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Design and Research of Intelligent Educational Administration Management System Based on Mobile Edge Computing Internet


Abstract and Figures

Educational administration management is the primary link in the teaching management of colleges and universities. Mobile edge computing can create a carrier-class service environment with high performance, low latency, and high bandwidth and accelerate the rapid download of various contents, services, and applications in the network, which greatly promotes the upgrade of the educational administration system. Using educational administration management system to manage educational administration can promote the teaching work of colleges and universities better. This paper aims to design and develop a set of educational management information systems, using mobile edge computing (MEC) technology to combine the IT service environment and cloud computing technology at the edge of the network to improve the computing and performance of the edge network. Storage capacity reduces network operation and service delivery delay, improves user service quality experience, and helps universities improve the efficiency of educational administration management. This paper first discusses the implementation mode and related technologies of educational administration management system, then discussing the demand analysis of each functional module of the system; in the nonfunctional demand analysis part, the system needs to meet the security and performance. According to the function modules included in the system, using the way of running interface screenshot, implementation code, and flowchart, the paper analyzes the realization process of the function module and also completes the function test of the function module, as well as the performance test of the whole system. The experimental results show that the rule 4 of teaching level evaluation data mining reveals that the support degree of excellent teaching effect is 18% and the confidence degree is 53% in the age of 50–60. Rule 5 shows that the degree of support is 16% and the degree of confidence is 52%. Rule 10 shows that the degree of support for excellent teaching effect is 22% and the confidence level is 71%. The high confidence level of backbone teachers aged 50–60 indicates that the old teachers are more experienced and popular with students, while the young teachers under 30 need to focus on training to help young teachers improve their professional level. From the above data, it can be seen that through the application of mobile edge technology the educational administration system is more efficient in processing and analyzing data in terms of teacher management and teaching level, which once again shows the impact of this network technology on the construction and development of educational administration systems highly feasible. 1. Introduction The progress of information technology has a significant impact on the administrative work of colleges and universities. MEC technology can provide a virtual local area network for campus hotspots and high-capacity scenarios. Through business localization and local distribution technology, it can achieve efficient office and internal communication within the campus, thereby providing users with low-cost, high-experience local connections and local business access ability. Through the latest technology tools, it promotes the development of student management towards the direction of networking and digitalization and gradually develops into the consensus of various colleges and universities. Digital campus is the use of computer technology, network technology, communication technology, and scientific and standardized management to integrate and comprehensively digitize all information resources related to teaching, scientific research, management, and life services on the campus to form a unified user management, unified resource management, and unified authority control. At this stage, some colleges and universities in our country have started and strengthened the development of digital campus, vigorously built campus network, improved the hardware equipment required by digital campus, and actively promoted the improvement of the level of educational administration management by introducing or self-developed forms of configuration of educational administration management information system. The current level of digital construction of university educational administration system is still at a relatively low stage. Traditional university educational administration system deals with multifaceted and multiangle data, and the planning system constructed is often chaotic, which is inconvenient for information management. The development of educational administration management information system in colleges and universities has a far-reaching impact on the development of various activities in colleges and universities, which is conducive to promoting the informatization and efficiency of educational administration management, assisting leaders to make decisions, and enabling teachers and students to obtain more comprehensive information related to teaching and scientific research, so as to reduce the burden of administrative workers and effectively improve high efficiency. With the rapid development of Internet, the expansion of information restricts the effect of learning. Xiao Jun designed a personalized recommendation system for educational video based on collaborative filtering recommendation technology. The design of the system is mainly based on collaborative technology and content analysis technology. The system can not only improve the teaching effect, but also improve students' learning autonomy and make students study efficiently. The system has been applied to the lifelong learning network and achieved remarkable results [1]. Abdulrauf Tosho describes a research related to the conceptual design model, which aims at the design of teaching interface to improve the utilization rate of courseware. It is found that most of the existing courseware applications focus on the needs of a certain goal and most of the courseware contributes too little to the learners. In addition, as a part of usability strategy, using structure, layout, and navigation to improve courseware teaching interface is also a problem for developers. The purpose of this study is to establish an optional teaching interface, which is called courseware teaching interface design (iid4c), as a part of the usability strategy of inclusive education system, for reference of developers and using comparative analysis technology to determine the elements of the model. Finally, the study found that iid4c model is useful for information access and is helpful for the design of teaching courseware. The future work is to evaluate the proposed model among disabled and nondisabled learners [2]. Roman Yavich, in the framework of prescriptive theory, uses the discipline design method to build a conceptual model of a set of student training methods in the saturated environment of information and communication. This enables them to allocate the stages of designing student training methods when using virtual education environments. The results of this paper reflect the general methods of teacher activity design, including the design of training methods based on the consideration of the main structural components of educational technology. Through the investigation of the characteristics and opportunities of the virtual education environment, we can make clear the rich nature of the training method system and the mechanism of self-adjustment and self-improvement under the education information environment and make a conclusion that it is impossible to create the modern education process without the virtual education environment [3]. These three scholars have discussed the closeness of the connection between the network and teaching from different angles. Some people have constructed a new conceptual model of teaching according to the current problems, making full use of virtual technology, etc. However, their research is not comprehensively enough. However, there are still shortcomings in the selection of technology applications, and the processing of data needs to be strengthened. This paper first discusses the overall structure design of the system, including the design of the main function modules, the overall structure chart and the main workflow of the system, the detailed design of the system database, and the overall design of the data mining process of the achievements. Secondly, it discusses the process of mining the teaching level evaluation data to obtain useful information in the mobile educational administration management system. The function test, performance test, usability test, and security test are implemented in the mobile educational administration management system. Adopt B/s and C/s model structure to reduce costs while maximizing benefits and use J2EE technology multilayer model to extend the service architecture; JSP technology provides multiple efficient operation servers for the multiple models in this article. All work arrangements are to create an intelligent educational administration management system. 2. The Proposed Method 2.1. Implementation Mode of Educational Administration Management System Mode structure C/s and B/s: C/S structure is client/server structure, which can reduce the communication cost of the system [4]. However, the C/S mode requires the support of the corresponding client of the user host, so the software in this mode needs to develop the corresponding software according to different operating systems, which increases the development cost. At the same time, with the acceleration of software update, the cost of maintaining the software also increases accordingly [5, 6]. Therefore, the whole system adopts the B/S (browser/server) mode, which is convenient and efficient in management software. B/S structure is browser and server structure. It is different from the C/S structure, it does not need the user host to install the corresponding client software, and users only need a browser to browse and operate the working interface [7]. Browser almost does not need to implement transaction logic, mostly by the server-side implementation, forming the so-called three-tier architecture. This can reduce the development cost and the overall cost [8]. According to the above introduction and analysis, the construction of campus network adopts B/S structure, which can realize the system relatively and simply and reduce the development cost [9]. It can access the database in many ways and protect the security of the data through the authority control. This is also an important reason for using B/S mode [10, 11]. Advantages of B/S mode are given as follows:(1)The B/S mode turns the client into a browser, through which the user can access the server.(2)B/S mode can be directly placed on the WAN, which is suitable for frequent interaction occasions and easy to be accepted by users.(3)B/S mode only needs to upgrade the server and adapt the browser [12].(4)The development of B/S mode has the advantages of strong sharing and convenient business expansion, and the expansion of web pages can increase the function of no service.(5)The B/S mode can release information on the network, which is exactly what the educational administration management system needs. The written paper documents can be replaced by the electronic documents, which not only save resources, but also are convenient and fast and improves the office efficiency [13, 14]. 2.2. Related Technologies 2.2.1. J2EE Technology The full name of J2EE is Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition. Its essence is to provide an application with a Java environment that can run on the server side. It provides the basic framework environment and API for application extension. As J2EE components and service architecture have the same standards and specifications, it provides technical specifications and guidelines for solving the conflicts between various products in the past [15, 16]. J2EE also solves the shortcomings of the past C/s two-tier mode. By layering, the business logic and interface display are separated, making the software have better scalability [17, 18]. At present, J2EE is mainly a typical four-tier model, and the system is developed according to the four-tier structure [19], as shown in Figure 1.
