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The structure of the superior and inferior parietal lobes predicts inter-individual suitability for virtual reality

Springer Nature
Scientific Reports
  • Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital

Abstract and Figures

The global virtual reality (VR) market is significantly expanding and being challenged with an increased demand owing to COVID-19. Unfortunately, VR is not useful for everyone due to large interindividual variability existing in VR suitability. To understand the neurobiological basis of this variability, we obtained neural structural and functional data from the participants using 3T magnetic resonance imaging. The participants completed one of two tasks (sports training or cognitive task) using VR, which differed in the time scale (months/minutes) and domain (motor learning/attention task). Behavioral results showed that some participants improved their motor skills in the real world after 1-month training in the virtual space or obtained high scores in the 3D attention task (high suitability for VR), whereas others did not (low suitability for VR). Brain structure analysis revealed that the structural properties of the superior and inferior parietal lobes contain information that can predict an individual’s suitability for VR.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
The structure of the superior
and inferior parietal lobes predicts
inter‑individual suitability
for virtual reality
Chihiro Hosoda1,2*, Kyosuke Futami3, Kenchi Hosokawa2,4, Yuko Isogaya5, Tsutomu Terada6,
Kazushi Maruya4 & Kazuo Okanoya1
The global virtual reality (VR) market is signicantly expanding and being challenged with an
increased demand owing to COVID‑19. Unfortunately, VR is not useful for everyone due to large
interindividual variability existing in VR suitability. To understand the neurobiological basis of this
variability, we obtained neural structural and functional data from the participants using 3T magnetic
resonance imaging. The participants completed one of two tasks (sports training or cognitive task)
using VR, which diered in the time scale (months/minutes) and domain (motor learning/attention
task). Behavioral results showed that some participants improved their motor skills in the real world
after 1‑month training in the virtual space or obtained high scores in the 3D attention task (high
suitability for VR), whereas others did not (low suitability for VR). Brain structure analysis revealed
that the structural properties of the superior and inferior parietal lobes contain information that can
predict an individual’s suitability for VR.
Presently, the technology of immersive virtual reality (VR) is spreading exponentially in many elds of daily
life, beyond the entertainment sector. In the new “COVID-19” era, VR will be used in an increasing number of
situations. Particularly, the usefulness of VR was demonstrated in several elds as a new method for expanding
or recovering human ability, such as specialized skill acquisition (e.g., surgical training1, sports training2, educa-
tion for healthy people3, health care4, rehabilitation5, therapy for mental illness6, pain7, Parkinsons disease8, and
children with a developmental disability9).
As the elds in which VR use for expanding or recovering human ability increase, the certainty that VR use
is an eective method for most people is crucial. Nevertheless, prior work reported that manipulation in the VR
space did not have a practical impact on all people, namely, suitability for VR use varied signicantly among
individuals. ere is marked interindividual variability in the suitability for the use of VR. In fact, several factors
have been proposed to modulate the suitability for VR use, such as gender10, preference for the VR content11,
competitive spirit12, anxiety, levels of self and spatial embodiment, sensorimotor rhythm desynchronization13,
and simulator sickness symptoms14.
However, an essential question remained unanswered in all of those empirical observations—what is the
neuronal mechanism underlying the suitability for VR? Likely, the superior parietal lobule (SPL), inferior pari-
etal lobule (IPL), and basal ganglia underly the VR suitability. Although there is no direct evidence for their
involvement in the suitability for VR, the SPL and IPL have been implicated in functions that are relevant to the
suitability for VR and that require the extraction of three-dimensional (3D) shape representations for manipu-
lating objects physically15. e SPL is involved in spatial tracking16,17 and grasping and eye movements18 and is
key to stereopsis18 and depth perception19,20.
1Department of Life Science Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba,
meguroku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan. 2Advanced Comprehensive Research Organization, Teikyo University,
Tokyo 173-0003, Japan. 3College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu,
Shiga 525-8577, Japan. 4Human Information Science Laboratory, Communication Science Laboratories,
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0198, Japan. 5Department of Psychiatry,
Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital, Sendai, Miyagi 983-8512, Japan. 6Department
of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kobe University, Kobe, Hyogo 657-8501, Japan. *email:
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
Other factors that support this idea include the involvement of the parietal lobe and occipital lobe in 3D visual
fatigue21, and the association between the basal ganglia, especially the caudate nucleus (CN), and dizziness22
and motion sickness23. Moreover, the CN is critically involved in memory for visual object information, such
as the encoding of spatial and response attributes (egocentric localization)24. Furthermore, patients with stroke
involving the basal ganglia, including the CN, exhibit loss of attention and spatial neglect25.
e present study aimed to address the hypotheses from a brain structural perspective, for the following
reasons. First, because some individuals have signicantly lower suitability for VR, i.e., using long-term sports
training in the virtual space, people without VR suitability cannot improve their performance in the real world,
and only those with VR suitability can expand their abilities. We hypothesized that this can be attributed to dif-
ferences in brain structure and function, especially in the SPL, the IPL, and the CN. To address this hypothesis,
we administered long-term VR sports training and tested whether patterns in specic brain areas, particularly
the SPL, IPL, and CN, predicted the ability/inability to acquire a high benet from the VR training (high/low
VR suitability).
Second, because high visuospatial attention regarding depth perception in the VR space is an essential element
for improving performance in the real world26, we applied the multiple object tracking (MOT) task involving
the frontoparietal and temporal systems27,28 with 2D and 3D conditions to examine individual dierences in
attentional functions in depth. Subsequently, to verify the generalization in another task of the predictor for VR
suitability, we tested whether the predictor of VR suitability created from VR sports training could also predict
the suitability for VR short-term attention tasks (MOT).
Half of the individuals who were trained in serve–return in the virtual space exhibited improve‑
ment of the skill in the real world. To assess whether VR-based training had the eect of improving
return skills in real-world badminton players, a 4week daily VR-based serve–return training intervention was
conducted. Expectedly, not all participants in VR training exhibited improvement in their serve–return abilities
in the real world. e histogram of the improvement rate showed a binominal distribution (Fig.1a), and the
Figure1. Behavioral and imaging results of serve–return training with VR. (a) Pre–post change rate of the
return test in the actual gym aer VR serve–return training. (b) e boxplot shows the signicant dierence
in the change rate of pre–post VR training for the two groups, which were clustered according to the change
rate. (c) e high VR suitability group in the serve–return training had a signicantly greater GM volume in
the right SPL (P < 0.05, FWE-corrected). (d) More organized ber connectivity beneath the right IPL (right)
and the occipital lobe was observed in the high VR suitability vs. the low VR suitability groups (P < 0.05, FWE-
corrected). (e) e high VR suitability group in the serve–return training had a signicantly greater IPL–caudate
nucleus functional activity (P < 0.05, FWE-corrected).
