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The effect of Indigofera zollingeriana supplementation to performance of rabbit

  • National Research Innovation Agency of the Republic of Indonesia

Abstract and Figures

Rabbit has potency to produce meat since it has high growth rate, litter size, and short calving interval. Rabbit can utilize low nutritional feed and wide various of forages as its feed. Recently, Indigofera Zollingeriana (IZ) has been widely used as a green protein source in livestock. The used of IZ in rabbit feed seemed to be able to reduce production cost. The study had objective to observe the effect of IZ supplementation in feed to rabbit performance. A number of 72 heads of 12 weeks old of New Zealand white rabbits were used in the study. Rabbits were distributed in three groups of IZ supplementation levels (R1: 0 %; R2: 20 %, and R3: 30%). The supplementation was applicated for five weeks. Data were analysed using one- way ANOVA. The results showed that IZ supplementation effected body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio, and dry matter and energy digestibility (P<0.05). The R2 was the optimal IZ supplementation in the study. The average BWGs of rabbits were 833.38 ± 232 g, 688.50 ± 88 g, and 485.63 ± 130 g for R1, R2, and R3, respectively. In conclusion, the IZ supplementation up to 20 % could be applicated in rabbit feed to reduce cost
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IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The effect of
Indigofera zollingeriana
supplementation to performance of rabbit
To cite this article: T Haryati et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 888 012073
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2nd International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability 2021
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (2021) 012073
IOP Publishing
The effect of Indigofera zollingeriana supplementation to
performance of rabbit
T Haryati, Bayu P Soewandi, N Pratiwi and K Komarudin
Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production, Ciawi-Bogor, Indonesia.
Corresponding author e-mail:
Abstract. Rabbit has potency to produce meat since it has high growth rate, litter size, and short
calving interval. Rabbit can utilize low nutritional feed and wide various of forages as its feed.
Recently, Indigofera Zollingeriana (IZ) has been widely used as a green protein source in livestock.
The used of IZ in rabbit feed seemed to be able to reduce production cost. The study had objective
to observe the effect of IZ supplementation in feed to rabbit performance. A number o f 72 heads of
12 weeks old of New Zealand white rabbits were used in the study. Rabbits were distributed in three
groups of IZ supplementation levels (R1: 0 %; R2: 20 %, and R3: 30%). The supplementation was
applicated for five weeks. Data were analysed using one- way ANOVA. The results showed that IZ
supplementation effected body weight gain (BWG), feed conversion ratio, and dry matter and energy
digestibility (P<0.05). The R2 was the optimal IZ supplementation in the study. The average BWGs
of rabbits were 833.38 ± 232 g, 688.50 ± 88 g, and 485.63 ± 130 g for R1, R2, and R3, respectively.
In conclusion, the IZ supplementation up to 20 % could be applicated in rabbit feed to reduce cost
1. Introduction
Rabbits are livestock that have the potential to be developed as meat producers because they have great
biological potential, including fast sexual maturity, short calving intervals, high litter size, high growth rate,
easy maintenance, and can be bred on a small and large scale to become a viable business. Rabbits are prolific
herbivores that can grow and reproduce from forages, vegetable waste, or food waste [1]. Utilization of
forages, vegetable waste, and food waste apart from not competing with human feed also greatly reduces
production costs.
Indigofera zollingeriana (IZ) is a tree legume species that is relatively new to be developed in Indonesia.
Indigofera is suitable to be developed in Indonesia because it is tolerant of dry seasons, waterlogging, and
is resistant to salinity [2]. In addition, fast growth, being adaptive to low fertility rates, easy and inexpensive
maintenance are supporting factors. This plant contains about 65 chemical compounds of 1-65 namely
flavonoids, especially flavonoids glycosides, lignins, and several other constituents including alkaloids,
steroids, fatty acids containing amino groups.
Research by [3] showed that the use of indigofera leaf powder has the potential to be used as a protein
source in layer feed. In addition, the use of indigofera powder for a substitution of 45% of protein from
soybean meal can improve egg quality and increase the intensity of egg yolk color, which reaches 55.88%.
