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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
VOLUME XX, 2017 1
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.Doi Number
Extending the space of software test
monitoring: practical experience
Mykhailo Lasynskyi1, Janusz Sosnowski2, (Senior Member, IEEE)
1Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw 00-665, Poland
2Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw 00-665, Poland
Corresponding author: J. Sosnowski (e-mail: janusz.sosnowski@pw.edu.pl).
This work was supported in part by Warsaw University of Technologyt under FEIT Faculty Grant 2021.
ABSTRACT Software reliability depends on the performed tests. Bug detection and diagnosis are based on
test outcome (oracle) analysis. Most practical test reports do not provide sufficient information for localizing
and correcting bugs. We have found the need to extend the space of test result observation in data and time
perspectives. This resulted in tracing supplementary test result features in event logs. They are explored with
combined text mining and log parsing techniques. Another important point is correlating test life cycle with
project development history journaled in issue tracking and software version control repositories. Dealing
with the outlined problems, neglected in the literature, we have introduced original analysis schemes. They
focus on assessing test coverage, reasons of low diagnosability, and test result profiles. Multidimensional
investigation of test features and their management is supported with the developed test infrastructure. This
assures a holistic insight into the test efficiency to identify test scheme deficiencies (e.g., functional
inadequacy, aging, insufficient coverage) and possible improvements (test set updates). Our studies have been
verified in relevance to a real commercial project (industrial case study) and confronted with the experience
of testers engaged in other projects.
INDEX TERMS bug diagnostics, software defect repository, software testing, testing framework, test
Software testing is still a challenging problem. Many relevant
studies are reported in the literature. They mostly focus on test
algorithms, test models, test coverage and diagnosability [1]-
[6]. An important and practical issue is tracing test progress
and results. Referring to our practical experience we have
identified the need of multidimensional test monitoring based
on combined analysis of software repositories generated
during program testing, development, and exploitation. We
consider test reports, event and performance logs, software
issue and version control repositories. In the literature these
repositories were analyzed separately and targeted at specific
aspects, e.g., software reliability, software production
improvement [7] [8]. They were not correlated explicitly with
test processes.
Most test supporting tools facilitate managing test
execution and collecting test results, typically stored in
relevant repositories. They can also provide some statistical
analysis tools. Examples of such systems are outlined in [2]
[9] [10] and references therein. Executed test scenarios verify
application functions and are composed of test steps which
integrate some sets of test cases. Tests are executed in a
specified sequence and produce results saved in a test
repository. The results describe test progress and termination
aspects, e.g., execution state (passed, non-passed), relevant
test scenario step, test case. In the case of non-passed tests, we
can get information on suspicious program modules, and
optionally screen shots, stack traces, etc.
Event and performance logs as well as other software
repositories can enhance the analysis of test results. Here,
derivation of general and application-oriented features
characterizing tests is needed. This aspect is neglected in the
literature. Hence, our research has been targeted at exploring
test repository and its correlation with a wide spectrum of the
other ones, to get deeper insight into test execution processes
and their effectiveness. We have introduced special metrics
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
2 VOLUME XX, 2017
and analysis tools to assess test diagnosability. Unlike
unidirectional studies of software testing in classical research
(often targeted at a single specific problem – compare Section
II) we propose a holistic approach integrating diverse
observation perspectives.
Our practical experience with software testing, including
commercial projects, showed deficiencies of data comprised
in test reports which delay diagnostics and the problem
resolution. Our previous studies of software repositories and
event logs induced an idea of using them to improve test
observability and diagnostic capabilities. The gained
experience resulted in three interleaving research goals:
R1 Identifying limitations and possible enhancements of
test oracles.
R2 Developing a framework for tracing test execution
context in project repositories.
R3 Correlating test assessment and project development
Software repositories and event logs are ignored in testing
processes due to lacking knowledge on their links with these
processes and not available supporting tools. This issue was
neglected in the literature and our paper fills this gap. It is
focused on four tasks:
• Creating a program framework which integrates
diverse tools for test management, monitoring, and
extracting correlated data from available project
• Evaluation and taxonomy of software repository
contents associated with testing aspects. It uses
statistical and text mining techniques involving
semantical aspects and relevant profile metrics (e.g.,
word usage, event keywords and sources).
• Deriving dependencies and interactions between
testing and project development processes in short
and long-time perspectives (referred to issue and
version control repositories).
• Revealing test observability deficiencies and
possible enhancements/upgrades of test sets (test
result statistics, test coverage, test life cycle, test
execution and diagnostic profiles).
The key point in our studies is the introduced original
analysis method supported with an efficient framework for test
management and monitoring. It integrates some available
tools with developed special software modules. Our study
facilitates to acquire substantial artefacts of software
repositories and on which aspects of data analytics to focus
when improving development and testing processes. It has
been verified using real data collected during development of
a commercial project of transaction-oriented domain. It can be
considered as an instructive reference for other projects.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II
provides the background and related works. Section III
presents test management schemes and tools followed by an
outline of the developed test framework. Section IV is devoted
the analysis of event logs generated during test sessions.
Section V outlines test execution schemes and results. The
problem of correlating test features with issue and commit
reports is studied in Section VI. Discussion of results and
threats to validity are presented in Section VII followed by
final conclusions in Section VIII.
In software development and maintenance effective testing is
a crucial problem with several practical aspects. In many
papers testing is correlated with software reliability. Software
reliability growth models (SRGMs) are proposed to predict
bugs in software, needed testing time to achieve an assumed
quality level (release time), optimization of resources and test
costs ([7] [11] and references therein). On the other hand,
diverse publications focus on specific test problems: test
algorithms based on structural, functional, and mixed
approaches, test efficiency, software quality, etc. Test support
tools have been developed to assess test efficiency and
software quality [1] [4] [8] [10]. Software testability relates to
costs of testing, and it is challenging to identify factors
impacting these costs (e.g., basing on historical data in the
Tests can be derived manually or in an automatic way based
on application requirements, architectural and functional
models, source code, etc. [2] [12] [13]. For this purpose, we
can also use artificial intelligence [14]. Sometimes, the
correctness of the program outcomes is not easy to specify –
the test oracle problem. This problem was studied in [15] for
scientific software and a metamorphic testing was proposed, it
specifies output changes related to input changes.
In many applications testing system performance is
important. The problem of the performance regression caused
by introduced code commits is discussed in [16]. Some
metrics associated with code changes are proposed to facilitate
finding tests that can manifest performance degradation
(regression). Test capability to check system performance is
explored in [17]. This study is based on selecting performance
issues from repositories of two open-source projects and
analyzing test effectiveness before and after the relevant code
commit (targeted at performance improvement). This results
in searching for tests demonstrating performance
improvements related to performance issue fixes. In
consequence we can optimize regression test suits.
Some publications deal with test optimization issues:
prioritization, reduction, and selection. Test prioritization is
focused on test execution ordering to detect the highest
number of faults at the earliest [18] – [21]. Test reduction and
selection is correlated with checking their results and usage
during project development [21]. Program diagnosability [22]
can also impact quality of developed tests. Improving test
observability by monitoring internal and output program
variables is discussed in [23].
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 3
Ideal tests should detect and localize (diagnose) all bugs in
the program. Considering bug manifestations (program
behavior), software engineers distinguish Bohrbugs,
Heisenbugs, Mandelbugs and Shrodingbugs. However, more
practical is bug taxonomy related to diagnostic and repair
aspects. Correlating issue tracking (e.g., Jira) and version
control system reports (e.g., Git) we can classify bugs taking
into account their impact on code. In [24] four bug types have
been distinguished. Type 1 and Type 2 refer to bugs which are
fixed by modifying a single or more than one location in the
code, respectively. Type 3 and Type 4 refer to multiple bugs
fixed in the same location or the same set of locations,
respectively. This is related to the quality of the code, which
can be assessed basing on historical data in the considered
company. Usually, Type 3 and 4 are more difficult to diagnose
as those of Type 1 and 2. Predicting such bug classes facilitates
bug handling processes by appropriate issue allocation to
experienced developers. Similarly, we can consider bug
severity (e.g., blocker, critical, major, minor, undefined). We
can further precise bug categories (compare Section V) to
correlate them with sources and repair aspects.
In practice, we should also examine incorrect behavior
resulting from environment and system (hardware and
software) interactions with the program, this may change in
time, e.g., in relevance to introduced updates, functional
extensions, etc. This should be inspected also during the test
design and evolution, e.g., within the specified range of
application versions (the oldest, the newest). In practice, tests
are not perfect and should be systematically and continuously
assessed as well as improved. In this process a wide scope
monitoring is especially helpful.
