spaces called hyperplanes. A decision
boundary is created so that the new data can be
separated and put according to its features into
dierent classes (10).
Logistic Regression (LR)
Logistic Regression is the extension of linear
regression. In this, instead of straight lines or
hyperplanes, data is tted using a logistic function
with only two possible outcomes, 0 and 1 (12).
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
MLP is an addition to the feed-forward neural
network. In this, there are three layers- Input layer
(which receives the input data to be preprocessed),
output layer (which performs the classication) and
hidden layer present between input and output layer,
containing arbitrary layers that are true computational
engines of MLP (12).
Decision Tree (DT)
A Decision Tree is a owchart type tree-like structure
whose internal nodes are the tests on attributes, each
leaf node holds a class label and every branch is the
outcome of the test (12).
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Arribas et al.
“A signature-based machine learning
model for distinguishing bipolar
disorder and borderline personality
disorder” (2018). (1)
- 130 participants (BD, BDP, and
healthy individuals)
- Classifier: Random forest
- Signature-Based Model
Mood scores accuracy:
- Healthy = 89–98%
- BD = 8290%
- BDP = 7078%
Acharya et al.
“Automated EEG-based Screening of
Depression Using Deep Convolutional
Neural Network” (2018). (2)
- 30 Participants (15 depressed and
fifteen healthy individuals)
- EEG signals of both left and right
brain hemispheres (open and rest
states 5 minutes)
- 13 layered Deep CNN model
- Ninety percent train, 10% test
- The network was trained using the
backpropagation algorithm with a
batch size of five.
Left hemisphere:
- Accuracy = 93.54%,
- Sensitivity = 91.89%,
- Specificity = 95.18%.
Right hemisphere:
- Accuracy = 95.49%,
- Sensitivity = 94.99%,
- Specificity = 96.00%.
Shrivastava et al.
“A SVM-based classification approach
for obsessive compulsive disorder by
oxidative stress biomarkers” (2019).
- OCDP and Non-OCDP participants
- Blood samples
- SVM with 2 variants, Random
Forest, Linear Discriminant Analysis,
and K-NN (base classifier)
- 5 osbMarkers
- Clusters: K-Means and Fuzzy C-
- SVMR accuracy = 97±1%.
- Fuzzy C-Means better with accuracy
= 76.67%
Saeedi et al.
“Major depressive disorder
assessment via enhanced knearest
neighbor method and EEG signals
(2020). (4)
- 34 depressed and thirty healthy
- Feature selection method:
Genetic Algorithm
- Three Classifiers: E-KNN, SVM, and
- 10-Cross Validation
Accuracy were as follows:
- E-KNN = 98.44% (±3.4), SVM =
92.18% (±6.9), KNN = 95.31% (±5.2),
MLP = 93.75% (±6.8)
- Sensitivity: E-KNN = 97.10%, SVM =
88.23%, KNN =96.80%, MLP =
- Specificity: E-KNN = 100%, SVM
=96.66%, KNN =93.33% MLP
Cremers et al.
“Borderline personality disorder
classification based on brain network
measures during emotion regulation”
(2020). (5)
- Participants: 51 BPD, 26 Cluster C
Disorder, and forty-four non-patients
- fMRI data (acquired and
- Images formatted from BrainVoyager
to nifti format.
- Phasic and Tonic Networks
- Classifier: Linear Support Vector
- Tonic-Strength model highest
Balanced Accuracy = 62%
- BPD vs NPC = 55% (bal. acc.)
Table 1. Literature survey on psychiatric disorders
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Yang et al.
“Multivariate classification of drug-
naive obsessive-compulsive disorder
patients and healthy controls by
applying an SVM to resting-state
functional MRI data” (2019). (6)
- Examined fractional Amplitude Low-
Frequency Fluctuation (fALFF)
- Applied Support Vector Machine
(SVM) to discriminate OCD patients
- Values of fALFF, calculated from
sixty-eight drug-naive OCD patients
and sixty-eight demographically
matched healthy controls
(classification model)
- SVM = 72%
Khazbak et al.
“MindTime: Deep Learning Approach
for Borderline Personality Disorder
Detection” (2021). (7)
- User adds a diary input.
- Analyzed to detect if there are signs
of BPD symptoms.
- Investigation of different classifiers
to extracts features (Naive Bayes,
SVM, KNN, and finally LSTM)
- SVM = 90.1%
- LSTM = 91%
- CNN = 65%
Bracher-Smith et al.
“Machine learning for genetic
prediction of psychiatric disorders: a
systematic review” (2021). (8)
- Classifiers: naive Bayes, k-Nearest
Neighbors (k-NN), penalized
regression, decision trees, random
forests, boosting, Bayesian networks,
Gaussian processes, Support Vector
Machines (SVMs), and neural
- Dataset: thirteen studies were
selected for inclusion, containing
seventy-seven distinct ML models
- Type: psychiatric disorders from
genetics alone
- Schizophrenia :0.540.95 AUC
- Bipolar: 0.480.65 AUC
- Autism: 0.520.81 AUC
- Anorexia: 0.620.69 AUC
- AUC: Area Under the ROC (Receiver
Operating Characteristic) Curve
Saidi et al.
“Hybrid CNN-SVM classifier for
efficient depression detection
system” (2021). (9)
- 189 participants (audio): 107
training set, thirty-five validation set,
and forty-seven test set
- DAIC-WOZ dataset is used.
- Using CNN classifier for training
- The fully connected layers are
replaced by SVM layers.
- Input map is given to CNN.
- The classification is done by an SVM
- CNN = 58.57%
- Hybrid CNN-SVM (the proposed
model) = 68%
Priya et al.
“Predicting Anxiety, Depression and
Stress in Modern Life using Machine
Learning Algorithms” (2019). (10)
- 348 participants
- DT, Random Forest, Naive Bayes,
SVM, and KNN.
- Data from the Depression, Anxiety
and Stress Scale questionnaire (DASS
- Scores labeled on the basis of
severity - normal, mild, moderate,
severe, and extremely severe.
