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The current state of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758), population in the northwestern part of the Black Sea

  • Odessa National University I.I.Mechnikova

Abstract and Figures

Turbot is one of the most valuable fish species in the Black Sea commercial fishery. The serious, dramatic depletion of the turbot stock and catches that began in the 1980s was caused by overfishing and poor ecological conditions. The state of the turbot stock began to improve in the northwestern part of the Black Sea in 2016. Landings were at their 30-year maximum in this part of the sea. Catches per unit effort (CPUEs) have been at a stable, high level there for the last few years. Average turbot weight and length have also been increasing. The Stock Synthesis (SS3) framework was used in the stock assessment. According to SS3 analysis, fishing mortality (F) reached the minimum level of 0.29 in 2018. The cumulative SPR (Spawner Potential Rate) index was 0.27, which approximately equaled SPR MSY = 0.25. Thus, currently the turbot stock is mostly moderately exploited at a level close to the management target in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. However, the entire Black Sea population has not fully recovered yet.
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The current state of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus
(Linnaeus, 1758), population in the northwestern part of the
Black Sea
Bohdan Hulak, Yevhen Leonchyk, Volodia Maximov, George Tiganov, Vladislav
Shlyakhov, Mikhail Pyatnitsky
Received – 02 January 2021/Accepted – 01 September 2021. Published online: 30 September 2021; ©Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn, Poland
Citation: Hulak B., Leonchyk Y., Maximov V., Tiganov G., Shlyakhov V., Pyatnitsky M. (2021). The current state of the turbot,
Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758), population in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. Fisheries Aquatic & Life 29: 164-175.
Abstract. Turbot is one of the most valuable fish species in
the Black Sea commercial fishery. The serious, dramatic
depletion of the turbot stock and catches that began in the
1980s was caused by overfishing and poor ecological
conditions. The state of the turbot stock began to improve in
the northwestern part of the Black Sea in 2016. Landings were
at their 30-year maximum in this part of the sea. Catches per
unit effort (CPUEs) have been at a stable, high level there for
the last few years. Average turbot weight and length have also
been increasing. The Stock Synthesis (SS3) framework was
used in the stock assessment. According to SS3 analysis,
fishing mortality (F) reached the minimum level of 0.29 in
2018. The cumulative SPR (Spawner Potential Rate) index
was 0.27, which approximately equaled SPRMSY = 0.25. Thus,
currently the turbot stock is mostly moderately exploited at
a level close to the management target in the northwestern
part of the Black Sea. However, the entire Black Sea
population has not fully recovered yet.
Keywords: stock assessment, Black Sea, turbot, Stock
Synthesis, overfishing
The Black Sea turbot, Scophthalmus maximus L., is
a bottom-dwelling predator. It prefers sandy and
silty-sandy bottoms. It does not make long migra-
tions along the marine shelf zone and is character-
ized by local movement associated only with feeding
and reproduction. Long-term observations during
trawl surveys showed that the distribution of turbot
along the offshore area is uneven and depends
largely on the width of the shelf zone (Nadolinskiy et
al. 2018). Its maximum abundance and distribution
density are confined to areas with a broad shelf. Ac-
cording to tagging and morphometric data, Black Sea
turbot forms several local populations, or
subpopulations (Popova 1954, Karapetkova 1964,
1980, Nadolinskiy et al. 2018). The geographical fea-
tures of the broadest shelf zone in the northwestern
part of the Black Sea and minimal turbot migration
FISHERIES & AQUATIC LIFE (2021) 29: 164 - 175
Archives of Polish Fisheries
DOI 10.2478/aopf-2021-0018
©Copyright by Stanis³aw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn.
©2021 Author(s). This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License
B. Hulak, Y. Leonchyk [+]
S. E. Odessa Center of Southern Research Institute of Marine
Fisheries and Oceanography (SE Odessa Center YugNIRO), 12
Shevchenko av.,65058, Odessa, Ukraine
V. Maximov, G. Tiganov
National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore
Antipa” (NIMRD), 300 Mamaia Blvd. 900581 Constanta, Romania
V. Shlyakhov, M. Pyatnitsky
The Azov-Black Sea branch of FSBI VNIRO “AzNIIRKH”, 21b
Beregovaya str., 344002, Rostov on Don, Russia
activity contribute to the isolation of this fish popula-
tion. Based on the morphological features of the shelf
and the continental slope, oceanographers deter-
mined the western border of the northwestern Black
Sea region as Cape Kaliakra and the eastern one as
Cape Khersones (Dubinets et al. 1988). Obviously,
narrowings of the shelf near Cape Kaliakra and on
the section of Cape Khersones – Cape Sarych create
natural barriers that prevent turbot from resettling.
In addition, migrations of demersal fishes are hin-
dered by an area filled with hydrogen sulfide at
depths of more than 120 meters throughout the
Black Sea. Accordingly, the turbot population of the
northwestern part could be considered as a separate
stock unit isolated in the largest shelf area
(Shlyakhov 2014). Turbot tagging and trawl surveys
carried out by YugNIRO in the northwestern part of
the Black Sea in the 1980s confirmed the locality of
a so-called western stock unit of this fish (Efimov et
al. 1989). The presence of this isolated substock in
the Black Sea turbot population is also supported by
results of the most recent genetic studies. The fish in-
habiting the northern part of the Sea have significant
genetic differences from those inhabiting the south-
eastern and southwestern parts of the marine shelf
(Firidin et al. 2020). Thus, it makes sense to assess
the turbot stock in the northwestern part separately
from the entire Black Sea population.
