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Benchmarking Detection Transfer Learning with Vision Transformers
Yanghao Li Saining Xie Xinlei Chen Piotr Doll´
ar Kaiming He Ross Girshick
Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
Object detection is a central downstream task used to
test if pre-trained network parameters confer benefits, such
as improved accuracy or training speed. The complexity
of object detection methods can make this benchmarking
non-trivial when new architectures, such as Vision Trans-
former (ViT) models, arrive. These difficulties (e.g., archi-
tectural incompatibility, slow training, high memory con-
sumption, unknown training formulae, etc.) have prevented
recent studies from benchmarking detection transfer learn-
ing with standard ViT models. In this paper, we present
training techniques that overcome these challenges, en-
abling the use of standard ViT models as the backbone of
Mask R-CNN. These tools facilitate the primary goal of our
study: we compare five ViT initializations, including re-
cent state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods, su-
pervised initialization, and a strong random initialization
baseline. Our results show that recent masking-based un-
supervised learning methods may, for the first time, provide
convincing transfer learning improvements on COCO, in-
creasing APbox up to 4% (absolute) over supervised and
prior self-supervised pre-training methods. Moreover, these
masking-based initializations scale better, with the improve-
ment growing as model size increases.
1. Introduction
Unsupervised/self-supervised deep learning is com-
monly used as a pre-training step that initializes model pa-
rameters before they are transferred to a downstream task,
such as image classification or object detection, for fine-
tuning. The utility of an unsupervised learning algorithm
is judged by downstream task metrics (e.g. accuracy, con-
vergence speed, etc.) in comparison to baselines, such as
supervised pre-training or no pre-training at all, i.e., ran-
dom initialization (often called training “from scratch”).
Unsupervised deep learning in computer vision typically
uses standard convolutional network (CNN) models [25],
such as ResNets [20]. Transferring these models is rela-
tively straightforward because CNNs are in widespread use
in most downstream tasks, and thus benchmarking proto-
cols are easy to define and baselines are plentiful (e.g. [17]).
In other words, unsupervised learning with CNNs produces
a plug-and-play parameter initialization.
We are now witnessing the growth of unsupervised learn-
ing with Vision Transformer (ViT) models [10], and while
the high-level transfer learning methodology remains the
same, the low-level details and baselines for some important
downstream tasks have not been established. Notably, ob-
ject detection, which has played a central role in the study of
transfer learning over the last decade (e.g., [35,14,9,17]),
was not explored in the pioneering work on ViT train-
ing [10,7,5]—supervised or unsupervised—due to the
challenges (described shortly) of integrating ViTs into com-
mon detection models, like Mask R-CNN [19].
To bridge this gap, this paper establishes a transfer learn-
ing protocol for evaluating ViT models on object detection
and instance segmentation using the COCO dataset [28] and
the Mask R-CNN framework. We focus on standard ViT
models, with minimal modifications, as defined in the orig-
inal ViT paper [10], because we expect this architecture will
remain popular in unsupervised learning work over the next
few years due to its simplicity and flexibility when explor-
ing new techniques, e.g., masking-based methods [1,16].
Establishing object detection baselines for ViT is chal-
lenging due to technical obstacles that include mitigat-
ing ViT’s large memory requirements when processing
detection-sized inputs (e.g., ∼20×more patches than in
pre-training), architectural incompatibilities (e.g., single-
scale ViT vs. a multi-scale detector), and developing ef-
fective training formulae (i.e., learning schedules, regular-
ization and data augmentation methods, etc.) for numerous
pre-trained initializations, as well as random initialization.
We overcome these obstacles and present strong ViT-based
Mask R-CNN baselines on COCO when initializing ViT
from-scratch [18], with pre-trained ImageNet [8] supervi-
sion, and with unsupervised pre-training using recent meth-
ods like MoCo v3 [7], BEiT [1], and MAE [16].
