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Review on Electrical Protection Systems for Chemical and Biological Laboratory Equipment



The review was associated with electrical protection systems for chemical laboratories, dealing with the protection of electrical power networks (transmission networks, distribution networks) from faults by isolating the faulty parts of the electrical network. The goal of the protection system is to maintain a stable system by isolating the faulty part only through electrical protection devices for chemical equipment in laboratories, so as to ensure continuity of current in other parts of the electrical network within the laboratory equipment. Thus, protection plans should be applied to a practical and scientific approach to properly eliminate system failures. That is why it is recommended to unwind the cable when passing by a large current. Many materials or laboratory equipment resist the passage of electricity.
Page 16-23 © MAT Journals 2021. All Rights Reserved
e-ISSN: 2582-3000
Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2021)
Journal of
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Review on Electrical Protection Systems for Chemical and Biological
Laboratory Equipment
Dr. Nagham Mahmood Aljamali*1, Dr. Khudheyer Abbas Aziz Alnomani2, Dr. Maysaa A Alhar3
1*Professor, Ph.D in Organic Chemistry, Synthetic Chemistry Field, Iraq
2Lecturer, Plant Protection Department Faculty of Agriculture University of Kufa, Iraq
3Lecturer, Horticulture Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Kufa, Iraq
Corresponding Author:
The review was associated with electrical
protection systems for chemical laboratories,
dealing with the protection of electrical power
networks (transmission networks,
distribution networks) from faults by
isolating the faulty parts of the electrical
network. The goal of the protection system is
to maintain a stable system by isolating the
faulty part only through electrical protection
devices for chemical equipment in
laboratories, so as to ensure continuity of
current in other parts of the electrical
network within the laboratory equipment.
Thus, protection plans should be applied to a
practical and scientific approach to properly
eliminate system failures. That is why it is
recommended to unwind the cable when
passing by a large current. Many materials or
laboratory equipment resist the passage of
Keywords-- safety, chemical advices, protection
Power systems deliver power to loads
that perform a function. This group loads
household appliances or industrial machinery.
Most loads require a specific voltage, and for
AC current devices, a certain frequency and
number of phases are required. Appliances in the
home, for example, usually need single phase
operating at 50 or 60 Hz and voltages between
110 and 260 volts (depending on national
standards). Except for the presence of central air
conditioning systems these are now usually of
three phases because this allows them to operate
more efficiently [1]. All appliances in your home
will also have a wattage, and this determines the
amount of energy the appliance consumes. At
any one time, the total amount of energy
consumed by the loads on the power system
must be equal to the total amount of energy
produced by the generators and is less than the
energy lost during transmission.
It must be ensured that the voltage,
frequency and amount of power supplied to the
loads are in line with the requirement, which is
one of the major challenges of power systems
engineering. But this is not the only challenge, in
addition to the energy being consumed by the
load to do useful work (which is called true
capacity), many AC current devices also use an
additional amount of power because it causes the
AC current and AC voltage to become slightly
off Synchronicity i.e. not synchronous (which is
called reaction force). Reactive capacity such as
true capacity must be balanced (the reaction
capacity produced by the system must equal the
power consumed at the load) and this can be
supplied by generators, but it is often more
economical to provide such capacity from
capacitors (see 'Capacitors and reactors' below
for more details), final consideration with loads
is energy efficiency. In addition to (overload
issues) and (voltage regulation issues) as well as
continuous deviations from the frequency system
(frequency regulation issues), the power system
can be affected by a range of temporary issues
[2, 3]. These include voltage drops, dips and
amplifications, over voltages, transient
flickering, high frequency noise, phase
imbalance and poor power factor. Many quality
issues occur when power supplies to a load
deviate from the ideal for an AC supply. The
ideal is to obtain current and voltage in
Coincidence, that is, both of them have the same
phase, provided that the prescribed frequencies
are compatible with the voltage and amplitude.
The ideal is efforts not varying from the
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e-ISSN: 2582-3000
Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2021)
Journal of
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
specified level of supply of loads. Issues related
to power quality may be of particular importance
when it comes to specialized industrial
machinery or hospital equipment [4].