As turbot is one of the most important species in
the Black Sea commercial fishery, the assessment of
its stock and fishery management has traditionally
attracted particular attention at national and regional
levels. In 2008-2017, assessments of the Black Sea
turbot stock were conducted by the Working Group
of Experts of the Scientific Technical and Economic
Committee on Fisheries (EWG STECF) of the Euro-
pean Commission and in 2017–2018 by the Subre-
gional Group for Black Sea Stock Assessment
(SGSABS) under the auspice of the General Fisheries
Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). These
two groups consist mainly of experts from research
institutes and universities of Black Sea countries.
The authors of this article also participated in the
work of these research groups. The input data for the
whole stock assessment were formed by combining
production and biological data from various regions
of the Black Sea. According to these estimations, the
entire Black Sea turbot stock was overfished and se-
verely depleted for a long period. In 2014, fishing
mortality of turbot exceeded FMSY (reference point
for fishing mortality when the stock is exploited at
a Maximum Sustainable Yield level) by five times.
The spawning stock was reduced to an extremely low
level of 1,010 tons in the same year, which was much
lower than the minimum allowed level (Blim) of 3,535
tons (STECF 2015).
However, there were differences in the assess-
ments of the stock status by sea areas. An LCA as-
sessment of the western stock in Ukrainian waters in
1997-2013 found F/FMSY = 0.961.77 and desig-
nated the stock status as transitional from fully ex-
ploited to overexploited in that period (Shlyakhov
2014). SAM (Nielsen and Berg 2014) assessments of
the STECF and GFCM working groups for the entire
Black Sea stock were much more pessimistic for this
period (Table 1). Marine regions inhabited by turbot,
which are located on the shelf of the southern part of
the Black Sea, did not show positive signals at all.
Indicators of the entire stock state began to im-
prove slightly in 2016. According to the latest results,
a stable, positive tendency for the turbot stock was
noted throughout the Black Sea (GFCM 2019). The
total spawning stock in 2018 increased compared to
previous years. Its level remained quite low but was
almost 1.5 times higher than the reference point Bpa
= 2295 tons. However, the fishing mortality rate was
0.44 in 2018, which was three times more than FMSY
= 0.14. This stock assessment was also conducted
165 Bohdan Hulak et al.
Table 1
State of the turbot stock and commercial population
parameters in 2015-2017
Indexes 2015 2016 2017
F/FMSY 5.38 4.40 3.10
Bcur/Blim 0.29 0.44 0.57
Bcur/Bpa 0.20 0.33 0.41
Bcur – current spawning stock biomass,
Bpa – spawning stock biomass at the level where fishing does
not affect reproduction.
with SAM analysis. Illegal, unreported, and unregu-
lated (IUU) fishing was recorded in these studies.
Therefore, it should be assumed that the entire tur-
bot population was overfished in spite of the recent
positive tendency in its abundance.
Obviously, the issue of differences in turbot
abundance trends in various areas of the Black Sea is
of great importance and requires special studies.
Currently, we have the material that allows us to
identify distinctive features of the abundance dynam-
ics of this species in the most important area of its
habitat and fishing, which is the northwestern part of
the Black Sea.
Materials and methods
Fish samples were collected from gillnet and trawl
catches. Gillnets with mesh sizes of 180–200 mm
(knot to knot) are the traditional gears for this species
in commercial fishery. All trawl hauls were con-
ducted during special trawl surveys. The total num-
ber of fish examined during the period of 2002-2018
was 5,500 individuals. Each individual was
measured from the beginning of the snout to the end
of the rays of the caudal fin and weighed. Otoliths
were collected from 2,800 individuals for age read-
ing. The sexual maturity of fish was also evaluated.
During 2008-2018, a Romanian demersal fish
survey was conducted regularly for the turbot stock
and other demersal fish assessments using the holis-
tic trawl survey method (surface method) that can be
applied to restricted areas. Vessel speed and horizon-
tal opening of the trawl were taken in consideration
as survey parameters. The characteristics of the bot-
tom trawl were 2/27-34 m; the horizontal trawl
opening was 13 m; the vertical trawl opening was
2 m. Trawling was conducted in spring and fall. The
total number of trawlings done in one year was ap-
proximately 80 (40 in spring and 40 in fall). The dis-
tribution of the hauls is presented in figure 1.
Stations were positioned in order to cover the entire
Romanian Black Sea shelf habitats and depths. The
total time of each haul was 60 min and the trawling
speed was between 1.7-2.2 knots. Catches ranged
from 10 to 580 kg.
Individual average fish parameters (length,
weight, maturity) along with catch at age data were
used for population dynamics and fishing impact
The current state of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758), population in... 166
Figure 1. Distribution of trawling stations in the spring (a) and fall (b) seasons in the Romanian area.
modeling. The results of the trawl surveys and CPUE
data were used for model tuning. The share of IUU
fishing by countries was estimated and included in
the catches according to the STECF method (STECF
Stock Synthesis (SS3) was applied for the turbot
stock assessment in the northwestern part of the
Black Sea. This package provides a statistical frame-
work for calibrating population dynamics models us-
ing fishery and survey data (Methot and Wetzel
2013). In contrast to virtual population analysis, SS3
uses the forward projection of populations in the sta-
tistical catch-at-age (SCAA) approach and allows for
errors in catch at age matrices. Stock spawning bio-
mass (SSB), recruitment, and fishing mortality were
evaluated with the SS3 model, in which selectivity
was cast as age-specific only.
