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In vitro evaluation of the antiparasitic activity of Syzygium aromaticum against adult and larval stages of Trichinella spiralis


Abstract and Figures

Abstract. Benzimidazole is the most commonly used therapeutic drug for trichinellosis clinical treatment, but it has many drawbacks. The quest for alternative natural compounds, such as essential oils, is, therefore, a target for researchers. The present work is intended to test the in vitro anthelmintic effect of clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum) against adult and muscle larva of Trichinella spiralis. Adult forms and muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis were incubated with clove oil at concentrations ranging from 5 to 500 μg/ml to analyze the lethal effective concentrations on the parasite and to track the changes occurred on the cuticle by scanning electron microscopy. At 50 μg/ml, a 100% death rate on the adult worms of T. spiralis was observed only at 24 hours. However, at concentrations of 100 and 500 μg/ml, the lethal effect started at 16 and 8hours respectively. Clove oil killed the total larvae at the concentrations of 100 and 500 μg/ml at 24 and 16 hours of in vitro incubation respectively. Adult worms and muscle larvae of T. spiralis incubated with 100 µg/ml of clove oil exhibiting marked morphological changes, multiple vesicles, and blebs, sloughing of some areas of the cuticle with fissures, loss of normal annulation, and destruction of the cuticle. Our results suggested that clove oil has the potential as a therapeutic agent and an alternative drug against adults and larvae stages of Trichinella spiralis. Keywords: Trichinellosis; Clove oil; Anthelmintic activity; Electron microscopy.
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Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
In vitro evaluation of the antiparasitic activity of Syzygium
aromaticum against adult and larval stages of Trichinella spiralis
Azza Fahmy1, Rabab Zalat1, Asser Rabei2
1 Parasitology department, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Giza, Egypt.
2 Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt.
Correspondence: Tel. 00201004335729, E-mail
Abstract. Benzimidazole is the most commonly used therapeutic drug for trichinellosis clinical treatment, but it
has many drawbacks. The quest for alternative natural compounds, such as essential oils, is, therefore, a target
for researchers. The present work is intended to test the in vitro anthelmintic effect of clove oil (Syzygium
aromaticum) against adult and muscle larva of Trichinella spiralis. Adult forms and muscle larvae of Trichinella
spiralis were incubated with clove oil at concentrations ranging from 5 to 500 μg/ml to analyze the lethal
effective concentrations on the parasite and to track the changes occurred on the cuticle by scanning electron
microscopy. At 50 μg/ml, a 100% death rate on the adult worms of T. spiralis was observed only at 24 hours.
However, at concentrations of 100 and 500 μg/ml, the lethal effect started at 16 and 8hours respectively. Clove
oil killed the total larvae at the concentrations of 100 and 500 μg/ml at 24 and 16 hours of in vitro incubation
respectively. Adult worms and muscle larvae of T. spiralis incubated with 100 µg/ml of clove oil exhibiting
marked morphological changes, multiple vesicles, and blebs, sloughing of some areas of the cuticle with fissures,
loss of normal annulation, and destruction of the cuticle. Our results suggested that clove oil has the potential as
a therapeutic agent and an alternative drug against adults and larvae stages of Trichinella spiralis.
Keywords: Trichinellosis; Clove oil; Anthelmintic activity; Electron microscopy.
Evaluarea in vitro a activității antiparazitare a Syzygium aromaticum față de stadiile larvare și adulte a
lui Trichinella spiralis
Rezumat. Benzimidazolul este medicamentul cel mai frecvent folosit în tratamentul clinic al trichinelozei, dar cu
multiple dezavantaje. Căutarea compușilor naturali alternativi, cum ar fi uleiurile esențiale, este, prin urmare, un
scop important pentru cercetători. Lucrarea de față este menită să testeze efectul antihelmintic in vitro al uleiului
de cuișoare (Syzygium aromaticum) împotriva adulţilor și larvelor musculare de Trichinella spiralis. Formele
adulte și larvele musculare ale Trichinellei spiralis au fost incubate cu ulei de cuișoare la concentrații cuprinse
între 5 și 500 μg/ml, pentru a analiza concentrațiile letale eficiente și pentru a urmări modificările survenite în
Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
cuticule, prin microscopie electronică cu baleiaj. La 50 μg/ml, s-a observat o rată de mortalitate de 100% la
adulții de T. spiralis, dar acest efect a apărut doar la 24 de ore post expunere. Cu toate acestea, la concentrații de
100 și 500 μg/ml, efectul letal a început la 16 și respectiv 8 ore. Uleiul de cuişoare a omorât toate larvele la
concentrații de 100 și 500 μg/ml la 16, respectiv 24 ore de incubare in vitro. Paraziţii adulți și larvele musculare
de T. spiralis incubate cu 100 μg/ml de ulei de cuișoare au prezentat modificări morfologice marcate, vezicule
multiple și hemoragii, slăbirea unor zone ale cuticulei cu fisuri, pierderea anulației normale și distrugerea
cuticulei. Rezultatele noastre au sugerat că uleiul de cuișoare are potențial terapeutic și poate fi folosit ca un
medicament alternativ împotriva adulților și a stadiilor de larvare ale Trichinellei spiralis.
Cuvinte cheie: Trichineloză; Ulei de cuișoare; Activitate antihelmintică; Microscopie electronică.
Received 09.05.2020. Accepted 13.08.2020.