Looking beyond ViT, we hope our practices and obser-
vations will serve as a blueprint for future work comparing
pre-training methods for more advanced ViT derivatives,
like Swin [29] and MViT [12]. To facilitate community de-
velopment we will release code in Detectron2 [40].
arXiv:2111.11429v1 [cs.CV] 22 Nov 2021
feature pyramid network (FPN)
Mask R-CNN components
(RPN, box head, mask head)
(scale 1/16)
Figure 1. ViT-based Mask R-CNN. In §2we describe how a stan-
dard ViT model can be used effectively as the backbone in Mask
R-CNN. To save time and memory, we modify the ViT to use non-
overlapping windowed attention in all but four of its Transformer
blocks, spaced at an interval of d/4, where dis the total number
of blocks (blue) [26]. To adapt the single-scale ViT to the multi-
scale FPN (yellow), we make use of upsampling and downsam-
pling modules (green) [11]. The rest of the system (light red) uses
upgraded, but standard, Mask R-CNN components.
2. Approach
We select the Mask R-CNN [19] framework due to its
ubiquitous presence in object detection and transfer learn-
ing research. Mask R-CNN is the foundation of higher
complexity/higher performing systems, such as Cascade
R-CNN [4] and HTC/HTC++ [6,29], which may improve
upon the results presented here at the cost of additional
complexity that is orthogonal to the goal of benchmarking
transfer learning. Our choice attempts to balance (relative)
simplicity vs. complexity while providing compelling, even
though not entirely state-of-the-art, results.
We configure Mask R-CNN with a number of upgraded
modules (described in §2.2) and training procedures (de-
scribed in §2.3) relative to the original publication. These
upgrades, developed primarily in [39,18,13], allow the
model to be trained effectively from random initialization,
thus enabling a meaningful from-scratch baseline. Next, we
will discuss how the backbone, which would typically be a
ResNet, can be replaced with a Vision Transformer.
2.1. ViT Backbone
In this section we address two technical obstacles when
using ViT as the backbone in Mask R-CNN: (1) how to
adapt it to work with a feature pyramid network (FPN) [27]
and (2) how to reduce its memory footprint and runtime to
make benchmarking large ViT backbones tractable.
FPN Compatibility. Mask R-CNN can work with a back-
bone that either produces a single-scale feature map or fea-
ture maps at multiple scales that can be input into an FPN.
Since FPN typically provides better detection results with
minimal time and memory overhead, we adopt it.
However, using FPN presents a problem because ViT
produces feature maps at a single scale (e.g., 1/16th), in
contrast to the multi-scale feature maps produced by typical
CNNs.1To address this discrepancy, we employ a simple
technique from [11] (used for the single-scale XCiT back-
bone) to either upsample or downsample intermediate ViT
feature maps by placing four resolution-modifying modules
at equally spaced intervals of d/4transformer blocks, where
dis the total number of blocks. See Figure 1(green blocks).
The first of these modules upsamples the feature map by
a factor of 4using a stride-two 2×2transposed convolution,
followed by group normalization [39] and GeLU [21], and
finally another stride-two 2×2transposed convolution. The
next d/4th block’s output is upsampled by 2×using a single
stride-two 2×2transposed convolution (without normal-
ization and non-linearity). The next d/4th block’s output is
taken as is and the final ViT block’s output is downsampled
by a factor of two using stride-two 2×2max pooling. Each
of these modules preserves the ViT’s embedding/channel
dimension. Assuming a patch size of 16, these modules
produce feature maps with strides of 4,8,16, and 32 pixels,
w.r.t. the input image, that are ready to input into an FPN.
We note that recent work, such as Swin [29] and
MViT [12], address the single vs. multi-scale feature map
problem by modifying the core ViT architecture (in pre-
training) so it is inherently multi-scale. This is an important
direction, but it also complicates the simple ViT design and
may impede the exploration of new unsupervised learning
directions, such as methods that sparsely process unmasked
patches [16]. Therefore, we focus on external additions to
ViTs that allow them to integrate into multi-scale detection
systems. We also note that Beal et al. [2] integrate stan-
dard ViT models with Faster R-CNN [34], but report sub-
stantially lower APbox compared to our results (>10 points
lower), which suggests that our design is highly effective.
Reducing Memory and Time Complexity. Using ViT as
a backbone in Mask R-CNN introduces memory and run-
time challenges. Each self-attention operation in ViT takes
O(h2w2)space and time for an image tiled (or “patchified”)
into h×wnon-overlapping patches [38].
