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Application of Multi Influencing Factor (MIF) for Groundwater Potential Mapping in Varthur catchment area of Dakshina Pinakini River Basin, Karnataka



Groundwater is one of the most precious natural resources for the substance of life on the earth. The present study aims to assess the groundwater potential zones in the Varthur Catchment of Dakshina Pinakini River Basin, Karnataka using remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS) and multi influencing factors. The first step, the groundwater influencing factors such as drainage density, geology, slope, lineament density, geomorphology, land use / land cover and soil are generated using geospatial techniques. Each every theme is converted to raster format and assigning scores and weights computed from multi influencing factor (MIF) technique. Then, all the parameters are statistically computed and integrated to assess the groundwater potential zones in the study area. The output map is classified into five categories like very low, low, moderate, high and very high. The demarcated groundwater potential map is validated with the well location data using R-index method. The results will be useful for extraction and management of groundwater in the study area.
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-08, NOV 2021
13 | IJREAMV07I0880004 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0579 © 2021, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Application of Multi Influencing Factor (MIF) for
Groundwater Potential Mapping in Varthur catchment
area of Dakshina Pinakini River Basin, Karnataka
1Mr.Munikrishna. L, 2Mrs. Saranya S., 3Dr. Vajrappa H.C
1,2Research Scholar, 3Professor, Department of Geology, Bangalore University, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India.,
Abstract: Groundwater is one of the most precious natural resources for the substance of life on the earth. The present
study aims to assess the groundwater potential zones in the Varthur Catchment of Dakshina Pinakini River Basin,
Karnataka using remote sensing, geographical information system (GIS) and multi influencing factors. The first step,
the groundwater influencing factors such as drainage density, geology, slope, lineament density, geomorphology, land
use / land cover and soil are generated using geospatial techniques. Each every theme is converted to raster format and
assigning scores and weights computed from multi influencing factor (MIF) technique. Then, all the parameters are
statistically computed and integrated to assess the groundwater potential zones in the study area. The output map is
classified into five categories like very low, low, moderate, high and very high. The demarcated groundwater potential
map is validated with the well location data using R-index method. The results will be useful for extraction and
management of groundwater in the study area.
Keywords Geospatial technology, MIF, R-index, groundwater potential, Varthur Catchment
Groundwater is a vital natural resource available in the
planet earth. Depending on its usage and consumption it can
be a renewable or a non renewable resource. It is estimated
that approximately one third of the world’s population use
groundwater for drinking (Nickson et al. 2005). Remote
sensing based integrated studies were carried out in drought
prone area of Dharmapuri district of Tamil Nadu
(Anbazhagan, 1993). Krishnamurthy et al. (1996) have used
remote sensing and GIS in diverse geological set up for the
demarcation of groundwater potential zones in Kochang,
Korea and Marudiyar river basin, in Tamil Nadu, India
respectively. The GWPI (groundwater potentiality index)
values are computed based on the corresponding GWFI
values of the groundwater controlling parameters. Subba
Rao et al. (1997) have used IRS -1B satellite data along
with Survey of India topographic maps to generate
hydrogeomorphology and to delineate groundwater
potential zones.
The use of Remote Sensing technology involves large
amount of spatial data management and requires an efficient
system to handle such data. GIS integration analysis has
successfully applied for mapping of fractured aquifer
system in central part of Tamil Nadu for charactering the
aquifer behaviors (Ramasamy and Anbazhagan, 1997).
Lillesand and Kiefer (1994) defined GIS as a computer base
system that can deal with virtually any type of information
about features that can be referenced by geographical
locations. This system is capable of handling both location
data and attribute data about such features. Manap et al
(2009) discussed the groundwater potential zone at upper
part of Langat basin using index overlay method of GIS
modeling. Geoinformatic technology has been successfully
adopted for groundwater studies and sustainable
development (Anbazhagan and Jothibasu, 2016a).