Commercial software projects provide rich repositories on
their development and operations. They comprise information
on code changes (commits due to bug corrections, added
functionalities, performance improvement) and bug or other
requested tasks (issues) reports, which constitute development
and field (users) knowledge related to some historical
project/company perspective [17] [25]. Issue tracking
repositories comprise requests of developing new
functionalities, code modifications, correcting bugs, merging
codes, etc. Bug reports should comprise information helpful to
locate and fix bugs [26]. It describes what is expected to
happen and what happens, samples of relevant code, stack
traces, optionally used test cases, etc. The problem of
assessing and improving the quality of bug reports is discussed
in [26]. We have also explored this in [25]. Historical analysis
of software repositories is also helpful in optimal attributing
bugs to programmers for fixing (bug triaging [27]).
Another source of valuable data is the recorded run-time
information produced by logging statements included in the
code. Code changes may require appropriate log modifications
and updates within the project lifetime. This can be supported
with some quality metrics and classification methods [28]
[29]. Logs record events useful in detecting and diagnosing
anomalies [9] [30]. For this purpose, log parsing algorithms
and tools have been developed [31] [32]. Anomaly detection
can correlate with derived log classes, issues (e.g., task ids),
code modules and time windows. Here, we can produce event
count matrix, event sequence groups relevant to system
workflow, etc. [33].
Diverse anomaly detection algorithms have been proposed
based on machine learning, log classification, invariant
mining, etc. [23] [33]. Usually, they do not assure sufficient
capability to gain insight into the anomalies. This can be
improved by better correlation of logs with the application
(software) specificity (compare Section III and IV). The
problem of optimizing logging statements is studied in [28]. It
is based on automatically computed topics of code snippets as
candidates to include logging statements. Understanding and
interpreting log lines can be supported by tracing information
provided by other repositories: issue tracking systems and
referencing to source code (log statements, modules,
comments), event call graphs [34]. These issues were not
considered in relevance to software tests, which we include in
our approach.
Special metrics are used to assess test quality. Most popular
include branch and path coverage, decision/condition
coverage, program mutation coverage [1] [2] [35] [36], and
program version coverage [37]. They may suggest program
components not sufficiently stressed by the test suite. This can
be enhanced with the operational profile coverage expressed
by application driven features (compare Section IV and V). In
[37] test coverage is also considered in relevance to program
versions. Test diagnosability evaluation needs deeper analysis.
In [38] a spectrum-based approach is proposed which
optimizes test suit sets in relevance to fault localization
capabilities. It is based on an activity matrix correlating
software components (e.g., class, method, branch) with
stressing them test cases. This is some indirect approximation
of test diagnosability.
The problem of fault localization was studied in many
papers. In [39] some techniques of fault localization are
evaluated using artificial faults generated by program
mutations or manually. The basic techniques refer to program
logging targeted at monitoring variable values and program
state information, assertions, execution speed and memory
usage profiling. More advanced techniques identify which
parts of the program pass tests, which fail and suggest rankings
of possible code areas comprising faults. They are described
in [40] [41]: SBFL - spectrum base fault localization, MBFL -
mutation-based fault localization. All these techniques are
targeted at unit tests and correlate test results only with code
coverage features. Their localization capabilities are still
relatively low, so they did not attract practitioners. Fault
localization is more complex in behavioral and wide scope of
regression tests. The available software repositories comprise
many artefacts which can be used to assess diagnosability
features of the test suite and show appearing difficulties or
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
4 VOLUME XX, 2017
possible improvements, which we study in the paper. Tracing
links between test cases and the source code of units under test
is also useful in diagnostic processes [42]. The correlation
between test suite metrics and the quality of automatically
generated software repairs (repair success, repair time) is
studied in [43].
We have aggregated research topics on test issues based on
the presented literature review. This resulted in a taxonomy of
considered problems that is summarized in the first column of
Table 1, it includes also representative references considered
in the paper. Moreover, it facilitates to position the
contribution of our research. Published studies on software
repositories and event logs were not combined with testing
issues. Nevertheless, in the second column of Table 1, we list
indicative publications focused on research areas which, in our
opinion, can be combined with testing. It is worth commenting
the contents of the recent survey paper on software testing
[21]. It covers over 170 positions (including some other
surveys). Despite so wide and comprehensive survey we did
not notice there such topics as: test life cycle, test
observability, test outcome analysis, event logs and other
software repositories. Similarly, in the review of 21 testing
tools [44] these issues were not mentioned. In the other survey
[1], event logs and assertions are only mentioned as helpful,
without deeper insight in their treatment and significance. This
additionally confirms negligence of the pointed problems in
correlation with testing, which we found as important practical
issues needing investigation.
Test issues
Software repository issues
Test design principles and tools
[2, 5, 8, 12 - 14, 34-36, 44]
Testing project performance
[16, 17]
Bug classification
[17, 24-26, 28, 29]
Test quality assessment
[1 - 4, 6, 10, 11, 15, 21, 34-37]
Fault localization and program
[3, 22, 23, 38, 39]
Test optimization and prioritization
[18 – 23, 42, 43]
Logging schemes
[9, 28, 30]
Log analysis and parsing
[9, 30 - 32]
Anomaly detection
[9, 33, 34]
Log statement optimization
[9, 34]
Issue and version control
[7, 25, 30, 37]
Bug triaging
The created test scenarios are upgraded during the
development and maintenance of the program. Moreover, in a
large extent they are used during regression testing in
relevance to function upgrades, extensions, or corrections.
Test quality should be evaluated considering detection and
diagnosability aspects. Detectability can be assessed indirectly
by module or code coverage, fault seeding (program mutation
techniques) as well as by analyzing reported issues during
exploitations (e.g., Jira repository). Test diagnosability
features can be evaluated by tracing bug handling times
including the number of exchanged comments between
project actors and users up to the final problem resolution.
Here, evaluation of the semantic contents of the software
repository is helpful.
Depending upon the developed test schemes, the relevant
test oracles are more or less detailed. In the simplest case we
have pass/no pass notion with the relevant test
scenario/step/test case or code lines. This can be enhanced
with registered events during test execution which is neglected
in the literature. Hence, our research has been targeted at
exploring test repositories and their correlation with other
ones. This resulted in 3 goals of our studies: i) finding
complementary data enhancing test diagnosability, ii)
assessing test efficiency and test schemes, iii) revealing
possible improvements. The project performance can be tested
directly by checking response times of requested services or
indirectly by monitoring usage of system resources (e.g.,
processors, memory, transmission links), queue lengths, etc.
For this purpose, we can use available performance
monitoring programs (e.g., IBM Tivoli) including the
available ones in the operating systems. Designing tests, we
must consider program functional and performance features.
Moreover, in many developed systems some auto diagnostic
functions are included to detect/mitigate incorrect user
activities, abnormal environment interactions, testing these
features needs complex simulations. To support our research,
we have developed an original and universal test framework
outlined in Section III.
We consider the problem of monitoring software testing in
relation to a commercial system oriented at financial
transaction processing outlined in Section A. This is a quite
complex and representative enterprise system. It handles
requests from many clients and provides financial services.
The system is systematically updated and adapted to new
functional requirements and performance features appearing
in its life cycle. It has been developed, maintained, expended,
and upgraded for many years. Hence, efficient testing and
issue handling were challenging problems, that resulted in
developing a flexible and comprehensible test framework
(Section B). This framework provides rich data (Section C)
that is useful to assess and improve testing processes.
The tested system is dedicated for processing financial
transactions related to accepted client orders, generating
invoices on selected positions, handling money transfers,
performing audits of the whole system or selected
transactions, etc. It is a distributed system involving many
servers installed on several machines combined into a cluster
assuring efficient data communication for clients and system
components (including product data bases). Different
configurations of services are possible, they adapt to several
software environments and the hardware infrastructure. High
dependability, coherence, and auditing capabilities of
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 5
performed activities are assured. Within this system we
distinguish three modules: MM1 – web application, MM2 –
web services, MM3 – databases.
MM1 module is written in Java and operates in an enterprise
application server. It assures the execution environment for
applications based on JVM (Java Virtual Machine). The
application server handles executing Java servlets and Java
Server Pages (JSP). JSP pages use XML markers and scriplets
(a piece of Java code embedded in HTML-like JSP code) to
separate page contents from their formatting logic level
(which generates the servlet contents). All formatting tags
(HTML and XML) are appended directly to the generated
HTML page. Container Java EE handles additional functions
such as server load distribution. It includes dynamic (servlets,
Java Server pages, Java classes) and static (HTM pages,
images) resources.