Trichinellosis is a zoonotic parasitic disease
caused by Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis), a
nematode of the genus Trichinella (Bai et al.,
2017). These parasites have the capacity of
infecting a wide range of mammals by eating
improperly cooked or raw meat containing
the infective larvae of Trichinella (Abou Rayia
et al., 2017). It infects around 11 million
individuals around the world (Luis Muñoz-
Carrillo et al., 2019). In Egypt, it was
diagnosed in a man (Abdel-Hafeez et al., 2015)
and pigs slaughtered in Cairo Abattoirs (Dyab,
2019). All phases of development of T. spiralis,
adult, migratory, and encysted stages are
found in the same host, so, this parasite has
been normally utilized as a trial model to
assess the effectiveness of numerous
anthelmintic agents (Yadav and
Temjenmongla, 2012).
Currently, benzimidazole derivatives are the
main anthelmintic therapeutic drugs used for
the clinical treatment of trichinellosis.
However, they have many drawbacks (Huang
et al., 2020), as none of these medications is
compelling to kill encapsulated and newborn
larvae (Nassef et al., 2018), due to their low
bioavailability (Caner et al., 2008) and drug
resistance (Shalaby et al., 2010). Likewise,
most of them are contraindicated in pregnant
women and children below two years of age.
(Yadav and Temjenmongla, 2012). Therefore,
finding a new, secure and efficient anthelmintic
agent against T. spiralis is a target for scientific
researchers. The World Health Organization
encourage researches on medicinal plants to
produce new, easy-to-use anthelmintic
compounds with lower side effects in the battle
against diseases affecting people in
underdeveloped countries. The wider
acceptance of medicinal plants as treatments is
due to the pharmacological activities
attributable to their phytoconstituents, the
lesser side effects and improved viability than
their synthetic counterparts (Batiha et al.,
Syzygium aromaticum (clove oil) is worldwide
used as a food flavoring agent. It has been
widely used in traditional medicine to treat a
variety of diseases since ancient times;
additionally, its major constituent, eugenol,
showed a potential lethal efficacy against
various parasites including Giardia lamblia,
Fasciola gigantica, Haemonchus contortus, and
Schistosoma mansoni (Machado et al., 2011; El-
Kady et al., 2019). Clove oil has been
traditionally utilized in inhibiting food-borne
pathogens (Bhowmik et al., 2012), and has
been recorded as a “Generally Regarded As
Safe” substance by the United States Food and
Drug Administration, and the World Health
Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on
Food Additives which had established the
acceptable daily admission of clove oil at 2.5
mg/kg body weight for humans (Anderson et
al., 1997). Considering the aforementioned
reasons, an attempt has been made to assess
the anthelmintic efficacy of clove oil (Syzygium
aromaticum) against adult worms and muscle
Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
larvae of T. spiralis. The study is also motivated
by the lack of scientific data in the literature
regarding in vitro activity of clove oil against
this parasite.
Materials and methods
Parasite and animals
The strain of T. spiralis was obtained from
infected pork meat collected from Cairo
abattoir and kept in the lab of Parasitology,
Theodor Bilharz Research Institute (Giza,
Egypt) by consecutive passages on rats and
mice. Male Swiss albino mice, 68 weeks old,
weighing 2530 g each were utilized. The
animals were housed in proper cages and fed
with commercial rodent chow and tap water ad
libitum, as per the institutional and national
guidelines. Mice have been orally infected with
200 T. spiralis larvae (Abou Rayia et al., 2017).
After 48 hours (h), the animals were killed, the
small intestine detached, cut into pieces, and
kept in phosphate-buffered saline for 4 hours
of incubation at 37°C to recover the adult
worms of T. spiralis. To obtain the muscle
larvae, the infected mice were sacrificed after
35 days of infection and the muscles digested
in pepsin-HCL as indicated by the technique of
Jiang et al. (2012).
In vitro experimental design
The collected T. spiralis adults and muscle
larvae were added to a 48-well microtiter plate
prepared with RPMI-1640 medium (containing
200 U/ml penicillin, 200 μg/ml streptomycin,
and 20% fetal bovine serum). Clove oil was
purchased from El-Captain Company in the
local market, Cairo, Egypt, dissolved in
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and diluted in
RPMI-1640 medium. The final concentrations
of clove oil against adults and muscle larvae
ranged from 5 to 500 µg/ml at time intervals of
1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h. Every determination was
performed in triplicate and the summation of
wells for each concentration were calculated.
The plates were incubated at 37°C and 5% CO2
for 24 h, and the survival of T. spiralis stages
was observed utilizing a microscope. Control
parasites were incubated in RPMI-1640
medium having 1% DMSO. Worm viability rate
(%) was calculated using the formula: number
of viable worms/total number of worms ×100.
The viability of adult parasites was made by
assessing their shape and mobility, the dead
worms being characterized by C-shaped or
linear body and lack of mobility. The same
sequence was handled for muscle larvae.
Samples of worms and larvae were taken after
24 h of incubation and handled for scanning
electron microscopy.
Preparation for scanning electron microscopic
The adults or larvae of T. spiralis were added
to a fixed solution of 2.5% glutaraldehyde
and incubated medium at 4°C. The parasites
were washed in 0.1M sodium cacodylate
buffer at pH 7.2 for 5 minutes, post-fixed in a
2% (w/v) osmium tetroxide in sodium
cacodylate buffer for 1 hour. Post-fixed
specimens were then dehydrated in
ascending concentrations of alcohol and
dried utilizing a critical point of carbon
dioxide drying. The parasites thus prepared
were examined by scanning electron
microscopy (Hitachi SU8040, Japan). Photos
were recorded on electron image plates.
