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Girls’ Education and Family Planning: Essential Components of Climate Adaptation and Resilience

  • Freelance consultant
  • Project Drawdown


Climate adaptation is essential for all people and is especially urgent for women and girls in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). Of many viable climate adaptation strategies, two well-proven, directly beneficial climate adaptation strategies are girls' education and family planning. Use of modern contraceptive methods and educational attainment-particularly at the secondary level-both affect women's fertility and health. 1 Girls’ Education and Family Planning: Essential Components of Climate Adaptation and Resilience—a Drawdown Lift policy brief—makes the case for recognizing family planning and girls’ education as effective long-term climate adaptation strategies. Both should be integrated into climate deliberations, funding priorities, and country-level actions. 1
Climate adaptation is essential for all people and is
especially urgent for women and girls in low- and
middle-income countries (LMICs). Of many viable
climate adaptation strategies, two well-proven,
directly beneficial climate adaptation strategies are
girls’ education and family planning.i Use of modern
contraceptive methods and educational attainment—
particularly at the secondary level—both aect women’s
fertility and health.1 Girls’ education and family planning
address underlying drivers of gender inequality
exacerbated by climate change and are critical for
climate adaptation and boosting resilience.ii, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Low levels of girls’ education mean women continue
to face economic marginalization and social inequality,
putting them at heightened risk of gender-based
violence, labor exploitation, and suering under
conditions of climate-related shocks and extreme
i We recognize that comprehensive reproductive health for all—adolescents and adults—is essential and a human right. In this brief we focus on
one important component of reproductive health, modern voluntary family planning [contraception] for women and girls.
ii Resilience is used here as the ability of an individual, household, community, and system to cope with, recover from, and expand their capacity
to adapt to shocks and stressors, which can be environmental or human-driven.
weather events. Higher levels of bodily autonomy and
reproductive choice through family planning usage
mean women have more control over their own lives,
making space for personal decisions aligned with their
specific needs.
This brief highlights the evidence around
incorporating girls’ education and family planning
in climate adaptation and resilience. Decisionmakers
must recognize these pillars of development as eective
long-term climate adaptation strategies in National
Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and key components of climate
policies and forums through UNFCCC processes, such
as the Gender Action Plan. Including and funding girls’
education and family planning in country-level holistic
climate adaptation approaches will boost the ability of
vulnerable populations to adapt to climate change.
Girls’ education and family planning:
essential components of climate adaptation and resilience
Policy Brief
By Kristen P. Patterson, Yusuf Jameel, Mamta Mehra, and Carissa Patrone OCTOBER 2021 2
Girls’ education and family planning:
complementary strategies that
address women and girls’ distinct
Compared with men, women and girls in LMICs
experience higher social, economic, and health
impacts of climate change.5, 8, 9, 10 Women’s mortality
rates are higher during climate-related hazards, and
climate events exacerbate existing gender disparities
around reproductive health and rights, education,
early marriage, gender-based violence, and
socioeconomic status.2, 11, 12, 13 Climate-exacerbated
natural disasters could push an additional 120 million
people into poverty by 2030;14 200 million adolescent
girls from LMICs face heightened risks to climate
impacts.7 These realities increase the risk of early
marriage as households try to manage financial burdens
with limited resources.15 These circumstances can lead
to early pregnancy and girls terminating school-based
education, leading to a vicious cycle of intergenerational
poverty and vulnerability.16
Access to contraception can reduce these risks and
lead to higher educational attainment for girls and
women as they are able to delay and plan pregnancy,
which is recognized as vital to building climate
iii Demand satisfied is the percentage of women of reproductive age (15–49 years) who desire to have either no (additional) children or to
postpone the next child—and are currently using a modern method of contraception. The indicator is also referred to as the demand for family
planning satisfied with modern methods.
iv Project Drawdown has identified 80+ solutions to climate change, most of which focus on Reducing Sources (bringing emissions to zero) and
Supporting Sinks (uplifting nature’s carbon cycle). One solution, Health and Education, focuses on fostering health and education equity for all.