The importance of electrical protection
The importance of electrical protection
lies in: Reducing equipment damage from
overvoltage or heat that may result during a
malfunction., Preventing or minimizing damage
to persons nearby or working on the equipment.,
To ensure the continuity of the electric current.,
To ensure the stability of the generators., Basic
components of electrical protection systems.,
Electrical protection systems mostly consist of
five main components: Voltage transformers and
current transformers, which reduce the high
voltages and currents of the electrical system to
low values that are proportional to the relays.
Relays: which sense a malfunction and give an
order to disconnect or disconnect the electrical
Circuit breakers (circuit breakers): which open
or close the electrical circuit and are connected
with the relays so that they receive opening
orders from the relay in the event of a
malfunction or an increase in current...etc) and
that is due to the type of relay [5].
Communication channels, which
analyze currents and voltages from a distance,
search and give the necessary signals to
disconnect the circuit in the event of a fault. For
parts of distribution networks, fuses are able to
sense and disconnect the circuit in the event of a
fault. The malfunction may occur in any part of
the electrical network, such as: insulation
breakdown, transmission line cuts, faulty
operation of the circuit breaker, short circuit or
open circuit. Protection devices are installed to
provide the necessary protection for devices and
people, and also to ensure that the power is not
cut off in the event of faults. Laboratories and
residential buildings often take the supply from
the low-voltage distribution lines or cables that
supplied the home in the past. These operate on
voltages between 110 and 260 volts (phase to
earth) depending on national standards. A few
decades ago, small dwellings were fed in single
phase using dual-core service cables (one core
for active phase and one core for neutral). The
active line then runs through an isolated main
switch in the fuse box and this split into one or
more circuits to feed the lighting and appliances
circuits inside the house. By agreement, lighting
circuits and appliances will remain separate, so
failures in appliances will not leave occupants in
the dark. All circuits will be connected to an
appropriate common fuse depending on the size
of the wire used for that circuit. All circuits will
have an active and drawn wire with both lighting
and power sockets connected in parallel. Sockets
with protective ground will also be provided.
These tools will be available to connect to any
metal casing. If this casing is to be true, the
theory is that the connection to the ground will
trigger the residual current device or the valve to
operatethus preventing electrocution of the
static while it deals with future devices.
Grounding systems vary between regions, but in
countries such as the UK and Australia both the
protective earth and the neutral line will be
grounded together near the fuse box before the
isolated main switch and the neutral ground back
into the distribution transformer.
A number of minor changes occur in the
performance of residential wiring throughout the
year. The most important means in modern
residential energy systems tend to differ from
their old counterparts, and the most prominent of
those differences are: Because of convenience,
MCBs are currently the most commonly used in
the fuse box rather than the fuse itself, as they
can be easily reset by their occupants., For safety
reasons, residual current devices are now being
installed on instrument circuits and, increasingly,
even on lighting circuits. Houses are usually
connected to the three phases of the distribution
system, with phases randomly assigned to the
single-phase house circuits. Whereas in the past
air conditioners might have been fed by circuits
connected to a single phase, central air
conditioners that required three-phase power are
now commonplace., Protective floors currently
work with lighting circuits to allow metal lamp
holders to connect to the ground., Residential
growing power systems are compact miniature
generators, most notably photovoltaic cells [6-8].
Laboratory Equipment Protection Systems
Power systems contain protective
devices to prevent injury or damage during
failure. The ideal protective device is a fuse or
an electric fuse. When the current through the
fuse exceeds a certain threshold, the fuse
element fuses, producing an arc across the
resulting gap which is then extinguished, cutting
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e-ISSN: 2582-3000
Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2021)
Journal of
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
the circuit. The construction of fuses can also be
considered as a weak point of the system, fuses
are ideal for protecting circuits from damage.
But despite this there are two problems with the
valves: first, after they have worked, they must
be replaced because they cannot be reset. This
may be inconvenient if the fuse is in a remote
location or fuse parts are not within reach [9].
