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We prove that Banach spaces 12R\ell_1\oplus_2\mathbb{R} and XYX\oplus_\infty Y, with strictly convex X and Y, have plastic unit balls (we call a metric space plastic if every non-expansive bijection from this space onto itself is an isometry).
arXiv:2111.10122v1 [math.FA] 19 Nov 2021
Abstract. We prove that Banach spaces 12Rand XY, with strictly
convex Xand Y, have plastic unit balls (we call a metric space plastic if every
non-expansive bijection from this space onto itself is an isometry).
1. Introduction
A function between two metric spaces is called an isometry if it preserves dis-
tances between points, and non-expansive if it does not increase distances between
points. We call a metric space Xplastic if every non-expansive bijection from X
onto itself is an isometry. The last notion was introduced by S. A. Naimpally, Z. Pi-
otrowski, and E. J. Wingler in [8]. It is known that every totally bounded metric
space is plastic, see [3, Satz IV] or [8, Theorem 1.1]. On the other hand, a plastic
metric space need not be totally bounded nor bounded e.g., the set of integers with
the usual metric is plastic [8, Theorem 3.1]. There are also examples of bounded
metric spaces that are not plastic, one of our favorite examples here is a solid ellip-
soid in Hilbert space 2(Z)with infinitely many semi-axes equal to 1and infinitely
many semi-axes equal to 2, see [1, Example 2.7].
It is a challenging open problem, posed by B. Cascales, V. Kadets, J. Orihuela,
and E. J. Wingler in 2016 [1], whether the unit ball of every Banach space is a plastic
metric space. The unit ball of a finite-dimensional space is compact, and therefore
plastic. So the question is really just about the infinite-dimensional spaces. So far,
the plasticity of the unit ball has successfully been proved for the following spaces
and classes of spaces:
strictly convex spaces,
the space 1,
1-sums of strictly convex spaces,
spaces whose unit sphere is the union of all its finite-dimensional polyhedral
extreme subsets,
the space c.
The first result was for strictly convex spaces and it was obtained by B. Cascales,
V. Kadets, J. Orihuela, and E. J. Wingler in 2016 [1]. The same year, V. Kadets
and O. Zavarzina proved the plasticity of the unit ball of 1[5]. They generalized
this result to 1-sums of strictly convex spaces in 2017 [4]. The fourth item was
obtained by C. Angosto, V. Kadets, and O. Zavarzina in 2018 [2, Theorem 4.11].
The plasticity of the unit ball of cwas proved by N. Leo in 2021 [6, Theorem 4.1].
In this paper, we present two new examples of Banach spaces whose unit balls
are plastic: the sum of 1and Rby 2, and the sum of any two strictly convex
spaces by .
2. Preliminaries
We consider only real Banach paces. For a Banach space X, we denote the closed
unit ball and the unit sphere of Xby BXand SX.
Extreme points turn out to be essential to the study of plasticity of the unit ball.
Recall that for a vector space Xand for a convex subset Cof X, a point xC
is called an extreme point of Cif it does not belong to the interior of any non-
trivial line segment connecting two distinct points of C. We use ext Cto denote
the set of extreme points of a set C. Henceforth, we focus on extreme points of
the unit ball. Extreme points of the unit ball lie on the unit sphere. A space such
that all the points of the unit sphere are extreme is called strictly convex. Strictly
convex spaces have a property that, for any two distinct points xand yand any
non-negative scalars αand βwith α+β=kxyk, the point β
the only point of the space that is distance αfrom xand distance βfrom y. This
is going to be used in the proof for -sum of strictly convex spaces.
The next proposition describes the behaviour of a non-expansive bijection from
the unit ball of a Banach space onto itself. It provides some of the main tools for
the study of plasticity of the unit ball. The last item is the reason why are extreme
points so important to the topic at hand. This proposition is going to be used
extensively throughout both of the proofs.
Proposition 2.1 ([1, Theorem 2.3]).Let Xbe a Banach space and let F:BX
BXbe a non-expansive bijection. Then
(1) F(0) = 0,
(2) for each xBX,kF(x)k kxk,
(3) if xSX, then F1(x)SX,
(4) if xext BX, then F1(x)ext BXand F1(αx) = αF 1(x)for each
It is also useful to know the following result.
