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A research and innovation agenda for energy resilience in Pacific Island Countries and Territories



Pacific Island Countries and Territories have set ambitious targets for energy access and the transition to sustainable energy. These efforts, however, are being severely impacted by shocks and stresses such as climate change, natural hazards and the COVID-19 pandemic. Resilience is a central pillar for energy policy in the region, but innovative approaches are needed to address these urgent challenges. Here we examine the role of research and innovation in supporting energy resilience in Pacific Island Countries and Territories. We argue that research and innovation in three key areas is needed: energy planning and innovative finance approaches tailored to the particular strengths and challenges in Pacific Island Countries and Territories; greater recognition and inclusion of community responses to energy challenges; and promotion of decentralized approaches to energy in terms of governance and technologies. Emerging from these three areas, we identify 11 research and innovation priorities to build the evidence base that will mobilize stakeholders in a collaborative effort to accelerate action on energy resilience. Pacific Island Countries and Territories are seeking to improve their energy systems, which face challenges such as climate change. This Perspective discusses research priorities to support Pacific Island Countries and Territories in building energy resilience while drawing on their own unique strengths and existing community responses.
1STEER Centre, Geography and Environment, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK. 2School of
Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 3Collaboration on Energy and Environmental Markets,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 4Environment and Society Group, School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia. 5School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 6Centre of Renewable
Energy—School of Natural and Physical Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 7STEMP, The University of the South
Pacific, Suva, Fiji. e-mail:
Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs; Fig. 1) face
multiple short-term shocks and long-term stresses that impact
on their energy systems. Short-term shocks include cyclones
and associated storm surges, and geological disturbances caus-
ing both earthquakes and tsunamis. Long-term stresses include
sea-level rise and coastal flooding. Most of these risks are increas-
ing in severity due to global climate change, and their impacts are
exacerbated by the economic isolation triggered by recent COVID-
19 disruptions to supply chains and travel. PICTs dominate the
World Risk Index’s list of most-at-risk countries—with four of the
top eight countries with the ‘highest disaster risk’ being located in
the region: Vanuatu (first), Tonga (second), Solomon Islands (fifth)
and Papua New Guinea (eighth)1. This reflects the exposure that
these countries have to hazards, and the remote locations of these
communities. The small scale of many PICTs also leads to technical
and institutional capacity limitations in terms of coping with and
responding to hazards1.
These risks have substantial implications for the achievement
of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the region,
including SDG7, which focuses on universal energy access, increas-
ing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and improving
energy efficiency. Current electricity access levels in the PICTs range
between 60% and 100%, while the share of renewable energy in the
electricity sector varies between 0% and 50% in different jurisdic-
tions2,3. However, these figures include people who only have access
to basic household energy services (such as lights, refrigerators,
fans and radios)4. Access to a wider range of energy services is still
limited for many communities in PICTs5. Energy efficiency is also
problematic across PICTs, with generally poor quality and quickly
deteriorating energy appliances and generators, as well as a lack of
comprehensive measures and targets for energy efficiency6.
PICTs have ambitious renewable energy targets to reduce their
dependence on imported fossil fuels (including diesel for electric-
ity generation), improve energy security and provide leadership for
international climate action by setting an example for other regions.
Some progress is being made via national strategic plans and
sector-specific policies, as well as via international agreements such
as Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement and
Energy Compact submissions as part of the High-Level Dialogue on
Energy7,8. Tokelau has been celebrated as the world’s first nation to
achieve 100% renewable electricity9 and almost all other PICTs have
similarly ambitious renewable energy targets, with many planning
to achieve 100% renewables by 2030 or sooner. Electricity access
targets remain a key focus for countries such as Papua New Guinea,
Solomon Islands and Vanuatu that have lower levels of energy access.
Resilience is a way to better understand and navigate complexity
and uncertainty that has been used in many different contexts and
fields10. Energy resilience can be defined as the “ability to reduce
the impact of shocks and stresses, including the capacity to antici-
pate, absorb, adapt to, and rapidly recover from such events and to
transform where necessary”11. The inclusion of energy resilience
in policy and programme design can safeguard and accelerate the
transition to clean and affordable energy for all, and enable PICTs
to achieve their ambitious but vitally important targets. Indeed,
the region has been a frontrunner in transitioning to a resilience
approach in energy policy through the Framework of Action for
Energy Security in the Pacific 2010–2020, and the new Framework
for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific 2021–2030.
A research and innovation agenda for energy
resilience in Pacific Island Countries and
Long Seng To 1 ✉ , Anna Bruce 2,3, Paul Munro3,4, Edoardo Santagata2,3, Iain MacGill3,5,
Manu Rawali3,5,6 and Atul Raturi3,7
Pacific Island Countries and Territories have set ambitious targets for energy access and the transition to sustainable energy.
These efforts, however, are being severely impacted by shocks and stresses such as climate change, natural hazards and the
COVID-19 pandemic. Resilience is a central pillar for energy policy in the region, but innovative approaches are needed to
address these urgent challenges. Here we examine the role of research and innovation in supporting energy resilience in Pacific
Island Countries and Territories. We argue that research and innovation in three key areas is needed: energy planning and inno-
vative finance approaches tailored to the particular strengths and challenges in Pacific Island Countries and Territories; greater
recognition and inclusion of community responses to energy challenges; and promotion of decentralized approaches to energy
in terms of governance and technologies. Emerging from these three areas, we identify 11 research and innovation priorities to
build the evidence base that will mobilize stakeholders in a collaborative effort to accelerate action on energy resilience.