Statistical analysis
Graph drawing and statistical analysis were
performed using Excel Software 2013. The data
were expressed as means ± SD, and the
Student’s 𝑡-test was used to determine the
significance of differences between mean
The activity of clove oil on adult worms and
muscular larvae of T. spiralis
Clove oil markedly affected both adult worms
and muscular larvae of T. spiralis. The lethal
effect of clove oil on the adult worms is
revealed in figure 1. At 50 μg/ml, a 100 %
death rate on the adult worms of T. spiralis was
observed only at 24h. However, in 10 up to 500
μg/ml concentrations, the clove oil significantly
influenced the adult worms from the first hour
of in vitro exposure at concentrations from 10
μg/ml (p<0.01) to 500 μg/ml (p<0.001) (table
Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
Clove oil only killed all larvae at concentrations
of 100 and 500 μg/ml at 24 h of in vitro
incubation, while the viability rates of larvae
diminished with prolonged exposure at lower
concentrations (figure 2). At concentrations of
50, 100 and 500 μg/ml, the larvicidal impact of
clove oil was significantly higher beginning in
the first hour of incubation (P<0.001)
compared with controls (table 2). The worms
and larvae treated with 100 μg/ml were
chosen for scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) examination due to the early lethal
effect when compared with the other low
SEM assessment of the adult worms revealed
that culturing adult worms with clove oil (100
μg/ml) for 24 hours caused serious alterations.
The cuticle of the indicated areas showed
marked swellings, numerous large blebs,
fissures and vesicles accompanied by loss of
the normal creases, ridges and annulations
(figures 4, 5). The sloughing of certain
territories of the cuticle was also noticed. The
body collapsed, and there was a lot of carrions.
While culturing adult worms in the incubation
medium only saved the normal morphology of
the cuticle with the characteristic annulations
and ridges well-arranged as vertical lines
between the stripes on the surface of the
parasite (figure 3). Examining of T. spiralis
larvae incubated in culture medium only by
scanning electron microscope demonstrating
normal cuticle with transverse creases and
longitudinal ridges (figure 6). Incubation of T.
spiralis Larvae at 100 µg/ml clove oil indicated
marked morphological changes, multiple
vesicles and blebs, sloughing of some areas of
the cuticle with fissures, loss of normal
annulation, destruction of the cuticle, and
collapsing of the body of Trichinella larvae was
seen (figures 7, 8).
Figure 1. In vitro effect of Syzygium aromaticum on viability rates (%) of T. spiralis adult worms
Table 1. In vitro effect of Syzygium aromaticum (clove oil) on viability rates (%) of T. spiralis adult worms
Cloves oil dose (μg/ml)
Time intervals
1 hours
2 hours
8 hours
16 hours
24 hours
Parasite control
Data were expressed as the mean ± SD **P<0.01 and ***p<0.001 compared with the corresponding parasite controls.
Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
Figure 2. In vitro effect of Syzygium aromaticum on viability rates (%) of T. spiralis muscular larvae
Table 2. In vitro effect of Syzygium aromaticum (clove oil) on viability rates (%) of T. spiralis muscular larvae
oil dose
Time intervals
Data were expressed as the mean ± SD **P<0.01 and ***p<0.001 compared with the corresponding parasite controls.
Figure 3. Higher magnification of T. spiralis adult worm
showing the cuticle with intact annuli (black arrow) and
hypodermal gland (white arrow). The cuticle is lined up in
neat rows
Figure 4. Adult worm incubated with 100 µg/ml clove oil,
large blebs (white arrows) and areas with small vesicles
(black arrow) are seen
Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
Figure 5. The cuticle of the adult worm after incubation with
1oo µg/ml clove oil was severely damaged, and there was a
large amount of carrion and blebs (black arrow). Intact
annuli and the vertical lines disappeared and completely
degenerated cuticle (white arrow).
Figure 6. Isolated muscular infective larvae, demonstrating
their typical coiled appearance, the cuticle is normal,
annulated with transverse creases (black arrow) and
longitudinal ridges (white arrow)
Figure 7. Muscle larva treated with clove oil (100 µg/ml)
showing fissures of the cuticle (white arrow)
and collapsing of the body (black arrow)
Figure 8. muscular larva incubated in 100 µg/ml clove oil
showing sloughing of some areas of the cuticle (white arrow)
with swelling and blebs (black arrows). Multiple fissures
(headless arrow) and loss of the normal annulations
The in vitro test with helminths is one of the
useful tools to explore the anthelmintic
properties of a certain agent and is also helpful
to analyze its mode of action. In vitro tests are
preferred to in vivo methods due to their low
cost, simplicity, and rapid turnover. Our analysis
has shown that clove oil has lethal action on
adult stage and muscle larvae of T. spiralis in
vitro. This remarkable effect was shown to occur
in a dose- and time-dependent manner (figures
1, 2). Many experiments studied the in vitro
effect of clove oil and other extracts against
various nematodes such as Haemonchus
contortus (Charitha et al., 2017), Cotylophoron
cotylophorum (Manoj Dhanraj and Veerakumari,
2015), and Meloidogyne incognita (Meyer et al.,
2008). As was shown in these experiments, the
lethal effect of clove oil for these parasites was
expressed at various concentrations.
In the present study, SEM demonstrated the
detrimental effects of clove oil against the
incubated adult worms and larvae of T. spiralis.
These effects were described as swelling,
sloughing and damage to the cuticle of the adult
worms and muscle larvae of T. spiralis associated
with the drug exposure. Previous studies have
investigated the effects of clove oil on nematodes.
