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A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) from Tarutao Island, southern Thailand revealed by morphological and genetic evidence

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Abstract and Figures

The bent-toed geckos of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group are widely distributed along the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Although taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of this species group have been continuously conducted, only some populations from Thailand have been included, resulting in hidden diversity within this group. In this study, we used morphological and molecular data to clarify the taxonomic status and describe a new population from Tarutao Island, Satun Province, southern Thailand. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following morphological characters: body size; tuberculation; number of dark body bands, ventral scales, and femoroprecloacal pores in males; presence of precloacal pores in females; and scattered pattern on dorsum. Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial ND2 gene recovered the new species as the sister species to C. astrum , with an uncorrected pairwise divergence of 9.78–12.37%. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. is currently only known from Tarutao Island, Thailand. The discovery of this species suggests that the diversity within the C. pulchellus group remains underestimated and future exploration of unsurveyed areas are needed to further the understanding of this group and its geographic range.
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A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus
group (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) from Tarutao Island,
southern Thailand revealed by morphological
and genetic evidence
Korkhwan Termprayoon1, Attapol Rujirawan1, Natee Ampai2,
Perry L. Wood Jr3,4, Anchalee Aowphol1
1Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, 10900 ailand 2Department of
Biology, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, 10110 ailand 3Department of Biologi-
cal Sciences and Museum of Natural History, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA 4Department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1085, USA
Corresponding author: Anchalee Aowphol (
Academic editor: omas Ziegler|Received 29 August 2021|Accepted 4 October 2021|Published 12 November 2021
Citation: Termprayoon K, Rujirawan A, Ampai N, Wood Jr PL, Aowphol A (2021) A new insular species of the
Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) from Tarutao Island, southern ailand revealed by morphological
and genetic evidence. ZooKeys 1070: 101–134.
e bent-toed geckos of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group are widely distributed along the ai-Malay
Peninsula. Although taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of this species group have been continuously
conducted, only some populations from ailand have been included, resulting in hidden diversity within
this group. In this study, we used morphological and molecular data to clarify the taxonomic status and
describe a new population from Tarutao Island, Satun Province, southern ailand. Cyrtodactylus stellatus
sp. nov. can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following morphological char-
acters: body size; tuberculation; number of dark body bands, ventral scales, and femoroprecloacal pores in
males; presence of precloacal pores in females; and scattered pattern on dorsum. Phylogenetic analyses of
the mitochondrial ND2 gene recovered the new species as the sister species to C. astrum, with an uncor-
rected pairwise divergence of 9.78–12.37%. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. is currently only known from
Tarutao Island, ailand. e discovery of this species suggests that the diversity within the C. pulchellus
group remains underestimated and future exploration of unsurveyed areas are needed to further the un-
derstanding of this group and its geographic range.
ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
doi: 10.3897/zookeys.1070.73659
Copyright Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. This is an open access ar ticle distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
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Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
Cyrtodactylus astrum, Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov., karst, morphology, phylogeny, taxonomy
Bent-toed geckos in the genus Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 are geographically widespread
and inhabit lowland (e.g., peat swamps, karst formations, and limestone forests) to
mountainous regions (> 1,500 m a.s.l) of South Asia to Melanesia, ranging from In-
dia, Myanmar, ailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Java, Papua New Guinea to
northern Australia (Wood et al. 2012; Nielsen and Oliver 2017; Pauwels et al. 2018;
Purkayastha et al. 2020; Riyanto et al. 2020; Grismer et al. 2020a, 2021a, 2021b). is
genus is the most diverse group of gekkotans, comprising 314 nominal species (Uetz et
al. 2021). During the last two decades, the number of new species described in this genus
has signicantly increased with the exploration of unsurveyed karst formations (Luu et
al. 2016; Nazarov et al. 2018; Davis et al. 2019; Grismer et al. 2018, 2020b). Moreover,
genetic data has become a useful tool for taxonomic studies, revealing hidden diversity
within the genus (Murdoch et al. 2019; Chomdej et al. 2020; Neang et al. 2020; Riyanto
et al. 2020; Kamei and Mahony 2021; Liu and Rao 2021). Recent molecular studies
have further supported the monophyly of this genus based on the most complete phy-
logenetic analysis to date, and have recognized 31 species groups (Grismer et al. 2021b).
One clade of particular interest is the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group. is relatively
diverse group is distributed along the ai-Malay Peninsula and has high morphologi-
cal and molecular variation. Cyrtodactylus pulchellus Gray, 1827 was thought to be a
single wide-ranging species across their distributional range, but following an integra-
tive approach many new species have been described (e.g., C. bintangrendah Grismer et
al., 2012, C. langkawiensis Grismer et al., 2012, and C. sharkari Grismer et al., 2014).
is species group has been recovered as monophyletic and currently contains 16 rec-
ognized species, based on multiple phylogenetic studies (Grismer et al. 2012, 2014,
2016; Quah et al. 2019; Wood et al. 2020; Termprayoon et al. 2021). is group is
distributed from the south of the Isthmus of Kra, southern ailand to southern Pen-
insular Malaysia and some of its oshore islands (Grismer and Ahmad 2008; Sumon-
tha et al. 2012; Grismer et al. 2012, 2014, 2016; Quah et al. 2019; Wood et al. 2020;
Termprayoon et al. 2021). During eld surveys, specimens of the C. pulchellus group
were collected from Tarutao Island, Satun Province, southern ailand. Initially, these
specimens were recognized as an insular population of C. astrum Grismer et al., 2012
due to their supercial resemblance in coloration pattern and dorsal tuberculation. A
re-examination of these specimens showed morphological dierences from its other
congeners and mitochondrial DNA sequence data revealed corroborative evidence that
the new population of Cyrtodactylus from Tarutao Island represents a distinct mono-
phyletic lineage and is the sister species to C. astrum from the adjacent mainland.
Based on integrative analyses, we considered this new Cyrtodactylus population from
Tarutao Island as distinct and described it as a new species below.
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 103
Materials and methods
Field surveys were conducted on Tarutao Island, Mueang Satun District, Satun Prov-
ince, southern ailand from November 2017 to November 2019 (Fig. 1). Specimens
of the C. pulchellus group were collected from karst forest at night (1900–2200 h).
Ecological data (air temperature and relative humidity) were recorded using a Kestrel
4000 Weather Meter, and habitat use of each specimen was noted. Geographical co-
ordinates and elevation were recorded using a Garmin GPSMAP 64s. For molecular
studies, liver tissue was taken from each euthanized specimen, individually preserved
in 95% ethyl alcohol, and stored at -20 °C. Specimens were initially xed in 10%
formalin and later transferred into 70% ethyl alcohol for permanent storage. Voucher
specimens were deposited in the herpetological collections of the Zoological Museum,
Kasetsart University, ailand (ZMKU). Additional preserved specimens were exam-
ined in the holdings of the ailand Natural History Museum (THNHM), ailand,
and the La Sierra University Herpetological Collection (LSUHC), La Sierra Univer-
sity, Riverside, California, USA.
DNA extraction and PCR amplification
Total genomic DNA was extracted from ethanol-preserved liver tissue of ve Cyr-
todactylus specimens from Tarutao Island (Table 1) using a NucleoSpin Tissue Kit
(Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG, Germany). A fragment of mitochondrial NADH
dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene and its anking tRNAs was amplied using a
double-stand Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) under the following conditions: ini-
tial denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for
30 sec, annealing at 48–52 °C for 30 sec, extension at 72 °C for 1 min 30 sec, and nal
extension at 72 °C for 7 min using the primers Metf6 (5' AAGCTTTCGGGCCCA-
TACC 3'; Macey et al. 1997), and COIH (5' AGRGTGCCAATGTCTTTGTGRTT
3'; Macey et al. 1997). PCR products were puried using NucleoSpin Gel and PCR
Clean-Up kit (Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG, Germany). Puried products were
sequenced for both strands using the same amplifying primers on an ABI 3730XL
DNA Sequencer (Applied Biosystems, CA, USA). Sequences were visually checked
and aligned in Geneious R11 (Biomatters, Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand). e protein-
coding region of ND2 was translated to amino acids and checked to conrm the lack
of premature stop codons. All sequences were deposited in GenBank under the acces-
sion numbers OK094494OK094503 (Table 1).
Phylogenetic analyses
Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using two dierent methods, Maximum Like-
lihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI). e best substitution model for each par-
tition was determined using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) under the
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
Figure 1. Map showing the type locality of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. from Tarutao Island, Mueang
Satun District, Satun Province, ailand and the type localities of closely related species, C. astrum,
C.dayangbuntingensis, C. langkawiensis, and C. lekaguli.
greedy search algorithm as implemented in PartitionFinder2 on XSEDE (Lanfear et
al. 2016). e selected models for ML and BI were TIM+G for 1st and 2nd codon posi-
tions of ND2, TVM+I+G for 3rd codon position of ND2 and TRN+I+G for tRNAs.
e ML analysis was performed in IQ-TREE web server v1.6.12 (Trinopoulos et al.
2016) with 1,000 bootstrap replicates using ultrafast bootstrap approximation (Minh
et al. 2013). e BI analysis was performed in MrBayes 3.2.6 on XSEDE (Ronquist
et al. 2012) using the CIPRES Science Gateway v3.3 (Miller et al. 2010). Two simul-
taneous runs were performed with four chains per run, three hot and one cold under
the default settings. e analysis was run for 10,000,000 generations and sampled
every 1,000 generations from the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), with the
rst 25% of each run discarded as burn-in. Stationarity and the eective sample
sizes (ESS) for all parameters were assessed in Tracer v1.7.1. (Rambaut et al. 2018).
Nodes with ultrafast bootstrap support (UFB) of ≥ 95 and Bayesian posterior prob-
abilities (BPP) of ≥ 0.95 were considered to be strongly supported (Huelsenbeck and
Ronquist 2001; Wilcox et al. 2002; Minh et al. 2013). Intraspecic and interspecic
uncorrected pairwise genetic divergences (p-distance) were calculated in MEGA X
10.0.5 using the pairwise deletion option for the treatment of gaps and missing data
in the dataset (Kumar et al. 2018).
