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Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills: A Comparison of Four Crowdsourcing Platforms and a CS Student Mailing List



Reliably recruiting participants who have programming skills is an ongoing challenge for empirical studies involving software development technologies, often leading to the use of crowdsourcing platforms and computer science (CS) students. In this work, we use five existing survey instruments to explore the programming skills, privacy and security attitudes, and secure development self-efficacy of CS student participants and participants from four crowdsourc-ing platforms (Appen, Clickworker, MTurk, and Prolific). We recruited 613 participants who claimed to have programming skills and assessed recruitment channels in regards to costs, quality, programming skills, and privacy/security attitudes. We find that 27% of crowdsourcing participants, 40% of self-reported developers from crowdsourcing participants, and 89% of CS students got all programming skill questions correct. CS students are the most cost-effective recruitment channel and rate themselves lower than crowdsourcing participants in terms of secure development self-efficacy.
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills: A Comparison
of Four Crowdsourcing Platforms and a CS Student Mailing List
Mohammad Tahaei
Department of Computer Science
University of Bristol
United Kingdom
Kami Vaniea
School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
United Kingdom
Reliably recruiting participants who have programming skills is
an ongoing challenge for empirical studies involving software de-
velopment technologies, often leading to the use of crowdsourcing
platforms and computer science (CS) students. In this work, we use
ve existing survey instruments to explore the programming skills,
privacy and security attitudes, and secure development self-ecacy
of CS student participants and participants from four crowdsourc-
ing platforms (Appen, Clickworker, MTurk, and Prolic). We re-
cruited 613 participants who claimed to have programming skills
and assessed recruitment channels in regards to costs, quality, pro-
gramming skills, and privacy/security attitudes. We nd that 27% of
crowdsourcing participants, 40% of self-reported developers from
crowdsourcing participants, and 89% of CS students got all program-
ming skill questions correct. CS students are the most cost-eective
recruitment channel and rate themselves lower than crowdsourcing
participants in terms of secure development self-ecacy.
Security and privacy Software and application security
Human and societal aspects of security and privacy
ity in security and privacy
Human-centered computing
Human computer interaction (HCI)
HCI design and evalua-
tion methods;Software and its engineering;
recruitment, software developers, crowdsourcing, usable privacy
and security, programming, datasets
ACM Reference Format:
Mohammad Tahaei and Kami Vaniea. 2022. Recruiting Participants With
Programming Skills: A Comparison of Four Crowdsourcing Platforms and a
CS Student Mailing List. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems (CHI ’22), April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA. ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 15 pages.
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classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for prot or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the
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CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
©2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9157-3/22/04.. .$15.00
When studying any type of user population it is important to con-
sider how the recruitment channels and methods might impact the
resulting research. Dierent populations of users are well-known
to dier culturally, have dierent biases, and dierent expecta-
tions [
]. Amazon Mechanical Turk workers, for example,
are known to be more privacy sensitive than the general popula-
tion [
]. While other sources have their own limitations, such as
populations based in specic countries are likely biased by that
country’s norms and culture [
]. All these issues should be consid-
ered when selecting a recruitment channel and approach to ensure
that the resulting research produces outcomes that are externally
valid for the main question being asked. In this work, we consider
the issue of recruiting people with programming skills with a par-
ticular eye towards online studies that may need such a population
to test new programming paradigms, tools, or programming expe-
rience and attitudes.
The various areas touching on software development such as
end-user programming [
], developer-centered security and pri-
vacy [
], and developer tool support have all been growing
in focus due to the key role developers play in society and the need
to provide them with eective support. There has also been a strong
push to make software development easier and more accessible to
a wider set of users leading to a focus on how to improve usability
for the dierent groups that engage in programming [
] (e.g.,
by making privacy and security technologies such as APIs and
notications directed to developers usable [
]). However nding
people with programming skills to study can be non-trivial since
it is a skill that takes eort to learn and people who are highly
skilled at it are often paid well by companies, which can make
them more challenging to recruit. To recruit a broad range of par-
ticipants with programming skills some researchers have turned
to crowdsourcing platforms [
]. However, the ability to
generalize the results to a larger population or justify the choice of
crowdsourcing platform are often discussed as a limitation. Com-
puter science students have also been a long standing population
for such studies, however, the discussions about the external va-
lidity of results involving this population has a long history as
well [15,17,31,40,51,61].
As an alternative solution, some researchers started to use web-
sites that developers use to learn coding or upload code (e.g., GitHub
and Google Play). While developers’ contact information can be
harvested from these services, it is against the terms of services
of these platforms and it is also not sustainable solution. Even if
the terms of services was not an issue, contacting users of these
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Tahaei and Vaniea
platforms multiple times a year by several researchers will likely
feel like spamming to developers and begin to feel overwhelming.
We aim to add context to the choice of recruitment channels to
aid researchers when recruiting participants with programming
skills by looking at crowdsourcing platforms and computer science
students in the context of existing survey instruments. Our research
questions were:
Which recruitment channels are suitable for recruiting
participants with programming skills?
Which self-reported information correlates well with
passing all programming screening questions proposed by
Danilova et al. [10]?
How do participants with programming skills vary across
recruitment channels in terms of privacy and security atti-
tudes as well as secure development self-ecacy?
We recruited 613 participants from ve recruitment channels
(four crowdsourcing platforms and an University CS student mail-
ing list) who expressed having computer programming skills and
asked them to answer questions from ve survey instruments de-
signed by prior work to measure programming skills and experi-
ences [
], secure programming self-ecacy [
], user privacy
concerns [34], and general computer security attitudes [14].
We nd that recruiting CS students from our University’s mailing
list resulted in the highest data quality in terms of programming
skills (highest), costs (lowest), number of duplicates (low), and
passing attention check questions (high) compared to all tested
crowdsourcing platforms. Among crowdsourcing platforms, we
nd that Prolic generated a higher number of participants who
could pass basic programming questions and is more cost-eective
compared to Appen, Clickworker, and MTurk. We suggest future
researchers to consider using CS students for studies that require
a programming skilled population and recommend crowdsourc-
ing platforms to ask specic questions such as experience with
object-oriented programming and years of experience in software
development instead of asking a generic question like “Do you
have programming skills?” as the generic question can result in
broad interpretation of “programming skills” by a crowdworker
audience. These adjustments would greatly assist researchers in
nding populations that better match their research needs.
Our work spans across the literature in crowdsourcing services and
empirical studies with developers. Below, we cover both angles.
2.1 Crowdsourcing Platforms
Crowdsourcing platforms enable researchers to have access to a
large pool of participants without the need to go through the tradi-
tional iers and recruitment processes. Examples of tasks that the
HCI community employs crowd workers for are labeling data [
and eliciting users privacy concerns regarding online messaging
tools [
]. Other studies measure the quality of work in crowdsourc-
ing platforms such as MTurk, Prolic, and CrowdFlower [
In a 2017 study [
], MTurkers were found to be more experts in
completing online tasks compared to Prolic and CrowdFlower
participants; while CrowdFlower may result in higher response
rate, more participants failed attention check questions compared
to the other two platforms; overall, Prolic and MTurk participants
produced higher quality data compared to CrowdFlower.
2.2 Empirical Studies with Developers
Recruiting participants with programming skills have been a grow-
ing eld to improve developer experience through human-computer
interactionmethods such as eld studies, surveys, and interviews [
]. It includes testing developer experience of programming lan-
guages [
], building new programming tools/APIs/plugins [
and understanding how developers seek information [32].
Developer-centered privacy and security—as a subset of empiri-
cal studies with developers with a specic focus—looks at how devel-
opers interact with privacy and security technologies directed to de-
velopers either in the code level or in graphical interfaces [
] such
as security warnings in APIs [
] and static analysis tools [
as well as graphical privacy interfaces in ad networks [
]. CS
students are sometimes used a convenience sample for developer
studies [
]; however, there are comments about validity of the
results in a broader context [
]. Eorts to compare CS
students, freelancers, and professional developers who work in
companies show that in terms of secure coding skills there are sim-
ilarities between the three groups and CS students as a convenient
sample may produce high quality data [
]. Although, pro-
fessional company developers may perform better in secure coding
tasks perhaps because of the training and experience they receive
at work [40].
In summary, a limitation and critic on empirical studies with
developers is often nding the right population and validity of the
results [
]. It is also notable that recruiting developers have been
reported as a diculty in many studies [
Our work contributes in this line of research by comparing various
recruitment channels with suggested survey instruments in the
literature with regard to participants’ secure development self-
ecacy (i.e., “belief in one’s ability to successfully perform a task—
which correlates with actual skill in other contexts” [
, p. 1]) as well
as general privacy and security attitudes. Such approach enables
future researchers to compare their results with our dataset and
results because we used published survey instruments rather than
a custom built instrument. We also make recommendations about
costs, quality, and programming skills of each recruitment channel.
