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State-of-the-art blockchain sharding solutions, say Monoxide, can induce imbalanced transaction (TX) distributions among all blockchain shards due to their account deployment mechanisms. Imbalanced TX distributions can then cause hot shards, in which the cross-shard TXs may experience an unlimited length of confirmation latency. Thus, how to address the hot shard issue and how to reduce cross-shard TXs become significant challenges in the context of blockchain state sharding. Through reviewing the related studies, we find that a cross-shard TX protocol that can achieve workload balance among all blockchain shards and simultaneously reduce the number of cross-shard TXs is still absent from the literature. To this end, we propose BrokerChain, which is a cross-shard blockchain protocol devised for the account/balance-based state sharding. Essentially, BrokerChain exploits fine-grained state partition and account segmentation. We also elaborate on how BrokerChain handles the cross-shard TXs through broker accounts. The security issues and other properties of BrokerChain are analyzed substantially. Finally, we conduct comprehensive evaluations using both a real cloud-based prototype and a transaction-driven simulator. The evaluation results show that BrokerChain outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions in terms of system throughput, transaction confirmation latency, the queue size of the transaction pool, and workload balance performance.
BrokerChain: A Cross-Shard Blockchain Protocol
for Account/Balance-based State Sharding
Huawei Huang, Xiaowen Peng, Jianzhou Zhan, Shenyang Zhang, Yue Lin, Zibin ZhengSong Guo
School of CSE, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Email:
{pengxw3, zhanjzh, zhangshy46, liny237},
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Email:
Abstract—State-of-the-art blockchain sharding solutions, say
Monoxide, can induce imbalanced transaction (TX) distributions
among all blockchain shards due to their account deployment
mechanisms. Imbalanced TX distributions then cause hot shards,
in which the cross-shard TXs may experience an unlimited length
of confirmation latency. Thus, how to address the hot-shard
issue and how to reduce cross-shard TXs become significant
challenges of blockchain state sharding. Through reviewing the
related studies, we find that a cross-shard TX protocol that can
achieve workload balance among all shards and simultaneously
reduce the number of cross-shard TXs is still absent from the
literature. To this end, we propose BrokerChain, which is a cross-
shard blockchain protocol devised for the account/balance-based
state sharding. Essentially, BrokerChain exploits fine-grained
state partition and account segmentation. We also elaborate on
how BrokerChain handles cross-shard TXs through broker ac-
counts. The security issues and other properties of BrokerChain
are analyzed substantially. Finally, we conduct comprehensive
evaluations using both a cloud-based prototype and a transaction-
driven simulator. The evaluation results show that BrokerChain
outperforms other solutions in terms of system throughput,
transaction confirmation latency, the queue size of transaction
pool, and workload balance.
Sharding technique is viewed as a promising solution that
can improve the scalability of blockchains [1]–[10]. The idea
of sharding is to divide and conquer when facing all the
transactions (TXs) submitted to a blockchain system. Instead
of processing all TXs by all blockchain nodes as the conven-
tional manner, sharding technique divides blockchain nodes
into different smaller committees, each only has to handle a
subset of TXs [1]. Thus, the transaction throughput can be
boosted in theory.
There are mainly three types of sharding paradigms, i.e.,
network sharding, transaction sharding, and state sharding.
Since network sharding divides the entire blockchain network
into smaller committees, it is viewed as the foundation of
the other two sharding paradigms. In each round of the
conventional sharding protocol, after committee’s formation,
a number of disjoint sets of TXs are assigned to those
committees under the policy of transaction sharding. Then,
committees run a specific consensus protocol locally, such as
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) [11], to achieve a
local consensus towards the set of assigned TXs. During those
three sharding techniques, state sharding is the most difficult
one because it has to ensure that all states of a blockchain are
amortized by all shards. Currently, the state sharding is mainly
Fig. 1. When feeding 80000 TXs for each iteration of blockchain mining,
Monoxide’s sharding protocol [8] yields imbalanced transaction distributions
among all shards. Consequently, some hot shards are induced. Here, we call
a shard congested by an overwhelming number of TXs a hot shard.
staying in the theory phase. Several representative sharding
solutions have been proposed, such as Elastico [1], Omniledger
[2], RapaidChain [4], and Monoxide [8]. Those sharding
solutions are based on either UTXO (Unspent Transaction
Output) or account/balance transaction model. For example,
Elastico [1] exploits the UTXO model, while Monoxide [8]
adopts the account/balance transaction model.
Motivation. In Monoxide, user accounts are distributed
to different blockchain shards according to the first few
bits of their addresses, aiming to store all account states
collaboratively. Although this manner can improve the system
throughput, cross-shard TXs are inevitably induced. The han-
dling of cross-shard TXs is a major technique issue under the
account/balance-based blockchain sharding. Monoxide guar-
antees the atomicity of cross-shard TXs by introducing relay
TXs. However, relay TXs may result in congested shards. We
call such shards congested by an overwhelming number of
TXs the hot shards. In each hot shard, TXs cannot be pro-
cessed in time and may experience long confirmation latency.
To prove our concern about Monoxide’s sharding protocol, we
evaluate the TX workloads of all shards by feeding 80000 TXs
at each iteration of Monoxide’s consensus. Fig. 1 shows the
TX distribution results of Monoxide’s sharding. We observe
that hot shards widely exist in some shards during multiple
iterations. In fact, these congested hot shards are caused by ac-
tive accounts, which launch a large number of TXs frequently
in their associated shards. Consequently, TXs are distributed
over all shards in an imbalanced way. The insight behind those
observations is that the account-deployment method adopted
by Monoxide does not consider the frequency of launching
TXs by accounts. Moreover, a great number of cross-shard
TXs could be also caused under Monoxide’s sharding. As
a result, when the number of shards becomes large, almost
all TXs are cross-shard ones. When the receiver account of
a cross-shard TX is suspending in a congested hot shard,
Monoxide may incur infinite TX’s confirmation latency.
Furthermore, through a thorough review over the state-of-
the-art studies, e.g., Elastico [1], Omniledger [2], RapaidChain
[4], we find that most of the cross-shard TX mechanisms
mainly focus on the UTXO transaction model. Although
Monoxide [8] and SkyChain [12] design their sharding pro-
tocols using the account/balance model, they didn’t address
the hot-shard issue. In summary, we have not yet found a
cross-shard TX solution that can eliminate hot shards for the
account/balance-based state sharding. Thus, we are motivated
to devise such a new sharding protocol.
Challenges. When assigning a large number of TXs in the
account/balance-based state sharding, a natural problem is how
to reach load balance among all shards. Recall that the imbal-
anced workload in hot shards can cause large TX confirmation
latency, which threatens the eventual atomicity of cross-shard
TXs. This problem becomes even more challenging when
most of the TXs are cross-shard ones [8]. Therefore, how to
guarantee the eventual atomicity of cross-shard TXs becomes
a challenge that prevents the state sharding mechanism from
being largely adopted in practice.
To this end, this paper proposes a cross-shard blockchain
protocol, named BrokerChain, for account/balance-based state
sharding. BrokerChain aims to generate fewer cross-shard TXs
and ensure workload balance for all blockchain shards. Our
study in this paper leads to the following contributions.
BrokerChain partitions account’s state and performs ac-
count segmentation in the protocol layer. Thus, the well-
partitioned account states can be amortized by multiple
shards to achieve workload balance among all shards.
To alleviate the hot-shard issue, BrokerChain also in-
cludes a cross-shard TX handling mechanism, which
can guarantee the duration-limited eventual atomicity of
cross-shard TXs.
