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Environmental dynamics, population history and the terraced agro-landscapes of mountainous Dagestan

  • Institute of Geology DSC RAS
  • Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RA


The mountainous Dagestan region of the North-Eastern Caucasus has a unique historical development based in independent cereal domestication and terraced agriculture. However, there is little to no data on the nature and timing of environmental changes throughout the settlement history of this region. In contrast to the much-studied neighboring Caucasus regions, Dagestan remains mostly unexplored from the standpoint of paleoecology. In 2017, we investigated a detailed radiocarbon-dated 185 cm peat sequence from the Shotota swamp located in the mountainous zone of the Dagestan. Sediments of the swamp span most of the Holocene (about 9000 years) from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, and let us, for the first time, study Holocene vegetation history of the Eastern Caucasus. The results of the study showed significant discrepancies in the timing and sequence of the expansion of tree species in the Holocene in comparison with Transcaucasia and the Western Caucasus. According to data from the second swamp, Arkida, we found that the vegetation of the adjacent flat parts of Dagestan was dry and treeless for the last four thousand years. With the data obtained on the environmental dynamics of vegetation, we conducted a coupled analysis of climate dynamics in Dagestan. One of the phenomena of the ancient development of mountainous Dagestan is the largescale terracing of slopes, which from the Middle Ages completely transformed the territory into agro-landscapes.
Western Caspian University № 3, 2020 Scientific Bulletin
UOT 57
Natalia Ryabogina 1,
Idris Idrisov 2,
Eleonora Nasonova 3,
Alexandr Borisov 4
Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science
Institute of Geology, DSC RAS,2, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS3,
Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science
RAS 4, Russia.;;;
The mountainous Dagestan region of the North-Eastern Caucasus has a
unique historical development based in independent cereal domestication and
terraced agriculture. However, there is little to no data on the nature and timing
of environmental changes throughout the settlement history of this region. In
contrast to the much-studied neighboring Caucasus regions, Dagestan remains
mostly unexplored from the standpoint of paleoecology. rf
In 2017, we investigated a detailed radiocarbon-dated 185 cm peat se-
quence from the Shotota swamp located in the mountainous zone of the Da-
gestan. Sediments of the swamp span most of the Holocene (about 9000 years)
from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, and let us, for the first time, study
Holocene vegetation history of the Eastern Caucasus. The results of the study
showed significant discrepancies in the timing and sequence of the expansion of
tree species in the Holocene in comparison with Transcaucasia and the Western
Caucasus. According to data from the second swamp, Arkida, we found that the
vegetation of the adjacent flat parts of Dagestan was dry and treeless for the last
four thousand years.
With the data obtained on the environmental dynamics of vegetation, we
conducted a coupled analysis of climate dynamics in Dagestan. One of the
phenomena of the ancient development of mountainous Dagestan is the large-
scale terracing of slopes, which from the Middle Ages completely transformed
the territory into agro-landscapes.
Western Caspian University № 3, 2020 Scientific Bulletin
Keywords: Eastern Caucasus, pollen, vegetation, climate, settlement his-
tory, terraced agriculture in Dagestan
Palynological data help elucidate the vegetation history and offered a better
understanding of the specific influences on the environment by the ancient hu-
man. This information allows researchers to reconstruct the formation of cultural
landscapes in the past and their spread over time.
Unfortunately, some regions still lack such essential data on the environ-
ment development and climate dynamics. One such region is the mountainous
zone of the Eastern Caucasus, which is now the southern part of the Republic of
Dagestan (Russian Federation). The knowledge gap for this region is particularly
noticeable when contrasted with the rather well explored neighboring regions:
Transcaucasia and the Western and Central Caucasus (Serebryanniy et al., 1980;
Kvavadze et al., 1994; Connor and Kvavadze, 2008; Connor, 2011; Shumi-
lovskikh et al., 2012; Messager et al., 2013, 2017; Leroyer et al., 2016). Hence,
we have an unusual situation where a unique region, one that served as a link
between the advanced civilizations of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, remains
mostly unexplored from the standpoint of paleoecology.
To rectify this problem, we carried out field reconnaissance in mountainous
Dagestan during 2016-2017, identifying several swamps at 1800 to 2400 m in
altitude. One of them (the most promising site) was a swamp near the Shotata
village on the Khunzakh plateau, 1860 m a.s.l. The composition features and
accumulation of peat, the age of the deposits and their pollen assemblages be-
came the basis for the first environmental reconstruction in the North-Eastern
part of Caucasus (Ryabogina et al., 2018).