NATURE ENERGY | VOL 6 | DECEMBER 2021 | 1098–1103 |
Energy resilience is also embedded in the Framework for Resilient
Development in the Pacific 2017–2030. At the national level, disas-
ter resilience has increasingly been integrated into energy and cli-
mate policies, including in Fiji, Vanuatu and Tuvalu1214, while Palau
considers resilience to be a key aspect in ensuring the security of
their energy supply15.
Nevertheless, much remains to be done. Innovative approaches
that address the unique challenges and make use of the strengths in
the region are needed to realize the ambitions of PICTs, and these
would greatly benefit from greater focus on energy resilience. There
is a particular need for work that integrates relevant knowledge
from diverse fields such as energy, resilience and innovation with a
deep understanding of the region.
In this Perspective, we identify key research and innovation pri-
orities that will need to be addressed to achieve energy resilience
while also meeting the renewable energy and energy access targets
in the region. These priorities were informed by an ongoing col-
laboration with key regional stakeholders as well as international
researchers. This included a review of the literature, case studies of
six countries and a series of workshops in 202016,17. We argue that
three core themes need to be addressed. The first is better integra-
tion of energy planning and innovative finance approaches tailored
to the energy resilience strengths and challenges in PICTs. The
second is greater engagement with community responses. Existing
forms of resilience exist within the regions communities that can
be enhanced and deployed in the energy sector. The final theme is
promotion of decentralized approaches in terms of both governance
and technologies to enhance energy access and resilience. The
boom in smaller-scale solar technologies offers new means for real-
izing access, but the technology needs to be combined with salient
governance approaches to achieve its resilience potential.
Planning and finance
Planning well is always challenging. It benefits from well informed
stakeholders, broad consensus on objectives, a suitable range of
options, and processes to engage all key stakeholders in formulating
anticipatory decisions, with an appropriate allocation of autonomy,
transparency and accountability. Planning for energy resilience is
particularly challenging for PICTs given the wider resilience chal-
lenges that these communities face. Many communities in PICTs
are remote and dispersed, routinely exposed to challenging weather
and dependent on small-scale marine transport for critical supplies
including diesel fuel. Accounting for threats and vulnerabilities in
energy planning decisions must therefore extend beyond natural
hazard response and critical infrastructure planning. Planning for
energy resilience means embedding robustness and ways of recover-
ing from disruptions into all energy decision-making. This requires
further research and innovation to incorporate resilience principles
into routine planning tools and processes.
Energy planning in PICTs is primarily focused on grid-based
electricity supply. However, energy infrastructure is often ageing
and poorly located due to land access challenges, and therefore
vulnerable to cyclones and storm surges18,19. Asset management is
also challenging due to the harsh environment and financial con-
straints of small national budgets, typically leading to a ‘mainte-
nance on failure’ approach20. Energy planning could better focus on
energy services as an enabler for communities, particularly those
services that are critical to community resilience. It should also rec-
ognize that access to energy services may be achieved in different
ways, especially during emergencies. This requires incorporation
of diverse stakeholder perspectives into planning processes, and
linkage of energy planning to end use goals such as water, health,
education, food security and income-generating applications that
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Marshall Islands
Cook Islands
French Polynesia
Northern Mariana
Federated States
of Micronesia
New Caledonia
Wallis and
American Samoa
121° E
121° E
17° N
17° N
138° W
134° W
47° S
20° S
134° W
20° S
121° W
121° W
34° S
34° S
Fig. 1 | Location of PICTs. Map created using
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meet community priorities, including those that can increase resil-
ience. Research is needed to identify key linkages between energy
resilience and broader development goals to deliver better policy
A number of PICTs have put in place plans to mitigate the increas-
ing threats to infrastructure posed by climate change. For instance,
Fiji has implemented a policy to increase building standards and
minimize loss of infrastructure21, including energy infrastructure,
to extreme events. However, the costs of increased standards largely
fall on households and businesses, and implementation has been
hampered by lack of government support and the inability of com-
munities to afford building according to the new standards22.
Energy efficiency standards may also play a role in both meeting
Nationally Determined Contribution targets and improving resil-
ience23. However, implementing appropriate technical standards
for products, installation and maintenance can be financially chal-
lenging under project-based funding arrangements. Also, improv-
ing the quality of systems through standards must not be done at
the expense of repairability—for example, high-quality products
that are imported may not be repairable locally and result in longer
power outages if and when they fail. Further research is needed to
map potential trade-offs between high quality standards for energy
systems, and the ability to maintain and repair systems.
Beyond investment in renewable generation capacity, both
grid investments24 and technical capacity to manage increased
operational complexity are required to successfully transition to
renewables, particularly variable solar and wind. This is further
complicated by the load growth that is common when more reli-
able electricity becomes available. To reach small islands and less
accessible regions of larger islands, PICTs also need to be able to
plan and make decisions across all of the main grid, standalone
minigrid and off-grid options available to them, while technolo-
gies, cost structures and stakeholders continue to evolve and change
(for instance, as tourism sectors have in light of the disruptions of
COVID-19). The lack of data and modelling tools for planning has
been identified by stakeholders as a key barrier to improved plan-
ning25, while the changing dynamics of both challenges and pos-
sible options for delivering energy services require process-driven
planning trajectories, not one-off plans. This requires research and
innovation for improving field data, demand modelling and plan-
ning tools for energy.