We implement BrokerChain protocol and deploy a pro-
totype in Alibaba Cloud. Through both experiments and
transaction-driven simulations, we show that BrokerChain
outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in the perspectives
of throughput, TX confirmation latency, the queue size
of transaction pool, and workload balance.
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows. Section
II reviews state-of-the-art studies. Section III describes the
protocol design. Section IV depicts the handling of cross-shard
TXs. Section V analyzes the security issues and other proper-
ties of BrokerChain. Section VI demonstrates the performance
evaluation results. Finally, Section VII concludes this paper.
A. Transaction Models
There are two mainstream transaction models in existing
blockchain systems, i.e., the UTXO model [13] and the
account/balance model [14]. Under UTXO model, a TX
may involve multiple inputs and outputs. When the outputs
originating from previous UTXOs are imported into a TX,
those UTXOs will be marked as spent and new UTXOs will
be produced by this TX. Under the account/balance model,
users may generate a TX using the deposits in their accounts.
Ethereum [14] employs the account/balance model due to its
simplicity that each TX has only one sender account and one
receiver account. When confirming the legitimacy of a TX,
it is necessary to check whether the deposits of the sender’s
account is sufficient or not.
B. Representative Blockchain Sharding Solutions
A great number of sharding solutions have been proposed
to improve the scalability of blockchain systems [15]. Some of
these representative solutions are reviewed as follows. Elastico
[1] is viewed as the first sharding-based blockchain system, in
which every shard processes TXs in parallel. Kokoris et al.
[2] then present a state sharding protocol named OmniLedger,
which adopts a scalable BFT-based consensus algorithm to
improve TX throughput. Facing the high overhead of sharding
reconfiguration in Elastico and OmniLedger, Zamani et al. [4]
propose RapidChain to solve this overhead issue. Chainspace
[3] exploits a particular distributed atomic commit proto-
col to support the sharding mechanism for smart contracts.
Then, Wang et al. [8] propose Monoxide, which realizes an
account/balance-based sharding blockchain. In Monoxide, a
novel relay transaction mechanism is leveraged to process
cross-shard TXs. Next, Nguyen et al. [5] present a new
shard placement scheme named OptChain. This method can
minimize the number of cross-shard TXs for the UTXO-based
sharding. Prism [6] achieves optimal network throughput by
deconstructing the blockchain structure into atomic function-
alities. Dang et al. [7] present a scaling sharded blockchain
that can improve the performance of consensus and shard
formation. Recently, Tao et al. [9] propose a dynamic sharding
system to improve the system throughput based on smart
contracts. Huang et al. [10] propose an online stochastic-
exploration algorithm to schedule most valuable committees
for the large-scale sharding blockchain.
C. Cross-Shard Transaction Processing
A sharding blockchain must consider how to handle the
cross-shard TXs. In Omniledger [2], the authors adopt a client-
driven two-phase commit (2PC) mechanism with lock/unlock
operations to ensure the atomicity of cross-shard TXs. Dif-
ferently, Chainspace [3] introduces a client-driven BFT-based
mechanism. RapidChain [4] transfers all involved UTXOs to
the same shard by sub-transactions, such that a cross-shard
TX can be transformed to intra-shard TXs. In Monoxide [8],
the deduction operations and deposit operations are separated.
Relay transactions are then exploited to achieve the eventual
atomicity of cross-shard TXs. Recently, Pyramid [16] intro-
duces a layered sharding consensus protocol. In this solution,
cross-shard TXs are handled by a special type of nodes who
serve two shards at the same time.
Comparing with these existing studies, the proposed Bro-
kerChain handles cross-shard TXs by taking the advantages
of broker accounts. Furthermore, BrokerChain can achieve
the workload balance while distributing TXs through the fine-
grained state-partition and account-segmentation mechanisms.
In this section, we present BrokerChain, an adaptive state
sharding protocol based on account/balance transaction model.
A. Overview of BrokerChain
Similar to Rapidchain [4], we first define an epoch as a
fixed length of system running time in BrokerChain. To avoid
Sybil attacks [17], blockchain nodes should get their identities
by solving a hash-based puzzle before joining in a network
shard. In such puzzle, an unpredictable common randomness
is created at the end of the previous epoch. Once a blockchain
node solves the puzzle successfully, the last few bits of the
solution indicate which shard the node should be designated
to. In our design, BrokerChain consists of two types of shards:
M-shard. A mining shard (shorten as M-shard) generates
TX blocks by packing TXs and achieves the intra-shard
consensus at the beginning of each epoch.
P-shard. A partition shard (shorten as P-shard) is devised
to partition account states in an adaptive manner during
each epoch.
BrokerChain requires a number Sof M-shards and one
P-shard existing in the sharding blockchain. For both M-
shard and P-shard, we adopt PBFT protocol [11] to achieve
their respective intra-shard consensus and to avoid blockchain
forks. Using Fig. 2, we now describe the most important four
sequential phases of BrokerChain as follows.
TX-Block Consensus Phase. At the beginning of an
epoch, each M-shard packages TXs from the TX pool,
and generates a number of TX blocks through running
PBFT protocol. The number of TX blocks generated by a
M-shard in an epoch depends on the intra-shard network
parameters such as network bandwidth. Note that, the
first new TX block generated by a M-shard follows the
state block (i.e., Bt1shown in Fig. 2), which records
the state-partition results of the previous epoch.
State-Graph Partitioning Phase. P-shard keeps loading
the TXs from the new arriving blocks generated by M-
shards, and keeps updating the state graph of all accounts.
Once all TX blocks have been generated by M-shards
within the current epoch, the state graph is fixed. Then,
the protocol begins to partition the state graph, aiming to
achieve workload balance among all shards.
State-Block Consensus Phase. With the state graph of
all accounts partitioned in previous phase, BrokerChain
performs the account segmentation, which is described
in detail in Section III-C. To reach a consensus towards
the result of both state-graph partition and account seg-
mentation, PBFT protocol is exploited again to generate
astate block (denoted by Bt), which is then added to the
P-shard chain.
State Reconfiguration Phase. After reaching consensus
on the partition result, P-shard broadcasts the state block
Bt, which contains the S-partitioned new state graph, to
all the associated M-shards. When receiving a state block
Bt, a M-shard reads the state-partition result from the
state block, and reconfigures its states accordingly such
that TXs in the next epoch t+1 can be distributed to the
designated shards according to the new account states.
At the end of each epoch, BrokerChain also needs to update
the formation of both P-shard and M-shards. To update those
shards, Cuckoo rule [18] is invoked such that the system can
defend against the join-leave attacks [19], [20].
In the following, we elaborate the most critical operations
and data structures in BrokerChain: State-Graph Partition,
Account Segmentation, and the modified Shard State Tree.
B. State-Graph Partition
P-shard monitors the TX blocks generated by M-shards,
and keeps loading the TXs in each arriving new block at
real time to build/update the state graph. When receiving a
specified minimum number of TX blocks, the state graph is
fixed. As shown in the State-Graph Partitioning Phase of Fig.
2, each vertex of such state graph represents an account. The
edge weight (denoted by we) is defined as the number of
TXs that involve the corresponding pair of accounts, while
the vertex weight (denoted by wv) is calculated by the sum of
the involved edges’ weight. With the fixed state graph, P-shard
begins to partition all accounts in the graph using Metis [21],
which is a well-known heuristic graph-partitioning tool. Metis
can partition the state graph into non-overlapping Sparts,
while reducing the number of cross-shard TXs and considering
the workload balance among all shards.