We distributed ve survey instruments from prior research on ve
recruitment channels to understand the similarities and dierences
between these channels and the communities they draw from, as
well as the quality of data and cost-eectiveness of recruiting from
each channel.
We aimed to build a ground for future researchers who want to re-
cruit participants with programming skills. Our research questions
were (RQ1) Which recruitment channels are suitable for recruiting
participants with programming skills? (RQ2) Which self-reported
information correlates well with passing all programming screen-
ing questions proposed by Danilova et al
. [10]
? And, (RQ3) How
do participants with programming skills vary across recruitment
channels in terms of privacy and security attitudes as well as secure
development self-ecacy?
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
RQ1’s goal is to help future researchers nd the right channel for
recruiting participants with programming skills. RQ2 would help
to have a smaller set of questions and potentially rely on a set of
self-reported or demographics questions to nd participants with
programming skills instead of (or in combination with) asking a set
of programming questions. RQ3’s results would assist researchers
in developer-centered privacy and security to understand where to
look for participants with certain privacy and security attitudes as
well as secure development self-ecacy. The study was conducted
in accordance with the ethics procedures of our institution.
3.1 Recruitment Channels
We used Appen, Clickworker, MTurk, Prolic, and our local mailing
list for computer science students to recruit our participants.
recruitment started in July 9, 2021 and ended in August 31, 2021.
We also provide a reection of our experience with these channel
in Section 5.4.
Formerly known as CrowdFlower is a platform for
running micro tasks. It is current mission focuses on building
training data for articial intelligence systems. CrowdFlower
was used by researchers in the usable security and privacy
community to run studies to elicit users’ perceptions around
privacy [
] and security [
] technologies. Appen claims to
have over one million workers around the world [2].
Focuses on training data sets, however it has
been used for running surveys in usable security and privacy
studies [
] and nding developers [
]. Clickworker
claims to have over 2.8 million workers around the world [
A classic crowdsourcing platform that has been widely
used for running surveys and creating training datasets. It
is estimated in 2019 that the MTurk’s population was over
250,000 [
]. MTurk is also a common recruitment channel
for usable privacy and security studies (e.g., [26,52]).
Advertises itself as a tool for recruiting participants
for market, behavioral research, and user studies. It has over
150,000 participants [
]. Prolic has been used in general
usable security and privacy literature [
] and also studies
directed to developers [59,65,68].
Computer science students:
developers for empirical studies, CS students have been used
as proxy to understand developers’ attitudes and perceptions
towards privacy and security technologies directed to devel-
opers [
]. Therefore, we decided to recruit from
our local CS students through an internal mailing list.
We decided to use the above recruitment channels as they have
been used in prior research. Although, harvesting developers’ emails
from GitHub had been used in prior research to recruit developers,
we decided not to use this channel because it is against GitHub’s
terms of services and privacy policy to collect users’ emails [
Use of social networks such as LinkedIn was not also suitable for
running a survey as it was used previously for recruiting smaller
samples (e.g., for an interview study [
]) and may not had been
a suitable channel for a survey-based study that requires a larger
sample compared to an interview study. We acknowledge that there
Disclaimer: we are not funded and associated with any of these platforms. This was a
purely academic project funded by our institute which is a public research university.
might be other places to nd developers, therefore, we call future
researcher to try other recruitment strategies and compare their
results with our ndings.
3.2 Survey Instruments
We rst ran a short screening survey described below and then
invited participants who passed our criteria to the main survey. Both
surveys were implemented on Qualtrics [
]. We set aside a budget
of $1200 for each recruitment channel and deployed surveys on each
channel until we reached our budget limit (MTurk and Prolic), or
reached a point where no more participants were taking our survey
(Appen and Clickworker), as determined by no new participants in
at least 3 days. All answer options (Likert items and multiple-choice
options) in the both surveys were randomized.
3.2.1 Screening Survey. We were interested in participants who
potentially work in a software development related role as these
are often the target population for studies that require participants
with programming skills. Therefore, we set four criteria to satisfy
our requirement: (1) employment status must be full-time, (2) they
must not be students, as we covered student participants from a
separate distribution channel (CS students mailing list), (3) must
have programming skills, and (4) they must be uent in English as
our survey was in English. The other reason for these four criteria
was that Prolic’s provided screening criteria included all these
points allowing for easy ltering without a separate screening
survey; Prolic is the only channel to oer such a service. Hence,
we did not need to run a separate survey on Prolic. But for the
other crowdsourcing channels, Appen, Clickworker, and MTurk,
we rst sent out the four-question survey, and sent out the main
survey to the selected participants who passed our criteria.
We did not run ascreening survey with the CS students because
it is reasonable to assume they have some as everyone on the list
would have completed at minimum one year of CS education taught
in English, and also because of the friction it would cause leading
to lower participation.
Participants received $0.21 for the screening survey (in accor-
dance with minimum wage in our institute’s home country). The
survey is included in the Supplementary Materials.
3.2.2 Main Survey. The main survey consisted of a randomized
order of the ve surveys suggest in prior work to assess participants’
programming experience, privacy and security attitudes, as well
as secure development self-ecacy. Instruments for measuring
programming experience for all types of developers are not yet fully
developed as “programming experience” is a broad term, developers
come from a wide range of skills and backgrounds, and measuring
their experience still requires further research [
]. Therefore, we
decided to include two surveys (PROGEX and REALCODE) to cover
a broad set of questions.
“Measuring programming experience” [
]: Built
to assess programming experiences, the original study re-
cruited students. Three questions were found particularly
correlated with students’ ability to nd the correct answers
to programming tasks were (1) self-reported programming
experience (scale 0–10), (2) how participant compare their
programming skills with their classmates (scale 1–5), and (3)
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Tahaei and Vaniea
experience with object-oriented programming (scale 1–5).
We were able to access the original dataset as it was available
online [8].
“Do you Really Code? Designing and Evaluat-
ing Screening Questions for Online Surveys with Program-
mers” [
]: Built to assess programming skills of participants
which was also used for screening crowdsourcing workers
(Clickworker and Qualtrics recruitment panel). Despite be-
ing a recent publication, we nd this survey closely related to
our work as it aims facilitate the recruitment progress from
crowdsourcing services by building a short survey to assess
subjects’ programming skills. We used ve multiple-choice
programming questions (note that the survey consisted of 16
questions in total and we included ve recommended ques-
tions) that asked about (1) frequent visited website as aid for
programming, (2) description of a compiler’s function, (3)
description of a recursive function, (4) value of a Boolean
value, and (5) parameter of the function in a sample code)
as the basis for having basic programming skills. As sug-
gested, the rst four questions were timed (30-60 seconds),
and the fth question was not timed. As opposed to other
surveys these set of questions are not self-reported and a
ground-truth group of developers in the original study got
all these questions correct, while other participants did not.
We contacted the authors and they kindly agreed to share
the original dataset with condentiality agreements.
“Building and Validating a Scale for Secure Software
Development Self-Ecacy” [
]: Built to assess develop-
ers secure development self-ecacy. The original study re-
cruited from various channels (e.g., LinkedIn, Prolic, and
personal contacts). We included this survey instrument be-
cause we were also interested to nd out about security skills
of our subjects as recruiting developers for security-related
studies is also a known challenge [
]. This
survey enabled us to provide insights into secure program-
ming self-ecacy in addition to programming skills. We
contacted the authors for the dataset but due to data sharing
constraints, we were not able to access it.
“Scaling the Security Wall: Developing a Security Be-
havior Intentions Scale (SeBIS)” [
]: Built to assess general
security behaviors, directed to all types of users. We included
this survey because it has been used extensively by literature
in the past ve years (e.g., [
]) and could provide
insights into general security behavior of our subjects. We
contacted the authors and they kindly agreed to share the
original dataset.
“Internet Users’ Information Privacy Concerns (IUIPC):
The Construct, the Scale, and a Causal Model” [
]: A classic
survey built to assess general privacy concerns, directed to
all types of users. We included this survey to understand
our participants’ general privacy concerns and provided a
basis for comparing our sample with other publications. We
contacted the authors for the dataset but due to data sharing
constraints, we were not able to access it.
The survey ended with a set of demographics questions such as
primary role in a software team, age, gender, and latest employment
status. We also included two attention check questions among
the Likert items. Crowdsourcing participants received $3.09 for
their time (in accordance with minimum wage in our institute’s
home country) and CS students received a $62.37 gift card per 20
participants. Other than a chance to enter a rae for a gift card,
there were no other incentives oered to the students. We decided
to oer students a rae-based gift card instead of paying them
individually because of the payment diculties that might have
occurred with paying a large number of participants without a
platform like a crowdsourcing platform that manages payments.
The survey is included in the Supplementary Materials.