Theorem 2.2 ([7, Theorem 2]).Let Xand Ybe normed spaces and let Ube a
subset of Xand Vbe a subset of Y. If Uand Vare convex with non-empty interior
and there exists an isometric bijection F:UV, then Fextends to an affine
isometric bijection e
The theorem implies that if Xis a Banach space and F:BXBXis an
isometric bijection, then Fextends to an isometric automorphism of X a linear
isometric bijection from Xonto itself. If we want to prove that every non-expansive
bijection on the unit ball of some space Xis an isometry, it might be useful to know
what isometric bijections are there. The last result says that these are precisely the
restrictions of the isometric automorphisms of X.
There is also a sufficient condition for a non-expansive bijection F:BXBX
to be an isometry.
Theorem 2.3 ([1, Theorem 2.6]).Let Xbe a Banach space and let F:BXBX
be a non-expansive bijection. If F(SX) = SXand F(αx) = αF (x)for every xSX
and every α[1,1], then Fis an isometry.
The latter will be used to finish the proof for the case of -sum of two strictly
convex spaces.
3. The space 12R
Theorem 3.1. The unit ball of 12Ris a plastic metric space.
Proof. Denote the space 12Rby Z. Let ekstand for the k-th element of the
canonical basis of 1. Denote by hthe projection of Zonto R. For each b[1,1]
denote by Lbthe set {zBZ:h(z) = b}. Note that
ext BZ={(aem, b): a, b R, a2+b2= 1, m N}.
Let (aei, b)and (cej, d)be two arbitrary extreme points. If i=j, then the
distance between these two points is p(ac)2+ (bd)2and we have
p(ac)2+ (bd)2= 2 (ac)2+ (bd)2= 4
a22ac +c2+b22bd +d2= 4
0 = a2+ 2ac +c2+b2+ 2bd +d2
0 = (a+c)2+ (b+d)2
If i6=j, then the distance between (aei, b)and (cej, d)is p(|a|+|c|)2+ (bd)2
and we have
p(|a|+|c|)2+ (bd)2= 2 (|a|+|c|)2+ (bd)2= 4
a2+ 2|a||c|+c2+b22bd +d2= 4
0 = a22|a||c|+c2+b2+ 2bd +d2
0 = (|a| |c|)2+ (b+d)2
That is, the distance between points (aei, b)and (cej, d)is equal to two if and only
if either i=j,a=c, and b=d, or i6=j,|a|=|c|, and b=d. In particular, if
uand vare extreme points that are distance two apart, then h(u) = h(v). This
is going to be used in Step 1.
Step 1. Let Fbe a non-expansive bijection from BZonto itself. We need to show
that Fis an isometry. Let us first show that for each mNwe have F1(em,0) =
(θen,0), where θ {−1,1}and nN.
Let mNbe arbitrary. Choose indices iand jsuch that m,i, and jare pairwise
distinct. Note that x= (em,0),y= (ei,0), and z= (ej,0) are extreme points. Item
(4) of Proposition 2.1 implies that x=F1(x),y=F1(y), and z=F1(z)
are also extreme points. Note that x,y, and zare distance two apart. The non-
expansiveness of Fimplies that x,y, and zare also distance two apart. Since x,
y, and zare extreme points that are distance two apart, we have h(x) = h(y),
h(y) = h(z), and h(z) = h(x), from which it follows that h(x) = 0. As xis
an extreme point, it has the form (aen, b), where a, b R,a2+b2= 1, and nN.
Since h(x) = 0, we have b= 0 and a {−1,1}, which finishes the proof. For
further reference define σm=n,θm=a, and gm=θmeσ(m).