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 105
Table 1. Samples used in the molecular analyses, including their GenBank accession number (ND2),
voucher number and locality. WM = West Malaysia; TH = ailand.
SpeciesLocalityMuseum No. GenBank
Agamura persica Pakistan, Baluchistan Province, Makran District, Gwadar
FMNH 247474 JX440515 Wood et al. (2012)
Hemidactylus frenatus Unknow NC 00155 JX519468 Grismer et al. (2012)
Tropiocolotes steudneri captive JB 28 JX440520 Wood et al. (2012)
C. elok WM, Pahang, Fraser’s Hill, e Gap LSUHC 6471 JQ889180 Wood et al. (2012)
C. hontreensis Vietnam, Kien Giang Province, Kien Hai District, Hon
Tre Island
LSUHC 8583 JX440539 Wood et al. (2012)
C. intermedius TH, Chantaburi Province, Khao Khitchakut District LSUHC 9513 JX519469 Grismer et al. (2012)
TH, Chantaburi Province, Khao Khitchakut District LSUHC 9514 JX519470 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. interdigitalis Lao, Khammouan Province, Nakai District FMNH 255454 JQ889181 Wood et al. (2012)
Cyrtodactylus sp. TH, Loei, Phu Rua FMNH 265806 JX519471 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. astrum WM, Perlis, Gua Kelam LSUHC 8806 JX519481 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Gua Kelam LSUHC 8807 JX519478 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Gua Kelam LSUHC 8808 JX519479 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Gua Kelam LSUHC 8809 JX519480 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Kuala Perlis LSUHC 8815 JX519482 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Kuala Perlis LSUHC 8816
JX519483 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Perlis State Park LSUHC 9215 JX519473 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Perlis State Park, Gua Wang Burma LSUHC 9962 JX519475 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Perlis State Park, Gua Wang Burma LSUHC 9986 JX519476 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Perlis State Park, Gua Wang Burma LSUHC 9987 JX519477 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Wang Kelian LSUHC 10023 JX519474 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Wang Kelian LSUHC 10024 JX519472 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Pahang, Fraser’s Hill LSUHC 8086 JX519486 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Pahang, Fraser’s Hill LSUHC 8087 JX519485 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Pahang, Genting Highlands LSUHC 6637
JX519484 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. bintangrendah WM, Kedah, Bukit Mertajam LSUHC 10331
MN125076 Quah et al. (2019)
WM, Kedah, Bukit Mertajam LSUHC 10519 MN125077 Quah et al. (2019)
WM, Kedah, Bukit Mertajam LSUHC 10520
MN125078 Quah et al. (2019)
WM, Kedah, Bukit Palang LSUHC 9984 JX519487 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. bintangtinggi WM, Perak, Bukit Larut LSUHC 8862 JX519493 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perak, Bukit Larut LSUHC 9006
JX519494 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. dayangbuntingensis WM, Kedah, Dayang Bunting Island LSUHC 14353 MN125090 Quah et al. (2019)
WM, Kedah, Dayang Bunting Island LSUHC 14354 MN125091 Quah et al. (2019)
WM, Kedah, Dayang Bunting Island LSUHC 14355 MN125092 Quah et al. (2019)
C. evanquahi WM, Kedah, Gunung Baling BYU 53435
MN586889 Wood et al. (2020)
WM, Kedah, Gunung Baling BYU 53436
MN586890 Wood et al. (2020)
WM, Kedah, Gunung Baling BYU 53437
MN586891 Wood et al. (2020)
C. hidupselamanya WM, Kelantan, Felda Chiku 7 LSUHC 12161
KX011415 Grismer et al. (2016)
WM, Kelantan, Felda Chiku 7 LSUHC 12162
KX011416 Grismer et al. (2016)
WM, Kelantan, Felda Chiku 7 LSUHC 12163
KX011417 Grismer et al. (2016)
WM, Kelantan, Felda Chiku 7 LSUHC 12173
KX011420 Grismer et al. (2016)
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
SpeciesLocalityMuseum No. GenBank
C. jelawangensis WM, Gunung Stong, Kelantan LSUHC 11060
KJ659850 Grismer et al. (2014)
WM, Gunung Stong, Kelantan LSUHC 11062
KJ659852 Grismer et al. (2014)
WM, Kelantan, Gunung Stong LSUHC 11061
KJ659851 Grismer et al. (2014)
C. langkawiensis WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9120 JX519502 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9122 JX519501 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9123 JX519500 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9124
JX519499 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9125 JX519496 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9434 JX519498 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9435 JX519495 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 9437 JX519497 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 14347 MN125093 Quah et al. (2019)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Wat Wanaram LSUHC 14348 MN125094 Quah et al. (2019)
C. lekaguli TH, Phang-nga Province, Mueang Phang-nga District ZMKU R 00720 KX011425 Grismer et al. (2016)
TH, Phang-nga Province, Mueang Phang-nga District ZMKU R 00721 KX011426 Grismer et al. (2016)
TH, Phang-nga Province, Mueang Phang-nga District ZMKU R 00722 KX011427 Grismer et al. (2016)
TH, Phang-nga Province, Mueang Phang-nga District ZMKU R 00723 KX011428 Grismer et al. (2016)
TH, Trang Province, Na Yong District ZMKU R 00918 OK094494 is study
TH, Trang Province, Na Yong District ZMKU R 00919 OK094495 is study
TH, Trang Province, Na Yong District ZMKU R 00920 OK094496 is study
TH, Trang Province, Na Yong District ZMKU R 00921 OK094497 is study
TH, Trang Province, Na Yong District ZMKU R 00922 OK094498 is study
C. lenggongensis WM, Perak, Lenggong Valley LSUHC 9974
JX519490 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perak, Lenggong Valley LSUHC 9975
JX519488 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perak, Lenggong Valley LSUHC 9976
JX519489 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perak, Lenggong Valley LSUHC 9977
JX519491 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. macrotuberculatus TH, Phuket Province, Kathu District, Kathu Waterfall ZMKU R 00890 MW809301 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Phuket Province, Kathu District, Kathu Waterfall ZMKU R 00891 MW809302 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Phuket Province, alang District, ep Krasatti ZMKU R 00894 MW809305 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Phuket Province, alang District, ep Krasatti ZMKU R 00895 MW809306 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Phuket Province, alang District, ep Krasatti ZMKU R 00896 MW809307 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Adang Island ZMKU R 00875 MW809295 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Rawi Island ZMKU R 00883 MW809299 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Rawi Island ZMKU R 00887 MW809300 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Songkhla Province, Hat Yai District, ung Tam Sao ZMKU R 00876 MW809296 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Songkhla Province, Hat Yai District, ung Tam Sao ZMKU R 00877 MW809297 Termprayoon et al.
TH, Songkhla Province, Hat Yai District, ung Tam Sao ZMKU R 00878 MW809298 Termprayoon et al.
WM, Kedah, Hutan Lipur Sungai Tupah LSUHC 9671 JX519510 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Hutan Lipur Sungai Tupah LSUHC 9672 JX519511 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Hutan Lipur Sungai Tupah LSUHC 9693 JX519517 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Gunung Machinchang LSUHC 9448 JX519507 Grismer et al. (2012)
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 107
SpeciesLocalityMuseum No. GenBank
C. macrotuberculatus WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Gunung Raya LSUHC 9428 JX519506 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Kedah, Pulau Langkawi, Lubuk Sembilang LSUHC 6829 JX519505 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Bukit Chabang LSUHC 10037 JX519519 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Perlis, Bukit Chabang LSUHC 10038 JX519518 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. pulchellus WM, Penang, Pulau Pinang, Empangan Air Itam LSUHC 6668 JX519523 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Penang, Pulau Pinang, Moongate Trail LSUHC 6727 JX519526 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Penang, Pulau Pinang, Moongate Trail LSUHC 6728 JX519525 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Penang, Pulau Pinang, Moongate Trail LSUHC 6729 JX519528 Grismer et al. (2012)
C. sharkari WM, Pahang, Merapoh, Gua Gunting LSUHC 11022
KJ659853 Grismer et al. (2014)
Cyrtodactylus stellatus
sp. nov.
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao Island ZMKU R 00903
OK094499 is study
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao Island ZMKU R 00905
OK094500 is study
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao Island ZMKU R 00906
OK094501 is study
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao Island ZMKU R 00907
OK094502 is study
TH, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao Island ZMKU R 00908
OK094503 is study
C. timur WM, Gunung Tebu, Terengganu LSUHC 10886 KJ659854 Grismer et al. (2014)
WM, Gunung Tebu, Terengganu LSUHC 11183
KJ659855 Grismer et al. (2014)
WM, Gunung Tebu, Terengganu LSUHC 11184
KJ659856 Grismer et al. (2014)
WM, Gunung Tebu, Terengganu LSUHC 11185
KJ659857 Grismer et al. (2014)
C. trilatofasciatus WM, Pahang, Cameron Highlands LSUHC 10064 JX519529 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Pahang, Cameron Highlands LSUHC 10065 JX519530 Grismer et al. (2012)
WM, Pahang, Cameron Highlands LSUHC 10066 JX519531 Grismer et al. (2012)
e morphological characters and their denition used in this study were modied
from previous studies of the C. pulchellus group (Grismer and Ahmad 2008; Grismer
et al. 2012, 2014, 2016; Quah et al. 2019; Wood et al. 2020), and abbreviations are
derived from Grismer et al. (2018, 2020c). All mensural characters were taken with
digital calipers to the nearest 0.01 mm on the left side, while scale counts were made
on both sides when possible. Scalation and external morphology were evaluated under
a Nikon SMZ745 dissecting microscope. Measurement and meristic characters are
shown in Table 2, and external morphological characters evaluated are described below.
