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In recent years, the management of invasive stink bugs (Pentatomidae) has been a challenge in many regions of the world, including the Neotropical, where four non-native species were detected in the last two decades. Species with invasive potential include the yellow-spotted stink bug, Erthesina fullo (Thunberg). It is polyphagous and is known to cause damages to fruit crops in Southeast Asia. Herein, we report for the first time the occurrence of E. fullo in Brazil (Santos, São Paulo). Nymphs and adults have been recorded nearby the Harbor of Santos since November 2020. A fifth instar nymph was collected and reared until adulthood. The insect was found feeding on Inga sp. leaves (Fabaceae), a plant restricted to the Neotropical Region. The detection of multiple specimens in Santos, plus their ability to feed on native and or on cultivated plants, may represent a threat to the Brazilian agribusiness and environment.
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... Due to the negative impact on crop yield, the lack of control methods and native natural enemies to regulate populations, and legal regulations, invasive pest species often threaten crops (Carruthers, 2003;Paini et al., 2016;Eschen et al., 2021). For example, Erthesina fullo (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), also known as the yellow-spotted stink bug and native to Asia, was recently discovered in Europe (2017) and Brazil (2021), posing a threat to crops (Lupoli et al., 2020;Brugnera et al., 2022). Erthesina fullo is a polyphagous species that attacks 57 species from 29 botanical families (Mi et al., 2020). ...
... Until 2016, E. fullo distribution was limited to the Asian continent. However, this species was detected in Albania in 2017 and more recently (2021) in Sao Paulo state, Brazil (Lupoli et al., 2020;Brugnera et al., 2022). In 2014, individuals were intercepted in New Zealand but not found again (Mitchell, 2014). ...
... For instance, this species was founded in Tilia cordata Miller (Malvaceae) and Ziziphus jujuba Miller (Rhamnaceae) in Albania and in Inga sp. (Fabaceae) in Brazil (Brugnera et al., 2022;Lupoli et al., 2021). Intriguingly, these areas have contrasting weather conditions. ...
Erthesina fullo (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is an invasive pest that has recently been detected in Europe (2017) and South America (2021). Due to polyphagia and temperature adaptation, this pest has a high risk of establishing in introduced areas. However, despite recent invasion events, there are no data on potentially suitable areas for E. fullo occurrence outside its native range. In this study, we presented a model for the potential distribution of E. fullo based on the CLIMEX algorithm. We built the model using global species occurrence (1424 points), three climate scenarios (current, 2030, and 2080), and available biological data. The ecoclimate index and weekly growth index were then estimated to determine the suitability of regions in a general scenario over time. Our model shows suitable areas for E. fullo in America, Africa, Europe, and Oceania under the current climate scenario. These regions have tropical and subtropical climates. However, the suitability was reduced (-28%) in those climates under future climate scenarios while increasing in temperate regions. In addition, we found that the weekly growth index of E. fullo was positively correlated with photoperiod. Our findings can help guide future efforts to prevent potential invasion and establishment of E. fullo beyond its current range.
... Erthesina fullo is a highly polyphagous insect pest species that is native to East Asia, but has recently become of global interest as it invaded Albania in Europe and Brazil in South America (Mi et al. 2020;Brugnera et al. 2022). It has been reported to feed on many economically important plants such as kiwifruit, cherries, pear and apple (Mi et al. 2020). ...
... However, E. fullo is known to be a hitchhiking insect that can travel through cargo and other containers to reach new areas. For example, in 2014, E. fullo was detected in New Zealand but did not establish; similar detections were confirmed to be established populations in Albania in 2017 and Brazil in 2020 (Mi et al. 2020;Brugnera et al. 2022). Like every ecological model, correlative ecological niche models are sensitive to input occurrence data and model approaches (Thibaud et al. 2014). ...
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Invasive insect species threaten the productivity of ecosystems worldwide, and ecological niche models can be used to predict distributions of invaders and guide management efforts. Ecological niche models can also aid monitoring for invasive species that are globally distributed. One such species is the yellow spotted stink bug ( Erthesina fullo Thunberg), a polyphagous pest native to Asia that has established in Europe and South America and threatens specialty crops. Here, we used ecological niche models to predict the potential distribution of E. fullo , and created a website to display predictions. We show that E. fullo has peak occurrence probability in areas with annual mean temperatures around 20°C, and that the occurrence probability increases as maximum monthly temperature reaches up to 38°C. The likelihood of occurrence decreased as annual precipitation increased, but increased with greater precipitation in the wettest and driest months. This suggests E. fullo is most suited to regions that are warm and dry and where most precipitation occurs across only a few months, such as southern North America, central and southern South America, southern Europe, southern Africa, and central and eastern Australia. Given that E. fullo is a highly mobile hitchhiking insect that travels through cargo and other containers to new areas, the potential spread of this species into new regions should be carefully monitored.
