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The Importance of Forests in Bumble Bee Biology and Conservation



Declines of many bumble bee species have raised concerns because of their importance as pollinators and potential harbingers of declines among other insect taxa. At present, bumble bee conservation is predominantly focused on midsummer flower restoration in open habitats. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that forests may play an important role in bumble bee life history. Compared with open habitats, forests and woody edges provide food resources during phenologically distinct periods, are often preferred nesting and overwintering habitats, and can offer favorable abiotic conditions in a changing climate. Future research efforts are needed in order to anticipate how ongoing changes in forests, such as overbrowsing by deer, plant invasions, and shifting canopy demographics, affect the suitability of these habitats for bumble bees. Forested habitats are increasingly appreciated in the life cycles of many bumble bees, and they deserve greater attention from those who wish to understand bumble bee populations and aid in their conservation.
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1234 BioScience December 2021 / Vol. 71 No. 12
The Importance of Forests
in Bumble Bee Biology and
Declines of many bumble bee species have raised concerns because of their importance as pollinators and potential harbingers of declines among
other insect taxa. At present, bumble bee conservation is predominantly focused on midsummer flower restoration in open habitats. However,
a growing body of evidence suggests that forests may play an important role in bumble bee life history. Compared with open habitats, forests
and woody edges provide food resources during phenologically distinct periods, are often preferred nesting and overwintering habitats, and
can offer favorable abiotic conditions in a changing climate. Future research efforts are needed in order to anticipate how ongoing changes in
forests, such as overbrowsing by deer, plant invasions, and shifting canopy demographics, affect the suitability of these habitats for bumble bees.
Forested habitats are increasingly appreciated in the life cycles of many bumble bees, and they deserve greater attention from those who wish to
understand bumble bee populations and aid in their conservation.
Keywords: bumble bees, woodlands, forest conservation, insect decline, habitat complementarity
Bumble bee conservation and management has 
garnered considerable attention because of bees’ role as
pollinators of economically and ecologically important crops
and wild plants. The precipitous decline of several bumble
bee species has been documented in the twenty-first century,
raising alarm about the viability of these charismatic species
(Cameron and Sadd 2020). Because of this, bumble bees
have become a focal taxon for understanding and preventing
the loss of insect biodiversity more broadly (Goulson and
Nicholls 2016, Wagner etal. 2021). Threats to bumble bee
populations include habitat loss, novel pathogen exposure,
climate change, and pressures from intensive agriculture,
such as pesticide applications (Cameron and Sadd 2020).
One of the primary tasks for bumble bee conservation is
developing a greater understanding of the habitat require-
ments of species throughout their life cycle and incorporat-
ing that knowledge into restoration and management plans.
Successful bumble bee conservation relies on an under-
standing of the parts of landscapes used throughout bees’
life cycles (figure 1). Most bumble bees have an annual social
life cycle, with queens emerging in early spring as solitary
individuals. These lone queens seek nesting sites and then
begin foraging for the initial pollen and nectar resources
needed to establish their nests. As colonies grow by pro-
ducing successive cohorts of workers across the growing
season, they demand more resources. Successful colonies
begin producing males and gynes late in the growing sea-
son. Finally, colonies senesce, with only gynes seeking sites
to establish hibernacula and overwinter. Because bumble
bees have relatively long flight seasons, they may make use
of different land cover types that contrast or complement
in their value over time by providing resources at different
points in the season (Mandelik etal. 2012) or vary in their
abiotic conditions. Forests can provide seasonally distinct
floral resources from other habitats (e.g., Mola etal. 2021)
and may be primary sites of nesting and overwintering
(reviewed in Liczner and Colla 2019). As such, forests may
serve as complementary habitats, supporting bumble bees in
ways that are less readily apparent than midsummer foraging
in open habitats but nonetheless critical.
Research on bumble bees has been primarily focused on
their midsummer stage, when workers reach peak abun-
dance and are readily found on flowers (Goulson 2009).
Understandably, this focus arises because that is when the
most individuals can be observed as colony sizes are at their
peak and numerous workers can be found foraging. These
types of studies have revealed important insights into the
habitat needs and stressors of bumble bees, such as the rela-
tionship between landscape context and bumble bee diver-
sity (e.g., Hines and Hendrix 2005) or patterns of disease
prevalence (e.g., McNeil et al. 2020). However, this focus
commonly overlooks other key points in the bumble bee
BioScience 71: 1234–1248. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences 2021. This work is written by (a)
US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
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life cycle—namely, the solitary phase of life for wild queens
and males, early season foraging, nesting, mating, and over-
wintering. Despite their lower numerical abundance, recent
studies have shown that these phases of bumble bee life his-
tory are especially important in determining the trajectory
of their populations (Crone and Williams 2016, Carvell etal.
2017). Because forests in many regions contrast with open
habitats in terms of their flowering phenology, structural
features, and abiotic conditions, these habitats may be par-
ticularly relevant to the understudied portions of the bumble
bee life cycle. When considering the bumble bee year more
broadly to include early floral resources or nesting and over-
wintering habitat, the role of forests, forest edges, and other
woody habitats becomes more central in our understanding
of bumble bee biology.
Forests can vary greatly along axes of canopy openness,
mesic versus xeric conditions, successional stage, and more.
In some instances, forests are unsuitable habitats for bumble
bees (e.g., unbroken swathes of closed canopy evergreen for-
est), but in many landscapes, a variety of forest types such as
open canopy mixed conifer forests (Mola etal. 2020a), oak
woodlands (Wray etal. 2014), aspen groves (Gonzalez etal.
2013), early successional (Taki et al. 2013), or old growth
forests (Proesmans etal. 2019) may all play a role in bumble
bee ecology for all or part of their life cycle. Readers should
interpret the term forest broadly to include a range of vari-
ability and not all types are going to function in the same
way as bee habitat (e.g., some forest types may be quality
nesting, overwintering, and foraging habitat, whereas others
may only be suitable for overwintering and offer few floral
resources). For the purposes of this review, we define forests
relatively broadly to include a variety of landcovers contain-
ing woody plant species. We consider work focusing on for-
est interiors and edges, riparian corridors, open and closed
canopy alike. We hope our discussion will allow readers to
combine knowledge from their forest type or woody habi-
tat of interest to bumble bee life history to make informed
ecological inferences.
In this article, we consider the role of forests in bumble
bee life cycles and its importance for conservation plan-
ning. First, we review evidence from landscape-level studies
about the connection between forests and the abundance
of bumble bee species. We relate these trends to the life
history of bumble bees to develop general expectations for
the relationship between forests and bumble bees. Next, we
consider threats to forests that may limit their suitability as
bumble bee habitat and explore how forests can be managed
to support bumble bees. We contextualize our discussion by
highlighting an endangered bumble bee species, the rusty-
patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis; box 1). Because there
are still many uncertainties as to the role of forests in bumble
bee conservation, we conclude with a discussion of major
research themes relating to bumble bees and forests that are
likely to inform conservation efforts and improve our under-
standing of the basic biology of bumble bees.
How bumble bees use forests
The overwhelming majority of bumble bee observations
occur in open areas, so why argue for the importance of
forests for these species? Bumble bees use forested habitat in
different ways throughout their life cycle (figure 1). Casual
observations of bumble bees and many bumble bee monitor-
ing programs do not observe these bumble bees in forests
because they concentrate primarily on summer bumble
bee communities, largely composed of foraging workers.
However, the bumble bee life cycle is complex (figure 1),
and evidence points to an outsized importance of some of
the more cryptic life stages as drivers of bumble bee demog-
raphy (Carvell etal. 2017). These life stages often occur in
Forage. Bumble bees have a long foraging season, often span-
ning the flower production of many species or habitats over
several months (Williams and Osborne 2009, Timberlake
et al. 2019). Therefore, populations are sensitive not only
to the total amount of resources but also their availabil-
ity through time (Carvell et al. 2017, Malfi et al. 2019,
Hemberger etal. 2020). In most species, hibernating queens
emerge in early spring, when the earliest flowers emerge
(e.g., willows and forest understory herbs), and complete
colony reproduction in late summer or early fall (figure 1).
Colonies require a continuous supply of floral resources
because they do not store large amounts of pollen or nectar
(Timberlake etal. 2019). The availability of floral resources
in the early season, when queens are establishing colonies
or the first workers begin foraging, is especially important
for colony success (Carvell etal. 2017, Watrous et al. 2019,
Figure 1. Bumble bee life cycle with emphasis on the role of
forests as sites of foraging, nesting, and overwintering. This
example is based on a temperate deciduous forest; forests
can provide critical sources of early season forage within
tree canopies or via forest floor ephemerals. Early summer
colonies begin developing in a variety of substrates such
as underground cavities or hollow logs. Although many
types of forests decline in their importance as foraging
sites in the summer, forests again become common sites of
overwintering queens in the fall through winter.
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1236 BioScience December 2021 / Vol. 71 No. 12
Woodard et al. 2019). When a resource gap occurs at the
establishment phase colonies rarely recover from it (Malfi
etal. 2019).
Because forest herbs and trees often flower before plants in
other habitats, they may be especially important to queens,
colony establishment, and forest specialist species. In many
areas, the first flowering resources are found within forest
canopies or understories (Inari et al. 2012, Bertrand et al.