The already limited public finance abilities of PICTs9, which are
heavily dependent on external financial support to finance energy
projects, will be further strained with the need to integrate resil-
ience. However, to date climate finance made available for energy
projects has focused on renewable energy investments rather than
grid readiness24 or adaptation25. There is recognition that substantial
private finance will also be needed to achieve the scale of invest-
ment required. Such private investment has thus far been limited
by perceptions of PICTs as small and risky markets26. This fur-
ther emphasizes the importance of appropriate planning as well
as data-gathering on past, present and future projects23 to identify
appropriate financing mechanisms. Standardization of contracts,
regulatory reform and regional approaches may have a role to
play in derisking projects and demonstrating ‘readiness’ to receive
financing, but have been criticized as potentially perpetuating dis-
empowerment and dependence on external agencies26. Proposals
have been put forward for innovative financing mechanisms that
can support longer-tenor finance, and support for domestic finan-
cial institutions to manage risk to build capacity of domestic finance
sectors and investors24. Attention to gender mainstreaming and
equity in climate finance is also needed to ensure that it works for
the most vulnerable27.
Due to their small scale, lack of access to resources and the need to
manage a range of ongoing challenges, PICTs face a number of bar-
riers to planning for energy resilience28. This includes technical and
technoeconomic capacity, but also weak institutional arrangements
with lack of autonomy, lack of transparency and local accountability
for decision-making. For instance, Tokelau is a dependent territory
of New Zealand and is heavily reliant on New Zealand for support
in the energy sector. This puts planning decisions and implemen-
tation timeframes outside local control29. In Papua New Guinea,
planning for climate change and resilience is being framed within a
pre-existing energy access agenda. Investments in the energy sector
have focused on LNG and grid extensions, but other options such as
solar farms, refurbishing hydroelectric plants and off-grid solutions
could improve resilience by diversifying the resource base and could
also be more suitable for dispersed populations in rugged terrain5.
Lack of land for new energy projects is also an issue throughout
the Pacific. Institutional capacity building for resilient planning is
required, with frameworks to ensure accountability and transpar-
ent review processes. Research is needed to inform the design of
multistakeholder planning and implementation review processes
to build capacity, autonomy, transparency and accountability for
energy-related decision-making. In addition, research is needed to
identify pathways for addressing land conflicts and broader com-
munity politics associated with energy projects, and to create con-
flict resolution mechanisms that can be integrated into planning
Despite their ambition, many PICTs’ national and regional level
plans for renewable energy and energy access have remained unful-
filled and become rapidly outdated. Ongoing planning processes
that incorporate feedback on evolving stakeholder priorities and
barriers to implementation are needed. There is a particular need
for innovative planning tools that include resilience in routine
planning processes, and integrate across sectors, both on and off
grid. This requires a structured process of regular data collection of
actual energy system performance in the field to input to planning.
PICTs have existing regional mechanisms that could be utilized to
overcome challenges of scale and capacity, but past challenges of
translating regional plans to national action30 must be addressed.
Leveraging a regional approach with a strong interface to national
planning will be key. Further research is needed to identify lever-
age points in existing regional mechanisms that can interface with
national planning to overcome challenges of scale and capacity.
Community responses
A community is a group of people who live in the same area, have
common interests or have a common identity. Communities can
play an important role in energy resilience31, while renewable energy
technologies can contribute to community resilience32. Due to the
remoteness and frequent disasters faced by communities in PICTs,
there is greater reliance on communities to maintain their renew-
able energy systems to prevent premature breakdown and to repair
them in the aftermath of disasters33. Communities in the Pacific
have strong identities of resilience34 which should be acknowledged
in the energy sector. Traditional customs and practices have con-
tributed to disaster resilience and adaptive capacity in PICTs. For
example, smallholder farmers in Papua New Guinea have adopted
more flexible land access arrangements, based on indigenous sys-
tems of land sharing that traditionally operate through kinship, as a
risk management strategy in response to pressures from population
growth and climate change35. These longstanding relationship-based
sources of community resilience can extend beyond geographic
boundaries. Families replicate the adaptive behaviour of others
within their social network, and these networks are often clustered
by common livelihood strategies36. To spark transformative action
at the local level, energy resilience initiatives must bolster existing
livelihood strategies.
National energy planning must be integrated with and tailored
to specific community energy resilience strategies, such as commu-
nity members taking an active role in restoring energy services after
NATURE ENERGY | VOL 6 | DECEMBER 2021 | 1098–1103 |
disasters31. Building on the energy resilience strategies of each com-
munity is essential because adaptive capacity and relative exposure
to risks can vary substantially between communities, even those
that are geographically close together. When objectives are written
in broad and administrative terms rather than direct outcomes for
communities, it becomes difficult to assess impact37. The Vanuatu
Community Resilience Framework offers an example of how
community-scale disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation
work can contribute to national planning through building local
capacity and networks38. Holistic planning of innovation processes
is needed to ensure that opportunities to enhance community resil-
ience via energy services are maximized32.