(Charitha et al., 2017) proved that, Syzygium
aromaticum is very effective in killing the
Haemonchus contortus worms where 100%
mortality was attained within minutes of
exposure and attributed the wormicidal activity
of clove to its strong corrosive action on cuticle
and tegument of helminths. These results agreed
with our results which characterized in table 1
Sci Parasitol 21(3):94-101, June 2020
ISSN 1582-1366
and figures 4, 5 for T. spiralis worms also
represented in table 2 and figures 7, 8 for muscle
larvae. The difference in time of mortality was
due to the variance in concentrations used in the
two studies. Similarly, the study of Manoj Dhanraj
and Veerakumari (2015) revealed anthelmintic
property of Syzygium aromaticum ethanol extract
against Cotylophoron cotylophorum worms, and
the authors accredited this property to the
disruption involved in the metabolic pathway of
carbohydrates that may be fatal to the parasites.
Our research focused on exploring the impact of
clove oil on the structure of the T.spiralis cuticle
because tegumental and/or cuticular structures
are the vital parasite-host interfaces that are both
nutritional and defensive roles as well as retain
their form (Roy et al., 2010). The lethal action of
clove oil against adults and T. spiralis muscle
larvae may be attributed to its deleterious effect
on the parasite cuticle. This effect facilitating the
diffusion of active oil constituents within the
organism due to its lipid solubility, causing
dramatic changes in the internal structural
features of helminths (Roy et al., 2010). In
addition, clove oil was reported to disrupting
metabolism (Manke et al., 2015) and/or DNA
synthesis or folic acid cycle of the parasite,
triggering cellular damage. Such results were not
surprising, as transcuticular passive diffusion is
the key mechanism of drug entry into the
helminths (Roy et al., 2010).
The observed in vitro anthelmintic activity of
clove oil against the adult worm and larva stages
of T. spiralis may be also attributable to the
enrichment of clove oil with tannins (10-13%)
(Mittal et al., 2014). Tannins have been reported
to induce anthelmintic activities through binding
to the free protein available in the wells for
parasite nutrition; decreased supply of nutrients
in the wells, resulting in malnutrition and death
of Trichinella adults and larvae (Chandrashekhar
et al., 2008). Tannins may also bind to the cuticle
of the parasite, which is rich in glycoprotein,
triggering its death. Clove oil contains also,
monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes (Plata-Rueda
et al., 2018), these constituents allows
compounds to permeate the cell membrane that
affects the metabolic pathways or organelles
destroying the parasites. β-caryophyllene
constitutes about 13% of clove oil and was
identified for several important pharmacological
activities, including anti-inflammatory action
(Sharma et al., 2016; Machado et al., 2018). As we
know, pharmacotherapy used in trichinellosis
includes the use of anti-parasitic drugs which are
directed against the parasite (Gottstein et al.,
2009) and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
whose purpose is to alleviate the signs and
symptoms of the inflammatory response
produced by T. spiralis infection (Shimoni et al.,
2007). Therefore, β-caryophyllene may add
another dimension for using clove oil as anti-
parasitic plus anti-inflammatory in treating
T. spiralis.
In conclusion, clove oil has a promising in vitro
anthelmintic activity and can be considered an
effective and safe alternative drug against adult
worms and muscle larvae of T. spiralis. However,
further in vivo testing will be imperative to
investigate the main active components of clove
oil in studies that will establish the doses,
administration routes, bioavailability, and
metabolic biotransformation. Studying
combinations of clove oil with standard
antitrichinellosis drugs may also be used to
improve the treatment effect and to reduce the
toxicity associated with these drugs and to
supress resistance.
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... Unfortunately, the currently available drugs that are commonly used for the treatment of trichinellosis have limited bioavailability, little ability to kill encysted larvae, and numerous adverse effects. Thus, the need for safer and more effective drug becomes mandatory (Fahmy et al., 2020). ...
... Also, they are considered a rapid tool for exploring the properties of the product and facilitate screening of a variety of doses till the determination of one or more lethal doses; providing a core for in vivo studies. (Fahmy et al., 2020). ...
... An oral solution was used (each 1.0 ml contain 25 mg). The dose of 50 µg/ kg.B.W. was adjusted to the required volume of the used RPMI media (Fahmy et al., 2020). ...
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This research illustrates the development of a new sliver nanoparticle (Ag-NPs) formulation. Its shape, size, solubility, and stability were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM 3D), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM 2D), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), and Zeta size and Zeta potential. Exposure of Trichinella spiralis adult worms to 3, 6, 9 and 12 ppm of Ag-NPs each for 3,6,12 and 24 h. In vitro revealed a direct relation between mortalities and the tested drug concentration and exposure time. Anti-T. spiralis effect of Ag-NPs was evaluated by assessing mortality rate and damage in DNA by comet assay and by SEM analysis. Mean mortalities increased from 6.66% after exposure to 3.0 ppm/1 h to 100% after exposure to 12.0 ppm/12 h. The calculated LC50 was 3.0 ppm/10 h, 6 ppm/6 h, 9.0 ppm/4 h and 12.0 ppm/ 3.30 h, while LC100 was 9.0 ppm/24 h and 12.0 ppm/12 h. DNA genotoxic damage of dead worms was directly related to Ag-NPs concentrations for 12h using comet assay as expressed by variations in the percentage of DNA in the tail segment, tail length (μm), tail moment (μm), and olive tail moment. No significant difference (p ≤ .05) between the recorded mortalities and DNA damage between that obtained using the Ag-NPs LC100 and that recorded using Albendazole (50 mg/kg B.W.) for 12 h. SEM images on dead worms revealed clear morphological alteration, multiple vesicles, and blebs, detachment of the epidermis and the sub-epidermal layer with partial sloughing of the cuticle, and loss of normal creases, ridges, and annulations. These morphological alterations were directly related to the concentration of the tested Ag-NPs. The tested new formulation of Ag-NPs appears to be effective in the control of Trichinellosis as an alternative to other resistant drugs.
