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Fungal Diversity
Species diversity, taxonomy andmulti‑gene phylogeny ofphlebioid
clade (Phanerochaetaceae, Irpicaceae, Meruliaceae) ofPolyporales
Che‑ChihChen1,2,3 · Chi‑YuChen1 · Sheng‑HuaWu1,2
Received: 21 January 2021 / Accepted: 17 August 2021
The phlebioid clade (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) accommodates numerous species of corticioid and polyporoid fungi of
the Phanerochaetaceae, Irpicaceae, and Meruliaceae. The present study used morphological and phylogenetic approaches
to revise the generic classification of the phlebioid clade and survey species diversity. The phylogenetic analyses were
performed using sequences of multiple genes, including the nuc rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS), the D1-D2 domains of 28S
rDNA (28S), the RNA polymerase II largest subunit (rpb1), the RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2), and the
translation elongation factor 1-α (tef1). We overall recognize 57 genera including six new ones (Alboefibula, Cremeoderma,
Gelatinofungus, Luteochaete, Phanerochaetella and Quasiphlebia). We describe 26 new species belonging to 15 genera
(Alboefibula bambusicola, A. gracilis, Crustodontia taiwanensis, Cytidiella albomarginata, Efibula matsuensis, E. tur-
gida, E. subglobispora, Gelatinofungus brunneus, Hydnophlebia aurantia, H. crocata, Irpex lenis, Mycoaciella efibulata,
Phanerochaete alpina, P. crystallina, P. guangdongensis, P. rhizomorpha, P. spadicea, P. subcarnosa, Phanerochaetella
formosana, Phlebiopsis odontoidea, P. yushaniae, Quasiphlebia densa, Rhizochaete chinensis, Roseograndinia jilinensis, R.
minispora, and Scopuloides allantoidea), and present 18 new combinations belonging to 12 genera (Cremeoderma unicum,
Crustodontia nigrodontea, C. tongxiniana, Cytidiella albida, Efibula intertexta, Hydnophlebia alachuana, Irpex laceratus, I.
latemarginatus, I. rosettiformis, Luteochaete subglobosa, Luteoporia lutea, Phanerochaetella angustocystidiata, P. exilis, P.
leptoderma, P. xerophila, Phlebiopsis alba, Rhizochaete lutea, Scopuloides dimorpha). Descriptions, illustrations and notes
of new species and some new records are provided, as well as identification keys to genera of each family.
Keywords Basidiomycota· Classification· Systematics· Wood-decay fungi· 50 new taxa
The order Polyporales Gäum. is a diverse group of the class
Agaricomycetes Doweld (Basidiomycota R.T. Moore),
which includes about 2500 species (He etal. 2019). The
phlebioid clade is a large group of the Polyporales, compris-
ing of three families (Phanerochaetaceae Jülich, Irpicaceae
Spirin & Zmitr., and Meruliaceae Rea) and about 54 gen-
era (Justo etal. 2017; He etal. 2019; Wijayawardene etal.
2020). The term ‘phlebioid clade’ was originally proposed
by Larsson etal. (2004) to describe a group including the
genera Byssomerulius Parmasto, Ceriporia Donk, Gloeo-
porus Mont., Hyphoderma Wallr., Phlebia Fr., Mycoacia
Donk and Mycoaciella J. Erikss. & Ryvarden. Binder etal.
(2005) divided the Polyporales into four main clades: antro-
dia, core polyporoid, phlebioid and residual clades, based on
phylogenetic analyses using ribosomal RNA genes (rDNA).
The concept of the phlebioid clade corresponded with Lars-
son etal. (2004), and only excluded Hyphoderma and some
other closely related taxa. Binder etal. (2013) provided a
multi-gene phylogenetic and phylogenomic overview of
the Polyporales, which supported the phlebioid clade sensu
Binder etal. (2005). Justo etal. (2017) introduced a family-
level classification of the phlebioid clade with three families:
Phanerochaetaceae, Irpicaceae and Meruliaceae, according
* Che-Chih Chen
* Sheng-Hua Wu
1 Department ofPlant Pathology, National Chung Hsing
University, Taichung402202, Taiwan
2 Department ofBiology, National Museum ofNatural
Science, Taichung404605, Taiwan
3 Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica,
Taipei115201, Taiwan
Fungal Diversity
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to the phylogenetic analyses inferred from the nuc rDNA
ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS), the D1-D2 domains of 28S rDNA
(28S), and the RNA polymerase II largest subunit (rpb1)
According to Justo etal. (2017), He etal. (2019), Wijaya-
wardene etal. (2020) and El-Gharabawy etal. (2021),
eighteen genera were placed in the Phanerochaetaceae:
Bjerkandera P. Karst., Crepatura C.L. Zhao, Donkia Pilát,
Efibulella Zmitr., Geliporus Yuan Yuan, Jia J. Chen & S.
H. He, Hapalopilus P. Karst., Hyphodermella J. Erikss.
& Ryvarden, Odontoefibula C. C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu,
Oxychaete Miettinen, Phaeophlebiopsis Floudas & Hibbett,
Phanerina Miettinen, Phanerochaete P. Karst., Phlebiop-
sis Jülich, Pirex Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Porostereum Pilát,
Rhizochaete Gresl., Nakasone & Rajchenb., Riopa D.A.
Reid, and Terana Adans. Fifteen genera were placed in the
Irpicaceae: Byssomerulius, Ceriporia, Crystallicutis El-
Gharabawy, Leal-Dutra and G.W. Griff, Cytidiella Pouzar,
Efibula Sheng H. Wu, Emmia Zmitr., Spirin & Malysheva,
Flavodon Ryvarden, Gloeoporus, Hydnopolyporus D.A.
Reid, Irpex Fr., Leptoporus Quél., Meruliopsis Bondartsev,
Raduliporus Spirin & Zmitr., Resiniporus Zmitr., and Tra-
metopsis Tomšovský. Twenty-one genera were placed in
the Meruliaceae: Aurantiopileus Ginns, D. L. Lindner & T.
J. Baroni, Aurantiporus Murrill, Ceriporiopsis Domański,
Climacodon P. Karst., Crustodontia Hjortstam & Ryvarden,
Geesterania Westphalen, Tomšovský & Rajchenb., Her-
manssonia Zmitr., Hydnophanerochaete Sheng H. Wu &
C.C. Chen, Hydnophlebia Parmasto, Lilaceophlebia (Par-
masto) Spirin & Zmitr., Luteoporia F. Wu, Jia J. Chen &
S.H. He, Merulius Fr., Mycoacia, Mycoaciella, Odoria V.
Papp & Dima, Pappia Zmitr., Phlebia, Phlebiporia Jia J.
Chen, B.K. Cui & Y.C. Dai, Sarcodontia Schulzer, Scopu-
loides (Massee) Höhn. & Litsch., and Stereophlebia Zmitr.
In terms of morphology, for the Phanerochaetaceae, cor-
ticioid species are predominant, along with a few resupinate
polypores and pileate hydnaceous species. The hyphal sys-
tem is usually mono-, rarely dimitic; the generative hyphae
are usually simple-, rarely nodose-septate. Cystidia are often
present, and basidiospores are usually thin-walled, smooth
and colorless. The Irpicaceae comprises of corticioid spe-
cies or, resupinate or pileate polypores; the hyphal system
is usually mono-, rarely dimitic; the generative hyphae are
usually simple-, rarely nodose-septate. Cystidia are often
absent, and basidiospores are usually thin-walled, smooth
and colorless. The Meruliaceae consists of corticioid spe-
cies, resupinate or pileate polypores, or pileate hydnaceous
species that are common with a ceraceous appearance. The
hyphal system is usually mono-, rarely dimitic, and tightly
arranged; the generative hyphae are usually nodose-, rarely
simple-septate. Cystidia are often present, and basidiospores
are usually thin-walled, smooth and colorless (Justo etal.
Members of the phlebioid clade play an essential role in
the maintenance of forest ecosystems. Most species in the
phlebioid clade are saprotrophs on dead wood, causing a
white rot (except for the brown-rot genus Leptoporus in the
Irpicaceae) (Justo etal. 2017; Ryvarden and Melo 2017).
Nevertheless, some species may be endophytic (Crozier
etal. 2006; Rungjindamai etal. 2008; Thomas etal. 2008;
Martin etal. 2015; Li etal. 2021), pathogenic on trees (Dai
etal. 2007; Sayari etal. 2012) and symbiotic with other
organisms, such as mycoheterotrophic orchids (Ogura‐Tsu-
jita etal. 2018; Suetsugu etal. 2020) and ambrosia beetles
(Li etal. 2015, 2017).
Many species in the phlebioid clade, such as Bjerkandera
adusta (Willd.) P. Karst., B. fumosa (Pers.) P. Karst., Clima-
codon septentrionalis (Fr.) P. Karst., Irpex hydnoides Y.W.
Lim & H.S. Jung, I. lacteus (Fr.) Fr., and Phlebia tremel-
losa (Schrad.) Nakasone & Burds., are known to possess
medicinal values (Dai etal. 2009; Wu etal. 2019). In addi-
tion, B. adusta, Irpex laceratus, I. lacteus, Phanerochaete
chrysosporium Burds., and Phlebia spp. have potential
industrial applications for biodegradation and bioconversion,
due to their efficient enzymatic system (Kumar etal. 2009;
Sánchez 2009; Kumar and Sharma 2017; Xiao and Kondo
2019). Some of these fungi (P. chrysosporium and Phlebia
spp.) have also been used as model organisms in compara-
tive genomics to study the evolution of wood decay mecha-
nisms (Martinez etal. 2004; Floudas etal. 2012; Mäkinen
etal. 2019). In agriculture and forestry, Phlebiopsis gigantea
(Fr.) Jülich has been utilized as a biological control agent
against conifer root and butt rot caused by Heterobasidion
spp. (Pratt etal. 2000). Irpex latemarginatus has been
reported to produce volatile compounds that control fruit
decay (Lee etal. 2009). Clinically, however, a few species
in the phlebioid clade have recently emerged as important
human pathogens, including B. adusta, I. laceratus, and I.
lacteus (Chowdhary etal. 2014).
Despite the importance of the phlebioid clade, compared
to the antrodia and core polyporoid clades of Polyporales,
it has not been intensively studied (Ortiz-Santana etal.
2013; Justo etal. 2017; Cui etal. 2019). Generic delimita-
tion within this clade is still not settled (Binder etal. 2013;
Floudas and Hibbett 2015; Justo etal. 2017). Some genera
with abundant species are known as paraphyletic or polyphy-
letic, and their members are scattered in different lineages,
not fully consistent with the morphological features, such as
Ceriporia (Jia etal. 2014; Chen etal. 2020), Ceriporiopsis
(Tomšovský etal. 2010), Phanerochaete (De Koker etal.
2003; Wu etal. 2010; Floudas and Hibbett 2015) and Phle-
bia (Kuuskeri etal. 2015; Justo etal. 2017). Furthermore,
there are still a considerable number of new species (espe-
cially corticoid species) requiring description, and molecu-
lar sequences are lacking for many known species. Thus, it
is essential to provide a comprehensive investigation on a
Fungal Diversity
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broad overview of the phlebioid clade, based on more stud-
ied taxa and multi-gene analyses.
This study aims in establishing a phylogenetic overview
of the phlebioid clade, according to morphological and five-
gene phylogenetic analyses of abundant species, including
numerous newly presented taxa. Six new genera are intro-
duced to accommodate the presented taxa, 26 new species
are described, and 18 new combinations are proposed in
this study. Identification keys to genera of each family are
also given.
Materials andmethods
Morphological studies
Most studied materials are deposited at the herbarium of the
National Museum of Natural Science, ROC (TNM). Some
type or representative specimens were borrowed from her-
baria of the Beijing Forestry University, mainland China
(BJFC), the U.S. Forest Service, NRS, Center for Forest
Mycology Research, USA (CFMR) and the Kunming Insti-
tute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, mainland
China (KUN). Abbreviations for institutions followed the
Index Herbariorum (http:// sweet gum. nybg. org/ ih/). Basidio-
carps were photographed with an Olympus TG-4 or a Nikon
D5300 digital camera. The hymenial surface of basidiocarps
were studied under a Nikon SMZ645 (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan)
stereomicroscope at a magnification of up to ×50. Free-hand
thin sections of basidiocarps were mounted in 5% potas-
sium hydroxide (KOH) with 1% phloxine for observation
and measurements, Melzer’s reagent for checking amyloidity
and dextrinoidity, and Cotton Blue (CB, Fluka 61335; Buchs
SG, Switzerland) for determining cyanophily using a Leica
DM2500 (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) microscope (− 1000×).
Drawings were illustrated with the aid of a drawing tube.
The following abbreviations are used: L = mean basidi-
ospore length (arithmetical average for all basidiospores),
W = mean basidiospore width (arithmetical average for all
basidiospores), Q = L/W ratios, n = number of measured
basidiospores from each specimen. The method for meas-
urements of microscopic characters and the terminology of
morphological characters followed Wu (1990).
DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR),
andDNA sequencing
Dried specimens or cultured mycelia in 2% MEA were used
as sources of DNA. Tissues were disrupted and homog-
enized with the aid of liquid nitrogen and a TissueLyser II
(Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). DNA was extracted using the
Plant Genomic DNA Extraction Miniprep System (Vio-
gene-Biotek Corporation, New Taipei, Taiwan) according
to the manufacturer’s protocols. Five gene regions were
amplified in this study: nuc rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 (ITS)
using primer pair ITS1/ITS4 (White etal. 1990); D1–D2
domains of 28S rDNA (28S) using primer pair LR0R/
LR5 (Vilgalys and Hester 1990); RNA polymerase II larg-
est subunit (rpb1) using primer pair RPB1-Af/RPB1-Cr
(Stiller and Hall 1997; Matheny etal. 2002) or alternative
primers RPB1- 2f, RPB1-2.1f, RPB1-2.2f and RPB1-2.1r
(Frøslev etal. 2005); RNA polymerase II second largest
subunit (rpb2) using primer pair RPB2-f5F/RPB2-b7.1R
(Liu etal. 1999; Matheny 2005); and translation elongation
factor 1-α (tef1) using primer pair EF1-983F/EF1-2212R
(Rehner and Buckley 2005). Amplifications were carried
out in a Biometra T professional Gradient Thermocycler
(Biometra, Göttingen, Germany). The PCR for the ITS
and 28S regions followed as follows: initial denaturation
at 95°C for 5min, followed by 40 cycles at 94°C for 45s,
53°C for the ITS region, and 50°C for the 28S region for
45s, and 72°C for 45s, and a final extension at 72°C for
10min; for the rpb1, rpb2 and tef1: initial denaturation at
94°C for 2min, followed by 35 cycles at 94°C for 40s,
60°C for 40s, and 72°C for 2min, and a final extension
at 72°C for 10min.
The PCR products were purified, and Sanger sequenced
by the MB Mission Biotech Company (Taipei, Taiwan).
Newly generated sequences were manually assembled using
BioEdit v. 7.2.5 (Hall 1999), and their quality was checked
based on five guidelines by Nilsson etal. (2012) before sub-
mitting to GenBank (https:// www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/ genba
nk/). We have verified the accuracy and identity of consen-
sus sequences by comparing with sequences in GenBank.
Alignment, phylogenetic analyses, andvisualizing
Sequences of each single-gene dataset were aligned with
MAFFT v. 7.409 (Katoh and Standley 2013), using the
default algorithm. Poorly aligned regions were detected
by GUIDANCE2 webserver (Sela etal. 2015) and manu-
ally adjusted with MEGA v. 7 (Kumar etal. 2016), when
necessary. The resulting alignment were deposited at Tree-
BASE (submission ID 28403). Six datasets were compiled
for phylogenetic analyses (Table1). A dataset of combined
ITS + 28S + rpb1 + rpb2 + tef1 was analyzed to confirm the
generic placement of target species within the phlebioid
clade of Polyporales. Five datasets of combined ITS + 28S
(Donkia, Phanerochaete and Phlebiopsis lineages of Phan-
erochaetaceae, Irpicaceae and Meruliaceae), with a larger
sampling of species and specimens, were used to infer
interspecific relationships and taxonomy within each line-
age recovered in 5-gene phylogenetic analyses. The spe-
cies and sequences used in phylogenetic analyses were
listed in Table2. It is noted that the genus Physisporinus
Fungal Diversity
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P. Karst. was listed in the family Meruliaceae by He etal.
(2019) and Wijayawardene etal. (2020). However, it actu-
ally belongs to the residual clade of the Polyporales (Justo
etal. 2017; Wu etal. 2017); hence we did not include
molecular data of this genus in our datasets. The generic
type species and type strains are included in our datasets
where possible.
The Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likeli-
hood (ML) methods were carried out for all datasets using
MrBayes v. 3.2.6 (Ronquist etal. 2012) and RAxML Black-
Box (Stamatakis 2014), respectively. For the BI analyses,
jModeltest 2.1.10 (Darriba etal. 2012) was first used to esti-
mate separate models for each gene region in all datasets,
based on Akaike information criterion (AIC). The Markov
chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) search was run for ten million
generations, with four chains and trees sampled every 1000
generations. The first twenty-five percent of trees (2500)
were discarded as burn-in while the remaining trees were
used to construct the fifty percent majority-rule consensus
phylogram with posterior probabilities (PP). Tracer 1.7 was
used to verify that the average split deviation frequencies
reached appropriate levels (Rambaut etal. 2018). For the
ML analysis, the best-scoring tree with proportional val-
ues of bootstrap (BS) was computed under a GTRGAMMA
model with one thousand bootstrap replicates, followed by a
thorough ML search. Partitioned BI and ML analyses were
carried out (Table1). Gaps were treated as missing data.
Branches were regarded as having statistical support if val-
ues of PP and/or BS were equal to or over 0.9 and 70%,
respectively. Both BI and ML analyses were performed at
the CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller etal. 2010; http://
www. phylo. org/). Phylograms were visualized and edited in
TreeGraph 2 (Stöver and Müller 2010) and Adobe Illustrator
(Adobe Systems, Inc).
This study generated 796 new sequences, of which 227 were
from ITS, 197 from 28S, 114 from rpb1, 124 from rpb2,
and 134 from tef1. These new sequences represent 153 spe-
cies and 267 samples from mainland China (68), Europe
(6), Japan (4), North America (37), Taiwan (148), and oth-
ers (4) (Table2). The alignment property (i.e., the number
of species, sequences and characters, and the percentage of
parsimony informative sites) and the nucleotide substitu-
tion model for BI analyses of seven datasets were shown
in Table1. The fifty percent majority-rule consensus phy-
logram with PP support values was reconstructed after the
average standard deviation of split frequencies fell below
0.001. The best-scoring ML tree with BS support values
was built. Phylogenetic trees of a 5-gene and five 2-gene
datasets, inferred from BI and ML algorithms, shared similar
topologies, and thus only the ML tree was shown (Figs.1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6).
In the 5-gene analyses (Fig.1), six main clades with high
statistical support (BS = 80–100%, PP = 1) could be recog-
nized in the ingroup: the antrodia clade, the core polyporoid
clade, the gelatoporia clade, the phlebioid clade, a residual
clade and the skeletocutis-tyromyces clade. The phlebioid
Table.1 Alignment properties, nucleotide substitution models and outgroups
Datasets phlebioid clade Phanerochaete
lineage Donkia lineage Phlebiopsis
Irpicaceae Meruliaceae
Combined loci ITS + 28S + rpb1 + rpb2 + tef1 ITS + 28S ITS + 28S ITS + 28S ITS + 28S ITS + 28S
Species 228 68 18 55 62 83
Sequences 265 139 40 102 111 173
FFT-NS-i for all loci L-INS-i for all
L-INS-i for all
FFT-NS-i for
L-INS-i for 28S
FFT-NS-i for
L-INS-i for 28S
FFT-NS-i for all
included (with
6649 1793 1715 1788 1823 1880
informative sites
3393 (51) 498 (28) 310 (18) 502 (28) 581 (32) 659 (35)
models for BI
GTR + I + G for all loci GTR + I + G for
all loci
HKY + I + G for
GTR + I + G for
GTR + I + G for
all loci
GTR + I + G for
all loci
GTR + I + G for
all loci
Outgroups Heterobasidion annosum,
Stereum hirsutum Crepatura ellip-
sospora Riopa pudens,
R. metamor-
B. aff. cen-
Gloeoporus pan-
G. orientalis
Fungal Diversity
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Table 2 Species and sequences used in phylogenetic analyses
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Alboefibula bambusicola Chen 2304 (holotype) MZ636926 MZ637091 MZ748355 OK135980 MZ913590 Taiwan Present study
Alboefibula bambusicola Wu 1209-26 MZ636927 MZ637092 – – – Taiwan Present study
Alboefibula gracilis Wu 0606-83 MZ636928 MZ637093 MZ748356 OK135981 – China: Yunnan Present study
Alboefibula gracilis Wu 1809-106 (holotype) MZ636929 MZ637094 MZ748357 OK135982 MZ913591 China: Guangxi Present study
Alboefibula gracilis Wu 1809-152 MZ636930 MZ637095 – – – China: Guangxi Present study
Antrodia serialis KHL 12010 (GB) JX109844 JX109844 –JX109870 JX109898 Norway Binder etal. (2013)
Aurantiopileus mayaensis JV 1504/128 KT156706 – – – – Costa Rica Unpublished
Aurantiopileus mayaensis TJB10228 (holotype) HM772140 HM772139 –––Belize Ginns etal. (2010)
Aurantiporus croceus Miettinen-16483 KY948745 KY948901 KY948927 ––Malaysia: Sabah Justo etal. (2017)
Aurantiporus roseus Dai 13573 (holotype) KJ698635 KJ698639 –––China: Yunnan Zhoa etal. (2015)
Aurantiporus sp. CIEFAP-117 KY948739 KY948848 KY948925 ––Argentina Justo etal. (2017)
Bjerkandera adusta HHB-12826-Sp KP134983 KP135198 KP134784 KP134913 KT305938 USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Bjerkandera aff. centroamericana L-13104-sp KY948791 KY948855 KY948936 ––Costa Rica Justo etal. (2017)
Byssomerulius corium FCUG 2701 MZ636931 GQ470630 MZ748415 OK136068 MZ913668 Russia Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Byssomerulius corium Wu 1207-55 MZ636932 MZ637096 – – – China: Jilin Present study
Byssomerulius corium FP-102382 KP135007 KP135230 KP134802 KP134921 –USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Candelabrochaete africana FP-102987-Sp KP135294 KP135199 KP134872 KP134975 –USA: Puerto Rico Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Candelabrochaete langloisii FP-110343-Sp KY948793 KY948886 KY948981 OK136098 MZ913690 USA: Mississippi Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Candelabrochaete septocystidia FCUG 2027 MZ636933 MZ637097 MZ748441 OK136099 MZ913691 Norway Present study
Candelabrochaete septocystidia RLG-9759-sp MZ636934 GQ470631 MZ748442 OK136100 MZ913692 USA: Minnesota Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Ceriporia arbuscula GC 1708-338 (holotype) LC427008 LC427040 LC427058 ––Taiwan Chen etal. (2020)
Ceriporia mellita GC 1508-71 LC427022 LC427044 LC427067 ––Taiwan Chen etal. (2020)
Ceriporia purpurea GC 1703-81 LC427020 LC427037 LC427071 ––Taiwan Chen etal. (2020)
Ceriporiareticulata RLG-11354-Sp KP135041 KP135204 KP134794 KP134922 –USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Ceriporia reticulata Wu 1707-171 LC427021 LC427038 –––China: Liaoning Chen etal. (2020)
Ceriporia viridans GC 1708-211 LC427027 LC427049 LC427062 ––China: Yunnan Chen etal. (2020)
Ceriporia viridans Miettinen 11701 KX752600 KX752600 –––Netherlands Miettinen etal. (2016)
Ceriporiopsis alboaurantia Cui 4136 (holotype) KF845955 KF845948 –––China: Fujian Zhao and Cui (2014)
Ceriporiopsis carnegieae RLG-7277-T KY948792 KY948854 KY948935 ––USA: Arizona Justo etal. (2017)
Ceriporiopsis fimbriata Cui 1671 KJ698634 KJ698638 –––China: Jiangsu Zhao etal. (2015)
Ceriporiopsis fimbriata Dai 11672 (holotype) KJ698633 KJ698637 –––China: Hunan Zhao etal. (2015)
Ceriporiopsis gilvescens Chen 156 MZ636935 MZ637098 – – – Taiwan Present study
Ceriporiopsis gilvescens Chen 3340 MZ636936 MZ637099 MZ748446 OK136039 MZ913651 Taiwan Present study
Ceriporiopsis gilvescens Yuan 2752 KF845953 KF845946 –––China Zhao and Cui (2014)
Ceriporiopsis guidella HUBO 7659 FJ496687 FJ496722 –––Italy Tomšovský etal. (2010)
Ceriporiopsis kunmingensis CLZhao 152 KX081072 KX081074 –––China: Yunnan Zhao and Wu (2017)
Ceriporiopsis kunmingensis CLZhao 153 (holotype) KX081073 KX081075 –––China: Yunnan Zhao and Wu (2017)
Ceriporiopsis lagerheimii 58240 KX008365 KX081077 –––Unknown Zhao etal. (2017)
Fungal Diversity
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Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Ceriporiopsis pseudoplacenta Miettinen 18997 KY948744 KY948902 KY948926 ––USA: Washington Justo etal. (2017)
Ceriporiopsis pseudoplacenta PRM 899297 (holotype) JN592497 JN592504 –––USA: Washington Vlasák etal. (2012)
Ceriporiopsis semisupina Chen 3327 MZ636937 MZ637100 MZ748451 OK136061 MZ913700 Taiwan Present study
Ceriporiopsis semisupina Cui 10222 (holotype) KF845956 KF845949 –––China: Zhejiang Zhao and Cui (2014)
Cerrena unicolor FD-299 KP135304 KP135209 KP134874 KP134968 –USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Climacodon septentrionalis AFTOL-767 AY854082 AY684165 AY864872 AY780941 AY885151 Unknown Lutzoni etal. (2004)
Climacodon septentrionalis RLG-6890-Sp KP135344 – – – – USA: New York Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Cremeomyces unicus KHL 11786 (GB) EU118657 EU118657 –JX109861 JX109889 Sweden Larsson (2007); Binder etal. (2013)
Cremeoderma unicum Wu 1707-94 MZ636939 MZ637102 MZ748358 OK135987 MZ913705 China: Liaoning Present study
Cremeoderma unicum Wu 1707-100 MZ636938 MZ637101 – – – China: Liaoning Present study
