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STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons



STEM education, which focuses on improving students' 21st century skills, aims to increase interest in engineering professions that have a very important place in the future of the world. Due to continuous innovation in technologies, it is critical to provide STEM and robotics coding training to students. Knowing the content of studies in our country related to STEM is of great importance for awareness of its use in science course. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of robotics coding STEM activities on teacher candidates ' awareness of their use in science course. 37 science teacher candidates participated in the 12-week study. Qualitative research method was used in this study. Qualitative data was taken from the field notes and semi-structured interview. As part of STEM activities, it is aimed to teach teacher candidates Robotics Coding. In the activities, Arduino IDE, Fritzing programs were taught. Robotics coding STEM activities have had a positive impact on teacher candidates. Teacher candidates reported that activities increased their interest and attitude to science, and that they were instructive, fun, and useful. Teacher candidates expressed that robotics coding activities integrated into education system enabled making learning permanent.
Original Article
ISSN (Online): 2454-1907
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
November 2021 8(11), 37-54
How to cite this article (APA): GÜLERYÜZ, H., and DİLBER, R. (2021). STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on
Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and
Management Research, 8(11), 37-54. doi: 10.29121/ijetmr.v8.i11.2021.1063
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ 1, and Refik DİLBER 2
1 Muş, Turkey
2 Atatürk Üniversity, Erzurum, Turkey
Received 19 October 2021
Accepted 12 November 2021
Published 30 November 2021
Corresponding Author
DOI 10.29121/ijetmr.v8.i11.2021.1063
This research received no
specific grant from any funding agency in
the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s). This is
an open access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided
the original author and source are
STEM education, which focuses on improving students' 21st century skills, aims to
increase interest in engineering professions that have a very important place in the
future of the world. Due to continuous innovation in technologies, it is critical to
provide STEM and robotics coding training to students. Knowing the content of
studies in our country related to STEM is of great importance for awareness of its use
in science course. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of robotics coding
STEM activities on teacher candidates ' awareness of their use in science course. 37
science teacher candidates participated in the 12-week study. Qualitative research
method was used in this study. Qualitative data was taken from the field notes and
semi-structured interview. As part of STEM activities, it is aimed to teach teacher
candidates Robotics Coding. In the activities, Arduino IDE, Fritzing programs were
taught. Robotics coding STEM activities have had a positive impact on teacher
candidates. Teacher candidates reported that activities increased their interest and
attitude to science, and that they were instructive, fun, and useful. Teacher
candidates expressed that robotics coding activities integrated into education system
enabled making learning permanent.
Keywords: STEM Activities, Robotics Coding, Science Subjects, Awareness
Today, individuals must have a number of competencies in order to be
successful in both educational and business life. These competencies cover
problem solving, critical thinking, using information-communication
technologies, accessing information, being open to new ideas and taking
initiative. It is aimed that individuals can be educated with the STEM
approach that the Ministry of Education has implemented as a draft program
in the new education system. Increasing the number of students who have
received STEM education and employing these students in industry are
among the important goals for countries. To achieve this goal, there is a need
for teachers who have received sufficient and qualified STEM education
because STEM education can only be meaningful with qualified teachers
(Wang (2012)) . In this context, in order to educate individuals who can
adapt to the era by acquiring these skills, educational programs should be
established with an interdisciplinary approach. The importance of this
integration is increasing (Güleryüz et al. (2019); Güleryüz (2020);
(2012)). STEM education is a holistic approach integrating interdisciplinary
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
knowledge (Smith and Karr-Kidwell (2000)). It also helps individuals gain 21st
century skills. For all these reasons, STEM education is becoming widespread in the
world (Gazibeyoğlu (2018)).
The main goal of STEM education is to raise a new generation who is innovative.
STEM education aims to enable students to solve real-world problems, learn
knowledge in a more holistic and organized way, and integrate interdisciplinary
knowledge (Aydın et al. (2017); Beane (1995); Burrows et al. (1989); Capraro and
Slough (2008); Childress (1996); Jacobs (1989); Sweller (1989)).
Programming is an indispensable competence in STEM education, which
aims to educate individuals equipped with 21st century skills. Countries that
are aware of STEM education are working to ensure that individuals are able to
obtain programming skills. Robotics Coding has an importance place in the
education of students who are equipped with 21st century skills, able to solve
problems they faced, and able to use technology effectively, capable of creating
products. Teaching Robotics Coding within STEM education has been one of the
most important indispensable subjects of 21st century. Today, investments,
resources and research have been increased for the development of robotics,
and new job opportunities have emerged for people. With Robotics Coding
training, it is aimed to raise generations who are equipped with 21st century
skills. Teacher candidates are at the heart of this. Robotics Coding is not only
limited to computer science, it is also important in the interdisciplinary
interaction (STEM) aspect. Teacher candidates should have 21st century skills
and keep up with the digital age (Güleryüz et al. (2020); Güleryüz (2020)).
In our country, changes were made to curriculum in 2017, embracing STEM
philosophy (Çepni and Ormancı (2017)). In this context, the specific objectives of
the programme of Elementary School Science Teaching implemented in 2018 are to
provide basic knowledge in the fields of science and engineering with students, to
increase interest in science-related career fields, and to help students find solutions
to problems of daily life (Ministry of Education. (2018b)). These goals seem to
coincide with the goals of STEM education. In addition, analytical thinking, decision
making, creative thinking, entrepreneurship, teamwork, communication and
innovative thinking were included in the field-specific skills of this curriculum.
STEM education allows students to develop a holistic view of the fields of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics, helping find solutions to daily life
problems (Berlin and Lee (2005); Daugherty (2013); Kuenzi (2008), Bahar et al.
In science subjects, many concepts are abstract. In the past, when learning to
count in elementary school, beans and walnuts were used. This method used was
one of the most convenient tools. In the world, which is moving towards rapid
digitalization, there have been new tools to embody abstract objects. The most
important of the tools to facilitate learning is the computer and then the Internet.
Today, Robotics Coding, a more specialized field, is at the forefront (Cameron
(2005); Güleryüz et al. (2020); Güleryüz (2020)).
Robotics Coding training provides the following benefits;
It enables teacher candidates to develop cause and-effect relationship, and
skills of algorithms, mathematics, innovative thinking, and teamwork.
The ability of establishing a cause and-effect relationship with
programming allows them to make more accurate decisions in life.
Teacher candidates will be able to take precautions. For this reason, these
skills, which are especially important in career choices, enable them to thrust
themselves forward.
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
With programming, teacher candidates learn how to use and access
information and to create products.