Anbazhagan and Jothibasu (2016b) have derived
groundwater sustainability indicators in the area of
overexploitation of groundwater zone in Southern India.
The main objective of the present study is to assess the
groundwater potential zones in the Varthur Catchment of
Dakshina Pinakini River Basin, Karnataka using remote
sensing, geographical information system (GIS) and multi
influencing factors.
The study area Varthur Lake is situated in the southern parts
of the Karnataka State, between 12°48′24.52″ and
12°53′59.85″ North latitude and 77°24′59.95″ to
77°30′6.72″ East Longitude and spreads over a region of
241 (Figure 1). It gets precipitation from both upper
east and the southwest storms with yearly aggregate
precipitation of around 900 mm. Bengaluru city is for the
most part depleted by part of the Arkavathi river catchment
toward the west and South Pennar River toward the east.
The versatility, presence and aquifer refill of groundwater
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-08, NOV 2021
14 | IJREAMV07I0880004 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0579 © 2021, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
event are dominated by the measure of weathering, fracture
pattern, geomorphological setup and rainfall. The Bangalore
urban district contains crystalline storm cellar,
fundamentally gneisses and rocks meddled by essential
dykes. These arrangements have been modified to laterite
along the eastern edge of the city. The city is intensely
reliant on groundwater for its household and commercial
Figure 1: Location of the Varthur Catchment of Dakshina
Pinakini River Basin, Karnataka
The topographical map along with Landsat TM data, SRTM
satellite image and secondary data is used for the
preparation of groundwater influencing parameters such as
drainage density, geology, slope, lineament density,
geomorphology, land use/land cover, and soil. These
thematic maps extracted through the digitization process
were converted into raster format using the feature to raster
tool in ArcGIS 10.2 software. The scores and weights for
each influencing factor and sub-classes were assigned by
using the multi-influencing factor (MIF) technique. Then
all the thematic maps were integrated using the weighted
overlay method in the GIS environment to identifying
groundwater potential zones of the study area. The resultant
map was validated with well location data using the R-index
3.1 Groundwater influencing factors
3.1.3 Land use / land cover
Land use and land cover is one of the important parameters
for groundwater occurrences indirectly through infiltration,
runoff, and evaporation. The presence of vegetation cover
minimizes evaporation and runoff while it increases
infiltration. Varthur catchment areas have been classified
into water bodies, cropping land, built-up land and
fallow/grass land features (Fig.2). These features were
assigned rank and weight based on importance of
groundwater occurrences.
Figure 2: Land use / land cover in the study area
3.1.2 Geomorphology
Geomorphology is one of the essential components for
understanding the landforms evolutions that control the
movement and occurrence of groundwater (Raju thapa et al.
2017). The geomorphic features interpreted in the satellite
data such as deep pediment, structural hill, residual hill,
pediment inselberg complex, valley fill, moderate pediment
and shallow pediment (Fig.3). Among these valley fill and
pediments are good in groundwater potential.
Figure 3: Geomorphological features in the study area
3.1.3 Aquifer thickness
Lithology plays a vital role in the distribution and
occurrence of groundwater. The lithology affects both the
porosity and permeability of aquifer rocks (Ayazi et al.
2010; Chowdhury et al. 2010). The rocks became aquifers
through the development of weathering and fracturing and
secondary porosity (Sener et al. 2005). In the context,
aquifer thickness was taken from geophysical resistivity
method (Fig.4).
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-08, NOV 2021
15 | IJREAMV07I0880004 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0579 © 2021, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Figure 4: Aquifer thicknesses in the study area
3.1.4 Topographic Wetness Index (TWI)
There is a vital role for topography in the spatial variation
of hydrological conditions such as soil moisture and
groundwater flow. Therefore, the secondary topographic
indices have been used for describing spatial soil moisture
patterns (Moore et al. 1991). It has been widely used to
explain the impact of topography conditions on the location
and size of saturated source zones of surface runoff
generation. Recently, TWI has been used for groundwater
potential mapping (Davoodi Moghaddam et al. 2013;
Nampak et al. 2014) and describing spatial wetness patterns
(Pourghasemi et al. 2012a; Pourtaghi and Pourghasemi
2014). It is defined as (Moore et al. 1991):
where, AS is the cumulative upslope area draining through a
point (per unit
contour length) and
β is the slope gradient (in degree).
