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Effect of Pilates Exercises on Fundamental Skills Performance of Archers



Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Pilates exercises on fundamental skills performance of archers. Method: A total of twenty female archers (age 16-20 year) were selected from Youth Affairs and Sports, Khuman Lampak Sport Complex, Imphal, Manipur (India) who participated national level competition. The subjects were randomly assigned into two equal groups, experimental group (n=10) and control group (n=10). The groups were measure before the intervention with the AAHPER Archery Skill Test to find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected variables as 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting. After the initial test, the subjects of experimental group participated in a supervised Pilates exercise training program, where no special exercise was administered to the control group. The Pilates exercises were carried out for the period of six weeks, five days training (Monday to Friday) and 60 minutes each session. Results: The experimental group showed improved scores in the 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting compared to the control group (p<0.05). The mean and standard deviation of the 10 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of experimental group were 68.20 ± 10.08 and 94.20 ± 8.76 respectively. The values of the 20 yards shooting were 55.90 ± 13.43 and 80.10 ± 9.91 respectively. The significant improvement on fundamental skills performance of archers of the experimental group might be due to the nature of exercises for six weeks and a quick physical adaptation of the archers, which required for the development of selected exercises program. Conclusion: It was considered that six weeks Pilates exercises training program may be effective in stabilizing the posture and improving the shooting performance of archers. Moreover, it might be quite appropriate to improvement of fundamental skills performance of archers at all. Key Words: Pilates exercise, archer, fundamental skill, performance, physical adaptation
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 1
Vol.10,Issue-4, November 2021
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 312
39. Effect of Pilates Exercises on Fundamental Skills Performance of Archers
Laishram Santosh Singh , Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and
Sports Science, Manipur University, Canchipur,
R.K Satyapriya Devi , Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education and Sports
Science, Manipur University, Canchipur, India
Sarungbam Sen Singh , Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education and Sports
Science, Manipur University, Canchipur, India
Martin Hofmeister , PhD,Department Food and Nutrition, Consumer Centre of the
German Federal State of Bavaria, Munich, Germany
Bojan Bjelica, PhD, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, University of East Sarajevo,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Objective:The purpose of the present study was toinvestigate the effect of Pilates exercises on fundamental
skills performance of archers.Method: A total of twenty female archers (age 16 20 year) were selected from
Youth Affairs and Sports, Khuman Lampak Sport Complex, Imphal, Manipur (India) who participated
national level competition. The subjectswererandomly assigned into two equal groups, experimental group
(n=10) and control group (n=10). The groups were measure before the intervention with the AAHPER
Archery Skill Test to find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected variables as 10 yards
shooting and 20 yards shooting. After the initial test, the subjects of experimental group participated in a
supervised Pilatesexercise training program, where no special exercise was administered to the control
group. The Pilates exercises werecarried out for the period of six weeks, five days training (Monday to
Friday) and 60 minutes each session. Results:The experimental group showed improved scores in the 10
yards shooting and 20 yards shooting compared to the control group (p<0.05). The mean and standard
deviation of the 10 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of experimental group were 68.20 ± 10.08 and
94.20 ± 8.76 respectively. The values of the 20 yards shooting were 55.90 ± 13.43 and 80.10 ± 9.91
respectively. The significant improvement on fundamental skills performance of archers of the experimental
group might be due to the nature of exercises for six weeks and a quick physical adaptation of the archers,
which required for the development of selected exercises program. Conclusion:It was considered that six
weeks Pilates exercises training programmay be effective in stabilizing the posture and improving the
shooting performance of archers. Moreover, it might be quite appropriate to improvement of fundamental
skills performance of archers at all.
Keywords: Pilates exercise, archer, fundamental skill, performance, physical adaptation
Archery,anindividualsport,necessitatesarcherstoobserveminutemovements throughsmallmuscularmovements in a
standing position (Uppal et al. 1986). [1] Target archery was the most popular form of archery, in which
members shoot at stationary circular targets at varying distances. All types of bow, longbow, bare bow,
recurve and compound can be used. In modern times, archery has already made its way to the Olympic
Games as well. Archery as a sporting event came much later. In the sport, the archers used the bow to shoot
arrows and it targets. It was mainly used in hunting and combat in the ancient times. Archery might be a low
impact sport but it was one that involves skill, coordination, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility,
as well as power, which was what releases the arrow from the bow.Archery also requires to develop balance,
hand-eye coordination, concentration, and self-control specially for shooting performance (Acikada et al.