For depression:
- Accuracy
- DT=0.778, RF=0.798, Naive Bayes=
0.855, SVM=0.803, KNN=0.721
- F1 Score
- DT=0.723, RF=0.766, Naive Bayes=
0.836, SVM=0.765, KNN=0.687
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Pan et al.
“Detecting Manic State of Bipolar
Disorder Based on Support Vector
Machine and Gaussian Mixture Model
Using Spontaneous Speech” (2018).
- Two classifiers are used- SVM
(Support Vector Machine) and GMM
(Gaussian Mixture Model)
- Data Collection: twenty-one
hospitalized patients’ speeches were
- Features Extraction: key features
pitch, MFCC, etc. extracted by
software SMILE.
The LIBSVM toolbox → SVM
HTK tool → GMM
- 3 patients for single patient test &
21 patients for multiple patients test
- The manic state detection
accuracies of SVM and GMM
compared using student's t-test,
For single patient experiment,
accuracy obtained overall:
- SVM = 88.56±5.26
- GMM = 84.46±1.85
- For multiple patient experiments,
accuracy overall:
- SVM =60.87±18.90
- GMM = 72.27±6.90
Dabhane et al.
“Depression Detection on Social
Media using Machine Learning
Techniques” (2021). (12)
- Logistic Regression, KNN, SVM, DT,
MLP, and Naive Bayes
- Data collection: diverse types of
tweets from twitter API (CSV file)
- Data Preprocessing: removal of
duplicate entries
- Exploratory Data Analysis: analyze
datasets and collect key features
- Training and Testing 2 steps:
1. Implementing Algorithms
2. Implementing Ensemble Learners:
Here, the voting classifier and
Blending ensemble classifier were
used for greater performance and
- KNN = 73.29%
- Logistic regression = 84.86%
- SVM = 85.04%
- Naive Bayes Classifier = 83.04%
- Decision tree=80.53%
- Multilayer perceptron (MLP) =
For ensemble implementation:
- Voting Classifier = 85.35%
- Blending Classifier = 87.21%
Islam et al.
“Detecting Depression Using K-
Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
Classification Technique” (2018). (13)
- 7145 Facebook comments data was
collected using NCapture and
processed using the LIWC2015 tool
and then paraphrases were extracted
to detect emotions.
- Different KNN classifiers like Fine
KNN, Medium KNN, Coarse KNN,
Cosine KNN, Cubic KNN, and
Weighted KNN were applied and their
f-measure was compared.
- The experiment was done in 10-fold
cross-validation on all testing
Emotional Process:
- Fine KNN = 0.59, Medium KNN =
0.59, Coarse KNN = 0.71, Cosine
KNN = 0.58, Cubic KNN = 0.59,
Weighted KNN= 0.60
Linguistic Style:
- Fine KNN = 0.58, Medium KNN =
0.57, Coarse KNN = 0.70, Cosine
KNN = 0.60, Cubic KNN = 0.57,
Weighted KNN= 0.62
Temporal Process:
- Fine KNN = 0.58, Medium KNN =
0.57, Coarse KNN = 0.70, Cosine
KNN = 0.59, Cubic KNN = 0.57,
Weighted KNN= 0.58
All features:
- Fine KNN = 0.58, Medium KNN =
0.56, Coarse KNN = 0.67, Cosine
KNN = 0.60, Cubic KNN = 0.55,
Weighted KNN= 0.61
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Wang et al.
“Using Electronic Health Records and
Machine Learning to Predict
Postpartum Depression (PPD)”
(2019). (14)
- Clinical assessment of PPD was
used as the outcome based on
Statistics Canada and International
Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-
CM) .
- AI methods included LR, SVM, DT,
NB, XGBoost, and RF.
The results suggest a potential for
applying machine learning to EHR
data to predict PPD and inform
healthcare delivery.
Best prediction performance achieved
an AUC of 0.79 that it was for SVM
Al-ezzi et al.
“Severity Assessment of Social
Anxiety Disorder Using Deep Learning
Models on Brain Effective
Connectivity” (2021). (15)
- They recruited eighty-nine
participants from 502.
- Examine the SAD data and develop a
task for SAD assessment to acquire
EEG data.
- EEG data preprocessing is done. And
high and low frequency deflections.
- Dataset helps to explain brain
activity values.
- Applied connectivity features for
precision based SAD prediction based
on PDC algorithm.
- Different Deep learning network
algorithm applied and then do
analysis on the findings.
The CNN+LSTM is more accurate than
the 2 layer or 3 layer CNN and LSTM
with attention mechanisms.
The result of CNN+LSTM:
- Accuracy=93%
- Sensitivity=95%
- Specificity=85%
- Precision=86%
Sau and Bhakta,
”Screening of anxiety and depression
among seafarers using machine
learning technology” (2019). (16)
- Study the variable data including the
questionnaire with people such as
their age, education, family, etc.
- Feature selection eliminates the
irrelevant features from the set of
predictor values.
- A final dataset with all fourteen
features and one target and 470
instances were prepared for different
classification. This was divided into
two groups based on the period of
data collection.
The classifiers and their accuracy and
precision data:
- CatBoost = 89.3%, 89%
- Logistic regression = 87.5%, 84%
- SVM = 82.1%, 80.7%
- Naive Bayes = 82.1%, 76.9%
- Random Forest = 78.6%, 80.7%
Jothi et al,
”Predicting generalized anxiety
disorder among women using Shapley
value” (2020). (17)
- The data acquisition phase, data
relevant to the study were collected.
- After that, Data cleaning and
transformation would be performed.
- The feature selection using Shapley
value was conducted using the
original GAD features.
- selected features were used as
inputs for classification prediction
- In the last phase, classification
performance criteria were used to
evaluate the prediction algorithm.
The performance of prediction models
without feature selection is less than
with the feature selection.
The accuracy, sensitivity and
specificity of classifier with feature
selection, respectively:
- Naive Bayes = 80%, 98.79%,
- Random Forest = 90.6%, 93.47%,
- J48 = 95.70%, 97.5%, 86.3%
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Gui et al.
