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The social shortfall and ecological overshoot of nations

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Abstract and Figures

Previous research has shown that no country currently meets the basic needs of its residents at a level of resource use that could be sustainably extended to all people globally. Using the doughnut-shaped ‘safe and just space’ framework, we analyse the historical dynamics of 11 social indicators and 6 biophysical indicators across more than 140 countries from 1992 to 2015. We find that countries tend to transgress biophysical boundaries faster than they achieve social thresholds. The number of countries overshooting biophysical boundaries increased over the period from 32–55% to 50–66%, depending on the indicator. At the same time, the number of countries achieving social thresholds increased for five social indicators (in particular life expectancy and educational enrolment), decreased for two indicators (social support and equality) and showed little change for the remaining four indicators. We also calculate ‘business-as-usual’ projections to 2050, which suggest deep transformations are needed to safeguard human and planetary health. Current trends will only deepen the ecological crisis while failing to eliminate social shortfalls.
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1Sustainability Research Institute, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. 2Doughnut Economics Action Lab, Oxford, UK.
3Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. 4International Inequalities Institute, London
School of Economics, London, UK. 5Institute of Social Ecology, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences, Vienna, Austria. e-mail:
The doughnut-shaped ‘safe and just space’ framework (also
called the ‘doughnut of social and planetary boundaries’) has
received widespread attention as a holistic tool for envision-
ing human development on a stable and resilient planet1,2. However,
despite the urgent need to define, and move towards, a safe and just
future3, little is known about the pathways of countries over time
with respect to the multi-dimensional social and ecological goals of
the doughnut. This article advances integrated global sustainability
research by assessing whether any countries have lived within the
doughnut in recent decades, or are on track to do so in the future,
on the basis of current trends.
The doughnut combines two core concepts: (1) an ecological
ceiling that avoids critical planetary degradation, which is informed
by the planetary boundaries framework for Earth-system stability4;
and (2) a sufficient social foundation that avoids critical human
deprivation, which is closely aligned with the 12 social priorities of
the Sustainable Development Goals5. The doughnut visualizes the
goal of meeting the needs of all people within the means of the liv-
ing planet6.
Empirical research that combines social and biophysical indica-
tors in the doughnut framework is maturing, and the framework
has been applied to evaluate the performance of cities7,8, regions9,10,
countries2,11,12 and the world as a whole1,6. In general, places that do
well in terms of social achievement use resources at unsustainable
levels, while places that use resources sustainably do not reach a suf-
ficient social foundation2.
A large body of empirical research finds diminishing returns in
social performance as resource use increases, and this finding holds
across different social indicators or baskets of indicators, such as life
satisfaction, life expectancy or composite indices, together with CO2
emissions13,14, energy use1517, ecological footprint1820 and others2,21.
Modellers have described the impact on planetary boundaries of
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals22, the socioeconomic
effects of CO2 mitigation pathways23,24 and the energy requirements
of meeting a set of basic needs25,26. However, these studies either
do not disaggregate from the global to the national scale or do not
include multiple planetary boundaries and social indicators. To
date, O’Neill et al.2 provide the only global cross-national analysis of
the level of resource use associated with achieving minimum social
thresholds using the safe and just space framework, but their study
is limited to a single year.
There is an emerging view that achieving social thresholds with-
out overshooting biophysical boundaries requires a dual focus on
curbing excessive affluence and consumption by the rich while avoid-
ing critical human deprivation among the least well off2729. A better
understanding of country trajectories with respect to the doughnut
could provide insights into the type of action needed to transform
unsustainable systems of social and technical provisioning30.
Biophysical boundaries and social thresholds
We gathered historical data from 1992 to 2015 and analysed national
performance on 6 consumption-based environmental indicators
(relative to downscaled biophysical boundaries) and 11 social indi-
cators (relative to social thresholds) for over 140 countries (Table 1).