Experiments on New Zealand white rabbits conducted by [4] showed that the use of Indigofera sp leaf
powder up to a level of 40 percent in rations can increase body weight gain and ration efficiency [4].
2nd International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability 2021
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (2021) 012073
IOP Publishing
Currently, the interest of farmers to raise rabbits continues to increase in various locations in Indonesia,
but the availability and quality of feed on the market are low because getting good quality feed requires
relatively expensive costs. To achieve good quality feed and affordable prices for breeders, it is necessary to
look for alternative feed ingredients, one of which is the forage of Indigofera sp which has low fiber, high
protein, and easy to cultivate. Indigofera sp is a legume plant that has the potential as a feed source for
protein. The availability of feed ingredients sourced from forage or vegetable waste is not available
continuously or depends on the season.
Indigofera is a type of legume plant that has been widely studied in the last 10 years because it has
potential as a green concentrate feed ingredient due to its high protein content and low crude fiber. This
legume plant is easy to cultivate and is widely grown in Indonesia because of its dry resistance, water
resistance, and salinity resistance [2]. High production can produce 5 tonnes / ha of forage after 2 months
of age, and 25 tonnes / ha when it is 6 months old. Until now, indigofera is only used as feed for ruminants;
yet, it has not been widely used for poultry feed, especially for laying hens.
2. Materials and methods
This research was conducted in experimental cages to determine the limit of use of IZ as a feed ingredient
for rabbits. The approach referred to the nutritional requirement of rabbits which have been used so far,
where the fiber content is around 12% and 16-18% of protein. Feeding trial using a completely randomized
design consisting of 3 levels of IZ: 0, 20 and 30% in feed with 12% crude fiber content and 18% protein.
Each treatment was repeated 8 times at 3 NZW rabbits weaned off at 12 weeks of age. The experiment was
carried out for 5 weeks of observation of growth performance (body weight, feed consumption, and feed use
efficiency). Measurement of dry matter digestibility (DMD), Crude Protein Digestibility (CPD), Energy
Digestibility (GED), and Crude Fiber Digestibility (CFD) using 3 replications of each of 3 NZW rabbits
weaning for 10 days. The resulting data were tested by analysis of variance and LSD.
3. Results and discussions
The feed that has been used is formulated using iso protein, iso crude fiber, feed formula of treatment, and
chemical composition as shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Formula and Feed composition during experiment.
Rice bran
King grass
Copra meal
2nd International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability 2021
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (2021) 012073
IOP Publishing
Chemical composition calculation
Crude Protein (%)
Gross Energy (kcal/kg)
Composition of chemical analysis
Crude Protein
Gross Energy
The results of the calculation and chemical analysis of the formulated feed are slightly different,
especially for the crude fiber content. This difference is because the calculation uses the average
composition data from the existing analysis results and may differ from the chemical composition of the
materials used in the treatment ration. Crude fiber content in the analysis varies widely.
Indigofera is used to substitute protein sources from other ingredients. It is also used as a source of fiber
besides elephant grass. The nutritional content of elephant grass is relatively low because of its high fiber
content, low protein content, while the mineral content of elephant grass is also lower than the needs of
Feed consumption in each treatment during the study was quite consistent; in the first week, it was around
60 grams/head/ day, then it increased with time. At week five, it was between 80-110 g/head/ day. According
to [5], rabbits consume about 5% of their body weight. This is also supported by the results of research by
[6] which state that rabbits weighing 1.8 kg-3.2 kg consume dry matter of 112 g/head/day-173 g/head/day
or the equivalent of 5.4. % -6.2% of the live weight of livestock.
Research conducted by [4] also shows that the use of indigofera in rabbit feed does not affect feed
consumption. Indigofera sp contains anti-nutrients and bioactive ingredients, including tannins or saponins,
alkaloids [7]. The use of indigofera leaves in feed up to 20% does not affect feed palatability, the antinutrient
content does not result in a decrease in feed consumption, so there is no difference in the amount of feed
Table 2. Feed consumption (g/h/d) during 5 weeks experiment.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
The crude fiber content of the ration affects the consumption of dry matter; feed containing high crude
fiber is more voluminous in nature, causing limited capacity in the digestive tract to consume more feed. [8]
stated that the slow rate of feed in the digestive tract will reduce consumption.
