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Abstract and Figures

Methods to facilitate co-production in mental health are important for engaging end users. As part of the Technology for Healthy Aging and Wellbeing (THAW) initiative we organized two interactive co-production workshops, to bring together older adults, health and social care professionals, non-governmental organizations, and researchers. In the first workshop, we used two activities: Technology Interaction and Scavenger Hunt, to explore the potential for different stakeholders to discuss late life mental health and existing technology. In the second workshop, we used Vignettes, Scavenger Hunt, and Invention Test to examine how older adults and other stakeholders might co-produce solutions to support mental wellbeing in later life using new and emerging technologies. In this paper, we share the interactive materials and activities and consider their value for co-production. Overall, the interactive methods were successful in engaging stakeholders with a broad range of technologies to support mental health and wellbeing and in co-producing ideas for how they could be leveraged and incorporated into older people’s lives and support services. We offer this example of using interactive methods to facilitate co-production to encourage greater involvement of older adults and other under-represented groups in co-producing mental health technologies and services.
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fpsyg-12-745947 November 26, 2021 Time: 19:20 # 1
published: 02 December 2021
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.745947
Edited by:
Sonja Pedell,
Swinburne University of Technology,
Reviewed by:
Giada Brianza,
University of Sussex, United Kingdom
Elizabeth A. Boyle,
University of the West of Scotland,
United Kingdom
Arlene J. Astell
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Human-Media Interaction,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 23 July 2021
Accepted: 05 November 2021
Published: 02 December 2021
Astell AJ, Andrews JA,
Bennion MR and Clayton D (2021)
Technology for Healthy Aging
and Wellbeing: Co-producing
Solutions. Front. Psychol. 12:745947.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.745947
Technology for Healthy Aging and
Wellbeing: Co-producing Solutions
Arlene J. Astell1,2,3,4*, Jacob A. Andrews5, Matthew R. Bennion6,7 and David Clayton8,9
1School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom, 2KITE Research
Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Department of Occupational Sciences & Occupational Therapy,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 5NIHR
Mindtech Medtech Co-operative, Mental Health and Clinical Neurosciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
United Kingdom, 6Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 7Department of
Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 8Leicester School of Nursing and Midwifery, De Montfort
University, Leicester, United Kingdom, 9Centre for Life Long Learning, Warwick University, Coventry, United Kingdom
Methods to facilitate co-production in mental health are important for engaging end
users. As part of the Technology for Healthy Aging and Wellbeing (THAW) initiative
we organized two interactive co-production workshops, to bring together older adults,
health and social care professionals, non-governmental organizations, and researchers.
In the first workshop, we used two activities: Technology Interaction and Scavenger
Hunt, to explore the potential for different stakeholders to discuss late life mental health
and existing technology. In the second workshop, we used Vignettes, Scavenger Hunt,
and Invention Test to examine how older adults and other stakeholders might co-
produce solutions to support mental wellbeing in later life using new and emerging
technologies. In this paper, we share the interactive materials and activities and consider
their value for co-production. Overall, the interactive methods were successful in
engaging stakeholders with a broad range of technologies to support mental health
and wellbeing and in co-producing ideas for how they could be leveraged and
incorporated into older people’s lives and support services. We offer this example of
using interactive methods to facilitate co-production to encourage greater involvement
of older adults and other under-represented groups in co-producing mental health
technologies and services.
Keywords: mental health, wellbeing, technology, aging, co-production, methods
Co-production or ‘making things together’ (Social Care Institute for Excellence [SCIE], 2015)
is specifically encouraged in health and social care in the United Kingdom and other countries
to engage service users. In the United Kingdom co-production was introduced as a key lesson
from two public inquiries which identified that “service providers need to develop more equal
partnerships with people who use services and carers” (Social Care Institute for Excellence
[SCIE], 2015). Co-production is based on five principles: building and maintaining relationships,
reciprocity, sharing of power, including all perspectives and skills, and respecting and valuing the
knowledge of all (New Economics Foundation [NEF], 2013). Successful co-production requires an
environment where everyone’s voice is heard, which is essential for populations not used to speaking
in public, or with unequal power dynamics, such as patients speaking with doctors, or frontline staff
speaking to managers and commissioners (Astell and Fels, 2021).
Co-production has been used in a variety of healthcare settings to improve services, increase
choice, respond to user needs and reduce waste (Batalden et al., 2016). One aspect of co-production
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Astell et al. THAW Co-production
that can be difficult to achieve is power sharing (Farr
et al., 2021). This is especially so in mental health research
where it is a systemic barrier to engaging people with lived
experience (Clark, 2015). Despite this obstacle, examples of
co-production in mental health exist, including as a method
to overcome health inequalities (Lwembe et al., 2017). People
with lived experience of mental health problems have also been
involved in co-producing programs including self-management
of depression (Turner et al., 2015), and youth mental health
(Mayer and McKenzie, 2017).
Fewer co-production studies have been conducted around late
life mental health, in part due to negative perceptions about
the abilities of older adults to participate (Mannheim et al.,
2019). However, late life mental health is a growing global
concern, with depression peaking in over 55s (World Health
Organization [WHO], 2017). Co-production involving older
adults in identifying gaps, priorities and developing new solutions
is urgently needed. In particular, exploration of the potential of
technology as part of services to support people’s mental health
and wellbeing is increasingly important.
Fortunately, there is growing evidence that older adults are
interested in exploring technology to self-support their mental
health and wellbeing (Mannheim et al., 2019). However, there
are still barriers to seeking mental health support, including
fear of being labeled, difficulty navigating mental health services
or mistrust of those working in these services (Reynolds et al.,
2020). Older adults are also wary of who will have access
to their data, how their data will be used, and of being a
burden to others (Andrews et al., 2019). Additionally, older
adults, especially those who are socially isolated and on fixed
incomes, are more likely to be digitally excluded (Helsper and
Reisdorf, 2017). These ‘hard to reach lonely and socially isolated
individuals also have a significantly increased risk of depression
(Lee et al., 2021). Exploring how stakeholders from different
sectors, including older adults, view the potential of technologies
in the support of mental health and how they can be implemented
is therefore timely.
To explore understanding of technology for supporting late
life mental health, we organized two co-production workshops
using interactive tools as part of the Technology for Healthy
Aging and Wellbeing (THAW) Ph.D. network. The THAW
projects investigated three topics: (1) Using technology to
improve early detection of late life mental health problems;
(2) Understanding social isolation in a connected society; and
(3) Affective computing to support good mental health in
later life. Bringing together older adults, health and social care
professionals, non-governmental organizations, and researchers,
each workshop was facilitated with specific goals in mind. In
designing these co-production workshops, the THAW team
were aiming to gather information about how late life mental
health and wellbeing were viewed and understood by attendees,
attitudes to the role of technology in addressing late life mental
health and wellbeing, and stakeholders’ visions for how emerging
technologies could be utilized to benefit late life mental health
and wellbeing. These facilitated workshops were also designed
for attendees to have the opportunity to speak with people they
did not normally come into contact with, make new contacts and
have the opportunity to try out and provide feedback on existing
and emerging technologies. Here, we describe the organization
of the two workshops, the methods used and share the outcomes
in respect of technology for late life mental health, to illustrate
the utility and practicality of our approach for other researchers
interested in co-production on this topic.
Aims and Objectives
The primary aim was to establish the feasibility of co-production
for exploring the potential of new and emerging technologies in
the support of older adults’ mental health. The secondary aim was
to form a network of experts by experience who could contribute
to future events and research activities.
