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Factors Influencing Weight Loss Attempts and Long Term Weight Loss Maintenance


Abstract and Figures

Background: A cross-sectional study aimed to determine the factors association with repeated weight loss attempts, and weight loss maintenance. Methods: The study was conducted in the main public hospitals in Benghazi, Libya. A total sample of 300 participants who suffered from weight gain or/ obesity and had a history of trying of weight loss. The data were collected by using a questionnaire that include all the factors that may affect the weight loss process such as social, psychological, health, factors related to diet , and daily behavior factors. Results: The majority of participants 78% were found at age group between 15-35 years, 81.7% of them were female and 18.3% were male. More than half of participants 56% had less than four times of weight loss attempts, while 43.6% of them had more than four attempts. The repetition of weight loss attempts was associated with genetic, binge eating, tension, anxiety, negative body image, duration of weight loss maintenance, watching TV or online hours, and eating rate. Around half of participant 55.6% had less than one of successful attempts, while 44.3% had more than one attempts. The factors associated with the successful attempt of weight loss were using weight loss medications, the rate of weight loss, aware food serving, eating breakfast, and exercise. The higher number of attempts of weight lose was associated with higher successful attempt (more than one attempt) P=(0.031). Conclusions: Psychological factors were the most factors affected on repeating weight loss attempts followed by behavior related factors. Practices related to self-control, mental control, stress reduction, and behavior modification should be considered at any weight loss management program. Body weight loss programs need strike follow up by dietician in order to avoid the fluctuations in body weight. Key words: The factors weight loss, weight loss attempts, successful weight loss attempts, weight loss maintenance.
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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
Vol.11; Issue: 12; December 2021
Original Research Article ISSN: 2249-9571
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 205
Vol.11; Issue: 12; December 2021
Factors Influencing Weight Loss Attempts and Long
Term Weight Loss Maintenance
Souad El-mani1, Ali Ateia Elmabsout1, Abdullah Sheikhi2, Reima Mansour3,
Fawzia M Salem Bozaid1, Hind Alkadiky1, Hajer Albarghati1, Sara Benghazy1,
Nada Jamal1
1Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, University of Benghazi, Libya
2Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia
3School of Science and Health, Western Sydney University, Australia
Corresponding Author: Souad El-mani
Background: A cross-sectional study aimed to determine the factors association with repeated weight
loss attempts, and weight loss maintenance.
Methods: The study was conducted in the main public hospitals in Benghazi, Libya. A total sample of
300 participants who suffered from weight gain or/ obesity and had a history of trying of weight loss.
The data were collected by using a questionnaire that include all the factors that may affect the weight
loss process such as social, psychological, health, factors related to diet, and daily behavior factors.
Results: The majority of participants 78% were found at age group between 15-35 years, 81.7% of
them were female and 18.3% were male. More than half of participants 56% had less than four times
of weight loss attempts, while 43.6% of them had more than four attempts. The repetition of weight
loss attempts was associated with genetic, binge eating, tension, anxiety, negative body image,
duration of weight loss maintenance, watching TV or online hours, and eating rate. Around half of
participant 55.6% had less than one of successful attempts, while 44.3% had more than one attempts.
The factors associated with the successful attempt of weight loss were using weight loss medications,
the rate of weight loss, aware food serving, eating breakfast, and exercise. The higher number of
attempts of weight lose was associated with higher successful attempt (more than one attempt)
Conclusions: Psychological factors were the most factors affected on repeating weight loss attempts
followed by behavior related factors. Practices related to self-control, mental control, stress reduction,
and behavior modification should be considered at any weight loss management program. Body
weight loss programs need strike follow up by dietician in order to avoid the fluctuations in body
Keywords: The factors weight loss, weight loss attempts, successful weight loss attempts, weight loss
In the recent years, obesity is
considered as a chronic disease being also
as a severe individual health condition and
an important public health issue. Obesity
results from accumulation of body fat
which leads to severe complications and a
significant increase of mortality rate.1 In
2017-2018 the prevalence of obesity in
United States was increased among all the
age group of adult people that include ,
adults aged 20-39, adults aged 40-59, and
adults aged 60 and over, about40%
44.8%,42.8%, respectively. The prevalence
of obesity was also high among the
childhood period, in 2009 about 38 million
of children under the age of 5years in the
United States were overweight or obese.2
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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Globally, The prevalence of overweight and
obesity as a public health concern is well
established and reflects the overall lack of
success in the ability to achieve and
maintain a healthy body weight. There are
many factors affect the ability of obese
patients to lose weight and maintain a
healthy body weight.2
First of all social factors, Most of the
previous studies that focused on weight loss
indicated that there are variation between
weight loss and body composition, age,
occupation , and socioeconomic status of
patients. American studies showed that there
was significant difference between age
group and the percentage of excess BMI
loss, the better results of weight loss and
reducing of complications were observed
among younger patients.3,4 A number of
characteristics of men and women that also
contribute to the difference in weight loss
success. According to the National Health
and nutrition Examination survey III
(NHANES III) showed that female aged
between 12to 80 years had higher
percentage of Fat Mass (FM) than male ,
the estimated of total body weight and Free
Fat Mass increased in all racial_ ethnic
groups and in all age group of female.5 A
cohort study found that there was effect of
exercise on the body weight and body
composition of both male and female, the
men who did the exercises lost 5.2 kg of
weight, equivalent to 6% of the basic
weight. As for the women, the exercises did
not lead to weight loss but prevented an
increase weight about 3kg for the control
group.6 Another American study was
conducted to assess the relationship between
dieting and weight change and race
/ethnicity adolescence and young adulthood
reported that dieting to lose weight was
ineffective, and it is actually associated with
greater weight gain, particularly among
female adolescent. There was variation also
among participants in the number of
attempts times of weight lose, Hispanics
(58.0%) were more likely than whites
(55.2%) to be trying to lose weight .7
The second factors that affect weight
loss are heath factors, the obese people with
other diseases such as diabetes mallets,
cancers or breast cancer, and ovarian cysts
thyroid diseases are needed to weight loss to
improve clinical results, reduce
complications, and accelerate treatment
effect.8 American study indicated that
increased BMI >40kg/m2 was associated
with increased death rates for all cancer