... YSSB has been frequently observed in Albania since March 2017 and its nymphs were found indicating that it has successfully invaded Europe (Lupoli et al., 2020). The first occurrence of YSSB has also been reported in November 2021 in Brazil (Brugnera et al., 2022). The phylogeographical analysis of YSSB will help us expand our understanding on its evolutionary history in native range and trace its origin of invasion. ...
... In the last few years, several papers have been published demonstrating the potential that citizen science projects and websites have for mapping neglected species of high conservation priority or to enhance our knowledge on species diversity and distribution (Goula et al. 2012;Zapponi et al. 2017). More recently, invasive species of Heteroptera have been identified from such records, demonstrating how citizen science data, available in online databases, have become useful even to applied sciences (Eger et al. 2020;Lupoli et al. 2020;Brugnera et al. 2021;Çerçi et al. 2021;Forero 2021). The availability of data from online resources speeds up the identification of potential invasive species, and detection of these species with the traditional steps of collection, identification and publications processes might otherwise have taken much longer. ...
The Neotropical family Phloeidae includes three species within two genera, Phloea Lepeletier and Serville, 1825 and Phloeophana Kirkaldy, 1908, distributed in South America. Due to their large size and notable morphological features, such as cryptic colouration, extreme body flattening and lateral expansions around the body, these insects became known as Neotropical bark bugs. These characteristics also make them easily recognisable; nonetheless, the correct identification of the species is still tricky, even more so for the nymphs. In this work, we clarify the identity of the species, present new diagnoses for the family, both genera and all species, and provide an updated identification key to both adults and nymphs of the three species. We also describe and illustrate chromatic variation in Phloea subquadrata Spinola, 1837, and high-resolution photos of the three species and important diagnostic characters are provided. Literature information is synthesised and updated, and an exhaustive synonymic list is provided for the three species, including two nomenclatural corrections: Phloeocoris paradoxus Burmeister, 1835 is removed from synonymy with Phloeophana longirostris (Spinola, 1837) and considered a new junior synonym of Phloea corticata (Drury, 1773); and Phlaea paradoxa Signoret, 1863 is removed from synonymy with Phloea corticata and considered a new junior synonym of Phloeophana longirostris. Lastly, we review the distribution of the species based on collection specimens and citizen science data and, for the first time, present distribution maps for the three species of Phloeidae.
... Дальние перемещения в последние годы совершил восточно-азиатский (Малайзия, Таиланд, Камбоджа, Вьетнам, Лаос, юг Китая и Японии) многоядный щитник Erthesina fullo (Thunberg). С 2017 года его неоднократно находили в Албании (93), а с ноября 2020 года -в Бразилии вблизи портового города Сантус (94). Клоп представляет опасность для цитрусовых, груши, хурмы, зизифуса (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), коричника цейлонского (Cinnamomum verum J. Presl), сосен (Pinus spp.) и других растений (95). ...