We see a new technological field in science education. This technological
innovation called “Robotics”, which is also integrated with various disciplines, has
become an indispensable part of the science education process (Cameron (2005)).
In Japan, the government made programming courses mandatory at schools for the
development of students ' creative abilities. Therefore, Robotics Coding education
will be compulsory in primary schools in 2020, secondary schools in 2021 and high
schools in 2022 in Japan. With this shift in education policy, the government aims
to help students adapt to an era when concepts such as robots and artificial
intelligence come to the fore. The media, volunteers and non-governmental
organizations significantly support this plan (Murai, 2016; Verma (2016)). China is
one step ahead of other countries in teaching programming. In China, programming
courses are given to students during preschool period. Parents want their children
to have programming courses. Programming courses are given to students in
schools all over China. In these programming courses, students are taught the basics
of programming, such as coordinate system, directions, as well as the basics of
programming (Verma (2015)).
Importance of Research
It aims to upskill students through collaboration, systematic thinking, creativity
and skills to solve the problems optimally by focusing on integrating science,
technology, engineering and mathematics within the framework of 21st century
skills. Raising students, who have 21st century skills, with STEM and Robotics
Coding education has become one of the leading goals of educational systems.
Because of this, its importance in education seem to be increasing. Robotics Coding
STEM activities contribute to the awareness of teacher candidates in science courses
and to teaching science subjects more easily. These issues are currently being
promoted in the Ministry of Education and are planned to be spread in schools.
Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Innovation and
Educational Technologies shared views about STEM education and Robotics Coding
within the scope of the 2023 education vision;
“….Today, STEM education, which allows students to integrate their
knowledge in Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering courses, is
integrated into education system of many countries…. “
“… "Mobile code" application has been prepared for the purpose of digital
content and skill-supported transformation in learning processes. The app, released
in Education Information Network as a block-based coding game suitable for fifth
and sixth grade Information Technology and software course achievements, was
opened to the service of teachers, students and anyone interested in coding via the
web, IOS and Android…”(YEĞİTEK (2019)).
Purpose of Research
In this study, science teacher candidates were taught about Robotics Coding.
Teacher candidates conducted Robotics Coding activities. The aim of this study is to
examine the awareness of teacher candidates on the effect of Robotics Coding STEM
activities on their skills in the science course.
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
For these purposes, answers to the following sub-problems are sought:
1) Do Robotics Coding STEM activities have an impact on teacher candidates '
awareness levels related to the use of science courses?
2) What are the opinions of teacher candidates about Robotics Coding STEM
Research Problem
Do Robotics Coding STEM activities have an impact on teacher candidates '
awareness levels related to the use of science courses?
Qualitative research method was used in this study. Qualitative research
represents the process of holistic examination of events and facts in a realistic
environment. The content analysis method was used for the analysis of qualitative
data. Content analysis is a systematic, repeatable technique in which some words
of a text are summarized with smaller content categories with certain rules-based
encodings (Büyüköztürk et al. (2013)).
32 science teacher candidates studying at a State University participated in the
study voluntarily.
In this study, STEM education program covering Robotics Coding activities,
which made learning simple and fun for science teacher candidates, were
implemented. Robotics Coding activities aim to ensure permanant learning. This
program lasted 2 hours a week for 12 weeks (total of 48 hours). For STEM activities,
Arduino IDE and Fritzing programs for circuit diagram were taught. A brief
summary of the application on STEM activities with Robotics Coding is given below
and the work schedule is shown in Table 1.
A Brief Summary of The Application
Teacher candidates ' readiness levels for STEM education was measured.
It was aimed to create awareness by using STEM activities in science
science course. Detailed information was given about STEM education.
For three weeks, teacher candidates were taught the Arduino IDE
program, one of Robotics Coding. The download and installation of
Arduino İDE was taught.
For two weeks, teacher candidates were taught the Fritzing program for
drawing the circuit diagram in Robotics Coding.
After five weeks of training, 6 STEM activities related to Robotics Coding
were conducted.
Robotics Coding STEM activities enabled students to embody some
abstract concepts in the science course. These activities ensure
permanent learning.
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
Table 1 Robotics Coding Activity Program
Week Subject
Week 1
What is STEM education?
Week 2
Teaching Robotics Coding; Arduino İDE
Week 3
Teaching Robotics Coding; Arduino İDE
Week 4
Teaching Robotics Coding; Arduino İDE
Week 5
Teaching Robotics Coding Circuit Diagram; Fritzing
Week 6
Teaching Robotics Coding Circuit Diagram; Fritzing
Week 7
Robotics Coding Activity; Building Led Lights
Week 8
Robotics Coding Activity; Outside Pressure Measurement
Week 9
Robotics Coding Activity; Temperature Measurement
Week 10
Robotics Coding Activity; Electric Current Measurement
Week 11
Robotics Coding Activity; Soil Moisture Measurement
Week 12
Robotics Coding Activity; Perception of Light
Robotik Kodlama ile yapılan STEM etkinliklerin elde edilen devre şeması
aşağıda etkinlik isimleriyle beraber yer almaktadır.
Activity 1: Building Led Lights
Activity 2: Outside Pressure Measurement
Activity 3: Temperature Measurement
Activity 4: Electric Current Measurement
Activity 5: Soil Moisture Measurement
Activity 6: Perception of Light
Activity 1 Activity 2
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
Activity 3 Activity 4
Activity 5 Activity 6
Figure 1 Robotics Coding STEM Activities
Data Collection Tools
For qualitative data, field notes and semi-structured teacher candidate
interview forms were used. The researcher helped students whenever they needed
to. Throughout the study, the researcher took field notes related to the activities.
Field notes recorded by the researcher were given to teacher candidates at the end
of the course, confirming the accuracy of the notes. Field notes were used in the
analysis of qualitative data and the interpretation of events.
Semi-Structured Questions
1) What are the benefits of STEM activities in science course?
2) What are the contributions of STEM activities to the science course?
3) How did Robotics Coding activities change your perception of science
4) What are the advantages of Robotics Coding training in science course?
5) How did you experience a change in your learning life after Robotics Coding
6) What are your suggestions for STEM activities in science course?
7) What are the limitations of giving Robotics Coding training in science
Analysis of The Data
After completing STEM activities, a semi-structured interview form prepared
with expert opinions was given to teacher candidates. It was declared that this form
would not be used for academic evaluation, but would only be used in the study.
Students were also asked not to write their names. In this way, an environment was
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
provided for teacher candidates to express their ideas in a more comfortable and
neutral way.
By analyzing qualitative data, the awareness of teacher candidates on the use
of STEM activities in science course was revealed. Opinions of teacher candidates
were taken about the activities.