This way we obtain a function σ:NN, which describes the permutation of
indices exerted by F. Note that this function is an injection. Indeed, let iand jbe
two indices with σ(i) = σ(j). Denote by nthe common value of σ(i)and σ(j). Then
F1(ei,0) = (θien,0) and F1(ej,0) = (θjen,0), where θi, θj {−1,1}. Suppose
that θj=θi. Then item (4) of Proposition 2.1 implies F1(ei,0) = (θjen,0),
but the latter implies (ei,0) = (ej,0), which is impossible. Hence θi=θj, so we
get (ei,0) = (ej,0), from which it follows that i=j. Therefore, σis indeed an
injection. This fact is going to be implicitly used in what follows. However, note
that we do not yet know whether σis also a surjection.
Now we know that F1(em,0) = (gm,0) for every mN. Further, item (4) of
Proposition 2.1 implies F1(aem,0) = (agm,0) for every a[1,1]. The latter can
be restated as that F(agn,0) = (aen,0) for every nNand a[1,1].
Step 2. Using the same argument as in [5], we can show that for every NN
and real numbers a1,...,aNwith PN
n=1 |an| 1we have
angn,0!= N
where gnis defined as in Step 1. The proof is by induction on N. We are going to
omit the proof, since it repeats the argument from [5] almost word to word. The
proof depends on the fact that F(agn,0) = (aen,0) for every nNand a[1,1]
as was established in Step 1.
Step 3. The previous step and continuity of Fimply that for every real sequence
n=1 with P
n=1 |an| 1we have
If we denote the set {zBZ:h(z) = 0}by L0, the latter implies F1(L0)L0.
Step 4. We have seen that F1(L0)L0. Now, let us show that F1(L0) = L0.
We are going to use a proof by contradiction. Suppose that F1(L0)6=L0. Then
there is zL0\F1(L0). Let sstand for F1(0,1). Item (4) of Proposition 2.1
implies that F1(0,1) = F1(0,1). Hence F(s) = (0,1) and F(s) = (0,1).
Let us consider two cases.
Case 1. Suppose that s6∈ L0. Consider a continuous curve ξ: [0,1] BZ
composed of line segments [s, z]and [z, s]. Note that Im ξL0={z}, but z6∈
F1(L0). Hence Im ξdoes not intersect F1(L0). Since Fis continuous, ξ=Fξ
is also a continuous curve in BZ. We know that Im ξdoes not intersect F1(L0),
so Im ξshould not intersect L0. Since his a continuous functional, f=hξis a
continuous function from [0,1] into R. Note that f(0) = 1 and f(1) = 1. Therefore,
there exists t(0,1) such that f(t) = 0, which implies that Im ξL06=, which
is a contradiction.
Case 2. For the second case, suppose that sL0. The argument is the same
except that now we consider a curve composed of line segments [s, (0,1)] and
[(0,1),s]. Again, we see that Im ξdoes not intersect F1(L0), thus Im ξshould
not intersect L0. However, we have f(0) = 1 and f(1) = 1, which implies that
there exists t(0,1) with f(t) = 0. The latter means that Im ξL06=, which is
again a contradiction.
Therefore, we have F1(L0) = L0. Note that this implies that the function σ
defined earlier is a bijection from Nonto N. This allows us to give the set of extreme
points an alternative description:
ext BZ={(agn, b): a, b R, a2+b2= 1, n N}.
Step 5. Let us show that F(0,1) = (0,1) or F(0,1) = (0,1). First, item (4)
of Proposition 2.1 implies that F1(0,1) ext BZ. Hence we have F1(0,1) =
(agn, b), where a, b R,a2+b2= 1, and nN. Consider points (agn, b)and
(agn,0). These points are distance |b|from each other. We have F(agn, b) = (0,1)
and by Step 1 we have F(agn,0) = (aen,0). The distance between these points is
1 + a2. Since Fis non-expansive, we must have 1 + a2 |b|, which implies that
1 + a2b2. Keeping in mind the relation a2+b2= 1, we can infer that a= 0 and
b {−1,1}. Therefore, either F(0,1) = (0,1) or F(0,1) = (0,1).
For the case F(0,1) = (0,1), item (4) of Proposition 2.1 implies that F(0, b) =
(0, b)for all b[1,1]. In particular, we have F(0,1) = F(0,1). For the case
F(0,1) = (0,1), item (4) of Proposition 2.1 implies that F(0, b) = (0,b)for all
b[1,1]. In particular, we have F(0,1) = F(0,1). Further we deal with the case
F(0,1) = (0,1). The case F(0,1) = (0,1) can be handled in an analogous way.