The increase in body weight during experiment is presented in Table 3. The Body Weight Gain (BWG)
increased according to the age of experiment, the highest body weight gain was obtained in the control
2nd International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability 2021
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (2021) 012073
IOP Publishing
treatment, and then treatment with the use of 20% indigofera, and the lowest was obtained in the treatment
with the use of 30% indigofera. The highest body weight gain occurred at 3, 4, and 5 weeks of experiment
or at the age of 15, 16, and 17 weeks of rabbits. In rabbit breeders, the optimum age for harvesting rabbits
for slaughter is around 15-17 weeks of age, where body weight gain is at a good value and the best quality
of meat.
Table 3. Weekly Average body weight gain (g/h) during experiment.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Table 4. Average performance of rabbits for 5 weeks of experiment
BWG (g/h)
Consumption (g/h)
833.38b + 232
2814 + 348
3.77a + 0,71
688.50b + 88
2988 + 257
4.25a + 0,47
485.63a + 130
3011 + 256
6.36b + 1,56
* Different letters in the same column indicate significantly different (P< .05)
The performance of rabbits in Table 4 shows that the treatment has an effect on BWG and feed efficiency.
The treatment had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the BWG of livestock. The use of indigofera up to 20%
did not make a difference with the control without the use of indigofera; the use of indigofera up to 30%
had a significant effect on BWG of livestock (P<0.05). The treatment had no effect on livestock consumption
(P<0.05), and during the 5 weeks trial, the feed consumption was around 2,500 3,000 g /head. Consumption
is not influenced by the use of indigofera in the ration. The preference test of various tropical forages [9]
shows indigofera is the preferred forage, so the use of indigofera up to 30% does not affect the amount of
livestock consumption. There are many factors that can influence the acceptance and preference of legume
forage, such as smell/aroma, freshness, taste, size, and texture, including crunchiness, chewiness, and mouth
taste. In addition, some nutrients may contain anti-nutritional factors such as amino acids or toxic alkaloids.
For example, anti-nutritional substances are found in the leaves and seeds of the Indigofera sp., including
tannins and saponins, the rests of which are alkaloids, flavonoids, carbohydrate glycosides, terpeniods,
steroids, and indospicine can cause poor daily weight gain and feed intake. Not are all legumes suitable to
replace commercial feed intake for rabbits, but some legumes have shown that they can be combined with
other forages in rabbit feed for good production. [10] concluded that various tropical forages were consumed
in acceptable quantities by rabbits, which indicate that rations, based on these forage ingredients and
concentrate supplements, could be used well for rabbit production.
3.1. Digestibility measurement
The level of use of indigofera had a significant effect on the digestibility of dry matter and energy (P<0.05),
but had no effect on the digestibility of protein and digestibility of crude fiber. The more consumption of
dry matter which has high crude fiber content will stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, thereby,
increasing the digestive process. [11] stated that enzymes are able to simplify complex chemical chains into
simple and more digestible chains. Crude fiber in feedstuffs improves digestibility [12].
2nd International Conference on Animal Production for Food Sustainability 2021
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 888 (2021) 012073
IOP Publishing
Table 5. Nutrition digestibility (%) of feed during experiment.
60,69b + 4,36
68,21+ 13,27
51,95a + 2,88
68,58 + 5,60
53,46a + 3,54
69,84 + 8,13
* Different letters in the same column indicate significantly different (P< .05)
[1] states that the Dry Matter Digestibility (DMD) of rabbits, which are fed with complete pellets, is
47%. The higher level of DMD proves that the treated ration has good quality [1]. [13] stated that the DMD
in rabbits fed with alfalfa was 61.4% -62.7%. The DMD of rabbits in this study was not far from that of
obtained by [1].