... The drug was taken orally (each 1.0 ml contains 25 mg). It was modified and dissolved at a concentration of 50.0 ppm (mg/kg b.w.) in the required volume of RPMI 1640 (Roswell Park Memorial Institute) medium supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum (FCS) (Fahmy et al., 2020). ...
... The observed alterations in worms exposed to lethal doses of CO-NC and those in dead worms treated with albendazole were not significantly different. After exposing T. spiralis to varying doses of silver nanoparticles and clove oil, the authors Taha et al. (2022), Huang et al. (2020), andFahmy et al. (2020) observed these changes. In addition, Abdel-Rahman et al. (2021) reported that silver nanoparticle-treated T. spiralis larvae exhibited the same morphological changes. ...
Curcumin-olive oil nanocomposite (CO-NC), a novel formulation of nano-curcumin, was produced and characterized. By evaluating the death rate and DNA damage inflicted on adult Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) worms using the comet test and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis, the effectiveness of the substance against these worms was assessed in vitro. The mortality effects of CO-NC on the parasite adult worms were increased with the upgrading in the concentration and exposure time from 1 to 24 h using concentrations from 10 to 100 ppm. LC50 was determined to be 10.0 ppm/18 h, 20.0 ppm/9 h, 40.0 ppm/6 h, 80.0 ppm/2 h, and 100.0 ppm/1 h, while LC100 was 40.0 ppm/24 h, 80.0 ppm/12 h, and 100.0 ppm/6 h. The comet assay was utilized to examine DNA damage in control and dead worms exposed to varying doses. A direct correlation (P ≤ 0.05) was found between the increase in CO-NC dose and the degree of DNA damage as indicated by alterations in DNA % in the tail segment, tail length (μm), tail moment (μm), and olive tail moment with the control samples. The sub-epidermal layer was detached, the cuticle was partially sloughed off, and the usual creases, ridges, and annulations were altered in the T. spiralis exposed worms. As a result, the tested new trichinocidal drug formulation of nano-curcumin on an oil base was confirmed to be an efficient, secure, and environmentally friendly alternative. The medication has the potential to severely and irreversibly harm the DNA and ultrastructural morphology of adult worms.
... The samples were dehydrated in ascending grades of alcohols and dried using a critical point of carbon dioxide drying. After sputter coating with gold, they were examined by SEM (Jeol-Jsm-IT200) [27] . ...
... The samples were divided into four groups, including a negative control group containing only RPMI media, a positive control group containing Mebendazole with RPMI media, and two experimental groups containing AgNPs with RPMI media. The concentrations of AgNPs used were 100, 200, 300, and 400 ppm, and the treatment period varied between 4, 8, 12, 16, and 24 hr (Fahmy et al., 2020). The potential toxicity of metal nanoparticles on T. spiralis larvae was evaluated and a method for assessing their toxicity levels was developed. ...
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Trichinellosis is a parasitic disease caused by the nematode Trichinella spiralis that affects pigs globally, posing a risk to livestock and to human health. Trichinellosis is acquired by consuming undercooked or raw infected meat containing encysted larvae from pigs and other reservoir hosts. As the disease cannot be effectively treated with known medication, disinfection plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy, and hygienic environment on farms. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been proposed as an alternative approach due to their ability to inhibit microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of AgNPs against T. spiralis larvae. AgNPs were applied at concentrations of 100,200, 300, and 400 ppm for 4, 8, 16, and 24 hr to 45 larvae. The number of deaths was recorded, and the morphology of larvae was examined using H&E staining. The results showed that AgNPs with a size of 132.9 nm were effective against T. spiralis at a concentration of 100 ppm resulting in the lowest number of deaths (5 larvae or 11.11%) at 16 hr, while a concentration of 400 ppm of AgNPs achieved the highest number of deaths (40 larvae or 88.88%) at 24 hr. Additionally, the study revealed degenerative changes affecting the cuticle of AgNPs-treated T. spiralis with the destruction of stichocyte cells in the esophagus and the genital primordium cells which are reproductive cells. The results demonstrate the effective anthelmintic activity of synthesized AgNPs against Trichinella in vitro model, offering a promising alternative treatment for the elimination of the parasite.
... Albendazole disrupts the parasite's metabolic pathways, resulting in diminished ATP production, interfering with cell motility and maintaining cell shape [54,55] In the present study, the ultra-structural effects of the studied drugs on T. spiralis were evident. Similar results were reported by Fahmy et al. [56], who applied clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum) against adults and muscle larvae of T. spiralis. ...