2004). [2]
The related study found that Archery consists of thefollowing movements seamlessly connected together:
stance, set, set-up,drawing,anchoring,aiming,release,andfollow through(Lee et al.2007). [3]
Pilates exercise is a series of non-impact exercises designed to stretch, strengthen, and balance of the body. It
was a complete approach for developing body alignment, awareness and improved posture. This techniques
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 313
involves more than five hundred controlled movements performed either on a padded floor mat or with
special equipment. A Pilates exercise training program is a health course therapy conditioning both the
physical and mental mechanism or an individual. It was a method of exercise that consists of low-impact
flexibility and muscular strength and endurance movements. It was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early
20th century. A Pilates routine generally includes exercises that promote core strength and endurance,
including exercises that stress proper posture and movement patterns and balanced flexibility and strength. It
was an exercise method which increases strength and endurance of core muscles and improves flexibility,
dynamic postural control and balance (Joyce et al. 2017, Das et al. 2018, Bueno de Souza et al. 2018). [4-
6]Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the effect of Pilates exercises on fundamental skills
performance of archers.
Selection of Subjects
For this study, twenty female archers were selected from Youth Affairs and Sports, Khuman Lampak Sport
Complex, Imphal, Manipur (India) who participated national level competition. The age of subjects ranged
between 16-20 years. To determine the sample demographic of experimental group (n=10) and control group
(n=10), the researcher extracted skewness coefficient for age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and
experience, after extracting mean, standard deviation, median and skewness for each items. The results
showed sample demographic because it was between ±5 as shown in table 1.
Table 1: Sample properties, statistics features and demographic values
Skewness coefficient
EG (n=10)
CG (n=10)
CG (n=10)
Age (years)
Weight (kg)
BMI (kg/m2)
Experience (years)
Values of the experimental group (EG) and control group (CG) are presented as mean (M), standard deviation
(SD), median, body mass index (BMI) and skewness coefficient.
The graphical representation of sample demographic values of experimental group and control group was
shown at figure 1.
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 314
Figure 1: Sample demographic values of experimental group and control group
Criterion Measures
AAHPER Archery Skill Test was used to find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected
variables as 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting(Kansal 1996). [7] The criterion measures chosen for
testing the hypothesis in this study have been numerical scores, which was obtained from the test.The 10
yards shooting and 20 yards shooting was recorded in points. The arrow hits in the innermost circle (golden),
get nine points followed by 7, 5, 3, and 1 point respective circles outside the central circle. The sum of points
of 12 arrows was the scored for performance at each distance.
Design of Study
The subjects were randomly assigned into two equal groups, experimental group (n=10) and control group
(n=10).The groups were measure before the intervention with the AAHPER Archery Skill Test was used to
find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected variables as 10 yards shooting and 20
yards shooting. After the initial test, the subjects of experimental group participated in a supervised
Pilatesexercise training program, where no special exercise was administered to the control group. The Pilates
exercises training program were carried out for the period of six weeks, five days training (Monday to Friday)
and 60 minutes each session. And this research proceed from 25th October to 25th December 2020.
Training Program
The objects from this study have been training followed by the Pilates exercise training program. These
training program by following the recommended exercise allowance which was suggested in Thompson et al.
(2013)[8],we have processed total 60 minutes work out with warm-up exercise for 10 min, main exercise for 40
min, warm-down exercise for 10 min. The exercise was applied for 6 weeks with 5 times a week. With
increasing the scale and number of exercise movements which increases the intensity of exercise (Singh
2018), [9]we have composed the routine that it does not get out of the previously set maximum exercise
intensity.And also when practicing each move, we have focused on safety more than accuracy so we
suggested a bit changed movement in parts which was tough to follow. The specific contents are composed as
table 2.