Every solution demands urgent action to address the climate crisis.
adaptation capacity at the household and community
level.2 Contraception enables adolescents to remain
in school and education enables sustained lifelong
benefits—research has shown that mothers’ schooling
(versus that of fathers) has a deeper positive impact
on children.1, 17, 18, 19 Secondary education is associated
with reduced adolescent fertility in low-income
countries, with concomitant reductions in mortality
and HIV prevalence.20
Nineteen out of the top 20 countries with the highest
total fertility rate are in sub-Saharan Africa, a region
highly vulnerable to climate change.21, 22, 23 Several of the
same countries also have very low female literacy rates24
and low demand satisfiediii, 25 (See figure 1 below). Girls’
education and women-centered, rights-based access to
family planning could play an important role in climate
adaptation and boosting resilience across the region.
Investing in girls’ education and family planning
generates myriad immediate and sustained benefits
for girls, women, their families, and communities, and
makes a significant contribution to achieving nearly all
the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).4, 20, 26, 27,
28, 29, 30 Incorporating girls’ education and family planning
in an interconnected system of complementary climate
solutionsiv can foster a strong foundation of climate
adaptation and resilience.31, 32
CHAD (4)
0 2 4 6 8 010 20 30 40 6050 70 020 40 60 10060
Figure 1 – Fertility, demand satisfied, and female literacy rate for select countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
The vulnerability rank of each country is included in parentheses (1 being the most vulnerable).
Source: total fertility rate, World Bank, 2019; demand satisfied, Population Reference Bureau, 2021;
female literacy rate, World Bank (Niger and Uganda, 2018; Chad and Democratic Republic of Congo, 2016). 3
Girls’ education contributes to climate
adaptation and boosts women’s resilience
Education, particularly for girls, provides benefits that reverberate throughout
one’s lifespan. While the relationship between education and fertility outcomes
is complex,33 the relation between length of mothers’ schooling and child
survival is linear, with no threshold.17, 20, 26 The longer girls stay in school, on
average, the longer they delay transitions to adulthood, including childbearing.2
Multiple factors—like quality, empowerment, and decision-making autonomy—
influence the relationship between an education intervention and fertility
decisions made at the individual level.
Three-quarters of children who never enter primary school are girls, and in at
least 20 countries, very few poor, rural adolescent girls finish secondary school.16
Gendered responsibilities—which often increase during climate shocks and
stressors—including household chores (e.g., fetching water and fuel, cooking,
and sibling care) impact girls’ ability to remain in school; the increasing frequency
of such events elevates the fact that keeping girls in school is both a short- and
long-term adaptation strategy.7 In rural Zimbabwe, a climate-induced drought
in 2016 led to gaps in schooling, with exacerbated impacts on girls who were
expected to assist with household needs.34
Paired with girls’ education, increasing women farmers’ participation in capacity-building programs (and
access to finance and resources) can improve agriculture productivity while enhancing resilience in the
face of climate change.35 Women farmers make up around 40% of agricultural labor in LMICs.36, 37 However,
due to unequal access to resources, technical knowledge, opportunities to explore new techniques, and
agency in household decisions, women’s agriculture yield is consistently lower than men’s.38, 39, 40 An analysis
in five sub-Saharan African countries reveals that closing the gender gap around access to education and
land tenure could increase crop production by 19%, boost gross domestic product, and lift thousands out of
poverty,41 thereby empowering communities and countries to better manage climate-related natural hazards.
