
Interface ville/campagne et dynamiques des espaces périurbains d’une ville intermédiaire sud-méditerranéenne. L’exemple de Mostaganem (Algérie)City/countryside interface and dynamics of the peri-urban spaces of a South Mediterranean intermediate city. The case of Mostaganem (Algeria)

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Effects of climate change in semi-arid areas occur in drought events, which affect aquifers whose recharge depends essentially on precipitation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the relationship between depth to groundwater (DTW), precipitation, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST), in the alluvial aquifer of Mostaganem Plateau, Algeria over 2000, 2005, 2010-2011 and 2014-2015. This is caried out through an adaptive methodology, using remote sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and statistical analysis: correlation analysis and Multiple Linear Regression (MLR). The results indicate a 62 mm decline in precipitation from 2000 to 2015, inducing shifts in spatial patterns. This resulted in an increase of DTW (4 m to 10 m). The strong negative correlation between decreased precipitation and increased DTW, supported by an R2 value of -0.80, is evident. Moreover, NDVI and LST values increased notably by 0.034 and 3.38°C, respectively. The relationship between DTW, NDVI, and LST showed a diminishing negative correlation. The MLR reaffirmed the influence of precipitation and highlighted the impact of human activity on DTW and drought indicators effectiveness. High NDVI values indicated intensive groundwater pumping, while elevated LST contributed to DTW decrease due to increased evaporation rates caused by changes in crop types resulting from human actions. This study contributes to the understanding of the dynamic interactions between DTW, precipitation, and anthropogenic activities and gives insight to decision makers regarding irrigation strategies.
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The city of Oran is facing its spatial extension as well as the development of its economic activities within its rural periurban hinterland. This extension has become the number one problem of this landscape. And periurban agriculture in Oran is changing in terms of land ownership and economy, with pressure on its space and activities. Most of its agricultural land is wedged between the city centre and the ring of settlements around its periphery, therefore threatened on all sides by urban growth. It has supported the spread of the city and led to the broadening of the base reserved for the buildings at the expense of landscape quality and agricultural production. Today the rural area of Oran is affected by the reduction of the number of farmers and cultivated land because of productivity loss in a production system that has changed slowly towards gardening rather than intensive modernized market garden crops. One has to imagine through time the disappearance of the actors involved as well as the scenery of the countryside and their replacement by urbanized areas with different uses …under the impacts of periphery urbanization of a growing agglomeration of about one million inhabitants. Periurban agriculture has suffered a real trauma with regards to land patterns and ownership without totally disappearing. It is perhaps not too late to protect its space and revitalize its activities. Oran which is the subject of our research , has been like many other cities of the country the victim of a long process of uncontrolled urbanization and the consumption of agricultural land as well as environmental degradation and landscape change . This article is a contribution to the debate on the issue in Algeria.
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Devant les disparités spatiales auxquelles étaient confrontées les villes algériennes après l’indépendance, l’État a tenté de faire face à la situation en reconsidérant le maillage territorial par quatre découpages administratifs successifs (1963, 1974, 1984 et 1997). Nous proposons, dans cet article, d’analyser les conséquences spatiales de ces politiques publiques sur le processus de développement de l’agglomération algéroise. Une réflexion profonde sur l’évolution des agglomérations à Alger (changement de statut, émergence de nouvelles agglomérations, fusion entre les agglomérations chefs-lieux et les agglomérations secondaires, etc.) nous semble une approche très intéressante. Cela, d’un côté, pour avoir une vision claire du processus d’étalement urbain et, d’un autre côté, pour mieux apprécier l’évolution morphologique à laquelle est confrontée la ville d’Alger. Dans l’article, nous analysons la dynamique des agglomérations qui a accompagné le découpage administratif à Alger. Il s’agit de donner un éclairage nouveau sur le rôle qu’ont joué l’évolution et le changement de statut des agglomérations ainsi que la promotion administrative, 1 pour mieux apprécier l’évolution morphologique qu’a connue la ville d’Alger. À travers la mise en place d’une base de données sous SIG et par une approche historique et comparative, le résultat de ce travail nous a permis une meilleure lecture spatiotemporelle des mutations qu’ont subies les différentes agglomérations à Alger, de 1966 à ce jour. En effet, cette approche n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une analyse profonde dans le cadre des différentes recherches sur la ville d’Alger.