The data was first organized by the researcher and evaluated by two experts.
The necessary changes were made as a result of evaluations by experts. Categories
were created by the researcher. The categories were determined after taking of
expert opinions.
The answers of teacher candidates are given in tables below.
The answers of teacher candidates to the question of "What are the benefits of
STEM activities in a science course? " are given in Table 2.
Table 2 What are the benefits of STEM activities in science course?
F %
Having problem solving skills 17 45.9
Benefitting from different disciplines 14 37.8
Learning engineering design processes 9 24.3
Having 21st century skills 7 18.9
Increasing interest in courses 4 10.8
Examining Table 2, having problem solving skills stood at % 33.3, representing
the highest rate, benefitting from different disciplines stood at % 18.4, increasing
interest in courses stood at %7.8, representing the lowest rate.
STEM education is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students as
producers and inventors through an interdisciplinary approach. STEM education
integrates these four disciplines with a harmonious learning paradigm based on
real-world production-oriented practices, rather than teaching them as separate
subjects. It is an interdisciplinary project-based training model created by
integrating STEM disciplines. In the project-based STEM education model, students
think, design and produce. Thus, the student's position in education is changed.
Thanks to STEM education, students have become individuals who wonder, ask
questions and produce solutions. Thanks to these activities, interest and motivation
of teacher candidates concerning science course increased.
Some answers of teacher candidates to the question of "What are the benefits
of STEM education?" are given below:
TC (Teacher Candidate)3 “… I can transfer information through STEM activities.
I combine my knowledge with different disciplines…”
TC14 “…. I learned engineering design processes with STEM activities. As a
teacher candidate, it will be very useful to me in the future…”
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
The answers of teacher candidates to the question of "What are the
contributions of STEM practices to science learning?" are given in Table 3.
Table 3 What are the contributions of STEM activities to science learning?
Increase of permanent learning 24 64.8
Embodying concepts 20 54
Practice-oriented rather than theory-oriented 14 37.8
Increasing curiosity and interest 9 24.3
Improvement of craft skills 6 16.2
Examining Table 3, increase of permanent learning stood at % 64.8,
representing the highest rate, embodying concepts stood at % 54, and improvement
of craft skills stood at %16.2, representing the lowest rate.
STEM activities, which are widely used in education, cover multiple disciplines.
STEM, which is used in the field of education especially in developed countries, is
applied in schools as a lifestyle, not as a model. The main purpose of this approach
is to make students successful.Therefore, students are offered an approach that they
learn by living, doing, producing, and embodying what they have learned. With the
increase of interest and curiosity in science through STEM activities, they expressed
that embodying concepts enabled them to learn. The statements of teacher
candidates support this.
The answers of science teacher candidates to the question of "What are the
contributions of STEM activities to learning science?" are given below:
TC21: “…I realized that it increased my interest, curiosity, and desire to learn
science subjects...”
TC 2: “…STEM activities helped ensure that learning became permenant…”
TC23: “…I enjoy STEM activities so much that I don't even understand how time
The answers of science teacher candidates to the question of "How has Robotics
Coding activities changed your perception of learning in science subjects?" are given
in Table 4.
Table 4 How did Robotics Coding activities change your perception of science
f %
Improvement of cognitive skills 2
Keeping up with the digital age 1
Ensuring permanant learning 1
Learning the working principle of many mechanisms 9 24.
Ensuring the development of handcraft 7 18.
Learning the programming language 6 16.
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
Examining Table 4, improvement of cognitive skills stood at % 64.8,
representing the highest rate, keeping up with the digital age stood at % 48.6, and
learning the programming language stood at %16.2, representing the lowest rate.
Robotics Coding activities significantly increase permanent learning by
addressing more than one sense organ. With Robotics Coding activities, teacher
candidates keep up with the digital age and have the necessary cognitive skills. The
statements of teacher candidates support this.
The answers of science teacher candidates to the question of "How did Robotics
Coding activities cause a change in your perception of science learning?" are given
TC28: “… I became aware that my cognitive skills were improving. I feel like an
TC19: “… In order to be more useful to students, all teacher and teacher
candidates should keep up with the digital age…”
The answers of science teacher candidates to the question of "What are the
advantages of Robotics Coding training in science course?" are given in Table 5.
Table 5 What are the advantages of Robotics Coding training in science course?
f %
Helping find solutions to problems 26 70.2
Ensuring awareness of many digital tools used in daily life
18 48.6
Increasing interest and curiosity 12 32.4
Boosting self-confidence 9 24.3
Enhancing creativity 5 13.5
Enhancing productivity 4 10.8
Examining Table 5, helping find solutions to problems stood at % 70.2,
representing the highest rate, ensuring awareness of many digital tools used in daily
lifestood at % 48.6, and enhancing productivity stood at %10.8, representing the
lowest rate.
Robotics Coding activities, which enable students to establish a cause-and-
effect relationship and allow them to deal with problems that they are likely to
encounter, are both instructive and fun. Due to Robotics Coding trainings, students
can make logical decisions, learn to think critically, and evaluate all alternatives.
Robotics Coding trainings open the doors of programming, software and design to
students. All these allow students to have a vivid imagination. Robotics Coding helps
students solve problems by breaking them into small pieces. It allows them to cope
with the difficulties and find solutions. Robotics Coding activities provide the
opportunity to embody concepts in science course. In this way, students ' interest in
science subjects increases. The statements of teacher candidates support this.
Some answers of science teacher candidates to the question of “What are
advantages of Robotics Coding training in science course?” are given below:
TC32: “… Robotics Coding activities in the science course has increased my
interest and curiosity in science subjects…”
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
TC17: “… It enabled permanent learning by embodying some abstract concepts
in science subjects….”
The answers of science teacher candidates to the question of “How did you
experience a change in your learning life after Robotics Coding activities?” are given
in Table 6.
Table 6 How did you experience a change in your learning life after Robotics Coding
f %
Increasing my interest and curiosity in programming 30 81.3
Increasing my motivation in programming 27 72.9
Enhancing my attitude toward Robotics Coding 22 59.4
Increasing my awareness about Robotics Coding 18 48.6
Increasing my productivity and creativity 12 32.4
Making learning easy 11 29.7
Examining Table 6, increasing my interest and curiosity in programming stood
at %81.3, representing the highest rate, increasing my motivation stood at %72.9,
making learning easy stood at %29.7, representing the lowest rate.
Robotics Coding has become the focus of attention over time. Millions of
students around the world participate in a series of competitions in which they have
to design and program their own real robots. That's how it gained momentum. The
statements of teacher candidates support this.