Crepatura ellipsospora CLZhao 1260 MK343693 MK343697 –––China: Yunnan Ma and Zhao (2019)
Crepatura ellipsospora CLZhao 1265 (holotype) MK343692 MK343696 –––China: Yunnan Ma and Zhao (2019)
Crepatura ellipsospora CLZhao 697 MK343695 MK343699 –––China: Yunnan Ma and Zhao (2019)
Crepatura ellipsospora CLZhao 868 MK343694 MK343698 –––China: Yunnan Ma and Zhao (2019)
Crustodontia chrysocreas FP-102161-sp AY219367 – – – – USA: Illinois De Koker etal. (2003)
Crustodontia chrysocreas HHB-3946 KP135357 – – – – USA: Tennessee Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Crustodontia chrysocreas HHB-6333-Sp KP135358 KP135263 KP134861 KP134908 –USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Crustodontia nigrodontea CLZhao 2729 MT896823 MT896819 –––China: Yunnan Huang etal. (2020a)
Crustodontia nigrodontea CLZhao 2758 (holotype) MT896824 – – – – China: Yunnan Huang etal. (2020a)
Crustodontia sp. CBS 125889 MH864087 MH875546 –––New Zealand Vu etal. (2019)
Crustodontia sp. GC 1408-19 MZ636940 MZ637103 – – – Taiwan Present study
Crustodontia sp. GC 1709-7 MZ636941 – MZ748465 – MZ913655 Taiwan Present study
Crustodontia sp. HHB-17984 KP135359 KP135261 KP134860 KP134907 –New Zealand Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Crustodontia sp. HHB-18142 KP135360 – – – – New Zealand Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Crustodontia sp. KUC20121123-24 KJ668482 – – – – South Korea Jang etal. (2016)
Crustodontia sp. Wu 1809-169 MZ636942 MZ637104 – – – China: Guangxi Present study
Crustodontia sp. Wu 1809-201 MZ636943 MZ637105 – – – China: Guangxi Present study
Crustodontia taiwanensis GC 1703-88 MZ636944 MZ637106 MZ748466 OK136049 – Taiwan Present study
Crustodontia taiwanensis Wu 9310-21 MZ636945 MZ637107 – – – Taiwan Present study
Crustodontia tongxiniana CLZhao 2255 (holotype) MT020773 MT020751 –––China: Yunnan Huang and Zhao (2020)
Crystallicutis cf. serpens Wu 1608-130 MZ636946 MZ637108 – – – China: Jilin Present study
Crystallicutis cf. serpens Wu 1608-81 MZ636947 MZ637109 MZ748435 OK136094 MZ913699 China: Jilin Present study
Crystallicutis damiettensis UN63A (holotype) KX428470 – – – – Egypt El-Gharabawy etal. (2016)
Crystallicutis rajchenbergii MR-4310 KY948797 KY948888 KY948963 OK136093 MZ913711 USA: North Carolina Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Crystallicutis serpens HHB-15692-Sp KP135031 KP135200 KP134785 KP134914 –USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Crystallicutis sp. FP-101245-Sp KP135029 – – – – USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Cytidiella albida GB-1833 KY948748 KY948889 KY948960 OK136069 MZ913675 Spain Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Cytidiella albomarginata WEI 18-474 MZ636948 MZ637110 MZ748429 OK136070 MZ913678 Taiwan Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Cytidiella albomarginata Wu 0108-86 MZ636949 MZ637111 MZ748430 OK136071 MZ913677 China: Yunnan Present study
Cytidiella albomellea FP-102339 MZ636950 MZ637112 MZ748431 – – USA: Wisconsin Present study
Cytidiella nitidula T-407 KY948747 MZ637113 KY948961 OK136072 MZ913676 Canada: Ontario Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Cytidiella sp. Wu 0010-171 MZ636951 MZ637114 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Cytidiella sp. Wu 1409-168 MZ636952 MZ637115 – – – China: Hubei Present study
Daedalea quercina FP-56429 KY948809 KY948883 KY948989 ––USA: Pennsylvania Justo etal. (2017)
Datronia mollis RLG6304sp JN165002 JN164791 JN164818 JN164872 JN164901 USA: Montana Justo and Hibbett (2011)
Donkia pulcherrima GC 1707-11 LC378994 LC379152 LC379157 LC387351 LC387371 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Donkia pulcherrima Gothenburg-2022 KX752591 KX752591 –––Austria Miettinen etal. (2016)
Efibula americana FP-102165 (holotype) KP135016 KP135256 KP134808 KP134916 MZ913669 USA: Kentucky Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Efibula americana HHB-8468-Sp KP135012 – – – – USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Efibula clarkii FD-228 KP135019 –KP134803 ––USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Efibula gracilis FD-455 KP135027 MZ637116 KP134804 OK136077 MZ913679 USA: Connecticut Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Efibula gracilis FP-102052-sp (holotype) KP135028 – – – – USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Efibula intertexta Wu 1707-93 MZ636953 MZ637117 MZ748416 OK136085 – China: Liaoning Present study
Efibula intertexta Wu 1707-96 MZ636954 MZ637118 MZ748417 OK136086 – China: Liaoning Present study
Efibula matsuensis Wu 1011-18 MZ636956 MZ637119 MZ748418 OK136078 MZ913680 China: Fujian Present study
Efibula matsuensis Chen 1510 (holotype) MZ636955 – – – – Taiwan: Matsu Islands Present study
Efibula matsuensis Wu 1011-19 MZ636957 MZ637120 – – – China: Fujian Present study
Efibula sp. Chen 3165 MZ636958 MZ637121 MZ748437 OK136089 MZ913714 Taiwan Present study
Efibula sp. FCUG 305 MZ636959 GQ470669 MZ748425 OK136073 MZ913670 Sweden Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Efibula sp. WEI 17-073 MZ636960 MZ637122 MZ748438 OK136090 MZ913715 Taiwan Present study
Efibula sp. Wu 1707-79 MZ636961 MZ637123 – – – China: Liaoning Present study
Efibula subglobispora Chen 1716 (holotype) MZ636962 MZ637124 MZ748427 OK136075 MZ913673 Taiwan Present study
Efibula subglobispora GC 1604-13 MZ636963 MZ637125 MZ748428 OK136076 MZ913674 Taiwan Present study
Efibula subglobispora WEI 17-283 MZ636964 MZ637126 – – – Taiwan Present study
Efibula tropica Chen 3596 MZ636966 MZ637128 – – – Taiwan Present study
Efibula tropica WEI 18-149 MZ636967 MZ637129 MZ748419 OK136079 MZ913681 Taiwan Present study
Efibula tropica Wu 0809-8 MZ636968 MZ637130 – – – China: Hainan Present study
Efibula tropica Chen 3501 MZ636965 MZ637127 – – – Taiwan Present study
Efibula tuberculata Wu 0711-148 MZ636969 MZ637131 – – MZ913671 Taiwan Present study
Efibula tuberculata Wu 1005-55 MZ636970 MZ637132 MZ748426 OK136074 MZ913672 Taiwan Present study
Efibula tuberculata OM-11754 KP135018 – – – – Finland Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Efibula tuberculata Wu 1307-31 MZ636971 MZ637133 – – – China: Jilin Present study
Efibula turgida Wu 0910-86 MZ636972 MZ637134 MZ748439 OK136091 MZ913716 China: Beijing Present study
Efibula turgida Wu 0910-99 (holotype) MZ636973 MZ637135 MZ748440 OK136092 MZ913717 China: Beijing Present study
Efibula yunnanensis Chen 3333 MZ636974 MZ637136 – – – Taiwan Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Efibula yunnanensis CLZhao 11641 (holotype) MT611529 – – – – China: Yunnan Ma etal. (2020)
Efibul yunnanensis GC 1608-1 MZ636975 MZ637137 – – – Japan Present study
Efibula yunnanensis Wu 0910-104 MZ636976 MZ637138 – – – China: Beijing Present study
Efibula yunnanensis Wu 880515-1 MZ636977 GQ470672 MZ748420 OK136080 MZ913682 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Efibulella deflectens FCUG 1568 AF141619 AF141619 –––Sweden Parmasto and Hallenberg (2000)
Fomitopsis pinicola AFTOL-770 AY854083 AY684164 AY864874 AY786056 AY885152 Unknown Lutzoni etal. (2004)
Geesterania carneola MCW 388/12 KY174999 KY174999 –KY175011 KY175013 Brazil Westphalen etal. (2018)
Geesterania davidii MCW 396/12 KY174998 KY174998 –KY175012 KY175016 Brazil Westphalen etal. (2018)
Gelatinofungus brunneus GC 1703-31 (holotype) LC387339 LC387344 LC387347 LC387367 LC387385 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Gelatinofungus brunneus Wu 1207-162 MZ636978 MZ637139 MZ748366 OK136005 MZ913615 Taiwan Present study
Gelatinofungus brunneus Wu 1207-163 MZ636979 MZ637140 MZ748367 OK136006 MZ913616 Taiwan Present study
Gelatinofungus sp. RLG-10795-Sp KY948785 KY948857 KY948937 OK136007 MZ913619 USA: Arizona Justo etal. (2017)
Gelatoporia subvermispora FD-354 KP135312 KP135212 KP134879 ––USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Geliporus exilisporus Dai 2172 KU598211 KU598216 –––China: Liaoning Yuan etal. (2017)
Geliporus exilisporus GC 1702-15 LC378995 LC379153 LC379158 LC387352 LC387372 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Gloeoporus orientalis WEI 16-485 MZ636980 MZ637141 MZ748443 OK136095 MZ913709 Taiwan Present study
Gloeoporus pannocinctus L-15726-Sp KP135060 KP135214 KP134867 KP134973 –USA: New York Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hapalopilus eupatorii Dammrich 10744 KX752620 KX752620 –––Germany Miettinen etal. (2016)
Hapalopilus ochraceolateritius Miettinen 16992 KY948741 KY948891 KY948965 ––USA: New York Justo etal. (2017)
Hapalopilus percoctus H 7008581 (holotype) KX752597 KX752597 –––Botswana Miettinen etal. (2016)
Hapalopilus rutilans FP-102473-Sp MZ636981 MZ637142 MZ748407 OK136004 MZ913723 USA: Wisconsin Present study
Hermanssonia centrifuga CBS 125890 MH864088 MH875547 –––Sweden Vu etal. (2019)
Hermanssonia centrifuga HHB-9239-Sp KP135380 KP135262 KP134844 KP134974 MZ913721 USA: Michigan Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Heterobasidion annosum AFTOL-ID 470 DQ206988 –DQ667160 –DQ028584 Unknown Matheny etal. (2007)
Heterobasidion annosum DAOM-73191 –AF287866 –AY544206 – Unknown Lutzoni etal. (2004)
Hydnophanerochaete odontoidea CWN 00776 LC363487 GQ470663 LC363498 LC387356 LC387376 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010), Chen etal. (2018b)
Hydnophanerochaete odontoidea GC 1308-45 LC363486 LC363492 LC363497 LC387353 LC387373 China: Yunnan Chen etal. (2018b)
Hydnophanerochaete odontoidea Wu 0106-35 LC379000 LC379154 LC379159 LC387354 LC387374 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Hydnophanerochaete odontoidea CLZhao 4036 (holotype of
Phlebia ailaoshanensis)
MH784927 MH784937 –––China: Yunnan Shen etal. (2018)
Hydnophlebia alachuana FP-103881-Sp KP135341 KP135201 KP134845 KP134896 –USA: Maryland Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hydnophlebia alachuana L-11510-Sp KP135340 – – – – USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hydnophlebia aurantia WEI 18-623 (holotype) MZ636982 MZ637143 MZ748459 OK136066 MZ913719 Taiwan Present study
Hydnophlebia aurantia WEI 18-658 MZ636983 MZ637144 – – – Taiwan Present study
Hydnophlebia canariensis MA-Fungi 86622 (holotype) KF483012 KF528103 –––Spain Telleria etal. (2017)
Hydnophlebia chrysorhiza FD-282 KP135338 KP135217 KP134848 KP134897 –USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hydnophlebia chrysorhiza HHB-18767 KP135337 – – – – USA: Illinois Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hydnophlebi acrocata Wu 1708-68 MZ636984 MZ637145 – – – China: Liaoning Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Hydnophlebia crocata Wu 1708-70 (holotype) MZ636985 MZ637146 – – – China: Liaoning Present study
Hydnophlebia gorgonea MA-Fungi 86659 (holotype) KF483049 KF528140 –––Cape Verde Telleria etal. (2017)
Hydnophlebia meloi MA-Fungi 86654 (holotype) KF483044 KF528135 –––Cape Verde Telleria etal. (2017)
Hydnophlebia omnivora KKN-112-Sp KP135334 KP135216 KP134846 ––USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hydnophlebia omnivora ME-497 KP135332 KP135218 KP134847 ––USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hyphoderma mutatum HHB-15479-Sp KP135296 KP135221 KP134870 KP134967 –USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hyphoderma setigerum CHWC 1209-9–––LC387357 LC270919 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Hyphoderma setigerum FD-312 KP135297 KP135222 KP134871 ––USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hyphodermella corrugata MA-Fungi 24238 FN600378 JN939586 –––Portugal Telleria etal. (2010)
Hyphodermella corrugata MA-Fungi 5527 FN600372 JN939597 –––Morocco Telleria etal. (2010)
Hyphodermella poroides Dai 10848 KX008368 KX011853 –––China:Hainan Zhao etal. (2017)
Hyphodermella poroides Dai 12045 (holotype) KX008367 KX011852 –––China: Hainan Zhao etal. (2017)
Hyphodermella rosae FP-150552 KP134978 KP135223 –––USA: Hawaii Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Hyphodermella rosae GC 1604-113 MZ636986 MZ637147 – – – Taiwan Present study
Hyphodermella rosae GC 1608-2 MZ636987 MZ637148 MZ748411 OK135983 MZ913592 Japan Present study
Irpex flavus Wu 0705-1 MZ636988 MZ637149 MZ748432 OK136087 MZ913683 Taiwan Present study
Irpex flavus Wu 0705-2 MZ636989 MZ637150 – – – Taiwan Present study
Irpex hydnoides KUC20121109-01 KJ668510 KJ668362 –––South Korea Jang etal. (2016)
Irpex laceratus WHC 1372 MZ636990 MZ637151 – – – Taiwan Present study
Irpex lacteus FD-9 KP135026 KP135224 KP134806 ––USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Irpex lacteus FD-93 KP135025 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Irpex latemarginatus FP-55521-T KP135024 KP135202 KP134805 KP134915 –USA: Louisiana Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Irpex latemarginatus Piatek 1997 KX752592 KX752592 –––Poland Miettinen etal. (2016)