We also used these data to estimate dynamic statistical forecasting
models within each country, which act as empirical constraints on
a simple ‘business-as-usual’ projection of current trends for each
social and biophysical indicator, out to the year 2050.
The 11 social indicators include 2 measures of human well-being
(self-reported life satisfaction and life expectancy) and 9 need satis-
fiers (nutrition, sanitation, income poverty, access to energy, educa-
tion, social support, democratic quality, equality and employment).
To assess social performance over time, we compared these indica-
tors with the minimum threshold values identified by O’Neill et al.2,
with some adjustments and caveats (Table 1 and Methods). Since
the social support indicator series does not begin until 2005, only
ten indicators were considered in total for cross-national compari-
sons over the 1992–2015 analysis period.
The social shortfall and ecological overshoot
of nations
Andrew L. Fanning 1,2 ✉ , Daniel W. O’Neill 1, Jason Hickel3,4 and Nicolas Roux 5
Previous research has shown that no country currently meets the basic needs of its residents at a level of resource use that
could be sustainably extended to all people globally. Using the doughnut-shaped ‘safe and just space’ framework, we analyse
the historical dynamics of 11 social indicators and 6 biophysical indicators across more than 140 countries from 1992 to 2015.
We find that countries tend to transgress biophysical boundaries faster than they achieve social thresholds. The number of
countries overshooting biophysical boundaries increased over the period from 32–55% to 50–66%, depending on the indica-
tor. At the same time, the number of countries achieving social thresholds increased for five social indicators (in particular life
expectancy and educational enrolment), decreased for two indicators (social support and equality) and showed little change
for the remaining four indicators. We also calculate ‘business-as-usual’ projections to 2050, which suggest deep transforma-
tions are needed to safeguard human and planetary health. Current trends will only deepen the ecological crisis while failing to
eliminate social shortfalls.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved
... This paper is an autoethnographic reflection on the curatorial work I have done around sustainability education (SE) for over 25 years with the Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM), a mid-sized provincial museum of natural history and Indigenous cultures in the heart of the Canadian prairies. I call myself a renegade curator mostly as a nod to Kate Raworth, a self-proclaimed "renegade economist" (Raworth, 2017) whose ideas about economics have challenged and expanded the central tenets of her field (Dearing et al., 2014;Fanning et al., 2022;Stopper et al., 2016). My work has not caused a ripple by comparison, and I have always enjoyed institutional support, but "renegade" still fits, since applying a human ecology lens to study and teach about the sustainability of our species is not the typical bent of a natural history curator. ...
... 24). Her insights and ideas have generated a range of innovative planning and educational tools that apply across spatial and temporal scales (Dearing et al., 2014;Fanning et al., 2022;Stopper et al., 2016). The doughnut concept also illustrates how sustainability is associated with cultural evolution, since activities that keep an economy in a "safe and just space" will have a clear selective advantage. ...
With climate change and other Anthropocene trends affecting millions every day, there is a clear need to help people find ways to live more sustainably at local, regional, and global scales. Humanity has known this for decades, and museums have a prominent role to play as trusted and accessible sources of information and inspiration, yet few have made addressing sustainability their main focus. Based on 25 years of gallery and research projects at a medium-sized museum of natural history and Indigenous cultures, this paper looks at museum-driven sustainability education (SE) from a curatorial perspective. Using an autoethnographic lens and cultural evolution as a frame of reference, I highlight the value of SE by reflecting on how it has informed past and current gallery and research projects. I also draw insights about SE from these projects and outline a general SE framework aimed at all members of the museum community.
... Research by Vergara and Jammi (2022) shows that soil, air and water pollution, clogging of storm drains and waste incineration, and the release of toxic substances into the air and water are severe environmental problems that result from improper waste management, threatening human health and the environment and leading to the degradation of natural ecosystems. In addition, it leads to socio-economic problems, as noted by Fanning et al. (2021), namely significant inequalities in the distribution of wealth and resources within and between countries; many people are unable to meet their basic physiological needs; the rich consume significantly more resources than the poor, and thus contribute to environmental overconsumption. The study's findings by Winkler et al. (2021) highlight the need for urgent action to preserve the earth and its resources. ...