During pre-training, this complexity is manageable as
h=w= 14 is a typical setting (a 224 ×224 pixel image
patchified into 16 ×16 pixel patches). In object detection,
a standard image size is 1024 ×1024—approximately 21×
more pixels and patches. This higher resolution is needed in
order to detect relatively small objects as well as larger ones.
Due to the quadratic complexity of self-attention, even the
“base” size ViT-B may consume ∼20–30GB of GPU mem-
ory when used in Mask R-CNN with a single-image mini-
batch and half -precision floating point numbers.
1We view the natural 2D spatial arrangement of intermediate ViT patch
embeddings as a standard 2D feature map.
To reduce space and time complexity we use restricted
(or “windowed”) self-attention [38], which saves both space
and time by replacing global computation with local com-
putation. We partition the h×wpatchified image into
r×rpatch non-overlapping windows and compute self-
attention independently within each of these windows. This
windowed self-attention has O(r2hw)space and time com-
plexity (from O(r4)per-window complexity and h/r×w/r
windows). We set rto the global self-attention size used in
pre-training (e.g., r= 14 is typical).
A drawback of windowed self-attention is that the back-
bone does not integrate information across windows. There-
fore we adopt the hybrid approach from [26] that includes
four global self-attention blocks placed evenly at each d/4th
block (these coincide with the up-/downsampling locations
used for FPN integration; see Figure 1).
2.2. Upgraded Modules
Relative to the original Mask R-CNN in [19], we mod-
ernize several of its modules. Concisely, the modifications
include: (1) following the convolutions in FPN with batch
normalization (BN) [23], (2) using two convolutional lay-
ers in the region proposal network (RPN) [33] instead of
one, (3) using four convolutional layers with BN followed
by one linear layer for the region-of-interest (RoI) classifi-
cation and box regression head [39] instead of a two-layer
MLP without normalization, (4) and following the convo-
lutions in the standard mask head with BN. Wherever BN
is applied, we use synchronous BN across all GPUs. These
upgrades are implemented in the Detectron2 model zoo.2
2.3. Training Formula
We adopt an upgraded training formula compared to the
original Mask R-CNN. This formula was developed in [18],
which demonstrated good from-scratch performance when
training with normalization layers and for long enough,
and [13], which demonstrated that a simple data augmen-
tation method called large-scale jitter (LSJ) is effective at
preventing overfitting and improves results when models
are trained for very long schedules (e.g., 400 epochs).
We aim to keep the number of hyperparameters low and
therefore resist adopting additional data augmentation and
regularization techniques. However, we found that drop
path regularization [24,22] is highly effective for ViT back-
bones and therefore we include it (e.g., it improves from-
scratch training by up to 2 APbox).
In summary, we train all models with the same sim-
ple formula: LSJ (1024 ×1024 resolution, scale range
[0.1,2.0]), AdamW [30] (β1, β2= 0.9,0.999) with half-
period cosine learning rate decay, linear warmup [15] for
2https:/ /github.com /facebookresearch/ detectron2/blob/
main / MODEL _ ZOO . md # new - baselines - using - large - scale -
jitter-and- longer-training-schedule
0.25 epochs, and drop path regularization. When using a
pre-trained initialization, we fine-tune Mask R-CNN for up
to 100 epochs. When training from scratch, we consider
schedules of up to 400 epochs since convergence is slower
than when using pre-training. We distribute training over
32 or 64 GPUs (NVIDIA V100-32GB) and always use a
minibatch size of 64 images. We use PyTorch’s automatic
mixed precision. Additional hyperparameters are tuned by
the consistent application of a protocol, describe next.
2.4. Hyperparameter Tuning Protocol
To adapt the training formula to each model, we tune
three hyperparameters—learning rate (lr), weight decay
(wd), and drop path rate (dp)—while keeping all others the
same for all models. We conducted pilot experiments us-
ing ViT-B pre-trained with MoCo v3 to estimate reasonable
hyperparameter ranges. Based on these estimates we estab-
lished the following tuning protocol:
(1) For each initialization (from-scratch, supervised,
etc.), we fix dp at 0.0and perform a grid search over lr and
wd using ViT-B and a 25 epoch schedule (or 100 epochs
when initializing from scratch). We center a 3×3grid at
lr,wd = 1.6e−4,0.1and use doubled and halved values
around the center. If a local optimum is not found (i.e. the
best value is a boundary value), we expand the search.