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Albendazole is the most common benzimidazole derivative used for trichinellosis treatment but has many drawbacks. The quest for alternative compounds is, therefore, a target for researchers. This work aims to assess the in vitro anthelmintic effect of nifedipine, a calcium channel blocker, and a methanol extract of the flowers of Chrysanthemum coronarium as therapeutic repurposed drugs for treating different developmental stages of Trichinella spiralis in comparison with the reference drug, albendazole. Adult worms and muscle larvae of Trichinella spiralis were incubated with different concentrations of the studied drugs. Drug effects were evaluated by parasitological and electron microscopic examination. As a result, the effects of these drugs on muscle larvae were time and dose-dependent. Moreover, the LC50 after 48 h incubation was 81.25 µg/ml for albendazole, 1.24 µg/ml for nifedipine, and 229.48 µg/ml for C. coronarium. Also, the effects of the tested drugs were prominent on adult worms as the LC50 was 89.77 µg/ml for albendazole, 1.87 µg/ml for nifedipine, and 124.66 µg/ml for C. coronarium. SEM examination of the tegument of T. spiralis adult worms and larvae showed destruction of the adult worms' tegument in all treated groups. The tegument morphological changes were in the form of marked swellings or whole body collapse with the disappearance of internal contents. Furthermore, in silico studies showed that nifedipine might act as a T. spiralis β-tubulin polymerization inhibitor. Our results suggest that nifedipine and C. coronarium extract may be useful therapeutic agents for treating trichinellosis and warrant further assessment in animal disease models.
... Worldwide, approximately 11 million individuals and over 150 mammalian species as well as birds and reptiles have been infected by T. spiralis (Salama et al., 2021). Trichinella spiralis is present in Egypt, and it was diagnosed in man as well as in pigs slaughtered in Cairo abattoirs (Fahmy et al., 2020). Few studies on T. spiralis infection in fresh and handled pork in Egypt are accessible. ...
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Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) is one of the parasitic nematodes of a highly zoonotic importance. It infects various vertebrates, including human. In this study eighty (n =80) Swiss albino mice were experimentally infected by T. spiralis to assess the nematocidal activity of tannic acid (TA) and albendazole (ABZ) individually or in combination during the intestinal phase of T. spiralis. Mice were divided into 10 equal groups 8 mice for each, (control): non-infected but received saline, (ABZ): non-infected and treated with ABZ 50 mg/kg, (TA1000): non-infected and treated with TA1000 µg/ml, (TA2000): non-infected and treated with TA2000 µg/ml, (ABZ+TA2000): non-infected and treated with ABZ 50 mg/kg + TA2000 µg/ml , (TS): infected non treated, (TS+ABZ) group: infected and treated with ABZ 50mg/kg, (TS+TA1000): infected and treated with TA1000 µg/ml, (TS+TA2000): infected and treated with TA2000 µg/ml and (TS+ABZ+TA2000): infected and treated with ABZ 50mg/kg + TA2000 µg/ml. Mice were sacrificed at 7 th day post infection. Results demonstrated significant reductions in the adult worm count in TS+TA1000, TS+ABZ, TS+ TA2000 and TS+ABZ+TA2000 with efficacies of 91%, 92%, 92% & 99% respectively. Results were confirmed by histopathological examination of the targeted organs. The degree of necrosis was decreased in treated groups, associated with reduction in the percentage of eosinophils. Elevated concentrations of serum ALT, AST, and urea in the infected group were decreased in treated groups, while albumin and glucose were increased. It was concluded that the combined albendazole-tannic acid therapy had the highest effect on reducing parasite burden and restoring normal histological architecture.
... Vargas et al [18] reported that the acetone-water extracts of the plants Lysiloma latisiliquum, Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, and Theobroma cacao (shell and pulp of the seed) affected the hatching of larvae from eggs of H. contortus mainly by blocking the hatching process. Likewise, it has been observed that different extracts of these plants have anthelmintic activity against the parasitic nematode of sheep H. contortus [19,20], Trichinella spiralis [21], and Schistosoma mansoni [22]. Therefore, the objectives of this project were to evaluate the fungicidal and nematicidal activities of the hexanic and methanolic extracts of S. aromaticum, as well as the identification of the compounds present in the extracts by gas chro-matography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). ...
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In the present study, the fungicidal and nematicidal activities of the hexanic and methanolic extracts of Syzygium aromaticum were evaluated. At a concentration of 100 µg/ml, the hexanic extract inhibited 43.70% of the mycelial growth of Fusarium sp. at 48 h and 52.90% at 72 h; while at the concentration of 200 µg/ml, it inhibited 54.30% and 60% of the mycelial growth of Fusarium sp. at 48 h and at 72 h, respectively. The methanolic extract inhibited 99.87% of the hatching of Haemonchus contortus (H. contortus) eggs at a concentration of 1.25 mg/ml, with respect to the mortality of J2 larvae of it was 71.11% at the concentration of 1.25 mg/ml. Gas Chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry analysis allowed the identification of 17 compounds in total, of which eugenol, acetyl eugenol and caryophyllene were the most abundant in both hexanic and methanolic extracts. Additionally, hexatriacontane, octacosane, 11, 11-Dimethyl-4,8-dimethylenebicyclo [7.2.0] undecan-3-ol, ledene oxide-(II), and humulene were only present in the methanolic extract, while isoaromadendrene epoxide, 2-naphthalenemethanol, decahydro-α, α, 4a-trimethyl-8-methyle, loxapine N-oxide, diepicedrene-1-oxide, aristolochic acid II, and trans-isoeugenol were only found in the hexanic extract.
Trichinellosis is a severe parasitic disease transmitted by food, specifically caused by Trichinella spiralis, which exhibits great clinical importance worldwide. Albendazole (ABZ) is the main clinical treatment for trichinellosis but has some adverse effects and drug resistance. Sea cucumber Holothuria polii is an essential source of beneficial therapeutic metabolites. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to explore the potential therapeutic effectiveness of H. polii extract (HPE) during the intestinal phase of trichinellosis and the possibility of using it as a supplement to ABZ. For this purpose, mice were divided into a control group and four T. spiralis-infected groups: infected untreated, infected and ABZ-treated, infected and HPE-treated, and infected and combined therapy-treated groups. The treatment with the combined therapy decreased parasitic load by 96.76%, caused deleterious effects on the adult worm cuticle, improved jejunum histological architecture, diminished intestinal inflammatory cytokines, and decreased oxidative damage compared with the infected untreated group and ABZ-treated group. The ameliorating effect of HPE could be due to its total antioxidant capacity content and the presence of natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents like saponins, phenolics, alkaloids, and flavonoids. In conclusion, HPE has a multifaceted, effective impact on trichinellosis and can be considered an ABZ-promising complementary treatment.