MM2 relates to web services handled by Enterprise Service
Bus which manages received messages and constitutes an
intermediate programming for distributing jobs between
connected components of the application. It assures product
related tasks that include accepting, translating, and handling
client requests to deal with messages between services,
monitoring and controlling routing of messages, resolving
communication problems, administering deployment and
versioning of services. It also assures event, security, and
exception handling, transforming, and mapping data, queuing,
and sequencing messages, protocol conversion, etc.
MM3 involves two relational databases The first one is used
for operational and configuration data; the second database is
used as a tool for integration with another financial system.
The system consists of 1100 000 lines of source code not
including libraries and used enterprise solutions.
Testing complex systems involves diverse supporting tools,
such popular as: Junit library (for unit testing), Cucumber
library (for preparing high abstract level test cases – behaviour
driven development), Selenium for testing internet
applications (focused on web page elements). Junit is a library
which facilitates activating and checking unit tests from a
pointed catalogue or a class file. Selenim is a high-level
interface library implemented for many browsers to
manipulate web page elements. Selenium Grid is a cluster of
servers used to arrange a distributed network and activating
simultaneously multiple browsers on diverse computers. A
central server sends requests to distributed nodes. It facilitates
complex testing in the distributed environment. The
Cucumber library supports describing test cases at a higher
abstract level, we use automatic functional and acceptance
tests based on Behavioural Driven Development concept. Test
cases specify actions and expected behaviour of the tested
program (TP) in a logical business-oriented language
(Gherkin syntax), e.g., entering login, page, user id, user
password and activity, expected confirmation of correct login
(or a missed one). Cucumber uses Selenium library covering
many browsers (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer,
Safari). It supports such actions as clicking on a page element,
selecting an element, entering some text, reading its contents,
scrolling the window, etc.
During test execution the tested system can be additionally
monitored with Metricbeat which provides metrics and
statistics on server resource usage, e.g., CPU, memory,
network, discs, filesystem, services. Moreover, various types
of logs (e.g., system, application, security, errors) are collected
with the Filebeat program. Elasticsearch tool supports storing
the collected data, searching and analysing their contents, this
can be enhanced with Kibana providing visualization of
results in diverse graphical forms.
The outlined tools generate independently a lot of data. We
found the need of coordinating operation of these tools,
consolidating the collected data and analysing them in a
holistic way. This resulted in developing Cucumber-
Monitoring-Plugin (CMP) which integrates the main testing
system (Cucumber + Selenium) with the set of tools for
monitoring virtual machines. This constitutes the main part of
the developed test framework, as shown in fig.1. CMP bases
on Java version 8, which facilitates integration with testing
systems. It was built using Apache Maven v.3.6 and relevant
Project Object Model concept, so it can be used for a wider
scope of projects based on Cucumber technology. Integration
with the main testing system (Cucumber + Selenium) is
performed via specially defined and implemented interfaces to
three modules. This scheme was verified with a real complex
project developed according to typical software engineering
rules used by many IT companies. It is quite universal and can
be applied in a wide spectrum of projects.
The data flow in the test framework (FT) is as follows: the
main testing system generates requests on pages (activities on
pages), analyses responses of the system and page behaviour.
This activity results from executed test case specification
which may involve simulation of system users and invoked
reaction of relevant services. Moreover, Elasticstack handles
collected monitored data by Filebeat and Metricbeat. The
developed CMP plugin correlates monitored data with
executed test cases as illustrated in Figure 1.
CMP program includes the following features: i) analysis of
test progress (initialization/completion times of executed test
steps, storing relevant artefacts, test results, etc.), ii) extracting
values of monitored performance parameters (provided by
Elasticsearch) relevant to test case execution, iii) integration
with Kibana module facilitating visualization of specified
statistical features. The collected data in diverse repositories
are processed (explored) with the specially developed analitic
module (DAS – Data Analysis Scripts), it derives statistics of
specified metrics and also comprises special scripts to detect
nonstandard situations.
The developed test set is composed of functional test
groups, each comprising some set of test scenarios involving
predefined test steps (test cases). As compared with classical
test approaches targeted at direct test control and oracle
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
6 VOLUME XX, 2017
checking/interpretation we significantly extend the
observation space in data and time perspectives. This is
assured by the developed CMP and DAS modules. Depending
on the organization of data repositories we must extract data
relevant to test processing and its environment, if needed
perform data anonymization, identify/compensate time skews
of reports in different repositories (based on context analysis),
archiving data for long time behavioural analysis. Developing
the analytic module (DAS) needed investigation of a wide
scope of repositories and adaptation to the specificity of
collected data. This process has been supported with the
introduced original text mining schemes in DAS dealing with
peculiarities of registered reports incompatible with classical
document text mining approaches. This allowed us to identify
report features providing valuable information in assessing
test detectability and diagnosability. The proposed analysis
absorbs our previous experience with monitoring system
operation, software development and maintenance processes
[7] [25] [30] [37].
FIGURE 1. Block diagram of the test framework (TF).
The collected data during test executions create a quite
complex repository which comprises diverse logs on executed
test elements, results, generated events, etc. An important
issue is analyzing their contents, derive short and long period
statistics, find correlations between different logs, identify
abnormalities, derive some metrics characterizing test
efficiency, etc. Beyond data repositories directly related to
testing processes we also have software repositories related to
issue/task requests (e.g., Jira) and software version control
(e.g., Git) with specification of performed code commits,
configuration changes, etc. They describe development
process progress and the range of code changes. This can be
correlated with test repositories to get a better insight on the
test cost and effectiveness during the software lifecycle. Test
relevant data are interspersed with a bulk of other project data
and their extraction needs tracing time and context
Analyzing a wide scope of repositories allows us to reveal
test deficiencies, imperfections of reports in repositories and
formulate recommendations for their improvements. For
example, reported bugs by users may be attributed to skipped
or obsolete tests (needing refinement), the project usage
profile can differ from the testing one, some needed functions
can be missed. Introducing new functionalities or modifying
some of older ones needs not only tests targeted at these
changes but also regression tests checking the impact of these
changes on the remaining not modified functionalities.
Moreover, we can predict the cost of bug repairs basing on
historical test results and involved commits (bug handling
time, range of code modifications).
The above-listed problems and our practical experience
with testing resulted in enhancing classical testing schemes
with monitoring their execution at different observation
perspectives (test oracles, generated events, performance
metrics) and tracing historical reports in diverse software
repositories (issue tracking and software version control). The
developed test framework provides a multidimensional
perception of test progress. Basing on the integrated extraction
of characteristic features from a wide scope of relevant
software repositories, we have introduced original quality
metrics covering different dimensions. This results in a
holistic view on test effectiveness and revealing possible
enhancements. As opposed to other publication on testing our
approach is characterized by two features: 1) assuring high
attention to extract useful data details (fine-grained), 2) a
wide-scope (spread over diverse data sources) exploration of
testing and software development repositories. Correlating test
results with other software repositories we take into account
timestamps (including estimated time skews), report sources
and semantical context (based on text mining), non-relevant
reports are filtered out. Checking the impact of executed tests
on issue handling processes (e.g., in Jira repository) and the
range of code changes gives new additional criteria to evaluate
test efficiency. The presented problems are discussed in
Sections IV-VI.
Depending upon the system diverse logs are generated, e.g.,
system, security, application logs. They can also be partitioned
into diverse groups covering relevant issues. During testing
processes especially interesting are application logs, we
experienced this in our practice. An important issue is to adapt
log analysis processes to their specificity in the real project.
Hence, we explored software repositories correlated with
regression test scenarios executed during development of a
complex transaction-oriented system. Typically, each testing
session was performed in the night (about 6 hours) and
generated about 5MBs of application logs (about 350 000
words, 19-32 thousand events). Analyzing event logs
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 7
correlated with executed tests we identified three research
1) General text mining – focused on log dictionary
analysis, word and n-gram (phrase) frequency
profiles (Section IV A)
2) Structural/semantical log analysis – log parsing,
application-oriented keywords, log feature profiles
(Section IV B)
3) Log profile analysis in time - log feature distributions
and comparative studies (Section IV C).
In classical text mining we deal with documents based on
natural language. The specificity of the text in log entries is
quite different and needs cognitive studies of used word
dictionary aspects. Exploring dictionary taxonomy
(morphology) and profiles we focus on word syntactical and
semantical issues. Typically, a word is considered as a
sequence of characters bounded by space or other specified
characters (e.g., dot, semicolon). At the morphology level we
can distinguish words comprising only letters, numbers,
mixture of alphanumeric and special characters. Next, it is
reasonable to classify them in relevance to composition
structure, e.g., single words and complex words, which
constitute a concatenation of simple words using or not some
linking characters (e.g. _, +, ., :). The complex words can refer
to some predefined patterns (usually specified with regular
expressions), e.g., file paths, Ip addresses, resource identifiers
(e.g., URI). Basing on semantical properties we distinguish 4
classes of words: A - natural language words (compatible with
thesaurus dictionaries), B - special IT words (e.g., thread,
exception, commit), C - specific terms for the analyzed
application (acronyms, names of components), D - code words
(numerical, hexadecimal, typically used for timestamps, event
ids, error codes). It is also worth mentioning that sometimes
registered words have incorrect spelling.