(2) For ViT-B, we select dp from {0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3}us-
ing a 50 epoch schedule for pre-trained initializations. The
shorter 25 epoch schedule was unreliable and 100 epochs
was deemed impractical. For random initialization we’re
forced to use 100 epochs due to slow convergence. We
found that dp = 0.1is optimal for all initializations.
(3) For ViT-L, we adopt the optimal lr and wd from ViT-
B (searching with ViT-L is impractical) and find dp = 0.3
is best using the same procedure as for ViT-B.
Limitations. The procedure above takes practical shortcuts
to reduce the full hyperparameter tuning space. In particu-
lar, lr and wd are optimized separately from dp, thus the
combination may be suboptimal. Further, we only tune lr
and wd using ViT-B, therefore the choice may be subopti-
mal for ViT-L. We also tune lr and wd using a schedule that
is 4×shorter than the longest schedule we eventually train
at, which again may be suboptimal. Given these limitations
we aim to avoid biasing results by applying the same tuning
protocol to all initializations.
Finally, we note that we tune lr,wd, and dp on the COCO
2017 val split and report results on the same split. While
technically not an ML best-practice, a multitude of com-
parisons on COCO val vs.test-dev results over many
years demonstrate that overfitting in not a concern for this
kind of low-degree-of-freedom hyperparameter tuning.3
3E.g., Table 2 in [29] (version 1) shows that text-dev APbox is sys-
tematically higher than val APbox in seven system-level comparisons.
2.5. Additional Implementation Details
Images are padded during training and inference to form
a1024 ×1024 resolution input. During training, padding
is necessary for batching. During (unbatched) inference,
the input only needs to be a multiple of the ViT patch size
on each side, which is possibly less than 1024 on one side.
However, we found that such reduced padding performs
worse (e.g., decrease of ∼0.5–1 APbox) than padding to the
same resolution used during training, likely due to ViT’s use
of positional information. Therefore, we use a 1024 ×1024
resolution input at inference time, even though the extra
padding slows inference time by ∼30% on average.
3. Initialization Methods
We compare five initialization methods, which we briefly
summarize below.
Random: All network weights are randomly initialized
and no pre-training is used. The ViT backbone initialization
follows the code of [1] and the Mask R-CNN initialization
uses the defaults in Detectron2 [40].
Supervised: The ViT backbone is pre-trained for super-
vised classification using ImageNet-1k images and labels.
We use the DeiT released weights [36] for ViT-B and the
ViT-L weights from [16], which uses an even stronger train-
ing formula than DeiT to avoid overfitting (moreover, the
DeiT release does not include ViT-L). ViT-B and ViT-L
were pre-trained for 300 and 200 epochs, respectively.
MoCo v3: We use the unsupervised ImageNet-1k pre-
trained ViT-B and ViT-L weights from the authors of [7]
(ViT-B is public; ViT-L was provided via private communi-
cation). These models were pre-trained for 300 epochs.
BEiT: Since ImageNet-1k pre-trained weights are not
available, we use the official BEiT code release [1] to train
ViT-B and ViT-L ourselves for 800 epochs (the default train-
ing length used in [1]) on unsupervised ImageNet-1k.
MAE: We use the ViT-B and ViT-L weights pre-trained
on unsupervised ImageNet-1k from the authors of [16].
These models were pre-trained for 1600 epochs using nor-
malized pixels as the target.
3.1. Nuisance Factors in Pre-training
We attempt to make comparisons as equally matched as
possible, yet there are pre-training nuisance factors, listed
below, that differ across methods.
(1) Different pre-training methods may use different
numbers of epochs. We adopt the default number of pre-
training epochs from the respective papers. While these
values may not appear comparable, the reality is unclear:
not all methods may benefit equally from longer training
and not all methods have the same per-epoch training cost
(e.g., BEiT uses roughly 3×more flops than MAE).
pre-training APbox APmask
initialization data ViT-B ViT-L ViT-B ViT-L
supervised IN1k w/ labels 47.9 49.3 42.9 43.9
random none 48.9 50.7 43.6 44.9
MoCo v3 IN1k 47.9 49.3 42.7 44.0
BEiT IN1k+DALL·E49.8 53.3 44.4 47.1
MAE IN1k 50.3 53.3 44.9 47.2
Table 1. COCO object detection and instance segmentation us-
ing our ViT-based Mask R-CNN baseline. Results are reported on
COCO 2017 val using the best schedule length (see Figure 2).