“The Impact of Emotional Music on
Active ROI in Patients with Depression
Based on Deep Learning: A Task-
State fMRI Study” (2019). (22)
- A large convolution kernel of the
same size as the correlation matrix
for the feature matching of 264 ROIs.
1. 4D fMRI data are used to generate
the 2D correlation matrix of one
person’s brain based on ROIs
2. processed by the threshold value
which is selected according to the
characteristics of complex network
and small-world network. After that,
the DLM in this paper is compared
with SVM, logistic regression (LR), k-
Nearest Neighbor (kNN), a common
DNN, and a deep CNN for
3. Calculate the matched ROIs from
the intermediate results of the DLM
which can help related fields further
explore the pathogeny of depression
Deep analysis of the brain
mechanism of depressed patients is
more conducive to solving the
condition of depressed patients.
Wen et al.
”Deep Learning Methods to Process
fMRI Data and Their Application in the
Diagnosis of Cognitive Impairment”
(2018). (23)
- DL methods in fMRI Data Analysis:
CNN (Feature Extraction, Auto-
Encoder, 3D-CNN); FNN;
- Development of DL Methods for
fMRI Data Analysis in Cognitive
This study reviewed the recent
literature of deep learning used in
fMRI data.
We can make full use of the auto-
extracted features to improve
accuracy of deep learning methods.
Liu et al.
“Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease
by Combination of Convolutional and
Recurrent Neural Networks Using
FDG-PET Images” (2018). (24)
- 3D FDG-PET image;
- ADNI dataset( PET-MRI-Othertests);
- MCI, NC and early AD classification.
- Using deep 2D CNN network,
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs);
- BGRU network layer for classification
BGRU can boost the classification.
This method performs better than
Sau and Bhakta,
“Predicting anxiety and depression in
elderly patients using machine
learning technology” (2017). (25)
- 510 participants
- Ten classifiers (BN, NB, Log, MLP,
SMO, KS, RS, J48, RF, RT) were
evaluated with a data set of geriatric
- They were tested with a 10-fold
cross validation method.
The results showed that Random
forest predicts anxiety and depression
in elderly patients better than other
classifiers also with accuracy 91%
and false positive 10%, gold standard
- RF (AUC: 94.3, Accuracy: eighty-nine,
F1: 85.1)
McGinnis et al.
“Rapid Anxiety and Depression
Diagnosis in Young Children Enabled
by Wearable Sensors and Machine
Learning” (2018). (26)
- 63 children and their primary
- DSM-IV was checked to diagnose
mental disorders.
- Participant motion was tracked using
a belt-worn IMU.
- classification accuracy compared for
SVM, DT, kNN, LR also for just
accelerometer features (ACC), just
gyro features (GYR), just angle
features (ANG).
Analysis suggests that, when paired
with machine learning, 20 seconds of
wearable sensor data extracted from
a fear induction task can be used to
diagnosis internalizing disorders in
young children with a high level of
accuracy and at a fraction of the cost
and time of existing assessment
techniques and the LR model is the
best performing compared to other
with accuracy of 80% and AUC 0.92.
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Gui et al.
“The Impact of Emotional Music on
Active ROI in Patients with Depression
Based on Deep Learning: A Task-
State fMRI Study” (2019). (22)
- A large convolution kernel of the
same size as the correlation matrix
for the feature matching of 264 ROIs.
1. 4D fMRI data are used to generate
the 2D correlation matrix of one
person’s brain based on ROIs
2. processed by the threshold value
which is selected according to the
characteristics of complex network
and small-world network. After that,
the DLM in this paper is compared
with SVM, logistic regression (LR), k-
Nearest Neighbor (kNN), a common
DNN, and a deep CNN for
3. Calculate the matched ROIs from
the intermediate results of the DLM
which can help related fields further
explore the pathogeny of depression
Deep analysis of the brain
mechanism of depressed patients is
more conducive to solving the
condition of depressed patients.
Wen et al.
”Deep Learning Methods to Process
fMRI Data and Their Application in the
Diagnosis of Cognitive Impairment”
(2018). (23)
- DL methods in fMRI Data Analysis:
CNN (Feature Extraction, Auto-
Encoder, 3D-CNN); FNN;
- Development of DL Methods for
fMRI Data Analysis in Cognitive
This study reviewed the recent
literature of deep learning used in
fMRI data.
We can make full use of the auto-
extracted features to improve
accuracy of deep learning methods.
Liu et al.
“Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease
by Combination of Convolutional and
Recurrent Neural Networks Using
FDG-PET Images” (2018). (24)
- 3D FDG-PET image;
- ADNI dataset( PET-MRI-Othertests);
- MCI, NC and early AD classification.
- Using deep 2D CNN network,
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs);
- BGRU network layer for classification
BGRU can boost the classification.
This method performs better than
Sau and Bhakta,
“Predicting anxiety and depression in
elderly patients using machine
learning technology” (2017). (25)
- 510 participants
- Ten classifiers (BN, NB, Log, MLP,
SMO, KS, RS, J48, RF, RT) were
evaluated with a data set of geriatric
- They were tested with a 10-fold
cross validation method.
The results showed that Random
forest predicts anxiety and depression
in elderly patients better than other
classifiers also with accuracy 91%
and false positive 10%, gold standard
- RF (AUC: 94.3, Accuracy: eighty-nine,
F1: 85.1)
McGinnis et al.
“Rapid Anxiety and Depression
Diagnosis in Young Children Enabled
by Wearable Sensors and Machine
Learning” (2018). (26)
- 63 children and their primary
- DSM-IV was checked to diagnose
mental disorders.
- Participant motion was tracked using
a belt-worn IMU.
- classification accuracy compared for
SVM, DT, kNN, LR also for just
accelerometer features (ACC), just
gyro features (GYR), just angle
features (ANG).