The log dictionary used in the considered set of log files (L)
can be characterized by the set of unique words DL, its
cardinality |DL| and profiles of word usage. We introduce three
types of such profiles as sets of values in descending order
(denoted with sharp brackets <….>):
• Frequency profile gives the number of occurrences
of each word wi ϶ D in the set of log files L:
• Relative usage profile, i.e., FP(L) expressed in
• Aggregated usage profile AP(L) is defined in
relevance to ordered sets of n value ranges Rj = [rj-,
rj+], rj-, rj+ ϶ RP(L) = { r1… rk}, k=|RP(L)|, rj- ≤ rj+,
j=1…n, r1+ = r1, rn+ = r|RP(L)|, DLj is the set of all
unique words corresponding to Rj,(i.e. {wi: ri ϶ Rj }
than the aggregated profile is:
For an illustration we give the derived aggregated word usage
profile for the set of 25 daily log files (L25):
AP(L25) = < <[9.7%-10.5%], 0.5%>; <[1.5%-2.2%], 0.8%>;
<[0.4%-0.8%],1.8%>; <[0.05%-0.4%], 4.9%>;
<[0.01%-0.05%], 16%>; <[0.006%-0.01%], 75%>>
The aggregation ranges can be selected to reflect similar
frequency values. In practice, this profile is neither uniform
nor compatible with usage profiles of texts in natural language.
Relatively small group of words shows high frequency (e.g.,
for-10.5%, INFO- 10.0%, ExecuteThread – 9.2%, queue –
9.2%, ACTIVE – 9.2%). They are not important in log
classification and result from the logger configuration. Many
application oriented technical words dominate, however their
frequency is low. Some semantic grouping of words can be
useful to derive interesting log features (compare Section IV
B). Having analyzed identified words in generated application
logs we found 28.5% of complex words of various structures
(some examples are given later). Log entries comprised mostly
English words, however 8% were Polish (which complicates
the analysis). The text in related logs was based on dictionary
of several thousand of unique words. We observed these
features also in logs of other projects [30].
Due to the mixture of comprised information, raw log data
usually looks a little bit strange, as in the following examples
(transaction accept, and alert message):
2019-03-08 00:32:17,866 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '0' for
queue: 'self.tuning.ClassName (self-tuning)'] INFO
com.package.ClassName - transactionStatus – AC
2019-04-01 20:09:02,677 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: ‘1’ for
queue: ‘self.tuning.ClassName (self-tuning)’] INFO
com.package.ClassName - Alert args: alertType:
TransactionResponseTimeout, source: REST, Details null,
Args: {transactionId = 00000000000XX0000000000,
agentCode = 00000000}
Quite often complex words relate to C category and may
comprise words from other categories (including A). Hence,
partitioning these words may enhance text mining, e.g.,
“exception” component (expressing some general event) can
be concatenated with other precising words. For an illustration
we give an excerpt of complex words:
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
8 VOLUME XX, 2017
Many other examples are given in Section IV B. Complex
words are created by simple concatenation of words, a string
of words separated with non-alphanumeric characters (e.g.,
hyphen, underline, dot), letter case separated words (upper
case for the first character of the word). In practice, complex
words are defined by accepted conventions related to software
architecture, program language (e.g., class and method names)
or company. Hence, they can be easily analyzed with simple
regular expressions.
Combining log parsing with text mining techniques gives a
deeper insight in their meaning. Derived keywords can be
correlated with fixed log parts which are followed by variables
specified using other word categories, sometimes they are
preceded with the colon character (:). Description parts of logs
base mostly on natural language words, however those from
other classes also appear sporadically. The text mining
process is supported with a set of regular expressions targeted
at specific character patterns, e.g., date, time, IP addresses, file
paths. This process can be performed in some hierarchical
way, e.g., we can split complex words into simple word
components and perform their semantical classification. The
next step is to use other text mining techniques, e.g., targeted
at identifying keywords or characteristic n-grams. Here, we
can use word frequency, context, tf-idf and other text mining
metrics (compare Section IV B). Some complex words or
sequences of words express values of specified parameters.
The name of the parameter can be identified with parsing
techniques that extract the fixed text part (appearing
frequently). In classical parsing schemes the variable part is
usually replaced by * character [30,32], below we give an
excerpt of log messages:
(*) executed command from host (*) at (*)
Failed login attempt from host (*) at (*) by (*)
In our approach, we do not skip the parameters (neglected
in other approaches), we also focus on analyzing their
distribution, anomalies etc. They can contain important data
with significant semantical values (e.g., error code, alarm type,
event source). Searching for keywords can be preceded with
introducing some set of predefined keywords based on
developer knowledge, which can be further extended. As
compared with classical log analysis based on parsing
algorithms our approach assures deeper insight in their
contents and facilitates interpretation, which is helpful in test
diagnosis. Some optimization process is included after
preliminary log profile studies related to derived dictionaries,
frequencies of used terms, etc.
The basic text mining (word frequency analysis) allowed us
to identify major keywords, for example: transactionId,
filePath, eventId, reason code (code of transaction rejection),
eventtimestamp (time of sending the message by the system),
remoteTimestamp (time specified by the sender),
transactionStatus. Some other keywords related to application
server, e.g., INFO (level of log), Executionthread, queue.
Usually, such keywords are followed by some variable texts
(parameters) correlated with them. They can be single words
or a set of words sometimes comprising special characters,
embraced by brackets, etc. Beyond that log entries may
comprise non structured text messages. For example, a
descriptive part of an alert log entry comprised the following
text (it also includes Polish word at the end – “Blad skladni”):
ValidationError, severity Major, details: filename:xxxxxxxxx
full/file/path, Blad skladni: Attempt to access field
’parseException’ with null value
The classical text mining analysis based on tf-idf
parameters did not provide interesting words. Hence, we
decided to analyze phrases (n-grams). Some 7- or 8-word
phrases with low tf-idf related to interesting events signaling
some critical issues, they comprise negative words (marked in
bold) and relevant tf-idf of the n-gram.
cannot create claim incorrect related credit transfer ( 3.83)
caused http response fiddler lookup failed when (2.31)
active recovered another instance this cause inconsistent
couldn read message file neither from directory (1.15)
error zasób zajęty zlecono uzyskanie nowait upłynął (1.15)
error occurred during error handling give up (0.71)
details blad aplikacyjny podczas rejestracji reklamacji oraz
reklamacja ( 0.41)
Looking for such critical events we have specified a set of
negative words: 25 English words (error, alert, fail, failed,
abort, reject, rejected, invalid, incorrect, cannot, interrupt,
interrupted, inaccessible, break, stop, not, phrases) and 25
polish words (including blad denoting error). Having selected
log entries comprising these words we looked for 7-word
phrases comprising them. We have identified 691 such
negative phrases (with relatively high if-idf), they suggested
some problems. Logs comprising Alert keyword provide
valuable application specific diagnostic information, similarly
as complex words comprising Exception, this is analyzed in
Section IV B.
The identified keywords correlate log entries with specific
issues, e.g., exceptions, alerts, errors appearance, performed
activities in the application (e.g., transactions). Some
keywords are followed by a related variable value (digital or
alphanumeric character strings). In classical log parsing
schemes (e.g. [31] [32]) log templates are derived with fixed
parts (equivalent to keywords) and variables specified with *
character. In our approach keywords are correlated with
application specificity. Usually, identified variables comprise
valuable data (neglected in other approaches), worth deeper
analysis, in particular, statistical distribution of reported
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 9
values. For an illustration in Table 2 we give distribution of
some basic keyword’s appearance in 25 log files from the
executed regression testing in 25 subsequent days. We give
minimal, average, and maximal number of specified keywords
within daily log files. This can be confronted with the number
of entries in a log file in the range 18000-24000. Hence, these
keywords appear in 5-20% of log entries. Here, it is worth
noting that most log events are single line with average 20
words. However, some events, e.g., related to exceptions may
comprise from tenths to hundred lines (e.g., due to included
stack trace).