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
average pre- to post-serve–return training change rate in the actual badminton court was 31.1% (SD 27.7%)
in the training group. e subjects in the control group exhibited a pre- to post-serve–return training change
rate in the actual badminton court of 5.3% (SD 7.3%). e subjects who underwent VR training were clustered
into two groups by applying the k-means method to the change rate. e number of clusters set in this study
(k = 2) was reasonable because our purpose was to classify the existence of VR suitability and its silhouette score
(more than 0.72)29. Subjects with a high growth rate were dened as the high VR suitability group; conversely,
those with low growth rate scores were dened as the low VR suitability group. Consequently, 24 individuals
had high VR suitability, and 20 had low VR suitability. e box-beard diagram depicted in Fig.1b shows the
results of these two clustered groups and control group. e mean growth rate was 2.4% in the low VR suitability
group (maximum, 10.0%; minimum, 9.7%), 51.6% in the high VR suitability group (maximum, 90%; mini-
mum, 31.6%), and 5.3% in the control group (maximum, 10.7%; minimum, 10.8%). Signicant dierences
between the groups (high VR suitability, low VR suitability, and control) were detected via one-way ANOVA
(F(2,55) = 114.41; P = 0.001). Tukey’s post hoc test revealed that the change rate of the high VR suitability group
(51.6% ± 3.4%) was signicantly higher than that of the low VR suitability group (2.4% ± 1.2%, P = 0.001) and
the control group (5.3% ± 1.8%, P = 0.001). No signicant dierences in visual acuity were detected among the
groups (P = 0.9).
The right IPL structure predicted VR suitability in sports training. We analyzed the participants’
brain structure using T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diusion-weighted MRI, and resting-
state connectivity before the training. Dierences in brain structure across the whole brain were compared
between the high VR suitability and the low VR suitability groups. Compared with the low VR suitability, the
gray matter (GM) volume in the right SPL in high VR suitability was signicantly greater (P < 0.05, family-
wise error [FWE]-corrected) (Fig.1c, Table1). Additionally, a signicant increase in fractional anisotropy (FA)
was detected from beneath the right IPL to the occipital lobe in the high VR suitability compared to the low
VR suitability groups (P < 0.05, FWE-corrected) (Fig.1d, Table2). Moreover, signicantly increased functional
connectivity was observed between the IPL and CN in the high VR suitability compared with the low VR suit-
ability groups (Fig.1e). Because the MRI scans were obtained before the VR training, these ndings suggest that
individual dierences in the right SPL and IPL structures and in IPL-CN functional connectivity have predictive
value regarding whether an individual would have suitability for VR.
us, we evaluated whether the brain features (the GM in the right SPL, the FA in the nearby IPL, and the
IPL-CN functional connectivity) could predict the high or low VR suitability. We extracted both the GM and
the FA values from the SPL and IPL, and the resting-state values from the IPL-CN, as regional features exhibit-
ing group-wise dierences. For the dataset, the explanatory variables were these three brain features, and the
predictive variables were the two groups (high or low VR suitability). All prediction algorithms (random forest,
support vector machine, and k-NN) could predict the VR suitability at more than 80%, with the random forest
algorithm showing the highest prediction accuracy (90%, F value = 0.9; Tables3, 4). ese results indicated that
Table 1. Dierences in gray matter volume between the individuals with high VR suitability and low VR
suitability for each experiment. e coordinates (x, y, z) indicate local maxima in each brain region according
to the MNI template.
Anatomical location
Z-value P correctedx y z
Serve–return training
Right superior parietal lobe 20 − 49 66 4.66 0.01
Multiple object tracking
Right superior parietal lobe − 20 31 − 58 52 6.34 0.00
Table 2. Dierences in FA between the individuals high VR suitability and low VR suitability for each
experiment. e coordinates (x, y, z) indicate local maxima in each brain region according to the MNI
Anatomical location
Z-value P correctedx y z
Serve–return training
Right superior parietal lobe 20 − 49 66 4.66 0.01
Right inferior occipital lobe 37 − 67 9 5.15 0.03
Multiple object tracking
Right superior parietal lobe 20 31 − 58 52 6.34 0.00
Right inferior occipital lobe −36 −76 9 4.45 0.03
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
the high or low suitability for VR sports training could be predicted with high probability from the structures
of the IPL, SPL and from the IPL-CN functional connectivity.
Finally, analyses of the MRI data (post vs. pre) of the high VR suitability group identied training-induced
increases in the GM of the supplemental motor area (SMA) and thalamus compared with the Control Group
(CG) (signicant time-by-group interaction). e training-induced increases in GM volume in the SMA and
thalamus were correlated with those of the pre- to post-training change rate in return score (r = 0.41; P = 0.03;
r = 0.49, P = 0.03). ese results indicated that the neural basis of the improvement in the serve–return ability in
badminton diers from that of VR suitability.
Generalization of the VR suitability predictor to 3D MOT. e results of the VR sports training
suggested that the neural correlates of the VR suitability might be the SPL, IPL, and CN, which are responsible
for the stereoscopic vision and depth perception18. To investigate the individual dierences in the information
procession of a dynamic 3D scene, we used the 2D and 3D MOT tasks. In the MOT, observers are asked to track
pre-specied multiple moving objects (targets) by visual attention among the other moving objects of identical
appearances to the target objects. e MOT involved the frontoparietal and temporal systems subserving object
recognition, attention, and working memory27,30. e subjects performed 10 trials for 2D and 3D tasks each,
and the subjects received 1 point per trial if they answered correctly; the total score was used (perfect score, 10).
Finally, we tested whether the predictor of VR suitability created from VR sports training also predicts the suit-
ability for dierent VR tasks (MOT).
A signicant dierence was detected between the 2D and 3D MOT scores (t-test, P = 0.001). On average,
the score on the 2D MOT was 8.5 (SD, 1.2; maximum, 10; minimum, 8), whereas that on the 3D MOT was 6.8
(SD, 2.0; maximum, 10; minimum, 3). e distribution was bimodal in the 3D MOT (Fig.2a), whereas it was
unimodal in the 2D MOT (Fig.2b). e subjects were clustered into two groups by applying the k-means method
to the score of the 3D MOT task (silhouette score, 0.7). Consequently, 21 individuals were in the high 3D MOT
group (male:female ratio, 12:9; average score, 0.84; maximum, 10; minimum, 7), and 17 were in the low 3D MOT
group (male:female ratio, 10:7; average score, 4.7; maximum, 6; minimum, 3). ere were signicant dierence
in the 3D MOT score in high 3D MOT group and low 3D MOT group (t-test, P = 0.01) (Fig.2c). No signicant
dierence in visual acuity was detected between the two groups (t-test, P = 0.9). When the same subjects were
clustered into two groups on the basis of the score on the 2D MOT task, no signicant dierence was detected
in the score (Fig.2d). ese results suggested that the inter-individual dierence in attentional function in depth
mightbe one of the core functions of VR suitability.