C. Account Segmentation
In Monoxide [8], an account must be stored in only one
single shard. The fact is that an account, such as an exchange’s
active account, may participate in a great number of TXs. This
kind of active account would result in hot shards inevitably.
Facing the hot-shard issue, we give an example in the fol-
lowing to show that this issue could be solved at the user
layer. The only assumption required is that a user is allowed
to hold multiple accounts, which are then permitted to store
in multiple arbitrary state shards. Suppose that a specific user
is holding multiple accounts. Following Monoxide’s account-
deployment rule, this user’s accounts will be placed in different
shards if the first kbits of account addresses are different.
Then, this user can launch a large number of TXs through his
multiple accounts such that those TXs can be distributed into
designated shards. Consequently, the workload balance of all
shards is possible to achieve, and the number of cross-shard
TXs can be reduced as well, simultaneously.
Motivation to Account Segmentation. Users, however,
generally do not have the motivation to open multiple accounts
and deposit their tokens there. Because it’s inconvenient to
manage those distributed accounts. What’s more, it does not
make sense to enforce users to launch their TXs through
State 1
M-shard #1
State 2
M-shard #2 P-shard M-shard #1 M-shard #2
TX-Block Consensus Phase State Reconfiguration Phase
P-shard chain
Partition 1 Partition 2
State 1 State 2
Reading state-partion result
and reconfiguring state
State Graph
State-Graph Partitioning Phase
: State block for epoch   
Keep loading TXs
from each new arriving
block and keep
updating state graph
State-Block Consensus Phase
: Weight of Account : Weight of Edge
: TX block generated by M-shard #1
: Account
: Node / Miner : TX block generated by M-shard #2
Fig. 2. Four major phases of BrokerChain protocol in an epoch t. There are two types of shards in BrokerChain: partition shards (P-shard) and mining shards
(M-shard). In this figure, we only use two M-shards to illustrate the BrokerChain protocol.
Shard #1 Shard #2
Monoxide’s Sharding
Shard #1 Shard #2
BrokerChain’s Sharding
World State
!: a77d337 10
": b711355 100
#: b77d397 10
Account/Value #: b77d397 10
": b711355 100
!: a77d337 10 !: a77d337 10
$: b711355 50
#: b77d397 10
"%: b711355 50
Shard #1 State Shard #2 State Shard #1 State Shard #2 State
Total Ledger
TX #1: ! → "
TX #2: # → "
TX #3: ! → #
TX #1: ! → " TX #1: ! → "
TX #3: ! → # TX #2: # → "
TX #3: ! → #
TX #1: ! → " T X #2: # → "
TX #3: ! → # TX #3: ! → #
Shard #1 Ledger Shard #2 Ledger Shard #1 Ledger Shard #2 Ledger
: Intra-Shard TX : Cross-Shard TX
Fig. 3. Comparison of account segmentation results between Monoxide and
BrokerChain. We see that BrokerChain yields fewer cross-shard TXs and a
more balanced TX workloads over all shards.
their multiple accounts, aiming to balance the overall system
workload. Therefore, we propose an account segmentation
mechanism, which works in the protocol layer of blockchain
architecture. The proposed account segmentation mechanism
has the following advantages. i) Users are not enforced to
open multiple accounts. ii) A user account’s state can be
easily divided and stored in multiple shards. iii) Through this
user-transparent way, the workload balance of all shards is
convenient to achieve such that hot shards can be eliminated.
Example of Account Segmentation. To better understand
the proposed account segmentation mechanism, we use Fig.
3 to illustrate an example. Suppose that we have a sharding
blockchain system with two shards (shard #1 and #2) and three
accounts (denoted by A,Band C). Now the ledger includes
3 original transactions TX:A!C,TX:B!C, and TX:A!B.
If the sharding system has already deployed accounts Aand
Bin shard #1 and #2, respectively. Then account Ccan only
be stored in shard #2 (or shard #1) under Monoxide’s policy.
As a result, the TXs “TX:A!B” and “TX:A!C” become 4
cross-shard TXs. In contrast, under BrokerChain, account C
(with 100 tokens) can be segmented into two smaller accounts
C1and C2(50 tokens for each), which are then placed to
both shards, respectively. This account segmentation result is
equivalent to that account Chas 50 tokens stored in shard #1,
and another 50 tokens stored in shard #2. Thus, the original
TX “TX:A!C” turns to an intra-shard TXs. Furthermore, the
workloads of both shards are balanced perfectly. From the
example illustrated above, we see that the imbalanced TX
workloads can be much alleviated and the number of cross-
shard TXs can be reduced under BrokerChain.
The difference between the proposed account segmentation
and the case where users autonomously store their deposits
in multiple smaller accounts is that the addresses of the
account segmented by BrokerChain are all identical. That is,
BrokerChain protocol stores the deposits of an account located
at different shards with the same account address. To identify
an account’s multiple states located at different shards, we
adopt Ethereum’s counter mechanism [14], which is called
the nonce of an account’s state.
D. Modified Shard State Tree
To enable the state-graph partitioning and account segmen-
tation operations, BrokerChain has to enforce each shard to
know the storage map of all accounts. Therefore, we devise a
modified Shard State Tree (mSST) to store the account states
based on Ethereum’s state tree [14].
In contrast to the state tree, the BrokerChain’s mSST is built
on the storage map of all accounts. We denote such storage
map as a vector =[e1,e
S]with each element ei=0/1,
i2{1,2,...,S}, where Sis the number of M-shards. Note
that, BrokerChain needs to configure a storage map for every
account. Only when eiis equal to 1, can this specific account
be viewed as being stored in shard i. If there are multiple
elements in are labeled to 1, then the associated account is
segmented to the same number of accounts, which are stored
in each specific shard, respectively.
Data Structure of mSST. Fig. 4 illustrates the data structure
design of mSST. The account state Sµof a specific user µis
represented by:
Sµ={Xµ| ,,!,},
where Xµdenotes the account address of user µ, and denotes
the nonce field, which indicates the number of TXs sent from
address Xµor the contract creation operation generated by
user µ. Then, !denotes the value field, which shows the
token deposits of the user. Finally, denotes the code field,
which represents the account type. Here, the account types
include the user account and the smart contract account (the
hash of the smart contract). To a specific account, different
shards maintain different mSSTs for this target account. The
difference is determined by the value,nonce and code fields
of the local mSST. If a target account is not stored in shard
any more, those fields corresponding to this account in this
Leaf Node
𝚿 𝜂 𝜔 𝜁
Simplified World State
Modified Shard State Tree of Shard #1
ROOT: Extension Node
Shared Char(s) Next Node
Leaf NodeLeaf Node
𝚿 𝜂 𝜔 𝜁
𝚿 𝜂 𝜔 𝜁
Hash Function
Extension Node
Shared Char(s) Next Node
1, 2
Shard #
State Root
TX Merkle Root
Block Height
Block Header
Block Body
Fig. 4. Data structure of the devised modified Shard State Tree (mSST).
shard’s mSST will be removed. And this shard needs to only
update the states for the target account. Any change of the
target account’s state will cause the change of state root of
mSST. Therefore, it is easy to maintain the consistency of an
account’s states in the associated shard.
Query Complexity. Through querying the storage map
in mSST, we can easily confirm whether a TX is an intra-
shard TX or a cross-shard one. The querying time order is
O(1). Therefore, the protocol can easily get the deposits of
an account by summing the value field of all its segmented
account states. The deposit-querying time order is O(), where
is the number of shards where the account’s segmented states
are stored.