An illustrative distribution of 5 main keyword values is
given in Table 3. For each considered keyword we give the
range of unique values registered over all entries of the 25
files, followed by the number of minimal and maximal
occurrence of the same value. The most interesting are the
reason code, alert type, and source variables, especially those
which appeared less and most frequently.
Another group of logs relates to errors with specified thread
name, exception class within this thread, short description and
optionally stack trace. Typically, such log entries comprised
65 lines (about 400 words separated by space or dot). In
addition, an alert (type and source) is given for every error
with the domain meaning.
In Java an exception can be caused by another exception,
hence in the error report we have specification of the recent
exception and a sequence of causing it higher level exceptions
(up to the class of the primary one). For each of them the stack
tracing is included. Some statistics of exceptions is given in
Figure 2. X-axis shows the number of lines comprised within
the entries and y-axis shows the number of their appearance.
Moreover, the entry severity is denoted by appropriate color:
i) yellow - exceptions with short description (0-10 lines)
without stack trace; ii) blue – exceptions with localization in
code, the name of relevant class (11-50 lines); iii) green –
exceptions with a single primary exception (51-1000 lines);
iv) red - exceptions with 2 or more primary exceptions (101
and more lines). The biggest is the first group with a single line
(3052 cases – beyond the scale of the plot). In fact, it relates to
standard not critical behavior, e.g.: errors related to validation,
user actions, configuration checking. The second group refers
to local errors (of lower significance), the third group specifies
application problems previewed by developers. These
problems relate to several layers of the application, e.g.,
exception informing about unsuccessful configuration
changes caused by inaccessibility to the database. The last red
group relates to unforeseen errors, the exception propagated
for a longer time in the stack trace. This may result from errors
not announced in application (not intercepted by the
application and logged at the level of application server) or
recursive method calling or looping. In the case of generating
many exceptions and relevant stack traces, log entries can
show only a limited number of them. If needed detailed
analysis can be resumed in the debug mode.
FIGURE 2. Exception size/severity profile diagram.
Logs with alerts, beyond basic components of event logs,
comprise the following specifications (fields): alertType,
source, details (optional textual description), args –
arguments, transactionId, agentCode – identifier of the
message sending unit. We distinguish 7 alert type groups
listed in Table 4. They facilitate to identify reported problems.
For the better problem localization, we can also use the alert
source, here we have 6 source groups, listed in Table 5. Table
4 and 5 also specify (in brackets) the numbers of distinguished
alert types and sources for each category, respectively.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
10 VOLUME XX, 2017
Group type
Description (number of types)
Planned processes correlated with running operations
on accounts (3)
Alert correlated with account debit (3)
Alerts correlated with account credit or debit (4)
Alerts related to errors during planned processes (3):
SchedulerCriticalError, SchedulerError, SchedulerInfo
Errors related to money transfer process (7):
TransactionAgentInactive, TransactionBadFormat,
TransactionBadMessage, TransactionClaimCreated,
TransactionDuplicated, TransactionResponseTimeout,
Alerts related to actor inaccessibility (5)
Positive confirmations and some negative alerts (17),
e.g. ClearingStatusUnknown,
InconsistentTransaction, SecurityViolated,
Source category
Description (number of sources)
Application error
Application errors during network operations,
resulting from processing algorithms (8)
Validation errors related to message confirmation
Errors of planned processes (7 scheduler
Crossing waiting time limitations (4)
Errors related to specified transaction processes
Related to diverse functions (17)
Distribution of reported alerts for all test sessions performed
per one year period was as follows:
SchedulerCriticalError (50.33%), TransactionTimeExceeded
(22.92%), TransactionResponseTimeout (19.16%),
TransactionsClaimCreated (4.28%), others (3.31%).
However, this distribution for each session may differ, for
example for one day test sessions (6 hours) it was:
SchedulerCriticalError (70.04%), SecurityViolated (10.65%),
TransactionAgentInactive (8.53%), UnknownError (5.49%)
and others (4.29%). This is a consequence of code changes in
the tested application or test changes. Hence, tracing
fluctuations of report features can provide useful knowledge
on test strategies.
The log profile analysis (in time) can be targeted at tracing
changes (or stability) of specified features. This can be focused
on dictionary changes within specified categories (e.g., file
paths, thread, method names). Here, we can consider long or
short time perspectives, correlate them with application
development life cycle, e.g., in relevance to test monitoring,
issue and software version control repositories (Section V and
FIGURE 3. Heatmap covering transaction rejection reason codes.
In this section we focus on analyzing logs using cross
section heat maps to trace differences in specified types of
features. They form 2 dimensional matrices with x-axis
(columns) specifying considered features (e.g., alert types,
exceptions, transaction termination codes), y-axis shows
subsequent log files (e.g., relevant to one test run). The matrix
entry H(i,j) shows the number of identified features
(corresponding to the j-th column) within the considered i-th
log file. The entry background color can be correlated with this
number, to facilitate revealing some regularities or
irregularities. Subsequent values H(i,j) of the j-th column
show distribution in time (test runs) of the j-th feature. We can
trace cross section heat maps H(i,j)TS by filtering logs in
relevance to test scenarios (TS). Disappearance or reduction
of some features in time can be correlated with code
corrections (new version, bug correction). On the other hand,
the appearance or a significant increase of some features may
result from new functionalities, imperfect bug corrections,
system configuration changes, etc. The identified suspected
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 11
feature deviations can be explained/interpreted by correlating
their appearance with other software logs.
Figure 3 shows a heatmap related to transaction rejection
reason code. For the most log files, low values of each code
(0-10) dominate. Only one log file (log-17) comprised all
reason codes (in total 420 entries): RUP, RUT – receiver
unavailable permanently, temporarily; RI - receiver inactive;
IA1, IA2 inappropriate amount; D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 – diverse
duplicates; SI – sender inactive; SUP – sender unavailable
permanently, temporarily; VE validation error; NE network
error. The highest number of registered reason codes related
to SUP (216, 237) and RUT (120) codes. In a similar way we
analyzed other keywords. Transactionid assumed the
following values: SRAC – send request of account charging;
RCAC – received confirmation of account charging; TMT -
timeout; SR – sent rejections; RR1, RR2 - received rejection
type1, 2; RPA – returned positive answer; SA – sent
authorization; SRCA – sent request for credit acknowledge;
RA – receiver authorization; RCA – received credit
acknowledgement. We observed relatively uniform (200-400)
distribution for 7 values (SRAC, RPA, SA, SRCA, RCAC,
RA, RCA), 3 with very low values (TMT, SR, RR2) and one
(RR1) with the medium average value (50), however large
dispersion (3-470).
The heat map for alert types revealed bigger number of
some critical types: unavailable sender (187 and 146 for log11
and 12, respectively), SenderCriticalError (533-2045 for logs
13-15), AccountJobinactive (555-1405 for logs 11 and 10),
transactioBad Message (218-251 for logs 1-3),
securityviolation (200-604 for logs 18, 11, 12),
transactionResponseTimeout (100-604 for logs 13). Five logs
did not comprise alerts, for 4 logs alerts constituted a fraction
of percent, 3 logs with about 2-5%, the remaining ones below
2%. The heat map for identified alert sources (20) revealed
most alerts related to Scheduler (500-2007 for log 13-15 and
10-11), other 6 sources related to several timeout generators
and bad message validation with significant values (50-250)
for about 30% of logs. The heatmaps for registered exceptions
(25 types) showed for most logs low values (0-10) per
exception, and 10-50 exceptions per log file in total. However,
two exceptions FileProcessingFileServer criticalerror and
SourceDirectorynotFoundError showed very big values (533-
2045 for logs 13-15). They correlated with Source Scheduler
(552-2047) and alert type SchedulerErrorCritical (533-2045)
for the same logs. For these logs, the percentage of entries
comprising exceptions (in fact double ones) was 2-5%. We
can analyze other correlations, e.g., logs with abnormal values
with test reports (Section V).
Tests can be structured at three levels: test step, test scenario
(a set of subsequent test steps related to a test case), test block
(group) – set of test scenarios on a specified functionality. We
define 5 states of test steps: passed (positive execution), failed
(negative test result), skipped (not executed), undefined (e.g.,
not implemented in the test), pending (test step under
execution). The test scenario is passed while all relevant test
steps were passed or failed if any test step failed. We define
the test run as the complete set of test blocks covering all
software functionalities. Typically, it includes 500-1000 test
cases, each comprising 10-20 test steps. Reports on the test
execution are stored in test result files. In the considered
project regression test runs were executed in nights by about 6
Table 6 shows distribution of test results of one day run
covering 31 test groups generated by the test management
module. For each test group we give the number of relevant
test steps (followed by the number of failed and skipped ones),
the number of test scenarios (with specified failed ones) and
the test execution time (minutes). For correctly executed test
groups we give only ranges of relevant values. The total
execution time was 6 hours 11 minutes. The aggregated
statistics of the whole test session (numbers of test steps, test
scenarios and relevant distribution in percent) are given in
bottom table rows. The summarized test report is analyzed, in
consequence of this analysis not passed tests are verified to
check the reason of negative result. Sometimes this is caused
by an inappropriate or incorrect test (e.g., wrong assertion),
test or its environment configuration flow (e.g., inaccurate
usage of the testing framework), etc. Negative results need
transferring them for further processing, e.g., labelling issue id
in Jira, etc. Test result presentation assures hierarchical access
to detailed data via CMP module (Section III).