Next, we evaluated whether a predictor of suitability for long VR sports training could also predict the ability
for another short-term 3D or 2D attention VR task. e predictive model was created using data of all subjects in
VR sports training experiments, including the explanatory variables of the brain regions (GM in the SPL, FA in
the IPL, and connectivity in IPL-CN) and the predictive variables of VR suitability (high or low VR suitability)
(see “Methods”). For this purpose, we evaluated whether the VR suitability predictor from the VR sports training
could discriminate the high 3D MOT from the low 3D MOT groups. e SVM showed a prediction accuracy
of 81% (F value, 0.8; Tables5, 6). ese results suggest that VR suitability in the two tasks with dierent time
scales and contents might have a common neural basis. is VR suitability predictor failed to discriminate the
low from the high 2D MOT.
Finally, to test further the hypothesis that the common neural basis in the dierent tasks of VR suitability lies
in the IPL, SPL, and CN, a reverse verication was performed. We tested whether the predictor of VR suitability
from 3D MOT could predict VR suitability in sports training. e predictor of VR suitability in the 3D MOT
could predict the VR suitability in sports training with 82% accuracy (SVM: F value, 0.9; Tables7, 8). ese
results strongly support our hypothesis that the common neural basis in the dierent tasks of VR suitability lies
in the IPL, SPL, and CN.
Table 3. e accuracy rate of prediction for the VR suitability in the long-term serve–return training in each
SVM k-NN Random forest
81% 81% 90%
Table 4. e precision, recall rate, and F-values of prediction for the VR suitability in the long-term serve–
return training in each algorithm. P precision, R recall rate, F F value.
SVM k-NN Random forest
Low 0.85 0.77 0.81 0.85 0.77 0.81 0.90 0.90 0.91
High 0.78 0.85 0.81 0.78 0.85 0.81 0.90 0.90 0.90
Ave 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.90 0.90 0.90
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Figure2. Behavioral results of 2D and 3D MOT. (a) e score on the 3D MOT (the number of correct answers
out of 10 trials) showed a bimodal distribution. (b) e 2D MOT score (the number of correct answers out of 10
trials) showed a normal distribution. (c) e boxplot shows the signicant dierence in the 3D MOT score for
the two groups, which were clustered according to the number of correct answers. (d) No signicant dierences
were observed in the 2D MOT score for the two groups, which were clustered according to the number of
correct answers.
Table 5. e accuracy rate of prediction for the 3D multiple object tracking from the VR suitability predictor
by the sports training in each algorithm.
SVM k-NN Random forest
81 74 76
Table 6. e precision, recall rate, and F-values of prediction for the 3D multiple object tracking from the VR
suitability predictor by the sports training in each algorithm. P precision, R recall rate, F F value.
SVM k-NN Random forest
Low 0.71 0.95 0.82 0.67 0.95 0.78 0.69 0.95 0.80
High 0.93 0.64 0.76 0.92 0.55 0.69 0.93 0.59 0.72
Ave 0.83 0.79 0.79 0.80 0.74 0.73 0.81 0.77 0.76
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Serve–return training with VR induced neuroplastic changes in subjects with high VR suitabil‑
ity. To explore the training-induced changes observed in the subjects with high VR suitability in badminton
serve–return training, we conducted a 2 × 2 mixed repeated-measures ANOVA using time (before and aer
training) as a within-subject variable and group (with VR and without VR) as a between-subject variable. ese
analyses identied training-induced increases in GM of the supplemental motor cortex and thalamus (Fig.3a),
and increases in FA in the cerebellum. e training-induced increase rate in GM volume in the SMA was cor-
related with that of the serve–return ability score (r = 0.41, P = 0.03) (Fig.3b).
We conducted a long-term VR-based badminton serve–return training among experienced badminton play-
ers and demonstrated that only subjects with high VR suitability exhibited improvement of their skills in the
real world. Moreover, we demonstrated for the rst time that individual dierences in VR suitability could be
predicted with high probability based on the brain functions and structures of the SPL, IPL, and CN. is “VR
suitability predictor” could also discriminate subjects with high performance from those with a low performance
in a VR-based 3D attention task.
A growing body of evidence indicates that the SPL and IPL are consistently active and are necessary for spatial
task performance31,32 and binocular depth19,33. e SPL is involved in computing target positions in the egocentric
reference frame for the immediate control of reaching, grasping, and eye movements31,32 and is suggested to be
one of the higher centers involved in stereopsis18. In turn, the IPL plays an important role in sustained attention18
and is engaged in action planning34,35, visuomotor control36,37, encoding38, storage39, and representation of action
sequences40. ese ndings prompted us to explore SPL and IPL structural and functional dierences between
the subjects with VR suitability and those without VR suitability.
Besides localized structural dierences in the GM volume in the SPL between individuals with high and low
VR suitability, we detected dierences in FA values extending from the occipital to the parietal lobe, including
Table 7. Prediction accuracy of VR suitability in sports training from the VR suitability predictor by
3D-multiple object trucking in each algorithm.
SVM KNN Random forests
79 82 73
Table 8. e precision, recall rate, and F-values of VR suitability in sports training from the VR suitability
predictor by 3D-multiple object trucking in each algorithm. P precision, R recall rate, F F value.
SVM KNN Random forests
Low 0.94 0.68 0.79 1.00 0.68 0.81 0.93 0.59 0.72
High 0.68 0.94 0.79 0.70 1.00 0.82 0.62 0.94 0.75
Ave 0.83 0.79 0.79 0.87 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.74 0.73
Figure3. GM changes aer serve–return training in the SMA within the group with high suitability for VR. (a)
Changes in GM in the SMA before and aer serve–return training in the group with high suitability for VR (b)
A correlation was found between the change rate in serve–return score and the change rate of SMA.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
the nearby IPL. e depth perception on stereoscopy is not localized only in the SPL and IPL, as it is also asso-
ciated with early occipital areas41. Importantly, Nishida etal. showed that stereopsis leads to activation both
the occipital lobe and the SPL41. e visual system consisted of two main subsystems, originate in the primary
visual area (V1) and project ventrally to the inferotemporal cortex (ventral stream) and dorsally to the posterior
parietal cortex (dorsal stream)16. ese streams is involved in the localization of the objects in the space and
in attention. e ventral stream is engaged in the computation of the relative disparity, on the other hands, the
dorsal stream is mainly engaged in elaborating the visual input to mediate the visual control of skilled actions42
and in the computation of stereo depth based on a computation of the binocular correlation between the images
captured by the le and right eyes43. Moreover, another study showed that the early involvement of the visual
occipital cortex in the perception of motion in depth stimuli was followed by activation within the parietal cortex,
presumably associated with attention information processing44. Here the high VR suitability subjects showed
a greater GM volume in the SPL and IPL, a higher functional connectivity from the SPL to the basal ganglia,
and higher FA values along the visual pathway, suggesting that these subjects have better depth perception and
perceptual–motor coordination; thus, they showed higher suitability for VR training, especially in serve–return.
is hypothesis is also consistent with the classic ndings that damage to the posterior parietal area, including
the IPL and SPL, results in impairments in depth perception45.