As climate shocks grow more frequent and intense, women’s strong Indigenous knowledge base needs to
be augmented with more modern information.42
In Ghana, where men were found to be more responsive to using a climate information system (CIS),
increased access to information and communication technology education for women could increase the
uptake of CIS by women.43
In Ethiopia, for each year of additional education, the probability of adopting more than two sustainable
agriculture practices increased by 12 percent.44
In Niger, better educated and empowered households are more likely to implement soil and water-
retention techniques that lead to improved agricultural yields.45
Moreover, climate-smart agriculture and other regenerative agricultural practices are improving the
productivity of women-led farms and building the adaptive capacities of women farmers.46, 47 This evidence
makes a compelling case for greater financial support towards girls’ education for creating more resilient
farming systems.
particularly for girls,
provides benefits
that reverberate
throughout one’s
lifespan. 4
Climate-informed education is one way to learn green life and low-carbon
economy job skills—an avenue to addressing social inequities, gender
imbalances, and climate change at once.48, 49 Educated women are better
equipped to protect themselves and their families from environmental shocks
and stressors like floods and droughts, and participate in decision-making
at local, national, and global levels.5, 7, 30, 50 Better educated families and
communities show reduced vulnerability, taking disaster preparedness steps
like stockpiling emergency supplies; after a disaster, they tend to be better
equipped to cope and bounce back from physiological and economic impacts
of natural hazards.2
Lack of education diminishes women and girls’ resilience to climate change
hazards, and increases mortality risks.8, 51, 52 In semi-arid parts of India, women’s
heightened vulnerability is primarily due to less access to education and
information, compounded by insecure land rights, poverty, and gender
inequality.53 In Nepal, communities with higher proportions of women with
education suered lower mortality from floods and landslides.50 Analysis
of 125 countries shows that education (particularly female education) is the
single most important socioeconomic factor associated with a reduction in
vulnerability to natural disasters.51
Family planning supports climate adaptation and
contributes to resilient households
Rights-based reproductive health, including modern voluntary family planning
for adolescents and women, generates co-benefits for maternal and child
health, nutrition, economic development, climate adaptation, gender equality,
resilience, and planetary health.3, 28, 54, 55, 56 The ability to plan and space
births yields numerous benefits for mothers and children, notably decreased
morbidity and mortality.28, 57, 58 The improved health that results from the ability
to plan and space births, along with access to quality health care, contributes
to long-term adaptive capacity by better equipping people to withstand and
survive environmental shocks and stressors.59, 60, 61
Compared with those born after an interval of four years, children born after
a two-year interval (or less) are 23% more likely to be underweight and 27%
more likely to be stunted, which aects educational capacity and lifelong
productivity;57 healthy children grow to be healthy adults who are more capable
of dealing with climate change.
With better health and the ability to avoid unplanned pregnancies and
lower their childcare burden, women have more time and energy for other
opportunities—taking part in the labor force or building businesses—as well as
learning about and implementing ways to reduce their risks from environmental
and climate-driven shocks and stressors.3, 55, 62, 63 Women who use or have
better access to modern voluntary family planning are also more likely to
participate in household decision-making, particularly around nutrition and
food security.4, 64 Improved reproductive health due to contraceptive uptake
and girls’ educational attainment, particularly at the secondary level, are closely
linked.1, 19 An educated woman is better able to translate her fertility preferences
Analysis of 125
countries shows
that education
female education)
is the single
most important
factor associated
with a reduction
in vulnerability to
natural disasters.
Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/
Images of Empowerment 5
into practice with the use of contraception.1 Similarly, a healthy woman who
can plan and attain her desired family size can better take care of her children
and ensure they get the proper nutrition they need.65 At a national level,
meeting demand for family planning with voluntary, rights-based programming
means women are able to realize their desired family size, better enabling
governments to keep pace with social sector needs—like the vital building and
stang of health clinics and schools as well as stang extension agents for
agriculture, fisheries, and forests to meet the needs of rural populations.