Table 2: Six weeks Pilates exercises training program for exercise group
Set of Stage
Pilates exercise
Training Periods (min/motion)
1-2 Week
3-4 Week
5-6 Week
Slow jogging and free hand
Borg’s scale 8-
Body parts rotation and breathing
Flexibility and stretching exercises
Borg’sscale 10-
Training Work
Single leg stretch
Single arm dumbbell row
Dumbbell side raise
Forearm plank
Single hand holding
Bench dips
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 315
Bow draw
Double leg stretch
Shoulder bridge
Cool -Down
Cat with arm and leg extension
Borg’s scale 8-
Breathing and light stretching
Rest position
Statistical Analysis
The collected data were entered into an excel sheet and statistical analyses were conducted using the IBM
SPSS software (version 22.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Normality of statistical distribution was tested
by using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and ANCOVA was applied to examine differences among groups.
The level of significance used in the statistical analyses was 0.05.
Ethical Approval
The study was approved by Institutional Human Ethical Committee of Manipur University, Canchipur,
Imphal (India) with Ref. No.MU/IHEC/2020/021 and inform consent was obtained from the participants.
The result of the study showed that there was significant improvement of fundamental skills of archers
on performance of selected subjects of the experimental group. The descriptive analysis of pre-test and post-
test of experimental group for 10 yards shooting was presented at table 3.
Table 3: Pre-test and post-test means of 10 yards shooting for experimental group
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
10 yards shooting test for
experimental group
*Significance at 0.05 tabulated t.05 (9) =2.26
Table 3 reveals that the mean M and SD of the 10 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of experimental
group were 68.20±10.08 and 94.20±8.76 respectively. In addition, the standard error of pre-test and post-test
was also found as 3.18 and 2.77 respectively. There was found significance difference as the value obtain was
13.14*, whereas the tabulated value 2.26 at 0.05 level of significance. The graphical representation of pre-test
and post-test mean comparisons for 10 yards shooting of experimental group was shown at figure 2.
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Figure 2: Pre-test and post-test means comparison of 10 yards shooting for experimental group
The descriptive analysis of pre-test and post-test of control group for 10 yards shooting was presented at table
Table 4:Pre-test and post-test means of 10 and yards shooting for control group
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
10 yards shooting test
for control group
*Significance at 0.05 tabulated t.05 (9) =2.26
Table 4 reveals that the M and SDof the 10 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of control group were
66.60±10.79 and 66.80±7.95 respectively .There was found insignificance difference as the value obtain was
120, whereas the tabulated value was 2.26 at 0.05 level of significance.The graphical representation of pre-
test and post-test mean comparisons for 10 yards shooting of control group was shown at figure 3.
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Figure 3: Pre-test and post-test means comparison of 10 yards shooting for control group
The descriptive analysis of pre-test and post-test of experimental group for 20 yards shooting was presented at
table 5
Table 5: Pre-test and post-test means of 20 yards shooting for experimental group
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
20 yards shooting
test for experimental
*Significance at 0.05 tabulated t.05 (9) =2.26
Table 5 reveals that the M and SD of the 20 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of experimental group
were 55.90±13.43 and 80.10±9.91 respectively.There was found significance difference as the value obtain
was 12.80*, whereas the tabulated value was 2.14 at 0.05 level of significance.The graphical representation of
pre-test and post-test mean comparisons for 20 yards shooting of experimental group was shown at figure 4.
Figure 4: Pre-test and post-test mean comparison of 20 yards shooting test for
experimental group
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 318
The descriptive analysis of pre-test and post-test of control group for 20 yards shooting was presented at table
Table 6: Pre-test and post-test means of 20 yards shooting for control group
Std. Error
20 yards shooting test
for control group
*Significance at 0.05 tabulated t.05 (9) =2.26
Table 6 reveals that the M and SD of the 20 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of control group were
58.20±11.97 and 61.60±10.44 respectively. There was found significance difference between the obtained
value was 3.43*, whereas the tabulated value was 2.26 at 0.05 level of significance. The graphical
representation of pre-test and post-test mean comparisons for 20 yards shooting of control group was shown
at figure 5.
Figure 5: Pre-test and post-test means comparison of 20 yards shooting test for control group
The analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) of pre-test and post-test betweenexperimental group and control
group for 10 yards shooting was presented at table 7.
Table 7: Pre-test and post-test means comparison between experimental and control groups For 10
yards shooting test
Type III Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Corrected Total
*Significant at 0.05 level of confidence F (1, 17) = 4.45 (N=20)
Table 7 reveals that there was found significant difference between pre-test and post-test means comparison
score of experimental group and control group for 10 yards shooting test by analysis of co-variance
(ANCOVA) as the obtained critical value of F=16.300* was greater than the tabulated value of F=4.45,
therefore, it was confirmed that six weeks Pilates exercise training program was effective to improve the skill
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
CARE List Journal, ISSN 2278-2435, Vol. 10, Issue-4 November-2021. Page 319
performance of archers.The analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) of pre-test and post-test between
experimental group and control group for 20 yards shooting was presented at table 8.