Test steps
Test scenarios
Test session profiles can differ in time. This is illustrated in
Figure 4 for subsequent daily regression session tests covering
about 600 days (long term statistics). The percentage of the
negative tests ranged from 5 to 42%. The x-axis specifies
subsequent test runs, y-axis shows the percentage of the
negative tests (average value aggregated over consecutive 30
test runs). Higher values were correlated with bigger code
changes (new functionalities, major code corrections). Such
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
12 VOLUME XX, 2017
analysis can be performed for a shorter time perspective and a
lower aggregation window (e.g., 1 day). We can also focus on
other test features, e.g., the first use (execution) of the test and
its expiration date (due to irrelevant code, new functionalities,
updates), confirmed skipped faults reported by users.
FIGURE 4. Distribution of negative test results (aggregation per 30 days).
FIGURE 5. Distribution of correctly completed test steps (in percent) over
test scenarios executed in 5 subsequent days.
Studying test executions, we should refer to the application
lifecycle due to the development of subsequent versions, code
modifications or corrections, introduced new functionalities,
etc. Hence, we trace negative test results in time (as in Figure
4). Figure 5 presents distribution of faulty test steps related to
negative test scenarios over 5 days. The y-axis shows the
number of faulty test scenarios, the x-axis shows the
percentage of correctly executed test steps within these
scenarios. In the case of stabilizing software versions, the bars
are moved towards higher percentage values and lower
number of test scenarios. Significant values related to newly
introduced functionalities. They were identified by correlating
commits with added functionalities and the number of failed
scenarios. Analysing such profiles, we can perform deeper
exploration related to higher values to derive the reasons of
these anomalies.
Tracing test executions we have introduced some metrics
related to three aspects: test coverage, test productivity and
result outcome. The test coverage can be correlated with
application features, e.g., the number of executed transactions
(in total or per transaction class), code coverage. For an
illustration, we give statistics of the performed transactions in
the regression test suites executed each day in 6-hour sessions.
This statistics for subsequent 6 hours over 10 days was as
follows (h: a-b; where h denotes hour, a and b denote
transaction ranges):
TC (6/10) = {1: 8-12; 2: 8-12; 3: 180-210; 4: 150-162; 5: 410-
500; 6: 38-42}
This is some measure of application stresses. The quality of
the test-suite (TS) can be assessed by statement or branch
coverage, test suite size, application stressing, mutation score,
etc. In [43] mutation score (the number of killed mutants) has
been extended by TS capability ratio, i.e., the ratio of the
number of tests in TS that kill at least one mutant over the total
number of tests in TS. This was applied in controlling the
reliability of repairs (related to involved regressions). Test
productivity we define as the percentage of passed tests,
executed test steps, test scenarios, test execution time, etc. In
the case of failed test elements (e.g., steps) we can admit their
repetition for a specified number of times. False tests may
relate to activated faults (errors). In general, we distinguish the
following error classes:
1) Application logic errors – incorrect algorithm, not
predicted handling of an erroneous situation, not specified
2) Implementation errors:
- User interface fault – incorrect graphical display of
data, inconsistency between expected and real
interaction behavior,
- Calculation faults – wrong program coding,
inaccurate calculations,
- Thread management errors – synchronization
3) Environment configuration errors – lacking or incorrect
environment or authentication variables, incorrect project
profile build, incorrect IP or URL addresses.
4) Test data configuration errors – e.g., lacking account of
senders or receivers.
5) Test errors:
- test scenario logic error – incorrect test steps, wrong
sequence of executions, inconsistency with
application specification,
- test scenario implementation fault – test code error,
test library error, technology instability (e.g., related
to time dependencies),
- test configuration errors – incorrect test data, or
environmental variables.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 13
Analyzing test execution, we should correlate it with the
application lifecycle taking into account appearance of
subsequent versions, error corrections, modifications, updates,
etc., which impact test runs.
The distribution of detected errors in the project lifecycle
may differ, as well as the required effort to fix them. Typically,
the distribution of the error classes 1-5 was 10%, 30%, 20%,
35% and 5%, respectively. Most of application logic errors
(class 1) appeared in the initial phase of the project and for test
scenarios with big branch coverage (related to diverse
configurations and releases). The implementation faults (class
2) are rarely announced during exploitation, they are detected
with sophisticated test scenarios. These scenarios cover
diverse aspects of the tested system, e.g., uncommon
configuration and operation conditions which even rarely
appear in production. The environment configuration errors
(class 3) are strongly coupled with introducing new releases
including applications redeployments, running migration
tools, choosing right environment profiles (e.g., resulting from
some deficiencies in documentation), etc. Test data
configuration errors (class 4) dominated and increased with
higher complexity of system functions. This resulted from test
scenarios becoming more complex and involving more
modules, parameters, and test data (difficult to grasp in short
time). Quite often the test data is elaborated in relevance to the
tested code which can be incorrect. Test errors (class 5) have
a quite short lifecycle as most of them are eliminated during
the test development, moreover they are quite easy to fix. The
presented error taxonomy and the relevant investigation
triggered fruitful discussion within the project team meetings
and provided useful hints for possible improvements.
Sometimes negative tests relate to timeout crossing, due to
waiting for some expected events (e.g., waiting for generation
of an invoice by a system component). Timeouts can trigger
repetitions of the test, changing timeout limit or modifying test
parameters. More difficult is handling errors resulting from
framework incompatibilities with used libraries or technology
changes in the tested application.
The developed test framework (TF - Section III) provides
the capability of more detailed test result statistics in relevance
to test steps, scenarios and runs correlated with specified
functionalities. It is illustrated in Table 6 ordered according to
the number of negative tests. It assures hierarchical access to
test reports from upper to lower levels (test steps). We can
generate cross-sectional statistics, e.g., distribution in time of
negative test results for specified test runs, scenarios. We can
create heat map with y-axis showing test identifier (e.g., test
case) and x axis alert type or exception, the entries can specify
the number of negative tests (of specified types). Basing on
this we can provide a retrospective view on the test efficiency
(detectability and diagnosability), performed updates,
modifications or deletions of test cases in the used test sets.
This can be done in relevance to the tested system lifecycle
(revisions, etc.).
The test result repository comprises valuable data which can
be explored and analyzed with relevant metrics targeted at
diverse aspects, e.g.:
• Tracing historical changes of test sets (at different levels,
groups, test cases and steps) due to application life cycle
development and maintenance phase.
• Test modifications resulting from detected faults in tests,
• Error detection score per tests in time.
• Correlation of code correction triggered by a test A with
failed tests after correction, this may provide information
to reduce the needed tests in regression testing after
corrections of specified application areas.
• Test modification analysis in software life cycle, may
provide the range of changes, e.g., on the level of steps,
test cases or test oracle specification.
• Identification of newly introduced tests due to errors
reported by users and not detected by the existing set of
• Correlating executed tests with the relevant issue
handling time, the number of exchanged comments, time
needed for analysis or resolution, etc. It allows to assess
diagnosability features. Here, we can add suggestions on
how the diagnosis could be improved, what kind of
information was lacking as helpful (feedback from issue
analyzers and code correctors).
• Impact of application updates on the test management.
For example, identifying the impact of test A results on
other tests (failed correlation steps, cases, groups).
It is interesting to trace the impact of introduced code
changes on the test outcome, e.g., what is the manifestation of
tests targeted at the introduced code changes, was there any
impact on tests for other functionalities. This allows us to
identify functional/code interrelationship. Having identified
such dependencies, it is easier to identify regression subtests
targeted at specified functionalities. Historical data of
performed test facilitates this process, this needs referring to
issue and commit repositories (Section VI).
Testing processes are correlated with the project
development, and we can observe their mutual impact in time.