There is no concept of a single annual Fin SS3
since this rate varies by age, sex, season, and area.
Moreover, it is misleading if there are large differ-
ences in fleets or, even worse, if they operate in differ-
ent areas. In addition, an average Fdepends on the
calculation method chosen. Because of the inferiority
and uncertainty of the Fcriterion within the frame-
work of this model, it was also decided to use the pa-
rameter of the reproductive capacity of the
population provided by SS3. This parameter, the
Spawner Potential Rate (SPR), is a single measure of
the equilibrium effect of fishing. SPR is defined as the
proportion of the unfished reproductive potential left
in the population at any given level of fishing pres-
sure (Goodyear 1993). It can be used for setting the
target and limiting reference points in fisheries.
SPRMSY is the main reference point instead of FMSY.
So, SPR can be calculated as the ratio of the equilib-
rium reproductive yield per recruit that would occur
with the current year’s fishing effort and biological
parameters of fish to the equilibrium reproductive
yield per recruit that would occur with the same bio-
logical parameters without fishing activity. It ranges
between 0 and 1, with a value of 1 representing an
unexploited stock. Therefore, the status of a stock
can be classified into three different groups which are
under- (SPR > 0.4), moderately (0.2 < SPR < 0.4) and
over- (SPR < 0.2) exploited.
Natural mortality at age was fixed at independ-
ently obtained values. The Beverton-Holt relation-
ship was taken for recruitment assessment. The
high flexibility of SS3 allowed covering various data
from commercial and survey catches: landings,
abundance indices, catch-at-age, weight-at-age,
and maturity proportions. This model contains
subcomponents that simulate population dynamics
of stocks and fisheries, derive the expected values
for various observed data, and quantify the magni-
tude of differences between observed and expected
data. A feature such as a multi-fleet approach pro-
vides the spatial and fishing gear differences in this
assessment. The integrated abilities of SS3 for ob-
taining reference points and forecasting allowed
evaluating the current status and future prospects
of the turbot stock in the northwestern part of the
Black Sea. The quality of the assessment was vali-
dated through integrated model tools. The surplus
production model Combi 4 (Babayan et al. 2018)
was also applied in the assessment to compare it
with the results of SS3.
Results and discussion
Fishing statistics and catch composition
Very specific turbot population dynamics were ob-
served in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. At
first, there was an increase in turbot catches in this
region after 2000 (Fig. 2). This was because of im-
provements in recording catches, which were imple-
mented after Ukrainian enterprises began exporting
turbot. After 2012, this positive trend was replaced
by a drop in catches similar to the general recession
in the Black Sea, and the approach of fish to the
coastal zone of the northwestern part of the sea de-
clined significantly. However, the situation in this re-
gion, including the largest shelf zone in the Ukrainian
waters, started to change since 2016. Catches stabi-
lized significantly at their highest levels in the north-
western part of the Black Sea for the last three
decades (Hulak et al. 2019). Simultaneously, there
167 Bohdan Hulak et al.
was a pronounced tendency for an increase in turbot
abundance in 2015-2018. This increase indicated
directly the ongoing fast recovery of the western stock
since the changes were not because of the intensifica-
tion of fishing activities but to increases in catch per
unit effort (CPUE). CPUE was 12 kg/net in 2015, 45
kg/net in 2016, 51.8 kg/net in 2017, and 45.3 kg/net
in 2018 in Ukrainian marine zone. This positive
trend after 2015 was also confirmed by data from
trawl surveys conducted by Romanian scientists
(Maximov et al. 2017, 2018). Landing increases
mainly occurred at the expense of fishing in Ukraine
including the Crimea area. In Romania, landings also
increased, but they were not as significant because of
EU restrictions.
The assessment of turbot stock in the northwest-
ern part of the Black Sea using the CC3 model was
based on Ukrainian, Romanian, and Russian landing
data (Fig. 2) and tuning indices since 2002. Prior to
2002, Turkish vessels were known to fish illegally in
the territorial waters of Ukraine, Romania, and Bul-
garia. Their catches were landed in Turkey and re-
ported in Turkish landing statistics. By 2001,
authorities in Ukraine, Romania, and Bulgaria had
intensified efforts to stop illegal Turkish fishers.
These actions even resulted in a sudden drop in
Turkish landings in 2002 (Fig. 3). Fisheries data col-
lection in the northern part of the sea started to im-
prove from 2002.
Biological analyses have shown that, since 2016,
the number of individuals has increased in catches
The current state of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758), population in... 168
Figure 2. Official landings of turbot in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.
Figure 3. Long-term dynamics of turbot landings in the Black Sea (entire basin), tons (GFCM, 2019).
mainly because of older age groups. There was an in-
crease in age groups 6+ and older (Fig. 4). In addi-
tion, the same trend was observed for the length
groups of turbot. An increase in the number of indi-
viduals was noted starting from 55 cm. The average
weights at age and corresponding length groups also
increased. Obviously, this is a positive trend indicat-
ing that, recently, the turbot stock might have been
exploited sustainably in the northwestern part of the
Black Sea.
Stock assessment results
The vectors of natural mortality and the proportion of
mature individuals were taken from the EWG GFCM
for the entire Black Sea turbot stock assessment
(GFCM 2019) (Table 2). The assessment results were
interpreted as providing information on stock devel-
opment up to January 1, 2019, i.e., not for 2019. The
SSB in the northwestern part of the sea showed
a generally increasing trend after a drop in 2002 with
a peak of 6.4*103tons in 2019 and the virgin SSB
was estimated at 29.3*103tons (Fig. 5, left panel).