In order to compare the paleoenvironmental trends in the mountains with
the dynamics on the flat part of Dagestan, we examined pollen in the Arkida peat
sequence located in the valley of the Sulak river, north of Kizilyurt city. The
focus of our research was not only on the history of vegetation and climate but
also on the signs of human activity in the past, including mountain agriculture
and terracing of the slopes.
The Shotota swamp formed where the slope of the Arzhut Range transitions
to the flat parts of the plateau and occupied its lower part between 1830 and 1870
m a.s.l. It is the largest swamp massif in the Eastern Caucasus. From the
northwest of the swamp flows a stream that belongs to the river Andiyskoe Koisu
basin. The flora of this mountain zone is relatively poor, and characterized as a
meadow-highland-xerophytic (Omarova, 2005; Murtazaliev, 2009), with a large
number of endemic species associated with the Mediterranean or the Near East
(Chilikina, Schiffer, 1962). The Khunzakh plateau is almost treeless, with pine
woodlands found only on the northern slopes. Fertile mountain meadow cher-
nozem-like soils developed on the plateau which led to its intensive and almost
Western Caspian University № 3, 2020 Scientific Bulletin
complete plowing in the past, traces of which remain visible in the form of many
agricultural terraces.
According to seventeen 14C dates, the swamp’s development and under-
lying soil deposits span more than 9 thousand years with bogging of the site star-
ted around ca. 7200 cal BP followed by peat deposition beginning at 6800 cal
BP. According to pollen data, we found that the first appearance of deciduous
forests and later the expansion of coniferous forests in Dagestan were signify-
cantly delayed compared to other regions of the Caucasus. In Dagestan, elm-
hornbeam forests with an admixture of lime, oak and maple appeared around ca.
7300 cal BP and separately from conifers; the delay is about 2000 years in
contrast to the nearest sequences of Transcaucasia (Messager et al., 2017).
An important feature is the absence of beech; its pollen appears in a small
amount late, not earlier than 2400 cal BP, while in Transcaucasia (Nariani:
Messager et al., 2017) and in the central part of Northern Caucasus (Salkanalla:
Serebryanniy et al., 1980), it is well represented already as early as 9000 years
ago probably from the Boreal period of the Holocene.
The spread of coniferous forests was delayed by 3-4 millennia due to the
absence of refugia in this part of the Caucasus. It is likely that the north-eastern
part of the Caucasus repeatedly fell under the more pronounced influence of the
winter Siberian High and lacked moisture. Therefore, during the Holocene in the
mid-mountain zone, there were only sparse forests. Open meadows or steppe
landscapes predominated.
In total, pollen record from the Shotota swamp reveals three basic stages
of environmental change (Ryabogina et al., 2018):
1. A stage of predominantly warm and dry climate, open meadow and steppe
landscapes of 9200-7300 cal BP, which were the backdrop for the origin of
agriculture in this region and its development at the turn of the 7th-6th
millennium BC.
2. A warm and humid climate of 7300-6000 cal BP which accompanied the
appearance of deciduous forests in the Chalcolithic period during which
people abandoned agriculture and left the mountains. Archaeological
information about this time and the population in the Chalcolithic period
of Dagestan has been poorly investigated and it is hard to understand the
relationship between humans and the environment.
3. Several phases of humidification oscillations saw the rise of pine forests
around 5000 cal BP and are associated with the Bronze Age, Early Iron
Age and Middle Ages.
The epochs of Early and Middle Bronze were characterized by a mild
climate and the spread of pine forests in the late 4th millennium BC. They also
coincide with the beginning of the expansion of agricultural settlements of the
Kura-Araxes culture from Transcaucasia in both the mountainous and plain zones
of Dagestan. Cooling and the increase of moisture after 4000 cal BP coincided
Western Caspian University № 3, 2020 Scientific Bulletin
with a gradual reduction in the number of Late Bronze sites in the mountainous
zone, as the population moved to the foothills and the plain.
Settlements of the Early Iron Age are practically absent in the mountainous
zone, though our data indicates that the pollen of cultivated cereals and weeds
there was widespread. Significant cooling coupled with an increase in moisture
in the Albanian-Sarmatian period led to an active colonization of the plain and
foothills with almost no populations living on the mountains.