2019, Proesmans etal. 2019), and some of the last are in for-
est shrubs, edges, or in canopy gaps (Walters and Stiles 1996,
Sakata and Yamasaki 2015). In Illinois, in the United States,
the peak estimated flowering date of plants used by bumble
bees is 81 days earlier in forests than in grasslands or wet-
lands (Mola etal. 2021). In these regions, records of spring
bumble bee queens overlap most strongly with flowering in
forests (Mola etal. 2021). In Japan, bumble bee population
cycles are driven in large part by the availability of spring-
time resources in forest canopies the previous season (Inari
etal. 2012). In Europe, tree pollens represent roughly 80% of
early season pollen loads in Bombus terrestris (Kämper etal.
2016, Bertrand etal. 2019), suggesting a critical role of for-
ests in the early foraging of this generalist species. In eastern
North America, where pathogens are thought to be respon-
sible for the decline of some bumble bee species, Bombus
impatiens in habitats with higher spring floral abundance
(predominantly forests), had lower pathogen loads (McNeil
etal. 2020). As well, some species such as Bombus vagans,
Bombus. ardens, or Bombus terricola complete almost their
entire colony life cycles within forests, specializing on plants
within the canopy and understory.
Within the worlds deciduous forests, resource abun-
dance can be high early in the spring, when canopy trees
and shrubs flower and leaf-out has not yet shaded spring
ephemerals. However, within open canopy forests, flowering
phenology may have a different distribution. For example, in
the open canopy conifer forests of the western United States,
species such as mountain pennyroyal (Monardella odoratis-
sima) and waterleaf phacelia (Phacelia hydrophylloides) can
flower well into the bumble bee foraging season (Mola etal.
2020a). Some temperate deciduous forests also have late-
season herbaceous flowers used by bumble bees (e.g., Kato
etal. 1990), but these flowers may be less common than in
decades past because of degradation by deer browse and
other factors (Sakata and Yamasaki 2015). Considering both
ends of the flowering season is important for bumble bees as
the abundance of late-flowering resources is associated with
elevated gyne and male production by colonies (Rundlöf
etal. 2014) and may be important in explaining interannual
variability in colony abundance (Timberlake et al. 2020).
Given these examples, it seems likely that overall woody
habitats provide resources that are complementary or at least
supplemental to those of adjacent open habitats.
In addition to the total availability of resources, a pref-
erence for different plant species because of nutritional
composition, resource return rate, or other factors is worth
considering. For example, bumble bees selectively forage
to balance dietary protein:lipid ratios (Vaudo et al. 2016,
Woodard and Jha 2017). Rivers-Moore and colleagues
(2020) documented a preference among bees, including
bumble bees, for certain plants within woody habitats over
those available in open habitats although exactly why these
pollens were preferred was not identified, but it is possible
these patterns are driven by phylogenetically conserved
foraging preferences (Wood etal. 2021). At present, it is not
clear if colonies perform better when accessing resources in
woody environments over those in open habitats. One study
showed that B. impatiens colonies experimentally placed in
forest, open, and forest-edge habitats achieved similar nutri-
ent ratios, but the colonies located within forests did not
grow as rapidly (Vaudo et al. 2018). By contrast, Pugesek
and Crone (2021) found that wild B. impatiens colonies
monitored in forest patches had higher gyne production
than those found in meadows, but these forest fragments
were relatively small. Long travel distances limit productiv-
ity and reproductive output (Cresswell etal. 2000), but given
the permeability of forests by foragers (Kreyer etal. 2004,
Mola etal. 2020a), these limitations are likely due to total
travel distance and resource availability rather than connec-
tivity (Herrmann etal. 2017). Understanding how forested
and open habitats complement bumble bee diets beyond
raw abundance or phenological complementarity is likely of
great importance for informing habitat management plans
targeting pollinators. However, more work is needed to
understand habitat differences in resource quality and their
consequences for bumble bees.
Nesting and overwintering. Most bumble bee conservation
efforts are focused on increasing available forage in the form
of floral resources (Dicks etal. 2015, Requier and Leonhardt
2020); however, this is only one component of bumble bee
habitat. The degree to which overwintering and nesting
resources limit bumble bee populations is an ongoing area
of debate (Roulston and Goodell 2011, Liczner and Colla
2020), but the provision of at least some habitat within the
landscape is a necessity. Unlike foraging habitat, forests are
commonly recognized as sites of nesting and overwintering
within management documents and restoration initiatives
(e.g., the draft recovery plan for Bombus affinis; USFWS
Bumble bees nest both below and above ground. Bumble
bee nests, although they are cryptic, may be found through
observations of spring nest-searching queens, careful obser-
vation of workers returning from foraging bouts, scent-
detecting dogs, and radiotelemetry (Svensson et al. 2000,
Mola and Williams 2019, Liczner etal. 2021). Preferred and
actual nesting locations can be inferred indirectly on the
basis of the nest searching behaviors of bumble bee queens
and genetic mark–recapture method. On the basis of the
available evidence, forests seem to be favorable and com-
mon nesting habitats for many species (Lanterman et al.
2019, Liczner and Colla 2019). In the US, nest searching
bumble bee queen abundance was positively associated
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with the amount of forest within 1 kilometer of study sites
(Lanterman et al. 2019). Likewise, at multiple locations,
bumble bee colony density was associated with a greater
amount of forest or woodland in the landscape (Jha and
Kremen 2013, Pfeiffer etal. 2019), with the authors suggest-
ing these trends are due to the availability of nesting habitat.
In Europe, nest searching bumble bee queens are often found
within wooded areas or alongside edge habitats (Svensson
etal. 2000, Kells and Goulson 2003). A community science
project in the United Kingdom documented high nest densi-
ties along linear features such as hedgerows and forest edges
but lower density in grassland and forest interiors (Osborne
etal. 2008). However, this study did not correct for differ-
ences in detection rates between habitats that may be lower
in forests (Pugesek and Crone 2021). It is worth noting that
the taxonomic and geographic coverage of studies on nesting
and nest seeking behaviors is currently somewhat limited.
Studies conducted in Europe postagricultural intensification
(Svensson etal. 2000, Kells and Goulson 2003) may overrep-
resent subgenera that are more associated with woodlands
(e.g., Pyrobombus, Bombus sensu stricto), and surface nesting
in open habitat is common for many species as well (Liczner
and Colla 2019). Regardless, it appears that forests, forest
edges, and the many microhabitats that they provide (Ouin
etal. 2015) are common sites of nesting for many species.
These observations, both direct and indirect, suggest that
bumble bee nesting sites are often located within forests.
Do forests also increase the success of those nests? To date,
the evidence for this is sparse and contrasting. Pugesek and
Crone (2021) found that B. impatiens nests in similar densi-
ties in open habitat and forests but that the reproductive suc-
cess of colonies within forests was nearly three times higher.
In contrast, in an experimental study of the rates of preda-
tion on artificially placed bumble bee nests, nests placed in
forests experienced greater predation than those placed in
open habitats (Roberts etal. 2020). More work is needed to
understand the fitness consequences of bumble bee nests
placed in forested and open habitats.
Direct quantification of overwintering is rare, although
scattered records suggest that forests are the most common
overwintering habitats for many bumble bees (Liczner and
Colla 2019). Overwintering queens are commonly docu-
mented in shaded areas near trees (Sladen 1912, Plath 1934,
Alford 1969). On the coast of California, Bombus vosnesen-
skii queens were found overwintering in well-composted
duff layers beneath cypress trees but not in adjacent open
habitats (Williams etal. 2019). It is possible that the sheltered
environments under trees provide coverage from rain or
buffer against poor environmental conditions. Alternatively,
undisturbed litter layers may be less common in open habi-
tats, resulting in less frequent overwintering (Liczner and
Colla 2019). Rotting logs and other woody debris may be
important overwintering substrate (Frison 1926, Alford
1969), but these microhabitats may be absent from early suc-
cession forests. Generally, much is still to be learned about
the importance of different habitats to overwintering and the
success of individuals overwintering in different substrates,
but it is recognized that forests are important habitats for the
overwintering of many species.
Abiotic effects
Forested environments have distinct abiotic conditions
compared with open habitats such as grasslands and
meadows. Bumble bee abundance can vary considerably
from year to year, based in part on the direct and indirect
impacts of annual climate conditions (Ogilvie etal. 2017),
and forest microsites may buffer against this variation. At
the same time, human use of forest differs considerably
from that of open spaces that are more likely to experi-
ence impacts from agrochemicals (Bentrup etal. 2019). As
such, it is useful to consider beyond the biotic effects of
wooded habitats and consider the role that microclimates
and physical attributes of forests may play in bumble bee
biology and conservation.
Microclimates. The foraging of bees and other insects can be
strongly influenced by weather conditions, predominantly
air temperature, precipitation, and wind speed. Pollinator
energetic costs are increased in high winds, resulting in
reduced foraging efficiency and pollination success (Vicens
and Bosch 2000, Brittain et al. 2013). Forested areas can
reduce wind speed in adjacent environments and moderate
air temperatures in both natural and urban environments.
Both factors may reduce the energetic costs of foraging
for bees within or adjacent to forests (Papanikolaou etal.
2017). For example, air temperatures are warmer downwind
of windbreaks (McNaughton 1988), potentially resulting
in longer available windows of foraging. Although they do
not test abiotic conditions directly, Gonzalez and colleagues
(2013) suggested one possible explanation for their finding
that bumble bees were more common in aspen groves than
adjacent grasslands was improved microclimatic conditions
under the tree canopy—namely, reduced temperatures in
summer. Temperature differences between forested and
open habitats should be considered not only for foraging,
but also nesting and overwintering. Heat waves have been
suggested as a stressor for bumble bee colonies (Rasmont
and Iserbyt 2012). Nests within shaded forested areas may
be better protected from these extreme temperature swings
compared with open field habitats. Maintenance of exist-
ing forested areas or the planting of windbreaks within
agricultural landscapes can assist in the delivery of pollina-
tion services by bumble bees and potentially buffer against
warming temperatures and associated unfavorable foraging
Correlations between bumble bees and forest cover
Many landscape-scale studies have looked at the relationship
between forest cover and bumble bee abundance or diversity.