Analysis suggests that, when paired
with machine learning, 20 seconds of
wearable sensor data extracted from
a fear induction task can be used to
diagnosis internalizing disorders in
young children with a high level of
accuracy and at a fraction of the cost
and time of existing assessment
techniques and the LR model is the
best performing compared to other
with accuracy of 80% and AUC 0.92.
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
McGinnis et al.
“Giving Voice to Vulnerable Children:
Machine Learning Analysis of Speech
Detects Anxiety and Depression in
Early Childhood” (2019). (27)
- 71 children who spoke fluent English
and their caregivers
- Using DSM-IV to diagnosis children
with internalizing.
- Assessment of audio features to
characterize the ability of the
proposed approach for identifying
children with an internalizing disorder
- Classification models included LR,
SVM with a linear and Gaussian
kernel and RF.
The results showed that machine
learning analysis of audio data from
the task can be used to identify
children with an internalizing disorder
with 80% accuracy (54% sensitivity,
93% specificity).
This new tool is shown to outperform
clinical thresholds on parent-reported
child symptoms, which identify
children with an internalizing disorder
with lower accuracy and similar
specificity and sensitivity in this
Nemesure et al.
“Predictive modeling of depression
and anxiety using electronic health
records and a novel machine learning
approach with artificial intelligence”
(2021). (28)
- Use of Electronic Health Records
(EHR) data of 4184 undergraduate
- A total of fifty-nine biomedical and
demographic features from the
general health survey were used.
- Psychiatric diagnoses were done by
a multi-stage process such as using
- AI methods included XGBoost, RF,
SVM, kNN and NN
The results indicated moderate
predictive performance for the
application of machine learning
methods in detection of GAD and
MDD based on EHR data.
Richter et al.
“Using machine learning-based
analysis for behavioral differentiation
between anxiety and depression”
(2020). (29)
- 125 participants: included HA, HD,
HAD, and LAD (control)
- Questionnaires to assess anxiety
and depression included DASS-213,
STAI-T27, BDIII28, RRS29, and
- Behavioral tasks included EDPT,
- AI method: DT
The prediction model for
differentiating between symptomatic
participants (i.e., high symptoms of
depression, anxiety, or both)
compared to control revealed a
71.44% prediction accuracy for the
former (sensitivity) and 70.78% for
the latter (specificity). 68.07% and
74.18% prediction accuracy was
obtained for a two-group model with
high depression/anxiety, respectively
and Distinguishing between anxiety
and depression by specific behavioral
Chen et al.
“Detecting Abnormal Brain Regions in
Schizophrenia Using Structural MRI
via Machine Learning” (2020). (30)
- Sample size: COBRE: Paranoid
SZ=34, NC=34
- Extraction white matter and gray
matter volume
- Using SVM classifier
- Accuracy = 85.27%
- Sensitivity = 85.87%
- Specificity = 85.08%
Calhas et al.
”On the use of pairwise distance
learning for brain signal classification
with limited observations” (2020).
- A sample of eighty-four people;
Feature extraction was performed
using SNN architecture along with
- After receiving the output of feature
extraction the following classifiers
were trained SVM, RF, XGB, NB, and
KNN. This process was performed in
From the tested classifiers. DSTFT-
SNN-XGB were found to be the most
- Accuracy = 0.95±0.05%
- Sensitivity = 0.98±0.02%
- Specificity = 0.92±0.07%
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Fernando et al.
“Neural memory plasticity for medical
anomaly detection” (2020). (32)
- Recurrent ANN: LSTM layers
followed by a Neural Memory Network
with plasticity mechanism using EEG
recordings from the auditory oddball
There are no existing machine
learning models that attempt the
classification of schizophrenia risk
using EEGs. With 93.86 ± 0.21%
Guo et al.
”Support Vector Machine-Based
Schizophrenia Classification Using
Morphological Information from
Amygdaloid and Hippocampal
Subregions” (2020). (33)
- Sample size: COBRE: SZ=179,
- Extraction structural features
(hippocampus, amygdala)
- Using SVM classifier
- Accuracy = 81.75%
- Sensitivity = 84.21%
- Specificity = 81.16%
Phang et al.
”A Multi-Domain Connectome
Convolutional Neural Network for
Identifying Schizophrenia From EEGs
Connectivity Patterns” (2020). (34)
- The proposed approach uses the
MDC-CNN framework for classifying
SZ and Healthy Control (HC) using
EEG based effective brain networks.
- Feature extraction was based on
Time domain VAR model coefficient
matrix (2D), frequency domain PDC
matrix (2D), and hand crafted
complex network measures (1D).
Performance of MDC-CNN on decision
- Accuracy = 91.69%
- Sensitivity = 91.11%
- Specificity = 92.50%
- Classification time= 0.81s
Oh et al.
“Identifying Schizophrenia Using
Structural MRI With a Deep Learning
Algorithm”, (2020). (35)
-- Sample size: BrainGluSchi COBRE,
SZ=443, NC=423
- Normalization
- Create 3D images
- Divide the brain into eight regions in
each image
- Using 3D CNN for classifier
Matsubara et al.
“Deep Neural Generative Model of
Functional MRI images for Psychiatric
Disorder Diagnosis” (2019). (36)
- The proposed technique accepts any
type of fMRI time series. It can be a
3D, 2D, k-space image, a vector of
voxels, a feature vector of ROIs or a
state of dynamic functional
- The DGM (deep neural generative
model) approach was implemented
using deep neural networks.
The accuracy of the proposed model
for the following disorder are:
Talpalaru et al.
”Identifying schizophrenia subgroups
using clustering and supervised
learning” (2019). (37)
- Sample size: NUSDAST: SZ=104,
- Segmentation using CIVET pipeline
- Extraction means cortical thickness
value from seventy-eight regions
- Using agglomerative hierarchical
clustering to feature
- Using SVM, RF, Logistic regression to
prediction that RF was better than
others (accuracy)
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
RReesseeaarrcchh TTiittllee
Liang et al,
“Classification of First-Episode
Schizophrenia Using Multimodal Brain
Features: A Combined Structural and
Diffusion Imaging Study” (2019). (38)
- This paper discussed identifying
schizophrenia and multimodal
multivariate neuroimaging features.