Random initialization does not use any pre-training data, super-
vised initialization uses IN1k with labels, and all other initializa-
tions use IN1k without labels. Additionally, BEiT uses a dVAE
trained on the proprietary DALL·Edataset of ∼250M images [32].
(2) BEiT uses learned relative position biases that are
added to the self-attention logits [31] in each block, instead
of the absolute position embeddings used by the other meth-
ods. To account for this, albeit imperfectly, we include
both relative position biases and absolute position embed-
dings in all detection models regardless of their use in pre-
training. For BEiT, we transfer the pre-trained biases and
randomly initialize the absolute position embeddings. For
all other methods, we zero-initialize the relative position bi-
ases and transfer the pre-trained absolute position embed-
dings. Relative position biases are shared across windowed
attention blocks and (separately) shared across global atten-
tion blocks. When there is a spatial dimension mismatch be-
tween pre-training and fine-tuning, we resize the pre-trained
parameters to the required fine-tuning resolution.
(3) BEiT makes use of layer scale [37] in pre-training,
while the other methods do not. During fine-tuning, the
BEiT-initialized model must also be parameterized to use
layer scale with the pre-trained layer scaling parameters ini-
tialized from the pre-trained model. All other models do not
use layer scale in pre-training or in fine-tuning.
(4) We try to standardize pre-training data to ImageNet-
1k, however BEiT uses the DALL·E[32] discrete VAE
(dVAE), which was trained on ∼250 million proprietary and
undisclosed images, as an image tokenizer. The impact of
this additional training data is not fully understood.
4. Experiments and Analysis
4.1. Comparing Initializations
Results. In Table 1, we compare COCO fine-tuning results
using the pre-trained initializations and random initializa-
tion described in §3. We show results after maximizing
APbox over the considered training lengths: 25, 50, or 100
epochs for pre-trained initializations, and 100, 200, or 400
epochs for random initialization. (We discuss convergence
below.) Next, we make several observations.
(1) Our updated Mask R-CNN trains smoothly with
ViT-B and ViT-L backbones regardless of the initialization
Fine-tuning epochs
ViT-B Mask R-CNN
MoCo v3
supervised IN1k
25 50 100 200 400
Fine-tuning epochs (log scale)
ViT-L Mask R-CNN
Figure 2. Impact of fine-tuning epochs. Convergence plots for
fine-tuning from 25 and 400 epochs on COCO. All pre-trained
initializations converge much faster (∼4×) compared to random
initialization, though they achieve varied peak APbox. The perfor-
mance gap between the masking-based methods (MAE and BEiT)
and all others is visually evident. When increasing model scale
from ViT-B (top) to ViT-L (bottom), this gap also increases, sug-
gesting that these methods may have superior scaling properties.
method. It does not exhibit instabilities nor does it require
stabilizing techniques like gradient clipping.
(2) Training from scratch yields up to 1.4 higher APbox
than fine-tuning from supervised IN1k pre-training (50.7 vs.
49.3). While the higher AP may sound surprising, the same
trend is observed in [13]. Supervised pre-training is not al-
ways a stronger baseline than random initialization.
(3) The contrastive learning-based MoCo v3 underper-
forms random initialization’s AP and has similar results
compared to supervised initialization.
(4) For ViT-B, BEiT and MAE outperform both random
initialization by up to 1.4 APbox (50.3 vs. 48.9) and super-
vised initialization by up to 2.4 APbox (50.3 vs. 47.9).
(5). For ViT-L, the APbox gap increases, with BEiT and
MAE substantially outperforming both random initializa-
tion by up to 2.6 APbox (53.3 vs. 50.7) and supervised ini-
tialization by up to 4.0 APbox (53.3 vs. 49.3).
Convergence. In Figure 2we show how pre-training im-
pacts fine-tuning convergence. Given the tuned hyperpa-
rameters for each initialization method, we train models for
2×and 4×longer (and also 0.5×for random initialization).