Table 8: Pre-test and post-test means comparison between experimental and control groups for 20
yards shooting
Type III Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Corrected Total
*Significant at 0.05 level of confidence F (1, 17) = 4.45 (N=20)
Table 8 reveals that there was found significant difference between pre-test and post-test means comparison
score of experimental group and control group for 20 yards shooting test by analysis of co-variance
(ANCOVA) as the obtained critical value of F=5.516* was less than the tabulated value of F=4.45, therefore,
it was confirmed that sixweeks Pilates exercise training program was effective to improve the skill
performance of archers.
Archery is a sport that requires a stable platform with coordination of the lower and upper bodies. The lower
body stance is static, creating balance for the rest of the body while the upper body is stabilising the
movement of aiming and shooting. As archers, we spend a lot of time working on perfecting the form, but
many times we forget a very important aspects e.g. stance, stability, and balance. So an archer’s stance, the
way their feet and body are aligned before even beginning the shot. In fact, the stance sets the foundation, it is
one of the most important aspects of the shot.
Balance is the ability to control the centre of gravity while stability is the ability to control the body’s
movements. Pilates exercise training program can be done to improve these three importance aspects of
shooting include stance, stability, and balance.
The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of Pilates exercises on fundamental skills performance
of archers by giving the Pilates exercisestraining program for the period of six weeks, five days training
(Monday to Friday) and 60 minutes each session. The findings of the study also revealed that there were
significant effect of Pilates exercise training program on 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting, which were
proved by the application of appropriate statistical techniques as the descriptive analysis, paired t-test and
ANCOVA was employed.
Pilates largely avoids high impact, high power output, and heavy muscular and skeletal loading (Bergamin et
al. 2015). [10] Previous research indicates that Pilates has significant effects on motor characteristics as well as
on improvements in body composition (Schroeder et al. 2002, Segal et al. 2004, Malnar et al. 2007, Sekendiz
et al. 2007, Obradović et al. 2008, Emery et al. 2010, Kloubec et al. 2010,Bjelica et al. 2018)[11-18]. It was
realized that the results of this study was similar to the reports that studied fundamental data contributing to
archery performance and stabilization of shooting posture in archers by examining the influence of Pilates
core stability (PCS) exercises on dynamic and static balance. With the finding of study that PCS exercise
improves physical stability and balance ability and also it was confirmed that the PCS exercise was a suitable
exercise method for improving balance ability due to the physical stability of archers (Park et al. 2016). [19]
Some research has confirmed that the Pilates program has positive effects on joint stability in adults
(Gladwell et al. 2006, Rydeard et al. 2006).[20, 21]The greatest correlation between Pilates and archery can be
supported by the fact that Pilates programs are characterized by the precision of the exercise technique that
allows exercisers the perfect form of each movement, which is extremely important for the archery technique
itself (Matty 2006, Latey 2001, Fernandez 2014). [22, 23, 24]The study result of Penninx el al. (2000) [25] that
Education India Journal: A Quarterly Refereed Journal of Dialogues on Education, A UGC-
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there was a connection between psychological problem (depression) and impaired physical performance. This
finding suggests that each psychological factor was influence enough on the individual performance and can
potentially influence physical performance.
The goal of shooting practice programs is to bring the training conditions closer to the conditions similar to
the competition and thus leave the main aspect to physical abilities as well as concentration. Good physical
shape contributes to a reduction in heart rate, and this is a very important segment in shooting (Sezer 2017)
On the other hand,Kimet al. (2016) [27]study analysed an upright body exercise program using spine
stabilization technique to determine the effect on foot plantar pressure in archers, demonstrate the
effectiveness of upright body exercise, and develop a new, effective, and efficient training program. A total of
10 archers (3 men and 7 women) in Busan Metropolitan City who had 10years of career in archery and were
given explanation of its contents and purpose before giving spontaneous consent to the experiment were
enrolled in the study. The upright body type exercise program was implemented thrice a week for 12 weeks,
with higher exercise intensity with time. A resistive pressure sensor was used to measure foot plantar pressure
distribution and analyse quantitative information on variation in postural stability and weight shifting in
dynamic balance during shooting, as well as plantar pressure in static balance with the eyes open and closed.