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Карпун Н.Н., Борисов Б.А., Журавлева Е.Н., Борисова И.П., Надыкта В.Д., Мусолин Д.Л., 2022. Расширение ареалов и повышение вредоносности растительноядных клопов-щитников (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Сельскохозяйственная биология. Т. 57 (3): 542–554. [DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2022.3.542rus] В последние десятилетия во многих регионах мира наблюдается расширение ареалов и повышение вредоносности различных видов клопов-щитников (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) (A.R. Paniz-zi, 2015; J.E. McPherson, 2018). Ключевую роль в этих процессах, вероятно, играют изменение климата и непреднамеренная интродукция фитофагов в результате интенсификации перевозок раз-личных грузов и развития туризма на фоне присущих многим щитникам полифагии и высокого миграционного потенциала (Д.Л. Мусолин с соавт., 2012; A.M. Walner с соавт., 2014; T. Haye с соавт., 2015; T.C. Leskey с соавт., 2018). На юге России с начала XXI века фиксируют подъемы численности и высокую вредоносность на сое, ряде овощных, плодовых и ягодных культур щитника Nezara viridula (L.), прежде ограниченно распространенного в этом регионе (М.В. Пушня с соавт., 2017; А.С. Замотайлов с соавт., 2018). В Краснодарском крае и республиках Адыгея и Крым по-тери урожая томата, фасоли, капусты, винограда, малины и других культур от этого клопа в 2017-2019 годах местами достигали 70-90 %. На Черноморском побережье Кавказа (Россия, Абхазия, Грузия) серьезный ущерб сельскохозяйственным и декоративным культурам причиняет завезенный менее 10 лет назад инвазионный клоп Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (И.М. Митюшев, 2016; D.L. Mu-solin с соавт., 2018). В различных частях вторичного ареала этот полифаг демонстрирует тен-денции к расширению трофических связей (D. Lupi с соавт., 2017; M.-A. Aghaee с соавт., 2018; S. Francati с соавт., 2021; V. Zakharchenko с соавт., 2020). При этом на Кавказе основными ре-зерватами N. viridula и H. halys стали разнообразные растения природной и рудеральной флоры по окраинам лесных массивов и вдоль старовозрастных лесополос, что сильно усложняет борьбу с ними (Б.А. Борисов с соавт., 2020). Аборигенный полосатый щитник Graphosoma lineatum (L.) в лесостепной зоне Белгородской области на рубеже XX и XXI веков стал нередко развиваться в двух поколениях за сезон, хотя прежде это наблюдалось только в годы с температурой выше сред-немноголетних значений (D.L. Musolin с соавт., 2001). В настоящее время в странах Европы и в России происходит всплеск численности таких щитников, как зеленый древесный щитник Palo-mena prasina (L.), ягодный клоп Dolycoris baccarum (L.), разукрашенный клоп Eurydema ornata (L.), красноногий щитник Pentatoma rufipes (L.) и пёстрый щитник Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda), что сопровождается усилением их вредоносности в отношении культурных и дикорастущих видов растений. В Центральной Америке щитника Antiteuchus innocens Engleman et Rolston прежде не считали серьезным вредителем, однако в последние годы в Мексике отмечают повышенную чис-ленность этого вида, что приводит к ослаблению сосновых лесов (F. Holguín-Meléndez с соавт., 2019). Росту численности клопов-щитников и усилению их негативного влияния на растениевод-ство также способствует отсутствие или запаздывание в разработке защитных мер в отношении инвазионных видов фитофагов.
... Дальние перемещения в последние годы совершил восточно-азиатский (Малайзия, Таиланд, Камбоджа, Вьетнам, Лаос, юг Китая и Японии) многоядный щитник Erthesina fullo (Thunberg). С 2017 года его неоднократно находили в Албании (93), а с ноября 2020 года -в Бразилии вблизи портового города Сантус (94). Клоп представляет опасность для цитрусовых, груши, хурмы, зизифуса (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), коричника цейлонского (Cinnamomum verum J. Presl), сосен (Pinus spp.) и других растений (95). ...
... Дальние перемещения в последние годы совершил восточно-азиатский (Малайзия, Таиланд, Камбоджа, Вьетнам, Лаос, юг Китая и Японии) многоядный щитник Erthesina fullo (Thunberg). С 2017 года его неоднократно находили в Албании (93), а с ноября 2020 года -в Бразилии вблизи портового города Сантус (94). Клоп представляет опасность для цитрусовых, груши, хурмы, зизифуса (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.), коричника цейлонского (Cinnamomum verum J. Presl), сосен (Pinus spp.) и других растений (95). ...
... Among hundreds of citizen science projects currently available, several of them include insects as target organisms (e.g., iNaturalist, Bug Guide). These databases can provide useful information to species distribution, including monitoring of invasive species (Hiller and Haelewaters, 2019;Werenkraut et al., 2020;Brugnera et al., 2021), conservation (Prudic et al., 2017;Koffler et al., 2021), and biodiversity studies (Theobald et al., 2015;Chandler et al., 2017). Regarding true bugs, the predatory behaviors of millipede assassin bugs (Reduviidae: Echtricodiinae) (Forthman and Weirauch, 2012), the monitoring of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Maistrello et al., 2016;Malek et al., 2019), and the redescription of two African genera of stink bugs (Pentatomidae) (Silva et al., 2021) are among the few studies using this source of data. ...