‘Communities’ are not homogeneous and community-based
resilience projects should not overlook issues of equity. Local
inequalities can lead to unequal distribution of benefits from such
opportunities. Experience with climate adaptation and resilience
initiatives in Vanuatu particularly highlight the vulnerability of
women and people with disabilities, and the need for including
marginalized groups in decision-making39,40. Local power dynamics
are important to consider, as those in charge may resist initiatives
that threaten their current standing37. Securing the support of local
leaders and the diverse groups within the community is needed. The
Pacific tradition of talanoa, of inclusive, participatory and transpar-
ent dialogue for decision-making for the greater good, is essential
for ensuring energy access in the long term by ensuring community
engagement and ownership. Simply including the preferences of
communities is not enough; initiatives need to include local repre-
sentation and interface with existing structures to identify appropri-
ate entry points across regional, national and community scales41.
Further research is needed on the resilience strategies that
communities currently deploy, including those that build on tra-
ditional customs and practices, which could be used to improve
resilience in the energy sector. This would inform best practices
for community-based energy resilience initiatives, including how
diverse communities can participate in creating innovative business
models and technologies for energy services that are more resilient
and create livelihood opportunities. Innovation in the policy space
is needed to integrate community resilience and national energy
planning, including fine-grained data and tools to enable com-
munities to better understand and participate in energy planning.
To improve diversity and inclusion in these plans, further research
is required to build a more detailed understanding of the energy
needs and resilience strategies of historically marginalized groups.
As one key example, there has been a lack of research on clean cook-
ing energy needs and preferences in PICTs, a space predominantly
relevant to women in several PICT cultures. It is critical to address
this research gap, as the Oceania region, excluding Australia and
New Zealand, has the lowest level of access to clean cooking fuels
and technologies in the world, at only 15% (ref. 42).
Decentralized approaches
Emerging energy technologies, such as solar off-grid systems, have
created new and more decentralized approaches to energy dissemi-
nation and governance in PICTs. Given the archipelago-like geo-
graphical nature of much of the Pacific, decentralized approaches
present an opportunity to effectively deliver energy services where
centralized electricity grids are not appropriate. Minigrids and
microgrids powered by varied mixes of renewable and fossil-fuel
generation are already supplying electricity on larger islands43,44.
Around 6,900 minigrids have already been installed in the Asia–
Pacific region overall, with expectations of rapid growth in upcom-
ing years45. Compared with more complex and large-scale grid
infrastructure (large generators and transmission infrastructure),
smaller-scale off-grid solar products (such as solar lanterns and
solar home systems) have the potential to offer resilient forms of
energy access during disaster events due to their modular design
and flexible application. They are less susceptible to widespread
disruption during disaster events such as floods, hurricanes and
Smaller off-grid solar products have also been important for
disaster response efforts—being rapidly distributed in post-disaster
contexts to supply lighting to blacked-out households47. Over the
past decade, there has been rapid change in the political economy
of how these products are disseminated, with some shifts from aid
to enterprise48,49. Earlier projects in the off-grid energy space were
largely facilitated with aid funding and through the not-for-profit
sector50,51. More recently, however, there has been the emergence
of a self-directed off-grid solar sector, whereby a diverse range
of start-up companies, with funding from private sector inves-
tors, have developed market-based models to disseminate off-grid
solar products to poorer populations in the Global South52. Over
the past five years there has been a rapid increase in off-grid solar
products being sold as a household commodity, globally and across
PICTs, although there are considerable variations between coun-
tries. Off-grid systems in Tuvalu and Tokelau, for example, tend to
be larger installations and have been heavily driven by aid donor
programmes43. Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea have recently
been experimenting with pay-as-you-go solar financing systems,
which were launched, and are now widely used, in the East Africa
region53. In Vanuatu in particular, the private sector (with some aid
donor and government support) has played a key role in setting up
an off-grid solar market54. In Vanuatu’s 2016 census, an estimated
64% of households were using off-grid solar as their main lighting
source—a meteoric rise from 2009, where only 2.8% of households
were using the technology55. Research and innovation are needed in
PICTs on business models for more resilient energy systems, includ-
ing the potential for greater private sector involvement, to capitalize
on recent developments in the off-grid solar sector.
Research is also needed on the governance and maintenance
implications of different ownership schemes for decentralized
energy systems. While the emergence of decentralized energy tech-
nologies is an encouraging prospect for energy resilience, ques-
tions around how they are best integrated to the broader PICT
energy melange remain open. Who should own off-grid solar
infrastructure? Who should be in charge of its distribution? Who
is responsible for its repair and maintenance? How effective could
pay-as-you-go models of financing solar, which are common in East
Africa56, be if applied in PICTs? Governments, aid donors, the pri-
vate sector and communities all undoubtedly have a role to play,
but the most appropriate configuration for their interactions is still
contested, and will probably vary across different geographical con-
texts within the region26,51,57. In Tokelau, for example, there is an
emerging issue of photovoltaic battery waste, with a lack of local
capacity and clear responsibility in terms of who should address
the issue17. Meanwhile, in Fiji there have been occasional disagree-
ments between communities and the government in terms of who
should be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of off-grid
solar power systems58. As such, there is a need to understand how
off-grid solar products can be best situated in the broader political
economy of energy governance across the PICTs. These challenges
are not unique to PICTs and there is potential to learn from other
regions and contribute to ongoing global debates on these issues.