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Research Article
Design and Research of Intelligent Educational Administration
Management System Based on Mobile Edge Computing Internet
Lizhu Dai, Wenjiao Wang, and Yu Zhou
e Academy of Guangzhou Development, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510000, Guangdong, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Yu Zhou;
Received 27 August 2021; Revised 8 October 2021; Accepted 12 October 2021; Published 12 November 2021
Academic Editor: Sang-Bing Tsai
Copyright ©2021 Lizhu Dai et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Educational administration management is the primary link in the teaching management of colleges and universities. Mobile edge
computing can create a carrier-class service environment with high performance, low latency, and high bandwidth and accelerate
the rapid download of various contents, services, and applications in the network, which greatly promotes the upgrade of the
educational administration system. Using educational administration management system to manage educational administration
can promote the teaching work of colleges and universities better. is paper aims to design and develop a set of educational
management information systems, using mobile edge computing (MEC) technology to combine the IT service environment and
cloud computing technology at the edge of the network to improve the computing and performance of the edge network. Storage
capacity reduces network operation and service delivery delay, improves user service quality experience, and helps universities
improve the efficiency of educational administration management. is paper first discusses the implementation mode and related
technologies of educational administration management system, then discussing the demand analysis of each functional module
of the system; in the nonfunctional demand analysis part, the system needs to meet the security and performance. According to the
function modules included in the system, using the way of running interface screenshot, implementation code, and flowchart, the
paper analyzes the realization process of the function module and also completes the function test of the function module, as well
as the performance test of the whole system. e experimental results show that the rule 4 of teaching level evaluation data mining
reveals that the support degree of excellent teaching effect is 18% and the confidence degree is 53% in the age of 50–60. Rule 5
shows that the degree of support is 16% and the degree of confidence is 52%. Rule 10 shows that the degree of support for excellent
teaching effect is 22% and the confidence level is 71%. e high confidence level of backbone teachers aged 50–60 indicates that the
old teachers are more experienced and popular with students, while the young teachers under 30 need to focus on training to help
young teachers improve their professional level. From the above data, it can be seen that through the application of mobile edge
technology the educational administration system is more efficient in processing and analyzing data in terms of teacher
management and teaching level, which once again shows the impact of this network technology on the construction and de-
velopment of educational administration systems highly feasible.
1. Introduction
e progress of information technology has a significant
impact on the administrative work of colleges and univer-
sities. MEC technology can provide a virtual local area
network for campus hotspots and high-capacity scenarios.
rough business localization and local distribution tech-
nology, it can achieve efficient office and internal commu-
nication within the campus, thereby providing users with
low-cost, high-experience local connections and local
business access ability. rough the latest technology tools, it
promotes the development of student management towards
the direction of networking and digitalization and gradually
develops into the consensus of various colleges and uni-
versities. Digital campus is the use of computer technology,
network technology, communication technology, and sci-
entific and standardized management to integrate and
comprehensively digitize all information resources related to
teaching, scientific research, management, and life services
on the campus to form a unified user management, unified
Mobile Information Systems
Volume 2021, Article ID 9787866, 12 pages
resource management, and unified authority control. At this
stage, some colleges and universities in our country have
started and strengthened the development of digital campus,
vigorously built campus network, improved the hardware
equipment required by digital campus, and actively pro-
moted the improvement of the level of educational ad-
ministration management by introducing or self-developed
forms of configuration of educational administration
management information system. e current level of digital
construction of university educational administration sys-
tem is still at a relatively low stage. Traditional university
educational administration system deals with multifaceted
and multiangle data, and the planning system constructed is
often chaotic, which is inconvenient for information
management. e development of educational administra-
tion management information system in colleges and uni-
versities has a far-reaching impact on the development of
various activities in colleges and universities, which is
conducive to promoting the informatization and efficiency
of educational administration management, assisting leaders
to make decisions, and enabling teachers and students to
obtain more comprehensive information related to teaching
and scientific research, so as to reduce the burden of ad-
ministrative workers and effectively improve high efficiency.
With the rapid development of Internet, the expansion
of information restricts the effect of learning. Xiao Jun
designed a personalized recommendation system for edu-
cational video based on collaborative filtering recommen-
dation technology. e design of the system is mainly based
on collaborative technology and content analysis technol-
ogy. e system can not only improve the teaching effect, but
also improve students’ learning autonomy and make stu-
dents study efficiently. e system has been applied to the
lifelong learning network and achieved remarkable results
[1]. Abdulrauf Tosho describes a research related to the
conceptual design model, which aims at the design of
teaching interface to improve the utilization rate of
courseware. It is found that most of the existing courseware
applications focus on the needs of a certain goal and most of
the courseware contributes too little to the learners. In
addition, as a part of usability strategy, using structure,
layout, and navigation to improve courseware teaching
interface is also a problem for developers. e purpose of
this study is to establish an optional teaching interface,
which is called courseware teaching interface design (iid4c),
as a part of the usability strategy of inclusive education
system, for reference of developers and using comparative
analysis technology to determine the elements of the model.
Finally, the study found that iid4c model is useful for in-
formation access and is helpful for the design of teaching
courseware. e future work is to evaluate the proposed
model among disabled and nondisabled learners [2]. Roman
Yavich, in the framework of prescriptive theory, uses the
discipline design method to build a conceptual model of a set
of student training methods in the saturated environment of
information and communication. is enables them to al-
locate the stages of designing student training methods when
using virtual education environments. e results of this
paper reflect the general methods of teacher activity design,
including the design of training methods based on the
consideration of the main structural components of edu-
cational technology. rough the investigation of the
characteristics and opportunities of the virtual education
environment, we can make clear the rich nature of the
training method system and the mechanism of self-ad-
justment and self-improvement under the education in-
formation environment and make a conclusion that it is
impossible to create the modern education process without
the virtual education environment [3]. ese three scholars
have discussed the closeness of the connection between the
network and teaching from different angles. Some people
have constructed a new conceptual model of teaching
according to the current problems, making full use of virtual
technology, etc. However, their research is not compre-
hensively enough. However, there are still shortcomings in
the selection of technology applications, and the processing
of data needs to be strengthened.
is paper first discusses the overall structure design of
the system, including the design of the main function
modules, the overall structure chart and the main workflow
of the system, the detailed design of the system database, and
the overall design of the data mining process of the
achievements. Secondly, it discusses the process of mining
the teaching level evaluation data to obtain useful infor-
mation in the mobile educational administration manage-
ment system. e function test, performance test, usability
test, and security test are implemented in the mobile edu-
cational administration management system. Adopt B/s and
C/s model structure to reduce costs while maximizing
benefits and use J2EE technology multilayer model to extend
the service architecture; JSP technology provides multiple
efficient operation servers for the multiple models in this
article. All work arrangements are to create an intelligent
educational administration management system.