169 Bohdan Hulak et al.
Table 2
Natural mortality and mature proportion vectors
Age groups
0+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+
Natural mortality 0.47 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.16
Maturity 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.43 0.69 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Figure 4. Age frequency distribution of turbot in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.
Figure 5. Spawning Stock Biomass, SSB (tons) forecast with 95% asymptotic intervals (left panel) and age-0 recruitment forecast with
95% asymptotic intervals (right panel).
However, SSB will go down after 2019 according to
this forecast. Here, and throughout the forecast, this
was done with the assumption that F=F2016-2018 =
0.366. Recruitment was estimated as the number of
age-0 fish related to the spawning biomass in accor-
dance with Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment rela-
tionship. It reached a maximum of 5.6*106ind. in
2015 and decreased to 0.4*106ind. in 2017 (Fig. 5,
right panel). The SS3 estimated a significant drop in
recruitment in 2016–2018. However, the situation
was forecast to improve from 2019.
Fishing mortality Fwas calculated considering
ages 4 to 8 (Fig. 6, left panel). Fishing mortality
showed a fluctuating trend with local peaks observed
in 2008, 2013, and 2016 with the minimum value of
0.293 in 2018. According to SS3 estimations for the
turbot stock in the northwestern Black Sea, SPRMSY
= 0.25. The SPR index showed a drop to 0.17 in
2016 and reached a maximum of 0.27 in 2018. In
the other years of the observed period, this value was
close to the SPRMSY level (Fig. 6, right panel). Thus,
recently, the turbot stock was mostly moderately ex-
According to SPRMSY, the target turbot catch in
the northwestern part of the Black Sea is 836 tons
with an upper limit of 935 tons as the MSY value. Al-
though the actual total landings of turbot (Fig. 2)
were below these recommended values in recent
years, the commercial exploitation of this stock
should not be increased because of IUU catches.
These IUU catches of Black Sea turbot were
comparable with official ones in recent years and
were previously substantially higher (GFCM 2019).
In addition, it should take into account that the total
turbot stock is overexploited throughout the Black
Sea. So, fishing at a level below FMSY would facilitate
the recovery of the Black Sea turbot population.
Quality of the assessment
A retrospective analysis of the results showed that
the applied model is quite stable even though IUU
catches were estimated. The values of Mohn’s
rho-index (the average relative bias of retrospective
estimates) (Mohn 1999) were -0.060 for SSB and
0.083 for Fover the last three years. The age fre-
quency distributions (AFDs) aggregated across time
were reconstructed quite well by the model for both
fishing fleets and surveys. The double normal distri-
bution with defined initial and final levels (type
selex24 in SS3) was applied to fit all AFDs. The
Pearson residuals for the fishing fleets and surveys
were quite low (mostly between -2 and 2) and were
without patterns (Fig. 7 and 8); although, it is often
difficult to pinpoint the cause of residuals that have
substantial patterns. Usually, the two potential rea-
sons for these residuals are unrealistic starting val-
ues and poor model specification. We managed to
avoid these problems in this study. However, the fit-
ting presented some inconsistency for surveys pro-
vided by Romania, where some drops could not be
described well by the model (Fig. 8). The fitting also
The current state of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758), population in... 170
Figure 6. Total fishing mortality Fwith 95% asymptotic intervals (left panel) and Spawner Potential Rate with 95% confidence intervals
(right panel).
171 Bohdan Hulak et al.
Figure 7. Pearson’s residuals for commercial fishery data.
Figure 8. Pearson’s residuals for trawl surveys.
presented some inconsistency for the observed and
expected CPUE indices. Most peaks and drops on the
chart were poorly described by the model (Fig. 9).
The biomass estimation obtained by the surplus pro-
duction model Combi 4 was consistent with SS3 re-
sults (Fig. 10). This model also indicated that turbot
biomass has been increasing in the northwestern part
of the sea since 2016.
Factors determining stock dynamics
To understand the current situation of the turbot
stock, we refer to the long-term landing dynamics of
this species. In the 1980s, catches of all Black Sea
countries dropped significantly for the first time. Ac-
cording to statistics, this was preceded by a sharp
increase in turbot landings. Almost all of these
catches were generated by the Turkish fleet (Fig. 3).
Turkish landing reached a maximum of 5216 tons in
1983. Moreover, small Turkish vessels equipped
with multi-kilometer nets began to deploy their gears
on the wide northern shelf of the Black Sea, where
this fish was much more abundant than in Turkish
waters (Acara 1985). Even the introduction of eco-
nomic zones in the Black Sea did not immediately
stop the Turkish fleet, which frequently fished the
economic zones and even the territorial waters of
neighboring counties (Öztürk 2013). This could not
but have affected the turbot population. Considering
the critical state of the fish stock, the USSR intro-
duced a 10-year ban on turbot fishing in 1981. How-
ever, the main fishery country of the Black Sea,
The current state of the turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (Linnaeus, 1758), population in... 172
Figure 9. Fitting for Ukrainian CPUE series – Crimea (left panel) and mainland (right panel).
Figure 10. Pearson’s correlation test for Spawning Stock Biomass, SSB, estimated with Stock Synthesis, SS3, and Combi.