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Oran, ville méditerranéenne dynamique et seconde agglomération algérienne, a évolué selon un processus d’urbanisation diffuse. Ses franges rurales périurbaines, aux contours flous, lieux d’importantes transformations, sont actuellement des espaces de production agricole. Une redéfinition de l’agriculture périurbaine s’opère par des initiatives individuelles qui se traduisent par une diversification agricole : développement de cultures à forte plus-value, maraîchères, arboricoles et ornementales. Les entretiens directifs menés auprès des agriculteurs périurbains ont permis d’expliquer les facteurs qui sont à l’origine de ces transformations. Le profit tiré des cultures pratiquées est en lien avec l’accroissement de la demande citadine, l’intensification agricole étant une réponse à la précarisation foncière engendrée par l’urbanisation et par le morcellement excessif des propriétés.
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Rural periurban spaces in major Algerian cities are going through changes which are due to three combined factors that can sometimes appear as contradictory: liberal opening, oil revenue redistribution and the evolution of urban areas and markets. The diversity and contrasts of those spaces are highlighted by the examples of Central Mitidja (located between Blida and Algiers) and Oran area. The approach that resulted from non-directive interviews and life stories with former and new farmers illustrates those recent changes : agrarian fragmentation, land transactions, intensified farming, changes in modes of tenure, submission to a deregulated urban market and so on… This approach underlines their agrarian vulnerabilities, the various dynamic adjustment strategies for some, and the inertia and fragility of others. The agricultural deployment through intensification appears as heterogeneous, fragile and little environmentally-friendly. It is equally triggered and forced by urban expansion, backed up by state funding but also structured by private urban actors.
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Ways of life and types of housing in Algiers This paper reports on the strategies of appropriation of housing by people in Algiers and the types of approach they develop. The classification of types thus compiled established the framework of correspondence between the spatial arrangements of a building and the ways and conditions in which its occupants settle in it. The appropriation of the accommodation is envisaged as a process of arranging it to suit the individuals’ way of life. It is a process where they have to organize according to the specific context in which they find themselves, including the means by which the housing has been developed and constructed. The adaptations and rectifications carried out show exactly the size of the discrepancies between the spatial properties of their home and their sociocultural models. In this way, appropriation practices signal, on the one hand, the types of housing individuals find inadequate and therefore only temporary and, on the other, those that emerge as their most appreciated categories.
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Considered nowadays as a new form of urbanity, periurban areas no longer seem to be part of the field of rural geography which, due to urban sprawl, has seen a reduction over the last fifty years of its spatial scope and the issues to which it relates. But periurban areas are neither the countryside nor the city, both in relation to their morphology and to the factors determining their development; they represent a new form of spatial organization, enabling a critical view of urban and rural areas. Furthermore, in the search for new territorial forms, these periurban areas provide a source of reflection on rurality and on agriculture which has become one of the major issues in creating new territories around cities.
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Suburban agriculture in Setif (Algeria): which future in face of urban growth? The suburban agriculture in Setif which is mainly based on the specialized agricultural activities (cereals, animal production) has an important role. Its economic and social values are regarded in terms of the hugeness of its areas, the number of its manpower and the quality of its production. It covers 75% of the municipality surface and production systems are generally organized according to the climatic conditions. However, the new, rapid and diffused urban growth greatly affects these traditional structures. It is subjected to different inconvenient factors from the nearby urban area and has difficulties in functioning due to vandalism of the cultures, neighboring conflicts often due to environmental problems such as degradation of the material, defection of irrigation network, illegal grazing, soil stamping, car traffic, etc. The conversion of agricultural lands, generally of high quality, into non-agricultural lands results mainly from the urban development at the expense of agriculture. The socio-economic needs in land have rendered the agricultural activities difficult and decreased the agriculture in suburban areas. Landscape is not considered as an essential structure by the city. Urban planning, decided only by the elected members, is somewhat inefficient in terms of agricultural land protection. Paradoxically, the laws of protection exist but are not applied. Four major considerations have been pointed out by this study: the constraints generated by the suburban agriculture in Setif, the situation of the agricultural land, the high urban pressure and its consequences, and the need to define the place of the suburban agriculture in the sustainable development of the city.