External morphological characters examined in the C. pulchellus group were the
degree of body tuberculation, weak tuberculation referring to dorsal body tubercles
that are low and rounded whereas prominent tuberculation refer to tubercles that are
raise and keeled; the presence or absence of tubercles on the dorsal and ventral surface
of the forearms; the presence or absence of tubercles in the gular region, throat, and
ventrolateral body folds; the width of the dark body bands relative to the width of the
interspace between the bands; the presence or absence of dark pigmentation infused in
the white caudal bands of adults; the presence or absence of a precloacal depression or
groove; the presence or absence of scattered white/yellow tubercles on the dorsum; and
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
the presence or absence of white tail tip on the posterior portion of the original tail in
hatchlings and juveniles. Color pattern characteristics were taken from digital images
of live specimens in both sexes and of all possible age classes prior to preservation.
Statistical analyses
All analyses were performed using the base statistical software in R v3.6.1 (R Core Team
2019). To eliminate bias of sexual dimorphism, adult males and females were analyzed
separately. Morphological analyses were run on 15 mensural characters. Tail length
(TL) was not included due to their dierent condition (e.g., original, regenerated,
and broken). All measurements of each species were size-adjusted in order to remove
potential eects of allometry using the following allometric equation: Xadj = log[X ±
β(SVL ± SVLmean)], where Xadj = adjusted value; X = measured value; β = unstandard-
ized regression coecient for each OTU; SVL = measured snout–vent length; SVLmean
Table 2. Measurement and meristic characters used in this study, with abbreviations and explanations.
Abbreviations Characters
SVL Snout–vent length, taken from the tip of snout to the vent
TW Tail width, taken at the base of the tail immediately posterior to the postcloacal swelling
TL Tail length, taken from vent to the tip of the tail, original or regenerated
FL Forearm length, taken from the posterior margin of the elbow while exed 90º to the inection of the exed wrist
TBL Tibia length, taken from the posterior surface of the knee while exed 90º to the base of the heel
AG Axilla to groin length, taken from the posterior margin of the forelimb at its insertion point on the body to the anterior margin
of the hind limb at its insertion point on the body
HL Head length, the distance from the posterior margin of the retroarticular process of the lower jaw to the tip of the snout
HW Head width, measured at the angle of the jaws
HD Head depth, the maximum height of head from the occiput to the throat
ED Eye diameter, the greatest horizontal diameter of the eyeball
EE Eye to ear distance, measured from the anterior edge of the ear opening to the posterior edge of the eyeball
ES Eye to snout distance, measured from anterior most margin of the eyeball to the tip of snout
EN Eye to nostril distance, measured from the anterior margin of the eyeball to the posterior margin of the external nares
IO Inter orbital distance, measured between the anterior edges of the orbit
EL Ear length, the greatest vertical distance of the ear opening
IN Internarial distance, measured between the nares across the rostrum
SL Supralabial scales, counted from the largest scale immediately posterior to the dorsal inection of the posterior portion of the
upper jaw to the rostral scale
IL Infralabial scales, counted from the largest scale immediately posterior to the dorsal inection of the posterior portion of the
upper jaw to the mental scale
PVT e number of paravertebral tubercles between limb insertions, counted in a straight line immediately left or right of the
vertebral column
LRT e number of longitudinal rows of body tubercles, counted transversely across the center of the dorsum from one
ventrolateral fold to the other
VS e number of longitudinal rows of ventral scales, counted transversely across the center of the abdomen from one
ventrolateral fold to the other
4TL e number of subdigital lamellae beneath the fourth toe, counted from the base of the rst phalanx to the claw
FPP e total number of precloacal and femoral pores in male (i.e., the sum of the number of femoral and precloacal scales bearing
pores combined as a single meristic referred to as the femoroprecloacal pores)
PP e number of precloacal pores in female
BB e number of dark body bands between limb insertions
DCB e number of dark caudal bands on the original tail
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 109
= overall average SVL of each OTU (orpe 1975, 1983; Turan 1999; Lleonart et al.
2000)—implemented through the R package GroupStruct (Chan and Grismer 2021).
Morphological measurements of C. astrum, C. dayangbuntingensis Quah et al., 2019,
C. langkawiensis and C. lekaguli Grismer et al., 2012 were obtained from their original
descriptions (Grismer et al. 2012; Quah et al. 2019). Additional preserved specimens
of C. astrum (from Malaysia) and C. lekaguli (topotypes) were examined and included
in the analyses (Appendix I). Morphometric adjustments were conducted separately
on each species and then concatenated into a single data frame to ensure there was no
interspecic conation of variation (Reist 1985; McCoy et al. 2006). Specimens were
assigned into ve groups (= species) based on phylogenetic analyses which are Cyrto-
dactylus Tarutao Island samples (N = 5 males, 5 females), C. astrum (N = 5 males, 3 fe-
males), C. dayangbuntingensis (N = 2 males), C. langkawiensis (N = 2 males, 4 females),
and C. lekaguli (N = 7 males, 9 females).
Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on size-adjusted data for each
sex using FactoMineR package (Lê et al. 2008) and were visualized with the R pack-
age ggplot2 (Wickham 2016). For univariate analysis, Shapiro-Wilk test was used to
evaluate data to meet normality assumptions (p ≥ 0.05) and Levenes test for testing for
equality of variance (p ≥ 0.05). Morphological dierences were compared using Analy-
sis of variance (ANOVA) or Kruskal-Wallis test. ANOVA was conducted on normally
distributed data with homogeneous variances and were subjected to Tukey HSD post
hoc tests (Tukey’s test) to determine which characters had statistically dierent mean
values for which pairs of species if ANOVA had a p-value of less than 0.05. Kruskal-
Wallis test was performed on non-normally distributed data and followed by a post
hoc Dunn’s multiple comparison (Dunn’s test). Due to limited sample sizes, C. dayang-
buntingensis (N = 2 males) and males of C. langkawiensis (N = 2 males) were excluded
from the univariate analysis.
Phylogenetic relationships
e aligned matrix contained 1,429 mtDNA characters from 93 individuals of the
C. pulchellus group and nine individuals of outgroup species (Table 1). e standard
deviation of split frequencies among the two simultaneous BI runs was 0.002676, and
the ESS values of all parameters were greater than or equal to 2,494.4. e maximum
likelihood value of the best ML tree was lnL = -15,115.412.
e topologies of ML and BI analyses were largely concordant. e ML and BI
analyses recovered the C. pulchellus group as monophyletic with strong support (≥ 95
UFB, ≥ 0.95 BPP) which is comprised of two major clades referred to as Clades A and
B (Figs 2, 3). e Cyrtodactylus specimens from Tarutao Island represented a strongly
supported monophyletic group (≥ 95 UFB, ≥ 0.95 BPP) within Clade A containing
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
Figure 2. e Maximum Likelihood tree of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group based on 1,429 bp of the
ND2 gene and anking tRNAs. Support values on branches are ultrafast bootstrap (UFB). Black circles
represent nodes strongly supported (UFB ≥ 95).
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 111
Figure 3. e Bayesian consensus tree of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group based on 1,429 bp of the
ND2 gene and anking tRNAs. Support values on branches are Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP).
Black circles represent nodes strongly supported (BPP ≥ 0.95).
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
C. astrum, C. dayangbuntingensis, C. langkawiensis, and C. lekaguli. e Tarutao Island
samples were weakly recovered as a sister species to C. astrum from the adjacent Pen-
insular Malaysian mainland (64 UFB, 0.82 BPP). Clade B is composed of all other
species including C. australotitiwangsaensis Grismer et al., 2012, C. bintangrendah, C.
bintangtinggi Grismer et al., 2012, C. evanquahi Wood et al., 2020, C. hidupselamanya
Grismer et al., 2016, C. jelawangensis Grismer et al., 2014, C. lenggongensis Grismer et
al., 2016, C. macrotuberculatus Grismer and Ahmad, 2008, C. pulchellus, C. sharkari,
C. timur Grismer et al., 2014 and C. trilatofasciatus Grismer et al., 2012. Uncorrected
pairwise genetic divergences (p-distance) range from 0.00–1.17% within the Tarutao
Island specimens and 8.46–12.37% between the Tarutao Island specimens and other
species in Clade A (Table 3).
e PCA was conducted on members from Clade A. e plots on the rst two PC axes
showed that the Tarutao Island specimens are clustered separately from other species in
both sexes (Fig. 4). In male, the rst two principal components explained 66.95% of
the morphological variation (Table 4). e rst principal component (PC1) accounted
for 45.88% of the variation and was heavily loaded on FLadj, TBLadj, HWadj, HDadj, EE-
adj, ESadj, and ENadj; and the PC2 accounted for 21.07% of the variation and was heavily
loaded on TWadj, AGadj, IOadj, and ELadj. PC analysis of females accounted for 56.74%
of the variation in rst two components. e PC1 accounted for 34.81% of the vari-
ation and was heavily loaded on TBLadj, HWadj, EEadj, ESadj, and ENadj; and the PC2
accounted for 21.93% of the variation and was heavily loaded on TWadj, IOadj and INadj.
e univariate analyses (ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test) were signicantly dif-
ferent (p < 0.05) in most morphological characters among the members of Clade A
(except C. dayangbuntingensis). In the comparison of adult males, the Tarutao Island
population was signicantly dierent from C. astrum and C. lekaguli in twelve mor-
phological characters (ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.001–0.006) except AGadj,
EDadj and INadj (ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.051–0.122). Subsequent Tukey’s
test or Dunns test demonstrated that Tarutao Island population was signicantly dif-
ferent from C. astrum in SVLadj, FLadj, TBLadj, HLadj, HWadj, HDadj, EEadj, ESadj, and
ENadj; and C. lekaguli in SVLadj, TWadj, FLadj, HLadj, HWadj, HDadj, EEadj, ESadj, IOadj,
and ELadj. In adult females, the Tarutao Island population was signicantly dierent
Table 3. Percentage uncorrected pairwise genetic divergence (p-distances) of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp.
nov. and closely related species (Clade A) calculated from 1,429 base pairs of mitochondrial ND2 gene
and anking tRNAs.
