... subcategories. Recurring 'Technological Aspects' include 'Web3' (Hamburg, 2021;Akinosho, 2022;Belova, 2022;Coinmonks, 2022;Hawkins, 2022;Moreland, 2022;Ethereum Foundation, 2023b;Ding et al., 2023;Magennis et al., 2023;Shilina, 2023;Starr et al., 2023;Xiaohui, 2023), 'Distributed Ledger Technology' (Hamburg, 2021;Belova, 2022;Hawkins, 2022;Moreland, 2022;Sicard, 2022;Wang et al., 2022;Ethereum Foundation, 2023b;Dehouche et al., 2023;JocelynDAO, 2023;Kisley, 2023) and 'Decentralization' (Golato, 2021;Koepsell, 2022;Parasol, 2022;Dehouche et al., 2023;Ding et al., 2023;Kisley, 2023;Starr et al., 2023), whereas scientific aspects frequently cite 'Research Funding' (Akinosho, 2022;Belova, 2022;Ding et al., 2022;Hamburg, 2022;FIGURE 2 Flowchart of the search and selection process for academic literature (modified from PRISMA (Tricco et al., 2018)). ...