Several examples show how family planning boosts resilience. In Madagascar,
community resilience after a cyclone demonstrates that holistic community-
based reproductive health, livelihoods, and natural resource management
programs can strengthen communities’ abilities to respond to natural disasters.66
Family planning and use of maternal and child health facilities is positively
associated with enhancing household and community-level resilience in
Tanzania.55 In Bangladesh, women with access to contraception have fewer
children and higher household incomes than those without;67 ensuing decreased
vulnerability allows them to rebound more quickly from climate impacts.62
Recognize, include, and fund girls’ education and
family planning in climate adaptation national
strategies and UNFCCC processes
Despite the foundational role girls’ education and family planning play in
society and for long-term climate adaptation, attention to these sectors in
national climate plans is negligible. Analysis of new, revised, or updated
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) from 95 countries found that
only 15 mention girls in the context of education, and none reference the
contribution that investment in girls’ education could play toward meeting a
country’s adaptation goals.68 Only six Paris Agreement signatory countries
out of 50 in Africa, the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and the Caribbean mention
reproductive health as a climate adaptation strategy in their NDCs.69 Likewise,
existing multisectoral climate programs and country-level projects have not
typically included education or reproductive health initiatives to improve
adaptation and resilience despite compelling evidence for both.3, 6, 7, 52, 63, 70
Girls’ education and family planning align well with NAPs’ focus on medium and
long-term priorities for adapting to climate change in ways that make people,
ecosystems, and economies more resilient.
Family planning is a sound investment: A recent Copenhagen Consensus
analysis showed that family planning has a significant impact on averting
maternal deaths, providing $26.80 US in health benefits for every $1 US dollar
spent. Saving mothers’ lives yields intergenerational economic, educational,
and health benefits, which boosts resilience.71 In 53 LMICs in Africa, 58 million
women do not want to become pregnant but are not using contraception;
meeting all reproductive health needs would only cost $22.50 per capita
annually.58 Enhancing climate adaptation and resilience is costly, so it is wise
to invest in human rights–focused adaptation strategies that also yield a high
return on investment and contribute to long-term resilience. Unfortunately,
The ability to
plan and space
births yields
numerous benefits
for mothers and
Photo by Yagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment 6
family planning is often considered a private women’s
issue and therefore receives less policy attention than
other development sectors; family planning currently
receives less than 1% of international aid.72
Education also needs additional funding; in 2019, before
the pandemic, education was 67% underfunded at the
global level.73 Globally, countries aim to contribute 20%
(or 4-6% of GDP) of domestic expenditure on financing
their own public education systems, but historically
this has been challenging for many LMICs. As a result,
numerous countries depend on multilateral and bilateral
funding to help support education financing through
multilaterals like the Global Partnership for Education.
Some of the $100B US74 annual commitments—which,
shamefully, remain unfulfilled—from high-income
countries to LMICs for climate adaptation could go
toward long-term climate adaptation strategies such as
girls’ education and family planning, if they are included
in NAPs. Other adaptation interventions such as
increasing food security; improving water, sanitation, and
hygiene (WASH); boosting livelihoods; and enhancing
infrastructure contribute to girls’ education and to
climate adaptation as well.
The NAP process gives countries an opportunity to
apply bilateral and multilateral adaptation funds to
multisectoral climate adaptation projects, bringing about
transformative long-term change through investment
in girls’ education, reproductive health, and more.
Others have recently begun to include family planning
and girls’ education in their work; the UN Environment
Programme’s 2021 report Making peace with nature75
highlights the value of investing in community-based
family planning, improved women’s access to financing
and education, and girls’ education as part of holistic
conservation programs. The International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has also recently made
the case for removing barriers to rights-based family
planning,76 and health organizations are increasingly
recognizing that education is closely linked to health.