Species N1 2 3 4 5
1Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. 5 0.48 (0.00–1.17)
2C. astrum 12 10.50 (9.78–12.37) 1.37 (0.00–2.97)
3C. dayangbuntingensis 3 9.90 (9.56–10.88) 9.86 (9.51–11.21) 0.14 (0.07–0.22)
4C. langkawiensis 10 10.49 (9.86–11.69) 10.19 (9.71–11.59) 7.62 (7.39–7.83) 0.42 (0.00–0.69)
5C. lekaguli 9 9.33 (8.46–10.80) 9.94 (8.98–11.77) 8.58 (8.00–9.59) 9.39 (8.42–10.54) 2.30 (0.00–4.27)
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 113
Figure 4. Plots of the rst two principal components of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. and the closely
related species in Clade A based on adjusted mensural characters of A males and B females. e letters in
the scatter plots refer to holotype (= H), paratype (= P), and topotype (= T).
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
from C. astrum, C. langkawiensis and C. lekaguli in nine characters (ANOVA, p <
0.001–0.007) except SVLadj, TWadj, AGadj, HLadj, EDadj and ELadj (ANOVA or Kruskal-
Wallis test, p = 0.052–0.631). Subsequent Tukey’s test revealed that the Tarutao Island
population was signicantly dierent from C. astrum in FLadj, TBLadj, HWadj, HDadj,
EEadj, ESadj, and ENadj; C. langkawiensis in HWadj, ESadj, ENadj, and INadj; and C. lekaguli
in HDadj, IOadj, and INadj. Summary pairwise results (Tukey’s test or Dunn’s test) of sig-
nicant dierences in morphological characters for adult males and females of Clade A
are shown in Table 5. Additional dierences in meristic characters and coloration are
discussed in the comparison sections.
Table 4. Summary statistics and factor loadings of the rst three principal components (PC) of 15 men-
sural characters for males and females of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. and its closely related species includ-
ing C. astrum, C. dayangbuntingensis, C. langkawiensis, and C. lekaguli. Bold texts indicate high loadings.
Characters Males Females
SVLadj 0.660 -0.284 0.293 0.374 -0.097 -0.127
TWadj 0.436 0.795 -0.073 0.380 0.845 0.194
FLadj 0.855 -0.228 -0.051 0.693 0.111 0.003
TBLadj 0.951 0.098 -0.032 0.881 0.181 0.102
AGadj -0.261 -0.728 0.364 -0.030 0.157 0.824
HLadj 0.459 -0.508 -0.560 0.532 -0.194 0.537
HWadj 0.943 -0.168 0.177 0.785 -0.350 -0.197
HDadj 0.838 -0.325 0.188 0.526 -0.647 0.170
EDadj 0.552 -0.195 -0.491 0.137 -0.086 0.612
EEadj 0.829 -0.171 0.194 0.755 -0.410 0.266
ESadj 0.932 0.113 0.054 0.900 -0.078 -0.271
ENadj 0.875 0.246 0.142 0.922 0.122 -0.263
IOadj 0.143 0.850 0.435 0.361 0.854 0.033
ELadj 0.303 0.770 -0.417 0.343 0.690 -0.298
INadj -0.105 0.093 0.560 -0.089 0.719 0.238
Eigenvalue 6.882 3.161 1.587 5.222 3.289 1.835
Percentage of variance 45.879 21.073 10.581 34.813 21.928 12.235
Cumulative proportion 45.879 66.952 77.533 34.813 56.741 68.976
Table 5. Summary pairwise results of statistically signicant characters (Tukey’s test; p < 0.05) from 15
mensural characters for males and females of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. and closely related species
(Clade A). Abbreviations are listed in Table 2. Key: * tested by Dunn’s test; M = male; F = female.
Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. C. astrum C. langkawiensis
stellatus sp. nov.
C. astrum M SVL, FL, TBL, HL,
C. langkawiensis M
C. lekaguli M SVL, TW, FL, HL, HW,
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 115
Taxonomic hypotheses
Cyrtodactylus samples from Tarutao Island, Mueang Satun District, Satun Province
diered from its congeners in mtDNA, morphometrics and morphological compari-
sons. ese corroborated lines of evidence provide sucient support to warrant them
specic species status and is described as new below.
Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov.
Figures 5–11
Stellar Bent-toed Gecko
Holotype. Adult male (ZMKU R 00905, Figs 5–7) collected from ailand, Satun
Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao National Park, Tarutao Island, Pha (= cli)
Toe Boo (6°42.185'N; 99°38.895'E; 2 m a.s.l.), on 11 March 2019 by Korkhwan Term-
prayoon, Anchalee Aowphol, Attapol Rujirawan, Natee Ampai and Siriporn Yodthong.
Paratypes (Figs 8–9). Two adult males (ZMKU R 00906–00907) and two adult
females (ZMKU R 00908–00909), same data as holotype. One adult female (ZMKU
R 00913) same data as holotype except collected on 12 May 2019. One adult male
(ZMKU R 00903) and two adult females (ZMKU R 00899–00900), same data as
holotype, except collected on 5 November 2017 by Korkhwan Termprayoon, Attapol
Rujirawan, Natee Ampai, and Siriporn Yodthong. One adult male (ZMKU R 00915)
collected from ailand, Satun Province, Mueang Satun District, Tarutao National
Park, Tarutao Island, Tarutao Outcrop (6°41.617'N; 99°38.796'E; 3 m a.s.l.) on 12
March 2019 by Korkhwan Termprayoon, Anchalee Aowphol, Attapol Rujirawan, Na-
tee Ampai and Siriporn Yodthong.
Referred specimens. ZMKU R 00901 (immature male) and ZMKU R 00902
(immature female) same data as holotype except collected on 5 November 2017 by
Korkhwan Termprayoon, Attapol Rujirawan, Natee Ampai, and Siriporn Yodthong.
ZMKU R 00904 (immature male) same data as holotype, except collected on 5 April
2018. ZMKU R 00910–00911 (two immature males) and ZMKU R 00912 (imma-
ture female) same data as holotype. ZMKU R 00914 (immature female) same data
as holotype except collected on 12 May 2019. ZMKU R 00916 (immature male)
and ZMKU R 00917 (juvenile) collected from ailand, Satun Province, Mueang
Satun District, Tarutao National Park, Tarutao Island, Tarutao Outcrop (6°41.617'N;
99°38.796'E; 3 m a.s.l.) on 12 March 2019 by Korkhwan Termprayoon, Anchalee
Aowphol, Attapol Rujirawan, Natee Ampai and Siriporn Yodthong.
Diagnosis. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from all other spe-
cies of the C. pulchellus group by the combination of the following characters: (1) SVL
86.3–95.9 mm in adult males, 86.6–96.1 mm in adult females; (2) 12–15 supralabial
and 10–13 infralabial scales; (3) weak tuberculation on body; (4) no tubercles on ven-
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
tral surfaces of forelimbs, gular region, or in ventrolateral body folds; (5) 32–47 para-
vertebral tubercles; (6) 19–23 longitudinal rows of dorsal tubercles; (7) 32–40 rows of
ventral scales; (8) 20–23 subdigital lamellae on the fourth toe; (9) 24–29 femoropre-
cloacal pores in adult males; (10) precloacal pores present in adult females; (11) deep
precloacal groove in males; (12) dorsum bearing a scattered pattern of white tubercles;
(13) four dark dorsal body bands; (14) 10–12 dark caudal bands on original tail; (15)
white caudal bands in adults heavily infused with dark pigmentation; and (16) poste-
rior portion of tail in hatchlings and juveniles white.
Description of holotype. Adult male SVL 94.2 mm; head large, moderate in
length (HL/SVL 0.29) and wide (HW/HL 0.61), somewhat attened (HD/HL 0.38),
distinct from neck, and triangular in dorsal prole; lores concave anteriorly, inated
posteriorly; frontal and prefrontal regions deeply concave; canthus rostralis rounded
anteriorly; snout elongate (ES/HL 0.39), rounded in dorsal prole, laterally constrict-
ed; eye large (ED/HL 0.25); ear opening elliptical, moderate in size (EL/HL 0.09),
obliquely oriented; eye to ear distance slightly greater than diameter of eye; rostral rec-
tangular, divided dorsally by an inverted Y-shaped furrow, bordered posteriorly by left
and right supranasals and internasal, bordered laterally by rst supralabials; external
nares bordered anteriorly by rostral, dorsally by a large anterior supranasal, posteriorly
by two postnasals, ventrally by rst supralabial; 13/14 (left/right) rectangular suprala-
bials extending to just beyond upturn of labial margin, tapering abruptly below mid-
point of eye; second supralabial slightly larger than rst; 11/11 infralabials tapering in
size posteriorly; scales of rostrum and lores slightly raised, larger than granular scales on
top of head and occiput, those on posterior portion of canthus rostralis slightly larger;
scales on occiput intermixed with small tubercles; large, boney frontal ridges bordering
orbit conuent with boney, V-shaped, transverse, parietal ridge; dorsal superciliaries
elongate, smooth, largest anteriorly; mental triangular, bordered laterally by rst infral-
abials and posteriorly by left and right, trapezoidal postmentals which contact medially
for 50% of their length; one row of slightly enlarged, elongate sublabials extending
posteriorly to the seventh (left) and fth (right) infralabials; small, granular, gular scales
grading posteriorly into larger, at, smooth, imbricate, pectoral and ventral scales.
Body relatively short (AG/SVL 0.46) with well-dened, non-tuberculate, vent-
rolateral folds; dorsal scales small, granular, interspersed with low, regularly arranged,
weakly keeled tubercles, smaller intervening tubercles occasionally present; tubercles
extend from occiput to caudal constriction, absent from regenerated portion of tail;
tubercles on occiput and nape relatively small, those on body largest; approximately 21
longitudinal rows of tubercles at midbody; 36 paravertebral tubercles; 33 at imbricate
ventral scales between ventrolateral body folds; ventral scales larger than dorsal scales;
precloacal scales large, smooth; deep precloacal groove.