2. The Proposed Method
2.1. Implementation Mode of Educational Administration
Management System. Mode structure C/s and B/s: C/S
structure is client/server structure, which can reduce the
communication cost of the system [4]. However, the C/S
mode requires the support of the corresponding client of the
user host, so the software in this mode needs to develop the
corresponding software according to different operating
systems, which increases the development cost. At the same
time, with the acceleration of software update, the cost of
maintaining the software also increases accordingly [5, 6].
erefore, the whole system adopts the B/S (browser/server)
mode, which is convenient and efficient in management
B/S structure is browser and server structure. It is dif-
ferent from the C/S structure, it does not need the user host
to install the corresponding client software, and users only
need a browser to browse and operate the working interface
[7]. Browser almost does not need to implement transaction
logic, mostly by the server-side implementation, forming the
so-called three-tier architecture. is can reduce the de-
velopment cost and the overall cost [8].
2Mobile Information Systems
According to the above introduction and analysis, the
construction of campus network adopts B/S structure, which
can realize the system relatively and simply and reduce the
development cost [9]. It can access the database in many
ways and protect the security of the data through the au-
thority control. is is also an important reason for using B/
S mode [10, 11].
Advantages of B/S mode are given as follows:
(1) e B/S mode turns the client into a browser,
through which the user can access the server.
(2) B/S mode can be directly placed on the WAN, which
is suitable for frequent interaction occasions and
easy to be accepted by users.
(3) B/S mode only needs to upgrade the server and adapt
the browser [12].
(4) e development of B/S mode has the advantages of
strong sharing and convenient business expansion,
and the expansion of web pages can increase the
function of no service.
(5) e B/S mode can release information on the net-
work, which is exactly what the educational ad-
ministration management system needs. e written
paper documents can be replaced by the electronic
documents, which not only save resources, but also
are convenient and fast and improves the office ef-
ficiency [13, 14].
2.2. Related Technologies
2.2.1. J2EE Technology. e full name of J2EE is Java2
Platform Enterprise Edition. Its essence is to provide an
application with a Java environment that can run on the
server side. It provides the basic framework environment
and API for application extension. As J2EE components and
service architecture have the same standards and specifi-
cations, it provides technical specifications and guidelines
for solving the conflicts between various products in the past
[15, 16].
J2EE also solves the shortcomings of the past C/s two-tier
mode. By layering, the business logic and interface display
are separated, making the software have better scalability
[17, 18]. At present, J2EE is mainly a typical four-tier model,
and the system is developed according to the four-tier
structure [19], as shown in Figure 1.
2.2.2. Servlet Technology. e client is actually a browser,
which does not need to be developed. JSP technology and
Servlet technology are needed in the network layer. Let us
introduce Servlet technology [20]. e full name of Servlet is
Java Servlet, which is a server-side program written in Java.
Its essence is the Java program running on the server
[21, 22]. Servlet is written in Java, so it has powerful
functions. It can not only process the client’s request, but
also return the response. Because of the combination of these
two aspects, it is very suitable to use Servlet in B/S mode
[23, 24]. In general, it has the advantages of good portability,
powerful function, good security, simplicity, high efficiency,
and durability [25, 26].
2.2.3. JSP Technology. JSP is the abbreviation of JavaServer
pages, in fact, it is a simple servlet, and it is a dynamic web
page technical standard [27]. It can insert Java language into
HTML syntax to make some data judgment or verification
As the current web page development technology, JSP
has the following characteristics compared with the static
HTML pages in the past:
(1) Separate the generation and display of content. is
can protect the code, and at the same time HTML
pages can easily adapt to most browsers.
(2) Strong portability: because many platforms support
Java, JSP can run on almost any platform.
(3) Use JavaBean technology to write every object or
business component, and then JSP page can use this
object or business component repeatedly.
(4) Precompiling is the first time that JSP pages are
accessed by users; they need to compile and save the
compiled results. After that, when they visit again,
they can run the saved compiled results directly
instead of precompiling, which can greatly improve
the access speed.
2.2.4. MVC Mode. e full name of MVC is model view
controller It is a three-layer software design model. e
application of the MVC pattern in the design of the edu-
cational administration system serves as a small skill to
propose solutions to specific problems in order to increase
the code reuse rate and reduce the degree of coupling. e
data information is planned into sange categories through
hierarchical levels, which is more specific and more clear.
e execution process of data input, processing, and output
Customer layer
WEB level
Business layer
EIS level Data base
HTML page
JSP page/
Figure 1: J2EE’s four-layer structure.
Mobile Information Systems 3
in program development is handled in a separate way. MVC
design pattern is actually to decompose the problem through
layers and develop and solve the problem independently.
Simplify complex problems and reduce development diffi-
culties and complexity.
e architecture and design of the educational admin-
istration integrated management platform completely follow
the MVC mode, and Java technology is widely used in the
actual development.
Model: the core of MVC accepts the data of view request
and returns the final processing result. In order to make full
use of the existing components, the business model is further
divided from the perspective of application technology, but
it cannot be used as the framework of application design
model. e model in MVC design pattern includes not only
business model, but also function model and data model. A
model can be reused by multiple views, which improves the
efficiency of development and reduces the repetition rate of
View: it is responsible for providing user interface (UI)
to the user. It is a model that hosts the information required
by the display controller. e model needs to be transformed
and presented to the user. In traditional web applications,
view is an interface composed of HTML, and the design is
relatively simple. In today’s web applications, view design is
more and more complex. One function corresponds to
multiple views, through which data is collected and cap-
tured. In ASP. Net MVC, view is passed to its controller and
modified content to HTML through the model object of state
register. Business process processing is done by model.
Control: the user receives the request, associates and
activates the model and view, and completes the user’s re-
quest together. When the request initiator is activated and
triggered, the controller does not operate. Its job is to receive
the request and select which model to call to process the
request and determine which view to use to display the
returned data.
e three-tier structure model of MVC design model,
the main functions and relations of view, and controller are
shown in Figure 2.
2.2.5. JavaBean Technology. JavaBean is to implement the
software component model in Java language. In the pro-
gram, these models are all a class. ese classes comply with
the JavaBean standard and have a unified specification.
Standard JavaBean components can be compared with
classes, and then these classes can be constructed and ap-
plied. Using this technology can make the code easy to
maintain, use, and write, also can realize code reuse, and
enhance code transmission.
2.2.6. Mobile Edge Computing Technology. Mobile edge
computing technology provides smart and cloud computing
capabilities for wireless access networks by deploying servers
on the wireless access side. Among them, the virtualized
infrastructure is based on physical resources such as com-
puting and storage of general-purpose servers. It provides a
flexible and efficient platform environment for multiple
applications to run independently for the application layer.
e software functional entities can be used to achieve
business localization and close-range processing; mobile
edge the platform is responsible for processing the basic
functions required by mobile edge applications, including
domain name, routing rule management and control, data
distribution, wireless network information management,
network self-organization management, big data analysis,
network acceleration, and business registration functions, of
which local distribution is business. e prerequisite for
application localization and short-distance deployment is
one of the most basic functions of the mobile edge com-
puting platform, so that the wireless network has the ability
of transmitting with low latency and high bandwidth. Short-
distance deployment is to give full play to the low-latency
advantages of mobile edge computing technology. Because
the distance to the user is closer, user requests no longer
need to travel through a long transmission network to reach
the remote core network to be processed but are processed
by the local MEC server. Part of the traffic is offloaded,
processed directly, and responded to the user, so the
communication delay will be greatly reduced.
2.3. Demand Analysis. Requirement analysis is to under-
stand what functions users want to achieve through soft-
ware. Requirement analysis needs to understand the user’s
requirements in detail, which has the function of decision-
making, direction, and strategy. e educational adminis-
tration management system is mainly to complete the needs
of the school educational administration work, including the
setting of courses, the storage, and management of basic
information such as student status, the admission of stu-
dents’ scores, and the management of teachers’ basic in-
formation, which requires a detailed and comprehensive
demand analysis of the school educational administration
management process and the design of a good management
platform. is section mainly introduces the design
View 1 View 2
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of MVC model.