Hence, it is reasonable to monitor the distribution of detected
error classes (Section V) and correlate them with introduced
new functionalities, used sets of test scenarios and actors
involved in these processes. Staff fluctuations may also have
a significant impact. Test suit sets are improved, corrected or
adapted to the progress of the project live cycle. Hence, tracing
test relevant software repositories (issue and code version
control) is also useful to assess the efficiency of the test
processes. The developed test framework (TF) is helpful in
this process. We can derive test suit fluctuations for selected
time periods Tp in relevance to four classes of test suits:
• TSS - set of stable test scenarios, i.e., such which were
used constantly within period Tp .
• TSM - set of modified test scenarios, i.e., changed at some
point within Tp (e.g., adaptation to functionality or
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
14 VOLUME XX, 2017
configuration changes of the tested project, improved
functionality description, remarks provided by project
end users).
• TSR - set of removed test scenarios, i.e., used up to some
point within Tp and then abandoned (e.g., due to low
efficiency, significant code or configuration changes, lack
of maintenance due to staff fluctuation).
• TSA - set of added test scenarios, i.e., appearing after
some point within Tp (e.g., covering added new
functionality, replacing previously used test scenarios).
Statistics of these classes can be derived using the
developed framework by referring to issue and software
version control entries of tests. Their interpretation needs
referring to software repositories of the tested project.
Typically, for Tp = 1 month, the distribution of test classes
TSS, TSM, TSR and TSA was: 75-85%, 15-20%, 0-2% and 0-
4%, respectively.
In the software life cycle the code is changed due to releases
of subsequent versions, fixing detected errors, functional
modifications/extensions, performance improvements, etc.
This has a significant impact on test processes. Hence, it is
reasonable to analyze software version control (SVC)
repositories in accordance with issue tracking system (Jira).
We have quite rich experience with such analysis presented in
[7,25] in relation to open source and commercial projects. This
resulted in the original concept of the problem handling graph
(PHG) and software development monitoring, which is also
useful in tracing links with testing processes.
Analyzing software lifecycle repositories and the distribution
of performed commits including the scope of the relevant code
changes (modification, deletion, addition), we focus on four
aspects triggered by the negative test results:
1) Tracing handling issue reports triggered by negative tests.
2) Identifying reported bugs (e.g., by users) which were
skipped by tests and filling this gap by improving or
adding supplementary test scenarios.
3) Tracing used test sets in relevance to software
development progress, deployed releases and user reports
(profiles of test sets TSS, TSM, TSR and TSA).
4) Developers autocorrections or code refactoring.
FIGURE 7. Distribution of file changes in commits
Figure 6 presents distribution of registered commits within
the scope of 10-year project lifecycle. The first 2 years relate
to development phase (75% of created files), subsequent years
correspond to maintenance and improvement period (25% of
files). In the initial phase a significant increase of newly
introduced tests was observed, while in the stable phase this
was about 10-20% per year. The registered commits resulted
in changes, deletions, and addition of new files in the range:
1-4, 2-10, and 0.5-2, respectively. The distribution of commits
involving specified number of changed files is given in Figure
7. Commits with single file changes dominate, this confirms
efficient problem handling processes (involving testing). Each
file is changed on average 3.83 times. However, some of the
issues trigger high numbers of changes (exceeding 10),
typically, this occurs in relation to new functionalities.
FIGURE 6. Time distribution of performed commits (average values per day).
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 15
Sometimes a simple modification appears in many files, and it
is classified as a multiple file change, e.g., caused by a new
name of a file updated in many places (hence maximum 296
file changes were reported).
Each commit is triggered by a registered issue in Jira
repository. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the number of
performed commits correlated with a single issue. The x-axis
specifies subsequent issue ids, the y-axis shows the average
number of relevant commits over aggregated subsequent 100
issue chunks. For each bar we give also the minimal and
maximal values observed within the chunk (min/max). The
first and second quartile for the first, second and 5th chunks
were: (1,6), (1,3) and (1,4), respectively. For the remaining
ones it was (1,2). The analyzed issues triggered 1-58 commits;
on average a single issue is correlated with 2.33 commits. A
single issue usually triggers a single commit, but it may also
result in a sequence of commits which at first glance seems to
be strange. This results from the fact of involving a group of
issue resolving programmers (big problems) as well as from
partial resolution of the problem. Generating a partial commit
is useful to not block other project contributors for longer time,
they can proceed their work. A single issue resulted in
maximum 58 commits (relevant to introducing a significant
range of new functionalities).
FIGURE 8. Distribution of performed commits in relevance to reported
SVC repository gives some view on the cost of performed
code changes. Many of them are the consequence of negative
tests which triggered appropriate issues. We can trace
handling these issues in Jira repository. Typically, they are
handled according to the following scheme defined by the
sequence of issue state processing (PHG graph):
New → Workaround → open → in analysis → accepted →
in_progress → in review → resolved → closed
An issue in Workaround or in in-analysis states can be
considered as irrelevant and transferred to reject state (not
shown branch). The accepted state corresponds to positive
detection and diagnosis of the problem. The time needed to
attain this state in a large extent depends upon the test
diagnosis quality. Nevertheless, it can also depend upon
available resources or the issue handling organization. Some
indirect metrics of diagnosis capability are the number and the
size of exchanged comments included in the considered issue.
The issue handling process can also depend on external actors
correlated with the project. For example, staying in in-
progress state is conditioned by human reactions. They refer
to activities (including comment exchanges) of project users,
vendors (external provider of some software modules) or
technical support. More complex problem handling paths
(with several branches and loops) we have observed in other
projects [7,25]
Correlating issues and commits with test reports needs some
effort, due to often neglected references to negative tests in
repository entry descriptions. In such case the correlation can
base on context analysis supported with text mining.
Assessing report quality in this aspect we calculate the ratio of
entries with direct test references, those with needed deeper
analysis and ambiguous ones. In the analyzed project only 5-
20% reported issues in Jira comprised explicit references to
relevant test scenarios. Another view on this problem is
checking the size of the entry descriptions. The commit
description provides some information on its reason, this can
also facilitate correlation with relevant issue or test reports,
however many programmers neglect this. For an illustration
we give derived statistics of commit descriptions. For 6000
commits (23000 file changes within 5 years) we found on
average 9.7 words (minimum 0 and maximum 206 words) in
the description fields. However, we observed an increasing
trend in time (average values 5-12 words) and interquartile
ranges for consecutive 500 commit groups stretched from 13
to 37 words. Commits related to new functionalities showed
longer description fields.
Typically, a logging statement in the code contains static
and dynamic part. The static part is a fixed character string and
variable part is determined during the code execution of the
run time. Associating development knowledge to test results
and generated logs is helpful in diagnostic processes.
Interactions between developers and users provide additional
information in repositories. The report of an issue comprises
its description, resolution and development discussion about it
(comments), history of processing stages. An issue which is
related to event logs may be helpful in its interpretation
(rationale of log), moreover it can be correlated with log line
in the source code which generated the log entry. A code
commit describes the changes of the code and other
corresponding (associated) information, a logging statement
may provide the meaning of the code line, etc. Hence, we can
trace the following associations: log line-log statement (file,
method location, code comment) – code commit – issue report,
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
16 VOLUME XX, 2017
in addition we can trace emails from users on the registered
Log repositories form a rich source of information
(knowledge) on testing, neglected in the literature. Systematic
processing of a wide scope repositories leads to improvement
of testing and diagnosis. Dealing with diverse types of
repositories, we trace their interactions and information
associations. Code corrections or new functions may trigger
inclusion or modification of relevant log statements in the
code, this results in log profile changes or updates during the
testing processes. In addition, we can investigate user reports
and correlate them with possible test gaps.
Correlating issue tracking and version control repositories
with testing processes needs appropriate filtering. Test reports
should comprise the specification of the tested software
version (including the merged commits); hence we can trace
issues to correlate them with issue requests related to new
functionalities, corrections resulting from previous negative
tests, corrections triggered by project users, etc. In the case of
confirmed missed errors, it is important to identify the reasons
of their skipping by regression tests and produce requests for
test set updates. Tracing the handling process (depicted by
PHG graph) of recorded issues triggered by the test outcome,
we can check the exchange of messages, comments which can
reflect the precision of bug specification and localization. We
can check the time between the issue registration and problem
allocation as well as the identified decision looping. This can
provide some indirect metric of test diagnosability. However,
they can be obfuscated by project actors’ allocation policies,
their capabilities or practical competence and workload load.
We can derive positive correlations of project actors with test
subsets (successful and fast handling). In the case of projects
with recommendation repositories filled by users [37] we can
correlate them with project functionalities and relevant test
suites to check why there were not detected during
development/maintenance phase, and specify, if needed, test
The developed test framework (TF – Section III) allowed us
to extend the observation perspective of test results over a
wide scope of software repositories. It provides the capability
of extracting detailed and important features of test execution.