types.9 Spanish study also found that the
weight of hypothyroid patients decreased
from 70.93±10.06 kg to 68.68±10.14
(p=0.000), while the weight of hyperthyroid
patients increased from 65.45±11.64 kg to
68.37±12.80 (p=0.000). 10 The results of this
study showed that there was an association
between obesity and BMI (>30 kg/m2) and
slightly elevated serum TSH levels (p
0.001).10 Another previous study suggest
that use of pharmacological treatment could
be benefit to loss of body weight. American
studies describe use of pharmacotherapy
like (Fluoxetine, orlistat, and sibutramine)
in weight loss for diabetic patients and use
orlistat for ovarian cysts patients. These
drugs achieved statistically significant
weight loss for 26 to 52 weeks, Fluoxetine
(5.8 kg at 52 weeks), orlistat (2.6 kg at 52
weeks). 11.12
Psychological factors are considered
as important effective factors on weight lose
and maintenance. A previous study was
conducted in United States indicated that
weight gain was associated with increasing
levels of psychosocial stress related to job-
related demands (P < 0.001), that include
lack of skill discretion, lack of decision
authority and difficulty paying bills among
male while Among women were strain in
relations with family.13 Furthermore,
Tunisian study was conducted to determine
the satisfaction rate of female on their body
shape, this study found that almost two-
thirds of all women were dissatisfied with
their current body size. A normal body size
(BMI 2024 kg/m) was seen in the most
positive light by Tunisian women.14 The
other psychological factors is increases the
desire to eat, especially among those follow
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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restricted diet compared with non-dieters.. 15
According to experiment study found that
(71%) of participants are restrained eaters
(i.e., dieters) report increasing food
consumption when stressed than are people
who under eat or who do not change the
amount they eat when stressed (35%).16
The last factors are dietary and
behavioral factors, there are a large number
of dietary programs that are available in
different websites. Many of these dietary
programs are based on scientific evidence of
weight loss. However, qualitative research
suggests that successful dieters depend on
their understandings about dietary intake
(quality and quantity), emotional challenges,
and surrounding environment.17 A previous
study found that long-term diet attempts
were not functional in the general
population, as BMI and WC showed an
increase in dieters than non-dieters. 18
Another study was conducted in America
that showed that only 31% of the people
reported successful weight loss attempts,
and this study recommended that self-
monitoring strategies such as weighing
oneself, choosing an appropriate meals,
exercising 30 or more minutes daily, may be
important in successful weight loss
maintenance.19 European study showed that
increase of protein content in diet and
deceasing high glycemic index led to an
improvement in maintenance of weight loss.
The weight regain was 0.93 kg less in the
groups followed a high-protein diet than in
those followed a low-protein diet
Life style behavior such as watching
TV contributes to affecting on weight loss
or maintaining weight loss. Raynor and found that that the number of hours of
sitting on TV associated with weight loss,
increases in TV watching hours were
significant predictors for regain weight of
one year.21 furthermore, skipping breakfast
led to increase prevalence of obesity.
According to previous study found that
around half of participants who are
breakfast skipper suffered from obesity.22
Clinical studies confirmed that regular
consumption of meals reduced the risk of
obesity and chronic diseases.23 In addition,
number of previous studies concluded that
obesity is associated with a self-reported
short sleep duration and sleep disturbances.
The short sleep duration is caused by
emotional stress as reported by obese
people. 24,25
Because obesity is a chronic disease,
maintenance of weight loss is included as a
standard of success, and the response to
obesity treatment varies according to
different factors. There are few studies
targeting the factors that defined weight loss
successful, therefore, this study aimed to
determine factors influencing weight loss
success and long term weight loss
maintenance, and to
1. study the personal and social aspect and
its effect on the number of weight loss
2. know the effect of health conditions and
diseases (chronic diseases) on the
number of weight loss attempt.
3. study of the psychological factors and
its effect on the weight loss attempt.
Study Population: A cross-sectional study
was conducted in Benghazi, Libya in 2020
to determine the factors affecting weight
loss process for a specific age group from
15 to 65years. The total numbers of
participants were 300 participants, including
51 men and 249 women.
Data collection methods: questionnaire
that was prepared and distributed to the
participants in some public hospitals as well
as over the Internet. This questionnaire
contains 34 questions covering all aspects
related to the process of weight loss, 4
elements were about personal information
such as (age, gender, educational level,
profession, working hours). In addition,
other questions asked about the health
condition that include presence of diseases,
type of medication, and duration of intake.
Other questions asked about aspects related
to the situation (social, psychological,
genetic) and its impact on repeated weight
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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loss attempts and the number of successful
weight loss attempts. The next questions
asked about dietary history that include:
(source of diet, duration of follow-up, diet
sources, weight loss per week, duration of
maintains weight loss). The questionnaire
also contains information about the daily
behaviors such as hours on TV or online,
water consumption, regularity in breakfast,
exercise, place of eating, sharing eating,
eating duration, and hours of sleep.
Weight and height were measured
by the researchers after completion of the
questionnaires. Height was measured to the
nearest 0.1cm using standard calibrated
scale attached to the balance against wall.
Weight was measured to the nearest 0.2kg
using weighting machine. During measuring
body weight, participants were wearing light
clothes and thin socks or bare feet, BMI was
computed as body weight in (Kg) divided
by body height in (m) squared and the body
mass index was calculated and classified
according to WHO classification.
Statistical analysis:
The Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 was
used to analyze the data. Descriptive
statistical tests were conducted to make
comparison including frequencies and Chi
square test with (95%) confidence intervals.
Chi-squared analysis was used to compare
different factors with number of weight loss
attempt and number of successful weight
loss attempt. All p values <0.05 were
considered statistically significant.
Ethical statement:
This study was approved by
university of Benghazi and all
questionnaires were anonymous and
unidentified to ensure the confidentiality of
collected information.
Demographical characteristics of
Total participants in this study were
N=300 persons, 81.7 % of them were
females and 18.3% were males with ages
range from 15 to 55 years. The majority of
participants 78% were with age 15-35 year
while only 2% of them were with an age
group more than 55 years. The most of
participants 87% were with high educated
level (university degree), while 1% of them
were uneducated. less than half of
participants 47% were officers, and 51% of
them worked for period range from 4-
6hours. More than half of participants 57%
were with income 500-1000, and more than
half of them also 56.3% were unmarried.