4Mobile Information Systems
principles, data flow, functional requirements, and non-
functional requirements of the system.
2.3.1. Design Principles. e educational administration
management system is based on the digital campus. In the
process of design and development, it needs to follow certain
design principles, not only to meet the basic principles of
software design, but also to meet the needs of educational
administration management, which is the basic requirement
of completing the system development with quality and
quantity. e following are the design principles followed by
the system design:
(1) Based on the overall planning, the system is based on
the process of educational administration manage-
ment and the specific functions are implemented
step by step.
(2) e design structure of the system is simple and easy
to maintain; Java programming is used to reduce the
difficulty and facilitate future maintenance and
(3) e system divides users into administrators,
teachers, and students, which makes it more con-
venient to add, delete, modify, and check educational
information within their respective authority. So, it is
easy to operate and access.
(4) Security: the system ensures the security and reliability
of data through identity authentication, authority
management, and other measures to ensure the
normal and reliable operation of the system.
2.3.2. Main Workflow of the System. e workflow of each
user using the function module is as follows:
(1) Score entry: this function is a teacher function. After
logging in the system through the mobile intelligent
terminal, the teacher can choose to enter the score
entry page, enter the name of the class, the course
name, and the teaching time to start the score entry.
(2) Schedule query: this function is shared by teachers
and students. After the teachers or students log in to
the system, select schedule query, enter the query
interface, enter the class name to be queried, and
enter the class schedule. In case of special cir-
cumstances, teachers can view the class schedule
through this function and obtain the free time of the
class according to the schedule display. In addition,
teachers can also query the individual schedule
according to the work number.
(3) Classroom inquiry and reservation: this function is
a teacher function. After the teacher logs in to the
system, he/she selects the classroom inquiry and
reservation, enters the inquiry interface, enters the
use time, and selects the classroom type, and then
he/she will view the relevant information of the idle
classroom, including the classroom name and the
number of seats. e teacher selects the required
classroom according to the number of required
classes and the nature of the course. When booking
the classroom, the teacher enters the name of the
teacher, the name of the class, the time of class, and
the name of the course and selects the reservation.
e reservation information will be submitted to
the server.
(4) Course transfer application: this is the function of
teachers. After the teacher has reserved the class-
room, select the class adjustment application to
enter the class adjustment application interface and
select the class adjustment type, including two types
of options, class adjustment and arrangement due
to curriculum design, then enter the name of the
teacher, the name of the teaching class, and the
name of the course, and finally select the class
adjustment scheme. ere are two kinds of course
adjustment schemes. One is that the teacher adjusts
the time and place of class: input the original week,
day of week, and time of class, adjust the week, day
of week, and the name of the scheduled classroom,
and then submit the application for class adjust-
ment; the other is that the teacher adjusts the
teaching without changing the time and place of
class: input the week, day of week, time of class, and
the name of the substitute teacher and then submit
the application for class adjustment. Because the
front part of the application content is the same, the
system design will display two kinds of course
adjustment schemes in the same page.
(5) User management: this function is an administrator
function. After the administrator logs in to the
background system, he/she selects and enters the
user management page. For three different types of
users, the administrator can add, delete, or modify
users by category and assign permissions and
modify passwords to users.
(6) Course management: this function is an adminis-
trator function. e administrator can log in to the
system and enter the curriculum management in-
terface to create course information, add and
modify courses, classify courses, and complete
course arrangement.
(7) Classroom management: this function is an ad-
ministrator function. After the administrator logs in
to the system, he/she will enter the classroom
management interface. Classroom management
includes three submodules, input classroom,
classroom classification, and classroom reservation
management. e administrator can enter the
classroom classification module to classify the
existing classrooms according to the two categories
of used and free; mark the arranged and scheduled
classrooms as used and other free classrooms for
teachers to query and book. e administrator can
enter the classroom reservation management
Mobile Information Systems 5
module to count, mark, and delete the reservation
(8) Notice management: administrators can add,
publish, and delete announcements after entering
the announcement management function interface.
(9) Performance management: teachers input students’
scores into the database according to the subjects
and class names they teach; administrators add,
delete and modify the scores, and manage the scores
of each student according to the class; that is to say,
connect and query the scores of each subject in the
class according to the student number and name to
generate a new class score table. e administrator
makes statistics and analysis on the scores of each
subject, and the score table can be directly called by
the score association rule mining subsystem. e
first stage of association rule mining must find all
high-frequency item groups of student performance
divided by subject and class from the original data
collection. Use the high-frequency k-item group in
the previous step to generate rules and perform
calculations, sorting, and classification under the
threshold of the minimum reliability condition.
(10) Student status management: the administrator
manages the student’s student status information,
including inputting the basic information of the
student’s student status, changing the student’s
student status information, modifying the student
status of the transferred majors, and deleting the
student status information of the students who have
left school or dropped out of school.
3. Experiments
3.1. Database Design. In the conceptual structure design
stage, this paper uses the total E-R diagram of the system to
describe the relationship between the entities involved in
the database. It is represented by an ellipse in the E-R
diagram, and entities with the same attributes have the
same characteristics and properties. e entity name and its
attribute name set are used to abstract and characterize
similar entities and use undirected edges to connect them
with corresponding entities; for example, the student’s
name, student ID, and gender are all attributes. If it is a
multivalue attribute, put a solid ellipse outside the ellipse.
In the logical structure design stage, this paper transforms
the E-R diagram into a relational model and finally designs
the table structure of the database. Based on the theory of
conceptual structure design of database, this paper analyzes
the demand of educational administration management
system and abstracts the entity of this mobile educational
administration management system, which mainly in-
cludes users, departments, classes, students, teachers,
courses, grades, classrooms, announcements, and class
transfer applications. After induction and analysis, E-R
model related to administrators and E-R model related to
students are, respectively, obtained. E-R model related to
administrators is shown in Figure 3.
e following E-R model related to teachers and students
is shown in Figure 4.
e detailed database structure design is shown in Tables 1
and 2.
3.2. System Test. Before the mobile educational adminis-
tration management system is put into use, it needs to test
the system performance according to a variety of test in-
dicators to check whether the system can operate normally.
Because of the use of HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and other
popular but not very mature front-end development tech-
nologies, the openness required by HTML5 technology is
not up to standard, and the standards of related technologies
are not yet mature; CSS3 needs to be drawn and cut from the
beginning to achieve, and the follow-up workload is large;
jQuery is based on the data cache module to manage events,
and the style operation module is used to obtain calculations
style or set inline style. e system may produce many
unexpected problems in the use process, so we must test the
system functions in multiple directions and find out the
system defects as much as possible, e main focus of the test
of the educational administration management system based
on the mobile Internet is whether the system can work well
in different browser environments. e purpose of this
system test is to verify whether the system meets the user’s
requirements and complies with the system design re-
quirements, including development test, integration test,
and acceptance test. System test is to test the usability,
operation efficiency, and data integrity of the system by
using test tools according to the test process. e system test
includes function test, performance test, usability test, and
security test.
4. Discussion
4.1. Design and Implementation
4.1.1. Design and Implementation of Login and Verification
Module. In this design, the system security measures are
taken to encrypt the user’s login password. After the client is
encrypted, the input login password needs to be compared
Manage or
Student status Department
Application for
class adjustment
Figure 3: Administrator related E-R model.
6Mobile Information Systems
with the secondary encryption password stored in the server
before normal access to the system. In fact, the user’s use of
the system is not different from the original, but it really
enhances the security performance of the system. In this
way, it also means that two levels need to be passed before
the visit on the one hand for the user and on the other hand
for the system. First, the user’s identity is determined, and
then the database is checked.