Forelimbs moderate in stature, relatively short (FL/SVL 0.16); scales on dorsal sur-
faces of forelimbs granular intermixed with larger tubercles; scales of ventral surface
of forearm at, subimbricate, tubercles absent; palmar scales small, weakly rounded;
digits well-developed, inected at basal, interphalangeal joints; subdigital lamellae rec-
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 117
Figure 5. Adult male holotype of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. (ZMKU R 00905) from Tarutao Island,
Satun Province. A specimen in life and immediately before preservative: B dorsal and C ventral views.
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
Figure 6. Head of the holotype of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. (ZMKU R 00905): A lateral view of the
left side B dorsal view, and C ventral view.
tangular proximal to joint inection, only slightly expanded distal to inection; digits
narrower distal to joints; claws well-developed, sheathed by a dorsal and ventral scale;
the fth digit broken on left forearm; hind limbs more robust than forelimbs, moder-
ate in length (TBL/SVL 0.19), larger tubercles on dorsal surface of legs separated by
smaller juxtaposed scales; ventral scales of thigh at, smooth, imbricate, larger than
dorsal granular scales; ventral, tibial scales at, smooth, imbricate; a single row of 34
enlarged femoroprecloacal scales extend nearly from knee to knee through precloacal
region where they are continuous with enlarged, pore-bearing precloacal scales; 27 sep-
arated pore-bearing femoroprecloacal scales (Fig. 10A), forming an inverted T bearing
a deep, precloacal groove; six pore-bearing scales bordering groove (three on each side
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 119
Figure 7. Male holotype of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. (ZMKU R 00905) in preservation. A dorsal
and B ventral views C tuberculation on dorsum, and D ventral view of left foot.
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
of groove); postfemoral scales immediately posterior to enlarged scale row small, nearly
granular, forming an abrupt union with postfemoral scales on posteroventral margin
of thigh; plantar scales weakly rounded to at; digits well developed, inected at basal,
interphalangeal joints; subdigital lamellae proximal to joint inection rectangular, only
slightly expanded distal to inection; digits narrower distal to joints; claws well-devel-
oped, sheathed by a dorsal and ventral scale; 21/22 subdigital lamellae on the 4th toe.
Tail 94.8 mm in length, completely regenerated, 9.2 mm in width at base, taper-
ing to a point; regenerated tail covered with small, smooth, rectangular scales dorsally;
base of tail bearing hemipenial swellings; one row of 4/4 medium-sized postcloacal
tubercles on each hemipenial swelling; postcloacal scales smooth, at, large, imbricate.
Coloration in life (Fig. 5). Dorsal ground color of head, body, and limbs light-
brownish grey; a wide, dark-brown nuchal band bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by
thin, creamy-white lines bearing tubercles that extend from the posterior margin of one
eye to the posterior margin of other eye; the color of nuchal band and creamy-white
lines is faded above left ear opening; four dark-brown body bands between nuchal
loop and hind limb insertions that are also bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by thin,
creamy-white lines bearing tubercles, rst band terminates at shoulders, second and
third bands terminate just dorsal of ventrolateral folds, the fourth band terminates at
Figure 8. Male paratypes of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. in preservation. A dorsal and B ventral views;
from left to right: ZMKU R 00903, ZMKU R 00906, ZMKU R 00907, and ZMKU R 00915.
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 121
Figure 9. Female paratypes of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. in preservation. A dorsal and B ventral
views; from left to right: ZMKU R 00899, ZMKU R 00900, ZMKU R 00908, ZMKU R 00909, and
ZMKU R 00913.
femurs; dark body bands slightly larger than light-colored interspaces; creamy-white
to light-yellow tubercles scattered on dorsal surfaces of nape, body, and limbs; one ad-
ditional dark-brown band posterior to hind limbs; light-brown regenerated tail, bear-
ing yellowish pigment on some scales; ventral surfaces of head smudged with brown;
abdomen and limbs beige, with slightly darker, lateral regions.
Coloration in preservative (Figs 6, 7). e overall color pattern of head, body,
limbs, and tail similar to that in life with some fading. Ground color of head, body,
limbs, and dorsum light-brown; dark body bands lighter than in life. Colored tubercu-
lation on dorsum fade to o-white. Tan colored on the ventral surface.
Variation. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. usually varies in coloration and banding
pattern (Figs 8–11; Tables 6, 7). All specimens possess a clear dark-brown nuchal band
which is less clearly dened in ZMKU R 00903 and the holotype. In adult females,
precloacal pores are present but they lack the precloacal groove (Fig. 10B). Four speci-
mens (ZMKU R 00903, ZMKU R 00907, ZMKU R 00911, and ZMKU R 00913)
have prominent light-yellow tubercles scattered on the dorsum and limbs. Male para-
type (ZMKU R 00907) has continuous pore-bearing femoroprecloacal scales. Original
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
tails (ZMKU R 00899, ZMKU R 00901–00902, ZMKU R 00910, ZMKU R 00912,
and ZMKU R 00916) have 10–12 dark caudal bands (Fig. 11A, B), light bands dif-
fused with dark pigment in adults (immaculate in immature and juvenile), subcaudal
scales transversely enlarged and shallow caudal furrows. Male paratypes have a single
row of 3–4L/2–4R postcloacal tubercles on each hemipenial swelling except ZMKU
R 00907 which has two rows of 4/5 on each side. is character in female paratypes is
very small, and a single row of 2–4/2–4 on each side at the base of tail.
In life, the juvenile (ZMKU R 00917; SVL 43.1 mm) had a body pattern similar
to the adults but with less prominent tuberculation, brownish yellow ground color of
body, dark body bands are bordered by yellow lines, some bearing tubercles, the origi-
nal tail has approximately 10 dark caudal bands, the posterior portion of tail is white,
and light caudal bands are immaculate (Fig. 11C).
Figure 10. Precloacal region of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. showing A precloacal depression with
pore-bearing femoroprecloacal scales in male holotype (ZMKU R 00905), and B pore-bearing precloacal
scales with lacking depression in female paratype (ZMKU R 00900). Red arrows show pore-bearing scales.
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 123
Figure 11. Variation of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. A adult female ZMKU R 00899 having 11 dark
caudal bands on the original tail and white caudal bands infused with dark pigmentation B immature
female ZMKU R 00902 (eld number AA 05272) having 12 dark caudal bands on the original tail with
immaculate white caudal bands, and C juvenile ZMKU R 00917 having light-yellow color on the body
and bearing white tail tip.
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
Distribution. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. is currently known only from Tarutao
Island, Satun Province, ailand (Figs 1, 12A).
Natural history. All specimens of C. stellatus sp. nov. were collected from a karst
forest at night (1950–2100 h) with temperatures between 27.1–32.2 °C and relative
humidity between 71.4–93.0%. e specimens were found on karst walls, within karst
crevices and on nearby karst boulders. Some specimens occurred on tree trunks or
Table 6. Descriptive measurement (millimeters), meristic (left/right) and color pattern characters of the
type series of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. Key: H = holotype; P = paratype; M = male; F = female; / = data
unavailable or unapplicable; b = broken; r = regenerated. Morphological abbreviations are dened in Table 2.
Sex M M M M M F F F F F
SVL 94.2 95.9 94.6 87.9 86.3 96.1 93.6 94.8 90.4 86.6
TL 94.8r 96.8r 92.3r 69.0r 18.5b 124.4 70.5r 107.5r 81.7r 102.3r
TW 9.2 9.7 9.2 8.4 7.5 7.6 9.1 9.1 10.3 7.1
FL 15.4 15.3 15.1 14.4 14.1 14.9 14.5 15.9 15.6 14.8
TBL 18.1 18.3 17.8 17.4 17.6 17.7 17.3 18.1 17.8 16.5
AG 43.3 43.7 43.9 44.4 39.6 46.0 44.5 44.5 45.4 39.9
HL 27.6 26.3 27.0 25.2 24.8 26.5 26.9 27.3 26.4 25.7
HW 16.7 16.3 17.3 15.4 14.7 16.4 16.8 17.2 15.7 15.2
HD 10.4 9.6 10.8 9.2 8.7 10.4 10.2 10.1 9.4 9.2
ED 6.8 6.7 6.7 5.9 5.8 6.4 6.8 6.6 6.6 5.6
EE 7.1 7.6 7.2 6.3 6.2 6.9 7.0 7.0 6.7 6.8
ES 10.8 10.7 10.9 9.8 9.8 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.4 10.1
EN 8.5 8.3 8.3 7.8 7.5 8.2 8.3 8.5 8.1 7.9
IO 5.9 6.2 6.6 5.8 5.5 6.0 6.4 6.1 5.7 6.2
EL 2.4 2.5 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.8 2.7 2.1 2.3
IN 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.1 3.0 3.8 3.3 3.2 3.2 2.6
SL 13/14 14/13 15/12 13/14 13/12 13/13 13/13 13/12 12/12 13/13
IL 11/11 10/10 11/12 12/12 11/11 11/11 12/11 12/12 10/11 11/11
PVT 36 35 41 38 43 38 40 40 40 47
LRT 21 20 21 19 22 20 21 19 22 22
VS 33 37 36 35 36 37 39 37 37 36
4TL 21/22 21/21 21/21 21/20 23/22 22/22 21/21 22/23 22/20 20/20
FPP in adult males 27 25 24 29 27 / / / / /
PP in adult females / / / / / 15 12 14 11 11
BB 4444444444
DCB / / / / / 11 / / / /
Body band/ interspace ratio 1.12 1.20 1.04 1.10 1.68 1.07 1.03 1.23 1.06 0.92
Precloacal groove Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
Femoroprecloacal pores continuous No No No Yes No /////
Tuberculation Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak
Tubercles on ventral surface of
No No No No No No No No No No
Tubercles in gular region No No No No No No No No No No
Ventrolateral fold tuberculate No No No No No No No No No No
Dorsum bearing scattered pattern of
white tubercles
Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s
Hatchlings/ juveniles with white
tail tip
/ / / / / / / / / /
Adult posterior caudal region white / No ///No /No / /
White caudal bands in adults
/No ///No /No /No
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 125
Table 7. Descriptive meristic (left/right) and color pattern characters of the referred specimens of Cyrto-
dactylus stellatus sp. nov. Key: RF = referred specimen; IM-M = immature male; IM-F = immature female;
J = juvenile; / = data unavailable or unapplicable. Morphological abbreviations are dened in Table 2.