Although the proposed account segmentation mechanism
enables an account to be segmented into multiple smaller ones,
the question is that the blockchain system needs to recruit
some accounts that are willing to act as the intermediaries
to help handle cross-shard TXs. We call such intermediaries
the broker accounts, which are shorten as brokers. In this
section, we introduce how BrokerChain handles the cross-
shard TXs through brokers. A fundamental requirement to
become a broker is that its account has a sufficient amount of
tokens. For the system users who intend to become brokers,
they could request to pledge their assets to a trusted third
party or a special smart contract. Then, BrokerChain proto-
col accommodates the broker eligibility for those interested
system users. To stimulate a system user to play a broker’s
role, an incentive mechanism is necessary. The design of such
incentive mechanism is left as our future work.
We still use the accounts and the ledger shown in Fig. 3
as an example to demonstrate the cross-shard TX handling.
Suppose that Cis a broker and its account is segmented and
stored in shards #1 and #2. Now, we have a raw TX, i.e.,
sender Atransfers a number vof tokens to the receiver B
via broker C. Here, we call shard #1 the source shard and
shard #2 the destination shard of this TX. Exploiting Fig. 5,
we introduce both the success and failure cases of cross-shard
TX handling.
A. Cross-Shard TX Atomicity Guarantee in A Success Case
The five operations of the successful cross-shard TX han-
dling are described as follows.
Sender 𝐴Broker 𝐶Shard #1
Op1: Send Θraw Op2: Send Θ1
Shard #2
Op4: Send Θ2
Send 𝛾
Op3: Confirm Θ1Op5: Confirm Θ2
Confirm Θ1
Fig. 5. The success and failure cases during the handling of cross-shard
TXs. A success case includes all five operations: Op1-Op5, while a failure
case typically indicates that 2is not received by shard #2 within shard #1’s
block-height interval [Hcurrent,Hcurrent +Hlock /2].
Op1: Create a raw transaction raw. Account A
first chooses an appropriate token-lock duration (denoted
by Hlock), which is in fact the number of successive
blocks counting from the block including raw to the one
releasing locked tokens. raw is defined as:
raw := hhB,v, C, Hlock,
where broker and sender denote the nonce of broker C
and the nonce of sender account A, respectively. Symbol
Ais the signature of sender A, calculated by invoking
ECDSA algorithm [22]. The usage of the token-lock
duration Hlock and nonces sender,
broker are explained
subsequently. Next, Ainforms raw to the broker C.
Op2: Create the first-half cross-shard TX 1. When
receiving raw, broker Ccreates the first-half cross-shard
TX, denoted by 1. Then, the current block height in
shard #1 when 1is created is labeled as Hcurrent.We
then have
1:= hhType1,raw,H
where Type1 is an indicator of 1, and Cis the signature
of broker C. Next, 1is broadcast to the blockchain
network. When all the blockchain nodes in other shards
receive 1, they execute the following steps. i) Validating
1using signatures Aand C. ii) Acquiring the sender’s
public key and calculating the the sender’s account
address using signature A. iii) Through querying the
mSST, shard nodes know the source and destination
shards. iv) Using Kademlia [23] routing protocol, 1is
forwarded to shards #1 and #2. After validating that sender
is correct and the deposits of sender Aare sufficient, 1
will be added to the TX pool of shard #1, and waits to
be packaged in a block.
Op3: Confirm 1. After broadcasting, the blockchain
nodes in shard #1 shall include 1in the block whose
height is labeled as Hsource. Apparently, Hcurrent Hsource.
Then, sender Atransfers vtokens to broker C, and these
tokens will be locked within the block-height interval
source +Hlock]. The nonce of sender Awill be
increased by 1 to prevent the replay attack [24].
Op4: Create the second-half cross-shard TX 2. When
broker Cis acknowledged that 1has been confirmed,
Cthen creates the second-half cross-shard TX 2:
2:= hhType2,rawi,
where Type2 is a label of 2. Next, 2will be broadcast
to the blockchain network. 2is finally routed to the
destination shard, i.e., shard #2. When broker is verified
qualified and the deposits of broker Cin the shard #2 are
sufficient, 2will be added to the TX pool of shard #2.
Op5: Confirm 2. When 2is received by the
blockchain nodes in shard #2, it will be packaged in a
new block if the current block height of the shard #1 is
smaller than Hcurrent +Hlock/2. The account state in shard
#2 is then updated when the following token transfer is
executed: broker Ctransfers a number vof tokens to
receiver B. Broker Cs nonce is then increased by 1 to
prevent the replay attack [24].
In the success case of cross-shard TX handling, receiver B
can get a number vof tokens when 2is successfully included
in the destination shard’s block. On the other hand, only when
the block height of shard #1 is greater than Hsource+Hlock , can
broker Creceive the refund of vtokens.
B. Cross-Shard TX Atomicity Guarantee in A Failure Case
According to our design shown in Fig. 4, all shards mutually
share their block headers where the essential block height
information is included. Thus, if the blockchain nodes in shard
#2 fail to receive 2when the current block height of shard
#1 exceeds Hcurrent +Hlock/2, we say that 2is failed to be
acknowledged by shard #2. This failure result is very possibly
induced by a malicious broker who intends to embezzle the
sender account’s locked tokens.
In order to process such failure case, BrokerChain executes
the following steps to guarantee the atomicity of cross-shard
TXs. In the first step, 1is included in a block located at shard
#2 as shown in Fig. 5. Broker Cs nonce will be attempted
to update in shard #2. In the next step, blockchain nodes in
shard #2 send the following confirmation of 1to shard #1
as the failure proof (denoted by ):
:= h1,dest,H
dest,{Pdest }i,
where dest represents the index of the destination shard, Hdest
denotes the height of destination shard’s block where 1is
included, and {Pdest}refers to the Merkle tree path [13].
{Pdest}consists of the hash values of all the associated Merkle
tree nodes along the path originating from Merkle tree root and
terminating at the entry hash node corresponding to 1. The
Merkle tree path {Pdest}is used to verify that 1is packaged
in a block located at shard #2. Once the nodes in shard #1
receive the failure proof and verify the correctness of path
{Pdest}, shard #1 is acknowledged that 1has been included
in a block located at shard #2 but 2was not. Then, will
be included in the source shard’s block whose block height is
smaller than Hsource +Hlock. Finally, the locked tokens in Op3
will be refunded to the sender account A.
No matter a cross-shard TX is handled in a success or failure
case, only one of the two created TXs 1or 2is allowed to
be included in a block at the destination shard. Note that, the
failure proof is possibly lost by accident during broadcasting.
Once is found lost, it can be reconstructed and launched
again by the destination shard.
A. Tackling Double-Spending Attacks
BrokerChain treats the receiver of a cross-shard TX benign.
Thus, in the following, we analyze how BrokerChain tackles
typical security threats brought by the sender and broker.
Threat-1: Sender Ais malicious. A malicious sender
account may launch double-spending attacks. In such attacks,
sender Amay create a double-spending TX in the source shard
along with the raw TX raw denoted by A:= hA!A0,
where A0is sender A’s another account and Ais the nonce of
A. Note that, to achieve double spending, Amust be exactly
same with sender signed in the firsts-half cross-shard TX 1.