Some answers of science teacher candidates to the question of “How did you
experience a change in your learning life after Robotics Coding activities?” are given
TC30: “…My self-confidence has increased with Robotics Coding activities
conducted within the scope of STEM education…”
TC9 ”…. Robotics Coding activities are so enjoyable that I am not aware of how
time passes…”
The question of "What are your suggestions for teachers who will conduct
STEM activities in science course as teacher candidates?" was asked to science
teacher candidates and the answers are given in Table 7.
Table 7 As teacher candidates, What are your suggestions for teachers who will conduct
STEM activities in science course?
f %
Knowing the interdisciplinary approach 26 70.2
Knowing the engineering process 23 62.1
Having sufficient knowledge about STEM 22 59.4
Having full knowledge of science subjects 15 40.5
Using time effectively 9 24.3
Preparing the designs that students can do in advance 4 10.8
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
Examining Table 7, knowing the interdisciplinary approach stood at %70.2,
representing the highest rate, knowing the engineering process stood at %62.1,
preparing the designs that students can do in advance stood at %10.8, representing
the lowest rate.
It is very important for science teacher candidates to have positive thoughts
toward STEM and its activities in terms of science education. It is also very
important for science teachers to have a positive attitude toward activities that will
ensure effective learning in students. Science teachers who are open to innovation
are wanted to educate their students as students who can also research, question,
have scientific curiosity, and are open to innovation. In order to have STEM literacy,
first of all, teachers should be able to master their field, know the interdisciplinary
approach and easily transfer the knowledge they have. In order to be an equipped
teacher in STEM activities, he should trainned in this field. The statements of teacher
candidates support this.
Some answers of science teacher candidates to the question of “What are your
suggestions for STEM activities in science course?” are given below:
TC 8: “…I think that the STEM education approach should be learned from
people who are experts on this issue and studies should be examined…”
TC19: “… In order for STEM education to be successfully applied in classrooms,
it is absolutely necessary for teachers to be trained within the scope of a program in
the form of in-service training…”
The answers of science teacher candidates to the question of “What are the
limitations of giving Robotics Coding training in science course?” are given in Table
Table 8 What Are The Limitations Of Giving Robotics Coding Training In Science Course?
f %
The lack of teacher who can give programing training 35 94.5
The lack of equipment in classrooms 28 75.6
The lack of equipment 28 75.6
Less lesson hours 15 40.5
Level of readiness of students 10 27.2
The lack of self-confidence of students 4 5.4
Examining Table 8, the lack of teacher who can give programing training stood
at %94.5, representing the highest rate, the lack of equipment in classrooms stood
at %75.6, the lack of self-confidence of students stood at %5.4, representing the
lowest rate.
Thanks to Robotics Coding, students can use robotic technologies, create new
products, search for solutions to the problems of daily life, solve the problems they
face more easily, work in cooperation, take responsibilities, comprehend the
working mechanism of technological tools, and evaluate events critically. Thanks to
Robotics Coding, students can get acquainted with coding and start writing code
more permanently, effectively and easily. To achieve this, there should be sufficient
and equipped teachers and necessary Robotics Coding workshops. As part of STEM
training, there is lack of teachers in the field of Robotics Coding, and STEM
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
labs/workshops are not equipped enough. The statements of teacher candidates
support this.
Some answers of science teacher candidates to the question of “What are the
limitations of giving Robotics Coding training in science course?” are given below:
TC14: “…As a science teacher candidate, we need to improve ourselves in the
field of Robotics Coding for our students…”
TC25: “… For Robotics Coding activities conducted within STEM education,
much more time should be allocated in the weekly course curriculum and a
programming workshop should be established in each school for activities…”
Providing 21st Century Skills
The aim of early Robotics Coding training is to provide 21st century skills with
students. Programming is not only limited to computer science, but is also very
important in terms of interdisciplinary (STEM) interaction. By gaining algorithmic
thinking skills at an early age, students will be able to solve problems in different
areas by thinking creatively (Güleryüz et al. (2019); Güleryüz (2020)).
Robotics Coding is not just the coding of the given material. Creating a product
that works is also part of Robotics Coding. The first step is to imagine. Then, the
product is designed and made functional with programming. Thus, it is aimed to
provide creativity out of 21st century skills with students. Obviously, Robotics
Coding training is effective in providing creativity, problem solving, and
responsibility skills with students, but not limited to them. It also provides
information literacy, critical thinking and teamwork skills with students. Students
are expected to have 21st century skills and integrate them into their life in order to
be individuals who are useful for their country. It is one of our duties to provide the
necessary opportunities for children to gain these skills. STEM provides the best
solution to the problem statement with science, technology, engineering and
mathematics tools (Beswick and Fraser (2019); Stehle and Peters-Burton (2019),;
Walan (2019)). Some answers of teacher candidates are given below:
TC26: “… Thanks to Robotics Coding activities, I feel myself as a 21st century
TC12: “… All teachers should have full knowledge of 21st century skills…”
Keeping Up With Digital Age
The world is changing fast. Teachers have to adapt to this rapid pace of change
and innovation. This rapid change lays a burden on everyone, especially teachers, in
the process of adapting to life and society. From education to health, from
production to economy, we are in a new era. In Industry 4.0, education needs to keep
up with this change and even guide it. Industry 4.0 means the digitalization of the
industry, its automation, and its equipping with high technology.Our age is the age
of technology, the way we prepare for competition in this age is to give our students
opportunities and provide them with such environments. In order to keep up with
the digital age, we see that different technological projects have emerged with these
opportunities that we offer to our students. Thanks to Robotics Coding activities
within the scope of STEM education, our students improve their 21st century skills
and and keep up with the digital age. Within the STEM education, our aim is to allow
students to find the best solution by themselves. We encourage our students to find
their own solutions to the problems they face, using their imagination, which has
the biggest differences, through simple and limited materials, by providing different
scenarios for the problems they may encounter in daily life. We want our students
to understand the basis of teamworking and find new solutions for problems (Berlin
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
and Lee (2005); Daugherty (2013)). Some answers of teacher candidates are given
TC30: “… It is necessary to break away from rote learning... We also need to
keep up with the digital age…”.
TC18: “…. When I learn science subjects through Robotics Coding activities, I
realize that I keep up with the technological age…”.
Embodying Concepts Related To Science
In rapidly digitalizing world, we now have new tools to embody abstract
concepts. The most important of the tools to facilitate learning is the computer and
then the Internet. Today, a more specialized field, Robotics Coding, has come to the
fore. We need to embody abstract concepts for learning and teaching easily.