See table 1
15 35
35 55
> 55
Education level
house wife
free business
Work hours
1 – 3
4 6
7 – 9
10 12
Income level
500 1000
> 1000
Social status
In regarding to BMI, female
presented the highest numbers of over
weight than male 26.90% vs.
5.90%respectively. Obese grade I was
higher than other grads among female
participants and also female still shown
highest percentages 24.90% vs. 5.60%,
11.90%vs. 3% and 3.50%vs. 1.40% for
obese I , grade II and grade III respectively.
There was clear relation between working
hours, marital status, and number of
children, p. value= 0.000, 0.008, and 0.017
respectively. There was also relationship
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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between BMI level with weight loss attempts p=(0.003).
Figure 2: Distribution of BMI level among participants
Medical history of participants: -
In regarding to medical history of
participants, table 2 showed that more than
half of participants 68.6% did not have any
health problems, and 31% of them had some
health problems that include (30.8% ovarian
polycystic,12.7% thyroid disease, and 7%
diabetes). Half of the participants 50% were
taking treatment that include (25% weight
loss drugs, 9.7% contraindications drugs,
and 47.2% other drugs). Also more than half
of participants 67.6% had obesity in their
family history.
Table 2: Description of Health history among participants
P value
weight loss attempts >4
weight loss attempts <4
Health factors
Health problems
94 ( 31.3% )
48 ( 36.6% )
46 ( 27.2% )
206 ( 68.6% )
83 ( 63% )
123 ( 72.7% )
7 ( 7.4% )
4 ( 8.3% )
3 ( 6.5% )
Diabetes mellitus
12 ( 12.7% )
4 ( 8.3% )
8 ( 17.3% )
Thyroid diseases
29 ( 30.8% )
15 ( 31.2% )
14 ( 30.4% )
ovarian polycystic
46 ( 48.9% )
25 ( 52.0% )
21 ( 45.6% )
other diseases
150 ( 50% )
72 ( 54.9% )
78 ( 46.1% )
150 (50% )
59 ( 45.0% )
91 ( 53.8% )
Type of treatments
23 ( 15.3% )
7 ( 9.7% )
16 ( 20.5% )
9 ( 6% )
5 ( 6.94% )
4 ( 5.1% )
Diabetes drugs
7 ( 4.6% )
4 ( 5.5% )
3 ( 3.8% )
11 ( 7.3% )
4 ( 5.5% )
7 ( 8.9% )
Thyroid drugs
30 ( 20% )
18 ( 25% )
12 ( 15.3% )
weight loss drugs
70 ( 46.6% )
34 ( 47.2% )
36 (46.1% )
other drugs
203 ( 67.6% )
99 ( 98.5% )
104 ( 61.5% )
97 (32.3% )
32 (18.9% )
65 ( 38.4% )
*Statistical differences p.value ‹0.05 by Chi. Square test.
This study was based on studying
some factors that include medical history to
determine the extent of their influence on
the frequency of weight loss attempts. From
the total of participants n= 300 who had
repeated experiences of weight loss, 56.3%
of them had less than 4 times of weight loss
attempts , and 43.6% of them had more than
4 times of weight loss attempts. Table 2
indicted that there was no significant
relationship between weight loss attempts
times and medical history that include
health problems, taking medicine and types
of treatment with exception with hereditary
factors. There was a significant relationship
between weight loss attempts and hereditary
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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factor p.value ‹ 0.05. The number of weight
loss attempts ‘times were more among
participants who had obesity in their family
history than who did not have hereditary
obesity, (67.6% vs. 32.3%, p.value=0.007).
See table
Table 3: The relation between psychological factors and number of attempts to weight loss among participants.
weight loss attempts > 4
weight loss attempts <4
Psychological factors
psychosocial problems*
89 ( 29.6% )
51 ( 38.9% )
38 ( 22.4% )
211 ( 70.3% )
80 (61.0% )
131 (77.5% )
desire to eat during diet
133 ( 44.3% )
68 ( 51.9% )
65 ( 38.4% )
71 ( 23.6% )
25 ( 19.0% )
46 (27.2% )
96 ( 32% )
38 ( 29.0% )
58 ( 34.3% )
no change
increase eating rate during stress*
197 (65.6% )
100 ( 76.3% )
97 ( 57.3% )
103 ( 34.3% )
31 ( 23.6% )
72 (42.6% )
does weight loss require?*
284 ( 94.6% )
130 ( 99.2% )
154 ( 91.1% )
16 ( 5.3% )
1 ( 0.7% )
15 ( 8.8% )
successful attempts in weight loss*
167 ( 55.6% )
46 ( 35.1% )
121 ( 71.5% )
133 ( 44.3% )
85 ( 64.8% )
48 ( 28.4% )
*Statistical differences p. value ‹0.05 by Chi. Square test.
As shown in Table (3), there was
significant relation between psychological
factors and number of weight loss attempts.
First of all, there was a relationship between
the number of trying to lose weight and
psychological problems, (22.4% of
participants had fewer than 4 attempts of
weight lose vs.38.9% had more than 4
attempts of weight loss, P =0.002.
Approximately half of participant 44.3%
had increase desire to eat during following
specific diet, 51.9%of them had more than 4
attempts of weight loss, while 38.4% of
them had less than 4 attempts of weight
loss. Additionally, more than half of
participants 65.6% were eating more during
stress. There was a significant correlation
between participants’ psychological status
and number of attempts to weight loss,
76.3% of participants had more than 4
attempt and 57.3% of them had less than 4
attempts P = (0.000). More fore, the
majority of participants 94.6% believed that
weight loss is needed, there was a
relationship between their need to lose
weight and attempts to lose weight.
Participants who believed weight loss is
required had more attempts (> 4 times) of
weight loss than those did not believe that,
(99.2% vs. 0.7%, P =0.001). There was also
association between successful weight loss
and number of attempts of weight loss, more
than half of participants 64.8% who had
increase number of successful weight loss
had more number of weight loss attempts
than who had less number of successful
weight loss (64.8% vs. 35.1%, p=0.000).