According to the pollen data from Arkida swamp, we found that dry steppe
vegetation constantly dominated during the last 4000 years on the flat areas ad-
jacent to the mountains of Dagestan. The most arid adverse conditions including
semi-desert landscapes, were formed here about 3000-3300 cal BP. We did not
find in the Arkida swamp any signs of deciduous or pine forests phases during
the Late and Middle Holocene all the way up to the last century. Therefore, in
dry climatic phases, these areas were unfavourable for agriculture and the lack of
moisture limited the settlement of the lowland territories of Dagestan in certain
From the Early Middle Ages and onward, a new stage begins for the
colonization of the mountainous zone in a dry and cold climate. From 300 to
1500 AD, the process of settling the mountain zone and agricultural development
of the region intensified. By the Early Middle Ages, the population had peaked
in the mountainous and high-mountainous zones and featured the development
of complex economic models and large-scale terracing of the slopes. Apparently,
people adjusted the first terraces to relief elements and made the bulk of the
terraces after the Bronze Age. At this stage, the expansion of farming areas was
based on the creation of new lands including "arable" terraces. People started to
use unfavourable landscapes including the highest slopes.
Traces of large-scale agricultural land use in the mountainous Dagestan
have been described in historical studies and is clearly visible in satellite imagery.
Their mapping and detailed studies have only recently begun (Borisov et al.
2018). In the Caucasus mountainous zone, as well as other mountains regions,
agriculture development is significantly limited by the lack of arable land.
Mountain residents have found a solution to this problem in creating artificial
arable land - agricultural terraces. Such terraces were actually the only source of
food for the world’s inhabitants for thousands of years everywhere from the
central Andes to the west of the Mediterranean.
However, the study of agricultural terraces is extremely complex, requiring
a multidisciplinary investigation and so far it has been conducted only fragmen-
tarily in a few regions. For the eastern Caucasus, it is important to establish when
terraces were created and how their fertility was maintained throughout this time.
Ancient agricultural terraces not only form the landscape view of the Eas-
tern Caucasus but also play a large role in erosion processes and in soil formation
due to the almost complete interception of surface runoff as the terraced slopes
Western Caspian University № 3, 2020 Scientific Bulletin
can consist of tens and even hundreds of individual steps. Accordingly, the in-
tensity of floods in large rivers with terraced valleys decreases. The terraces are
resistant to natural destruction, persist for thousands of years after abandonment
and in extensive flat areas of the mountain zone are intensively overgrown with
trees and shrubs.
It is important to note that the creation of the terraces caused the redis-
tribution by humans of huge volumes of rock. Preliminary calculations show that
in the eastern Caucasus, the volume of rocks transformed into agricultural ter-
races reaches several billion cubic meters which is several times higher than the
volume of annual erosion in the region.
The agricultural practices in the North Caucasus and the impact of climate
on its development require further investigation, and we look forward to recei-
ving new pollen and archaeobotany data from other parts of that region.
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This dissertation presents new data on the vegetation history of the Caucasus, a region of high biodiversity and ancient human occupation. The aim of the study is to determine the causes of vegetation changes in Southern Georgia over the past 14,000 years by comparing well-dated pollen and charcoal records to evidence of past climatic change and human activity in the region. Pollen data from semi-arid and mountainous environments are often very difficult to interpret, a consideration which has hampered previous research in Southern Georgia. In this thesis I present a novel method to overcome this problem to allow the reconstruction of past trends in rainfall, temperature, forest cover and land-use. Reconstructed climatic parameters show that the study area’s climate was extremely arid and seasonally variable between 14,000 and 11,500 years ago. Precipitation increased slowly during the early Holocene, such that a rainfall pattern of more or less modern character was established in Georgia between 9000 and 8000 years ago. Conditions then became wetter and warmer during the mid Holocene, reverting to a cooler and drier climates during the late Holocene. Often the vegetation of Southern Georgia did not respond to these climatic changes in an expected fashion. After the aridity of the last glacial period waned between 11,500 and 9,000 years ago, forest cover expanded throughout Georgia. Yet the vegetation of Southern Georgia remained without forest even though rainfall was increasing. It was not until much later, 5000 years ago, that trees began to expand in the highlands of Southern Georgia during what seems to have been a dry period. Charcoal records from the study sites indicate that fire was very common in Southern Georgian landscapes prior to 5000 years ago. In the absence of any evidence for climatically driven fires, I argue that the delayed expansion of forest in Southern Georgia was caused by human activity, namely burning and grazing by Neolithic and Chalcolithic pastoralists. The expansion of forests 5000 years ago corresponds more to the adoption of Bronze Age metallurgy than any climatic event, and subsequent vegetation changes in Southern Georgia, although affected by climatic variations and the general aridity of the climate, were strongly influenced by human activity. Thus, humans have preserved the open landscapes of Southern Georgia since the early Holocene.