The second is that it is usually insufficient as the
only safety device in most control systems, since
it allows a good flow of current well in excess of
that which would kill a human or animal. The
first problem was solved by using circuit
breakers - devices that can be reset after the
current flow has been cut off. In modern systems
that use less than about 10 kW, miniature circuit
breakers are usually used. These devices
combine a mechanism that starts a trip (by
sensing an excess of current), as well as a
mechanism that breaks the flow of current into a
single unit. In these miniature circuit breakers,
current is run through a solenoid and, if
excessive current flow occurs, the magnetic
solenoid draws enough force to open the wave
contacts in the circuit (often indirectly through a
tripping mechanism). The best design is created
by inserting a bimetallic strip before the
solenoidthis means that instead of
permanently producing magnetic force, in higher
power applications, there are protective relays
that detect the fault and initiate a trip separate
from the circuit breaker. Early relays worked on
the basis of electromagnetic principles similar to
those mentioned in the previous paragraph,
modern relays are an application of computers
that determine whether to trip based on readings
from the power system [9, 10]. The flights of
different relays will start depending on the
different protection programs. For example, an
overcurrent relay may start a trip if the current in
any phase exceeds a certain threshold, and since
it is a group of relays the difference may start a
trip if the sum of the currents between them
indicates that there is current leakage to ground.
Circuit breakers in various applications are very
high powered. Air is usually no longer sufficient
to quench the arc that forms when connections
are forced open until a variety of techniques are
used. The most popular method at the moment is
to have the chamber containing the connections
flooded with sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - a non-
toxic gas that has high arc suppression properties
The second problem, insufficient fuses
to serve as the sole safety device in most power
systems, is best resolved through the use of
residual current devices (RCDs). In properly
working electrical appliances, the current
flowing in active devices on a line is equal to the
current flowing from devices on the neutral line.
A residual current device works by monitoring
active and neutral lines. Active lines trip if they
sense a difference. Residual current devices
require a separate line for each neutral phase and
are able to trip within a time schedule before
damage occurs. This is usually not a problem in
most residential applications since standard
wiring provides an active and neutral line to all
devices (which is why you have at least two
pickups in your power sockets) and is relatively
low voltage but these issues do not limit the
effectiveness of residual current devices in other
applications like industry. Even with the
assembly installed, exposure to fatal electricity
can inevitably be done [12-14].
Power Generators for Chemical Laboratory
All power systems have one or more
energy sources. For some power systems, the
energy source is outside the system but for
others it is part of the system itself and these are
the internal energy sources discussed in the
remainder of this section. DC power can be
supplied directly from batteries, fuel cells or
photovoltaic cells. The alternating current in the
current period is usually supplied by a rotor that
rotates in a magnetic field in a device known as
a turbine generator in a power plant. There have
been a wide variety of technologies used in
rotating a turbine, from steam heated with fossil
fuels (including gas, coal and oil) or nuclear
power, or falling water (hydroelectricity) and
wind (wind power) [13]. The speed at which the
rotor rotates in combination with the number of
poles of the generators determines the frequency
of the alternating current produced by the
generators. All generators are on one system, eg
the national grid (in the UK) rotates
synchronously (ie at a similar average speed),
thus targeting frequency tuning, in European
countries the common frequency is 50 Hz. If the
system load increases, the generators will require
more torque to increase the current and speed in
a conventional power plant, they must provide
more thrust for their turbines. The amount of
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e-ISSN: 2582-3000
Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2021)
Journal of
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
electrical energy produced depends on both the
fuel that is burned and the steam that is produced
from it. It also depends on how the poles are fed:
alternating current generators produce a variable
number of phases. The higher number of phases
increases the energy efficiency of the operating
system, but it also increases the requirements for
the infrastructure of the system. The power grid
connects multiple generators as well as loads
that operate at the same frequency and number
of phases, most commonly being on three phases
at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. But there are
other considerations. It is obvious how much
power can a generator supply? How long does it
take for a generator to start working (some
generators can take hours to start)? Is the
availability of acceptable energy sources?? For
more tech: How should a generator start? (Some
turbines work like engines to reach speed, in
which case do they need suitable starting
circuits)? What is the mechanical speed to
operate the turbine and therefore how many
poles are required? What type of alternator is
suitable (synchronous or asynchronous) and type
of rotor (squirrel cage rotor, coiled rotor, rotor or
cylindrical protruding pole)? [14-16].