Although the attack strategy described above seems feasible,
it is impossible to implement under BrokerChain. Taking the
advantage of the counter mechanism aforementioned, if Ais
confirmed by the source shard and Ais updated, then 1will
be failed to be confirmed by the source shard because its 1’s
nonce sender is conflict to A. Only when broker Cfinds that
1has been confirmed by the source shard, Cbegins to create
2. Through this way, broker Ccan defend against double-
spending attacks launched by the malicious sender account.
Threat-2: Broker Cis malicious. A malicious broker C
may create the following double-spending TX in the destina-
tion shard right exactly when 1is confirmed in the source
shard: C:= hC!C0,
Ci, where C0is broker’s another
account and Cis exactly same with broker signed in TX
2. Similarly, if Cis confirmed by the destination shard
and the nonce of broker Cis updated, then 2will not be
confirmed by the destination shard because broker is conflict.
By monitoring the update of nonce broker, BrokerChain can
identify whether a broker is malicious or not. To prevent broker
Cfrom embezzling sender A’s pledged tokens, BrokerChain
enforces the handling routine of such cross-shard TX to fall
into the failure case.
In conclusion, with the proposed asset pledge and token-
lock mechanisms, BrokerChain can ensure the atomicity of
cross-shard TXs under the threats of double-spending attacks.
B. Recommended Setting for Token-Lock Duration
Recall that in Op1 of cross-shard TX’s handling described
in Section IV-A, a sender needs to first choose an appropriate
token-lock duration towards creating a raw transaction. The
question is how to set such token-lock duration for the raw
transaction. A feasible approach is to set the token-lock du-
ration according to the system throughput observed currently.
An empirical recommended setting is to ensure at least 20
times of the average latency of handling the cross-shard TXs.
C. Analysis of Cross-Shard Confirmation
As shown in Fig. 5, the cross-shard verifications occurred
during the handling of cross-shard TXs include the following
two cases: i) under the success case, broker Chas to verify
that whether 1is included in the source shard’s chain,
and ii) under the failure case, the source shard’s nodes need
to verify the failure proof sent by the destination shard.
Thus, in the success case, the computing complexity of cross-
shard verification is O(1). In the failure case, the computing
complexity of cross-shard verification is O(n), where nis the
number of blockchain nodes in the source shard. Therefore,
BrokerChain can lower such cross-shard verification overhead
by shifting the on-chain verification to the off-chain manner
taking advantages of the broker’s role.
Regarding the cross-shard TX’s confirmation latency, it is
theoretically longer than twice intra-shard TX’s confirmation
latency. This is because a cross-shard TX must be confirmed
at the source and destination shards in a sequential order.
In contrast, BrokerChain can lower the confirmation latency
based on broker’s reputation. If a broker is completely trusted
by the sharding blockchain, both 1and 2can be allowed to
execute simultaneously. Thus, their confirmation latency can
approach to that of an intra-shard TX technically.
D. Duration-Limited Eventual Atomicity
Monoxide [8] guarantees the eventual atomicity of cross-
shard TXs. However, Monoxide does not specify the con-
firmation time of relay TXs. Thus, the cross-shard TX’s
handling in Monoxide may take a long time. In contrast,
BrokerChain can ensure each cross-shard TX is done within
the predefined token-lock duration Hlock. When the cross-shard
TX is successfully processed, sender account’s pledged tokens
will be received by the receiver. Otherwise, sender’s pledged
tokens will be refunded by the broker. Therefore, we claim that
BrokerChain ensures the duration-limited eventual atomicity
for cross-shard TXs.
A. Settings
Experimental Prototype and TX-Driven Simulator: To
evaluate the proposed BrokerChain, we implement both an ex-
perimental prototype and a TX-driven simulator. The prototype
is implemented using Java and deployed in Alibaba Cloud. To
study more comprehensive insights, we also implement a TX-
driven sharding simulator using both Python and Java. We then
run both the cloud-based prototype system and the sharding
simulator by replaying collected historical TXs.
Dataset and its Usage: We use real Ethereum TXs as
dataset, which contains 1.67 million historical TXs recorded
from Aug. 7, 2015 to Feb. 13, 2016. At the beginning of each
epoch, a number NTX of TXs are prepared in the chronological
order and replayed to the blockchain sharding system with
certain arrival rates. Those TXs are then assigned to different
M-shards according to their account’s state.
Baselines: We consider the following three baselines.
Monoxide [8] distributes accounts according to the first few
bits of their addresses. LBF [25] updates the distribution of
accounts periodically to achieve load-balanced TX distribu-
tions. Metis [21] purely emphasizes on the balanced partition
on account’s state graph.
Metrics: We first study the effect of several critical system
parameters on various system metrics including TX through-
put, TX’s confirmation latency, and the queue size of TX pool.
Regarding the workload performance, we then measure the
total and the variance of shard workloads.
B. System Throughput and TX Confirmation Latency
First, we evaluate throughput and transaction confirmation
latency using the cloud-based experimental prototype. We
rent 112 virtual machines from Alibaba Cloud to deploy our
prototype system, which includes 16 shards in total. Each
virtual machine is equipped with 1 CPU core (Intel Xeon,
2.5/3.2GHz) and 2GB memory. The bandwidth of all network
connections between nodes are set to 5 Mbps. For each M-
shard, the block interval and block capacity are set to 8 seconds
and 500 TXs, respectively. The TX arrival rate is fixed to 500
TXs/Sec. Since Metis has no correlation with TX’s throughput
and latency, we only compare the performance of BrokerChain
with Monoxide and LBF. The experimental results are shown
in Table I. We see that the average throughput of Broker-
Chain achieves 2.24and 1.49of Monoxide’s and LBF’s
TPS, respectively. Furthermore, BrokerChain also maintains
an average TX confirmation latency 275.94 seconds, which is
much lower than that of the other two baselines.
Methods/Algorithms Monoxide LBF BrokerChain
Avg. System throughput (TPS) 156.98 236.52 352.15
Avg. TX confirmation latency (sec) 1792.01 999.99 275.94
Next, we perform comprehensive TX-driven simulations by
tuning more sophisticated system parameters. The shard block
capacity and block interval is updated to 2000 TXs and 8
seconds, respectively. Through varying the TX arrival rate
and the number of shards respectively, we still first study
the average throughput and TX’s confirmation latency under
different sharding methods. The simulation results are shown
in Fig. 6. Fig. 6(a) shows that when TX arrival rate is fixed
to 3200, the average TX confirmation latency decreases when
Sincreases from 8 to 32. This is because the arriving TXs in
each shard overwhelm the shard’s processing capacity when
Sis lower than 32. However, when Sexceeds 32, the latency
of BrokerChain converges under the arrival rate 3200. When
S=64, the average TX latency of BrokerChain is as low as
14.87 seconds. Fig. 6(b) shows the performance of latency
vs varying TX arrival rates, while fixing S=32. BrokerChain
shows an overwhelming low latency comparing with other
two baselines. This observation proves again that BrokerChain
can guarantee the lowest latency while processing TXs even
under a high TX arrival rate. Fig. 6(c) and Fig. 6(d) demon-
strate the throughput vs Sand the varying TX arrival rates,
respectively. Although a large number of shards help increase
the throughput under all methods, Fig. 6(c) shows that the
benefit of shard number becomes saturated when Sexceeds
52. This is because too many shards incur a large number of
cross-shard TXs inherently. Those cross-shard TXs prevent the
throughput from growing any further. Finally, Fig. 6(d) shows
that BrokerChain has the largest throughput while varying the
(a) TX arrival rate=3200 TXs/Sec (b) S=32
(c) TX arrival rate=3200 TXs/Sec (d) S=32
Fig. 6. Throughput and latency vs the # of shards and TX arrival rates.