Women and girls around the world are demanding that
their rights to education and contraceptive choice be
met. Investing in such initiatives as part of long-term
climate adaptation strategies will not only fulfill those
rights, but also ensure that girls, women, communities,
and countries are well-positioned to overcome climate
shocks and stressors. 7
Recommended Actions
Countries need to balance short- and medium-
term solutions, such as providing food during
climate-induced droughts, with long-term
solutions, such as boosting girls’ education and
family planning. Ensuring that NAPs are gender-
responsive means not only including women
in the NAP process but also making sure
NAPs include strategies such as girls’ education
and family planning as part of broader
reproductive health and gender equality goals.77
Incorporating these sectors also ensures
NAPs are multisectoral and include vulnerable
populations. Furthermore, NDCs that include
voluntary actions on adaptation could also
highlight girls’ education and family planning.
Due in part to systemic exclusion from decision-
making, women and girls are particularly
vulnerable to climate change, especially in the
worst aected regions in sub-Saharan Africa. A
comprehensive gender-responsive action plan
that removes barriers to girls’ education and
family planning would not only lead to greater
resilience for the most vulnerable members of
society, but also lead to more equitable and just
societies and contribute to fulfillment of the SDGs.
Education systems, schools, and teaching should
be climate resilient. The Lima Work Programme
on gender and its accompanying Gender Action
Plan should be expanded beyond a focus on
women’s inclusion and leadership to include
detailed strategies to boost girls’ education and
remove barriers to family planning. Commitments
in July 2021 to gender equality, sexual and
reproductive health and rights, and climate
justice during the Generation Equality Forum are
a helpful guide, as is the recent call to boost the
Doha Work Programme on Action for Climate
Empowerment to recognize the vital role gender-
transformative education can play in driving
climate justice.78, 79
When countries include girls’ education and
family planning as part of multisectoral adaptation
projects, donors should support those requests.
In addition, the Development Assistance
Committee of the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development could add
gender equality markers for climate finance to
track whether climate adaptation funds are going
to girls’ education and family planning. Ensuring
all people, particularly those most vulnerable to
climate change and its impacts, have full rights
and access to education and modern voluntary
contraception contributes to long-term climate
adaptation. It also oers enormous co-benefits
for adaptation strategies related to food security,
WASH, livelihoods, and infrastructure.
Thank you to our external reviewers Lucia Fry, Karen Hardee, David Johnson, Christina Kwauk, Cheryl Margoluis,
Kathleen Mogelgaard, and Clive Mutunga, whose expertise and constructive feedback significantly strengthened
the brief. Special thanks to our colleague Chad Frischmann for his helpful contributions and guidance. We thank and
acknowledge King Philanthropies for their generous support of Drawdown Lift. 8
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Citing this brief: Patterson, K.P, Jameel, Y., Mehra, M., & Patrone, C. (2021). Girls’ Education and Family Planning: Essential
Components of Climate Adaptation and Resilience. Project Drawdown.
... 25 Newer efforts recognize these complex linkages and advocate for increased investments in dedicating climate adaptation financing that include girls' education and modern voluntary FP as part of multisectoral climate adaptation approaches to ensure that those most vulnerable to climate change and its impacts have access to services in support of their basic human rights. 56 A 2021 review of evidence found that there is a significant overlap between populations who have an increased vulnerability to climate change and populations who face socioeconomic, cultural, and political barriers to the realization of their SRH, 57 further signaling the important role FP can play within a spectrum of interventions. ...
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Key Messages On the 30th anniversary of the watershed International Conference on Population and Development, we reflect on recent influential shifts impacting family planning (FP) and the growing evidence base on the importance of investing in FP. We describe the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Pathways to Progress for Sexual and Reproductive Health, 2024–2030, a forward-leaning framework that guides USAID’s family planning and reproductive health programs to help realize a world where ongoing improvements to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) contribute to longer, healthier, and more prosperous lives for all. We also delineate the 3 evidence-based pathways to achieve that vision that operate at individual, systems, and societal levels: Individuals have accurate information, skills, and ability to take action to achieve the highest attainable levels of SRH across their lifetime. Health systems provide quality, accessible, and people-centered SRH care. Local communities, organizations, institutions, and governments create and foster social norms and policies that support individuals to make and act on their own SRH decisions, free from violence, coercion, and discrimination.