Several roles of visual attention are common to MOT tasks and service–return training using VR, such as
recording the target position in a time- or space-divisional manner, maintaining and recording information
processing for the characteristics of the target, and indexing the targets46. In these models, attention may play a
role in both adding and facilitating information processing for the target and inhibiting information processing
for nontargets47. In this regard, ERP measurements during the MOT task have shown that attention was primar-
ily directed to the target48,49. Considering these studies, in the information processing in the 3D dynamic scene,
among the subjects with higher suitability for VR, the attention to the depth might be modulated to facilitate the
target processing in specic contexts, which plays an important role in the VR space. Conversely, for those who
had low suitability for VR, the depth of information might have become a distractor for facilitating the target
processing in specic contexts.
In immersive virtual environments, the distance is underestimated50,51 because technological characteristics of
HMD make presentation of precise depth cues problematic such as an accommodation-convergence mismatch.
ere were likely to be individual dierences in the inaccuracy of distance judgment in VR space50,51.
On the other hand, human vision system weights each of the depth cues, such as binocular disparity, texture
gradients, shading, motion parallax, and accommodation, and combines them to obtain a reliable 3D structure.
e degree of this weighting could be varied by feedback learning52. It is conceivable that individual dierences
in visual experience (learning) accumulated on a daily basis might produce individual dierences in the weight-
ing ratios of the various cues required to construct the 3D structure. erefore, the individual dierences in
VR suitability might relate to the individual dierence in the misperceive of the absolute egocentric distances
in current HMD systems and the cue combination in multiple depth cues (i.e. the low VR acceptability may be,
at least partly, explained by the high dependency of depth cues that are hardly available in the HMD displays).
Subjects with high VR suitability had a higher FA beneath the right IPL and the occipital lobe in the present
study. e vertical occipital fascia (VOF), which is involved in depth perception and motion perception53,54, is
a pathway that connects the V3 and the V5/MT+ in the dorsal visual pathway and the V4 in the ventral visual
pathway55,56. In the visuomotor coordination task, the VOF was related to task performance57. Furthermore,
Howells etal. found that the frontoparietal tracts, specically the dorsal branch of the superior longitudinal
fasciculus, which is responsible for visuospatial integration and motor planning, were involved in high levels of
visual–motor coordination in the right upper limb58. e present result is consistent with these ndings regard-
ing depth perception, motion perception, and visuomotor coordination, which might be an important factor
supporting VR suitability.
In the individuals with high VR suitability, the neural plasticity consisting in the increase in the GM and FA
values is correlated with the performance improvement aorded by training5961. is result indicated that the
IPL and SPL were not involved in task-specic returning abilities; rather, they participated in VR suitability. A
previous study reported structural changes in the cerebellum aer badminton training62. Furthermore, players
of racket sports are known to perform better on visuomotor tasks, which was related to the frontal and temporal
areas63. ese results also support our hypothesis.
Although the underlying neurobiological mechanisms remain unknown, the factors proposed to explain
the changes in FA include the proportion of crossing bers, axonal permeability, and cell density or axonal/
dendritic arborization64, whereas those for GM changes include neurogenesis, gliogenesis, synaptogenesis, and
vascular changes. However, the exact biological substrates underlying the changes in GM and FA remain under
investigation, and the mechanisms underlying the increase in FA values, especially in the converters, require
future investigation.
Although two studies have conrmed the relationship between VR suitability and the structure of the IPL and
SPL, our study was limited by the fact that we were unable to assert causality between these variables, because
we did not perform a knockout experiment to prove that the disruption of IPL and SPL function increases VR
suitability. Moreover, we could not test the suitability for VR use in long-term cognitive tasks (e.g., math and
language learning) or motor tasks other than the serve–return task or whether the promotion of functional
and structural plasticity in the IPL and SPL using techniques such as the brain–machine interface will increase
VR suitability. Hence, further research is required to answer these questions. To the best of our knowledge, the
present ndings provide the rst direct evidence of the association between high suitability for VR and the IPL
and SPL. We propose that the use of the structure of the IPL and SPL as an index of VR suitability may promote
the development of more ecient VR applications for education and rehabilitation purposes in the near future,
to meet the growing demand for a wide range of VR applications.
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
Subjects. All participants were volunteers for this study and were selected from the university student (the
subjects of the serve–returning training experiment were the member of the badminton club). Aer obtaining
approval from the reviewing Board of University of Tokyo (approval no. 348-5) and Teikyo University School of
Medicine for human studies (approval no. 0326-1), our study was conducted. Standard ethical guidelines laid
down by Declaration of Helsinki-World Health Organization was followed for all methods in this study. All the
participants were informed about the study well in advance and MRI safety precautions were explained to all.
Before the study, a signed-in informed consent form was obtained from each participant.
In the serve–return training experiments, we enrolled forty three university students participating in a bad-
minton club (19 females) with a mean age of 19.8years (SD ± 3.2years; range 18–22years) as a learning group
for the serve–returning training using VR over 4weeks. To examine the eect of skill improvement, skilled
players were selected as subjects, rather than beginners. e average number of years of experience was 5.4
(SD ± 6.2; range 3–11). Fieen subjects also in a badminton club (seven females) with a mean age of 19.5years
(SD ± 0.9years; range 19–21years) participated in the study as a control group.
In the multiple objects tracking experiments, we enrolled thirty eight university students (21 males; average
age, 20.0years; SD ± 0.9years; range 18–21years) to perform the 2D and 3D MOT using VR. All subjects were
chosen through an interview and were highly motivated university students who were healthy and neurologically
intact and had no history of neuropsychiatric disorders, psychotropic medication use, or head injury.
e subjects were rigorously trained to maintain xation throughout the experiment and performed about
ve trials of the 2D and 3D MOT tasks, to ensure correct understanding and performance of the task. e order
of the 2D and 3D tasks was randomized for each subject. We performed 10 trials for each task, and the subjects
received 1 point per trial if they answered correctly; the total score was used (perfect score, 10).
Experimental design. Before the tasks (serve–return training or 2D and 3D MOT task), all participants
underwent MRI scanning (T1-weighted imaging and diusion-weighted imaging [DWI]) using a 3T MRI scan-
ner (Siemens PRISMA, Erlangen, Germany). Participants in the serve–return training also underwent MRI
scanning aer training.