TX arrival rate from 800 to 8000 and fixing Sto 32. These
results also indicate that BrokerChain’s throughput becomes
saturated when the TX arrival rate exceeds 4000, because the
current settings hit the transaction processing capacity.
C. Queue Size of TX Pool
We then investigate the change of TX pool by monitoring its
queue size. We use totally 1.67 million TXs to keep feeding the
TX pool of the blockchain system with certain stable rates until
all TXs are used up. Referring to the VISA’s throughput, i.e.,
4000 TPS approximately, we change the TX arrival rate within
the range {2500,3200,4000,5000}TXs/Sec and fix K=40
for BrokerChain. The number of shards is fixed to 32. Fig. 7
shows that the queue size keeps growing when injecting TXs
continually at the first few hundreds of seconds. When all 1.67
million TXs are consumed, the queue size shrinks. Among
all methods, Monoxide maintains a linearly increasing queue
and shows the largest. When the TX arrival rate is low, say
2500 TXs/Sec, LBF has a close queue size with BrokerChain.
However, once the arrival rate increases, BrokerChain shows
more capable to maintain a small TX pool than LBF and
Monoxide. We attribute this result to the following insights.
First, Monoxide tends to put TXs into a small number of
hot shards. This policy induces a large number of cross-shard
TXs, which cause large processing latency. Thus, the TX pool
always has a large size under Monoxide. Second, LBF tries
to distribute TXs evenly to all shards, thus the queue size of
TX pool is maintained in a low level under a small TX arrival
rate. However, LBF is not capable to handle the cross-shard
TXs timely under a large arrival rate. In contrast, BrokerChain
is capable to timely process all TXs in the TX pool.
D. The Effect of the Number of Segmented Accounts
Recall that broker’s accounts can be segmented and de-
ployed to different shards. Now we evaluate the effect of
the number of segmented accounts by varying Kand fixing
S=64, NTX=16e4. Through running 10 epochs, the workload
(a) TX arrival rate=2500 TXs/Sec (b) TX arrival rate=3200 TXs/Sec
(c) TX arrival rate=4000 TXs/Sec (d) TX arrival rate=5000 TXs/Sec
Fig. 7. Queue size of the TX pool.
Fig. 8. Effect of the # of segmented accounts (i.e., K).
performance comparison is shown in Fig. 8, where the total
system workload is the sum of all shard’s TX workloads. We
see that as Kincreases, the total system workloads, the largest
and the variance of shard workloads all decrease. The reason
is that with more segmented accounts, brokers can help reduce
the number of cross-shard TXs and make the TX workloads
more balanced than other baselines.
E. Performance of Shard Workloads
Through Fig. 9, we study the total, the largest and the
variance of shard workloads under all methods. By assigning
NTX=8e4 to S=16 shards at each epoch and seting K=40
for BrokerChain, Fig. 9(a) shows that BrokerChain yields the
lowest total system workloads. This is because BrokerChain
can reduce the number of cross-shard TXs to a certain low
degree. To have a clearer insight, we compare the ratios of
cross-shard TXs in Fig. 9(d). The average cross-shard TX
ratios of Monoxide, LBF, Metis and BrokerChain are 98.6%,
98.6%, 83.5% and 72.4%, respectively. Furthermore, we are
also curious about the breakdown of total system workloads.
Fig. 9(b) and Fig. 9(c) show that BrokerChain has the smaller
variances of workloads and smaller the largest workload than
that of other 3 baselines.
(a) CDF of total system workloads (b) CDF of the variance of workloads (c) CDF of the largest workload (d) Cross-shard TX ratio
Fig. 9. The workload performance under different methods, while fixing S=64, NTX =8e4 and K=40. CDF stands for cumulative distribution function.
(a) Total system workloads vs S(b) The variance of workloads vs S(c) The largest workload vs S(d) Cross-shard TX ratio, S=32
Fig. 10. The effect of shard # on the total, the largest and the variance of workloads, while varying Swithin {16,32,64}, and fixing NTX=8e4, K=40.
(a) Total system workloads vs NTX (b) The variance of workloads vs NTX (c) The largest workload vs NTX (d) Cross-shard TX ratio, NTX =12e4
Fig. 11. The effect of TX # on the total, the largest and the variance of workloads, while varying NTX within {8e4, 12e4, 16e4}, and fixing S=64, K=40.
In the next group of simulation, to figure out the effect
of the number of shards on workload performance, we vary
Swhile fixing NTX=8e4, K=40. As shown in Fig. 10(a),
we see that the increasing Sleads to growing total system
workloads. This is because the number of cross-shard TXs
increases following the increasing number of shards. Fig.
10(b) and Fig. 10(c) show that BrokerChain outperforms
other baselines. Furthermore, BrokerChain also has the fewest
outliers in figures. This observation implies that BrokerChain
can make shard workloads more balanced and more stable than
baselines. Again, Fig. 10(d) shows that BrokerChain still has
the lowest cross-shard TX ratio.
Finally, to evaluate the effect of the number of TXs feeding
per epoch on the workload performance, we vary NTX within
{8e4, 12e4, 16e4}and fix S=64 and K=40. Fig. 11(a) shows
that BrokerChain maintains around 10%-20% lower the total
system workloads than baselines. Although the increasing NTX
leads to growing system workloads, Fig. 11(b), Fig. 11(c)
and Fig. 11(d) demonstrate that BrokerChain yields the lower
variance, the lower largest shard workload, and the lower
cross-shard ratio comparing with baselines.
BrokerChain is proposed to serve as a cross-shard pro-
tocol for the account-based blockchain state sharding. In
BrokerChain, the TX workload balance among all shards is
achieved by the fine-grained state-graph partition and account
segmentation mechanisms. BrokerChain handles the cross-
shard TXs by exploiting broker accounts. The evaluation
results obtained from both the cloud-based prototype and the
TX-driven simulator demonstrate that BrokerChain outper-
forms the state-of-the-art sharding methods in terms of TX
throughput, confirmation latency, queue size of TX pool, and
the workload balance. In our future work, we plan to study
the incentive mechanism that can inspire accounts to act as
This Work is partially supported by National Key R&D
Program of China (No.2020YFB1006005), National Natu-
ral Science Foundation of China (61902445, 61872310),
Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation
(2019A1515011798), Guangzhou Basic and Applied Basic
Research Foundation (202102020613), Hong Kong RGC Re-
search Impact Fund (RIF) with the Project No. R5060-
19, General Research Fund (GRF) with the Project No.
152221/19E, 152203/20E, and 152244/21E, Shenzhen Sci-
ence and Technology Innovation Commission (R2020A045),
and CCF-Huawei Populus euphratica forest fund (CCF-
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... To tackle the performance issues of monolithic blockchain, the industry and academia have proposed various sharding solutions [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], where distinct committees maintain separate states and process transactions in parallel, thereby improving overall system performance with more parallelism. ...
... Blockchain sharding inevitably introduces the need for cross-shard interactions. While some studies [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] proposed direct shard-to-shard communication, challenges arise in solving security vulnerabilities when subdividing consensus nodes into smaller committees. Moreover, these approaches often entail O(n 2 ) crossshard management complexity in practical implementation. ...
... However, handling cross-shard transactions is resource consuming. Some sharding protocols [5], [7], [8] attempt to reduce the cross-shard transaction ratio by clustering entities with frequent transactions to the same shard based on their transaction history. Nevertheless, this strategy only provides temporary relief and fails to tackle the underlying issue. ...