... have not yet incorporated these interventions as priorities (Adaptation Fund, 2022;Green Climate Fund, 2022). Unless family planning and education are integrated into national climate adaptation plans, they will not be considered when allocating climate change adaptation funds in the future (Patterson et al., 2021). ...
... have not yet incorporated these interventions as priorities (Adaptation Fund, 2022;Green Climate Fund, 2022). Unless family planning and education are integrated into national climate adaptation plans, they will not be considered when allocating climate change adaptation funds in the future (Patterson et al., 2021). ...
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Population growth and climate change are currently the two greatest threats to food security in the Sahel region of Africa. The population of the countries that make up the Sahel is projected to nearly double by 2050, from 506 million to 912 million. Paired with the expected rise in temperature and increased frequency of extreme climatic events, these numbers could quickly overwhelm relief efforts. Strengthening human capital and economic stability are critical to prevent catastrophic suffering. This article recommends two evidence-based approaches that expand women’s autonomy and support their income-earning potential while building resilience to climate change. The first recommendation, would be greater investments in adolescent girls’ education and autonomy, including efforts to delay marriage and childbearing. The second calls for an improvement in the availability and quality of reproductive health services, with a special focus on voluntary family planning. These interventions can increase incomes, reproductive autonomy and gender equity which build community resilience and adaptability to climate change.
... 76 With the exception of the Egyptians, most indigenous and classical cultures had primordial maternal gods of the earth and ceremonies around fertility and the land. 77 In recent decades, greater attention to the "sacred feminine", "inner Goddess", and similar concepts at a spiritual level, 78,79 and to the rights and needs of women at a practical and moral level, are seen as essential to improving planetary health 80,81 and are important for the obstetrician/gynecologist to understand and validate. This connection between women and nature has also helped to birth the ecofeminism movement, which recognizes the oppression and exploitation of both women and the earth under patriarchal structures. ...
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Climate change is a significant public health crisis that is both rooted in pre‐existing inequitable socioeconomic and racial systems and will further worsen these social injustices. In the face of acute and slow‐moving natural disasters, women, and particularly women of color, will be more susceptible to gender‐based violence, displacement, and other socioeconomic stressors, all of which have adverse mental health outcomes. Among the social consequences of climate change, eco‐anxiety resulting from these negative impacts is also increasingly a significant factor in family planning and reproductive justice, as well as disruptions of the feminine connection to nature that numerous cultures historically and currently honor. This narrative review will discuss these sociologic factors and also touch on ways that practitioners can become involved in climate‐related advocacy for the physical and mental well‐being of their patients.
... Heat effects can be significantly mitigated by the installation of tree cover, cool roofs, and other modifications to the built environment. 108 Air pollution can be significantly reduced by shifts from biomass fuels to solar and electric cooking, and food insecurity and nutrition can be addressed through community-supported agriculture and neighborhood assistance programs-often activities engaged in most by women. ...
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Climate change brings exposures to heat, air pollution, poorer quality food, and infectious disease that have significant direct effects on women and their mental health. These environmental impacts are multifaceted in their consequences and raise risks of depression, suicide, violent victimization, post‐traumatic stress disorder, and various other neuropsychiatric symptoms. Women also suffer increased climate psychological risks from higher rates of stillbirth, preterm birth, and developmental problems in their children. Here we review what is known about the overlap of women's individual mental health and climate change, and highlight areas where more research is needed.
Climate change threatens hard won progress in the education and life outcomes of adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by compounding the harmful effects of gender inequality and poverty. In recent years, there has been a rise in global advocacy for gender transformative education for climate justice that addresses the underlying gender inequalities driving climate vulnerability for adolescent girls in LMICs. But, has the international development and education community responded to this call? This paper seeks to establish a baseline for answering this question through a landscape analysis of actors working on issues of gender and climate change with youth, especially girls, as well as a landscape analysis of publicly available curricular materials on climate justice and gender equality. We find that although there are many nongovernmental efforts focused on different entry points into the nexus of gender, education, leadership, and climate change, there is much more room for aligning gender equality and climate justice programming for girls. This paper highlights the gaps and opportunities for doing so and offers a taxonomy of programming approaches to guide actors and their collaborators toward more intersectional educational programming.