This 4-h long workshop was designed to provide an inclusive
environment where everyone’s voice could be heard. Two
interactive activities Technology Interaction (Astell et al., 2020)
and Scavenger Hunt (Astell et al., 2020) were combined with
student presentations on the three THAW projects. Activity
descriptions, materials and aims are set out in Table 1.
A mapping exercise was undertaken to identify local older
people and carer’s groups/forums and organizations who may
wish to be involved. Information was put on the Centre
for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH;
University of Sheffield) website and flyers were produced to
promote the workshop to stakeholders by email and social media.
To secure the widest participation, the following stakeholders
with an interest in the mental wellbeing of older people were
invited: older people and informal carers; local Councils
social care practitioners and commissioners; Health Authorities
mental health practitioners and commissioners; third sector
providers; researchers. Thirty-two people registered and 36
turned up on the day.
Materials for the workshop were as follows: Six tables with six
chairs at each for attendees. Box of six small technologies on
each table. Five tables around the sides of the room for Scavenger
Hunt. Refreshment station, PA system, and digital camera.
Information Sheet 1: Running order of
activities/program for the day.
Information Sheet 2: Ground rules to ensure an inclusive, safe,
respectful, and positive event
Stalls were set up in an annex for local organizations
to promote their activities relating to late life mental
health and wellbeing.
Technology Interaction: Feedback Sheet for collecting the
following information: ‘What is the technology?, ‘How do you
feel using it?, ‘What worked and/or didn’t work well with the
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technology?’ e.g., any good and bad points, ‘Who do you feel
could use it?’ and ‘Do you think this could support or hinder
mental wellbeing and make people healthier or happier?’
Scavenger Hunt: Six technology stations around the room, and
Feedback Form with six boxes, one per item, with the following
statements: ‘This is easy to use, ‘This is something I would use,
‘This is something I enjoy, with a space to circle ‘yes’ or ‘no.’
Names and descriptions of the specific technologies are detailed
in Table 2. These were chosen for their connection to each of the
THAW projects (see Table 2).
Workshop Evaluation Form.
Attendees signed in, were assigned to the five tables, and asked to
introduce themselves. Information Sheets 1 and 2 were provided
to each participant, and they were asked to respect the equipment,
not to use it unsafely or put others at risk, let everyone have a
go and have a say and to treat other people with respect. After
an introduction to the aims of THAW, attendees engaged in
Technology Interaction (Table 1 and Supplementary Appendix
A). This required pairs of attendees to try to get a piece of
technology working in 10 min (Figure 1). A wide range of
different technology types were provided to stimulate initial
discussions and break the ice.
After a networking lunch, attendees had the opportunity
to visit various stalls and speak with researchers, technology
companies, and providers of mental health support, including
a number of national charities. This was intended to provide
further opportunities for attendees to find out about and discuss
local services and support. The afternoon session resumed with
brief presentations on each of the THAW doctoral projects. The
presentations outlined the three different research projects and
enabled attendees to gain an insight into the different elements
being explored. Following these presentations, attendees engaged
in the second interactive activity: Scavenger Hunt as described
above (Table 1). The workshop ended with further networking
opportunities over afternoon tea, where attendees were asked to
complete the Workshop Evaluation Form before they left.
The 36 people who attended the workshop were: 13 health or
social care staff, 11 older adults, 4 advocates for older adults, 3
researchers and 5 others, comprising 1 commissioning manager
of public health, 1 health and social care commissioner, 1
charity project worker, 1 volunteer with older people and 1
activities coordinator. Information about age or sex/gender was
not collected from attendees.
Technology Interaction
The aim of Technology Interaction is to empower attendees to
feel confident and comfortable discussing technology. It also
promotes discussion of what people like and dislike in a range
of technologies. Feedback from the five groups (one per table)
identified features of the technologies that they liked, and the
ones they did not like among the selection of off-the-shelf
technologies. These features influence people’s reaction to a
device and whether they will persevere with trying to use it.
Positive features included items being simple or intuitive to use,
items that have clear accessible instructions, and items where the
intended use is obvious. For example, a well-received TomTom
navigation device was described as “very easy and logical, it
could be used by anyone, not just drivers.” Negative feedback
highlighted lack of instructions, small text or small buttons, lack
of indication what exactly the technology is for or how it should
be used. A blood pressure cuff was rejected because it was “okay
comes with a manual but no idea what to expect. Took three
attempts to get all readings and mine was not accurate.” During
the feedback component, one person commented that it was clear
that services could not or should not just give devices to people
to work out for themselves.
Scavenger Hunt
Attendees’ answers on the feedback forms to the three use
questions about each of the six technologies (Table 2; MantaroBot
was presented as two technologies one as controller and
one as receiver), showed clear differences in their perceptions.
Of the six technologies the two mood apps (MoodPanda and
Mr Mood) and social networking sites were judged most
easy to use and the MantaroBot in both roles (as controller
and receiver) as least (Table 2). Despite the low rating
of its usability, attendees saw potential in the MantaroBot:
“Provides digital telepresence for engagement and inclusion”
and “I feel the MantaroBot is a useful tool and would
be able to support/navigate face to face contact with an
Of particular interest, while the two mood apps were judged
easy to use, the majority of attendees who completed the
feedback say they would neither use nor enjoy these apps. Their
comments indicated concerns about the age appropriateness
of the apps “Simple, childlike”; the functionality “useful to
record mood over time but very limited”; and usefulness:
“Does it add to a paper diary?” By contrast, attendees found
the social networking sites easy to use and the majority said
they would enjoy using them: “. . . Allows access to a wide
range of support.” Similarly, Lexulous, an online scrabble game
was rated in the middle for ease of use, but more people
would use it and enjoy it than any of the other technologies.
However, this did seem to depend on whether people were
already digital gamers.
Workshop Evaluation
The workshop activities appeared successful in encouraging
attendees to work together and share their expertise and
experience. As one attendee commented. . .
“I felt that the group work at the beginning [Technology
Interaction] worked really well as it allowed people from different
generations to work out how to use bits of technology that they
may have never seen before. It allowed people to share ideas,
views and opinions on use, ease, and product design.”
Many forms commented on the diversity of professions and
representatives among attendees, for example:
“meeting people from a broad range of organizations,
community groups, third sector” and “interacting with people
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TABLE 1 | Design of THAW interactive workshops.
Activity breakdown Description Materials Purpose
Workshop 1: ‘Mental well-being. Can technology help older people lead a healthier and happier life?’
Registration (15 min) Attendees sign in and are assigned to a table Sign in sheet, Information Sheet 1 and 2, name labels Provide an inclusive environment to encourage sharing and
Welcome and introduction
(5 min)
Host welcomes attendees and explains the program PA system Introduction to the purpose and format of the workshop
Technology Interactiona
(70 min)
Working in pairs attendees choose an item from their
technology mystery box and have 10 min to learn how to
use it (Figure 1). Each pair shares their experience with the
rest of their table and made notes on flipcharts.
A representative from each table feeds back their
experience to the whole room based on the Technology
Interaction Feedback Sheet.
Thirty-six existing technologies with required power sources
(batteries/mains power) six in each of six boxes, one per
table (full list of items available from the corresponding
author). Technology Interaction Feedback Sheet Flipcharts
and marker pens
An icebreaker activity to foster interaction, collaboration,
and give all participants confidence to speak about
technology in the group setting.