Generally, increased landscape complexity or heterogeneity
is positively correlated with pollinator diversity and abun-
dance suggesting these landscapes offer more patches for
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1238 BioScience December 2021 / Vol. 71 No. 12
habitat specialists (Tscharntke etal. 2012, Mallinger et al.
2016). Several studies demonstrate clear positive relation-
ships between forest cover and bumble bee abundance or
diversity (Wray etal. 2014, Rivers-Moore etal. 2020, Sõber
et al. 2020), spring queen abundance (Lanterman et al.
2019), or estimated colony density from molecular analysis
(Jha and Kremen 2013, Pfeiffer etal. 2019). Negative rela-
tionships between bumble bee abundance and forest cover
have also been reported (Winfree et al. 2007, Mandelik
et al. 2012), as well as contrasting results among species
(Richardson etal. 2019).
The variation in observed associations between bumble
bee abundance and forest cover is likely driven by variation
in the amount of forest cover considered in a study and the
bumble bee species involved (figure 2), as well as methods
differences in bumble bee surveys. A general model of
bumble bee–forest associations might consider a continuum
of forest density or fragmentation as a primary niche axis for
bumble bees and acknowledge that different species might
associate with species-specific optimal levels of forest den-
sity or fragmentation (figure 2).
Different bumble bee species have differing habitat
optima along a forest gradient, resulting in landscapes
with higher heterogeneity (i.e., intermediate levels of for-
est and open habitat) being most favorable for total spe-
cies richness (figure 2). Quantitative surveys support this
notion, with some bumble bees more associated with forest
habitats than others (Richardson et al. 2019). In cases in
which forests are very dense and few flowers are present
within the habitat, negative relationships
begin to arise (e.g., Loffland etal. 2017)
with bumble bees only found in natural
or artificial forest gaps (Kolosova et al.
2016, Moquet et al. 2017). In contrast,
the amount of forest and forest edge in
the surrounding landscape can posi-
tively predict abundance (Wray et al.
2014, Banaszak and Twerd 2018, Rivers-
Moore et al. 2020). Fragmentation of
forests can favor generalist bumble
bees associated more with open habi-
tats, resulting in an overall reduction
in species diversity and the loss of for-
est specialists (Gómez-Martínez et al.
2020). Some species may have an affinity
for forests and use woody habitats for the
majority of their colony development,
such as the aptly named tree bumble
bee (Bombus hypnorum; Crowther etal.
2014). Other species may only use for-
ested habitats seasonally. For example,
in Japan, B. ardens is found in forests
for most of its colony cycle but Bombus
diversus visits forests only early in the
season before switching to open habitat
(Ushimaru etal. 2008, Inari etal. 2012).
In addition to variation among species, differences in
survey methods can bias observed associations between
bumble bees and forest habitats. First, because bumble bees
may rely on forests the most early in their life cycle, surveys
later in the season may affect the observed relationship
between a bumble bee species and forest habitat (Proesmans
etal. 2019). Notably, even in examples in which a positive
bumble bee–forest correlation is found, surveys were con-
ducted in summer when workers are present, well after the
point in time when forests may be of most importance to
bumble bees (Mola etal. 2021). Second, the scale of surveys
may influence observed relationships. For example, Moquet
and colleagues (2017) found positive relationships between
bumble bee abundance and surrounding spruce forest cover,
but argued the increased abundance was due to concentra-
tion effects of bumble bees on limited forage resources found
only in gaps and not due to forest cover per se.
Of note is that a substantial portion of the studies docu-
menting foraging by bumble bees in forests demonstrate
the use of plants within natural or artificial forest edges
or ecotones, rather than deep within forests themselves
(McKechnie etal. 2017, Sõber et al. 2020, Lee etal. 2021).
It is unclear whether bumble bees prefer forest edges or
whether this connection is caused by modern-day changes
to forest structure. In high-quality old growth forests, there
may be rich understory resources, but in many modern or
degraded forests, there may not be sufficient solar radiation
to sustain favorable foraging temperatures or herbaceous
cover beyond the forest edge (Proesmans etal. 2019).
Figure 2. A hypothesized relationship between forest cover and the abundance
of bumble bees varying in their association with forests. Some species, such as
Bombus vagans, are strongly associated with forest throughout their range and
are expected to be present in high abundance at more densely forest sites and
then absent from open areas far from forests. Others show opposite patterns,
being associated with open habitats, such as Bombus fervidus. Generalist
species may be present across the continuum of forest types, but may reach
peak abundance at intermediate levels of forest cover or have a more uniform
distribution. Example species follow from the results of Richardson and
colleagues (2019).
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In managing forests to support bumble bees, it may be
important to consider how particular bumble bees use
forests. For example, B. terrestris is invasive throughout
Hokkaido, Japan, where it displaces native species in open
or agricultural habitats but not in forested areas (Ishii etal.
2008, Nukatsuka and Yokoyama 2010). In general, phenol-
ogy varies substantially among bumble bee species, and, at
least in temperate habitats, bumble bee species that emerge
earlier in spring are more likely to rely on floral resources
in forests (Colla and Dumesh 2010, Mola etal. 2021), sug-
gesting that there may be predictable differences in how
forest management may affect different bumble bee species.
However, more work is needed to show the generality of
a positive correlation between forest-affiliation and early
phenology. Of final note in interpreting the correlations
between bumble bees and forest cover is the need for care-
ful consideration of the problem of shifting baselines (Pauly
1995, Collins etal. 2020). In contemporary landscapes, the
large-scale elimination of grasslands (Samson and Knopf
1994, Wesche etal. 2012), and therefore, open habitat associ-
ated species may have already occurred, potentially biasing
modern surveys toward more forest associated species. As
such, some caution is warranted in interpreting a general
pattern of increased landscape-scale forest cover leading to
increased bumble bee abundance and diversity. However, it
seems fair to conclude that heterogenous landscapes com-
posed of a mix of forested and open landscapes are likely to
support abundant and diverse bumble bee communities in
most regions.
Threats to forests as bumble bee habitat
Forests throughout the world are changing rapidly. For
example, forests are affected by changing land use, climate
change, invasive species, and fires (Lindenmayer etal. 2012,
McDowell etal. 2020). Many of these changes are likely to
affect the important roles that forests play in the lives of
bumble bees, sometimes positively and sometimes nega-
tively (table 1).
Table 1. Threats to forests and their potential impact on bumble bee populations.
Threat Hypothesized impact on bumble bees Key references
Fragmentation • Loss of forest habitat specialists, increase in generalist
Ouin etal. 2015, Proesmans etal. 2019, Gómez-
Martínez etal. 2020
• Changes in edge microclimates affecting foraging,
nesting, and overwintering conditions
Loss of old growth forests • Change in forest floor structure suitable for overwintering Varhola etal. 2010, Lindenmayer etal. 2012,
Jackson etal. 2014, Proesmans etal. 2019
• Loss of understory herbs
• Loss of old trees, stumps, and nesting cavities
Overbrowsing by deer • Loss of bumble bee forage plants Shelton etal. 2014, Sakata and Yamasaki 2015,
Nakahama etal. 2020
• Change in forest structure may affect suitability of nesting
and overwintering, directionality unknown
Introduced earthworms • Changes to forest floor structure, moisture, and soil
compaction may affect overwintering and nesting
Bohlen etal. 2004, Laushman etal. 2018
• Loss of bumble bee forage plants
Wild and prescribed fire • Varied impacts depending on forest type, presumed
increases in floral abundance due to increased light
levels and postfire bloom
Burkle etal. 2019, Carbone etal. 2019, Galbraith
etal. 2019
• Potential mortality of queens and colonies during
overwintering or nesting
• Loss of microclimate buffering if canopy severely reduced
Logging • Varied impacts depending on logging intensity, type of
machinery used, seasonality, soil disturbance, etc., likely
increases in forage and bee abundance, especially along
Pengelly and Cartar 2010, Jackson etal. 2014
• Potential long-term negative impact due to loss of
microhabitat structure
Invasive plants • Loss of floral abundance although some invaders are
suitable forage
McKinney and Goodell 2010, Hanula etal. 2016,
Gibson etal. 2019
• Increased shade reduces foraging
Changing flowering
• Phenological mismatch Burkle etal. 2013, Kudo and Cooper 2019
Pesticide concentration • Potential transfer to overwintering queens in soil Hladik etal. 2016, Bentrup etal. 2019
• Uptake into nectar and pollen
Note: The key references are not intended to be an exhaustive list. The italicized references are about the threat but do not directly study bees.
See the main text for further details.
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A common change in forests that could threaten bum-
ble bees is the loss of understory flowers. For example,
declines in floral resource availability in forests have been
documented in Illinois, in the United States, driven in
part by the loss of important spring flowering plants such
as Geranium maculatum and Hydrophyllum virginianum
(Burkle etal. 2013, Augspurger and Buck 2017, Mola etal.