Turkey, did not support these restrictions. Cases of
poaching continued in Ukrainian waters. Catches be-
gan to fall again. For this reason, EU countries and
Ukraine strengthened the protection of their waters
from penetration by Turkish poachers. Since 2002,
after strengthening control of Ukrainian, Romanian,
and Bulgarian waters, Turkish fishermen were
forced to harvest turbot only in their country’s zone,
and this is when the downward trend in turbot
catches in Turkey started (Fig. 3).
Whereas previously Turkish landing data in-
cluded catches in waters of other countries, the previ-
ous low values of landings in Ukraine and Russia
were largely because of the discrepancy between real
catches and official statistics. The share of IUU
catches in northern part of the Black Sea exceeded
official data by more than five times for a long time.
Only since 2000 has there been an increase in Ukrai-
nian landings associated with an improvement in
catch recording along with the development of the
fish export business. Currently, the number of unreg-
istered catches in the northwestern part of the Black
Sea has diminished, and official data reflect the state
of the population much better.
Obviously, the poor state of the turbot population
in the southern part of the Black Sea is because of its
over-exploitation in the absence of any catch regula-
tions in Turkish waters. The legislation of this coun-
try does not provide for the any catch limit or quota
allocation among fishers. The bottom trawls used for
fishing in countries located in the southern part of the
Black Sea also affect the turbot stock negatively. The
greatest impact on the turbot population is exerted
by the active beam trawl fishing of rapa whelk. Ex-
periments with these fishing gears in Ukraine
showed that the by-catch of turbot juveniles was al-
ways large and could lead to decreases in the fish
population (Hulak et al. 2019). It is known that this
method of fishing has been used in Turkey and Bul-
garia for over twenty years, and the number of vessels
deploying this gear exceeds 500 units. Beam trawls
have never been deployed in northern part of the
Black Sea, and the use of bait hooks and nets with
mesh sizes of 70-170 mm is prohibited in Ukraine to
reduce the by-catch of juvenile fish.
It is obvious that differences in the states of tur-
bot stocks across these marine areas is explained by
the fact that the most intensive methods are used and
fishing regulations are insufficient in the southern
part of the sea on the small shelf zone off the coast of
Turkey. At the same time, on the much larger north-
ern shelf of the Black Sea, where restrictions on the
use of bottom fishing gears are in force, turbot has
had the ability to restore its abundance quickly. The
current differences observed in the dynamics of catch
trends in Turkey and other countries also lead to this
conclusion. In Turkey, catches have continued to de-
cline amid recent increases in total catches in the
Black Sea (Fig. 3).
Black Sea turbot was subjected to high overfishing,
resulting in the collapse of this fishery in the 1980s.
The most serious and excessive fishing pressure, in
terms of volume, has been observed for many years in
the southern part of the sea. Fisheries regulations
were insufficient to preserve the turbot stock and
protect juveniles in this region. This negatively af-
fected the general state of the turbot stock in the
Black Sea. At the same time, a notable increase in
turbot abundance has been observed in the north-
western part of the Black Sea over the past several
years. This separate population, or subpopulation, is
characterized by a different abundance dynamic,
which was formed in this marine area because of the
low migration activity of these fish and certain geo-
graphical conditions such as the presence of
a deep-water zone with a significant volume of water
saturated with hydrogen sulfide in the central part of
the sea.
As mathematical modeling in the SS3 framework
showed, turbot is currently mostly moderately ex-
ploited at a level close to the SPR management target
in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. In spite of
the highest landings for the past 30 years, recently
CPUEs have been at a stable, high level in the north-
western marine area. Moreover, fishing mortality
173 Bohdan Hulak et al.
decreased in 2017 and 2018 and reached its mini-
mum level. The spawning biomass has been increas-
ing since 2016. Average turbot weight and length
have also been increasing since 2016. Thus, the sta-
tus of the turbot population is improving here, and
this is positively affecting stock estimates throughout
the Black Sea.
The improved state of the turbot population, or
subpopulation, in the northwestern part of the Black
Sea is ensured by the presence of the largest shallow
water shelf where turbot can breed and feed on vari-
ous small fishes and invertebrates. Measures aimed
at protecting juveniles from by-catch are also better
implemented here. This supports the large difference
between the abundance of this fish in the northern
and southern parts of the Black Sea.
However, in general, the entire Black Sea turbot
stock has not yet fully recovered. Therefore, fishing
mortality should not be increased; all by-catches of
small size specimens with beam trawls and IUU
catches must be minimized to maintain the viability
of this species in the Black Sea.
Acara, A. (1985). The Black Sea Turbot. State Planning Orga-
nization, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish).
Babayan, V. K., Bobyrev, A. E., Bulgakova, T. I., Vasil'ev, D.
A., Il'in, O. I. (2018). Methodological recommendations
on stock assessment of high-priority species of aquatic
biological resources. VNIRO Publ., Moscow, (in Rus-
Dubinets G.A., Serobaba I.I. et al. (1988). Fishery description
of the Black Sea. Reference manual - AzcherNIRO, Main
Directorate of Navigation and Cartography of the Minis-
try of Defense for the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR,
Moscow, 140 p. (in Russian).
Efimov Y. N., Revina, I. N., Shlyakhov, V. A., Vinarik, T. V.
(1989). The state of the Black Sea Turbot Stock. In: Bio-
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175 Bohdan Hulak et al.