Networking lunch (45 min) Chat with other attendees and visit stalls Stalls for providers of mental health support, including
national charities, researchers, technology companies
Opportunity to speak with other attendees and visit stalls
THAW Ph.D. presentations
(30 min)
Brief presentations of their work by THAW Ph.D. students PowerPoint, projector, screen, microphone To inform attendees about the current state of the three
THAW projects
Scavenger Huntb(60 min) Working in pairs each attendee tries out each device, app,
or service and completes the Scavenger Hunt Feedback
Form for each item.
Six stations with technologies relating to each of the three
THAW projects (Table 2). Mr Mood and Lexulous were set
up on tablets. MoodPanda and social networking sites on
desktop touchscreen computers. MantaroBot telepresence
robot plus laptop for operating. Scavenger Hunt Feedback
For attendees to try out a range of existing and emerging
technologies and provide feedback.
Tea and evaluation (15 min) Eat, drink and complete evaluation Workshop Evaluation Form Drinks and cake Provide feedback to THAW team and final networking
Workshop 2: ‘Healthy aging within your reach: Shaping new technologies to support mental wellbeing for older people’
Welcome and
Housekeeping (10 min)
Welcome to the workshop and program Information Sheet 1 and 2, name labels Introduce the activities and house rules
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TABLE 1 | (Continued)
Activity breakdown Description Materials Purpose
Vignettesc(60 min) Each participant reads their vignette and takes notes before
discussing as a group. Discussion has two parts: (1).
Explore situations that present risks for developing mental
health problems, loneliness and social isolation. (2). Explore
different stakeholder perspectives or partner or other family
member, Commissioner of service, GP, ICT developer,
researcher (Supplementary Appendix A)
Six vignettes presenting an individual in a situation that
could lead to loneliness, social isolation or have a negative
impact on mental wellbeing (Supplementary Appendix
A). The vignettes were written in the first person, enabling
participants to draw on their personal experiences whilst
avoiding personal disclosure, protecting their confidentiality
and allowing discussion of sensitive and complex issues
safely. Each vignette was different for each table but
contained a similar amount of information and included
descriptions such as age, health and family relationships
and was accompanied by questions designed to gather
information from the participants. Pens, paper and post-it
To gain insights into the views, feelings and interpretations
of the attendees about late life mental health and the
perspectives of different stakeholders.
Refreshment break (20 min) N/A N/A N/A
Scavenger Hunt (30 min) Attendees invited to try six technologies in turn, scoring
them on the abridged SUS plus additional comments about
each technology’s potential application in health and care.
Six technology stations: ‘Pacifica,’ ‘Eliza,’ ‘MiRo,’
‘MantaraBot,’ ‘Augmented Reality’ and ‘HTC Vive Virtual
Reality.’ Abridged SUSd
For attendees to try out a range of existing and emerging
technologies and provide feedback.
Networking lunch (45 min) As workshop 1
THAW Ph.D. presentations
(45 min)
Early detection of mental health problems (15 min) Tackling
social isolation (15 min) Avatars for older adults (15 min)
PowerPoint, projector, screen, microphone To inform attendees about the current state of the three
THAW projects
Invention Teste-
Co-creating a new product
or service (45 min)
Each group was invited to design a new technology-based
tool or service, inspired by the vignettes they had
considered in Vignettes and the technologies they had
experienced in Scavenger Hunt.
Flipchart, paper and pens To explore the impact on thinking about late life mental
health, of the Vignettes and technologies introduced in the
Scavenger Hunt
Presenting solutions
(30 min)
Each group briefly presented their solution to the rest of the
n/a To see result of co-production activities
Tea and evaluation (15 min) Complete evaluation Workshop Evaluation Form Drinks and cake Provide feedback to THAW team and final networking
aMcGrath et al. (2016).
bAstell et al. (2020).
cKandemir and Budd (2018).
dBennion et al. (2020).
eMcGrath et al. (2016).
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from different backgrounds and experience in social and health
For one attendee:
“by talking to lots of people” [they got] “a stronger feeling that
technology will help people now and, in the future.”
While another was impressed with
“how the event was set up and enabled more effective
The mix of activities and presentations was also welcomed by
attendees with one attendee commenting on the importance of
“being able to see the technology and hear about research in the
THAW Ph.D. presentations.
At the end of the day, the majority of attendees agreed that the
workshop had helped them gain a better understanding of the
needs, barriers, and benefits of technology for mental wellbeing
in later life. One attendee was:
“excited about technology and how much it’s changing in
relation to older adults and mental health.”
Another felt the workshop was:
“thought-provoking, some very clever ideas that could be
adopted to improve the lives of older people.”
One attendee also proposed the interactive aspect of the
workshop could have a therapeutic value to those with mental
health issues:
“Not just about today but as a former volunteer tutor for the
Expert Patients’ Program and with relatives who work in mental
health, I would like to stress the vital importance of enabling
people to interact and offer mutual support in coping with their
Workshop 1 Summary and Reflection
Overall, the first workshop was a success in attracting a diverse
range of attendees collaborating together to gain insight and
interest in mental wellbeing and technology helping older people
lead a healthier and happier life. The Technology Interaction
activity successfully created a supportive environment for
attendees to interact and share their views of technology. In
terms of feedback, attendees identified factors that influence
their decisions about persevering with or rejecting a technology,
highlighting instructions, ease of use and functionality as key
features. The Scavenger Hunt revealed the differing impressions
and assessments of the six technologies. There was some
suggestion that familiarity influenced the judgment about ease
of use but did not influence people’s judgments about using and
enjoying the technologies.
The findings confirmed that older adults could engage as
equals in discussions about new and emerging technologies. They
were interested to try the technologies on offer and were able to
share their opinions and responses to them. The older adults were
also comfortable discussing late life mental health and tools for
supporting this. The interactive activities and workshop format
were also successful at facilitating participation by frontline staff
in health and social care with older adults, researchers, and other
stakeholders. Encouraged by these results we organized a second
workshop to focus on co-producing new solutions for late-life
mental health and wellbeing.
Aims and Objectives
The second THAW workshop focused on co-production
of solutions involving technology for late-life mental
health and wellbeing.
Building on the success and lessons learnt from the first
workshop, activities were designed to facilitate discussion and
thinking about ways of using new technology to support
mental wellbeing in later life within services. This second
workshop lasted 5.5 h and included three interactive activities:
Vignettes (McGrath et al., 2016), Scavenger Hunt (Astell et al.,
2020), and Invention Test (McGrath et al., 2016). These are
detailed in Table 2.
A list of invitees was created from the attendees at the first
workshop plus other technology workshops hosted by CATCH
who expressed an interest in attending future events. As before,
information was put on the CATCH Website and flyers were
produced to promote the workshops to stakeholders by email and
social media. A total of 48 attendees registered and on the day 50
people attended demographic data was not collected and not all
attendees supplied their affiliation or role.
Materials for the workshop were as follows: Six tables with
eight/nine chairs at each for attendees. Five tables around the
sides of the room (for Scavenger Hunt). Refreshment station, PA
system, and digital camera.
Information Sheet 1: Running order of
activities/program for the day.
Information Sheet 2: Ground rules to ensure an inclusive, safe,
respectful, and positive event.
Stalls for local organizations to promote their activities
relating to late life mental health and wellbeing.