Technical Report
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National climate policies play a key role in determining responses to climate change, including plans to build adaptive capacity and resilience. An evaluation of national climate policies with a specific focus on health, including sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) issues, can provide important information on gaps and areas of potential improvement to ensure healthy and resilient communities. Nationally Determined Contribution documents (NDCs) or Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (iNDCs) are some of the most central and globally representative climate policy documents. Submitted every five years, NDCs reflect the national climate plans of countries that have ratified the Paris Agreement and indicate their voluntary commitment to meet the agreed goals. UNFPA, in collaboration with Queen Mary University of London, undertook a review and systematic content analysis of SRHR references and related thematic areas in NDC documents for 50 countries. The review aimed to describe how SRHR is currently represented in NDC and related policy documents to help determine how climate policy can better reflect SRHR.
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Gender equality is achievable and an imperative
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The 2009 pledge to mobilize US$100 billion a year by 2020 in climate finance to developing nations was not specific on what types of funding could count. Indeterminacy and questionable claims make it impossible to know if developed nations have delivered; as 2020 passes, opportunity exists to address these failures in a new pledge.
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Gender and vulnerability are important issues to examine in the context of flooding caused by climate change. Men and women around the world adapt differently to climate change effects and natural disasters. Therefore, this study examines men and women’s level of vulnerabilities and their choices of livelihood practices in char farming households in Zanjira, Bangladesh. The study used primary and secondary data. Both qualitative and quantitative were collected. Quantitative data were collected from a household survey of 115 men and 114 women using a questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected through 15 key informant interviews, 30 focus group discussions, and 18 in-depth interviews. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used to assess men and women’s vulnerabilities, including three indices of vulnerability measuring access to livelihood assets were used. A hierarchical regression model was used to perform a gender-based analysis. The percentile score for men was 0.430 units higher than for women, revealing that male respondents were less vulnerable than female respondents in the study area. The results of the regression model showed that the use of gender as an explanatory variable increased the explanatory power of the model and was highly significant. The overall findings of quantitative and qualitative data analysis revealed that floods’ impacts were different for men and women and that women were more vulnerable overall, in part because of gender-related sociocultural norms. These differentials in vulnerabilities affected men and women’s ability to respond and recover from floods and adapt to new opportunities when disaster strikes.
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This study examines the impact of gender differences on maize productivity in Dawuro Zone, southern Ethiopia. Our study addressed the limitations of the previous studies in two ways. First, the study separately assessed gender differences in productivity between de facto female-headed households and de jure female-headed households and revealed that female-headed households are not homogenous. Second, the study separately examined the impacts of the covariates on male-headed households and female-headed households using an exogenous switching treatment effect model. We find the existence of gender differences in maize productivity between male-headed households and female-headed households. The maize productivity of male-headed households was overall 44.3% higher than that of female-headed households. However, if female-headed households received the same return on their resources as male-headed households, their productivity would increase by 42.3%. This suggests agricultural policy should target female-headed households to help reduce the productivity gap between male-headed households and female-headed households. Finally, the distributions of the gender differentials between male-headed households and female-headed households are more pronounced at mid-levels of productivity.