2021). A decline in understory flowers may be caused by
overbrowsing by deer or cattle grazing, canopy crowding,
plant invasions, and other factors such as earthworm intro-
ductions. Overbrowsing by deer can reduce the abundance
of understory herbs, as has been documented widely across
the eastern United States (Frerker etal. 2014, Shelton etal.
2014) and Japan (Sakata and Yamasaki 2015). Although not
as widely studied within woodlands, and seemingly with no
studies focused on impacts on bees, cattle grazing can simi-
larly decrease the abundance of native perennial wildflowers
and increase exotic plant invasion (Pettit etal. 1995, Mabry
2002). Overbrowsing can reduce spring ephemeral availabil-
ity and autumn flowering plants critical for fat acquisition
by gynes before overwintering (Sakata and Yamasaki 2015).
Restoration efforts aimed at reducing deer browse may be
successful. In a study in grasslands, Nakahama and col-
leagues (2020) found the installation of deer fencing resulted
in increased floral abundance and increased bumble bee and
butterfly abundance and diversity within fenced areas about
3–8 years after installation. They caution, however, that
other efforts to install deer fencing may be unsuccessful if
the habitat has already been substantially degraded (Tamura
2010, Okuda et al. 2014). In those instances, deer fencing
may need to be combined with additional efforts such as
native plant seeding.
Encroachment from invasive shrubs can also reduce
flower production within forests with downstream effects on
pollinator populations (Miller and Gorchov 2004, McKinney
and Goodell 2010, Hanula etal. 2016). The effects of invasive
plants on pollinators can vary substantially according to the
context of the invasion. Invasive plants may, at times, be
the preferred floral resources of bumble bees (e.g., Gibson
etal. 2019), but widespread invaders such as Chinese privet
(Lingustrum sinense) and Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera
maackii) can crowd forest understories and reduce total
floral diversity or flowering duration even if the invader is a
suitable food source itself (reviewed in Hanula etal. 2016).
Experimental removal of invasive plants in these habitats
can result in improved foraging conditions for bees and
rapid recovery of bee communities (Hanula and Horn 2011).
The net benefit of biomass removal on bumble bees may be
highly context specific and requires careful consideration of
the study system (Gibson etal. 2019).
Some human activities within forests such as limited log-
ging can have positive impacts on bumble bee forager abun-
dance by opening canopies and more closely approximating
conditions within mature forests with well-established gap
dynamics (Pengelly and Cartar 2010, Jackson et al. 2014,
Proesmans etal. 2019, Lee etal. 2021). However, these same
activities may have negative effects on the availability of
microhabitats for nesting and overwintering; because of this,
the net impact of long-term changes in forest dynamics are
unknown. These effects are yet to be tested but provide clear
research pathways for understanding how changing forest
dynamics and associated management activities will affect
bumble bee populations over the next several decades.
The direct and indirect negative impacts of pesticides,
fungicides, and herbicides on bees are well documented
(Lundin etal. 2015, McArt et al. 2017, Motta et al. 2018).
Bees in agricultural landscapes may be exposed to pesti-
cides directly, and drift carries different pesticides different
distances from the places where they are applied (Hladik
etal. 2016). Pesticide residues may reach forests via surface
or subsurface water movement, airborne drift, or volatility.
Movement of herbicides via volatiles is worthy of further
consideration, because injury to plants up to 250 meters
from application sites has been documented (Soltani et al.
2020). These herbicides could injure floral resources within
forests resulting in reduced foraging opportunity for bees
(Bohnenblust et al. 2016, Florencia et al. 2017). Previous
work has suggested that forests may mitigate drift by cap-
turing agrochemicals and reducing wind speeds (reviewed
in Bentrup et al. 2019). However, the benefits of forests
trapping these compounds are only positive if the forest is
seen as matrix and not as primary habitat itself. If, instead,
forests are bumble bee habitat these effects may be negative
as drift or damage may concentrate in these areas. Future
work investigating how forest habitat quality for bumble bee
foraging, nesting, and overwintering is affected by drift from
croplands is needed to understand how pesticides affect
forests as bumble bee habitat. Overwintering may be of
particular importance, because queens may come in direct
contact with residues within soils for extended periods of
time, which has been shown to negatively affect solitary bee
development (Anderson and Harmon-Threatt 2019).
Several other factors change conditions within forests
substantially and may affect bumble bee populations, but
evidence is currently lacking to address this. Introduced
European earthworms in hardwood forests of the Upper
Midwest, in the United States, have resulted in changing
soil and leaf litter conditions with negative consequences for
understory forbs (Bohlen etal. 2004, Laushman etal. 2018)
and possibly overwintering substrates. Besides direct losses
of floral richness or abundance, shifting flowering phenol-
ogy may also threaten resource availability, with advances in
spring bloom documented widely (Kudo and Cooper 2019,
Augspurger and Zaya 2020). Changing fire regimes, either
reduced burning because of mesophication (Nowacki and
Abrams 2008) or increased fire severity from climate warm-
ing and built-up fuel loads (Jolly etal. 2015), are also likely to
affect bumble bee populations. Bumble bees often respond
positively to fire in the short term, because of postfire bloom
and increased canopy openness (Burkle etal. 2019, Galbraith
etal. 2019, Mola etal. 2020b). However, direct mortality to
queens and colonies also needs to be considered, especially
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for species of conservation concern or in areas in which spe-
cies are unlikely to be adapted to frequent or high-severity
fires. Changes in forest structure may negatively affect the
availability or suitability of nesting and overwintering sub-
strates, although this is merely speculative as no research
has been conducted on this to date. Understanding how past
and continued changes in forest conditions affect foraging,
nesting, and overwintering opportunities is critical, because
we may overlook the role of forests in bumble bee life history
if these conditions are sufficiently altered.
Incorporating forests into bumble bee monitoring
and restoration
There has been a lack of emphasis on forest habitats for
bumble bees within monitoring and restoration efforts. For
the reasons outlined above, this likely limits the effectiveness
of our conservation efforts. However, by explicitly incorpo-
rating forests into monitoring and restoration efforts we can
further understand the role of forests in bumble bee biology
and improve these habitats to support populations.
Several governmental and community science monitor-
ing programs exist to attempt to locate bumble bees, often
with a focus on rare or declining species. These efforts have
proven critical in trends and locations of rare bumble bees
(MacPhail et al. 2019). Some efforts are passive, such as
iNaturalist or BeeSpotter, whose users upload their observa-
tions as species are encountered. Others are more directed
with explicit sampling protocols. For example, the Nebraska
Bumble Bee Atlas project encourages community scientists
to survey for bumble bees by “survey[ing] for bumble bees
at least twice between June and September” (www.nebraska- The timing
of these surveys is likely to miss most queens. Similarly,
US Fish and Wildlife Service protocols to survey for the
endangered rusty-patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis)
intentionally avoid queens, thereby reducing observations
within early season habitats such as forest canopies and
understories (box 1). Of course, efforts such as this yield
tremendous value for detecting species presence or persis-
tence through time but may paint an incomplete picture of
the importance of different habitat types to species by focus-
ing predominantly on peak flight season. Given the lower
numerical abundance of queens and early worker cohorts,
and the difficulty of locating nests or overwintering queens,
detectability of bumble bees within forests may be lower as
well (Liczner and Colla 2019, Graves etal. 2020, Pugesek and
Crone 2021). However, low numerical abundance should
not be confused with low demographic importance, because
these earliest individuals are key to colony establishment
and success even long after the initial colony phases (Carvell
et al. 2017, Woodard et al. 2019). Future monitoring and
research efforts to explicitly include forests in search efforts
along with a focus on early season surveys could greatly
enhance our understanding of bumble bee habitat use.
Restoration programs or pollinator habitat creation
efforts follow a similar pattern, with a strong focus on
midsummer flowering resources (Dicks etal. 2015, Requier
and Leonhardt 2020). Although many pollinator planting
guides (examples at
resources) encourage the availability of floral resources
all season long or encourage the use of trees or shrubs,
this is generally not the focus of public-facing materials.
Although pollinator plantings clearly increase peak season
resources (Wood etal. 2018), greater consideration needs
to be placed on nesting and overwintering habitat as well
as resource availability during the tails of the season. The
most cost-effective way to achieve this may be through the
management and preservation of forested areas (Bentrup
etal. 2019). Forest restoration is a costly and lengthy pro-
cess, so protection of existing forests and restoration efforts
targeted at reducing canopy crowding or the impacts of
overbrowsing may be even more cost-effective means of
increasing the services that forests provide to bumble bee
Promisingly, the management of forests for bumble bee
populations is synergistic with other wildlife management
goals and is often an unintended effect of other efforts
(Williams 2011, Hanula et al. 2016). For example, in one
study, forests that were managed for the red-cockaded
woodpecker were also the most favorable long-term habitat
for bees (Hanula etal. 2015). Similarly, management aimed
at opening forest canopies to control pests and disease
(Fettig et al. 2007, Simler-Williamson et al. 2019), is also
likely to benefit bumble bees because favorable conditions
for flowering are often found in mature forests with canopy
gaps (Proesmans etal. 2019). However, changes in canopy
cover from management activities can also affect forest floor
temperatures, snowpack accumulation, and water infiltra-
tion and may influence the suitability of overwintering sub-
strates (Varhola etal. 2010, Simler-Williamson etal. 2019),
but this is yet to be studied for bumble bees or arthropods
broadly and the directionality of the effects is unknown.
Forest management efforts such as burning also seem com-
patible with bumble bee conservation goals as the effects
of fire on bumble bees generally remains positive across a
variety of habitats and species (reviewed in Carbone et al.