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Sharding is a prevalent approach for addressing performance issues in blockchain. To reduce governance complexities and ensure system security, a common practice involves a relay chain to coordinate cross-shard transactions. However, with a growing number of shards and cross-shard transactions, the single relay chain usually first suffers from performance bottleneck and shows poor scalability, thus making the relay chain's scalability vital for sharding systems. To solve this, we propose Mitosis, the first multi-relay architecture to improve the relay chain's scalability by sharding the relay chain itself. Our proposed relay sharding algorithm dynamically adjusts the number of relays or optimizes the topology between relays and shards to adaptively scale up relay chain's performance. Furthermore, to guarantee the security of the multi-relay architecture, a new validator reconfiguration scheme is designed, accompanied by a comprehensive security analysis of Mitosis. Through simulation experiments on two mainstream relay chain paradigms, we demonstrate that Mitosis can achieve high scalability and outperform state-of-the-art baselines in terms of workload of relays, relay chain throughput, and transaction latency
... Although some sharding protocols [17][18][19][20] have proposed state distribution optimization methods, which reduce the proportion and overhead of cross-shard transactions by migrating frequently transacted user-related state units to the same shard, the issue of high cross-shard transaction rates still persists. For example, some transactions may depend on state units located in other shards. ...
... To address this challenge, various methods have been proposed to ensure smooth execution of cross-shard transactions.OmniLedger [15] introduces a clientdriven two-phase commit (2PC) mechanism with lock/unlock operations. This mechanism ensures atomicity and consistency requirements for crossshard transactions.Chainspace [25] employs a client-driven Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) mechanism aimed at enhancing system fault tolerance and security, especially when handling cross-shard transactions.RapidChain [14] simplifies the processing by transferring all relevant UTXOs to the same shard using sub-transactions, thereby converting cross-shard transactions into intra-shard transactions.Monoxide [23] separates deduction and deposit operations and ensures atomicity of cross-shard transactions using relay transactions, providing an indirect yet effective handling approach.Pyramid [16] proposes a layered sharding consensus protocol where cross-shard transactions are handled by special nodes servicing two or more shards simultaneously, improving processing efficiency.BrokerChain [18] allows users with sufficient state on multiple shards to become brokers, enabling indirect transaction propagation between shards and reducing the proportion of cross-shard transactions.Furthermore, CLPA [19], OptChain [20], and other schemes utilize algorithms like PageRank and label propagation to optimize state distribution based on transaction characteristics among shards, aiming to reduce the proportion of cross-shard transactions. However, due to limitations in the current state models, these approaches still face challenges in granularity of state partitioning and flexibility of state migration, thus cannot completely eliminate cross-shard transactions or achieve low cross-shard interaction goals. ...
... Baseline Comparison: We compared ALB-Chain against three advanced methods as baselines. Monoxide [23]is a classic sharding protocol designed based on account/balance, allocating accounts based on the prefix of their addresses.BrokerChain [18] utilizes broker accounts to reduce the proportion of cross-shard transactions, thereby improving transaction processing efficiency.CLPA [19] periodically updates the distribution of accounts to reduce cross-shard transactions, aiming to achieve balanced transaction distribution across shard workloads and cross-shard workloads. ...
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As a promising technology, blockchain has widespread application in many decentralized systems. However, scalability is still a major challenge to blockchain adoption.Sharding is a promising method for scaling blockchain. However, in current implementations, the complexity of cross-shard transactions and the imbalance of shard workloads have become key factors hindering its potential performance advantages. We propose ALB-Chain, a meticulously designed blockchain system aimed at achieving exceptional scalability and balancing the workload across all shards. In ALB-Chain, we introduce a replica account mechanism, which transforms cross-shard transactions into intra-shard transactions, thereby enhancing transaction throughput. Additionally, we introduce a lightweight Account Aggregation Model (AAM), which supports batch aggregation and threshold signatures. To optimize system performance and ensure balanced workload distribution among shards, we have specially designed a dynamic partitioning algorithm named MLPA. This algorithm intelligently monitors the operational status of each shard and dynamically adjusts task allocation among shards based on historical data, ensuring that the entire system maintains high efficiency and stability. We conducted transaction-driven simulations using real Ethereum transaction datasets. The evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol outperforms other benchmarks in terms of throughput, transaction processing latency, transaction queue size, and shard workload distribution.
... Cross-shard transactions are a natural consequence of sharding systems, and the uneven dis-tribution of cross-shard transactions can undermine the performance of the sharding system. Brokerchain [57] is a cross-shard protocol for account/balance-based state sharding. It aims to generate fewer cross-shard transactions and ensure workload balance for all shards. ...
Blockchain is widely applied in logistics, finance, and agriculture. As single blockchain users grow, scalability becomes crucial. However, existing works lack a comprehensive summary of blockchain scalability. They focus on single chains or cross-chain technologies. This survey summarizes scalability across the physical and logical layers, as well as inner-chain, inter-chain, and technology dimensions. The physical layer covers data and protocols, while the logical layer represents blockchain architecture. Each component is analyzed from inner-chain and inter-chain perspectives, considering technological factors. The aim is to enhance researchers' understanding of blockchain's architecture, data, and protocols to advance scalability research.
... This choice must align with the specific requirements and objectives of the organization. For industries where security and transparency are paramount, decentralized databases may offer the most benefit, despite potential challenges in scalability (Huang et al., 2022). Conversely, for applications requiring high efficiency and ease of management, centralized databases might be preferable, even though they come with increased security risks (Tsoulias et al., 2020). ...
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his study provides a comprehensive examination of decentralized and centralized database solutions within the realm of blockchain technology, exploring the inherent strengths and weaknesses of each approach and their implications for various industries. Decentralized databases, characterized by distributed ledger technology, offer robust security and transparency by eliminating the need for a central authority, thereby reducing the risk of data tampering and fostering trust among participants. However, these benefits come with significant trade-offs, particularly in terms of scalability and performance, as the consensus mechanisms required in decentralized systems often result in slower transaction processing and higher resource consumption. In contrast, centralized databases, typically used in private or permissioned blockchains, excel in operational efficiency and scalability, enabling faster transaction processing and more streamlined management due to the presence of a central authority. Nevertheless, centralized systems introduce vulnerabilities, such as single points of failure and reduced transparency, which can undermine trust and compromise data integrity. The study also highlights industry-specific preferences, with sectors like healthcare and public governance leaning towards decentralized solutions for their emphasis on data integrity, while industries such as finance and logistics favor centralized systems for their superior performance and low latency. Moreover, the research identifies a critical gap in the literature regarding hybrid database models that could potentially integrate the strengths of both decentralized and centralized systems, offering a balanced approach that mitigates their respective weaknesses. These findings underscore the necessity for a tailored approach to database selection in blockchain implementations, aligned with the specific needs and goals of different industries, and suggest that further exploration of hybrid models could lead to more effective and adaptable blockchain solutions in the future.