Generally, we find that all pre-trained initializations signif-
icantly accelerate convergence compared to random initial-
ization, as observed in [18]. Most methods show signs of
overfitting when the training schedule is made sufficiently
long, typically by 100 epochs for pre-trained initializations
and 400 epochs for random initialization. Based on this
data, pre-training tends to accelerate training on COCO by
roughly 4×compared to random initialization.
We also note two caveats about these results: (i) The
drop path rate should ideally be tuned for each training du-
ration as we have observed that the optimal dp value may
need to increase when models are trained for longer. (How-
ever, performing an exhaustive dp sweep for all initializa-
tions, model sizes, and training durations is likely compu-
tationally impractical.) (ii) Moreover, it may be possible to
achieve better results in all cases by training for longer un-
der a more complex training formula that employs heavier
regularization and stronger data augmentation.
Discussion. The COCO dataset is a challenging setting for
transfer learning. Due to the large training set (∼118k im-
ages with ∼0.9M annotated objects), it is possible to achieve
strong results when training from random initialization. We
find that existing methods, like supervised IN1k or unsu-
pervised MoCo v3 pre-training, actually underperform the
AP of the random initialization baseline (though they yield
faster convergence). Prior works reporting unsupervised
transfer learning improvements on COCO (e.g., [17]) tend
to show modest gains over supervised pre-training (e.g.,
∼1 APbox) and do not include a strong random initializa-
tion baseline as we do here (because strong training formu-
lae based on large-scale jitter had not yet been developed).
Moreover, they use weaker models and report results that
are overall much lower (e.g., ∼40 APbox) making it unclear
how well the findings translate to state-of-the-art practices.
We find that MAE and BEiT provide the first convincing
results of substantial COCO AP improvements due to pre-
training. Moreover, these masking-based methods show the
potential to improve detection transfer learning as model
size increases. We do not observe this important scaling
trend with either supervised IN1k pre-training or unsuper-
vised contrastive learning, as represented by MoCo v3.
4.2. Ablations and Analysis
We ablate several factors involved in the system compar-
ison, analyze model complexity, and report tuned hyperpa-
rameter values. For these experiments, we use MAE and 50
epoch fine-tuning by default.
Single-scale vs. Multi-scale. In Table 2we compare our
default FPN-based multi-scale detector to a single-scale
variant. The single-scale variant simply applies RPN and
RoIAlign [19] to the final 1/16th resolution feature map
generated by the ViT backbone. The RoI heads and all
other choices are the same between the systems (in partic-
ular, note that both use the same hybrid windowed/global
attention). We observe that the multi-scale FPN design in-
yes 50.1 53.3
no 48.4 52.0
Table 2. Single-scale vs. multi-scale (FPN) ablation. FPN yields
consistent improvements. Our default setting is marked in gray.
checkpt APbox
(1) windowed no 50.7 16GB 0.67s 0.34s
(2) windowed, 4 global no 53.3 27GB 0.93s 0.40s
(3) global yes 53.1 14GB 2.26s 0.65s
(4) global no - OOM - -
Table 3. Memory and time reduction strategies. We com-
pare methods for reducing memory and time when using ViT-L in
Mask R-CNN. The strategies include: (1) replace all global self-
attention with 14 ×14 non-overlapping windowed self-attention,
(2) a hybrid that uses both windowed and global self-attention, or
(3) all global attention with activation checkpointing. Without any
of these strategies (row 4) an out-of-memory (OOM) error pre-
vents training. We report APbox, peak GPU training memory, av-
erage per-iteration training time, and average per-image inference
time using NVIDIA V100-32GB GPUs. The per-GPU batch size
is 1. Our defaults (row 2) achieves a good balance between mem-
ory, time, and APbox metrics. In fact, our hybrid approach achieves
comparable APbox to full global attention, while being much faster.
creases APbox by ∼1.3-1.7 (e.g., 50.1 vs. 48.4), while in-
creasing training and inference time by ∼5 and ∼10% rela-
tive, respectively. Multi-scale memory overhead is <1%.