SVL 77.4 68.4 72.5 82.5 81.8 73.8 81.9 79.9 43.1
SL 12/12 13/13 12/12 12/13 14/14 14/14 13/13 13/14 /
IL 10/11 11/12 10/11 11/11 10/12 13/11 10/11 10/11 /
PVT 38 38 32 41 41 41 42 40 /
LRT 20 21 19 22 19 19 22 23 /
VS 34 40 34 37 32 37 38 37 /
4TL 22/21 22/22 21/20 21/21 20/21 23/23 22/21 21/22 /
FFP in adult males / / / / / / / / /
PP in adult females / / / / / / / / /
BB 444444444
DCB 11 12 / 11 / 10 / 11 /
Body band/ interspace ratio 1.35 1.36 1.40 1.09 0.99 1.44 1.22 1.39 /
Precloacal groove / / / / / / / / /
Tuberculation Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak
Tubercles on ventral surface of forelimb No No No No No No No No No
Tubercles in gular region No No No No No No No No No
Ventrolateral fold tuberculate No No No No No No No No No
Dorsum bearing scattered pattern of
white tubercles
Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s No
Hatchlings/juveniles with white tail tip No No No No No No No No Yes
Adult posterior caudal region white / / / / / / / / /
White caudal bands in adults
/ / / / / / / / /
vines near the karst formations (Fig. 12). e holotype was found on a karst wall
approximately 1 m above the ground within karst forest. Eight specimens (ZMKU
R 00900, ZMKU R 00906, ZMKU R 00908, ZMKU R 00911–00912, ZMKU R
00913, and ZMKU R 00915–00916) were found on karst walls from 0.5–3.0 m above
the ground. ZMKU R 00907, ZMKU R 00910, and ZMKU R 00914 were found in
karst crevices. ree specimens (ZMKU R 00901, ZMKU R 00903, and ZMKU R
00909) were found on karst boulders. Four specimens (ZMKU R 00899, ZMKU R
00902, ZMKU R 00904, and ZMKU R 00917) were perched on vegetation near karst
walls or karst boulders.
Two gravid females (ZMKU R 00899–00900) were collected in November 2017
and contained two eggs (externally visible). e juvenile was found on a vine in May
2019. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. appears to be nocturnal and sympatric with two
other gekkonids, Gehyra mutilata Wiegmann, 1834 and the diurnal species Cnemaspis
tarutaoensis Ampai et al., 2019.
Etymology. e specic epithet stellatus is Latin word, meaning starry or starred,
and refers to scattered pattern of light-colored tubercles on dorsum and limbs. e
name corresponds with the sister taxon C. astrum that shared similar diagnostic char-
acter (scattered light-colored tubercles pattern on dorsum).
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
Comparison. Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. can be distinguished from other spe-
cies in the C. pulchellus group by having a combination of weak tuberculation on the
body; no tubercles on ventral surface of forelimbs, gular region, or in ventrolateral
body folds; 19–23 longitudinal tubercle rows; 32–40 ventral scales; 20–23 subdigital
lamellae on the fourth toe; 24–29 femorprecloacal pores in males; deep precloacal
Figure 12. Habitat of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. at the type locality, Tarutao Island, Satun Province,
ailand. A Pha Toe Boo karst formation B karst microhabitat structure and C vegetation (vine) used by
a juvenile in karst habitat.
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 127
Table 8. Diagnostic characters of Cyrtodactylus stellatus sp. nov. and its related species within the C. pulchellus group. W = weak; P = prominent; / = data unavailable.
Some information was collected from the following literature (Grismer et al. 2012, 2014, 2016; Quah et al. 2019, Wood et al. 2020, and Termprayoon et al. 2021).
Clade A Clade B
stellatus sp. nov.
Sample size 10 13 3 10 16 12 6 14 3 14 4 4 39 13 1 5 6
Maximum SVL 96.1 108.3 99.0 99.8 108.3 120.1 114.4 111.1 96.0 102.7 119.8 103.1 117.9 114.1 100.1 120.5 122.2
SL 12–15 10–12 12–14 9–12 10–12 9–12 8–12 9–13 9 or 10 9–11 10–12 10 or 11 9–12 11 10–12 9–12 9–13
IL 10–13 9–12 10–11 8–10 9–11 9–13 8 or 10 8–11 9 or 10 8–10 8–10 8–10 9–11 10 8–11 8–11 7–11
PVT 32–47 40–57 35–36 34–44 30–50 37–45 36–44 31–42 31–34 33–43 38–43 36–41 36–42 31 34–38 39–48 34–49
LRT 19–23 20–29 20–22 21–25 20–25 22–30 22–25 21–26 18–23 19–24 23–25 22–25 19–27 22–26 24 21–24 23–27
VS 32–40 31–46 36–39 38–43 30–43 32–40 31–39 36–40 29–33 26–33 31–36 32 or 33 17–28 29–34 41 31–40 33–36
4TL 20–23 20–24 21–23 19–21 20–25 21–25 21–24 21–24 22–23 19–24 21–24 20–23 19–23 21–26 24 21–25 22–27
FPP in adult males 24–29 28–38 26–29 30 30–40 39–45 41–46 37–41 32–36 17–22 36 39–41 28–42 33–39 46 21 or 22 41–46
PP in adult females 11–15 Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
No. of body bands 4 4 4 4 or 5 4 or 5 3(1) or 4 4 3(1) or 4 6 or 7 4 4 4 or 5 3–4 4 4 4 3
Body band/ interspace ratio 0.92–
0.75 0.75–
1.75 1.00–
DCB 10–12 13 or 14 >7 11–16 12–14 7–8 8 or 9 8–10 9–11 8–10 10 14 7–10 8–10 7 8–10 6–7
Precloacal groove in males Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Shallow Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Shallow Deep Deep
Femoroprecloacal pores continuous Both Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes Ye s Yes
Tuberculation W W W W W P P P P W P W P P W W P
Tubercles on ventral surface of forelimb No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Ye s No No No No
Tubercles in gular region No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No
Ventrolateral fold tuberculate No No No No No No Yes No No No No No Ye s No No No No
Dorsum bearing scattered pattern of white
Yes Ye s Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No
Hatchlings/juveniles with white tail tip Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes /No No /No No
Adult posterior caudal region white No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No
White caudal bands in adults immaculate No No No No No Yes Ye s Yes No Ye s No Yes No Ye s Yes Ye s Yes
Korkhwan Termprayoon et al. / ZooKeys 1070: 101–134 (2021)
groove in males; 11–15 precloacal pores in females; scattered pattern of white, cream
or light-yellow tubercles on dorsum; 10–12 dark caudal bands on original tail; white
caudal bands on original tail infused with dark pigmentation in adults; and juveniles
with white tail tip. Additional comparisons between C. stellatus sp. nov. and other spe-
cies in the C. pulchellus group are in Table 8.
Based on phylogenetic tree, C. stellatus sp. nov. is embedded in Clade A along with
C. astrum, C. dayangbuntingensis, C. langkawiensis, and C. lekaguli. It can be distin-
guished from all four species by having smaller maximum SVL of 96.1 mm (vs. 108.3
mm in C. astrum, 99.0 mm in C. dayangbuntingensis, 99.8 mm in C. langkawiensis, and
108.3 in C. lekaguli); 24–29 femoroprecloacal pores in males (vs. 28–38 in C. astrum,
30 in C. langkawiensis, and 30–40 in C. lekaguli); 11–15 precloacal pores in females (vs.
absent in C. astrum, C. dayangbuntingensis, C. langkawiensis, and C. lekaguli); scattered
pattern of white, cream or light-yellow tubercles on dorsum (vs. absent in C. langkawien-
sis, and C. lekaguli); the ratio of dark body bands to the light color interspaces 0.92–1.68
(vs. 0.75 in C. dayangbuntingensis); 10–12 dark caudal bands (vs. 13 or 14 in C. astrum).
e discovery of C. stellatus sp. nov. brings the total number of species in the C. pulchellus
group to 17, of which four have been reported from ailand. is new species is only
known from karst habitats on Tarutao Island and seems to have a narrow geographic
distribution (endemic to Tarutao Island). Molecular analyses recovered it as the sister
taxon to C. astrum and is closely related to C. dayangbuntingensis, C. langkawiensis, and
C. lekaguli. Although C. stellatus sp. nov. showed a similar morphological pattern to its
sister species, morphological analyses and comparisons of meristic characters revealed
that this new species is clearly dierent from its congeners species of Cyrtodactylus.
Among Cyrtodactylus, most useful diagnostic characters are associated with the femoral
and precloacal pores (Harvey et al. 2015). ese characters are easily detected in males,
but those in females are supercial and only found in some species (e.g., C. marmoratus
Gray, 1831; C. psarops Harvey et al., 2015; C. sworderi Smith, 1925). We found dif-
ferences in pore-bearing scales between C. stellatus sp. nov. and other species in the C.
pulchellus group, that proved to be useful in distinguishing among species. Members
of the C. pulchellus group mostly possess a continuous series of enlarged, pore-bearing
femoroprecloacal scales in males, but C. stellatus sp. nov. presents a discontinuous row
of femoroprecloacal pores except one individual (ZMKU R 00907), which has a con-
tinuous series. Moreover, the presence of precloacal pores were found in females of C.
stellatus sp. nov., which has not been reported in the other species (Grismer et al. 2012;
Quah et al. 2019; Wood et al. 2020, Termprayoon et al. 2021).