Step 6. Note that an operator L:11defined by the formula
is an isometric automorphism of 1. Hence the operator L:ZZdefined by
L(x, y) = (L(x), y)is an isometric automorphism of Z. Our goal is to show that F
is the restriction of the latter operator to BZ. Obviously, this will also prove that F
is an isometry. So we need to show that F(z) = L(z)for every zBZ. Note that
the latter has already been established for h(z) = 0 and h(z) {−1,1}. Hence, we
only need to consider the case |h(z)| (0,1). Let bbe an arbitrary real number with
|b| (0,1), let astand for 1b2, and let us show that F(z) = L(z)for h(z) = b.
Note that zhas the form (ax, b), where xB1. Also note that L(z) = (L(ax), b).
Therefore, we need to show that F(ax, b) = (L(ax), b)for every xB1.
We begin with showing that F(ax, b) = (L(ax), b)holds for every xS1. This
is the same as to show that F1(ay, b) = (L1(ay), b)for every yS1. Hence, fix
an arbitrary yS1. Since F1(ay , b)BZ, it has the form (cx, d), where c, d R,
c2+d2= 1, and xB1. Further, since (ay, b)SZ, by item (3) of Proposition
2.1 we have (cx, d)SZ. Therefore, xS1.
Consider points (cx, d)and (0,1). The distance between these points is equal
to pc2+ (1 d)2=22d. We have F(cx, d) = (ay, b)and by Step 5 we have
F(0,1) = (0,1). The distance between these points is pa2+ (1 b)2=22b.
Since Fis non-expansive, we must have 22b22d, which implies that
db. Now, consider points (cx, d)and (0,1). The distance between these points
is equal to pc2+ (1 + d)2=2 + 2d. We have F(cx, d) = (ay, b)and by Step 5 we
have F(0,1) = (0,1). The distance between these points is pa2+ (1 + b)2=
2 + 2b. Since Fis non-expansive, we must have 2 + 2b2 + 2d, which implies
that bd. Therefore, we have b=d.
Consider now points (cx, b)and (cx, 0). The distance between these points is
equal to |b|. We have F(cx, b) = (ay, b)and by Step 2 we have F(cx, 0) = (L(cx),0).
The distance between these points is equal to pkay L(cx)k2+b2. Since Fis non-
expansive, we must have pkay L(cx)k2+b2 |b|, but this implies L(cx) = ay.
Therefore, we have F1(ay, b) = (L1(ay), b), which finishes the argument.
Step 7. The relation F(ax, b) = (L(ax), b)is now established for kxk= 1. Note
that the latter relation is obvious for x= 0, being a corollary of Step 5. Therefore,
let us consider the case where kxk (0,1).
To begin with, let us consider points (ax
kxk, b),(ax, b), and (0, b). The distance
between the first two is a(1kxk)and the distance between the second two is akxk.
Note that F(0, b) = (0, b)by Step 5 and F(ax
kxk, b) = (L(ax
kxk), b)by Step 6. Since
Fis non-expansive, we have
kxk, bF(ax, b)
a(1 kxk)
kF(ax, b)(0, b)k akxk.
However, as the distance between (L(ax
kxk), b)and (0, b)is equal to a, the last two
inequalities must be in fact equalities, since otherwise we have a contradiction with
the triangle inequality. Let (P
n=1 ynen, d)be the expansion of F(ax, b)and let
n=1 ˜ynen, b)be the expansion of (L(ax
kxk), b). Now we have
n=1 |˜yn|
n=1 |˜ynyn|+
n=1 |yn|
n=1 |˜ynyn|!2
+ (bd)2+v
n=1 |yn|!2
+ (bd)2=
kxk, bF(ax, b)
+kF(ax, b)(0, b)k=
a(1 kxk) + akxk=a.
Therefore, all the inequalities in between are in fact equalities, which is only possible
when b=d.