Energy resilience research and innovation priorities
PICTs face some unique energy resilience challenges. These include
very high dependence on fossil fuels and the difficulties in sustain-
ing energy supply chains for small, remote locations under increas-
ingly challenging weather conditions. Energy utilities currently
require support from international development partners who
may be limited by their own funding cycles. PICTs have ambitious
renewable energy targets, but land scarcity and a high proportion of
renewable energy on grids can increase planning challenges. Energy
NATURE ENERGY | VOL 6 | DECEMBER 2021 | 1098–1103 | 1101
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resilience will also require careful coordination between grid, mini-
grid and smaller off-grid energy products. Finally, limited technical
capacity and weak governance in some jurisdictions can hamper
At the same time, PICTs have unique strengths in tackling the
challenges of energy resilience. With excellent renewable energy
resources and a strong fiscal motivation to reduce reliance on
imported fossil fuels, PICTs have already made energy resilience
and sustainable energy a core part of their policy agenda. Existing
regional organizations can help to further coordinate efforts, and
communities have existing customs, practices and local knowledge
that can enhance resilience in the energy sector.
This Perspective has highlighted key opportunities for improv-
ing energy resilience in PICTs through research and innovation in
three areas. The first area is energy planning and innovative finance
approaches tailored to the particular strengths and challenges in
PICTs. The second area is greater recognition and inclusion of com-
munity responses to energy challenges. The third area is promot-
ing decentralized approaches to energy in terms of governance and
technologies. Emerging from these three areas, as discussed above,
we have identified 11 research and innovation priorities, summa-
rized in Box 1.
This Perspective supports the implementation of the Framework
for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific 2021–2030 which
was recently endorsed at the 51st Pacific Islands Forum Leaders
Meeting in August 2021. The framework was prepared by the
Pacific Community in collaboration with the Council of Regional
Organisations in the Pacific Energy Technical Working Group,
including the Pacific Power Association, the Secretariat of the
Pacific Regional Environment Programme, the University of
the South Pacific and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. As such,
the Framework for Energy Security and Resilience in the Pacific
represents the beginning of a new phase for collaboration on energy
policy in PICTs, which places resilience at its centre. Successful
action on energy resilience will require locally led and regionally
coordinated initiatives, and will need to ensure that they can lever-
age the necessary knowledge, partnerships and capacity. We call for
a global, multidisciplinary effort to address the research and inno-
vation priorities (Box 1) in partnership with stakeholders in PICTs.
This can support evidence-based decision-making including fur-
ther development of action plans relevant to regional, national and
local agendas. Addressing these research and innovation priorities
will also contribute a Pacific perspective on energy resilience to
global debates, illustrating how other countries might address simi-
lar challenges.
Received: 2 July 2021; Accepted: 7 October 2021;
Published online: 12 November 2021
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14. National Climate Change Policy 2012–2021 (Government of Tuvalu, 2011).
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20. Infrastructure Maintenance in the Pacic, Challenging the Build–Neglect–
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22. Aquino, D. H. M., Wilkinson, S., Raery, G. M. & Potangaroa, R. Building
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Box 1 | Research and innovation priorities for energy resilience
in PICTs
Planning and nance
1. Incorporate resilience principles into routine planning tools
and processes.
2. Identify key linkages between energy resilience and broader
development goals to achieve better policy integration.
3. Map potential trade-os between high quality standards
for energy systems and the ability to maintain and repair
4. Improve eld data, demand modelling and planning tools
for energy.
5. Design multistakeholder planning and implementation re-
view processes to build capacity, autonomy, transparency
and accountability for energy-related decision-making.
6. Identify pathways for addressing land conicts and broader
community politics associated with energy projects, to cre-
ate conict resolution mechanisms that can be integrated
into planning processes.
7. Identify leverage points in existing regional mechanisms
that can interface with national planning to overcome chal-
lenges of scale and capacity.
Community responses
8. Identify the resilience strategies that communities currently
deploy, including those that build on traditional customs
and practices, that could be used to improve resilience in the
energy sector.
9. Understand the energy needs and resilience strategies of his-
torically marginalized groups.
Decentralized approaches
10. Build viable business models for more resilient energy sys-
tems, including the potential for a greater private-sector
11. Understand the governance and maintenance implications
of dierent ownership schemes for decentralized energy
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We thank D. Small, A. Nicholls and T. Jeffrey for collating and summarizing literature
that contributed to the development of this article. This work is supported by the
Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s International Engagement Program, the
Australian Research Council and the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Research
Fellowship scheme.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence should be addressed to Long Seng To.
Peer review information Nature Energy thanks Abidah Setyowati, Kalim Shah, Evanthie
Μichalena and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer
review of this work.
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© Springer Nature Limited 2021
NATURE ENERGY | VOL 6 | DECEMBER 2021 | 1098–1103 | 1103
... Another factor that severely impacts island energy systems is climate risk. Islands are susceptible to short-term stress (cyclones, tsunamis, earthquakes) and long-term stress (climate change, sea-level rising) [50]. These climate risks affect multiple dimensions of the energy supply, such as technical components (grid, generation units), output and efficiency of the energy supply, and variability in demand and peak loads [22]. ...