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Trichinellosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease. The majority of currently available anti-trichinellosis medications exhibit inadequate efficacy. The efficacy of a natively prepared new formulation of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) was evaluated in the treatment of Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) infection in mice alone and combined with multivitamin-mineral (MM). After investigating the product’s biological and pharmacological characteristics, its therapeutic dose was estimated to be Ag-NPs at 21.5 mg/kg B.W. This dose was orally inoculated to experimentally infected mice at 3–5 days post-inoculation (dpi) against the mature worms, at 8–10 dpi against the newborn larvae, and at 33–35th dpi against the encapsulated larvae. Each treatment’s efficacy was assessed by scarifying control and treated mice 3 days post-treatment. The drug alone or in supplement form has a high trichinocidal effect exceeding that of the reference drug. Early treatment (3–5 dpi) by Ag-NPs or Ag-NPs + MM and albendazole revealed high efficacy against the intestinal stage, reaching 93.3%, 94.7%, and 90.6% for the three treatments, respectively. The materials causing a significant (P-value < 0.001) decrease in the mean encapsulated larvae reached 86.61%, 89.07%, and 88.84%/gm of muscles using the three treatments, respectively. Moreover, all larvae extracted from Ag-NPs-treated groups failed to induce infection post-inoculation in new mice. Additionally, combining the material with MM proved to overcome the reversible adverse effects of silver material on the estimated redox parameters and liver and kidney biomarkers, denoting its ability to alleviate Ag-NP toxicity. In conclusion, the high trichinocidal effect of Ag-NPs against the adult and encapsulated larvae during a short inoculation period introduced Ag-NPs as an alternative to other nematicidal drugs.
Trichinellosis is a worldwide zoonotic disease affecting a wide range of mammals, including humans. It has intestinal and muscular phases. The current work was done to experimentally evaluate the efficacy of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and their combination with albendazole on intestinal and muscular stages of Trichinella spiralis (T. spiralis) infection. We had five main groups of mice: Group 1, non-infected control; Group 2, infected control; Group 3, infected and treated with albendazole; Group 4, infected and treated with ZnO NPs; and Group 5, infected and treated with albendazole and ZnO NPs. Each group was divided into two subgroups (A for the intestinal phase and B for the muscular phase). Drug effects were evaluated by parasitological, histopathological, and biochemical studies, including oxidant/antioxidant analysis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene expression in muscle tissue by quantitative real-time PCR. ZnO NPs resulted in a significant reduction of both intestinal and muscular phases of T. spiralis. Their combination with albendazole resulted in the complete eradication of adult worms and the maximum reduction of larval deposition in muscle tissue. Additionally, the treatment showed improvement in T. spiralis-induced pathological changes and oxidative stress status. Moreover, a significant decrease in VEGF gene expression was detected in the treated groups when compared with the infected control. In conclusion, ZnO NPs presented an antihelminthic effect against both adult and larval stages of T. spiralis. In addition, it enhanced antioxidant status and suppressed angiogenesis in muscle.
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The present work was planned to study the prevalence and the pathological lesions of Trichinel-la spiralis larva of slaughtered pigs in Cairo Governorate by using Trichinoscopic examination in slaughterhouse and confirmatory diagnosis by histopathological examination. For this purpose 184 muscle samples of pigs were collected from Al-Basatin Slaughterhouse, Cairo Gover-norate. The overall prevalence of Trichinella spiralis infection was 1.08% of examined pig's carcasses .
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Introduction Schistosomiasis is one of the most prevalent parasitic infections in developing countries. Although chemotherapy is one of the main strategies in controlling the disease, it is less effective in reversal of schistosome-induced pathology especially in the chronic and advanced stages of schistosomiasis. New strategies and prospective therapeutic agents with antifibrotic effects are needed. Eugenol has a wide anti-inflammatory effect. In the present study, we investigated the possible antischistosomal effect of eugenol on Schistosoma mansoni. Materials and methods The murine model of S. mansoni was established in three groups of adult male Balb-c mice; group I (infected non-treated group) and groups II and III (infected groups) treated orally with eugenol and praziquantel (PZQ), respectively. The expression of the sensitive immunohistochemical marker α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in schistosome-infected tissues was determined. In addition, parasitological, biochemical, and histological parameters that reflect disease severity and morbidity were examined. Results Eugenol treatment showed significant reduction in total worm burden by 19.2%; however, the oogram pattern showed no marked difference compared to that of the PZQ group. Yet, eugenol significantly reduced the serum levels of hepatic enzymes: aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase. Histopathological examination revealed a significant reduction in both numbers and diameters of hepatic granulomata, which was consistent with reduction in collagen fiber deposition. Additionally, the antifibrotic effect of eugenol was validated by its considerable reduction in the expression of the sensitive marker α-SMA in both eugenol- and PZQ-treated groups. Conclusion Although eugenol could not totally eradicate adults of S. mansoni, the significant amelioration of liver enzymes and hepatic fibrosis potentiate eugenol’s role as a promising antifibrotic and a complementary antischistosomal agent.