See Table 3
Dietary pattern and behavior of
In regarding to dietary factors, the
minority of participants 7% were followed
diet that is described by nutritionists and
18% of them by their self, while the
majority of participants 75% were
followed described diet by both nutritionist
and by theirself. The majority of
participants 82% also had diet from
different sources of foods (an integrated
diet), 83.4% of them had less than 4
attempts, and 80.1% had more than 4
attempts. Less than half of participants 39%
followed a diet for less than a year, and
48.6% of them lose weight from 0.5 -1kg in
a week. There was significant association
between number of attempts weight loss and
weight loss maintenance. Most of
participants 50.8% who have weight loss
maintained for less than one years had
increase number of weight loss attempts
(more than 4 times) than those maintained
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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their weight loss more than one years. (50.8% vs. 24.3%, p=0.002).See Table 4
Table 4:The relation between dietary factors and number of attempts to weight loss among participants.
P value
weight loss attempts >4
weight loss attempts <4
Dietary factors
Source of diet
21 ( 7% )
11 ( 8.39% )
10 ( 5.9% )
56 ( 18.6%)
19 ( 14.5% )
37 ( 21.8% )
223 (74.3%)
101 ( 77.0% )
122 ( 72.1% )
Diet sources
23 ( 7.6% )
9 ( 6.8% )
14 ( 8.28% )
6 ( 2% )
3 ( 2.29% )
3 (1.7% )
25 ( 8.3% )
14 ( 10.6% )
11 ( 6.5% )
protein and CHO
246 ( 82% )
105 ( 80.1% )
141 ( 83.4% )
integrated diet
follow up diet
53 ( 17.6% )
26 ( 19.8% )
27 ( 15.9% )
less than a month
78 ( 26% )
36 ( 27.4% )
42 ( 24.8% )
a month
117 ( 39% )
47 ( 35.8% )
70 ( 41.4% )
less than one year
26 ( 8.6% )
7 ( 5.3% )
19 ( 11.2% )
26 ( 8.6% )
15 ( 11.4% )
11 ( 6.5% )
more than one year
weight loss per week
146 (48.6%)
61 ( 46.5% )
85 ( 50.2% )
0.5 - 1 kg
126 ( 42% )
60 ( 45.8% )
66 ( 39.0% )
2 - 4 kg
28 ( 9.3% )
10 ( 7.6% )
18 ( 10.6% )
> 4 kg
Maintenance weight loss*
177 ( 59% )
91 ( 69.4% )
86 ( 50.8% )
less than one year
50 ( 16.6% )
20 (15.2% )
30 ( 17.7% )
one year
73 ( 24.3% )
20 ( 15.2% )
53 ( 31.3% )
more than one year
*Statistical differences p.value ‹0.05 by Chi. Square test.
Table 5 focuses on behavioral
factors, showed that there is association
between participants’ behavior and the
number of weight loss attempts. The
participants who were watching TV for long
period of time had more number of weight
loss’ attempts than those watching TV for 1-
2 hrs (43.5% vs. 21.3%, p.value =0.01).
Approximately, half of participants 50.6%
were eating food on the ground compared to
those eating food in a chair, and more than
half of participants 56.3% were sharing food
with their family. Additionally, the majority
of participants 74% were drinking enough
water, and more than half of participants
62% were eating Breakfast regularly. The
most of participants 62.3% were practicing
sports, and 41.3% of people slept less than 8
hours. There was no relation between eating
pattern, sleeping hours, and exercise with
number of weight loss attempts. On other
hand, there was a clear relationship between
weight loss attempts and duration of eating,
Table 5 Description the relation between participants’ behavior and weight loss attempts .
weight loss attempts >4
weight loss attempts <4
Behavior factors
hours on TV or internet*
81 ( 27% )
28 ( 21.3% )
53 ( 31.3% )
1 -2 hours
116 ( 38.6% )
46 ( 35.1% )
70 ( 41.4% )
2 - 5 hours
103 ( 78.6% )
57 ( 43.5% )
46 ( 27.2% )
more than 5
Water Consumption
222 ( 74% )
95 ( 72.5% )
127 ( 75.1% )
78 ( 26% )
36 ( 27.4% )
42 ( 24.8% )
186 ( 62% )
83 ( 63.3% )
103 ( 60.9% )
144 ( 38% )
48 ( 36.6% )
66 ( 39.0% )
187 ( 62.3% )
87 ( 66.4% )
100 ( 59.17% )
113 ( 37.6% )
44 ( 33.5% )
69 ( 40.8% )
place of eating
148 ( 49.3% )
66 ( 50.3% )
82 ( 48.5% )
152 ( 50.6% )
65 ( 49.6% )
87 ( 51.4% )
Sharing eating
169 ( 56.3% )
68 ( 51.9% )
101 ( 59.7% )
131 ( 43.6% )
63 ( 48.0% )
68 ( 40.3% )
Eating duration*
137 ( 45.6% )
69 ( 52.6% )
68 ( 40.2% )
10 min
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
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108 ( 36% )
36 ( 27.4% )
72 ( 42.6% )
15 min
33 ( 11% )
13 ( 9.9% )
20 ( 11.8% )
20 min
22 ( 7.3% )
13 ( 9.9% )
9 ( 5.3% )
Hours of sleep
124 ( 41.3% )
56 ( 42.7% )
68 ( 40.2% )
less than 8 hours
97 ( 32.3% )
38 ( 29.0% )
59 ( 34.9% )
8 hours
79 ( 26.3% )
37 ( 28.2% )
42 ( 24.8% )
more than 8 hours
* Statistical differences p.value ‹0.05 by Chi. Square test
Relation between successful weight loss and other factors:
Table 6 : Relationship between the study factors with successful weight loss attempts.