2019). Hedgerows, often containing woody plant species,
have also been a mainstay of pollinator restoration efforts
(Hannon and Sisk 2009). Forest edge plants can be favor-
able forage and may also serve multiple purposes in creat-
ing physical structure as well as providing protection from
browsing mammals. For example, Bombus dahlbomii queens
forage on Chilean box thorn (Vestia foetida) which is a nox-
ious plant that can poison browsing mammals and so may
provide protected forage (Polidori and Nieves-Aldrey 2015).
Creative opportunities for managing habitat for bees may
exist that make these efforts compatible with broader forest
management goals.
Future research
There are many avenues of future research on the relation-
ship between bumble bees and forests that are likely to be
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Box 1. The potential of forests in conservation of the endangered rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis).
In 2017, the rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis) became the first bumble bee listed under the Endangered Species Act in the
United States. Bombus affinis was once fairly widespread in North America but has suffered population declines and range contraction
in the past few decades (Giles and Ascher 2006, Colla etal. 2012, Williams etal. 2014, USFWS 2019). As a sort of conservation flagship
species for bees more generally, the development of this species’ recovery plan presents an opportunity to “get it right” from the start
and apply lessons learned as a model for other pollinator species that face similar threats.
Current conservation efforts by US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), state, and local monitoring predominantly focus on mid-
summer populations. For example, USFWS surveys “must be conducted between early June and mid-August, for the highest
detection probability and to reduce potential impacts to B. affinis queens” (
Survey_Protocols_RPBB_12April2019.pdf ). Although this is a laudable goal to avoid negatively affecting queen nest establishment, it
also means information on spring queens and early workers is underreported. Intentionally avoiding surveys during these times of the
year leaves us without data-driven management actions and may be undervaluing the importance of woody land covers.
Earlier natural history surveys suggest B. affinis queens use a range of woody and nonwoody species early in the season. Fye and
Medler (1954) document B. affinis queens using several fruit trees such as Pyrus and Prunus species as well as early flowering shrubs
such as Salix and Lonicera. In a similar investigation, Macior (1968) documented 156 B. affinis queens foraging with more than half
of them captured from Berberis, Pyrus, and Lonicera. In contrast, Wood and colleagues (2019) found only 14% of pollen species from
museum specimens of B. affinis were from woody plant species. However, these samples had a median date of August 6th, which is
relatively late in the flight season of B. affinis (Mola etal. 2021).
To extend on prior understanding and make use of limited data, we examined records compiled originally for Bumble Bees of North America
(Williams etal. 2014) and updated annually by Dr. Leif Richardson to understand the potential importance of forests for this species recovery.
We found records of spring and early summer queens (April–June) foraging on 13 plant genera, of which 10 were associated with forest
habitat (figure 1a). Two species of forest-associated flowering plants (Dicentra cucullaria, Mertensia virginica) account for nearly half of
the observations (figure 1a) and are known to be especially early blooming (Mola etal. 2021). In contrast, gynes foraging between July
and September were found on nine floral genera of which only two are primarily associated with forests, suggesting the importance of
forests as forage habitat declines as the season progresses (figure 1b).
Figure 1. Landcover and floral associations of Bombus affinis spring foundresses (panels (A) and (C)) and gynes
(panels (B) and (D)). (A) Tally of landcover types within which each record of B. affinis spring foundresses was
collected within the study region. (B) Tally of landcover types for B. affinis gynes (queen records after day of year
150). (C) Tally of floral species identified from photos of B. affinis foundresses. (D) Tally of floral species identified
from photos of B. affinis gynes. Forest-associated plant species and land covers are colored green.
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fruitful (box 2). Although many studies demonstrate a cor-
relation between bumble bees and surrounding forest cover,
few set out with this intention in mind. Future studies seek-
ing to understand exactly why these correlations arise, either
because of nesting, overwintering, or foraging habitat, across
a variety of forest types could help land managers incorpo-
rate forests and woody habitats in species plans thoughtfully.
There is a pressing need to understand how changing
conditions within forests from the threats discussed above
are likely to affect bumble bees in the future and how man-
agement activities intended to counteract those threats will
affect bumble bees. Of significant importance is likely to be
the role of forests as thermal refugia under climate warm-
ing and understanding if, for example, species more reliant
on open habitats may be more susceptible to the effects of
warming as forests may offer refuge from heat waves and
extreme weather events. Finally, perhaps underlying all
these research needs, is greater capacity to study the role of
forests in bumble bee biology. We argue above that our lack
of understanding often comes from the difficulty of detect-
ing bumble bees within forests (i.e., visual blockage, canopy
foraging, time of year). Efforts to better coordinate commu-
nity scientists, improve detection methods, and overcome
the difficulty of identifying nesting and overwintering sites
are all needed to improve our ability to study bumble bees
within forested habitats.
Finally, although we review studies conducted in a wide
range of forest types, there is also a strong bias toward
research in temperate deciduous forests, predominantly
in eastern North America, Europe, and Japan. A notable
species lacking from our discussion is the tropical lowland
rainforest specialist B. transversalis, which lives its entire life
under deep canopy and makes use of twigs and leaves in its
nest construction (Olesen 1989). Although it is an outlier
in bumble bee life history, learning more about that species
origins and behaviors may reveal general patterns. Broadly,
it remains to be seen whether the associations between
bumble bees and woody habitats described in the present
article are relevant to forest types, such as tropical montane
forests, that are both understudied and important habitats
for bumble bees.
In this article, we focused on the value of forests for ful-
filling habitat requirements for bumble bees. However, it
is important to note that these factors are not necessarily
restricted to forests but are likely most often found within
forests. For instance, orchards and gardens can also offer
similarly early resources as natural or seminatural forest
habitats (Watson etal. 2011, Nakamura and Kudo 2019,
Nikkeshi etal. 2019). As we show in the case study with
B. affinis (box 1), developed lands can offer substantial
foraging opportunities for bumble bees and other studies
demonstrate urban habitats can be suitable landscapes
(McFrederick and LeBuhn 2006, Glaum etal. 2017, Reeher
et al. 2020). In addition, nesting within anthropogenic
habitats seems to be fairly common (Medler and Carney
1963, Liczner and Colla 2019). Overall, we have demon-
strated that forests are often critical bumble bee habitat,
but it may be possible that the benefits of forests are sub-
stitutable to some extent with other environments such as
developed landcovers containing early season species or
other types of early blooming natural habitats. We hope
our perspective does not provide the idea that forests are
required for bumble bees but instead that they offer a cost
effective means to provide foraging, nesting, and overwin-
tering habitats that are compatible with conservation goals
of other organisms (Williams 2011, Bentrup et al. 2019)
and may be overlooked in studies of bumble bee biology. A
recurrent problem in bumble bee conservation is the lack
of informed demographic models or an understanding of
basic aspects of species biology (i.e., nesting and overwin-
tering). Increasing our capacity to incorporate forests into
these efforts is likely to produce rich data sets that better
inform conservation efforts and lead to the development of
useful demographic models.
Box 1. Continued.
We also examined land cover associations of queen records to assess habitat associations of B. affinis. In total, we overlaid 139 records
with USDA Cropland Data Layer (NASS 2019) and extracted the landcover type each record was collected in. Although developed
land cover types were the primary habitat association (figure 1c and 1d), as was expected given the dominance of community science
records, deciduous forests were the second most common landcover (figure 1c and 1d).
The associations described in the present article are preliminary but suggest that the relationship between forests and B. affinis warrants
rigorous scientific assessment, particularly to inform the species recovery plan and targeted conservation efforts. It seems unlikely a
loss of forest plants was a driving factor in the decline of B. affinis (Mola etal. 2021), especially with other forest-associated species
such as B. vagans remaining stable within the range. However, foraging associations from historical studies and from contemporary
community science observations suggest that early season forest plants may be important areas of focus for habitat management. In
addition, it is likely that nesting and overwintering habitat for B. affinis is favorable within forested landscapes, as was evidenced from
several community science and anecdotal observations. Although data is limited at this time, the available evidence suggests that for-
ests may play an important part in conservation and recovery planning for this endangered species.
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We would like to thank all of the researchers who conducted
the studies this article relies on. Thank you for your work
and sharing your knowledge. Any use of trade, firm, or
product names is for descriptive purposes only and does
not imply endorsement by the US government. This work
was supported by the US Geological Survey Science Support
Program and the Environmental Protection Agency Great
Lakes Restoration Initiative.
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Box 2. Future research themes toward understanding the role of forests in bumble bee conservation.
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1. Basic relationships between forests and bumble bees—relationships between forest or woodland cover and bumble bee population
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• Are forests used as overwintering habitat for bumble bee queens?
• What is the relationship between forest cover and colony abundance?
2. Biotic interactions within forests—interactions with microbiomes, disease transmission, and invasive species
• Do forest flower nectar sources contain similar microbial communities as resources in open habitat?
• Does the availability of forest flowers limit or encourage the spread of disease?
3. Habitat complementarity and landscape context—movements between forests and other habitats, seasonal resource use, compari-
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• What is the seasonal flowering profile of different forest types for bumble bees?
• Do canopy and understory flowers offer similar or contrasting nutritional content?
4. Changing forest conditions—deer browse, fire, fragmentation, logging, and other threats and changes to forests in the modern world
•How do changing fire regimes or mesophication affect the suitability of forests for nesting or overwintering?
•Does disturbance from introduced organisms such as European earthworms in North America change nectar chemistry?