... Continuous population growth, urbanisation, industrial development and consumer lifestyles are driving factors behind this issue. Intensive human economic activity, enhanced by scientific and technological progress, leads to the degradation of natural ecosystems and the disruption of global ecological balance (Fanning et al., 2021). Limited recycling services, improper landfill disposal, and harmful incineration practices stem from low environmental awareness. ...
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The modern world is undergoing profound changes due to globalisation, digital transformation and the depletion of natural resources; it requires radical modernisation of the economy and repeatedly involves introducing new organisational and economic models that combine economic development, environmental safety and the rational use of natural resources. To address these challenges, it is crucial to shift towards a sustainable lifestyle that balances short-term economic interests with long-term environmental impacts. As the foundation of the new industrial revolution, the circular economy offers a pathway to creating more competitive and sustainable economies where waste becomes a resource and economic development does not contradict environmental protection, but its implementation requires a comprehensive approach. This study aims to demonstrate the necessity of transitioning from a linear to a circular production model to minimize waste and conserve natural resources through the integrated application of cyclicality principles. This approach enables enterprises to achieve profitability while alleviating the strain on natural resources. Using a systematic approach and various scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, deduction, generalisation, and abstraction, this review investigates modern environmental challenges and identifies one of our most significant environmental problems: waste minimisation and conservation of natural resources. The paper evaluates the potential and limitations of implementing the circular economy in contemporary economic contexts to enhance efficiency and safety. The critical indicators of the circular economy were analysed, allowing a general idea of the progress in this area in recent years, based on the example of the European Union. The study concludes that a successful transition to a circular economy requires a comprehensive approach that creates new business opportunities and promotes interaction between enterprises, society and the state, ensuring the exchange of experience and knowledge.
... 11 Since then, Doughnut Economics has been widely adopted. It has been used to compare social and ecological performance between nations, 12 and it is increasingly being used as a framework for local and regional decision making. 13 Currently, no country is operating within the Doughnut's safe and just space, where basic needs are met without environmental pressures exceeding planetary boundaries. ...
... 13 Currently, no country is operating within the Doughnut's safe and just space, where basic needs are met without environmental pressures exceeding planetary boundaries. 12 Wealthier countries tend to meet minimum social thresholds, but severely overshoot ecological boundaries, while poorer countries tend to be below social thresholds, yet do little to contribute to planetary overshoot. 14 Satisfying the needs of all people within the limits of the planet is the crucial issue of our time and the fundamental goal of Doughnut Economics. ...
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If considered as an independent nation, California would be the world’s 5th largest economy – but is it providing a good life for all within the means of the planet? This report provides a new narrative about the purpose of the economy and a holistic set of science-backed indicators that help tell that story. The California Doughnut Snapshot examines 42 social and ecological indicators to provide a concise visual assessment of economic performance. The goal of this report is to serve as a compass to help orient California towards a society which meets the needs of all people within the limits of the planet. This is divided into 3 main objectives: 1) provide a snapshot of California’s social and ecological performance, 2) reorient California’s economic goals towards well-being and sustainability, and 3) inspire wider adoption of this framework within local governments, educational institutions, and community organizations. We considered over 200 indicators and selected around 100 as potential fits for the 21 categories generally included in Doughnut Assessments. We collaborated with academic, government and nongovernmental organizations, and community groups across the state to narrow down and improve this list. The social foundation is made up of 24 representative indicators divided into 12 categories, while the ecological ceiling consists of 18 representative indicators divided into 9 categories. Around 50% of the indicators are documented by government agencies, 30% by NGO reports, and 20% by academic reports and peer-reviewed articles. Alongside the indicators, targets, and overshoot/shortfall, the report includes a one-page report for each of the 21 categories. These include relevant indicators that were not selected as representative indicators, context and background, policy measures that have been implemented in California and change over time, and a discussion of justice focusing on inequality within the state and between nations. While California is the richest state in the US, it is falling short on 100% of the social indicators assessed. Despite being well known as a leader on environmental issues, California is overshooting 89% of ecological indicators assessed. The average social shortfall is 34% and the average ecological overshoot is 283%. The Doughnut Snapshot offers an indictment of relying on GDP as the primary way to measure economic achievement, while proposing more meaningful indicators of social and ecological wellbeing in California.