Vignettes: Six vignettes presenting an individual in a situation
that could lead to loneliness, social isolation or have a
negative impact on mental wellbeing. The process of creation
and content for the vignettes used personal insights and
professional experiences of working with older people from all
the THAW researchers. They were written to enable participants
to reread the scenario and discuss it on their table. Each
vignette was different for each table but contained a similar
amount of information relating to gender, age, presenting health
conditions, family relationships, possible triggers or threats to
social isolation, loneliness and mental well-being, and digital
technological use. It was felt important that the vignette should
resonate with participants (Skilling and Stylianides, 2020) and
so the vignettes were written in the first person enabling
participants to draw on their personal experiences whilst avoiding
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TABLE 2 | Technological apps/equipment used for Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 Scavenger Hunts.
Technology Website Description THAW project
Workshop 1 Scavenger Hunt
MoodPanda Mood tracking app, website and community Project One: Using technology to improve early
detection of mental health problems
Mr Mood N/A App store Mood tracking app
Lexulous (scrabble) Online word game Project Two: Understanding social isolation in a
connected society
Social networking sites Senior Chatters: Chatrooms for over 50s
Side by Side: Online community of United Kingdom mental
health charity mind
Buzz50: Chatrooms and social networking for over 50s
Silver Surfers: Community for seniors
Giving and getting: Website for connecting people run by
Nottinghamshire Community Foundation
MantaroBot (broadcaster) Project Three: Affective computing to support
good mental health in later life
MantaroBot (receiver)
Workshop 2 Scavenger Hunt
Pacifica app https:
App which supports users experiencing stress, anxiety or depression through aspects
of cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness and meditation.
Eliza N/A Eliza is a conversational agent designed in the 1960s which uses basic natural language
processing to provide responses to user-inputted text.
MiRo (Robot dog) MiRo is described as a programmable, autonomous robot, with moving head, ears and eyes.
MiRo moves on wheels. The robot has form features of a dog and a rabbit.
MantaroBot MantaroBot is a telepresence robot consisting of a base motor unit on wheels with a metal
frame providing support for a tablet computer, enabling interaction and viewing by a
standing adult. The motor base unit can be controlled remotely via wifi.
Augmented reality (AR) n/a A tablet computer with augmented reality software was used to demonstrate the potential of
the technology. It was demonstrated that AR could be used in relation to medication
management using a scan of medication labels to generate specific user instructions.
HTC Vive Virtual Reality An HTC Vive headset was used to demonstrate the potential of virtual reality.
personal disclosure, protecting their confidentiality, and allowing
discussion of sensitive and complex issues safely. As the range
of stakeholders attending was diverse, the terminology used in
the vignettes avoided jargon and was kept simple. The vignettes
included six different perspectives; the characters involved in
the scenario along with characters who may support and shape
new services and the use of new technologies to help the
mental well-being of older people (Table 1 and full details in
Supplementary Appendix A).
Scavenger Hunt Materials: Six technology stations, detailed in
Table 2. These were chosen as emerging technologies which may
have a role in future health and care services.
Abridged version of the System Usability Scale (SUS; Brooke,
1996) which measures perceived usability as used in other
older adult studies relating to THAW (Bennion et al., 2020).
A SUS score above 68 represents an above-average usability
(Brooke, 2013).
Invention Test: Flipchart, paper, pens.
Workshop Evaluation Form.
As Workshop 1, attendees signed in, were assigned to tables, and
asked to introduce themselves. Information sheets 1 and 2 were
given to each attendee asking them to respect the equipment,
FIGURE 1 | Mood light.
not to use it unsafely or put others at risk, let everyone have a
go and have a say and to treat other people with respect. After
an introduction to the aims of the day, attendees engaged in
activity 1, Vignettes (Table 1). Following a 15-min refreshment
break, attendees engaged in the second interactive activity:
Scavenger Hunt (Table 1) with six new and in development
technologies (Table 2). This included a new version of Eliza, the
original therapy chatbot, developed as part of the THAW project
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studying the potential of chatbots in therapeutic interventions
for older adults.
After a networking lunch and visits to stalls, the afternoon
session resumed with brief update presentations on each
of the THAW doctoral projects (Table 1). Following these
presentations, attendees completed the Invention Test (Table 1).
A representative from each group gave an overview of their
idea to the whole workshop attendance at the end of the day
and a prize was awarded to the best invention. The overviews
were filmed and analyzed using Content Analysis. The workshop
ended with further networking opportunities over afternoon
tea, where attendees were asked to complete the Workshop
Evaluation Form before they left.
Each group of stakeholders were provided with one written
vignette depicting a snapshot of a situation for an older person
where mental wellbeing was an issue. The vignettes were used to
introduce a range of factors and situations that could negatively
impact or threaten late life mental health and wellbeing. The
groups were asked to discuss these different perspectives. The
vignette activity successfully stimulated discussion within the
groups and fostered thinking about the need for and potential
of holistic solutions. This discussion also set the scene for the
other two activities. Participants engaged with, discussed, and
identified the factors that affect mental well-being in later life
in their vignettes. At the end of the workshop, the majority of
attendees reported that they had a better understanding of the
factors that could contribute to good and poor mental health
and a better understanding of the roles of different services
and organizations that can support mental health in later life.
Participants appreciated the contribution of the vignettes to
this improved understanding. One person, for example, valued:
“Working together as a group to look at how we can deal with
our given case study.” While another valued: “Exchanging views
and ideas of how best to support the person in our case study”
The vignettes were referred to throughout the day. In
particular, the combination of bringing together stakeholders
with current and emerging technology, and a vignette to shape
the discussions, created an environment where new ideas and
thinking could be generated. Overall, 97% of attendees agreed or
strongly agreed that the event had generated new thinking and
a number of groups worked together and were inspired by the
vignette personas when developing their ideas in the last activity
of the day, the Invention Test (see below).
Scavenger Hunt
In total, 43 attendees completed the abridged SUS questionnaire.
The sample was comprised of 39.5% (17/43) Health/social
care staff, 25.6% (11/43) Older adults, 4.7% (2/43) Academic
and Research staff, 7.0% (4/43) Policy Makers, 7.0% (4/43)
Industry, Advocate for Older Adults or Others and 16.3%
(7/43) Undisclosed.
Across all groups only two of the six technologies had a SUS
score that was equal to or above the acceptable cut-off point (i.e.,
>68) (see Table 3): these were ‘MiRo’ (Figure 2) with a mean of
TABLE 3 | Mean (SD) for System Usability Scale measure.
Technology (n) SUS, mean (SD)
Pacifica app (n= 41) 68.37 (21.73)
Eliza (n= 38) 56.25 (20.24)
MiRo (n= 42) 82.96 (16.74)
MantaroBot (n= 41) 38.61 (21.85)
Augmented reality (n= 37) 54.22 (21.03)
HTC Vive Virtual Reality (n= 38) 51.32 (20.09)
FIGURE 2 | MiRo.
82.96 (SD 16.74) and ‘Pacifica with a mean of 68.37 (SD 21.73).
Looking just at the older adults only MiRo scored above the SUS
cut-off (mean of 81.25 [12.59]; see Table 3), while health and
social care staff rated both MiRo (mean of 89.34 [16.01]) and
Pacifica (mean of 76.84 [SD 17.83]) as usable.
The SUS scores provided an informal ranking of the usability
of the six technologies with MiRo highest and the MantaRobot
scored lowest (Table 3). There were statistically significant, weak
positive correlation between Pacifica system usability ratings
and Eliza system usability ratings (r41 = 0.36, P<0.005) and
moderate positive correlation between Pacifica system usability
ratings and MiRo system usability ratings (r41 = 0.44, P<0.001).