3.3 Analysis
In addition to our main RQs, we were also interested in descriptive
statistics such as costs, quality of data (duplicates and passing atten-
tion questions), and demographics of each recruitment channel. We
report these descriptive exploratory ndings in the results section
after describing the collected data in Sections 4.2 and 4.3.
For RQ1 and RQ2, we run regression analyses to be able to
make suggestions for future research. For RQ1 and RQ2, unless
otherwise noted, regression analyses were conducted in R using
function [
] with the binomial family (
regression) as the link function). The model took a binary value
as output for whether a participant got all the ve REALCODE
questions correct (coded as 1) or not (coded as 0); and the input
was a set of self-reported programming experiences, demographics,
and recruitment channels. We removed Appen from the model as it
had no participants who passed all the programming questions and
the number of participants in the main survey was small as well
(N=9). Sections 4.4 and 4.5 are based on the results of these model.
For RQ3, we did an exploratory descriptive analysis. We included
participants who got all the ve REALCODE questions correct be-
cause we were interested to understand how recruitment channels
vary in terms of privacy and security for programming skilled
participants (means that Appen was excluded again because no par-
ticipants from Appen got all the programming questions correct).
Section 4.6 is based on these ndings.
3.4 Limitations
Out of the six recommended questions by Danilova et al
. [10]
, we
picked ve questions. We decided to include one code comprehen-
sion question instead of the two recommended code comprehension
questions because of time constraints and reducing the load on par-
ticipants. The original study does not require all questions to be
included and the choice of which questions to include is left to
future researchers. Also, the programmers in the original study
answered all the ve questions that we selected correctly, giving
us a ground to compare our results with a set of questions the
programmers answered 100% correctly. Future work may look at
including the other questions and comparing the results with our
ndings and the original study.
We screened participants based on four criteria, but there might
be other criteria that could better lter out participants that are
not suitable for our target population. Using a screening question
such as primary role as a software developer may have resulted
in a sample with higher programming skills; however, we were
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
not aware of existing studies that have looked at these issues and
our study would be the answer to this limitation. We were also
interested to nd out if it is possible to use screening criteria on
Prolic instead of running an extra screening survey, therefore,
included questions that are identical to the screening criteria in
Prolic to test their usefulness for future studies which could reduce
recruitment cost and eort.
Our results show that CS students have a higher programming
skill with regards to the tested survey instrument, but this must
be taken with a caveat that we recruited CS students from one CS
department in a single European University. The University is a
public research university and is among top 50 universities for CS
programs in World University Rankings 2021 [
]. Therefore, other
universities may have a dierent experience recruiting from their
CS mailing lists. We compared self-reported programming experi-
ence of our sample with PROGEX’s sample which was conducted in
2012 with undergraduate students [
] and found that our students
considered themselves having a higher programming experience
compared to PROGEX’s student sample (
55 vs.
81, see Section 4.4.2 for details). One explanation
might be that our mailing list includes postgraduate students as
well and PROGEX’s sample included only undergraduate students.
However, our results are still consistent with prior ndings that
CS students may be a valid recruitment channel for participants
with programming skills [
], e.g., for secure programming stud-
ies [40,41,43].
We focus on one survey instrument (REALCODE) as our main
output variable and consider a programming skilled participant
who passes all the ve REALCODE programming questions cor-
rect. However, we acknowledge that programming is a broad term
and developers also have a diverse range of skills, experience lev-
els, and backgrounds. Using REALCODE as our basis means that
we measured participants basic understanding of programming
(Table 6in the Appendix) as the questions in this instrument are
fundamental programming questions (e.g., description of a com-
piler and value of a Boolean variable). Our intention was to rst
nd an approach to screen participants who potentially have no
programming knowledge and experience, and second compare var-
ious recruitment channels to make suggestions for future research
which we believe the results would make tangible recommenda-
tions for the community. Future research may run experiments
with other sets of questions to assess capabilities of various survey
instruments in screening participants with programming skills.
Moreover, our study was conducted during the COVID-19 pan-
demic when many businesses were closed or working remotely.
Such shifts in the labor market may have inuenced crowdsourcing
platforms as well. Arechar and Rand
looked at 23 studies with
crowd workers in 2020 (during pandemic) and showed that MTurk
has become more diverse in terms political views, ethnicity, and
experience with conducting tasks which means that the popula-
tion is more diverse when we ran our experiment compared to a
pre-pandemic population. However, they also nd that participants
have become less attentive. Based on these ndings, there might
be a chance that the high number of duplicate responses and par-
ticipants who failed attention check questions from crowdsourcing
platforms (Section 4.3) may be related to the pandemic, though,
we do not have the data to either conrm or reject this idea. Fu-
ture research may replicate a study that was done pre-pandemic to
compare the results with current crowd workers to investigate the
dierences and similarities.
We report our collected data in Section 4.1, then describe our par-
ticipants’ demographics in Section 4.2, and discuss the quality of
responses in Section 4.3. Sections 4.4,4.5, and 4.6 present our nd-
ings to our RQs.
4.1 Collected Data
4.1.1 Screening Survey. 3,990participantsfromAppen,Clickworker,
and MTurk, completed the screening survey on Qualtrics, out of
which 563 (14.1%) were removed because they were agged as a
duplicate by Qualtrics’
(i.e., a Boolean
value and if True it means that the response is likely to be a du-
plicate: “This technology checks if the respondent is cheating by
taking the survey multiple times or whether a survey taker is fraud-
ulent by analyzing a user’s browser, operating system, and location
to provide a fraud score” [
]). We invited 789 (19.8%) participants
to the main survey who passed our screening criteria (Section 3.2.1).
In total, we spent $1,012.61 on the screening survey (Table 1).
4.1.2 Main Survey. 714 participant (all crowdsourcing + CS stu-
dents) completed the main survey out of which 636 (89.1%) passed
both attention questions. We excluded a further 23 (3.6%) of the
these participants because they were duplicate responses agged by
Qualtrics. Our nal set for the main survey included 613 responses.
The rest of the paper is based on the results of the main survey
(N=613). On average the survey took 18.3 minutes (
𝑆𝐷 =
utes, potentially some participants left the survey open on their
browser and did not ll out the survey all at once). In total, we spent
$2,801.88 on the main survey (Table 1). The anonymized dataset for
the main survey is publicly available online for future references
and potential replication studies (10.7488/ds/3184).
4.2 Demographics
In our sample of 613 participants, 71.8% reported being male which
falls between the the proportion of male software developers (over
90% [
]) and the general population in crowdsourcing platforms
(45-56% are male [
]). Participants reported an average of 5.5
years of experience in software development (
𝑆𝐷 =
1), and an
average age of 32.6 years (
𝑆𝐷 =
3), 63.1% work full-time, 35.9%
have a primary role as a software developer, 19.4% do not have a
CS-related job, and 15.5% work in a management role in a software
team. Most participants come from Europe (54.8%, note that CS
students were recruited from a European University mailing list),
North America (27.7%), and Asia (10.8%). In the Appendix, Table 4
shows a summary of participants’ demographics and Table 5shows
a summary of answers to all ve survey instruments per recruitment
4.3 Response Quality and Costs
4.3.1 Response ality. Table 1shows a summary of responses
per recruitment channel. In the screening survey, we nd that
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Tahaei and Vaniea
Table 1: Summary of recruitment across channels. Costs were converted to USD using on August 31, 2021. Percentages
were calculated with “completed on Qualtrics” as the denominator, unless stated otherwise. Payment for the surveys were
screening: $0.21 and main $3.09. CS students received a $62.37 gift card per 20 participants. Payments were in accordance with
minimum wage in our institute’s home country.
Appen Clickworker MTurk Prolic CS Students Total
Screening survey
Requested 2,500 1,610 1,933 Used
7,797 of
on the
mailing list:
Completed on platform 1,684 1,050 1,225 3,959
Completed on Qualtrics 1,680 1,082 1,228 3,990
Duplicates 512 (30.5%) 12 (1.1%) 39 (3.2%) 563 (14.1%)
Passed, invited to main 50 (3%) 132 (12.2%) 265 (21.6%) 789 (19.8%)
Cost $358.48 $297.06 $357.07 $1,012.61
Cost per invitation $7.17 $2.25 $1.35 -
Main survey
Completed on platform 21 56 217 389 - 683
Completed on Qualtrics 16 58 219 341 80 714
Passed both attentions 9 (56.3%) 38 (65.5%) 189 (86.3%) 325 (95.3) 75 (93.8%) 636 (89.1%)
Duplicates (of passed att.) 0 0 22 (10%) 0 1 (1.3%) 23 (3.6%)
Final set 9 (56.3%) 38 (65.5%) 167 (76.3%) 325 (100%) 74 (98.7%) 613 (85.9%)
Cost $56.91 $210.62 $928.76 $1,357.66 $247.93 $2,801.88
Cost per response $6.32 $5.54 $5.56 $4.18 $3.35 $4.57
Population size 9 38 167 325 74 613
Cost Screen + Main $415.39 $507.68 $1,285.83 $1,357.66 $247.93 $3,814.49
Cost per valid response $46.15 $23.53 $9.25 $4.18 $3.35 -
All passed REALCODE
Pass all ve programming questions 0 (0%) 24 (63.2%) 14 (8.4%) 108 (33.2%) 66 (89.2%) 212 (34.6%)
Cost per programming skilled participant - $21.15 $91.85 $12.57 $3.76 -
Appen created a large number of duplicates, potentially because the
completion validation is limited to a reused code (not randomized
per participant). Duplicates for Clickworker and MTurk were under
In the main survey, Prolic and CS students passed both attention
questions the most often with over 93% passing, MTurk was second
with 86.3%, Clickworker was the fourth with 65.5%, and Appen was
the last with 56.3%. Including only the participants who passed the
attention questions still resulted in duplicated responses in MTurk
(10%) and 1 (1.3%) duplicate response from the CS students. Appen
and Clickworker had no duplicates in the participants who passed
the attention questions.