5. Climate change—microclimates, thermal refugia, shifting daily foraging phenology, impacts on nesting and overwintering, flower-
ing phenology and resource quality
• Does foraging on forest resources become more common compared with open habitat during extreme heat events?
• How will changes in flowering phenology affect spring queen nest establishment?
6. Forest management impacts—effects of logging, target and nontarget restoration efforts, recreational ecology, successional stages
• How do different timber harvest methods affect postharvest floral communities?
• What management activities aimed at other species of concern have large positive or negative impacts on bumble bee populations?
7. Monitoring, community science, detectability, and methodological constraints—targeted forest bumble bee surveys, compari-
sons of detection between different forest types, tools and methods for locating nests and hibernacula within forests
• Is bumble bee use of forest canopy underreported because of poor detection?
• Can community science programs overcome gaps in our knowledge of early spring bumble bee foraging habitat?
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John M. Mola (; ORCID 0000-0002-5394-9071) and
Ian S. Pearse (ORCID 0000-0001-7098-0495) are affiliated with the US
Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center, in Fort Collins, Colorado, in
the United States. Jeremy Hemberger (ORCID 0000-0003-3648-4724) is affili-
ated with the Department of Entomology and Nematology, at the University
of California Davis, in Davis, California, in the United States. Jade Kochanski
(ORCID 0000-0001-8693-2404) is affiliated with the Department of Integrative
Biology and with the Department of Entomology at the University of Wisconsin
Madison, in Madison, Wisconsin, in the United States. Leif L. Richardson
(ORCID 0000-0003-4855-5737) is affiliated with the Xerces Society for
Invertebrate Conservation, in Portland, Oregon, in the United States.
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... Queen bumble bees require protected sites below ground to survive the winter. Sources of pollen, including tree pollens, and nectar from the forest are of particular value early and late in the growing season, when queen bumble bees first establish their colonies, and when agricultural crops have finished flowering (Colla 2016, Mola et al. 2021. Openings in forest with abundant and diverse herbaceous plant cover are generally favourable for bees and butterflies (Hanula et al. 2016). ...
... For existing cleared land, windbreaks of trees, shrubs and flowers can be planted. Lowering the wind speed can increase the foraging efficiency of bumble bees (Mola et al. 2021). Willows are a favoured spring food of many pollinators including bumble bees though pollen from other trees may also be harvested (Vaughan et al. 2015, Mola et al. 2021. ...
... Lowering the wind speed can increase the foraging efficiency of bumble bees (Mola et al. 2021). Willows are a favoured spring food of many pollinators including bumble bees though pollen from other trees may also be harvested (Vaughan et al. 2015, Mola et al. 2021. Such tree species can be incorporated into windbreaks. ...
Technical Report
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The need to follow agricultural practices that are ecologically sustainable is increasingly evident given the current crises of climate change and biodiversity loss. Various approaches to agriculture, such as agro-ecology and diversified farming systems, aim to maintain the biodiversity that provides necessary ecosystem services for the farm economy at various scales, in contrast to the ecological simplification of intensive agriculture. These approaches recognize that many native species provide vital ecosystem services and need to be conserved in agricultural landscapes.
... However, the main driver of pollinator decline is likely to be the intensification of agricultural practices [12]. In addition to increased pesticide use [12][13][14], this intensification has led to changes in landscape composition, with an increase in arable land and a loss of habitats important for bumblebees, such as semi-natural grasslands and forests [15][16][17][18][19][20]. These types of changes negatively affect bumblebees and other pollinators by impeding pollinator movements and reducing the availability of floral resources and nesting sites [20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. ...
... In addition to increased pesticide use [12][13][14], this intensification has led to changes in landscape composition, with an increase in arable land and a loss of habitats important for bumblebees, such as semi-natural grasslands and forests [15][16][17][18][19][20]. These types of changes negatively affect bumblebees and other pollinators by impeding pollinator movements and reducing the availability of floral resources and nesting sites [20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. Effects of landscape composition may be scale-dependent [27], as suggested by previous studies on the effects of landscape composition on pollinators [21,28]. ...
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Conservation of bumblebee populations is essential because of their role as pollinators. Declines in bumblebee abundance have been documented in recent decades, mostly attributed to agricultural intensification, landscape simplification and loss of semi-natural grasslands. In this study, we investigated the effects of landscape composition on bumblebee abundance at different spatial scales in 476 semi-natural grassland sites in southern Sweden. The area of arable land had a negative effect on total bumblebee abundance at all scales. This was most pronounced for short-tongued bumblebees, species typical of forested landscapes, and species with medium to large colony sizes and early queen emergence. The area of semi-natural grassland had a clear negative effect up to 1 km, affecting short-tongued bumblebees in both forested and agricultural landscapes and species with medium colony sizes and early queen emergence. The negative effect of arable land on bumblebees calls for action to adapt farming practices to ensure their conservation, e.g., by reducing pesticide use, improving crop diversity and promoting the presence of floral resources and alternative bumblebee habitats, such as species-rich field margins.
... Forests are increasingly acknowledged as fundamental habitats for several pollinator taxa (Mola et al., 2021;Tammaru et al., 2023;Ulyshen et al., 2023). Beside floral resources, forests provide pollinators with nesting, reproduction, and overwintering sites, nest-building material, and sheltered habitats (Ulyshen et al., 2023). ...
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Many intensively managed agricultural landscapes of Europe are extremely poor in forests, which are among fundamental habitats for pollinating insects. To compensate for ongoing forest loss, compensatory afforestation is being widely implemented, especially in deforested areas, although empirical knowledge about its effectiveness for biodiversity conservation is still scarce. Here, we aimed at exploring the potential of biodiversity offsetting through restoration of forests in supporting pollinators in temperate agricultural landscapes. We compared un-derstory pollinator communities between 17 lowland oak-hornbeam restored forest patches older than 20 years with those observed in 17 natural forest remnants, referenced here as the target habitat of ecological restoration. Species richness, abundance, and evenness of bees and hoverflies did not differ between restored and remnant forests, while we observed a lower abundance and higher evenness of lepidopterans in restored forests. The community composition of pollinators between the two forest types was similar. The taxonomic diversity of all pollinator taxa was positively related to canopy openness and flower diversity, while lepidopterans were also found to be sensitive to forest fragmentation at the landscape level. Comparing restored forests with natural reference systems suggested that the restoration of forests has the potential to support pollinators in degraded agricultural landscapes. Our results further provide valuable insights to guide forest ecological restoration targeting pollinators, in view of several ambitious conservation and restoration commitments undertaken at international level.
... Flowering plants were approximated by the number of forb species recorded at site level throughout the season, including thus also those plants with a short bloom window, which could not be captured in the single vegetation survey visits. In the analysis of the cross-taxon congruence we tested bumblebees separately from other wild bees, as bumblebees are considered a flagship group relatively easy to identify (Ghisbain, 2021;Mola et al., 2021), and they could be useful surrogates in the monitoring of other insect taxa over disturbed areas. Finally, to examine the relationship between pollinator species richness and the environmental conditions in windthrow gaps we used linear regression models (package stats, v 4.3.1), ...
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Understanding the effects of increasingly frequent and intense natural disturbances on biodiversity is central in forest ecology research. Large-scale windthrows create novel open habitats, which can be beneficial or harmful to biodiversity, depending on the studied taxonomic group and on the post-disturbance type of management. While previous research has largely focused on the differences between unsalvaged, salvaged, and intact forests, the effects of different environmental conditions within disturbed forests remain largely unexplored, especially for pollinating insects. Three years after a major storm event that hit spruce forests in the southeastern Alps ("Vaia" storm), we sampled wild bees, hoverflies, butterflies, and tachinids in 6 intact forest sites and in 35 salvaged wind-affected sites varying in local and landscape characteristics. Windthrows hosted higher species richness of bees, hoverflies, and butterflies, while the diversity of flower-visiting tachinids did not differ between disturbed and intact forests. The diversity of the pollinator taxa sampled in windthrows was not correlated with the local diversity of forbs, but it was positively correlated among taxa. However, none of the different pollinator guilds responded to the local and landscape characteristics diversifying storm-affected areas. Our results suggest that, in the short term, transient pollinator species may exploit the resources in forest gaps created by recent large-scale storm events in an opportunistic way and without consistent relationships with the environment.
... Bees occurring in grassland or fields are affected by the presence of forest in the wider landscape (Bailey et al. 2014). Bumblebees depend on forests for nesting and hibernating sites, as well as for mate-searching and food gathering (Kreyer et al. 2004;Mola et al. 2021;Svensson et al. 2000). At the very least, these behaviours would require bees to visually navigate to the edge of a wood patch. ...
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Understanding how ecological communities assemble in relation to natural and human‐induced environmental changes is critical, particularly for communities of pollinators that deliver essential ecosystem services. Despite widespread attention to interactions between functional traits and community responses to environmental changes, the importance of sensory traits has received little attention. To address this, we asked whether visual traits of bumblebee communities varied at large geographical scales along a habitat gradient of increased tree cover. Because trees generate challenging light conditions for flying insects, in particular a reduced light intensity, we hypothesised that differences in tree cover would correlate with shifts in the visual and taxonomical composition of bumblebee communities. We quantified 11 visual traits across 36 specimens from 20 species of bumblebees using micro‐CT and optical modelling of compound eyes and ocelli, and investigated how these traits scale with body size. Using an inventory of bumblebee communities across Sweden and our visual trait dataset, we then explored how visual traits (both absolute and relative to body size) differed in relation to tree cover. We found positive shifts of the community weighted means of visual traits along the increasingly forested habitat gradient (facet diameter, inter‐ommatidial angle, eye parameter of the compound eye and alignment of the three ocelli) that were consistent regardless of body size, while other traits decreased when more forest was present in the landscape (facet number). These functional patterns were associated with differences in the abundance of six common species that likely explains the community‐wide shift of visual traits along the habitat gradient. Our study demonstrates the interaction between vision, habitat and community assembly in bumblebees, while highlighting a promising research topic at the interface between sensory biology and landscape ecology.