Irpex lenis Wu 1608-14 MZ636991 MZ637152 MZ748434 – MZ913685 China: Liaoning Present study
Irpex lenis Wu 1608-22 (holotype) MZ636992 MZ637153 – – – China: Liaoning Present study
Irpex rosettiformis Meijer3729 JN649346 JN649346 –JX109875 JX109904 Brazil Sjökvist etal. (2012); Binder etal. (2013)
Irpex rosettiformis LR40855 JN649347 JN649347 –––USA: Puerto Rico Sjökvist etal. (2012)
Irpex sp. Wu 910807-35 MZ636994 GQ470627 MZ748433 OK136088 MZ913684 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Irpex sp. WEI 17-648 MZ636993 MZ637154 – – – Taiwan Present study
Irpex sp. FP-160003 KP135022 – – – – USA: Northern
Mariana Islands
Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Leptoporus mollis RLG-7163-Sp KY948794 MZ637155 KY948956 OK136101 MZ913693 USA: Arizona Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Leptoporus mollis TJV-93-174-T KY948795 EU402510 KY948957 OK136102 MZ913694 USA: Washington Lindner and Banik (2008); Justo etal. (2017);
Present study
Lilaceophlebia livida FBCC937 LN611122 LN611122 –––Finland Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Lilaceophlebia livida Miettinen 101 HQ153416 – – – – Russia: Karelia Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Lilaceophlebia sp. FP-135046-Sp KY948758 KY948850 KY948917 OK136040 MZ913658 USA: Montana Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Lilaceophlebia subserialis FCUG 1434 AF141631 AF141631 –––Norway: Oslo Unpublished
Lopharia cinerascens FP-105043-sp JN165019 JN164813 JN164840 JN164874 –USA: Mississippi Justo and Hibbett (2011)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Luteochaete sp. RLG-13514-Sp KP135363 – – – – USA: Louisiana Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Luteochaete sp. FP-110129-Sp KP135362 KP135274 KP134850 KP134898 –USA: Mississippi Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Luteochaete subglobosa CLZhao 3475 (holotype of
Phlebia wuliangshanensis)
MK881897 MK881787 –––China: Yunnan Huang etal. (2020b)
Luteochaete subglobosa CLZhao 3645 MK881899 MK881789 –––China: Yunnan Huang etal. (2020b)
Luteochaete subglobosa GC 1605-4 MZ636995 MZ637156 MZ748455 OK136053 MZ913645 Taiwan Present study
Luteochaete subglobosa Wu 870918 (isotype) MZ636996 GQ470662 MZ748456 OK136054 MZ913646 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Luteoporia albomarginata Dai 15229 (holotype) KU598873 KU598878 –––China Wu etal. (2016)
Luteoporia albomarginata GC 1702-1 LC379003 LC379155 LC379160 LC387358 LC387377 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Luteoporiacitriniporia Dai 19507 (holotype) MT872218 MT872216 –––Sri Lanka Liu and Yuan (2020)
Luteoporia citriniporia Dai 19622 MT872219 MT872217 –––Sri Lanka Liu and Yuan (2020)
Luteoporia lutea CHWC 1506-68 MZ636997 MZ637157 – – – Taiwan Present study
Luteoporia lutea GC 1409-1 MZ636998 MZ637158 MZ748467 OK136050 MZ913656 Taiwan Present study
Luteoporia lutea GC 1608-6 MZ636999 MZ637159 – – – Japan Present study
Luteoporia lutea NZFS 2926 MN007022 – – – – New Zealand Unpublished
Meruliopsis crassitunicata CHWC 1506-46 LC427010 LC427034 LC427055 ––Taiwan Chen etal. (2020)
Meruliopsis leptocystidiata Wu 1708-43 (holotype) LC427013 LC427033 LC427070 ––China: Liaoning Chen etal. (2020)
Meruliopsis parvispora Wu 1209-58 (holotype) LC427017 LC427039 LC427065 ––Taiwan Chen etal. (2020)
Meruliopsis taxicola GC 1704-60 LC427028 LC427050 LC427063 ––Taiwan Chen etal. (2020)
Mycoacia aurea Chen 3780 MZ637000 MZ637160 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia aurea FCUG 2767 HQ153409 – – – – Turkey Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Mycoacia aurea RLG-5075-Sp KY948759 MZ637161 KY948918 – MZ913720 USA: New York Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Mycoacia cf. kurilensis WEI 18-312 MZ637001 MZ637162 MZ748453 OK136045 MZ913722 Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia cf. kurilensis WEI 18-324 MZ637002 MZ637163 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia fuscoatra GC 1703-86 MZ637003 MZ637164 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia fuscoatra GC 1705-1 MZ637004 MZ637165 MZ748447 OK136043 MZ913652 Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia fuscoatra HHB-10782-Sp KP135365 KP135265 –––USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Mycoacia nothofagi GC 1805-5 MZ637005 MZ637166 MZ748449 – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia nothofagi HHB-4273-Sp KP135369 KP135266 –––USA: Tennessee Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Mycoacia nothofagi WEI 18-233 MZ637006 MZ637167 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia subfascicularis Wu 1004-11 MZ637008 – MZ748448 OK136044 MZ913653 Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia subfascicularis Chen 3873 MZ637007 MZ637168 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoacia subfascicularis Wu 1004-13 MZ637009 MZ637169 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoaciella bispora EL13_99 –AY586692 –––Estonia Larsson etal. (2004)
Mycoaciella efibulata GC 1708-118 LC387337 LC387342 LC387349 LC387368 LC387386 China: Yunnan Chen etal. (2018b)
Mycoaciella efibulata WEI 16-167 MZ637010 MZ637170 MZ748468 OK136051 MZ913657 Taiwan Present study
Mycoaciella efibulata WEI 19-057 MZ637012 MZ637172 – – – Taiwan Present study
Mycoaciella efibulata WEI 16-172 (holotype) MZ637011 MZ637171 – – – Taiwan Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Obba rivulosa FP-135416-Sp KP135309 KP135208 KP134878 KP134962 –USA: Idaho Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Odontoefibula orientalis GC 1703-76 LC379004 LC379156 LC379161 LC387360 LC387379 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Odontoefibula orientalis Wu 0805-59 LC363488 LC363493 –––Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Odontoefibula orientalis Wu 0910-57 (holotype) LC363490 LC363495 LC363501 LC387362 LC387381 China: Beijing Chen etal. (2018b)
Odoria alborubescens BP106943 (holotype) MG097864 MG097867 MG213724 MG213723 –Hungary Papp and Dima (2017)
Odoria alborubescens BRNU 627479 JQ821319 JQ821318 –––Czech Republic Dvořák etal. (2014)
Oxychaete cervinogilva Dmitry Schigel 5216 KX752596 KX752596 KX752626 ––Australia Miettinen etal. (2016)
Oxychaete cervinogilva GC 1501-16 MZ422783 MZ637173 – – MZ913613 Taiwan Present study
Pappia fissilis 814 HQ728291 HQ729001 –––Czech Republic Tomšovský (2012)
Pappia fissilis BRNM 699803 HQ728292 HQ729002 –––Czech Republic Tomšovský (2012)
Phaeophlebiopsis caribbeana FD-442 (holotype) KP135416 – – – – USA: Virgin Islands Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phaeophlebiopsis caribbeana HHB-6990 KP135415 KP135243 KP134810 KP134931 MZ913643 USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Phaeophlebiopsis himalayensis Chen 3143 MZ637013 MZ637174 MZ748359 OK135992 MZ913633 Taiwan Present study
Phaeophlebiopsis himalayensis FP-150577 KP135417 KP135273 –––USA: Hawaii Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phaeophlebiopsis himalayensis Wu 1107-48 MZ637014 – – – – China: Chongqing Present study
Phaeophlebiopsis ignerii FD-425 (holotype) KP135418 – – – – USA: Virginia Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phaeophlebiopsis ravenelii CBS 411.50 MH856691 MH868208 –––France Vu etal. (2019)
Phaeophlebiopsis ravenelii FCUG 2126 MZ637015 GQ470675 MZ748361 OK135993 MZ913634 Spain Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phaeophlebiopsis sp. FP-104007-Sp MZ637016 MZ637175 MZ748360 – MZ913635 USA: Florida Present study
Phaeophlebiopsis sp. HHB-6542-Sp KP135413 KP135248 –––USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerina mellea WEI 17-224 LC387333 LC387340 LC387345 LC387363 LC387382 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Phanerina mellea Wu 1010-34 MZ422784 MZ637176 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete aculeata GC 1703-117 MZ422785 MZ637177 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete aculeata Wu 1809-278 MZ422786 MZ637178 – – – China: Guangxi Present study
Phanerochaete aculeata Wu 880701-2 MZ422787 GQ470636 MZ748380 OK136008 MZ913593 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete albida GC 1407-14 MZ422788 MZ637179 MZ748384 OK136013 MZ913704 Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete albida WEI 18-365 MZ422789 MZ637180 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete allantospora KKN-111-Sp KP135038 KP135238 – OK136103 MZ913695 USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Phanerochaete allantospora RLG-10478 (holotype) KP135039 – – – – USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete alnea ssp. alnea FP-151125 KP135177 MZ637181 MZ748385 OK136014 MZ913641 USA: Michigan Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Phanerochaete alnea ssp. alnea Larsson 12054 (GB) KX538924 – – – – Norway Spirin etal. (2017)
Phanerochaete alnea ssp. lubrica HHB-13753 KP135178 – – – – USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete alnea ssp. lubrica Spirin 8229 KU893876 – – – – USA: Washington Spirin etal. (2017)
Phanerochaete alpina Wu 1308–61 (holotype) MZ422790 MZ637182 MZ748394 OK136022 MZ913598 China: Yunnan Present study
Phanerochaete alpina Wu 1308-77 MZ422791 MZ637183 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Phanerochaete arizonica RLG-10248-Sp (holotype) KP135170 KP135239 KP134830 KP134949 –USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete australis GC 1505-15 MZ422792 MZ637184 MZ748381 OK136010 MZ913595 Taiwan Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phanerochaete australis GC 1704-27 MZ422793 MZ637185 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete australis Wu 9307-56 MZ422794 GQ470658 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Presentstudy
Phanerochaete australosanguinea MA-Fungi 91308 MH233925 MH233928 –––Chile Phookamsak etal. (2019)
Phanerochaete australosanguinea MA-Fungi 91309 (holotype) MH233926 MH233929 –––Chile Phookamsak etal. (2019)
Phanerochaete bambusicola Wu 0707-2 (holotype) MF399404 MF399395 LC314324 OK136009 MZ913594 Taiwan Wu etal. (2018b); Present study
Phanerochaete bambusicola Wu 0707-3 MF399405 MF399396 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2018b)
Phanerochaete brunnea He1873 KX212220 KX212224 –––China Liu and He (2016)
Phanerochaete burdsallii FP-101018-sp AY219348 – – – – USA: Minnesota De Koker etal. (2003)
Phanerochaete burdsallii He 2066 (holotype) MT235690 MT248177 –––USA: Wisconsin Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete burtii FD-171 KP135116 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete burtii HHB-4618 KP135117 KP135241 –––USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete calotricha Vanhanen-382 KP135107 – – – – Finland Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete canobrunnea CHWC 1506-17 (holotype) LC412093 LC412102 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2018a)
Phanerochaete canobrunnea CHWC 1506-39 LC412094 LC412103 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2018a)
Phanerochaete canolutea Wu 9211-105 (holotype) MZ422795 GQ470641 MZ748387 OK136018 MZ913640 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete canolutea Wu 9712-18 MZ422796 GQ470656 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete carnosa FD-474 KP135126 – – – – USA: New York Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete carnosa HHB-9195-Sp KP135129 KP135242 –––USA: Michigan Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete chrysosporium HHB-6251-Sp (holotype) KP135094 KP135246 –––USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete chrysosporium PC139 MZ422797 MZ637186 MZ748405 OK136036 MZ913606 Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete cinerea He 5998 (holotype) –MT248171 –––China: Hainan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete cinerea He 6003 –MT248172 –––China: Hainan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete citrinosanguinea FD-287 (holotype) KP135095 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete citrinosanguinea FP-105385 KP135100 KP135234 KP134824 KP134941 –USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete concrescens CHWC 1507-39 MZ422798 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete concrescens Spirin 7322 (holotype) KP994380 KP994382 –––Russia: Far East Volobuev etal. (2015)
Phanerochaete concrescens Wu 1107-53 MZ422799 MZ637187 MZ748382 OK136011 MZ913596 China: Chongqing Present study