The use of three-phase current in laboratory
It is called three-phase because three
currents travel in three wires, and each of these
three currents begins with a phase shifted from
the other by 120 degrees, that is, one third of a
circle as well as other uses, but provided that
there is another party called the tie party.
This system has very large capabilities
and great stability, as well as an excellent
efficiency in the transmission of electricity and
the production of kinetic energy in three-phase
current motors, with efficiency ranging from
80% to 97%. This system was able to meet the
needs of the industrial world by providing safe,
sufficient, and reliable energy. Triple current is
also preferred because of its ability to run
induction motors without the need for starting
and starting means. It can rotate the motor very
quickly and capacities up to 10 times that of
single-phase current motors with an efficiency of
more than 90% [17-19]., The three-phase current
is mainly used to transmit electricity through the
electrical network in order to save material
consumption and for its high efficiency (slight
losses). However, some countries use single-
phase current distribution in their electrical
network, especially to operate electric trains and
metros, and this is due to historical reasons. In
the present era, the single-phase current is used
to transmit the high voltage of the DC due to the
increase in the production of offshore wind
energy in offshore fields to deliver the electric
energy produced to the coasts.
Electricity can be transmitted by high-
power transformers in the form of a three-phase
current in the electrical network at different
levels of electrical voltage - from high pressure
produced in power stations to medium pressure
for transmission to low pressure for use in
homes and factories - with a high efficiency of
up to 99%. In principle, it is also possible to use
three transformers [20], each working with one
phase, to operate motors and devices operating
with three phases of the current. This last
method is used when transportation difficulties
require it in terms of reducing weight and
reducing dimensions. But the application of a
three-phase or five-terminal current transformer
in its iron core also ensures an economical use of
the material [21-24]. By sequencing the
magnetic currents in the three stellar voltages,
the iron core of the transformer can also be
dispensed with. In general, a three-phase current
transformer is distinguished by a lower power
loss in the iron core than three single-phase
transformers to produce the same electrical
power, because the energy loss is proportional to
the mass of the iron core [25-27]. There is also a
special circuit called the "Scotts chaltung"
circuit, which consists of two electrical
transformers. It allows converting three-phase
systems into a two-phase system or into a four-
phase system, provided that the three-phase
system carries the same amount of load. In an
electric power plant, an electric generator
converts kinetic energy into three alternating
currents, each exiting with a cable from each coil
in the generator[28-30]. In a generator, the three
coils are arranged so that they produce the same
frequency as a sine wave, but with arranged
peaks and troughs shifted in time by a third of a
turn, 120°. The frequency coming out of the
power plant is usually 50 Hz and in some
countries the frequency is 60 Hz. In the power
station, electrical transformers convert the
voltage to a high level suitable for
transportation, thus reducing the current lost
during transportation. After several other
conversions by electrical transformers, the
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e-ISSN: 2582-3000
Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2021)
Journal of
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
voltage is reduced to suit consumer use [30, 31],
The three-phase current facilitates the production
of a uniformly rotating magnetic field. Such a
rotating field is used to drive a three-phase
current machine [32,33], which may be a three-
phase motor or an electric generator that
produces electric power. Figures (1-5).
Figure 1: High capacity laboratory equipment
Figure 2: High power laboratory equipment
Figure 3: High Voltage Current Analyzers
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e-ISSN: 2582-3000
Volume-7, Issue-3 (September-December, 2021)
Journal of
Control and Instrumentation Engineering
Figure 4: Protection of high-vacuum laboratory equipment
Figure 5: Protect sensitive laboratory equipment
The quality of the supremacy is what
determines the suitability of the electrical power
of laboratory and medical electrical equipment.