Bibliothèques des territoiresGroupe prospective de la Datar "Espaces naturels et ruraux et société urbanisée"
The cultivation of vines was developed in Algeria by French colonization. At independence in 1962, the Algerian vineyard, for wine production, covered more than 350.000 ha, most of whose production was sold in France.On the territory of the future wilaya of Mostaganem (2.269 km2), 49.030 ha were then covered with vines, particularly on the Mostaganem plateau.The loss of the French market at the end of the 1960s has caused a very significant reduction in the vineyard. This decline has only worsened until the measures adopted in 2000 to support agriculture. In order to analyse the evolution of the areas planted with vines, a diachronic study was carried out using topographic maps (1958 and 1983) and Google Earth Pro satellite images (2017).The results show a collapse of the areas between 1958 and 1983. The vineyard retracted again between 1983 and 2017, when it covered only 6.190 ha. But an examination of the parcels present in 1983, which disappeared in 2017, confirms that the decline in the vineyard was greatest at the end of the 2000s.The evolution of the vineyard has also resulted in a profound spatial mutation. The communes of the Mostaganem plateau and even more so of the Bordjias plains have suffered considerable relative losses. On the contrary, vines have been more resilient in the northern coastal municipalities and areas have even increased between 1983 and 2017 in some areas of the Dahra Mountains.Despite the recent revival, the future of the vineyard remains uncertain in a country where religion prohibits the consumption of wine and severely judges its production.
France with transports faster and faster, changes and alters, its spatial dimensions. The first areas to be touched are the communication junctions, linked up with transports. The capital, with fast mobilities, always grows more and more its attraction power. Public transports also become vectors of urban sprawl from the Ile-de-France and of daily migrations from suburbanites, tirelessly pushing away limits of urban area. Transport times play a part to mark out a concrete and lived space by the population or the enterprises. The area of Paris offers a good example of lived and polarised space. It is all the conception of city that could also be cast doubt over, and also its limits.
Qu'appelle-t-on " espaces intermédiaires " ? Tel est le questionnement central et l'objet de cette contribution. Les dynamiques socio-spatiales des espaces urbains et des espaces ruraux ont souvent été prépondérantes pour expliciter l'ensemble des dynamiques spatiales, selon un modèle dominant centre-périphérie. De cette conception binaire, émergent des espaces " encadrant " (les pôles urbains et leur couronne périurbaine), ainsi que des espaces périphériques. Entre deux, apparaît une nouvelle catégorie spatiale, plus difficile à caractériser : les espaces intermédiaires. Ces espaces sont à considérer dans une configuration de " marqueterie territoriale " dépassant le modèle centre-périphérie, et dans une acception d'espaces à enjeux, d'innovations, de dynamiques spécifiques. Ces dynamiques peuvent être mises en perspective et précisées, via une approche par les représentations, sous l'angle privilégié de la place et du rôle que tient l'agriculture.
This research evaluates the extent of legal and illegal habitat fragmentation in Oran outskirts and strives to determine the causes due to the application of urban politics being carried out.By taking stereotypes to pleces, this study demonstrates the existing differentiation between the standards of equipment recorded by different fragments. Lastly in the light of studies available, attentive observations and follow up of urban dynamics, the author recommends some urgent actions to be taken with a view to integrating these fragments in a politic of urban planning thus facilitating a better running of the Oran metropolis.
The «fuzzy spaces» express a territorial marginalism in which urban and rural systems are in confrontation. The rural system is on unequal terms in front of the conquering urban system. The new territorial organization is a sign of the town's winning.
Qu'est-ce que la ville ? Dans quel sens évolue-t-elle ? Comment les habitants vivent-ils cette évolution ? Comment les urbanistes et les politiques s'y prennent-ils désormais pour gérer, réguler et construire la ville ? Répondre à ces questions paraît une tâche nécessaire sinon urgente à l'heure où nos sociétés - événement sans doute inédit dans l'histoire deviennent massivement urbaines. L'ouvrage s'y emploie en se fondant sur une méthode d'investigation qui consiste à envisager l'imaginaire urbain comme une donnée de tout premier ordre, riche non seulement d'une fonction d'initiation essentielle à la réalité urbaine en mutation, mais également d'une fonction d'intelligibilité irremplaçable de cette réalité.
