The Sabriyah Upper Burgan is a major oil reservoir in North Kuwait with high oil saturation and is currently considered for mobility control via polymer flooding. Although there is high confidence in the selected technology, there are technological and geologic challenges that must be understood to transition towards phased commercial field development. Engineering and geologic screening suggested that chemical flood technologies were superior to either miscible gas or waterflood technologies. Of the chemical flood technologies, mobility control flooding was considered the best choice due to available water ion composition and total dissolved solids (TDS). Evaluation of operational and economic considerations were instrumental in recommending mobility control polymer flooding for pilot testing. Laboratory selected acceptable polymer for use with coreflood incremental oil recovery being up to 9% OOIP. Numerical simulation recommended two commercial size pilots, a 3-pattern and a 5-pattern of irregular five spots, with forecast incremental oil recovery factors of 5.6% OOIP over waterflood. Geologic uncertainty is the greatest challenge in the oil and gas industry, which is exacerbated with any EOR project. Screening of the Upper Burgan reservoirs indicates that UB4 channel sands are the best candidates for EOR technologies. Reservoir quality is excellent and there is sufficient reservoir volume in the northwest quadrant of the field to justify not only a pilot but also future expansion. There is a limited edge water drive of unknown strength that will need to be assessed. The channel facies sandstones have porosities of +25%, permeabilities in the Darcy range, and initial oil saturations of +90%. Pore volume (PV) of the two recommended pilot varies from 29 to 45 million barrels. A total of 0.7 PV of polymer is expected to be injected in 5.6 and 7.9 years for the 3-pattern pilot and the 5-pattern pilot, respectively, with a water drive flush to follow for an additional 5 to 7 years. Incremental cost per incremental barrel of oil of a mobility control polymer flood which includes OPEX and CAPEX costs is $20 (USD). This paper evaluates the (commercial size) pilot design and addresses field development uncertainties.