- Multiple brain measures including
regional Gray Matter (GM) volume,
cortical thickness, gyrification,
Fractional Anisotropy (FA), and Mean
Diffusivity (MD) were extracted using
fully automated procedures.
- Gradient Boosting Decision Tree was
then applied on the structural MRI
- 75.05% Accuracy was achieved from
fused structural and diffusion tensor
imaging metrics.
- Average accuracy derived from
combined features selected from
cortical thickness, gyrification, FA, and
MD was 76.54%.
- 63.50% for GMV, 66.47% for cortical
thickness, and 66.00% for MD. In
another dataset, average accuracy
was 54.70% for GMV, 60.94% for
cortical thickness, and 67.43% for
Chatterjee et al,
”Identification of brain regions
associated with working memory
deficit in schizophrenia” (2019). (39)
- Preprocessing of functional MRI
- Group ICA is applied to the Time
series fMRI data.
- Segment ICs with AAL atlas. Then
extracting statistical features for each
- Applying FDR for feature ranking and
classification using the feature
subsets for each IC in LOOCV (leave-
one-out cross validation) and SVM,
and k-nearest neighbors.
Ninety-four percent (SVM)
Ninety-six percent (1-NN)
Kalmady et al.
”Towards artificial intelligence in
mental health by improving
schizophrenia prediction with multiple
brain parcellation ensemble-learning”
(2019). (40)
-Firstly, image acquisition of MRI data
was done. Then image pre-processing
was performed, in which pre-
processing and feature extraction was
done using MATLAB. After that each
functional image was smoothed using
a 4mm FWHM Gaussian kernel.
Lastly, prediction and evaluation
framework. “L2-regularized Logistic
regression” AI technique was used.
The Accuracy of the L2 regularized
logistic regression technique is 87%.
Qureshi et al.
”3D-CNN based discrimination of
Schizophrenia using resting-state
fMRI” (2019). (41)
Structural data acquisition, functional
data acquisition, pre-processing of
functional MRI data, independent
component analysis using MELODIC,
classification using 3D-CNN deep
learning framework.
Yu et al.
“Magnetic resonance imaging study
of gray matter in schizophrenia based
on XGBoost” (2018). (42)
- Sample size: Clinical: SZ=100,
- Extraction GLCM features
- Using XGBoost classifier
Manohar and Ganesan.
”Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Disorder
in MR Brain Images Using Multi-
objective BPSO Based Feature
Selection with Fuzzy SVM” (2018).
- Sample size: NAMIC: 60 Images
from 20 people (SZ+NC)
- Extraction hu moments, GLCM,
zernike moments, and structure
- Using BPSO based on fuzzy SVM
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
Random Forest (RF)
Random forest (RF) models are machine learning
models that make output predictions by combining
outcomes from a sequence of regression decision
trees (60). It creates many classication trees and
a bootstrap sample technique is used to train each
tree from the set of training data. This method only
searches for a random subset of variables in order
to obtain a split at each node. For the classication,
the input vector is fed to each tree in the RF, and
each tree votes for a class. Finally, the RF chooses
the class with the highest number of votes (61).
k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
KNN assumes that similar things exist nearby.
KNN classies the new data into most related
categories. It collects and stores all the available
data and then classies a new category based on
similarities between data (12).
3.1. Proposed Method
3.1.1. Weka Tool Approach
Weka tool is a collection of data mining tasks with
machine learning algorithms. Data prepossessing,
regression, visualization, classication, clustering,
and association rules are predened tools in the
Weka tool. In this paper, for depression, personality
disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia, we have used
the weka tool to apply three classiers; SVM,
Logistic, and MLP. In this approach, dataset analysis
is done by Preprocessing and Classifying the dataset
attributes. A owchart of this approach is shown in
Figure 2.
Raw dataset is taken as input in the weka tool.
Instances store all values (nominal, numeric) in
oating point numbers, if the attribute is nominal
then the value is stored at the corresponding value
in attributes denition. Every dataset had dierent
instances. In Weka tool the rst step is to preprocess
the dataset and then classify it to obtain results.
1. Preprocessing
Attributes are the elds of data. They are also called
features of the data. Attributes in the dataset can have
data types such as: numeric (contains a oating-point
number), nominal (represents a xed set of nominal
values), string (represents a dynamically expanding
set of nominal values), date (represents a date),
and relational (contain other attributes) is used for
representing Multi-Instance data. In preprocessing,
rstly nominal attributes are normalized after
discretization is applied to the same. Secondly,
numeric attributes are standardized for setting up the
standard deviation to one.
Figure 1. Comparison of classiers used in literature
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
a. Normalization
This method allows the transformation of any
element from an equivalence class of any shape
transforms into a specic one. It helps to eliminate the
gross inuences. Dataset was raw before normalizing,
after normalizing all the nominal attributes of the
dataset, the minimum and maximum values were set
to 0 and 1 respectively. The scale is set to 1.0. The
value of distinct was forty-four. This is how attribute
values are brought to alignment using normalization.
b. Discretization
This lter allows converting a real-valued attribute
into an ordinal attribute. It is a process of dividing
the geometry of a dataset into nite elements to
prepare for analysis. Dataset was normalized before
applying discretization to attributes. After applying
discretization to all nominal attributes, the value of
count and weight became the same. The labels were
divided into ten parts having a bin range precision of
six. The desired weight of instances per interval was
1.0. Value of distinct became ten from forty-four after
c. Standardization
This lter is a scaling technique where the values
are centered around the mean with a unit standard
deviation. Unique standard deviation is obtained by
standardization. Before applying standardization the
standard deviation, mean, maximum and minimum
can be any oat value. After applying this method,
the value of standard deviation becomes 1.0 for
every numeric attribute in the dataset. Minimum and
maximum values can be any negative/positive oat
value while the mean will be set to 0. Preprocessing
is complete and the dataset is ready to classify.