There was a statistically significant, weak negative correlation
between MantaroBot system usability ratings and MiRo system
usability ratings (r41 = 0.38, P<0.005) and a moderate positive
correlation between MantaroBot system usability ratings and VR
system usability ratings (r41 = 0.51, P<0.001).
In their free text notes, attendees considered MiRo to have
“potential” and “great appeal, however, further development was
recommended in terms of a “softer feel.” The Pacifica app was
“quick and easy with instant feedback” and could be used on
a mobile phone “discreetly” although its accessibility for older
adults was questioned. Eliza attracted mixed reviews, with some
suggesting the conversational agent “lacks empathy” and that
it was “hard to see usefulness in current format.” However,
others suggested it “has potential” and that it was “good for
communication, nice to talk to.”
Attendees envisaged applications of virtual reality to include
“visit[ing] special places from childhood” and “for partially
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Astell et al. THAW Co-production
sighted people to see the ground or objects out of range.”
The augmented reality application was posited as a way of
reminding older adults how to complete activities of daily living
such as making a cup of tea. However, attendees wondered if
people living with dementia would “remember how to use the
augmented reality to help them make a cup of tea.” Comments
also included that “AR has potential for future use but would
need to be integrated into the NHS” although confidentiality
and risk were highlighted as potential barriers to use. Finally,
the MantaroBot, which attracted the lowest SUS score, was
found to be “clunky” and in need of a “better controller.” While
some were “doubtful of real benefit, others saw the MantaroBot
as “potentially useful for discharge from hospital.” Again, the
activity stimulated attendees’ imaginations, and many of the
technologies they had experienced in this activity, some for
the first time, were incorporated into their ideas for the final,
Invention Test, activity later in the day.
Invention Test
Three of the six multi-perspective groups (1, 4, 5) co-created ideas
which targeted the specific needs of the persona that they had
considered in the first activity, while others were tangential or
more general. The majority of groups also took inspiration from
the technologies they had tried using earlier in the day and used
these within the solutions they proposed.
Of those that directly addressed the persona in their Vignette
(see Supplementary Appendix A), Group 1 (John: recently
made redundant, isolated, and looking for things to occupy
his time) presented a suite of solutions including use of online
education groups and an online train enthusiast group to address
social isolation, use of video calling and a Nintendo Wii to
increase fitness and engage with family and grandchildren.
Group 4 (Ashok: main carer for wife with dementia, social
isolation compounded by hearing problem) suggested a person-
centered technology care package consisting of technology
chosen specifically for the user, and adapted to their specific
needs, for example ensuring that the manuals for the technology
were provided in the user’s own language. Group 5 (Julie; aging
with an intellectual disability, mobility restricted through broken
ankle, isolated at home) suggested that the MantaroBot could
be used on an allotment, if it could be improved with solar
power and be made waterproof. The aim was to support the care
recipient to visit her allotment and re-engage with friends on
neighboring allotments whilst she is recovering at home.
Group 2 proposed a virtual avatar to help older people who
experienced depression, anxiety, or loneliness, to enable them
to start new social groups. Group 3 presented a generic system
they called ‘I care, based on principles of shared care, but in
a virtual world. The idea was to provide a local forum for
people in a discrete locality, whereby members could assist
each other, refer each other to help and support for confidence
building and other low risk activities that might replace some
of the work of a support worker. The final group addressed
older adults’ mental health needs in general by imagining a
pair of glasses used as an augmented reality/virtual reality
device, which the group titled ‘Virtual Library Live.’ The tool
would allow access to downloading books, music, photographs,
and videos. It could be used for a future hospital patient to
review the journey into hospital and preview the experience
of a certain procedure, to reduce anxiety around operations in
adults and children. The same device was envisaged to be of
benefit in care homes as a form of cognitive stimulation. Virtual
gloves connected to the device would permit game-playing, and
augmented reality elements would assist people with memory
difficulties to complete activities of everyday living. This final
proposal was judged the winner of the Invention Test.
Workshop 2 Evaluation
As with the first workshop, attendees said they enjoyed sharing
ideas and views and meeting new people from a range of
backgrounds and professions as well as hearing the THAW
Ph.D. students’ presentations. The addition of Vignettes to the
THAW presentations and hands-on Scavenger Hunt in the
second workshop was well-received:
“Interactive nature, case study to focus discussions, hearing
about emerging research, with a desire to learn from us too. . .
worked because of careful matching/planning by the organizers.”
Additionally, seating different stakeholders together, positively
contributed to the attendee experience, with suggestions for
future events to engage even more older people from different
backgrounds, including Black, Asian and Minority communities.
However, it was the ability to see and use new technology
that for many attendees was the most important aspect of the
workshop. As one attendee said, it was
“Good to get your hands on technology”
and another, that it was:
“good to see different devices and try!”
This interaction appeared to help attendees realize the
potential of using new technology with older people, as one stated
it is
“Very useful to see devices that can help older people in
everyday life.”
Another commented that they appreciated:
“Applying the information to devising a new product that
supports good mental health and wellbeing”
Workshop 2 Summary and Reflection
The second workshop focused on envisaging and co-creating
services and products for older adults to address situations that
can challenge mental health and wellbeing in later life. The
program of activities eased attendees into conversations which
may otherwise have been difficult to start, and naturally led to
the final activity, which provided space for co-production based
on the vignettes and technologies tried on the day.
Having each group work with a different vignette, permitted
exploration of a range of situations that can lead older adults to be
lonely, isolated or experience poor mental health. Attendees were
thereby able to gain some insights into the complexity of people’s
lives to develop a realistic proposal for how or where technology
could play a role. In addition, many of the solutions generated in
the Invention Test centered on providing older adults with ways
of connecting with new groups, or even starting their own groups,
using technology, demonstrating the potential of technology in
this area to be well recognized.
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Astell et al. THAW Co-production
As a method, the facilitated, interactive THAW workshops were
successful in engaging stakeholders from multiple perspectives in
open conversations about late life mental health, social isolation,
and technology. The intention was to go beyond known obstacles
and barriers (e.g., lack of knowledge, inability to access the
necessary technology and services, and barriers presented by
mental health difficulties (Greer et al., 2019) to consider how
to get technology into people’s hands for long-term benefit. The
first workshop confirmed the feasibility of bringing stakeholders
together to discuss late life mental health and potential roles
for technology. The second session demonstrated how older
adults can be involved as equals in co-producing proposals for
new technology services in line with the five principles of co-
production: building and maintaining relationships; reciprocity;
sharing of power; including all perspectives and skills and
respecting and valuing the knowledge of all (Walker, 2019).
Working together as equals to develop new solutions, provides
opportunities for deeper understanding of the situations and
concerns of all groups. Older adults sharing their personal
experiences of mental health challenges, as well as attitudes
toward and interactions with services, can provide an invaluable
reality-check. For example, being able to discuss why people do
or do not use a particular device or service (e.g., NHS website
and apps, online mindfulness) and hearing how they currently
use technology to manage their mental health (e.g., self-reliance,
averting loneliness, and improving mood; Andrews et al., 2019).