Therefore, the use of programming in education makes learning more effective. But
this time, what we code is a concrete object that we can touch. For students, it is very
important that what they code is come back to earth.Robotics provide the
opportunity to plan real-world activities that help understand the abstract concepts
of distance, speed, time, environment, diameter, heat, angle, light and so on. Robotics
Coding activities can be planned in accordance with the achievements that need to
be acquired in the fields of mathematics and science. But due to the nature of
Robotics Coding, a concept in the field of mathematics covers the fields of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics. At this point, a targeted gain in
mathematics is achieved, while at the same time, the ability to think systematically,
solve problems, and see the relationships between events develop simultaneously
in the stages of Robotics Coding (Cameron (2005); Wang (2012)). Some answers of
teacher candidates are given below:
TC1: “… I had the opportunity to embody some abstract science subjects with
Robotics Coding activities…”
TC13: “… The embodied information is easier to learn…”.
Integration Of Robotics Coding Into Science Course
The activities focuse on maximizing students ' skills in all fields and especially
their skills in the field of science. The aim of this research is to enable science
teachers to integrate Robotics Coding activities into their courses. In addition,
teachers will be able to develop science projects with Robotics Coding. The
integration of Robotics Coding activities within STEM education helps students to
learn effectively. In the integration of STEM disciplines, teachers ' perspectives on
Robotics Coding, their knowledge of other disciplines, and their field knowledge are
important (Ministry of Education. (2018b); Ríordáin et al. (2016)). Some answers of
teacher candidates are given below:
TC22: “… I find that I learn effectively and more easily with the activities
conducted... The activities are very enjoyable…”.
TC3: “… In the integration of Robotics Coding with science, my field-related
skills are enhanced... I feel like an engineer…”.
TC13: “… If there were not Robotics Coding STEM activities, we, as science
teacher candidates, would not have learned Robotics Coding …”.
It can be said that the training given in this study, which aims to determine the
views of teacher candidates who receive robotic coding training within the scope of
STEM activities, has given positive results. Structured interview and activities with
teacher candidates gave positive feedbacks. Teacher candidates conducted 6
STEM Activities with Robotic Coding; The Effect on Awareness of Teacher Candidates Regarding Its Use in Science Lessons
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
activities related to Robotics Coding. At these activities, the Arduino Ide program
and the Fritzing program for the circuit scheme were taught to teacher candidates.
Two of the objectives of the research are to teach teacher candidates Arduino Ide
program and Fritzing programs, and to enable them to learn some abstract science
concepts. At the end of the study, with the Robotics Coding training, they were able
to use Arduino Ide and fritzing programs on their own and use them in projects.
The results of this study support the results of Güleryüz et al. (2020)’s study on
teacher candidates’ views on Robotics Coding training. Güleryüz, et al. In this study,
they emphasized the need for teacher candidates to have 21st century skills and to
keep up with the digital age. According to Güleryüz et al. (2020), Robotics Coding
activities have increased motivation of teacher candidates for science courses. As
part of STEM education, integrating science and programming, it is believed that
learning can be permanent and more meaningful by embodying some abstract
science concepts that are difficult to understand.
In addition, the results of this study support the study of Sayın and Seferoğlu
(2016), which examined the place of programming training in education policies.
Khanlari (2013) determined that Robotics Coding activity is an effective tool for
developing 21st century skills such as collaboration, communication and social
responsibility. Examining the literature, in the studies on robotics and programming
training, similar results were obtained (Benitti, 2008; Datteri (2013); Güleryüz et
al. (2020); Güleryüz (2020); Gültepe (2018); Sullıvan (2008); Şenolm and Büyük
(2015); Şenol and Demirer (2017); Welch and Huffman (2011)).
On the other hand, it has been found that there are very few national academic
studies related to Robotics Coding. This indicates that this study contributes to the
Based on the results of studies on programming education, it seems that
programming is becoming a very important requirement in teaching science. The
activities conducted within the scope of the study supported this. In 2018 the
updated framework of qualifications in the teaching of sciences in the context of
Turkey, life skills, engineering, and design skills were regarded andthroughout the
program, the importance of Science, Engineering and Entrepreneurship practices
and interdisciplinary practices in solving the problems faced in daily life were
emphasized. Therefore, it is understood that the new science course curriculum also
includes interdisciplinary practices emphasized by STEM. This has brought to the
forefront the knowledge, skills and attitudes of teachers who are practitioners of the
program towards STEM activities. Therefore, teachers ' perspectives on STEM, their
knowledge of other disciplines, and their knowledge of the field are important in the
integration of STEM disciplines (Ríordáin et al. (2016)).
Teacher candidates expressed that STEM Robotics Coding activities integrated
into education system enabled making learning permanent. On the other hand,
teacher candidates expressed that they had fun and increased motivation in relation
to the education they received. The need to keep up with the digital age and have
21st century skills is frequently emphasized both by the Ministry of education and
in scientific studies. Giving Robotics Coding as a course is important in terms of
keeping up with the developing and rapidly changing technology. Robotics Coding
positively contributes to obtaining 21st century skills such as problem solving,
creativity, critical thinking skills and cooperation-communication. Robotics Coding
training has enabled teacher candidates to see, experiment and measure the results
Hasan GÜLERYÜZ, and Refik DİLBER
International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
of their projects in the real world in many subjects. Thus, thanks to coding, they
have used an important tool such as robot in education in order to teach abstract
concepts by concretizing them. Robotics Coding provides the opportunity to teach
concepts in science, mathematics, chemistry, and many other fields. In addition,
programming activities have attracted a lot of attention from students, making
lessons more enjoyable. Thanks to Robotics Coding activities in science course,
teacher candidates have increased their awareness of and motivation. A teacher
candidate's opinion on this issue is as follows: “I can design any activity related to
Robotics Coding. I have the self-sufficiency to take part in a project.” In addition, the
activities provided a high motivation with teacher candidates for lessons and
projects. A teacher candidate expressed this situation as follows: “I had a lot of fun
in training and my interest and motivation for the lesson increased“. This has a
leverage effect on learning. Robotics Coding activities significantly increase
permanent learning by addressing more than one sense organ.
According to these results, it is believed that there will be no difficulties in
ensuring the integration of Robotics Coding with science course within the
framework of STEM.
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... Coding teaches the child that he/she should be a productive person in the society and that time is valuable, so that there is a better way to produce children and he/she gains classification skills by learning to plan. In order to realize all these, coding and robotics provide the child with high-level, algorithmic, computational and relational thinking skills since they will take an active part in the thinking processes [15,10]. ...
... • PST20 and PST21 "…. As teachers of the future, we must have Güleryüz and Dilber [10]. Güleryüz and Dilber [11]. ...