After the user enters the user name (user account) and
password and verification code on the login page, the server
first determines whether the verification code is correct and
then determines whether there is a value matching the
user’s input account in the database user table. If there is a
user account in the database, the system will compare the
password field corresponding to the account with the
secondary encryption submitted in the form (twice via the
client and server MD5 encrypted) password. If the com-
parison is consistent, you can successfully enter the user
operation page corresponding to the type of user account
entered; otherwise, it will stay on the login and verification
page. e effect of the system login page is shown in
Figure 5.
4.1.2. Design and Implementation of Student Status Man-
agement Module. For the management of student status
after leaving school or leaving school, this graduation design
sets different query conditions for student status informa-
tion according to the two situations of leaving school. e
student status information of leaving school can be deleted
by selectively inputting grade to query all student status
information; and the student status information of
Table 1: Class table.
Field name Field meaning Data type Data type Null or not Is it the primary key?
Bjbh Class number Char 16 No Yes
Bjmc Class name Varchar 16 No
Xbbh Department serial number Char 16 No
Rs Number Char 2 Yes
Table 2: Score.
Field name Field meaning Data type Data type Null or not Is it the primary key?
Xh Student ID Char 16 No Yes
Kcbh Course number Char 10 No Yes
Pscj Usual performance Float 4 No
Sjcj Practical achievements Float 4 No
Qmcj Final exam Float 4 No
Zpcj Total mark Float 4 No
Bz Remarks Float 4 No
Dj Grade Float 6 Yes
Announcement Course
m m
m m
Figure 4: E-R model related to teachers and students.
Figure 5: Rendering of system login page.
Mobile Information Systems 7
individual dropping out can be queried by inputting student
number to query relevant student status. e information is
then deleted. e interface of query management is shown in
Figure 6.
4.1.3. Design and Implementation of Announcement Man-
agement Module. After the administrator enters the page of
creating the announcement, the system can set the time of
creating and publishing the announcement through the new
attribute date time marked by HTML5 <input >. In the
drop-down list, the identity of the publisher can be selected.
After entering the title and the content of the announce-
ment, the creation of the announcement is completed. e
Modify button in the page plays the role of resetting the
content of the announcement. Click the Publish button to
publish the announcement to teachers and students. e
page effect of creating an announcement is shown in
Figure 7.
e key technology to realize the notification manage-
ment is to send the page. e application of this function is
embodied in adding a multilayer background image to an
element. e filtered data is scaled by a specified multiple, a
simple block is split into multiple columns, and the number
of columns, column widths, and blank spaces between
columns is realized through corresponding attributes. e
application of this attribute has greatly improved the
problem of multilayer layout in the past in the face of
multilayer design. is system calls the class SMS interface
provided by CSS3 to realize the sending function. e main
functions include the following: mobilelnfo service is used to
realize the session connection with the mobile client. CSS3’s
API calls sendsms (string telnumber. Stringmsg), a function
of public void type, to send page information. e function
setstratus() of type public void is used to record the sending
status; 0 is failed; 1 is sent successfully.
4.2. Implementation of Data Mining for Teaching Level
Evaluation. e average score of basic computer score is
extracted from the student score table of the mobile edu-
cational administration management system database as the
data voucher to evaluate the teaching effect of teachers. e
teaching effect of teachers is divided according to the average
score of basic computer score: 0 for below 60 scores, 1 for
between 60 and 70 scores, 2 for between 70 and 80 scores,
and 3 for above 80 scores. e teaching effect, together with
the data extracted from the teacher table, the teacher number
age, professional title, and education background, is con-
nected into the teaching effect information table, and the
relationship between the teaching effect of computer basic
courses and the professional title and education background
of teachers is found out from the teaching effect information
table through association rule mining. Table 3 shows some
teaching effect information.
According to the data in Table 4, age was divided into
four groups: A1 for 23–29, A2 for 30–35, A3 for 36–50, and
A4 for 50–60. Teaching effect is divided into four groups:
teaching effect 3 is x1, teaching effect 2 is X2, teaching effect 1
is X3, and teaching effect 0 is X4. Title: Z1 teaching assistant,
Z2 lecturer, Z3 associate professor, and Z4 professor; edu-
cation background: E1 undergraduate and E2 graduate. Part
of the information after data conversion to Boolean is shown
in Figure 8.
As shown in Table 5, Apriori algorithm is a frequent
itemset algorithm for mining association rules, and it is the
most influential algorithm for mining frequent itemsets of
Boolean association rules. Using layer-by-layer search and
iteration method, the core idea is to mine frequent itemsets
through two stages: candidate set generation and plot
downward closed detection. Its core is a recursive algorithm
based on the two-stage frequency set idea. After the data
preparation, the association rules in apriori algorithm can be
used to mine the relationship among teachers’ age, pro-
fessional title, education background, and classroom
teaching effect for the selected teaching effect information
with excellent teaching effect (teaching effect grade 3). When
the minimum support is 10% and the minimum confidence
is 40%, the association rules as shown in Figure 9 are
Rule 4 shows that, in the age group of 50–60 years old,
the support degree of excellent teaching effect is 18% and the
confidence degree is 53%. Rule 5 shows that the degree of
support is 16% and the degree of confidence is 52%. Rule 10
shows that the degree of support for excellent teaching effect
is 22% and the confidence level is 71%.
From the above rules, it can be concluded that, for
subjects with excellent teaching effect, the relationship be-
tween teaching effect and age, professional title, and edu-
cation background is as follows: young and middle-aged
teachers in the 30–50 age group have relatively high degree
of support and confidence in teaching effect, indicating that
they have relatively rich classroom teaching experience. e
high confidence level of backbone teachers aged 50–60 in-
dicates that the old teachers are more experienced and
popular with students, while the young teachers under 30
need to focus on training to help young teachers improve
their professional level. Teachers with professorship and
associate professorship as well as teachers with higher ed-
ucational background generally have higher teaching level.
Teachers with lower educational background and profes-
sional title still need further study in order to improve their
knowledge structure and professional ability.
4.3. System Test. (1) Function test of student subsystem.
e actual results in the function test case table
(Table 6) of student subsystem show that the func-
tion of student subsystem is normal. In the test for
the timetable query, the process of inputting the
information and clicking the query was carried out,
which can accurately and quickly display the page;
when the score is inquired, the timetable can be
displayed accordingly; the entire query process has
no errors, freezes, or delays phenomenon.
(2) Connection speed test: the mobile educational ad-
ministration management system mainly runs
through the mobile terminal in the wireless network,
and the data transmission speed will directly affect
8Mobile Information Systems
Figure 6: Departure management interface.
Figure 7: Effect of creating announcement page.
Table 3: Some teaching effect information.
Teacher number Age Title Education Teaching effectiveness
10001 34 Lecturer Graduate student 2
10002 45 Associate professor Graduate student 2
10003 27 Assistant Undergraduate 1
10004 29 Assistant Graduate student 1
10005 50 Professor Undergraduate 3
10006 25 Assistant Graduate student 0
Mobile Information Systems 9
Table 4: Boolean type data information table.
A1 A2 A3 A4 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 E1 E2 X1 X2 X3 X4
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Figure 8: Boolean type data information.
Table 5: Adjusted association rules.
Rule Age Title Education Support degree (%) Confidence level (%)
1 23–29 11 41
2 30–35 17 46
3 36–50 17 48
4 50–60 18 53
5 Professor 16 52
6 Associate professor 17 50.5
7 Lecturer 14 46
8 Assistant 11 43.3
9 Undergraduate 14 42
10 Graduate student 22 71
23~29 30~35 36~50 50~60 Professor Associate P Lecturer Assistant Under G Graduate S
Adjusted association rules
Support degree
Confidence level
Figure 9: Adjusted association rules.