... However, data on genetic diversity of local Black Sea turbot populations are still very scarce. The geographical features of the broadest shelf zone in the north-western part of the Black Sea and the limited migration activity of turbot contribute to the greatest isolation of the entire fish population (Hulak et al. 2021). Accordingly, turbot population of the north-western part could be considered as a separate stock unit isolated at the largest shelf area (Shlyakhov 2014). ...
... Turbot inhabiting the northern part of the Black Sea showed significant genetic differences in comparison to fishes inhabiting the south-eastern and southwestern parts of the Black Sea shelf (Firidin et al. 2020). Therefore, assessing the turbot stock in the north-western part separately from the entire Black Sea population is well justified (Hulak et al. 2021). ...
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Morphometric and meristic characters of fish are important for species differentiation, overall stock status assessment, in the analysis of the population structure and genetic variations within and between populations and as an indicator for utilization of environmental resources or habitat diversity. Comparative analysis of morphometric and meristic characters of Scophthalmus maximus L. sampled in the regions of Shabla, Shkorpilovtsi, Nesebar and Tsarevo along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast was carried out. Selected growth models as length-weight relationship (LWR) and relationships and ratios as standard length (SL)-total length (TL), head length (HL)-body depth/height (BD/BH), BD/BH-SL were studied, aiming at identification of specific or significant differences in the sampled specimens and indirect differentiation of specific environment constraints in species habitat. The studied turbot populations demonstrated considerable intra-species morphometric variations, which are further to be justified by thorough analysis of genetic diversity at a local and regional level. Environmental differences between sites in the sampling period have not been recorded and the species habitat appeared to be homogenous in terms of abiotic environment.
... Цели и задачи работы. Целью данной работы является разработка подхода к рациональной эксплуатации черноморского шпрота в северной и северо-восточной частях Чёрного моря (крымско-кавказская единица запаса) на основе результатов 5 анализа многолетних данных по динамике запаса, промысла и биологическим характеристикам этого вида с учётом влияния факторов окружающей среды. ...
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Европейский (черноморский) шпрот (Sprattus sprattus phalericus (Risso, 1827)) –наиболее массовый представитель пелагического сообщества рыб Чёрногоморя. Исследование биологических особенностей и способов промышленного рыболовстваэтого вида началось в 1950-х гг. по мере сокращения доступности для промысла болееценных видов рыб (Асланова, 1954; Домашенко, Юрьев, 1978). Черноморский шпрот является короткоцикловым, холодолюбивым, зимненерестующим видом. Предельная продолжительность жизненногоцикласоставляет 6 лет, в промысловых уловах особи старше 4 лет встречаются единично. Половой зрелости черноморский шпрот достигает уже на первом году жизни в возрасте9–12 месяцев. Впервые специализированный промысел шпрота в Чёрноммореразноглубинными тралами был реализован у побережья Болгарии в 1971 г., через 5летк массовому промыслу присоединился СССР. Уже к концу 1990-х гг. ежегодные уловышпрота всеми причерноморскими странами стали достигать рекордных 100 тыс. т. Сначала 2000-х гг. специализированный промысел шпрота близнецовыми траламиикошельковыми неводами начала Турция, уловы которой в некоторые годыдостигали50–80 тыс. т. Черноморский шпрот стал важным объектом продовольственнойбезопасности СССР и по настоящий момент является таковым для современнойРоссии. Для обеспечения рациональной эксплуатации запасов черноморского шпротавовремена СССР выполнялась оценка запаса его популяции, распределявшейся от Батумидо границы Болгарии с Турцией. В период 1970–1990 гг. регулярно проводилисьмассовые исследования биологических параметров популяции, условий питанияиразмножения. При оценке запасов вплоть до начала 1990-х гг. применялось когортноемоделирование (VPA). Учётные траловые съёмки и специализированныеихтиопланктонные и гидроакустические учётные съёмки по всей акваторииЧёрногоморя, исключая воды Турции, выполнялись до начала 2000-х гг. (Шляхов, Чащин, 2004). После распада СССР качество и количество собираемого материала существенноснизилось. Более того, значительное сокращение черноморских акваторий, на которыхрегулирование рыболовства осуществляла Россия, привело к невозможностивыполнения оценки общечерноморского запаса (запас всей черноморской популяции)шпрота.В первой половине 1990-х годов международной группой экспертовподруководством К. Проданова была предпринята первая попытка оценкиобщечерноморских запасов основных промысловых рыб, включая шпрота, иобоснования мер регулирования рыболовства для всего Чёрного моря. Материалыиподробные результаты были опубликованы Продовольственнойи 4 сельскохозяйственной организацией Объединенных наций (ФАО) (Prodanov et al., 1997). С 2009 г. оценку запаса черноморского шпрота и обоснование мер регулированиярыболовства для всей его популяции, но без установления и распределениянациональных квот вылова, стали производить рабочие группы экспертовприразличных международных организациях: до 2017 г. при Научном, техническомиэкономическом Комитете по рыболовству Европейской комиссии (STECF), впоследующие годы – при Генеральной Комиссии по Рыболовству в Средиземномморе(GFCM). Последние результаты оценки состояния общечерноморского запаса шпротаопубликованы в 2017 г. (Cardinale et al., 2017). За всю историю функционированиямеждународных рабочих групп Россия не выполняла фактическуюреализациюрекомендаций международных рабочих групп на внутригосударственномуровнеприрегулировании промысла – в условиях отсутствия всеобъемлющего международногосоглашения о рыболовстве в Чёрном море и как страна, не имеющая членства в GFCM. В период 1993–2017 гг. регулирование промысла шпрота на КрымскомиКавказском шельфе выполнялось раздельно, без учёта результатов работымеждународных рабочих групп по причине отсутствия соглашений о международномрегулировании промысла. Оценка запасов шпрота, обитающего на крымскомикавказском шельфе (региональная крымско-кавказская единица запаса), ирегулирование промысла осуществлялось на основе региональных оценок запасатрендовыми и когортными моделями по длине (крымский шельф), и по результатампрямого учёта (кавказский шельф). Применение данных подходов не позволялополучить высокую прогностическую надёжность при оценке запасов и регулированиипромысла. Данное исследование выполнено для совершенствования мер научногорегулирования промысла крымско-кавказской единицы запаса черноморскогошпрота(обособленная часть общечерноморского запаса, обитающая в пределахтерриториальных вод крымско-кавказского шельфа) в условиях отсутствия актуальныхрезультатов оценки состояния запаса и промысла общечерноморского запаса. Дополнительно к изучению крымско-кавказской единицы запаса выполнена работапоанализу имеющейся информации о единой черноморской популяции шпрота. Вработепредставлен анализ многолетних материалов, обобщённых автором, и результатыоценки состояния запасов и промысла региональной крымско-кавказской единицызапаса черноморского шпрота.
... Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, is an economically important flatfish species distributed in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the Baltic Sea, and the northeast Atlantic Ocean (Aydin et al., 2022). Overfishing is threatening the wild turbot populations (Hulak et al., 2021;Massa et al., 2021). Between 1994 and 2019, global capture production decreased from 11,548 t to 5792 t (FAO, 2021), contrarily the market demand continues to grow. ...
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of triplodization on growth, gonadal development, proximate and fatty acid composition of muscle tissue of the Black Sea turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, from 21 to 48 months of age. Diploid and triploid turbot, originated from a single family, were reared under identical culturing conditions. Growth and gonadosomatic index (GSI) were evaluated quarterly, whereas carcass yield, hepatosomatic index, viscerosomatic index, proximate composition, and fatty acid content of muscle tissue were evaluated at 21, 36, and 48 months of age. The weight gain by time and the final length and weight of diploid and triploid fish at the end of the growth experiment were similar. Specific growth rates fluctuated according to the reproductive cycle and showed a decreasing trend with age. A positive correlation between time and GSI was determined in diploid males and females. In terms of carcass yield, there was no significant difference between ploidy groups at the same age. The best carcass yield was recorded at 36 months of age. A significant difference in hepatosomatic and viscerosomatic indexes among the age groups was determined. The moisture, ash, protein, and lipid content of diploid and triploids at the same age were found to be similar except for the protein and moisture content at 48 months of age. A degree of variability in terms of fatty acid composition with age and ploidy status was detected, yet crude lipid content of ploidy groups remained similar at the same age but showed a decreasing trend with increasing age. Triploid turbot contained more PUFA n-3 in all ages, whereas muscle tissue of diploid turbot contains more PUFA n-6. At the end of the experiment, at 48 months of age, MUFA content of diploid turbot was significantly higher than that of triploid turbot, whereas PUFA n-3 content of triploid turbot was significantly higher than that of diploid turbot. SFA and PUFA n-6 contents were comparable among ploidy groups. In conclusion, it could be stated that triploidy induction does not improve growth, carcass yield, and crude lipid content in the Black Sea originated turbot cultured under natural environmental conditions.
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Purpose. The development of marine aquaculture in the Black Sea is relevant and promising for many reasons, as stated in the decisions and documents of national organizations in the region and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM). Turbot is one of the most valuable fish marketed in seaside countries of the Black Sea as well as in the European Union. Various aspects of the biology of turbot have been investigated yet.Butunfortunately, surveillance procedures for listed diseasesandanalysis of the possibility its prevention and spread have not been provided. Therefore, in this study, in order to evaluate the data on viral diseases of turbot in Ukraine, in 2020 a field survey in free-living Black Sea turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus) in the northern parts of Black Sea and Sea of Azov was carried out. Methodology. Before sampling all fish were observed for the external lesions, measured from snout to tail length and of total length and weight. Sampling included pooled internal organs, gills and brain. Cell culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods were used to identify viral diseases. Findings. An external fish examination did not reveal any sign of disease. The internal organs, as well as the gills, were in good condition and had appropriate color, shape and without any pathological changes. All tested samples were free of IPNV, VHSV and VNN viruses as was determined by the methods of cell culture and PCR. The cytopathic effect (CPE) on cells was not observed after the first and the second blind passages. Using the RT-PCR method, we did not identify any of the viruses we were looking for. Originality. This was the first attempt to screen turbot viral diseases in the Ukrainian waters of the Black and Azov Seas. Practical value. In future the permanent surveillance of viral diseases in turbotin accordance with the EU strategy on animal health allows to prevent the outbreaks and develop new approaches for the diagnostic tests in purpose to study the ecology of pathogens in different areas.