In this study, TWI map is grouped into four classes using
quantile classification scheme (Tehrany et al. 2014) (Fig.5).
Figure 5: Topographic wetness index of the study area
3.1.5 Drainage density
Drainage density is the closeness of the spacing of stream
channels. It is a measure of the overall length of the stream
segment for all orders per unit area. The drainage map was
interpreted from the survey of India’s topographical map.
From the drainage, the density was prepared using line
density in spatial analysis tools in ArcGIS. The drainage
density of the study area varies from 0 to 4.12 km/
and reclassified into five classes by equal interval method
and shown in Fig.6. The higher drainage density represents
the good potential for groundwater prospects.
Figure 6: Drainage densities in the study area
3.1.6 Lineament density
Groundwater availability and flow directions depend upon
the linear features such as drainages, linear vegetation,
weaker plain, secondary porosity, and permeability.
Remote sensing data provides the synoptic view of the large
surface area which helps to understand the occurrence of
lineament. Linear features spatial map prepared from
Landsat TM data. The higher the lineament density is
suitable for high groundwater prospecting. In the study
area, lineament density varies from 0 to 186 km/
shown in Fig.7. It is reclassified into five classes by equal
interval method and given higher weight is assigned to
94.22-186.29 km/ and least weight to 0-15.64
Figure 7: Lineament densities in the study area
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-08, NOV 2021
16 | IJREAMV07I0880004 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0579 © 2021, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
3.1.7 Slope
The slope is one of the important terrain parameters which
affect the occurrence and movement of groundwater.
Infiltration of the surface is directly influenced by the slope
gradient. In the lower slope area, the surface runoff is slow
and the infiltration rate is higher than the steeper slope. The
slope map of the study area was prepared from an SRTM
satellite image. The majority of the study area falls under
the gentle slope category with a slope less than 0.77°. On
the basis of the slope angle, the entire study area is divided
into five classes such as 0-0.77, 0.77-1.37, 1.37-1.99, 1.99-
2.80, and 2.8-6.59° and shown in Fig.8.
Figure 8: Slope (degree) in the study area
3.1.8 Elevation
The elevation is also one of the deciding factors which
affect the availability of groundwater in any area. Elevation
was created directly from the SRTM satellite image and
classifies into five categories (854-879, 880-892, 893-905,
906-920, 921-959 m) based on an equal interval method
and shown in Fig.9. Higher elevation areas had a higher
runoff, whereas lower elevation area has more recharge and
high infiltration.
Figure 9: Elevation in the study area
3.1.9 Well location
The well location data were collected from the central
groundwater board (CGWB) reports and extensive field
surveys. The total numbers of well locations in the study
area are 29 (Fig.10). These wells will be assigned for the
validation purpose of the study results.
Figure 10: Well locations in the study area
3.2 Multi influencing factors of groundwater potential
A multi influencing factor is one of the multi-criteria
decision-making techniques which are useful for analyzing
unbiased decision making. The weights of each factor were
determined using MIF techniques. According to the multi
influencing factor technique, each influencing factor has
some major and minor effects based on groundwater
prospect. The interrelationship between these factors and
their effect is shown in Fig.11. Factors having a major
influence were marked as major effect and assigned a
weight of 1.0 while minor influence was marked as minor
effect and a weight of 0.5 was assigned as shown in Table 1
(Magesh et al. 2012). The combined proposed score of each
influencing factor of the major and minor effects is
computed out using Eq.2.