10 Mobile Information Systems
the user experience. e mobile educational ad-
ministration management system has been tested in
the 4G mobile communication network and the
wireless LAN, respectively, and the response time of
the system is normal.
(3) Navigation test: navigation is the guide of system
operation. e design of system navigation is simple
and clear. Without training, users can smoothly use
the required functions through navigation to bring a
good user experience. rough the test of different
types of users to navigation links, it is confirmed that
the system navigation settings are scientific and all
levels of navigation styles are consistent.
5. Conclusions
e vigorous development of mobile edge computing has
created a good foundation for the wide application of
management information system. e management infor-
mation system based on B/S mode is bound to develop into
one of the main branches of information management. To
improve and upgrade the traditional system, it is the in-
evitable choice for colleges and universities to further
strengthen the educational administration management. e
management system based on B/S mode appears under the
condition of high popularity of mobile edge computing and
increasingly mature application of database. Compared with
the traditional C/S (client/server) mode, it is more perfect
and advanced and can well adapt to the new requirements of
information management in the Internet era.
is paper studies the demand of educational admin-
istration management in colleges and universities and finds
that the demand of educational administration management
information system currently used in colleges and univer-
sities is more, so it is difficult to undertake the imple-
mentation of educational administration management.
Under the background of the rapid development of infor-
mation technology, this paper designs and develops a set of
educational administration management information sys-
tems to help universities improve the efficiency of educa-
tional administration. e main work of this paper can be
summarized into three aspects: demand analysis, system
design, and the system implementation and system test.
is paper first discusses the design and implementation
of the login verification module and the implementation of
the password encryption storage and separately describes the
detailed design and implementation of the administrator
subsystem, including the student status management
module, the achievement management module, the design
and implementation of the achievement data mining, the
announcement management module, and the realization of
the paging function; then, it describes the design and
implementation of the teacher subsystem, including the
classroom query and the implementation of the specific
design and implementation of reservation module and CSS3
responsive layout; finally, it describes design and imple-
mentation of student subsystem, including the design and
implementation of score query module and HTML5 local
storage security mechanism.
Data Availability
is article does not cover data research. No data were used
to support this study.
Conflicts of Interest
e authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
is work was supported by the National Social Science
Foundation (19CGL008) and the National Natural Science
Foundation (41801110).
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12 Mobile Information Systems
... On the other hand, a decentralized EMIS is often approached in HEIs or those whose Department of Education does not have an established centralized EMIS [21], [27]- [30]. This gives freedom to educational institutions about its format in data collection, analysis, and reporting [21], [27]- [30]. ...
... On the other hand, a decentralized EMIS is often approached in HEIs or those whose Department of Education does not have an established centralized EMIS [21], [27]- [30]. This gives freedom to educational institutions about its format in data collection, analysis, and reporting [21], [27]- [30]. Management and maintenance of this EMIS is directly from the school/university [21], [27]- [30]. ...
... This gives freedom to educational institutions about its format in data collection, analysis, and reporting [21], [27]- [30]. Management and maintenance of this EMIS is directly from the school/university [21], [27]- [30]. While a decentralized EMIS has the benefits of allowing decisionmaking and planning closer to educational institutions, it becomes a challenge for educational planners from governing bodies (like the Department of Education) to make use of different EMIS formats. ...
Conference Paper
Educational data has allowed educational planners at school, national, and global institutions to perform data-driven decision-making, activity planning, and policy-making to ensure quality learning for its students can be achieved effectively and efficiently despite constraints in resources. As such, an Educational Management Information System (EMIS) has become a prominent tool for using data and processing it into meaningful information for educational planners to perform the right actions. Given that the system's use and features differ across the literature, this paper performs a short review of EMIS to guide future researchers in understanding the topic. In summary, EMIS differs based on the academic level covered, level of autonomy, actors involved, and capabilities that it can perform. The capabilities include (i) Data Entry and Repository, (ii) Evaluation and Report Generation, (iii) Decision-making and planning, and (iv) Learning/Teaching Management. Seven examples of EMIS are also discussed in this paper to gain further insight into its attributes. The review further shows that because of artificial intelligence-based technologies such as natural language processing, neural networks, big data, and knowledge-based systems, EMIS can assist planners in more efficient decision-making and planning when large datasets are considered, allowing them to gain insights that are typically difficult to obtain from traditional data analysis.
... Literature [12] develops an intelligent system for teacher training work based on a university information system to provide an advanced learning environment to create and maintain online courses through the Internet, reduce the management cost of students, and save training time. Literature [13] aims to design and develop an educational management information system that combines the service environment of the edge network with cloud computing technology to improve the computing power and performance of the edge network, enhance the user service quality experience, and improve the efficiency of faculty management. Literature [14] describes an intelligent information system framework for quality management in higher education institutions that provides an automated tool to avoid unnecessary and redundant tasks related to quality in higher education institutions and improve office efficiency. ...
Full-text available
Big data technology continues to catalyze the informatization and intelligence of education and teaching in colleges and universities while accelerating the difficulty of information management. This paper aims to discuss the development and utilization of information resources, as well as security and protection issues in college administration, through the integration of network technology and the college administrative management system. To address the development limitations of administrative management in colleges and universities, this paper proposes key technologies for the construction of intelligent administrative management in these institutions and analyzes the interrelationships between these technologies. The objective of experimental platforms 1 and 2 is to evaluate the ability of BIM models to render buildings of different sizes in real time. Compare the security performance of the fully homomorphic encryption algorithm proposed in this paper and combine the classical encryption algorithms (DES algorithm, AES algorithm, RSA algorithm, ECC algorithm). Examine the students’ perceived attitudes toward intelligence improvements and the overall effectiveness ratings of the school administration staff. The compressed, custom-rendered files used in this paper’s cloud service significantly improve the user experience by reducing the loading time by approximately half. The overall student perception ratings were no less than 4.13, and the effectiveness ratings of faculty and staff were all in the range of 3.5-5.0, indicating that school administration is effective. The intelligent improvement direction and improvement scheme proposed in this paper is feasible and merits further promotion.
... Literature [17] The comprehensive difficulty and uncertainty of educational evaluation are increasing, so a two-level comprehensive evaluation model with bipolar preferences that takes into account both original preference information and high certainty information is proposed, and the effectiveness and flexibility of the model are verified through practical application. Literature [18] optimizes the education management information system based on Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) technology while combining the IT service environment of edge networks with cloud computing technology. Feedback from practical applications confirms that the Study on the Path of Enhancing the Effectiveness of College Students' Education and Management in the Context of Informatization 3 optimized system is more efficient and feasible in data processing and Analysis. ...
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To cope with the problems existing in the education and Management of students in traditional colleges and universities, improve the management efficiency and realize the informatization of education management, this study proposes a set of optimization paths for the education and Management of students in colleges and universities. In this paper, an intelligent and diversified education management platform is constructed, aiming to strengthen the operation efficiency of the education management team in colleges and universities. By introducing a fuzzy evaluation algorithm to judge the educational management paths of college students and normalizing the input data, empirical evaluation results are derived. Comparative Analysis of the data in the study showed that the optimized educational management path significantly improved students’ daily behavior and mental health status. Students’ average daily online time was effectively controlled between 5.6 and 10.5 hours, the online period was more in line with the healthy work and rest, and the rates of disciplinary behaviors and Internet fraud victimization decreased respectively. At the same time, students’ mental health and learning effects were also improved. In summary, the education and management path for college students proposed in this paper significantly strengthens the management system and comprehensively cultivates students. It provides an effective informatization strategy for education management in colleges and universities.