The Crude Fiber Digestibility (CFD) in this study was not different in each treatment, which indicates
that the fiber content in the feed can be digested properly. The results of the chemical composition analysis
of the feed showed that the crude fiber content of the treatment using 20% and 30% indigofera was higher
than the calculated results. It is estimated that the fiber in the ration originating from indigofera is easily
digested fiber and contains little lignin. [1] also states that the high digestibility value of crude fiber indicates
that the fiber in feed is digested properly and is low in lignin content.
Rations that contain high crude fiber will reduce the digestibility coefficient of other feed substances such
as protein and fat. According to [14], the high amount of crude fiber content in the ration consumed by a
livestock causes the rate of movement of feedd in the digestive tract of the livestock to be high, so the
digestive enzymes work shorter and ultimately reduce digestibility. [15] states that the high indigestible plant
components (lignin and silica) included in ADF can cause low digestibility. Indigofera zollingeriana is a
forage with a low crude fiber content with an NDF digestibility value of 52.13% and an ADF digestibility
value of 55.26% [16].
The high digestibility value of crude protein indicates that the protein content in the ration can be digested
properly by livestock. The high crude protein digestibility of rabbits in the study was caused by the high
crude protein content in the treatment rations, which ranged from 18%. [17] stated that crude protein
digestibility was influenced by crude fiber and ration protein content; besides that, consumption would also
affect the level of protein digestibility. According to [18], the higher the consumption of dry matter in rations
with high crude protein content, the higher the consumption of crude protein. Protein consumption will
determine the digestibility level of the ration protein.
4. Conclusion
Legume Indigofera zollingeriana can be used as an alternative feed ingredient for rabbit feed. The use of
Indigofera zollingeriana in feed up to 20% did not reduce the DWG and feed efficiency compared to control,
so the use of as much as 20% in rations with 18% protein content can save feed costs.
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IOP Publishing
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... December 2024 | Volume 12 | Issue 4 | Page A level of Indigofera inclusion in ration did not change the nutrient content in the ration (Table 1). Haryati et al. (2021) reported that the use of Indigofera meal up to 30% as a supplementation feed ingredient did not affect feed consumption of rabbits. Haryati et al. (2021) claimed that supplementation of Indigofera leaves in feed up to 20% did not enhance feed palatability and antinutrient content so did not result in a decrease in feed consumption. ...
... Haryati et al. (2021) reported that the use of Indigofera meal up to 30% as a supplementation feed ingredient did not affect feed consumption of rabbits. Haryati et al. (2021) claimed that supplementation of Indigofera leaves in feed up to 20% did not enhance feed palatability and antinutrient content so did not result in a decrease in feed consumption. Gunun et al. (2022) reported that the addition of indigo waste at 10% in a concentrate has no negative effect on DMI of growing beef cattle. ...
... The rabbit performances and feed efficiency were relatively the same among all treatments (Table 3); therefore, ILM had potential to replace SBM in the rabbit ration at least up to 12%. Previous study by Haryati et al. (2021) showed that NZW rabbit productivity decreased from 119 g/d on the control diet (without supplementation) to 70.80 g/d on the Indigofera supplemented diet at 30%. ...
... The indigofera species is very promising as a ruminant forage [1]. A relatively recent tree legume species to be realize as a potential animal feed supplements in Indonesia is called Indigofera zollingeriana (IZ) [2]. The genus Indigofera belongs to the Fabaceae family, which was formerly known as Leguminosae. ...
... Indigofera is a good plant to grow in Indonesia, Malaysia and other tropical countries [4]. Indigofera zollingeriana grows quickly, is tolerant of poor soil conditions, responds well to fertiliser, and requires little upkeep [1], [2], [5]. ...
Full-text available
This review explores the possibility of Indigofera Zollingeriana as an animal feed supplement. With the increasing price of the ingredients for animal feed, we need to find alternative food source for the livestock. It examines the environmental and economic considerations of cultivating this plant specifically for animal consumption. Additionally, the review delves into the potential nutritional value of Indigofera Zollingeriana, assessing its suitability as a feed supplement to enhance animal health and productivity. The core focus lies in determining the feasibility of incorporating Indigofera Zollingeriana into animal feed production systems in a way that is both environmentally responsible and economically viable. By evaluating its potential as a sustainable feed source, this review contributes to the ongoing search for innovative and eco-friendly solutions to meet the growing demand for animal feed to solve the food security issues.