By using a seating plan to mix up attendees with different
professional and personal backgrounds, the workshops provided
a safe environment, with equal value placed on the contributions
of each group member. One benefit of using vignettes in the
second workshop was that they were versatile and enabled
different problems to be highlighted and responses from the
different groups to be compared and contrasted (Skilling and
Stylianides, 2020). Vignettes have been used for a wide range
of purposes and to explore a variety of issues such as the
learning and development of care home staff (Flick et al., 2013),
mental health disparities (Lapatin et al., 2011), educational
research (Skilling and Stylianides, 2020) and researching social
work values (Wilks, 2004). This study suggest that vignettes
can be an important tool in co-production. Specifically, the
vignettes helped elucidate the attendee’s views, feelings, and
interpretations of mental health issues during the second
workshop. In this respect, the use of vignettes is situated within
qualitative research methodologies and interpretative approaches
aiming to elicit beliefs and understanding (Miller et al., 1997;
Gourlay et al., 2014). However, the vignettes were designed to
provoke participant responses which should not be mistaken
as reactions to ‘actual events (Skilling and Stylianides, 2020).
They were beneficial because they helped guide conversations
and safely promoted interactions on sensitive or potentially
distressing issues, and so enabled the constructive sharing of ideas
between participants.
Furthermore, by ‘simulating life situations, the vignettes
provoked discussion and offered an entry point into the complex
issues of mental health. This enabled the views of attendees
from different fields to be unpacked and for them to interrogate
these issues together (Kandemir and Budd, 2018). The simulated
nature of vignettes provides enough emotional ‘distance’ to
enable attendees to contribute confidently and safely (Simon
and Tierney, 2011). Three of the vignettes directly shaped and
structured interactions during the Invention Test, with those
groups co-producing solutions targeted at the specific needs of
the personas (1, 4, 5). These groups developed person-centered
solutions compared to the more generic solutions offered by
other groups. Additionally, the attendees used the vignettes to
speak openly and honestly about the challenges that may be
presented by some of the technologies. They also felt confident
to suggest non-typical uses of the technologies on show, for
example, for scenario 5 (Julie) suggesting that a telepresence
robot (MantaroBot) could be used outside on an allotment.
Frontline staff in health care and social care services who
are usually the ones setting up and supporting technologies for
their clients were also able to speak as equals with managers and
commissioners of services. Hearing the voice of staff as experts
and recognizing their needs in relation to technology adoption
and support are also crucial for successful implementation
and rollout of technologies as part of person-centered services
(Christie and Marshall, 2019). Sharing expertise from different
stakeholders, including social care and health care, meant it was
possible to consider how both types of services might make use of
technology to support their work with older adults, and to better
understand the experiences and views of the older people they
support (Astell et al., 2018).
Considering priorities for services and technologies to address
the needs of older adults’ mental health and wellbeing, the
activities successfully elicited thinking that bridged current
gaps between (health and social care) services. Overcoming
existing silos is essential for tackling the conditions that
negatively impact late life mental health and wellbeing as the
COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted (e.g., Steptoe and Di
Gessi, 2021). The attendees were also mindful of the barriers
that face many people in participating in the digital world,
especially those who are socially isolated (Helsper and Reisdorf,
2017). This led to discussion about the need for Internet
access, digital literacy and affordable or loanable devices for
empowering people to meet their needs for social interaction and
mental stimulations.
Results from the Scavenger Hunt also demonstrated that while
older adults and other stakeholders foresee potential benefits
from new technology, they also recognize potential barriers to
their development and roll out, in addition to limitations around
the applicability of some technologies requiring physical dexterity
or cognitive engagement. For some attendees, this was their
first opportunity to try using technologies such as virtual reality
and mental health apps, providing them with an experiential
learning opportunity.
The interactive methods used here also elicited engaged
discussion and debate about the technologies the attendees
were able to try out. In relation to late life mental health, the
poor usability rating of the MantaroBot at both workshops,
is interesting given the focus on telepresence robots as a
potential solution for tackling loneliness and social isolation,
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Astell et al. THAW Co-production
particularly among older adults (Niemalä et al., 2019). A growing
number of telepresence robots are available for purchase,
and one in particular Giraff has been developed and
used in a number of European research projects focused
on supporting older adults at home (e.g., Coradeschi et al.,
2014). However, some attendees did see potential benefits of
MantaroBot, particularly for monitoring after hospital discharge,
with one team proposing that it could be part of their new co-
produced service solution in the Workshop 2 Invention Test.
In this activity, the groups also made clear that technology-
based solutions should continue to be person-centered and
acknowledged the need for support to be in place to ensure older
adults can truly benefit.
These findings suggest that such discussion and hands-on
interaction is important for co-producing future solutions,
for example the potential of using robots. In the second
workshop there was a negative perceived usability correlation
from the adapted-SUS scores between MantaroBot and
MiRo, indicating a weak but visible relationship between
those that rated MiRo with high perceived usability and
MantaroBot with low perceived usability and vice versa.
This suggests that the usability of robotics can be heavily
influenced by their implementation. The positive perceived
usability correlation between MantaroBot and VR indicates a
moderate relationship between people who rated MantaroBot
and VR with high perceived usability. The problems found
by attendees with the MantaroBot may have been equal to
the problems identified with VR and this was reflected in the
usability scores.
The successful inclusion of measures such as the adapted SUS
(Bennion et al., 2020) in co-production is important, particularly
for iterative projects requiring users to evaluate technology
solutions over time. In the second workshop, mean SUS scores
helped highlight the usability of the technologies within the target
demographic, while the individual questions of the scale helped
generate discussion about each technology. It was noted that
some of the questions of the scale were not answered by all older
adult attendees. This may have been due to the language of the
scale being problematic for older adults to understand. Use of
the more recent simplified SUS scale for cognitively impaired and
older adults by Holden (2020) would be beneficial in future older
adult co-production workshops.
Overall, both workshops were very successful but there
was some learning for organizing future events. Attendees’
keenness to interact with the Scavenger Hunt technology in both
workshops, meant that queues formed, and timings overran. The
size of the room may be important in this respect. Similarly, in the
first workshop, multiple attendees at each table wished to present
back on the technologies they tried to get working, leading to this
taking longer than anticipated.
In conclusion, interactive facilitated workshops can provide
a method for co-producing new thinking about late life mental
health and wellbeing. This includes taking a holistic view of the
complexities of older adults’ lives that can lead to loneliness,
social isolation and poor mental health and wellbeing. Such
understanding is vital for considering how technology can be
offered and incorporated into people’s lives. The findings suggest
that solutions are needed that combine technologies (e.g., tablets,
robots, apps) with access to Internet, support for setting up and
maintaining technologies and the potential for personalization
(e.g., hobbies, language, and cultural history). These outputs
indicate that the methods described in this paper constituted
important tools for those who wish to shape technology for
mental wellbeing in later life.
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethical review and approval was not required for the study on
human participants in accordance with the local legislation and
institutional requirements. The patients/participants provided
their written informed consent to participate in this study.
Written informed consent was obtained from the individual(s)
for the publication of any potentially identifiable images or data
included in this article.
AA drafted the final manuscript. JA drafted sections of the
manuscript about late life mental health, summarized the
invention test data and provided feedback on the draft. MB
summarized the Workshop 2 Scavenger Hunt, conducted the SUS
analysis, and provided feedback on the draft. DC drafted sections
about the vignettes and results from the evaluation surveys and
provided feedback on the draft. All authors contributed to the
article and approved the submitted version.
Funding for THAW was provided through the University
of Sheffield, Directors of Research, and Innovation
competition (CCDRI) to AA.
We are grateful to Laura Murray’s administrative support in
organizing the workshops and Simon Butler (deceased) for
photography at the events, plus everyone else at the Centre for
Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare who helped to
make the workshops successful.