Finally, consider points (ax, b)and (ax, 0). The distance between these two points
is |b|. By Step 2 we have F(ax, 0) = (L(ax),0). Since Fis non-expansive, it follows
that pkP
n=1 ynen L(ax)k2+b2 |b|, hence P
n=1 ynen=L(ax). Therefore,
F(ax, b) = (L(ax), b)as needed.
We have shown that Fis a restriction of an isometric automorphism of Z. There-
fore, Fis an isometry as required.
4. The space XY
In this section, we are going to prove the plasticity of the unit ball of the -sum
of two strictly convex Banach spaces.
Theorem 4.1. Let Xand Ybe two strictly convex Banach spaces. Then the unit
ball of XYis a plastic metric space.
Proof. Denote the space XYby Z. The unit ball of this space is the set of
all pairs (x, y)where xBXand yBY. Extreme points are the pairs (x, y )
where xSXand ySY. If one of the two spaces is trivial, then Zis itself strictly
convex, so we can limit ourselves with the case where Xand Yare both non-trivial.
Let F:BZBZbe an arbitrary non-expansive bijection from the unit ball of
Zonto itself. Our goal is to show that Fis an isometry. Let us fix the notation.
Denote by Gthe inverse of F. For zZdenote by zxand zythe first and the
second element of z. Denote by ZXthe set
denote by ZYthe set
and denote by Ethe set
These three sets form a partition of the unit ball of Z they are pairwise disjoint
and their union is BZ. The set Eis closed, the closure of ZXis ZXEand the
closure of ZYis ZYE. Since E={αz :α[0,1], z ext BZ}, the last item of
Proposition 2.1 implies G(E)E. The proof is going to depend on the number of
dimensions of Xand Y. If Xhas more than one dimension, then ZXis a connected
set. However, if Xis R(that is, Xis one-dimensional), then the set ZXhas two
connected components: Z
X={zZX:zx<0}and Z+
Obviously, the same can be said about Yand ZY. If Xand Yare both one-
dimensional, then Zis finite-dimensional, so we can omit this case. Hence, we have
to handle two cases: 1) both spaces have more than one dimension, 2) one of the
spaces is Rand the other has more than one dimension.
1) Let us start with the first case. We know that G(E)E, so it follows that
F(ZXZY)ZXZY. The set ZXZYhas two connected components, these
are ZXand ZY, so the continuity of Ftogether with the last inclusion imply that
there are four possible cases:
i) F(ZX)ZXand F(ZY)ZX,
ii) F(ZX)ZXand F(ZY)ZY,
iii) F(ZX)ZYand F(ZY)ZX,
iv) F(ZX)ZYand F(ZY)ZY.
Consider case i). For this case, the continuity of Fimplies that F(ZX)ZX
and F(ZY)ZX, and since the union of ZXand ZYis the unit ball, we have
F(BZ)ZX, which contradicts the surjectivity of F. Case iv) is similar. Therefore,
we are left with cases ii) and iii), which we are going to refer to as cases A) and B).
2) Now, let us consider the case where one of the spaces is Rand the other
has more than one dimension. We are going to show that this reduces to case A).
Suppose that Xhas more than one dimension and Yis R. Let us introduce the
following notations:
Note that the closure of Z
Yis Z
YEand the closure of Z+
Yis Z+
YE+. As
with the previous case, the starting point is the inclusion F(ZXZY)ZXZY,
but the set ZXZYis now comprised of three connected components: Z
and ZX. The continuity of Ftogether with the last inclusion imply that there are
27 = 33possible cases, but some of these can be excluded, because they contradict
the surjectivity of F. As a result, we are left with a total of 6 = 3! possible cases.
We can divide these cases into three groups of two, obtaining the following three
i) F(ZX)ZXand F(ZY)ZY,
ii) F(ZX)Z
Yand F(ZY)ZXZ+
iii) F(ZX)Z+
The first case is the same as case A). Our goal is to exclude cases ii) and iii).