An upright body exercise program had positive effects on foot plantar pressure in static and dynamic balance
in archers by reducing body sway and physical imbalance during shooting and with eyes closed. This program
is expected to help archers improve their posture and psychological state, and thereby improve performance.
On the basis of the results, it was considered that the Pilates exercise training program has been produced
significant improvement of archery shooting performance namely 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting on
experimental group than control group. Therefore, the six weeks Pilates exercise training program was
significantly effect on fundamental skill performance of archery. In this study were selected from female
archers as subjects, so further attempts can used male archers also and future research should be used larger
samples to be better generalizability. And, similar study may also recommend to other games and sports in
order to enhance the performance of the players.
It might be considered that Pilates exercise training program helps to improve shooting performance of
archers, and sufficient enough to produce significant improvements in fundamental skills performance in
archery. This might be due to the nature of training for six weeks and a quick physical adaptation, which
required for the development of selected training program.
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Padma Shri Prof. M.S.Sodha
F.N.A. Former Deputy Director, IIT, New Delhi &
Former Vice-Chancellor, Indore, Bhopal & Lucknow
Universities ,Visiting Professor-Department of
Education & Physics , University of Lucknow-226007
Chief Editor
Prof.Umesh C. Vashishtha
Former Head & Dean, Faculty of Education, University
of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh & Former Founder Director,
Institute of Distance Education; Centre for Aurbindo
Studies; Centre for Gandhian Though; Centre for
Vivekanand Studies; Institute of Rural Education and
Management; University of Lucknow & Former Council
Member NCTE-NRC & NCTE-HQ at New Delhi &
Present Council Member, NCTE-HQ, New Delhi
Managing Editor
Prof. Asheesh Srivastava
Head-Department of Educational Studies & Dean-
School of Education, Mahatma Gandhi Central
University, Motihari, East Champaran, Bihar-845401
Head Office of the Journal
MS-90, Sec-D, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh- 226024
... As shown in the explanation, organizing and developing a proper training program is very important [21]. The Effect of Pilates Exercises on the Performance of Basic Archery Skills was a study on this topic that focused on experimental testing [22]. Since the goal of this study is to create a balanced training program for archery, the development process must include content validity and reliability assessments conducted by qualified specialists before the program can be used by athletes. ...
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Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles (a): [1] Moch. Abstract Background: Archery is a sport in which arrows are shot using a bow. The most important physical aspect of archery is balance. Purpose: This research aimed to test the content validity and reliability of the balance training program. Methods: The participants involved in this study were 5 physical trainers and 2 nationally licensed archery trainers. Some documents were also used in this research. The approach used was a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach. This research was divided into four stages: (1) analyzing e-books, textbooks, and pertinent articles qualitatively, (2) evaluating the program using the Delphi technique, which involves experts assessing questionnaires on a 1 to 5 scale until a consensus is obtained, (3) testing the content validity using the CVR formula, (4) testing the reliability using Cronbach alpha and ICC. Results: The content validity and Cronbach alpha values were found to be 0.754 > 0.6 and 0.71-1.00, respectively, based on the findings. In addition, the ICC single measurement value was 0.1191 with a mean measurement value of 0.486 > 0.75. Conclusion: Based on the content validity and reliability test findings, it can be stated that the balance training program has a good score, indicating that it can be applied during archery athlete training.
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of hand grip strength exercises on the target shooting accuracy score for male archers. Thirty male archers (n1=15, 19.85±1.35, n2=15 19.71±1.31) ranging 18-20 years old were included in our study from the archery team of the city of Elazig, department of youth sports.The experiment group has been through our exercise program one hour/day, three days/week for a duration of 12 weeks. Same tests and measurements (age, height, weight, heart beat rate at rest, heart beat rate at exercise, hand grip strength, sit-up, pull-up, push-up, target shooting accuracy test) have been performed for assessment during the week before and during the week after the exercise program.Kruskal Wallis H test and t test are used to analyze the variation in the strength test results. Regression analysis is used to study the impact of strength exercises on the target shooting accuracy scores. Statistically, we observe that the hand strength grip exercise performed on the experiment group has significant impact on the hand grip strengths (before exercise 63.21±5.81, after exercise 75.12±5.80) (p=0,001) and the target shooting accuracy scores (before exercise 58.21±4.72, after exercise 69.12±3.24) (p=0,001).Finaly, we can conclude that the hand grip strength and its exercise have significant value in archery and that hand grip strength exercise is one of the factors that improve the target shooting accuracy scores positively.