Memory and Time Reduction. In Table 3we compare
several strategies for reducing memory and time complexity
when using a standard ViT backbone in Mask R-CNN. Us-
ing a combination of 14 ×14 non-overlapping windowed
self-attention together with four global attention blocks
achieves a good balance between memory, training and in-
ference time, and AP metrics. This finding motivates us
to use this setting as our default. Somewhat surprisingly us-
ing only windowed attention is not catastrophic even though
the backbone processes all windows entirely independently
(APbox decreases from 53.3 to 50.7). This is likely due to
cross-window computation introduced by convolutions and
RoIAlign in the rest of the Mask R-CNN model.
Positional Information. In the default BEiT code, the ViT
is modified to use relative position biases [31] in each trans-
former block instead of adding absolute position embed-
dings to the patch embeddings. This choice is an orthog-
onal enhancement that is not used by the other pre-training
methods (though it could be). In an attempt to make the
comparison more equal, we include these biases (and abso-
lute position embeddings) in all fine-tuning models by de-
fault, as discussed in §3.1.
In Table 4we study the effect of relative position biases
pre-train (pt) fine-tuning APbox
initialization abs rel abs rel ViT-B ViT-L
(1) BEiT no yes rand pt 49.8 53.3
(2) BEiT no yes rand zero 49.5 53.2
(3) BEiT†yes no pt zero - 53.1
(4) MAE yes no pt zero 50.1 53.3
(5) MAE yes no pt no 49.9 53.0
Table 4. Positional information ablation. In the BEiT code, the
ViT is modified to use relative position biases (rel) instead of abso-
lute position embeddings (abs). We study how these components
impact results based on their use in pre-training (pt) and under var-
ious treatments in fine-tuning: (i) pt: initialized with pre-trained
values; (ii) rand: random initialization; (iii) zero: initialized at
zero; and (iv) no: this positional information is not used in the
fine-tuned model. For BEiT†(row 3), we pre-train an additional
model (ViT-L only) that, like MAE, uses absolute position em-
beddings instead of relative position biases. Our default settings
are marked in gray. Comparing (1) and (2), we observe that pre-
trained relative position bias initialization provides a slight benefit
over zero initialization. Comparing (1,2) to (3), we see that BEiT
pre-trained with absolute position embeddings performs similarly
(perhaps slightly worse) to pre-training with relative position bi-
ases. Comparing (4) and (5), we see that including relative posi-
tion biases in addition to absolute position embeddings provides a
small improvement.
on fine-tuning performance. A detailed analysis is given in
the caption. In summary, we observe that including rela-
tive position biases during fine-tuning may slightly improve
APbox by ∼0.2–0.3 points (e.g., 53.0 to 53.3) for a model
that was pre-trained with only absolute position embed-
dings. We also observe that pre-training relative position
biases, as done by BEiT, may also have a slight positive ef-
fect of ∼0.1–0.3 points. Our practice of including both posi-
tional information types during fine-tuning appears to pro-
vide a reasonably fair comparison. We also note that using
relative position biases introduces non-trivial overhead—
it increases training and inference time by roughly 25%
and 15% relative, respectively, increases memory by ∼15%
(even with shared biases), and perhaps should be avoided.
Pre-training Epochs. In Figure 3we study the impact of
MAE pre-training epochs on COCO APbox by sweeping
pre-training epochs from 100 to 1600 (the default). The
results show that pre-training duration has a significant im-
pact on transfer learning performance with large increases
in APbox continuing from 100 to 800 epochs. There is still
a small improvement from 800 to 1600 epochs (+0.2 from
53.1 to 53.3), though the gradient has largely flattened.
TIDE Error Type Analysis. In Figure 4we show the error
type analysis generated by the TIDE toolbox [3]. A detailed
description and analysis is given in the caption. The anal-
ysis reveals more granular information about where MAE
and BEiT improve overall AP relative to the other initial-
izations. In summary, we observe that all initializations lead
100 200 400 800 1600
Pre-training epochs (log scale)
53.1 53.3
Figure 3. Impact of pre-training epochs. Increasing MAE pre-
training from 100 to 800 epochs confers large transfer learning
gains. The improvements start to plateau after 800 epochs.
cls loc cls+loc dup bg miss
MoCo v3
supervised IN1k
Figure 4. TIDE analysis. We plot the ∆APbox metric at an
intersection-over-union (IoU) threshold of 0.5 as defined in [3].