Consider case ii). The continuity of Fimplies the inclusions F(ZX)Z
and F(ZY)ZXZ+
YE. Since Eis a subset of ZXand a subset of ZY,
we obtain the inclusion F(E)E, which contradicts the previously obtained
inclusion G(E)E. Case iii) is similar. As we see, we are left with case A).
Thereby, we have two cases to consider: A) F(ZX)ZXand F(ZY)ZY, B)
F(ZX)ZYand F(ZY)ZX. Let us make some additional conclusions. For case
A), the continuity of Fimplies that F(ZX)ZXand F(ZY)ZY. As Eis a
subset of ZXand a subset of ZY, it follows that F(E)ZXZY. The latter is
equal to E, so we have the inclusion F(E)E. We can use the same argument to
show this for case B). Now, for case A) we have F(ZX)ZX,F(ZY)ZYand
F(E)E. Since Fis a bijection, while ZX,ZY, and Eform a partition of BZ,
we can conclude that F(ZX) = ZX,F(ZY) = ZY, and F(E) = E. Analogously, for
case B) we obtain F(ZX) = ZY,F(ZY) = ZX, and F(E) = E.
The last item of Proposition 2.1 asserts that G(ext BZ)ext BZ. We can also
show that F(ext BZ)ext BZ. To demonstrate this, let zext BZbe arbitrary.
Since F(E) = Eand zbelongs to E,F(z)belongs to Eas well, so F(z) = αz
where zext BZand α[0,1]. We need to show that α= 1. The last item of
Proposition 2.1 implies that G(αz) = αG(z)and G(z)ext BZ, so we obtain
the equation z=αG(z). Taking the norm of both sides, we see that α= 1. This
proves the inclusion F(ext BZ)ext BZ, hence F(ext BZ) = ext BZ.
To finish the proof, we would have to consider cases A) and B) separately. How-
ever, the proofs for these two cases are almost identical, so we will only consider
case A).
First, we are going to show that
z, w BZ(zx=wxSX=G(z)x=G(w)xSX),
z, w BZ(zy=wySY=G(z)y=G(w)ySY).
Let us demonstrate the first item. Fix z , w BZand suppose zx=wxSX. Let
us consider four possible cases.
First, we consider the case where zySYand wy6∈ SY. Since wxSXand
wy6∈ SY, it follows that wZX. As wZXand F(ZX) = ZX, we have
G(w)ZX. Therefore, G(w)y6∈ SY. Since zx=wxSX, the distance
between zand wis two. Therefore, the distance between G(z)and G(w)
is also two. This means that either G(z)xand G(w)xare distance two
apart or G(z)yand G(w)yare distance two apart. The second possibility
is excluded, because G(w)y6∈ SY. Consequently, we have the first case.
As G(z)xand G(w)xare distance two apart, they should belong to SX.
Moreover, since Xis strictly convex, it follows that G(z)x=G(w)x.
Finally, since zext BZ, the last item of Proposition 2.1 implies that
G(z) = G(z), so we have G(z)x=G(w)xSXas wanted.
The same argument can be applied to the case where zy6∈ SYand wySY
by swapping the roles of zand w.
If zySYand wySY, then we take pBZsuch that py6∈ SYand px
is the same as zxand wx. Then zx=pxSX,zySY, and py6∈ SY, so
G(z)x=G(p)xSXby the first item of this list. Similarly, as wx=px
SX,wySY, and py6∈ SY, we have G(w)x=G(p)xSX. Combining
these two yields G(z)x=G(w)xSXas wanted.
An argument similar to the one used in the third item of this list can be
applied to the case where zy6∈ SYand wy6∈ SYby choosing pBZsuch
that pySYand pxis the same as zxand wx.
We have considered all four possible cases. One can use the same argument to prove
the second item. The obtained result brings us to consider functions gx:SXSX
and gy:SYSYthat can be defined with gx(x) = G(x, 0)xand gy(y) = G(0, y )y.
So now we have
We go on to prove some facts about these functions. First, let us show that these
functions are injective. Consider gx. Suppose by contrary that there are x, xSX
such that x6=xand gx(x) = gx(x). Choose arbitrary ySYand consider pairs
(x, y)and (x, y). We have G(x, y) = (gx(x), gy(y)) and G(x, y) = (gx(x), gy(y)).
