

  • Presidential Library named after Boris Yeltsin
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The article examines the garrison of Nerchinsk district in 1660–1670s. Formation of Russian military force for defending its southeastern borders had been established during this period in Dauria. The military forces located in Nerchinsk, Telenbinsk and Itantsinsk were too small in number to resist Mongol and Qing Empire troops effectively. The replenishment of Nerchinsk garrison staff happened at a slow pace, at the same time, Daurian military forces could not be strengthened by transferring troops from other places to Transbaikalye and Amur region. Free military contingent from Western Siberian cities was diverted to countermeasure the nomads in southern Siberia. There were not enough warriors in Yakutsk district to «pacify non-peaceful foreigners». Most of warriors in Yeniseisk and Ilimsk were in various «sovereign services» and could not be sent to Dauria. The government was unable to strengthen the southeastern border with people and pursued a policy of avoiding conflicts with neighbors, but at the same time it was sending stocks of weapons and ammunition to the region in case of military threat. The article provides a list of Nerchinsk garrison members in 1675–1677.

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The article describes the main activities of Nerchinsk executive officer P. Ya. Shulgin, aimed to strengthen Russian positions in Eastern Transbaikalia. P. Ya. Shulgin governed affairs of Nerchinsk district from November 30 th 1673 to the end of April – early May 1678. During this time he repelled the external military aggression of nomads who attacked the subjects of Russia – the indigenous population of the Nerchinsk district. The study focuses on marches out to Tabanutyand’s “thieves” Tungus, as well as on the solutions to problems associated with the transfer of tribute to the Nerchinsk district from other places. He also enhanced the position of Russia in the Amur region, by arming Cossacks of the Albazin fort and stimulating their advance into the basin of the Zeya river. He actively used the means of diplomacy as well, facilitating the relocation to the Nerchinsk district of the tribes that roamed Mongol feudal lords’ lands and rebels who got out of control of the Russian government. It is argued that the actions of P. Ya. Shulgin to repel external military aggression and settle the issues related to interaction with the “foreigners” of the Nerchinsk district laid a solid foundation for the trust of tribute collectors in the Russian government.
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