In addition, we found that the reported sampling localities of C. lekaguli (ZMKU
R 00720–00723) were incorrectly stated as “ailand, Changwat Province, Takua Pa
District, Phangnga” in previous studies (i.e., Grismer et al. 2016; Quah et al. 2019;
A new insular species of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus group 129
Wood et al. 2020, Termprayoon et al. 2021). erefore, we corrected the sampling lo-
calities to “ailand, Phang-nga Province, Mueang Phang-nga District” (see Table 1).
e discovery of this new species suggests that undiscovered species of the C. pulchel-
lus group may still occur in southern ailand where there are still numerous unexplored
karst areas. Additional surveys are needed to determine the extent of the geographic
range of C. stellatus sp. nov. and the C. pulchellus group in as a whole in the region.
is research was supported by the Center of Excellence on Biodiversity (BDC), Of-
ce of Higher Education Commission (BDC-PG4-160022). Research protocol was
approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Faculty of Science,
Kasetsart University (project number ACKU61-SCI-006). KT was supported by a
grant from the Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University (50th Anniversary of Faculty
of Science). AR and AA were supported by Kasetsart University Research and Devel-
opment Institute (KURDI), the Department of Zoology, and International SciKU
Branding (ISB), Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University. NA was supported by Sri-
nakharinwirot University Research Grant. e Department of National Parks, Wild-
life and Plant Conservation, ailand for providing permission to conduct the re-
search in Tarutao National Park and Khao Banthat Wildlife Sanctuary. Kanchanapan
Kamhang (Tarutao National Park) and Bamrungrat Ploydam (Khao Banthat Wild-
life Sanctuary) for facilitating the eldwork. L. Lee Grismer (La Sierra University),
Wachara Sanguansombat and Sunchai Makchai (ailand Natural History Museum)
made specimens in their care available for study. Siriporn Yodthong assisted with
eldwork. is paper is contribution number 950 of the Auburn University Museum
of Natural History. We thank L. Lee Grismer and Evan S.H. Quah for providing their
suggestions, which greatly improved the manuscript.
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Appendix I
Specimens examined
Cyrtodactylus astrum: Peninsular Malaysia, Perlis, Gua Wang Burma: LSUHC 09928
(female) and LSUHC 100075 (male).
Cyrtodactylus lekaguli: ailand, Trang Province, Na Yong District: ZMKU R 00918,
THNHM 017781, THNHM 017784, THNHM 017787, THNHM 017791 (5
males), and ZMKU R 00919, ZMKU R 00921, THNHM 017694, THNHM
017777, THNHM 017788, THNHM 017790 (6 females).
... However, most members have narrow geographic distributions (e.g. Pauwels et al. 2018;Chandramouli 2020;Nguyen et al. 2021;Termprayoon et al. 2021a). The diversity of Cyrtodactylus has evolved in geologically complex regions of Southeast Asian countries (e.g. ...
... Members of this species group occupy a variety of habitats which can be categorised as general, granite and karst ). In the last few years, several new species were discovered from karst habitats (Quah et al. 2019;Wood et al. 2020;Termprayoon et al. 2021a) within the known range of the species group and it has been hypothesised that additional species from unexplored karstic landscape will be found. ...
... All specimens were examined by the first author, except type specimens of C. lekaguli, which was examined by Attapol Rujirawan. Characters and abbreviations were modified from previous studies of the C. pulchellus group (Grismer et al. 2016;Quah et al. 2019;Wood et al. 2020;Termprayoon et al. 2021a), the C. peguensis group (Grismer et al. 2018) and the C. oldhami group (Grismer et al. 2018;Yodthong et al. 2022). Morphometrics were measured using digital calipers to the nearest 0.1 mm on the left side of the body. ...
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The exploration of unsurveyed areas in southern Thailand discovered two new karst-adapted species, Cyrtodactylus sungaiupe sp. nov. and Cyrtodactylus wangkhramensis sp. nov. , from Thung Wa and La-ngu Districts, Satun Province, respectively. These new species are members of the C. pulchellus group that occur along the Thai-Malay Peninsula. The new species can be distinguished from all other congeners by their key morphological characters and genetic divergence. Morphologically, Cyrtodactylus sungaiupe sp. nov. and Cyrtodactylus wangkhramensis sp. nov. can be diagnosed from other members by having a combination of differences in body size; degree of dorsal tuberculation; absence of tubercles on ventral surfaces; number of ventral scales, paravertebral tubercles and femoroprecloacal pores in males only; deep precloacal groove only in males; absence of a scattered pattern of white dorsal tubercles; number of dark body bands; and the extent of caudal tubercles on an original tail. Although the two species are sister taxa and have nearly identical morphologies, they are considered to be different species, based on a relatively high uncorrected pairwise genetic divergence of the mitochondrial ND2 gene (6.59–6.89%), statistically significant univariate and multivariate morphological differences (PERMANOVA and ANOVA) and diagnostic characteristics of caudal tuberculation on the original tail. Moreover, Cyrtodactylus sungaiupe sp. nov. and Cyrtodactylus wangkhramensis sp. nov. are currently restricted to their karstic type localities which may serve as a geographic barrier to dispersal and gene flow.
... The genus Cyrtodactylus is monophyletic and currently contains 330 recognized species (Uetz et al. 2022) within 32 monophyletic species groups that have been delimited based on molecular data (Grismer et al. 2022). Most of the known species diversity is in mainland Southeast Asia Grismer et al. 2018bGrismer et al. , 2021bUetz et al. 2022), including Thailand, which is home to 39 species or nearly 9% of the described diversity (e.g., Chomdej et al. 2020;Grismer et al. 2020;Termprayoon et al. 2021;Uetz et al. 2022). Although the number of recognized species in the genus has rapidly increased in recent years, the true species diversity of the genus is still underestimated, and many known molecular lineages await formal description as species (Brennan et al. 2017;Chomdej et al. 2021;Grismer et al. 2021b). ...
... nov. brings the number of species in the C. oldhami group to eight and the total number of Cyrtodactylus in Thailand to 40 (Termprayoon et al. 2021;Uetz et al. 2022). Cyrtodactylus monilatus sp. ...
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Cyrtodactylus monilatus sp. nov. is described from Si Sawat District, Kanchanaburi Province, in western Thailand. The new species superficially resembles C. zebraicus Taylor, 1962 from southern Thailand. However, differences between the new species from C. zebraicus and other congeners were supported by an integrative taxonomic analysis of molecular and morphological data. Phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene showed that the new species is a member of the C. oldhami group and closely related to Cyrtodactylus sp. MT468911 from Thong Pha Phum National Park, Thong Pha Phum District, Kanchanaburi Province. Uncorrected pairwise genetic divergences ( p -distances) between the new species and its congeners, including C. zebraicus , ranged from 7.7–17.7%. Cyrtodactylus monilatus sp. nov. can also be distinguished from all members of the C. oldhami group by having a unique combination of morphological characters, including a snout to vent length of 53.7–63.3 mm in adult males and 58.6–75.8 mm in adult females; 22–34 paravertebral tubercles; 34–42 ventral scales; 30–39 enlarged contiguous femoroprecloacal scales; femoral pores and precloacal pores absent in both sexes; four or five rows of postprecloacal scales; enlarged median subcaudal scales absent; weak ventrolateral folds present; 4–7 rows of paired, paravertebral, dark-brown blotches edged in yellow or yellowish white; and two rows of small, diffuse, yellow or yellowish white spots on flanks. The new species occurs in a narrow range of forest at mid to low elevations associated with karst landscapes in the Tenasserim mountain range.
... In Thailand, 48 nominal species of Cyrtodactylus occur throughout the mainland and adjacent offshore islands (Uetz et al. 2024). Their presence in such diverse regions underscores their adaptability to thrive in a range of habitats and implies a complex evolutionary history for the genus (Chomdej et al. 2022;Grismer et al. 2018aGrismer et al. , 2018bGrismer et al. , 2020bGrismer et al. , 2021bGrismer et al. , 2023aTermprayoon et al. 2021aTermprayoon et al. , 2021bTermprayoon et al. , 2023Yodthong et al. 2022). ...
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A new karst-dwelling bent-toed gecko of the Cyrtodactylus intermedius group is described from Khlong Hat District, Sa Kaeo Province, eastern Thailand, based on an integrative taxonomic analysis of genetic data and morphological characteristics. Phylogenetic analyses using the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene revealed that topotypes of C. intermedius were sister to a clade containing C. kulenensis from Cambodia, an unnamed lineage from Sakaerat Biosphere Reserve in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand, and the Khlong Hat lineage described here as Cyrtodactylus khlonghatensissp. nov. Multivariate analyses of morphometric and meristic characters showed that C. khlonghatensissp. nov. is morphologically distinct from all other species in the group by having the combination of SVL 76.5–82.8 mm in adult males and 88.5 mm in an adult female; eight supralabial and nine infralabial scales; 30–32 paravertebral tubercles; 20 or 21 longitudinal rows of dorsal tubercles; 43 or 44 ventral scales; seven or eight expanded subdigital lamellae on the 4th toe; 12 unmodified subdigital lamellae on the 4th toe; 19 or 20 total subdigital lamellae on the 4th toe; 31 or 32 total number of enlarged femoral scales; enlarged femoral and precloacal scales continuous; 6–8 pore-bearing precloacal scales in males; three or four rows of enlarged post-precloacal scales; 1–3 postcloacal tubercles; proximal femoral scales less than one-half the size of distal femoral scales; absence of interdigital pocketing between digits of forefeet and hindfeet; and posterior border of the nuchal loop rounded. Uncorrected pairwise genetic divergences (p-distances) between the new species and other species of the intermedius group ranged from 4.73–22.55%. The discovery of this new species exclusively in isolated karst formations from the Thai-Cambodia border suggests that there may be further undiscovered Cyrtodactylus in unexplored karst landscapes along the border of eastern Thailand and western Cambodia.