Note that (x, y)6= (x, y), but G(x, y ) = G(x, y). This contradicts the injectivity
of G. Thus, gxis actually injective. We can use the same argument to show that gy
is injective too.
Let us consider surjectivity. Let xSXand ySYbe arbitrary. Then (x, y)
is extreme and hence F(x, y)is also extreme, because F(ext BZ) = ext BZ. Denote
by xand ythe first and the second element of F(x, y). Since (x, y)is extreme, we
have xSXand ySY. Since Fsends (x, y)to (x, y), we have G(x, y) = (x, y),
thus gx(x) = xand gy(y) = y, which proves the surjectivity of both gxand gy.
Now that we know gxand gyare bijective, denote the inverse of gxby fxand the
inverse of gyby fy.
Let us show that gxand gyare symmetric. That is, we demonstrate that gx(x) =
gx(x)and gy(y) = gy(y)for every xSXand ySY. Pick an arbitrary
xSX. Let us show that gx(x) = gx(x). Choose an arbitrary ySY. Consider
pairs z= (x, y)and w= (x, y). The distance between them is two, so the distance
between G(z)and G(w)should be also two. We know that G(z) = (gx(x), gy(y))
and G(w) = (gx(x), gy(y)). For distance between these two pairs to be equal to
two, elements gx(x)and gx(x)should be distance two apart. Since Xis a strictly
convex space, it follows that gx(x) = gx(x). The same argument can be used to
show that gy(y) = gy(y)for ySY. Obviously, the symmetricity of gxand gy
implies that fxand fyare also symmetric.
Define a function Gx:XXwith Gx(0) = 0 and Gx(tx) = tgx(x)for all
xSXand t > 0. Similarly, define a function Gy:YYwith Gy(0) = 0 and
Gy(ty) = tgy(y)for all ySYand t > 0. We see that Gxcoincides with gxon
SXand Gycoincides with gyon SY. Using the properties of gxand gyestablished
above, one can show that Gxand Gyare bijective and homogeneous (that is, for
every xBX,yBYand tRwe have Gx(tx) = tGx(x)and Gy(ty) = tGy(y)).
Denote the inverses of Gxand Gyby Fxand Fy. It is easy to see that Fxand Fy
are also homogeneous. Moreover, we see that Fxcoincides with fxon SXand Fy
coincides with fyon SY.
Now, we are going to examine what Gdoes with a pair one element of which lies
on the sphere and the other element of which is arbitrary. Our goal is to show that
xSXyBYG(x, y) = (Gx(x), Gy(y)),
xBXySYG(x, y) = (Gx(x), Gy(y)).
Let us consider the first item. Fix arbitrary xSXand arbitrary yBY. First,
let us consider the case y= 0. Our goal is to show that G(x, 0) = (gx(x),0). We
know that G(x, 0) = (gx(x), y0)where y0BY. Suppose by contrary that y06= 0.
Denote by y
0the element y0/ky0k SY. We see that Gsends (x, 0) to (gx(x), y0)
and (x, fy(y
0)) to (gx(x), y
0). The distance between (x, 0) and (x, fy(y
0)) is one,
while the distance between (gx(x), y0)and (gx(x), y
0)is smaller than one, which
is a contradiction. Next, consider the case y6= 0. Then y=tu where uSYand
t(0,1]. Our goal is to show that Gsends (x, tu)to (gx(x), tgy(u)). Again, we know
that G(x, tu) = (gx(x), y0)where y0BY. We need to show that y0=tgy(u). If
y0= 0, then Gsends both (x, 0) and (x, tu)to (gx(x),0), which contradicts the
injectivity of G. Therefore, y06= 0 and we can consider the element y
SY. We see that Gsends (x, fy(y
0)) to (gx(x), y
0),(x, tu)to (gx(x), y0), and (x, 0) to
(gx(x),0). The distance between (gx(x), y
0)and (gx(x), y0)is 1ky0k, the distance
between (gx(x), y0)and (gx(x),0) is ky0k. So the distance between (x, fy(y
0)) and
(x, tu)should be at most 1ky0kand the distance between (x, tu)and (x, 0) should
be at most ky0k. This means that the distance between fy(y
0)and tu should also
be at most 1ky0kand the distance between tu and 0should also be at most ky0k.