... The extent of overshooting is increasing and shows no sign of diminishing, as measured by the Material Footprint (MF) indicator (Fanning et al., 2022;Giljum et al., 2015;Wiedmann et al., 2015). The MF of the world, as well as carbon emissions causing climate change, is strongly correlated with economic growth and the size of the global economy-as Figures 1 and 2 show. ...
... The basic ecological concept is that the net primary productivity (NPP) of an ecosystem is the foundation of life (Fanning et al., 2022;Wuest et al., 2021). Therefore, we investigated how the risks of biological resources limit economic development, as these resources are facing increasing threats (Rockström et al., 2009;Steffen et al., 2015a). ...
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A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Risk-based environmental footprint Environmental sustainability assessment Poverty eradication Multi-regional input-output analysis A B S T R A C T The implementation of environmental sustainability accounting has attracted academic attention; however, methods to accommodate local biophysical limitations remain underexplored. We developed a novel risk-footprint environmental sustainability assessment (Risk-Footprint ESA) framework to measure a country's environmental sustainability with respect to local biophysical capacity to help nations take collective action to stay within a safe operating space. Our findings indicated that the global environmental footprints of water, land, energy, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus witnessed variable increases of 325 %, 39 %, 36 %, 95 %, 6 %, and 3 % respectively, between 1990 and 2015. China, India, and the United States exhibited the largest footprints across these categories. Excluding water and land use, it appears that the global population is not maintaining lifestyles within the limits of the planet. Furthermore, the most effectively managed resource was land, with nearly 95 % of the countries maintaining sustainable reserves from 1990 to 2015. Conversely, nitrogen presents the greatest challenge in achieving sustainability, with only 25 % of the countries managing a reserve for this indicator. Additionally, there was a correlation between rising affluence and exceeding sustainability limits, suggesting that low income reduces the chances of eradicating poverty and diminishes the ability to maintain environmental sustainability.
... Ecología Política, cio de «seguridad vital» entre el techo ecológico marcado por los límites biofísicos y un suelo de necesidades sociales. Según distintos análisis, prácticamente todos los países se encuentran fuera de ese espacio seguro y justo para la humanidad (Fanning et al., 2022). ...
Resumen: Desde su origen, el concepto de biorregión pretende superar la dicotomía sociedad-naturaleza. En la actualidad se propone como soporte territorial y espacio de planificación para las transiciones ecosociales, mediante la relocalización de los metabolismos sociales, el aumento de la autonomía en la satisfacción de las necesidades humanas, y la preservación y restauración de ecosistemas. La biodiversidad es fundamental en la perspectiva biorregional, que entiende el territorio como espacio de interrelación de sistemas naturales, antropizados y urbanos; y que propugna la transformación de la economía, los modos de habitar y la cultura para avanzar a prácticas culturales en equilibrio con los ecosistemas que les dan cobijo. Palabras clave: planificación biorregional, límites biofísicos, necesidades humanas, cambio cultural Abstract: Since its inception, the concept of the bioregion has sought to overcome the dichotomy between society and nature. It is now proposed as a territorial support and planning space for eco-social transitions through the relocation of social metabolisms, increased autonomy in the satisfaction of human needs and the preservation and restoration of ecosystems. Biodiversity is fundamental to the bioregional perspective, which understands the territory as a space of interaction between natural, anthropised and urban systems; and which advocates the transformation of economies, lifestyles and cultures to move towards cultural practices in balance with the ecosystems that sustain them. Keywords: bioregional planning, biophysical boundaries, human needs, cultural change
... Industries inject dangerous chemical materials into freshwater and threaten aquatic ecosystems. Seagrass beds, coral reefs, and mangroves are consequently disappeared by industrialization (Fanning et al., 2022). Burning fossil fuels and greenhouse gases emitted by industries leads to ocean acidification and climate warming where consequently rising sea levels and sea temperatures harm marine ecosystems (Guinotte & Fabry, 2008). ...