This is useful to assess test diagnostic efficiency and reveal
imperfections in the context of the project development and
maintenance by correlating test reports with issue and commit
repositories. Insufficient accuracy and negligence in reporting
(automatic or manual) creates problems in extracting
appropriate data, hence discovering some time and semantic
contexts is helpful. In relevance to this we showed the
usefulness of deriving structural and semantic features of
dictionaries used in repositories, keywords, and profiles (in
time and value - heatmaps) of associated variables or other
statistics. Log dictionary and keywords can be investigated (in
long time perspective) to determine their impact on diagnostic
capabilities and point out possible improvements. (Section
The presented approach significantly expands the
observation space of assessment processes related to
regression, acceptance, and integration tests (Section V). This
exceeds the capability of common approaches of unit testing
based on finding links between test cases and related
production classes ([42] and references therein). Diagnostic
capabilities can be enhanced by correlating test reports with
other software repositories (e.g., issue tracking and version
control). Test set optimization and upgrades need tracing test
impact in these repositories in time perspective (Section VI).
Test diagnosability and efficiency can be evaluated by
correlating detected problems (by tests) with relevant handling
paths (PHG graph) and software fix ranges. Identified long or
complex handling paths (e.g., involving state looping,
comment exchanges [25]) we can drill down test outcome
deficiencies (test reports and generated event logs) to reveal
possible improvements.
We can increase not only test diagnosability, but the
supplementary advantage of our approach is also identifying
and controlling the consistency of tests with
project/environment changes or updates during the life cycle.
For this we explore test set profiles (TSS, TSM, TSR and TSA),
distribution of test results (at test scenario and test step levels,
e.g., Table 4) and detected defect classes, skipped errors, etc.
The presented monitoring process covers project and test
lifecycles (including their mutual interactions) taking into
account relevant issue and version control repositories.
Tracing detected and skipped defect classes for test runs
(application logic, implementation, configuration, test flaws)
facilitates to identify and counteract suspicious trends (Section
V B).
Another issue is qualification of test importance, test
strength and enhanced test outcome taxonomy. Depending
upon the test targets we can attribute test importance
correlated with potential bug severity levels (critical, major,
minor, cosmetic, etc.). More sophisticated tests can provide
multilevel outcomes instead of binary results (passed, non-
passed steps). Hence, the outcome of non-passed tests can be
further précised showing detailed deficiency specification
which can be categorized according to bug criticality. This can
be combined with tracing the progress of handling registered
negative test results (in issue repository) in correlation with the
attributed issue state and relevant impact on code commits
(version control repository). Here, we can distinguish issues
disqualified due to non-possible reactivating the fault, rejected
due to negligent importance, postponed because of the
previewed future function replacement/modification. On the
other hand, we have tests triggering many bugs which usually
are considered as the most effective and attributed higher
priority. Monitoring issue handling we should link them with
relevant tests and trace the resolution progress, e.g., rejection
decisions, time needed for diagnosis, number of correlated
comment exchanges, scope of triggered commits (number of
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
VOLUME XX, 2017 17
identified bugs, number of changed files or code lines). This
provides data for fine-grained test outcome categorization
(compare specifications in Section V), which can be
aggregated in a longer time perspective to identify behavioral
trends. Many postponed, rejected minor or negligible faults
can cumulate in time resulting in complex problems or hide
detection of other important problems. In another e-commerce
project, developed in SCRUM technology with weekly
iteration periods (sprints), this problem appeared with a delay
of 5-10 months. Hence, it is useful to control the range of
piling not resolved issues and perform periodical revisions.
The presented methodology of analyzing test processes and
their interaction with project development is based on holistic
investigation of wide scope and detailed features derived from
diverse software repositories. This involves tracing
correlations between reports in repositories. In practice, this
process can be simplified and more effective by improving
report descriptions. The proposed statistics and diverse metrics
are helpful to monitor report quality and provide feedback to
actors involved in project development/testing (Sections V
and VI).
The presented studies based on our experience with
monitoring several software projects, however the developed
test analysis methodology was referred to a single commercial
project systematically upgraded and maintained for many
years. It assured access to rich software repositories. Hence,
we include some comments on validity threats of our
External validity. The presented investigation was
performed on data collected by one industrial partner which
accepted installation of our plugins into the used test
infrastructure (comprising cucumber, etc.). The derived test
features and relevant software repositories related to a specific
software project developed with assumed technology in the
company. Nevertheless, the gained experience and assessment
methodology can be considered as sufficiently representative
for many medium size companies and transaction-oriented
applications. Moreover, the presented metrics, analysis
methodology can be generalized for a wider scope of projects
and development technologies. Retrospective view on testing
from software repositories perspectives can show lacking data
in repositories, drawbacks of testing processes which can
impact development improvements.
We have confronted our results with the experience of
testers in two other companies targeted at complex e-
commerce and disc controller software. Tests were managed
by proprietary software with similar capability to Cucumber.
Regression tests (test cases with specified steps) were
executed in weekly and several day periods, and they involved
many hours in the night. Test reports were synthetic at
functional level, sometimes supported with screen shots.
Event and other software repositories were not correlated
directly with the test reports. This lacking feature is available
in our test framework (TF) including the analytical
component. It has been assessed by interviewed project testers
as promising for investigating test properties in a wider data
context and longer time perspective observation. They found
it helpful in tracing such problems as faulty and obsolete tests
(causing losses in testing time), sources of skipping faults
reported by product customers using their own tests. Another
issue relates to faults of purchased software modules from
other providers, which usually are considered as reliable
within a long period of time. However, they showed some
problems with delay, e.g., in the context of added or improved
functionalities, changed environment. In the considered
projects it was observed that a relatively small percent of tests
( ̴ 20%) reveal most faults (60 - 80%), which can be considered
in test optimization, e.g. appropriate execution ordering
(prioritization). The presented problems can be effectively
studied using our test framework by correlating data from
diverse repositories.
Internal validity. The research goal was verified on the
available data sets and using the developed plugins to the
available test support tools and software repositories.
Unfortunately, some data were screened due to their
sensitivity touching the developers and users (customers).
Nevertheless, this was not significant restriction in our studies,
which have been also positively accepted by the industrial
Construct validity. The used test management
infrastructure is quite universal. The developed plugin
components integrate collection, correlation, and analysis of
monitored data. They can be adapted to other test/monitor
platforms and software development technologies. Depending
upon the organization of repositories we face the problem of
getting access to relevant repositories (sometimes managed by
different groups in the company or outsourced), selecting test
relevant data, crossing data confidentiality restrictions
(anonymization preprocessing).
We have analyzed a wide scope of collected data during
testing a complex industrial project. This study proved the
usefulness of software repositories in assessing and improving
software test processes. Test report interpretation is enhanced
by correlating registered entries with application logs, which
needed adaptation of log parsing to their specificity including
structural and semantic features of used words and phrases (n-
grams). This is supported with a hierarchical text mining
analysis targeted at used word classes (dictionary), keywords
and associated variable parts. The presented analysis in short
and long-time perspectives refers to issue and version control
repositories. It provides an insight on test set consistency with
the application and points outs needed adjustments during the
system lifecycle. It is based on extensive investigation of a
wide scope of test and development features complemented
with specified statistical metrics and profiles.
The introduced metrics and statistics can positively affect
test quality progress in time, which is important in projects
with long live perspective (systematically introduced updates
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3136138, IEEE Access
Author Name: Preparation of Papers for IEEE Access (February 2017)
18 VOLUME XX, 2017
and new versions of the tested project and system
environment). The gained experience revealed the necessary
improvements in quality and the range of registered reports
(automatically or manually). Our future research will be
directed towards deeper empirical studies, in particular tracing
the impact of tests on created issues and relevant handling
times. This will result in periodical revisions of testing
processes and data repositories considering context changes.
Another issue is extending our approach on performance tests
taking into account supplementary resource usage and timing
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B.Eng. degree in 2017 from the National
Aviation University of Ukraine in Kyiv
and M.Sc. degree in computer science
from Warsaw University of Technology in
Poland. Currently he cooperates with the
University and is working as a software
engineer in a commercial company
developing transactional systems for the
financial sector. His research and
professional interests include software engineering, project development and
IEEE) received M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in
computer science from Warsaw University
of Technology in Poland. He is currently a
Professor with the Institute of Computer
Science of this University. He has
published more than 150 research articles in
international refereed conference
proceedings or journals and several books.
He has been on many program committees
of international conferences and reviewer
for diverse scientific publications
worldwide. His research interests include dependable computing, system
testing, diagnosis, performance, and fault handling issues. He has managed
and participated in many scientific and industrial projects.