The Asopinae are known for their predatory behavior, differing from the phytophagous habits of most pentatomoids, feeding mostly on soft body insects such as larvae of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. For this reason, asopines have been studied as biological controllers in integrated pest management programs. Notwithstanding their clear relevance, the general knowledge about Asopinae has important gaps, especially regarding immature. Thus, the importance of studying eggs and nymphs of true bugs (Heteroptera) is evident, contributing to understand their classification, biology, and evolution. In this perspective, we conducted a research about immature of predatory stink bugs, highlighting critical features for identification. We present: (1) a literature overview about eggs and nymphs of predatory stink bugs guided by selected categories; (2) images of females laying eggs of ten species and nymphs of thirty-four species, obtained on websites with a citizen science approach; (3) a comparative morphology of immature of six species reared under laboratory conditions, which we examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. We found a remarkable morphological diversity of both eggs and nymphs of Asopinae, revealing key features to establish diagnoses for identification and potential characters to phylogenetics, such as the aero-micropylar processes and chorion scultpturing of the eggs; and the coloration, labium and abdominal plates morphology of nymphs. The results show that little is known about Asopinae immature considering the diversity of the group; however, information obtained by citizen science initiatives, for instance, can improve this knowledge.
... Among hundreds of citizen science projects currently available, several of them include insects as target organisms (e.g., iNaturalist, Bug Guide). These databases can provide useful information to species distribution, including monitoring of invasive species (Hiller and Haelewaters, 2019;Werenkraut et al., 2020;Brugnera et al., 2021), conservation (Prudic et al., 2017;Koffler et al., 2021), and biodiversity studies (Theobald et al., 2015;Chandler et al., 2017). Regarding true bugs, the predatory behaviors of millipede assassin bugs (Reduviidae: Echtricodiinae) (Forthman and Weirauch, 2012), the monitoring of the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Maistrello et al., 2016;Malek et al., 2019), and the redescription of two African genera of stink bugs (Pentatomidae) (Silva et al., 2021) are among the few studies using this source of data. ...
The Asopinae are known for their predatory behavior, differing from the phytophagous habits of most pentatomoids, feeding mostly on soft body insects such as larvae of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. For this reason, asopines have been studied as biological controllers in integrated pest management programs. Notwithstanding their clear relevance, the general knowledge about Asopinae has important gaps, especially regarding immature. Thus, the importance of studying eggs and nymphs of true bugs (Heteroptera) is evident, contributing to understand their classification, biology, and evolution. In this perspective, we conducted a research about immature of predatory stink bugs, highlighting critical features for identification. We present: (1) a literature overview about eggs and nymphs of predatory stink bugs guided by selected categories; (2) images of females laying eggs of ten species and nymphs of thirty-four species, obtained on websites with a citizen science approach; (3) a comparative morphology of immature of six species reared under laboratory conditions, which we examined using light and scanning electron microscopy. We found a remarkable morphological diversity of both eggs and nymphs of Asopinae, revealing key features to establish diagnoses for identification and potential characters to phylogenetics, such as the aero-micropylar processes and chorion scultpturing of the eggs; and the coloration, labium and abdominal plates morphology of nymphs. The results show that little is known about Asopinae immature considering the diversity of the group; however, information obtained by citizen science initiatives, for instance, can improve this knowledge.
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The Yellow-Spotted Stink Bug Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) (Pentatomomorpha: Pentatomoidea: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Halyini), native in East and South-East Asia, was recently discovered introduced in both Europe (Albania, 2017) and South America (Brazil: São Paulo, 2020). We report two cases of interception of living specimens in the Czech Republic. The first specimen (Zlín, 2021) was found in a sealed container with shoes imported from China, the second specimen (Prague, 2023) was recieved in a parcel sent from Poland. We also present the interesting story of Erthesina fullo in Japan, where the species was introduced to Dejima Island in Nagasaki (Kyushu) already before 1775; at that time Dejima was the only place in Japan where Dutch and Chinese ships were allowed to trade during the isolationist Edo period (1603–1868). One old name, also proposed based on specimens originating from Japan, Cimex aloes Lichtenstein, 1796, syn. nov., is proposed a junior subjective synonym of E. fullo. The invasion of Erthesina fullo in Japan seems to be the oldest exactly localised invasion in Heteroptera. The taxonomy of Erthesina Spinola, 1837 is discussed, the genus currently includes 9 species. The genus is in urgent need of revision and the resulting problems with identification of its species, including E. fullo, are pointed out. Distribution of all Erthesina species is briefly reviewed.