Phanerochaete concrescens Wu 911011-30 MZ422800 GQ470659 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete crystallina Chen 3576 (holotype) MZ422801 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete crystallina Chen 3823 MZ422802 MZ637188 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete crystallina GC 1409-7 MZ422803 MZ637189 MZ748404 OK136033 MZ913607 Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete cumulodentata FD-341 KP135086 – – – – USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete cumulodentata LE298935 KP994359 KP994386 –––Russia Volobuev etal. (2015)
Phanerochaete cumulodentata Wu 1708-91 MZ422804 MZ637190 – – – China: Liaoning Present study
Phanerochaete cystidiata GC 1708-358 (holotype) LC412096 LC412101 LC412107 OK136025 MZ913599 Taiwan Wu etal. (2018a); Present study
Phanerochaete cystidiata GC 1708-76 MZ422805 MZ637191 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Phanerochaete cystidiata Wu 1708-326 LC412097 LC412100 – – –Taiwan Wu etal. (2018a)
Phanerochaete ericina HHB-2288 KP135167 KP135247 KP134834 KP134950 –USA: North Carolina Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phanerochaete ericina HHB-2714 KP135169 – – – – USA: North Carolina Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete fusca Wu 1409-161 (holotype) LC412098 LC412105 LC412109 OK136028 MZ913602 China: Hubei Wu etal. (2018a); Present study
Phanerochaete fusca Wu 1409-163 LC412099 LC412106 –––China: Hubei Wu etal. (2018a)
Phanerochaete fuscomarginata RLG-10834-Sp MZ422806 MZ637192 MZ748396 OK136029 MZ913603 USA: New Mexico Present study
Phanerochaete ginnsii Wu 9210-22 (holotype) MZ422807 MZ637193 MZ748402 – MZ913614 Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete granulata Chen 2835 MZ422808 MZ637194 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete granulata GC 1703-5 MZ422809 MZ637195 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete granulata Wu 9210-57 (holotype) MZ422810 MZ637196 MZ748406 OK136035 – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete guangdongensis Wu 1809-319 MZ422811 MZ637197 – – – China: Guandong Present study
Phanerochaete guangdongensis Wu 1809-327 MZ422812 MZ637198 – – – China: Guandong Present study
Phanerochaete guangdongensis Wu 1809-348 (holotype) MZ422813 MZ637199 – – MZ913609 China: Guandong Present study
Phanerochaete guangdongensis Wu 1809-359 MZ422814 MZ637200 – – – China: Guandong Present study
Phanerochaete guangdongensis Wu 1809-364 MZ422815 MZ637201 – – – China: Guandong Present study
Phanerochaete hymenochaetoides He 5988 (holotype) –MT248173 –––China: Hainan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete incarnata WEI 16-075 MF399406 MF399397 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2018b)
Phanerochaete incarnata WEI 16-078 (holotype) MF399407 MF399398 LC314327 – MZ913608 Taiwan Wu etal. (2018b); Present study
Phanerochaete krikophora nom. prov. GC 1602-73 MZ422816 MZ637202 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete krikophora nom. prov. HHB-5796-Sp KP135164 KP135268 –––USA: Montana Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete krikophora nom. prov. HHB-6736-Sp MZ422817 MZ637203 MZ748403 OK136034 MZ913611 USA: Florida Present study
Phanerochaete laevis HHB-15519-Sp KP135149 KP135249 –––USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete laevis KHL11839 EU118652 EU118652 –––Sweden Larsson (2007)
Phanerochaete laevis Wu 0309-40 MZ422818 GQ470655 MZ748397 OK136026 MZ913605 China: Jilin Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete leptocystidiata Dai 10468 MT235684 MT248167 –––China: Jiangxi Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete leptocystidiata He 5853 (holotype) MT235685 MT248168 –––China: Guangdong Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete livescens FD-106 KP135070 KP135253 –––USA: Rhode Island Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete livescens GC 1612-11 MZ422819 MZ637204 MZ748383 OK136012 MZ913597 Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete livescens Wu 1307-41 MZ422820 MZ637205 – – – China: Jilin Present study
Phanerochaete magnoliae HHB-9829-Sp KP135089 KP135237 KP134838 KP134955 – USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete metuloidea He 2565 (holotype) –MT248163 –––China: Yunnan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete metuloidea He 2766 MT235682 MT248164 –––China: Yunnan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete minor He 3977 –MT248169 –––China: Hainan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete minor He 3988 (holotype) MT235686 MT248170 –––China:Hainan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete parmastoi Chen 3863 MZ422821 MZ637206 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete parmastoi WEI 16-481 MZ422822 MZ637207 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete parmastoi Wu 880313-6 (holotype) MZ422823 GQ470654 MZ748395 OK136027 MZ913612 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete porostereoides He1902 KX212217 KX212221 –––China: Shannxi Liu and He (2016)
Phanerochaete porostereoides He1908 (holotype) KX212218 KX212222 –––China: Shannxi Liu and He (2016)
Phanerochaete pseudomagnoliae PP-25 (holotype) KP135091 KP135250 –––South Africa Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete pseudosanguinea FD-244 (holotype) KP135098 KP135251 KP134827 KP134942 –USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phanerochaete rhizomorpha GC 1708-335 (holotype) MZ422824 MZ637208 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete rhizomorpha GC 1708-354 MZ422825 MZ637209 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete rhizomorpha Wu 0910-61 MZ422826 MZ637210 – – – China: Beijing Present study
Phanerochaete rhizomorpha Wu 1707-112 MZ422827 MZ637211 MZ748391 OK136019 MZ913636 China: Liaoning Present study
Phanerochaeterhodella FD-18 KP135187 KP135258 KP134832 KP134948 – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete rhodella Miettinen 17278 KU893882 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Spirin etal. (2017)
Phanerochaete robusta LE Parmasto 35895 KX512306 – – – – Russia: Far East Spirin etal. (2017)
Phanerochaete robusta Wu 1109-69 MF399409 MF399400 LC314329 OK136030 – China: Jilin Wu etal. (2018b); Present study
Phanerochaete s.l. sp. TJV-93-262-T KP135021 – – – – USA: Louisiana Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete s.l. sp. RLG-13408-Sp KP135020 –KP134801 KP134920 –USA: Louisiana Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete sanguinea HHB-7524 KP135101 KP135244 –––USA: Michigan Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete sanguinea Niemela 7993 KP135105 – – – – Finland Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete sanguineocarnosa FD-528 (holotype) KP135121 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete sanguineocarnosa FD-359 KP135122 KP135245 KP134828 KP134944 –USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete sinensis GC 1809-56 MT235689 MT248176 –––Taiwan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete sinensis He 4660 (holotype) MT235688 MT248175 –––China: Liaoning Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete sordida FD-241 KP135136 KP135252 –––USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete sordida GC 1708-162 MZ422828 MZ637212 MZ748388 OK136016 MZ913637 China: Yunnan Present study
Phanerochaete sordida Wu 1109-55 MZ422829 MZ637213 MZ748389 OK136017 MZ913638 China: Jilin Present study
Phanerochaete sp. FCUG 2777 MZ422830 GQ470644 MZ748398 OK136023 – Turkey Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete sp. GC 1509-7 MZ422831 MZ637214 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete sp. GC 1710-52 MZ422832 MZ637215 MZ748392 OK136020 MZ913639 Vietnam Present study
Phanerochaete sp. WEI 15-282 MZ422833 MZ637216 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete sp. WEI 18-353 MZ422834 MZ637217 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete sp. Wu 0805-86 MZ422835 MZ637218 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete spadicea Wu 0504-11 MZ422836 – – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Phanerochaete spadicea Wu 0504-15 (holotype) MZ422837 MZ637219 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Phanerochaete stereoides Lin 523 (holotype) MZ422838 MZ637220 MZ748400 OK136032 MZ913600 Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete stereoides WEI 16-076 MZ422839 MZ637221 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete subcarnosa GC 1809-90 MZ422840 MZ637222 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaete subcarnosa Wu 9310-3 (holotype) MZ422841 GQ470642 MZ748399 OK136024 MZ913604 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete subceracea FP-105974-R KP135162 KP135255 –––USA: Ohio Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete subceracea HHB-9434 KP135163 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete subrosea He 2421 (holotype) MT235687 MT248174 –––China: Ningxia Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete taiwaniana Wu 0112-13 MF399412 GQ470665 –––Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Wu etal. (2018b)
Phanerochaete taiwaniana Wu 880824-17 (holotype) MZ422842 GQ470666 MZ748393 OK136021 MZ913610 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaete thailandica 2015_07 (holotype) MF467737 – – – – Thailand Sadlikova and Kout (2017)
Phanerochaete thailandica Wu 1710-3 MZ422843 MZ637223 MZ748401 OK136031 MZ913601 Vietnam Present study
Phanerochaete velutina GC 1604-56 MZ422844 MZ637224 MZ748386 OK136015 MZ913642 Taiwan Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phanerochaete velutina HHB-15343 (CFMR) KP135184 – – – – USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaete velutina Spirin 3949 KU893879 – – – – Russia Volobuev etal. (2015)
Phanerochaete yunnanensis He 2697 –MT248165 –––China: Yunnan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaete yunnanensis He 2719 (holotype) MT235683 MT248166 –––China: Yunnan Xu etal. (2020b)
Phanerochaetella angustocystidiata GC 1501-20 MZ637017 MZ637225 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella angustocystidiata GC 1607-5 MZ637018 MZ637226 – – – Japan Present study
Phanerochaetella angustocystidiata Wu 1109-56 MZ637019 MZ637227 MZ748421 OK136081 MZ913686 China: Jilin Present study
Phanerochaetella angustocystidiata Wu 9606-39 (holotype) MZ637020 GQ470638 MZ748422 OK136082 MZ913687 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaetella exilis HHB-6988 KP135001 KP135236 KP134799 KP134918 –USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaetella formosana Chen 479 MZ637023 GQ470650 MZ748424 OK136084 MZ913718 Taiwan Wu etal.(2010); Present study
Phanerochaetella formosana Chen 1729 MZ637021 MZ637228 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella formosana Chen 3468 (holotype) MZ637022 MZ637229 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella formosana WEI 19-118 MZ637024 MZ637230 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella leptoderma Chen 1362 MZ637025 GQ470646 MZ748423 OK136083 MZ913689 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Phanerochaetella leptoderma GC 1501-25 MZ637026 MZ637231 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella leptoderma Wu 1703-9 MZ637027 MZ637232 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella leptoderma Wu 881122-21 MZ637028 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Phanerochaetella sp. FP-102936 KP135000 – – – – USA: Puerto Rico Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaetella sp. HHB-11463 KP134994 KP135235 KP134797 KP134892 –USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaetella sp. HHB-18104 KP135003 KP135254 KP134798 KP134917 –New Zealand Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phanerochaetella xerophila HHB-8509-Sp KP134996 KP135259 KP134800 KP134919 MZ913688 USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Phanerochaetella xerophila KKN-172 KP134997 – – – – USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia acanthocystis FP150571 KY948767 KY948844 KY948914 ––USA: Hawaii Justo etal. (2017)
Phlebia acanthocystis GC 1703-30 LC387338 LC387343 –LC387366 LC387384 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018b)
Phlebia acanthocystis GC 1809-21 MZ637029 MZ637233 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebia acerina FBCC345 LN611083 LN611083 –––Russia Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Phlebia acerina GC 1708-40 MZ637030 MZ637234 MZ748454 OK136062 MZ913698 China: Yunnan Present study