Proposed score = (2)
Where X represents the major effect of factors and Y
represents the minor effect of factors. The proposed score
of each influencing factor reclassified to the subclasses
(Table 2). For groundwater potential, weights were assigned
for subclasses of each individual factor and are shown in
Table 2. The proposed score of each individual factor is
multiplied by the weights of subclasses.
Figure 11: Multi influencing factors for groundwater
potential zone mapping
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-08, NOV 2021
17 | IJREAMV07I0880004 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0579 © 2021, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
Table 1: Effect of influencing factor, relative rates and score
for each potential factor
effect (X)
Land use / land
Aquifer thickness
Drainage density
Lineament density
Table 2 Assigning weightage of sub class of influencing
Influence factors
Land use / Land
Water Bodies
Cropping land
Built-up land
Fallow/Grass land
Deep pediment
Structural Hill
Residual Hill
inselberg complex
Valley fill
Shallow pediment
Aquifer thickness
Very low
Very high
Drainage Density
Very low (0-0.43)
Low (0.43-0.99)
Moderate (0.99-
High (1.56-2.24)
Very high (2.24-
Lineament density
Very low 0-15.64
Low (15.64-
Moderate (43.74-
High (69.53-
Very high (94.22-
In this study, identification of groundwater potential zones
in Varthur catchment all the thematic layers were assigned
score and weights by using multi influencing factor
techniques. All the layers were converted into raster format
with 30m×30m grid cell size and multiplied with derived
score and weights. The integrated output map produced
from the weighted overlay analysis method using the
equation in GIS software. Further, the result of overlay
analysis has been classified into five classes as very high,
high, moderate, low, and very low groundwater potential
zones and shown in Fig.12.
Figure 12: Groundwater potential zones in the study area
4.1 Validation
The potential map was verified using the distribution of well
locations. For the verification, the R-index method was
used. The R-index method is to evaluate the association
between well location points and the groundwater potential
map. The aim of validation is to evaluate the performance
of the potential of the study area. The index is given by
Baeza and Corominas (2001). The R-index as applied to the
groundwater potential map is defined as follows:
R = (ni / Ni) / ∑(ni / Ni) * 100 (3)
Where, ni is the number of wells in the potential class ‘i’
Ni is the number of cells occupying the same potential
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM)
ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-07, Issue-08, NOV 2021
18 | IJREAMV07I0880004 DOI : 10.35291/2454-9150.2021.0579 © 2021, IJREAM All Rights Reserved.
The R-index for each potential class is represented in Table
3, and the graphical representation (Fig.13) points out the
distribution of well locations observed in the classes,
indicating the consistency of groundwater potential classes.
Table 3: R-index in groundwater potential zone map
potential zones
No. of
Wells in
Very High
Very Low
Figure 13 Graphical representation of R-index of
groundwater potential zones
In this study, GIS-based MIF techniques were chosen to
obtain spatially distributed groundwater potential zones in
the Varthur catchment area. High lineament density,
drainage density, and valley fill regions were also
associated with good groundwater potential. Nearly, 24%
of the total area falls from high to very high zones have
good groundwater potential. The method outcomes
acquired in this research were validated with the GW wells
data using the R-index method. The validation of the
results showed that the values of very high potential zones
of 30.21. It was observed that the R-index increases with
the level of the prediction rate. Therefore, based on the
result and accuracy the study suggests this method would be
suitable for exploring groundwater potential zones. The
results of groundwater potential maps can be useful for
planning for groundwater exploration, conservation, and
management in the study area.