Full-text available
Two methods of feed preference trials were compared to evaluate the acceptability of 5 fresh foliages: Leucaena leucocephala, Moringa oleifera, Portulaca oleracea, Guazuma ulmifolia, and Brosimum alicastrum that was included as control. The evaluation included chemical analyses and forage intake by rabbits. The first method was a cafeteria trial; 12 California growing rabbits aged 8 wk, allocated in individual cages, were offered the five forage plants at the same time inside the cage, while in the second trial 60 California growing rabbits aged 8 wk, allocated individually, were randomly distributed into 5 experimental groups (n = 12/group); for each group just one forage species was offered at a time. The testing period for each method lasted for 7 d, preceded by one week of adaptation. The results showed that B. alicastrum and L. lecocephala were the most preferred forages while on the contrary G. ulmifolia was the least preferred one by rabbits. The results also revealed that the CV% value for the 2nd method (16.32%), which the tested forages were presented separately to rabbits, was lower and methodologically more acceptable than such value for the 1(st) method (34.28%), which all forages were presented together at the same time. It can be concluded that a range of tropical forages were consumed in acceptable quantities by rabbits, suggesting that diets based on such forages with a concentrate supplement could be used successfully for rabbit production. However, growth performance studies are still needed before recommendations could be made on appropriate ration formulations for commercial use.
Full-text available
Rabbits are found in virtually every country in the world, providing protein, fiber, animal research, and companionship (third to dogs and cats). Because of an ability to utilize low-grain and high- roughage diets, they have the potential to be a future protein source. Classified as an herbivorous nonrumi- nant, rabbits have a simple, noncompartmentalized stomach along with an enlarged cecum and colon inhab- ited by a microbial population (primarily Bacteroides). Rabbits practice coprophagy, which enhances strate- gies of high feed intake (65 to 80 g/kg BW) and fast feed transit time (19 h), allowing rabbits to meet nutritional requirements. Coprophagy also increases protein di- gestibility (50 vs 75-80% for alfalfa). Feces are excreted on a circadian rhythm, and data indicate that the inter- nal cycle differs when shifting from ad libitum to re- stricted feeding. Microbes digest cellulose (14% in rab- bits vs 44% in cattle) in the hindgut of the rabbit, but the contribution of amino acids from microbial protein is thought to be minimal. Lysine and methionine may be limited in traditional diets, and urea is not utilized. Acetate is the primary microbial VFA, with more buty- rate than propionate. Unlike ruminants, more VFA are
Two experiments were completed to determine the influence of season/year and species on forage quality of Indigofera accessions. In Experiment 1, leaf material was collected from five Indigofera species (i.e., I. amorphoides, I. arrecta, I. brevicalyx, I. costata and I. cryptantha) by harvesting six middle plants of a plot in the autumn of 2003 and the autumn of 2004. In Experiment 2, edible forage (leaves+
The study was designed to assess the influence of diets, differing in cell wall composition, on caecal fermentative activity and total tract apparent digestibility. The effect of adding fat to these diets was also tested. Six diets with 330 g NDF kg −1 , were used. They were based either in dehydrated alfalfa (AL), wheat bran (WB), or beet pulp (BP); for each case 60 g of sunflower oil was or was not substituted for starch. Diets were fed to 6 × 12 rabbits, from 28 to 70 days of age, in a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement. Growing performances, coefficient of total tract apparent digestibilities (CTTAD) (during the 5th and 9th weeks of age), caecotrophy and caecal fibrolytic activity (at 35 and 56 days of age), volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration and full and empty digestive organs - stomach and caecum were all measured at slaughter at the end of experience. The digestibility of all analytical fractions was affected ( P < 0.0001) by the source of fibre. The digestibility of energy was 20% higher in