Voltage-to-current synchronization allows
electrical systems to operate as intended without
significant losses in performance or life. This
term is used to describe the electrical capacity
required for any electrical load, and the ability of
the load to function properly. Without the
correct power, the device or the electrical load
may fail to function, failing at all or not at all.
There are many reasons why the quality of
electrical power is poor. The electric power
industry includes electricity generating stations,
then transporting it over long distances and
distributing it to consumers, and this is enough
to reduce the quality of power if the necessary
precautions are not taken.
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... The use of nanomaterials technology may reduce the weight of the aircraft without an engine by almost half, while increasing its strength and durability [24][25][26]. In addition, nanotechnology reduces the mass of supercapacitors, which will increasingly be used to power auxiliary electric motors in order to take off the plane without an engine from flat ground to fly in high skies [27][28][29][30][31]. ...
... Another method of separation is the use of a sequence of freezing, thawing, and compression of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SCNTs), which are an integral part of the agarose gel [24][25][26][27]. ...
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The best photovoltaic devices or solar cells in use today contain layers of many semiconductors stacked together in order to absorb light in many forms of energy, but they are still manufactured in a way that only allows 40% of the sun's energy to be used. The currently available solar cells have low efficiencies ranging from (15-20%). However, nanotechnology may help to increase the efficiency of light transmission through the use of nanostructures with a continuum of bandgap. Optical nanoscience's and nanotechnology in optical devices represent one of the fields of materials science and the connections of these sciences with physics, mechanical engineering, bioengineering, and chemical engineering constitute multiple branches and sub-specialties within these sciences, all of which are related to the investigation of the properties of matter at this small level. The difficulty of nanotechnology lies in the extent to which it is possible to control the atoms after the fragmentation of the materials that make up them. Therefore, they need very accurate devices in terms of their size, measurements, and ways of seeing the particles under examination. The difficulty of reaching an accurate measurement when reaching the level of the atom is another difficulty facing this new emerging science. In addition, there is still controversy and fears about the effects of nanotechnology, and the need to control it.
... #5# Treatment of cancerous tumors The scientists also found that gold at the nano level has the ability to absorb light and convert it into heat energy; this feature has been taken advantage of in the treatment of cancer and tumors by injecting the tumor with gold particles at the nano level, which are inside certain particles to enable it to enter cancer cells only without healthy cells, and then a certain amount of light is shed on the tumor, so the gold particles absorb it and turn it into heat that is Enough to kill and destroy cancer cells without harming healthy cells, and this technique is known as "elective thermal light therapy." [23][24][25] Cell regeneration medicine Dr. Sami Habib explained that medical applications in nanotechnology have large, many and important fields, such as pharmaceutical experiments that work on the principle of drug delivery to the concerned cell designated for treatment within the human body through nanotechnology, as well as creating and building artificial cells instead of dead cells or After these experiments, those who lost their liver due to cirrhosis can be treated with this experiment and also through nanotechnology and through stem cells, and also for those who have suffered from quadriplegia, which was known to be permanent. And judged by its owner, the precision of nanotechnology is able to restore the neurons that the patient has lost. ...
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Nanotechnology is the fourth generation that appeared in the world of electronics. It was preceded by the first generation that used the electronic lamp, including the television, and the second generation that used the transistor, and then the third generation of electronics that used the integrated circuits, which is a very small piece that by reducing the size of many devices, but rather raising their efficiency and enlarging their functions. The fourth generation came with the use of microprocessors, which made a huge revolution in the field of electronics by producing Personal Computers and silicon computer chips that made progress in many scientific and industrial fields. The fourth generation, on the other hand, is called "molecular manufacturing," meaning that we make the material by assembling the molecules in the vacuum whenever we want, which whenever the raw material is found or was manufactured by nanotechnology, we can make large things that may reach a plane or other life basics. The beginning was 10 years ago, and he added that he started working on nanotechnology itself nearly 10 years ago, as it is a very modern technology and is considered the technology of the age, century, and decade, and the world is still preparing research and studies on how this technology and its economic and investment dimensions. For his part, said Mia Maban, director of the Center for Nanotechnology at NASA's Ames Research Center, "There has been definite progress in this area compared to the main research that was conducted 5 or 6 years ago."