... This research optimizes the educational management of colleges and universities and enhances the effectiveness of student management in meeting the development needs of the times. Literature [9] proposed a highperformance, low-latency, high-bandwidth faculty management system by using the educational management system management method and combining the IT service environment and cloud computing technology based on mobile edge computing. According to the performance test results, the system can effectively analyze the teaching level of teachers and can be targeted to the training of teachers of different age groups to improve the teaching level as well as management efficiency. ...
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Based on Apriori algorithm and BP neural network technology, this paper deeply integrates association rules and data mining technology in education and informatization management, which provides a new method and a new way of thinking for reforming education management work in the context of intelligent technology. In real-life settings, education management is being managed using this new method. Taking the university district of DN201 as the research object, the allocation level of basic education resources in the university district is measured and optimized in a balanced way through indicator analysis. The parameter settings described allowed for the search of strong correlation rules for the mastery level of students in each course cluster. The results show that SN201 has the highest level of educational resource allocation at 8.32. SN215 is at the lowest level at 2.62. This shows that there is an imbalance in its resource allocation. The coefficient of variation of educational resource allocation of SN217 is 0.83 before optimization, and after optimization, the coefficient of variation is 0.65, and the variation becomes lower. The courses have a higher level of enhanced strong association than 4.
... This information can be utilized to personalize the learning experience, adapting content and recommendations based on individual needs and preferences [14][15][16]. This can be beneficial for real-time collaboration tools [17], video streaming, and online interactive learning platforms, providing a seamless and immersive learning experience. MEC has the potential to revolutionize education by improving access, personalizing learning experiences, and enabling innovative technologies [18]. ...
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Mobile edge computing (MEC) has revolutionized the way of teaching in universities. It enables more interactive and immersive experiences in the classroom, enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. As an incentive mechanism based on social identity and contest theories, team competition has been adopted and shown its effectiveness in improving students’ participation and motivation in college classrooms. However, despite its potential benefit, there are still many unresolved issues: What type of students and teams benefit more from team competition? In what teaching context is team competition more effective? Which competition design methods better increase student academic performance? Mobile edge computing provides the ability to obtain the data of the teaching process and analyze the causal effect between team competition and students’ academic performance. In this paper, the authors first design a randomized field experiment among freshmen enrolled in college English courses. Then, the authors analyze the observation data collected from the online teaching platform, and predict individual treatment effects of academic performance in college English through linear and nonlinear machine learning models. Finally, by carefully investigating features of teams and individual students, the prediction error is reduced by up to 30%. In addition, through interpreting the predictive models, some valuable insights regarding the practice of team competition in college classrooms are discovered.
... In the traditional education model, teachers use in-person lectures, real-time in the classroom to guide the classroom status of students and student questions and observe the real-time learning status of students, but in recent years, the growth of the number of students and the growth of the number of quality teachers has shown a serious imbalance [1][2][3]. At the same time, the emergence of live education in recent years due to its advantages of real-time and flexibility quickly became popular among students and parents, but the shortcomings of live education are also been gradually revealed [4]. ...
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In this paper, firstly, based on the digital construction of education management in colleges and universities, it is proposed to construct an education management system for colleges and universities to realize the digital development of education management and to design the function and database of the education management system of colleges and universities. Secondly, the Apriori algorithm in association rule mining algorithm is used to define the minimum support and minimum confidence in the variable parameter focus, then the support threshold and confidence threshold are set in the process of optimization connection and pruning, and for the shortcomings of traditional algorithms, the relevance metrics are cited here to improve the systematic data mining efficiency of the Apriori algorithm. Then, the simulation experiment environment and data set are selected, the evaluation index system is determined according to the system requirements, and the education management system based on the association rule mining algorithm is simulated and analyzed. The results show that when min_supp=70%, the Apriori algorithm generates a total of 60 frequent itemsets, and the running time is about 21.2s. Overall, the Apriori algorithm only reads the data set twice, so the program running time is shorter than the Eclat algorithm running time.
... According to the author [1], not only smartphones but also apps play an important role in learning and management, which makes it easier for students to organize their time. Furthermore, mobile edge computing can create a carrier-class service with high performance, and accelerate the download of content, services, and apps on the network [2]. Which gives an update to the educational administration system [3]. ...
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In the last decade, mobile applications have shown an expansion to a great diversity of uses that can be made, which has influenced at different levels (economic, cultural, political), as in the area of learning where it has played a very important role in learning, since now with the development of technologies, children and adolescents are very interested in these new technologies and it is easier for them to use them, which also supports them in learning a great diversity of subjects of their own interest. That is why in this work a prototype of a mobile application for the management of mobile education using the Scrum methodology at the Norbert Wiener University of Lima-Peru, knowing that there are learning problems in students in the classroom, for this, want to provide a mobile application that supports the student to improve their learning. As a result, obtained from the study, was a prototype of a mobile application to improve learning in the Monte Carmelo private school in Lima-Peru, where a virtual model of the mobile application is shown, register the user, login where you can view their classes and share their class assignments, facilitating the user to enter their class and study material, this was achieved using balsamiq, the Scrum methodology with its four phases. The results of the survey conducted to the experts show that in most of the questions they gave a high scale, with the highest average of 4.91 with a standard deviation of 0.302 and only one low scale obtained of 1.45 on average with a standard deviation of 0.52.
Purpose The present study aims to analyze the impact of digital transformation on achieving outstanding performance in educational administration, improving and developing electronic services and facilitating beneficiaries’ access to services. Design/methodology/approach This study applied descriptive/analytical quantitative and qualitative methodologies to a sample of 206 employees from an educational administration. Confirmatory inferential analysis was conducted to investigate the relationship and mutual impact between the variables under examination by Structural Equation Modeling requirements. Findings The study found that the model effectively explained the phenomenon being studied with digital transformation efforts in infrastructure, human resources and culture, as hypothesized. However, an unexpected negative relationship was found between the transformation strategy and outstanding performance. Interviews with the participants confirmed gradual improvements in various aspects of the digital transformation. Practical implications This study underscores the immediate and tangible benefits of transitioning from traditional to advanced electronic governments. This transformation is necessary and highly advantageous, as it bolsters the administration’s ability to meet technical, professional and human requirements, elevating the educational system’s overall performance. Originality/value This study stands out for its unique focus on digital transformation as an independent variable, a perspective evaluated using four indicators. The study’s exploration of how these factors influence the performance of the directorate of education is a significant contribution to the field. The study’s approach saves time, effort and money and enhances employee performance and task completion speed with good quality and efficiency, thereby improving services for the educational system’s beneficiaries.
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Internet Of Things (IOT) is a network of various devices that are connected over the internet and they can collect and exchange data with each other, These IOT devices generate a lot of data that needs to be collected and mined for actionable results through use artificial intelligence (AI) to manage huge data flows and storage in the IOT network. In this paper we briefly discussed about what IOT is ,what AI is , Algorithm of AI , Challenge AI with IOT , application of artificial intelligence system in the IOT. The selfoptimizing network and software defined network are parts of the important parameters in the Artificial Intelligence IoT System.