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The different stages of oil and gas extraction in the seabed are linked to water pollution and threaten fish reserves. This issue becomes more critical in the Middle East countries which are rich in natural resources and at the same time are facing water tensions. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the harmful impact of gas extraction on fisheries’ footprint in the Middle East based on data from 1990 to 2021. In addition, as the destructive effects of gas extraction are not only limited to the extraction area but also affect the region widespread, then to examine the spreading characteristic of fishing ground footprint in the entire region of the Middle East, this study applies spatial econometrics. According to the results, local gas extraction has a considerable positive and significant effect on the home fishery’s footprint. Each percent growth in local gas extraction leads to a significant increase of approximately 0.21 in the home fishing footprint index. In addition, spatial coefficients analysis reveals that a 1% growth in gas extraction in neighboring countries leads to a 4% increase in fisheries footprint inside a country. In addition, the driving force of fisheries footprint in the Middle East mainly came from gas extraction, accelerated economic development (GDP^2), and agricultural production of the country itself, as well as the urbanization, industrialization, and gas extraction of neighboring countries, respectively. Then, the catastrophe of fishing areas’ demolition caused by gas extraction activities in the Middle East area is remarkable and fish conservation needs more intra- and cross-country prevention policies in the Middle East area.
Cet article compare les impacts des activités économiques sur l’environnement et l’accès aux besoins fondamentaux sociaux entre la Suisse et le Togo. Ces deux pays ont été choisis pour illustrer les dynamiques de réalités très différentes en les considérant à la lumière de la théorie du Donut. Cette comparaison met en évidence des modèles économiques et culturels différents. Alors que la Suisse, pays à hauts revenus, dépasse largement les limites écologiques, mais atteint les besoins humains de base, le Togo a un impact environnemental limité, mais ne parvient pas à couvrir les besoins sociaux fondamentaux. L’article propose d’enrichir les pratiques d’orientation en intégrant la transition vers la durabilité selon la théorie du Donut, en favorisant un échange de pratiques entre les deux pays et en examinant les défis spécifiques de chacun à la lumière de cette théorie.
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Meeting human needs at sustainable levels of energy use is fundamental for avoiding catastrophic climate change and securing the well-being of all people. In the current political-economic regime, no country does so. Here, we assess which socio-economic conditions might enable societies to satisfy human needs at low energy use, to reconcile human well-being with climate mitigation. Using a novel analytical framework alongside a novel multivariate regression-based moderation approach and data for 106 countries, we analyse how the relationship between energy use and six dimensions of human need satisfaction varies with a wide range of socio-economic factors relevant to the provisioning of goods and services ('provisioning factors'). We find that factors such as public service quality, income equality, democracy, and electricity access are associated with higher need satisfaction and lower energy requirements (‘beneficial provisioning factors’). Conversely, extractivism and economic growth beyond moderate levels of affluence are associated with lower need satisfaction and greater energy requirements (‘detrimental provisioning factors’). Our results suggest that improving beneficial provisioning factors and abandoning detrimental ones could enable countries to provide sufficient need satisfaction at much lower, ecologically sustainable levels of energy use. However, as key pillars of the required changes in provisioning run contrary to the dominant political-economic regime, a broader transformation of the economic system may be required to prioritise, and organise provisioning for, the satisfaction of human needs at low energy use.