Sharding is a promising technique for increasing a blockchain system’s throughput by enabling parallel transaction processing. The main challenge of state sharding lies in ensuring the atomicity verification of cross-sharding transactions, which results in double communication overhead and increases the transaction’s confirmation time. Previous research has primarily focused on developing cross-shard protocols for the fast and reliable validation of transactions involving multiple shards. These studies typically generate a large number of cross-shard transactions because they primarily use simple address mapping for state sharding, that is, the prefix/suffix of the account address. In this paper, we propose a state sharding scheme via density-based partitioning of the account-transaction graph. In order to reduce cross-shard transactions, the scheme groups correlated accounts into the same shard by generating the densest subgraphs, as the graph density describes the correlation among accounts, i.e., how often transactions have occurred among accounts. We formulate the graph density-based state sharding problem, with the goal of maximizing the average density across all shards under the workload constraint. We prove the NP-completeness of the problem. To reduce the complexity of finding the densest subgraph, we propose the pruning-based algorithm that reduces the search space by pre-pruning some invalid edges based on the concept of core number. We also extend the linear deterministic greedy algorithm and PageRank algorithm to handle new transactions in the dynamic scenario. We conduct extensive experiments using real transaction data from Ethereum. The experimental results demonstrate a strong correlation between the shard density and the number of cross-shard transactions, and the pruning-based algorithm can reduce the running time by an order of magnitude.
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The account allocation mechanism is a crucial component affecting the performance of sharding blockchain systems. A well-designed account allocation mechanism must reduce the number of cross-shard transactions while balancing the workload across shards. State-of-the-art mechanisms, which are semi-static, typically adjust account partitions based on historical transactions at regular intervals. However, in real-world applications, unpredictable new scenarios in historical transactions or sudden workload changes can impact shard performance. These existing mechanisms can neither foresee such scenarios to avoid cross-shard transactions nor dynamically adjust account partitions to improve workload issues, leading to suboptimal performance until the next re-allocation. To this end, we propose Orbit, a dynamic account allocation mechanism based on the pending transactions in the pool. Orbit can promptly detect new situations and changes in pending transactions and provide updated allocation strategies. Moreover, through its off-chain scheduling mechanism, Orbit can deploy these strategies before transaction packaging to enhance shard performance. Experimental results show that compared to the state-of-the-art allocation mechanisms, Orbit improves throughput by 2.02 times, reduces cross-shard transactions to 11.9%, and achieves a more balanced shard workload. Additionally, Orbit excels in various other aspects, including latency, transaction queue size, and bandwidth overhead, outperforming the state-of-the-art mechanisms.
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In a large-scale sharded blockchain, transactions are processed by a number of parallel committees collaboratively. Thus, the blockchain throughput can be strongly boosted. A problem is that some groups of blockchain nodes consume large latency to form committees at the beginning of each epoch. Furthermore, the heterogeneous processing capabilities of different committees also result in unbalanced consensus latency. Such unbalanced two-phase latency brings a large cumulative age to the transactions waited in the final committee. Consequently, the blockchain throughput can be significantly degraded because of the large transaction's cumulative age. We believe that a good committee-scheduling strategy can reduce the cumulative age, and thus benefit the blockchain throughput. However, we have not yet found a committee-scheduling scheme that works for accelerating block formation in the context of blockchain sharding. To this end, this paper studies a fine-balanced tradeoff between the transaction's throughput and their cumulative age in a large-scale sharded blockchain. We formulate this tradeoff as a utility-maximization problem, which is proved NP-hard. To solve this problem, we propose an online distributed Stochastic-Exploration (SE) algorithm, which guarantees a near-optimal system utility. The theoretical convergence time of the proposed algorithm as well as the performance perturbation brought by the committee's failure are also analyzed rigorously. We then evaluate the proposed algorithm using the dataset of blockchain-sharding transactions. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed SE algorithm shows an overwhelming better performance comparing with other baselines in terms of both system utility and the contributing degree while processing shard transactions.
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To draw a roadmap of current research activities of the blockchain community, we first conduct a brief overview of state-of-the-art blockchain surveys published in the recent 5 years. We found that those surveys are basically studying the blockchain-based applications, such as blockchain-assisted Internet of Things (IoT), business applications, security-enabled solutions, and many other applications in diverse fields. However, we think that a comprehensive survey towards the essentials of blockchains by exploiting the state-of-the-art theoretical modelings, analytic models, and useful experiment tools is still missing. To fill this gap, we perform a thorough survey by identifying and classifying the most recent high-quality research outputs that are closely related to the theoretical findings and essential mechanisms of blockchain systems and networks. Several promising open issues are also summarized finally for future research directions. We wish this survey can serve as a useful guideline for researchers, engineers, and educators about the cutting-edge development of blockchains in the perspectives of theories, modelings, and tools.
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To draw a roadmap of current research activities of the blockchain community, we first conduct a brief overview of state-of-the-art blockchain surveys published in the recent 5 years. We found that those surveys are basically studying the blockchain-based applications, such as blockchain-assisted Internet of Things (IoT), business applications, security-enabled solutions, and many other applications in diverse fields. However, we think that a comprehensive survey towards the essentials of blockchains by exploiting the state-of-the-art theoretical modelings, analytic models, and useful experiment tools is still missing. To fill this gap, we perform a thorough survey by identifying and classifying the most recent high-quality research outputs that are closely related to the theoretical findings and essential mechanisms of blockchain systems and networks. Several promising open issues are also summarized finally for future research directions. We wish this survey can serve as a useful guideline for researchers, engineers, and educators about the cutting-edge development of blockchains in the perspectives of theories, modelings, and tools.
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The concept of a blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto to maintain a distributed ledger. In addition to its security, important performance measures of a blockchain protocol are its transaction throughput and confirmation latency. In a decentralized setting, these measures are limited by two underlying physical network attributes: communication capacity and speed-of-light propagation delay. In this work we introduce Prism, a new proof-of-work blockchain protocol, which can achieve 1) security against up to 50% adversarial hashing power; 2) optimal throughput up to the capacity C of the network; 3) confirmation latency for honest transactions proportional to the propagation delay D, with confirmation error probability exponentially small in the bandwidth-delay product CD; 4) eventual total ordering of all transactions. Our approach to the design of this protocol is based on deconstructing Nakamoto's blockchain into its basic functionalities and systematically scaling up these functionalities to approach their physical limits.
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Existing blockchain systems scale poorly because of their distributed consensus protocols. Current attempts at improving blockchain scalability are limited to cryptocurrency. Scaling blockchain systems under general workloads (i.e., non-cryptocurrency applications) remains an open question. This work takes a principled approach to apply sharding to blockchain systems in order to improve their transaction throughput at scale. This is challenging, however, due to the fundamental difference in failure models between databases and blockchain. To achieve our goal, we first enhance the performance of Byzantine consensus protocols, improving individual shards' throughput. Next, we design an efficient shard formation protocol that securely assigns nodes into shards. We rely on trusted hardware, namely Intel SGX, to achieve high performance for both consensus and shard formation protocol. Third, we design a general distributed transaction protocol that ensures safety and liveness even when transaction coordinators are malicious. Finally, we conduct an extensive evaluation of our design both on a local cluster and on Google Cloud Platform. The results show that our consensus and shard formation protocols outperform state-of-the-art solutions at scale. More importantly, our sharded blockchain reaches a high throughput that can handle Visa-level workloads, and is the largest ever reported in a realistic environment.
A double-spend attack is one of the major security issues in most blockchain systems, but it is difficult to successfully launch unless an adversary has massive computing power. In this paper, we introduce a new attack model that combines a double-spend attack with a Sybil attack in the Bitcoin network. We present analysis results that a double spending attacker can make a block propagation delay by conducting Sybil attacks and increase the probability of winning the mining race, thus successfully launching the double-spend attack. We develop the probability of success of this new attack in mathematics forms and analyze this attack model from the perspective of economics. We present the attacker's break-even point in various situations and demonstrate the effect of the proposed attack.