Overall, our ndings here are consistent with prior work on
comparing Appen (known at the time as CrowdFlower), MTurk,
and Prolic [
]. Prolic produced higher quality data in terms of
duplicates and passing attention questions compared Appen as well
as fewer duplicates and failed attention participants compared to
MTurk (though, Peer et al
. [44]
found that MTurk is comparable
to Prolic). Appen had the highest number of duplicates in the
screening survey which is consistent with ndings of Peer et al
4.3.2 Costs. We nd that CS students are the most cost-eective
channel for recruiting participants with programming skills. We
were able to recruit 66 participants with an average cost of $3.76
per participant (total cost: $247.93). Prolic also created a sample
size of 108 participants with programming skills, however, each
response cost $12.57 (total cost: $1357.66). It is notable that a sepa-
rate screening survey was not needed on Prolic (used screening
criteria on Prolic that matched with our screening survey with
no additional costs) and CS students which reduced costs. Click-
worker and MTurk were overall expensive and may not be the most
cost-eective channels if a programming skilled sample is required.
Appen produced zero responses with programming skills, hence,
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
we cannot recommend it for this type of recruitment and restrict
our analyses to the other channels.
4.4 Where to Find Participants With
Programming Skills?
We used the REALCODE and PROGEX survey instruments to assess
basic knowledge of programming and self-reported programming
experience. Here we look at both instruments separately by channel
and compared to what was found by prior work. We also look at
how they compare to each other.
4.4.1 REALCODE. Unlike the other survey instruments which
use self-report for assessment, the REALCODE instrument asks
participants ve basic programming questions aimed at assessing
if they have experience with writing code. The questions asked
are multiple choice and focus on common programming-related
experiences such as what values go in binary variables, or what
website is a common place to nd solutions to programming prob-
lems (Stack Overow). In the original work by Danilova et al
. [10]
100% of real programmers answered all ve questions correctly and
2% of non-programmers answered all ve questions correctly.
In total, 212 (34.6%) of participants correctly answered all the
ve programming questions. CS students produced the highest
percentage (66, 89.2%), followed by Clickworker (24, 63.2%), Prolic
(108, 33.2%), and MTurk (14, 8.4%). None of the Appen participants
answered all ve questions correctly (hence, we cannot recommend
it for this type of recruitment), which is at odds with their self-
reported years of experience in software development (on average
11.78 years). Appendix Table 6shows the number of correct answers
per channel for each of these ve questions.
Regression model. We rst built a generalized linear (logit) re-
gression model predicting completely correct (5/5) REALCODE
answers as the outcome, with channel as a categorical predictor
(Table 2). We omitted other covariates in this model as our focus
here is on the marginal eect of the channel, rather than questions
of whether channels’ participants are dierent in ways that cannot
be explained by other covariates. We nd that CS students are 16.6
times (
001) and Clickworkers are 3.4 times (
001) more
likely to pass all question compared to Prolic participants. For
MTurk the odds of getting all the programming questions correct
is 82% (𝑝<.001) lower compared to Prolic participants.
4.4.2 PROGEX. Looking at self-reported experience around pro-
gramming using the three recommended questions from PROGEX
(Appendix Tables 5and 7), we can see a variation across dierent
channels in terms of self-reported programming experience (10-
point scale) with MTurk (
06) more self-condent in
their programming experience than Clickworker (
CS students (
55), and Prolic (
Questions about experience compared to classmates and familiarity
with object-oriented programming showed a similar pattern, with
MTurk showing high condence and Prolic showing the lowest
We also compared our CS student sample against the student
sample used by Feigenspan et al
. [16]
in the work that introduces
PROGEX. The self-reported programming experience of our CS
students (
55) was statistically signicantly higher
Table 2: Generalized linear model regression. Outcome vari-
able is a binary variable that represents whether a partici-
pant got all the ve REALCODE questions correct (coded as
1) or not (coded as 0). OR: odds ratios, CI: condence inter-
vals, Tjur’s R2: .267, No. observations: 604 (excludes Appen),
𝑝<.05,∗ ∗ 𝑝<.01,∗∗∗𝑝<.001.
Independent Variables ORs CI (95%) 𝑝
Recruitment channel
Prolic Reference
Clickworker 3.44 1.73 – 7.08 .001***
MTurk 0.18 0.10 – 0.32 <.001***
CS students 16.58 8.12 – 38.56 <.001***
(Intercept) 0.50 0.39 – 0.63 <.001***
than the CS students studied in Feigenspan et al
. [16]
81), t(136)
001. We hypothesize that this dierence
likely comes from sampling students at dierent universities. Our
mailing list also includes postgraduate students, but Feigenspan
et al
. [16]
’s sample only included undergraduate students. In short,
our sample of CS students reported lower programming experience
compared to crowdsourcing platforms but higher programming
experience compared to their classmates from prior work.
4.4.3 REALCODE vs. PROGEX. Taking a brief look at how the most
general question in PROGEX—their self-assessed programming
experience—in relation to if they answered all the REALCODE an-
swers correctly or not, we reassuringly see that the self-estimation
of those who passed all REALCODE questions (
is statistically signicantly higher than those who did not (
𝜇=2.53), t(550)=4.23,𝑝<.001.
We treated the Likert data as an interval variable [
] and ran t-
tests on them, which is common practice in the CHI community [
We also used Bonferroni correction for the t-tests because they were
not part of main study’s objectives.
4.5 Demographics and Programming Skills
We built another generalized linear (logit) regression model also
predicting completely correct (5/5) REALCODE answers as the
outcome, with categorical predictors of channel, the most recent
primary job role, years of experience in software development,
and PROGEX to the model and found that all channels still dier
from Prolic in terms of participants who got all the programming
questions correct; however, the coecients change (Table 3). CS
students are 26 times (
0001) and Clickworkers are 2.2 times
049) more likely to pass all questions compared to Prolic.
It is possible that the addition of years of experience in software
development explained some of the variation since CS students had
fewer years of experience with 71.6% having three years or less
compared to 50% of crowdsourcing participants having three years
or less. The odds of getting all the questions right is 90% (
lower compared to Prolic for MTurk.
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Tahaei and Vaniea
Table 3: Generalized linear model regression that includes
self-reported demographics and programming experiences.
Outcome variable is a binary variable that represents
whether a participant got all the ve REALCODE questions
correct (coded as 1) or not (coded as 0). OR: odds ratios, CI:
condence intervals, Tjur’s R2: .417, No. observations: 604
(excludes Appen), 𝑝<.05,∗ ∗ 𝑝<.01,∗∗∗𝑝<.001.
Independent Variables ORs CI (95%) 𝑝
Years of experience in software development 1.08 1.04 – 1.12 <.001***
Rating of programming experience 1.07 0.92 – 1.24 .416
Programming experience compared to class/work mates 1.08 0.79 – 1.48 .636
Experience in object-oriented programming 1.58 1.22 – 2.06 .001***
Recruitment channel
Prolic Reference
Clickworker 2.23 1.01 – 5.04 .049*
MTurk 0.10 0.05 – 0.19 <.001***
CS students 25.99 10.22 – 81.51 <.001***
Primary role in a software team
Not CS-related Reference
Developer 2.44 1.25 – 4.87 .010**
Designer 0.94 0.28 – 2.78 .911
Manager 1.00 0.44 – 2.25 .994
Privacy/Security 1.38 0.25 – 6.68 .692
Tester 1.33 0.48 – 3.51 .568
Unemployed 0.80 0.21 – 2.64 .724
Other 1.59 0.55 – 4.39 .380
(Intercept) 0.02 0.01 – 0.07 <.001***
We also nd that asking participants about their years of ex-
perience in software development is signicantly correlated with
getting all programming questions correct. One unit increase in
years of experience in software development would increase the
odds of getting all questions correct by 8% (𝑝<.0001).