... get. [8]; Senol and Buyuk, [20]; Gultepe, [14]; Senol and Demirer, [21]; Güleryüz, etc. al., [10]; Güleryüz [9]. ...
... While the primary focus is on engineering, mathematics, and related sciences, many STEM programs include courses that focus on programming, coding, and other technology-based skills. This is important as it shows the connection between STEM and technology (Güleryüz and Dilber;2021). ...
... While the primary focus is on engineering, mathematics, and related sciences, many STEM programs include courses that focus on programming, coding, and other technology-based skills. This is important as it shows the connection between STEM and technology (Güleryüz and Dilber;2021). ...
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... Predictions about rapidly changing world lead to an increase in studies on the skills of 21 st century. The lack of studies and projects on robotic coding education in Turkey indicates that Turkey needs to increase its efforts to strength its position in robotic coding education and academic research [1,14,22]. ...
... Blockbased visual programming environments have been developed by many organizations and institutions in order to minimize these negativities and to facilitate programming learning. The benefit of Mblok Arduino logic is that students can focus only on design and production without having to remember command names or codes, without encountering code typos [12,14]. ...
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The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of robotic activities (mblock-arduino) on students' attitudes towards coding and their self-efficacy. Within the scope of the study, 14-week robotic coding activities were planned, followed by 43 8 th grade students. Qualitative research method was used in this study. In order to collect the research data, self-proficiency perception scale for block-based programming and robotics attitude scale were applied as pre-test and post-test. For dependent samples, t-test was applied and analyses were performed. According to the findings of the study, there was a significant increase in students' positive attitudes towards coding, and students' self-efficacy for coding. Robotic coding (mblock-Arduino) trainings were given and activities were made within the scope of these trainings. 5 activities related to robotic coding were performed. mBlock-Arduino for robotic coding and Fritzing programs for circuit diagram were taught. According to the findings of the research, after teaching programming with robotic coding activities, there was a significant increase in students' positive attitudes towards coding, students' self-efficacy for coding, and students' permanent learning.
... Robotik ve kodlama uygulamaları öğrencilere etkili, verimli eğlenceli ve motive edici bir öğrenme ortamı sağlamaktadır (Chung ve arkadaşları, 2014). Öğrenciler öğrenmelerini kalıcı ve etkili bir şekilde anlamlandırması için soyut kavramları somutlaştırmak istemektedir (Güleryüz, 2022b;Güleryüz, Dilber, 2021). Soyut kavramların somutlaştırılma işlemi önemli olduğu kadar öğrencilerin bunu kabullenmesinin de zor bir süreç olduğu bilinmektedir. ...
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Günümüzde bilginin artması ile beraber teknoloji de aynı seviyede ilerlemektedir. Gelişen teknoloji hayatın her kademesinde olduğu gibi eğitim-öğretimin de her kademesinde etkisini göstermektedir. Eğitimde her yaş grubu ve her alanda teknolojinin etkilerini görmekteyiz. Çalışmanın amacı, robotik kodlama (Lego Mindstorms-EV3) uygulamalarının ortaokul öğrencilerinin kodlamaya yönelik tutumlarının gelişimine etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tek gruplu ön test-son test zayıf deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya 32 ortaokul öğrencisi katılmıştır. Analizler için ortaokul öğrencilerine, kodlamaya yönelik tutum ölçeği uygulanmıştır. Bağımlı örneklemler için t testi uygulanarak analizler yapılmıştır. Yedi hafta süren çalışmada Lego Mindstorms-EV3 programı öğretilmiş ve uygulamalar hakkında eğitimler verilmiştir. Verilen bu eğitimleri neticesinde beş uygulama yapılarak bilgileri pekiştirilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre, ortaokul öğrencilerin kodlamaya yönelik tutumları lehine anlamlı bir fark çıktığı görülmektedir. Robotik kodlama uygulamalarının ortaokul öğrencileri üzerinde olumlu tutum ve merak uyandırdığı görülmüştür. Öğrencilere etkili, verimli ve eğlenceli bir öğrenme ortamı sağlanmıştır.
... Coding training, which is given in accordance with every age group, is gaining importance day by day in our country. ( Güleryüz and Dilber, 2021). ...
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The aim of this study is to determine STEM-based innovative thinking skills and attitudes towards digital technology in robotic coding and 3D printer applications with 45 teacher candidates participating in the research. Quantitative research method was used. The research lasted 12 weeks. Innovative thinking skills scale and attitude scales towards digital technology were used. The research was conducted in the form of pretest and posttest. It is seen that there is a significant positive difference in the innovative thinking skills of the teacher candidates and their attitudes towards digital technology. In the STEM-based research, robotic coding and 3D printing training was given. In this context, three different applications were made regarding traffic lights. In robotic coding applications, Tinkercad, Arduino IDE and Fritzing programs for circuit diagrams, Tinkercad 3D in 3D printing applications and Zaxe PLA for slicing were taught. (SPSS-21.00) program was used to analyze the data and t test was applied for dependent samples. It was determined that the teacher candidates had innovative thinking skills attitudes (t=-23.33; p
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The aim of the research is to investigate the attitudes of middle school students towards robotics and coding in STEM education with Tinkercad. A total of 32 secondary school students (12 girls and 20 boys) participated in the 6-week study. The research lasted 6 weeks. Quantitative research method was used in this study. Two scales were used in the study. Robotic attitude scale for middle school students and attitude scale for coding for middle school students were applied. The research was conducted in the form of pre-test and post-test. Analyzes were made by applying the t test for dependent samples. According to the data obtained from the findings, it is seen that there is a positive significant difference in the robotic attitude scale for secondary school students and the attitude scale for coding for secondary school students. Arduino IDE program was used over Tinkercad portal. In the research, 4 applications were made and their knowledge was reinforced. Robotic coding applications prepared in accordance with STEM education were prepared. It has increased the interest of secondary school students in STEM education. This study is important in terms of transforming theoretical knowledge into products and acquiring 21st century skills.
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STEM education focusing on students' 21st-century skills aims to increase interest in engineering fields such as 3D printing and robotics programming, which have an important place in the future education system. This study aims to examine the impact of STEM activities with robotics programming and 3D printer on teacher candidates ' STEM awareness and STEM self-sufficiency. 37 science teacher candidates participated in the 12-week study. The mixed research method was used in this study. Quantitative data were obtained through the STEM awareness scale and self-sufficiency scale. Qualitative data were obtained through field notes and struc-tured interview forms. According to the findings of the study, there is a positive significant difference in the level of STEM awareness and STEM self-sufficiency of teacher candidates. Within the scope of the study, robotics programming and 3D printer training were given to teacher candidates and activities were conducted. Four robotics programming and one 3D printer activities were conducted. Arduino IDE and Fritzing programs were taught for robotics programming activity. 3D Builder Zaxe PLA program was taught for 3D printer activity. As a result of robotics programming and 3D printer activities, an obstacle detection device was designed for the visually impaired. Thanks to robotics programming and 3D printer activities, teacher candidates' 21st-century skills have developed. Moreover, it is observed that they can more easily adapt to the digital age. In addition, within the scope of STEM, teacher candidates' interest in technology, engineering increased as well as science subjects.