Phlebia acerina WEI 16-382 MZ637031 MZ637235 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebia brevispora FBCC1463 LN611135 LN611135 –––USA: Florida Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Phlebia brevispora HHB-7024-Sp MZ637032 MZ637236 MZ748452 OK136046 MZ913667 USA: Florida Present study
Phlebia caspica FCUG 3159 HQ153410 – – – – Iran: Gilan Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Phlebia coccineofulva HHB-11466-Sp KY948766 KY948851 KY948915 OK136055 MZ913710 USA: Minnesota Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Phlebia coccineofulva OMC1242 KY948765 – – – – USA: New York Justo etal. (2017)
Phlebia firma Edman K268 EU118654 EU118654 – – JX109890 Sweden Larsson (2007); Binder etal. (2013)
Phlebia floridensis FP-102562-T KP135386 – – – – USA: Michigan Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia floridensis HHB-9905-Sp KP135383 KP135264 KP134863 KP134899 –USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia formosana GC 1604-42 MZ637033 MZ637237 MZ748460 OK136056 MZ913648 Taiwan Present study
Phlebia formosana WEI 17-160 MZ637034 MZ637238 – – – Taiwan Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phlebia formosana WEI 17-459 MZ637035 MZ637239 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebia fuscotuberculata CLZhao 10227 MT020759 MT020737 –––China: Yunnan Huang and Zhao (2020)
Phlebia fuscotuberculata CLZhao 10239 (holotype) MT020760 MT020738 –––China: Yunnan Huang and Zhao (2020)
Phlebia hydnoidea HHB-1993-Sp KY948778 KY948853 KY948921 ––USA: Georgia Justo etal. (2017)
Phlebia leptospermi Paulus 4122 HQ153413 – – – – New Zealand Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Phlebia lindtneri GB-1027 AB210076 – – – – Unknown Kamei etal. (2005)
Phlebia lindtneri GB-501 KY948772 KY948847 KY948923 ––Norway Justo etal. (2017)
Phlebia lividina HHB-4160-Sp KY948755 KY948849 KY948916 OK136041 MZ913659 USA: North Carolina Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Phlebia lividina HHB9721sp KY948756 – – – – USA: Florida Justo etal. (2017)
Phlebia ludoviciana HHB-6564-Sp MZ637036 MZ637240 MZ748461 OK136057 MZ913661 USA: Florida Present study
Phlebia ludoviciana HHB-8715-Sp KY948770 KY948846 KY948913 OK136058 MZ913662 USA: Wisconsin Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Phlebia ludoviciana HHB-9768-Sp KP135343 – – – – USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia ludoviciana FD-427 KP135342 – – – – USA: Virgin Islands Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia nantahaliensis HHB-2816-Sp KY948777 KY948852 KY948920 OK136063 MZ913701 USA: North Carolina Justo etal. (2017); Present study
Phlebia radiata AFTOL-484 AY854087 AF287885 AY864881 AY218502 AY885156 Unknown Lutzoni etal. (2004)
Phlebia radiata FD-85 KP135377 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia radiata FD-85 KP135377 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia rufa FBCC297 LN611092 LN611092 –––Sweden Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Phlebia rufa HHB-14924 KP135374 – – – – USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia s.l. sp. Chen 3678 MZ637037 MZ637242 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebia s.l. sp. HHB-18295 KP135405 KP135269 KP134814 KP134938 –New Zealand Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebia s.l. sp. Wu 1703-54 MZ637038 MZ637241 MZ748462 OK136059 MZ913663 Taiwan Present study
Phlebia serialis FCUG 2868 HQ153429 – – – – USA: Georgia Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Phlebia serialis UC2023146 KP814195 – – – – USA: Virginia Rosenthal etal. (2017)
Phlebia setulosa HHB-6891-Sp KP135382 KP135267 KP134864 KP134901 MZ913650 USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Phlebia setulosa PH5105 GU461313 GU461313 –––Unknown Moreno etal. (2011)
Phlebia subochracea I KGN 162/95 EU118656 EU118656 –––Sweden Larsson (2007)
Phlebia subochracea II FBCC295 LN611116 LN611116 –––Sweden Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Phlebia subochracea II HHB-8494-Sp KY948768 KY948845 KY948912 OK136060 – USA: Arizona Justo etal. (2017); Presentstudy
Phlebia tomentopileata Chen 3330 MZ637039 MZ637243 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebia tomentopileata CLZhao 9563 (holotype) MT020765 MT020743 –––China: Yunnan Huang and Zhao (2020)
Phlebia tomentopileata GC 1602-67 MZ637040 MZ637244 MZ748457 OK136064 MZ913702 Taiwan Present study
Phlebia tremellosa FBCC278 LN611126 LN611126 –––Sweden Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Phlebia tremellosa FBCC82 LN611124 LN611124 –––Finland Kuuskeri etal. (2015)
Phlebia tremellosa Wu 1109-73 MZ637041 MZ637245 MZ748458 OK136065 MZ913703 China: Jilin Present study
Phlebiopsis alba GC 1508-110 MZ637042 MZ637246 MZ748368 OK135994 MZ913620 Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis alba GC 1708-20 MZ637043 MZ637247 – – –China: Yunnan Present study
Phlebiopsis alba Wu 1809-270 MZ637044 MZ637248 – – – China: Guandong Present study
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phlebiopsis albobadia He 5805 (holotype) MT452526 – – – – Sri Lanka Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis amethystea URM 84741 MK993645 MK993639 –––Brazil Lima etal. (2020)
Phlebiopsis amethystea URM 93248 MK993644 MK993638 –––Brazil Lima etal. (2020)
Phlebiopsis brunnea He 5822 (holotype) MT452527 MT447451 –––Sri Lanka Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis brunneocystidiata Chen 1143 MZ637048 MZ637249 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis brunneocystidiata Chen 666 (holotype) MT561707 GQ470640 MZ748372 OK135998 MZ913625 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Zhao etal. (2021); Present
Phlebiopsis castanea GC 1612-6 KY688208 MZ637250 MZ748375 OK136001 MZ913618 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018a); Present study
Phlebiopsis castanea Spirin 5295 KX752610 KX752610 –––Russia Miettinen etal. (2016)
Phlebiopsis cf. dregeana SFC 980804-4 AF479669 – – – – Korea Lim and Jung (2003)
Phlebiopsis cf. dregeana UOC-DAMIA-D46 KP734203 – – – – Sri Lanka Unpublished
Phlebiopsis crassa FP-102496-sp AY219341 – – – – USA: Illinois De Koker etal. (2003)
Phlebiopsis crassa GC 1602-45 MZ637049 MZ637251 MZ748373 OK135999 MZ913626 Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis crassa KKN-86-Sp KP135394 KP135215 –––USA: Arizona Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebiopsis cylindrospora He 5932 –MT447444 –––China: Hainan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis cylindrospora He 5984 (holotype) –MT447445 –––China: Hainan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis darjeelingensis Chen 1018 (holotype of Phle-
biopsis lamprocystidiata)MT561709 GQ470647 MZ748369 OK135995 MZ913622 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Zhao etal. (2021); Present
Phlebiopsis darjeelingensis GC 1409-20 MZ637052 MZ637252 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis darjeelingensis GC 1508-8 MZ637053 MZ637253 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis flavidoalba FD-263 KP135402 KP135271 –––USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebiopsis flavidoalba GC 1807-47 MZ637050 MZ637254 MZ748378 OK136038 – USA: Puerto Rico Present study
Phlebiopsis flavidoalba Miettinen 17896 KX752607 KX752607 –––USA Miettinen etal. (2016)
Phlebiopsis flavidoalba URM 87826 MK993648 MK995635 –––Brazil Lima etal. (2020)
Phlebiopsis friesii He 5722 MT452528 MT447413 –––Sri Lanka Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis friesii He 5817 MT452529 MT447414 –––Sri Lanka Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis galochroa FP-102937-Sp KP135391 KP135270 KP134822 KP134929 MZ913621 USA: Puerto Rico Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Phlebiopsis gigantea FCUG 1417 MZ637051 AF141634 MZ748370 OK135996 MZ913623 Norway Parmasto and Hallenberg (2000); Present
Phlebiopsis gigantea FP-70857-Sp KP135390 KP135272 –––USA: Georgia Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Phlebiopsis griseofuscescens CLZhao 3692 (holotype of
Phlebiopsis lacerata)
MT180946 MT180950 –––China: Yunnan Xu etal. (2020a)
Phlebiopsis griseofuscescens He 5734 MT561708 MT598032 –––Sri Lanka Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis laxa Wu 9311-17 (holotype) MT561710 GQ470649 MZ748374 OK136000 MZ913627 Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Zhao etal. (2021); Present
Phlebiopsis magnicystidiata He 20140719_18 MT561719 – – – – China: Yunnan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis magnicystidiata He 5648 (holotype) MT386377 MT447409 –––China: Hunan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis magnicystidiata Wu 890805-1 MT561711 GQ470667 MZ748379 – – Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Zhao etal. (2021); Present
Phlebiopsis membranacea He 3849 (holotype) MT386401 MT447441 –––China: Hainan Zhao etal. (2021)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Phlebiopsis membranacea He 6062 MT386402 MT447442 –––China: Hainan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis odontoidea GC 1708-181 (holotype) MZ637054 MZ637255 MZ748371 OK135997 MZ913624 China: Yunnan Present study
Phlebiopsis odontoidea GC 1708-182 MZ637055 MZ637256 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Phlebiopsis pilatii Spirin 5048 KX752590 KX752590 –––Russia Miettinen etal. (2016)
Phlebiopsis pilatii Wu 1707-18 MZ637056 MZ637257 MZ748376 OK136002 MZ913617 China: Inner Mongolia Present study
Phlebiopsis sinensis He 4673 (holotype) MT386397 MT447435 –––China: Sichuan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis sinensis He 5662 MT386398 MT447436 –––China: Hunan Zhao etal. (2021)
Phlebiopsis sinensis Wu 1008-126 MZ637057 – – – – China: Beijing Present study
Phlebiopsis sp. GC 1705-63 MZ637058 MZ637258 – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis sp. GC 1807-3 MZ637059 MZ637259 – – – USA: Puerto Rico Present study
Phlebiopsis sp. KHL13055 EU118662 EU118662 –––Costa Rica Larsson (2007)
Phlebiopsis yunnanensis CLZhao 3958 (holotype) MH744140 MH744142 –––China: Yunnan Zhao etal. (2019)
Phlebiopsis yunnanensis GC 1708-169 MZ637060 MZ637260 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Phlebiopsis yushaniae Chen 1914 MZ637045 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis yushaniae Chen 2302 MZ637046 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Phlebiopsis yushaniae Chen 2358 (holotype) MZ637047 MZ637261 MZ748377 OK136003 MZ913644 Taiwan Present study
Phlebiporia bubalina Dai 13168 (holotype) KC782526 KC782528 –––China Chen and Cui (2014)
Phlebiporia bubalina Dai 15179 KY131843 KY131902 –––China Wu etal. (2017)
Phlebiporia sp. Wu 1210-7 MZ637061 – MZ748390 OK136052 MZ913647 Taiwan Present study
Pirex concentricus Kropp160Bup6-R KP134985 – – – – USA: Oregon Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Pirex concentricus OSC-41587 KP134984 KP135275 KP134843 KP134940 –USA: Oregon Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Porostereum fulvum LY:18491 MG649452 MG649454 –––France Unpublished
Porostereum spadiceum WHC 1498 MZ637063 MZ637262 MZ748444 – MZ913696 Taiwan Present study
Porostereum spadiceum Wu 0707-8 MZ637064 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Porostereum spadiceum Wu 9508-139 MZ637062 MZ637263 MZ748445 OK136067 MZ913697 China: Yunnan Present study
Quasiphlebia densa HHB-12357 MZ637065 MZ637264 MZ748408 – MZ913628 USA: Georgia Present study
Quasiphlebia densa WEI 17-057 MZ637066 MZ637265 MZ748410 OK135986 MZ913630 Taiwan Present study
Quasiphlebia densa Wu 9304-33 MZ637067 MZ637266 MZ748409 – MZ913629 Taiwan Present study
Raduliporus aneirinus HHB-15629-Sp KP135023 KP135207 KP134795 ––USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Raduliporus aneirinus Wu 0409-199 MZ637068 MZ637267 – OK136096 MZ913712 China: Jilin Present study
Resiniporus pseudogilvescens Wu 1209-46 KY688203 MZ637268 MZ748436 OK136097 MZ913713 Taiwan Chen etal. (2018a); Present study
Resiniporus pseudogilvescens Wu 9508-54 MZ637069 MZ637269 – – – China: Yunnan Present study
Resiniporus resinascens BRNM 710169 FJ496675 FJ496698 –––Czech Republic Tomšovský etal. (2010)
Rhizochaete americana FP-102188 KP135409 KP135277 –––USA: Illinois Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Rhizochaete americana HHB-2004 AY219391 AY219391 –––USA: Georgia Greslebin etal. (2004)
Rhizochaete belizensis FP-150712 KP135408 KP135280 –––Belize Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Rhizochaete borneensis WEI 16-426 MZ637070 MZ637270 – – – Taiwan Present study
Rhizochaete brunnea MR11455 AY219389 AY219389 –––Argentina Greslebin etal. (2004)