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Remote sensing and GIS plays a vital role in exploration and assessment of groundwater and has wide application in detection, monitoring, assessment, conservation and various other fields of groundwater-related studies. In this research work, delineation of groundwater potential zone in Birbhum district has been carried out. Various thematic layers viz. geology, geomorphology, soil type, elevation, lineament and fault density, slope, drainage density, landuse/land cover, soil texture, and rainfall are digitised and transformed into raster data in ArcGIS 10.3 environment as input factors. Thereafter, multi influencing factor (MIF) technique is employed where ranks and weights, assigned to each factor are computed statistically. Finally, groundwater potential zones are classified into four categories namely low, medium, high and very high zone. It is observed that 18.41% (836.86 km2) and 34.41% (1563.98 km2) of the study area falls under ‘low’ and ‘medium’ groundwater potential zone respectively. Approximately 1601.19 km2 area accounting for 35.23 % of the study area falls under ‘high’ category and ‘very high’ groundwater potential zone encompasses an area of 542.98 km2 accounting for 11.95 % of the total study area. Finally, the model generated groundwater potential zones are validated with reported potential yield data of various wells in the study area. Success and prediction rate curve reveals an accuracy achievement of 83.03% and 78% respectively. The outcome of the present research work will help the local authorities, researchers, decision makers and planners in formulating better planning and management of groundwater resources in the study area in future perspectives.
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In the present study, an effort has been made to investigate the analytical hierarchy process has been applied to delineate groundwater potential based on integrated geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) techniques in Ponnaiyar River basin, Tamil Nadu, India. At first, the climatic factor, topographic factors, water related factors, geological factors, hydrogeological factors and other ecological factors such as land use/land cover and soil depth were derived from the spatial geo-database. Secondly, the 74 groundwater data with high potential yield values of C40 m3/h were collected and mapped in GIS. Out these, 44 (60 %) cases were randomly selected for models training, and the remaining 31 (40 %) cases were used for the validation purposes. Then, the assigned weights of thematic layers based on expert knowledge were normalized by eigenvector technique of AHP. To prepare the groundwater potential index, the weighted linear combination (WLC) method was applied in GIS. Finally, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was drawn for groundwater potential map, and the area under curve (AUC) was computed. Results indicated that the rainfall and slope percent factors have taken the highest and lowest weights, respectively. Validation of results showed that the AHP method (AUC = 76.90 %) performed fairly good predication accuracy. Results of this study could be helpful for better management of groundwater resources in the study area and give planners and decision makers an opportunity to prepare appropriate groundwater investment plans for sustainable environment.
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An artificial neural network model (ANN) and a geographic information system (GIS) are applied to the mapping of regional groundwater productivity potential (GPP) for the area around Pohang City, Republic of Korea. The model is based on the relationship between groundwater productivity data, including specific capacity (SPC) and its related hydrogeological factors. The related factors, including topography, lineaments, geology, and forest and soil data, are collected and input into a spatial database. In addition, SPC data are collected from 44 well locations. The SPC data are randomly divided into a training set, to analyse the GPP using the ANN, and a test set, to validate the predicted potential map. Each factor’s relative importance and weight are determined by the back-propagation training algorithms and applied to the input factor. The GPP value is then calculated using the weights, and GPP maps are created. The map is validated using area under the curve analysis with the SPC data that have not been used for training the model. The validation shows prediction accuracies between 73.54 and 80.09 %. Such information and the maps generated from it could serve as a scientific basis for groundwater management and exploration.
The text on tidal hydraulic engineering includes discussion of: basic characterstics of tides and tidal propagation; hydrographic surveys in tidal rivers; and design considerations for tidal sluice gates for drainage and fish farms in aquaculture.
IRS-LISS-II data along with other data sets have been utilized to extract information on the hydrogeomorphic features of a hard rock terrain in the Sironj area of Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The study exhibits reservoir induced artificial groundwater recharge downstream of surface water reservoirs. IRS-LISS-II data have been supported by information derived from DEM, drainage and groundwater data analysed in a GIS framework. The present study attempts to select suitable sites for groundwater recharge in a hard rock area through recharge basins or reservoirs, using an integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS. Criteria for GIS analysis have been defined on the basis of groundwater conditions in the area and appropriate weightage has been assigned to each information layer according to its relative contribution towards the desired output. The integrated study helps in designing a suitable groundwater management plan for a hard rock terrain.