When it comes to primary role in a software team, we nd
that self-reporting as software developer is signicantly correlated
with answering all programming questions correct. Participants
who reported that they are developer are 2.4 times (
01) more
likely to get all programming questions corrected compared to
participants who do not work in a computer science related role.
The correlation for two questions from PROGEX, ratings of pro-
gramming experience and comparing programming experience
with class/work mates, were not signicant and conclusive. How-
ever, one unit increase in experience with object-oriented program-
ming is correlated with 58% (
001) increase in the odds of
getting all programming question correct.
4.6 Privacy and Security
centered privacy and security studies as well. RQ1 and RQ2 could as-
sist researchers in screening participants with programming skills,
however, still it is not clear whether participants from dierent
channels vary in regards to privacy and security attitudes and se-
cure development self-ecacy. To answer RQ3, we explore the
dierences between recruitment channels in relation to the three
privacy and security related survey instruments. We present box-
plots (Figures 1,2, and 3) of the three survey instruments broken
down by channel and discuss observations. The results in this sec-
tion are based on the participants who passed all ve REALCODE
4.6.1 SSDSES. This survey instrument focuses on secure software
development self-ecacy and is made up of two components: se-
curity communication and vulnerability identication. The secure
communication component focuses on the ability to communicate
security issues eectively with others and to upper level manage-
ment. The vulnerability component focuses on the ability to identify
various threats to systems and code as well as perform a risk analy-
sis. Across all recruitment channels, participants generally rated
their communication skills for security higher that their skills in
identifying and mitigating security vulnerabilities (Figure 1). In
the original SSDSES paper, participants also often rated their iden-
tication and mitigation skills lower than their communication
skills [
]. When looking at the dierences between channels, we
see that MTurkers rated themselves higher than all other channels
on average and also had the most similar scores between the com-
ponents with an average dierence of 0.35 between the components
compared to 0.58 for the other channels. Crowdsourcing partici-
pants also rated themselves higher than CS students. CS students
had the lowest rating for vulnerability identication and mitigation
which we hypothesize comes from knowing that how dicult doing
some of these tasks might be (e.g., identify potential attack vectors
and mimic potential threats).
4.6.2 SEBIS. This instrument focuses on general security behav-
iors and is intended for a general audience rather than specically
developers. It has four components: device, awareness, password,
and updating. In terms of general security attitudes, we nd that
device securement (e.g., locking devices and using PINs) had the
highest rating among all participants which is not inline with the
original SEBIS dataset collected from MTurk in 2015 [
]. One expla-
nation could be dierent time periods and general secure attitude
for devices have increased over time. The other explanation might
be that our population is presumably have some programming skills
and their understanding of security and information technology
might be higher. Comparing CS students with crowdsourcing par-
ticipants shows a lower attitude towards updating (e.g., keeping
systems up-to-date), password generation (e.g., generating stronger
passwords), and proactive awareness (e.g., checking for links before
clicking) which is somehow surprising as CS students are exposed
to several privacy and security topics at the University.
4.6.3 IUIPC. This instrument is also intended to be used with
a general audience and focuses on attitudes users have towards
how privacy should be enacted online. It has three components:
control, awareness, and collection. General privacy attitudes of our
CS students were overall higher than other recruitment channels
which is in odds with their general security behaviors in SEBIS
(Section 4.6.2). In all crowdsourcing participants, we observed that
they rate the awareness component (e.g., awareness about how
personal data is being used by companies) higher than control (e.g.,
control of personal information is at center of user privacy) and
collection (e.g., how data collection bothers them). Such a pattern
is inline with the original data set that was collected in 2004 [
higher awareness compared to control and collection (awareness:
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Clickworker MTurk Prolic All
CrowdsourcingCS Students
Security communicatation Vulnerability identication
Figure 1: Summary of secure development self-ecacy for
only participants who passed REALCODE (scale 1–5). Secu-
rity communication: being able to discuss security with oth-
ers; Vulnerability identication: being able to identify and
mitigate security vulnerabilities.
Clickworker MTurk Prolic All
CS Students SEBIS
Original Data
Device Awareness Password Updating
Figure 2: Summary of security behavior intentions for only
participants who passed REALCODE (scale 1–5). Last col-
umn (SEBIS Original Data) is from the original SEBIS dataset
recruited from MTurk in 2015 [14].
Clickworker MTurk Prolic All
CrowdsourcingCS Students
Control Awareness Collection
Figure 3: Summary of internet users’ information privacy
concerns for only participants who passed REALCODE
(scale 1–7).
, 𝜎 =
87, control:
, 𝜎 =
06, and collection:
𝜇=5.63, 𝜎 =1.09).
We recruited 613 participants from four crowdsourcing platforms
(Appen, Clickworker, MTurk, and Prolic) and an University CS
student mailing list; out of which 212 passed all (5/5) REALCODE
programming questions suggested by Danilova et al
. [10]
. We nd
that overall CS students produce high quality data in terms of
programming skills (highest), costs (lowest), number of duplicates
(low), and passing attention check questions (high) compared to
all crowdsourcing platforms. Among crowdsourcing platforms, we
nd that Prolic could generate a higher number of participants
who would pass the basic programming questions and is more
cost-eective compared to Appen, Clickworker, and MTurk. In the
following, we discuss implications of our work in regards to self-
reported programming skills (Section 5.1) and make suggestions
both for researchers (Section 5.2) and crowdsourcing platforms
(Section 5.3) to improve the recruitment process for participants
with programming skills. We also dedicate a subsection to our
experience with the recruitment channels as lessons learned for
future researchers (Section 5.4).
5.1 Self-Reported Programming Skills
We nd that participants clearly interpret “programming skills”
very dierently across all channels. All of the crowdsourcing partic-
ipants self-identied as having programming skills in the screening
survey, yet their answers on other questions shows a very wide
range of experience and skill. Notably 31.5% of crowdsourcing par-
ticipants could not correctly select the most tting value for a
Boolean from a multiple choice list and 33% could not select the
correct description of a compiler. Even more interestingly 27.9% of
crowdsourcing participants got one of those two questions wrong
but not the other. These ndings suggest that participants may in-
deed have some programming skills but their skills may be limited
in scope and depth. For example, someone who only programs in an
interpreted language like JavaScript might not have to know what
a compiler is to write functioning code. Participants who have com-
pleted one programming course or who have done a self-directed
coding project may also be indicating that they have programming
Recent eorts have worked to bring programming to a wider
audience by teaching it to younger people in schools and through
self-learning websites aimed at general audiences. While laudable,
these initiatives may also increasing the number of people exposed
to programming concepts and therefore the number of people who
might self-identify as having programming skills or programming
experience. We therefore recommend that researchers avoid simple
questions such as “Do you have programming skills?” for screening
and instead ask questions that more concretely dene the types
of skills required by the research, for example the object-oriented
question in PROGEX or the types of questions in REALCODE.
Using existing survey instruments though comes with some
risks. Similar to how many of the questions proposed by Kahneman
for use in psychology experiments are now well known to
crowdsourcing workers, over use of instruments like PROGEX or
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Tahaei and Vaniea
REALCODE may lead to these groups learning and automatically
responding with the “correct” answers rather than knowing them
themselves. One avenue for future research is to extend these ques-
tionnaires; having a longer list of questions and randomly selecting
a few of them to be presented to the participants (with a timer
potentially as suggested for some questions in Danilova et al
. [10]
may reduce the chances of participants using online resources to
answer questions.
5.2 Recommendations for Researchers
5.2.1 Consider Using CS Students. We suggest recruiting CS stu-
dents as a population for running studies that require program-
ming skills. While they may not well represent seasoned developers
working in industry, they are a good source of people with basic
programming experience. If recruiting from a specic university,
they will also have a more homogeneous background which can
reduce unexpected confounds. Compared to crowdsourcing plat-
forms CS students are accessible, cost-eective, and produce high
quality data in terms of number of duplicates and passing attention
check questions. Recruiting from multiple institutes through col-
laborations instead of staying with one mailing list may also help
reduce biases inherent with a single-university sample.
5.2.2 Screen Crowdsourcing Participants and Account for Extra
Costs. If researchers need participants with programming skills,
we suggest using Prolic compared to Appen, Clickworker, and
MTurk. Prolic allows screening participants without additional
costs, however, the return rate could be low. Therefore, we suggest
asking for a sample size with about three times more than what
is the desired nal sample size; or running a separate screening
survey (e.g., if looking for 100 participants with programming skills,
start the survey with 300, and then lter out participants who do
not pass programming questions; or run a screening survey rst).
Running screening surveys or recruiting additional participants
also causes additional costs which should be taken into account.