Rhizochaete chinensis Wu 0910-45 (holotype) LC387335 MF110294 LC387348 LC387370 LC270925 China: Beijing Chen etal. (2018b); Wu etal. (2018c)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Rhizochaete chinensis Wu 0910-59 MZ637071 MZ637271 – – – China: Beijing Present study
Rhizochaete filamentosa FP-105240 KP135411 AY219393 –––USA: Indiana Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Rhizochaete filamentosa HHB-3169 KP135410 KP135278 KP134818 KP134935 –USA: Maryland Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Rhizochaete flava PR1141 KY273030 KY273033 –––USA: Puerto Rico Nakasone etal. (2017)
Rhizochaete flava PR3148 KY273029 – – – – USA: Puerto Rico Nakasone etal. (2017)
Rhizochaete fouquieriae KKN-121 AY219390 GU187608 MZ748362 OK135988 MZ913708 USA: Arizona Greslebin etal. (2004); Binder etal. (2010);
Present study
Rhizochaete lutea Wu 880417-5 (isotype) MZ637072 GQ470651 MZ748365 OK135989 – Taiwan Wu etal. (2010); Present study
Rhizochaete radicata FD-123 KP135407 KP135279 KP134816 KP134937 –USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Rhizochaete radicata HHB-1909 AY219392 AY219392 –––USA: North Carolina Greslebin etal. (2004)
Rhizochaete sp. WEI 16-383 MZ637073 MZ637272 MZ748364 OK135990 MZ913706 Taiwan Present study
Rhizochaete sp. Wu 1008-62 MZ637074 MZ637273 – – – China: Hunan Present study
Rhizochaete sulphurina HHB-5604 KY273031 GU187610 MZ748363 OK135991 MZ913707 USA: Montana Binder etal. (2010); Nakasone etal. (2017);
Present study
Rhizochaete sulphurina Wu 0409-227 MZ637075 – – – – China: Jilin Present study
Rhizochaete sulphurosa KHL16087 KT003523 – – – – Brazil Chikowski etal. (2016)
Rhizochaete sulphurosa URM87190 KT003522 KT003519 –––Brazil Chikowski etal. (2016)
Rhizochaete violascens KHL11169 –EU118612 –––Norway Larsson (2007)
Riopa metamorphosa Spirin 2395 KX752601 KX752601 KX752628 ––Russia Miettinen etal. (2016)
Riopa pudens Cui3238 JX623931 JX644060 –––China Jia etal. (2014)
Roseograndinia jilinensis Wu 1307-132 MZ637076 MZ637274 MZ748412 OK135984 MZ913631 China: Jilin Present study
Roseograndinia jilinensis Wu 1307-137 (holotype) MZ637077 MZ637275 MZ748413 OK135985 MZ913632 China: Jilin Present study
Roseograndinia minispora WEI 18-508 (holotype) MZ637078 MZ637276 – – – Taiwan Present study
Roseograndinia minispora WEI 18-511 MZ637079 MZ637277 – – – Taiwan Present study
Sarcodontia crocea BRNM721609 KX831470 KX831472 –––Czech Republic Tomšovský (2016)
Sarcodontia crocea OMC1488 KY948798 KY948903 KY948928 ––USA: Arkansas Justo etal. (2017)
Sarcodontia uda FP-101544-Sp KP135361 KP135232 KP134859 KP134909 MZ913649 USA: Wisconsin Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Sarcodontia uda L15019sp KY948763 – – – – USA: Indiana Justo etal. (2017)
Scopuloides allantoidea GC 1602-11 (holotype) MZ637080 MZ637278 – – – Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides allantoidea WEI 16-060 MZ637081 MZ637279 MZ748463 OK136047 MZ913664 Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides allantoidea WEI 18-224 MZ637082 MZ637280 – – – Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides dimorpha FP-102935-Sp KP135353 KP135285 KP134855 KP134905 –USA: Puerto Rico Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Scopuloides dimorpha WEI 17-227 MZ637083 MZ637281 – – – Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides dimorpha WEI19-073 MZ637084 MZ637282 – – – Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides hydnoides FP-150473 KP135355 KP135284 KP134854 ––USA: Hawaii Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Scopuloides hydnoides WEI 17-569 MZ637085 MZ637283 – – – Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides hydnoides Wu 880726-32 MZ637086 – – – – Taiwan Present study
Scopuloides rimosa HHB-15484-Sp KP135352 KP135281 KP134851 KP134902 MZ913665 USA: Alaska Floudas and Hibbett (2015); Present study
Scopuloides rimosa KHL 11916 EU118665 EU118665 –––Sweden Larsson (2007)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Table 2 (continued)
Fungal species Sample no. Accession no. Origin References
ITS 28S rpb1 rpb2 tef1
Scopuloides rimosa Wu 1507-117 MZ637087 MZ637284 MZ748464 OK136048 MZ913666 China: Jilin Present study
Scopuloides sp. HHB-11766 KP135348 – – – – USA: Illinois Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Scopuloides sp. HHB-7042-Sp KP135350 KP135282 KP134853 KP134903 –USA: Florida Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Scopuloides sp. RLG-5104 KP135351 KP135283 KP134852 KP134904 –USA: New York Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Skeletocutis nivea ES2008-1 (GB) JX109858 JX109858 –JX109886 JX109915 Sweden Binder etal. (2013)
Steccherinum ochraceum KHL 11902 (GB) JQ031130 JQ031130 –JX109865 JX109893 Sweden Binder etal. (2013)
Stereophlebia tuberculata Chen 3242 MZ637088 MZ637285 – – – Taiwan Present study
Stereophlebia tuberculata FCUG 3157 HQ153427 – – – – Iran Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Stereophlebia tuberculata MG128 HQ153425 – – – – Spain Ghobad-Nejhad and Hallenberg (2012)
Stereophlebia tuberculata Wu 1708-107 MZ637089 MZ637286 MZ748450 OK136042 MZ913660 China: Liaoning Present study
Stereum hirsutum AFTOL-ID 492 AY854063 –AY864885 AY218520 AY885159 Unknown Lutzoni etal. (2004)
Stereum hirsutum FPL-8805 –AF393078 –––Unknown Lutzoni etal. (2004)
Terana caerulea FP-104073 KP134980 KP135276 KP134865 KP134960 –USA: Maryland Floudas and Hibbett (2015)
Terana caerulea GC 1507-2 MZ637090 MZ637287 MZ748414 OK136037 MZ913654 Taiwan Present study
Trametes versicolor FP-135156-sp JN164919 JN164809 JN164825 JN164850 DQ028603 USA: New York Justo and Hibbett (2011)
Trametopsis aborigena Robledo 1236 (holotype) KY655336 KY655338 –––Argentina Lopes etal. (2017)
Trametopsis cervina TJV-93-216T JN165020 JN164796 JN164839 JN164877 JN164882 USA: Mississippi Justo and Hibbett (2011)
Tyromyces chioneus FD-4 KP135311 KP135291 KP134891 KP134977 –USA: Massachusetts Floudas and Hibbett(2015)
Newly generated sequences are shown in bold
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 1 The phylogram of
the phlebioid clade (Phan-
erochaetaceae, Irpicaceae,
Meruliaceae) of Polypo-
rales inferred from ML
analyses using the combined
ITS + 28S + rpb1 + rpb2 + tef1
dataset. Branches are labelled
with ML BS ≥ 70% and PP ≥ 0.9
from Bayesian analyses.
Thicken branches indicated both
ML BS ≥ 95% and PP ≥ 0.99
from Bayesian analyses. Line-
ages labeled A–J represent the
Phanerochaete, Donkia, Phlebi-
opsis, Bjerkandera, Trametop-
sis, Ceriporia, Hydnophlebia,
Sarcodontia, Mycoacia and core
Phlebia lineages, respectively.
Black stars (★) represent for
strains of generic type species.
Bar = substitutions per site
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 1 (continued)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 1 (continued)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 2 The phylogram of the
Phanerochaete lineage of
Phanerochaetaceae inferred
from ML analyses using the
combined ITS + 28S dataset.
Branches are labeled with ML
bootstrap ≥ 70% and BPPs ≥ 0.9
from Bayesian analyses. Newly
described taxa are shown in
blue boxes. White stars (☆) rep-
resent for holotype or isotype.
Black circles (●) represent for
strains included in the 5-gene
dataset. Sequences newly gener-
ated in this study were shown in
bold. Bar = substitutions per site
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 2 (continued)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
clade, which is the focus of this study, included three main
subclades recognized as three families (BS = 95–100%,
PP = 1): Irpicaceae, Meruliaceae, and Phanerochaetaceae.
The Phanerochaetaceae comprised four main lineages with
high supports (BS = 92–100%, PP = 1): the Donkia, Phan-
erochaete, Phlebiopsis and Bjerkandera lineages. Within
the Irpicaceae, the Ceriporia and Trametopsis lineages
were recovered with high supports (BS = 100%, PP = 1).
Within the Meruliaceae, the core Phlebia, Mycoacia, and
Sarcodontia lineages were recovered with high supports
(BS = 87–100%, PP = 0.99–1).
Based on morphological and phylogenetic studies, 57 gen-
era including six new ones with full statistical support are
recognized in the phlebioid clade (see Taxonomy). The gen-
era Emmia, Flavodon and Hydnopolyporus in the Irpicaceae
are regarded as congeneric with Irpex. Besides, Phlebia
ailaoshanensis C.L. Zhao, P. wuliangshanensis C.L. Zhao
and Phlebiopsis peniophoroides Gilb. & Adask. are respec-
tively considered as latter synonyms of Hydnophanerochaete
odontoidea (Sheng H. Wu) Sheng H. Wu & C.C. Chen,
Luteochaete subglobosa and Phaeophlebiopsis himalayen-
sis (Dhingra) Zmitr. Moreover, 26 new species are presented
and 18 new combinations are proposed (see Taxonomy).
Fig. 3 The phylogram of the
Donkia lineage of Phanero-
chaetaceae inferred from ML
analyses using the combined
ITS + 28S dataset. Branches
are labeled with ML boot-
strap ≥ 70% and BPPs ≥ 0.9
from Bayesian analyses. Newly
described taxa are shown in
blue boxes. White stars (*)
represent for holotype. Black
circles (●) represent for strains
included in the 5-gene dataset.
Sequences newly generated in
this study were shown in bold.
Bar = substitutions per site
Fig. 4 The phylogram of the Phlebiopsis lineage of Phanerochaeta-
ceae inferred from ML analyses using the combined ITS + 28S data-
set. Branches are labeled with ML bootstrap ≥ 70% and BPPs ≥ 0.9
from Bayesian analyses. New combinations or newly described taxa
are shown in blue boxes. White stars (✰) represent for holotype or
isotype. Black circles (●) represent for strains included in the 5-gene
dataset. Sequences newly generated in this study were shown in bold.
Bar = substitutions per site
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fungal Diversity
1 3
The following species are reported as new records: Efibula
intertexta, Luteochaete subglobosa and Phlebiopsis alba
are newly recorded from mainland China. Efibula tubercu-
lata, ‘Mycoacia’ aurea (Fr.) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden, M. fus-
coatra (Fr.) Donk, M. nothofagi (G. Cunn.) Ryvarden, M.
subfascicularis, Phanerochaete australis Jülich, P. chrys-
osporium Burds., P. concrescens Spirin & Volobuev, P.
krikophora nom. prov., Phlebia tomentopileata C.L. Zhao
and Stereophlebia tuberculata (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Zmitr.
are recorded from Taiwan for the first time. Phanerochaete
thailandica Kout & Sádlíková is newly recorded from Viet-
nam. Scopuloides dimorpha is newly recorded from Puerto
Rico. Phanerochaetella angustocystidiata is newly recorded
from mainland China and Japan. Rhizochaete borneensis is
newly recorded from mainland China and Taiwan. Luteo-
poria lutea and Hyphodermella rosae (Bres.) Nakasone are
newly recorded from Japan and Taiwan.
Phanerochaetaceae Jülich, Bibliotheca Mycologica 85:384.
Type genus: Phanerochaete.
Description: Mostly corticioid species, along with a few
resupinate or pileate polypores, and pileate hydnaceous spe-
cies; hyphal system usually mono-, rarely dimitic; hyphae
usually simple-, rarely nodose-septate; basidiospores thin-
walled, smooth, colorless; cystidia often present. Producing
a white rot.
Genera: Alboefibula, Bjerkandera, Cremeoderma, Cre-
patura, Donkia, Efibulella, Gelatinofungus, Geliporus,
Hapalopilus, Hyphodermella, Odontoefibula, Oxychaete,
Phanerina, Phanerochaete, Phaeophlebiopsis, Phlebiop-
sis, Pirex, Porostereum, Quasiphlebia, Rhizochaete, Riopa,
Roseograndinia, Terana.
Fig. 4 (continued)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 5 The phylogram of
Irpicaceae inferred from ML
analyses using the combined
ITS + 28S dataset. Branches
are labeled with ML boot-
strap ≥ 70% and BPPs ≥ 0.9
from Bayesian analyses.
New combinations or newly
described taxa are shown in
yellow boxes. White stars (✰)
represent for holotype. Black
circles (●) represent for strains
included in the 5-gene dataset.
Sequences newly generated in
this study were shown in bold.
Bar = substitutions per site
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Note: Phanerochaetaceae was established by Jülich
(1982) with Phanerochaete as the type genus. This family
belongs to the phlebioid clade within Polyporales and causes
a white rot (Larsson 2007; Binder etal. 2013; Miettinen
etal. 2016; Justo etal. 2017). In the current study, 23 gen-
era are accepted in Phanerochaetaceae, including four new
genera: Alboefibula, Cremeoderma, Gelatinofungus and
Fig. 5 (continued)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 6 The phylogram of
Meruliaceae inferred from ML
analyses using the combined
ITS + 28S dataset. Branches
are labeled with ML boot-
strap ≥ 70% and BPPs ≥ 0.9
from Bayesian analyses.