Each bar shows how much AP can be added to the detector if an
oracle fixes a certain error type. The error types are: cls: localized
correctly (IoU ≥0.5), but classified incorrectly; loc: classified cor-
rectly, but localized incorrectly (IoU in [0.1, 0.5)); cls+loc: classi-
fied incorrectly and localized incorrectly; dup: detection would be
correct if not for a higher scoring correct detection; bg: detection
is in the background (IoU <0.1); miss: all undetected ground-truth
objects not covered by other error types. (See [3] for more details
and discussion.) We observe that the masking-based initializations
(MAE and BEiT) make fewer localization errors than MoCo v3
and supervised initialization (random initialization is somewhere
in-between) and, even more so, have fewer missed detections. The
other error types are more similar across initializations.
to roughly the same classification performance for correctly
localized objects, however the MAE and BEiT initializa-
tions improve localization compared to the other initializa-
tions. We observe an even stronger effect when looking at
missed detections: the masking-based initializations yield
notably higher recall than the other initializations and thus
leave fewer undetected objects. This higher recall creates a
small increase in background errors, thus leading to better
overall AP.
Model Complexity. Table 5compares various complex-
ity and wall-clock time measures of our specific Mask R-
CNN configuration. We also report these measures using a
ResNet-101 backbone instead of ViT. When trained from
scratch, both ResNet-101 and ViT-B backbones achieve
48.9 APbox. At inference time, the ResNet-101 backbone is
much faster; however, during training ViT-B reaches peak
performance at 200 epochs compared to 400 for ResNet-
101. ResNet-101 is not yet able to benefit from BEiT or
MAE pre-training and therefore lags behind ViT-B in APbox
(∼1 point) when those methods are used for initialization.
backbone params (M) acts (M) flops (G) fps
ResNet-101 65 426 ±43 422 ±35 13.7
ViT-B 116 1532 ±11 853 ±13 5.1
ViT-L 339 2727 ±10 1907 ±12 2.5
Table 5. Model complexity for inference with the specific Mask
R-CNN configuration used in this report. For ViT, the image reso-
lution is 1024 ×1024 (padded as necessary). The flop and activa-
tion counts are measured at runtime and vary based on the number
of detected objects. We report the mean ±one standard deviation
from 100 validation images. Results change very slightly when us-
ing different initializations. For reference, we report results using
the ResNet-101 backbone, which can (and does) use non-square
inputs at inference time (longest side is 1024); otherwise infer-
ence settings are the same. The ResNet-101 based Mask R-CNN
achieves 48.9 APbox when trained from scratch for 400 epochs.
We also report wall-clock speed in frames-per-second (fps) on an
Hyperparameter Tuning. All pre-trained initializations
preferred wd = 0.1for fine-tuning. Random initialization
benefitted from stronger regularization and selected a higher
setting of 0.2. Most methods selected lr = 8.0e−5, except
for random initialization and MoCo v3 initialization, which
both preferred a higher setting of 1.6e−4. As described pre-
viously, the drop path rate could not be reliably tuned using
shorter schedules. As a result, we tuned dp with 50 epoch
training for pre-trained initializations and 100 epoch train-
ing for random initialization. Based on this tuning, all ini-
tializations selected dp = 0.1when using ViT-B and 0.3
when using ViT-L.
5. Conclusion
We have presented techniques that enable the practi-
cal use of standard ViT models as the backbone in Mask
R-CNN. These methods yield acceptable training mem-
ory and time, while also achieving strong results on COCO
without involving too many complex extensions. Us-
ing these techniques, we find effective training formulae
that enable us to benchmark five different ViT initializa-
tion methods. We show that random initialization takes
∼4×longer than any of the pre-trained initializations, but
achieves a meaningfully higher AP than ImageNet-1k su-
pervised pre-training. We find that MoCo v3, a represen-
tative of contrastive unsupervised learning, performs nearly
the same as supervised pre-training (and thus worse than
random initialization). Importantly, we witness an exciting
new result: masking-based methods (BEiT and MAE) show
considerable gains over both supervised and random ini-
tialization and these gains increase as model size increases.
This scaling behavior is not observed with either supervised
or MoCo v3-based initialization.
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