2. Classication
This method includes classier, attribute
selection, and test options. Test options are used
to set the percentage split value or cross-validation
(folds). Only one attribute can be chosen at a time
to obtain specic results for that attribute. Folds in
machine learning means the distribution of data into
equivalent parts like threefold, four-fold, etc.
Figure 2. Weka Tool Dataset Analysis
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
Number of folds can be the same as the number of
instances but to obtain accuracy folds should be between
5 to 20, not more than that. If folds are set to 10, then 1
fold is taken for training and the remaining 9 are taken
for testing in the weka tool. Classiers, attributes, and
folds are predened tools in the weka tool. Machine
learning uses some specic mathematical methods to
train datasets which are known as classiers. In the
Weka tool, rstly an attribute is selected then folds
are set to 10, 12, or 8 (as per wish), then a classier
is selected, and nally after some preparation time,
we obtain the results for that particular attribute and
classier. One after one attribute is trained and tested
to observe which attributes obtain the highest accuracy
among all attributes.
3.1.2. MATLAB Python Approach
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive
environment for numerical computation, visualization,
and programming which is especially useful for
medical images processing. Also, Python is an
interpreted high-level general-purpose programming
language. Its amazing libraries and tools help in
achieving the task of image processing very eciently.
In this paper, for Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis, we
have used MATLAB for preprocessing, segmentation,
and feature extraction, and used Python to apply SVM,
KNN, DT, RF and MLP classiers on the feature
matrix. In this approach, dataset analysis is done by
Preprocessing, Segmentation, Feature extraction, and
classifying the dataset attributes. A owchart of this
approach is shown in Figure 3.
For the Alzheimer’s disease study, we obtained
data from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging
Initiative (ADNI) database ( The
ADNI was launched in 2003 by the National Institute
on Aging (NIA), the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging
and Bioengineering (NIBIB), non-prot private
pharmaceutical companies, and other organizations,
with funding of $60 million for the ve-year private-
public partnership (62). In this study, 50 MRI images
data were collected from healthy people (Mean of
age ± STD = 77.92 ± 5.17 and Mean of weight ±
STD = 78.62 ± 21.32) and people with Alzheimer’s
disease (Mean of age ± STD = 74.4 ± 9.82 and Mean
of weight ± STD = 79.14 ± 12.26).
Figure 3. General steps to diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease based on MRI images using MATLAB and Python
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
All the participants in this study were scanned
with GE Medical Systems or SIEMENS or Philips
Medical Systems MRI scanner with 1.5 or 3 Tesla
eld strength. The T1-weighted MRI scans were
captured with a coronal acquisition plane.
1. Preprocessing
In the analyzing process, at the rst, pre-processing
is performed to increase the quality of images. So
the median lter was used to remove the noise in the
images. The median lter is the ltering technique
used for noise removal from images and signals.
Median lter is very crucial in the image processing
eld as it is well known for the preservation of edges
during noise removal (63).
2. Segmentation
Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an
image into multiple segments (64). Image segmentation
is typically used to locate objects and extract regions
of interest in an image. In this paper, for the diagnosis
of Alzheimer’s disease, the lateral ventricles regions,
hippocampus, and some areas of brain tissue are
considered so that after their segmentation, features
can be extracted from these areas.
Table 2. Accuracy of Personality Disorder, Depression, Anxiety and Schizophrenia for dierent classiers
AAttttrriibbuutteess aanndd TThheeiirr AAccccuurraaccyy
Personality Disorder
Elapse - 99.99%
Gender - 58.86%
Score - 99.55%
Age - 37.30%
Married - 80.05%
Incoming Salary - 82.01%
Gender - 45.45%
Student - 75.75% (12 folds)
Age - 74.24%
Subject - 24.54%
Onset - 80.90%
Disorder - 70%
Personality Disorder
Elapse - 99.99%
Gender - 63.70%
Score - 21.86%
Age - 37.57%
Married - 81.17%
Incoming Salary - 79.71%
Gender - 42.42%
Student - 60.60% (12 folds)
Age - 72.72%
Subject - 19.54% (12 folds)
Onset - 79.09% (12 folds)
Disorder- 66.18% (12 folds)
Personality Disorder
Elapse - 99.99%
Gender - 57.40%
Score - 21.06%
Age - 33.17%
Married - 81.24%
Incoming Salary - 77.32%
Gender - 42.42% (12 folds)
Student - 68.18%
Age - 74.24% (12 folds)
Subject - 16.36% (12 folds)
Onset - 71.36% (8 folds)
Disorder - 60.45%
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
The lateral ventricles regions were extracted by
Otsu’s thresholding method and the hippocampus
region was extracted by rectangular drawing
method. Also, a skull stripping algorithm is used for
segmentation of brain tissues from the surrounding
region, and the Gray Matter (GM), White Matter
(WM), Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) were extracted
using dierent methods of segmentation and
3. Feature extraction
After the segmentation step, the area of each
regions; lateral ventricles, hippocampus and brain
tissues was calculated as a feature (Since the images
are two-dimensional, the volume is equal to the
area). Also, according to the changes in the intensity
of the hippocampus, the statistical features such as
mean and standard deviation from this region as well
as texture features such as Gray Level Co-occurrence
Matrix (GLCM), which includes correlation,
contrast, and entropy, were extracted from this region
as features. From ADNI, the scores of persons in the
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and their
age were also obtained to form the feature matrix.
Therefore, a total of twelve features were extracted
for each individual.
4. Classication
After obtaining the feature matrix for all
individuals, we used the Training/Testing method
to separate 70% of the data for training algorithms
and 30% of the data for testing algorithms. Finally,
ve classications (KNN, SVM, DT, RF, and MLP)
were used to distinguish between healthy people and
people with Alzheimer’s. Then, Accuracy, sensitivity,
and specicity were used to evaluate each of the
classiers. The results for each of the classiers are
shown in Table 3.