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STEM education focusing on students' 21st century skills aim to increase interest in engineering fields such as 3D printing and robotics coding, which have an important place in the future education system. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of 3D printing and robotics coding STEM activities on the 21st century learner skills of teacher candidates and its sub dimensions (Autonomous, Cognitive, Innovativeness, Flexibility, and Collaboration). 37 science teacher candidates participated in the study which lasted 13 weeks. In this study, mixed research method was used. Quantitative data was obtained through 21st Century Learner Skills Use Scale and qualitative data was taken from the field notes and semi-structured interview. According to the study's findings, teacher candidates used the 21st century learner skills and its sub dimensions at an advanced level. Within the scope of the study, 3D printing, and robotics coding trainings were given to science teacher candidates within the scope of STEM education and activities were made within the scope of these trainings. Four activities were done for 3D printing and three activities for robotics coding. Out of 3D printer programs, 3D-Builder and Zaxe (Destop) PLA were taught. Arduino-IDE and Fritzing for circuit diagram from robotic coding programs were taught. With robotics coding and 3D printing STEM activities, teacher candidates improved 21st century skills such as critical thinking, collaborating, communicating, productivity and creativity. In addition, they have a positive attitude towards science-technology-engineering-mathematics.
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Background There is a need to arm students with noncognitive, or 21st Century, skills to prepare them for a more STEM-based job market. As STEM schools are created in a response to this call to action, research is needed to better understand how exemplary STEM schools successfully accomplish this goal. This conversion mixed method study analyzed student work samples and teacher lesson plans from seven exemplary inclusive STEM high schools to better understand at what level teachers at these schools are engaging and developing student 21st Century skills. Results We found of the 67 lesson plans collected at the inclusive STEM high schools, 50 included instruction on 21st Century skills. Most of these lesson plans designed instruction for 21st Century skills at an introductory level. Few lesson plans encouraged multiple 21st Century skills and addressed higher levels of those skills. Although there was not a significant difference between levels of 21st Century skills by grade level, there was an overall trend of higher levels of 21st Century skills demonstrated in lesson plans designed for grades 11 and 12. We also found that lesson plans that lasted three or more days had higher levels of 21st Century skills. Conclusions These findings suggest that inclusive STEM high schools provide environments that support the development of 21st Century skills. Yet, more can be done in the area of teacher professional development to improve instruction of high levels of 21st Century skills.
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ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı STEM uygulamaları kapsamında 3D yazıcı kullanımına yönelik fen bilimleri öğretmen adaylarının görüşlerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada veriler, yarı yapılandırılmış öğrenci görüşme soruları kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler içerik analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmaya gönüllülük esasına göre Fen Bilgisi Öğretmenliği 3. Sınıfta okuyan 37 öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan öğretmen adaylarına yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme soruları sorulmuştur. Çalışma sonunda 21 yy becerileri olarak ön plana çıkan ve bilgiyi somutlaştırma fırsatını sağlayan ortamlarda STEM eğitiminin öğrencilere; problem çözme, analiz ve sentez gibi üst düzey zihinsel becerileri daha etkin kazandırdığı tespit edilmiştir. 3D yazıcı kullanımı ile öğrenciler, tasarladıkları soyut objeleri somut hale kolayca dönüştürebilmektedirler. Böylece, tasarımlarını günlük hayatta da karşılığını görmeleri ve dokunabilmeleri öğrenciler için benzersiz bir deneyim olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada öğretmen adayları, tasarım yeteneği kazanmışlar ve bu sayede çevrelerinde gördükleri problemleri tespit edip bunlara tasarım programlarını kullanarak çözümler üretmeye başlamışlardır. Ayrıca öğretmen adaylarının 3D Yazıcıları kullanmaları onların çözüm odaklı ve daha üretken olmalarını sağladığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda öğretmen adayları 3D yazıcıları; öğrenmede kolaylık sağlayan, bilgileri somutlaştıran, öğrenme sürecinde materyal desteği sağlayan ve 21 yy becerilerine ait olan bir teknoloji olarak tanımlamışlardır.0000-0002-0941-4969Abstarct The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions of prospective science teachers about the use of 3D printers within the scope of STEM applications. Qualitative research method was used. The data were collected using semi-structured student interview questions. The collected data were analyzed by content analysis method. In this study, 37 prospective teachers who participated in the third grade of Science Teacher Education participated on a voluntary basis. Semi-structured interview questions were asked to pre-service teachers. At the end of the study, STEM education was given to students in 21st century skills and environments that provided the opportunity to concretize knowledge; problem solving, analysis and synthesis. With the use of 3D printer, students can easily transform the abstract objects they design into concrete. Thus, it is a unique experience for students to see and touch their designs in daily life. In this study, pre-service teachers gained design skills and in this way, they identified the problems they saw around them and started to produce solutions by using design programs. In addition, it has been found that preservice teachers' use of 3D Printers makes them solution-oriented and more productive. As a result of the research, the prospective teachers used 3D printers; They are defined as a technology that makes learning easier, embodies knowledge, provides material support in the learning process and belongs to 21st century skills.
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Background: There is a shortage of people in the STEM sector, and it has been argued that more needs to be done, especially to attract girls. Furthermore, there is a need to develop twenty-first-century skills. No studies seem to have explored the combination of activities in makerspaces and the use of drama to stimulate interest in STEM and development of 21st century skills. Purpose: This study focused on a project with a unique combination of makerspace activities and the use of drama. The research questions investigated the outcomes that could be identified from combining drama and activities in a makerspace, with regard to the development of interest in STEM and twenty-first-century skills.Sample: Ten girls aged 7–11 years participated. A project leader, a drama teacher and three female engineering students supported the activities. Design and methods: The project lasted 3 months. Data were collected in the form of interviews and observations with video-recordings and field-notes, as well as documentation of props made by the girls. Analyses were conducted using thematic coding and discussed through the lens of Activity Theory. Results: The results showed that some of the girls developed an interest in science and technology. The girls also developed twenty-first-century skills, in terms of creativity, problem-solving and cooperation. Conclusions: Positive outcomes were found in this project, blending drama and making in a makerspace learning environment. Future studies could investigate how other skills and knowledge in different STEM subjects can be developed in similar projects.