BP diets (0.763) than in AL diets (0.635), intermediate in WB diets (0.719). The same pattern was seen in the digestibilities of cell wall fractions: at 9 weeks, CTTAD for NDF was 0.584, 0.393 and 0.267, and for ADF was 0.391, 0.230 and 0.174, in BP, WB and AL diets, respectively. Sunflower oil addition increased ( P < 0.001) the digestibility of most analytical fractions by 3-5%. It had a greater effect on fat digestibility (from 0.7 to 0.9), and a more variable, albeit also positive, effect on the digestibilities of the cell wall fractions. Fibre source affected fibrolytic activities (mg sugar h −1 g −1 DM) in both the caecotrophs and the caecal contents. Pectinolytic and cellulolytic activities were higher in BP diets, xilanolytic activity higher in WB diets. Fat addition
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of rabbits fed diets blended with or without urea treated cowpea husk. A total of 30-forty two day old rabbits with an average initial weight of 650 ± 1.5 g were allocated in completely randomized design to three dietary treatments containing 25% cowpea husk with the following treatments; untreated (control, A), 1% urea-treated (B) and 3% urea treated (C). The diet blended with 3% urea treated cowpea husk gave the highest dry matter intake, growth rate and best feed conversion ratio. The digestibility values of dry matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) and nitrogen retention of the group fed 3% urea treated cowpea husk containing diet were significantly higher than for groups offered diets containing untreated or 1% urea treated cowpea husk. Therefore, urea treatment brought about improved nutritive value of cowpea husk and improved animal performance, digestibility and nitrogen retention.
Indigofera tinctoria is East Asia originated shrub belonging to the Fabacea Family. The plant species collected in state of Madhya Pradesh, India. The leaves of Indigofera tinctoria leaves were collected locally, shade dried and extracted with petroleum ether and methanol by using Soxhlet apparatus. The yield of petroleum ether and methanolic extracts of leaves were 7.85% and 21%. respectively. The preliminary phytochemical screening was carried out for the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, carbohydrate glycosides, tannins, terpeniods, phenol nad absence of steroids and saponins for methanolic extracts of Indigofera tinctoria (leaves). The physical evaluation was carried out for the determination of methanol-soluble extractive value, water-soluble extractive value, Hexane-soluble extractive value, ash value includes total ash, acid insoluble ash and water-soluble ash, and moisture content for leaves of Indigofera tinctoria.
One hundred forty New Zealand White x California weanling rabbits were used to study the influence of increasing dietary contents of digestible fiber replacing nonstructural carbohydrates on feed efficiency and growth performance. Four diets, formulated by replacing sugarbeet pulp (SBP) for barley grain, and two slaughter weights (2 or 2.5 kg) were used in a 4 x 2 factorial arrangement. Inclusion of 15% SBP decreased dietary energy and CP digestibilities by 6% (P < .001), but nonsignificant effects were found on growth performance, empty body composition, and DE and digestible CP efficiencies for growth. Higher levels of SBP (35 and 50%) led to leaner animals and did not affect DE intake but greatly impaired (P < .001) DE and nitrogen efficiencies, NEg intake, growth rate, and dressing percentage in relation to the control diet. Inclusion of SBP increased the weight of gut contents (P < .001) and decreased cecal pH (P < .001), with no significant effect on mortality. Slaughter weight did not affect growth rate or energy efficiency but impaired (by 13%, P < .001) feed conversion rate. Higher (P < .001) energy content in live weight gain (12.5%) and dressing percentage (3.2%) were observed for rabbits slaughtered at 2.5 kg than for those slaughtered at 2 kg. Our data indicate that SBP can replace 15% of barley grain without decreasing growth performance, although energy and nitrogen efficiencies were impaired by 5%.
Potensi dan pemanfaatan tepung pucuk Indigofera sp. sebagai bahan pakan substitusi bungkil kedelai dalam ransum ayam petelur
  • Palupi
Nutritive value, palatability, and selectivity of 10 different legume herbages by rabbits
  • Jusoh