4. Results and Discussion
The proposed system trains and tests the model
for classifying the data using certain classiers.
The application of all the classiers- SVM, KNN,
Logistic, MLP, DT, and RF- are shown in Figure 5,
0.90 ± 0.08
0.94 ± 0.05
0.91 ± 0.03
0.94 ± 0.07
0.92 ± 0.06
0.89 ± 0.10
0.94 ± 0.08
0.90 ± 0.11
0.96 ± 0.09
0.92 ± 0.13
0.93 ± 0.15
0.93 ± 0.08
0.92 ± 0.09
0.93 ± 0.08
0.93 ± 0.08
Table 3. Results of average accuracy, sensitivity and specicity in 10 trials obtained from classiers for Alzheimer’s Disease (Rounded, and
Mean ± SD)
SSppeeaarrmmaann ccoorrrreellaattiioonn
PPeeaarrssoonn ccoorrrreellaattiioonn
Lateral ventricle (LV) size
Hippocampus (HP) size
Mean of intensity
STD of intensity
Contrast of intensity
Correlation of intensity
Entropy of intensity
White matter size
Gray matter size
Cerebral spinal fluid size
Table 4. e Spearman correlation and Pearson correlation for each extracted features for AD diagnosis
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
Table 2, and Table 3.
The tables below contain attributes selected for
classication and their corresponding accuracies,
and in case of AD, their corresponding sensitivity and
specicity is also given. The attributes were selected
according to their eect on the data provided in the
dataset. For personality disorder, depression, anxiety,
and schizophrenia, three attributes have been selected
from the datasets. From the table given below we can
observe that for Personality Disorder, Depression,
Anxiety, and Schizophrenia, SVM performs the best
and MLP showed the least overall performance. For
AD, SVM and RF gave the best accuracy.
For the Alzheimer’s disease study, the Spearman
correlation, Pearson correlation and Mutual
Information were calculated to evaluate each of the
extracted features in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
disease. The results are shown in Table 4 and Figure 4.
Figure 4. Impact of each feature on Alzheimer's diagnosis based on Mutual Information
Figure 5. Results of each classier in each psychiatric disorder
December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Bhavsar Y, et al. Articial intelligence and stochastic process-based analysis of human psychiatric
disorders. JAMSAT. 2021; 6(1): 33-53..
The above spider graph is plotted using data of
table 2 and table 3. It shows the average accuracy for
each disorder according to the classiers.
5. Conclusion
In this research paper, SVM was better in
comparison to the other two techniques. AI in
psychiatric disorders uses computerized techniques
as well as algorithms for diagnosis, prevention, and
treatment of mental disorders. Such techniques will
help society by diagnosing the disorder eectively
and nding out the proper medication and treatment.
Moreover, psychiatrists will be able to understand
and easily nd out the disorder.
In the Alzheimer’s disease study, based on
the Spearman correlation, Pearson correlation,
and Mutual information, the extracted features
were suitable features for Alzheimer’s diagnosis.
According to the study of papers, despite Alzheimer’s
disease, the lateral ventricles regions become larger
and the hippocampus region becomes smaller, which
in this study also follows these changes. Also, in the
classication step, we tested several classiers to
nd appropriate classiers. Overall, the proposed
model with the RF and SVM achieved the best
performance and the accuracy of these classiers
using the proposed method are 94%.
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December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies
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December 2021, Volume 6, Issue 1
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Depression is a common but serious mental health disorder. Still, most people dealing with depression do not approach doctors for this problem. On the other hand, the use of Social Media Sites like Twitter is expanding extremely fast. Nowadays, people tend to rely on these social media platforms to share their emotions and feelings through their feed. Thus, this readily available content on social media has become helpful for us to analyse the mental health of such users. We can apply various machine learning techniques on this social media data to extract the mental health status of a user focusing on Depression. Detecting texts that express negativity in the data is one of the best ways to detect depression. In this paper, we highlighted this problem of depression and discussed various techniques on how to detect it. we implemented a system that can detect if a person on social media is going through depression or not by analysing the user's data and activities by using various machine learning techniques.
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Neuroimaging investigations have proven that social anxiety disorder (SAD) is associated with aberrations in the connectivity of human brain functions.The assessment of the effective connectivity (EC) of the brain and its impact on the detection and medication of neurodegenerative pathophysiology is hence a crucial concern that needs to be addressed. Nevertheless, there are no clinically certain diagnostic biomarkers that can be linked to SAD. Therefore, investigating neural connectivity biomarkers of SAD based on deep learning models (DL) has a promising approach with its recent underlined potential results. In this study, an electroencephalography (EEG)-based detection model for SAD is constructed through directed causal influences combined with a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) and the long short-term memory (LSTM). The EEG data were classified by applying three different DL models, namely, CNN, LSTM, and CNN+LSTM to discriminate the severity of SAD (severe, moderate, mild) and healthy controls (HC) at different frequency bands (delta, theta, alpha, low beta, and high beta) in the default mode network (DMN) under resting-state condition. The DL model uses the EC features as input, which are derived from the cortical correlation within different EEG rhythms for certain cortical areas that are more susceptible to SAD. Experimental results revealed that the proposed model (CNN+LSTM) outperforms the other models in SAD recognition. For our dataset, the highest recognition accuracies of 92.86%, 92.86%, 96.43%, and 89.29%, specificities of 95.24%, 95.24%, 100%, and 90.91%, and sensitivities of 85.71%, 85.71%, 87.50%, and 83.33% were achieved by using CNN+LSTM model for severe, moderate, mild, and HC, respectively. The fundamental contribution of this analysis is the characterization of neural brain features using different DL models to categorize the severity of SAD, which can represent a potential biomarker for SAD.