... Global investment in nanotechnology increased from $432 million in 1997 to approximately $4.1 billion in 2005. Because nanotechnology is a recent discovery, the health and safety effects of exposure to these nanomaterials, and what levels of exposure might be acceptable [26][27][28] , are not yet fully understood. Research is currently being conducted on handling nanomaterials, and guidelines have been developed for some nanomaterials. ...
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Nano-electronic devices have positive and negative advantages, as some countries have launched studies on this technology, and other countries have established research and studies centers and universities dedicated to nanotechnology, and commissioned a group of distinguished experts to study this technology. Thousands of years ago, humans intended to use nanotechnology. For example I use in the steel and rubber industry. They are all based on the properties of atomic groups of nanometers in random formations. It is distinguished from chemistry in that it does not depend on the individual properties of molecules. The first to some distinct concepts in nanotechnology (preceding but using this name) in 1867 writer James Maxwell when she proposed the idea of an experiment Small entity Maxwell defines the devil from the processing of individual particles. In the 1920s, Irving Langmuir and Catherine Blodgett introduced the concept of a monolayer system, i.e. a single atomic layer or layer of matter with a thickness of atomic scales. Langmuir won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work.
... and ultrafine black carbon. Some studies in cells or animals have demonstrated genotoxic [24,25], carcinogenic, or systemic cardiovascular effects from pulmonary exposure. Although the extent to which data from animal studies may predict clinically significant pulmonary effects in workers is unknown, the toxicity seen in short-term animal studies indicates the need for precautionary action for workers exposed to these nanomaterials. ...
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The effect of wireless devices and nano-network devices on health, as Internet devices negatively affect health, and the health implications of nanotechnology are the effects that result from the use of nanomaterials and devices and their impact on human health. As the field of nanotechnology is an emerging and new field, there is a great deal of debate regarding the impact of nanotechnology, whether it will benefit or pose risks to human health. Nanotechnology and its effects on health can be divided into two parts first, the possibility of nanotechnology to have medical applications to treat disease through certain innovations that can be used for this purpose, and secondly, the potential health risks resulting from exposure to nanomaterials. The health and safety risks of nano- and nano-electronic materials include the potential toxicity of different types of nanomaterials, as well as fire and dust explosion hazards. Given that nanotechnology is a recent discovery, the health and safety effects of exposure to these nanomaterials, and what levels of exposure may be acceptable, are topics of ongoing research. Among the potential dangers, inhalation exposure appears to be the most concerning, as animal studies show lung effects of some nanomaterials such as inflammation, fibrosis, and carcinogenesis. Skin contact, exposure by ingestion, and dust blast hazards are concerns.
... At the time, models indicate that global average temperatures were about 2-3°C warmer than pre-industrial temperatures. Even a 2°C rise above the preindustrial level would be outside the temperature range experienced by human civilization [18][19][20]. ...
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The effect of global warming on the generation of electricity and electronic devices is the effect resulting from the generation of electric power as a result of global warming, although it contributes as power plants to cause severe damage to the environment due to the burning of raw materials such as coal, fuel, and oil. These materials are extracted from the ground in general, and this happens when materials are burned, and a gas containing toxic materials such as carbon dioxide is produced. Some of these gases resulting from the combustion of raw materials cause global warming, which directly contributes to the increase in global warming. This combustion also causes great pollution to the air that humans and other organisms inhale, which puts their health at risk. Also, this air in the atmosphere is not the only one we inhale, as there are plants and animals, all of which are directly affected. Fuel is burned and electricity is used very heavily in developed countries relative to developing countries, some of which is caused by global warming, but since the environmental damage does not only harm us but harms everyone, society must cooperate and maintain a clean environment.