P value
successful attempts >1
successful attempts <1
Type of drug*
4 ( 5.7%)
19 ( 23.4%)
11 ( 7.3%)
4 ( 5.7%)
7 ( 8.6%)
Diabetes drugs
5 ( 3.3%)
3 ( 4.3% )
2 ( 2.4%)
11 ( 7.3%)
7 ( 10.1% )
4 ( 4.9%)
Thyroid drugs
30 ( 20%)
18 ( 26.0% )
12 ( 14.8%)
weight loss drugs
70 ( 46.6%)
33 (47.8% )
37 ( 45.6%)
other drugs
weight loss per week*
146 ( 48.6% )
49 ( 36% )
97 ( 58% )
0.5 - 1 kg
126 ( 42% )
70 ( 52.6% )
56 (33.5% )
2 - 4 kg
28( 9.3% )
14 ( 10.5% )
14 ( 8.3% )
> 4 kg
diet successful by dietitian*
97( 32.3% )
53 ( 39.8% )
44 ( 26.3% )
149 ( 49.6% )
56 ( 42.1% )
93( 55.6% )
food serving*
148 ( 49.3% )
76 ( 57.1% )
72 ( 43.11% )
131 ( 43.6% )
48 ( 36.0% )
83 ( 49.7% )
186 ( 62% )
91 ( 68.4% )
95( 56.8%)
114 ( 38% )
42 ( 31.5% )
72 ( 43.11% )
187 ( 62.3% )
91 ( 30.3% )
96 ( 57.4%)
113( 37.6% )
42 ( 14% )
71 ( 42.5 % )
According to successful weight loss,
there were a number of relationship between
the number of successful weight loss
attempts and other factors. The first relation
was between successful weight loss
attempts and type of treatment among
participants. participants who were taking
special medications for weight loss had
more successful weight loss attempts than
other types of treatments (26% vs. 5.7%
p=0.03) the second relation was between
the number of weight loss by kilogram and
number of weight loss attempts P=( 0.001).
The number of successful weight loss
attempts was increase among patients who
loss more than 1 kilogram (from 2-4
kg/week) of their weight (52.6% vs.36%).
The third relation was number of successful
weight loss attempts and described diet by
dietitians. (26.3 % of participants had a
success attempts less than one times and
39.8% of them had successful attempts
more than one, p=0.031. The next
relationship was between awareness of
participant about food serving and number
of successful weight loss. (57% vs. 36% had
more than one successful weight loss
attempts, p= 0.047). The another relation
was between number of successful weight
loss and breakfast consumption, (30% vs.
14%, p= 0.027) There the last relationship
was between exercise and the number of
successful weight loss attempts,(30.3 % vs.
14% had more than one successful weight
loss attempts P=(0.034).
The factors that lead to obesity differ
according to the condition of people and the
environment around them. The sex and age
distribution of the participants in the current
study was similar to the criteria for previous
studies (26-28). The proportion of females was
about 1: 5 more than males, with ages
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 213
Vol.11; Issue: 12; December 2021
ranging from 15 to 35 years. There was a
significant correlation between body mass
index and body weight with many social
factors that were addressed in the current
study such as gender, hours of work, marital
status, and number of children. These results
have been proven by previous studies. (5-
6,26,29-30) Despite these correlations, there
was no relationship between these factors
and the frequency of weight loss attempts.
The health problems of chronic diseases and
taking special medicines are one of the
reasons that effect the process of losing
weight in many previous studies11-13,, but
the results of this study showed only a
association between the presence of health
problems, especially ovarian cysts, and BMI
(p=0.000) . Regarding medications, unlike
other studies, the current study did not
record any association between
consumption of contraceptives or endocrine
medications with body weight or body mass
index, or even with repeated weight loss.
However, all patients with thyroid
dysfunction particularly if they are
overweight, they should receive dietary
Among the factors that are
associated with the frequency of weight loss
attempts, genetic factor was the most
affecting, as more than four weight-loss
attempts were reported by participants who
are obese and have obesity family history.
These findings have confirmed by a number
of published studies. (32,33) It was also found
in this study a statistically significant
relationship between trying to lose weight
and psychological problems. Those who
complain with an increased desire to eat
during a diet or when feeling stressed or
suffer from dissatisfaction and a negative
outlook on the body, reported an increase in
the number of attempts to lose Weight along
with its correlation to BMI P= (0.000).
Similar results from the previous
evidences.5,34 A Dutch study examined
whether mindfulness-based strategies can
effectively reducing the desire to eating
more ,and reduction of automatic relations
between urge and reaction.(Participants who
were exposed to a 7-week acceptance-based
craving intervention reported significantly
lower food desiring compared to
participants who did not receive this
In this study less than half of
participants followed diet by themselves and
only 7% followed diet is described by
dietitian. In fact, this study found a
relationship between dietary inquiries
during the visit and the success of the diet
P= (0.000). The success of the diet linked to
the attempts to lose weight and the attempts
to succeed the diet, the people who reported
the success of the diet, had the lowest rate of
attempts to lose weight, and the most in the
number of successful attempts. This study
indicates that the duration of the most
frequent diet was at least a year, followed
by a month, and less than a month. The
maintenance of losing a period starting from
6 months, as the previous studies reported.35
there is no relationship between the duration
of the diet and the number of attempts, but
there is a relationship between the period of
follow-up and the duration of weight
maintenance P=(0.000).
There are a number of diet
behavioral factors that linked to an effect on
weight loss. As mentioned in previous
literature, these factors included TV hours
and a fast eating rate have shown to be
associated with the frequency of weight loss
attempts. (21,36-37). Therefore, it is important
to considered it in weight management
additionally to follow diet with appropriate
amount and type of food. Study was
conducted in Bangladesh found that
skipping breakfast is associated with
greater chance to gain weight.23 The current
study confirmed this result and found
relation also between skipping breakfast and
the number of attempts of successful
weight loss diet. Exercise is one of the
factors that have proven effective in weight
loss program. most of previous studies
confirmed that exercise has many roles
including increase the rate of metabolism,
improving digestion and helping to achieve
weight loss and maintain it.38,39 The current
Souad El-mani Factors influencing weight loss attempts and long term weight loss maintenance.
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 214
Vol.11; Issue: 12; December 2021
study indicated that there is a relationship
between exercise and the number of
successful attempts on the diet . Drinking
enough water had great resonance in
previous literature to improve digestion and
promote weight loss40, but this study did not
show a correlation between drinking water
and the number of weight loss attempts or
success. Other factors that have effect on
weight loss and gain, short sleep duration
and record of sleep disturbances are a
feature of obesity24,25. In contrast this study
did not find a relationship between short
sleep rate and body mass index or number
of attempts.