Quelques années après l'indépendance, les déséquilibres sociaux de la période coloniale et leur manifestation spatiale imprègnent la réappropriation de la capitale par les Algériens. La réappropriation de la ville s'est faite selon un système de reconnaissance sociale qui prévaut jusqu'à ce jour et dont le type d'habitat localisé dans la structure urbaine a été le médiateur. La pertinence de la structure socio-spatiale de la ville à l'indépendance se trouve dans ce processus de substitution d'une ségrégation sociale à la ségrégation ethnique de l'époque coloniale. Processus pour lequel l'urbanistique de la technostructure algérienne et de ses prédécesseurs a joué un rôle moteur. Le contexte politique socialisant des années 70 et les nouvelles exigences socio-économiques ont permis l'émergence de politiques urbaines, notamment foncières qui ont induit des stratégies de résistance de la part des propriétaires fonciers. Le développement des transactions foncières illicites libérait du même coup les pratiques d'autres groupes sociaux dans leur appropriation de l'espace. Ce marché immobilier parallèle a permis aux uns d'inscrire dans l'espace le mode d'habiter qui signifiait leur ascension sociale et aux autres, touchés dramatiquement par la crise du logement, de réaliser eux-mêmes leur habitat. Le changement de régime des années 80 s'est accompagné d'une nouvelle politique urbaine qui va remettre en cause les options antérieures en libéralisant le marché foncier existant, en encourageant l'habitat pavillonnaire, en libéralisant la promotion immobilière privée et en légalisant les constructions illicites. La façon dont ces mesures ont été menées leur confère un caractère ségrégatif davantage souligné par le désengagement de l'État de la construction de logements sociaux, par la braderie du patrimoine foncier et immobilier et par la déportation de la population des bidonvilles d'Alger vers son lieu d'origine. Cette politique a contribué à creuser les écarts entre les différentes couches sociales allant jusqu'à remettre en cause le droit à la ville des plus défavorisés. Ces politiques urbaines successives ont progressivement configuré l'espace algérois qui se présente aujourd'hui comme un territoire fragmenté socialement et spatialement.
Qu'appelle-t-on " espaces intermediaires " ? Tel est le questionnement central et l'objet de cette contribution. Les dynamiques socio-spatiales des espaces urbains et des espaces ruraux ont souvent ete preponderantes pour expliciter l'ensemble des dynamiques spatiales, selon un modele dominant centre-peripherie. De cette conception binaire, emergent des espaces " encadrant " (les poles urbains et leur couronne periurbaine), ainsi que des espaces peripheriques. Entre deux, apparait une nouvelle categorie spatiale, plus difficile a caracteriser : les espaces intermediaires. Ces espaces sont a considerer dans une configuration de " marqueterie territoriale " depassant le modele centre-peripherie, et dans une acception d'espaces a enjeux, d'innovations, de dynamiques specifiques. Ces dynamiques peuvent etre mises en perspective et precisees, via une approche par les representations, sous l'angle privilegie de la place et du role que tient l'agriculture.
The Rural‐Urban Continuum Recent powerful criticisms of the rural‐urban continuum make clear the need for new conceptual orientations. Detailed studies of central areas of cities demonstrate the existence of urban villages in which the pattern of social relationships does not support notions of urban‐ism as a way of life. Settlement types appear in general to be less important than class and life‐cycle characteristics in determining ways of life, yet an ideal‐type metropolitan village, reached as a result of empirical research in S. E. England, demonstrates that this particular settlement type may be an important element in the life‐style of a specific cosmopolitan middle‐class group. Thus, some people are in the city but not of it, whereas others are of the city and not in it. Both gemeinschaftlich and gesellschaftlich relationships are found in different groups in the same place. In an attempt to assess whether the continuum should perhaps be better conceived as a process rather than a typology, empirical studies from various parts of the world are reviewed. The common theme appears to be the confrontation between the local and the national and this is as likely to occur in the urban as in the rural physical setting. This confrontation is seen as a process of crucial importance for the rural sociologist who is primarily interested in small‐scale societies. Future research might fruitfully use the concept of role and social network, or study patron‐client relationships and community power structures when attempting to illuminate or understand the process. There are a whole series of continua, which together form a process, acting not so much on communities as on groups and individuals at particular places in the social structure. Rather than a continuum it would be better to imagine a whole series of meshes of different textures superimposed on each other, together forming a process which is creating a much more complex pattern.