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It may be concluded that out of 2 plants under study, Syzygium aromaticum had higher potential anthelmintic activity (6 times more potential than Melia dubia) against H. contortus worms of sheep. Extensive studies need to be carried out to identify the pharmacologically active compounds in S. aromaticum that are playing key role in killing the worms and reducing the hatchability of eggs. Further validation with in vivo trials is of utmost significance.
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Paramphistomosis is one of the major pathogenic diseases in domestic animals and responsible for heavy economic loss in terms of reduced milk, meat and wool production. Cotylophoron cotylophorum is more prevalent in Tamilnadu. In the present investigation, the effect of Syzygium aromaticum ethanol extract on the enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism viz. pyruvate kinase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase of Cotylophoron cotylophorum was studied in vitro. The parasites were incubated in five different sub-lethal concentrations of ethanol extract of Syzygium aromaticum viz. 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.5mg/ml for 2, 4 and 8 h. The activity of the enzymes was assayed using standard procedures. The enzyme activity was expressed in terms of protein. The data obtained were analyzed statistically. Ethanol extract of Syzygium aromaticum significantly inhibited the enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism and the percentage of inhibition was dose and time dependent. Inhibition of these enzymes leads to decreased ATP production which may be fatal to the parasites. The present study validates the anthelmintic property of ethanol extract of Syzygium aromaticum against C. cotylophorum.
Beta (β)-caryophyllene (BCAR) is a major sesquiterpene of various plant essential oils reported for several important pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, nephroprotective, antimicrobial, and immune-modulatory activity. Recent studies suggest that it also possesses neuroprotective effect. This study reviews published reports pertaining to the neuropharmacological activities of BCAR. Databases such as PubMed, Scopus, MedLine Plus, and Google Scholar with keywords "beta (β)-caryophyllene" and other neurological keywords were searched. Data were extracted by referring to articles with information about the dose or concentration/route of administration, test system, results and discussion, and proposed mechanism of action. A total of 545 research articles were recorded, and 41 experimental studies were included in this review, after application of exclusion criterion. Search results suggest that BCAR exhibits a protective role in a number of nervous system-related disorders including pain, anxiety, spasm, convulsion, depression, alcoholism, and Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, BCAR has local anesthetic-like activity, which could protect the nervous system from oxidative stress and inflammation and can act as an immunomodulatory agent. Most neurological activities of this natural product have been linked with the cannabinoid receptors (CBRs), especially the CB2R. This review suggests a possible application of BCAR as a neuroprotective agent.
This study evaluated toxic effects, repellency and respiration rate caused by terpenoid constituents of cinnamon and clove essential oils and against Sitophilus granarius L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The lethal concentrations (LC50and LC90), repellent effect, and behavior repellency response on adults of S. granarius after exposure to six concentrations of each essential oil and terpenoids were evaluated. The chemical composition of the cinnamon oil was also determined and primary compounds were eugenol (10.5%), trans-3-caren-2-ol (10.2%), benzyl benzoate (9.99%), caryophyllene (9.34%), eugenyl acetate (7.71%), α-phellandrene (7.41%), and α-pinene (7.14%). In clove essential oil, the primary compounds were eugenol (27.1%), caryophyllene (24.5%), caryophyllene oxide (18.3%), 2-propenoic acid (12.2%), α-humulene (10.8%), γ-cadinene (5.01%), and humulene oxide (4.84%). Cinnamon and clove essential oil was toxic to S. granarius. In toxic terpenoids compounds, eugenol has stronger contact toxicity in S. granarius than caryophyllene oxide, followed by α-pinene, α-humulene, and α-phellandrene. Insects reduced their respiratory rates after being exposed to essential oil terpenoids and avoided or reduced their mobility on terpenoid-treated surfaces. Cinnamon and clove essential oil, and their terpenoid constituents were toxic and repellent to adult S. granarius and, therefore, have the potential to prevent or retard the development of insecticide resistance.
Background: β-Caryophyllene (BCP) is natural bicyclic sesquiterpene abundantly found in essential oils from various spices, fruits and medicinal as well as ornamental plants. It is approved by United States Food and Drug Administration and European agencies as food additive, taste enhancer and flavoring agent and termed as a phytocannabinoid. Methods: All the available literature on BCP and its synonyms were collected through different literature databases. Results: BCP was found to elicit a full agonist action on cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptors, a G-protein coupled receptor representing important therapeutic target in several diseases. Activation of CB2 receptors notably appeared devoid of psychotropic adverse effect of cannabinoids contrary to the CB1 receptors. In addition, it activates peroxisome proliferated activator receptors (PPARs) isoforms; PPAR-α &-γ and inhibits pathways triggered by the activation of toll like receptor complex; CD14/TLR4/MD2, reduce immune-inflammatory processes and exhibit synergy with μ-opioid receptor dependent pathways. Additionally, it found as potent antagonist of homomeric nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (α7-nAChRs) and devoid of effects mediated by serotonergic and GABAergic receptors. It also modulates numerous molecular targets by altering their gene expression, signaling pathways or through direct interaction. Various pharmacological activities such as cardioprotective, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, neuroprotective, nephroprotective, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immune-modulator have been reported in experimental studies. It has shown potent therapeutic promise in neuropathic pain, neurodegenerative and metabolic diseases. Conclusion: The present review provides a comprehensive insight of pharmacological and therapeutic potential of BCP, its molecular mechanism and signaling pathways in different pathological conditions. The review also examines the possibility of its further development as a novel candidate for various pathologies considering the polypharmacological and multifaceted therapeutic properties potential along with favorable oral bioavailability, lipophilicity and physicochemical properties.