That behavior modification may
represent a significant progress in obesity
treatment, as the groups who lost weight
with the behavior modification reported a
greater weight loss than other groups,
therefore it is important to consider behavior
modification in the treatment of obesity.41,42
This study indicates that female
presented the highest numbers of over
weight than male, and there was clear
relation between working hours, marital
status and BMI. There was also significant
between weight loss attempts and hereditary
factor. Psychological factors were the most
influential factors on repeated weight loss
attempts followed by behavior related
factors, so practices related to self-control,
mental control, stress reduction practices,
and behavior modification must be
considered when starting to manage weight.
Further studies are recommended also to
assess and determine the factors affecting
weight loss. Establish educational program
to improve and raise awareness about
healthy eating habits and eating practicing.
Acknowledgement: None
Conflict of Interest: None
Source of Funding: None
Ethical Approval: Approved
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How to cite this article: Souad El-mani, Ali
Ateia Elmabsout, Abdullah Sheikhi
Factors influencing weight loss attempts and
long term weight loss maintenance. Int J Health
Sci Res. 2021; 11(12): 205-216. DOI: https://
... In addition, the provision of nutrition consultation can reduce weight so that the effectiveness and effect of the overweight student weight loss diet is improving (Kim, 2021); on the other hand, eating unhealthy snacks such as high-fat foods such as fried foods, fried meatballs, and foods high in coconut milk. Evening activities, such as organizations sometimes providing low-nutrient snacks and dinners, such as fried rice and fried noodles, are a favorite of health science faculty students, which goes hand in hand with research conducted by El-mani et al. (2021), which states that the factors that influence weight gain are associated with binge eating, eating events, genetics, and a lot of pressure on student learning tasks that cause anxiety so that they turn to unhealthy foods. This creates bad eating habits and leads to obesity, while eating while watching and chewing hastily are factors in weight gain. ...
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Overweight is the initial cause of degenerative diseases in the future. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a low-fat chicken egg-shredded innovation intervention (EBELABON) on changes in the body weight of overweight students at the Faculty of Health Sciences UMS Surakarta on weight loss. Pre-post group sampling using an experimental research approach. For 14 days, 37 FIK UMS students who met the restriction criteria were included as research participants. They were fed low-fat shredded chicken eggs (EBELABON) twice a day, in the morning (06.00-09.00) and at night (17.00-19.00). Anthropometric measurements using (BIA) and SQ-FFQ were used to obtain data. The results of data analysis using the Paired T-Test showed that the provision of low-fat EBELABON decreased body weight by 2,39 kg, body fat by 2,45%, and nutritional status by 0,94, which was significant (p <0,05) along with nutritional consultation, and there was no difference in the average difference between each treatment group and the provision of low-fat BELABON (p>0,05) using the one-way ANOVA test. In conclusion, the consumption of low-fat BELABON has an effect on weight loss, body fat, and nutritional status in overweight students for 14 days.
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Obesity is recognized as one of the major nutrition related disorders around the world. Eating behaviours affect caloric intake and are implicated in the development of obesity. Three types of eating behaviours (cognitive restraint (CR), emotional eating (EE) and uncontrolled eating (UE)) have been studied for associations with obesity in various populations. The aim of the present work was to investigate the interactions between eating behavior and age and to determine the influence of gender on this relationship. This study was conducted on 351 volunteers from Benghazi University students and staff, eating behaviours were measured using the revised three-factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ-R18). Anthropometric measurements for all participants included in this study were measured and BMI was calculated. The finding of this study showed that the age was (26.12 ± 7.749), BMI (23.99 ± 5.003), Cognitive Restraint (15.83 ± 3.662), Emotional Eating (6.74 ± 2.028), and Uncontrolled Eating (20.83 ± 4.338). The study found positive relationship between age and cognitive restraint (r = 0.110*, p = 0.039) and between age and emotional eating (r = 0.123*, p = 0.021). However, relationships were stronger only in women, the study also found a positive relationship between BMI and cognitive restraint (r = 0.184**, p < .01), emotional eating (r = 0.217**, p < .01) and uncontrolled eating (r = 0.260**, p < .01) for the whole sample. But when we split the population by sex the relationships were significant only in women. The results of this study show age was associated with cognitive restraint and emotional eating only in female. BMI was positively correlated with three factor eating score, when the sample divided by sex, the association were significant only in women.
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Background: A cross-sectional study aimed to determine the factors associated with repeated weight loss attempts, and weight loss maintenance. Methods: The study was conducted in the main public hospitals in Benghazi, Libya. A total sample of 300 participants who suffered from weight gain or/ obesity and had a history of trying of weight loss. The data were collected by using a questionnaire that include all the factors that may affect the weight loss process such as social, psychological, health, factors related to diet, and daily behavior factors. Results: The majority of participants 78% were found at age group between 15-35 years, 81.7% of them were female and 18.3% were male. More than half of participants 56% had less than four times of weight loss attempts, while 43.6% of them had more than four attempts. The repetition of weight loss attempts was associated with genetic, binge eating, tension, anxiety, negative body image, duration of weight loss maintenance, watching TV or online hours, and eating rate. Around half of participants 55.6% had less than one of successful attempts, while 44.3% had more than one attempts. The factors associated with the successful attempt of weight loss were using weight loss medications, the rate of weight loss, aware food serving, eating breakfast, and exercise. The higher number of attempts of weight lose was associated with higher successful attempt (more than one attempt) P=(0.031). Conclusions: Psychological factors were the most factors affected on repeating weight loss attempts followed by behavior related factors. Practices related to self-control, mental control, stress reduction, and behavior modification should be considered at any weight loss management program. Body weight loss programs need strike follow up by dietician in order to avoid the fluctuations in body weight.