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Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) is recorded for the first time in Europe. Collected specimens in 2020 from Albania were identified by comparing the length of their rostrum. This species can acclimatize on two local trees, namely Tilia cordata Miller, 1768 and Ziziphus jujuba Miller, 1768.
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Brachyplatys subaeneus (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Plataspidae), is reported from Miami Beach, FL, the first report from the United States. It was noticed first on a photo-sharing site (iNaturalist) providing an example of the importance of these sites for helping to track introduced species. Information on distribution, host plants and potential spread are provided along with photos and taxonomic characters to assist with identification of this recently introduced species. ZooBank registration.
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The presence of the invasive insect Brachyplatys subaeneus (Westwood, 1837) from Asia is reported for the first time in Ecuador. This pest attacks legumes of agricultural importance such as the pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) and has been reported in other coun tries of America such as Panama and the Dominican Republic. Additionally, a synoptic record of host plants used by this pest as a food source is shown.
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The genus Erthesina is recorded for the first time in Europe. It has been observed at least 16 times in Albania since 2017 and since nymphs were found, it means the species is well implanted, can survive in winter, may become invasive and cause damage to crops.
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The yellow spotted stink bug (YSSB), Erthesina fullo Thunberg, is one of the most widely distributed phytophagous insect pests in Asia. YSSB is highly polyphagous and in China it feeds on over 57 host plants in 29 families, including some economically important fruit crops such as kiwifruit, pear, peach, apple, and pomegranate. With a primarily r-selected life history strategy, reproductive diapause, aggregation behavior, wide host range, high dispersal capacity, and close association with human-modified ecosystems, YSSB is a potentially invasive species that poses significant biosecurity threats to other countries outside its native range. This review summarizes basic and applied knowledge on the biology, ecology, and management of YSSB in China, with specific emphasis on its life history, host range, damage and impacts on economically important horticulture crops, and integrated pest management (IPM) approaches. The insights from the Chinese literature on this pest will help the countries outside its native range to conduct appropriate biosecurity risk assessments, develop a sound surveillance program, and develop an emergency response plan before its invasion of new geographic areas.
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Pest management of stink bugs (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], corn ( Zea mays L.) and cotton ( Gossypium spp.) agroecosystems has become a major concern in several countries of the Americas. In this review, we report an overview on geographical distribution, injury, damage and methods used to control (plant resistance mechanisms, biological control) the most important stink bugs in the Americas, with an emphasis on Brazil, the implications of the trend towards decreased susceptibility of stink bug populations to insecticides and the current difficulties of the management of these insect pests. Currently, the Neotropical brown stink bug Euschistus heros (Fabricius) is less susceptible to organophosphate insecticides than in the past. A slight reduction in E. heros susceptibility to pyrethroids and, to a lesser extent, to neonicotinoids has also been observed. In addition, the green‐belly stink bug [ Dichelops melacanthus (Dallas)] is more tolerant to the three classes of insecticides (neonicotinoids, organophosphates and pyrethroids) than E. heros . Metabolic detoxification is involved in organophosphate, neonicotinoid and pyrethroid differences in susceptibility. Restricted availability of insecticides with different modes of action could favour the selection of resistant phenotypes in stink bug populations.