Predicting how habitat composition alters communities of mobile ecosystem service providers remains a major challenge in community ecology. This is partially because separate taxonomic groups that provide the same service may respond uniquely to changes in habitat and associated resource availability. Further, the spatial scale at which habitat features impact each group can vary. Failure to account for these differences significantly limits the ability to quantify shared versus contrasting responses to habitat for important ecosystem service‐providing groups. We investigated the impacts of local (habitat patch level) and landscape features in the US Southern Great Plains on groups of pollinating insects with different basic biologies: Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. Habitat features included local flower and shelter resources as well as landscape‐scale semi‐natural habitat. We found that bare ground supported more Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera but fewer Diptera, while more diverse flower communities supported more Hymenoptera but fewer Coleoptera. Interestingly, given that this study occurred in a grassland system, forest cover in the surrounding landscape more strongly affected pollinator diversity than grassland cover did. Landscapes with more woodland had higher Coleoptera and Diptera richness. Our results highlight that pollinator conservation and sustainable land management depend on understanding the habitat needs, including shelter, of diverse pollinators. Because taxa can have opposite responses to specific habitat features or scales, providing a range of grassland management practices (e.g., variety in the timing and type of biomass removal) may be the most effective approach to support the broader pollinator community.
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Context Functional connectivity—the degree to which landscape features facilitate or impede movement among resource patches—affects animal survival, health, and ability to cope with environmental changes. This is particularly important in heterogeneous landscapes prone to rapid change, such as intensively managed forests. Objectives We aimed to quantify the effects of forest canopy cover and roads on foraging movement of two closely related bumble bee species (Bombus vosnesenskii and Bombus caliginosus) in coniferous forest landscapes intensively managed for timber. We also assessed whether early seral forest configuration predicted site-level colony abundance for each species. Methods We sampled bumble bees and surveyed floral resources in 75 sites in three study landscapes in the central Oregon Coast Range. We modeled the effects of forest canopy cover and secondary road cover on foraging range using a genetic capture-recapture approach and modeled colony abundance as a function of site-level structural connectivity of early seral forest. Results We found evidence that canopy cover impeded foraging movement of B. vosnesenskii but not of B. caliginosus. Roads had neutral or inhibitory effects on B. vosnesenskii movement depending on the landscape but only inhibitory effects on B. caliginosus movement. Colony abundance was not related to site-level connectivity for either species. Conclusions Our study demonstrates that landscape features can have divergent effects on space use of even closely related taxa and that site-level response variables may not always reflect functional connectivity. Management of early seral forest habitats should consider not only patch quality but also configuration and species-specific permeability of matrix features.
Wild bee communities are the target of various conservation and ecological restoration programs. Strategic conservation can influence bee communities visiting fields and help mitigate pollinator limitations in fruit production. However, planning compatible conservation strategies and gauging their effectiveness requires understanding how local communities vary across space and time in crops and adjacent semi-natural areas. Here, we assessed the spatiotemporal changes in the composition of wild bee communities in blueberry fields and adjacent forests. In partnership with commercial farms in southeast Georgia, USA, we deployed blue vane traps at the interior and edge of blueberry fields and within adjacent forests of 8 fields, from March to October over 2 yr. We identified 72 wild bee species across 26 genera. The most common were Melissodes communis (Cresson, Hymenoptera: Apidae), Bombus bimaculatus (Cresson, Apidae), Melissodes bimaculatus (Lepeletier), Ceratina floridana (Mitchell, Apidae), Lasioglossum pectorale (Smith, Halictidae), and Lasioglossum nymphale (Smith), which accounted for nearly 60% of the wild bees caught. Bee diversity and richness fluctuated over time, with peaks in all 3 habitat types occurring after the blueberry blooming. Bee abundance in the adjacent forest was relatively constant throughout the season, while in the field interior and edge assemblages, abundance peaked between May and June. We observed dissimilarity in species composition related to month and field location. This difference was explained by fluctuation in the identity and relative abundance of the most abundant species. Together, our study advances foundational knowledge of wild bee community dynamics and species identity in blueberry fields which will help inform and prioritize conservation practices.
Native seed mixes are widely available to create pollinator habitat. One approach to understand the efficacy of pollinator seed mixes is to compare them to species found in high‐quality natural areas. Using plant species presence data from published lists, we compared weekly blooming richness between 196 seed mixes explicitly designed to support pollinators and 102 prairie remnants from eight states across the Midwest. Remnants had greater forb richness compared to mixes and had at least twice the blooming richness per week. Seed mixes included low proportions of species that bloomed in the spring (0–13% of species), whereas about 28% of remnant forbs bloomed before June. There was a sharp phenological blooming peak for mixes due to the vast majority of species blooming in late July through August, whereas remnants had greater phenological evenness across the growing season. We then investigated all observed early blooming plant species to identify the species best suited to alleviate the dissimilar spring blooming characteristics. We compiled 10 species characteristics that reflected species' feasibility for cultivation and restoration and blooming attributes, identifying a group of underutilized and commercially unavailable species. Pollinator seed mixes should facilitate blooming availability for the duration of the growing season to meet pollinator foraging requirements.
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Environmental heterogeneity in forest understories creates microhabitat niches that differ both spatially and temporally in light intensity and temperature. Do animal communities segregate in relation to these niche dimensions and can this be explained by functional traits? Answering these questions is particularly important for insect pollinators as they play a critical role in maintaining flowering plant biodiversity. Bumblebees are essential pollinators of high altitude/latitude ecosystems and are particularly sensitive to climate change. In early spring, they forage on bilberry, a keystone species in heterogeneous habitats – hemi- boreal forests. We capitalized on these conditions to study species-specific selection of foraging niches in relation to abiotic conditions. We combined full-day monitoring of bumblebee communities foraging in bilberry-dominated forests with joint species distribution modelling, which showed that temperature conditioned species occurrence, while light intensity explained species abundance. The inclusion of functional traits did not improve the overall explanatory and predictive power of the models. Our results suggest that temperature acts as a first filter of the local species pool and that species, once present, partition along a light intensity gradient. This study confirms and extends upon previous findings that microhabitat partitioning may act a mechanism underpinning bumblebee coexistence. It highlights the importance of focusing on micro-scales when studying how species interact with their environment, as this could, for example help improve our ability to predict consequences of global changes.
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Understanding habitat quality is central to understanding the distributions of species on the landscape, as well as to conserving and restoring at‐risk species. Although it is well known that many species require different resources throughout their life cycles, pollinator conservation efforts focus almost exclusively on forage resources. In this study, we evaluate nesting habitat for bumble bees by locating nests directly on the landscape. We compared colony density and colony reproductive output for Bombus impatiens, the common eastern bumble bee, across three different land cover types (hay fields, meadows, and forests). We also assessed nesting habitat associations for all Bombus nests located during surveys to tease apart species‐specific patterns of habitat use. We found that B. impatiens nested under the ground in two natural land cover types, forests, and meadows, but found no B. impatiens nests in hay fields. Though B. impatiens nested at similar densities in both meadows and forests, colonies in forests had much higher reproductive output. In contrast, B. griseocollis tended to nest on the surface of the ground and was almost always found in meadows. B. perplexis was the only species to nest in all three habitat types, including hay fields. For some bumble bee species in this system, meadows, the habitat type with abundant forage resources, may be sufficient to maintain them throughout their life cycles. However, B. impatiens might benefit from heterogeneous landscapes with forests and meadows. Results for B. impatiens emphasize the longstanding notion that habitat use is not always positively correlated with habitat quality (as measured by reproductive output). Our results also show that habitat selection by bumble bees at one spatial scale may be influenced by resources at other scales. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of direct nest searches for understanding bumble bee distribution and ecology.
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Bumble bees (Bombus) are a group of eusocial bees with a strongly generalised feeding pattern, collecting pollen from many different botanical families. Though predominantly generalists, some bumble bee species seem to have restricted dietary choices. It is unclear whether restricted diets in bumble bees are inherent or a function of local conditions due to a lack of data for many species across different regions. The objective of this study was to determine whether bumble bee species displayed specific patterns of pollen collection, and whether patterns were influenced by phylogenetic relatedness or tongue length, a trait known to be associated with structuring floral visitation. Bumble bee pollen collection patterns were quantified from 4,132 pollen loads taken from 58 bumble bee species, representing 24% of the pollen‐collecting diversity of this genus. Phylogenetic trait mapping showed a conserved pattern of dietary dissimilarity across species, but not for dietary breadth. Dietary dissimilarity was driven by collection of Fabaceae, with the most similar species collecting around 50%–60% of their diet from this botanical family. The proportion of the diet collected from Fabaceae also showed a conserved phylogenetic signal. Greater collection of Fabaceae was associated with longer tongue lengths, with shorter tongued species focusing on alternative botanical families. However, this result was largely driven by phylogenetic relatedness, not tongue length per se. These results demonstrate that, though generalists, bumble bees are still subject to dietary restrictions that constrain their foraging choices. These dietary constraints have implications for their persistence should their core resources decline in abundance.