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Purpose Hypothyroidism has traditionally been associated with obesity, whereas hyperthyroidism has been linked to being underweight. However, very few studies have assessed these associations. The aim of this work is to evaluate the association between thyroid dysfunction and body mass index (BMI) at baseline and after normalization of the hormone levels. Patients and methods A retrospective, observational study of a cohort of otherwise healthy patients that were referred for evaluation of thyroid dysfunction to the Endocrine Department of Pontevedra University Complex Hospital, Spain was conducted. We collected data of BMI and thyroid hormone levels before treatment and after normalization of thyroid function within a follow-up period of 12 months. Results A total of 330 patients were initially selected for the study. In order to exclude variables that for any reason could influence on BMI, 235 were excluded for further studies. Another 61 patients were also excluded because incomplete data on their medical records, failure to achieve euthyroidism, or lost to follow-up. Therefore, the eligible final study group consisted of 34 patients (17 with hypothyroidism and 17 with hyperthyroidism). No differences were observed in mean baseline BMI between hypo and hyperthyroid patients (27.07±3.22 vs 26.39±4.44, p=0.609). Overweight or obesity was observed in 76.5% and 58.8% of hypothyroid and hyperthyroid patients, respectively (p=0.23). After normalization of thyroid function, the weight of hypothyroid patients decreased from 70.93±10.06 kg to 68.68±10.14 (p=0.000), while the weight of hyperthyroid patients increased from 65.45±11.64 kg to 68.37±12.80 (p=0.000). Their mean BMI was 26.22±3.36 and 27.57±4.98 (p=0.361) for hypo- and hyperthyroid patients, respectively. 58.8% and 64.7% patients remained in the overweight/obesity range in each group (p=0.72). Conclusion Untreated thyroid dysfunction is not associated with BMI. Normalization of thyroid levels significantly changed the weight of patients, but remaining most patients within overweight ranges.
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Objective This prospective study explores whether dieting attempts and previous changes in weight predict changes in body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). Methods The study was based on the representative Finnish Health 2000 Survey and on its follow‐up examination 11 years later. The sample included 2785 participants, aged 30–69. BMI and WC were determined at health examinations. Information on dieting attempts and previous changes in weight was collected using a questionnaire including questions on whether participant had tried to lose weight (no/yes), gained weight (no/yes), or lost weight (no/yes) during the previous year. Results At baseline, 32.8% were dieters. Of these, 28.4% had lost weight during the previous year. Dieters had higher BMI and WC than non‐dieters. During the follow‐up, the measures increased more in dieters and in persons with previous weight loss. The mean BMI changes in non‐dieters versus dieters were 0.74 (SD 2.13) kg/m² and 1.06 (SD 2.77) kg/m² (P=0.002), respectively. The corresponding numbers for those with no previous weight change versus those who had lost weight were 0.65 (SD 2.07) kg/m² and 1.52 (SD 2.61) kg/m². The increases in BMI and WC were most notable in dieters with initially normal weight. Conclusions The increases in BMI and WC were greater in dieters than in non‐dieters, suggesting dieting attempts to be nonfunctional in long‐term in the general population.
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Advanced age is considered a relative contraindication to primary bariatric surgery at some institutions. As life expectancy is steadily increasing and quality of life is improving in our elderly population, we may need to reconsider the health benefits that obese elderly patients can obtain from bariatric surgery. Therefore, we examine the operative outcomes, weight loss, reduction of comorbidities, and medication requirements in patients older than 60 years compared with those younger than 60 years undergoing laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. The null hypothesis tested in this study is that patients older than 60 years who undergo laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass experience a medical benefit not significantly different from that experienced by younger patients in terms of the number of medications and comorbid conditions. The number of preoperative and postoperative comorbid conditions and the medications required for those conditions were compared between consecutive patients older than 60 years and those younger than 60 years who underwent Roux-en-Y laparoscopic gastric bypass. Early operative outcomes were also assessed. Analysis of 110 patients younger than 60 years compared with 20 patients older than 60 years revealed no difference in complication rate or length of hospital stay. Younger patients lost more weight and had a significantly greater reduction in body mass index. Younger patients also demonstrated more complete resolution of comorbid conditions, although this difference was not significant. Older patients, who had more comorbid conditions requiring more medication at the time of surgery, experienced a greater medication reduction during follow-up, although this was not statistically significant. Patients of advanced age can safely undergo laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Younger patients can be expected to demonstrate greater weight loss and experience more complete resolution of their comorbid conditions. Older patients demonstrated greater overall reduction in medication requirements. Therefore, patients older than 60 years can be considered good candidates for obesity surgery and can be expected to enjoy substantial health benefits similar to those experienced by younger patients.
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Background: Conflicting evidence exists regarding age as a predictive factor in excess weight loss after bariatric surgery. The objective of this cross-sectional study is to evaluate differences in excess BMI loss (%EBMIL) 1 year after surgery in patients older and younger than 45 years. Methods: Adult obese patients fulfilling selection criteria underwent either Roux-en-Y gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy and were grouped according to age < and ≥45 years with follow-up at least 1 year. Both groups were compared in terms of excess BMI loss (%EBMIL) and other clinical outcomes. Possible relationship between %EBMIL, age, surgical technique, and presence of comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension (HT), and dyslipidemia (DL) was searched. Results: Three hundred thirty-seven patients (72.5 % female), 196 (50.1 %) younger than 45 years and 141 (49.9 %) with age ≥45 years. There was significant difference between age group and %EBMIL 12 months after surgery (p < 0.001), showing better results in younger patients. No differences were found in terms of gender, preoperative body mass index (BMI), surgical technique, nor presence of DL. Using multiple regression, we found significant interaction effect between age group (p < 0.001), presence of HT (p = 0.001), and %EBMIL at follow-up. Conclusions: Patients younger than 45 years lose greater amount of excess BMI than older patients after bariatric surgery. This tendency might be useful as a preoperative weight loss predictor in bariatric patients.
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Aims/hypothesis: Medical nutrition therapy plays a critical role in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, appropriate measures of eating behaviours, such as eating rate, have not yet been clearly established. The aim of the present study was to examine the associations among eating rate, obesity and cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: A total of 7,275 Japanese individuals aged ≥40 years who had normal fasting glucose levels, impaired fasting glucose or diabetes were divided into four groups according to self-reported eating rate: slow, medium, relatively fast and very fast. The associations between eating rate and various cardiovascular risk factors were investigated cross-sectionally. Results: The proportions of participants who were obese or who had elevated waist circumference levels increased progressively with increases in eating rate (p for trend <0.001), regardless of glucose tolerance status. These associations remained significant after adjustment for potential confounders, namely, age, sex, total energy intake, dietary fibre intake, current smoking, current drinking and regular exercise (p for trend <0.001). Blood pressure and lipid levels also tended to increase in association with eating rate. HbA(1c) rose significantly as eating rate increased, even after multivariate adjustment, including BMI, in diabetic patients on insulin therapy (p = 0.02), whereas fasting plasma glucose did not increase significantly. Conclusions/interpretation: Our findings suggest that eating rate is associated with obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors and therefore may be a modifiable risk factor in the management of cardiovascular risk factors and diabetes.