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The mountainous Dagestan region has a unique historical development, likely based in independent cereal domestication and terraced agriculture. However, there is little to no data on the nature and timing of environmental changes throughout the settlement history of this region. In contrast to the much studied neighboring Caucasus regions, Dagestan remains mostly unexplored from the standpoint of paleoecology. Here we present a detailed radiocarbon-dated 185 cm long pollen record from the Shotota swamp located in the mountainous zone of the Eastern Caucasus (Dagestan). Peat and soil deposits of the swamp span most of the Holocene from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, and this study, for the first time, presents an analysis of Holocene vegetation history and the populating of the Eastern Caucasus. Our analysis reveals three basic stages of transformation of natural conditions: a stage of predominantly warm and dry climate, open meadow and steppe landscapes of 9200–7300 BP associated with the Neolithic period; a warm and humid climate of 7300–6000 BP which accompanied the appearance of deciduous forests in the Chalcolithic period; and cooling and several phases of humidification oscillations with the constant rise of pine forests with 5000 BP, which are associated with the Bronze Age, Early Iron Age and Middle Ages. With the data obtained on the dynamics of vegetation, we conducted a coupled analysis of climate dynamics, populating and economy in Dagestan. The results of the study show significant discrepancies in the timing and sequence of the expansion of tree species in the Holocene in comparison with Transcaucasia and the Western Caucasus. Despite the low settlement density pollen results reveal signs of agricultural development in the Khunzakh plateau in the Chalcolithic, the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age that are not documented in archaeological surveys and require further investigation.
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A sediment core has been retrieved from Vanevan peat (south-eastern shore of Lake Sevan, Armenia), which is today disconnected from Lake Sevan thanks to an artificial shallowing of the lake. Based on 5 radiocarbon dates, Vanevan record covers the Mid Holocene (from ca. 7800 to ca. 5100 cal. BP). The Late Holocene is today absent in the peat stratigraphy due to modern peat exploitation by surface mining. This study focuses on a multi-proxy approach including pollen, charcoals, and pollen-inferred climate reconstruction. An open-land, steppic vegetation is recorded up to ca. 7700 cal. BP, followed by a more forested landscape during the Mid Holocene (up to ca. 5700 cal. BP), and ending again with an open-land vegetation (to the end of record, 5100 cal. BP). This vegetation dynamics responds to general climate changes documented in the Near East. Whether human activities are documented since ca. 7500 cal. BP (Late Neolithic) in Vanevan, they remain marginal and probably did not affect the area. Early Holocene dry climate, which caused the steppic environment to be widespread through the Near East, is strongly related to low late spring precipitation (PMay-Jun = 180 mm). Mid Holocene forested landscape and increasing lake-level seem related to late spring precipitation (+28%), which is the main change in estimated climate parameters. This has to be linked with reinforcement of the Westerlies and less active Siberian High, which are inversely involved in the following, dry phase starting at ca. 5700 cal. BP.
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Aim To use pollen data, numerical analysis and modelling to reconstruct late Quaternary vegetation and climate in a complex, mountainous environment. Location Georgia (Caucasus region). Methods Pollen data were assembled from various sources and used to map: (1) changing frequencies of individual taxa; (2) vegetation changes; and (3) reconstructed climatic parameters for the past 14,000 years. Numerical analyses were performed using two‐way indicator species analysis ( twinspan ), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), the modern analogue technique (MAT) and weighted averaging (WA). Results Mapping of pollen taxa showed that Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Ephedra were most abundant in the study area during the late‐glacial. Betula and Corylus expanded during the early Holocene, yielding to Abies , Carpinus , Fagus , Quercus and Castanea . Picea , Pinus , Juglans and Ostrya ‐type expanded during the late Holocene. Mixed forests grew in the moist, Black Sea refugium throughout the late Quaternary. Elsewhere in Georgia, the Pleistocene–Holocene transition is recorded as a shift from desert‐steppes to oak‐xerophyte communities and mixed forests. This kind of vegetation remained relatively stable until the mid–late Holocene, when coniferous forests and mountain grasslands advanced. DCA showed that rainfall was most strongly correlated with pollen composition in the study area ( r ² = 0.55). No temperature signal was detected. A weighted‐averaging transfer function linking pollen percentages to annual precipitation was selected over a MAT model as it performed better when applied to a validation data set. Rainfall reconstructions indicate widespread aridity at the terminal Pleistocene, followed by a gradual increase in precipitation, peaking during the mid Holocene (7000–4000 cal. yr bp ) and generally decreasing thereafter. Main conclusions On a regional scale, the results confirm those from previous studies of palaeovegetation and palaeoclimate in Western Asia. On a local scale, reconstructions from individual sites often diverge from the regional trend because of edaphic changes, ecological succession, human impacts and other disturbances. Some of these factors are probably responsible for the increasing heterogeneity of Georgia’s vegetation in the latter half of the Holocene.