New combinations or newly
described taxa are shown
in green boxes. White stars
(☆) represent for holotype
or isotype. Black circles (●)
represent for strains included in
the 5-gene dataset. Sequences
newly generated in this study
were shown in bold. Bar = sub-
stitutions per site
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 6 (continued)
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Key togenera ofPhanerochaetaceae
1. Clamps present on nearly all septa ………………… 2
1. Clamps either totally absent, or scattered ………… 11
2. Hymenophore distinctly hydnoid, or odontioid ……. 3
2. Hymenophore smooth to tuberculate, or poroid …… 4
3. Basidiocarps effused; subiculum brown ……………...
3. Basidiocarps pileate; context white to cream ………..
4. Hymenophore smooth to tuberculate ……………… 6
4. Hymenophore poroid ……………………………… 5
5. Basidiocarps whitish to grey; no granular pigment
5. Basidiocarps ochraceous to pink; with granular, golden
pigment, purple in KOH ……………… Hapalopilus
6. Basidiocarps effused-reflexed to pileate; hyphal system
dimitic .………………………………… Porostereum
6. Basidiocarps effused; hyphal system monomitic ……
7. Basidiocarps blue to violet; dendrohyphidia present
7. Basidiocarps differently colored; dendrohyphidia
absent ………………………………………………8
8. Rhizomorphs present; hymenophore usually red to pur-
ple in KOH ……….…..………………… Rhizochaete
8. Rhizomorphs absent; hymenophore not changing in
KOH ……………………………..……………….. 9
9. Lamprocystidia present ……………… Cremeoderma.
9. Lamprocystidia absent ….……………………… 10
10. Leptocystidia present; basidiospores mostly < 3 in
width ………………………………… Quasiphlebia
10. Leptocystidia absent; basidiospores mostly > 3 in
width………………………………… Gelatinofungus
11. Hymenophore poroid ……..…….………………… 12
11. Hymenophore smooth, tuberculate, grandinioid, odon-
tioid, or hydnoid ……………………………………18
12. Cystidia thick-walled, encrusted, subulate ……… 13
12. Cystidia if present thin-walled, naked …………… 14
13. Basidiocarps effuse-reflexed to pileate……… Oxychaete
13. Basidiocarps effused ..………………… Phlebiopsis
14. Cystidia present ………………………………… …17
14. Cystidia absent or poorly differentiated …………… 15
15. Basidiospores mostly < 4 in length … Hyphodermella
15. Basidiospores > 4 in length ……..………………… 16
16. Basidiospores mostly < 6.5 in length; anamorph pre-
sent …..…………………………………………Riopa
16. Basidiospores mostly > 6.5 in length; anamorph absent
…………………………………………… Geliporus
17. Basidiocarps yellow; basidiospores mostly > 2.5 in
width …………………………………… Phanerina
17. Basidiocarps white to cream, or buff; basidiospores
mostly < 2.5 in width ………………… Phanerochaete
18. Hymenophore grandinioid, odontioid, or hydnoid
18. Hymenophore smooth to tuberculate ………………24
19. Aculeal apices composed of encrusted cystidium-like
projecting hyphae …………………… Hyphodermella
19. Aculeal apices not encrusted ……………………… 20
20. Basidiocarps dark reddish in KOH……… Odontoefibula
20. Basidiocarps not changing or differently colored in
KOH .……….…………………………………… 21
21. Basidiocarps usually membranaceous; hyphae easily
to discern …………………… ………Phanerochaete
21. Basidiocarps usually ceraceous; hyphae usually diffi-
cult to discern.………………………………………22
22. Basidiocarps effused to effused-reflexed; cystidia thick-
walled, encrusted …….………………… Phlebiopsis
22. Basidiocarps effused; cystidia absent ……………. 23
23. Cystidia absent; basidiocarps pink to dark purplish-red
………………….…………..……… Roseograndinia
23. Cystidia present; basidiocarps pale brown with grayish
tint ……………….………………. ………Efibulella
24. Basidiospores distinctly thick-walled; basidia 2-sterig-
mate ……………………………………… Crepatura
24. Basidiospores thin- or slightly thick-walled ……… 25
25. Rhizomorphs absent ………..……….…………….. 27
25. Rhizomorphs present ……………….…………….. 26
26. Cystidia thin- to thick-walled, not heavily encrusted,
or naked …………………..…… ……Phanerochaete
26. Cystidia if present thick-walled, heavily
encrusted…..…………………………… Rhizochaete
27. Subicular hyphae usually in a looser structure; cystidia
if present thin- to thick-walled, not heavily encrusted,
or naked ………………………………Phanerochaete
27. Subicular hyphae usually in a denser structure, aggluti-
nate or indistinct …………..……….…….…………28
28. Cystidia usually very thick-walled, heavily encrusted
….….……………… Phaeophlebiopsis or Phlebiopsis
28. Cystidia absent…………………………….……… 29
29. Cystidioles present; basidiospores mostly > 3 in width
…………………………………………… Alboefibula
29. Cystidioles absent; basidiospores mostly < 3 in width
……………………………………… Roseograndinia
Alboefibula C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu, gen. nov. Fig.7
MycoBank: MB840662
Type species: Alboefibula bambusicola.
Etymology: From albo (= white)- + -efibula (= without
clamp connection), referring to the white basidiocarps and
simple-septate hyphae of the genus.
Description: Basidiocarps annual, effused, adnate, mem-
branaceous to subceraceous. Hymenial surface grayish-white
Fungal Diversity
1 3
or white to cream, darkening in KOH, smooth. Hyphal sys-
tem monomitic; generative hyphae simple-septate. Subicu-
lum uniform or composed of a thin basal layer with dense
texture; hyphae mainly colorless, but slightly brownish when
embedded in substratum. Cystidia lacking. Cystidioles or
hyphidia variably present. Basidia clavate, thin-walled,
4-sterigmate. Basidiospores ellipsoid, colorless, thin- to
slightly thick-walled, smooth, inamyloid, nondextrinoid,
acyanophilous. Causing a white rot.
Notes: In our analyses (Figs.1, 3), Alboefibula was recov-
ered as monophyletic including the type species and A. gra-
cilis. The diagnostic morphological features of Alboefibula
include membranaceous to subceraceous basidiocarps that
are white to cream, smooth hymenophore, a monomitic
hyphal system without clamp connections, absence of cys-
tidia, ellipsoid basidiospores that are thin- to slightly thick-
walled, and clavate basidia. Alboefibula is morphologically
most similar to Efibula. Both genera have resupinate basidi-
ocarps with smooth hymenophore, a monomitic hyphal
system with simple-septate hyphae, and absence of cys-
tidia. However, Efibula usually has cream to yellow–brown
basidiocarps and thin-walled basidiospores (Wu 1990; this
study). Besides, Efibula is placed in the Irpicaceae (Fig.1).
Phylogenetically (Figs.1, 3), Alboefibula is closely related to
the genera Crepatura and Pirex. However, morphologically,
Crepatura differs from Alboefibula by the thick-walled gen-
erative hyphae bearing both clamp connections and simple
septa, thick-walled basidiospores, and 2-sterigmate basidia
(Ma and Zhao 2019). Pirex is separated from Alboefibula
by the basidiocarps turning reddish with KOH, odontoid to
hydnoid hymenophore, brownish subiculum, and presence
of clamp connections (Hallenberg etal. 1985).
Alboefibula bambusicola C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu, sp.
nov. Figs.7a, 8
MycoBank: MB840746
Typification: TAIWAN. Nantou County, Jenai Township,
Hsiaofengkou, 24°10ʹ N, 121°17ʹ E, 3000m, on culm of
Yushania niitakayamensis, 27 Jun 2014, S.Z. Chen & W.C.
Chen, Chen 2304 (holotype TNM F28107). GenBank:
ITS = MZ636926; 28S = MZ637091; rpb1 = MZ748355;
rpb2 = OK135980; tef1 = MZ913590.
Etymology: bambusicola (Lat.), referring to the bamboo
Description: Basidiocarps annual, forming small patches
when young, becoming effused when old, adnate, reticulate-
membranaceous, up to 200μm thick in section. Hymenial
surface white to cream, darkening in KOH, usually smooth,
sometimes slightly tuberculate, not cracked; margin concolor-
ous with hymenial surface, thinning out, arachnoid-pruinose.
Hyphal system monomitic; generative hyphae simple-septate.
Subiculum composed of a thin basal layer, with dense texture,
sometimes indistinct; hyphae horizontal, fairly straight, mainly
colorless, but slightly brownish when embedded in substratum,
3–5μm diam, with 0.4–1μm thick walls; hyphal anastomo-
sis occasionally present. Hymenial layer slightly thickening,
subhymenium not clearly differentiated from subiculum,
with fairly dense texture; hyphae mainly vertical, colorless,
Fig. 7 Basidiocarps of Alboefibula bambusicola (a) and P. gracilis (b) in general and detailed views. a Chen 2304, holotype. b Wu 1809-106,
holotype. Bars = 10mm
Fungal Diversity
1 3
Fig. 8 Micromorphological
features of Alboefibula bambu-
sicola (drawn from Chen 2304,
holotype). a Vertical section
through basidiocarp. b Cystidi-
oles. c Basidia and basidioles. d
2–4μm diam, with thin to up to 0.5μm thick walls, slightly
irregularly inflated, moderately ramified, interwoven. Cystidia
lacking. Cystidioles 14–30 × 4–6μm, ventricose to subulate,
with blunt or acute apex, immersed or slightly projecting, thin-
walled, numerous in hymenial layer. Basidia 26–35 × 4–5μm,
clavate, sometimes median-constricted, thin-walled, 4-sterig-
mate, often guttulate. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid to ellip-
soid, colorless, with 0.3–0.4μm thick walls, smooth, often
guttulate, inamyloid, nondextrinoid, acyanophilous, mostly
5.1–5.9 × 3.6–4.3μm. (5.1–)5.3–5.9(–6.4) × (3.5–)3.6–4.2(–4
.5) μm, L = 5.6μm, W = 3.9μm, Q = 1.43 (n = 30) (holotype).
(4.9–)5.1–5.7(–6.4) × (3.3–)3.6–4.3(–5) μm, L = 5.4 μm,
W = 3.9μm, Q = 1.39 (n = 30) (Wu 1209-26).
Other specimens examined: TAIWAN. Nantou County,
Jenai Township, Hohuanshan, 24°09ʹ N, 121°17ʹ E, 3150m,
on culm of Yushania niitakayamensis, 15 Sep 2012, S.H.
Wu, Wu 1209-26 (TNM F26716); ibid., Wu 1209-38 (TNM
F26727); ibid., Wu 1209-44 (TNM F26730); 24°09′41″ N,
121°17′13″ E, 3050m, on culm of Y. niitakayamensis, 1 Oct
2016, C.C. Chen & C.L. Wei, WEI 16-308 (TNM F30975).
Ecology and distribution: On culm of Yushania niitakaya-
mensis, Taiwan, Jun to Oct.
Notes: Alboefibula bambusicola is characterized by having
white to cream basidiocarps with smooth hymenophore, cys-
tidioles often with acute apex, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid
basidiospores (5.1–5.9 × 3.6–4.3μm) with slightly thick walls
and growing on bamboos at high mountain in Taiwan. Phy-
logenetically, this species was sister to A. gracilis (Figs.1,
3), but differs by having slightly thick-walled basidiospores.
Alboefibula gracilis C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu, sp. nov.
Figs.7b, 9
MycoBank: MB840747
REGION: Dayaoshan Nature Reserve, Silver Fir Sta-
tion, 24°10ʹ N, 110°15ʹ E, 1190m, on angiosperm branch,
10 Sep 2018, S.H. Wu, Wu 1809-106 (holotype TNM
F32950). GenBank: ITS = MZ636929; 28S = MZ637094;
rpb1 = MZ748357; rpb2 = OK135982; tef1 = MZ913591.
Etymology: gracilis (Lat.), referring to the thin basidiocarp.
Description: Basidiocarps annual, effused, adnate, mem-
branaceous to subceraceous, usually thin, up to 100μm
thick in section. Hymenial surface grayish-white when
young, becoming cream when old, not changing in KOH,
Fungal Diversity
1 3
smooth, not cracked; margin concolorous with hymenial sur-
face, fairly determinate, slightly arachnoid. Hyphal system
monomitic; generative hyphae simple-septate. Subiculum
uniform; thin and sometimes invisible, with compact tex-
ture; hyphae mainly vertical, sometimes indistinct, color-
less, 2–5μm diam, with thin to up to 0.4μm thick walls,
moderately ramified, interwoven, sometimes irregularly
inflated, ± agglutinated. Hymenial layer with compact tex-
ture, subhymenium not clearly differentiated from subicu-
lum; hyphae vertical, colorless, 2–4μm diam, other aspects
similar to those of subiculum. Large crystal masses usu-
ally present near substratum. Cystidia lacking. Cystidioles
14–18 × 3–5μm, numerous in the hymenium, subfusiform
to subulate, thin-walled. Hyphidia 27–32 × 2.5–3.5μm,
tubular, sometimes bearing one secondary septum, thin-
walled, ± flexuous. Basidia 15–24 × 5–6μm, clavate, thin-
walled, 4-sterigmate, ± flexuous. Basidiospores ellipsoid,
colorless, thin-walled, smooth, often guttulate, adaxially
convex, inamyloid, nondextrinoid, acyanophilous, mostly
5.8–7.1 × 3.1–3.8μm. (5.7–)6–7(–7.9) × (3.1–)3.3–3.8(–4.
3) μm, L = 6.5μm, W = 3.5μm, Q = 1.85 (n = 30) (holotype).
(5.5–)5.8–7.1(–8.3) × (2.8–)3.1–3.6(–3.8) μm, L = 6.4μm,
W = 3.3μm, Q = 1.94 (n = 30) (Wu 0606-83).
Other specimens examined: CHINA. GUANGXI
AUTONOMOUS REGION: Dayaoshan Nature Reserve,
Silver Fir Station, 24°10ʹ N, 110°15ʹ E, 1190m, on angio-
sperm branch, 10 Sep 2018, S.H. Wu, Wu 1809-152 (TNM
F32979); YUNNAN PROVINCE: Xishuangbanna, Green
Stone Forest Park, 21°55ʹ N, 101°16ʹ E, 620m, on angio-
sperm branch, 19 Jun 2006, S.H. Wu & S.Z. Chen, Wu 0606-
83 (TNM F20801).
Ecology and distribution: On angiosperm branch, S and
SW China (Guangxi and Yunnan), Jun, Sep.
Notes: Alboefibula gracilis is characterized by having
grayish white to cream basidiocarps with smooth hymenial
surface, ellipsoid basidiospores (5.8–7.1 × 3.1–3.8 μm),
the presence of cystidioles and hyphidia, absence of cys-
tidia, and presence of large crystal masses near substratum.
Phanerochaete flavidogrisea Sheng H. Wu is the most mor-
phologically similar species, which also has smooth hyme-
nophore and cystidioles and lacks cystidia; however, P. fla-
vidogrisea differs by having distinctly smaller basidiospores
(3–3.8 × 2–2.8μm) (Wu 1998). Phylogenetically (Figs.1,
3), Alboefibula gracilis was sister to A. bambusicola which
differs in having ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores
with slightly thick walls.
Cremeoderma Sheng H. Wu & C.C. Chen, gen. nov.
MycoBank: MB840748
Type species: Cremeoderma unicum.
Etymology: From creameo + derma, referring to the