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Bumble bees are among the most imperiled pollinators. However, habitat use, especially nest site selection, remains relatively unknown. Methods to locate nests are invaluable to better understand habitat requirements and monitor wild populations. Building on prior study findings, we report constraints and possibilities observed while training detection dogs to locate bumble bee nests. Three conservation detection dogs were initially trained to three species of bumble bee nest material, first within glass jars concealed in a row of cinder blocks, then placed in the open or partially hidden for area searches. The next intended training step was to expose the dogs to natural nests located by community science volunteers. However, significant effort (> 250 hrs), yielded only two confirmed, natural nests suitable for dog training purposes. Although the dogs did not progress past the formative training stage valuable insight was gained. Maximum observed detection distance for bumble bee nest material during initial controlled training was 15 m, which decreased significantly (< 1 m) once training progressed to buried samples and natural nests. Three main considerations around future training and usage of detection dogs were identified. First, dogs might benefit from transitional training via exposures to known natural nests, regardless of species. However, it may be too difficult for people to find natural nests for this, and prior work demonstrated the ability of dogs to generalize and find natural nests after testing to artificially-buried nest material. Second, confirming a dog’s nest find, via resident bee presence, is nuanced. Third, future study design and objectives must harness strengths, and reflect limitations of detection dog surveys and search strategies, as extensively discussed in this paper. Prospective studies involving detection dogs for locating bumble bee nests would benefit from considering the drawbacks and opportunities discussed and can mitigate limitations through incorporating these considerations in their study design.
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Populations of bumblebees and other pollinators have declined over the past several decades due to numerous threats, including habitat loss and degradation. However, we can rarely investigate the role of resource loss due to a lack of detailed long‐term records of forage plants and habitats. We used 22‐year repeated surveys of more than 262 sites located in grassland, forest, and wetland habitats across Illinois, USA to explore how the abundance and richness of bumblebee food plants have changed over the period of decline of the endangered rusty patched bumblebee Bombus affinis. We documented a decline in abundance of bumblebee forage plants in forest understories, which our phenology analysis suggests provide the primary nectar and pollen sources for foundress queens in spring, a critical life stage in bumblebee demography. By contrast, the per‐unit area abundance of food plants in primarily midsummer‐flowering grassland and wetland habitats had not declined. However, the total area of grasslands had declined across the region resulting in a net loss of grassland resources. Synthesis and applications. Our results suggest a decline in spring‐flowering forest understorey plants is a previously unappreciated bumblebee stressor, compounding factors like agricultural intensification, novel pathogen exposure and grassland habitat loss. These findings emphasize the need for greater consideration of habitat complementarity in bumblebee conservation. We conclude that the continued loss of early season floral resources may add additional stress to critical life stages of bumblebees and limit restoration efforts if not explicitly considered in pollinator conservation.
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Floral resources are important in limiting pollinator populations, but they are often highly variable across time and space and the effect of this variation on pollinator population dynamics is not well understood. The phenology (timing) of floral resources is thought to be important in structuring pollinator populations, but few studies have directly investigated this. Our study quantifies the landscape composition, seasonal nectar and pollen supply and Bombus terrestris colony density of 12 farms in southwest UK to investigate how landscape composition influences the phenology of floral resources and how both these factors affect colony density. We use this information in a spatially explicit predictive model to estimate the effect of different farmland management scenarios on seasonal resource supplies and colony density. We find that farmland nectar supply during September is a strong predictor of B. terrestris colony density in the following year, explaining over half of all the variation in colony density; no other period of resource availability showed a significant association. Semi‐natural habitat cover was not a good proxy for nectar or pollen supply and showed no significant association with colony density. However, the proportional cover of gardens in the landscape was significantly associated with colony density. The predictive model results suggest that increasing the area of semi‐natural flowering habitat has limited effect on bumblebee populations. However, improving the quality of these habitats through Environmental Stewardship and other management options is predicted to reduce the late‐summer resource bottleneck and increase colony density. Synthesis and Applications. Our study demonstrates the importance of considering the phenology of resources, rather than just total resource availability, when designing measures to support pollinators. Late summer appears to be a resource bottleneck for bumblebees in UK farmland, and consequently management strategies which increase late‐summer nectar availability may be the most effective. These include mowing regimes to delay flowering of field margins until September, planting late‐flowering cover crops such as red clover and supporting late‐flowering wild plant species such as Hedera helix. Our results also suggest that rural gardens may play an important role in supporting farmland bumblebee populations.
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The pollination services provided by bees are essential for supporting natural and agricultural ecosystems. However, bee population declines have been documented across the world. Many of the factors known to undermine bee health (e.g., poor nutrition) can decrease immunocompetence and, thereby, increase bees’ susceptibility to diseases. Given the myriad of stressors that can exacerbate disease in wild bee populations, assessments of the relative impact of landscape habitat conditions on bee pathogen prevalence are needed to effectively conserve pollinator populations. Herein, we assess how landscape-level conditions, including various metrics of floral/nesting resources, insecticides, weather, and honey bee (Apis mellifera) abundance, drive variation in wild bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) pathogen loads. Specifically, we screened 890 bumble bee workers from varied habitats in Pennsylvania, USA for three pathogens (deformed wing virus, black queen cell virus, and Vairimorpha (= Nosema) bombi), Defensin expression, and body size. Bumble bees collected within low-quality landscapes exhibited the highest pathogen loads, with spring floral resources and nesting habitat availability serving as the main drivers. We also found higher loads of pathogens where honey bee apiaries are more abundant, a positive relationship between Vairimorpha loads and rainfall, and differences in pathogens by geographic region. Collectively, our results highlight the need to support high-quality landscapes (i.e., those with abundant floral/nesting resources) to maintain healthy wild bee populations.
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Loss of semi-natural habitats (SNH) in agricultural landscapes affects wild bees, often negatively. However, how bee communities respond varies and is still unclear. To date, few studies have used precise descriptors to understand these effects. Our aim was to understand the respective and complementary influences of different wooded and herbaceous habitats on wild bee communities. We selected thirty 500-m radius landscapes on a gradient of a percentage of wooded SNH in southwestern France. At each landscape, we sampled wild bees in spring 2016 and plants in spring 2015 and 2016 at the forest edge, in a hedgerow, and in a permanent grassland. Pollen carried by the most abundant bee species was collected and identified. Using beta diversity indices, we showed that wild bee community composition differs between the three SNH types, and especially between herbaceous and wooded SNH. Based on Jacobs' selection index, we showed that pollen of some plant species recorded in wooded SNH are preferentially selected by wild bees. Studying the impact of the loss of each SNH type on the global bee-pollen interaction network, we found that wooded SNH contributed to its resilience, enabling specific plant-bee interactions. Overall, our results underline the non-negligible contribution of wooded SNH to the diversity of wild bees in agricultural landscapes, and thus the importance of maintaining different types of SNH.
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Understanding the effects of landscape fragmentation on global bumblebee declines requires going beyond estimates of abundance and richness and evaluating changes in community composition and trophic and competitive interactions. We studied the effects of forest fragmentation in a Scandinavian landscape that combines temperate forests and croplands. For that, we evaluated how forest fragmentation features (patch size, isolation and shape complexity, percentage of forest in the surroundings) as well as local flowering communities influenced bumblebee abundance, richness and community composition in 24 forest patches along a fragmentation gradient. In addition, we assessed the effect of fragmentation on bumblebee–plant network specialization (H2′), and potential inter- and intraspecific competition via shared plants. Patch isolation was associated with lower bumblebee abundance, whereas flower density was positively related to both bumblebee abundance and richness. Overall, forest fragmentation reduced the abundance of forest-specialists while increasing the abundance of open-habitat species. Patches with complex shapes and few flowers showed more generalized bumblebee–plant networks (i.e., fewer specific interactions). Patch shape complexity and the percentage of forest also modified inter- and intraspecific competitive interactions, with habitat generalists outcompeting forest specialists in fragmented areas. Understanding these mechanisms is necessary to anticipate to the impact of forest fragmentation on bumblebee decline.
Despite their role as keystone organisms, insect pollinator populations have declined across many regions. Although pollinator populations face a multitude of threats, among the most important is habitat loss and degradation. In eastern North America, forested landscapes are thought to serve as strongholds for robust pollinator populations, however, even these high-quality landscapes are increasingly unsuitable for pollinators due to suppression of natural disturbances, which results in mature forests with few floral resources. To enhance landscapes for forest-dependent wildlife, land managers increasingly recognize the value of silviculture for promoting forest regeneration to support early-successional species. Although timber harvest has proven to be an invaluable tool for enhancing forest pollinator habitat, the role of microhabitat components like log landings remains unassessed. Log landings (open areas where harvested logs are loaded for transport) may serve as an important microhabitat component of early seral stands because they are expected to support open conditions and high floral abundance. We sampled 20 log landing/timber harvest interior pairs for bees, butterflies, floral resources, and structural vegetation in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania from June-September 2019. Hierarchical distance models revealed that log landings supported twice as many bees (897 vs 351 bees/ha) and five times as many butterflies (433 vs 88 butterflies/ha) as timber harvest interiors. Likewise, log landings supported about 14 times as many floral resources than timber harvest interiors (109,572 vs 8,431/transect). Among log landings, those with the most floral resources also supported the most bees and butterflies. Collectively, our results support the hypothesis that log landings serve as concentrated resource hubs for bees and butterflies. Future work exploring the role of different plant species (e.g., native vs exotic) in habitat quality for early-successional pollinators would prove useful.