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Recent taxonomic and systematic research on Cyrtodactylus khasiensis has found that this nomen comprises a large number of superficially similar but deeply divergent species-level taxa from throughout northeast India and surrounding countries. In this study we focus on the taxonomic status of recently surveyed populations from the East Garo Hills and West Garo Hills districts and a single specimen collected from Ri Bhoi District in Meghalaya State, northeast India. Based on a combination of morphological and molecular data we found that the Ri Bhoi specimen is conspecific with the recently described C. urbanus, and that the Garo Hills populations represent a new species of Cyrtodactylus described herein. Molecular analyses (using the NADH dehydrogenase 2, nd2 and adjoining tRNA genes) demonstrate that the new species is nested within the khasiensis group of the Indo-Burma radiation of Cyrtodactylus, and is well-supported as sister to a clade that comprises C. septentrionalis and C. guwahatiensis. We morphologically compare the new C. urbanus specimen with the original description of the species, identify a number of errors and ambiguities in the original description, and notably expand the known morphological variation for the species based on 23 characters. The discovery of an endemic new species of lizards from the Garo Hills further highlights the region as an overlooked centre of biodiversity importance. We discuss several misidentifications in the literature of other reptile species from the region emphasising the need for further attention by taxonomists to review the herpetofauna of the Garo Hills.
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The taxonomy and phylogeny of the Cyrtodactylus pulchellus complex along the Thai-Malay Peninsular region has been the focus of many recent studies and has resulted in the recognition of 17 species. However, the majority of these studies were focused on Peninsular and insular Malaysia where there were specimens and genetic vouchers. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of the Thai species in this complex remain unresolved, due to the lack of genetic material of some species, especially C. phuketensis and C. macrotuberculatus from Thai populations. In this study, we investigated the phylogenetic relationship between C. phuketensis and its closely related species C. macrotuberculatus , using both morphometric and molecular data. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) gene revealed that C. phuketensis is embedded within a C. macrotuberculatus clade with 1.45–4.20% (mean 2.63%) uncorrected pairwise sequence divergences. Morphological comparisons showed nearly identical measurements of C. phuketensis and C. macrotuberculatus and overlapping ranges in meristic characters. Based on these data, C. phuketensis is considered to be a variant of C. macrotuberculatus , thus rendering C. phuketensis a junior synonym of C. macrotuberculatus .
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Using an allometric growth model to correct for body size variation has been known for many decades to be superior to several other widely used methods such as ratios, analysis of covariance, principal components analysis, and residual analysis. However, this technique remains relatively obscure and rarely applied. We optimize the implementation of this method through a newly developed and easy-to-use R package GroupStruct and use empirical datasets to test its relative efficacy compared to several commonly used methods. Our results demonstrate the superiority of the allometric method and highlights the negative impacts of applying improper body size correction methods.
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Karstic landscapes are immense reservoirs of biodiversity and range-restricted endemism. Nowhere is this more evident than in the world’s third-largest vertebrate genus Cyrtodactylus (Gekkonidae) which contains well over 300 species. A stochastic character mapping analysis of 10 different habitat preferences across a phylogeny containing 345 described and undescribed species recovered a karst habitat preference occurring in 25.0% of the species, whereas that of the other eight specific habitat preferences occurred in only 0.2–11.0% of the species. The tenth category—general habitat preference—occurred in 38.7% of the species and was the ancestral habitat preference for Cyrtodactylus and the ultimate origin of all other habitat preferences. This study echoes the results of a previous study illustrating that karstic landscapes are generators of species diversity within Cyrtodactylus and not simply “imperiled arks of biodiversity” serving as refugia for relics. Unfortunately, the immense financial returns of mineral extraction to developing nations largely outweighs concerns for biodiversity conservation, leaving approximately 99% of karstic landscapes with no legal protection. This study continues to underscore the urgent need for their appropriate management and conservation. Additionally, this analysis supports the monophyly of the recently proposed 31 species groups and adds one additional species group.
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A new species of Cyrtodactylus is described on the basis of five specimens collected from the karst formations of Zhenkang County, Yunnan Province, China. Cyrtodactylus zhenkangensis sp. nov. is recognized by having a unique combination of morphological characters, the most diagnostic being: 12–15 enlarged femoral scales on each thigh; 2–5 femoral pores on each thigh in males, 0–3 pitted scales on each thigh in females; eight or nine precloacal pores in a continuous row or separated by one poreless scale in males, 7–9 pitted scales in females; subcaudals enlarged, arranged alternately as single and double on anterior and mostly single at middle and posterior; dorsal surface of head with obvious reticulations. Phylogenetic analyses show that the new species is a member of the C. wayakonei species group and a sister taxon to a clade consisting of C. wayakonei and C. martini based on Maximum Likelihood analyses and Bayesian Inference and differs from its congeners by at least 12.0% genetic divergence in a fragment of the COI gene.
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Understanding the processes that underpin adaptive evolutionary shifts within major taxonomic groups has long been a research directive among many evolutionary biologists. Such phenomena are best studied in large monophyletic groups that occupy a broad range of habitats where repeated exposure to novel ecological opportunities has happened independently over time in different lineages. The gekkonid genus Cyrtodactylus is just such a lineage with approximately 300 species that range from South Asia to Melanesia and occupy a vast array of habitats. Ancestral state reconstructions using a stochastic character mapping analysis of nine different habitat preferences were employed across a phylogeny composed of 76% of the known species of Cyrtodactylus. This was done in order to ascertain which habitat preference is the ancestral condition and from that condition, the transition frequency to more derived habitat preferences. The results indicate that a general habitat preference is the ancestral condition for Cyrtodactylus and the frequency of transitioning from a general habitat preference to anything more specialized occurs approximately four times more often than the reverse. Species showing extreme morphological and/or ecological specializations generally do not give rise to species bearing other habitat preferences. The evolution of different habitat preferences is generally restricted to clades that tend to occur in specific geographic regions. The largest radiations in the genus occur in rocky habitats (granite and karst), indicating that the transition from a general habitat preference to a granite or karst-dwelling life style may be ecologically uncomplicated. Two large, unrelated clades of karst-associated species are centered in northern Indochina and the largest clade of granite-associated species occurs on the Thai-Malay Peninsula. Smaller, independent radiations of clades bearing other habitat preferences occur throughout the tree and across the broad distribution of the genus. With the exception of a general habitat preference, the data show that karst-associated species far out-number all others (29.6% vs. 0.4%–10.2%, respectively) and the common reference to karstic regions as “imperiled arcs of biodiversity” is not only misleading but potentially dangerous. Karstic regions are not simply refugia harboring the remnants of local biodiversity but are foci of speciation that continue to generate the most speciose, independent, radiations across the genus. Unfortunately, karstic landscapes are some of the most imperiled and least protected habitats on the planet and these data continue to underscore the urgent need for their conservation.
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A new species of Cyrtodactylus from Tak Province, Thailand, Cyrtodactylus amphipetraeus sp. nov., is described using an integrative taxonomic analysis based on morphology, color pattern, and the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2). The phylogenetic analyses place the new species within the C. sinyineensis group which was previously thought to be endemic to the Salween Basin in southern Myanmar. The phylogeny also places C. inthanon in the C. sinyneensis group which is expanded herein to also include the group’s sister species C. doisuthep. Along with C. amphipetraeus sp. nov., these are the first three species of the C. sinyineensis group to be found outside of Myanmar east of the Tenasserim Mountains. The Tenasserim Mountain region is discussed as an area of cladogeneic turnover.
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An integrative taxonomic analysis based on mitochondrial and morphological data recovered the population of Cyrtodactylus on Koh Rong Island, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodiaa as an endemic insular species belonging to the Cyrtodactylus intermedius group. This brings the number of species in the C. intermedius group to at least 10 and the number of species in Cambodia to at least seven. Species of this relatively small group vary widely in habitat preference, occurring in general, terrestrial, karstic, or granitic habitats. Ancestral character state mapping recovered a general habitat preference as the ancestral condition from which all others independently evolved even though this did not covary with morphology. The description of another new species of reptile from Cambodia continues to underscore the potentially significant amount of unrealized biodiversity in Indochina and Southeast Asia and the continued need for field surveys in unexplored or poorly explored areas.
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Cyrtodactylus phnomchiensissp. nov. is described from Phnom Chi, an isolated mountain in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary, Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. The new species is recognized by having a unique combination of morphological characters, including snout-vent length 76.1–80.7 mm; paravertebral tubercles 31–36; ventral scales 45–54; enlarged femoral scales 0–8, without pores; enlarged precloacal scales 7–10, bearing pores 4–5 in males, pits 1–7 in females; the posterior border of nuchal loop unbroken and pointed, bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by a broad yellow or yellowish white band; and yellow spots on top of head. The new species also represents a divergent mitochondrial DNA lineage within the C. irregularis complex that is closely related to C. ziegleri , but the phylogenetic relationships among the new species and two divergent mitochondrial subclades within C. ziegleri are not resolved based on available sequence data. Cyrtodactylus phnomchiensissp. nov. is the only member of the C. irregularis complex known to occur west of the Mekong River. The new species may be endemic to Phnom Chi, and likely faces imminent conservation threats.
The bent-toed geckos of the genus Cyrtodactylus are the most speciose land vertebrates of Southeast Asia (about 300 species so far) and new species continue to be recognized at a rapid rate. Within the last decade three new species were described from Java, Indonesia, C. semiadii, C. petani, and C. klakahensis. The latter two are very similar, except for differences in the precloacal depression in adult males. These two species have relatively close type localities, separated from each other by only about 50 km, and with similar habitat type and elevation. Our study aimed to evaluate the taxonomic status of C. klakahensis and C. petani using both morphological and genetic evidence. These two species are genetically similar, with a genetic divergence of only 1.5 to 1.6%. This divergence is well below the level of typically characterizes sister species of Cyrtodactylus (approximately 4% in the mitochondrial ND2 gene), and is more in line with population variation due to geographic distance. Further examination of specimens, from both type localities, showed no diagnostic morphological characters between the two species. Thus, we conclude that C. klakahensis and C. petani are conspecific, and following article 23 of the ICZN, C. klakahensis is herein considered a junior synonym of C. petani.