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Turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, is a commercially important demersal flatfish species distributed throughout the Black Sea. Several studies performed locally with a limited number of specimens using both mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and microsatellite markers evidenced notable genetic variation among populations. However, comprehensive population genetic studies are required to help management of the species in the Black Sea. In the present study eight microsatellite loci were used to resolve the population structure of 414 turbot samples collected from 12 sites across the Black Sea. Moreover, two mtDNA genes, COI and Cyt‐b, were used for taxonomic identification. Microsatellite markers of Smax‐04 and B12‐I GT14 were excluded from analysis due to scoring issues. Data analysis was performed with the remaining six loci. Loci were highly polymorphic (average of 17.8 alleles per locus), indicating high genetic variability. Locus 3/20CA17, with high null allele frequency (>30%), significantly deviated from HW equilibrium. Pairwise comparison of the FST index showed significant differences between most of the surveyed sampling sites (P < 0.01). Cluster analysis evidenced the presence of three genetic groups among sampling sites. Significant genetic differentiation between Northern (Sea of Azov and Crimea) and Southern (Turkish Black Sea Coast) Black Sea sampling sites were detected. The Mantel test supported an isolation by distance model of population structure. These findings are vital for long‐term sustainable management of the species and development of conservation programs. Moreover, generated mtDNA sequences would be useful for the establishment of a database for S. maximus.
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The state of turbot stocks was determi,ned by trawl surveys, population analyses and catch and landing statistics from 1990 to 2000. The results indicate that the stocks have been seriously overexploited through overfishing. Analyses of the data have shown that recovery of the overexploited stocks and establishing sustainable fishereis need some urgent provisions primarily through basic requirements of the fisheries management issues. Comments on urgent actions towards rehabilitation of the Black Sea turbot stocks are presented.
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Time-varying selectivity is one of the main challenges in single species age-based assessment models. In classical deterministic VPA-type models the fishing mortality rates are unfiltered representations of the observed catches. As a consequence the selectivity becomes time-varying, but this representation is too fluctuating, because it includes the observation noise. In parametric statistical catch at age models a common assumption is that the selectivity is constant in all years, although time-varying selectivity can be introduced by splitting the data period in blocks with different selectivities, or by using smoothing splines and penalized time-deviances. However, these methods require subjective choices w.r.t. the degree of time-varying allowed. A simple state-space assessment model is presented as an alternative, which among other benefits offers an objective way of estimating time-varying selectivity pattern. The fishing mortality rates are considered (possibly correlated) stochastic processes, and the corresponding process variances are estimated within the model. The model is applied to North Sea cod and it is verified from simulations that time-varying selectivity can be estimated.
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Spawning stock biomass per recruit (SSBR) estimates the expected lifetime reproductive potential of an average recruit (P), which is an important correlate of population growth potential. The ratio of the fished to unfished magnitude of P is the spawning potential ratio (SPA) and is a measure of the impact of fishing on the potential productivity of a stock. Current use of SPA merges concepts developed to quantify the compensation required for population persistence given anthropogenic increases in mortality with observations of stock productivity and SSBR for fisheries in the western North Atlantic. It has a firm theoretical basis and is evaluated against yield per recruit and contrasted with other traditional biological reference points. SPA is widely used in U.S. fisheries managed under the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, usually in the context of a percentage of the unfished SSBR. Its implementation is intended to be risk-aversive through selection of minimum acceptable levels above which stocks maintain acceptable productivity. The behavior of the underlying principles suggests SPA values below about 0.2 should be avoided unless there is evidence for exceptionally strong density-dependence in the stock. Critical levels have typically been set in the range of 0.2 to 0.3 primarily based upon the experience in the northwest Atlantic.
a b s t r a c t Stock synthesis (SS) is a statistical age-structured population modeling framework that has been applied in a wide variety of fish assessments globally. The framework is highly scalable from data-weak sit-uations where it operates as an age-structured production model, to complex situations where it can flexibly incorporate multiple data sources and account for biological and environmental processes. SS implements compensatory population dynamics through use of a function relating mean recruitment to spawner reproductive output. This function enhances the ability of SS to operate in data-weak situa-tions and enables it to estimate fishery management quantities such as fishing rates that would provide for maximum sustainable yield and to employ these rates in forecasts of potential yield and future stock status. Complex model configurations such as multiple areas and multiple growth morphs are possible, tag-recapture data can be used to aid estimation of movement rates among areas, and most parameters can change over time in response to environmental and ecosystem factors. SS is coded using Auto-Differentiation Model Builder, so inherits its powerful capability to efficiently estimate hundreds of parameters using either maximum likelihood or Bayesian inference. Output processing, principally through a package developed in R, enables rapid model diagnosis. Details of the underlying population dynamics and the statistical framework used within SS are provided. Published by Elsevier B.V.
The retrospective problem is a systematic inconsistency among a series of estimates of population size, or related assessment variables, based on increasing periods of data. In some stocks, this problem is of such magnitude that sequential population analyses (SPA) are deemed inapplicable. The eastern Scotian Shelf (ESS) cod fishery, which displays the retrospective problem, and simulated data are analysed to provide insight into the causes and potential solutions to this problem. The retrospective problem is shown to be a result of the traditional analysis techniques and a non-stationarity in the data used in the population analysis. A moving window analysis is developed which allows the non-stationarities to be identified and in some cases rectified. Recommendations are also made for ad hoc investigations of the data. The analysis suggests that failure to correct the retrospective problem for a stock with data like ESS cod could lead to catch-level advice that would be twice or more the intended level.
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Methodological recommendations on stock assessment of high-priority species of aquatic biological resources
  • V K Babayan
  • A E Bobyrev
  • T I Bulgakova
  • D A Vasil'ev
Babayan, V. K., Bobyrev, A. E., Bulgakova, T. I., Vasil'ev, D. A., Il'in, O. I. (2018). Methodological recommendations on stock assessment of high-priority species of aquatic biological resources. VNIRO Publ., Moscow, (in Russian).