... costs of electricity generation [61]. Remoteness, coupled with the small scale of islands also leads to technical capacity limitations [50] and high installations and operational costs for energy technologies [5]. ...
... The lack of data is a considerable barrier to the energy planning of islands [50]. On top of the unconventional demand pattern of the islands, the unavailability of data is a major impediment to the development of load profiles for ESMs. ...
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Purpose of Review As we transition to highly renewable energy systems, island energy systems face challenges different from those well-understood for continents. This paper reviews these challenges to guide energy systems modelling for islands. Recent Findings Only a single energy system model is found to be developed especially for islands. Challenges like land scarcity, climate risks, high seasonality of demand, isolation and remoteness, data scarcity, social and political vulnerability, and scarce funding are identified in recent literature. Notably, isolation and remoteness, social and political factors, and insufficient island funding are underrepresented in studies reviewed in this work. Summary This review identifies the specific challenges of island energy systems and compiles the methods employed by researchers to tackle them. We discuss these challenges in detail, highlight gaps, and provide suggestions to improve island energy systems modelling in the future.
... Proper management of heat and energy supply is important, taking into account the current political situation of the country and energy security, which was confirmed in the works [42,43]. A research and innovation agenda for energy resilience that was presented in the work [44] shows that energy resilience will require careful coordination between grid, mini-grid, and smaller off-grid energy products, but limited technical capacity and weak governance in some jurisdictions can hamper implementation. Energy resilience was defined as the "ability to reduce the impact of shocks and stresses, including the capacity to anticipate, absorb, adapt to, and rapidly recover from such events and to transform where necessary" [45]. ...
... Energy resilience was defined as the "ability to reduce the impact of shocks and stresses, including the capacity to anticipate, absorb, adapt to, and rapidly recover from such events and to transform where necessary" [45]. The inclusion of energy resilience in policy and program design can safeguard and accelerate the transition to clean and affordable energy for all [44]. ...
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The pursuit of climate neutrality requires global systemic actions involving the use of solutions aimed at reducing emissions. Changes must be introduced in all sectors affecting climate change, namely power engineering and district heating, construction, transport, and industry, as well as agriculture and forestry. Analyzing the structure of final energy consumption in the EU by sector, it can be stated that households account for 27% of the total energy consumption. Comprehensive actions are needed to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. The aim of this paper was to indicate aspects of improving energy efficiency in buildings and their equipment, taking into account the striving for climate neutrality. Analyzed possibilities and conditions of using various solutions of energy-efficient systems aimed at increasing energy resilience and security and preventing environmental degradation. Particular attention was paid to construction and material solutions, as well as installation solutions, which increased the accumulation and energy efficiency of the building. These activities are closely related to the conditions and dynamics of the heat exchange process in the applied solutions and are also related to the factors influencing thermal comfort and energy consumption in buildings. Due to the growing popularity of modern information technologies and artificial intelligence in energy management in recent years, this article reviews the latest research in this area. One of the directions of future research indicated by scientists is autonomous building control in real time, adapting to the momentary needs of users. The analysis of the possibilities of using modern energy efficiency solutions in buildings conducted in this work may be useful for optimizing heat and energy management models and models of society’s consumption as an element of energy transformation towards climate neutrality and counteracting the deepening of energy poverty.
... Similarly, the United States' Investment Tax Credits (ITC) have provided a dollar-for-dollar reduction in income taxes for individuals or companies that invest in solar PV systems. This has not only supported the proliferation of residential solar installations but also facilitated large-scale utility PV projects, contributing to a diverse and resilient energy portfolio [41]. ...
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This paper reviews the transformative shifts within China's photovoltaic (PV) industry against the backdrop of a global pivot from fossil fuels to renewable energies, a transition underscored by the pressing demands of climate change mitigation. By systematically analyzing existing literature, this study captures the rapid advancements and dominant role of China in the global PV market, spurred by robust governmental support and technological innovation. It also identifies persistent challenges such as technological gaps, supply chain instability, and evolving regulatory frameworks. Key findings highlight the industry's significant contributions to national energy security and its pivotal role in achieving China's carbon neutrality goals. This research underscores the critical importance of the PV industry in steering global sustainable energy policies and practices.
... Off-grid applications of DHS are diverse, encompassing isolated residents, refueling stations, and electronic setups. The comparatively low focus on geographical islands in the reviewed literature is rooted in the complex energy systems of islands that face issues like geographical fragmentation, limited land availability [111], local capacity, and frequent natural events [112]. ...
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This paper presents an overview of distributed hydrogen systems (DHS) based on a literature review of 159 scientific publications. Research has grown exponentially since 2020, but the limited application in the Global South necessitates a broader spatial investigation. Power-to-hydrogen and green hydrogen concepts are found to be prevalent in the scientific literature. Although DHS is expected to accelerate the hydrogen economy transition, further emphasis should be on its energy security benefits. Most notably, hydrogen applications in scientific publications are falling short of market expectations, which is concerning. Moreover, distributed hydrogen production costs are incomparable to centralized production of hydrogen. The diverse challenges of DHS are addressed in scientific studies by focusing on miniaturization, optimization of DHS, and future uncertainties of hydrogen. Overall, identifying the research-market gap, current technology trends, and the future role and application of DHS will allow researchers to gain a deeper understanding of DHS and support its future growth.