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As humanity’s demand on natural resources is increasingly exceeding Earth’s biological rate of regeneration, environmental deterioration such as greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere, ocean acidification and groundwater depletion is accelerating. As a result, the capacity of ecosystems to renew biomass, herein referred to as ‘biocapacity’, is becoming the material bottleneck for the human economy. Yet, economic development theory and practice continue to underplay the importance of natural resources, most notably biological ones. We analysed the unequal exposure of national economies to biocapacity constraints. We found that a growing number of people live in countries with both biocapacity deficits and below-average income. Low income thwarts these economies’ ability to compete for needed resources on the global market. By 2017, 72% of humanity lived in such countries. This trend not only erodes their possibilities for maintaining progress but also eliminates their chances for eradicating poverty, a situation we call an ‘ecological poverty trap’.
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This paper quantifies drain from the global South through unequal exchange since 1960. According to our primary method, which relies on exchange-rate differentials, we find that in the most recent year of data the global North (‘advanced economies’) appropriated from the South commodities worth 2.2trillioninNorthernpricesenoughtoendextremepoverty15timesover.Overthewholeperiod,drainfromtheSouthtotalled2.2 trillion in Northern prices — enough to end extreme poverty 15 times over. Over the whole period, drain from the South totalled 62 trillion (constant 2011 dollars), or $152 trillion when accounting for lost growth. Appropriation through unequal exchange represents up to 7% of Northern GDP and 9% of Southern GDP. We also test several alternative methods, for comparison: we quantify unequal exchange in terms of wage differentials instead of exchange-rate differentials, and report drain in global average prices as well as Northern prices. Regardless of the method, we find that the intensity of exploitation and the scale of unequal exchange increased significantly during the structural adjustment period of the 1980s and 1990s. This study affirms that drain from the South remains a significant feature of the world economy in the post-colonial era; rich countries continue to rely on imperial forms of appropriation to sustain their high levels of income and consumption.
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Keeping the Earth system in a stable and resilient state, to safeguard Earth's life support systems while ensuring that Earth's benefits, risks, and related responsibilities are equitably shared, constitutes the grand challenge for human development in the Anthropocene. Here, we describe a framework that the recently formed Earth Commission will use to define and quantify target ranges for a “safe and just corridor” that meets these goals. Although “safe” and “just” Earth system targets are interrelated, we see safe as primarily referring to a stable Earth system and just targets as being associated with meeting human needs and reducing exposure to risks. To align safe and just dimensions, we propose to address the equity dimensions of each safe target for Earth system regulating systems and processes. The more stringent of the safe or just target ranges then defines the corridor. Identifying levers of social transformation aimed at meeting the safe and just targets and challenges associated with translating the corridor to actors at multiple scales present scope for future work.
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Non-technical summary Global income inequality and energy consumption inequality are related. High-income households consume more energy than low-income ones, and for different purposes. Here, we explore the global household energy consumption implications of global income redistribution. We show that global income inequality shapes not only inequalities of energy consumption but the quantity and composition of overall energy demand. Our results call for the inclusion of income distribution into energy system models, as well as into energy and climate policy. Technical summary Despite a rapidly growing number of studies on the relationship between inequality and energy, there is little research estimating the effect of income redistribution on energy demand. We contribute to this debate by proposing a simple but granular and data-driven model of the global income distribution and of global household energy consumption. We isolate the effect of income distribution on household energy consumption and move beyond the assumption of aggregate income–energy elasticities. First, we model expenditure as a function of income. Second, we determine budget shares of expenditure for a variety of products and services by employing product-granular income elasticities of demand. Subsequently, we apply consumption-based final energy intensities to product and services to obtain energy footprint accounts. Testing variants of the global income distribution, we find that the ‘energy costs’ of equity are small. Equitable and inequitable distributions of income, however, entail distinct structural change in energy system terms. In an equitable world, fewer people live in energy poverty and more energy is consumed for subsistence and necessities, instead of luxury and transport. Social media summary Equality in global income shifts household energy footprints towards subsistence, while inequality shifts them towards transport and luxury.