Behavioral data acquisition. Serve–return training. To assess the eects of sports training using VR,
previous studies applied a training schedule spanning days or weeks2,65. In the present study, the subjects under-
went a 4week serve–return training using VR (HTC VIVE PRO; visual angle, 110°; refresh rate, 90Hz; resolu-
tion, 2880 × 1600 pixels) with racket (HTC racket handle). On each day of the training period, the participants
were required to return 80 serves to the edge of the opponent’s court in the VR space. e subject obtained 10
points if the shuttle fell within 10cm from the edge of the service line, and 5 points if the shuttle fell within other
areas on the court. Before and aer VR training, to determine if the ability of serve–returning was improved,
the subjects were required to undergo a similar rule of serve–return test in the real-world gym. For each of eight
serves, the subject returned the serves and got a score according to the position where the shuttle fell. e total
score of the 10 times of serve–return was used as the ability and compared it before and aer training.
e training environment in VR was set by Unity 2018.2.0f2, and the initial speed of serve was randomly
set from 30 to 100km/h. Two types of orbit calculation, the drive shot and the clear shot, were prepared for the
serve. In the drive shot, the eect of gravity was ignored, whereas the initial velocity was applied toward the
target point, and a constant velocity linear motion was adopted. In the case of the clear shot, the coordinates of
the midpoint between the target point and the start point were calculated, and the highest reached point was
calculated from the initial velocity (h = v0 × v0/2g). e Z coordinate (height direction) of the midpoint was set
to the highest point, and the initial velocity was given toward this point. e weight of the shuttle was set to 4g
and was a parabolic motion aected by gravity.
MOT. All participants underwent the 2D and 3D versions of the MOT task using VR (HCP VIVE PRO), with
10 repetitions each. Subjects were allowed ve practice runs each before performing the main trial, to under-
stand the rules and stabilize the score.
e order of execution of the 2D and 3D tasks was randomly selected and counterbalanced. For both tasks,
the percentage of correct responses was calculated as the number of correct responses aer 10 trials. e subjects
were allowed ve practice runs each before performing the main trial.
In the 2D MOT, the stimulus was presented in a gray square area (21 × 21cm) in the VR space. e task
proceeded with the following steps: (1) a white cross with a length of 1cm and a width of 0.1cm was presented
in the center of the square for 3s. (2) Eight white circles with a diameter of 1.0cm were presented anywhere
in the stimulus-presentation area (randomized for each trial) for 1.5s. At this time, the circles were presented
at a location where the centers of the circles were at least 2cm apart from each other so that the circles did not
overlap with each other. (3) Four of the eight white circles (randomly selected for each trial) turned green for
4s. (4) Aer returning to white from the green, all circles moved in the stimulus-presentation area in a random
direction at a speed of 6cm/s for 20s, before stopping. e circles moved in a straight line, and the direction in
which they started moving was random. e circle bounced back when it hit the wall of the stimulus-presentation
area. e circles bounced o each other when the centers of the circles approached each other up to 2cm so that
the circles did not overlap with each other. (5) Aer the white circles stopped moving, the four circles turned
green, and the numbers 1–4 were presented in the green circles in order, from le to right, for 3s. ree of the
four circles that changed to green were the rst ones to turn green (three out of the four circles were randomly
selected for each trial), and the remaining one was the rst one to turn white (one out of the four circles was
randomly selected for each trial). Subjects were asked to press a button to indicate the number of the circle that
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
was initially white but turned green at the end. (6) e correctness of the answer and the reaction time (ms; from
the presentation of the number to the answer) was recorded. e response was accepted only for 3s aer the
green circle and number were presented, aer which it was invalid. (7) Aer answering, a correct answer (the
circle that was initially white but turned green aer it stopped moving) was changed to red for 2s to provide
feedback to the subject. (8) All circles were turned o and only the gray stimulus-presentation area was presented
for 20s. Steps 1–8 were repeated 10 times.
In the 3D MOT, the stimulus was presented in a gray cubic area (21 × 21 × 21cm) in the VR space. e ow of
the 3D MOT task was basically the same as that of the 2D MOT. However, the stimulus was not a circle; rather, it
was a sphere of 1cm that was presented in the center of the spatial area. e moving direction of the sphere was
random, including depth. e procedures used were the same as those described for the 2D MOT.
Image data acquisition. e MRI data used in this research are obtained from 3T MRI scanner with a
64-channel phased-array receiver coil (Siemens PRISMA, Erlangen, Germany). High-resolution, three-dimen-
sional (3D), T1-weighted anatomical images were obtained with a magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo
sequence, which was designed as follows: echo time (TE) = 2.98ms, repetition time (TR) = 1900ms, inversion
time = 990 ms, eld of view (FOV) = 192 × 176 mm, matrix size = 192 × 176, ip angle = 80°, and 1 mm3 iso-
tropic voxels. We also acquired whole-brain DWI as follows: TE = 62ms, TR = 6500ms, matrix size = 128 × 128,
FOV = 276 × 276mm, ip angle = 90°, 68 slices, 1 × 1 × 1 mm3 isotropic voxels. Field map images were acquired
in the same scanning space as that of the DWI (TE1 = 5.19ms; TE2 = 7.65ms).
We also acquired the multiband resting state, as follows: TE = 30ms; TR = 1500ms; slice thickness = 2mm;
voxel size = 2 × 2mm; 180 volumes; 80 slices; and ip angle = 90°. For the restingstate functional MRI, partici-
pants were asked to see the xation points.
Quantication and statistical analysis. Image data analysis. GM-VBM. T1-weighted images were
subjected to voxel-based morphometry (VBM) analysis using the CAT toolbox (http:// dbm. neuro. uni- jena.
de/ cat. html) implemented in SPM12 (http:// www. l. ion. ucl. ac. uk/ spm). We implemented an optimized VBM
protocol for segmentation and normalization processes, using the DARTEL (Dieomorphic Anatomical Reg-
istration using Exponentiated Lie algebra) toolbox66 in SPM. e Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) 152
standard brain template in CAT12 was adopted to do normalization of the standard space. We calculated the
total intracranial volume (TIV) for all scans. e extracted GM were smoothed using a 12mm FWHM kernel.
A 0.1 absolute masking threshold were applied to the VBM data.
For the serve–return and MOT experiments, we tested the hypothesis that particular brain regions were
reserved for suitability for VR. If this were the case, participants with particularly developed structures in the
brain would show suitability for VR. To test this hypothesis, we performed a two-sample t-test using MRI data
from the pretask condition in individuals with high and low suitability for VR in both the VR serve–return train-
ing experiment and MOT experiment. We performed a GLM analysis incorporating sex, age, TIV, and years of
badminton experience for the serve–return training experiment, and the severe stimulation sickness score as
covariates, to remove their confounding eects (P < 0.05, FWE-corrected), for the serve–return training experi-
ment and MOT experiment. In the serve–return training experiment, to identify the GM changes induced by VR
serve–return training, we conducted a 2 × 2 mixed repeated-measures analysis of variance using time (Pre and
Post) as a within-subject variable and group (training group and control group) as a between-subjects variable.