This study examines the extent of the productivity gap between male and female bean producers, its discriminatory nature and implications for the policymakers in agriculture in Tanza-nia. Generally, women are distinctively "invisible" in agriculture, due to social norms and even from the national agricultural policy perspective. Their discrimination arises from uncounted and unaccounted for farm work, and their productivity is reduced by triple roles, limited access to education , having triple effects on access to technology, training and land rights. In research, issues of concern to them such as nutritious food crops, varietal selection on important attributes, household food security, convenient home storage and small-scale processing are widely ignored through unfavourable policy design. Given the above discriminatory issues surrounding women in agriculture, they are hypothesised to be less productive and often lag behind male counterparts in crop production. To test the above hypothesis, a three-stage stratified sampling method was used to collect cross-sectional data in 2016 across four regions of Tanzania. Then, an Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method (at means) was used to apportion the sources of the difference between men and women into explained and unexplained variations. Further improvements through the newly developed Re-Centered Influence Functions (RIFs) remarkably improved outcomes as the differences were analysed through unconditional partial effects on quantiles. Using a counterfactual approach and correcting for selection bias, the model provided consistent estimates for easy comparison of the two groups. Besides this, it emerged that interventions such as providing improved bean seed varieties and training farmers on good agricultural practices reduced the gender yield gap and provided a potential avenue for addressing the discrimination observed in productivity among males and females. Controlling for selection bias also improved the model, but the real discrimination was observed at the 50th percentile, where the majority of the respondents lay within. However, if a female's age, family size, additional years of schooling and discretion to spend income from beans were taken away, they would be worse off. Our study finds that females comprised 25 percent of the sample, had 6 percent lower productivity, provided 64.70 percent on-farm labour and had 0.32 hectares less land compared to males, ceteris paribus. Access to improved varieties contributed to a 35.4 percent improved productivity compared to growing indigenous/local varieties. The implication is that the gender yield gap can be reduced significantly if efforts are focused on preventing or correcting factors causing discrimination against women. Citation: Nchanji, E.B.; Collins, O.A.; Katungi, E.; Nduguru, A.; Kabungo, C.; Njuguna, E.M.; Ojiewo, C.O. What Does Gender Yield Gap Tell Us about Smallholder Farming in Developing Countries? Sustainability 2021, 13, 77. https://doi.
This entry describes the linkages between “Drawdown solutions” and the targets and goals set out by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is proposed that the implementation of these solutions can substantially help to achieve the SDGs by 2030, with even greater gains when implementing actions in parallel as a “system of solutions” enabled by broad-based, effective partnerships at local, regional, and international scales. “Drawdown” is the point in time when concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere begin to decline on a year-to-year basis. GHGs include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases – specifically chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochloroflurocarbons (HCFCs), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). “Drawdown solutions” are defined as any technology or practice that directly affects the concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere by (a) reducing GHG emissions through lowering demand, (b) avoiding GHG emissions through stopping fossil fuel emissions and replacing with zero- or low-emitting alternatives, and (c) sequestering atmospheric carbon through viable natural and engineered sinks. “System of solutions” refers to the implementation of multiple solutions in parallel across several sectors.
Human health depends on the health of the planet. Earth’s natural systems—the air, the water, the biodiversity, the climate—are our life support systems. Yet climate change, biodiversity loss, scarcity of land and freshwater, pollution and other threats are degrading these systems. The emerging field of planetary health aims to understand how these changes threaten our health and how to protect ourselves and the rest of the biosphere. Planetary Health: Protecting Nature to Protect Ourselves provides a readable introduction to this new paradigm. With an interdisciplinary approach, the book addresses a wide range of health impacts felt in the Anthropocene, including food and nutrition, infectious disease, non-communicable disease, dislocation and conflict, and mental health. It also presents strategies to combat environmental changes and its ill-effects, such as controlling toxic exposures, investing in clean energy, improving urban design, and more. Chapters are authored by widely recognized experts. The result is a comprehensive and optimistic overview of a growing field that is being adopted by researchers and universities around the world. Students of public health will gain a solid grounding in the new challenges their profession must confront, while those in the environmental sciences, agriculture, the design professions, and other fields will become familiar with the human consequences of planetary changes. Understanding how our changing environment affects our health is increasingly critical to a variety of disciplines and professions. Planetary Health is the definitive guide to this vital field.