Since Yis a strictly convex space, we have tu =ky0kfy(y
0). It follows that t=ky0k
and u=fy(y
0). Thus we have y0=ky0ky
0=tgy(u)as wanted. The proof of the
second item is analogous.
From the last obtained result it follows directly that Fhas the analogous prop-
erties. That is, we have
xSXyBYF(x, y) = (Fx(x), Fy(y)),
xBXySYF(x, y) = (Fx(x), Fy(y)).
Finally, we show that for every zBZwe have F(z) = (Fx(zx), Fy(zy)). Let us
first show that for every zBZwe have F(z)x=Fx(zx). Fix arbitrary zBZ.
Denote the elements of zby xand yand the elements of F(z)by xand y. The
element xBXcan be represented in the form tu where t[0,1] and uSX. As
Fx(tu) = tFx(u)by homogeneity of Fx, the equality that we need to prove takes the
form x=tFx(u). We know that Fsends (tu, y)to (x, y),(u, y)to (Fx(u), Fy(y))
and (u, y)to (Fx(u), Fy(y)). By homogeneity of Fxwe have Fx(u) = Fx(u).
The distance between (u, y)and (tu, y)is 1t, the distance between (tu, y)and
(u, y)is 1 + t. Thus the distance between (Fx(u), Fy(y)) and (x, y)is at most
1tand the distance between (x, y)and (Fx(u), Fy(y)) is at most 1 + t. This
implies that the distance between Fx(u)and xis also at most 1tand the distance
between xand Fx(u)is also at most 1 + t. Since Xis a strictly convex space, it
follows that x=tFx(u)as wanted. One can use the same argument to show that
for every zBZwe have F(z)y=Fy(zy).
We can finish the proof by applying Theorem 2.3.
The third author is grateful to her scientific advisor Vladimir Kadets for help with
this project. The third author was supported by the National Research Foundation
of Ukraine funded by Ukrainian State budget in frames of project 2020.02/0096
“Operators in infinite-dimensional spaces: the interplay between geometry, algebra
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Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tartu, Narva mnt 18, 51009
Tartu, Estonia
Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tartu, Narva mnt 18, 51009
Tartu, Estonia
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National
University, 61022 Kharkiv, Ukraine.
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Full-text available
Extending recent results by Cascales, Kadets, Orihuela and Wingler (2016), Kadets and Zavarzina (2017), and Zavarzina (2017) we demonstrate that for every Banach space X and every collection Zi,iIZ_i, i\in I of strictly convex Banach spaces every non-expansive bijection from the unit ball of X to the unit ball of sum of ZiZ_i by 1\ell_1 is an isometry.
Full-text available
In the recent paper by Cascales, Kadets, Orihuela and Wingler it is shown that for every strictly convex Banach space X every non-expansive bijection F:BXBXF: B_X \to B_X is an isometry. We extend this result to the space 1\ell_1, which is not strictly convex.
Full-text available Let X be a strictly convex Banach space, and let BXB_X be its unit ball. Then every non-expansive bijection F:BXBXF: B_X \to B_X is an isometry.
We prove the plasticity of the unit ball of c. That is, we show that every non-expansive bijection from the unit ball of c onto itself is an isometry. We also demonstrate a slightly weaker property for the unit ball of c0 – we prove that a non-expansive bijection is an isometry, provided that it has a continuous inverse.
We extend the result of B. Cascales et al. about expand-contract plasticity of the unit ball of strictly convex Banach space to those spaces whose unit sphere is the union of all its finite-dimensional polyhedral extreme subsets. We also extend the definition of expand-contract plasticity to uniform spaces and generalize the theorem on expand-contract plasticity of totally bounded metric spaces to this new setting.
In this paper we examine the properties of EC-plastic metric spaces, spaces which have the property that any noncontractive bijection from the space onto itself must be an isometry.