DWI-TBSS. Preprocessing and analysis of DWI data were conducted with the Oxford Center for Functional
MRI of the Brain (FMRIB) soware library (FSL 6.0.1; http:// www. fmrib. ox. ac. uk/ fsl/). Pre-processing consisted
in eddy-current correction, skull-stripping with the Brain Extraction Tool (BET), estimation of the diusion
tensor model at each voxel using the DTI t tool, generating FA. Aer the calculation of the FA map for each
participant, we implemented a voxel-wise statistical analysis of the FA data67 using TBSS.
Similar to the VBM analysis, we rst tested whether the WM structure before each task (serve–return training
and 3D MOT) could predict whether participants would have suitability for VR. To identify learning-induced
reorganization of the WM, we conducted a 2 × 2 mixed repeated-measures ANOVA using time as the within-
subject variable and group as the between-subject variable (P < 0.05, FWE-corrected), yielding FA changes specic
to the VR training program.
Resting-state connectivity_CONN. Spatially preprocessed restingstate functional data were analyzed using
the Functional Connectivity Toolbox (CONN)68 running in MATLAB. CONN implements a componentbased
noise correction method to reduce physiological and extraneous noise, thus providing interpretative informa-
tion on correlated and anticorrelated functional brain networks69. Data were band-pass ltered (0.008–0.09Hz)
to reduce lowfrequency dri and noise eects70. e seeds are provided in the CONN soware and represent
the core and reproducibly demonstrated topological nodes within each resting-state network70. We investigated
the functional networks generated from seed (IPL). To give maps of voxelwise functional connectivity for each
seed ROI for each subject, the resulting coecients were converted to normally distributed scores using Fisher’s
transformation70. e value of each voxel throughout the whole brain represents the relative degree of functional
connectivity with each seed70.
Similar to the VBM and TBSS analyses, we tested whether the resting-state connectivity before each task
(serve–return training and 3DMOT) could predict whether participants would have suitability for VR. We
performed a voxelwise statistical analysis over the entire brain using a corrected level (P < 0.05) before a false
discovery rate correction was applied at the cluster level (P < 0.05).
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Scientic Reports | (2021) 11:23688 |
Predictor of suitability for the VR serve–return training. We evaluated whether the brain features
(the GM in the right SPL, FA in the nearby IPL, and IPL–CN functional connectivity) could predict the level of
VR suitability. We set up a 5mm spherical VOI at the peak voxel in the right SPL for the GM, in the IPL for the
FA, and in the right CN for the resting-state activity. Next, we extracted both the GM and the FA values from
the SPL and IPL, and the resting-state values from the IPL-CN as regional features exhibiting group-wise dif-
ferences. For the dataset, the explanatory variables were these three brain features, and the predictive variables
were the two groups (high or low VR suitability). A machine learning algorithm was applied to the dataset, and
a tenfold cross-validation was performed. To validate the appropriate prediction algorithms, we used dierent
prediction algorithms, such as random forest, SVM, and k-NN. Parameters of the classier were set as follows.
Parameters of the classier parameters were set as follows so as to make the training model high accuracy. For
SVM, rbf was used as the kernel. For k-NN, the number of neighbor objects was tuned from between 1 and 5. For
random forest, gini coecients were used as a criterion for splitting. Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowl-
edge Analysis) was used for a soware for machine learning. We calculated the precision, recall, F-values for the
training group in the serve–return task and in 3D MOT.
Generalization of the predictor of VR suitability. To test the generalization of the predictor of VR
suitability, we evaluated whether the predictor of VR suitability obtained from VR sports training could dis-
criminate the high 3D MOT group from the low 3D MOT group. Firstly, we created the predictive model using
data (the GM and the FA values from the SPL and IPL, and the resting-state values from the CN) from all sub-
jects in the sports training.
Next, from the subjects who performed MOT, we extracted the GM and the FA values from the SPL and IPL,
and the resting-state values from the CN that exhibited the same coordinate of the regional features exhibiting
group-wise dierences in the VR sports training experiments. Subsequently, to test whether the VR suitability
predictor obtained from the VR sports training could discriminate the high 3D MOT from the low 3D MOT
groups, we applied the regional features from the subjects in 3D MOT to the predictor from the sports training.
To validate the appropriate algorithms, we used four dierent algorithms, i.e., random forest, SVM, and k-NN.
We also tested whether the VR suitability in 3D MOT (high 3D MOT or low 3D MOT) could be predicted
by the predictor of VR suitability created by the 3D MOT. For the dataset, the explanatory variables were these
three brain features, and the predictive variables were the two groups (high or low 3D MOT).
Finally, a reverse verication was performed to test further the hypothesis that the common neural basis in
the dierent tasks of VR suitability lies in the IPL, SPL, and CN. We tested whether the predictor of VR suitability
from 3D MOT could predict VR suitability in sports training. e predictive model was created using data from
all subjects in the sports training experiments.
Data availability
e data supporting the ndings of this study is available upon reasonable request to the corresponding author
(for verication purposes only and not for future studies). Concerning the raw brain imaging data, two partici-
pants did not agree to share, and thus data of these two participants is not available.
Received: 19 July 2021; Accepted: 24 November 2021
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is study was supported by grants from PRESTO, CREST (JPMJCR18A3), and Souhatsu from Japan Science
and Technology Agency (JST) to CH.
Author contributions
C.H. conceptualized and C.H. and K.M. contributed to the design of the work. C.H. and K.F. took part in the
data acquisition. C.H. and K.F. contributed to the analysis and C.H., K.F., K.M., and K.H. interpreted the data of
the work. C.H. and F.K. contributed to draing this paper. All authors approved the nal version for submission
and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure that all questions related to the accuracy or
integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
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... p = 0.001) (Fig. 3C). These findings may indicate that the frontal-parietal lobes play an important role in visual accommodation [38] and that 3DVT may help to improve the function of these regions. To identify SBNs connections that were enhanced or disconnected before and after training, we used the NBS approach. ...