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The used devices in laboratory analyzes have a significant impact on the accuracy of the results of the analysis, as the science of medical informatics is closely related to the development of information technology sciences-the most advanced and fastest developing human sciences and the greatest impact on the lives of individuals, peoples and societies-and we are aware through our contemporary of the tremendous development that technology is going through in the world The entire amount of progress achieved by information technology in terms of communications, data processing, and intelligent computer systems that help man determine the optimal decision and direct him to more success in discovery and invention and the diligent search for truth in this universe. Since the human being represents the most valuable value that God created on earth and subjected to him, it has become certain that the health of this human being and the safety of his body, mind and soul are among the most important necessities of his life and the necessities of his continued reconstruction of this universe. Medicine to what we are now from progress. Medicine is still looking for more development using all available means of science, the most important of which is information technology, which has become impossible to practice modern medicine without using it, and those in charge of health care have realized that a large part of its technical and administrative activities is related to the management and provision of information about the patient, diagnosis, treatment and medical research.
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Some of the new candidates include: molecular generator/ semiconductor electronics, one-dimensional nanotubes/ molecular nanowires as well as advanced molecular electronics. Nano-electronics often refer to extremely small transistors, and thus the intra-atomic interactions and quantum mechanical properties need further in-depth and extensive study. As a result, current transistors do not fall into this category, even though these devices were manufactured using 45nm and 32nm technology. There is controversy over whether nanotechnology is a topic of government regulation, and regulators, such as the US Environmental Protection Agency and the European Commission's Directorate of Health and Consumer Protection, have begun to deal with the potential risks of this controversial technology. It is worth noting that the Arab world lacks these institutions. The organic food sector has also taken the lead in dealing with the systematic exclusion of nanoparticles from the certified organic production process in Australia and the United Kingdom.
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Electrical insulators in the interface or institutions are a non-metallic material that is electrically conductive or poorly conductive in which charge carriers are generally not free to move, an insulator can be polarized by an applied electric field, their average equilibrium positions causing the insulator polarization. Due to the dielectric polarization, positive charges are displaced in the direction of the field and negative charges move in the direction opposite to the field (for example, if the field moves in the positive x axis, then the negative charges will shift in the negative axis). This creates an internal electric field that reduces the total field within the insulator itself. If the insulator consists of poorly bonded particles, then these particles not only become polarized, but are also reoriented so that the axes of symmetry correspond to the field. Insulators are important for explaining various phenomena in electronics, optics, solid-state physics, and cell biophysics.
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The engineering design of laboratory devices and innovative modern devices in medical laboratories is very important, as the system of each device depends on its design, quality and engineering technology. Thus, what distinguishes a medical device, a laboratory device, or an engineering device from a daily device is its intended use. A medical device benefits the patients by helping health care providers, diagnose and treat patients, it helps patients to overcome illness or disease, and improve their quality of life. The medical devices differ in terms of their intended use and indications. For examples range from simple, low-risk devices such as tongue depressors, medical thermometers, disposable gloves and bed sheets, to complex high-risk implants and life-sustaining devices. The examples of high-risk devices include built-in software such as regulators heartbeat, which helps with the medical tests, implants, and prosthetic devices. The complex components such as housings for cochlear implants are manufactured through deep drawn and drawn-out manufacturing processes. A medical device design is a major sector of a biomedical engineering.
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Protecting laboratory and electrical equipment in laboratories and institutions, as many laboratories, institutions and companies pose dangers resulting from the misuse of devices, and preventing accidents in the laboratory requires high care and constant vigilance. Examples of risk factors include high voltages, pressures, high and low temperatures, corrosive and toxic chemicals, chemical fumes, radiation, fire and explosions, as well as biological hazards including infectious organisms and their toxins. Procedures for protecting against laboratory accidents include safety education or training, approval of policies that ensure safety in the laboratory, safety checks for experimental designs, use of personal protective equipment, and a buddy system in specific hazardous operations. Laboratory work in many countries is subject to health and safety laws. In some cases, laboratory activities can pose environmental health hazards, for example deliberate or accidental discharge of toxic or infectious substances from the laboratory into the environment.