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Objective: To explore the long-term effects of women's childbearing patterns on their body mass index. Design: Cross-sectional analysis. Setting: Population-based study of UK women. Participants: 740 628 postmenopausal participants in the Million Women Study who reported their height, weight, reproductive histories and other relevant factors. Main outcome measures: Standardized mean BMI (kg m(-2)) in groups defined by their parity and breastfeeding history. Results: Women were aged 57.5 (s.d. 4) years on average, and had a mean BMI of 26.2 kg m(-2) (s.d. 5); 88% were parous, with 2.1 (s.d. 1.2) children on average. The standardised mean BMI increased progressively with the number of births from 25.6 kg m(-2) (95% confidence interval (CI): 25.5-25.6) in nulliparous women up to 27.2 kg m(-2) (CI: 27.2-27.3) for women with four or more births, a difference of 1.7 kg m(-2) (CI: 1.6-1.7). Among the parous women 70% had ever breastfed and their average total duration of breastfeeding was 7.7 (s.d. 8.8) months. At every parity level the standardised mean BMI was significantly lower among women who had breastfed than those who had not, decreasing by 0.22 kg m(-2) (CI: 0.21-0.22) for every 6 months of breastfeeding, that is, women's mean BMI was 1% lower for every 6 months that they had breastfed. These associations were highly statistically significant (P<0.0001) and independent of the effects of socioeconomic group, region of residence, smoking and physical activity. Conclusions: Childbearing patterns have a persistent effect on adiposity in this population. The reduction in BMI associated with just 6 months breastfeeding in UK women could importantly reduce their risk of obesity-related disease as they age.
!--[if gte mso 9]> Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Positive association between skipping breakfast and overweight and obesity is globally observed regardless of cultural diversity among countries. A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on a total of 426 urban adults, who were randomly selected in a nutrition counseling center of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The objective of this study was determining the association between breakfast skipping and obesity risk in urban adults of Bangladesh. Results indicated that approximately 35.2% of the sample skipped breakfast. Gender was the only statistically significant sociodemographic variable, with females skipping at two times the rate of males (OR 95% CI: 1.9; 1.3-2.9). Obesity was detected among 39.5% of breakfast skippers and they showed significantly high prevalence (X2=30.15, p< 0.05). Skippers were significantly more likely being obese (OR 3.5; 95% CI 2.2-5.5) and obesity was more prevalent in female skippers (X2=8.7, p< 0.05), with three times more compared to male skippers (OR 95% CI: 2.8; 1.4-5.9). Breakfast skipping is highly prevalent among urban adult population with significant association of obesity in Bangladesh. H ealth promotion strategies should be used to encourage all adults to eat breakfast regularly. <!--[endif] --
Background: Conflicting evidence exists as to whether cognitive mechanisms contribute to weight loss and maintenance. Objective: To assess the influence of weight-loss expectations on weight loss, and of weight-loss satisfaction on weight maintenance, in individuals with severe obesity. Design: A randomized controlled trial comparing two types of energy-restricted diets (high protein vs high carbohydrate) combined with weight-loss cognitive behavioral therapy, conducted over 51 weeks and divided into two phases: weight-loss phase (3 weeks of inpatient treatment and 24 weeks of outpatient treatment) and weight maintenance phase (24 weeks of outpatient treatment). Participants/setting: Eighty-eight participants with severe obesity (mean age=46.7 years and mean body mass index=45.6), referred to an eating and weight disorders clinical service, were studied. Main outcome measures: Body weight was assessed at baseline, and after 3, 27 (end of weight-loss phase), and 51 weeks (end of weight maintenance phase). Weight loss expectations were assessed at the time of enrollment, and weight-loss satisfaction was assessed after 27 weeks. Statistical analyses performed: The relationship between weight-loss expectations and weight loss was assessed using a linear mixed model. The association between weight-loss satisfaction and final outcomes was tested by linear regression. Results: The two groups had similar weight-loss expectations and satisfaction, and their results were therefore pooled. In general, the total amount of expected weight loss (in kilograms), but not the percentage of expected weight loss, predicted weight loss, and both satisfaction with weight loss and the amount of weight lost (in kilograms) were independent predictors of weight maintenance. Conclusions: Higher expected weight loss improves weight loss, and both the total amount of weight lost and satisfaction with weight loss are associated with weight-loss maintenance at 1-year follow-up.
The association between eating rate and obesity has recently been reported. However, the findings remain inconclusive. We undertook a systematic review with a meta-analysis of published epidemiological studies to provide a reliable close estimate of the association between eating rate and obesity. A comprehensive search of MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL was conducted to identify studies that reported quantitative estimates for indices of obesity based on the category of eating rate. Interventional studies or studies conducted using children as subjects were excluded. Two independent researchers extracted the data. A summary estimate was calculated using a random-effects model, and subgroup analyses were conducted to identify sources of heterogeneity. Data from 23 published studies were eligible for inclusion. The mean difference in body mass indices (BMIs) between individuals who ate quickly and those who ate slowly was 1.78 kg m(-2) (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.53-2.04 kg m(-2)). The pooled odds ratio of eating quickly on the presence of obesity was 2.15 (95% CI, 1.84-2.51). There was evidence of significant quantitative heterogeneity in the magnitudes of the association across studies (I(2)=78.4%, P-value for heterogeneity <0.001 for BMI, I(2)=71.9%, P-value for heterogeneity <0.001 for obesity), which may be partially explained by differences in the type of study population (a weaker association was observed for BMI in diabetic patients). Eating quickly is positively associated with excess body weight. Further studies are warranted to determine whether interventions to slow the speed of eating are effective for weight control.International Journal of Obesity advance online publication, 23 June 2015; doi:10.1038/ijo.2015.96.