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The link between energy use, social and environmental well-being is at the root of critical synergies between clean and affordable energy (SDG7) and other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Household-level quantitative energy analyses enable better understanding regarding interconnections between the level and composition of energy use, and SDG achievement. This study examines the household-level energy footprints in Nepal, Vietnam, and Zambia. We calculate the footprints using multi-regional input–output with energy extensions based on International Energy Agency data. We propose an original perspective on the links between household final energy use and well-being, measured through access to safe water, health, education, sustenance, and modern fuels. In all three countries, households with high well-being show much lower housing energy use, due to a transition from inefficient biomass-based traditional fuels to efficient modern fuels, such as gas and electricity. We find that households achieving well-being have 60%–80% lower energy footprint of residential fuel use compared to average across the countries. We observe that collective provisioning systems in form of access to health centers, public transport, markets, and garbage disposal and characteristics linked to having solid shelter, access to sanitation, and minimum floor area are more important for the attainment of well-being than changes in income or total energy consumption. This is an important finding, contradicting the narrative that basic well-being outcomes require increased income and individual consumption of energy. Substantial synergies exist between the achievement of well-being at a low level of energy use and other SDGs linked to poverty reduction (encompassed in SDG1), health (SDG3), sanitation (SDG6), gender equality (SDG5), climate action and reduced deforestation (SDG 13 and SDG15) and inequalities (SDG10).
Technical Report
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The report details the development of a conceptual framework, based upon the doughnut economics model of Kate Raworth (2012), that employs multiple indicators in order to establish an integrated assessment method for monitoring social and ecological conditions in Cornwall towards agreed strategic priorities.
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Agriculture contributes to deforestation and the conversion of other terrestrial ecosystems, affecting important ecosystem functions. A growing share of the produced agricultural commodities is traded between countries. It is widely assumed that international trade reduces humanity's pressure on land ecosystems by optimizing the mix of origin, i.e. by sourcing products from countries where land is used more efficiently. We examined if recent changes in the origin of agricultural products reduced humanity's impact on a fundamental ecosystem function, the net primary production (NPP) of vegetation. We performed an index decomposition analysis on a dataset of human appropriation of net primary production embodied in bilateral trade flows of 392 agricultural products between 167 countries (eHANPP) from 1986 to 2011. We found that while changes in the origin of agricultural products globally reduced HANPP in the 1990s, this trend reversed since 1999. This turn is explained by the increased sourcing of agricultural products from tropical regions, for exports and domestic consumption. After 2008, countries-on average-increasingly sourced their agricultural products from less efficient regions than in 1986. Our results suggest that the potential of trade to reduce humanity's impact on land ecosystems has not been exploited in the recent past.
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Contemporary consumption patterns, embedded in profit-maximizing economic systems, are driving a worsening socio-ecological crisis, in particular through the escalating production and consumption of goods with high material and/or energy intensity. Establishing minimum and maximum standards of consumption (or "consumption corridors") has been suggested as a way to address this crisis. Consumption corridors provide the normative basis for sustainable consumption, that is, enough consumption for individuals to satisfy needs, but not too much to collectively surpass environmental limits. Current consumption patterns (especially in the global North) do not yet fall within consumption corridors, and standards are not fixed over time. Consumption is socially constructed and can escalate due to socioeconomic , technological, or infrastructural influences. In this article, we propose a framework to understand such escalating trends. This approach can be used as a tool for comprehending how consumption evolves over time, as well as for identifying the most effective leverage points to intervene and prevent escalation from happening in the first place. We build on theories of human-need satisfaction and combine these conceptual understandings with insights from research on socio-technical provisioning systems, sociological approaches to consumption, and perspectives on infrastructure lock-in. We illustrate our framework by systemically considering escalation for a specific technological product-the private car.
The “Doughnut” of social and planetary boundaries is a framework for guiding and evaluating policy, where the goal is to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet. This policy brief considers what it would take to use the “Doughnut” instead of GDP growth to guide our Covid-19 recovery.