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In Indonesia, the power generation sector is the primary source of carbon emissions, largely due to the heavy reliance on coal-fired power plants, which account for 60% of electricity production. Reducing these emissions is essential to achieve national clean energy transition goals. However, achieving this initiative requires careful consideration, especially regarding the complex interactions among multiple stakeholders in the Indonesian electricity market. The electricity market in Indonesia is characterized by its non-competitive and heavily regulated structure. This market condition often requires the PLN, as the system operator, to address multi-objective and multi-constraint problems, necessitating optimization in the generation dispatch scheduling scheme to ensure a secure, economical, and low-carbon power system operation. This research introduces a multiparadigm approach for GS optimization in a regulated electricity market to support the transition to clean energy. The multiparadigm integrates multi-agent system and system dynamic paradigms to model, simulate, and quantitatively analyze the complex interactions among multiple stakeholders in the Indonesian regulated electricity market. The research was implemented on the Java–Madura–Bali power system using AnyLogic 8 University Researcher Software. The simulation results demonstrate that the carbon policy scheme reduces the system’s carbon emissions while increasing the system’s cost of electricity. A linear regression for sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between carbon policies and the system’s cost of electricity. This research offers valuable insights for policymakers to develop an optimal, acceptable, and reasonable power system operation scheme for all stakeholders in the Indonesian electricity market.
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Various heat pump technologies are examined from an environmental perspective using a life cycle assessment approach. The investigated heat pump systems utilize air, ground, and water as their energy sources. Additionally, an innovative heat pump powered by green hydrogen is investigated in this study, to evaluate its environmental impacts and potential to commercialise on a large scale. A range of supply chain scenarios is explored, considering the main suppliers of the UK market. The reshoring heat pump industry and supply chain are evaluated to enhance energy resilience and security within the UK. The findings indicate that the hydrogen-based heat pump presents a promising option for the UK market, offering the advantages of reducing stress on the national grid network and minimizing the environmental impacts associated with the supply chain. Furthermore, a forecasting analysis is conducted based on the UK's net-zero emission plan to provide insight into future developments.
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Since 2010, solar energy companies in North America and Europe have played a pivotal role in delivering clean, reliable and sustainable electricity to millions of people living off the grid across sub-Saharan Africa. However, today, off-grid solar energy in Africa is no longer seen as an unmitigated social and economic good. Inflows of private equity investment have led the employees and customers of off-grid solar companies to question the industry's commercial dynamics. Their critiques address the mis-selling of solar home systems and the technical limits of off-grid infrastructures for domestic production, framed both by dominant market paradigms and by relationships to nation, community and family. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in East Africa's off-grid solar industry, this study assembles these critical perspectives into a wider analysis of off-grid solar power as an adverse ‘infrastructure of inclusion’.
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Energy efficiency and conservation policy continues to take the proverbial “backseat” to energy access and renewable energy policy discourses in small island developing states (SIDS). In this study, we intend to motivate the energy efficiency policy agenda to encourage more action. To do so, we review the current energy challenges in SIDS and the role of energy efficiency in addressing those challenges, discuss the trends in the rate of improvement in energy efficiency in SIDS, exhibit an updated list of energy efficiency programs and initiatives being implemented in SIDS, consider barriers to energy efficiency implementation and set forth a policy-focused plan to accelerate action. Barriers for the adoption of energy efficiency policies continue to be institutional and policy- and governance-oriented; economic and financial; informational; and technical. A four-pronged policy advancement approach tackling initiation, incentivization, information and investment is recommended to tap the potential gains from energy efficiency. We attempt here, based on our findings, to offer a more practically executable plan of action, focusing squarely on combining institutional arrangements, policy requirements and current energy efficiency affairs in SIDS.
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In this article, I develop a political ecology analysis of Vanuatu’s grid electricity policies, with a specific focus on Espiritu Santo Island. I show how the global political economy looms large in shaping the island’s energy geographies. Colonial legacies, ideologically conflictive donor aid programmes, multinational corporate legal discords, parliamentary political caprices and the vicissitudes of the local environment all intersect to shape the spatial dynamics of electricity access that raises numerous energy justice concerns. The development of the island’s electricity infrastructure is not neutral; rather, it is a socio-technical product of these political economy mediations.
Conference Paper
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Electricity access is a key driver of socioeconomic development of a nation, and a critical catalyst to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Unfortunately Papua New Guinea (PNG) faces an acute electrification challenge with the majority of the population, especially in rural communities living without basic access to electricity. This paper reviews current literature comprised mostly of development-partner reports, to establish the current electricity access context, identify high-level barriers and, given its key role for off-grid access, discuss opportunities for solar photovoltaic systems (Solar PV). Despite the country's abundant energy resources, PNG is reported to have an electricity access of around 10-15% based on the binary access-metric system 1. Including solar PV pico-lights, the rate of access increases to around 55%, which is still lower than the global average of 89% but demonstrates the already significant impact of PV technology. PNG now has the daunting task of achieving 70% electrification by 2030 and understanding the barriers is critical to driving future growth. The most prominent reported barriers relate to governance, lack of capacity, rugged terrain with sparsely distributed population, lack of finance and law and order issues which include land conflicts. Solar Photovoltaic systems have a huge potential and can assist with driving electrification but need appropriate policy and regulatory support, and financing-mechanisms.