5.2.3 Consider Privacy and Security Dierences in Recruitment
Channels. While CS students rated themselves lower in secure
software development self-ecacy, they did the best on the pro-
gramming questions. On the other hand, lower general security
behaviors of CS students and higher privacy attitudes from them
means that running studies involving privacy and security elements
may result in a population with a higher privacy attitudes and lower
security attitudes compared to a crowdsourcing population with
programming skills. We nd that even among crowdsourcing partic-
ipants the privacy and security answers attitudes (e.g., Clickworkers
have a higher awareness of privacy practices of online companies
compared to MTurk and Prolic participants), which should be con-
sidered when recruiting participants for usable privacy and security
studies. We suggest recruiting from multiple channels instead of
one to minimize such eects and have a more diverse population.
5.3 Recommendations for Crowdsourcing
With the increase in human-centered studies [
], there is a demand
for specic types of populations; for example in our case, a sample
with programming skills. The opportunity here for crowdsourcing
platforms is to oer specic and niche screening criteria and popu-
lations which may give them a competitive advantage over other
platforms with basic screening criteria and a general population.
Below we make suggestions to improve the situation for recruiting
participants with programming skills.
Based on our ndings it is clear that the question “Do you have
programming skills” does not correlate with basic programming
skills and knowledge. Participants on crowdsourcing platforms
may over estimate their programming skills and such question is
not helpful as a screening criteria in crowdsourcing platforms for
recruiting participants with programming skills. We suggest crowd-
sourcing platforms to adopt new programming-related questions
that better represent the level or type of skill to ensure that partici-
pants who pass those questions are able to participate in studies
with required programming skills (e.g., questions from Danilova
et al
. [10]
). We also believe that these questions should change and
update over time so that the answers do not circulate in the partici-
pants community. One short-term and easy to adopt suggestion is
to use the more specic self-reported questions such as experience
in object-oriented programming (very inexperienced to very experi-
enced [
]), years of experience in software development (numeric),
and primary role in software development teams (e.g., software de-
veloper, tester, manager). While these are still self-reported, we nd
them overall more correlated to programming skills compared to
the general yes/no question of “Do you have programming skills?”
5.4 Researcher Experience of Recruitment
While conducting this research, we gained a good deal of experi-
ence with the various platforms used to recruit participants. In this
section, we reect on our experience with these platform so future
researchers can learn from our experiences. However, we should
note that these are anecdotal observations, no formal usability
evaluation of the platforms was done.
Several key challenges came up across all the platforms, though
they handled them quite dierently. The rst was how to do hand-
o between the crowdsourcing platform and our Qualtrics survey
software. Typically this is done by providing a link to the Qualtrics
survey on the crowdsourcing platform, collecting the participant’s
platform-generated ID, and then after the survey is completed pro-
viding a completion code (either randomized or a static reused code)
at the end of the survey which the participant then enters into the
crowdsourcing platform to demonstrate completion of the job. We
then compare the IDs and codes entered into the crowdsourcing
platform against those recorded in Qualtrics and provide payment
to those that are valid. Including/excluding participants was an-
other challenge due to two reasons (1) including participants who
passed our screening criteria in Appen, Clickworker, and MTurk,
and (2) excluding participants who already took our survey once
because we started our recruitment with smaller population sizes
to catch any errors before going for a larger population size (for
all crowdsourcing platforms). However, each platform had some
amount of variation on these processes. Below, we discuss these
challenges for each recruitment channel:
5.4.1 Appen. Using Appen required us to have an institute-wide
account rst, which we thankfully had, but it may mean extra
time and money to setup for those without. The language used
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
on features is focused on running labeling tasks (e.g., rows, agree-
ment, judgment). Support for running surveys is limited and the
completion validation is limited to a static reused code (not random-
ized per participant) that also appears in the in an HTML tag (i.e.,
). Including participants from the screen-
ing survey was done through a graphical interface that enabled us
to import a CSV le with the selected participants’ IDs of those
who passed the screening criteria (excluding participants who al-
ready took the survey was done in this way as well). We could not
nd a way to include participant’s ID in the link to Qualtrics as
an extra parameter, so we also had to ask participants to manually
enter their ID. We could also export additional information about
participants from Appen itself such as location and start time.
5.4.2 Clickworker. Account creation did not require our institute to
be involved. When creating a task, we had to select which countries
we want our task to be advertised, where we had to add countries
one by one from a list instead of adding countries all at once. To
reduce the risks of having errors in the tasks, we ran tasks in
smaller sample sizes rst. However, because there was no option
to increase the number of participants in a task, we had to run
multiple tasks excluding participants from a previous task. Though,
this was easy as we could select previous tasks to be excluded.
The completion code was a static reused code that was the same
for all participants. Excluding and including participants (e.g., for
those who passed the screening criteria) is done through a “Team”
feature which does not support uploading CSV les; meaning that
to advertise the main survey to the selected participants, we had
to add all selected participants’ IDs manually one by one. There
were no extra information provided about participants. Including
participant’s ID in the URL was not consistent and sometimes it
did not include the IDs; we asked for IDs from participants in the
survey to be consistent.
5.4.3 MTurk. We used MTurk’s basic service and interface without
the API. We were able to create an individual account. Including
and excluding participants (e.g., for those who passed the screening
criteria) required creating qualications which were not the most
intuitive method; however, it was possible to upload CSV les with
a list of participants’ IDs to be excluded/included which also means
that excluding participants from previous tasks required us to create
a new list to be excluded (again, we ran multiple smaller tasks rst to
reduce the chances of errors). MTurk also charges extra for adding
qualications to a task depending on their fees, qualication type,
and number of participants. We were able to export a few extra
information about participants such as start date and approval rate.
We had to collect the participants’ IDs from the users in the survey
instead of passing them in the URL. A randomized completion per
participant code was used.
5.4.4 Prolific. We were able to create an individual account. Includ-
ing and excluding participants from previous tasks is done through
the screening interface similar to other screening criteria by copy
pasting a list of participants’ IDs or completely excluding partic-
ipants from a task. However, we did not use this feature because
we did not run a screening survey on Prolic, and for increasing
the number of participants we could increase the population size
without worrying about excluding participants who already took
the survey. It is possible to add multiple screening criteria such
as programming skills, language, and level of education without
extra cost. It is also possible to pass extra parameters including
participants’ ID in the URL and they will be captured by Qualtrics.
Extra information about participants such as time taken, location,
gender, and language can be exported as well. A static reusable
completion code was used.
5.4.5 CS Students. We had to ask for permission to send out our
email from our mailing list moderators. Other than the permis-
sion, we had no issues. We chose to not run a screening survey
with this channel, therefore, we had no challenges with exclud-
ing/including participants. Compensation was easy to manage by
randomly selecting participants and sending an email with their
gift card.
We recruited 539 participants from four crowdsourcing platforms
who claimed to have a programming experience and also 74 CS
students from our local institute’s CS mailing list (in total 613
participants). We found that overall CS students are a good source
for recruiting participants with programming skills and Prolic, as a
recruitment channel, in the tested crowdsourcing platforms results
in a cost-eective sample with a higher number of participants with
basic programming knowledge.
We recommend that researchers working in the human factors
of software engineering account for the extra costs that will come
with screening participants and also consider using CS mailing lists;
potentially collaborating with other researchers in other institutes
to reduce validity issues. We also suggest that developer-centered
privacy and security researchers consider the dierences in privacy
and security attitudes of participants from various recruitment
channels and aim for multiple channels to reduce bias against one
recruitment channel which may have higher or lower privacy and
security attitudes compared to other channels.
We thank Chris Lucas for extensive advice on statistics as well as the
reviewers for their constructive feedback helped improve the paper
greatly. Mohammad did this work while he was at the University of
Edinburgh. This work was sponsored in part by Microsoft Research
through its Ph.D. Scholarship Program as well as the University of
Edinburgh’s Institute for Language, Cognition and Computation.
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Table 4shows a summary of participants in the main survey.
Table 5shows mean and standard deviation of each survey instru-
ment per recruitment channel.
Table 6shows the ve instrument questions with the percentage of
participants in each recruitment channel that answered the question
correctly. We also include “Programmer” and “Non-Programmer”
columns from the original REALCODE paper [10] for comparison
to prior work.
Table 7shows the mean and standard deviation for three recom-
mended questions by Feigenspan et al
. [16]
. We also include a
column to present the data from the original PROGEX paper for
comparison with prior work.
CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA Tahaei and Vaniea
Table 4: Summary of demographics. 𝜇: mean, 𝜎: standard deviation. The denominator for percentages is the respective “popu-
lation size.