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online
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Frontiers in Psychology | 12 December 2021 | Volume 12 | Article 745947
... There are two substantial limitations to the evidence provided from the reviewed papers. Firstly, with just a handful of exceptions Brookfield et al., 2020;Knight-Davidson et al., 2020;Astell et al., 2021), the studies employ co-production techniques, but do not explicitly set out to evaluate them. Hence, evidence on what works in co-production is drawn primarily from descriptions of methods and reflections in the discussion sections of the reviewed papers. ...
... Moreover, where devices will form part of a wider system, such as personal alarms, it can be important to involve staff working at different points in the system in order to co-produce processes as well as devices (Wilson et al., 2012;Farshchian et al., 2017). Clearly, involving different stakeholders has the potential to create disagreement, but well-designed co-production processes can also help people to understand each other's perspectives Astell et al., 2021) and envision innovative solutions to complex problems (Macdonald et al., 2012). ...
... Beyond these basics, the specific methods need to be tailored to the stakeholders involved, the need to be addressed, the type of technology and the stage of development, from design to implementation. In order to address the issues around diversity of older people and potential differences in perspective, several studies emphasise the value of using vignettes or anonymised case studies to provide a basis for shared exploration of needs and potential solutions (Macdonald et al., 2012;Greenhalgh et al., 2015;Wherton et al., 2015;Chadborn et al., 2019;Banbury et al., 2020;Astell et al., 2021). Creative and visual methods can also be valuable to frame discussion or enable participants to introduce their own perspectives and experiences. ...
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Assistive technology for older people promises much, but the research evidence suggests that it delivers little. One hypothesis to explain the lack of positive impact is that assistive technology is often implemented with little involvement of older people or other stakeholders, such as family members or care staff. The suggestion is that co-production may ensure that assistive technology solutions are better tailored to people's needs, capacities and living situations. In this article, we review existing studies to examine what works in co-production in relation to processes of design and implementation of assistive technology for older people. Our results show a growing interest in co-production as an approach in this field, with a wide range of approaches being employed. We highlight a number of key lessons from the research, including key issues around who needs to be engaged in the co-production, as well as essential elements of the process itself. Our review suggests that there is considerable potential in using co-production to improve effectiveness of technological solutions to the challenges of age-related impairments. However, we also emphasise the need for more longitudinal research in this area, to examine whether such collaborative approaches can truly deliver the promise of assistive technology for older people.
... The authentic partnership approach was developed over a decade of participatory work with persons with dementia and their families and outlines both guiding principles and enablers of authentic partnerships [33]. We followed the enablers and principles of authentic partnerships to create a space where members appreciated and respected each other, and where each person's perspectives and experiences were valued and incorporated in the decision-making process [33,34,41]. In addition, the co-development process loosely aligned with the the steps of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Knowledge to Action cycle, an iterative and dynamic process meant to capture knowledge creation through to its translation to practice and policy [42]. ...
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Promoting wellbeing of persons with dementia and their families is a priority of research and practice. Engaging diverse partners, including persons with dementia and their families, to co-develop interventions promotes relevant and impactful solutions. We describe the process, output, and lessons learned from the dementia resources for eating, activity, and meaningful inclusion (DREAM) project, which co-developed tools/resources with persons with dementia, care partners, community service providers, health care professionals, and researchers with the aim of increasing supports for physical activity, healthy eating, and wellbeing of persons with dementia. Our process included: (1) Engaging and maintaining the DREAM Steering Team; (2) Setting and navigating ways of engagement; (3) Selecting the priority audience and content; (4) Drafting the toolkit; (5) Iterative co-development of tools and resources; (6) Usability testing; and (7) Implementation and evaluation. In virtual meetings, the DREAM Steering Team confirmed the toolkit audiences (primary: community service providers; secondary: persons with dementia and care partners) and identified and evolved content areas. An environmental scan identified few existing, high-quality resources aligned with content areas. The Steering Team, additional multi-perspective partners, and external contractors iteratively co-developed new tools/resources to meet gaps over a 4-month virtual process that included virtual meetings, email exchange of documents and feedback, and one-on-one calls by telephone or email. The final DREAM toolkit includes a website with seven learning modules (on the diversity of dementia, rights and inclusion of persons living with dementia, physical activity, healthy eating, dementia-inclusive practices), a learning manual, six videos, nine handouts, and four wallet cards ( ). Our co-development participants rated the process highly in relation to the principles and enablers of authentic partnership even though all engagement was virtual. Through use of the co-developed DREAM toolkit, we anticipate community service providers will gain the knowledge and confidence needed to provide dementia-inclusive wellness programs and services that benefit persons with dementia and their families.
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The COVID-19 pandemic particularly affected social connection through enforced social isolation and loss of regular activities. For healthcare systems, various initiatives have sprung up, leveraging existing technologies to connect people with services, activities, and loved ones. Here we review some AgeTech offerings to address social isolation for healthcare leadership and management to consider.
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected mental health, psychological wellbeing, and social interactions. People with physical disabilities might be particularly likely to be negatively affected, but evidence is scarce. Our aim was to evaluate the emotional and social experience of older people with physical disabilities during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in England. Methods: In this longitudinal cohort study, we analysed data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing collected in 2018-19 and June-July, 2020, from participants aged 52 years and older and living in England. Physical disability was defined as impairment in basic and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL) and impaired mobility. Depression, anxiety, loneliness, quality of life, sleep quality, and amount of real-time and written social contact were assessed online or by computer-assisted telephone interviews. Comparisons of experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of people with and without a physical disability were adjusted statistically for pre-pandemic outcome measures, age, sex, wealth, ethnicity, presence of a spouse or partner, number of people in the household, and chronic pain. All participants with full data available for both surveys were included in the analyses. Findings: Between June 3 and July 26, 2020, 5820 participants responded, 4887 of whom had full data available for both the pre-pandemic measures and the COVID-19 survey and were included in the analysis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, significantly more people with ADL impairment had clinically significant symptoms of depression (odds ratio 1·78 [95% CI 1·44-2·19]; p<0·0001), anxiety (2·23 [1·72-2·89]; p<0·0001), and loneliness (1·52 [1·26-1·84]; p<0·0001) than people without ADL impairment. Significantly more people with ADL impairment also had impaired sleep quality (1·44 [1·20-1·72]; p<0·0001) and poor quality of life than people without ADL impairment. The results were similar when disability was defined by impaired mobility. People with ADL impairment had less frequent real-time contact (0·70 [0·55-0·89]; p=0·0037) and written social contact (0·54 [0·45-0·64]; p<0·0001) with family than people without ADL impairment. Results for social contact were similar when disability was defined by impaired mobility. Interpretation: People with physical disability might be at particular risk for emotional distress, poor quality of life, and low wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the need for additional support and targeted mental health services. Funding: Economic and Social Research Council/UK Research and Innovation, National Institute on Aging, National Institute for Health Research.