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Background Identifying novel therapeutic targets is crucial for the successful development of drugs. However, the cost to experimentally identify therapeutic targets is huge and only approximately 400 genes are targets for FDA-approved drugs. As a result, it is inevitable to develop powerful computational tools that can identify potential novel therapeutic targets. Fortunately, the human protein-protein interaction network (PIN) could be a useful resource to achieve this objective. Methods In this study, we developed a deep learning-based computational framework that extracts low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional PIN data. Our computational framework uses latent features and state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to infer potential drug target genes. Results We applied our computational framework to prioritize novel putative target genes for Alzheimer’s disease and successfully identified key genes that may serve as novel therapeutic targets (e.g., DLG4, EGFR, RAC1, SYK, PTK2B, SOCS1). Furthermore, based on these putative targets, we could infer repositionable candidate-compounds for the disease (e.g., tamoxifen, bosutinib, and dasatinib). Conclusions Our deep learning-based computational framework could be a powerful tool to efficiently prioritize new therapeutic targets and enhance the drug repositioning strategy.
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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia. Its diagnosis and progression detection have been intensively studied. Nevertheless, research studies often have little effect on clinical practice mainly due to the following reasons: (1) Most studies depend mainly on a single modality, especially neuroimaging; (2) diagnosis and progression detection are usually studied separately as two independent problems; and (3) current studies concentrate mainly on optimizing the performance of complex machine learning models, while disregarding their explainability. As a result, physicians struggle to interpret these models, and feel it is hard to trust them. In this paper, we carefully develop an accurate and interpretable AD diagnosis and progression detection model. This model provides physicians with accurate decisions along with a set of explanations for every decision. Specifically, the model integrates 11 modalities of 1048 subjects from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) real-world dataset: 294 cognitively normal, 254 stable mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 232 progressive MCI, and 268 AD. It is actually a two-layer model with random forest (RF) as classifier algorithm. In the first layer, the model carries out a multi-class classification for the early diagnosis of AD patients. In the second layer, the model applies binary classification to detect possible MCI-to-AD progression within three years from a baseline diagnosis. The performance of the model is optimized with key markers selected from a large set of biological and clinical measures. Regarding explainability, we provide, for each layer, global and instance-based explanations of the RF classifier by using the SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) feature attribution framework. In addition, we implement 22 explainers based on decision trees and fuzzy rule-based systems to provide complementary justifications for every RF decision in each layer. Furthermore, these explanations are represented in natural language form to help physicians understand the predictions. The designed model achieves a cross-validation accuracy of 93.95% and an F1-score of 93.94% in the first layer, while it achieves a cross-validation accuracy of 87.08% and an F1-Score of 87.09% in the second layer. The resulting system is not only accurate, but also trustworthy, accountable, and medically applicable, thanks to the provided explanations which are broadly consistent with each other and with the AD medical literature. The proposed system can help to enhance the clinical understanding of AD diagnosis and progression processes by providing detailed insights into the effect of different modalities on the disease risk.
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Despite the increasing incidence and high morbidity associated with dementia, a simple, non-invasive, and inexpensive method of screening for dementia is yet to be discovered. This study aimed to examine whether artificial intelligence (AI) could distinguish between the faces of people with cognitive impairment and those without dementia.121 patients with cognitive impairment and 117 cognitively sound participants were recruited for the study. 5 deep learning models with 2 optimizers were tested. The binary differentiation of dementia / non-dementia facial image was expressed as a "Face AI score". Xception with Adam was the model that showed the best performance. Overall sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy by the Xception AI system and AUC of the ROC curve were 87.31%, 94.57%, 92.56%, and 0.9717, respectively. Close and significant correlations were found between Face AI score and MMSE (r = -0.599, p < 0.0001). Significant correlation between Face AI score and chronological age was also found (r = 0.321, p < 0.0001). However, MMSE score showed significantly stronger correlation with Face AI score than chronological age (p < 0.0001). The study showed that deep learning programs such as Xception have the ability to differentiate the faces of patients with mild dementia from that of patients without dementia, paving the way for future studies into the development of a facial biomarker for dementia.
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Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) are highly prevalent and impairing problems, but frequently go undetected, leading to substantial treatment delays. Electronic health records (EHRs) collect a great deal of biometric markers and patient characteristics that could foster the detection of GAD and MDD in primary care settings. We approached the problem of predicting MDD and GAD using a novel machine learning pipeline to re-analyze data from an observational study. The pipeline constitutes an ensemble of algorithmically distinct machine learning methods, including deep learning. A sample of 4,184 undergraduate students completed the study, undergoing a general health screening and completing a psychiatric assessment for MDD and GAD. After explicitly excluding all psychiatric information, 59 biomedical and demographic features from the general health survey in addition to a set of engineered features were used for model training. We assessed the model's performance on a held-out test set and found an AUC of 0.73 (sensitivity: 0.66, specificity: 0.7) and 0.67 (sensitivity: 0.55, specificity: 0.7) for GAD, and MDD, respectively. Additionally, we used advanced techniques (SHAP values) to illuminate which features had the greatest impact on prediction for each disease. The top predictive features for MDD were being satisfied with living conditions and having public health insurance. The top predictive features for GAD were vaccinations being up to date and marijuana use. Our results indicate moderate predictive performance for the application of machine learning methods in detection of GAD and MDD based on EHR data. By identifying important predictors of GAD and MDD, these results may be used in future research to aid in the early detection of MDD and GAD.
Conference Paper
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Depression is a serious debilitating mental disorder affecting people from all ages all over the world. The number of depression cases increases annually in a continuous way. Due to the complexity of traditional techniques based on clinical diagnosis, there is a need for an automatic detection system of the depression. In this paper we present a novel audio-based approach to automatically detect depression using hybrid model. This model combines convolutional neural networks (CNN) and support vector machines (SVM), where SVM takes the place of the fully connected layers in CNN. In this proposed model, the features are automatically extracted using CNN and the classification is done using the SVM classifier. This approach was evaluated using DAIC-WOZ dataset provided by AVEC 2016 depression analysis sub-challenge. Experimental results showed that our hybrid model achieved an accuracy of 68% which outperform the CNN model (58.57%). Compared to the previous audio-based works using the same DAIC-WOZ dataset, our work showed a significant improvement in terms of accuracy, precision and recall.