Soil-archeological studies of agricultural terraces with retaining walls in the area of construction of the Gotsatlinskaya Hydroelectric Power Station in Khunzakh district of the Republic of Dagestan have been performed. The morphogenetic and chemical properties of the anthropogenic soils (Anthrosols) in different parts of the terrace complex are analyzed. It is argued that slope terracing in the mountains ensures the development of thicker soil profiles with pronounced genetic horizons. The soils of agricultural terraces store important information of the paleoenvironmental history and land use. A characteristic feature of the Anthrosols of agricultural terraces is a relatively even distribution of gravelly material of up to 5 cm in diameter in the plow layer. The soils of terraces are characterized by the high variability in their properties within the entire terrace complex and within the particular terraces.
The nature and timing of environmental changes throughout the last glacial-interglacial transition in the South Caucasus, and more widely in eastern Europe, are still not fully understood. According to certain pollen records, forest expansion occurred in many areas several millennia after what is considered worldwide as the onset of the Holocene. The current problem we face is that the time lag in forest expansion varies from one sequence to another, sometimes with no delay at all. Moreover, the potential forcing/controlling factors behind this complex pattern, contrary to the almost synchronous global Holocene warming, are still a matter for debate. Accordingly, we revisit the issue of forest expansion through vegetation history obtained in the South Caucasus using a new pollen record, retrieved from the Nariani paleolake (South Georgia). These data attest to a steppic phase, initially dominated by Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae (12,700-10,500 cal yr BP), then by Poaceae (10,500-9000 cal yr BP), culminating with a more forested phase (9000-5000 cal yrBP). Although some palaeoclimatic regional reconstructions show a wet early Holocene, we interpret the delay in forest expansion recorded in Nariani (2500 years) as the result of reduced spring precipitation, which would have limited forest development at that time. Copyright © University of Washington. Published by Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Here we present a palynological and sedimentological record from a 96-cm sediment core covering the last 13 ka aiming to document palaeoecological changes in the central South Caucasus driven by climate and/or human impact. The core was retrieved from Lake Paravani (2073 m asl, 41°27′N, 43°48′E), located in the steppic grasslands of South Caucasus in the Samsari-Javakheti volcanic plateau. The geomorphological features observed on the plateau, including moraine deposits, suggest the presence of local glaciers reaching the lake level during the Last Glacial periods. Based on sediment and pollen data, three palaeoecological phases have been identified. The first phase spanning the Younger Dryas and the Early Holocene, corresponds to a steppic environment with a limited lake productivity driven by a cold and particularly dry climate. According to the Age–depth model, this phase ends near 8500 cal BP with the decline of Chenopodiaceae. The second phase starts with an important expansion of trees at 8300 cal years BP. The delayed afforestation recorded in Lake Paravani is a pattern that has now been recognised widely through the Black Sea region's more continental areas. As soon as the climatic and edaphic conditions were favourable, the main deciduous and coniferous trees expanded concurrently due to the proximity of glacial forest refugia located in western Caucasus. This second phase marked by a climatic optimum is also characterized by an increase in lake productivity. The third phase starts at 2000–3000 cal BP and corresponds to the decline of forests on the plateau and the expansion of herbaceous formations, leading to the present-day steppic environment. This deforestation phase is driven by the deterioration of the climate conditions and human impact.
Nachalo zemledeliya v Dagestane
  • Kh A Amirkhanov
Amirkhanov, Kh.A., 1983. Nachalo zemledeliya v Dagestane. Priroda 2, 52-57 (In Russaian).
Stratigraphiya, vozrast I paleogeographicheskaya situasiya Chokhskogo poseleniya v Dagestane (po rezultatam 1980-1981 godov)
  • Kh A Amirkhanov
  • I A Karevskaya
  • A A Lukashov
Amirkhanov, Kh.A., Karevskaya, I.A., Lukashov A.A., 1984. Stratigraphiya, vozrast I paleogeographicheskaya situasiya Chokhskogo poseleniya v Dagestane (po rezultatam 1980-1981 godov). Bull. Komis. poizucheniyu. Chetvertichnogo perioda 53, 86-97 (In Russain).