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Although three-dimensional visual training (3DVT) has been used for myopia intervention, its neural mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this study, visual function was examined before and after 3DVT, while resting-state EEG-fNIRS signals were recorded from 38 myopic participants. A graph theoretical analysis was applied to compute the neurovascular properties, including static brain networks (SBNs), dynamic brain networks (DBNs), and dynamic neurovascular coupling (DNC). Correlations between the changes in neurovascular properties and the changes in visual functions were calculated. After 3DVT, the local efficiency and node efficiency in the frontal lobes increased in the SBNs constructed from EEG δ-band; the global efficiency and node efficiency in the frontal-parietal lobes decreased in the DBNs variability constructed from EEG δ-band. For the DNC constructed with EEG α-band and oxyhemoglobin (HbO), the local efficiency decreased, for EEG α-band and deoxyhemoglobin (HbR), the node efficiency in the frontal-occipital lobes decreased. For the SBNs constructed from HbO, the functional connectivity (FC) between the frontal-occipital lobes increased. The DNC constructed between the FC of the frontal-parietal lobes from EEG β-band and the FC of the frontal-occipital lobes from HbO increased, and between the FC of the frontal-occipital lobes from EEG β-band and the FC of the inter-frontal lobes from HbR increased. The neurovascular properties were significantly correlated with the amplitude of accommodation and accommodative facility. The result indicated the positive effects of 3DVT on myopic participants, including improved efficiency of brain networks, increased FC of SBNs and DNC, and enhanced binocular accommodation functions.
... Detecting this trait within the healthy population (whereby variability exists; Samuel et al., 2022) can improve screening and diagnostic protocols. Likewise, many remediation programs now employ virtual reality: suitability for these approaches is affected by structural variability in parietal areas (Hosoda et al., 2021). Assessing skills relying on parietal functioning may thus help singling out which individuals will benefit from these therapies. ...
... It has been reported that the feeling of being spatially located in the virtual environment differs between individuals and is related to differences in one's general spatial abilities (Coxon et al., 2016). More recently, it was also reported that there are individual differences in the rate of improvement through VR training in sports, and that these differences can be explained by differences in the structure of brain regions related to stereopsis and depth perception (Hosoda et al., 2021). In the current study, one of the ten batters showed a lower delta onset in VR than in the real environment (positioned at the upper left in Figure 2A). ...
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Recently, virtual reality (VR) technology has developed rapidly and has increasingly come to be used in the sports field. VR technology ranges from large, highly immersive devices to simple devices such as smartphones, and the respective usefulness and shortcomings of different device types have been debated. Simple devices have advantages such as portability, but also provide only a weak sense of realism. It is important to understand the purpose and extent to which VR technologies can be used. Our purpose in this study was to briefly measure one of the cognitive-motor abilities used in softball batting: temporal discrimination ability in swing onset when a batter faces two types of balls thrown at different speeds. We investigated whether a simplified head-mounted display (HMD) system can evaluate such cognitive-motor ability to the same extent as in a real environment. Ten elite female softball batters swung at fastballs and slowballs randomly thrown by the same pitcher in both real and 3D VR environments, with the same range of trajectories. We then compared the temporal discrimination ability of swing onset analyzed by video analysis between environments. We found that the discrimination ability in VR is almost the same as in reality. In addition, questionnaire items on the VR system related to user experience and cybersickness showed overall promising responses. However, we also found that the system had some issues that need to be considered, such as leading to early swing onset and large variability in it. We discussed the usefulness and limitations of the VR system by combining the results for swing onset with the questionnaire responses. By understanding the characteristics of VR technology and using it as an efficient evaluation and training of players, the sports field can make significant progress.
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In Virtual Reality (VR), a higher level of presence positively influences the experience and engagement of a user. There are several parameters that are responsible for generating different levels of presence in VR, including but not limited to, graphical fidelity, multi-sensory stimuli, and embodiment. However, standard methods of measuring presence, including self-reported questionnaires, are biased. This research focuses on developing a robust model, via machine learning, to detect different levels of presence in VR using multimodal neurological and physiological signals, including electroencephalography and electrodermal activity. An experiment has been undertaken whereby participants (N = 22) were each exposed to three different levels of presence (high, medium, and low) in a random order in VR. Four parameters within each level, including graphics fidelity, audio cues, latency, and embodiment with haptic feedback, were systematically manipulated to differentiate the levels. A number of multi-class classifiers were evaluated within a three-class classification problem, using a One-vs-Rest approach, including Support Vector Machine, k-Nearest Neighbour, Extra Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Multiple Layer Perceptron. Results demonstrated that the Multiple Layer Perceptron model obtained the highest macro average accuracy of 93±0.03%93±0.03%93\pm 0.03\%. Posthoc analysis revealed that relative band power, which is expressed as the ratio of power in a specific frequency band to the total baseline power, in both the frontal and parietal regions, including beta over theta and alpha ratio, and differential entropy were most significant in detecting different levels of presence.
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The medial posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is involved in the complex processes of visuomotor integration. Its connections to the dorsal premotor cortex, which in turn is connected to the primary motor cortex (M1), complete the fronto-parietal network that supports important cognitive functions in the planning and execution of goal-oriented movements. In this study, we wanted to investigate the time-course of the functional connectivity at rest between the medial PPC and the M1 using dual-site transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy humans. We stimulated the left M1 using a suprathreshold test stimulus to elicit motor-evoked potentials in the hand, and a subthreshold conditioning stimulus was applied over the left medial PPC at different inter-stimulus intervals (ISIs). The conditioning stimulus affected the M1 excitability depending on the ISI, with inhibition at longer ISIs (12 and 15 ms). We suggest that these modulations may reflect the activation of different parieto-frontal pathways, with long latency inhibitions likely recruiting polisynaptic pathways, presumably through anterolateral PPC.
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Persistent goal-directed behaviours result in achievements in many fields. However, the underlying neural mechanisms of persistence and the methods that enhance the neuroplasticity underlying persistence, remain unclear. We here demonstrate that the structural properties of the frontal pole cortex (FPC) before tasks contain information that can classify Achievers and Non-achievers (goal-directed persistence) participating in three tasks that differ in time scale (hours to months) and task domains (cognitive, language, and motor learning). We also found that most Achievers exhibit experience-dependent neuroplastic changes in the FPC after completing language and motor learning tasks. Moreover, we confirmed that a coaching strategy that used subgoals modified goal-directed persistence and increased the likelihood of becoming an Achiever. Notably, we discovered that neuroplastic changes in the FPC were facilitated by the subgoal strategy, suggesting that goal-striving, using effective coaching, optimizes the FPC for goal persistence.
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Previous studies have shown that sport experts are different from novices in functions and structures of the cerebellar sub-regions and the functional connectivity (FC) associated with the cerebellum, suggesting the role of the cerebellum on motor skill learning (MSL). However, the manipulation of individuals with different motor skills fails to exclude the effects of innate talents. In addition, individuals with higher motor skills often start with the MSL in their young ages. It is still unclear whether the effects regarding the cerebellum would be shown at one’s adult age. The present study was to directly alter individuals’ motor skills to investigate whether MSL (taking learning to play badminton as an example) in adulthood influences resting-state activity in the cerebellum. To this end, young adults without ball training experience were recruited as participants and were assigned randomly into the experimental group and the control group. Participants in the experimental group were asked to attend a badminton training course for 12 weeks, while the control group did not regularly attend any ball sports during this period. Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was recorded before and after the training. Results showed that compared to the control group, the experimental group had smaller amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation (ALFF) in right cerebellar hemispheric VI and left VIII after training. For the experimental group, right hemispheric VIII had a stronger FC with left hemispheric IV-V, cerebellar vermal IX, left middle cingulate gyrus and right hippocampus after training. Taken together, these findings suggested that MSL, at least learning to play badminton in adulthood, reduces resting-state activity in different sub-regions in the cerebellum but increases FC between sub-regions of the cerebellum as well as between sub-regions of the cerebellum and cerebral cortices (e.g., middle cingulate cortex and hippocampus).