Appen Clickworker MTurk Prolic CS Students Total
Population size 9 38 167 325 74 613
Self-reported as a CS student* 3 (33.3%) 10 (26.3%) 90 (53.9%) 47 (14.5%) 72 (97.3%) 222 (36.2%)
Male 8 (88.9%) 31 (81.6%) 121 (72.5%) 240 (73.8%) 40 (54.1%) 440 (71.8%)
Female 1 (11.1%) 6 (15.8%) 46 (27.5%) 79 (24.3%) 28 (37.8%) 160 (26.1%)
Other 1 (2.6%) 6 (1.8%) 6 (8.1%) 13 (2.1%)
Number of employees
1-9 employees 2 (22.2%) 10 (26.3%) 4 (2.4%) 100 (30.8%) 29 (39.2%) 145 (23.7%)
10-99 employees 1 (11.1%) 10 (26.3%) 52 (31.1%) 85 (26.2%) 15 (20.3%) 163 (26.6%)
100-999 employees 4 (44.4%) 9 (23.7%) 87 (52.1%) 64 (19.7%) 11 (14.9%) 175 (28.5%)
1,000-9,999 employees 2 (22.2%) 6 (15.8%) 18 (10.8%) 45 (13.8%) 5 (6.8%) 76 (12.4%)
10,000 or more employees 3 (7.9%) 6 (3.6%) 31 (9.5%) 14 (18.9%) 54 (8.8%)
Primary role in software teams
Developer 5 (55.6%) 21 (55.3%) 71 (42.5%) 96 (29.5%) 27 (36.5%) 220 (35.9%)
Manager 2 (22.2%) 6 (15.8%) 49 (29.3%) 49 (15.1%) 1 (1.4%) 107 (17.5%)
Designer 2 (5.3%) 14 (8.4%) 21 (6.5%) 3 (4.1%) 40 (6.5%)
Privacy/Security 1 (0.6%) 8 (2.5%) 2 (2.7%) 11 (1.8%)
Tester 2 (5.3%) 18 (10.8%) 22 (6.8%) 2 (2.7%) 44 (7.2%)
Not CS-related 2 (22.2%) 7 (18.4%) 12 (7.2%) 92 (28.3%) 6 (8.1%) 119 (19.4%)
Unemployed 13 (4%) 29 (39.2%) 42 (6.9%)
Other 2 (1.2%) 24 (7.4%) 4 (5.4%) 30 (4.9%)
Latest employment status
Full-time 8 (88.9%) 25 (65.8%) 146 (87.4%) 203 (62.5%) 10 (13.5%) 392 (63.9%)
Part-time 3 (7.9%) 11 (6.6%) 22 (6.8%) 9 (12.2%) 45 (7.3%)
Consultant/Freelance 1 (11.1%) 6 (15.8%) 7 (4.2%) 39 (12%) 53 (8.6%)
Student 3 (7.9%) 2 (1.2%) 33 (10.2%) 44 (59.5%) 82 (13.4%)
Furloughed/On leave 1 (2.6%) 3 (0.9%) 4 (0.7%)
Unemployed 14 (4.3%) 4 (5.4%) 18 (2.9%)
Other 1 (0.6%) 11 (3.4%) 7 (9.5%) 19 (3.1%)
Current continent
Africa 2 (22.2%) 5 (13.2%) 25 (7.7%) 32 (5.2%)
Asia 5 (55.6%) 10 (26.3%) 39 (23.4%) 3 (0.9%) 9 (12.2%) 66 (10.8%)
Europe 1 (11.1%) 13 (34.2%) 3 (1.8%) 254 (78.2%) 65 (87.8%) 336 (54.8%)
North America 1 (11.1%) 8 (21.1%) 123 (73.7%) 39 (12%) 170 (27.7%)
Oceania 2 (5.3%) 4 (1.2%) 6 (1%)
South America 2 (1.2%) 2 (0.3%)
Other 1 (0.6%) 1 (0.2%)
Age (𝜇,𝜎) 40.22, 5.78 34.97, 9.07 33.92, 8.21 34.07, 8.75 22.91, 5.29 32.62, 9.09
Years of software dev (𝜇,𝜎) 11.78, 6.83 8.95, 8.84 5.77, 5.22 5.44, 6.70 2.94, 3.59 5.48, 6.31
Team members (𝜇,𝜎) 13, 8.51 12.74, 25.58 35.81, 88.51 8.34, 21.29 5.24, 5.26 18.37, 58.82
*Despite our screening for not being a student in the crowdsourcing platforms, we got many CS students from them
which might come from some participants working and also being a CS student.
Recruiting Participants With Programming Skills CHI ’22, April 29-May 5, 2022, New Orleans, LA, USA
Table 5: Mean (𝜇) and standard deviation (𝜎) of all ve survey instruments across channels. Numbers in the parentheses shows
the range.
Appen (N=9) Clickworker (N=38) MTurk (N=167) Prolic (N=325) CS Students (N=74) Total (N=613)
𝜇 𝜎
𝜎 𝜇
𝜇 𝜎
𝜎 𝜇
𝜇 𝜎
𝜎 𝜇
𝜇 𝜎
𝜎 𝜇
𝜇 𝜎
𝜎 𝜇
𝜇 𝜎
Programming experience (0–10) 7.89 1.45 6.34 2.04 7.19 2.06 5.20 2.37 5.74 1.55 6.00 2.39
Programming experience compared to class/work mates (0–5) 4.11 0.33 3.63 0.97 3.92 0.80 3.41 0.98 3.61 0.92 3.59 0.97
Experience in object-oriented programming (0–5) 4.00 0.87 3.92 1.05 3.91 0.92 3.41 1.22 3.89 0.92 3.62 1.13
Count of correct answers (0–5) 2.67 0.87 4.34 1.17 2.13 1.51 3.23 1.67 4.84 0.50 2.98 1.77
SSDSES (0–5)
Security communication 3.51 1.33 3.34 0.91 3.68 0.67 3.05 1.07 2.61 0.96 3.23 1.01
Vulnerability identication and mitigation 3.33 1.21 2.93 0.98 3.65 0.70 2.64 1.05 2.04 0.83 1.08 1.28
SEBIS (0–5)
Proactive awareness 3.53 0.83 3.74 0.82 2.91 0.69 3.74 0.67 3.45 0.65 3.40 0.79
Device securement 4.08 1.35 4.41 0.91 3.92 0.71 4.30 0.80 4.20 0.66 4.13 0.81
Password generation 3.75 0.89 3.59 0.78 3.36 0.61 3.56 0.82 3.32 0.74 3.44 0.76
Updating 4.19 1.03 3.85 0.83 3.76 0.69 3.76 0.81 3.33 0.71 3.72 0.78
IUIPC (0–7)
Awareness 5.35 1.39 5.45 1.28 5.41 0.92 5.66 0.90 5.87 0.83 5.94 0.90
Collection 4.92 1.91 5.49 1.35 5.43 0.99 5.67 1.06 5.63 1.23 5.56 1.12
Control 5.35 1.39 5.45 1.28 5.41 0.92 5.66 0.90 5.87 0.83 5.58 0.96
Table 6: Percentage of participants from each channel that correctly answered each of the REALCODE questions. “Program-
mer” and “Non-Programmer” columns are from Danilova et al. [10] for comparison with ground-truth (non-)programmers.
Collected data in this paper Danilova et al. [10]
Appen Clickworker MTurk Prolic CS Students Total Non-Programmer Programmer
Population size 9 38 167 325 74 613 100 50
Frequent website as aid for programming 5 (55.6%) 33 (86.8%) 55 (32.9%) 200 (61.5%) 74 (100%) 367 (59.9%) 6 (6%) 50 (100%)
Description of a compiler’s function 7 (77.8%) 33 (86.8%) 76 (45.5%) 246 (75.7%) 72 (97.3%) 434 (70.8%) 33 (33%) 50 (100%)
Denition of a recursive function 2 (22.2%) 33 (86.8%) 69 (41.3%) 199 (61.2%) 70 (94.6%) 373 (60.8%) 30 (30%) 50 (100%)
Value of a Boolean variable 8 (88.9%) 34 (89.5%) 81 (48.5%) 248 (76.3%) 73 (98.6%) 444 (72.4%) 25 (25%) 50 (100%)
Parameter of the function in a sample code 2 (22.2%) 32 (84.2%) 74 (44.3%) 157 (48.3%) 69 (93.2%) 334 (54.5%) 13 (13%) 50 (100%)
All answers correct 0 (0%) 24 (63.2%) 14 (8.4%) 108 (33.2%) 66 (89.2%) 212 (34.6%) 2 (2%) 50 (100%)
Table 7: Programming experience, programming experience comparing to classmates, and experience with object-oriented
programming for our data as well as data from Feigenspan et al. [16]. The columns with REALCODE split the data into partic-
ipants who passed all ve REALCODE programming questions vs. those who did not.