In this study, groundwater spring potential maps produced by three different methods, frequency ratio, weights of evidence, and logistic regression, were evaluated using validation data sets and compared to each other. Groundwater spring occurrence potential maps in the Sultan Mountains (Konya, Turkey) were constructed using the relationship between groundwater spring locations and their causative factors. Groundwater spring locations were identified in the study area from a topographic map. Different thematic maps of the study area, such as geology, topography, geomorphology, hydrology, and land use/cover, have been used to identify groundwater potential zones. Seventeen spring-related parameter layers of the entire study area were used to generate groundwater spring potential maps. These are geology (lithology), fault density, distance to fault, relative permeability of lithologies, elevation, slope aspect, slope steepness, curvature, plan curvature, profile curvature, topographic wetness index, stream power index, sediment transport capacity index, drainage density, distance to drainage, land use/cover, and precipitation. The predictive capability of each model was determined by the area under the relative operating characteristic curve. The areas under the curve for frequency ratio, weights of evidence and logistic regression methods were calculated as 0.903, 0.880, and 0.840, respectively. These results indicate that frequency ratio and weights of evidence models are relatively good estimators, whereas logistic regression is a relatively poor estimator of groundwater spring potential mapping in the study area. The frequency ratio model is simple; the process of input, calculation and output can be readily understood. The produced groundwater spring potential maps can serve planners and engineers in groundwater development plans and land-use planning.
The Zimbabwe Craton is a heterogeneous assemblage of crystalline basement rocks in which the groundwater reservoirs are structurally controlled or confined to the weathered overburden. Lineaments, interpreted from Landsat imagery and aerial photographs, represent faults, joints and dykes of several ages. Such fissured rocks are more susceptible to deep weathering and are a main target for borehole siting. An analysis of borehole yields indicates that, although failure rates can be high, fractures of all trends are capable of providing an adequate hand-pump yield (0.25 l/s). Thus, despite their origin as compressional shears, many fractures now appear to provide open conduits for groundwater. It is concluded that within the near-surface zone of most importance to basement rock aquifers (40 to 80m) fractures of all origins are in a state of tension probably as a result of recent uplift and erosional unloading. -Author
A systematic planning of groundwater exploitation using modern techniques is essential for the proper utilization and management of this precious but shrinking natural resource. With the advent of powerful and high-speed personal computers, efficient techniques for water management have evolved, of which RS (remote sensing), GIS (geographic information system) and GPS (Global Positioning System) are of great significance. In the present study, an attempt has been made to delineate and classify possible groundwater potential zones in the West Medinipur district of West Bengal, India using integrated remote sensing and GIS techniques. The thematic layers considered in this study are lithology, landform, drainage density, recharge, soil, land slope and surface water body, which were prepared using the IRS-1D imagery and conventional data. All these themes and their individual features were then assigned weights according to their relative importance in groundwater occurrence and the corresponding normalized weights were obtained based on the Saaty's analytical hierarchy process. The thematic layers were finally integrated using ArcInfo GIS software to yield a groundwater potential zone map of the study area. Thus, three different groundwater potential zones were identified, namely �good’, �moderate’ and �poor’. The area having good groundwater potential is about 1400 km2, which is about 15% of the total study area. The eastern portion and some small patches in the central and northern portions of the study area fall under moderate groundwater potential zone, which encompasses an area of 5400 km2 (55%). However, the groundwater potential in the western, south-western and parts of north-eastern portions of the study area is poor, encompassing an area of about 3000 km2. Moreover, the average annually exploitable groundwater reserve in the good zone was estimated to be 0.29 MCM/km2, whereas it is 0.25 MCM/km2 for the moderate zone and 0.13 MCM/km2 for the poor zone. Finally, it is concluded that the RS and GIS techniques are very efficient and useful for the identification of groundwater potential zones.