This study investigates the challenges faced by advanced L2 learners of French in mastering the subjunctive mood, with a particular focus on their ability to recognize contexts where the subjunctive is not required. The primary objectives were to identify common error patterns, analyze the impact of verb conjugation on learner performance, and assess the effectiveness of current instructional practices. A sentence completion task was administered to 200 advanced L2 French learners, and the data were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative methods to uncover the frequency and nature of errors in subjunctive usage. The results revealed that learners frequently default to using the subjunctive mood in contexts where it is not required, particularly when dealing with impersonal expressions and irregular verb forms. The error rate was significantly higher in second and third conjugation verbs compared to first conjugation verbs, highlighting the impact of morphological complexity. The findings suggest that current teaching methods, which often emphasize rule-based instruction, may not adequately prepare learners to apply the subjunctive in context-sensitive ways. The study concludes that a shift towards more contextualized and communicative teaching approaches is needed to help learners develop a deeper understanding of the subjunctive mood. These findings have important implications for curriculum design and teacher training in the field of second language acquisition. Résumé Cette étude examine les défis auxquels sont confrontés les apprenants avancés de français langue seconde (L2) dans la maîtrise du mode subjonctif, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur leur capacité à reconnaître les contextes où le subjonctif n'est pas requis. Les principaux objectifs étaient d'identifier les erreurs les plus courantes, d'analyser l'impact de la conjugaison verbale sur la performance des apprenants, et d'évaluer l'efficacité des pratiques pédagogiques actuelles. Un exercice de complétion de phrases a été administré à 200 apprenants avancés de français L2, et les données ont été analysées à l'aide de méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives pour révéler la fréquence et la nature des erreurs dans l'utilisation du subjonctif. Les résultats ont révélé que les apprenants ont souvent tendance à utiliser par défaut le mode subjonctif dans des contextes où il n'est pas nécessaire, notamment lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à des expressions impersonnelles et à des verbes irréguliers. Le taux d'erreur était significativement plus élevé pour les verbes des deuxième et troisième groupes comparé à ceux du premier groupe, soulignant l'impact IJFMR220314408 Volume 4, Issue 3, May-June 2022 2 de la complexité morphologique. Les conclusions suggèrent que les méthodes d'enseignement actuelles, qui mettent souvent l'accent sur l'apprentissage des règles, ne préparent pas adéquatement les apprenants à appliquer le subjonctif de manière contextuelle. L'étude conclut qu'un changement vers des approches pédagogiques plus contextualisées et communicatives est nécessaire pour aider les apprenants à développer une compréhension plus profonde du mode subjonctif. Ces résultats ont des implications importantes pour la conception des programmes et la formation des enseignants dans le domaine de l'acquisition des langues secondes. Mots-clés : subjonctif français, acquisition L2, erreurs fréquentes, conjugaison verbale, enseignement contextualisé, apprenants avancés 1. Introduction The subjunctive mood in French, characterized by its use in expressing doubt, emotion, desire, and hypothetical situations, represents one of the most challenging aspects of French grammar for second language (L2) learners. Despite its critical role in achieving linguistic proficiency, the subjunctive mood is often a stumbling block for learners, particularly those whose first language (L1) does not have a direct grammatical equivalent. This difficulty is compounded by the abstract nature of the subjunctive, which requires not only a mastery of its morphological and syntactic forms but also an understanding of the nuanced contexts in which it is appropriately used or avoided. In the field of second language acquisition (SLA), much research has focused on the difficulties that L2 learners face in mastering complex grammatical structures like the subjunctive. Previous studies have highlighted the significant challenges associated with recognizing and correctly applying the subjunctive mood in various contexts, often pointing to learners' tendency to rely on surface-level grammatical cues rather than a deep understanding of the subjunctive's underlying rules (Howard, 2008; Ayoun, 2013). However, there remains a gap in understanding the specific contexts in which learners most frequently err, particularly in distinguishing when the subjunctive mood should not be used. This research seeks to address this gap by exploring the ability of advanced L2 French learners to recognize and correctly avoid the use of the subjunctive in contexts where the indicative mood is required. Through a detailed analysis of error patterns in a sentence completion task, this study examines the specific grammatical structures that pose the greatest challenges to learners, with a particular focus on impersonal expressions and irregular verb forms. The research aims to uncover not only the frequency of these errors but also the underlying factors that contribute to them, such as the complexity of verb conjugation and the instructional methods employed. The primary objectives of this study are threefold: first, to identify the error patterns associated with the misuse of the subjunctive mood in non-subjunctive contexts; second, to analyze the influence of verb conjugation on learner performance; and third, to assess the effectiveness of current teaching practices in addressing these challenges. By addressing these objectives, the study seeks to provide insights that can inform more effective pedagogical strategies for teaching the subjunctive mood in French, ultimately contributing to improved language proficiency among L2 learners. The research is guided by the following questions: What are the most common error patterns among L2 learners when distinguishing between subjunctive and non-subjunctive contexts? How does the complexity of verb conjugation affect learners' ability to correctly apply the subjunctive? What implications do these findings have for the design of instructional practices aimed at improving subjunctive usage among L2 learners? In addressing these