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Revista Chilena de Entomología (2019) 45 (4): 553-558. Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons License (CC BY NC 4.0) Nota Científica Presencia de Chroanta ornatula (Herrich-Schaeffer) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) en Sudamérica Presence of Chroanta ornatula (Herrich-Schaeffer) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in South America Resumen. Se presenta el primer registro en Sudamérica de la especie exótica invasora Chroanta ornatula (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1842) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), a partir de 63 ejemplares adultos capturados en la ciudad de Coro, región semiárida del Estado Falcón, al nor-occidente de Venezuela. Se comenta la importancia de este hallazgo en el contexto de las invasiones biológicas. Palabras clave: Especie alóctona, nuevo registro, Pentatominae, Venezuela. Abstract. The alien invasive species Chroanta ornatula (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1842) (ornate stink bug) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is reported for the first time from South America. Species determination was made from 63 adults captured in the city of Coro, semiarid NorthWestern region, Falcon State, Venezuela. The importance of this finding on a biological invasions framework is commented. El género Chroantha Stål, 1872 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) está compuesto por una única especie: Chroanta ornatula (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1842), cuya distribución nativa o natural abarca países del Viejo Mundo (Исаков y Isakov 2005; Rider 2006; Augul et al. 2015; El-Meghrabi 2017). Chroanta ornatula es una especie polífaga que se alimenta de taxones pertenecientes a varias familias de plantas (Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Anacardiaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Tamacariceae, Zygophyllaceae); se la conoce como plaga del cultivo del pistachero (Pistacia vera L., Anacardiaceae), la cual posee importancia económica (Исаков y Isakov 2005; Hashemi y Radjabi 2011; El-Meghrabi 2017). El primer reporte de C. ornatula para el continente americano lo hicieron Perez-Gelabert y Thomas (2005), a partir de un único ejemplar macho capturado en 2003 en República Dominicana (Antillas Mayores) (Residencia Grupo Jaragua, Municipio Oviedo, Provincia Pedernales; 17.47.968' N-71.24.216'190' O); estos autores consideraron que posiblemente se trate de una especie exótica introducida, pero que requiere confirmarse con muestreos adicionales. En el presente trabajo se informa la detección de C. ornatula en Venezuela.
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Everything you wanted to know about Nezara viridula (Heteroptera)
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The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), is recorded for the first time as established species in Chile, outside of interception facilities in the entrance gates of the country. The new records are based on adult specimens collected in homes in three different places in the city of Santiago, Metropolitan Region. Comments on how separate this species from other similar species in Chile are provided.
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Features: • Presents a brief history of past classifications, a summary of present classification, and speculation on how the classification may evolve in the future • Includes keys for the identification of families and subfamilies of the Pentatomoidea and for the tribes in the Pentatomidae • Explains transmission of plant pathogens and concepts of pathology and heteropteran feeding for the non-specialist • Provides an extensive literature review of transmission by stink bugs of viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan organisms that cause diseases of plants • Discusses the diversity of microbial symbionts in the Pentatomidae and related species, showing how microorganisms underpin the evolution of this insect group • Reviews semiochemicals (pheromones, kairomones, allomones) of the Pentatomoidea and their vital role in the life histories of pest and beneficial species and their exploitation by natural enemies of true bugs • Covers past, current, and future control options for insects, with a focus on stink bugs and
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The painted bug Bagrada hilaris (Burmeister, 1835) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is recorded for the first time from South America. Specimens were collected in Quilicura, Metropolitan Region of Chile. The large amounts of observed and collected specimens, as well as the biological observations, suggest that the species is well established. Identification tips are given to identify a species and it is also compared with another Chilean pentatomoids.
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We present records for six new stink bug species reported for Puerto Rico. These include two predatory species: Apateticus lineolatus (Herrich Schäffer) and Tylospilus acutissimus (Stål) (Asopinae); and four phytophagous species: Berecynthus hastator (F.), Chlorocoris tau Spinola, and Acrosternum (Chinavia) ubicum Rolston (Pentatominae), and Alitocoris brunneus Sailer (Discocephalinae). Of these, B. hastator has been identified elsewhere as a vector of palm diseases, and A. brunneus appears to be a recent invasive species to Puerto Rico. Species reported here increase the number of stink bug species reported in Puerto Rico from 42 to 48, and the number of genera from 29 to 34. It is also the first report of a member of subfamily Discocephalinae on the island. RESUMEN Informe de seis especies de pentatomidos nuevas en Puerto Rico Presentamos los primeros informes para seis especies de pentatomidos en Puerto Rico. Entre ellas se hallan dos especies depredadoras: Apateticus 1
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Early detection of invasive alien species and the ability to track their spread are critical for undertaking appropriate management decisions. Citizen science surveys are potentially valuable tools for quickly obtaining information on biodiversity and species distributions. The Asian brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive pest of agricultural crops and a dwelling nuisance. Halyomorpha halys was first recorded in Italy in 2012 in Emilia Romagna, one of the most important fruit producing regions of Europe. To rapidly obtain data on its distribution in the newly invaded area, a survey that combined citizen science and active search was set up using multimedia channels. Data concerning when, where and how the bugs were spotted were collected, together with photographs and specimens. The survey detected established breeding populations in different areas of Northern Italy and Southern Switzerland, indicating a potentially high risk for crop damage that extends beyond the territories of first detection. Furthermore, new data on H. halys phenology, host plants, voltinism and behaviour were obtained. The importance of citizen science in early detection of introduced pest species is highlighted. This paper also provides a picture-based key to recognize H. halys from similar pentatomids in the world.