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Background Loneliness is experienced by a third of older adults in the UK and is a modifiable potential risk factor for depressive symptoms. It is unclear how the association between loneliness and depressive symptoms persists over time, and whether it is independent of related social constructs and genetic confounders. We aimed to investigate the association between loneliness and depressive symptoms, assessed on multiple occasions during 12 years of follow-up, in a large, nationally representative cohort of adults aged 50 years and older in England. Methods We did a longitudinal study using seven waves of data that were collected once every 2 years between 2004 and 2017, from adults aged 50 years and older in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). The exposure was loneliness at baseline (wave two), measured with the short 1980 revision of the University of California, Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA). The primary outcome was a score indicating severity of depression measured at six subsequent timepoints (waves three to eight), using the eight-item version of the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Analyses were linear multilevel regressions, before and after adjusting for social isolation, social support, polygenic risk scores, and other sociodemographic and health-related confounders. The secondary outcome was depression diagnosis, measured using a binary version of the CES-D. Findings 4211 (46%) of 9171 eligible participants had complete data on exposure, outcome, and confounders, and were included in our complete case sample. After all adjustments, a 1-point increase in loneliness score was associated with a 0·16 (95% CI 0·13–0·19) increase in depressive symptom severity score (averaged across all follow-ups). We estimated a population attributable fraction for depression associated with loneliness of 18% (95% CI 12–24) at 1 year of follow-up and 11% (3–19) at the final follow-up (wave eight), suggesting that 11–18% of cases of depression could potentially be prevented if loneliness were eliminated. Associations between loneliness and depressive symptoms remained after 12 years of follow-up, although effect sizes were smaller with longer follow-up. Interpretation Irrespective of other social experiences, higher loneliness scores at baseline were associated with higher depression symptom severity scores during 12 years of follow-up among adults aged 50 years and older. Interventions that reduce loneliness could prevent or reduce depression in older adults, which presents a growing public health problem worldwide.
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Background: The usability and effectiveness of conversational agents (chatbots) that deliver psychological therapies is under-researched. Objective: This study aimed to compare the system usability, acceptability, and effectiveness in older adults of 2 Web-based conversational agents that differ in theoretical orientation and approach. Methods: In a randomized study, 112 older adults were allocated to 1 of the following 2 fully automated interventions: Manage Your Life Online (MYLO; ie, a chatbot that mimics a therapist using a method of levels approach) and ELIZA (a chatbot that mimics a therapist using a humanistic counseling approach). The primary outcome was problem distress and resolution, with secondary outcome measures of system usability and clinical outcome. Results: MYLO participants spent significantly longer interacting with the conversational agent. Posthoc tests indicated that MYLO participants had significantly lower problem distress at follow-up. There were no differences between MYLO and ELIZA in terms of problem resolution. MYLO was rated as significantly more helpful and likely to be used again. System usability of both the conversational agents was associated with helpfulness of the agents and the willingness of the participants to reuse. Adherence was high. A total of 12% (7/59) of the MYLO group did not carry out their conversation with the chatbot. Conclusions: Controlled studies of chatbots need to be conducted in clinical populations across different age groups. The potential integration of chatbots into psychological care in routine services is discussed.
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In this paper, we investigate using vignettes in educational research, particularly for eliciting value-laden constructs such as teacher beliefs and understandings and how these influence teacher practices. Drawing on research where vignettes have been used as the central instrument for data collection, we argue that methodological consistency is achieved when the research aims, methodologies and vignette methods are aligned, and this helps satisfy internal validity and supports the findings. To assist with achieving methodological consistency we introduce and discuss a vignette framework that identifies three key elements for vignette construction (conception, design, and administration), supplemented by characteristics for each element and descriptions. We then illustrate the framework by using an empirical study from mathematics education where two purposefully formulated vignettes were used to elicit diverse teacher beliefs and practices for promoting student engagement. This illustration shows that using vignettes in educational research can be particularly effective for gaining insights into interpretations and concerns that teachers may have about particular phenomena, such as student engagement in mathematics. We propose that carefully formulated vignettes aligned with the phenomena being investigated can help capture participants’ beliefs leading to a more nuanced understanding of the phenomena.
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Digital technology holds a promise to improve older adults’ well-being and promote ageing in place. However, there seems to be a discrepancy between digital technologies that are developed and what older adults actually want and need. Ageing is stereotypically framed as a problem needed to be fixed, and older adults are considered to be frail and incompetent. Not surprisingly, many of the technologies developed for the use of older adults focus on care. The exclusion of older adults from the research and design of digital technology is often based on such negative stereotypes. In this opinion article, we argue that the inclusion rather than exclusion of older adults in the design process and research of digital technology is essential if technology is to fulfill the promise of improving well-being. We emphasize why this is important while also providing guidelines, evidence from the literature, and examples on how to do so. We unequivocally state that designers and researchers should make every effort to ensure the involvement of older adults in the design process and research of digital technology. Based on this paper, we suggest that ageism in the design process of digital technology might play a role as a possible barrier of adopting technology.
Successful health innovation requires more than the creation of a new treatment, service, or technology. It also involves gaining an understanding of the needs of the intended recipients or users of the innovation and the environment in which the innovation is going to be introduced. Innovating with the intended users or recipients of new health products is crucial for maximizing the chances of adoption and uptake of new ideas and technologies. Such co-production requires careful planning and facilitation to ensure productive partnerships and involvement of all parties affected by the health innovation. This chapter contains key ideas to help researchers co-produce health innovations with intended recipients or users of new products or services:
There seems to be relatively little scholarship on the use of vignettes in qualitative research, despite their long-time application in these approaches. They appear to be a helpful tool for framing complex or sensitive topics, but there is also some disagreement as to what vignettes are and what they can/should be used for. In this article, we briefly review the literature on vignettes, identifying issues in what are often overly specific definitions and prescriptions for their use. Much of the literature focuses on the use of vignettes prior to data collection, or on the findings obtained in projects utilizing them. There is little to no consideration of how they are chosen/designed or the kind/s of data they help to produce. We will therefore focus on the choice, application, and participant responses to two vignettes from separate research projects that were undertaken to explore, in different ways, reality and values with young people.
We present the 10-item Simplified System Usability Scale (SUS) for Cognitively Impaired and Older Adults, which we have used in several studies since 2016. The Simplified SUS is a revised version of the SUS, a brief, psychometrically valid, and widely used global measure of usability. To improve the ease of administration, the Simplified SUS rewords 9 of 10 SUS items and replaces the original SUS question about inconsistency with a question about confusion. The Simplified SUS retains the SUS's 10-item design, five-item agreement-based Likert scale, and alternating valence of positively worded odd items and negatively worded even items. Because of this, the Simplified SUS can be interpreted the same way as the traditional SUS. The Simplified SUS is an example of an off-the-shelf human factors method adapted for work with vulnerable populations and usable by practitioners or researchers without human factors training.
This chapter briefly describes a co-design project with people living with dementia, family care partners and clinical teams to create DataDay—a self-management app with an accompanying memory services portal. The project utilised the Tools for User Needs Gathering to Sustain Technology ENgagement (TUNGSTEN) approach of working with the users of technology as experts. Over seven months, four interactive sessions took place examining interactions with smart devices, current device and app use, and prototyping the DataDay interface and portal. This chapter focuses on the co-design sessions with people living with dementia and family caregivers and illustrates the benefits of the TUNGSTEN approach for co-designing with this population.
Older adults who experience challenges related to mental health are unlikely to seek professional help. The voices of older adults who have navigated through mental health issues and systems of care to arrive at psychological treatment are less well understood. We conducted individual interviews with 15 adults aged 61 to 86 who sought psychological treatment. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using narrative methods. We identified several main storylines that describe the meaning-making and treatment-seeking journeys of older adults: resistance to being labeled with mental health problems (telling stories of resistance, defining mental health issues in mysterious and uncontrollable terms, and experiencing internal role conflict); muddling through the help-seeking process (manifestations of chaos and system-level barriers); and emotional reactions to psychological treatment (hope, fear, and mistrust). Findings add to the literature base in the area of narrative gerontology, and highlight the complex experiences that older adults face when seeking psychological treatment.