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To cope effectively with the impacts of climate change, people will need to change existing practices or behaviours within existing social–ecological systems (adaptation) or enact more fundamental changes that can alter dominant social–ecological relationships and create new systems or futures (transformation). Here we use multilevel network modelling to examine how different domains of adaptive capacity—assets, flexibility, organization, learning, socio-cognitive constructs and agency—are related to adaptive and transformative actions. We find evidence consistent with an influence process in which aspects of social organization (exposure to others in social networks) encourage both adaptive and transformative actions among Papua New Guinean islanders experiencing climate change impacts. Adaptive and transformative actions are also related to social–ecological network structures between people and ecological resources that enable learning and the internalization of ecological feedbacks. Agency is also key, yet we show that while perceived power may encourage adaptations, it may discourage more transformative actions. Multilevel network modelling shows that social network exposure promotes both adaptive and transformative responses to climate change among Papua New Guinean islanders. Different social–ecological network structures are associated with adaptation versus transformation.
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is the Pacific’s largest country with one of the world’s lowest rates of energy access (13%). To address this development challenge, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and the USA joined hands with the PNG government in late 2018 and signed the PNG Electrification Partnership. The Partnership aims to electrify 70% of PNG’s population by 2030. It is an unprecedented multilateral initiative that represents a major shift in political synergies between and amongst members of the Global North and South. The US$1.7 billion Partnership based on commitments from these four OECD donor nations is significant for two reasons: first, it comes at a time when China’s influence in the Pacific is growing, resulting in strategic geopolitical tensions. Second, the Partnership signifies energy access as a tool for foreign diplomacy and the scale of resource commitment is likely to shape energy discourse across much of energy poor Asia and Africa. For these reasons, the Partnership is too important to fail. However, given PNG’s long history of electrification challenges and little information currently available about the Partnership’s own workings, the Partnership faces an uphill task. In this Perspective, we draw on PNG’s unique context and past experiences to flag potential bottlenecks and issues for consideration as stakeholders work to meet the Partnership’s aims over the coming decade.
The arrival of climate finance on global agendas has spurred the drive towards renewable energy fuelled techno-futures in Fiji and Pacific region. The climate finance phenomenon has also generated significant discursive focus on matters of regulation. Yet despite this salience, there has been little critical examination of regulatory material-discursive practices surrounding energy infrastructure and its financing. In responding to this gap, the paper utilizes an important Science and Technology Studies (STS) perspective, postcolonial science studies, to unpack opaque material-discursive practices surrounding renewable energy and climate finance regulation in Fiji. Drawing on multi-sited ethnographic data, the paper argues that knowledge, relational and material practices surrounding renewable energy regulation and climate finance are opaquely shaping potentially unequal futures in Fiji. The paper highlights material effects of such regulatory practice in Fiji including the sourcing of labour, expertise and agency externally; poor compliance by international financial institutions exhibiting with regulation aimed at supporting local economies and energy transitions; and conditions of under electrification in rural communities. Beneath dominant regulatory discourses and practices, however, are also important contestations for certain socio-technical futures emerging in Fiji. The application of critical perspectives to renewable energy and climate finance regulatory practices is vital in making these lived material consequences, and emerging, contested futures in Fiji visible, to allow for their clearer, and more equitable navigation.
This paper summarizes some of the ways in which increased use of renewable energy can reduce vulnerability of nations and communities to hydro-meteorological disasters (i.e. enhance their resilience). It uses examples mainly from the small island countries of the Pacific, as the issues raised are particularly pertinent there. In particular, distributed electricity generation reduces vulnerability of supply to severe weather.
Market-based solar products are widely accepted as being vital to addressing energy poverty in the Global South. In service to the aims of SDG 7, it is estimated that 740 million people, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, will benefit from solar products by 2022. However, while the improving sales volumes of solar products are celebrated as an encouraging development, there is limited discourse about the consequences of relying on off-grid solar markets to address energy poverty. In this paper I draw on ethnographic insights from Malawi to demonstrate how the combination of a shift in responsibility for provisioning electricity towards individual households, and a two-tiered, poorly regulated solar market, generate injustice in a Malawian setting. I go on to argue that off-grid solar markets tend to reproduce socio-economic inequities and thus do not represent a sustainable solution to the structural drivers of energy poverty. As recent research suggests that these broad dynamics persist across Sub-Saharan Africa, I argue that there is an urgent need to critically examine the intra and intergenerational consequences of the region’s deepening policy reliance on solar markets to address energy poverty. To this end, the paper concludes with avenues for future research.
Sustainable transitions are often slow processes because the alignment of powerful institutions often takes time. Occasionally small yet significant transitions can surprise by being both widespread and quick. Such was the transition from kerosene to solar lighting in Vanuatu and as such makes a useful case study to explore and contribute towards the sustainable transitions body of knowledge. Drawing on social practice theory, we make sense at the individual participant level how the change was produced and reproduced in this Small Island Developing State (SIDS). An approach that moves away from a focus on the technology and instead works at the level of the practice, enables an understanding of how this material change did occur so rapidly. We identify the key elements of practices that enabled this transition to occur and found that across all elements of lighting practice in Vanuatu, the concept of ‘ease’ was important. As a result, we advocate for ‘keeping it easy’ and through the findings of this study illustrate how this might occur.