Collected data in this paper
Feigenspan et al. [16]
Individual recruitment channels Regardless of recruitment channel
Prolic Clickworker MTurk CS students Passed REALCODE Failed REALCODE
Programming experience
𝜇5.20 6.34 7.19 5.74 6.38 5.62 4.63
𝜎2.37 2.04 2.06 1.55 1.85 2.53 1.81
Programming experience compared to class/work mates
𝜇3.41 3.63 3.92 3.61 3.78 3.48 2.05
𝜎0.98 0.97 0.80 0.92 0.83 0.99 0.84
Experience with object-oriented programming
𝜇3.41 3.92 3.91 3.89 4.04 3.42 3.59
𝜎1.22 1.05 0.92 0.92 0.89 1.17 0.92
... Researchers typically assess programming ability in two ways. One is to obtain students' learning process data through programming tasks for measurement (Bergersen et al. 2014;Jorgensen et al. 2021;Tahaei and Vaniea 2022), and the other is to design evaluation criteria and use questionnaires to obtain evaluation data through the self-evaluation of the respondents (China Association for Science and Technology Youth Science Center and China Youth Science and Technology Counselors Association 2020; Wang et al. 2022). ...
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The promotion and implementation of programming education in primary and secondary schools in the intelligent era are associated with high-quality information technology (IT) teachers who possess programming literacy. IT teachers’ programming literacy requires a scientific and reasonable index system for quantitative evaluation. On the basis of literature review, this paper adopts Delphi method and constructs an evaluation index system of IT teachers’ programming literacy after three rounds of expert consultation, including 5 first-level indicators such as programming awareness, programming knowledge, programming ability, programming teaching and programming ethics, and 13 related second-level indicators. Then, to facilitate the quantitative evaluation of the programming literacy of information teachers, the weight of each index is determined by the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. Among them, the top 3 first-level indicators with the largest weights are programming awareness, programming knowledge and programming ability. The top 5 second-level indicators are training consciousness, professional consciousness, basic knowledge, thinking ability and teaching ability. Finally, through the empirical research of small-scale questionnaire survey, the index system can evaluate and compare the programming literacy of IT teachers, and it is effective and feasible.
A thorough understanding of usable privacy research challenges is essential for ensuring high-quality research, improving methods and avoiding repeating mistakes, identifying research gap fillers, and advancing the field. In this chapter, we will examine some of the challenges associated with conducting usable privacy studies, such as the challenges of encompassing a variety of users, conflicting privacy and usability goals, privacy as a secondary objective, the privacy paradox, and issues related to measuring the right thing, the difficulty of conducting ecologically valid studies, and ethical and legal issues such as ethics of nudge and deception when conducting this type of research. We will further discuss the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) challenges related to privacy technologies including the challenge of educating users on how privacy-enhancing technologies work and how to make online privacy transparent considering the effects of different factors such as information level, time, and medium through which we communicate to users that all play an important role in determining the effectiveness of transparency in protecting users’ privacy. This chapter concludes by discussing some specific HCI challenges associated with privacy laws, such as discrepancies between what privacy laws require and what users need and problems regarding notice and choice.
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Privacy tasks can be challenging for developers, resulting in privacy frameworks and guidelines from the research community which are designed to assist developers in considering privacy features and applying privacy enhancing technologies in early stages of software development. However, how developers engage with privacy design strategies is not yet well understood. In this work, we look at the types of privacy-related advice developers give each other and how that advice maps to Hoepman’s privacy design strategies. We qualitatively analyzed 119 privacy-related accepted answers on Stack Overflow from the past five years and extracted 148 pieces of advice from these answers. We find that the advice is mostly around compliance with regulations and ensuring confidentiality with a focus on the inform , hide , control , and minimize of the Hoepman’s privacy design strategies. Other strategies, abstract , separate , enforce , and demonstrate , are rarely advised. Answers often include links to official documentation and online articles, highlighting the value of both official documentation and other informal materials such as blog posts. We make recommendations for promoting the under-stated strategies through tools, and detail the importance of providing better developer support to handle third-party data practices.
Conference Paper
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Privacy tasks can be challenging for developers, resulting in privacy frameworks and guidelines from the research community which are designed to assist developers in considering privacy features and applying privacy enhancing technologies in early stages of software development. However, how developers engage with privacy design strategies is not yet well understood. In this work, we look at the types of privacy-related advice developers give each other and how that advice maps to Hoepman's privacy design strategies. We qualitatively analyzed 119 privacy-related accepted answers on Stack Overflow from the past five years and extracted 148 pieces of advice from these answers. We find that the advice is mostly around compliance with regulations and ensuring confidentiality with a fo- cus on the inform, hide, control, and minimize of the Hoepman’s privacy design strategies. Other strategies, abstract, separate, enforce, and demonstrate, are rarely advised. Answers often include links to official documentation and online articles, highlighting the value of both official documentation and other informal materials such as blog posts. We make recommendations for promoting the under-stated strategies through tools, and detail the importance of providing better developer support to handle third-party data practices.
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The security attitudes and approaches of software developers have a large impact on the software they produce, yet we know very little about how and when these views are constructed. This paper investigates the security and privacy (S&P) perceptions, experiences, and practices of current Computer Science students at the graduate and undergraduate level using semi-structured interviews. We find that the attitudes of students already match many of those that have been observed in professional level developers. Students have a range of hacker and attack mindsets, lack of experience with security APIs, a mixed view of who is in charge of S&P in the software life cycle, and a tendency to trust other peoples’ code as a convenient approach to rapidly build software. We discuss the impact of our results on both curriculum development and support for professional developers.
Conference Paper
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The security attitudes and approaches of software developers have a large impact on the software they produce, yet we know very little about how and when these views are constructed. This paper investigates the security and privacy (S&P) perceptions, experiences, and practices of current Computer Science students at the graduate and undergraduate level using semi-structured interviews. We find that the attitudes of students already match many of those that have been observed in professional level developers. Students have a range of hacker and attack mindsets, lack of experience with security APIs, a mixed view of who is in charge of S&P in the software life cycle, and a tendency to trust other peoples' code as a convenient approach to rapidly build software. We discuss the impact of our results on both curriculum development and support for professional developers.
Conference Paper
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Static analysis tools (SATs) have the potential to assist developers in finding and fixing vulnerabilities in the early stages of software development requiring them to be able to understand and act on tools’ notifications. To understand how helpful such SAT guidance is to developers, we ran an online experiment (N=132) where participants were shown four vulnerable code samples (SQL injection, hard-coded credentials, encryption, and logging sensitive data) along with SAT guidance, and asked to indicate the appropriate fix. Participants had a positive attitude towards both SAT notifications and particularly liked the example solutions and vulnerable code. Seeing SAT notifications also led to more detailed open-ended answers and slightly improved code correction answers. Still, most SAT (SpotBugs 67%, SonarQube 86%) and Control (96%) participants answered at least one code-correction question incorrectly. Prior software development experience, perceived vulnerability severity, and answer confidence all positively impacted answer accuracy.
Conference Paper
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Software development teams are responsible for making and implementing software design decisions that directly impact end-user privacy, a challenging task to do well. Privacy Champions—people who strongly care about advocating privacy—play a useful role in supporting privacy-respecting development cultures. To understand their motivations, challenges, and strategies for protecting end-user privacy, we conducted 12 interviews with Privacy Champions in software development teams. We find that common barriers to implementing privacy in software design include: negative privacy culture, internal prioritisation tensions, limited tool support, unclear evaluation metrics, and technical complexity. To promote privacy, Privacy Champions regularly use informal discussions, management support, communication among stakeholders, and documentation and guidelines. They perceive code reviews and practical training as more instructive than general privacy awareness and on-boarding training. Our study is a first step towards understanding how Privacy Champions work to improve their organisation’s privacy approaches and improve the privacy of end-user products.
Conference Paper
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Advertising networks enable developers to create revenue, but using them potentially impacts user privacy and requires developers to make legal decisions. To understand what privacy information ad networks give developers, we did a walkthrough of four popular ad network guidance pages with a senior Android developer by looking at the privacy-related information presented to developers. We found that information is focused on complying with legal regulations, and puts the responsibility for such decisions on the developer. Also, sample code and settings often have privacy-unfriendly defaults laced with dark patterns to nudge developers' decisions towards privacy-unfriendly options such as sharing sensitive data to increase revenue. We conclude by discussing future research around empowering developers and minimising the negative impacts of dark patterns.
On March 16, 2020, the US Government introduced strict social distancing protocols for the United States in an effort to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. This had an immediate major effect on the job market, with millions of Americans forced to find alternative ways to make a living from home. As online labor markets like Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) play a major role in social science research, concerns have been raised that the pandemic may be reducing the diversity of subjects participating in experiments. Here, we investigate this possibility empirically. Specifically, we look at 15,539 responses gathered in 23 studies run on MTurk between February and July 2020, examining the distribution of gender, age, ethnicity, political preference, and analytic cognitive style. We find notable changes on some of the measures following the imposition of nationwide social distancing: participants are more likely to be less reflective (as measured by the Cognitive Reflection Test), and somewhat less likely to be white, Democrats (traditionally over-represented on MTurk), and experienced with MTurk. Most of these differences are explained by an influx of new participants into the MTurk subject pool who are more diverse and representative – but also less attentive – than previous MTurkers.