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Brachyplatys vahlii (Fabricius, 1787) (Hemiptera: Plataspidae) was first detected in Panama in 2012. It represents the second introduction of the Plataspidae into the New World, its first report from the Neotropics, and the first introduction of the genus Brachyplatys into the New World. The bug was identified using morphological characters and confirmed using molecular techniques. This bug poses a potentially serious threat to several important crops in Panama, including the popular Cajanus cajan, known locally as guandú, and peach palm/pixbae palm (Bactris gasipaes), widely cultivated throughout the Neotropics.
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Among the over 4,000 described species of stink bugs (Pentatomidae) several phytophagous ones are major pests, feeding and damaging crops, vegetables and fruit trees. Due to the increasing trade among countries, the risk of species to invade new areas is growing. Species of stink bug from the neotropics (= Neotropical Region) have already invaded and established in the United States (US), which include the red-banded stink bug, Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood) and the rice stink bug, Oebalus ypsilongriseus (De Geer). Other pest species of stink bugs with potential to invade the US include the following: Edessa meditabunda (F.) pest of tomato, potato, soybean and alfalfa; the neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (F.), pest of soybean and cotton; the green belly stink bugs, Dichelops furcatus (F.) and D. melacanthus (Dallas), pests of soybean, corn and wheat; and the stem rice stink bug, Tibraca limbativentris Stal, pest of rice. These species are covered pointing out their present status as pests, their expanding geographical distribution, and their potential to invade the US.
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A faunal survey of the Hispaniolan stinkbugs (Pentatomidae) is presented based on the study of a recent sample of approximately 800 specimens representing 55 species collected throughout the Dominican Republic. Additionally, approximate- ly 700 specimens were examined from museums with significant holdings of Dominican material. One genus and seven species are described as new: Antillosciocoris palisoti, n. gen., n. sp., Banasa flavosa n. sp., Banasa punctata, n. sp., Mediocampus pe- rezi n. sp., Mediocampus woodruffi n. sp., Oebalus magnus n. sp. and Edessa rawlinsi n. sp. The males of Mediocampus domi- nicanus Thomas and Acrosternum insulani Rolston are described for the first time. The species Podisus mucronatus Uhler, Acrosternum wygodzinskyi Rolston, Arvelius porrectispinus Breddin, Banasa herbacea (Stål), Banasa punctatissima Barber & Bruner, Mecidea longula Stål, Murgantia varicolor (Westwood), Thyanta testacea (Dallas), Menudo femoralis Thomas, Brep- holoxa heidemanni Van Duzee, Edessa chlorophyla Barber & Bruner, and Vulsirea violacea (Fabricius) are newly recorded for the island of Hispaniola. Piezodorus guildinii (Westwood), Stiretrus quinquepunctatus (Germar), and Fecelia biorbis Eger, pre- viously known from Haiti, are newly recorded from the Dominican Republic. A single specimen of an exotic species, Chroantha ornatula (Herrich-Schaeffer), is reported as a possible introduction of a mediterranean species to the island. The species Edes- sa rufomarginata (De Geer), Arvelius crassispinus Breddin, Antiteuchus piceus (Palisot de Beauvois), and Euschistus ictericus (Linnaeus) which have previously been cited as found in the island, are treated as species of doubtful presence. The total num-
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Since its initial discovery in Allentown, PA, USA, the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) has now officially has been detected in 38 states and the District of Columbia in the USA. Isolated populations also exist in Switzerland and Canada. This Asian species quickly became a major nuisance pest in the mid-Atlantic USA region due to its overwintering behavior of entering structures. BMSB has an extremely wide host range in both its native home and invaded countries where it feeds on numerous tree fruits, vegetables, field crops, ornamental plants, and native vegetation. In 2010, populations exploded causing severe crop losses to apples, peaches, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes and row crops such as field corn and soybeans in several mid-Atlantic states. Damaging populations were detected in vineyards, small fruit and ornamentals. Researchers are collaborating to develop management solutions that will complement current integrated pest management programs. This article summarizes the current pest status and strategies being developed to manage BMSB in the USA.