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This study aimed to provide fundamental data contributing to archery performance improvement and stabilization of shooting posture in archers by examining the influence of Pilates core stability (PCS) exercises on dynamic and static balance. The study was conducted from December 2015 to March 2016 on high school archers who were registered as archers in the Korea Archery Association with 5 or more years of archery experience. Twenty voluntary subjects (exercise group n=10; control group n=10) with an understanding toward the aims of this study were selected and their body composition, static and dynamic balance abilities, before and after the PCS program, were measured. As for the static balance ability, there were no significant differences between pre- and postvalues in the exercise group after completing the PCS program. Similarly, these results were also represented in the control group. In the aspect of comparisons between postvalues in both groups, there were significant improvements in only the exercise group. As for the dynamic balance ability, there were significant differences between pre- and postvalues in the exercise group, except for up-right and left postures, whereas, there were no changes or decreases between pre- and postvalues in the control group after completing the PCS program. Meanwhile, in the aspect of comparisons between postvalues in both groups, there were significant improvements in up, and up right, and down right part and overall dynamic scores of the exercise groups.
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Participation in exercise programs is heartily recommended for older adults since the level of physical fitness directly influences functional independence. The aim of this present study was to investigate the effects of supervised Pilates exercise training on the physical function, hypothesizing that a period of Pilates exercise training (PET) can increase overall muscle strength, body composition, and balance, during single and dual-task conditions, in a group of post-menopausal women. Twenty-five subjects, aged 59 to 66 years old, were recruited. Eligible participants were assessed prior and after 3 months of PET performed twice per week. Muscular strength was evaluated with handgrip strength (HGS) test, 30-s chair sit-to-stand test (30CST), and abdominal strength (AST) test. Postural control and dual-task performance were measured through a stabilometric platform while dynamic balance with 8 ft up and go test. Finally, body composition was assessed by means of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Statistically significant improvements were detected on HGS (+8.22 %), 30CST (+23.41 %), 8 ft up and go test (-5.95 %), AST (+30.81 %), medio-lateral oscillations in open eyes and dual-task condition (-22.03 % and -10.37 %). Pilates was effective in increasing upper body, lower body, and abdominal muscle strength. No changes on body composition were detected. Results on this investigation indicated also that 12-week of mat Pilates is not sufficient to determine a clinical meaningful improvement on static balance in single and dual-task conditions.
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Objective To evaluate the effect of a program of modified Pilates for active individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain. Design A single blind randomized controlled trial. Participants 49 individuals with chronic low back pain were randomly allocated to control (n = 24) or Pilates group (n = 25). Thirty-four individuals completed the study (14 and 20 individuals for control and Pilates group, respectively). Intervention The Pilates group undertook a six week program of Pilates. Both groups continued with normal activity. Main Outcome Measures An assessor blinded to group allocation conducted functional and questionnaire-based assessments pre- and post- intervention. Results Improvements were seen in the Pilates group post- intervention period with increases ( P < 0.05) in general health, sports functioning, flexibility, proprioception, and a decrease in pain. The control group showed no significant differences in the same measures post- intervention. Conclusions These data suggest that Pilates used as a specific core stability exercise incorporating functional movements can improve non-specific chronic low back pain in an active population compared to no intervention. Additionally, Pilates can improve general health, pain level, sports functioning, flexibility, and proprioception in individuals with chronic low back pain.
The Pilates method is a system of exercises developed by Joseph Pilates, which emphasizes recruitment and strengthening of the core muscles, flexibility, and breathing, to promote stability and control of movement. Its focus bears similarity to current evidence-based exercise programs for lowback disorders. Spinal stability is a function of three interdependent systems, osseoligamentous, muscular, and neural control; exercise addresses both the muscular and neural function. The "core" typically refers to the muscular control required to maintain functional stability. Prior research has highlighted the importance of muscular strength and recruitment, with debate over the importance of individual muscles in the wider context of core control. Though developed long before the current evidence, the Pilates method is relevant in this setting and clearly relates to current evidence-based exercise interventions. Current literature supports the Pilates method as a treatment for low back disorders, but its benefit when compared with other exercise is less clear.