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is categorized by deficits in social communication and interaction, alongside repetitive, restrictive behaviors or interests (RRBIs). Previous research supports the efficacy of virtual reality (VR) to train a variety of specific skills (i.e., riding a bus or crossing the street) as well as more complex social skills, such as emotion recognition and functional communication. The present reports the implementation of a VR-based air travel functional communication activity in five children diagnosed with ASD. Using an iPhone X and Google Cardboard device, researchers delivered the VR intervention once per week for 3 weeks to each participant. During these interventions, researchers measured activity completion ability on a 4-point scale. At week 4, all children participated in a real-world air travel rehearsal at the San Diego International Airport. Parents were asked to rate their child's air travel abilities before week 1 and after week 4. All children improved their air travel skills from pre- to postintervention, reflected in both the researchers' and parents' observations. All children navigated the real-world airport under their own power. This preliminary report suggests the efficacy of VR to teach basic air travel skills to young children diagnosed with autism. Clinician observations regarding attention to the VR and strategies for helping participants accept the intervention technique are discussed. Future iterations of this program will require larger sample sizes and more robust clinical measurements-such as communication samples and physiological monitoring.
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Background Virtual reality simulators combined with head-mounted displays enable highly immersive virtual reality (VR) for surgical skills training, potentially bridging the gap between the simulation environment and real-life operating room conditions. However, the increased complexity of the learning situation in immersive VR could potentially induce high cognitive load thereby inhibiting performance and learning. This study aims to compare cognitive load and performance in immersive VR and conventional VR simulation training. Methods A randomized controlled trial of residents (n = 31) performing laparoscopic salpingectomies with an ectopic pregnancy in either immersive VR or conventional VR simulation. Cognitive load was estimated by secondary-task reaction time at baseline, and during nonstressor and stressor phases of the procedure. Simulator metrics were used to evaluate performance. Results Cognitive load was increased by 66% and 58% during immersive VR and conventional VR simulation, respectively (p < 0.001), compared to baseline. A light stressor induced a further increase in cognitive load by 15.2% and a severe stressor by 43.1% in the immersive VR group compared to 23% (severe stressor) in the conventional VR group. Immersive VR also caused a significantly worse performance on most simulator metrics. Conclusion Immersive VR simulation training induces a higher cognitive load and results in a poorer performance than conventional VR simulation training in laparoscopy. High extraneous load and element interactivity in the immersive VR are suggested as mechanisms explaining this finding. However, immersive VR offers some potential advantages over conventional VR such as more real-life conditions but we only recommend introducing immersive VR in surgical skills training after initial training in conventional VR.
Mixed reality (MR), a technology which supplements the real world with virtual objects, is increasingly becoming available as a teaching tool in medical education. The Microsoft HoloLens device allows operators to experience MR using a head-mounted device without interfering with their physical reality, stimulating a realistic learning experience using virtual objects. This project aimed to develop a MR anatomy teaching application with HoloLens for exploring the anatomy of the temporal bone. The educational application was developed from a multidisciplinary collaboration between undergraduate and postgraduate students across several academic disciplines with Medtronic, a medical technology company. 3D anatomical models were built using ZBrush and Blender, while the HoloLens1 application was developed using Windows 10, Visual Studio 2017, Unity and Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK). Modules developed within the application included a basic HoloLens tutorial, a virtual temporal bone with surgical anatomy landmarks and free drilling of the temporal bone. The basic tutorial allows the operator to adapt to the MR environment prior to exploring the anatomical landmarks of the 3D temporal bone. The free drilling of the temporal bone using vertex displacement and texture stretching replicates a real-time bone drilling experience and allows the operator to explore the anatomical relationship between different otological structures.
This study introduces a virtual life-sized perceptual-cognitive training paradigm that combines three-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) with motor (Experiment 1) or perceptual (Experiment 2) sport decision-making tasks. We sought to assess the impact of training on task performance and determine optimal training conditions for improvement and learning. Fifty-seven participants were randomly assigned to one of four training conditions (isolated 3D-MOT, 3D-MOT combined with a decision-making task, consolidated 3D-MOT later combined with a decision-making task, and isolated decision-making task). We evaluated task performance using speed thresholds, success rate (%), and reaction time (s). Findings were that the dual-task paradigm was associated with performance beyond chance level on both 3D-MOT and decision-making tasks despite an important dual-task cost. Interestingly, the results seemed to favor consolidated 3D-MOT training over simultaneous 3D-MOT training when combined with a motor decision-making task but not when combined with a perceptual decision-making task. The number of shared attentional resources in the nature of the additional task (i.e., perceptual or motor decision-making) seems to be key in interpreting the dual-task interference. These findings must be considered when designing representative multitask perceptual-cognitive training.
Objective: To assess the newly developed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) module of a VR arthroscopy trainer for content, construct and face validity. Design: Participants were divided into expert and novice groups based on their experience with ACL arthroscopy. Participants were given a standardized introduction, shown a video on how to use the simulator, and performed a 5-minute partial meniscectomy task, to familiarise them with the equipment. Participants then undertook an ACL reconstruction task. On completion, the simulator produced a summary of performance metrics for the following domains: Operation Time, ACL Reconstruction, Safety, Economy, Detailed Visualization and Total Score. A 7-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to assess the face and content validity of the simulator. Participants: Twenty one participants from a hospital orthopaedic department were recruited. Five were classified as expert, 16 as novice. Results: An independent Mann-Whitney U test showed no significant differences between experts and novices for any of the domains. Questionnaire responses regarding hand-eye coordination, camera navigation training, diagnostic training, tunnel preparation and overall training capacity were scored as either 'good' or 'excellent' by more than 70% of the participants. All responses regarding the 'graft insertion task' scored low. Conclusion: The current iteration of the VR knee ArthroS™ simulator (VirtaMed AG, Zurich, Switzerland) is promising, but requires further development of the ACL procedure, in particular the graft insertion task, before it can be considered as part of training curricula.
Slip on a set of virtual reality (VR) goggles and connected gloves, and you are transported to another world. For the entertainment industry, that kind of immersive VR may mean shoot-’em-up games where players have to blast blood-thirsty aliens or other bad guys to save the day. For the military, it may be simulations for pilot instruction or soldier training. And for a growing number of researchers—and now companies—the focus is on using VR systems to help patients deal with pain.