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Una especie Africana de Pentatomini, Agonoscelis puberula Stål, es reportada por primera vez para México, sur de Estados Unidos y las islas de Jamaica y Española, en donde se ha establecido. Los registros en el hemisferio oeste más antiguos son de 1985. Esta especie no había sido reconocida probablemente por su gran parecido a las especies del género del Nuevo Mundo Trichopepla Stål. La planta hospedera primaria de A. puberula es la hierba conocida como marrubio, Marrubium vulgare L. También ha sido reportada dañando frutos de invierno en Sudáfrica. Translation provided by author.
The abundance and activity of brown marmorated stink bugs, Halyomorpha halys Stål, over-wintering inside a Maryland home were documented. Brown marmorated stink bugs, an invasive species, were collected daily, and their collection rate assessed with respect to outside temperature, location within the structure, and date. During the 181 -day study period 26,205 adult brown marmorated stink bugs were collected inside the home. The exiting of stink bugs from hiding in the walls and other suitable areas into indoor living space was positively correlated with outside daily high temperature variation from the long-term daily high. Control measures to block exit from walls into living space reduced collection rate, but failed to halt it. This heavy infestation in a single home demonstrates the potential nuisance to millions of homes across the country if the range and population of the brown marmorated stink bug continues to expand.
Datasheet Report for Erthesina fullo
  • Cabi Isc
CABI ISC (n.d.) Datasheet Report for Erthesina fullo. Available online: https:// www. cabi. org/ ISC/ datas heetr eport/ 21901. Accessed on 27 May 2021
Yellow spotted stink bug found in NZ. The Timaru Herald
  • C Mitchell
Mitchell C (2014) Yellow spotted stink bug found in NZ. The Timaru Herald (Nov 13 2014). Available online: https:// www. stuff. co. nz/ busin ess/ farmi ng/ cropp ing/ 63163 690/. Accessed on 27 May 2021
Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp Segarra-Carmona AE
  • D A Rider
Rider DA (2006) Family Pentatomidae. In: Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region. Volume 5. Pentatomomorpha II. The Netherlands Entomological Society, Amsterdam, xiii + 550 pp Segarra-Carmona AE, Franqui RA, Pérez-Martínez H, Morales-Grajales A (2015) New records for stink bugs (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in Puerto Rico. J Agric Univ PR 99:167-178. https:// doi. org/ 10. 46429/ jaupr. v99i2. 3032
Occurrence of Erthesina fullo (Thunberg) and its control
  • Y S Zhou
  • Z H Yin
  • G L Luo
  • S L Wang
  • J Lu
  • T G Zhu
  • J Fan
  • Z X Li
Zhou YS, Yin ZH, Luo GL, Wang SL, Lu J, Zhu TG, Fan J, Li ZX (2000) Occurrence of Erthesina fullo (Thunberg) and its control. J Southwest Agric Univ 22:234-236
  • Gbif
  • Org
Lopes ION (2020) Prevalence, damage, management and insecticide resistance of stink bug populations (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in commodity crops
  • D R Sosa-Gómez
  • B S Corrêa-Ferreira
  • B Kraemer
  • A Pasini
  • P E Husch
  • Ced Vieira
  • Cbr Martinez
  • DR Sosa-Gómez
Megacopta cibraria (F.). In: McPherson JE (ed) Invasive stink bugs and related species (Pentatomoidea): biology, higher systematics, semiochemistry, and management
  • J E Eger
  • W A Gardner
  • J K Greene
  • T M Jenkins
  • P M Roberts
  • D R Suiter
Family Pentatomidae. In: Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region
  • D A Rider
Nezara viridula (L.). In: McPherson JE (ed) Invasive stink bugs and related species (Pentatomoidea): biology, higher systematics, semiochemistry, and management
  • J Esquivel
  • D Musolin
  • W Jones
  • W G Rabitsch
  • Jeremy T Schwertner
  • C F Grazia
  • J Mcpherson
Brachyplatys vahlii (Fabricius, 1787), an introduced bug from Asia: first report in the Western Hemisphere (Hemiptera: Plataspidae: Brachyplatidinae)
  • A Aelio
  • K Saltonstall
  • V Young
Prevalence, damage, management and insecticide resistance of stink bug populations (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in commodity crops
  • DR Sosa-Gómez
  • BS Corrêa-Ferreira
  • B Kraemer
  • A Pasini
  • PE Husch
  • CED Vieira
  • CBR Martinez
  • ION Lopes
  • JE McPherson