It has been reported that Back-Tension played a significant role in archery (Lee & Bondit, 2005; Kim, 2007) but there are a few researches related Back-Tension in Korea recently. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate archery back tension technique for the second ranked archer in the World and to find ways to improve performance. A subject(height: 185cm, mass: 82kg, years: 21yrs, careers: 12yrs) who is a number of national team and the second ranked archer in the World authorized by FITA (Federation Internationale de Trial Arc) was perticipated in this experiment. When shooting 60 shots(12{\times}5), shooting motions were recorded with 7 infrared cameras and 2 ultrahigh-speed cameras. A QTM and an Auto Track were used to acquire raw data. The sampling rates of both cameras were 200 Hz. and 1000 Hz. respectively and data were filtered using a fourth order Butterworth low pass filtering with a cutoff-frequency of 30Hz. The parameters were calculated with Matlab6.5 and analyzed with SPSS11.0. After Pearson`s correlations between 8 parameters were analyzed, 5 parameters from 13parameters that affected records were analyzed with multiple regression analysis (Enter order: x1, x2, x3, x4, x5). The results were as follows: 1. Comparing between parameters according to scores, the patterns of horizontal and vertical angular velocity(av.) of scapular relative angle was different between 8 score and 9 or 10 scores. 2. The correlations of parameters that affected records were a horizontal av.(x1, p
Objective: This study collected data on muscle fatigue and ground reaction force during walking to provide a basis for development of custom-fitted outdoor walking shoes. The study analyzed an upright body exercise program using spine stabilization technique to determine the effect on foot plantar pressure in archers, demonstrate the effectiveness of upright body exercise, and develop a new, effective, and efficient training program. Method: A 12-week upright body exercise program was evaluated for the effect on plantar pressure in archers. Ten prize-winning archers (3 men, 7 women) in B metropolitan city, each with {\geq}10years of experience, were given an explanation of the content and purpose of the program, and provided informed consent. Upright body exercise was performed 3 times a week for 12 weeks. A resistive pressure sensor was used to measure foot plantar pressure distribution and analyze quantitative information on variation in postural stability and weight shifting in dynamic balance during shooting, as well as plantar pressure in static balance with the eyes open and closed. Results: There were no significant differences in foot plantar pressure before and after participation in the exercise program. There was no statistically significant difference in foot plantar pressure in static balance with the eyes open or closed, or in foot plantar pressure in dynamic balance during shooting. Conclusion: An upright body exercise program had positive effects on foot plantar pressure in static and dynamic balance in archers by reducing body sway and physical imbalance during shooting and with eyes closed. This program is expected to help archers improve their posture and psychological state, and thereby improve performance.
Aim: The aim of our study was to determine which muscles are active during the performance of the Pilates exercise. Beside that, we were investigated whether Pilates exercise influence on body posture, respiration and physical condition. Also we were studied the effect of this exercises on different pathophysiological condition of the musculoskeletal system Methods: The study was performed on 30 females aged 20-50 years old who practiced Pilates two to tree times per week. For Pilates performance they used swish ball and weights of a half of a kilogram. The sets of exercises were divided into three groups: exercises for the upper extremities, exercises for the trunk and back and exercises for the lower extremities. Results: The results of the survey show that 33% of the subjects were aged 20-30 years, data show that 43% of subjects had university education, 63% of the subjects took up the exercise method in order to maintain physical fitness and recreation, 37% due to some medical conditions. The answers to the question about the effects of exercises on the improvement of their health were positive in as much as 83%, 77% of the subjects believed that the exercises had a positive influence on their mood and concentration, as much as 90% of the surveyed women thought that exercises improved their posture. Conclusion: Each Pilates exercise activate great number of muscles, straight the muscle power and flexibility and as a results the muscles responsible for supporting skeletal structure were stronger.
Until the mid-1980s the Pilates Method of exercise was little known outside the world of dance but has grown in popularity rapidly in the last decade: coming out of obscurity. Pilates method is much more than a list of exercises. It is a way of connecting and conditioning the whole being-body and mind. This article traces its history in context and examines the initial principles of the method, with the beginnings of modern developments.