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Türkiye’de fen eğitiminde teknoloji kullanımı denilince ilk akla gelenler genellikle bilgisayarlar ve web teknolojileri olmuştur. Ancak, artık dünyada Fen ve Teknoloji eğitimine bakıldığında karşımıza uygulanabilir yeni bir teknolojik alan çıkmaktadır. “Robotik” denilen bu yenilik, Fen ve Teknoloji eğitiminde özellikle laboratuvar uygulamalarında hem veri elde etmede büyük kolaylıklar sağlamakta hem de öğrencilere problem çözme, eleştirel ve yaratıcı düşünme gibi birçok beceri kazandırmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim 7. sınıf Fen ve Teknoloji dersi “Kuvvet ve Hareket” ünitesinde robotik destekli yapılan deneylerin öğrencilerin bilimsel süreç becerileri ile Fen ve Teknoloji dersine yönelik motivasyonlarına etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırma, 2011-2012 eğitim öğretim yılında, Kayseri İli’nde bulunan bir ilköğretim okulunda, 7. sınıf öğrencileri (N=40) ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada karma (mixed) metod kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın nicel veri toplama araçlarını “Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri Testi” ve “Fen ve Teknoloji Dersine Yönelik Motivasyon Ölçeği”; nitel veri toplama aracını ise “Öğrenci Etkinlik Günlükleri” oluşturmaktadır. Ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desenin kullanıldığı araştırmada, bilimsel süreç becerileri testi ve motivasyon ölçeği, deneysel işlem öncesi ön test olarak uygulanmıştır. Deney grubunda “Kuvvet ve Hareket” ünitesi ile ilgili deneysel etkinlikler “Robotik Kulübü” kapsamında robot teknolojisi kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kontrol grubunda ise aynı etkinlikler müfredattaki haliyle uygulanmıştır. Etkinlikler toplam sekiz hafta boyunca devam etmiştir. Etkinlikler sonunda bilimsel süreç becerileri testi ve motivasyon ölçeği son test olarak tekrar uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen nicel veriler SPSS paket programı aracılığıyla, öğrenci etkinlik günlüklerinden elde edilen nitel veriler ise betimsel analize tabi tutularak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, robotik destekli fen deneylerinin gerçekleştirildiği deney grubu öğrencilerinin bilimsel süreç becerileri ile Fen ve Teknoloji dersine yönelik motivasyonu kontrol grubu öğrencilerine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılık göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak robotiğin, öğrencilerin bilimsel süreç becerilerini ve Fen ve Teknoloji dersine yönelik motivasyonlarını anlamlı düzeyde etkilediği tespit edilmiştir.
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The integration of mathematics and science teaching and learning facilitates student learning, engagement, motivation, problem-solving, criticality and real-life application. However, the actual implementation of an integrative approach to the teaching and learning of both subjects at classroom level, with in-service teachers working collaboratively, at second-level education, is under-researched due to the complexities of school-based research. This study reports on a year-long case study on the implementation of an integrated unit of learning on distance, speed and time, within three second-level schools in Ireland. This study employed a qualitative approach and examined the key aspects of practice that impact on the integration of mathematics and science teaching and learning. We argue that teacher perspective, teacher knowledge of the ‘other subject’ and of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), and teacher collaboration and support all impact on the implementation of an integrative approach to mathematics and science education.
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Quality STEM education is the key in helping the United States maintain its lead in global competitiveness and in preparing for new economic and security challenges in the future. Policymakers and professional societies emphasize STEM education by legislating the addition of engineering standards to the existing science standards. On the other hand, the nature of the work of most STEM professionals requires people to actively apply STEM knowledge to make critical decisions. Therefore, using an integrated approach to teaching STEM in K-12 is expected. However, science teachers encounter numerous difficulties in adapting the new STEM integration reforms into their classrooms because of a lack of knowledge and experience. Therefore, high quality STEM integration professional development programs are an urgent necessity. In order to provide these high quality programs, it is important to understand teachers' perceptions and classroom practices regarding STEM integration. A multiple-case study was conducted with five secondary school science teachers in order to gain a better understanding of teachers' perceptions and classroom practices in using STEM integration. This study addresses the following research questions: 1) What are secondary school science teachers' practices of STEM integration? 2) What are secondary science teachers' overall perceptions of STEM integration? and 3) What is the connection between secondary science teachers' perceptions and understanding of STEM integration with their classroom practices? This research aims to explore teachers' perceptions and classroom practices in order to set up the baseline for STEM integration and also to determine STEM integration professional development best practices in science education. Findings from the study provide critical data for making informed decision about the direction for STEM integration in science education in K-12.
Teachers are increasingly being called upon to teach in ways that develop 21st century learning skills in their students. Various frameworks for 21st century learning have been proposed and while they differ, all agree on four components for development—creativity, collaboration, communication and critical thinking. Both individually and together, STEM subject areas contribute to the development and enactment of these skills through inquiry-based approaches to learning. Although integrated approaches to teaching the STEM disciplines afford enhanced opportunities to develop these skills, they rely on teachers having expertise in at least one and ideally more than one of the relevant underpinning disciplines. At a time when many countries are experiencing shortages of adequately qualified teachers of mathematics and some science disciplines, this presents an especially difficult challenge. Similarly, if teachers are to facilitate their students’ 21st century competence they need to have this competence themselves—a fact that appears to have been largely ignored to date. In this paper we present a framework that enables novice teachers (novice to teaching in general, teaching a STEM discipline, or teaching integrated STEM) to think in detail about what they need to know, find out, or think about as they plan for teaching, enact teaching, and reflect on teaching. As well as explicating the complexity of the knowledge of teachers of individual and integrated STEM disciplines, the framework highlights the importance of teachers’ own 21st century skills. Finally, we suggest ways in which teachers might use or adapt the framework to assist their students to develop their own 21st century competence.
This study was designed to examine the impact of participating in an after-school robotics competition on high school students' attitudes toward science. Specifically, this study used the Test of Science-Related Attitude to measure students' social implications of science, normality of scientists, attitude toward scientific inquiry, adoption of scientific attitudes, enjoyment of science lessons, leisure interest in science, and career interest in science. Results indicated that students who participated in a robotic competition had a more positive attitude toward science and science-related areas in four of the seven categories examined: social implications of science, normality of scientists, attitude toward scientific inquiry, and adoption of scientific attitudes. Implications of results on students' attitudes are discussed.