[eng] Defining rural areas? From a difficult conceptual definition to a necessary statistical delineation - Usual definitions of urban areas often oppose this category to urban areas. Rural areas are then defined by low population density, low part of built land areas and presence of agriculture. This paper aims at suggesting a definition based on spatial economics theory. We focus on mechanisms that are able to explain the spatial dispersion of population and activities. Two categories of non urban areas are considered : on one hand, rural surrounding cities, where changes come from population spread mechanisms; on the other hand, rural areas with no urban influence, structured by small employment centres, where centrifugal forces are responsible for the location of activities. This approach is then compared to the zoning in urban and rural areas in order to show how they converge but also what the limits of the two approaches. [fre] Les définitions usuelles du rural le considèrent comme un espace s'opposant simplement à la ville. Il est alors un espace à faible densité de population, aux sols peu artificialisés, à forte prégnance agricole, etc. Cet article vise à l'appréhender au travers des mécanismes économiques qui rendent compte de la dispersion dans l'espace des populations et des activités. Deux catégories d'espaces non urbains sont distinguées: des espaces ruraux périphériques des villes, où dominent les mécanismes responsables de la dispersion relative de la population urbaine; des espaces ruraux placés hors influence urbaine et organisés autour de petits pôles d'emploi, où les forces de dispersion des activités sont responsables des dynamiques locales. La confrontation de cette approche avec les catégories du zonage en aires urbaines et de son complément rural fait apparaître une certaine convergence, mais aussi les limites de chacune de ces deux approches.
141 p. Entre les tenants d'un rural considéré comme un "reste" non-urbain et les chantres du bonheur rustique d'autrefois, une autre approche de l'espace rural est possible. Tel est l'objet de ce livre pour lequel la vieille problématique des rapports ville-campagne n'a plus cours, notamment parce que les inégalités géographiques se révèlent moins importantes que les inégalités sociales. D'ici 2015, le système socio-spatial français continuera à subir de profondes transformations. Le monde rural y jouera un rôle déterminant. Mais par quels moyens les initiatives locales et l'innovation sociale peuvent-elles participer de cette évolution ? Comment penser un nouvel équilibre social et ses implications sur les territoires ? Quelles formes d'intervention publique seront à même d'y répondre ? Ce livre, après l'état des lieux présenté par la même équipe en 1993 dans Naissance de nouvelles campagnes, tente d'apporter des réponses.
Le couple ville-campagne est au fondement des rapports de bien des sociétés à leur espace. L'auteur entend le ré-interroger à travers le phénomène de la périurbanisation. Proposant une lecture de la relation ville / campagne en trois âges, l'âge de la production, l'âge de la consommation, l'âge de la transaction, il introduit l'hypothèse d'un tiers espace, entre villes et campagnes, répondant aux besoins contemporains d'interterritorialité.
The concept of semi-urban rural areasRural areas have their own dynamics that cannot be interpreted only by the impact of urban evolution on the rural world. Classical concepts of urbanisation of the countryside, of peri-urbanisation, are concepts that consider rural evolution as merely a consequence of urbanisation mechanisms in the morphological and functional sense of the term. In this paper, conceptual criteria and empirical elements are exposed with a view to validating the following: that a specific relation to space, particularly rural, is constructed from an the extension of forms of mobility translated by habitation modes, territories and specific cultural forms translating an integration into modernity that is not simply assimilated to the urban model.
The dynamic urban system in Algeria has been marked by the spectacular expansion of the big cities (plus 10 0 000 inhabitants) in northern Algeria since independence up to 1980. Nowadays, the urban growth is mainly profitable for medium and little cities (3 000 à 50 000 inhabitants). Today, the urbanization process witnessed another expansion that is of the development of the small centres which influenced the urban system in Algeria. During the last decade, the strong growth has been observed mainly in the south and high hills of Algeria. It’s through a quantitative operation of the different categories, and the graphic illustration which we shall try to put in evidence the bring up of small settlements into the urbanization process.
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