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With the widespread application of mobile edge computing (MEC), MEC is serving as a bridge to narrow the gaps between medical staff and patients. Relatedly, MEC is also moving toward supervising individual health in an automatic and intelligent manner. One of the main MEC technologies in healthcare monitoring systems is human activity recognition (HAR). Built-in multifunctional sensors make smartphones a ubiquitous platform for acquiring and analyzing data, thus making it possible for smartphones to perform HAR. The task of recognizing human activity using a smartphone’s built-in accelerometer has been well resolved, but in practice, with the multimodal and high-dimensional sensor data, these traditional methods fail to identify complicated and real-time human activities. This paper designs a smartphone inertial accelerometer-based architecture for HAR. When the participants perform typical daily activities, the smartphone collects the sensory data sequence, extracts the high-efficiency features from the original data, and then obtains the user’s physical behavior data through multiple three-axis accelerometers. The data are preprocessed by denoising, normalization and segmentation to extract valuable feature vectors. In addition, a real-time human activity classification method based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed, which uses a CNN for local feature extraction. Finally, CNN, LSTM, BLSTM, MLP and SVM models are utilized on the UCI and Pamap2 datasets. We explore how to train deep learning methods and demonstrate how the proposed method outperforms the others on two large public datasets: UCI and Pamap2.
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The research aims to determine how the economic and business administraton facultes within the European Union member states are contributng to the development of students’ entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, a case study strategy is employed which concentrates on the most important business schools from the European Union member states; thus, 267 syllabuses from 21 higher educaton insttutons are identfed and analyzed. The results prove that European business schools manage to develop most of the required entrepreneurial skills among their students. Their graduates are both task and people oriented. On the one hand, they value performance, are capable of solving problems and taking calculated risks. On the other hand, they know how to communicate and collaborate within a team. Besides, it may be stated that the analyzed educatonal programs are combining the “about entrepreneurship” approach with “for entrepreneurship” perspectve; they focus on developing cognitve, functonal, and behavioral competences by combining lectures with actve learning techniques. These actons are infuenced by cultural specifcity and have an impact on a country’s capacity to be a top performer, in terms of entrepreneurship development. These fndings have both theoretcal and practcal implicatons. On a theoretcal level, they extend the literature regarding the development of entrepreneurial skills by providing concrete informaton about the skills on which the academic curricula focus. On a practcal level, they provide valuable insights regarding the skills that the future entrepreneurs will have; these will infuence their behavior in a business environment no mater whether they will choose to be the owner of a business or an enterprising employee.
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Due to the rapid change in technologies, new data forms exist which lead to a huge data size on the internet. As a result, some learning platforms such as e-learning systems must change their methodologies for data processing to be smarter. This paper proposes a framework for smoothly adapt the traditional e-learning systems to be suitable for smart cities applications. Learning Analytics (LA) has turned into a noticeable worldview with regards to instruction of late which embraces the current progressions of innovation, for example, cloud computing, big data processing, and Internet of Things. LA additionally requires a concentrated measure of preparing assets to create applicable investigative outcomes. Be that as it may, the customary methodologies have been wasteful at handling LA difficulties.
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The purpose of the presented article is to review existing approaches to modern training methods design and to create a variant of its technology in virtual educational environments in order to develop general cultural and professional students’ competence in pedagogical education. The conceptual modeling of a set of methods for students’ training in the conditions of an information-and-communication saturated environment was carried out by means of a subject-design method within the framework of prescriptive theory. This allowed us to allocate the stages in designing the methods of student training when using a virtual educational environment. The presented results reflect the general approach to the design of teacher activity including the design of training methods on the basis of accounting for the primary structural components of educational technologies. The given results of examining the features and the opportunities of the virtual educational environment allow us to define the essence of training methods enrichment as well as mechanisms of self-adjustment and self-improvement for a training methods system in educational information environments, and to formulate conclusions about the impossibility of creating modern educational processes without virtual educational environments.
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Purpose: Little research exists that examines the leadership experiences of Asian American women in public schools. This study sought to understand the meanings Asian American women school administrators have constructed out of their professional lives given the intersection of gender, race-ethnicity, and leadership. Research Method/Approach: Data collection primarily relied on semistructured in-depth interviews and informal observations with 11 building level administrators in two demographically contrasting states in the United States. Data were analyzed through constant comparative methods, using three iterations of initial codes/surface content analysis, pattern variables development, and application to data set. Findings: The Asian American women’s paths to leadership were to a large degree emergent and personal. The women embraced a lifetime mission as to make a difference on their students’ lives and uplift the social groups embodied in their identities. They struggled with gender, racial-ethnic, and cultural discrimination. Critiques and resistance to racism were often tempered, particularly in their professional lives, as evident in their careful usage of agentic behavior and balanced communal practices. Their agency to fully assume leadership and fight against the oppressive system was a cooperant process of survival, the “I have to,” and resistance, the “I want to and can.” Conclusion: By centering on the lived experiences of Asian American women, this study adds a new intersectionality, positionality, and voice to the established knowledge about women of color and educational leadership. Official link:
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Aim: The evaluation of academic education has become crucial in the European Union since the Bologna Process encouraged all European universities to reach high quality standards in education. Although several studies have been conducted on the quality of undergraduate nursing education, few studies have explored this topic from the students' perspective. The purpose of this study was to describe the experience of educational quality in undergraduate nursing students. Method: The phenomenological method was used to study 55 students (mean age 24 years; 73% female) pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing in three universities in central Italy. Results: The following five themes emerged from the phenomenological analysis: 1) quality of faculties: teaching skills, preparation, sensitivity to students, self-discipline; 2) theory-practice integration and communication between teaching and clinical area; 3) general management and organization of the programme; 4) quality of infrastructures: libraries, classrooms, information technology, services, administration, and communication; and 5) clinical tutorship: humanity, relationships and ability of the clinical tutor to guide and support. Conclusion: This study's novel finding was a deeper understanding of the educational quality's meanings among undergraduate nursing students. Students thought educational quality consisted of the faculty members' sensitivity towards their problems and the clinical tutors' humanity, interpersonal skills, guidance and support.
Internet Of Things (IOT) is a network of various devices that are connected over the internet, and they can collect and exchange data with each other. These IOT devices generate a lot of data that needs to be collected and mined for actionable results through use artificial intelligence (AI) to manage huge data flows and storage in the IOT network. In this paper we briefly discussed about what IOT is, what AI is, Algorithm of AI, Challenge AI with IOT, application of artificial intelligence system in the IOT. The self-optimizing network and software defined network are parts of the important parameters in the Artificial Intelligence IoT System. This paper provides a general discussion about importance of the IoT in different applications. The paper covers different applications of IoT and shows the relationship between AI and IoT. The role of the AI in IoT applications is extensively discussed. In the future work, we are planning to work on improving the performance of IoT applications using advanced AI methods and algorithms such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
A leadership and quality improvement project was undertaken in order to assist undergraduate baccalaureate nursing students in knowledge retention for medication administration during their senior semester in nursing school. Specific changes in curriculum were implemented to assist these undergraduate baccalaureate nursing students at a suburban private university in New York. It was found that by changing two specific learning strategies in the spring semester of junior year, there was increased knowledge retention during the fall semester of the senior year. This article discusses the advantages and challenges of using technology, how change occurred in the nursing program and how nursing leadership was demonstrated to help implement change. © 2018 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. All rights reserved.
This paper describes an ongoing study related to a conceptual design model, which is specific to instructional interface design to enhance courseware usage. It was found that most of the existing courseware applications focus on the needs of certain target with most of the courseware offer too little to inclusive learners. In addition, the use of structure, layout, and navigation to improve the courseware instructional interfaces as part of usability strategies was also problematic for developers. Thus, this study aims at creating an alternative instructional interface as part of usability strategies for inclusive education systems called Instructional Interface Design for Courseware (IID4C). It is proposed as guidance for the developer to refer to. The study used comparative analysis technique to determine the elements of the model. In the end, this study finds that the IID4C model is useful for information accessibility and contributes to the designing of instructional courseware. Future works are to evaluate the proposed model among disabled and non-disabled learners.