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We demonstrate, for the first time, an electrically-tunable and physically-planar freeform optical element made up of nematic liquid crystals (LCs). Continued on numerical study in previous paper (Part I), experimental results here show that it is possible to break the rotational symmetry of the wavefront through the use of uneven tilt angles of the LC molecules even though the electric potential is rotationally symmetric. Our optical element offers the ability to electrically tune the direction of the optical axis, the wavefront deviation, as well as the Zernike polynomials for general descriptions of wavefronts. Corresponding Zernike coefficients of a Zernike polynomial that are related to defocus and spherical aberration, which can be adjusted individually or together. The minimum wavefront deviation is >λ/6. The Zernike coefficients related to coma aberration or the tilt of the optical axis are also electrically tunable. By incorporating our LC phase modulator with tunability of freeform wavefronts into a simple reflective optical system, we demonstrate convincing image performance for off-axis image aberration correction. This approach will inspire further development and design of LC optical elements for applications, such as hyperspectral imagers in aerospace optics, augmented reality, virtual reality, quantum information systems, innovative miniaturized reflective telescopic systems for astrophysics, planetary science, and earth science.
The clear introduction of basic concepts and definitions is crucial for teaching any topic in physics. I have always found it difficult to teach fields. While searching for better explanations I hit on an approach of reading foundational texts and electromagnetic textbooks in ten year lots, ranging from 1840 to the present. By combining this with modern techniques of textual interpretation I attempt to clarify three introductory concepts: how the field is defined; the principle of superposition and the role of the electrostatic field in a circuit.
These last decades, due to the increasing use of hydrocarbons and their by-products, the flow electrification phenomenon of insulating liquids became a very worrying problem. Indeed, the phenomenon leads sometimes to electrostatic hazards during the transfer of such liquids. Moreover, it is often unpredictable and difficult to control. In this paper we make a general review of the phenomenon.
To examine neuropsychological functioning in survivors of electrical injury with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression. This was a prospective research study that was done in an outpatient clinic of a rehabilitation hospital. Thirty participants were recruited for the study between January 2008 and December 2010. All participants completed questionnaires measuring depression, PTSD, and a series of standardized psychometric measures of neuropsychological functioning. Domains tested included verbal and visual memory, attention, and executive functioning. A correlation analysis was performed to explore association between variables. Based on the level of PTSD symptoms, subjects were divided into three groups: no PTSD, subclinical PTSD, and PTSD, and a series of one-way analyses of variance were done to explore this association further. A series of analyses of covariance were done to control for depression. PTSD had a significant (P < .05) negative association with immediate verbal memory and immediate and delayed visual memory. Subjects with PTSD had significantly (P < .05) worse scores on immediate and delayed verbal memory and visual memory than those with subclinical PTSD or no PTSD. Measures of attention, working memory, and executive functioning were not significantly different between PTSD groups. When depression was introduced as a covariate, verbal and visual memory scores were not significantly different between PTSD groups. The findings suggest that there is a negative association between PTSD and cognitive performance that may be related to depression among those with electrical injury. A larger sample size is warranted to explore this further.
“Power quality problems have increasingly become a substantial concern over the last decade, but surprisingly few analytical techniques have been developed to overcome these disturbances in system-equipment interactions. Now in this comprehensive book, power engineers and students can find the theoretical background necessary for understanding how to analyze, predict, and mitigate the two most severe power disturbances: voltage sags and interruptions. This is the first book to offer in-depth analysis of voltage sags and interruptions and to show how to apply mathematical techniques for practical solutions to these disturbances. From UNDERSTANDING AND SOLVING POWER QUALITY PROBLEMS you will gain important insights into Various types of power quality phenomena and power quality standards Current methods for power system reliability evaluation Origins of voltage sags and interruptions Essential analysis of voltage sags for characterization and prediction of equipment behavior and stochastic prediction Mitigation methods against voltage sags and interruptions.